THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , NOVEMBKll 2fi , 1881 DAILY BJU OM&.HA PUULISHINgCO PHOPRlfiTOH SIO Farnham , bet 0 h nnd 10th Street * TERMS Ur1 SUIISOItlt'TION. Ono copy 1 ) c.irIn ahaiiccp ( Mpald ) $10 0 months " " . . . B nontli " < . . . s | J BAIL-S'AY riMHJ TABLE. MK CARD rnirAno , t. nil. , VINNKAPOUS A OMMIA. HAII.lllHV. I .ITC Oinahn I'M'riiKcr No. J , Jii'iOa. m. . ' * omiiiOil.itloM No. 4 , 1 .1X1 | i. in Air Oiunlin ' tatvn'ift Xo , 1 , 6:10 \ \ i Accommonntlcn Xo , 3 , 10.0a. : in. LXAMNQ OM\IIA KAbt ( IK 80UI1I BOCNV , C. , B. & u. : * * . m. 3:40 : p. m. C. h N.V. . . 7 : i ) i. in. 3:40 IL m. C. , It. I. A I' . , 7:10 : 1in. . 3 : n p. m. K. C. , St. J. . t. 'I. , limes nt M o. m. a-d B : p.m. Arrlu-ntSt , Ixauljat < i:30 : n. m. niul G : I' , in , W. , St. t , . & P. , IPIXM-I nt S R. m. Mnl 3:40 in. Arrho * at St. UuH iU lIO ) : n. in. nnil 7 : ; . m. WRST OR eoutiiwrsw. 11. * M. In Neb. , Tliroiuh Kxiiruu , StO i , I V. it M. Mnvoln I \in- | .i - U 2) ji. m. U ! Kxprevi , 12lb : i , . in. O. A ( U. V. for tlri.filn , ll'45 . rr. O. A H. V. tor ( Vm > U , 10.M n. in. U. P. In U-lit No. 6 , 6 : : l n. m. U. P , lr ! 'hi Vn. M , S-JOn. ni. U. 1' . Irtlslit No. IS , 2 : 0 p. m. U. I1. In i 1 1 NI. . f , i > 'ii' t > . ni. emlr.Vt | , . . , ! ' . Denver ruprm , 7l.'i : : 11. in. It. p. ir , „ , \ , , ii ; w p. m. U. 1' . Dtmrr ( n-l.'lit , :25 : | t. m. AkMMNU fkuH ( AHT AND l < OUTIl. C. II. & I ; b.UU u. n , 7-2ti : ] i in. C. & \v'ilfi u , n , . " : -lh } > . in. C. H. I. A P. . 11:15 : n. in. U:05 : p. in. K , C. , M. Jnu tVO 11. , 7tOa. : in. 8:45 : pc AXRIV1NO PUOH TIU Itlta ? A.SD HOLTHWKal . 0. A II. V. from Lincoln \,0i ) i. m. U. P. Kxjirc" ; i:2B p. in. II & M. In Nclu , TliMiiirli Kxiri"r | 4:15 p. i n. & M. Utviln IIIIOHIMOa : in. U. 1' . Dintcr iN | < ri > 4 , 'M n. m. n , I' , tiui .n > 1-135 p. in. \J , P. H 0 n. in. Kmlst U. P. lrclht ( Xo. 14 , 1' ! 6 ji. in. U. P. < u. - U.oy 1 1. in. t ) . P. " - . l \-ifi \ a. in. IT. P. Dcmcr ( rclulit , 1:10 n. in. O , & K. V. unxui , ui. 4 1 1 1 > . in. DDHMT TRAINS nrKIIN OMAHA AND Lravc Omixha at Xi , 0:00 : nnd 11:00 : a. n l00 ; 2:00 : , 3:00 : , 4:00 : 6:00 : nnil 0:00 : p. in. Lc&voUoiincl. lllnfl * at S:2fi : , 0:26 : , 11:26 : a. it 1:26 , 2:25 , 3:26 : , 4:25 : 6:26 anil fl : 5 p. m. Suiidayn The dummy leaves Omaha at 9:1 : and 11:00 : a. in. ; 2:00 , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. m. Lcavi U Hindi Uluda at 9:26 : anil 11:25 : a. m. ; 2:26 : , 1 : ' . and 6:26 : p. in. Opening an > : Closing of Mrlli. BOOTH. 0 CLONK. Cnlcauo&N. W ll.'rtO O.ilca o , R I. & IVvclflc. 11:00 Cilra o , U. & 4 11:00 : S oux City niul Piclic. : ; . Uilon 1'atllic Ounliftfc U. V B. &M. In Nub O ii'vtm ft S'oux ' Cliy. . . . B.&M. MnonI U. P. Lincoln "u ulay. . . U. P. DJIIV rKi :00 li : : O. , Sion\Llty&St. P..11 : 0 l < ocal nriiii lor Stale ul lu * leave but oncu day viz : ( i { u n , in. Office open Sundays from 12 in. to 1 p. m. TIKI' . . K HALL P M. Business Jiregtory. Abstract nr < d Real bttale. JOHN L. McOAGUK , oppoalto Poflt Ofiieo. W. H. nAHTLKTT 317 South 13th Street. Architects. DUFKENE & MENrKLS ) ° 01IN , AnCHITECTi Room 14 Cruihton ( Illock. / A. T. LAKOE Jr. , Koom 2. Cmlirliton Block. w _ _ _ . . _ Boot * and Shoe * . JAMES DKVINB & CO. , Fine Boots anil Shoes. A Kocd nsHOitmunt i homo work on hand , corner 12th nnd Harnoy. TIIOS. EU1CKSON , S. E. cor. ICth and Dougln. JOHN FOUTUNATUS , 60S 10th street , manufncturcti to order good vroi at fair prices. Hei > .lriii ' dono. Oed Gprlnie * . J. F. LARRIHEIl Mnnufictnrer. 1617 Dourtani ) Bookt , News nnd Stationery. J. I. FRUEHAUF 1015 Faniham Street. Butter and Eggs. MoSnANK & SCHIlOEDEIt , the oldest B. and 1 houiw in Nelinu < kn eitabllHhud 1876 Omaha. CKNTKAI/ UEaTAUHANT , MK8. A. UYAN , outhweut corner ICthnnd Dodic. De'it Itoanl for the llonoy. Satisfaction Guarantee ! Meals at all Hourx. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Uood Terms for Caul _ Fiiml. neil UnnmB Supplied. _ ( JarrlaRvs an < 1 Rnaa Vtagoni. WM 8NYDER , 14th mid Harney Strocto. jowe en. JOHN BAUMKR 1314 Farnham Street. Junk. H. BF.I'THOLU. lUgHand Metal. Lumber , Limo and Cement. FUSTER & OlV ! corner lh nnd Douglas 8t Lair.piaiul Ulasiware. } . BONNKR I30D U-nulM St. Good Variety Merchant Tailor * . 0. A. LINPtjUKST , One of our tno-t | > opnlnr Mrrchnnt Tnllorn la r , celvlnK tlio latest iU' ! i'iH for HprltiK and Siimini Oooda for trrntlfincn'i * witnr. StylUli , durabU and Prict'H low rm i'\cr 2tfi 13th ln-t , r/lllinery. MRS. 0. A. IIINUKK , Whnli'talo and Retail , Fat cy Good * In trrcat variety , /.eiliyrH | , Card Board , lloaicry , Clovifi , t'or. < i'tn , Atu , t'heajicst HOIIHO I the West. l'iircha ern a.\o 30 put cent. Ordf by Mall. 116 riftii-iith Streft. foundry , JOHN WBAKNE i SONS. cor. hlour and Feed. OMAHA CITY MIIIS , Mh and Farnhtm 8tt Welshans llros. , proiincnrn. Urocera , Z. STEVENS , 21at tictwucn Cuinlng and lur T. A. ilcSHANK , Corn. 23il and CuinlntUtreoti nurawaio , Iron ana 6teel. OLAN & LANQU'OUTllV , Wtiolciulc , 110 an 112 15th street A. HOI.MEM i-ofncr IMh and Tollfornla. Harnea * . Baaaiei , &c. B. WB1S1 TO lUtli St. bet Kurn. A Hnne\ Hotel * . ANKIELD HOUSE , Goo. CanBdd.gth & Farnhai DORAN HOUSE , I' 11. Gary , 013 FarnhainKl 8LAVB.VH IIUTKI , . K. Klaven , 10th St. Southern Hotel , flu * , llnmcl flth & Lcavenwort Clothing Oought. 0 J3IIAW will pay lili.'he t Cash price for aecon hand clothlmCoriinr 10th and Farnhara. Dentists. DR. PAUL , WllllMiw1 1'lock , Cor. Itth k D lge , Drugs , Cnlnts and Ullt. KUHN fc CO. PhammUta , Finn ' "uno ( t , ( | i , Cor. Htn km Douvitf ntroulo W. J. WIIITEIiniU K , Wholr a1e&Retail , 16th 81 0. KliiI : , ' 2W2 o ( n SlfiO CumlnK Btrtel I'ARR , Bni iht. 10th and Howard Strtxit * . Dry Qonrls Nntloni , Etc. JOHN II. F. LKilMANN & CO. , ew Vork DO' 0 ° < l S ro , 1310 aud 1312 Fan him Btrct. It. C. Enfwr.1,1 , al > o Vio'n anil hnca 7th .1 Taclfli huruiture. A F. GROSS , New and ai-oml Hand Furnltui nd Stoves , 1114 DouriM. Hluhc-rt cajh prlc all : for mconil hand iruooi. BONNEH 1309 Uoufla et. Fine goodii , tu fence Work . OMAHA KENCK CO. OU 7 , FRIEH A. CO , , 1213 llanivy St. , Improvi . > ed lea r oxon , Iron am ) Wood Fenced , Owe * * Rallliiif * , Countrr * of I'liie and Walnut. Clears and Toliacco. WK8T . inarmfactureM of Florlit. A. t > on Khiip , plvit > , cut tlowciK , etc. N , W. cor. Ifith an 1 tv > ti la utreet * . Civil Engineer ! nnd Surveyor * . ANIWKW IKWKANATKII , Crc-lchKm Illoc rcwn Snricj-d , ( lra < io and 'icwcraco Stttcmi Uommmlon Mrrclinntt , JOHN 0. WH , 1.13,1414 DodRO Street , D II. 1IKKMKII. rnrilttatlt ce hrcoa < l\frtli mciit In Iallv and Wrckb1 Cornice Workt. Western CotnlcoorVs , ManufActiucrs In Ojrnlcc , lln , Iron and .Slate Kooning. Orde from any locality | irninitlv o\ccntiil In the l > c manner , factory and ( t.M.rc 1213 llaniej St. C. srKCHT , Proiuictor. Qalinnlteil Iron CoiiiU'i < , \S'Hnlo CA ) , ft < manuf.ii'tiirod and put 1111 In any | v\rt of t ! co'intry. T. SINIIOI.U 4l Tl > lttcriith vtmt Crockery. J. DOXNKR ISM DoiKIMclrcct. Good line. Clothing nnd t-urnlthlnK Ooodt. Qi:0. : II. I'CTKHSON. Also HaU , Crtw , Boot Shoce , Notions and Cutlet ) , S04 S. 10th etrrct. Retrlgeratort , CanHeld't Patent. 0. f. GOODMAN Ilth 8t , bet , Karn. Jk lUrnc Show Gate Manufactoryi 0. J. WU.DK , Manufacturer and Do.ili'r In all kinds of She Caw * , Uprlnht Cases , d „ 1317 Civsa Bt. FRANK U OI'.UIIAIU ) , pro'rlctnr | Oinal Show Caxo iiiAiiufaitiiry , bib South ICth ntriT lietwcen l > a\vtiworth mid Marry. All KOOI warranttxl llr > t-eta s. Pawnbrokers. _ _ . _ _ inth st. f r _ * ii Stoves ii ( ] Tinwnro. A. HUUMKSTKH , Dealer In Stoics and tinware , and Muniihctur , of 11 n ItooN and all klinle of Uulldlni ; Wor : Odd Kcllows' Illock. J. 110NNK11. 1309 DoiulM St. Good and Chc ' Seed * . ) . EVANS , Whnlr-nle and Retail Scixl Drills ar Cultivators , Odd Kulloun Hall. Physicians an I Durrani. W. 8. GIIlllS , M. 0. , Hioui No I , Crelghtc Illnck , 16th Street. P. S. UUSKNUINO , Jl. I ) . Mw-onlc Illock. D. L. HART , M. U. , Eye and Ear , o ] > p. poatoflli MR. L. UIIADDY. [ tcnllst and Aiirlnt. S. \ \ ' IGth und Farnham 8 Photogrnpnert. QEO. IIKVN. PROP. Grand Central Gallery , 212 Sixteenth Htrrot. icar Maennlc Hall. Ftrat-clasj Work and Proniji ii'sa Ruarantccn Plumblne , Oa and Steam Kitting ; . P. W. TAHPV & CO. . 210 12th St , hct. Farnha mil DoiijfloB. Worn promptly nttendtxl to. D. riT7.1'ATIUCK , 1409 Douitlis Street. Painting nn aper anting. MRNRY A. KO = ! TKUS. 141 On.lKc Street. Shoe morei. Phillip Lang. 1S20 Fanm m nt. lift , lilth It l tl Second Hand Store. PERKINS A LKAR. 1410 Doui-lasSt. New ar Second Hand Furniture , ilouw FurnUhliijrOooil tc. . liniighr and inld on nurrnw inarylna. _ tialoon * . HENRY KAUFMANN , In the nu > v lirlck block on Doii liw Strott , hi just oix-ncd a most clcpuit llecj Hall. Hot Lunih from 10 to 12 oerv day. " Calolnnia " . ' F\l rnV KR rjTQ ] ( ith Street. Udertaker . 3HAS. RII-riVE , 1011 ! Farnham bet. 10th & llt < UD Cent Stores , P O HAOKPR. l 0li Karnhum St . T.ncv Oooi WESTERN CORNSCE WORKS C. SPECHT , Proprietor , ' 1213 Harney Street , OMAHA NEB , - - - MANUFACTURERS OF GALYAIIZED KOI Cornices , Dormer "Windows , Finials TIN , IEON I SLATE EOOFINB , Specht's Patent Metilic Sky light. Patent Adjustable R.itcliet Oar and BRACKET SHELVING I MII the general Stitu Avnt | for the ahov Inuot Kond-i. IIIOX rKXCMNU. Jrestlngs , Dalustrades , Vcrandas.'OfTice aiv Bank RallliiRS , Window and Cellar Guards ; also GKXKKAI , A(313XT ( Peerson and Hill Patent Inside Blind. _ nov4iltf FEE OJOTTAL J. I. PAYNTER Proprietor Corner 10th and Howard Streets , OMAHA , NEB. lates , Two Dollars Per Day , landies Huts Fruits Etc Etc , , , , , , N. P. JENSEN'S RESTAURANT BAnd Confectionery ! 416 10th St. , OMAHA , NKU. ANCYFUM * . CAKES , &c.A8PEOnYAt PAPER WAREHOUSE. 817 and 21U North Ualn St. , Kt. URALII.U IN IOOK i iwiiiTiNot , DADCPQ IEWS , f rrtrtnO IwitAi-i-iKa F.NVILOPKS : , UAIID IIOAKU AND Printers Stock , CarCaoh jnld for lUpi and Pawr | Block , Hrr roii and SluUU. Paper Htock Warehiim * 1(00 ! to 1237 , NorU John G. Jacobs , " - ( Formerly of GI h iJacob , | UNDERTAKER , POETRY OP THE TIMES. - * \VbySlio "I'm my mre , " slic ooblunl , " you In mo not. " " \Vliy < > ? " quoth 1 ; " y , | < rccloti Hll " ' ' " "Bivatt'p , " ! > ! io intlvrly ninwere "you'vo foiijot To toll mo * , niul lovers don't forui-l. " Ah , tlicn 1 kl eil her HIM , nnil clu-r in ( I brow. \n < \ liU Kul her rlmi'ly to my Sniuli \C ! < t ; At h troVixscil--"Tiofi- ! ! 11 i fll't 110' , " Slip liliKliing * ' ' { "why , you beat i the le tl" - * Thn SI.o of llor IVnlnt. TU sniil tlint tliirty Inchiy * span 't'ho nvtr.iKc woman's waist ; Ami Jii t so IOIIK tln < nrm of man Ho when 'tii viitiKly pliu-ul Arouiul tlio ( liinscl whom one trca.H.ut Thoru ' .H c n f n mlty of IIIVUMII Mow rulm I'.Mo nro thy woikn , I ) Niituro. kinil nmli'le\i ; ! 1'or , siiito < 'f ' all thp ipi jn i\iul q Mint vnriom ilolns IIUIMT , I'll wasts id | iri > i > i > r liiti * , \Vliilo arms to lit thou ilint injiply u WILD"HARRY'S ' HARRY'S LOVE , . > It will ( Innlitloa bo tlio general in pruBsioti that there cottUl have bui little1 , if any , gi'imino loinnnoe coi nectotl with the noun-inus niul vulgi bixwl of rustic thiuvoa , known ns tl "Walsh immntnin gmijth ; t \v , finnlly nnil thoroughly broken up son years ago by tliu arrest niul suntcin to long junna of imprisonment of i lontrollini ; spirits Murt , Abe , , lo Iku uiul Juke lluzznrd. lint that tli impression is incorrect , 1 think tl following narrative , Into na utrang will elloctually prove. And hero lot mo preface my atoi by saying that it doe ? not scot to c : ciiso criminal ndventnro , but inert ; shows Dow the most reckless imtm may contain tlio lingering spark i virtue , which , under tlio divine foate ing of woman's love , may ultimate ] kindle and brighten into permaiiei ati'l redeeming llame. The haunt of the Hit/ ; brothci and their cumpaniea w.ia a atrip of wil and barren backwoods country an forest lyiiifi along the borders < Horks , Chester and Lanoasti'r com ties , in Pennsylvania , while rising ui of a rocky mid suruboak stretch of b.v ri'na was Welsh inonntain , which a forded dreary , yet safe and seoui hiding places , whore the ollicera i Iho law seldom visited. When tlio live Hiizxartln had hoc run down and cajjed , the band , livin for the most part in miserable an iwilntud huts aloni ; the monntiiin aid became scattered and dishcarteiK for a few months. At the end < this time , they were reorganized an biicccssfnlly cominnnded by a younj htuidsome and intelligent outlaw , wli had thoietoforo been comparative ] unknown in the vicinity. His true name was Henry llir th < ) ii'li ; ho passed under nuinerot iiliiiHses. Intrepid and daring , li made it his specialty to discover tli most likely places for robbery , an then to the running of the pliindi into the market , after the gang , undi Ilia directions , butt captured and di livered it in some adjoining county. The band under the new guidanc soon became moro dangerous and foi midable than it had ever been wit the Uuzzard brothers themselves r its head ; and Birt , as "Wild Hurry i Welsh Mountain , " WAS not long i iicrniii ing a notoriety such as woul have ccnhantod the highwayman bioj raphors and yellow covered novelist sf the past. He was tolerably well educated , an liia conver.'ation was gentle andcntoi taining. He was comely and robiu jf person. Jlo had long , black , wav liair , a black mustache , olive con : [ ilexion , and melting dark eyes , wit i cast of features that gave him sonu tiling of a gypsy or Spanish appeal nice. nice.He was , moreover , generally we , liesscd , with velvet overcoat , cordu roys , top-boots , slouched hat and 10 neck-tie , which gave a picttircHqu lash to his line iiguro and l iia novenients , though ho readily adoptc dl manner of disguises. As a gawky country lad in nuarch u arrn-wurk , or as an innoccnt-lookni ; icddlur , he would roam the cniintr , : > y day , looking out for fresh Holds u ) liindi'r and rascality , or for opportn lities to diHpusu of such stolen good 11 chanced lo bo already hidden awa ; n this or that cavern Htorehousoof tli In the oveninus , when not other vise and moro actively employed , h [ voted liitDHolf to the congenial pas imo of couitirg the furmurtt' prott. lull , hi ord. Neatly nil thu simple beauties per nitted themselves lo bo moro or ls l ascinatt d , and after ho had won hi vay into their confidence , ho tool ; oed care to master sull'ii icnt point o enable him to work his way inti ho honso a ftw cveningu after on ; ui.Hflion of plunder instead of love. To hit credit it must bo added , how ivor , that his conduct to the youii ; , vomcn was invariably , HO far as wa mown , perfectly honorable. It was in this way that , toward ihi lose of his career in the capacity o obber-captiiMi , ho became acquaintei I'ilh Ada Ilhcinhold , the only datightc > f the wealthiest fanner in the vicinit ; if Heading. For the first tmii ! in his lifo Will tarry loved , and it caused him boll It light and apprehension to diucove hat ho wax loved in Ycturn. Itlcndud with the now , awoet feel iig , that ctraiu'litway bi-gan to softui ii entire nutiiro there grow tin lanntin' fear lest his true chnracto nd his real mode of lifo should bo omo known to Ada and her parents ty Iho la'ter of whom ho had boot folcomcd to the the house from tin lUtsot. They were Minplo , credulous folks dioso cole aim in lifo was to rendoi h ir daughter happy. They hac euli.y ; accepted liirt'H plnmubld bu ictiti HH explanations us to the cauai f his Matting the neighborhood hai inbibi'd with equal gullibility hmston if liibusinoHd prospectin tin ajiaci'y ' of chief commercial Ir.ivele ; or a heavy Philadelphia import ng house -and family , when i lecatnc evident to them that thei in-ttj fair-haired Ada ( who was onlj liiicti-i ii , and a good na aho win loautifii ! ; and the datk , Irinilaonn oiiin/ stranger were thoroughly am lopi-li'ssly in love , they hud , with ox qitioiml goneroiiiiy , at once ri'ceivot u'm nith upon anna , and biddou bin his relatives and friends at the ear cat moment , in order that he inn riago cngiigcnicnt should be rog Inr-ly made Known in the most agree bio and harmonions manner. Hirt wan unmnrrii'd and an orpha In the declaration of this 'act aloi he had practiced no deceit ; and 1 had fabricated the story of his ostrn linn and antecedents so intelligent that In- had no dotibt of bo'iii ; nil mutely enblod to marry the trl , sin ply upon his own showing. Hut so genuine- was his love and r sped for her that this hou s nnvti ling to do , while connected with tl band. Ho know that ho could not tlio same time sever hia connoclit with it and remain in that section < the countiy without cmuuigurii cither his life or his liberty ; and th constituted his dilemma , which gnu ually became a .source of secret ai guish. Matters soon developed into j the crisis ho had dreaded. The kit had for some time been in hard luc' its operations having resulted dit > a triously , or in but trilling success. One night , in a geaeral council < its mciiihora in a lone hut on tl inountiiin , several of them demandi that an a tempt should at once 1 made on the promises of the llheii holds. The old farmer was known to kcc \ \ large mini of money in hi.s homo ; i furuitnio iiu-luded silverware an valuable ornaments ; the daughter wi iiccustomed to exhibit , in her dro < atticlcs of linory and jewelry of fn moro value than \u-ro often noted i those rural juris ; and the leado : Wild Harry , waa thought , to have , b this time , so tliorouvlily maslorod tli ins and outs of the premises as to 1 able to load a prcdatoiy party to il prey with comparative ease. "Why not rob old lloinhold , amir once ! " That was the que.stion. The entire gang , with the exceptio itf the leader , favored the propos tiuii \ \ hacclamation. \ . Vainly di lie seek to oppose the gonon wish by various objections. Jl dirank from exposing hia re , ; ibjoction hia love for Ada to hi brutal and vulgar companion ? , and tli : ithers that ho'iilleredero weak an ind illogical. Ho at last toluelantl issentud to iht ! attempt being mad : m the lollowing niijht , trnatiiiH tin Iho robbery iniuht bo cll'ected withot iloteclion , and thoioiiL'hly dotcnnine that this should be his last crime. After its completion ho would mak i fair division with his followers , an sever his conncc'ion with them at an risk , and then ho would get up a rum way match with his trusting Ada , an cairy her oil' to distant parts purha1 : lo Arixona , in mines ho had rich unck > , from whom ho Icpow tin lie could obtain a lift , there to load new and honest lifo. Such was tli liopo and dream of the discontontoi Miiscionp , weaned robber chief. On the following eveninir , innccon xnco with pivairannod plans , he visil A the Hhoinhold luiUEohold. It wii : ho nnliappiest evening of his lifi He had no intention of betraying tli jomradcs ; yet Ada was especially long \ , ng , and the old people cspeciallykin HI that particular evening , and it wr iin intention , it was his obligation , i iccordance with hia robber's compac : o butray them a few hours later , rutl tssly , dixstardly and meanly. Ho felt like a 'log throughout th nterviow , and when ho shook hand rt'ith the parents and received tli laughter's irooil nitrht kiss at his di parturo , ho wondered that the cart lid not open .tnd swallow him. Nevertheless , at two hours paa nidnight , in the quietest and blackei ) f the dark hours , lie stole along th lide of the fanner's house , at the heir C two cumpanions. The OHO watc log had boon successfully poisoned ind lay dead in his kennel near th veil. Three confederates lurkoi icroas the road , directly opposite th ; arden g.ite , with a light two-bora vagon , in readinesss to carry oil' th irospectivo spoils. The saddle horse if Wild Harry and hia inimediato an lislants were tethered under aom roes near the wagon. The leader has made sure of a ccr .xin&ido window's insecurity , and on runco was speedily ellccted into tin muse. Then , dark lantern in hand , nm mdor his intollignt direction , ill aluabluH in the parlor and all tin ithtr lower rooms were successful I ; .pliro | > riatod , packed in Im 'H. aiii lassod out to the confederate * , bj irliiim they were deposited in th" vagon. Then the robbers acondcd Iho Blairs o complete their work. The hoii'-o lold slept , soundly , and Iho ft-loniuii ootsteps were as shod with wool very movement being achieved wit ! ho gliding rapidity and noiselusHimBi if a serpent. The chamber of the old couple wa' ilenlly entered , andstripjicd of every liing of value , without in the lean Htnrhing the placid slumber of iti ccnpants Even the old f.irmur'fi foil Btnllcd ] iockel-book was abstract d from under the owner's pillow. Then , after lansacking tlio room oc upiud by the servants to but little ad antago , the two followers of liir I'oro about tn outer a last apaitnient , jrectly < ivor the front i > oroli , when hi tornly placed hiniHolf between then nd im door , and motioned them buck , "Hut it'll the daiighter'H aleopinj. ] uitim.'nt"whifipoiiiigly oxpostula'oi no of the men a villain named Lil ) , ur , and reckoned the most deHioiaU | nd tuibulont of the entire orow. 'For that voiy roawon it imiat nol 10 entered , " was the low-toned ro POIIEO of Wild Harry , whofttlt thuthi riiuld die in his tracks , or tisk any oiiBC < | iie.iicen whatcvor , nxlher than ermic the slumborn of his Ada to hi rofuncd by oven the stealthy prohonci f such I'lillianf. "Stand back ! " groxylc < l Diller , ro. isting the ellurtri of his moro prudcni omp.inion to < | iiiet him. "The gir lust have loads of trinkets on hoi reusing CIIBU. " "You'vo plnndur enough withoul liom ; you can not enter ! ' "I5v.Jupiter , hut 1 will , though ! ' rau thu Htill moro recklcsH reply. 'Tho ' devil burn mo if 1 lo.ivo . ai unco of swag behind in a crackti ; rib ! Stand hue * , Harry , or thuio'l ; o a rumpus that may ruin all ! " "So bo it , then , " wax the equally ceperato reply , while the third Ihiul rudontly began to make tracks down lie stuiroiso. ' 'You outer this room , Jillt'r , only over my dead body1' ] The altercation had thus far , an rj s it was , boon carried on in ihi lorcst whiapor. llut the forocioiu cu'inly. ' Muttering a ferocious oatl hu.ihifii-d his " ' " "bull's-eyo" into h left Imnd , drew a knife with his rigli ixiul ailvaticed menacingly upon h liader. Ho Imd no sooner como witlii roach , however , than Dirt's list llu out with such telling ollect that Dillei completely slunwd , Atafgoroil bad and wont ntumbhnt ; down the st.iii with a great rac i-l. ' Instantly the house was arouse Ilicro WOM a frightened fcieam fnu Ad.i. and movements could bo linn inUii _ < other rooms. Tlii-ri' would still , however , lm\ been every ehanco of osaipo , but fi outside interference. , Hirt bimndcd down the stain leaped the body of the prostr.u rolihur , gained I ho open side wnidov niuloinil have been oll'into thu nigl like a shadow , but ho had no &omu toiichi-a the turf oittsidi ) than tlmi was the ropoit of several lire-arm' ' followed by shontn , eiitsos , and th I'lunging of horses' hoofs from tli ilitection of the road. Mirt divined the situation in an ii slant , yoino member of the gang ha uiu-ii away the enterprise to th antlmrilies , and the honso was MII rnimded by c.mstables . and detective f i "in Ucailing. iN'evorthi'lesa , ho rushed toward th pardon gate , revolver in hand , resolve [ " light his way to hm hmso at ever ha ird. lint Iho gate was ultomlv i possession of an ntllcor , and "th Khrtibbory-backcd llower-platon oilhe mill' of the walk seemed lo snddenl sprout with aimed men. "Your confederates are alread lirisoneis1 ! shouted the tiguro at th s'ato. Siirronded at discretion ! " The maddoiiing thought of oxposur hi'foro Ada and her parents tlashei icross Wild Harry's miinl with hideon , "N'uvurl" was his reply. And with eloiiched teeth ho made i ilash for the gate. There wua another ahol. He felt : Htinging pain in his shoulder , and thei he loat conscioiisncist ! . When ho reco\ercd , it was tin uray nf ei.rly morning , and lie wa lying in the Uheinhold parlor. Allo i ho plunder had boon reco\ored , am Iho other prisoners -including Ddlor who hiul boon found lying seimolesi a the foot of the stairs Ind hi en con i-ejud to the Heading jail. Hirt alone liy leasoii of bis wound , had been lei temporarily behind , with an ollico iml a hastily summoned nur eon ii Attendance upon him , "Thoro , he's coming tout taut , " imii Iho surgeon , as Mirt op , nod hm eye mil Inrncd his head. "Tho wound i ibi-rions ono , but he'll got over it , am 1 think he'll bear removal now. " As ho spoke there was a low , stillin iob , close at hand , and then Ad Ithcinhold came out from tlio corno in which cho had been conveising , bu fide her shocked , indignant ami gnc ftricken parents , and confronted ho nierablo lover. "Speak , Harry ! IB what they to ] no true ? " nhu gasped. "Aro you in Iced Wild Harry , the leader of th tW'lsh Mountain band ) " Ho did not answer her directly , but lurninij to the ollicer , ho mud , in icart-brokcn voice : " 1 say , can't yon , out of comiru iion , favor mo with another biillei ind this time right tlirouuh the heart 1 And then , with a convulsive move nent , ho turned , with hia facu to th wall. wall.Tho The aiiHwor was uulHciont ; am with a low wail , she fainted at the : feet. feet.Hirt Hirt was carried away In jail. H jwiftly recovered from his wouiu' ind , on being placed on trial with hi wmpanions , was , with them , cot , 'icted , and sentenced to a term of in ) nsonniont. So popular lie had made hiiiutl .vith the fair ex that , pending am luring his trial , his many sweetheart lot only denounced his arrest and di iluicd tlio charges against him licti Jens , but earncsty entreated hi 'rionds and reluti. es to go to his aid la well. They cooled and foil oil' wonder iilly , however , upon its bccomiiij jenorally known that he had ncUull ; nut honorably been engaged to hi nurried to Ado. Illioinliold. Tin utter , however , never for mi install orcook her love , unwoithy and crimi lal thoin/h HIO | know him to bo. In spile of her patents' objetioim ,1111 , contrary to the advice of all hoi fiends , she visited him constantly ii iriwm ; was at hm side diiiini ; tin intiru trial , and only oparated fron iini at the door of the penitentiary o which his sontoncu consigned him , id only then with the whispcrei ssumneo tint she should loyuiii hit iborty , in the determinatioii of lead ng an altuiod and hmieHt > ifo. The duvotoil girl kept bur won1 , and ho Hcijuol furnishtd at loist one in. tanco of such devotion , iintition'ihi- | ! ud InixurdoiiH as it WUH , meoiing witli just reward. .Both of Ada's parents died whi'c ior lover was in prison , le.iving liei he mistress of a considor.tlilo propoi- y. She so bestowed a portion of it , iigether with all the political inllii- uce she could imnter , as lo procure cr lover's pardon at the end of twci oars - leas than a thirdof thu penalty ailed for by HcnUnco of the Court. They wore married on thu day fob jw'ing his release , , and Ada havinu Ircady converted her property intti ash , they at once sut out for Ari/.ona , 'hoy have boun living I hero ovci inco. ' 'Wild Harry" is now an lion. . at nnd reputably miner in Iho neigh > orhood of TIICAOII ; hia wife and lu iintinuo happy in their mutual aiu. biding love ; fair children have beet orn to them , and doubtless the mm rablo i ast is nothing more to then lian the remote hintings of an evi ream , The Country Who Unit hut ever livt-il any thno In tin omitry lint mint h.'ivu heanj < if llinviitiie , f liiinlnck an a bloml puiitin Huiilncl Sloud I'ittei-H cnru ily | n p i.i. biliiiiiMitK nil all illiMiilei'M aihlnj ; fr m iinpnii liMnl nr iluraiiKfil liver or KiiLieyi" , J'rici 1.00 , tilal I'dtli-Min . ' 7 i-ndlw DISEASES -OKT1IK- SYE & EAR DR , L. B. GRADDY , Oculist and Aurist , ATE CLINICAL ABSIQTAN r IN HOYAl LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL. cfmiiusall Hcnit | lIu I'liynlnuiiK ol Oinah * . Corner IGthnnd I arnham Bit. i ii25iilctl DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTHLP ( H. * M. R. H. , Central N-br-.ika. ! . Thyiji'Bon . llaiibuuv , Stoves andTuntaiw ' . C. Turner . ltluiKsinitii : and Wa oii Makur 5. A. IViby . lioal KHtitto , .Instico of the IVai-o and limnr.inco - . I. \ \ . .Striukh-r , JY . . ( lonoral Mcrclmndiao Ar. MuCloitd t Co llai'iU'ntv , Slovi'H and Tinware Uotropolitan Hotel \ \ ' . W. Shuti'lilt , I'ropriotor A. , t X AND I ) . & U. V. K. I ! . , I'HNTHAL NKMltASKA. \10IUUS \ .IONHS . Agricultural ImplomotitB I. A. II Alt H . V riciiUtirul ImiilcmontR II. IMClM'KIt , t CO . Ci-ni'ral .MorchamlUo i < " . 1 1. ANOl'Mjlj ' . < iV' AU-tvliaiiiliae I. 1 < \ IIHOWN . Conoral M-'icluuidiBO ItKINHAUDT it SON . Uouoral Mi-rclmndiu * iKAIKiKNTVAIdvKU it CO . ( Onrrimm , Neb ) < 7enural M-rchandwa kV. ( J. HOSTOX . Wholcsalo and liotuil llardwaro , StuwH , Ac 1. 1. NKLSON . . Oroccr KKLLHIl HIIOS . ( Jrocow W. F. ( ! AT1 . ' . . David Oily llaki-ry , OrocerioH , t % \ . . ) . MARTIN . lowolry , KiK-orwnro and ( Jlockii 1. H. MOUC AN . Kurniturii and Undoi taking TAJIKS BELL . Lnmbor , Lime , Ac A. . ) . JlALOV . lladjjor LumbrrYard m. ( , ' . (1UOSS ( . Meat Jlarktit , INnk Packing and Giocory GIKO. SMAH A . .Moat Mtiriu * D. 15. CHtntCHIM , . Slock KaiRor LOUIS SM ITH . llarnets and Saddle * . IJ-irln-r Shop IJANYE it HOHKHTS , - SPELTS , t KLOSTEIt.M AN . ( Jrain and Stock MERCHANTS' AND FAHMEHS1 HANIv . Hell , V Leonard , Hankcre UUNTINC it 11UNYON . Real lislatc Olliro , Agents R. Jt. Land * 'J. H. FOUL ) . Real Katatit , Loan nnd liiBiir.inco Ollicc MAllT MILLER . Attorney at Law and Loan OfHce ltHERTSWESTOArtRiV\\LLlAftIS..Altoriio3H.alaoThoroii'hbrcd ( ) ] : ( to k I3EAN it CLINOMAN . Atton.oya , Real totatis and Abstract OtBo IIORAOH GARFIELD . Attorney at. Law DR. n H. J'EEULES . I'hytdcian and Suriruon IS. H. TAYLOR . Oh-rk of DiHlrict Court VR AN1C DAVIS . T" . mnror Hullur County A W. LKONHARDP . H. .t M. Station AKont ! EORfE ! OSTERHOUT . ludyo of Untlor County IENRY WILL . Commercial llouw D. R. HTLLOCK . D.ivid City lloiu SBHOL & Give tie Bargains IN ALL KINDS OK- TEWELRY , WATCHES , CLOCKS , IILVERWARE , SOLID AND PLATED WARE AND DIAMONDS. U'.Pricea that Suit Any Customer Who RoalJy WishOH a Fir t Oiuaa Article. 3TAR TINTED SPECTACLES Are also Sold Exclus'.v ' ely by us. ALSO WESTERN AGENTS FOR TJIK SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S ORGANS. EDHOLM & ERICKSON , THE JEWELERS. Opposite the Post Office. " ' Max MEYER & 00 Tobacco from 25c. per pound upw3jds. Pipes from 25c , per dozen upwards , Cigars from $15,00 per 1,000 upwards ,