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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1881)
TITE OMAHA DAFLY BEE SATDRDA KV13MBBIl188l ( _ " " FINAttCE AND GQMME1 FINANCIAL NBTT VOKK , MONKT , pcil nt 4 JUT cent. , b r.ito won 0 per cent. steady t 4 MXJM S. % . 'iitvornniinti clostjd * ronu , HH fo'l Currency ( > ' . 13 4's coiqxMU . 1 1 41's comvtiH . 11 8 ii rontluutd . 10 V < j.iiiUmu\l . 10 RA11.HOAU mi.Mls. I'acifio rallroivl bonds closed ixs fn Union firsts 1 17i < < i l4UiairanU ; I 13 ( n Sinking fuiuU 1 20 ( Centrals 1 15 HTOCKH. Marlcot qullo hcti\e nnd flronj closed hunyant , w.tli thu highest pr the day. A geunrally current ail rangcxi from J to 3f per cent , us con with Wed ics lay's prices. Tin following are the cloilni : bids Amonom Dint. . 50 Mo Pa. . . AftTll 52 t' ru Preferred . . . .12 I'r f erred . BtO. . X I' , pfd IM Ti V r.lovrttei C S . N .r o o c &i n. . . . . 2'.i XV ( J C1 ti i , f i ' ( , " ' ' " ' ' c c ct'i' . . . . uj C& A 132 Preferred . < 1Htl , .t NO . S3 OC - ? > & 111 ! 7'JJ Oltic lee D s DJitt W 12lH Oregon Nav Krio 45A P D Ac K. . . . l 3g Piciliu . .143 Pauanni , . . . 131 Uo.kI Und . American U5 Kcudin 4 . . . . U. S 77 Si Paul H&StJ 051 Preferred. . pf.l 10 ! ) I Tc\asPtiific. ! 1C Hi } Union Pacihc Ili&W 51 Wahub K&T 40J Preferred. . T.S 121 StPM&M. Ii & N t"i J San Francisco I.N A& 0. . . . 03 Preferred . Michigan Ceut'l 91J First pref'.l. M LS&W. . . 50 WtMternl'nioi Stnto bondt ne locted. CHICAGO MONEY JIAUKCT. CIIICAOO. Novcmbei Thera wai a f.viily cti\o busini bankin ; c'n o't-K to-day. The dinar inonoy ww aotivo , and rates wio fn C@S per cent. , but the po'sexsors of t cullnterals foun the h.mks ready nm ing takers at Iho : ibu\u rates. Kaslera cxcluu o between city \r.\n ROlil vtpar. The clearings of tin ossociu'ed JOM $ ' , ) ,000.000 , afaimt 7,000.000 tiosday , $3,400,03 I . 'uesday. and 88,11 Monday. COMMERCIAL. Omaha 'Wholesale Marhol OKKICK OP THK OMAHA HK Friday Kvenins , November 2."i / ( irainsteidy and undiluted. Potatoes in good supply. Niibi declined 15S40c ( ; per buhhel. Vild gees-i declined 50. © 1 00 per ( Tjouiimi declined 50 © t 00 per box Drcwed chickens declined lu. In drugs carl on oil advance J jo. No other chan o reported. Local Uratn Uoalmgs. WITKAT. Osh No. 2. 1 07 ; fo. < , 93J : rejected 70Jc. BAllljK . Cash No. 2 , OSc ; J 'KYK. Ca h , 82ic. CORN. Cosh No. 2 , 44c. OATS. Cash. 3. < j < - . HAY J8 00U 00 per ton. Livestock. AT COUXOIL lILffl'lt KTOCK YAUI > Cattle ( .ioixl Hhipiiiiip. 9 * 00T > 0 wn ad hoifern. 82 75@3 00. Shooi ) Sl.tuxhtering in demand at Provlilons. FIXUR Spring wheat , Rtraight | $325@i < 75 : "Pioneer" Californiu , patent , S3 75@1 50 ; winter wbent nt srade $3 8oS)4 ( ) 25 ; patent , J4 50@4 1)1 ) ham rve , 52 75 : Wheat , * 3 00. 11YK FLOUIl Sit 25. MILLSTUFFS Bran , per cwt V screenings , per cwt. SOc ; aborts , \rwt 1.00 ; chopped feed , per cwt. 120 bolted , yellow. 1 40 ; white. SI < JO. POTATO KS In car lots , 105u ( Salt Lakiw , 1 25@1 35. Nub aalca' © no. SWHHr I'OTATOIW Genuine A tine , 3lo peril ) . J'OUlVrKV Chickens per dj/en , ( § 2 75. PKAI1UK OIIICKKNS $3 00 per dozen. QUAIL Per do82 OOf3-,3 00. WIIjI ) CiKKSi2 : 2rin 2 50 WILD DUCICS-200@250. UUliS l''irm ; saircoat oiKt Wc. 11UTTKU Clinicc , Hcarco at 20 poor , -MI marlcet ; creamery , 30@T5c. APPMCS Good. Hound , \ary I at 8J 50l 75 per bbl. HONHV L'allfjrnia white clovi eomh , 2Kut25c. LKMONS Steady ; pr box , S ; 80' . MALTiAO A tSUAI'KSPer bbl. , \ > ei lulf bbl , , SI rid. BBKSWAX Vellow , 20@22o. OXIOXS I 5".l ( 00 per busli l. OABI1AO K 51"002 00 per do/.e to nualitv. UKANlJKlllUiS-Per : bbl. , ? 1C 1110. CKLHUY IVr doz. . MffiRSo. DHKSSKD CHKOKKNS Per 11 Oc. Oc.DHKSSKD TUHKKYS I'cr lb. , 12io. 12io.DKKSSKD DUCKS-Tor lb. , 10i ( IltKSSKD(5iKSK : Pcr lb. , Hi OYSTllKS SelectsSOc ; ntandaril Grocers Lilt. tOFKKK. Kio , lair , 13Jc ; Rio , He ; Ilia , prime lo choice , flic ; Old Java ; 20J@28ic , M ocha , 28Jc ; Arbu 17Jc. 17Jc.TKAS. . Ounp < iwder , _ givxl , 45 . 3pi40c : choice. SUGAllS. Out lonf , 114c ; Or benne , bbl" . 50 111 , , 52c ; kegs 4 llouH , ,82 , Mj toblo syrup , 50c ; alf bbln , 5Sc ; kegc , SODA. DwMit't tli pupew , 83 ( X land do , $3 00 ; Church's , * 3 00 ; Hog . i Silver (51 Corn Starch , 8j@9c ; hx > , 7o ; Com. "lc. SALT.-Dray lo.vl . , per bbl , 1 05 bblx dairy U ) , 5a , ton , In wvckw , 3 50 ; bl.liilalry. . 100. 3 .3Cr. . 1 KHUITS-Choice DRIKl ) pcacliw , new crop , lOc ; Evaporated A 5 Hi box , 13@lo ? ! ; Michigan , 8ic ; YorkiippleB , 8Jc ; Prune * , old , 7Jc ; 8k ; Ourranta , 7@7i ! lilackbernw , O1IK1JSK Full Cream , 15o ; Bklm , Hie. . , m WOOD F.NWARi : Two hoop 1 03 ; three ho p paila , 2 20 ; No. 1 i 9 50 ; No. 2 tubs , . 8 M : No. 3 tub . pioneer wrxliboani * , 1 85 ; Double C 'i'.W ; Welllmcket. , 325. lKAD-ltar. $1 ( V > . SPICKS. Pcpicr | , 20s Allnplci Cloves , 4V ; NultueVs if 1 CM : Ua.ssh Mace SI tX ) . MATHlKS-Por c.'uMio , OOc ; ca e-s , ?"i ; < itiaro c f.e * , ? 5.10. PROVISIONS NroaMart bacon choice lard , 13Jc ; dried beef , 13Jc ; - ' bacon , sides 12Jo NKW PlClvl.V.S-Medlum , In h MO 00 : do ill half bbls , 5 75 : small" , b 12 ( X ) do , In half bliK 7 CO ; gherkl bills. 11 00 : do , in half hhl . 7 50. VINKUAR Pure a | > plo extra , pure apple , 13o ; Pnu inif tmro aimli HOMINY Nnw , $ U (10 ( per till ! . 15KAXS Medium , hand picked l > er bushel : na\y , SI 00. KOri ! Sisal , ! hii-hanl l.irsjer , nch , locjjinch , lOJi. SOAPS-Klrk's SAMUI Imperial , Kirk's Batlnel. 3 45 : Kirk's st.iiid.inl Kirk's white Russian , 5 25s Kirk's T. 205fKhh'8Pr.iiieQiioen ! , (100 ( c 3 10 ; Krl'A ( magnolia , t 55. CANDIiKS HOXOH , 10 lln , Ifi lliciboxtrt 40 His. , 10 o/ . , ( is , ICc , IjYK , 3 10 ; Greenwich Western , 2 75 ; N'orth Star , 2 50 ; i lyi . 4 COlew ; ell lye , 275. POTASH Pmmsylvauia can , 4 In civ e , 3 3Ti ; HahbittV Hall , 2 doz. b 1 ! K ) ; Anchor Hall 2 doz In case. 150. Fliil : > SKKD Red clovor. i new , SO 00 per bushel ; mammoth new , S710 * : while closer , ttexv , * ul alf'i clover , new , § 12 W ) } aloikc , $1300. Timothy , good , new , i blue grais , extra clean , 91 50 : blue clean , ? 1 25 ; on-banl grass , § 2 50 : re choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Mi SOc ; millet , IJornian , * l 00 to Hungarian. SOc. irKDOKSKKB Owige orange , 1 liushuls. S."i 00 : osiiga orange , 10 bush f er , S-l 50 : honey locimt , per lb. , 3J 100 TOP,52300. FlSH-Family white fish , PO lb hi S3 75 ; No , 1 white fish , 1(0 ( lb hf bbto No. 1 white fish , in 10 lb kits. 1 00 ; I 10 lb kits , 75c ; New Hnllaiul hcrrin keg , 1 35 ; RusMau sardines , 75c ; ( bia ri > er salmon , per lOOlbs , 8 00 ; Ge Bank oxlfish , tic ; pen. b ci 8Jc ; boneless fih , 4Jc. MACKKIlKIHalf bbl racRsnini 100 Ibs , 81250 ; lit bbl No. 1 ex hoi 100 Ibs , 0 00 ; hf bhln , fut family di Ibs , 3 85 ; mess mackerel , 12 lb kits , No. 1 ex shore , 12 lb do , 1 50 ; No. 1 12 lb do , 1 00 ; fat family , 10 lb do , 7 ! CANNKD GOODS-Oypterx , ( Field's ) , per case , 8 20 ; do 1 Ih ( Fi per case , 2 50 ; do 2 Hi ( Standard ) , pci 3 DO ; do 1 lb ( standard ) , l > cr caw , 2 i 2 Hi ( slack ) , per caw , 2 75 ; do 1 Hi ( t per case , 200. Onions , 3 80. Sain lb , per dozen , 1 CiOC"1 ! 70 ; do 2 Hi , per 2 fin. Sardines , small t'sh , imported quarter boxes per IKK , 14ic ; Ame quarter boxes per Iwx , lie ; do h.ilf per box , 21jc. , l olwtcr > ) , 1 lb per i 180. Tomato . 230 ; do 3 lb case , 310 ; ( . 'on 2 It ) ( Mou per case , 3 70 ; foakud cum , 211 2 lb ( Yarmouth ) , per cav , siring beans , per case , 2 25 ; Lima per civse. 2 20. Succottish per case , Peas , common , per case , 2 00 ; peas , c per ca-so , 150. lilacklieiries , 2 Hi , pci 280 ; strawberries , 2 Hi , per case , raspberries , 2 Hi , per , 2 75i Damsons. 2 H > , per case , 2 45. Iln pears per cvse , 3 O.i@ I 00. Whorl rier , per c.i'.e , 2 SO. ICgR plum" , 2 1 cie , 3 50 : do , choice , 2 Mi , per case. Green gages,2 lb per case , 3 60 : do clu lb , xjr ease,4 50. Pine Apples , 2 lb , pci 4 0K&l."i ( 75. Peaches , 2 lb per case , do 3 lb , case , ( i OOfaJli 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 I1 oase.385 ; do pie , 0 lb , per do/eu , 3 50 , KICK Carolina , 8@8ic ; LouUIar PEANUTS lloasled , choice , red nessee , He per Hi ; fancy white , 10a pi ra-v white Virsinia raw , lOc ; ro Hie. Dry Goods. BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A Aupletnn XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; FF , S\c \ ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabc 71c ; Chittenango A , tijc ; l > rcat Fal 8c ; HixM-er , OJc : Hone-t Width , 7 ; ] rtian Head A , H c ; Indian Stand.i : 8'Jc ; Indian Orchard d , w. , 8u ; Law LL , 7c ; Mystic River , 7lc ; Pennot A Shiiwtnut LL , 7c ; Vtica C , 5ic : W : elt B. 7jc ; do A , SJc ; do K 48 , 12 < ic ; cott BB , 74c. FIN'K BROWN COTTONS All * 4-4 ; 7jc ; Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Argyle 4 Atlantic Llj. Oic ; Badger State X 4 Benningtim C M.lifc ; BuckojoS. ! - ! Indian Orchard AA 9-8 , SJc ; L\co : 39 , Sic ; Lehigh K t-4 , Uic ; I > ons < la' c : I'epnercll N 30 , 7o ; tfo O 32. 7-ic ; , 7c : ilo K 33. Sic ; 1'ocnss t 0 4-1 WanihUtta4.4 , BLKACHKD C'Ori'ONH-Aniln tin L 4-f,10cBackatoneA ; ! A in per do do half blenched 4. J , tic ; e'abot 4 Fidclity4.4. HJcFruit ; of th-Loom , II canbrii:4.4ioloWaterT : i t,10ic ; Falls Q , 6c ; ImUui Hi-adHhnink 4-4 , L ns'Iale , lOc ; do c.imbri 37 , 13c ; York Mills , 13n ; Peqnot A. lOc ; Pep N G Twills , 12Jo : Pocahontaa 1-4 , PociiBS't 4-4 , 8Jc ; Utica , lie ; Wan O X X , 13c. Dl'CKS Unbleached Atlantic , 1 17c ; Baltimore do , Hie ; I.onuStiir , i 12c : Sav ge , It-'c. . . ; , OKS ( Colorcd-Alb ) ny K b 8c ; do C , ilra'r ' ! ' t < > \ v , Htripe plaiilo , 12ic ; do XXX brown and stripes anil pluidn , 12 Arlingt'iii f We ; L'runswick brown , Sic : Ch iriot f 12ic ; do eUr.i heavy , 20c ; Full brown , uxtia heavy , Hie ; India brown , 13e ; NepoiibCt A bronn , 15c. TlCKINCJS-Amonki-ai ; A C / 17tc ; do XX hbio 32 , ISJc ; Arrow ' .lie ; ( Maremonl 1 ! I ! , 1'iic : Cunuitii tf.i , 174c ; Hamilton P. lUc ; Luw.nt 30 , 15c ; MinncMiha4-l , 20c ; Dga extra4-t , 2rfc ; Pearl River 3' ' , Ku ! ; n.un XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shetnoli 10k ; du SS 12c ; Yeou'Hn'.s ! . ! u 211 DKNIMS. Amoskeak , blueand b lli'.c ; AndovcrDI ) i-lue , Ifi'.e : Arli blue Scotrh , 18Jr ; Concord 1)00 , liln brown , 1' c ; do'AA A , do do 13J ; do : dodo It'c : Haymaker's blue n > l In .lie ; Myctie River DD Htriii' | , liijc ; River , blue and brown , 15Je ; LTnoa * lluf and brown , \'iv. \ CAMBRTCS-Bnrpard , 5jc ; Kddj lining , 2t inch double face , 8)c ; ( iarn glazed , 5c ; Manhattan glove fini-h , Newport do tic ; do glared , ! > c ; Peipi < 5c ; Lo kwoml kid hnibli , ( ! c. CORSr/r.IKANS Amnry , cAi ; coggin natteen , 8Jc ; Clarendon , lijc ; ( toga Hiitteens , 7e | : Hallowu'l ' , Sc ; 1 Orchard improvud , 74c : Nnrraiitixett | IVppcrill nattecn 94n ; Rock | ) rt , 7i c PRINTS Aliens , liie ; American , Arn W , 7c ; Berwick. I'jc ; roclu-co Concstoga. _ lilc ; Dunkirk , 4u ; Du : ( iliillceslet bom , 5c ; Oriental CJc. fJINOHAMS AinoHkcajf. Hlic ; / keag ilrew 12J > ' Anrylo , lOje ; Atli ! ) c ; Cnmberland , 7ic ; Highland , K'enilwo.-tli , 81 = ; Plun kett , lOJc ; Hex , Bo. f'OTTONADM.S Abbcrvillii Agate , 20c ; American , Hi * ; Nrtisian Cairo D and T , 13Jc ; CKn.u l > a 17lc Deccan Co.HtripesDHn ! I' . Uic ; ; htone , KUc ; Nrntncket. 1'ir. N.MIII llio ; OcAnD nmlT. 13Jc. U > nl , S\.Miett 12 c ux , 12c ; Tioga , ; " ing clu-ukH , 12c ; do , Nuukin. r.-Jc , plain Nankin. 12ic ; HtriH | ; funey , 12jc ; do , 8 oz , 20c. HHUBTlNOS-Ajidninf , 'in 10-1 do 11.1 , 2le ; do 812oj < atmunt 42 , He ; Fniitof ihe I --m 'U-l. ' 274 ; York uiilU U8. .Tic ; do 7s , # * , J . 5H , Pembroke. 10-1 , 2.1c ; Peau. I 10 . 28J 7-1 , 19c : do 4'J , lOc ; lVui < rcl. IKi , do Ii7 , 21c ; do 57 , 18c ; t tic. * Vi X 58 , 224cf Uo 48 , 17c Oulldlnc Matkrlal LIMK Per barrel , 51 3" . ; bulk pe 35c. Cement , bbl , 82 50 l > v/ pi libl. 82 50. Hair per bti. .V * . T felt 100 | Ud , ? 3 fX ) . Straw l .ard , fl * . . PAPKR St-nwiMiicr , 3c ; rapri lc ; dry good * DAJHT , 7o ; iiiMiua papc news paper , 8c COAli I'undH-rland blacksmith , Mi.trN Run BlwKluuv , $12 ; White lump , $ ( i 50Vbltbrvat ; nut , 8t > M\ \ lump , Jj'5 ' f-0 ; Iowa nut ? (1W ( ) ; Rock Si $8 ; AnthraciU , all ultiv. S13 00. Lumber. w not.v s.\t.ii. FKNCtNtJ-No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , $ No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , lit 00 : shotting di No. 1 , 18 00 : No. V , 10 00 ; common b dre ed. 20 00. FIAMINJ ( 10 ft. nnd under , p. . 20 IKlj 10 ft. studding , 22 00 ; 22 ft. ! 21 ft. 25 OU. FIXISHINO No. 1. finish H , 1 2 Inch , S50 00 No. 1 finish 1 iiu-li S Nu. 2 , tiniuli U , H and 2 Inch. 31501 2 tinlih , I Inch , StO 00 ; No , 3 iinMi , ! $ ; CiOO : O. ( ; . battens pci .00 fee iSlW : well curbing , § 23 00 ; rough i Inch battmis per 100 feet 111' . , 50o , . STOCK WUUDS Anlnck , StO S35 00 ; C , S30 00 : common stock , S KLOORlNtJ No. 1 , StO 00 : > W. 00 ; No , 3 , § 22 00 ; yellow pine , { 1000. SIDINf ? No. 1 , $21 00 ; No. 2 , S No. 3. SI 8 00. SHIP LAP Plain , $2200 ; O. ( J. $32 00 : No. 2 , 822 00. cr.iLiNr-$2t ( xwf37 oo. LATH ANDSHIXOLKS A ta M.lmjles. $ l 85 , No. 2 , 82 50 ; No. 3 , L : th , 53 50. P.iluU Oils and Vnrn1 > he > . PAINTS IN OIL White lead , t 1P. . . 7c ; white lead , O. P. A C. Co , lie ; Marseilles green , 1 to i > lb can French 'Inc , green neal , 12c : French red Httxl , lie ; French /inc. in varni l 20c ; French zlnce , In oil asst , 15c nnd burnt nmber , 1 lb cans 12c : w buriu Sienna. 13c : vniulyko brow n-lined lampblack , 12c ; coadi black ! > 'ory black , Uic ; drop black , I fie ; Pi blue , 30c ; nltramariuo blue , 18c ; c green , L. M. ti D. , Itc ; b bid and H green , L. M. ! i D. , 14c ; Purls green l"ilian rod , 15c ; Venetian red , ! c ; 1 itn , 22c ; Amoricau VennllliKl , I. & 1 chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. A. D. O. yellow ochre , IW-j Rolden ochn > , 10 ; Iryor , Cc ; graining colont : light oaken on t , walnut , ehentnut and ash 12 < 5. Dry "alnti White lead , t4c ; French zinc , lOc ; whiteing 2Jc ; wliiting gilders , v biting cornel , lie ; lampblack Gt town , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; sian lilno , t5e ; ultraniariiio , ISc ; vnt brown , 8c ; tttnlier , burnt , 4c ; utnliei Icjsipnna , burn t , 4c : sienna , rav Paris gruen genuine , 85c ; Paria green J5u ; chromu gruen , N. Y. ' 20o ; c green K , , 12ccnnillion ; , Km ; . , 70 < million , America , 18c ; Indian nnl roue pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Coo ' ' , { \enetinn red Am. , life ; red leai chromo yellow , genuine , 20c : chrouii low , K. , 12o ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; French , 2 c ; ochre , American , Wintcr'H iniiieriil. 2Jc ; lehigh Imnvr spanith brown. 2jc ; Prince's miner : VAUNISIIKS UnrrelH per % li'imiiture , extra , SI 10 ; furniluro , > SI ; fiuiiituro , U , 85c ; coach , extra , i Couch , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , § 1 50 ; .1 TOc ; aspbaltum , 70c ; shellac , S3 50 ; oil finish. SI 30 Ol LS110' carbon , per gallon. 12c heaillifiht , per gallon , 13e ; 17" > * hfai per pallon , 17c ; cryctoline , p rgallo : linseed , riw , per gallon , jit ; linseed , I per g.illon , li"c ; lard , winter st 'd , pi Ion. 1 05 ; No 1 , SOc : No. 2 , C5c : c XXX , p-r gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3 , 1 15 ; , per Dillon , K5c ; sperm , W. B. , perg 1 35 ; tish , W. B. per gallon , OPc : neiil extr.i , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , ( ! 5e ; eating , zero , per gallon , 30c ; to den tnachino , No. 1 , jicr gallon , 35 , 2 , 30 ; Hperm , signal , per gallon , Mi pentine , per gallon , Il4c ; naptha , 71 gallon , 30c ; Of , 20c. Heavy Harnware List. Iron , rates , ? ; ? 50 ; plow steel , cast cast tool do , 15g)20 ( wagon poke 225@3 00bubn ; , per not , 1 25 ; felloes , ilry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; each , 75c ; snuare nuts , per lb , 7 washers , per lb , 8@18c ; nvetK , t > er 11 coil chain , per lb , ( i@12c ; malicabli ron wedges , ( > c ; crowbars , tic ; h teeth , 4c ; horaerihoes , per keg , 0 00 ; i steel. 7 < Sc. NAILS 10 to 20d. 3 CO ; 8 to 10 , lid , 4 00 ; 4d , 4 25 ; 3d , common , 5 C fine , ( i 50 ; clinch , all sizes , 5 25 ; fid , c t 75 ; 8il casing , 4 5 > ; lOd caning , 4 'S finish , 4 75 ; 8d finish , f > 00 ; Od finish , half kegs , lOc extra. SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck ( .hot . , Oriental Powder , kegu , 80.40 ; do. , kega , 53.48 ; do. , quarter kegs , 51.88 ; [ UK , kegd , $3.35 : Fuse , uer 100 feet C Horses and Mulei. The market is brisk and all gradt selling well at a Blight advance in j The demand for good homes exceeo supply considerably. I'ricon ra nge i IOWB : Fine ninglo driven8150. . to 300. ; faaft horses. $175. to 225. ; Common liorsoH , S100. to 150. : Kxtra farm h ? 110. to 125. ; Common to good farm h SOO. to $100. ; Kxtra plugs , $ ( X ) . t < Uominon pings , ? 20. to $40. M.UTVES. 15 to 15J hands ( extra ) , to 150. ; 14J to 15 hands , $100. to 14 to 14Ji hands , $75. to 100. ; 13 $ liandn. SliO. to 75 Hide * hurs , Etc. HIDES Green butcher's hide , 7c ; : ured hides , 8c ; green salt , ptrt liidec , 7@7/cdry / flint , Bound , 13@14 : alf and kip , 12@13c ; dry Halt hides , K ll@12c ; green calf , wt. 8 to 15 His. , jOi jreen calf , wt , under 8 tin , jusr skin , , 'reen pelts , 81 00Jl ( ) 15 ; grern lamb 51 10 < a)125 ) ; damaged hiiles , two-thin ! : ut hcored ami one grub , classed : \ irds rate , ) branded hides 10 per oen L'oiin skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , 30c ; > iO , ; No. 4 , JOe. Mink , No. 1. 50c ; J ( Oc ; No. 3 , 15c : No. 4 , 5c. Fox , M Xc ) ; No.2t25c. . Skunk , No. 1 , 1 i5c ; short htrijio , lOc * narrow htrito | iruad htrijio , lOo. Tallow , 5 Jo. Wool. Merino unwasliDd , light , 14@lCc ; h I3,15c ( ; medium unwashed , light , 18i , ub-wanht"d , choice , 32c : fair , SOc ; md w. , 2Sc ; hurry , black and ootted ! @lic less and Tobiccot. CIUAUS. Seeds , 815.00 : Conncc ? 25.00 : Mixed , $35.00 ; Seed Havanu.e Jlear Havana , $75.00. TOBACCO 1'LUG. Golden J4 lb. ( We ; S | > otted Fawn. Clc ; Our : > 2e ; Star , ponndH , 24 lb , buttM , OOc ; i ihoe , pounds , 21 lb , bulls , ( iOe ; Puri b. bulls , 52c ; Queen Bee , 2t lb , bultt lilt Kdge , poundH , 21 lb , butts , 00 ; , tin ! Navy , iiounds , 5tc ; Bullion , JHI > 8c ; 1/orillard'H Climax , pounds , COc. FI.Vi : CUT In palls. Hani to ' 5o ; ( iolden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , Kavoritu , ti5c ; Rocky Mountain , Kancy , 50o ; Daisy , 45c. In tin latliiiB O. S. , 5 lb bones , | > cr HI 05n : Hard's Tiger , ( iOc ; Diamon I Crown , I SMOKING All gra Ies Common , t3c. ( } ranulated Blackwells Dnrha iT-.filu ; DukeH Durham , II ! 07 , 50c ; S S'orlh Carolina , 10 07 , JO ; Seal of Nt ( a , It ! oz , 3Sc ; Lone Jack , 4 o/ , linen icrlli , 81.35 ; MarburgH1 IVck , 2 o ill , ri5o ; Dog Tail. f,5c. Liquor * . ALCOHOL - 187 proof , 2 25 per ; a'lnn ; extra , California nplrit-i , 187 | I 3 1 1 er proof gallon ; triple refined H | IC7 proof , 1 24 per proof gallon ; r 'dln i Htkles , 1 OOfel 5' ; fine blended , 1 ' . 50 ; Kentucky boinhonx , 200700 ; , ucky ami IVnusylvnul i ryes , 2 Oflfr BltANDIKS IniHirt | i , ii ( Xi9 ( lomentlo 1 40a4 ( 00. GINS ImiHirted , 4 W@GOO ) ; dom I 403 ( ; 00. llUMS-Imjiorted , < M0 ) 00 ; Unxland. 2 00ff 00 ; domt'stic , 1 50 $ 1'KACII AND APPLK BRAN ] I 75 ( 100. OIIAMPAONKS hnjHirtcrt per ! 300SUHOO ( } American , per case , li 1800. GLAUKT8 I'er cane , 4 50@10 00 , WINKS-Rhlne wine , p r raip , C JO 00 ; Cutawba , per case , 4 00@7 00 , " r Drup . DRUOS AND CHKM1CAI.S.-- ii-r oMc ; v. iiior.nonn , j lover powdpr , per lb , $1 40 ; alts , per lb , 3ic ; Glycerine , turns 1 18c ; I.vl , Aeetate , t rlb , 2to ; bouoll , 110 ° , pi-r gallon , 11 Jc ; do PIT gal , 12 c ; Oil , tsiwtor , No. 1. 1 * * 1 3.'i ; OH , iVstor , No.3pi-r gall 2i OlUo , | KT gal , $1 10 ; Oil , OrlgiMim Opium , l 50 ; Ouinlno V. A : W. A R , * I'nt.v Hlum , lixlule , p I T "a , * 2 PO : > 82 10 ; Salacui , IHT 01 , We : Sulpln Moivldne , jeror , $3 55 ; Siilpnur per In. 4e : Strvehuine. iier o81 5 MARKETS BY THLBGBA Council DlnfT Mrirltot , t'lou cu , Hl.vrrri , Xovcnilvi TlourManufactured by Crystal City Mill * . 3 "Mi < 50 : Kansas and sourl llimr , 3M@I 25 ; graham , 3 "P flour , 3 40. Bwu and Shorts 17 00 per ton. Chop Corn 22 50 per ton. Wheat No. 2 , $115 ; No. 3 , Mi jrctod , 70c. Corn No. 2 , Jfi , rcjrcton 43. Oats No. 2 , IOe : rejected , We. BuilevNo. . 2. We ; No. 3 , 75o. H ay7 ' 00 ® 8 W ) . s'o vlo otxas oo. og -i Cattle-Shipp ng , 00 5 00 ; cows 30 O0'it5 00 IHT head ; bui sti > ck , 2 7f > G' 3 2.'i. Sheep 4 (5 HCilePosts Shulfs , So. Wool 15@ 5. Butter : J@i5e. : Kggs-30c. PolatoiM- tXKifil 20. Onions 1 25tail 40. Grand Jnnotlou Mai-ltot- JUNCTION , IB. , NovmiWt Butter 1018c. ChioAQo IToilaotv. CillCAQO. November On 'Change tlio markets were lowe anil rregular. The receipls of grain for the last eii'ht hours woio 14,0 01 bushels by niu 441 car loads by rail , emb nci , < of wheat , 280 of corn , 170 of on of rvo anil 30 ot bnrlov. Flour Quint mid about unchn n mm , , n lo ehoce westmu spring , 4 4 l > 73 : Minnosola , 5 257 ( 50 ; paienti ( ii')2"i ) ; winter wheat brands , 05llr buckwheat Hour , 8 7505' ! ( X ) . Whc.itIn No. 2 spiing the K i trilling on very fair in tills market the fee ing suiU'what un-ott ed. M nit irregular rnigeof prices then. here opened about : JCftc lower am clined. H.iwcvi-r , tin-ro was br ngl nu IncrcaMpd ilctuatt ' fiom the "shor ter st. and pric , R rnl in I , with several tuitiin , fully 2c per bushel un thei mated wid ami finall co-ed on ca 1 2.ijtffil 25J lor Nov. nib , r : 1 25gS fi > ' Dec m er ; 1 2Sf ( ! 1 .lii for .bin 12rj@I27ft for February ; No. 3 n I 11J ; rejected , KV , accoriliiu- oc. C'orn A go d dem ml prov ilei coin ml offerings were fair. Traduij nr.ely on "p * uln ivo iitrounts , wit ein-ii gm'ii for 1 ho tnnii * defent i\eries. The i-hipping demand was enite. At the upenin , ' the feuling weak and prices reiedeil i' ? c. with era'eti ailing at thn docllnu. During latter pirt of the day the feeling firmer , am' ' pr CCH r lbjil i ( < ftjc , and with cons'iUiahle tirninesto the i On call , No. 2 and high niixeil clo- 5S4fi/.l8 ' for November ; 5Sg/,58 e fo ccmb r : 5I4(0-"it ( > jjc for litiitntry ; tilij Ma. ; OIJTrilt for June. Oats Firm and b'gher ; No. 2 closi 4igi403c ( for N.ember ; 45ifo'45t ' December ; ! 3Vnt32c ( ! for .lanuuiy ; 13 February ; 45iii4l'ic ! ( for May. Itye Dull and lower ; Iso. 2 clop U7&H7c for Dec tuber ; ! ) S ( r.Sic for miry. Barley Dull and uot much doing ; 2 , 1 00 forciHh ; No. 3 , nominally tile Pork SlcaJy and firmer ; luess c at 10 80 for c.-uli ; 16 05@li ( 10 for Di lien 17 17i@17 2 > for January ; 17 17 121 f"r l'cl runrv ; 17 ! 5 f-r M Inrtl F.rmer and active , clo-in II 05@11 07J for Notcmbei ; 11 00u ( for Dece , be , ; 11 2711 30 for Jau 11 45 ( < ? 11 474 for February Bulk Mean Short libn , S CO foi year ; 8 75i.iS ( ) 1-0 for Januarv ; ilOC for February ; 'J 00 'J ' 5 for March. Whisky teady at 1 15. Butter CJuiet and firm for _ fine ci of whii-h theri cry and dairy olTrringH , ' unly a fair Jomund , and moht'y -ouio cie.n er esbrnii more in iho try than be obtained here , whicl a teu 'fluey ' lo reslrlct i-hiiin | ; nts ti market. Common to medium grade main dull ; choii e to fancy creamery , 37c ; ordinary to good do. , 28@33c ; to foiicv dairy , 24ii ( ? ,32c : cuinmont do. , 16a22 < - , ; lad o pucked,14i$17cpn ( Block , 1214c. eceipts fair ; demand moil nt 21C"25c per dozen fur nt ictly fres ( ft,23c lor ic ; house , and 18a)20c ( lor | ii Koc'tH. Shi Flour . 12.MI3 Wheat . 2 i.rito ; Corn . 10,473 2'J O.Uw . 30,01li Kyo . 2.2IW B.rley . 40fth2 , I Chloaco lilvo Stock. ( iiliUAao , Novenibnr C.ittli ) Stronger nu 1 higher ; ex | ROOfeGS ? ; i0od ! to choice , 5-10 ( 57 ; mor. to fair , t 00@5 00 ; mixed bnti r-louk in teed hiipply at 2 tlOt' " 3 85 ; f ITS Hi-il fecile'H 24 ( ii I 00 ; Tex n < , Kcceipts , t,50 ( ) head ; hhipinentH , bead. She-e -We'ik ' , wilh it li-iideiicy il ward ; poor tomnlinm ndxel , 2 75 ( " uood to choice , 3 75C"I 20. lii.'c. . 1 0 tlh-ad ; bhipmenlH , 500 b ad. Hogs --Fairly uclpvo itnd stronger ; I p.icki .g a it i-hipping , ( i I0 ( < ili : IU ; weight , 5 75ii'i ( ( 1 ; culls and gr.i1 1 00tf'5 25. Ufceipts , 42,000 head ; mmitH , 3iKX ) head. St. lionia Produoe- ST. I/UIH. Noveuber Flour Dull and unch nged. Who -Opened lnwer , advanced closed finn ; No. 2 red , 1 3 Jfr.l SI ca-b ; 1 .IIJ for November ; 1 33 for IK li r ; I 35JJ for January ; 1 IJ8g for Fiibn No. 3 do , 1 2lll 214 ; No. 4 do , 1 11 Corn Higher ; 45u for cash ; 45ji | Decembir ; tii c for Juuiiary ; I'Jjfi May. Uyo-lllKhernt97ic. Barley Steady at Kric"U 15 for np 1 151J/J1 25 fet Caimd.1. l/ea < l Quiet at 4 80. Butler Higher ; dairy , 2H ( ; 3."c ; n iry , : Mug - Ilinlinr il 3'c for frt'sh. Whisky Steady at 1 10. 1'ork Quiet ; 1700 for cash ; 170 , ' January. Lard- Better ut II 00. Kec'tii. Ship Flour . 7,000 I Wheat . 22.000 11 L'orn . 3,000 : 3 ! at . 11,000 1 Kyo . 2,001 , ' Uarley . 17,000 Liverpool Produce. Livr.iirooL , Niivrinhrr : I'Jour American , 10s 0 < l < TCI3i. Wh-at- Winter , KlsOdrailU Id ; w ( ! . Corn- - Port 75s. iUrd57 ; 01. Receipt' of wheat for tint p'H ' lay 2UiOOO i.riti l' , 220,000 being Ai : an , Wnttbuwit. / . Buffalo Live Stock. KAHT BUKCAI/ ) , November ; Hogs Higher ; Yiir' < ers. 570(5 ( , < IKK | medium vta'u t , 5'I < A'I Wi't gti : holc heavy , C 15 ( i 30. 7 . ' . NnwXorh 1'roduoo , NKW VOIIK , Novombri H , tr Peellnhnr ; No. 'J , 3 2.V f > nfrlnip , , , 4 fOCif.n 2. > : Kouthmi , dull : tnou t rhnlii > t'\tra , 5 8. ' > ( < j8 00. ' -I'-at IrifRiilnr ami unscttlrd ; re I winter. 1 R'.ijfn U ; No. 1 white N" . ' . ' led. Now m r , l3T > Uifl tOi Dftv.nhiT . , 1 I0 ( l 401. ' ' rn .Strong an , I I'uher and f.ili ti e No. i Witc. | , ; , ; tjp. No. 2 do , Mi . Ni. 1 n Ked , tnc.i.mic ; No. - . -Dull : n cM OJ | . M Hey -llnlet and steady. Pnrk Dull nndeasler ; ( > pot t C" 1 7 M ) . L il Steady ninl uioilernt ly a < I 11J7J : Novemlior and December , 1 y Noinlnnl , Poorln Protlnoo. PKOIIIA , .V ivembei ' rn Stenilv : higu mlxpil , , ' 8i | iin\d , f > 6iTi81c. n.its-St vfj : No. 2 white , tlj1. liy- Actiami lower ; l'iJmlMio ! WhUUy Ui chnligi-d t I 1 1. as n for lutil ITS' rudshed goods. Kro'tK. f Wheat. . 1,3. ' < J . , 2.iOO ! Baltltunro 1'roduoe. BAI.TIMOIIK , Noirmhn I'lnur llasv ; fumilvrii',2Un'-ii , VJi 5 lMfd.ii 25 ; Miporl'me , 2 Wn-TioO. Wheat Dull ; lull ? . 1 30n.l 35 : berry , I I0fl ( 4i ; Nu. 2 , - edintor l 3'iJCn 1 3 , ' > 3 ; Jatinarv ' , 1 ! nr IMirmiry. 1 3'i5fiiil S'.iJ. ' Cnni White MIU hern rtotily nt yellow sleaiU at li'o ; lulved wi-Mtort t 0.Jiili5)Y , ; Janiiaiy , liSJuii8V. WilmtiiRtou MnrUot. Wll MIMITOV , Noviimbei Spirits Turpentine Firm al S2J ; 2f,0 | soft , 3 75 ; Virginia , 300 bid. Ptttsburu Oil Market. Pmminui , No\embri Tlii * oil mnike * nieni'd | at 81 Jc elided at SOJ j Now Vurk refined Antwerp , 17Af. ShlpiiienU , ti7,59i ; oharteri. , 5,3it : : brls , S.les at Pltli 2tS,0 0 brl- ; Oil i\rlimiKU : stork , 1 t St. LouU Live Stock- ST. Loi'iH , November ll.igs I'ncking griulo tinner ; Mil 1o : light fliipplii ) ; , 500ii530 ( ; Yo Til',0 ( < i575 : butoher. ' to fancy , fi 20C litTi'ints for two days , 111,800 head ; in nts for two days , 1'JOO. Toledo Proauoe No\omlifr heat-Quiet nti-.l firm ; No. 2 rei wiiiber , 1 32J ; January , 1 3I1 } ; Fchi 1 Ili'n1. ( 'urn IJiiiet and tir'ii No. 2 cash , I'id fur November ; ( iHJo. ukjd for I ) IHT ; ( lHu nsked for Ma v. ( ) .it " Neglocted. Clovelnuil Market. Ct.KVii.A.St : ) , No\ ember Petroleum Finn ; titandanl whiti tft , 7c. Phllattolphla Produce. PlItl-MiKl rillA , Novembei Wheat Slriinc " 1 37 ( 'l 38J ; Jii Ut : Foiiunry , 1 430.111 13 J. Corn ( 'a h , Cifu.litije ; January , Vic ; Fobiuary , 70iJ@7. ic. h , fiOio ; January , "ilAi Ujf-l'nHh llt'JSi. ' EtHtLlbortv Live Stock. KAHT LIIIKHTY , Pa. , November le Donur belter. lieceipts u-ad ; Hhipmentd , 1,1177 head. Hogs .Slow. Receipts. t,00 Mi ments , 4,500 hcnd ; Philadnlphiiu jii ; 50. Sheep Ite elpfn , 4,000 head ; hhliu ' , ,000 head. Prices ranged from 3 Ofl ( < Cincinnati Produce. CINCINNATI , Novembc Wheat No. 2 red , 1 J',8. ( ! orn- Active ; No. 2 mi\ed , IMn. OatR Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 18c ofTe Kye-Dull ; Nu 2 , 1 02f $ I 03. Barley-Dull ; .l5c& 1 15. Whisky Uiihtttled ; 1 14. The Matrimonial Boom. Thu 01 unity jud o nt present hi lauds full in iHsuing iimrrmpu ; lk ( ind n rcportur cnllud mi him .onlay : ho dried thu in .hu fourtuuiith matrimonial p BHiiod tliia weuk. Cold wci iih ( prices of coal nnd provinioiifl In ) numurouH Hiiitu for di\ K'hich are multiplied term by [ la .ho district court , nemu to 10 powur fo dutur the youii 'roin Diitcring into thu connubial lornhip. Ainoiif ; Iho wi'ddinyH rocuutly lumiiuittid is. that of Mr. CI Myurs and Miss Knima Suxuucr , , vuro marriud Tliuratlny nt the luncu of the brido'B piircnlH , : coiith nnd D.tvoitport HtrcutH , Dr. Ktolling iiHiciiitin . The cci ly wixs witllo He < l by qnito n mi > f friundH. The bride i cct-.ivud in ) UH mid valimblo pruBontB. llu 'h Moore , of Cincinnati , Mian Livinin HaiiiHwnrth , -bin city , wcro inirriud Duau MillHpnugh , of T Jutlii'dtnl , on Nuvimbor li'Jd. jridu is af-istiT'il W. II. Ditchcl , \uditorofthuU. I' . Impress iiiny. They will renidu in Cinuii 'Iho A. O. H. liund , Honuiiidc * md MIB. Thiimai Harry , a roc nnrriud couph * . at tlicir rrsidun lackson fltreut Thurinl.iy County Court. The followiitf ; COUCH wore trii ho Himsi'iii of the county court voek : Matthew Kaiser VH. Michnul on/ Trial unil jiid mmit for tin ' biidnut. Mnx Moyi-r ut. nl VH. M. Don pliiintiiT Andrew FiMiik v . ( jiiatitvu S nan- Jury tri il mid judj'iiiuntay lofondant fur SfL'i'H. C , K , AliiinliMHoii VH. Louisa A. uko Juil iiiunt ik ainHt dufondni H20. Luwronco O'l'tiou VM. Jauifrt 1 -Jury tiiil ; iiid nu'ntforilt'fciii J. 0. Chownn VH fi. W. Ktuvi dufundiuit for j lud'iiiiiitiiL'iiiint ) , John A. ll'irlaoh VH. N. N. A ; rest Judj'iiiuiit iiaiimt ( ; dofoi or $ ' . ' (58. ( 05. Oixirijo I'ick.inl VH. T. H. Sti .lid jI.iH. II. Stewart DiHiiiiuin lofcndantn' coin Onutlm lion and Metal Jdico yard oaht 'lido Touth , bet Iiiniuy mid II'.A.ird Htruutu , nu : litu Stiiplii'Uhun .1 old livery nt I , Hm-thold , propriutor , The i lit ciiBh tin , CH puid for any kin ) hl Iron and Mi lubi. Country luco iilHo hiindk'd on Hinall cnu ion. il8-f-i Nuhrnsku .ind K.ilt I/iko I'otat nd 10 hiK'hi'l lulH tit Flcmiti'n. uggost to buy whllt'it i K00l "BET YOUR LIFE ; * That Connoil Bluffs is A'Boommg , Tly Hordica a Good Thiti ] Their Cwnera. Captnin Williams Vauqui by a Now ibundland Dai Police PicUhigH anil Minor 1 nf Intercut * Mr. ami Mrs K. 0. NY\u > llri ! oil ycster.hiy fnnn ipiito nil oxti bridal trip through tin ) south and sotUod down nt tlio linniu of tin- oil nvunuo 1C. 1C.A A ( loon From the Hliort tiinu the Id linvo ptiswblo utreuU to um ovuU'iit they can bo nuuh ) tn ; ImmlsoliH' profit to thn pri > ji'cU > ri rirutT. riiiiir wmi A i > oti. I'.iplain Willi.ttiH , ono of Ci Militia well known politicians , 1 siivori1 t'licounlor with n furnciuu on TlmiikjKiviiig day. It nooin < u in\u ; awl hitt uifo , who occ room i\t tlio captniii'n IIDUHI * , < nliujthcril do , ; . lining invited o spend tlioilayniul thi'ir lumt with thu othi'r ninn'H "ilon ? , " llioy lockm1 in thu room , with tlio captain's ] iso that ho would o in mid lot out as noon 113 hu thought tlio o' ' woru out of . hi hl. Thu tain bi < ( , 'ixn to fultill his Kagumcnt by going to the and rcqiu'stin tliocaniiui U > "jot ; 'Iho request not hoini ; complied ho went inniilo and with his pitched n Httlo-J ( 't out or 1 Thu dnj : noddi'd bin tail goull , ! iiiHwon il with n tierce growl. captain liiToupon Htaiupi'd hit * and still loiuh'r than bofuro cum "Ciot out , you dd rswal. " Ill rascal wouldn't " ( jet out" wr cent. The captain tubbed chair and HO did thu Quito : i M'vi'ro ntrii'1u uiisiii tovlio had the best iijlit ti n.ime. Tlio do. ; cnniiiurud [ til driving the cnptiiiu into the H Hero hu rt'lloctud , and , not t driven out of his own home by u hu ariniMl himmOf with a hu o and ru-ontoriiif' thu li ht wuHresu thu dot ; winniiu ; the m-cond inn wound. The doj- kept hit ) groiitu roiuainud in thu room until thu i roturni'il novt day. Thu cupt.iii elnres ho 1ms encountered must o tiling from a national convention wuril ciiiicun , but lie will noytir att iiyniu in uut u do out of his ollic TIIK I'U'MI'.ll ASSAU.r. Thu CIIHO of thu Htatuof Iowa v I. and F. II. I'luuior , charged un assault upon n man at Kiul'H 1 was called in Juatico Abbott'a yesterday and was taken before . llurku on chiui o of vcnm > . KllO/i : HIS 1IN1ITS. A man by thu 11:11110 : of John 7 who was ut work with thu "H 'iing , on tup of the now grain i tor , got his Imndrt badly bitte Jack Front during the rcnont Miap. Hu froz.u thnu ) lingers 01 luft hand and two on thu night 1 Thu unfortunate man wan 1 oardi thu Drovers' hotel , where.ho . present laid up , unable to UK hands. DIM. Pimiey nnd Lyinm tending him. It will bo .101110 before ho will be able to rv work. t-AViiiir IN ts UAMK. A man came to Council lllufl'i ) Shelby in Hearch of u stolen 1 lieing a good diatanco from Ilia hu concluded to iimku onu of our ' uirl " a call. Hu did HO ami h p.i.taeil her twenty dollara , film eluded hu WIIB too drunk to bo ti with thu clmtiuu nbout thu time i tlo or two WIIH emptied , and H ! thu whole biisinoRH down licr atu lu . Vubtcrday hu coniplaini'd o financial opur.nioii ut thu police Hiiartcrs. The ul was nrn takuu befoixi .liijuo Muike , bn fuHuil to L'ivo iii the inonoy , HI that the man wan drunk and il worth all aho pit for fooling him .lud u Burkp lined hur I dollarti nnd costs. Muullur haa unt HO toys. siniioi'.s riiAiiiii' . The two yoiiny inon who won lunced to fiftoun dp.yB in jail for ing a from .lohn Itcrldoy'H H on Jiroadway HDIIIO timuauo tiavc rt'arri'Bted on a char o of Ilio I'h.iractur and held for thuir uj unco buforo thu rand jury. AIIOUT THAT VOTK. 'I'liu ' CIIHO tiaiiiHt the iuuinh ( our city council for uialicioutdy ItictiiiK their Bworn duly will con fern the L'rand jury at thu Doct term. Wu hope they will Hpar uity thu inortilhation of a coav by counting thu votn. THK , ioii.iTir. prt'Huntud their i'lucttal ! doll to lighted nudioncu at Dohancy'H bin 11111 . The now and ulu ant HCI Killed IIIUull to thu IMltcTlllilllMOIl MIMtlt HKNTKlN. I. N. Ciunady is making exto repuirH on his brick tenement 1 ! > Oaklnnd avouuu. When tin riot much truce of thu old house romain. ( lilbort in erecting u inainniot lioiiiio nitur hia old om < H in the i part of the i-ity on the load to My park ami Hij ; lake. Win. POWOIH , olio of Council I nl < l Huttloia in very ill with wh tunii of tin : bruin. pauldiiiK in on thu K < Hu IB looking iinoly. hud iniito a variety of in front of bin restuirtnl on Tin /iviiiK day. Thuio wuro tur jliickeiifl , prniriu chiukuiiH , d | imil , Htiipii , piguoimduur , rabbit John T. Ktuwart it killing nnd in about onu thouaaml hogs dai lliu present tiinu , When ruiiuiiij. tuiduy they wuro ahort both of md coal , conociiuuntly they did kill. About lf > 0 iiiun nro omployud n\ the prusenL time on t1u > ow nlovnt < ir K li. Northi'iir ruoi'ivo'l ' ynatorduy a quantity of picturu fr. m tnnti > rini. Tlioro were two Mnun pile" drunl.- ) boforu Harko yoitcrdiy. l11. . I'lHlKl * , Of 11 IIIIIO , WM lit till' 1'niiitio homo yuntnlay. . U. lUynidiid W.-M in Council Ulull * yontiTilny at ( InIVitic. . I1' . A. Smith W.IH in | MW , 'H woitortt HHttciiilM yesterday olibusincsi , LiquUlGolO. ll.m'l Plank , in IIrmiklyti.Tloj ; . coiiiit\ . 1'n. , ilryvrilH-H It tint * : "I n-de tlilrtv iul'i- < fur n Imttlf nf THOMAS' I'.n.tnrmu On , which i > tfccti l tinwoiiilrrful rurnol n crin > ki'd limb In flv nipliciiUi | > iiii ; it l > ri' od worth junto thnu K M t < > mo. " IToinllw THE DIVA'S nnlt tou K ] > oi'Uir Coiinnruitii ; Itor foiili- nnmluK MivrriiiRn nnd llnr Uliunco for llniiplucin. St I'uiil I'loiuf-r I'riNi. "It'fl funny , " Mill Alite Kelloi-tf , the Di\ii , nu ovetiiiiK or two aio , an nho d.iiutily o\liili > d a from IHT l < ! i I'Vrnio ri > iliiu\\aul. ; "It'ii fiinnj but H'H true , Mr.Vliitnny.5d thu only mull wliom 1 cuuld by inu possi bility c.dt my f.ili > " Supper win ovur and Tlu 1'innrut 1'ii-sH reptvsi'iitivti\e and thu gtvit HoiisjKtt'M wore I'onvorMtii' if Htiuh a luniciplo in admi Hiblo whun timiily all ( ho convocation n on one side -IHUM- pen of the ooiigr.ittlhUioiw tendered by thu former upon tliu announccud bi > - trotlml to Mr. Wlii iioy. " 1 Imd only nully known him , " ' . 'tiftocn when ho aho went on , duyn , propoHi'd to minnd 1 accepted liim with an much itHHUr.iuco of my own foeliuga to. if 1 been a tender mine mid he tny tliHt nuitor. Somehow he known my wnya. HU'H a di r fellow , and 1 KiioNT wu idmll tie happy , though Roiiiu'imi'H 1 tltink roxretfully of thu ni'crpH iry nbandonmunt of iho ntn i1 ni d it i iiccofwary accoaHorii'B. " "ln you reulU mean to Iciwo im to 'pino' on iho Htoinl' Aren't wuto lu-ur your voice in publio win u your nivmi- la wriiti n 'luo Kellou'g ? ' " " 1 realty mean it , and naiilo from the rt'Kiu-il 1 own to Mi. WliiLm-yV wiHhe > > , I know tu dotr public HOvull that I feel HU t > it will bo wise move to leiivo it whi n u > t rel will Im both foil and \ueM < i d , inntead of waiting until u cracked \oicu and an < > ld-nmid- ii > h niaiini I'.HIII compiilled retirement. It'd lickle H that nt'iic public. 1 oiiitht to know , f ir I'yo ample o < \ o tu- inly to learn it-t uhiiiH mid capncen. 1 havu niu lit to complain of , My ( Mi for as an art KI > ban heeu , oh ao plcatuut. I havu met nut only p- plaiiHO nnd appreciation , but onninu fiieniUhip and repaid. To roiuin to Mr.Vliitney : Ho is thu first nf my admirui'H , mid I know you won't think it vanity when I my I'vohad my share of them , who i.i thoroughly likui by my poode. ] iManini i is rtally fond of him , and looks lnrw.ud to my mar- laige with actiiiil plunHiuo. Un fie whole , 1 think rhanccH of coiiiinliial hnipini'3S ] are at fait as thu moat , don't ' " you } Ni'i'dluBtt to H.iy the peribn n ri'cd , and WIIH dinpuHcd to believe that MisH Kelloi'j' know hur own mind whunehu said " oa" to the Mift plomlin s. KllKK OF COST. Iu. KINO'H Hr.w DISCOVKHY for \JnHUinptiin , Coiiglm and Colda Astlunaj I'ronchitiH , etc. , is given away in trial bottlun frou of cosl to thu alllictud. If you hivvo n had oongh , cold , dilliculty of breathing , hoarBoneas or any ulluction of the throat or lungn by all muaiiB give thi woiidurful remedy u trial. An you valuu your oxitituiico you cannot. allbrd to lot thin opportunity iwiss. Wu could not lUlbrd , and would nut jjivn thin remedy nwny unless wo knew it would accomplish what ive cl.iim for it. ThoUHandn of hopuloan Ciifios have alnuidy been completijy cured by it. There is no medicine in tliu world that will cure onu half the awes that lii. KJMI'H NBW DISCOVERY will cure. For Bale by U ) THII it McMAiioN , Omaha. There m onu merchant on Farnhani street of whom wo can npoilc in thu hiilieHt toriiiH ttithout llattuiy ; WJIOHO good 11 we ran prnJHU without lying , and at whom wi < never look without being lemindud of that familiar line , "An IninuHt man is the nobloat work of fioil. " Wo are Hpcuking of Phillip l-uig , Kt'JO I'arnhimi btrett , who selh ovury description of IIICII'K ' bootH mid ladii'H1 hlioen. Hu has n full nnd complete uHsurtmeiit , from ill" 111 ! gCMt to tllO Mil ll'i'lt M7.CH , ffOU ) thu linitHt to thu coarsest ur'idt-H , all I lici's , fioni thu nio' < l i Njiuimivo to thu cheapest , ovur olloixd in tbii city. Mr. Ijin lniH recently enlarged hw Hlnrc , making extensive ultuiit IOIIH , which havu yruitly improvud the up- pear.inuu of thing * generully , and hu now ban bettor labilities tor giving RittiHftictioii unil attending to c.irtom work than ever Ituforo. lie linn four or live hand ) employed on g.'Utli.Mimn'R ciiHtom work , all of skilled workmi'ii , noted for their t-kill and judgment. Mr. Iant ; curries /M\g- \ ' ' of Ladies' lor'H and Pottev'ri iiiuku and children's bhoes , pronouncud by nil to be eipiul to any and ni'coiid to none. He Inis nlao in Htock n full line of Kiasock , Ma-sun- berg > v Co.'s Kt. Ivouis goods , IIIOH'H hoots and nhoos. l > oth hand nnd ma- chinu iiiado , and guaranteed for fit and durability. Helms probably the liirutiHt line "f rubbur gooda over dis- plujoil in thin inmkot. Hia novelties in thu line of Indies' Arctics and lined nandalH are exceedingly vniiud. Thu hcaduloik of thu uHUbliahniunt , Mr- Hobert RoMimweiL' , i a young gen. tluiiian well nnd favorably known in Omaha for spvoral years pwt , than whom there in no more popular , nf- fable mid polite Halusman on the ntreut. Ctioicu turkeys liU couls nt " ' n'Jn-2t Hlonu'H. _ Trimmed llntHWlc , worth ! ? 1 f 0 at the "Honti'ii.Storo. ' " GHAMUHIt KUUNITUUK. CliiiH. Khivorick has received a largo lot of new chamber sots , in latt'bt nnd best tit } lei ) nnd ( if supuiiorior uork- iiiaiishipand I'nush , which ho is oll'or- mg at low piiccH. A careful iiiHpuc- tinu by parties intercbtud ia Holiuitod. OlIAH , HllIVKl.ICK , ( ionorul Uouaohold Furnittiro , 1'208 and 1210 Furnhuin Hlivot. r"