MOKDAf KOVEMOER 1881 THH OMAHA DAILY BEE .latmftry , I'1'1 ? THE PH1LOM&TIIEAH IMOERTi FINANCE AND COMMERCE.1' ( : ' * T innnclnl R Nl.W YoilK , 'llio event * of Ui xxcck clcsvctc imtiotlnnt in Money xva very stringent of the \xeck , and borrower niul 1.32 per diem and li call li nn ; but nfttr Wcdi a decided caring up , and tiliiublc at lover tale * . 1'xclinngo was xxcak week , mid latfs xvcreredu < IHI\ eminent bond i in vcroclinrnctcii/cd by do i price * , but tnxvAtd tbo c tone prevailed , niul an adx cent \VM recorded. Hxilwuy ami mlfcellanc was depicted during tbo week , nnil a sharp declln place ; but subsequently th improvement , niul tliu iptlU ( Inn. 1ION1VY. Money clo cd nt ! 5 pc .tulluj ; r.ito to > ili\y xxa-ll p closed Heady UOVIIIXMIN" : , clo-udw ro Currency ' IH rt cotiiHin- * llrt cnutjaued f.'rt ciintiuned r.o : railroad bonda cl P.U'ifie " ( Juloii Hr < tH JunrJ grants Sinking funds Central1 * HTOCKS. Tlio marke1. xvas dn 1 an nothing woitby of mite ti the clo = e rule , pi iocs at higher than at ycsturd.xj inlncip l dcal'.ncxvrra DOHVO k Itio ( ti'.mdo , Oelaxv ue , Lack u\aimix t woukco & St. Paul , V Michigan Central , Louisx and ' 'I'll * fiilloxvmg arc the c .AST II 51 No I'tffeited . . . 1)3 ) ,1 ' ' ' ' ' ' " k CP . . . . . . . . . . iVg ) HTATI : no : Tennessee old aihancei CIIICAQO MONEY ClIlCAGC To-diy there vxas an a money , and we quote rat at G@8 per cent. Kaatorn exchange bet wa quoted at par. The clearings of the were g OOO.OOO COMMERt Omaha Wliolost OFFICE OF Tin Saturday Evening , SIAUKET uiv ISankitiR businc w has -xveek. All good borroxv to ai rding but only ace HUpply is not excessive , faiily well. keeping up Country bank balances i Cunency is coming in Discount ratei firm. T ! remarkably x keeps up though Bomexxhat ICSH t wceltH ago. It is much time laat year , or in ever before in the hi It baa been a puzzle to n h lit with HU kept up great increase ia Omahn tributed to railroa 1 cxt also of uexv towns aud wholesale luuses are rea thai territory ing mora tore attempted , and to perity of the weit. All the merchants xvith their Hales , come iu with oven from sections impassable roaxls. Business in grain has is sloxv ar ly. Wheat corn is repotted dull ; 01 Ground feed i * in steady. Corn meal am in good mi 15 ded hay The utroet market foi holds up. It m bard t market at le-s than 50c auk nj@COc. Corn eclU readily by r.O(5liOc. ( Wo note tbo follow ! the xveek : Wheat du In grain : clined about Ic ; barley declined IJcj con deel Dry Goods. No cbt Hides. Green butc green Bait , part cured , cured declined JJc. Liquora. Unchangc Coal Firm nnd uin Tobaccos Unchang IjUtnbcr Unclmnge Provl ions Poti.toe < mail declibed W@r ( vanced THc ; good b lemons declined $1 ( dressed chickens dec ! turkey declined 'JJc ; clined i@lu ; oy t r * . can. Paints , Oils and Vai liiirdware-l'mn at Groceries All gra clined jc. Syrups ! declined 2o per gallon cd Ue per gallon , kegu ir.oj . clioice table yru ] keg. In dried fruits , ed ic. morphine advanced 10 ' . \ iGT'ic ; rnloiiicl advanced "c , acid , txr- , c , decline I Ic. r ' clmiuo vc ftoc' < No | ( j Omaha n m kcn l' icc "ciwlvo 'li'-1" " ftr-s topoi uncll Hulls Mod inotc Co ' .ocAl Uraln Be k WHKAT , - - NTo. , U3J : x - nAui.i-iv.- * ae. UYl'-Ca.b , lor toclc Uvet " * ' ATtlOt'SCJI. HIVI' * Cittlo Onioil ltlppn > ' . ; ows util lu'lfers. 8i " ' . < ji < H Mixed packiiij , V ( > JS Slipop rfl.uijjhti'riiu In i itf. 00. Provisions. whcnt , r" C. " > ; winter jrado Sit "Wn 4 i'l ) tnlcut , umii rvo , s7" : Who it. " ilaspoSI n fC , SI 7" ! UD. RYKKI/HTU SS2T . cwt. Nc ) ciconhigs , per : \xt 1.00 ; ohnpppd fet-d , per " > nltod. vollow. 1 10 ; white , l'OI'ATOiS-ln 1. S.dt h.vkcs , 1 2:1(11 ( 1 ICi. fj < < \ 10. s\vrrr POTATO r.s line. 3 ( le per Ib. diwi-n. per OlIAUi-l > r lo/Sa2 ; wii.n r.i'.r.sp.-.t oai WILD IH'CICS-UOOfti IMllS I'iiiuj \tcont llVl'TKIl Chnieo. sou poor , MO mm Wet ; fair , -i iWJ : AlMM.I'S ( inod. t-om " 05l 7i | ior bill. , \t Si > ; IONMiViifind.v \v i IONM ; \ - comb , 'J 1(11,2:11 ; . lilJMOXS Steady ; pc SO MALT . , \UA I'.I'.AVUS- pcrlulf bbl. . 81 BO. BKI'.SNVAX ; Yellow , ' . OXIDXS-l ri'i.liHC.O p OAP.P.AUK 51 OOi&i ! 0 11 ' ( I. CIH.KUY Vord.w.Mi I'-'ic. OYSTKltS Selects , r.Ui Grocers LIs t'OKFin. Kio , lair , 1 llio ptimu to chnico I Ic ; , ' . T i\x : 'Jl5\WlI8Sc , Mocha , I7jc. I7jc.Tit AS. Ounpoxvdcr , Choice , ( iO@7oc ; Impetial 1 Choice , WQj,7iie ; Young 0c choice , ( MC < iSSl 00 ; .1 > ; " ? "c ; .lapan , choice , Ii0@7" choice , 1 ( "iSIO Oolong , ! ( ( ; " ood. ' > ( tOc ; clioice. a"S STXSAltS. Out loaf , I' c ; Granulated , 10c ; Fine powdered , IHc ; Stai 10c ! ; Xe\v York Contact A , lOJc ; Good A , lOgc ; 9Jc.SYUUPS. . Sugar lioxu bis , r > 0ckegs , 4S gallon baUbbls , table ymp , fiOcj SODA. DwlghtV lt > p lamt do , 53 00 ; Church's , 1(2,41 ( STAViCH. Pearl , 4ici fSRJc ; Corn Starch , 8i ! Gloss. 7c ; Corn. 7ic. SALT. Dray load , pi ton , in Backa , 3 50 ; bbla d bbls dairy. 100. 3s. 3 05. DRIED 1WU1TS- , 10c ; l' > peachea , new crop 13M14c ; Ii < 5 Ib boxes , York apples , 8jc : Prunes 8\c ; Currants , 7@7i ; Bl I5je. I5je.CIIERSE Full Cres Skim. Hie. WOODENWARE T hoop pails , 2 1 03 ; three a 50 ; No. 2 tubs , , 8 HO ; 1 85 wrjihboards , pioneer 3 25. ; > ! )0 ) ; Well buckets LEAD-Bar , SI 05. SPICES. Pepper , 2C Cloves , 45c ; Nutmeg , S Mace SI 00. MATCHES Per ca < l cases , S7.G" ; s > qnare case" PROVISIONS P.real ahoicc lard , 13k ; dried li era , canvassed Do ; hams , NKW PICKLKS-Me S10 00 ; do in half fcbls , o ' 12 00 do , in half bbls , 7 bbls 14 00 ; do , in half b VINKGAH Pure a apple , 13c : I'rusaini pure HOMINY New , Sli KUANS Medium , hi jier bushel : navy , § 1 00. 110 PK Sisal , 1 inch : neb , lOc ; i inch , lOJc. SO APS-Klrlc'8 S.xvoi Kirk's satinet. 3 4.r > ; Kirl Kirk's xvhite Hussian , 5 ' , JJ O.V ICirk'u Prairie Qm 3 JO ; Kirk's magnolia , 4 CANDLES Pxixen , K'.cjboxes 10 Ibs. , Hi m. . , JA'K American , 3-1U Weatern , 2 7" ; North f -I 00 Juxvelllye , 21 lyeI ; POTASH Pennsylvn In case , 3 3j ; Babbitt'ii 1 11)0 ; Anchor Kill U do/ FIKM ) SKiU-lU nuw , SO 00 per bushel ; nexi$7 00 ; white clo al alt-v cloxer , nexxr , § 1 813 00. Timothy , g blue grass , extra clean , clean , SI - " > ; orchard gr choice , 1 03 ; millet , coi SOc ; millet , Germun , Hungarian. 80c. IliiOV.SKKP ) Onai busliels , S. ) 00 ; osage era over , § 1 fiO ; hunoy locu 1001bB..S2TiOO. PISH Vamily whlto 83 7.1 ; No , 1 white fish , No. 1 white full , in 10 II 10 Ib kitn , 7&c ; New H. keg , 1 3"i ; HuHiinn nap bl.k river Balmon , per 10 ( Uixnk codl'iHli , tic ; Gen 8c ; boneleHM firth , 4ic. MACKKUKIHalf 10 lbs , S12M ) ; bfbbl ! 100 IbH , U 00 ; hf bl.U , i ibw , 3 BJJ me H mackeie No. 1 ex Hlmre , 1Ib do 12 Ib do , 100 ; fat famil CANNKI ) GOOD ! ( Field's ) , per cane , S12I 1. cahe 2 50 ; do 2 Ib ( ! per 90 ; do 1 Hi ( standard ) , 2 Ib ( nlack ) , ) > er cane , 2 caxe , 200. Onior per Ib , j > er doien , ICOfel 7' ' 2 55 , SardinuH , nmall I ( pmrter lioxua per lx > x imurter IMIXCJ per IKIX I > erbox , 2Uc. l/b tci 180. Tomatoes , 230 case , 3 10 ; Corn i > er case , 3 70 ; soake 2 Hi ( Ynnnouth ) , string beans , per caxe , per case , 220. Succoti 1' , uoinmon , per cam per cane , 4 50. lilackbt 2 SO ; strawberries , 2 ranpberiics , 2 Iti , pe , 2 11' , pur ca case , 3 Oot I > eaM per Hex per ca > > e , 2 80. Eg : ci.ue , 3 50 ; do , choice , 1 Oroeu p.xeVJ U per we , 3M ) ! di > choice , . txrOroeu p.xe . , II.r c.\ e , I M. PliioAi > i.le .2lb.l.orc o I OiK * 7' . Po-xches a lli dc 3 Hi , ca o , ( OOJif ( I Ml ; il i'ASe,3Sri ; dopli1 , fi Ib , pen UlCE Carolina , SftiSi ( ? S\c. IM'-ANUTa-llo ted , c ncssee - , i'o jier Ib ; f ncyxb ra-v x\hlto Yirsinl.x ra\\ llic. Dry Good ! Appleton XX , 7o ; Atlnu Kb' , ic : nm-ke > i lL. I1 1 7lc ; Clilttciinmr" A , lije ; bclloos cr. ( He ' ; 11 oie t itian A , .sjc ; Indln Se ; ludlxn Ori-h xnl d. w. LI7ot Mx-stic Kiver ' , 7 c Sh.xxvnuit 1 1"i. " . . I'ticxl cttH , 7JcdoA ; , 8icdo ; cott n , 7Jc. I1 1 ; 7Jc : Alligator M. 3e ; Athmtit ! ! , . ftjp ; ltx k-er Heniilngtun C 1-1 , dc ; Uiu Orehint A A ll-S. ! ) . ti\cl.ebl b E l-l.l\i Uo ) : I'eppeiell N 30 , "eid 3U. 7 c ; do E 3:1. : .Sic ; Poc. WamMitU I1 1 , IIV. ui.E.vriiED I'OTPo ; tin L l-l.lOol lxck toneJ ilo do half bliMchi-il t 1,0 , Kidelltvl-l , HV'sKi'd "ft ' can brio l-l.lili-.dnNVutor'l K.X1U Q. ' , , C ! Illdl 111 HHld li nsl.ilc , 10c : dn Ciimbri v'urlv Millllto : Poiuot | A } G TwillPJio ; IVixl ( K\xss t I-J , fc ; l'lk-.x , ) .N X , Ktc. DUTCKS ITnbleai'Lod- "i > ; \xltiimnv 1 do , Hc ! ; f 2c ; S.v ' , lf . C iored-All ) : , v ( VvS ( > do U. , lr.x' t I i N c ; bill .bilk . P.'ic ; < lo JIXX ll ! | > os ami pl.ddn , H2ic : A ! lc ; 1'iunsvx ick bnwn , Sii * do exti.x hrxxy , 2 2ju ; iroxxni , ovli.i hc.x y , 11 , li iroxvn. 1V ! : JTeponset A TICKINGS AmrikwH do XX blue IU ; IS ; lie 7io ; t'lnreinoiit U P. , 1'ije ; m , 17ir. lluiuillon 1\ I'll I I 20 , Mliini'-nha , 10 , 15e ; xtra l-l. 'J8e : Peml Kivev mm XX blue stiijio , I'Ji 0\c ; do SS V.'e ; Yenivan llHNIMS.-Amoskp.xk , lljjo ; An lover Dl > < IULI ilue Sootoh , ISVoj Cnnomd . I'JV" do'AA A , do < 1 iioxxn. ' bl lo do 1 1 Hi" llnvmaUev'rt lie ; Mxvlla P.ncr Dllctiij ( ixor , liluu and brown , l' ilue and bunvii , 1 le. PAMUU1CS Pivnxrd ! , inim ; , 21 ineb double face , ilo Manbaltau ; bi'/ed , Tie ' S'ewpuU d i Ho ; dn glared , ic ; l.o UxMiod liil , ( > c CO1JSET.1EANR , , Kittfuus , 7u | ; ll.xllov ,0411 " N.i lieliard iiuproxed , "ic ; Pupperill Hatteen .Ho ; loc POINTSllons , li\e ; lieivvick , 1 fi r\ru Id , 7c ; SoniMtog.x. ( i\c ; Punkirl. . > \0i7u ; Eddystono , 7c ! llaruiony , 5 i'o ; ICniclseibo ) 7c Myxtic , n\c rmi.xo 1) , ; Soiithbi-idge , lie ; do. Gin0-l boio , 5'Jc ; Oiiunt.d Cc , GINGHAMS Auxoskc keag dre s 12X Argyle , ! lc ; Cumbuilnnd , lc ; Keiiilxvo. tb , SJc ; Plun k sex. 81 ! . COTTONADltS Abl Agate , i0c ! ; Amirican , 11 < Cairo 1) mid 'l13ic ; C 1) Co.htiipes 17jic ; Deccan 13\c ; Nr.ntucket , stone , Kiu Oce'xnl ) and T , WJi ; ' SUHSHX , 12c ; 'L'ioga , 12lp ; ing checks , 12ic ; do , Nanl plain Nankin , 12c ; fancy , 12 ; do , 8 o20c. : . SHEETINGS-Aiidn do 0-1 , 21c ; do 8-4 , 22c ; of ibo Loin Fruit 42 , lie ; York mills 'J8 , 35c ; do 78 , Pembroke 10i5c ; Pe p 7-1 , ISlc ; do 41) , llic ; Pe do 117 , 21c ; do H7 , 18c ; 1 58 , 22ic ; Uo48 , 17c Building Mali LIME Per barrel , SI : 35c. Cement , bbl , S2 50. bbl , § 2 50. Hair per I felt 100 IVts , S3 W ) . Stra\ PAPER Sti aw paper , 4c ; dry goods tiaper , 7c ; n paper , 8c. news COAL Cumberland 1 Morris Run llloshburg , S lump , SO 50 ; Whitebrcast lump , SO 50 ; Iowa nut SO ? 3 ; Anthracite , all si/en , i Lumber. WHOLKSAI. FENCING No. 1 , 12 No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , Ill 00 ; No. 1 , 18 00 ; No. 2 , 10 00 ] dressed. 20 00. FRAMING 10 ft. an 20 00 ; 10 ft. Btudding , 22 21 ft. 25 Ou. FINISHING No. 1. 2 inch , S50 00 No. 1 finisl No. 2 , finish 1J , 1 4 and 2 ii finish , 1 inch , S 1000 ; N 53500 ; O. G. battens i il 00 ; well curbing , ? 22 ich battens per 100 feet STOCK HOARDS- ; 3" > 00 ; C , S30 00 ; conuii FLOORING Nd. 1 , W 00 ; No , 3 , § 22 00 ; yt - 10 00. SIDING-NO , i , § 211 * o. 3. 818 00. SHIP LAP Plain , ? ! ! ; 32 00 ; No. 2 , S22 00. CEILING 82100 © $ : LATH ANDSHINGI hingles. SI ! 85 , No. 2 , S2 M\i \ , S3 50. Paints Oils and ' PAINTS IN 01 1 , \V ' . P. , 7c ; white load , 0. i Mar.sellles green , 'ruiichine ; , green Real. i-d fi-xl , lie ; French /.In Oc ; Kicnchluce , in nnd burnt umbur , 1 Ib ca burnt Sienna , 13c ; vai efmed Inmpblnck , 12c ; " black , llic ; drop bl "ory ultramarine 1 line , 30c ; green , IM. . & 1) . , lie ; green , L , M. & D. , 14c ; 1-illan red , 15c ; Venetia i-tii , 22c ; Ameiican Vem chrome yellow , L. , M. , yelloxv ochre , 9 < ! J golden Ilrjer , Oc ; graining colon cbentnut ui walnut , : > a t , Dry ° al White lend , f c ; Kron whltelng 2ic ; whlthi \\hiting coml , lie ; lai town , lie ; lampblack , o Hint ! bine , Vic ; ultramnr brown , Be ; umber , burn1 Ic ; sienna , burn t , 4c ; Paris green genuine , JUks 25cj chrome green , N , green K. , 12c ; yermillini million , America , IKc ; rose pink , 14c ; vcnetlai ' ' .jo ; Venetian red Am. , chrome yclloxv , gemiine , low , K. , 12c ; uchrn , ro French , 2jc ; ochre , Wlnter'ii mineral. 2Jc ; Spanish brown , 'J.cPr \ VARNISH ES-Bar Furniture , extra , 81 10 ; SI ; furniture , U , 8.c ; co Coach , No. 1 , SI 20 ; I ) : 70c ; aspbaltuin , 70c ; s ) oil flnUli. SI 30. OILS 110' carbon , p headlight , per gallon , 1 tier gallon , 17ej cryKto ] linseed , r.xw , per gallon , tier giillon , l7c ; lard , w Ion , 1 05 ; No. 1 , BOc ; XXX , p-r gallon , IKOi per gallon , Me ; Bperm , Kallou. ' . < V ueaM. . , , ! , 1 I 3V. full , W IV irr " No. 1. t-.o biNi oxtr.i , per xiMloti , Toe : - ; Bating , zero , per gallon , ! . - . dou machine , No. 1 , p' ' I , oOj ( iportu , ttigtul , l > or jientlno , per it.illon , Olr { nllon , .Oc ; 01 , c.DruiM. DruiM. nuuGS AND cm : ; 'nrbollo , r.0o ; Aotd , Tnrl Jop.ibia , per Hi , "Oc ; Hxt b , 12o ; ( . alomel , per Ib , Chlorofot ier o/ , 0c ; U Dover poxvders , per nlt < , per Ib , 3\c ; Glyccrl ISc : lio.vl , Acetate , . .moil , 110 = , ixTgilloi or gal , 12-jos I'll , Caxt.v ' 1 .T. ; Oil , T.nlor , No.3i Mlxo , per gal. $1 UU Ol f 0 Oiiiidup P Ipluiu , SI ; P.itansiuu . n-r or , SOil ; W 10 ; Kixlicm , per o7s ifrlb. IJi's rtlrvcht inc. i Htnvy Hnniw.ii Iron , rato-i , ? 3 "iO ; plov ( .isl tool d > > , KKG-O xx ' , 2.'OJ il t)0 ; bub- " , per set , 1 oaol try , 1 10 ; tongiii' " , al-h , T'.c . ; Mittaio tints , , , 'oil ' oliain , JKMIb , C ( < OV.'i 11111 xxi'dtri" , lie ; ciowl eeth , le ; liiitTs.Mhoes , per Acel. 7f . # i' . NA1I.S-10 tifUOil , 30. Id I 2. ; Kd. o lil. 4 ( H ) ; , im > ti M > ; olinoh , Ml Ki7i- < T" . f : Sd casing , I p ' ; 10,1 " Sd linisTj , f. 0 liiisli , I 7" ' ; inlf kf\ ? . < , 10o cvtra. S1UABlxnt , 51.W- 1 liiuit.d P.ixvdot , kcp , [ egs i.-f * : do , , quarto. ' ! , n- nn , km : * , JRJCi : Fuse % Hones nnd The mailit't inM i \ " filing xxell , xt a sligbl m' ' . "be di-iix mil Sir good In iipply i-oniiiltVTxbly. Pi' ' iVfivon' , PI' niitli Fin | : > ' r-ft burses SYtfi. ti > 2' . nr-v- - > . ? 100. to V > 0.s l'\ 110. to 125. ; Conmoii I" K'.tra pb ! )0. ) to 8100. ; i'ii plug" , { fiO. t l > l.VIU lo ir lian.l . 1 to 114 bands , CTo. t. .mils. iH'iQ. to 7 ! > HUlcsj \ \ I IIIDV Gieenbr.ti-hc urod li5.U'8e ; gix u i blo , Tfn'Ti'c ; dry lliu' , ' ' lo ! ! t'ry ' vlf and U5\i , 1' ; xxs i ' calf , xx- lu 1' e ; grron ' i out e.xU , v.-t. under teen pi-IK * ! OOCiill 1 < . ' iamngfd ! In"M - 1 10 ( ' 1 'Jflr nt hvinviV ; xnd onr u \ \ irds latu , ) bi-iimleindiH 'mill sUinn , No. 1.ITu ; N' ft ; No. J , 1P . Mink. JOe Oo ; No. I ! , l. > : No. I , : .c ' -5c. SlviiuV Oc ; No. - , - , 40. * * uxr Miorfc Ktiijv mad e ; htripe , lOc. 'J'.iH.\\ . \ \Vool. Merino unwashed , li ht 3t."c ; mcdmu tuixx .islu ; ib.xv.XHhtd , choice , 32e ; ml w. , i8c ; Imrry , bl.ick © Oc le a ClRiirs and Tel CIGA11S.-Weeds , SI5.1 T..OO ; MixadKVi.OO ; Se Jlear llavamv , § 75.00. TOHACCO PI.UG. l'.0c Spotted P.ixvn , I Ib , ; 2e ; Star , pounds -I Ib , jboo , poxmds , HI Ib , butti 52ljuceu P ee b. buttH , * ; JKIIITKU , 21 Ib , ; lt Kdge , , id Navy , pounds , Tile ; i8c ; Ijorillafd's Climax , i KINK CUT In pails. To Golden Thread , 70c ; 'favorite , Ii5e ) liocky [ \incy , HOc ; Daisy , 45 jatlins O , S. , fi Ib boxen , llard'ti Tiger , ( X > c ; Diami SMOKING All grade Ulack' Me. Granulated Dxikos Durham , 1 3/.51c / ; North Carolina , 16 oz , 40 ka , 10 oa , 3Sc ; Jxme.Tacl per Ib , 91.35 ; Marburgs oil , 55c ; Dog Tail. G5c. Liquor : ALCOHOL 187 pn extra C.xliform.x gaUim ? . proof gallon ; tri 1 3) | .er IH7 proof , 1 21 per pi oof ' 1 tiyUU-a , 100@1 r > 'J ; I'm bouibon 2 50 ; Kentucky tucky and Penmtvlvani 15UANDIP.S Import domestic -10@4 00. GINS Imported , 4 51 1403 00. HUMS Imported , 4 Kiutlnmd. 2 00 ® I 00 ; dot PKACH AND API 17. > @ 1 oo. OHAMPAGNKS It 2 < > 00uil ! 0(1 ; A mcrican , 1800. CLAHKTS Per cane WINKS Uhlno win. 20 00 ; Cataxvba , per e.m MARKETS BY T Council Blufft COUNCIL , IJi.UFi T' . Manufactured City MillH. 375B4 ( r.O . : wiiiri Iliiur , 3rjO@l 25 ; Hour , 3 40. Hran and Shorts 17 ( Clmp Corn 22 50 | .ei . ' . ' . SI in Wheat l\'o. tooted , 70c. Corn-No. 2 , T . rpj Oats Ko. 2 , 40c ; tui llailoy No. VJ. .lOc ; 1 Hiiy-700@850. Wood 0 00 ( < f.8 00. gH 5 Cattln Shtjip n-t , -I CI.XVH : to oofuiir oj p hlock , 2 7.3 2ri. hbeeii 1 00.ri 00. G HldeH Ties ( J S bii ! Wool ir.n. . Iluttcr : J@5c. : ! Pntatoo * 'l 00T)1 ) 20. OldmiB 1 , ' . ® 10. Grand Juiiotl GllANII .TUNCTIOK , II Egg 17c. Bu CUioauo f ClIICAd A'thoiigh naxi.'ivion ixud tile rail UiiL'H bavu i pete against the lak freight I imlness Hhlpments xru ito ' to week. LI xt mcnU from this city nil nearly fi.COO tom over I prosiouu. lliii-lutvn , In rat B , U lighter than di riod in fo mer HCA-OII year the grnln ral tir New York per 1(0 pound * und h | txvicoim liuny ni now , 20 i enta nnd in HOIIIO b Tlio total HhlpmcntH tirovisioim for the wee 27 by Ihn HX roads b'n city amounted to 35i2 ' .103 last year , a decteai During the pjnl xvc. . movement in dry g'o wtather and 1m rove road * bin started up poinU and the market thu change , Gr better request ; dri in' prove ; IUU IK quote pioductH are without c held with g ' < U are moderately ncllxu uud active at d firm. Coal day and 'he ' price cf xnnrul ( mm 3 > Uo S ' .0 per | I m and a tmi- f , r . tnto of SN iwtm > J f..r . N , , 1 Umr Hllli the country < i > n 1x111 ( Htly Urge \ \ lib , x light si lixc an I xvoak ; app o < nw or frulh atv Vfady : ltd w.nk ; Rroa ixn.l t'.lloxv potnti > o4 nr , < only in Rood t ok Is helil llnul ; itlxo iind 'oxlv. Sot-d1 thy , ? Ja7Jf S I'Jisdoxcr * l 17. On 'ChatiRp the max xilar. xilar.The rorolpU of gnxln w ols by l.xko nnd IHI oat omb acing 51 ex of xxh. Uii of ext < , 4 of rjomull 'I'ho luiupinoiit' f cutn ioitxs laixe. ijiilct andimpil to cbo oo cptiug xve t Mluuesotsi , ( i 25t 7 ' . 0 ; pn lmok\xlt\xl HKUI" S7.'i' ) \Vli.Mt-Tlw deiiund but ix xery fair sprrul.itl ti.xn-nctel atailixl < lfl | ti priii tbe XMHI > \ . ileix * opoiii'd about Jo low r In ditnnnd hoxxcvor , , x nth' ' dfvc op d and pii.vir 11 ThU a ix itiee br.iught enl Ings to neil ixiid.x1' iiie nuv w.ismippll , , ! a gr.xduil price * teoe.llng \ \ \ < per bu u.xt'd iui.11 n.xlly ol.wcl < for Niix.iubiri 1 2IS fit findixnuarx ; 1 2HS lor hpiing , I lUrt 1 12 ; 11 ( oc font Tlio iH'iu d fur iictlvo 1.x in the dij \ \ \ \ pn v.xibu uceoiiqM iul \ in piieoi. Toxx of \ [ < t40 of tint tu'H ioti ix xxnaker f ( lecoded - Kindunllv \iro-H riilt-il e.x y to the olnf , Nn. i ! niul hl.V i\pd fur NiAcmbi'r im l Dtcom tmrv ; tlHiU'.lio ( orMiv ; O.itsIn liibt lU-uian pruvKj No. 2 nt 15 MJofii DooiMiiber ( ; < | i-f for IVbtuxiy ; Ifijilr M lyoIfilet mid : x mi ' .13Vo' for ilMunniM ! Cc f. t liniloy- hull and W.M Di'ecml < > r ; I Oliy- for > l.f PoikViU "i tul qxu ' fur I litfi-m nt 115 15fii UV-'W n > r .luuunij' ; 17 r.'id'.l" li'inl-IJiint iiml .u > e l. * < ( l'J ( jboll ! < llKtlXt tf-O IV tOfi.f IViv bo ; II 1 : . ) 10 fof I1 ua-x ; U ! 7i.iVl 1'tllk Menls luogi'lai' ' ' jibs S ' .Vn S' ) . for ! ' ) WliNkv-iJii'Ltnt t 15 , little Tb lijd cbi | \ II 10 aionmeiy x , is diii- mndeiiiln i.nd th XX ere fr "h tnado I idle also tnol quiix' xnilXIXKht vlily hi oifi' oil ; HI 1 as in Md nl I'.lfii23e ; el ni < e to 5" . ( i3"i ; mdiuiuy to con to fnn.iy d.xlrv , "IKi > 32i dn. , ir.ii)22i' ) : lad e piel.ed Htock , I * ! 1 IP. E gs The inqui-y frni was tail- mil the mukel . i-t U'lVy f per do/.eix. fi'C ' - -house , ami lS ( < i 21 > xfoi- 1'liiur . Wheat. Coin. . . O.ltN. . . Kyt- . . . lUley. f ! ixt tin - F.drlyai live m ftOO ; li riOgs ; Hltocbiv to fixir , 4 W > 75 ; eommoTi to fntr bliUors' , 2 00 ( good , 2 "SfdSWO ; dm u . ors and feedu.s 2 t ( I < : 'tjad ; t-hipmrnU , 11,500' ! Slicep IJ .let ; no giind ' comm ni t lair , 3 330 3 mixed , -lOOCjiUW ) ; noleot , ceiit | , 100 lu > ad ; t > hipui od . I logs liiiict ; g Riade ; coiiiiuon to lien.xyuckiiig ixml t-bi liKht ImgH , 5 75iiliOi ( ) ; c 4 , VTO@5 25. Keceipts , i meutu , 2,500 head. St. Louts F ST.LOUII Flour Uneh ngcil. Wheit Cl"i c < l lirmoi l.IKVJfn . 31Jforoxih ; ; l'\ for for.luminry ; 1 3H lii ; No. I do , l. 4. CornHigher ; (12iV ( for December ; ( )2iiilc ) ( ( , ( ' . I 'Jo for FobrtiiuyT Illiij Rjo Klriner nt ! 1S "t Harley Steady nt 85o Lciul ( Jnlet at-1'80. Imttorl I'ainury. IlllJOSllo. ' liggsL'lichnngod ; 3' at 1 Steivily \V hinky Pr viKioim Kireu .mil > bliiii | ; trade. our. . , Vheiit. 'orn. tyn. . . . 'arliiy. St. Liouln lii\ ST. Looi 1 logs 1 'ai rly ai ti ve ; icUng , 5 UOfii K 15 : b ,20'i'i ( i'.O. KeceiptH , lints , 3,050. NowXnrlc J NKXV Yoi Hour Quiet and d ' , Wel50 ; ( .hipping uiutbein , unclmUn'cil ; t xtnx , 5 fCr.T8 CO. \x lieiit Du'l nd low er , 1 3'JJ ( H-lOJi : No. 2 Milxvaiiki-e , 1 3li.V No. 40 do December , 1 4 ( Com- ; Weak and l.n xctlviNo. . 2 , ir.igli1.1 , ' Dicember li7R ( ( S73c ; No. i loxvut ; ( ) .itK | - mu..l \\Cfctoi ( / , | ; nix.'d , I ) . , l'.li < - . liyu-Dnll ; ' .I tt-10. - ' Ujilcy SUady and I intxila , 111 , Poik Dull and weak . . IHOJfcH 1 In .liuiii..ry , Led -Dull mid lowi'i xenibui and Uuceinbor , Whisky Nominal Cincinnati' . ClNUlNNA Mchi Pork.lobbing , Kutil Atllvuj pi'tJi 11 IK. Hulk Meats-I'lnnj J 2"i. ISiicon-Kirm ; clear I-'lour Quiet ; f.imilj Wheat--Steady ; No Corn 1'iim ; No , 2 , ( ) atn1) let ; No. 2 H llye Kuny ; No. ' . ' , 1 Hurley Steady ; Nu. Buifnlo Lli EAHT liuffA HogH Higher ; recei ments , 21 earn ; YorUe medium xxi ! g t. 0 I0f : hiuvy , < IOC" (12J. Kama * City Pro KANMAH Ci WheatHiecliitH. . In tote , 101 ! , ! . ! 17,578 ; ' uud higher ; No. 4 , cixs'i unkrd ; November , her , 8Vc bid , 87o anl bid , W inkul ; No 3 Nox ember 1 OH anked ; December. 1 03 ( 1 03 | 1 01 u k" ! ; ilamnir , cuKb , 1 22J bid , 1 " 21 Junuury. 1 2"i , . ! 12. ; " , Corn Uoi'ulpt" , 7,2 In ktoro , 81,1311. All mixed , ca b , die IdJ , < her , lilc ; December , ( ' " ' i > < . , V xxhito inlxod , oa , ) . , Oat , No . " > c' " 4 wojxkrr ; oho ce , > low , 1 Sin 20' . , , / % Pgwtca.1 . y 't. ' - , , ' ' , ' , "Kt-ndJ N ; Tnlliixx " ? ' 111.1 sand PeltV ) . > " , No. 2 , lOo ; grcMi.nv f.fnliioicxlf , 10'n 12c ; ! At\ opo , t.M.i . - ' "Jo. --pi-- City ltv x I'nltle-lU'ifiptf , M3 ' tirmiuid netlxo. N.\ti\.i f1 Nntlvo ) coxxt0 0 iponrgrixi , . H ( rs-ll'op'plo , 38Ci , ( b. . Miirkol linn ntiil ituuigi-r , r o.\ Peorlu PKOUIA , N . -ti ld M\lll | > lc < 4 Cl .xud mo lit HK.dxitem .ml nt t'i -tjuli-t aiTil m\ \ \ \ \ > X" . > f OJ.'J . rrxclod , iW ; u . " 3 0. 0.Out * - Quiet nd f.xlrly h \xhilo , ll\ ; ri-lifti'il , mlxnl , lyr ! Mint , bt.t iunctUr ; tojoote.\tr.i- | . Hi -Quiet. . \Vhl-U ? I'Ylti mil htitlif ! liSMis for - lMetV \ itiN'.xnl K lie. NVltcnt . Coin. . . . . ill , Oiit . 17 , . 1 1 XVxtloy > . n Prod I.IVKIll-OOli , X V'lnur Aiinrieau , UH ( M Wheat \ViMoi , His l-ilf.i1 7i.Vj 10 lid ; f-rlng | , lu Vl.lf lO.-v 1 1 ( Us I.'J . Com 5. lid Toi.r.iin , J- \\hx-nt Vorv uint ; Nr oombti' , I 31 ; .laiuiuiy , I I 3S. Cotr.-tjnlit. J'- , . Mi iiajo. iiajo.OiitsNogloeti'd , no Idug Mm VN' , > Spliils 'VurjioHliin' I'li'in 250 ; Niift , : t75 ; Viig nvx , 3 EAST l.unntn , Pa. , N Cat l.i NnUiim. du t ; . ini'.i 1 Mil. lio.ul ; ship'-v-nl-H , ' - - ' , l''lim UiM-eipt- Hog- " M menu , VHUluM , ! : I Mill , ( < il'i III ) ; Y.t I i-iH. 5 lMiir'Kl. Sheep N .thing . do n-x ; i -,800 bend head ; Hiiii'iiRutx , - llaHluiot-o Prnil U.M.T1MUUIC , . > _ Flour ( } ui"t. Wboat Suit horn quiet ; In , 1 UK I I 3S ; long ary winter hlexdy .t 1 IWl-Jdi I In r. Com Wldt" Miittbtiin yellow Ktoady i-tRTo ; misei t liC.i'fiM'.Te. Wheat KasK-9. - 1 37fi" nnd Nox ember ; \ ilSJ Gul ; ts l-er. ler.Coin Steady : fil > Gi'G7i' N vember ; 07c f iff Doct-mbi O.xtn Sternly at Mt file N. M'liiber. llye IJuiet iit'tt o. TlioVontk < Commencing 4tday ' 1 publish in its dni\y inon ' bulletin > t\ic'ml weather sorvictt , contn S. aignul from llftoon stations , in vcr , Cheyenne , IHatto , Moincs , D.ivonport , S Louis , H'lHinarck , Uoudxx These reports will she the b.iiumutcr , tlvormoii doxv point , wind diruutii iitnoiint of rtvin or i ty , sti'jto of tl the gunoral takun at the Hauux IIMIIUO tiun. Careful altoniion tu will HIIOII oilucixto the ro proper iindcrstMuling i tion. 15y witching , tin of thu baroinutor , tliu di wind , and other uliaitge lion with the "indication from Washington ) 1m wi to predict with HOIILO dej cy , the appruiicniiif ; woa tuct hinmelf to aomo uxt IVclnJof tl c . Ijinuiilii- TIII : ISKh'slaigociicnl out the intotior of Nobi toiuiikutho < < b&Uotiii" ol to thu cattle laibint ; an intoresl of thu country , liupa it will promptly nv DYlNfi liY IN Very of ton \vo BOO up of kidn u form from HO i n and is gradually dyii This no loti or nuod bo I'littet-rt will positively disc iso , or any diauavos or iiiinary ory.iiiH. The ; adapted to this class of < diit'ctly on the Htoinacl thu Hamu tiniu , and wil other rom where oyery Sold at lifty cunts u Ix. McMixhon , 1J. B. MORG Ht Furiihuiii 1,100 , , lik'VuntU and TV A long felt want xvu ncouBBity in about ; uxy F.xi by the opening on Eleventh and TwuHtli cleanly wlikiknoino in ruhtdunnit ThiHplaco n H tliu European Kentii ud in the very loculit ; mutt noeJud it will nnd not only a great miurcu but u U to thu public piofit to thu owner and D. JJ. Morgan for who lilicnil pationnitu 'L'lio very bint wntch budonu is donu by UH , only the bust watch n of uxporioncu. HO if yo or clook to bu fixed , In wo will give you natW Kniioi.M V i'l SUIM'BHS ! BL lIBhT VAItll 1IUY KAIU.V Wllll.l' OL'I Call and look at onr 'don't v turns , if you A. now , Fourteenth u luu * " . . Auntlinr DcltRlitfttl EvonhtR nt ' Hull. Mnx Meyer' * Music The incrcnsoil nttotulixncc at tlioit iccotid concert , which wixi held last I'Vitlny nt , Max Moyer's Jlusio Hall , anal have boon cnconragiui ; to the Philomathcnn club. Tlic nudionco was jMcolletit , botli in point of numbers > ml ability to appreciates the excellent inusie\l bill of favo sot before them. Mr. Sutler's artistic ( uialiliua were nd- mir.xlily shown in the sulcclitni of thu ) rojnamuu' . It con isled of llnirn : , > uartilte ) Nn. 2 , with Us lovely tocond itotivo , which 1ms boon Much n favor- to with the audiuiici-H of theMundch- mini Quintct'.u chili , a quartette by sclninmnii , perhapa the bust of that with the themes 'illn r and n quintette in llayduii , transcribed by Uoeche- To thcso , ns the te'uliiiij num- | nt . , t xvcro added violin solos ; one of Jttjf'fc ) , Rosmtas fi.r piano nnd violin , d'I'K "x'udojiii'a ' "Divortisaunu-nt "ll violin cello and iioMi" ft'r * ° i , nin Su c' ' ' a pwgrainine , in c.troful Mnponiiioit nnd eontrastii liincp-nfcv iimlnnuisuulitm , lui never been ndounll boft U ! " Otn.xlm. Tlio el tb showed a nurkod irk of thu * r tli.ik of their first vi iii-ovoiivMil | xf.'narked by tliu oaiiiu neoit. Tlxf. . \ > r.nI by moro smooth * inoaliiosa .xud r.n - , l by 'l-w ' onnalr.xiiit ssand lin'.olii au ( > Ihnd number lu il timidity , id Knx'ini , ' Ah- . "UixisM-Hitmut u u'ii ' > and did e\- ml- ; took tliiHr u \\o llont work on Uio iu V rumont.o Inxfm e to vofor to , vo had oeo.uionInxfm ' conaciciitii MS and I 'nished por- s last liYidvv > > u a in.iro . but IIIIIIIICXB ; , i'd his iibd ominunt p-ut , hu diapl.xy ' r to liotler adtnlngo. . fi'i bowing uxeullunt , bi'itivo pure anil u IIH rin ui'.ti ovidiMiced ' and Mil il' , atul faithful and vxnu'st ng practice u'.nuiiuiida- clxuiual study. No IOSEI ' m ij duo to iMt. r , xx-ho xneullod hiiiiwlf la * Friilny ono n ly than 'cello and in inthuiK 'tmro o . , C'f his IIIH ; vlmiinble iiul ut-diuation ould like to npeaW at length of ' ' on 610 x iuhn Hawei's purfoima'MU r. " of the "F. Major Uiimiaizti" " ' 'Oriv. Sonata" and iotliovix , the ; : "TNiino RURRO' r/ilo. Atthu , 0 htvrdly at ' l uonciiit Mr. Sanur 'xxas i-hi'Ht. Uxst Fiiday \ projputnuio ell liitod to u.vluliit , hia toahnical m \ > luteiy of Uiu inatrumeAit , ' the purity hi tononnd the uxiuwuto JJI-ACU iiiteiiduu.'wsaof his expression. Tliu "lnir dnc- nujj.Sonate and D.ivid % and Ttwintionn on thu Tlimno ni technical dif- " with . . bristling iiB.10. , sultiea , , xx'uru lunderedvitli a bril- and S.nish which at oneo xx-on xuoj 10 nuiliunco. Thu conclmliny num- raci'ived with such n . ' ! was uncosv that a roo.tll was wirty bo which ho respond- ixsosswy , " from UalF. "Ciumitiim" 1 by. a pleasant fmvturu of the pno i-atnino thu badtonu aolo of lluheusteni , Gohtllblla as llsro Heuoath Mu , " by Ir. F. .li 1'unnell , soxull known in iiui.humusical circles. In resuonso Htxtliusiuatic encore Mr. Vtnincll i an "Tho Jolly Fat Friur. " In con- ing of Air. usiou , thu piiuio porforinanco I. Fi Mnycr , in the Paraladopp nuin- nccompnnintunlB of Mr. and thu or , lartiu-Oalln , WMU highly apprectutedr PERSONAL. Mi 4-Kora O'lTwiiiot , of North Platte , i in the city. the B. & W. ID. 1 $ , Stout x ent south on I. SittunUv MrnCol. HnyrJ lias ruUmcd from her ! urop nn tour , M t.Hoxid nnd wife , of Grand Island , ro in iho-city. 1) . ( I. Hull want home to Hpend < thu .xhhathiwith Miw. Hull. have ro- Jlr. and Im , AiUli'im Jonoi iirnc.l from a Vu < it ID , Missouri. down to > lion , G , M. Lambertson wont micohiithiii aftwmoon on the U. & M. Klinur l < 'ranc. olerk of the U. S. district morning- tO'Uecixtur Saturday our .wont ' Coriinn of the board of county V , W. , returned from Clove- Irw : iiiiiiiiHniiiiier , and. ] ) i 1C. ThoQipson , amiitiuit huperlntcnd- nt of tbo It. ii M. main line , vxcnt south hii aftornniiiito Liucoln. Cftpt. Vtxn. Ne-n , of the Fiwt artillery. I'rancmco * . San the .ml family , were among lanHengernSaturday. . land commU- .1. C ? unnell , a > i < istant lionerof Mio li. & M. , XVUH : uuuiitliu | B. & Lincoln Saturday. M. passenger * for Capt. Marsh , first vice prcHidunt of the nnd general .linalui htieet rnilxvay line I lama , has ui milder f th Cmmiij , ' htieet retained from ( < reuu liver. 'of the 15. & . M cashier It. C. Parrott , land department at Lincoln , pv md Saturday , rttnrn'ng from lliiou li tli'J city TlitxiikMjivln ; ; diu Keoknk , xvheiuho atu mr with bin folkH , NE\V SlLrTboLMANS ai prices that defy cnuipetition ALL WOOL , DOUBLE WIDTH BUSIIMAK'8. Cashmeres at 157ic at less than 50o to Wuro never sold for 5c. WAE IN PASSENGER RATES iniOH. . BroVera In Ml lUUroa , IIOIUUK il TltlioU to the EM Tickets , Omaha , Neb , , otlor following unboaiili 'I until further tiotieo , M tliu Jl Low Hatet : SH.OO , These a ! | Trip , 912 Hound , ; ' Chicago awl Rood tor rt'tui'I lluiltuJ flrtt-ClassTickets ti'I vU the Old Reliable ; throxiKh theoarixiiil lUiltcoJ Al o , o & ( Juliicy cao , llurllugtou vi ay to . 1st claw , NKWYOUK , JiOCO. CO 20 , 110STON , ' 2500 , 83 ( , I'lllLADEU'IUA , - 20 ( ; WASUINilTON , 5-J oU , 1'or iattlcul&rs , urlto or co Hate illroct Railroad to lIOUu a i 111(03 , , Dialcra In Reduced Hv Steamship TIcUU. Ml ) Tenth St. , Omilia , North Three Doan jilace Rcuit'tnuor the East Bide ol Toil Union 1'aclilc lUllroad Depot , Sttoiit. Onuhi , Auexut 1,1B31