Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1881, Image 1

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The Sins of the Sons of Sata
Reported Yesterday.
Decapitate a Man an
the Head Talks After it
is Out Off.
-A Prominent Citizen of Pawm
County Shot for B ing Too
Intimate , You Know.
TltoDootls of the Devils * Th
Trnmplrcd Generally.
XnttOB&l AtMclatcil I'ruw.
EVAVSTOX , 111 . November ' 'Ij
.lohu Gains , n German siged 512 , \
arrested to-day , clmruud with the
cent brutal murder of Willian HODS
The misoiier wore u suit of tlio 111
clored man , and had papers in his p
session implicating linn. Hcconfes !
and said ho lulled the man with two
three blows of an axe , and had nu
no attempt to escape , but was still
the ncighboihiMid.
COLUMIIUH , Go , , November 27.
A negro festival in Uib county 1
aiiglit a largo .amount of whisky \
< , which resulted in a row , d
ing which Oliver Clark ( white ) in
tempting to prevent the mob fr
breaking into his house , accidents
shot and killed his wife.
SAN ANTONIO. Texas , November
The Corpus Christ ! stngo i
robbed on Friday night near 0
villo by two masked mun. The o :
passenger had no money. The n
pouches were cut opsn and rogistei
packages taken.
SHOT roii I'oouxo WITH ins wi
PAWMKE CITV , Nob. , November
H. M. Myers , living in thov
part of the county , a prominent c
zen , was shot on Thursday night b ;
man named Stanton. Stanton thou
Myers was too intimate with
( Stanton'a ) wife. Stanton has dis
pcared. Myers cannot recover
PITTSVILLB , Texas , November 2 ?
A hortiblo murder was commit
near huro last night. Five nugi
employed Artliur Arinsteud ( coloi
to haul a lulo of stolen cotton
then killed him to prevent his telli
The poov victim Begged for his
and asked the privilege to pray bel
death. Thu miscreants cut oil'
head and 'ho .nouth repeated its ut
ance , "Pray , " "pray , " after
BUFFALO , November 27. On
Stth , the body of what purported t
E. ( jr. Burnliam , of Lancaster ,
' .cemetery.
and the body stolen. Search dis <
prcd it , ( lone up in a sack and hid
in the bushes. A watch was iust
ted and in the evening threumsn v
seen driving to the spot. The gar
opened fire on the men , who di
away. One of thorn , Edward P.n'
an undertaker of Lancaster , skip
to Canada. The body was fete
to bo that of a man GO years of :
who died from strychnine , and \\1
certificate of death was signed by
Cotton , of this ciiy , stating the o :
of death to have boon dysentery.
was ascertained that the snppi
Burnhmn had died at the lions
Orrin Thum.ii , Thomas was urre :
on the charge of grave robbery discharged. The subjtitutio
the body having since cr mo to 1
ho was arrested yesterday uu
charge of minder. Burnliam hi :
heavy insurance on his life and i
supposed the old man was poise
and buried us linrnliam in orde
beat the insurance company.
Miscollatioons Criminal Now
Natlutia.1 Associated 1'reis
Sarah Campbell was found mur
cd in her house in Ilaimnond a !
Baltimore , on Saturday. A largo
wound WAS discovered near the i
shoulder joint. Another woman
ing in the same house heard scull
in thewoman's room at 2 o'clocl
morning. No clue.
Mrs. 'Miller , of Falls , I <
came insane at the loss of her bust
and killed two of her children
tried to kill a third on S iturd.iy.
In Now York on .Saturday ill
noon during a quanel , John 11 M
of 007 Wont Twenty eighth Htr
shot and killed Giio , A. Donahue ,
of the same place. The two
were ( ju irroling when Dinihitoc !
a revolver and lirod two shots at 1
tol. Ho in turn defoivh'il hnnsrlf
killed his assailant , lie w.manes
William Hargrove was nrrcalut
Iliintington , Trim , Saturday iii
and placed in jail fur the iniink
his brother-ill- , named ] { ci o ;
near Caimlen , on Saturday.
Last evening Forest V.'inmnn
used 1 ! ) , wax found m his roon
New York , nearly dead from a p
shot wound. His coinpanion , J
L. High , aged 17 , was arrested in
room , Both wuro statlonls at Pol
kcopaio and were visiting lioro. I
refuse to explain the shouting.
MIIAVAUKEU , November 27.
day night thieves broke into the
tablishment of the Hanson Em
Fur company and made n huu
§ 4,000 worth of fur garments.
A tolugramo from LanYegvHBt
that Francisco Jurdon , n Moxi
was lynclicd at Cnohilla Nogra ,
the murder of Mrs Fu.ste.
The American Boolt xcbnn { ;
National Aanoclxtid I'reua.
NKW YORK , November 27.
trouble of the American Book
change has culminated in the app (
mont of S ttnual V. JUndall us
caivor by the supreme court. It
incarpowtod in 1878 with a ca |
stock of Slii.OOO of whicb. $10,000 w
paid in. The authorised capital w
increased January l-l , 1880 , to Sid
000 , of which gaOjOOO was paid i
their statement showing debts to t
amount of § 40,000 at that timo. T
capital stock was again increns
Fobnmry 1st , 1881 , to $ ' . > 50,000 , n
their annual statement , dated Aii
31 , chewed $100,000 had bncn paid
nml the existing debts did nut exec
gL14,000. _
N tlonM AiwoclMctl Prow.
WAHHIXOTON , November 27. 1
signal service corps&t ition at Ch.ithn
Muss. , reports to the chief of the s
mil olice ! as follows : At 11 a. m. S
.irJnyn largo two-masted ) schooner v
ported sunk with nil sail set , abt
live miles northeast of Pollock He
The lights of the dhtp and about o
liird of her masts are above the \
or. Nothing is known of her en
GiuND UAIMDS , Midi. , Novom
7 A lioiler in James Henry's sli
ulo mill exploded yesterday , .lost
Slater , the enuineer was killed ,
, op of his head bning cut otf by a
ng mt'sle. D.xvid Hardy , from 3
tie Hill , was also killed , his head
crushed. CJeo. Bland '
slightly hurt. Thu mill was utk
demolished and Mr. Henry's ho
lear by was badly injured.
PiiiLADLriiiA , November 27.-
street car was run into by a fire
ino to-night. Two men were instr
V killed and several poMona injui
One of the dead is believed to
Thomas E. Conarly.
Now Freight Tariff.
National As.iocl.itwl 1'rcxt. '
CHICAOO , November 27 The C
cairo it Alton has decided to put
.lew freight tarift'into elfoct Docem
1st , the rates of which will bo a
gt.mtially the same as adopted by
railroad and wnri'liousocoiuniissiaiii
The Illinois Central people have
so decided to adopt the now tariff !
comber 1st.
The Chicago & Northwestern , it
understood , also contemplate
adoption of the new commission
Mndo nu
National AiOO atml 1'
LOUI.SVILLU , November 27 , Jai
Hr.ulley , piesidoiit of the Houtli
railway news company , trustee of
interest in the banking firm of Bi
Icy , Gilbert it Mallory , and a mom
ot a lumber firm , has mule un'ass :
ment toV. . C. Hull. Liabilit
$103,000 ; assists unknown. It
caused by speculations in Texas Pu <
and other stocks.
Arrived With n Wrocliod Cro
Natiouiil Auidclatcil I'rtHs.
NEW YOHK , November 27.
German ship lied \nghas arrived , 1
ing on board nil the cruW , with
exception of C.ipt Oliver and one
man , of the Spanish bri' Sala * ,
cued during a heavy g-vlo on Thuri
last. The captain and seaman '
drowned by the swamping of one
their oivrt boats on n high Boa.
Nutmiml Ai-hUilatcit Pruis. , *
NLW YORK , November 27.
steamship Dugro , which left this
on Wednesday last , broke her i
crank sliafc when eighty miles
Sandy Hook. She was picked u
the Thornholmo and towed back.
damage was slight and the vessels
again in a short time
Cyrui W.IFl
National Associated I'TUHJ
Nnw YOHK , Novemiiet 2" . C
\V. Field has taken po-session of
Evening Express p/ipor. Tiie edit
stall' and nwiumi'r ipf the paper .
sent in their esi. nati.uis , but
ruipjosted to rem 1:11 : a ft-w days lei
Tim piper will bo moigeditl'
Evening Mail m.xt wci'k.
VloVooilhtiH iiuil Ilor Dntigl
National Ai jui.ituil I'rchS.
Nnw YOHK , November 27. A7
ria 0.Voodhull has returned ;
Europe with lierdaughter L'llu Ma
This w the young lady who was 01
eously reported about to marry ' .
Colin Campbell , brother of the J
quis of Lome.
Iiumonne Iiiiud Longno Mootii
N tlonul Akajcla cd Pies * ,
BOSTON , November 27. Thu
ton theatre was packed this evoi
the occasion lining u grand dcmnn
tion in behalf of the land li >
cause. Governor Long presi
Kuv. Eiigono Slieehy and T.
Healy , M. P. , m.ido addresses.
Navigation Closad.
atiinalH odut-cl I'rcss.
HOUC.HTO.Vlieh. . , November 2
NrV.jittion cliisud ivi'h tla > deai ] )
of the propiillur S.unuul l < \ Hodgi
Deu'tilt P rt iau luke i < fui/.on
and mails and passengers are c.u
overland frtmi I
Swallowo 1 T-inuilnuuni and D
N tlouil As ci.itu 1'iciS
CIIIUAOO , November 27Frm !
Lirief , a machinist , Having beu
djipundoiit at his ladiiru to wit
all'Dctionn of his liindlu'ly ' , ( iw.illi
a d'ise of laud mum in hur prus
and diud anon aft r
. , . , . . „ . . . . . , . . Ovnviluo.
Kitionil A-HoclaUil 1'roi .
Nr.w YDHK , Novumber 27 !
ocuin stu nnshi'i ! ) are now ovurdu
this port from tlireo to five days ,
incoming vessels ropnr : tt-rriblo (
on Ihu Atlantic and untutully vk
Nltlnnal Anioclatul I'JU-H ,
JJosTON , Novoml'er ' 27. Thei
no change in the position f the
kers nt EmorHoii'd pi-inn factory ,
strike is liable to continue for a
time. _
Fnnornl nf n Promlnnnt Mai
National A-Jocistwl I'lctu.
BO.STO.S , November 27. The fi
al of Traoy P , Cho'tver ' , grind BI
tary cf the Musonio nrdt < r , oscu
yesterday. A large number of
sons wore present.
Over Speoial Agent Oibson
Eiglitto His Title ,
The Logncy MncVoagh Loft
His Successor m the Do-
partmout of Just'ce. ' )
B\irdon orar , Voltimlnonii Oori
Hjiondoiico Over A Tri
vial Matter.
'fttioiml ' Assoilatwl 1'rcw.
WAsiiisciroN , November 'J7. ' 1
nestion of authority in the case of
> 1. Gibson , who claims to bo n spec
.ttorncy of the depaitmcnt of just
still i'\ci
n the star route eases ,
inch comment. The following ci
'cspondeuco ' on the subject wasiiu
ublic last night :
PosTOKritT. DKl'AUr.MK.NT , \
WAHIIISHTON , November 'Jfi |
13KAH Sin : I have received fr
ho chief clerk of the department
ustico a communication of this d
n which lie states that some one 1
jpon his table yesterday win
itip purporting to bo addressed to
nitorney general. It does not upp
from any thins ! in the el
stork's 0011111111111011011 that ho wri
by authority , and I presume ho
acted without instructions. Howev
I deem it proper to address you
this subject , and to state I do i
know who left upon the chief clei
desk yesterday any printed slip , p
porting to bo that or any other tin
In obedience to instructions of the
ornoy general 1 made n report , a c <
: > f which was transmitted on Wodn
day , 'Jilrd inat. , 'to yourself. T
' . 'onimunication was sealed mid
ilrcssctl to "Tlio Honorable Act
Attorney General , Department
Justice. " I am H33urot\ \
aino was delivered at 2
[ ) . m. , day and da o above m
.ioned , fco iv Colored mossong
ivho stated you were in your ro
\Vidtliatho\\ontd hand it to y
lleport was submittud to the late
tornoy and approved by hi
and by his direction and tlio sugui
ion of Colonel Geoigo Bliss , a ei
was transmitted to you as acting
torney goner it. In accordance v
tlio instructions of your predeccs
I submit some of the results ot
nvoitigation which at tiis requos
have made. 1 was appointed at
request of Colonel Gt-orgo Bliss , i
stated ho had seen you in regard
this matter aii'1 at your request c
municalcd with me on the subj
The chief clerk says i
tliere is nothing
record in the dopattment of justice
authoii/.e the title applied to my
nature to the report of " -peciul
sistant Attorney of the United Stat
I have to state that on April 22 , II
1 was employed by the attoi
general as special assistant attorne
represent the department of juai
and to assist in the investigations
[ prosecutions of the star route c :
] "ftrg'propcrforTnrrt ; < r Btulo-that , .
employment was unsolicited by-
self. The first interview I over
with the attorney general < - > r i
mister go leral on the .subject of
investiyatii n of the star route fr ;
was at tlio residence of
attorney general on the night of J
1st , 1881. Tlioio wuro present
postmaster general , Gen.Voodv
and the aUoim < y general. The la
informed mo th it my si-mccs as ro
Buutativo of the department of jui
we I'd ilosired in thu pivHuciitinn of
Htiir routii caaes ; Woodward
the poslnniHter general had lee
mondu i my employment to thu pi
dent and at his rcqiiL'.it liad caused
to bo telegiaphed at Now York ,
ing mo to ouno here. 1 told tin
tornoy general if my appointment
siuctioned by thu president at
could bo ix-tained as special attoi
I would incept. The next
at the ivqui'Ht of the
torney general I called at
oilico of tin- attorney , and
informed by him that ngieeablj
the re < iuesi of Woodward and at
recommendation of the postnui
general and the approval of the p
dent , I wan retained in the casus
supposed , if course , the fact tin
had been retained was made a m ;
of reuoril in the department of
tice > I learned subsequently i
was not the caeo , although tlio
tornoy general was positive
had directed u , the custoi :
formal cmninuniclition to beaddri' '
to nu * . Upon inquiring heascerta
this had not bei-n done and theret
ho addroHsed mu n note dated Get
22 , J831 , in which lie Bays : "I
t.iinly suppo d it had been ( loin
the dale ot thu ivquent of Mr.V
waid .mil tlio pustinastor general ,
1 bund yon this imtu to certify
yun wuro iii-uorilingly cmployuil
tlit'su mnttuiH of tlial dite. " J <
that date , April liL' , I have nctt
tint cajuuity in whiuh 1 wan rutaim
u n-piLHuiilutivu of the depart !
of jiiMiii'c. In obedit-nco to the
Htruction of the ultornaygener
liuvo ut pro\ious times repoitet
him in writing I have from the
of my oiiiplnyiiHMit by thu atto
general , in preial district attor
b on ri'cogniy.uil as such by him
by all oilier nfliuura connected
thu Htiir loiitn CiiHiH. A copy of
report which I tra.iHinittudun the
was pi mod in type by order of
po.itmaster general , to whom u
of thu Hamo wan given at hi ) rr < |
ami who Ht.ited that the attorney
oral hid informi-d him that ouch ;
uort had been undo. 'I'lio utu ,
geuor.d on Monday , No * lltji , J8SI , diiootod me
Hubtnii tlio repoit to the poslm
goncral The postmaster guttural
i ; mo directinim to liuvu the n
printed n part of the annual ro |
and desigirited whtro thuHamow ,
appear , immediately after tlio n
nf the second UKKibtant ] ) OHtm
genoral.On my return from
York last Saturdiy , Colonel Gu
Bliss , who was fully aware that I
prepared a report , nnd to whom
of the unrovisctl proof.nhpn had lu
given by mo inNew ; \ ork on the mot j
ceding Thursday , Jntormwl
. " "P * OI . '
Bonio ono had given you
nnrovised pro.ofn , nnd you
requested him to BOO .
in. regard tt > some corrcclio
which you thought ought to bo inn
in the Imigungo of the report. All t
corrections winch Col. Blisn suggest
were mndu and a revised proof giv
him. He then informed mo ho 01
endorsed the report but would sin
behind it , and 1 submitted you ft s
in accordance \vith the undorsUintlt
that ho had , with jou , to transmit
formally to thu postmaster general ,
order that the report might come
him through the regular otlicial clu
nel mid regularly appvar ns part o {
report. As the chief clovk
thu department ol just
does not raise the quest !
about the regularity of my nppm
miMit , but questions my right to I
title of Bptciiil assistant attorney
tlio Tinted Stales. 1 suggest tl
yon , nt as early n date as
communicate with the Into nttori
general , nnd if ho agrees with
statement of facts and circumstniic
that you direct the chief clcik
make a record of my employment
assistant attorney of the Uni
.States. The intention of the nttori
general must be poifeetly plain
uvery ono. Of course , I don't kn
what records of the department of j
tice do or do not sli
whoso fault it is that there is n
any doubt in the chief clerk's in
upon the subject. It : oems to mo
I may bo permitted to HUVit is '
warranted inforfcr"nco on liis pari
address mo on this subject nt nil.
view of the publications affecting
which have been made hero and el
where upon his authority , I tt
you will find it compatible of your
tion of what is proper under thu t
cuinstanccs , to take some notice of
Very rcspecfully your servant ,
A. M. Gtnso.N
ecitd. At istant Attorney ' 'for i
XJnited Stafea. !
To linn. S. F. riilllli * , Aitlns Alnarn y (
crnl. ;
Mr. Phillips replied ns follows :
Novomb. r 20 , 1881. '
To A. M. b 11 , T-M ] ;
Slit In reply tt * youra of the 'J
inst , I have to say that the chief clef
of this departmunt in wilting to
his note of the 2 ? > th acted by nut )
ity , viz , his own authority wl
made it hU duty to call your till
tion to the paper lotc t in
casual way as described j by . '
< ui his tiblc , as well us to the title
sinned by you which is justified
nothing upon his iccord , and wl
can bj justified in no ether v
Theru is neither commission nor <
of oilico in the tin a of this dbpartm
and both are necessary to the eroal
of an assistant attorney of ( he Uni
Statfs. Upon this statement of f
I must iisaumo you have ' misuin
stood the character of , lho age
which you have received .om At
ney General MacVeagh , IB for
contents of thu pape rcfe :
to by the chief cle1 * of
deportnumt , * , it. , . t
enough for mu to consider them \ \
thu report shall have been made to
department , tvhichhas not yet I
done. It would have been morori
lar if you had transmitted a rog
report to mu , identified by signal
ami to remain upon the tiles of
depart moat. My attention has n
boon drawn to anything except
slip mentioned by the chief el
The conversation to which you i
between Col. Ulias and myself as
of the United States utloinoys in
prosecution of the stir loute o ;
was with regard to a report madi
you to the postmii-iter gonuiul , it i
eriiiL' , us 1 underHtand , thu e
grounds occupied by the slip left i
the table of the chief clerk
this department. Huprcauntiit
had been made by of )
engaged for the government in
star route prosecution to the e
that the publication ot that n
might injuriously nll'cct those c. .
Such complaints liad reached
Bliss and myself independently
haa not read the report , althou
hud noticed several of its expresi
in one particular passage. Col. .
had road it , and I told him it was
him , Brawnier and Col. Cool
say whether its publication w
afreet thu prosecution. Ho
spoke favorably of the
tor in the general form of tin
port and said he would suggest to
that corta'n jnnsagiK xhould be r
ted or changed ho did not Kay w
and then the paper might wul
published. NVo were not bpo.ikin
any report to this department bn
thu repoit to the poatollieo depart !
which h ul bdon btotight to my al
tion in order that f might im
about the effect of its public. itioi
the star route prosecutions. On
point ] WHS entirely willing to bo
orned by the p'ofuhsioiial gonth
who represent thu United Sto.toi.
Very Jlcspec'fully ,
S. F. Pmii.irn ,
Acting Altonioy-Generi
A AVorld iif Good.
One of the mont popular tnedii
now hoforo the American public
Hop HitloiH. You BCD it overywl
People take it with good elleet ,
builds them up , It in not as pled
to thu taste as KOIIIU other Bitter
it IB nut a whiaky drink , It in i
lll.u the old fashi'iiied ' biinu-ail
that has done a wurlu ! of goml
you diin't feel just light try Hup
torn. - - Nunda News.
Clias. Shiverick has received n
l t of nuw chamber Huts , in latest
bent Htylen iintl nf imputiorior v
niaiiHliipand linith , which ho in t
ing nt low prices. A careful in
tioa by parties intorented is nolle
CIIAH. Siiivr.r.icK ,
General Ilouaeliold Furnitun
1208 nnd 1210 Farnhiim ht
Blanket , Blankets , BlankotB
the "Hoston Storo. "
Attoinptefl Assassination of
Russian Jaflgo by a Pole ,
How tbd Cnuso 01" Mali Pr
dom io ProBtforing Ai o R
the Pronoii ,
CnbloRrnnm Containing tlio Gri
oral Enroponn Now * of the Day-
N'nt'.onM Ansool.itcil I'rccx.
P'lits , Novoiuhor -Announc
mont has been made in the lobbies
the chamber of deputies that tl
has decided '
I'V'iich government
withdraw the deeroo against Amorici
pork. Thu late minister , M. Tierav
threatens intoipolntmn on thesubjot
It is well known that the deeroo
question was duo more to Tierari
hatred for America and America
than to Ins anxiety for public healt
i.AXi ) i.KAun : r.u-si : IN TAKIS.
Niw : YOUK , November 'JO. A Pal
c.iblegrair says im attempt to revi' '
the luttUKnglish ngit.ition in I'm
is being made by Mr. ICgnn , the hit
league Ireasurer , wlio has necnn
jiiurnalistie iiBsistancu from Iruhn
for that purpose. Extracts from Id
papers aiu to bo translated and BO
regularly to French papers to corn
( as Mr. Kxnn put * it ) I
impression made by the e
uninious stnteinuui of Unglish papi
and news ngncies. " It is time t
lenguo did something in Paris to i
cover its vanished prestige. The I ]
bats to-day even insinuates that t
resolution of Mr. Parnull to tnko
more money for food from the long
funds shows that thu financial com
[ toll f ( the league is not very tloi
slii' g. This , however , is not tri
or Mr. Egnn states he bus just at
§ 20,000 to Miss Pnrnull , and has
coived § 5,000 , from T. P. O'Conn
.tie first proceeds of his lour throii
Mr. Pelor ( VLo.u-y , well-known
connuclion with thenuricultural lab
ers' movoinoiit , has just visited Pit
tt > . confer with land leaguers he
After u long and exhaustive discusa
i > f the subject thu executives of '
luagnu have determined to further
InberuiB1 eauso in Ireland by ov
.iiuaiis in their ( lower. A full und
standing has been arrived at with J1
O'Loary , who sails for Huston
ST. PKTEUSIIUUO , November 27 -
youth yesterday sent a letter to G
Fcliereino , who has been prusid
over the commisBion appointed to p
upon the Siberian exiles , asking
immediate interview and saying
matter which ho wished to lay bef
the general wus of the most nrg
nature. The general ordered
writer of the loiter to be admit !
Scarcely had the stranger boon usht :
into thu general's room than ho d
> n revolver and fired at the gtine
I TKf ball 'passed hnrmlcsalwr'bntw
his arm and side. Attendants sect
mid disarmed the youth , who sair
was merely thu instrument of imol
MAIIIIID , November 27. In
senate yesterday Senor Jlento as
if thu government would negot
with England for thu realittitioii
Spain of Gibraltar. Senor Arm
foreign minihter , lepliud that HI
must maintain friendly relations \
IJOMIDN , November U7. Sir A
Hum llnrcoiirt , seerulnry of state
thu hoiiiti department , IHIH refnsei
interfere with the sentence of Luf
for thu ninrdur of Mr. Gold.
Thu marquis of Hartiiiglon ,
fliiikiiig ] ) ! at Jilaukbiirn yestuiday
elaiud tlio govuninient was dii
pointed with thu results of legiula
for Ireland , but it would exuieisi
thu ] ) owurs of the law to main
order. The failure , ho said , is
wholly due to the pcrvonioncss of
Irish people ; England had coniini
mistakes that were not yet uxpial
Lefroy has confessed to the mu
of Mr. Gold and admitted liu
guilty of thu undiacovurod murdo
Liutit. Itopcr at Chatham , allogiiij
was jealous of Roper'a nssociai
with Violet C unuron , an actreHS.
Cardural Manning is opposed to
nppointiih nt of nn KiigliHh agenl
thu Vatican.
Thu galu , which set in Satin
night , pruvailud thioiighout Sun
ovur thu Uiiiled Kingdom. Low
ing laiKi.s am inundutuil , mid pior.i
st-a walls il Htrnyed. Many wn
aiu lepmled.
H In the I''otir ' Oiiks November ha :
cap at It finin liiini , S.ituti'ay ' , Ii\
land camu in liist , with Lillipn
second aiid Piinnla third
Thu advocacy of thu English ] i
to meet the Irsih oiituigeH by H
ping tiial by juty is increasing.
A dispatch from Otkwn miyn n .1
ish mob Hlontd Saiah liernlnu
earriaguai shu was driving home f
thu thi'iitiu on Ihu ground that
was of Jewish duHueiit. They
Htoni'd tlio hotel and Htoppeil thu
fornmncu at llio Ihuatro.
Tlio aisnilnnt of Gen. Tohuruviii
been identified an a Polish nobtu
named Sawkownki. Ilia acc mpl
liuvu heun arrested. Thu ntluinpt
on the lifu of Gen. Tchoruvin is
Inbiited to ] > ursonal and not poll
( iK.Nr.itAi. NIWH.
VIHNNA , November 27. Imiir ]
bamls aru forming in Itimniu-lk
govina to rc idt AiiHlrian coiiHcript
Jiiu.iK ! : , Novumbur . Kmp
William is rocovcring slowly but
dubility is great.
Jiaron Stuiihon lias roliirned to
lin from his visit to the Yorkt
centennial celebration and expri
satisfaction nt thu heartiness of
American welcome.
November 27. 1
Charles , in owning the Itomnai
parliament to-day , declared that f
ilom of the Danube was cssuntin
the condition of growth of thu c < i
The Dllllnnl Tonrnnmont.
N tlon t AiwocUtfJ I'rriM.
NKW VOIIK , November 27. ' .
first gnmo to decide the tfo for tli
nnd fourth priros in the billi
tournainont wn played Snturdny nft
noon between Morris n < id Wnllaco r
was won by thu former- Morris !
Wnllaco 2tl ! ? .
Tlui second gaino between Wall
nnd , s"ltsin ) was won by tlio latt
ninoty-i.110 were played ; KCJ
' WnllacoJO. '
Slossun ; tllu' -JO.
The deciding K \\o \ . .f .JOO puii
wns played in the1 evening by Slosf
nnd Morris. Slossom wen by a ac <
of .lOOloJltn in 1 Winnings.
Mov mnutn of Oconn Stonmnliij
N lonn Troil AwiHUtinn.
Nr.w YOUK , November 2" . Sail
Saturday The Gerinanie for l tvi
poid ; thu Spain for Liverpool ; the /
syriiin Monineh for London ; thu y
sol for Urumcti ; the Vamlerland I
Arrived The California fiom li
don ; the Wyoming from Liverpool.
LONDON , November 27. Sailed
Thu Persian Monarch for Now Yoi
Ui'iKN.sTWNNovomber'J7. - - Sail
The City of Xuw Yotk tor N
Arrivoil The Adrintiu from N
_ _
The Truiili Iiiuo 'War-
Nitlotml Awoelatcil 1'nMn.
INKW YOUK , November 27. It i
stated at thu oll'mu of Coimnissioi
Albert Fink that there has buun
formal meeting of thu railroad men
settle thu diUuruncus between the tri
linos. There was tin informal cum
Billion between representatives but
definite propositions wore made.
was conceded , however , that po
was talked about , and that the \
might be brouuht to an und in
near future.
Colorado Politician * .
Nftttonnl AwuK-lntal I'ruM
Dr.Mvr.u , Col. , November 127. C
rusHinnn Itulford has left for Wn
ugton , feeling cunlident of
puakurship. Senator GhnlVeu'n char
'or ' u position in thu eibinet are c
ulered nlini in this city. Congr
nan iSulfnrd will help liotitt for
lOKlmaster-geuuialship. It is ttiu
ief huru that Sunator Hill , of
late , is playing Itoutt ngamst Cha
, o kill both. _ _
"WrrntHni ; Miitchos.
Sntloiml AssoelntvJ I'tcw.
LouisviUiR , Novenibor 2(1. ( - >
lomlay night Duncan Kosit it
tvrustlu with .1 11. Moovo , of Chici
'or SiifiO a nldu and after that cun
ivill tacklu Muldoon , UieGriuco-Hoi
ihampion for the same stakes.
.ides . this a letter has been recoi
rom Clarence Whistler chiilluni
loss to wrestle in Chicago for $ (
Committee to Moot the Fottma
National Associated 1'rciw.
PKNHACOL.I , Fla. , November 2
TSy ptlvntcLtoleKrani to tho.colh
of customs' ht ; tliatil E > ' } t ii ?
nonnced a connnittue left M obilo
evening on the steamer Mary L
to moot Postmaster-Gunerat Ji
and party at Cedar K ys.
Aiinthnr KlHn lu Liiinbor.
Nntioiml Asjoi.iU'il I'IOSH
GnicAdo , November 2(5. ( The I
bur Exchange to-day advanced p
50 cunU per thouuiud on coin
hoards , dressed and matched ,
common and cut boards ; shinglen
cents and lath > IU cenU.
The Now York Suli-Troasur ]
Nr.w YORK , November 27. '
Hillhoiiflo , assistant tiu.itsuii'r of
United Stales , hai resigned and
dines to say who will succeed hi !
thu sub-treasury. llillhiMiso will
charge of a nuw financial insliln
Na'.lonul ANsotliitnl I'ri-m.
WASIIINOTON , Noyombur 28.-
the upper Mississippi and lower
souri valleys : Slightly warmer , s
to west winds , falling barometer ,
weather , uxcupt in the extreme m
urn pot lions , and liuht rain or si
Hi ; Commenced.
National A Hit.Utcil 1'nst.
MONTKKAI. , November 27. Sh
ing coinmencod here to-day.
Drnw Ganio.
N tlouil Amoclutcil 1'rcn.
MO.NTKIAI. : , November 27. Th
turnational hand ball match , bet' '
F.Iron , ot Chiu.iu > , nnd Hynn , of 1
treat , resulted in a draw game.
Undoubtedly Ihu best skirt ii
United Status is maiiufautured al
Omaha Shirt Faetoiy. The Hiipi
ily of material and workmanship ,
binod with thoirgreat iniproveniei
that In , icinforeed frontH , ruinfi
backs and ruinforeed bleuves-
tliuir skirls thu most dnrahlu nnd
fitting gnrmunt of thu kind ever
nfucturud at thu moduratu pri
$1.00. Every shirt not our ma
guaranteed liitit elusH , and wu wi
fund Ihu iininuy if found necessar
Wo niaktv n iipeoially of nil
Sliak'jr and ( Janton flannel , IIKO !
mom underwear , made tip with ate
to comfort , warmth and durab
'I'o invalidn nnd weak-lunged po
wu nll'ur special inducumunts i
mannuf tliosu goods are mndu for
If 1207 Fariihiin SI
llackus , tlio ( ) ! ) u man , will bu i
lo welcome visilois next week
with open arms to an hospitablu i
but with smiling fuco to an nrr.i
novnlticH Htieh nu none , two thosi
visited the Cuntonnial uvpositioii
form any idea of. Where ho get
goods is "a thing no man cn
out , " but the prices he eells the
aru simply marvelous.
The President's ' Message to bo-
Well Guarded From Prema
ture Publication ,
Ho Will Now Devote His Ttnw
to Arranging n Now
Minoollnnoanii Now * of TJiilmporf
nncoFrom "Wn Iilinioii.
s'Mlonil A soi Lit cil I'rois.
WANIII.VOTO.V , November 27. -
President Arthur's piivnto secretary
stated to dny that the executive edict
in having no copies f his tnc.isago to
congress" printed was to remove
temptation from the press. Copies
will bo furnished to both associated
piesses only.
Now that the preaidi'iil has this oil'
U mind , it is stated thai ho will give
is attention to propaiing a cabinet
'uti' . Those in ns gooil position as
ny to know , say Lincoln will stay ,
I'rolinghuyaon will succeed Ultimo ,
itid nn ux-sennlor will succeed Jnmes.
ts to whether Hunt will remain
n n question. Some southern mnn
rill bu given his plnco if ho goes.
I'ho president has written n reply to
\ letter from Colom 1 Jack Drown , of
Jeorgia , in which ho says he shall bo
lad to consult with a committee of
no republican from each southern
Into on cabinet formation. Such
ommitleo will wait on him this week.
WANIIIXOTOX , November 27. The
.nil wns visited by many neoplo to-
.lay , but no reporters wuro allowed to
too Guituau , becnuso he wns engaged
lenrly all dny with his defense.
Three gentlemen hnvo been watch- '
ng him vuiy closely nnd ono of them
Mated to-night they untuiimously
igruo he wns inline nnd further claim
lovornl government t'Xierls | ngreo with
hem. A eonferuneo of experts of I
} ith hides was hold on the subject to- I
light. _ _ /
The examination of Mrs. Scovilhi |
ivill bo suspended to-morrow to allow
Biimu witnesses from a distance to bo
leard. After Mrs. Scoville , tlio pris-
nior will tie pill un thu stand. Hu (
said to-day liu confidently expects to
bu acquitted bponusu ho wns sure of
convincing thu jury hu was inspired
by God.
A wull dressed gentleman registered
at Ihu Arlington hotel thin morning its
Albert Lynmn , of New York , and left
an overcoat and pipers , To-night ho
appeared at the Kblritt , and nskeo for
three rooms. Ono wns assigned him ,
but having no bapgngo , a special
officer was dispatched for , who
arrested him. Ilu claimed to hnvu
comu hero to pnvu thu world , nnd snid *
hu was to a certain oxtunt .
Guitcnu , and could solve the moral *
of } "resident Garliold'a taking off. |
city is I
There are now hero twenty-three
iitors nnd sixty-seven members of the-
house , thu number being about-
qiially divided between the two par
i ; nu Eucnunmnut TJndorDlf-
The Omaha bai d reauliud Nebraska
City Thanksgiving under dillii-ullius.
When llioy ai rived at Platlimiouth ,
Mr. Meyer. ) was told ho could not
cross thu river hero , and ho iinino-
ttia uly telegraphed to Lincoln to hold
thu passenger liain until the Platts-
moulh tiain arrived , and if this could
nut bu done , to send him rates for a
special from Plattsinonth to NchniBkn
City. Thu "Jollities" combination
wcru also on the samu train ,
bound for Nebraska Cily , having left
Alchifion nt 1 o'clock a in. nnd gonu
to Plattsmouth. Thu 15. & M. oili-
cinls kindly held thu Nebraska City
tiain two hour * and a half nnd the
band nnd "Jollities" inadu thu con
nection. Judge Meyers him the
thanks of mimy } onii : ; pcuplo nnd
others for hiu vim imd energy in
reaching Nebraska City under so
many difficulties. Nebraska City
Or CIIAH. McDoXAi.ii for genoious
pntiomtgu is hereby tendered to a dis-
ctiniiiinting public , nnd attention in
vited to the following announcement :
Having madu uxteiihivu piopnrations
fur lingo invoices of goods to arrive
wu mo compelled to clenronr countuis
at niiy ci'ht for lack tif space.
AT oxoit , and wo will slaughter our
I''all ' Importations of Tunics , Dolmans ,
Fnr-LinuU Wraps , Embroidered Flan-
nul Skirls , Dressing Sacquep , Simula ,
and Costumes , and nil the nevi It 03
and vniieties included in our htoek.
Thu ( juality of g < iods hpuak for them
Helves , nnd wu will make thu pi ices
FiitiHf.ictory nt any cost. An opportu
nity is now offered lo securu a line im
ported garment at pi ices 25
per cent , lots than any other
house in thu st.itu. None who t-ludy
economy will fail to laku advantage of
Ihu occasion. I offer no pi ice list ,
but kindly invite ono and all to call
and examine for themselves. Wo
must have room by thu 1st of January ,
evun if it is neceseary lo hold un auc
tion mile. Very respect , °
CIIAH , MuDoxAU ) ,
Emporium of Fashion , M08 Fniniun
10 FULLllIEDE'S. '
„ ,
! H
id The silver warn nt IIubermann'B is
at not only told at popular prices but is
the highest grade UB well as style.