Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1881, Page 6, Image 8
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATUHDAY NOVEMBER 20 , 1SS1. CRIMINAL COLUMN. Murphy tbo Drunken Repro bate Qota n Term on I3rend and Watur. Cranky Doings of Joe Miller's Crnzy Mnu. The Follao Court llnoltnt for Ono Tliorslcr ( { ! nt the city jnil JM- ierday nliouud fo K''st' ' ' f > r holi day round up. There wi-ro only twofer for nir-iignmi'iit before .ludqo Heneke nt ! ) o'clock , and ono ol these \\m Willium Murphy ulioio drunken cscii- padts have of la'e ' brought him into notoriety. Murphj is n joimg mm , not bid looking nor by any means inti'llec'iul 'I here are no usiblo traces of noble biith about him and the sloty uf his aristocratic lim-a o is probibiy.i h < n\ . Mis ul'"v un-n is only $ - ' . " > a inmitb iimteail i much auek , and Hut wouldn't pij decent II IHO lent in Onulm. Murphy was roloisuil from jairi'nuiad.iy in nn- iiiy to attend bin child' * funeral , and promised to yivoitau'spuctublubiirMl , but after a ( .olliii and cairi- ages from Undorlaker .lac ibs hu went nil'uid git dinnk av.un , and Thurnd.iy , unshed thu furniture in his hoiisii mill tlncateiied to out hu wifu'H liriim viitb a chair. Ho was MOOII landet I in jail nnd on air.iixmnont yesterday the cliiek to beg for anotHer - etHer uiul on hm good beliuvior. The judge wont him to thu county jail for tvonly days , on n diet of bread and water , uit.h the promiau tint if al the end of tint time be rope.itod his per- formancei of the pist few ilnjd ho would nivo linn the extent of the la\v. The budy of Murphy's child , uhicli wii a Btill-lioin , us taken in cbuge by M . iFuuobfl , whoyuitvrduyutteiidcd to it j bin i il. The wife him hcui yiven temportiy shelter \tih Home of ihe nei hboiK .ind will , it la Hiid , bring a nnil lui-Hi'piration fiom her buHh.ind , n IB nr.niT. A well-known citizen of Oinah-i , who h I'eun ' heic fur nine yeara p.iHt , was utn.sted Tliuritdiiy Jor buing dinnk and dijordutly. Hit past good cluuvjteriis vouched for , and he statid that thin vai IUH lirst , a it tdiould bo IIIH Mst ai > p'aiu'iLui niiolice [ court , and ho v i dmubinged in con ftider.itiun of itn belli' , ' .1 ' 1'JiankH iving lay spree. I'UKTTV EM'KNhlVK. A. bir-Kcoper cf a .Sixteenth street x.ilooo , UIIH ani'Hted on Wednesday night , and drouhng tlio pub.icity . 01 nn a'uariiico | in pulicu court , and .osHihly iho loss of hia job , p.iid hia tine iindcimlfi , ? 1L',55 , eaily Tluiuday. Thursday night ho vvas auain run in , in the same condition , and 1'riday morning p < nd & 1-.D5 more and departed. Whether the espeiiaice BO dearly Ixnight will benefit him or not , i.s hard to toll. VALUAtaV. 1IAOO.VI1K. MnrHhal Angell baa received a bill offering $100 toward for thu return of a trunk and contcnta atolon from Olark'n Hotel , Lhtluth , Minn. , on the night of the fire of Nov. Kith. The trunk wn3 a largo Saratoga , belong ing to Mm. Ada Faigiisnon , wife of Owen Kurgimson , a ne.ilthy man of northern Minneaola. It contained iinicstnluable wardrobt- and any amount uf rich jewelry , bu- sides four 1,000 inilo railroad ti ketH on the Northern Pacific and 0. M. A : St. P. roads. There veio also numcious valuable privivtu papuin , cortifiLMleH of tax sales , etc. Jlidf tbo reward will bo paid fcr the lecovery of ibe property and half for the con viction of the rubbura.'K I ItA.NK. The man uho aKniulted .hiilm Millur Thuraday morning ba annoyed the ollicew about the city jail conwid' erably of late. A few ove'iimga ngi ho called and ] > rodncud a caid 01 which 'uiH drawn in hkilfnl manner , i diiigiam of the bnaiding hinine kepi by' NValluii/ KUh tnieet , Hhowmt tbu eiiliance , staiuvny and lot1 a tion of the Nixieen loonn on the Kecond lloor. Ho wanted t < have all tbo occupants of tbu hoimo ar leutcd and locked up but wan at a losi what uliargu ho hud beet make nm comudted ollicer McClnro on tbo sub jtct. I lu finally determined to brni ) the charge of murder ng.iiimt tbo oc cupant of No. 11 , : \H bo though that ought to ntick him , while th occupant of No. 1 buaccuscd of high wn ; robbvry. A voman who loomed n one of the rooms and bad recently bi come .1 mother ho charged \uthbrrau of tinsl. Later hu reunited Hajin that ho had charge. ) now ugairnt all i them , v liuh ho thought Mould stic nnd that do could nou uleop ell , i ho had not done in u long time. II them wont elf to bleep in the count jail and the nexlhe-ird of him u'iw h assault on Juilor Millur. Jn tlie CvatuvjrMni aiiue. The Gnrfiold articles in The Contu for December compiiHe ninttoin much interebt , chiut among them I ing the nariativea of the iHnesa to by the pbjeiciiui in cburgp. Mr ' W. lilies haa thna very ingeniout captured tlio ftituation and fortiti hiniBelf npiinat uttacko , if any are bo made , by btcominu' thu hiutoii of the cuae ; and hu haa done the wo o > vol ) , with Bucb excellent taste , i eeneo of fgotism and generous rrc ( nition of the service ) ) of hia medi anti tantn nd the othern connect with the cute that ho has nmdo hi Helf pretty recnrc. 'Ibia ia not t record of the surgeon hu piomitoil , ' much im ol thu luun who loved ! patient. The otiicial and profefiaioi repoila aio pretinnably comple Tliuu ( an bu litllo to add to the tiuo what uni'iofemionali'iilicibmn ' bo Hiipposod to have done about much IIH itill in the Jour Noi Aii' Ituviow essajH. Dr , 1)1 ) adda hia ronfonnalion in thi * pu | to what the vtorhl nlieady IUIOMH thu Mi'Dident during hia illneas , K ing that Ut all that conatitutci mnnil u pbjiiical cuuiago , and that high BI whcli found oxnmjilis in tlio iiiinnNnf CliiUtiin iimrtj i ( loin , I'rcM- dm' Oil Held and IIH luroio WHO erc tlio ( iiitMidimi'tits. The snd story of those ilrou'ful ' \\eekscx1iilrils tl o lii uiiy mid coiiMStency of the tnio CliMMinii character as I never , inn lei % and e\enlhil experience , \ul- nivcd before. . Many ( if tlio inti'lenta ' lie relate * liaio ulnndy boon | nbliilicil , lint wo quotu n few now iloim of iirerest. as tlio fact tlmt iinioiK , ' hnnilreds of let- tiTH nmltuleimuim recmed daily crni t.ii'it'L' "nrtent mlvicu as to treat itient , tliroiU of dentil if the prt-M dent plniiihl diu. nnd similar OIK H if In- flhnuUl live , tin 10 "in in ly ami heariftlt exprejsioim fiom the Smith , in must iintatieci from i-x c ui- fi > dvi.itc * . Ono from Te\as siiil , 'If yen need or ihniru it , I cm fiirnfsli a corpi whni-o lovinit heiirl.s mid lojal anm shall 1) ar tlio wounded presi dent to Ellitron astenileily asovir in ithor carried Imbu. " Dr Hlii > s think * ( liirlioldprobib'y did hot believe ho conlil survive lontf liufoio the In-- uiiiinu' of the linal collapse. On Si-p- lumber 15 iho doctor lo't liim for the hours , jjoiiig to Nou Yoik , tlioohh o'cniion on which In1 loft him for 80 tli\t Iti-Mirim i. ' nt " p in. ho only | | L-lUll till' Hill tl blUlll ( It f lU III ! , held out Ins luind anil "atteinp ol tin ; iiHiial Hinilu , " lint u In n Dr Mica MI d : ' .Mr. President , I have been iiwuy for a few III.IIIB , as you know , but they i-oumcil like an aye , " hu answered : Doctor jijti pithily show the eifec n of all ihn ciro and nun HI , and lam ylud jou Hoto foreud to tado iho tern- pur.iiy leliuf. Vonr anxious watchine nil ! DOOM lit ) ovor. " Aftiir that tain "the u.indisiiiiL ! mind , ousilv ii'id in- Ht.iutly by a word or the touch di a hand , " and the othui Bynitonis ) ) of ibu end , lec'ignizud ' by tin1 iin.Hiile.nt. ' 'I'eifcelly calm , at-nti- out , even inclined to I HI jocose and limiiirinn , th tu u.n Ktill iinnndir cuirunt of coiivictiiiii which an optim um cuii'd ' t.otHtom. . ' * ' 'Upon the day liufuro his de'itli he addressed Col. Itockuell an follows : " 'Old hoy1 do you think my iiarno will liuvu a placoin linniin hietoiy ? ' "Tlweiilnnel aimweied' " 'Via ' n f > rnnd one , but . i grander placu in human In arts. Old follow , you nuiHtii'i t.ilk in that w y. You Imvu a wurk yet to perform. " "Alter u nioinunt'M silence ho said nadly and Holomnly : " 'No ; my v , oik is ilono. ' " Dr. KIMS gi\ui n nimplo and touch ing definition of the dciith teuno ; and o osis lim atory with a uiliuUi to Alrn. Oarlield ' ' brave sclF-containod , , - , Iiolpful , aluajH Hiiperiur to consideri- tmiH of HO f , " and to tbo rust of tbo b nil-hold 11 ml iho other due ors. "Is'exl , to Col. Rock * oil , his clu sin - in itu and devoted Irii.'nd , ueiicroiis a d 1'ihlu ho.iited . ; ( > en. Sivaim , equally - ly attiiehi-d , and a c ese friend of many yeaix ; Dr. Ijnyntun , Ins cousin , alert , tli.suiplined , iinck ] to Kuril a want or to duairy a danger ; Misa EUon ( , tliu dovottd liiiiiid ol tlio f imily , thought ful , o.uncat and intelligent ; C. O. Kueku-ell , alwiiya jn licit. us and faith ful , and Steu.tid Cruiiitlionouii - uuiiNing and loving work onrly dia- ablud liim ; and limtlyJ. Stanluy ill-own iho president's piivato recrntary , who w.tli u ready judgment superior to his ) eAiH , in n thousand vviijHguuuleciand aided these - whovero watching the uroaidont to these proved and trusty ai < U in our grcit labor of love , I du- BUO to lixpreas my sense < if tliu value of thuir norvicea. The professional counsel who rendered i-killed and generous - orous liolp , always harmonious. The t-ravity. of tlio problem hushed all possible discord. Every bulletin oven was carefully and thoughtfully considered , every sentoncu , every statement of fact was weighed , in tbo uttumpt to convoy to the public the uniniinouB viowfl of the cotiiuol. " U Ar. Sniulloy'H Chaincteriatic.s of Oaltlold" is based upni , n fiiun ship of 20 years , and ho ulL-ra peculiarly in'oreatim ; information con cerning O.ulield's lubits of work , his leading , bin aoiuireinents , bin public life generally , nith pleasant glunpsee of his homo , where ho was ono with his family to an o\'raordinary degroo. There aio two porti.iits , one of tliu boy of lt , the other u splendid full page ongi.ivi'ig by Cole ofaS.xrony ph' ' > touri | h of hmt Huminur. Tlieu me Huveml other of tliu miign/.nio't ciinlontHbieli relate to Omlield , bul the only other that eilU f ir inuntiiu is tliu fac simile of tbo aulngi.iph o July 17"James A. Oarhold , Strung uloim jiro Repubhca. " A note fion Col. Uoikwill HtatcH that the pnniden took pen or pencil in hand four time dinin his Thn Bound Unloonod- cri ilKiiiiiiMin , 1 riinklln hticol lluirulii , H.tK : "I li ivii Kiiire cil fur ! < > time with ton tlpati ! > n , an I tried abiio- I'Miy | iuiaiiui lulvuriiKiil , bxt nnlv n Millinu' in icmporaiy lehef , and lifter 'to stiiitliii | Htill nun D UK lauttcd. ' I wi : nld nlMMit yuiirSi'JiiM ) HIIIHSOM aiidtii it I ( an miw tay 1 m emt'tl. iiuJ tlioii. , ' inu inmithliuo cl ipsucl Hlin it1 niilu M f f-hull , hovu'UT. i.lur.h ) , nii | HIIIIU u liuud in ea--u of nlil complaint rttnr in ) , 50 u nt- ; trial hottit * lUeentu. A StrunKO Clond of Vnpor. About 11 month ago a remarkabl plitiiuiinenon was observed nuai tl villngo of S in iloxo I'anulvapam , Vei CmMi xico , Two diijH after n vii olunt tblindorstorni and inceaiin raining , what teemed to bu an in nit-unu cloud rising out of the groin was observed , hitth ) attention u p.iid to the i liennnienon , as many the peisanlR interpreted it to betmo ] of largo ( [ Uaiitics of wood that vu < burned into charcoal. AnTndiuntoii ; to hia nnn/u field , Hituated on a hi discovered thnt thu vapor itsued o of his field , HIM attempt to approai lint column being thwarted by the i tieme heat of the vapor , The ex to sion of the column \sas sonio ibir iimro ] yaidn , and thu v.ipor itsned inturvaltt of two minutes. The mm HO doiun that tliu eye could n sou the trees on the other side of t column. 'Iho inai/.u lield w.ia coi pktely bin mid , and us the vapor cai out on other spots covered with tret the leaves were burned and thu trim became black. The vapor cohn pnicueded in the direction * fn east to west , between thu \ c.mocs . of Tnxtia and of Ori/al The pliunonu'iion lasted neatly ev dnys and H int rjiretud IIH an und Ijiound lire conimiinicating with t of Ori/abu and thut r Tuxtla. L RITI < IDi : AND ] > \ > I'K'SIA. ! A iiNMt rvliiurUnblu euro fi r H nltli Hei.ewiT. . " Thu t' nic , lM ! t lilllniunnd lUer rrnivdv Until Dexit | U. F , ( ioodm use -A.OXT30 For Sale By FIFTEENTH AND DOUGLAS SIS , , No , 1 , Wowhnmo , 7 roonu , on CiunliiK Mnut iivir Sniintli T * , t\lW. No. ' . ! . t ! t ry limno , u roomi , mil , cistern and burn , \VU Ur. n ar 15th strrtt , J2MX ) . N'n. M , HIIII-U of 10 room * , on llarnuy , near h strut , "tun' ' loiindatlon , SKXH ) . N'o. 4 , I Jir 'o houio o ( 1 1 rooinn , on W'tbstor , near l'rcl'liton ( ( ollcuu , MI& < iO. No. (1 ( , II IIHC ol 7 tooiux , on Caw , near 17tli < trtct , ? < iOO No. 7 , llmiic of 8 rooii. , Slot * , on 1'tli street near l/inl , SI ( K ) . No S , Ilou o < ) f f > rooms , on Can , near 14th , iixllj ( to lot , ? K X ) . No. 0 , I Ionia of .H rooniK , kitchen , tic. , or Cum , in ir l.'llll kt cct , 9 00. No. 10 , llou-u of U rooms ulth lot 22 132 ( cot , on l us * mar 14th Ktrcct , ? 00 No. 11 , Inmcoof U roonH , on ICtli ntrcct. ucai Don ; ! i , HxWI ftct lot , JIOOO. No U , llo noof 0 rooniH br ck foundation , on llarni } , ntar i7th ftrcLt. flOoO No lil -tory new IIOIIBO of (1 ( room , hrlcU loiuula Ian , oil &t. Slarj 'd avrnnc , mar convent , No. II , Homo off , room" nnil sumniccklUhon anOtli btn-it , ncir dark , < JM > o. No. 1 , llini oo(8 ( rooini , on Shciiniui atcnuc vllith Ptrcct ) near MchoKiS2JM ) * No. l.i , 1 J , tory lioiiho of 4 roonw , cellar , italilu , etc , , on la\en ) ort , near 'J'ilttreit , SI MX ) No 17 , 2-ftorj lirlclt ho > i o of fl roomi , nuai in J of rcil vtrcct i nr turn talitc , < c > . fjO. No IS , llouionnJi ! lotn , DloUHnt of Ulch School , 2fK)0. No , 10 , ilonsnanJ Slots on roml to jmrk , nvnr ho id .St. Mar.v'ii nveniiv. $3500. No. 'JO , Himaaani ! lljl , ' . No , 21 , llflUHo anil lot on Diwc'iip rt itrc.jt , near 18th utrtct , S'.SUO. No , 22 , 2 nt rj hoiiea anil 1 t 32\GO ( not , oe la\oniiort , near 12th street , 1300. No. 23. Homo of 4 room * und 2 lotion 17tb trcot , neir lurd , ? i'200. No , 2ft , ilounoauil J lot on 10th ftreot , i CM , No. VO , llouiaaml J lot on 10th Btrat-t , niir Cap tolaicnnu , fU'iO Ka. J7 , 2 houaca and lot on Jixckson , near 13th , * 4300. No. 21) ) , 6 li'iti-cir anil 1 lot on California , near 3th utrcit , $ .F > OflO. No. 3ii , 1) ) 8tory brick liouso of 4 roomi wltb lot UOx2tiO feit , on Sherman arcnuu (10th ( street ) , near lianl , $30CO. Ao. Jl , 1J Htory house and 33x60 feet , on 13th rent , ncbr llowuiJ nine' , $2000 , Nu 32 , i.gtury hoiiBoof 0 rooms mij two loti on Mason , mar Itth street , ? JOOO. N ° ( jri , lArva house a il fill lot on Cajilto \cnnc , mar 1,1th rticct , ( r2 > lie No. 3D , 2 thrcu utorj hnc-k housoi wl Iot44x 13 feet , on ChUa.'O , near Ihth Htrtit$5 0 each. 0.37 , lloiifoof 7 room * w ith Ij lot 1'aul trcct , utar ISJli street , 27W , No 3 , HOIIHO and lot on IHth btrict , near Sherman , 91B50. No. 3U , lloutuof Crooiniulth 44\ftR dct tot , on 18lli Mtic'Lt , nenrlnllfornla , 2'iUO No. 4'2 , lluuHoof H rooms ulth li.tlM.xlf.Ofcct , on C'olmin , near Colfax ntrcit.t.iMKI. No 43 , MOIIHO nnil 2 lotw on Llilcnio , near 20th rut , 87fiJJ. No. 41 , l.ur 'O hoii of 7 rooms , < lopets pantr j , cll uiul iStirn , on Ihth , mar Clark ain < tS'Xio : , No 411 , l-ur 'i1 houiio with full block , neir ncn nottovtur , SJUOO. Nu. 47 llon uof 1) roonm uitli J lot , on I'idfle , uirlllhntruut ( 'MM .So 11) ) , I riil. huiiMiof 11 room' , ut'll , c ntcrn , iithr un'i out thn houvc , 001 ! barn , etc , 01 arnlmintiar 17th ft rut , < X I. No iO , lluuiu ol U roniiin. ullar , well , i > teen Ulh , nuir I'anl utrcit , $ . ,0jl. ( Nn , C'l , I Huso ol ( J roomuiul K liar , 1 t33i32 IT St. MunVaunue , mar conn lit , S1WW. No , CS , Four hou is aiulS xl'20 feet , on Dai en ; > ort , near 10th street , f.'iOOO. No Wl , llnu o nf Dor 10 rooms , on California o r2l t street , VOO. Nn 07 , lloiiMiofd rooini , numnirr kltdion ellar , i liter , well , K oil barn , itc. , nc-arSt arj's ntinnii uml 'Jlst rtreit , JlXW No. 63 , SIM hoi m of 7 rooms , ooil birn , 01 cliatcr , neir 22il utriit , * 2f 00 , No f > ! > , Knur'hoiue'd llll 1 lot , en 12th Btrcct lour Cn * tT2M , .No 0' , lluu-i ) of .trooinon la\ciiiort , nca UO stuct , r.KK ) No ( II , llniiiioof Dor 10 roomi , on Hurt tlrotl ntur 22ucl Mtnet , $ ( > ( ) No 112 , llouwol 4 roonw , l Mor ) , porch , el ar , ilDti rn nnil "I'll , on llurnoj , Iit\ir21tt trt'u1 17f.O. No 01 , Homonf 4 ro nw , clnictn , liutiucc Mill collar , near \\hUi ) l.iailSork , $ lWn ) vo ill , llnllilliu enl i wl lot , on li l"c tmi irar post olllcc , itorv Inilow and r 01111 ubovu sOONn. . 09 , SlolH with Imrn ami other linprox nentp , mar > trn t tar turn taliln , S.1 > X1. No , 0 , New hou v of U room * on I7th , nia .So ClATK \ < > line hrmi'col 13 iooin , riorj ttiln/ciuniiltlr , o IMh , nrar Cliinvo , j'.KXW ho. TO. Ilou u on Ihtli fetriut , mar i uuiiginr toru bilow .in.I roonu Hbn\r , lurn , iti , JlMm , No 71 , HoiiMi ol n rnom , line icllar , ail i-oi | > UU' , on California , near 'Jlit , (70 < H ) No , 7llrkk lioumj , 10 or 11 roomrm Daiei port , nrar IDlh VM > 0. No. 7.1 , IJ-i-tort houitn , n roorm , u-llar , v > tnii cl turn , on Jackvou , mar 1-th ( IKK ) No 74 , llrlck liou-o llli u lots ( rult tat cti' , on JUIli , nnir Ca | > ltol meiiue , JIA.UOO. No 7& , llou.Bof 4 rnonii , bailment , lot 171 I3i l t , on Jlaicy. nrur 7tli , { < I7J. No. 70 , IJ miir linuw , Hrooim , niiCtM trtt n r IHthitretl , 84MW. Ni.77 , 2'nt'irj IIDUMU room * ' , iloictn , ( u no , Irult trecu ham , eti. , cu Kiriiham , nti til utrrct. tKK ) . No. hi , 'I liun-ci Kith 0 roomii , nnil otluT Kit ritouu , un L'lilmtfO , nrar litli ttrcrt , UH.0. No. k'i , 1) ) ilorj hotiiu,0rooiiD , 4io | ( txui ill.I 1011 liaarl clutrrn good linn , on I Irriv M ntar Wthd cir IIB irokviiiment 'orrallj , ll 0 No b.l , 2 itorjr huu e , ( I room * , ro Nlitnl , ( fix nl , cl > trm en | lot , on Capitol mnuu , in Ivth , 9' . . eu. No. SI , 1 utory houw , 8 rooiui , 4 liclow ixnil kgtf , Jcln oii.celar , will ami tlitern , llh cr H k'rouml , un riaiuidcr .trnl , nir llaruii , 'tM , No fcl , 2 itotri , liouke on Itaw.l ) lot , lei Min i } uar ! riiin Apill l t , Ibal , on I'uunc b niar U. 1' . ilt | t , ( MAINe No M , llou-p , is rooini , Mill , tUtcrn , ct near litli and llarntv itruiU , ( fuOOO N'o 7 , 2 itnry houw , 3 roonn , will M HI , fwlot wattr. lth 6acr ofi.rniiiul , oiiHaund < licit , luar U tl. lla-rucki , J2000. ho W , lar o houx ol 10 rooin , well , clitci Urn , tUon du. itrttt , mar 'JUt , S7000 No ttf , I arm hoiiic , 10 or 12 room * , on W ter il'rct , nrar Mh , (7U * } , No. W ) . la rue oiivjaml lH utllul cornir 1 neir Iv.l.'t und 171) ) , tu .tti , TOO ) . No. VI , I Mury houne , 6 rooini , eto. , on K i him , nrar lOtli.tmt , 41 MX ) No. VI , I arge , hrautllul , lrlck hoiue and loU , uttr I ) fiipoit and 17IU ttrcclt , tU.OOO No on , 1 | tirt drick hpn r , 7 room < , ullli Int CIO 101 Icct , nc r ropplcton , on Sin rman me i.tic , { 7000 Si l 7 , I-iruo lieu c of 11 roonn , li rn , etc , ftn Shcnnma\eniiF , ncnrthtlv trtet , mike an oiler vo 9larifn ho\i'f \ on Ilirncj ktrcct , nca m , No 100 , IIOu'B 4rtnniMtlhrlM 'lanili ' | tcrnl batnf ir I horses , nct IClh ornl Ir.iril , J-'OUO N . 101 , 1 > tor ) hou c , 3 rnotn , tie , onSoutri n'ic , i tar Miwn utrut , t > QW. No. lei , 21ion ciof ' rooms iiulicelhr < ( tte , nmr 15 h ami CftMtlreclf , ? IOW ) . No. 10' , ljlorv | dnuM loii-c , 3 rooini Ir wli , nn > Vi6 tcr ilrcct , mar 17thtl2'/iO .NO 104 , Hotiv , 4 rooiii , lirkk foiinthtlon , r - hr Kellnnil tl tctn , Cn IStli , in-xr llaiiniitu i fBcrj , $1700. Ni > lO'i , 2 tor > lioii'c , ronnn , 4 to i'tsltfi | lot , iMcrn , with IHtcr , itllnr.ioil lioiise , a < , uir tn\ \ street cur turn table , S > 00 No 1W , Hoiiu-ofJ ronns with lot 6H10S at , on 14th , near \h on iri.ct , tOCO No 107 , I st ry liotno , 5 room * , a ( .1o ct , well i < l dti rn , u ar 1'tli n'id Irinl tr > tt , Sla < ) . No 10 , I.ur.e liousr , rent , for 45)Kr ) 1110. th ar U.tli arid llirne ktti tli , R'00 No. IK , Shotiiei with let Ot 132 feet , on ( hi aK" . ncir Kiih ntrcct , rjcu. ha 110 , 2 story hrlrlc home , tor liolnn ami jomj lilion1. innr lllh mil Cim ktr-ctx , # . ' 000 No i , 'JloUwltli nuw tou e , well iMern , ati ut one mile c < > rt | Kt o * tv , $1000 No TnJ , IIiii u anil lot near ciiil of ml street il turn Iftbtu on "AUnilcr * xlrcet , 'OO SoI ) , lloii e of 4 rooms , hall , lellir , pinto , noj ill , etc. , IflZGO GEO , P. BEMIS1 Real Estate Exchange 15th nnd Douel H Street CON n.VtT.3 TO Roar for Moores ( ) Harness AJfDSaddlery. . Ihnvo adopted th > ) l.lcn nf a Trade Math , and Imy gotH\i \ ill bo STAMI'KDwtth th LION nil my NA.V.r. on thcaamu. NO OOOD3 Af 1 KKUKI : wnnouT Tim AHOVR SFAMI'S iclicHt material Is lined anil tha most Bkllln nrknicn urn cintilouil , and at the lowest cajl rtra. Anjonu wwhln a jirlio list ol good will nlcr a ( nvor liv Nin.lini . ; for one. DAVID SMITH MOORE. A Strange Story ! Thrilling and Exciting ! Founded on Fact ! KKADV THIS MOUMXi ! , Ill No. 4 of The lew York Weekly , It In untltkil A CURIOUS GRIME. ily P. .7. HIGGINS , M. 1) . The p'ot of thU dimply atfeitlii ) ; btory U In cnloiM&iul nustcrloua , nnil the Incidents arc o like anil dramatic. From tlie opening chap > ir to the HtAttlln ilunoumcnt thi i-tory In. roiscif In iioner anil Intcreal. It can bo read ilj In The New York Weekly. The Nr'V VORK WrrKLY u'socontilrs fi\ectliet O\\K \ HtfiricH , a I'umlnr of i-li .rt sKctilius a tl ioenn , alulaarietj of In true'Uo a il enter. alnlni ; umiir. It it the 1'Ct-t hous holil paper n thuvtoiltl. K\crj ne 3 cciitei'lU ; the NKW ORKVrrhi.r. . The N'n * VonK Wn h II be tmt liv mail , lOHtau Iree , 10 an } nlaea In the ilnitul btnto' "r ! ui ill hnu in ntiis uir 75 c. ntn ; four in nlh- 1 ; fnvntim \ 816 ; I'll" jcar , S' . 'luoeoplu no jiur , 8' > : or oiiocnp ) t oea n , S3 II icit nuinbi a UUII\H , on hintl. Aililres- . all Icttu s to STHEKT & SJ1IT11 , Uox 2731 21 Uo o btr U , New Vork Articles of Incorporation ol' the Milliird Farmers' Club- Artie e of incorporation mailu ant ! adopted this SJIth day of October , A. J ) , 1SS1 , by and belueen tlio undersigned in irporatnrH , as follow * , to-uit : SA31K. Article ! T. The name of thUclub > < haU In ho .Millunl Farmers' club. l'I.\CK CIV llt'HI.NKSS , Article II. Tliu principal placu nf bunl ictm nf tbiii club shall bu nt Millunl ita ion , county ol Donghi" , Nebraska , XATUUK OF IIUS1MSS. Article 111. The general natuio nf bmi IL'HH to bo triii-iLU'il : by this club is ti cimihict 11 pvncr.d litcinry and social bud iexN tuul ntlicr entert.xiinnt'iit.s of a sociu character. CAl'lTOL hTOCK. Ar'iulr IV. Tbu amount of cnplt.i' ' H4ocl tliiH elu i 1 all lie two tlionnnml ilnllnrn livlil'-il int > dliarex of onu dollar each Kb hull bo tulil in the nmnuer ire Kuiibed by tb ilntetors. COMMK.NCFJIENT AND TRI MINATI > .V. Aitiou V. Tblriclub hh.ilI commence t _ unmet bu < iiin H nnd e\rici-oiUcnrporat inuoi > tliu.lih iluy of Uttobei , 1881 , um IIC.UCIH hhuli cciuio 'Hi the -Ktli day u Oc' , 1'Jal. AMOUMS OK UAIIILITY. / > rtleie VI. The blbe ( ; t ninonnt of n lilllty or luilotitt'ilnem , whiib tbU clu uhall .it any mitiine tubject itnlef , hhal lie tluoi ) hunlioil d illirs , ovFiur.ns , Article VII. Tlio ollicow of till club hlndi ba runiliv U-d by Imunl of three dlrvctorH , who fludl li elected from aiming tbu toeldioldcri < , an tbuy nlmll uppoint a prcelil nt nnd auc other ulllcen as by law li required. .Tui.H'h SeillLM llhlt , J. ' W. ( iiiiMoiir. RTATKOK Ni IMIASKA , COUNTI w DOUFI.AH. On this Wth dixy of October , A. 1) , 88S iiuiMin.illy nppe'iired befoiu nii % Cluili JlrnndeH , n notary public for .dd count ; JnliiinHuliriuiler , .1 , hluin , UausSeiii m inn , \V. lii'indorf , to mo known to I tlio blgner * ol the forririilnpaitlclM of li corpiiriitinii , imd ackHouleilycd ibos-vnio i be tlieiiolunUry ntt nnil nci'il. * [ HKAI. . ] CH.UU.W i IIANDW Notary publio in and for Uouabis couut C. F. Manderson , ATTORNEY-AT-L AT ? i Farohim 91 , Oin h N 1819 Farnham Street. Within the riext sixty days we expect to occupy our new store at I3I5 and I3I7 Farnham street , adjoiningour present stand , with a Stock of Unequalled in the West , EOT SURPASSED IN THE EAST , and meanwhile we desire that all Omaha should take advantu-e - of the very -ARE : nil tlio low prir-os nnd extra caeh rtiscouutg uiveu us lW mannfacrurera and iiuiorttrH. i CLOAK DEPARTMENT. Heaver Clonks , handsomely trimmed with RiHsincntcriu and S.itin , Kill : Vihet , So 00 to § 1 00. All Wool Heater Cloaks , from S8.00 loSlSfO. liunver Didntiiii' * , Inndsomoly trim , mod with Silk and Fringe , S8 ? 00 , or with H.ii in Sill ; und r'nasinonteii. ' Dec p Fringe , Corded and T.isahd , 810.00 At Slfi 00o oll'i'i1 a lianiltolnely fur tiiiuinud u'l Wool Ujiigonal Dolman , and ut § 18 00 v > o show four stale's of DolmaiiH worth fully S20.00. Liirht .1 ickels at § ! ) oO to J1U.OO. Tn Light DulniaiiB wo show overlU styltH , from § 15 CO tnSJjri.OO. innking special pi ices at 820.00 and $25 00. Silk Dolmans fromS-45.00 to $75 00 , all handsomely trimmed with Fur Plush. DRESS GOODS. Ladies' Suitings , Cashmeres , Silks and Plaida Novelties. 40 inch I31ack C.ishmuicsCOo. , 7oc. , 95c. , § 1 00. 40 inch Ulack Ciishmeros , 7oc. , flOc. , SI 00 , SI 25. We will ai-reo in all cases to refund the money for Cnshmeros should they not prove satisfactory. Our pi ices \ \ ill bo found 20 to . ' ! 0 per cent less than these usually ashed for same qualities ; all uo asked is comparison , 40 inch French Flannel Suitini'.s , 80c. 80c.4iinch 4iinch ( tu'eiich Silknnd Wool Plaids. § 100. 48 inch Ficiich Foullu and Camels Hair in extra luavy weight , § 1.05 to 2 00 a yaid. 48 inch Drap doEtoat $1.25 , $1.50 , § 1.80 , S2.HO. HOSHERY Ladies' and Children's UNDERWEAR. 50 dozen Ladies' all Wool Seamless Hose , 40c. 25 dozen Ladies' all Wool Seamiest Hose , oxtui heavy , COc. 25 dozen Ladies' fine Caahmepj Hoao , 75c. , worth ST.00. Children's nil Wool Seamless Hose for school wear , all fli/es , 25c. , worth 40c. to 50c. ] Joys' all Wool Gray Wised School Hose 40c . worth 50c. to 7oc. Ladies' oxtr.i heavy Fleeced Lined Belbriggins , 50c : Ladies' line Jleiiiio A'csts , 45c. , worth COc. Children's line Mciino Vests , 2i5c. to § 2.00. BOGCS & HILL , REAL ESTATE BROKERS No. 15O8Furuhnm Street , .v , - - 330TEIJ3. rrio Nor ti ulilo oi > u Druid Cuitral Hotel. 6IBBETT & PULLER , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , DVTD CITY , NEB , Bpeclal ittaittloii u'Ucn to collection * In Ilutlci Edward W , Sime al , A11GRNEX Men's Sox , Shirts , UNDERWEAR. 200 Dtwon Seamless Fancy British Sox L'fiu. 25 Do. : . n JFi n"s Fitm nil \ \ ' < wSear \ - ji > t Half Huso 50o u l\ur fully woith * 7l0. 25 Down Finn English Merino Hose : ir > i- . : $ fur Kuanilo H rnlioi ! : huil , Sn.S'J.OOilo ? . KirFitio UnbluncliL'd Ssux § 2 50 doz. doz.Mewl Mewl Quality Linen Collars § 1.50 tlo/c. Uost Qu.ilily Linen OiiiraS2.50 tlci/ . Anotliur invok-o of Mi-n's Piijuu Sown , S'it ' thud luck Dt rby Stn-ot ( tlnvcs SI : C IUIIF , iHti.tlly sold uf § 2 00 < o . ' . . 'J ( - > 0. Every pair w.irranlud not to Inv.ik. Heavy iMeiino Shirts or Drawers 2Co. Heavy Merino Shirts or Drawers 50e , uoith § 1 00. He.i\y ftlorino Shirts or Diawcrs SI 00 , worth SI 25. For SI.25o sell a very heavy P.ituut iMirino Shirt or Drawer has heretofore sold for SI 50. Seamless Shirts or Diauurs from $1 50 , formoily SI.75 , [ ) to the best C.utwri'lit ! and Wauiur'a Hand-knit Scotch Shetland Wool. OJIDEUS TAKEN for Silk Uudcr- w oar. SATINS , SILKS , VELVETS. PLUSHES , In this department all goods are of our own importation at the prices we name. No honso west of Now York can compote with us. 10 inch Black S-ttiiis , all beautiful lustre and well covered. 7oc. . 83c. . 03c. , $1.00. 22 inch Bl.ick Satin , § 1.00 , $1.25 , § 1.40 , § 1 f)0 , $ l.iO ( , $1.G5. A complete line of Colored Satins at )0c. ) , iqual to the § 1.25 Satin of last season. Bluck Gros Grain Silk'50c. . , 7fic. , OOc. , S < 1.00 , all worth 2oe. , a yard more. Cashmere Finish Gros Grain Silk from SI. 15 to S3.50. We have full lines of our celebrated brand of Cashmere Alexandra Silk * Black and Colored Plushes , full 21 inches \\ido S3 50. 19 inch Silk Velvets from $1.25 to St. 00. Over 20fjualtics to choose from. KID GLOVES , . ' ! Hultun Fisk , Claik A Gloves , 7iie. 4 Hutti.n Fisk , Olatk A Fl.tgg Glows , SI.00. ( i Jiiiitnii Fish , iV Flagi- Gloves , SI 2o. Thonbo\e are well ktinun in the .o.iit us one of thobcHt Gloves nindjc The nukciM sold ns nil they had , and woas.sniu our patioiiH that tiny rank " .3 hmh as any lirat-cliss ( ! ! tno UMMlly ao.lmjj ut ? _ > .00 , 8:2.25 : and 82 5D per pair. Wo are Hole agentn in Omnhi for Courvoisier Kid Gloves. ! ! Button Courvoisivf Kills.00 4 liutton ConiVdisitr Kids , 2.25 0 Button Conru.iaier Kids , 2.50 Poster Lace ' - ids , all Lengths. 01 Button Real Ivnl , Mlaek , only § 1.25 4 Button Heal Kid , lihick , only i.DO When Gone wo cannot repl.ioo. LACES , RIBBONSTETC. Hand or machine made- nil Silk _ Spanish , Gnipuie , Ohiniilly and other now style Laues , from ono to twulvu inches , Deep Ctoam or Spanish Lace Scarfs fiom . ' ! fic to S. .00 each. \\ro also add to our sock of Ten Cent Ribbons Many new colois and extr.i widths in Satin and Groa Gr.iiii. Come early this inoining. TLANKES COMFORTS. Onr Blanket Stock is the largest iu Omaha , and as oni | ricesill show is by fur the ihinpost over oll'ered. 100 PaiiB 104Vluto Blankets § 1.50 , woith S .f)0. 100 P.iirs 10-4 White Blankets $2. \\oithS3.00. CO 11 4 White Blankets S2.GO Pair. ( iO 10-4 White Bl.inkits ? 3 HO Pair. 00 11 4 AVbiii- Blankets § -t.50 Pair. The B st S5.00 Blankets in the West. 50 Puirs Extra Uuivy all Wool Blankets SO 50. 50 Pairs 12 4 Extra Heavy Blanket * § 7.00. 50 Pairs 11-4 nil Wool Blankets 88.50. An Extra L-irf/e San Jose. California , Blanket for $10.00. The Yery Beat Bargain in Omaha. 48 Bed Comforts 5."ic. each , worth 75s. to 81.00. 48 Bed Comforts 75c. each , worth Sl.25. 48 Bed Comforts , very largo and heavy , nt 81.25 each. Fine French Blankets of our own importation from § 15.00 to 50.00 a pair. S - IMIOIRSim < fe CO. , 1319 Farnham Street. We respectfully request the attention of the Ladies of Nebraska to the announcement of the arrival of the largest and most recherche invoice of Fur Lined Promenade Wraps ; Silk , Plush and Embroid ered Matelaise Dolman's ever imported west of the Missouri. DIAGONALS MO ARABIAN CLOTH SUI S1 FRENCH FLANNELS AND CHINA SILKS I Trimmed Elaborately with every Shade of Plush , Satin , Velvet Passementerie. Suits and Costumes in Innumerable Varieties. ! WRAPS AND SUITS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. Plain" and Embroidered Dressing Sacques , CLOAKS FROM $5.00 TO $150.00. SUPEnlOR ornEiis In Convenience , DURABILITY , ECONOMY AND GENERAL CONSTRUCTION BUY m BEST ! -SOLD BY S Lang & FotickV1