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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1881)
CIIU OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 2(5 ( 1W1 The Omaha Bee. Th only MoniUy morning dftily. TKIIMS JU' MAlLs- nr . S10.00 I aiirtoMonthn.e3.00 Monllii. . . f > .00 | Quo . . 1.00 THE WKKKIiY 111JK , J cv ty Wolns. < lny. T.KUMS TOST 1'AID Ono Yp r. . ? 2.00 I TliroeMontlw. . TO BUMontlis. . . . 1.00 1 Ono " . . ' . COUUKSrOS"ll'NCK All Commnnl. e tinim rclntitut to Ncw-t ml l'MU"ri/J mat- Urs nhotiH lie ruiilresood to tlio Klnruu or Titv Ui'v , BUSINKS8 LKTTKlia-AU Hiifinc- . LotUjrw anil lUiiilttnnrM rinmM be M- dreweti U > TUB OMAHA rontwniufi COM. PANV , OMAHA. Ur ( U , Clicelw mul l'o u office Onlcm l i be m < ulo paynblc to the order of the Conipnny. OMAHA PUBLISHING 00 , , Prop'rs E. ROSEWATER , Editor. Edwin Dnvti , Mnnnor of City Oironlntlott' .Tolm H. 1'leroo N In Clmrro of the Mftll Circu aion of THi : DAILY 1. 1) . Ciliambe > lnlti corrcnpomlcnl uml willoitor. AT the prosunt rate of constiniption Onmha could ousily nupporl ton inoro brick yards. OAT.IFOR.MA will ngain tirgo the Chinese question upon the attention of congress. I'AVK with ntono or not nt all , in coining to bo the opinion of our most and clearest headed citi zens. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IT is safe to m > 8umo that tarifl' tinkering - oring will engngo a lar o portion ol the time of the next nosaion of con- ANI > now if Ouitoau would only fall nut of the court hniiso window and break his neck like Ed. Williams , the country would bro.itho a si h of roliof. Ems KKLLKV is evidently propnrinrt to o out of politic. ? . Helms sold the Now Yoik lijtprens lo CyniH W. Kioltl , and Taininaiiy will have to look for anew now organ. WILLIAM W. ABTOK linn skipped to Europo. IIo couliln't Htand the liiuyh- tor of Ilia frionda after liis dufcut for congress nnd his peculiar campaign tactics in ( ho nlutm of Now York. THK U. J * . talk of decreasing the time made by tlinir fast train liotwoon Denver and Omaha. A decrenHo in freight and pwHongor tarills would jnoot with much more genural np- provnl. OORX can bo carried from St. Louis to Liverpool , nearly 4,000 miles , for -eluvoii cents per bushel , but it costs three cents per bushel to carry corn across the Missouri river at Omaha , a distance of two inilcH. Keep it bororo the people. THK talk of "our great surplus rev- onuo" has died aVay ainco Goinmis- sioncr of Pensions Beutloy has announced - nouncod u deficiency of glOO.000,000 in the Poneion bureau. The arroirago of pensions net will takecaroof a largo portion of our nurplus revenue for nonio years to conio. Cons haB boon shipped from St. Jjouis 'o Liverpool during the past week for cloven coulfl per bushel- nxlo lower than any that has over yet been obtained from Chicago to any "English seaport. The IMisHiHsip route to the nei ; ia thus prauticnlly nhown to bo of incalculablu ii'lvunt.igo to the producers of the great corn raising region. A national subscription in Spain is mentioned in Madrid nowspipcrs us having been started for the of purchasinu from England. Some Madrid b inkers have offered to giro $1,000,000 towards the object. If England refuses to entertain the proposition , the proceeds uf the aub Bcription are to bo used in fortifying points on the Straits , both in Africa and Spain. .IAV GOULD'H latest bluckniailing Hchomo is the proposition to erect anew now Stock Eichango in Now V'ork on which the watered ntocks of his numerous railroads shall bo listed. -This phut of Gould's grow out of the refusal of the Now York Stock Exchange - change to list his now UHUO of Man hattan Elevated six per cent Hoourities in exchange lor the old guaranteed ton per conta. The ijovermng com- initU'o of the Exchange declare thai they don't acnro a cent , and tell Goult to go tn with the proceHiiou. V.'ITUIX another week active propn- rations for the enforcement of the RIocumb law will begin in Omaha It is now certain that fully one liun dred saloon keepers nnd retail li < juor dialers will go nut of the business , and IP this change will leave n good many buildingsnowoccupiodby them vacant. A majoiiy of the dealers are arrang ing for a change of occupation , nd them in no doubt that in the end they , au well as the city at larpe , will pro fit by the change. There have been altogether too many saloons in Omaha nd few of them hare made more than a livelihood. BROKEN BANKS. Jloccnt b.nnk fiiilnrcs in the VMnro \ ( renting t-oiuiilemblo dittnrlj.inco in iliiiR money ccnlros. The fntluro of otm of the moHt solid liniiks of Bus- ton han alarmed many consurvativo CApttiUist5 who inn' ' ! ' " ' these fniltircH te-a thu foriTunncrs jf nniithcr tinnu- cial panic. A good many of Iho oant > orn banks are tlealiii ) , ' in neciiritici which arc in fact no Hmiritius at fill. They loan n.onev on worthli'M property , simply buciiuiio at the hour of loaning tint property coiiimMidH a jirict1 in Wall ttrcvt , But the imiingorr in bankH know very well tint nniiy of the HO- ctiritii'H thuy renoivu have nu intrinsic vnluu. Tlu-y uro good for tlio amount loaned "lily BO lung IIH the market kuupj up und holils niil thu hope that the Hi'curilips will bo worth more to morrow ttinii to-day. K intern capi- tulinU are now recklussly npuculating in niilroadH that Are biiing built in ad- vauea of bimiiicas reiiiiroinantfl | , in coal mini's and mining claims of every duHcription. Mininx stocks that are scarculy worth the p.iptir on which they are printed Imvo been accepti'd as coll.itural by the b.niks , and these worthless securities ulas.iud aH asRi nro liible to Btvantp thu bankfl at any tiniu. tiniu.Tho The railroadu may earn money tun ycara liunco , and nnd tlio coal minoH becomovaluabloasduposits when other minus bucome e.ihaunted , but in mont CUHUH thu mining ntock wan printed to Hull. The people who Hpoculatc in thcHC ntocks nnd IOHO are not , porhnps , entitled to much ytnpathy , but people ple w'.io trust their money to an es tablished bank nnd IOHO it throui h the bank's Hpecnlation are vie titn n i > i the H.UII < ) SOIIHU as if their houses hud been broken into and thuir property Btohtn. Tn fact , if bank directors who lone other peoplu' * money either in ( ( peculation on their own account or in aid uf other people's speculation , wore treated us men are who break into holism and tUcal , there would bo fewer viol.itums of trust of this kind. The intureatn of the moral aw would bo promoted by ntibjectui ill cliiHsi'Hof ruicaln to a similar pun ishment. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tin : Mormon question is being 'orcod to ( ho foreground by the con- : tHt over the ronresentation of Utah n uiitigre'H- Many absurd roportr concurning the uggreasion of mormon- BIII in the territories are already being net afloat by over zealous partisans. V Washington correspondent of tliu STow York Tribune , for instance , sends word Unit the Mormons liuvu been for 'earn "quietly but industriously Uy- ng their plana to control in n measure ho local governmuni of the torritorii-H n the neighborhood of Utah , and Imvo n a great measure succeeded in their > roliniinary cllbitk It it nlao atated hat the Mormon chitii'a nru civil udgos as well , nnd try temporal cases , vhich the correspondent Hays is "u irelty plain admission or the charge of connection between the Mormon church and at.ito. " This connection ins notoriously existed ever since the ilormon church wai founded , nnd the oxerciBU of temporal functions by the Mormon ] iricatH was one of the reas ons which led years ago to the pass age of the so-cnllod "I'olnnd" bill by congress , which took nway their gen eral civil jurisdiction from the "pro- natu"or common judges and trnnafur- red it to the district courts. This legislation 1ms probably , however , not broken up the lubit of Mormons re sorting voluntarily to their own tri bunals , and no muro U'ginlation will ever make them do it. nowrcgnlntingthcm- Bolves pretty well in accordance with public Hjiitiment. They never liuruafter eliargt ) exorbitant rates without injuring thunisiilvoa mure than they can injure shippers. Kan BUB City Journal. Tliia will bo sweet consolation to the people along the line of the Union 1'iicilic and other western railroads , where thu e > mpanics nro regulating thcniHulvoB , not in compliance to pub lie Buntimunt , but in accordance with the denunds of their own e > rporato greed , Such nonsensb its the above reflects discredit upon the intelligence of the press. It is n well eitikblishud fact that the charges of the railway monopolies uro net based on what an other road will bid fur thu trallij , but on what the tr.\Hi : will bear. If the editor who wrote the extr.ict re ferred to would make n trip over the overland mute , through Nebiniku ; Wyoming , Utah and Nevada , hu would very quickly discover how rail roads uro regulating themselves in Ac cordance with public sentiment. TUK HrraU sees in the posxibilit } thut Governor Nmicu miy not cill an extra session of the k'giol ttmv this winter gnivo danger to nny etlbrt to pave Oniiihu biiHiness Btrruts tliinug the coming year. Them is IM d ubt that nny extensive paving nchcmo must depend on our ability to m > cuvi > li'gialutioli that will inithori o thu iiiiuo of pavement bonds , but utter all thu delay may in the end prove uf j-n-at benefit , it will take at least twnlvo months to have our water winkn gen erally introduced into businetiit hmmt'H and thu cligtjingof newer * undhyingo no'wer plpoa will require tbo tearing up of our business streets during the com ing yeitr. Delay will also aflbrd ample time for a thorough ventilation of tlio pavement qatntinti , and we Imvo no doubt will 1)0 the moans of n\vm % Omaha fmin reckless waite nnd costly xpcrlmotits. OTHER LANDS THAN OURS The emperor of Oermttny'/i / speech tit the opening of thu Ruirhstjg , is e.v ciliug much enmmetit. It is appar ently n startling dutunee of the will of tlio people , iwoxjircmetl nt the late election. Kvory ono of the unpopu lar measures of 1'rineu Hismarck which Btill'Lred defeat nt the last Reich stag are a ain placed bisforo that body with the nanction of Kaiser Wil liam. The accident insurance bill , j the tobacco monopoly , the liquor tax , the bills for quadrennial parliamt'iitH and bieiini il budgets are once inoro revamped. All thtso muaBiirus were rejected , because it was well under stood that they woie introduced to Bwell the iiermmal power of BiBinirck , to insolent bureaucracy , and'o extend int > coiiim-jro'i uutl dommtic life thu parly tyrrany n w exorcised in all branchei * of the public service. It was against such despotism that dor- many protested nt the polls , nnd it is inn ) of the IxilduU defiances that nuco more throw * down the tagu of battle to the Reichstag , and threatens resig nation if n ready compliance is not forthcoming. In thin connection , attention in very generally drawn to the great difference which exists between the constitu tional Hyfttom of normally und Great Britain. Tno emperor in Ilia speech assumed the entire responsibility of bringinu' forward the obnoxious meas ures. The conservative press allude to these ns the "oniporor'a pro gramme. " Tlio liberal journnls clnrgo : liat liiHinarck is trying to shield himself - self ami his socialistic measures bo und thu person of his sovereign. I'liin ehurgo cannot lie. Tn CSermnny the chancellor in responsible alone to .ho emperor and the emperor to no mo. In England thu ministry nro re- sponaiblo to pnrliamunt , uud the sov ereign cannot bonr the rosponstbility if unpopular measures introduced by : lie ministry. A majority vote of inrliamont tormina tun their political cxiutencu. In Germany an advotso vote of thir reiehatag aeems to Imvo 10 ofliictTwhatuvor upon the porsonul- ty or policy of the chancellor. In ither words the imperial government a clearly irresponsiblu to the people. This is now so prominently established hat it is not at all unlikely tlijit the [ iiostion of the constitutional re- ponsibihty of ministers will ngiin be irought into doba'o in the rolchstag. Still an agitation for constitutional re- orm will scarcely accomplish nny great results as long us the Emperor William ami Chancollur Bismarck rennin - nnin on the scene. Both are highly re spected by Germany , the ono for his > orsonality , the other for his eminent services to thu nation. In the present msottlod condition of European poli- icH Germany cannot ntFurd to lose 'rincu liismnrck even nt the gain of u ibcrnlization of lier present Bystem of representative government. The Tycoon's government ivns over- hrown in tbo year 1807 nnd the dy- insty of the Mikado's restored utfor 500 j'3ar of usurpation. The now Mikado who w the 122nd of his dy- naety has shown himself in accord with the spirit ot the times. In 1875 10 decreed the establishment of u sen- iktu to share the dutitH of the govern ment. Three yeara later ho consented to elective local n&Homblicn of clasHou below the rank of great daimios , nnd on October 14th , 1881 correspond ed with the .lapnnoBo date " 12th day , 10th month , 14th your Moiji" he caused a decree to bo published by the first Hocrutary of Htato , promising n national parliament in the year 2 ! ) Moiji , which ia nine years boncu und corresponding with ouryonr 1890. The decree in interpreted to mean that the parliament will not bo put off further than ninu years , but may bo established two or three yeara sooner , if things can be got ready for so great n change. The .Japan Jfuil infers that thu parliament will embrace a Senate composed of the old feudal daimion , who number some 000 , but it does not indicate any further dotniltt of thoplnn of the Emperor , The mines of South Afric.x are show ing good returns. It U not in diamonds mends nlono that the country is rich , but copper , eoal nnd snlt mines yield large returns. The gross weight of diamonds contained in packages passed through thu Kimberley pout- oflico in 1880 was 1,440 pounds , at nn estimated value of $10 ttUMSD. The copper mines of UumHqunland exported - ported ir > , : tOO tons , The full pans in Simon's Town , Miilmosburg , 1'iquot- berg , Frnserborg , Uttnnlmgu , nnd Ora- dock yielded about 0,000 tons of anlt. There nro also n Urge number of min eral springs in the colony which nro well resorted to , hut ncconnnodntinns for visitors uro , as n rule , very in ferior. A sensation was created in the Ital ian chamber of deputies this week by * the attempt of "a crank" to asaatsin- ute I'rumior Doprutis , Cablegrams announce that while Dupretis was dis cussing tbo agricultural estimates a ( iccne of disorder occurred in the strati- gent' gallery , and immediately a revolver ver was thrown into the hall , a roico crying , "To Doproti * . " The rovulvvi fell without exploding or hurting any one The man who throw the pistol , named Mnccnluso , vtas arrested nnd the hauso rosinnod itn debnto. An in vestigation flhowod that Maccnltuo en deavored to shoot Ddprotis , but being prevented by the bjHlandcra , hurled the revolver at him. Mnccnluso ia about Unity yuan old. IIo was born in Arrngonn , Sicily. Ho bad nlroady boon imprisoned for wounding with intent to murder , and in still under police miporvision. It is stated that on the morning of the attempted ns- mip.sination Mnccalupo presented himself - self nt the police station und nsked to bo watched during the day , tnying otherwise ho would commit some ex- OODH. Limerick I'H the scone of a number of otitr.T/03 which are seriously dis turbing the HnglUh government und which will prevent the relaxation of coercion in Irolnud for some time to coino. A I leust , so snys the London 7"i MM , wlioso utterances on the Irish question must bo taken with a num ber of grains of allowance. In other parts of the island , however , thu bene ficial results of the land commission continue to manifest themselves. Thai body continues to cut down rents with tlio most partial regard to wishes of the tenantry. Re ta on the lilako farm in Limerick h.ivu been reduced twenty per cunt although for forty- throe years they have boon promptly paid und the landlords have borne one- half of the costs of improvements. This action has caused increased feur among landowners , who declare that Gnd.stono'H ! bill amounts to virtual confiscation of their holdings. taken the first ntui > to ward protecting laboring women and children by the passage of a bill lim iting their hours of factory labor to oloven. The bill passed by n narrow vote. J5ut it IMS become a law , nearly the first , if not the first , law of the kind in Europe. England began Much legislation , and it has boon fol lowed in this country by Htaten like I'unnsylvania and .Massachusetts , al though BOIIIO , notably Rhodu Island , have neglected this needful protection of the artisan and his children. The movement makessluw progress obroad , but wherever power reaches the people ple , ns in France , law begins to bo made in the interest of the people. Private enterprise and individual capital in Spain is something quite re- narkablu. A short time iigo it was determined to build u now line of railroad from Barcelona to now Mad rid , shares of which wore issued to the amount of § 4,000,000. The applica tions for stock exceeded $40,000,000 , which goes to show either that the scheme was exceedingly popular , or that there iu an cnoitnous amount of capital lying idle , the accumulation of centuries , during which there have boon comparatively few enterprises at tempted. Ilussin hu.s u peculiar way of dealing with striken , who are probably ro- gnrdod ns incipient nihilists. One day lust month the compositors on the St. Petersburg Herald oflico nsked for nn increase oftugea , intimating at the same time if it was not granted they wmild leave. Sonio of the mon were Germans , nnd on the matter coming to the knowledge of thu chief of police hu ordered thu whole lot of thorn to leave the country , nnd I boy were sent across the frontier forthwith. Railroad building in Mexico con tinues to progress rapidly. Thu Guy- amas road has been accepted to Har- inrviillo und is expected to reach Magdalena - dalona by December 15. The Central road has boon finished to San Juan Del Rio , the Morolos railroad to Cuantia nnd the National road U pushing thu work on the whole line to the interior. The decision as to the right of way to Oundalnjaru is delayed by the illness of the president and the minister of public wnrkfl. Two million dollars has already been expended on thu Church of the Sacred Heart on the hill of Mont- marlro , Paris , and tliu ed.h'co is hardly above ground. The bui ding ill cost § 2,400,000 more unit tbo decora tions § 1,000,000 additional. The Grand Opera coat 810,200,000 und is not yet finished. Thu new post ollico will cost 815,000,00 und the Hotel do Villo $8,000,000. What remains of the independence of Tuniscan hardlyeurvivo thu French occupation , which M. Gambettii is now determined to prolong until Jan uary , 1882. Should no European complications stand in thu way , Franco will then probably annex tbo regency to Algeria to olivet the territory ac quired by other powow from tbo ottoman - man umpire. Gnmbottn's " ( Irand Ministry" does not nuom to give general satisfaction in Franco. This is especially the caao with Paul Itcrt , the minister of pub lic instructions , whim cordially bated by the clericals. His selection by Gambottu is loukt-d upon us an evidence dence- that the premier does not in- tondtoruluxhiaformur uncompromising wnr upon clorindism. Uort is known as a fanatic tl enemy of the church. IIo has Bet bis face stonily against nny form of religious instruction in tbo public schools which ho bai denounced -be school of imbocelily , of fanati cism , of nnti-patiiotism , nnd of im morality , The cost of workini' Iho railroads in the various European countries for 1880 was as follows : England , W 4 Dor cent of the receipts ; Germany , M percent : llolgium , 53(5 ( per cent ; Switzerland , 55.4 per cent ; Italy , 11 5 per cent. The gross receipts per milo were in Franco § 1:5,000 : , and in England 817,4i"'f ) . MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC. MfUillo iu light opera li.n tnkcn Hoit ! ! by Htortn. London U t < > lie rcfjnleil with u c Bonnf "Hl.iek Crook" ut the Allutnbra. M iry Amf | rfnn'ciiiMijatiicntnt I'ooth'i Theatre bruins on tlin .M of .January. " .Michael Htrn iilf" hm proved a ( 'rt'nt i ) tuiiinry HUCCGM in JluM-rly's Clilcii.'o Tlitatie. MM ! May Dnvorprrt will prolntilynoon lieoum ; n imunlier of .MmlUuii .Sii.iro ( Tnuii.ri ) ( Jiiiiip.iuy. The now Huvnrv Tl.o tre , rntheThnmoi imiliuiktiient , nlmh wim op neil n few iiyx n o , IH lit by tlio oltctriu li lit. Mile. lli"i ! : inPTV qu ck ti > len.n. Sim ntuibcil IliK Hi'Kli ' h ltinmiii | , ' ( ! cniiiltiK nvcr on Ilia Mlenintr , uud no- niieuks IIH well : n John M.'ullotiijh ( II.IH lis'l n brillinnt hiiiiMt tliinu li thu we Ic t IlaviTlyV I'iftli Avi IIIH HUin | jttrl hy K-tr Forr-vtli , tl. A. Lun clon , mul DJamiul Dollier.'in Vir- Hoot i tnnil his Unit appf nranco nn ] tch- ! olio" Dumber U , 18 7 at. tlie Metro ) o i- tan Tlieutie , Detroit , wi h lob Miles now munngcr of llio .Grand U , ura-housu , B Oe Mauprut. It Hrejiortetl that Signnr M. jronl iu- toruli to te i'ii from tlio t xe nnd to vet.iii to Ma nine Itinturi\vho lit tulil to mcdiUte uifaiewoll vl-it tn this touuliy next toaoon , Tlio MAIO ! Prtdcntt Combinntion hr ( lii-b.iiulci ! . The in.iiiigcr IIIM been dint - t iliutiniuircil , HIM liintlux thut the nuccoxs ofSilvm W..H lately duo to AJ'W I'icn- eott's KU I " < Minnie C'ninniinuH nnn < UOCOH In tliq world tumuli uii iilili ini ; Interview. r , Unit ithe It ul n < t r.'tireil . fioin ihuwoild , lii.tvii aKeil in wutin , , ' ( Miuidit.s uud uiui- I 7. lit ) lUli ll'H. S.irali jteruhnrilt wonn tr'i'inpli uf the m f > t pioii uncvd uluraelur in Amnterdani. H > ll nd is ot yiU uilly e ' .irilol.'H the ouutry < if wild cutlniHiaHin , ' .ut ho up punra tn have chum d the imiivi'x out of nil their liubitiml r.uity and Rtolidity. M x JNIarelztktiv * hi-i cuiitr et with Pttti , f r the brv.i h of wiiich lie Inn c.nn- inuiiced suit f r S r > , UiU , wai on a II.IB'H ' ni feU OjU to he juid to hfr nightly. Ho in- cludea in hU Hti'ta et.iiin fur $7,0.5 on a- eouiit of lirr failmo to go oil tlio.eicuu tour m ISiil. Milwnnkee Sun : "McKee Kiiiiliin ha > ' a ( , ' " ' d deal df ttouhlo tiec. UHe hid wife WM : iiH ( f tlio uny he tna o luv to tlio 'iviil.iu' , ' in Tlio 'UauiUn' o JIB had an- oth r i lay wiit > un , in uhii h hiu wi'ouniiltl muko ln\n to uui' ftllnw mil bu 1 'Vt'il bicic n 'iin and nu\v tha p'ay ' H i v n. They play 'Tho UmiteV ono iii lit'inil'l't' thoiuxt , und even body is tatitli.'i' . mill tho'u it no muro tioub c in th o.d mauV mind. ' A inlddlc-n ed t't'iitlcman , iuelininj ; lo nbe-ity , With < od uaioiy e es , a lai e , H it f.ien , a biy dead r u her sp ir > ply cover- o 1 with iiou r.-.y hair. Juliet's lovr : i = iurcH nteil hy .Sij ; 11 i-oi. V liowlin , heniiial African Irate , with r'llli , g e > e- " nnd thick lip' , wh rants nnd Krimt'i hi-t tt'oth cumuli " ' frighten the l.tdiw , in ltd.-- t-i'rt c rcuiitiun of the , who , hy lux conimandlii ( , ' pieHDiU'C , hid in ble olo- 4'icnuehiH nHtuiui priiie nnd dignity , over- uiinio rtll pi-fj ml ices uf iuco un I family ami Won tliu 1 ve of the eiule DcM 'iaiiiiA. Tb' Itulitnnctor i.s unite forUm.tte in lii-i r pri'-icit ; tioii of the nie'ancholy ' jJanile' . who is prcmatxj.c'y old , yloouiy , fat ami ED DC AVION AL NOTES. ( ) Univerwity has hiruest frcxiiinun clftsa it hiu over known. It niunhera 835. Dnruini nth now has 420 stiulenti , tlio Academic ilepartm nt liiivin 11 ot this iiii'iibrr. ' TliiH in a ln s uf thir.eeu us coin- jmred with la t year. Williams Collide has two new jiri/cs which ate to ho the rewards of proficiency in thu clamical lamjuu e.s. They tire in- tcnilrtil only for the KraJtintingclam. Tlio firat prize will bo Sl"0 , tlio necuud % 0 Michigan university at Ann Arbor had hrcomo one of the ur'atust and Lest edn- c tionil institutiiinn of the country. It has now in uttt'iidanco 1-17 ( > Bttul-ntd , whilu Harv.inl univeiMty hiH but 1,33 : ! , On the educ-tiim of venn } ; men The T or TimrH mlvUcH that it JH most tle-ir- able fur their MI. . ceniful care- that they have thu opportunity for iiuhiKlrinl or commercial triiininjf if mich bo their choice , niul with aptitude and ami ition pointing that w.iy. The howtnc dopartiiient lately oiitnblxh- od in thGiM * ' Nona 1 richool in 1'liila- is naid to bu thorou , hly lul. It is f\ivet" | [ thut at thu cm ! of thu ti.-Ht ycur each pupil will bo nblo to cut and inal.o a Ii a i-hirt. Thu iiibtruction bo continued thrnll h the four years of the course. The Un ted Status naval academy wivs founded iii 1845 by ICon. ( ! eoi > ; o I5anciolt , the hiitoiian , fieii secret > ry of the navy , and ho thin H it the lie. it tiling ho overdiil. Its ram-i hiu * bo-ii 111113 of alniutt unintcr- inptcd advance inLv that time , and iti m thodd aud wo It hu o ( 'aiuod attentinn anil appro vil uhio.ul. Air. B.iiy.Toft alho oitahlinhu.ltho ohHervat ry at Wa hin 'ton. Lastwint'T a r-chooMiounu for colored children in Kiiir Ifitven , X. . ' . , w.vs burnea iluwn. Krid > y uftDniDon a now m. : wan dedicated. It is de-crihitl as "the finest Hchool ih'Ri ned nxclusnoly for colored children in the jt ite of New .Iernor. " Hut isn't It iieii'ly lima for Now Jo sey to 1m- Kin to ho h'l-'t w , ' over thu fcrliii ) ; which I'unUcnpiiH-io in cchooMioi eH de > iued ) inclusively for colored chl dren ? The Suiwrintw lent of 1'ubllc Tnstrua- tion of Wise-in in hus widely prepared n ciieiilar cciitiiiniii. ; ew ami exolicnt do- diKii- fur uilioiil JjiillilliiK'rt for town and cuuntr } * , and di < c ionn HI to tin beht medodii of luhtin , vriitilntiiu , etc. The liy cnlc nrraiiKi'iuuitH of the average Hehool.hou o live in a rule very bud , nirt to ilhf'Hi' ' cnrre t nfnrniati n in rrpinl to them oujlit to > rtnii > iili > ied a duly by all State .Supcriuti'ii uitx. Ithhnuld not be.i matter left to thu luiin anci ) or jiuinful tcnnoniy of di trltt tnixtu. N. Hupcrintcnilent I.uckey , of I'ii titular , has judic'out'ly recommended that each idternatu I'riilny Nhould bo dexl nated .i < "Authiir'M Day' ' ii > the jiuMic kchwilit , thu nftcru'ion ' ulie xpont bv the pupiln in react- int ; niul rtvitin from tliu writinKx of nonio atmi'lud ' author. Mr I.uckey linn made nu excellent clnu. ; " in thu examination for odinixi'ion to lliH liifih rchool , Jlo reiidrrH | that the i'\uiiiin..ti"ti in guo raphy nliull bo ronfmed to ta i KM. inn and dexcriptiun uf pl.icoi that n r < uirnttoned In coiinect.on with the dal y iMut brought to imhllc no tice In thu iiewsi ipern iluiiiiK the tchool your. He li litly thinkx that this plan will ctui'ii | iuili | < In ciiro ! a fninillur Vn wltHlKt ) of the current t"pici of thn time. U will ' " > a Inppy ( lav for the Ainerli ; i school * when every city ha a flr. f . practical eoit "f mind. A BVhtein of ccoiioinVuv tea hint ; power haH bien ca lii'dint'irtlfctlu lUnnlnxhani , l\cr ! | i < > l I'li'l bouiu uthtr latgo towns in KiiK'lHiut. UnW this nyxteni iiractieal teacliin. l < K VIIK | tuMjoy * and girls of the tilth aud hiihur titrinitarcl' ' , nnd also to the pupil -tericherr Thif nubject1 Vhoaen f ; r the boy IH incchanclUo , that ( or the fcirl ociinomy , , " \ ench of then1 a widt ) ratif-c of ir aninf { . Th-ie i iicenlrl l.Uiratoryin which the tx- pciimenti nro piuniMl , nnd from \ hli'h the kpnarattH ready for u o in conxeyed In n linht hmdcart lo th v.irloti ccliool twenty-sit In tiuiub-T in It riiiinghniu-bc- lonRini , ' ID the boanl. In WAV it Is possible to ghe t cny Icsiotna week , nnd the circuit of th * chool < cm he inndf In ii fortn'j ' ; ! , _ I'i the intervals between fie \laiU of the demonitrator the cbim tench- on ; recapittilnti hU les-oiifi , nndn \ the children written criminations. About l.'JOO children ar- now heinj ; instructed In tfi-M \Miy. T" make tlicinstructiuii ns re.d HH iKi iblp , children nro nitiKhl out to nid 'n pcrf rmlnc the experhneiitp' , objcctfinre pasidl round ntnl ( ] uentlunlii ) ; nt the end of the lecturer ) We Mot nnd Parted Sirco the nlsht when 1 met hi . when IIP wan ifi y , And I wa < only his daughter's bean , A d I made n > elf .rt to net nway , II jt the ohl man nailo i me , it wan no o. And on e , oh dear , I felt HO ipicer , T went tin" n th t-tois , | ith the ilo - at my roar , Aii'l IhoiiL'ht of the powerful jaw ho had , Till I wiihfd I were ou better terms with lur dad , And thought of the panU I w. uld 1m e to I" y , Till I wUhed th t 1 were not quite KO nigh. Since the d yn when I grew H little nlir , And forgot to f iv ten thu old front gate , Forxot tu Ki-K when che nnid , "Oh , my ! " And remarked that 'twas gottln rather late. Once 1 ng ago , It looked like tn < w , I npked lior u ftttbtion | , uliu answered "N" , " And wo utood apirt in the old frunt hall. At the hat-rack HIO atVedmotn comctinios call , And I Mild , "Not nmch. " and nho let me S"i Wlmro I ho mnon kiined bull-dog Ht od b low. IMPIETIES : _ "Ihcrevoin religion , " Hnid Kd. WH- liami , thu WiHCoii-in de.i | crado who wiu > Ijnched la t Sattuday , "hut I'd rather have my Winchester. " Thin i" a beautiful language of nurs. lien HiiL'iui , the relircd pugilist , wi.o linn tur ed preacher , is pok. n of ns the expounder - pounder of the iirize-iiugandthooxpounder of the gospel. A learno 1 writer awrtx 1h t ' 'Heaven ku its our li''htH ' binning while we sleep. " Well , it doeti look thut way when the li-ure of a gas bill stto the average citi zen in the face. I'oy 1'reacher llarrifionoxi ectoto gi-toff witlniuta o funtr 1. Saye he. : " 1 th nk 1 thall nut die. 15ut whm my time come- aigeU : will conic nn t pi uo me under the r wingHft-jd hear mo gentlv nway. " Thit looks like u N\vi'idlu tin the mulertal-er. A ecuntry paper in Illin 'is ' nays among itd-lucal item"No word has yet been he < rd from Abraham Lever , who went oif two > veek ago witli hm vif'n red headed hi ed cirl. Until his return his Sabbath si ho I class will be in elm go of thi itnv. Air. i' . rkns. " A Sunday -chool tcac'icr ' , recently e\- poundin to his cl HS the third chapter of ( icni'Ms , ( .aiiio Uitlio ciirduon the Kerpent , "upon thy h lly thalt thou go all tlio diyn f thy if ' , " _ wheu a bli nmjed youi ter quietly Io.ikiii4 u , a ktd , "What diu the Herpint UL.OII ufoie , hir. " Tliis is a Diamond fin. The Kditor won it ut n Church J'uir. 'J here w ere T u ChaiiceB at 'I en ( Viitn a Chance. The I ilitur .Moit rf td his Paper nnd Took ono fhauce. The Pin in ASoith to\en him- drud lollar > . Kdito s like LJiainoiuld. Honiutiineii they Wear them in theii Shirts , but Generally iu their .Mind. An old Connecticut ' eacon once tonk to church with him young man , educated , ret ned , iind .1 lover of uaturo , The au tumnal hue.s were ut the height of their glory , and the young man called the atten tion uf hU C'Hii , aniuii to a clump of trees. Thi staggering re-spon-o thut thu o d dea- c ui gave was : "l myer tee trees on dun- day. " J he old M n is lilind and cannot See. Ha liciliU his Hat in his Hand , and there is a Dime in tlio Mat. Go up quietly mul Take the Dime out of tlie H it. Tlie .M .11 i annul Sei you. Next Su'.dny . > on can pat the JJime iu the Sabbath hchool box an'lthe Tea her w.ll 1'iaice ym. Yttit I'.ijia will put some Money 111 ha Contri bution hot , too. Hu will put Mure in thiin You d > . lint his Oppor unities fur liohhing uro Bolter th > n youis , RELIGIOUS. Th .fewirih Orphan Tnir , held in Cincin nati lant wuek , licitd , > 0lO ' , Tlie Prtaby tei i n _ church at Mount Pa- ran , Mir > luuil , bun junt it'lebrntecl ltd one liun Ireil nnd nixtv-tixth uni.i\en-ury. iNtur PreHitlont Jiairiiion'H giave , a Vortli Bend , Ind. , tdcrd in .0 o lui h a letliu.liht tliurcli a. ; i uieinuiial of liiin , which will bear IIIH u auo. It in stated Ib > t the ArchbHioiw nf Al- K't-r. . t ; < ilnnnp , Seville , and . will bo ( > tbe Uaiiliiuncto ui the C'ontinory wlrch will bo held Lo'rre ' Chriitnm' , niul tliut tlio I'utri > ici ! of Vriiica , .iul the Aicbl irbtiiH f .Vipo ! < uud Uubliu w 1 re- ocivo thu red in .Mnrcb. The .J'jChbytcry of ItiU river , compiia- in all uf Dakota nortliofliidcg. . In'hucle , nnd ( iglt counli.'H of Miiiuenula lyng nitift iidirl f onti u.iiin < iit tbe emt , vu ur uni od Octol er.n , 18. ! ) , with 7 niini < - terrt anil I. cburcbe . It i ow Inn 18 churclipj , nnd 1. ) iuini.sterial Biipiilie * . Tlio l.uthcr..n Sy.od of Missouri , _ Iho t uuKi'i-t in tbe worlil , u [ > < rtx ( t'A n in P- ttrn ami K 8 cuiumv tituuiii , ami --I | iieacliiiiiititioiiIth.mttiBdtSli ( ifiroc - ialrcb ol- . iili t-cliolnr J.U-.1 - - - , < il,32J - . - yi-ui- 1 > ,7H" > oil i lilren weiu bajitizetl , and M,380 WPtu conliriiird. Thu I'TKii't ' it crevo of laitint ] hincu 1870 II.IH lit-en in tliu fiftetn Southe- Stalen , wi u tl/o / iHTCl.-t'H ' , iimntl , aiming t' o rclneil | < cojile. In tlio Laxt- ern ritaloi thu in rrase in 1C 7 0 ; iu the MI.Mle Sta o" , a , H ; t ; in tbo thirteen Western tatea , f 4 , 70 , ni.ilin tbo Tonito- ri < m , tOUO. ! Some of tlie Kefoimed chu cbcn [ n tl.u . went are in tn.ubiu over tbo iiiettton | ol Masoa y , Tiiu Inrfor part of tun church iu ( iuind Hup d , Alien. , bin necc'ded , and cairiod tb n Htor alurg witb it. Tbo pas tor bun I < en Mi-p ndcd for Belli m by ill ChBeib ( ! nil Uivi-r. iSotb iiurtie in tliu cliurcb < l.tlui ibo } , and lime HJIII aled to ti.o mil court. Tbe cougrt'K 'loof ' tbo Uev. Dr. It. S. Blorrr , in Uio klyn , luito | nc ei.tHil . him w tb a HU H an i.d token of their ntTec ion uud ftoii i will , lie but h > : rved tbein fjlth- fnl y firth.rty-liv jeaignloiiKiKHtorate. . und , K oil' * iiietluxt of t < infying ! their aji- pie ii.tlon ol bin ineritH as it p-eachur ami a Hum , t i'\ put iliirty tisu tbouranilh' < xl wlhbrs int an uveopo ] and ma o S , It , t'hlkttti.d n tbeirlatluri airier. Tbe Kvun llcol A'llnncc ' ha preimrod n tinniruui forthuWw-k of l'iayer , .Innu- urv 1 to 7. Tlio Hiibju. U a e : humUy , Jauua'V,1 ' KfJiewedUoiirtecration1. ; Mon day tliunk lviuv foru'inp ral nniUpliit * ual bit Hhinj. , and pmyor for th > Ir contitiu- in ct-j Tiifuluv , liuruiliatioii and cntiliRtlun nfninuV ; dntnd y , I luyfr for tbo blenn Ina of liixl on Ilia work UM ! wo ilj TbuiB- d.iy , pinyir for tbo yountf ami nil trjiuinjj uKfiicieFri'fuy. ; . prayer for [ wace nnd riKhtfiiuknfi" utiiifi-willy ; Suttir Jay , pray er for iui. iuiH anil r v vali1. Wnrnur's Safe Kidney and Liver Curo. codlw . _ _ _ _ _ _ WANTK.H. A low morn peed active rt'linbln purcliimiiif , ' auenta to snll the light running Doiaestio aowiiiK ma- cliino. For ivrva addrws , W. D. Wouiack , f.t-Ht'rul trnrclitiR agent , Omahu , Nobnwka. Nltf. TRUTH ATTESTED. SomoImportantStntomiMita of Wall Known People "Wholly Verified. Inonlrf thutthn pulil c n j fulljr rr l ; : lh - pmiili uio'H of lie tnte.ciil , , n wtllii Iho lower aid r luo cf tin article of whtlithcj pptv-.wo ) iUbl s i ln.-ro.\ltli t e l c nlinllf iltina. turm.'l | ) rllfii * lie ocliiicrit , > h Lty'ii quii- tluii. Trie truth if t ! c-e teMimoinaU Isnlino- lute , lur i an Uic toils Ilioy Minuutirc It OMAHA , Nrn , Mny S4. U8I. 11. It. WARMER &C > . : Itn Kmlime : frequently te' Warnrr'b. Snfo Kt no. , niul I.'tfr Lurj for lo il nI ( < cilon ftttomlmt upon Htnoto rli'tiinntt ntliwki , and liMcnl js il < rl\cil liimtit therefrom. I hate- nl o mul the Hifo Scr no with tail-he or ; re mit * . I consider .ttcsu medicines worthy of lonfluc iv OMAHA , MB. , May ! , HP1 II. 11VnsKH k I'u , llccli-.Ur , N. V ( ; , MM : _ | | imo u"d jour r ( u Md iy.MiJ > Uur Cure t tsspiliik' inn li\erln ltnriljr , and. Illnill the bint , ii'imilj I IWT tried , 1 hnvc U'ol 41iotllcH a d It linn 11 rttlo n.o I d UtUi tliitn ur 1 ulil bcforo In the fy/.g&ffrf& > U. I1. It. Hlioi * . OMAHA , NFB , May 24 , IbSl , It II. WARMIR A.Co SinI'or iiiorij than 11 y are I ha n r-uHorwl muih linonrinlenco Iromcuinblnrtl kldmy nn < l 1 > cr ulne.uri ) , ri d linto litui Un bio tn work , ay urln y org nsnUo being ftffic u I I ried great min > iiii-illcin H and duitom liut I giew \sorce and wor e ( Uy b > il .T I w us tell 1 hiu ]'iill tuii " , mid I IB'e. ! n } rll deal 1(1 ( could not htm "pinny rclkl. I took your ( -off K Uncy and Uter 1 lire , Vno\\li rotMlup iln ; M e cr liiioHli Inciirutlia dl usi1 , an.i I l.nvj not been diMiV < Inti d Tn in Ultlno lias lured nip , ami I urn perfcc ly vdl to-ilur , cuilrlj thro Kh ) nur Milu-Kldncy und Llvor Cure I ulhh jou nil HUCC n In pukltiliiug ttii > * Uullt y through liu noiU , i f tiHBlly rene endoiwiineut JKl many of them In oaici vhcro b pe ni atari' fe coned have been v < hint an Iglwn , rtiowli'g the j remaiknl It ) tv > merol Warner's Safe. Kidney anil LI\cr , Inall d reasaof the Udntjp , liter 1 or urli.nrv o gatm. If BTIJ one who rends tliU 1 ha any ( illy < ul troubU ) remojuba the grc.,1 1j r or dilny j ATLANTIC A GULP FLORIDA ! COAKT CAXAL &OKEK. - CIIOHER LAND Co. Issue of 50.000 Shares of 8 10 cnob t nt par , Wiru IIO.VUH OK 40 ACKEH FOU BACH- 10 SHARKS , KUOM CHolCii LANDH OF THE "DlHSTON FUHCIIAHE. " OFF C'l1 THIRD AMI I'lOhTHljr M-H. , PlIt'ADKI. linn ; llnimiu.u , N. Y. , Ho us 111 , 113. Detailed pniH ectiiH with tieicniitivp in.iiled to applicant ! United Statea Depository ; OF OMAHA. Oor. 13th and Farnatn Sts. OLDE8T IUNKINO ESTABLiaHMKNT I OMAHA. SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE BROTHERa ) , gTAVUBIIKD 1866. u a National lionk August CO , 1SC3. CAPITAL AND PROFITS OVEB 300 0001 OmnUUl AHD D1B1CTODS i tliUMAN KOUSTIK , FriMider.t. AVUCHTTH KoiTMTZit , Vice Proeldent. II. W. Yirra , Oxshler. A. J. PoprLKTON , Attorney. JOU.N A. F. n. DAVIS , Aset Cosbter. . Thl bank roctlvcs deposits without ros rd to iuioante. Issues time eortlfloktoa boarinp Interest. Draws tlrafta on San Kiuiicleco and prlnerjpat t cities of the Unltovl States , aim London. Dubun Edinburgh and the principal cities ol thecontij ocnt of Kuropo. Belli passenger tickets for eminuU by the Inj man line mavldU The Oldest BANKING HOUSE. IN NEBRASKA. Caldwell , Hamilton & Co. , , Busliinra tmnpoctwl name M that of ui lacor- . porutud Kuik. Acoounta kept In currency cr gold mbjeet to . alrht chock without not. PI Certificates ol < lcpo lt vmied jwvihle In three , , eix anil twoho ruontha , jeorlng Interest , or on < demand without Interest. Ailtnucm niodo to ciutoruem on approved socn rltlts at market rates of intorcst. Duy and null golJ , bills ol exchange , gmern munt , ttato , county and city bonds. Uraw giiht drafts on England , Ireland , Scot land , and all jiarts ol Kuro | > e. Soil Kuropcan inHKigo ticket * . COLLKCTION8 PUOMPTLV MADE. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE ) TRADE MARK.1'1.0 ! " ' " "TRADE MARK : An tin- failli'K ' cure lr Seminal \VcaKiiuss , Spcrinator- rlica , Impot- cncy , and all * " " BEFORE TAKIHQ.A'i ' " o" AFTER TAIINO > . ftuii.Aiiii-u ; in i.u-sof Memory , I nil frail Uuuil- tiidu , I'aln In the IJoi'k , Dimness ol Vl-ion , I're- mature Old Ago , and many other Dl-etms that lead ti Inwultj or Coii8umitlon | uid a Prema ture ( Irani. fdTFull particulars tn our pamuhlet , which , KH duilru to Mind ( roe I r mull to every one. rtrjJTno BiH < clfle Medli'lno l Kid by all dnifftlaU . at $1 pvr wktge , or t ! pack ? es ( or (5 , or T 11I i bo M'nt ( reu by mall n re ; ptol the money , b ; luMictuinir Til K OK A 1KU1CINKCO. , Buffalo , N. Y. Tor rale lir 0. K Coodr ocTino-rixi BOYD'S OPEEA HOUSE MUKS E HOVn , Proprlctcr. K L. iiAllS'l , llunlnma lianngur. ONE NIGHT ONLY ! Mondav , November 28th. Houies Packed to the Very Door I hothlnr Like It on the btage I THE JOLLITIES. In TIIXIB Great Musical Absurdity The Electrical Doll , Our Own Orchestra Our Own Scenery Ujiroarioun Kim ! Orlelnaland Chaimlni ? Mtulc' Uiili.mndi'd KntliiiHlA > m' 'Iho Urut Itiirlcwiuu Drill eoncl POI'ULAK1'1IC'I..S-A ! lulwlon , 2ft and tO < - . "ittntii hikt , 7fiaud ! tt.10 , howior mlo at x ( Hi n./ / . . a m J.P.ENGLISH , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , , 810 Boutb Thirteenth Strott , 1tb ' M. oolworth. NOTKJI : . The merchant * nd v H c gent rillrc horol > > roilllfd not totnut Jam < t * A , I'tyoern iny ui- ount , M 1 will not my nj Mll < ojilrJCUil iv him. MK8. If. HAU : < . *