Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1881, Page 2, Image 2

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What tbo Brethren are Saying
and Dotntf in Var ous
Couutties ,
MixionloTriviHtinnK , Physlnnl Dl -
qut lUlontlouB-Tho Triple Uak
nml Ktiiithtly SPythlnns
Six'.y years agi the ablest Masonic
writers were willini ; toropoat M'nioiiic
traditions which now appear very sill )
to ua ; but to-day wo nny congiatu-
late ourselves that careful criticj are
analyxiinj every fragment tliat gives
promiio of inform ilion , like one who
explores a bin iod city , observing and
preserving every thing of importance ,
nnd dumping over the rubbish where
it will trouble us no more. Among
the old traditions they may yet find
soinoihing of value , just as philolo
gists found in common fairy tiles evi
dences of the common kindred of
"European nnd Indian imtiotn.
While the English students tut
carefully tiacing out the connection
between spcculalivo and operative
masonry , wo may look with eipial in- upon the l.ilnrn of the K/yp'ol- '
ccists and these who a'-o ntiidying As-
syriiu romaiiiH for evidence which
will show tilt- connection betncun Ihc
legend ol the third degree , the Kjiyp-
lian mystenei and thosun myths. In
the latter diirction the ware whicli
Schliemann found in Troy , with the
"sign of the huniner of Thor'1 upon
it , wliich ho pronounces a him emblem ,
tvili ho instructive lo those who arc
.studying up inavm's marks. The
Greek and St. Andrew crossui aie not
uncommon also in thu Trojan pottoiy ,
ai l may l.avo some value in thu in
Tn alludiiiL' to pliy.sic.d dolectn The
Yoic > ) ot M'liHiniry gives the following
opinion : "When and where will
tli 3 aiionwltei coise ? No * it is the
loss ot the loll hand that docs nol de
bar a cnnJid.ilo for the degrees , who
is otherwise well ( | ii.ihfied ; to-morrow
it wid bo the loss of an eye ; nuxt day
it will be llio Ios < of a foot , and noon
the point will bo reached when no duft'ct will lu an obstaclu lo
Miison-making. If piineiplo is noth
ing and muio iiiiinberHlii ( ) is ovtjry-
tliiiiL1 , Ibun peilrips Ihis degrading
process might go on until Free
Masonry becomes as common as dirt
und as cheap in pinch-beck jewelry.
HKSTOHINO 'llli : TKMl'M : .
M'asonic tradition fondly recurs lethe
the teniplo Solom m and it will l > < 7
of interest to every student of mas
onry to know IhatlhoSidiun has given
orders for llio remains of Solomon's
Temple to bo restored nnd the sur
rounding places to bo cliarul of all
rubbish. On that plaeo stands the
Mosque of Omar , llio revenue of which
amounlB to l.0,000 ! a year. Hitherto
th sum has ahvaya been foi warded
to Constantinople , but for the future
, ' is to bo appropiiated Cor tbo above
niuntionod.purpose. Tim net of tlm . believed to bo tbo risult of
of the Grown Prince of Ana-
w airiuOWjio can Venture
[ iolproillcato-wb'iif dibcovcries are yet
in store for tlio learned in these mat
ter ? ?
St. John's. No. S.T > , A. F. AA. . M. ,
holds its annual election next Thurs
day evening , followed on the succeed
ing Monday by Capitol Lodge.
The M. M. degree impressively
conferred in Capitol L ulgo on Mon
day evening lant , P. G. M. G. W.
Lininger , presiding.
Thirleon chapter * of the Order ol
the Eastern Stir have been organized
in tbo jurisdiction of California dur
ing the year ending September ; ! 0.
The Prince of Wales , grand nwsto :
of Eiiuhmd , hai jimt granted a specia
dispensation for thu organization o
a new Masonic lodge at Podiiof , ICng
There are twenty-six grand lodge
of colored Masons in the Unitoi
States , and Ohio ii of thu opinion tha
tlu-y shouid bj made regular.
Two-thirds of all the lodges am
more than two-thirdnof all thu Mason
on the face of the oirth are in Amor
Thu grand lodge ot Now Soul !
Wales laid the corner stone of what i
lo bo a magnificent Masonic leniplo a
Sydney on the ' .lib.
Tlio grand lodge of Indiana prohib
its the use of intoxio.iting liquors , an
will not allow degiees to bo conferre
on those who indulge in them.
A full-ei/.u I bust of the Prince <
Wales , grand mailer of , In
lirospiiled to the grand lodge of No
.South Wa'ea ' by Marshall Wood , th
eminent eculptor.
Theintro'juotion of M asonary int
Great Kritain IIHH been lixod by som
at ( ) " ! . A. C. Prestoii , in his treat in
on the iniftitiitioii published in 1" ! ) :
Miippoucs it wai introduced into K
land prior to the Roman invasion.
Till1. TIlIl'Mi LINK.
The funeral of thu late grand sccrt
tury , James L. Rid' ' ely , ot iViltimon
WAH altendet ) by over five thouran
Odd Follows. The lumaina lay i
fctatj in the hall of the order for tw
days. A number of utorea in Halt
: uuru were diapud in mourning.
A nienibor recently died at Per
liiiut , M aino , who wai on the sick Hi
for tventy-fiyo years. At but § 5 pi
wool : it required 0,500 for bonenti
Tennessee expended S12HJ7.7 ! ! ! fi
relief last your.
A lodge of Odd Fellows has bee
organized in DOIUBOII , Iowa.
At last Monday night'a conventii
of Plunet Lodgu No , ! , one Page v
proved ail Esquire , and ono Ejqui
charged a Knight. The ccrumpnios
tlio degrees were conducted in tl
usually impressive manner , wjth
/yVrgd altirti ThiiW4-o | onUf l liiiet } | N
4 ia active in its woik , and Fiiin
ship , Charity and IJenevoleiico it tru
thu order of tin1 day among its mei
Thanksgiving day rather intcrfei >
with the usual weak of Omaha Lodj
the Lodge only meeting for routine
celebrated its thirteenth anniversary
ht Wednesday night with n good at
tendance. A refreshing collation \\-nt
spread during IOCPS * of which tin
brothers partook henrtily nml conn ;
interesting roininico ecu < > f the ordei
won1 given by the older members.
This lodge is the oldest founded by
the order west of the Allcghoiiic.i ,
and its nieiiib.-M have n isteil in the
nrijiiiir.alioii of many of those subse
quently established in the West.
.Many whoso names are upon the
renter in its Castle hull have removed
to nihcr Rlhtes nnd territories , where
they canied their love for , and ( ire in
ii'llli.ilinn ' with other lodge * ; nnd there
are but few nnmcN upon it of whom
the order and the lodge may not be
proud. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The CongrnRHlonnl ! Outlet 7t.
Wa'tilitfton HID l l to tlio I'nicer l'r. .
Conirrcss will meet on Monday , Do-
ccmber 5. It is nol likely that any
legislative hiisinesn of importance will
bu transacted until after the holidays.
At the beginning of every now con-
greis there are hundreds of bils intro
duced which failed to receive alien ,
tie < in the preceding congrci-H. A
majority of thoie mi'aBiirt's are of n
piivato chai-jicter. Tlie lasl three
ciiiigrcmt'H huvo been controlled bj
the demoeratB. Tlio rnajnrlly was nol
in fynipalhy with the executive do-
parimont of the governineiit , and at
each ncRsiim a yocmly croji of invesli-
L''itionnVIH : BOWII in the hope of mak
ing democratic .capital by tin
cnpliiro of icmiblicaii thioveH ,
The [ iiirposu which animated a ma-
jnnty of tliMo investig itioiiH wai
Mifliciont to prevent thuir successful
fruition. Tlm power of the house wm
devoted to blackening the Kcpubli-
e.ui party rather than honestly en
deavoring to purify Hip public service.
Democratic invcstigalioiiH for tlio past
six years his ; bemi a Hut failure , il
is not prolublo that the same number
of iinpiiries will be Bent on foot by
the republicans aa would in all likeli
hood have been originated by n
Domocr.itie house , but there will bo a
definite purpose to every ollicial in
vestigation allowed. It is expected
llnit either the committee on
oIliccH and | io.i'iiiailH ( , or a Bieciul ] com-
iniltee will ha instructed to make a
thorough investigation of the star
louto frauds lecenlly nnciullied by
Postmaster General .fames and hi
i : i.uoist. u ION.
Tliu long illness of I'resident1 ( Jar
field and tbo questions which arosi
during llio period when ho wiw uimbli
to pinform llio dulies of chief imi in
trato as to what constituted prctidvii-
tial inability within the teims of the will undouhlodly lead ti
muuh-ncedcd legislation on lliat sub-
jeof. That there will bo not oral bills
for tlio revision of the tarill' introileud
early in the Hunsnu. A national bankrupt -
rupt l.uv will in nil probability bo one ;
of the moat important means framed
by tins forty seventh congresa , and it
is tiroluhlo that the higher house of
congress will hnvo the Junior of origi-
naling thin gre.itly needed monsuro of
relief the honi'st debtors and
creditors. The inter-oceanic
c.inal problem will again como up for
possible solution. Mr. King , ol
Louisiana , will probably introduce n
bill in1 the interest of Capt. Eads in
terocoanic ship railwny , and the Nica
ragiiau Fcheme willalso bo uivou dm
con itl\r1iUon. ! Theru ( will bo bills ti
fix the ajiporlioninent of roprescnta
lives in Congresa under the laat con
sun ; to rcgulato the Bales of alcoholii
liquors in the States and Territories
to imiirovo the civii service ; to givt
cabinet ollicers Benin in the halls o
Congress ; to admit Dakota and TJtal
as States ; to suppress polygamy it
Utah ; to establish a pos'al telegrapl
system ; to take awuy unearned lunt
rants from railroads given publii
uuls by Congress ; to construct a scon
r more of public buildings at differ
nt points , olc. The work of llio for
y-BCVL'iith Congress bids tair to bothi
lost important and interesting of an ;
Jongrcss that has mot for many year'
or tin ) elective olliees in the house ar
Hsuinbling hero in force , propaiod t
trees thuir claims upon members t
engross as fast us they airivo in Hi
ity. For sorgeant-at-arms , those n
iresent mentioned are .lames S. 1) .
is of Now York , Gieenbury lj. Koi
f Illinois , , S.V. . Hooker of Vei
nout , Win. M. Jiunu of Pcnnsylvani
.nd ox-CongroBsman Win. 8. King <
Uiiuit'sota. Kor the cleikship , til
eandidates are Joseph II. llainey , ej
cont-ressman from South Carolim
'ol. Ilotvell , formerly of The Mimii
ijiolb Tribune ; Edward M. Ophaiso
) f I'unnsylvania and Kdward J\ \
loliiiBou , late clerk of llio New Vor
isHembly. I'or doorkeeuor , ( ioi
"icor o IU.iwaou of California
'ormeily librarian of the senate ,
ibout the only immo nientionud i
' . For postmaster , llioro are state
ilrcady 1'iivato D.ilia-ll of Ohio , Cap
II. A. Sherwood of Michigan and Co
W. Hrownlow of 'IViinosseu.
Small Pox In tlio NortUwoit-
hatlunul Assoiiatod 1'roM.
Cliic.vuo , NivemboriJCiSmall poj
jf an oxctedingly virulent form
l > rc.ildiig out in a large number i
lowns throughout the northwest and
spreading rapidly.
In the village of MeConnellvii :
Itobert Larno was taken nick. Syn
[ lathotio neighbors fcr.ilchod his bed
to allay the toniblo itching and m
until ho was dead was it discover * ,
the disease wai miVll pox. Thuro ai
now nine cases there and the town
At Springhill there nro 125 case
and a number of deaths occur dull
At Luke , Henry county , there art !
dozen cases , which the physicians lit
pronounced iiieaaoU. The diacuao
spreading rapidly in Stillwutc
Granite Kails and St. Paul.
NKVElTaivifui .
If you tire Buffuring with low ai
depressed spirits , loss of appetite , go
oral debility , dUordorod blood , we
constitution , headache , or any diseu
of a bilious nature , by all means pi
cuio a bottle of Klectrio IHttei-a. Yi
will bo surprised to see the rapid ii
piovfinenyiiul'tt'lll follow ; you w
Ijo inspired whif- v"TifulJ8tri6 ; /
and activity will return ; pain and in
cry will a-aso , and henceforth y
will rejoice in the praise of Klecti
liitleia. Sold at lily cents a bottle
IsH f : JlcSIahon.
WASHINGTON , 1) . 0. , November 20
1'roccudingi ojiencd with the con
tinned croRvexnininntioii of Thos
North , formerly of Frcoport , 111. Hi
wns a .Methodist minister and left tin
church because ho was a democrat
When Luther ( Juiteau advocated liu
man facrilice he thought ho was lion
oil in llio belief ; did not think tin
elder "Ouilean's horror uf Niagan
wm oviibiiico ol unsound mind.
During the examination of tin
wi'nosi ' ( Jniteau rcin.unud quiet
makinir but onu interruption.-
Mr D.ividgo erojs-exaniined Mr
North sharily | regarding his recori
during the war , and the witness w.u
thoii oxcuierl.
Ouileau made a Bpecch a'tackinj
lion y Ward Needier , saying ho met
to bo a niombfr of 1m church ; tha
Hcecher was a liar anil Mrs. Tilloi
told the truth.
Senator .John A. Logan , of Illinois
was tlio next witness. lie testifiec
Guileau came to bin room in Marcl
last and showed him a speech whicl
lie claimed I'leclo'Ularficld ' and askoi
a recommendation to ollice. Ho wa
litrhtly clad and wore sandals but in
socks. He said that Hlaino had prom
ised him n place if Louan would rccom
mend him. Subsequently Guiteau be
came one of tholmardois ut the efltab
lishmenl where Logan was boarding
mid at Logan's snggoUion his applica
lion wai rejected. No croai-oxaminti
lion.Geo. . D. Hubbard , who for twenty
five yetiiH lived \vithin half a inilo o
tlio Oneida community , was the nex
witness , lie was not n member o
the community , but worked will
Uuile.iu in the trap shop. Guiteai
was a member of the community. 11
often heard him say that ho wo-t in
spi'ed by God and destined to bo th
leader of the coinmnnity. He wa
erratic , absent minded and quick tern
( JrosH-ex.iniinalion elicited the fac Ihu witne.-js'sj aunt joined th
community and was insane.
Edward Smith , of Chicago , wasth
next witness. Ho testified that dm
ing llio last campaign bo was one <
the clerks at llio lepublican nation :
commiltoo houdiiartersin Now Yorli
Guileau was a porsnlcnt applicant fo
: i place us a eunpaign spc.xkcr.
Gniteau inturrupted tbo witncs :
"Ho was only a clerk ( ! ov. .lowell
Col. Hooper and Senator Dewey ai
ranged aboul the RpeakeiH. "
Scovillo next read the depositio
of John A. Turner , of Dakota , i
uil'cct that nicmborM ot the Guilua
family wore "peculiar" and allliete
with manias.
The next witness was John A
Moss , ( colored ) , a lawyer , residing i
east Washington. Ilo testified h
had seen Guiteau at the White Hous
and regauled him as craxy. This wii
ness was sharply cross-examined an
( ho information elicited that ho wa
a chronic oIlice-Heeker and his bus
ness at the White House waa to ai
vise Gai field.
Cinr [ Makers on a Strilco-
ti'fitlonal AKNOdatctl I'I-CHHI
MiMVAUKni ; , November 2i. ( On
thousand cigar makers in HUH city luxv
loft their benches and refuse t
resume work until the obnoxious rnli
posted by tbo employ-era uroressindet
The lockout will probably bo a Ion
Horvy Fire iii
PiTTsyuiwi , Noycmter 20. Tl ;
tiinnory of Kiefor A ; Co. was total !
destroyed by fire at 5 o'clock tb
morning , causing a Ions of $125,001
Four dwellings wore fired by tl
tltimos from the tannery and woi
burned to the ground. Loss § 8OCi ,
This company bus hud three tanner !
burned since 180 ! ) and this , as well i
the others , is supposed to'bo the woi
of an incendiary. The building w
ono of the largest und finest in tl
country. There was $811,000 insu
ance on the building.
It Hoiuls tlio 1.1st
Of nil other preparations or medicines. .
, cadnche , di//.iiu > sx or
of tlm n y.stL'in , liuiinix
IJi.oon Hirinus have Thuy nox
fall in niroidiiiK iuuncdinlo relief. Pr :
ijl.00 , triil HUO 10 centH. eodlw
Crnolcor Factory Buruod-
KatlonM AnHoclatoiI I'ruHU
NKW Youi ; , November 27. A II
this morning in Charles F. Goodw
& Sou's cracker bakery , on Fro
street damaged htock and machine
to the amount of § ; ! 0,000 , und t ]
buildingS 1,000.
Two Yomi K Mou Drownotl.
Nat oniil Akiaclntvil I'ns' .
I'HAiuii : Du CIIIKN , Wis. , Novel
her ( . - - young men bro
through the ice hoio while skatii ;
Two of thorn , named PHIZ and Mi
kett , were drowned.
Buclum H truion Salvo.
The best salvo in the world for oul
bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rhoui
fever sores , tetter , chapiod hani
ehillblains , corns and all kinds
skin eruptions. This salvo is gut
an teed to give perfect satisfaction
every case or nioiioy refunded. 1'ric
SJ5o per box. For sale by
Pliili-Eyo lu Plttslmrg.
Prrrsiiunii , PA. , November ' 'C.
The I'ink-lSyo is spreading very ra
idly in this city and over a thouaai
horse.s ore now down with it.
Au Editor Doml-
National Atuocmtuil I'rom.
DAVKNI-OHT , November2 ( ! . Col.
M. Haverstick , editor of the M eli
Dispatch , is dead.
Dr. Kind's Now Discovery for Cc :
MiinpUon in certainly the groati
medical remedy over placed within t
reach of sud'oring humanity. Tin
Hands of once holnless suHorers , n <
loudly proclaim their praise for (1
wonderful discovery to which tli
owe their lives. Not only does it pu
lively euro Consumption , but Cougl
Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , II
Fever , Hoarseness and all all'ections
the Throat , Chest and Lungs yie !
lit once to its wonderful curative po
or as if by magic. Wo do not usk y
to buy a largo bottle unless you kn
what you use gutting. Wo therefi
earnestly request yoiv.tu call w ' y <
, and'gu
trial bottle free of cost which will c <
\ jico the most skeptical of its wend
ful merits and show
, you what a ro <
lur ono dollar sixe bottle will do i
sale by lah & MeMuhon. ( -1
I10VD , PfOiri | 'or.
11 , I. MAH'II , IliiMntM Mnn icr.
Moudfty , Nov. ! 21 ,
Grand Mnllnro ThanktRlylnB Day
nnd bnturtln/ .
AND 1113 ( .HAND fOMIll.N'ATIO.V ,
Ml Mltchi-H1nilr o.v n' . ; AI. Unman , Actitrl-
loipil t : I'l&nk Ijiwton , UNneilhn ; I'rof. Vlckcry ,
Solo I'lanltt ; i. H Hiirkr , n Spcmltlcs. ant picii n' ' irlt in nwnj At uicn ) ictonn-
Ailmla lon , 011 a , " .V anil fO , No cvtiti
clm o tor rc-cr J iat scturetl nt Ilex Ollkc
Mrt. .1. il. Itnlitttxon , PIU < litirc , Tn.ritcs : " 1
was HtilTcrtriif irniii 'ciicnil ilclillltv , want of ft | >
IKtlte , constlnitl'iir , etc. , HO that llfii viiu a bur
den ; nltvr u lii { Ituiilocl. Illood Illtti n I fu-lt bet
ti-r than for 3 tars. 1 cannot jiralso your Hitter ;
tOO IU1K.ll. ' '
11. Ollilin. ot JlufTuto , N. Y. , wrltci : "Voui
lliinlock lllci llltturn , In Llironloillsi-ai-csot tin
hloo'l Ihcr & . .J XliliiL-yj , hnio been sUnalh
in > rli-il with MICCCMI. Inaxo U"u'l tlii-in injtcl
x\lth lic t runlti , for lorpiillty ottlioll\cr nmlli
cn eel a frlonil of ml no Miticrlng from dro | > 8y
the ullcct waa inaittloua. "
IlnicoTurnir , llochmtcr , N. V.urltcs"I
been snbjfct to norioiH ( INcinltr of tlio
aiul iiiiablo to attend to liii lntBs : I'.nrdock Illooi
IllttcM rt'llc\c < l ml' bcforu half abottlu nos used
1 fvcl uoiillilt-iit that they "ill entirely euruiiiu , "
II. A > > ciiltli Hall , Tlliiijliniiiiiton , N. Y.rltc ?
"I Hiillcruil willi 11 lull pain through tnv cl
liiii 'ntnl ulioiildcr. IiOnt my uplrlti , np ) > ctit
amlioldr , nnJ vunlil with illilieulty keep up nl
iliy. Took j our ISnrdoik Dloixl ISittors ns til
rui-tul. nnd liiM' felt i.o pain alncu llifcteik nl
ter nslii ) ; them. "
Mr. Noili Italos.liiiIrx , N. V. . write ? : "Abou
( our jo.iri tv 'O I bail an uttack of liilioiisluicr , a'x
never fnllj recoMrml. My tll eHtl\o or an
KcroMenKeni.lanil I would bcconiplctily | roa
tratnl for ihAtcr ( iis-ln two liottlui'of joti
Itiintovk IHooil Ilittcri tbe iinproxeiiirnt uas H
vi ililo that I was ustonhho ! . 1 i-an now. limit ; ; ]
01 jears of age , dja talr anil rcasonablu day'
C. Illackct llolilnson , projirlctor of The Canad
rre bytcrian , Toronto , out. , writes : 'Tor year
I mifTercil iciratly from rft-rcenrrin bcatlainc.
nped jotir litinlock lIKd ! lUttcr-i with hapjiie"
rcsultK , and I now liml np' elf In better bealtl
tban for years patt. "
Mm. Wallace , Ilntfalo , N. Y , writes : 'I ha\ >
used lliinlock lilooil lllttcri for ncrMius and bit
loin huidachcj , and inn recommend it to an } on
requiring a euro for blllioiuncu. "
Mrs. Ira Jlnllholland , Alliiny , X Y , writes
"l-'or Bovcral yearn I hao Biillcrnl from of t-rccnr
rlii ; , ' billions headaches , tljspciitia , and com
iilalnU pciuliar to my BOX. Stncu u ln \ou
llnrdock llluod IlUtera 1 nm entirely relluxcd. "
Price , 91.00 per Slottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Ots
FOSTER , & Oo , , Props
Sold at w1i0\ce'nlo \ by tell & McMalion anil C. I
Goodman. jo 27 coil-ino
Ono of the Dcasonnble Pleasures
01 lllc , a p oiicrly cooKed meat , affords llit'o i
iioprcfent en j lyttient , nnd lull.Htibscipicnt to
M toaconllnneddjiiieptlc. ] Hut when chrin
* urlB'i'stlonlnconibitle < lwitb 'ostcttcr'sS oinai
indtcM , tbo food \i \ ca'ni with rrllih , nnd mo
Illtportancol all , \IM \ hnllateil bj and nourish
ImuHjhtcm. Use till ) irrand tonic ami correct !
hlso to remedy < on tlpitlon , biliousness , the
ma Ism , fo i ran i
_ _ l'or ilu by all lrui'plUand Do Icngcncrall
Real Estate Ageic ;
Keep n ciimj 1eta abstract of tltlo to ( le
KBI < - In Oiiiiha ti'i llonula" fnnntv. mnv
Pay Taxes , Rent Housea , Bt (
CMI lit OiHca. noom 8 , Crrlghton lllock , Omah
ILER & CO. ,
iir - B. D.
uor And Notary Publics.
ock , OK oilta P
Will Remove in a tew
days to
You will do well tc
call and examine
our stock of
At 1422 Douglas St , near
Which will be 3olci at Extra
ordinary Low Prices Be
fore Moving.
H a n d s o m e s i
For Sale by
521 South Tenth St.
Mary J. Holmes
Just ( itilillHheil : Madeline. A splendid nt
novel l > y Mus. MAIIV J. HOI.MRS , uroso DOM
bell HO unoriuowjly , nntl are xaj and ro-ri1 ;
uitli eucli Inlcrutt. lloautltiilly bound ; prlc
* . 'Also liamlsomo new editions olMrn. Holmi
other works Tiniiwbt ami Sunshine , I.c
llhcni. IMIthLlu , lna Bromilni ; , Marianflrt
Wiwt I.-mn , Koriut House , itc , etc.
A Chanced Heart. Another Intensely Inti
estlng novel by JUv AONKH KLKMINU , author
the o capital iioii-l * Quy llarUcourt'n Wife ,
Wonderful Woman , Md Marriaxo , Silent a
Trno , Ixnt ( ar a Woman , etc Ikautlfully torn
price , { l.M.
O t24deodlm. I'ubllshcw , N. Y. City
Axle Greas
Us i on Wagoni , lluirglcs , llcajwrn , Thresh
tml Ulll Machinery. It I. ISVALVA . TO Ml
CLARK & WISE , Manuf's ' ,
306 Illinois Street , Chicago
BE 1 FOll rUIC" * . ' < -fw
Mining and Milling Company.
ntilt il , - $ co < ,000.
npitalbtO'K ' , 1,100IOO.
nr Value of Mme , J2i,000.
OZ-33 : C 33 ECSS s
DU. J J. THOMAS , t'nssMcnt , Cunitiiln\Vyotiilii , ' .
WM i : TIMo.V , Vlcc-I'rcsUcut , Cumnilr.j , Wjomlnir.
K. X. 1IAHWOOI ) , Secretary , Ciiiniiiln' , Wyomlnjr.
A. ( I. LI'NN , Trca ! > trcr , Ctnmnliij , Wycinlnp.
r. .1. 1. Ilionns. loiil Miller W.S. I'.rMnrl A. O I'unn.
. N. 1'runcls Lca\ei > < ( icn. 1 * . F.ila
Dr. J. C. Wa
Oio. : W. Kr.N'IiAM. . Author ? c.l 'crnt lor Fnlo nt sto k.
On River Bank , Bet. Farnham nnd Douglas Sts. ,
8 )1.11 > lv
Lumber Laih
, , Shingles ,
hirtoench aud Cnliforma Streets , OMAHA , - - NEB
Wall Paper and VVSncloW Shades.
1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb.
1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET.
The only exclusive wholesale house in this line in the west.
1 F jiS
Phe Only Bzclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska
] y IS-mc _ _ .
. G.
1213 Farnhcm St. Omaha , Neb.
s U A E T is js
We desivo to call the special attention ot the trade to om
elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PEICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan
Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overehirts , Overalls
Hosiery , &c. , uow open. Wholesale only.
Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts.
1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Nob.
Conalimncnt8 nmdo us x > lll receive prompt attention. Rofereiicci : State Can'.c , Omaha ; 1'Iatt
; " " ' ' * f" ' 'lin-lnnatl.
s Co. . llaltlmoro : IVck & lumber Chlrni/oi ( III
B I u I P
Banislies Oures Prevents
Oliest Pains 7
Bad Breath , I imuuu jLcuuoi , | iiiuiuuuuini
Blood Spitting , , Colds and Chills , 'Phleglimm ' the Throat
Breatlilessness , Oattarrhs , Pains in the Sides ,
Bronoliitis , Dronp , Pleurisy ,
. . Bend for Sfmpto Dotllc , 3G cents.
a ? . 33.
IPoJt-Ofilce Cox 002 , m > U5tf 8. W. Pierce and 20th S