Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1881, Page 3, Image 5

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FnrmorVhitc. .
You limy Inlk o' tlio jny o' tlio farmer ,
An'envy hi * Iree , v.ny life ;
\uu miy : < it at liU boil tlfnl table ,
iAn' prihe liU iinhiitrlom wif * .
Kf you cli pnedn \ the \vooil < on tlie
winter ,
Or fullered the fiurernll day
Wlflni tea n of un nlv ynitn 'uxen ,
An' feet heavy lot luil uith c ny -
lit ini IP lit t o o il plow. I'm ' n.tlilnUn'
> vii .1 Kill ) ; I i n ililf re , t way.
You nny ilrenni ' tlio RoUen-cye \ ihi ! e ,
. An' lillt urar nrli n cli.inn ;
lint. It uliK me luMi | o' Im it labor
" /I'o keep 'en from | i | In' my f.uim
\ oil plciur' the kiiM in their splcii-
ilur ,
Thu Inti'factpc ' * ! ii full o' repose ;
Hut I never get tlmta look ut 'cm ,
l < ti' pt vlicti it tains or It * ow * .
Yon tuny siiu' o' tliu Hiin birilx o' nun-
imir ;
I'll tend ti tlio li.iwki n' the crow .
You liny write o' tlm lieauli HO' intur' ,
Ati'tlivcilon tin1 lilo.Kiti'V o' toil ;
Unt the jjiHid thin . -i we < ev on our \lik'
Al hev t-i ho ilitj , ' fr'im tlio .inilj
An * our I'emitiful ' luij-lit K lilt'u butler ,
1'erli IM yoit ny iiu\ir hev l.irneil ,
Mnkuj u lirap o' h.iril work fur tlm uiin-
It hez tn lie ch ui fully cliurncil ,
An't leuho NO , HO I'liuiiii in our ( uiiitry ,
All liov to lie lifted an' ' turned.
When I coma from the luyllelil in .um-
tncr ,
With tirinl' m n' o\er my hei'lj
Wh'ii I in ! k liv tliu li lit o my hintern ,
An' Wtful < y craw into bed ;
When I tliink > ' thd work o' the morrci ,
Alt' worry fur ffiv it n I lit , v in ;
When I the loinl lonr ' the thunder ,
An' wife KII lic lin to co'iipl.iin-
"Tlii'ii itxr-nis ez if life W.IM . u imrdeti ,
\ \ iJi lo.tiu to li'Vifur or y.iin.
Hut the ' , ' , lie .
i'i > ri nun' pl.uiteil in ipiitti ;
t tin' .
Tlie weed < must tic ki'ilftnmtht | > t'n > 'iiid ' ;
'While the li.'iv iinist hi > a it in tliu MIIIIHIIUI- ,
Th" who it lil'ist ' IK * er.ulle I an' bnmiJ ;
i'ur wn neier : i > u mtt , .1 * einril lyuient ,
KxuHpr when we 1 o in Hie uoil ;
'Wo iniKt chop u I our wood in thuinto - ,
An pile it uu.iy in the nlied ;
An'the ere > H iiiu > t lie t.tNen to iniiket-
The Htuck niiidthu wa eioil an' feil ,
You may envy the j ys ' the fnnner ,
\Vlio won.H like n M.I\O | lor hii biojd ,
Or inuhbtt to p.iy elf u in < r ju u
Tint hans1 * It o a cloud o'er lilshra'l ;
Ymi may jraz > nt Im cornfi hln : in" nieail-
No- think ) ' his wants nn' hi ncednj
You niny it in the xlt.ido o' tliu orchard ,
An' IOIIL' fur the life thiithu lu.ida ;
JUit yon'il Iiml ID tlu cmnfo t or ] ) eiiKiir'
In ti htln tliu lin.- , nit * tliu uecds.
Trapping ; in tlio Malno
< Le lstji Jn itnal.
Once in a great while ; in old backwoods -
woods tr.ipior | geti inside of liis
historical coou-akui cap , poliilu-.s his
boots with boar's greaao , ju hipigooi
so far as to rif up in a "bilud shirt , "
and coniu3 down to Lewi.ston from
Dead river or ALigalluway on busi-
nca ? . His business is to foal the
market and luagi tuo current prices of
furs. Tlieso nro r.iro oocaaions.
Probably not m ire than two or three
professional t.appurs get down to
Lewiston in a yuir , They gonera'ly
sell their peltries or barter thorn to
tr.ulers in the back towns , or cousin
their year's batch hy express to the
city. The v.due of the riw furs
handled annu.illy in Lewiaton is
astonishingly lar o , uhoti wo consider
into what a narrow spare the fur-bear
ing animals have been dii/tm by man
kind , and hivv ehcumscribed are the
trappers' hunting grounds. Unu
dea'er ' in Lewitton bought and phippid
8700 worth of furs last year. The
value of the fur I u mess done in
the state of Muiuo annually
exceeds $100,000. The lanjtst indi
vidual dealer is n man in Brewtr ,
who handles 35,000 worth per year.
The number of fur buyoia in the Stale
ia not large. Tlu-ir chief sources of
supply are in ttio regions at the head-
AVacora of the Andruscoggin , Kenno-
bec and l nobacut rivers , and the
streams emptying into them. Sports
men and occasional huntots furnish a
few pelts , but the bulk of tliu furs is
furnished by tliu pioteM3iomil trappers.
There are many hundreds of men in
Jlaiuo who earn their living and sup
port their faiui'ies l > y hunting , trap
ping and fishing , and who do nothing
elsu t-xcept permips act as guides for
pleasure-seckera in the summer
v months , for the whole year There i
-are men in LoMiston and Auburn who o
make a practice i f sinking into thu a
woods with tliuir HH'S ' , irapaand fish-
poles every fall , and staying till the
-cold weather duvoa them nut. Some
times they come hick loaded with val
uable furs , and tci'iited from crown to
boot-tups uith the oil of thu L'niuo they
Jiavo akimud and the fumes ot the salt
pork and liah they have fried. They
are generally rutnii'g ' people , and don't
make thpmsilves vi-ry ] ) iimisctioti.s ,
but once in a while , during November ,
onu drops into Tlio Journal uflice with
his otter skins on 1111 i ik , ami a piece
of Rome tree that a be iver has knnwed
down , as a trophy. If you can tot
one of tlu HO inodt'bt , semi-occasional ui
hiliiU'is to cross his hgs and rchearso ( , '
his advoniuren , hi > y iriis are found
full of the esumuo ot Ntnirod.
But your true trappur pays no at
tention to thu chilly blasts of Novem
ber. Ho lunvei Irs wife and children
and warm chimney c > rncr eatly in tlm
full , and lubern..t a in u cold cam ] ) w
Etch iu-o the backwoods to
man goes - in
September , and Ruts his line of traps.
Ho chooses u situ , if possible at the >
b.iso of sonio mountain and on the
'borders of Bimuhtnaui or pond. His of
line of traps may extend in a rude of
circle or eclipsn , 'JO links in diameter. A
At each extremity he will build a camp.
This is his hunting ground.
It is lim if ho had
asBicrcdly as a ( , '
warranty deed of it und a solid stone i >
wall around it. If another trapper
comes along and aocn his line of traps ,
ho will walk right by und lind another are
place. Ho would no moro think of
intruding on his cluim than ho would
of "itenlii'g ' hia chickens or ranking a
'hole in hi * neighbor * ' wood-pile.
There is a diliuuto BIMIHO of honor
among the tiuppors on thii point.
The limn who btealn iniuther's traps or
pa mo , or oncr > UL-IKH mi hi * line in any
way , is an rmtl iw. If directed and , \i
known he's got lo kt'i-n hhy , for the
vengeance of the whulo race of trap-
pels is bound to fall on liiin.
Every d iv d ni1 g the Inig wiiiti r ,
nnd until the melting HIIOIV swulls the
etr.'iuiis in thu hj.iug , iliu trapptr
goes over his Him of iris | , examineH
every fine , HOWS in firdor , aiid lomovoi
what game he hm caiig it , if any. If < t
ho has a very wi lo ouv o of traps , ho
cannot go over tliein all in ono day , will
and his two camps at rhu oppoiito ex-
treinitioi of Jiw g ound come in play.
Ho goes over hall Inn beet , ramps for
.night , and complete * his tour thu fol
lowing day. spending the next night
in the other camp. Ho disposes of may
his furs by chipping them to Lewiston
or some other central point or by
bartering tliotn for stipphea for hii
family nitlitximi ? trad or in his vic-iiiity
ISviTy year the fur c.itch decreases
and tlio bounds of the trapping lines
nro gtndiiiilly becoming moro limited.
While 1311110 of iiunt kilida ia retrial-
iny further in the forest and bccomii ( j
sciueo , il iss.iid tlint the niuubor dt
luoosu niul tU'or. whiih are protc-otid
by la\\ , are i
In niuubera the imiskrnt mocoda
any oilier kind of gaino ( rappetl for
its fur in Miiinontui liamUod in Lewis-
ton. They are caught in cmiiinoii rat
traps , nnd fill of tliiMo sin ill tiap.s ixio
aoiiu'tiini's set by ono tiupni'r. 1m-
nienso iuantitii. | < i of tliein are eaiiyht.
Kight or It'll thousand of them are
shipped from l.cuiatou annually.
.M st of till-in are exported to ( .lur-
many nnd Italy , where the skins nrti
dyed and furnislioit a populnr fur for
lining and Lulus' npp.irul. Thuy are
turning the clunpust of furs. A very
large niiuiber ot .skunk fura are also
shipped from this city. It is used lor
triinniingi in tlua country and i < oftiin
passed oil' for Alaska sable. The
larger pait of the skunk c.iloh probably
gni's In l-'ranco and ( letnmiiy. The
ottur IM ono of the most viilu.iblo and
r.uu fur boning animals trapped in
Maine. Jv'ot iiiino than 1,000 otteis
aio annually ought in the whole
state. The skins nnko a boantiful
and warm fur , which is highly valued
by the Kiis.-d.iiiN , Greeks and Chineso.
Tlio fur is a dark , glossy brown , nnd
of two kinds , one bi'ing eoft , tilioit
and tlnek , and the olhei * longer nnd
coarser and intermixed with the
forinnr. The vu no of a dressed skin
rutis froni 810 td ? 1'2. M.uiy of the
otter skins caught in this slatu aio
sent almost around the world in the
coiirae of trade bofoio reiiuhing the
place wlii'ro they ate finally worn.
The "IleiHiigotiiilolin" ( .Town in favor.
The latest in : "Well , 1 ( mould neil to the
ripple. "
Alulfi enntlnui1 mnall , but are elaborate
ly adorned ,
Toques of pure whi'e ' vultur
nroqiiihUuly pretty for yunnjt K rl < . nnd pninti',1 biuliuc-i w
oreiln-'aif iiiinicr dr.iieriud ] uih bo milch
if you could only ee thu n > N "f Atihin-
tee y. ni wouldii t bl.mio the ktnnf fur IM-
in00 at mii-e.
A yii'ithfnl female l.iwvor would feel in-
Mtlteil nt hi'in e.illcd a lur nuiiil , an I jet
tiuit's jint , llo h
At Mt , I'loisinflowi. . , n yoiin < ; liuly
is nv miller ninr ; , tii < nmiiii.d ami un-
] ) ! u\periuncc uf cutting hei tliii.Uct
of teeth ,
llccau e a Cincinnati thief is a woman
worth 840,009 the pulice eonelitile that shu
is .1 Kin.tly co ceal h r
no no noi'vl imported liats nro mailo e'i-
ttrely of a thick network of cryi-tdsanil
I ead" , which i the evening glitter like a
thousand eolored gem .
"f declire , " Mid Julia , "you take the
wonU ri'ht ) out of my mouth " "Xo wo i.
der ; they are no swctt , " mid Henry. Th *
day w as xut that evening.
A w man can drc s ln > r h ir to ma'e
hernclf look ten years younger , hut the be t
-.111 no n do is to p rtly cover a b.ild snot
and feel that ho is a deceiver.
The effort c revive hoops ha ? piii\ed mi-
sltil , und the 8 ghr. of a w nmn cnisj-
uiiuldv htree nu longer CHO < bleb a
bird cage walking nff ith a pa r tf ctoo -
iii' ' . [ I'll ludelphia Clirmiicle.
Cloak cln-ps made of Hotnnn e < ld nnd
'apiu ' _ hiznli are \ery fashionable. The
Htone is of a dark blue rolor. inottleil with
brown , and it is frmiPthhi that t c much
valued pigment called ultrnmanna in
A new 1 luHiiati r'd'ng boot which has become -
come very | , opular i.s nirulu of dark vohei ,
with silk plunh top * . They arc cut torome
about thrtu n il a half inches above the
ankle , ami lire fastened with small round
bn ton of French |
Medium-Bi/.ed fnminre carried iiiutmd of
the inttnviibolv lar o ones HO lately popu-
lur. Beautiful evening f in are made o"
ro-c-tintcd < htricli foathcr.s , with mother
of-penrl handles. I'orti i funs are also
sli'iwn , ma 10 of dehciitu mativo tinted
feathers , with fct ck.s of cha > ed bilver ,
A caprice of the season in the combinn-
tion of bUck and white , i < oth in IT.nit. \
evening re f , wal ingciistunie , and , lastly ,
in evtiiitif , ' bonnet * and hats. Op 1,1 hatH
re filiown by leading importcrH mailo of
whit \el\et or plush tii . mod with Id < k
iikh tiiH | , ; ind tlio.-o of blncK. chut
lo tied with white ftatheis and biidj.
The ierv latent imp rtatioiiH in cloaks
low tha ctt finely louj , ' cio.ikn , MI lately
th" virile , arc iivni'pi ; ce to thus of
medium length half-loii and clo u-littin "
wiap'S which lire certainly much mote be
cumin } , ' , at leant t slender , y nihfnl .
, than tlio tx KKo ated tiles , which
nuke : iutiiiiat | d-louki'i ; ; ' ' .Mo her Hub 1
bards" of ulomuiii ) ; iniiMtt of bWcet nix-
A ninety-novel ] iioiinil ] 5ri 'Deport ' ( 'i 1
has a i can that lips the beam at , two hun-
died and ten. tihu t eeps him in attend
ant c\ cry night , up to ijj oM. cl : , he.itcil
uomfortably in an : irm chair. .She cx-
phiine i t > a compi ion , nn .er the feul of
Heeri-cy , that benuith the cn.-hion hln lcpt ;
hrr aiitnmn ldi\ H in a bonk , aiid im MI u
they wuro snlilc cntl v pressed nho wniild
'ivo him iho iiiiltcti. IK ailing Times.
Win e MituhailtH of vehct , iilnth or
Tmki.'h a in , licav Iy triininid with iiiep It
chenille fi inge or nilllen ot co' < ( red In e ,
liewlt'il by a arrow fur Iw li or beaded
ii-ipl.ipicH , nro to be carrii-d thin winter n
Mtnn > 'd y. TdU in HIIIIIO hiiijof } nn in-
novnti n ; but there is lortaniyno reason
hy a p.iWol may not bo c.n rfed in w nti r
nhield the face irom thu iiiry if ihe
northoin b iwt , or to protect the
fiom the daV. 1 tu t-lfect of the refraction
f tne Hiin'ri inyr f om the HIIOW.
New jer oy bodicen are imported made
chenille nnd line uo\un xilk , wilh llnta
K < id ! thrond fhoxi.ii ; throu.h the woof ,
h ndrioino iiniitliiK dro H linn a turqnolMi
hlu j rsey of ihU deaiription to
fhnrt Hkiit of pdebln < Mitlii A l.oui-
Qniii70 > .uirf of the Hatin , lined with pie
'old Hitrah mid bordered with tin > mbroid-
ry uf Hidden tvhu t-hen < U and 'npruyH of oil'
forKet-intMiot' , in ud ed. The b dice in
Hltevelcm , i ml fnllhiL'from the Hhntildor
dainty double frills of rich ( johl lace , the
Will BoinrboiU hand us n fan ? "Queer
BtnrirH IM in to crop out , " ray * the Hulfnl
! i > , "about thos-i learned ( biltother-
unobjectionable ) women uho met duy
liere in conHreMJ lantv ek. One of tin
lelnja os wuMseen to civ with her l < n f , 1 1
another inrried her nuiN ui m urnliu
tiirotihi ( { > iit tliH cntiru intutlnj. ' , and H ill
kiiuthiT constnn'ly were n it e-H uhlch
fieely exhibited tj thu rude $ < / > of the
an t man uh.'it wo inav niolmHy call
LhuHtcrn I e.xtremitli'rtof her clavicles ( o
winch xhe had 'wo ' , and the adjacent leni-
tory houthwjrd , "
U \ * now cant dercd imli'pensublo that
r i.\ten Ion l a 1)1 in the iliiiiiif-rooin
Hhull bo covered with a li nvy cloth l > < -
ncath the table-cloth itsulf. A'atcrial
which IH ma u exprenxly for thin purp ne
be ( in clu ed , t ny lnr'o dry ( jooiU
re. It it exp IH ve , anil HO KOIIIU IIOIIKO-
lavpers hive tried nu' ' > u ltiit M , nnd ha\o
found that canton tlanncl wlli < lo Very iiro
, liny two b oudthx lit ! nipitdito the
lniXth anil htltch the i. t'l ' ethoi ; or hoi y
ulii'i-tlii } , ' will do , Thirt u nlorcovvriiif , ' by
to be fa te > od t'i the table < > tlint
tluru > ill ho luidaugor cf wrinkling , lly
itfingthlv coVriing a liiiiidnoine tablu-uloth
loukoevcn nccrthan i Ij , and an oM onu
ba uiade to do good n rvlce for a long
tinienfli'r It In * Iwniio thin ft in on.
stall we r niul wn liliitf ,
1'iir t'ip i trvct not' liuc n lioli tlt'ftlmn
tlu < tftllor-iiiuli'ciMtuini" * wjiloh to ninny
InilltM ilnit. | Tlioy tit In porfucti n , niul
Itnvi' m i xcpcilliigly trim nii ) > ncc ,
liHiUuii ; < nl iimiililoilon tin'H 'if' . Tlu" i'
dtvo < art ) ma lo in lli , > liniiu" > t f.-nlii m ,
ami nli-olntoly wit out ti Itmiiini' . Tin-
niitpriil i < gi'iitT lly r nth ilurlt KT < rn ,
oil e-liinMi ( ruliv niul lil tnjjfn or-
Ito rnlor * . Two tylt < | mloin n\to. : The
olio Inn n ' 'pop Utt at the Inttoni f tltf
skrt ; Alum11 a W.iltiMtt tuiri * wlilch l
ilr.ii'illn | n-H-riof of loopi nt the li. , k.
With this li UIHII n XcwnmrUet , or
"Xn.ili'1 ArU" o ut. in It N > .th r l o c. li-
oil , wliii'li loom wlintnftrr th > | fn liliui f
of a gent ( man' * ilditlil'-lirenntiil coat < f
ftinJ.uilit u t ilecciiiiti'tM.
TliN var of trnlik * nitil oniiivtii will
mum bo ov or.
Nni' ) tliimolL'lit i'\.lio\orni > i" < ( ire just
tin v > lck n'ioil ' , NVliutt n iiuin'ii linlil un n
fit nlVii'e slH ! | , it jiir * lilm 11 nr. ' .
Itnii'tji iy I'irco ilnllai * fur n cimfeiliT
n to thim * ml ( liill.r li till wlii'ii jnti
instilsoll ti\ko a jilooe of Imwn | > n ir
niul cli ilk the Hunt fi $10,000 on It nl th
co t i > f a u til
A t , ' iitlciiinn Oil-mi liniltlilrtvlvui troll
t ikon out tin' otlirr 1 1 ay u ilh.nit . | niiii , am
nml iioiiiiii"thitlc ! of any fcmil win < oil
' ? " MHI nay Yes tlii'V \\oro f.Nu
Thor are im "iiii | nl < in I his Rtit'1
Th-y tltiir itflit nut iw soon in iciuliiu th
utoiy fnnii M line tliiit tliiity hint or
killull 100nitirioNo.ich | in a limit last
in < c ! lit li'iuiii.
An I'litiiiH ' fnrinc' ' stoic a i\u \ ; in Chi
oi ; o. niiilii-MM' foil iv It fim < ciiiut-lrlp' i
until the linitotiiiriMtlsuU'ii ca-os of HIII 11
| n > \ . in tlio iiiiigliliiiilioiiil The faun.
dixun't e.uu for ilngn any inoro.
The won ! "i-tiiiil.inU WIIIT' flmiilil li
ocr.itolin i fiotii th political iliet ! > n iry J
I R ft.ilu uotiyonti u.ill m and < in MI'
menu anything at nil MI anvious Inukiiii.
nun cUnilhu tit a liar mi Kii'iitiiiirn Into'
ivil-iim il bunnm-M fur llifir v Uilo M no
like attaint inM > iMtor anyli w.
1 kniiu , " snKI tliclittlogitl tn Iior dder
iT1 * > oinu man at the Mitiior | t.iblo ,
"t .at you \iill joi i our moiety lor tliu | Ho-
teelinu of littli' i inh , K oiu tiinia nayt
you urn \ory f iul o' ' I t ! > . ' ' Tiion llitro
was a .silonci > ami the liimliun.'i i clieiM
in ( 'Iit h ivo been howl so milling nroinul
in its tin-liov i n the [ llolf. [ Hal
tiinoro Aiiiuticati.
This is a Hoil. It is on the Man'a N"ck.
Woulilj on like tu I roil it ? If you Do ,
the .Manvill Keel it , t o. Tim 15 il i < a
iiifiin Tiling , nml it is a Cowiinl UN nit
Str kc it , it will Kim. Hut the Man will
nut Itiin , He will D.mcouml make lit-
marks. Jtoils ay t-tar Way down tie ir n
little loy'- ( unit -batul Hut they
come to a II eii' 1 at last.
He. eo have a .loko mid n Mini The
ilokoin very ( ) U. It is li.dd anil Tooth-
loss. It must lUi about onu Thousntul
yo.irOld. . The man wears a Hin llm-
niimd .nut a Kliii y plu r lint , lie is u
Negro M list ol. ( in anil ( jiiotho O il , O ( i
Joke to him and ho will Take u.ueof
v ry Teiiiloi Iy. It is lii-i lliisineH. 11
Kits I'o ty dollaiH iv week for It.
An oper.Uic tiul ( | | hired | i\o s'n'crs ; tn
ijo with him to South Amuio.i. After
tnoy hail tailed they found , nn trying their
voice" , that ovi-ry u mi wn < a teii'ir. ' . ho
rushed to the ni ent in lii cabin deii'an i-
iiiK an oxplaimiio'i. 'C 1m jom no virf
s.iiil the manager , "I " .I'nll mcd you all
Koitr of V linn liuuli Kw' ' ' ' ' * rallied otf
byilioblacomit , a d the surviinr will
have the place "
Has th Printer tobacco ? 1I hat l tt h >
will not Tell yon So. llucarno it in the
Lea of hii H tn' , and when ho wantga Chew
ho onuaka down in thu liaclc Alley wnero
Nobody can See Him When he Spi H
t'baceo , it Sound . like u Duckilivnii : in the
NVa cr. The printer I * Queer mi. Ik-
is a Kieklo fr on. Sometimes ho Has
ten thousand Knit on thu Strin , but they
ar Alw3\shii I'unes. If jouarea I rm-
ter , Do not lie a Mack-sin th or you will
get I ired.
We flitt through the dreamy lioura ol
Hummer like HW ! t winged
iiinid the honcyMickle and puini'li n bhrn-
boms , htontis uway perliaps a li tie glu-
c -so honsy and buc wheat ptincakt'i for
the liiiure , but a 1 at once , like a ne HJI .
per ihief in thu night , the. kin , ' of fnibt
and ii | e , mellow chil laim it i pen ux ,
and we i much beneath the wintry blast
tiump our Hpinal column im into the crip
aj like a TOX H htee that has tliouulite > ! i >
ly swallowed a riw ; onLtus [ IjiirauiTeC'ity
The Dranmiic criticif Asleep. Thoplay
Does not Interest him. He wll K' ' O it
Thunder in tlm 1'apur The Ailora will
bo .Sorry when they Kuui the Paper _ be-
cauic it will Say they are n t Artists. (
Afertho Piny , the Uiitio will goto thu
\rai iety Show. Will he rflee j then ; ? No ,
ho will Not. Thu l.idy in the Short Dimi
an 1 Pink Tiyhta will Huyix Coliien of
the Paper in llui Morning because the
critic will S.iy N o in an Aia-t. It 'n very
Comfortable to bo tin Ar'i"t when theie
me eriticij in th N iglilw hood ,
VI n 11)1 o Improveinxnt.
Mr. ? uili H.itet , lOlmira , N. V. , wiites :
"Aboil * t mr yearn ago 1 had an attack of
billiniiH f ver , anil neve fully ivcivtred , No
.My ilitfc.iliio organs wore weakeno.l , i ml
1unil I bo coinplrtely pr ntrated for
Hays. After tilting t n buttle * of yur
liurdook Hloiid HitterH thu iniprnvcment
U'.H so vK-ilile that Ivm astoiiidieil. I
ran now , t1 inixh lil yeatn of uac , d a fair
and 10 wuiabled.iy'rt wurk. " Piiee , S1.IO ;
trial M'/.C , ID centn , n'-'l-enillu'
ATI Editor's Now Pants. '
An editor in Chicago" n aliurt time \
ate onlcrod ; i nuw jiinof punta from
thu tnilor. Un taktiiu' tlirni on tiny
proved to he nevunil inches too lon- .
bfinf ; Mo on Saturday niutit. tliu
tailor's slmj ) u--is clusuil , ntidtliu editor A
toulc thu p.iulH to his wife , and ushod
her tu cut them oil'and hum
them uver. The j oed lady , wlio
cucumber or ninlou lurl purhaps
dmagroed with lur , hrusijtii'ly rofusud.
The Eiiinu rt'Hii't ' , lollouo 1 tin nppltc.i-
tioa to the wifu's abtur and thu aidctt
liut boforu budtiinu the
wife , i-opoatiiif , ' , took tliu pants , and ,
cutting oil * bix inches from the li'gi , ed
heuuiiud tliuni niculy , and lodlorud tn
them to thu clued. Half an
hour later tin1 daughter iakun
with compunction for her nnfiliiil
conduct , took thu pants , ami cutting
oil'aix inclicH , hummud and replaced
thorn. Finally t' > o aistor'in-Iaw fult )
pnnga of coiiHciunco , nml nho too Km
performed an additional uuruical op-
er.ition on the garment. When tin * rut '
editor appeared at braikfist on Sun- ) .
thu f.imily ihnugbt a Jl'fjhlaud '
chief had arrived , for thu pnuU
relied only to thu middle of hU
Too intiuli cannot ho miid of thu
ever faithful nifo alul motliur , con
stantly u atching and caring for her
dear ones , never neglecting n single \lu
duty in thuir bclmlf. NVliun thuy lire 0.
iiasuilcd hy diacaso , and the ayatom r
should liavo a thorough cliiiuining , the
atontitch and bowelu ru iilnted , hlooil
purified , malurial poiaonuxterniiimted ,
Hlioinuatkiiowtliat Elcctiio Uitterf.
the only Huro remody. They ar (
bust and purest modicum in the.- Ul
world , and only cost filty cents. Sold noon
THI ! & MoMahon. ( . < )
A , GTROUP , ol n
Tavmut's Sulta r Aporient
MM pm"1'1 ' 1'inalhil li 'TironlfM'nf inpill
cini' , for It i" am .N.itim "uountih n , and
nll < i th" Ni'iipcr..W < v1" " r. ol tl c , t.m'o
do ho X'tK o' ' tcHtrtrntliiii ' i liri < | > i Xo int > ili
duo Hi' * ' . Nature nlolin > r > , THAprrrni
opiti. th proi | < T i\\iinii' < . ' i linn II , i > i \ npr
in Itiil ti reitiino thi'lt < ir , mul tl . p tmi
' * * C >
80U > 11V AI.I. llffi < ilST <
TTIio Trant glossy , luxnrinni ;
nnd wavy trosscs of nbiindant ,
li ( > nnUi\u \ Hnir uao
, cheap ni'ifclo always
the Jlutr prow IVi-ol
anil last , keeps ItiVoin falling
ont , arrests ami ctirw yniy-
ni'ss , rcniovos ( landrnlV am !
Helling , in niton the Hair
Rlroiif ) ; , glvin ? . ; ib a ourllnrf
( cmk'iicy and kcojiing it in
any doshcd posiiion. Ucnu-
tTiil , lipallliy Unit' is the sure
result cl' usiug
Went for lirniK the mo l rtinvt , iiiitclK-t , in
< afMt line contirctlnir thi'KM it Melicprli. , I'KI
mil SoiiTil-llAgrKRN Ll.xn.nliletitniuliiiti t im
with KANHAH CITY , l.xAiKMvonrii , Au'i" o\
" 'F3 find OrfMIA , thu C'.iKvmriAl
\vhlch radiVr
that pcnctrati'H the Contlnunt ftom llui Jllw/.ir
Illicr to the I'aelflo Slope. The
Is the only line Irom Chl to cmnlnj ; trncii trti
lf tiBo , or wldoli , hy It * nnn mail , rrncln.'K t.ii
imlnUsaliavo namud , Ko TRAVFPKK * nv CAnulAaK
No roN.MccTio.N8t No huddling In ill *
ventilated or unclrati eim , iw nery pav > on'ur l >
cvrlod In roomy , clean and tcntllatod covhe *
upon Knot Kxprosa Traln .
DAT UAHI of unrlvnlfd nupnlflccnco , Pct.t.MA\
'ALACH KLitr.riNo UAIIH. nnd oiiro n worlJ-tu'iioiit
DINUCO CARS , uixm which iiii-ixli nre criul of tin-
Burjia-HsM cxicllonco , at the low rnto nl SRVTNTV
Kmu CH.XTH KACII , with Rtnplo time for hoalthfiil
Through Cam between ChlcaRO , Poorln , Ml1
wiukco and Missouri lll.iir I'olntu ; and closn coi
nocllona at nil points ot Intersection with othn
Wo ticket ( do not forget this ) directly to m cr
nlaro of Importance In Kananx , Nohnuka , Ill.iol
llllln , Wvomini ; , Utah , Idaho , NoMuln , Calllornla
Oregon , WiuhinKtou Territory , Colorado , Aritont
nnd Now Maxlro.
Anllhoral arrangements rccardin liaKt ; * ' ' .
IO' other line , and ratra of faro nln ay anl ow a.
innipetltorii , uho furnish lint a tlihool the coin
Dom and tncklo of nportaroen free.
Tlckcbi. maps anil folders nt nil prlnclpl
olllces In iho United StatuH and Ouna'Ji.
Vice 1'ros't & Oon. Oon. Tkt andI'aM'r A ?
(880. SHORTJ.INE. 1880.
Uoe& Council Bluffs
Direct Line to ST. LOUIS
From Omaha and the Weafc.
ilango of cars hctrti'on Omalu ami a * , uoule , '
mil liut ono hi-twwn OMAHA and
Daily PassengerTrains
CHAiais : and IN AUVANUI.oI AI.M
Thin entire line IH viut ) > iiuil uitli PuIImMiV
I'nlato Care I'.iUou buy ' '
Skepnig , C'onchrs , Mlllor'f
safuty I'Ktiortn nml Coupkr , and the tulohrattJ
\Vcotln'houii ) A'.r-bmkii.
/ i/'hiu that jour tlcltet roiild VIA nANt l
CITV HT. JOftU'll & '
, UOUNCIb III.UFl'd Kail
road , VA ! 3t , Jowidi nml Kt , Lonlj.
TickuU far Kile ut Ul coupon otntlons In thi
Wont. J. F. I1AUNAKO.
U. UAWKH , Ocn. h'ipt. , St. Jotcpli , o )
Gin. 1'iw ) . and Ticket A t. , St. Joseph , Mo.
, AM > V llOKURM , Tltklt Alfcnt ,
1020 Knriihain Htriut
A. I * . nAHVAKK ( ioiu-ral A/unt ,
Perminenil/ Cured no humbug- one
Tionth'i usaije of OH. GOUi AHU'SCclciirat-
InfalilLle Fit Powilen. 'Jo , oiiti < u miller , lhc o ixiwiliw wl I ilo nil wo el tin for
lii'iii MU ulll Ktnd tliini I v tnnll , pott p III a
rec Trial liox. llr. Conliril Ulliuonlt jilunl ii
Un Hint him uli'i nude tlilu ijlgfuu a tpiclil
imly nml 0.4 inonrlitiQitiiilKa tiwi | nn In into
fin P rinnnrly rintil liy thom of Iliifo '
Powclcn , wo will guirantca a perrnanont
iird In ntrrj OJHU or refund you nil money ox-
cnted. All ulltrcri'iili ulil gi\u ilie i' row
an uirlj trial , mid do comliiieil of Ihur to
I'rli e , lor lariici 'i < > \ t'.l M , or 4 liOM-n for IO CO ,
hyniall tonn.l part of die l/nl. / ) , Htuti-it or
'ttiiaih nn rccuipt ul prloo orliv oiiirchs , I ! . U.
Aililrc u , A8H & RorOINS
_ aOO ujlon Si. nrooHyn , N. Y. $
COCFarnhom 01. , . . . Omaha , Nebra
Itri.ully mlotlMl land In Kviu.rn Nchracka fri u
( 'riit IWjaiiirf In Improunl larirw , and
jlp Ijtn l/tnm'r II P "
rrofvmnr Klihur , ( from fit. I ouin ) Danrlntf Ac.
ttduinj. Ktundard Hallcor Kltti-entli and I'arn ,
, TuuvKy outilng , Hcpti tnhir fllh. nn
ilamf. for 1/nllcn and Oiiitleintiicoiiinicncl.l
ruvwliy t\rnln Hiitvnihur | ( III. ; clas < tu lor
> . ' mill Miiilvn , coiniiittidii , ' Sitnrdtj after-
at * o1'x.l. . C'laiiwii for Kunilllm , will ho
arraiiKiil to Hilt tlm honoriihlu tatroim. AIw > Hi
Witt ilttiirlnif uin ho taii ht. tun
i llhiral , ( ind pttfiaj natUfaitlon to srholl l
. . -intent. '
I'rUatulintruUloinwll > ozli- fit
attho lUnelctf AciJomy or it thu mtlilimie
the patront. iv
I'rlvaUi orJui . ) o loft atllii Weyer A
Mo Changing Cars
vMicro uiri'i't niniu < ctinn are niiMto with Tr iud
The Shorb Line via. Peoria
VU.LI : , ami nil | Nintii ) In the
\\hernillmt i > nniH'ttni' ninmilo in llu > Ciilot
Dojiot wlt'i ' thulhiniiu-li MIMIIIIH- r
Mm M ( or AM. I'OINTM
TIIK KAVOUITI : uotrrK von
Rock Island.
Tlio miis ] > Rlil Inilnooi'u ' ut-i uili'iiil It ) llitx lit c
lo trmlirHnml tourlsli urn an ( ollonH :
IlioiHctimtcil ITU.MANltl.Hliocl ( ) PAIiAPI
SI.KKl'I.Nn CAlit ) tliu iinlv on thli line 0. , II
} . ( J. I'AIli : IIAWIN'l ItOOM f AH8 , Mill
IliitonV liiMllMiiii ; I'lmltn. No iivtm rhMxofoi
o'.tnln Itii llnlti I'hMni , Tim fammu ( ! . , II , <
Q. I'llupo DlnliiR r in. OoririoiiH Siiiolilii ) ? Ovri
lltli-1 ullh oltK 'it lik'li'li.icki-,1 mtUu run oh I in
ilialrH , for Hio cxiluMiu moo ( tlrxt-tliMii tninon
Stcul Traclt unit fiiu'rlor )
with tlii'lr Jivtt through rir nrnm.1'inciit , iirki > otliim , tlio ( a\orlto route tu tin
HVH , .Smith nml Snntlu"ii.t.
Trj It , niuljotilll Iiml InivoHn , ' n liunry In
Mti-uil nt iv iHttiiintort.
llimuiili tUki i , vln thin rcl.Jirntwl Mnu for nli
nt nil oilmen In lira 1'nltnl sutna ltd Uiiuutt.
All Inlntiimtlnn 'tout nti' nl t rn , Shciilny
CNT Mciinuiinilations , Tltno 'Inldca , etc. , lll lx
ihtvr.'nlly ghon by | > iil\linr to
iT.HCnVAl , LOWI'.M ,
OciirnI iiiiL-or Asotit , Clilci o.
On. Mviii-i'r I hlc\co.
Sioiu City & Pacihc
THE sioux crrV .ROUTE
KIIIL a Solid Train 'lhrotuh friini
Council bluttV ) to t. i aul
Without Ohango Tlmr , Only 17 Hour. ,
ir lb
nil all points In Northern lows , lllnnoxola m
Dakota. Thin line Is wmlp | > cd with the kiiproinl
WostliiKhouHU Automatic Air-hrake ml JUlloi
I'htform Coupler and lIutTtr ; and for
In miBiirpasicd. I'ultinan I'alaoo Rlei'plnjr Car
run through TIIOITOIIANOK l'ct ' i'cn Kan
win City niul Ht. 1'ruil , \ ir. Council llliilTn and
Sioux City.
Trains Ir.ivc Union I'nclllc Transfer nt Coun
oil llnlfn ! , ut 7 : ! ! . ' p , m , ilnll > on nirlial of Kanmi
I lly , ( it. Joxcph and Ooiinill Illnff train fion
the houth. Arriilniat Hloux City ll.'X'i p. in.L
ami at the New Union Uipot nt Ht , I'.iul at 12:3 : (
XiTlleiiieniher In taking the Kloux City lloiitc
yoiiifLt n'lhroiiKh Imln , 7hc Miorii > t Line ,
thu ( juii'kcf l Tlmo and n Coinlortablu lildu in the
'lliriinih < ar hetuien
gybcv l hit < read > la the "Sioux
CU and I'.nllle Kail oail. '
Nt | urintiinlciit. ( Icn'l ran.Aj.-cnt.
I' . K. UOIII.NhO.N , A s't i cn'l PaxA 't ,
MlK-ourl Vulliy , lima.
J. II. O'HIIYA.V , Soutliwrali'rti Kent ,
CIIIIIH I MlnfT . Inwa
To Nervojs irJufTerers
Dr. J. B. Simpnon's Spociflc
It li' n pm > | tiuicmo for H | > crmtoirhui , Uctnlnk
iV'tokinm. In polfciicj , and all ili ea co riwultlnf
'roui Mlf.AljiiM.j , nn Mi'itUI Amid } , IXIM
Mi' inry , Puii'slnthi' " liackprSlile , nnd
nut fri-o to nil , Wrlln for ttum and | ; ot lull | r
I lU'c , K'w-inc , Jl.liO | HT fnrkaito , or lx puck'
< i fur ti\tl. AildrriM All orilcrH In
it. KI.MWIK MII : > KINB ; iti.
NOH. 101 nml 100 Main St. IlulTalo , N. V
Hol.l In Oninlui by C1. K. Oooilnmn , J. W. Hull
I. K I h , ami oil ifrnv/'iilovcry ' huru.
- . ,
Pesiro'i ' ti tinnounoo to hio
friends and the Go oral public
that ho hiiH ivnol"od toiorJuco
H prlcen to tljo ( owefit uotch
jonHiHtont with the prinoiplo ot
'live Hud let Jive " Gentlemen
dosirinfj a llrat-olieH Suit of
lothpp , in nil reHpocta equal
any nnd sor-ond to non > - , will
well to ( jive Mr. Martin H
CHll. Grod BuainnBB Buita to
orlcer , $25. Fmo Pantaloons ,
$6 and upwnrda nliilin
Geo. P. Bemis
I6th nd Dodge Ot * . , Ornalm , Net. ,
ThU aitunuy IIOD BIHICTI.VH hrokuraie I
tout nut pctiilali1 ! ami thinfoiu un > I
IM l < jl.a are I iiuruil to Ittjntroiin , ItmtoiKl
liv thna/inli
. J.
Ocricii I Front lUxjum (1111 ( xUlrii ) In HaiiHunm *
nmvhrlck lnill llni { , N. W. iwrner Ffloonth ml
arnhini Mrml
IHif r "ale .Mm. P. 0 Kdlo.'ic'ii Tin lorli'KH ' in-
, 'Jlir. iitfli In truitlon In t uit o < Ilaulf K
xlu'ii i In tlila < ) fct < in. lull iliilr iu it'rfiHt
I K ' ' " tun < Tom th lutii t Krciali Y.IKIH
lanlino the iiiutiTlal tut , hasted u J ilrrpul at
ry ru o uhle irlc-tn , u ltd a vim in'ieof PIT.
IictlH. ilk rrembrixlrumtia tu81l 16th Ht. ,
upiUlr ,
mis N-t ? AND cpitxtEcr .MAP .
' " > iv jeyonrt any rcMoimblo qucMioii llmi tli
is n'l .an .in-1 . < iinn i fur TOM tot.ikn rtlipn iravrllni ; In cither ntieetiAn lx
. 'li.agoM ' \ ill of thn Principal Points tn tin ? Wosf , North and Nurtnwest.
. u i nvr-Miii > . , . th. " Vfr Tlir Vrnptpii t'ltlc iif tlm Wr timl Nortliwoir ntcHlMl
( iiiiliKionil U" I'ui'ii ' 'i Zialns niukotU'Sfi ' fouiicc.luu * Yvllli '
0\rrnlhifitmirliip | ' . . , ) linr . , ,
.iun onoli
, viv ( bltvfrom two to fourormoro Rw iCi
i Mint li is till * roul
uuij ; woit of t IIIIMXO Hint us
The Imperial Palace Dining Cars.
l ; for TlrUetii \ . \ tliHrond.ltn sure they trail over It.and tikononoothor.
UiU\ linillllT , Oou'l Mtuiauor , Ohlcai ; W. U. SltSXfTT , < lcn'l I'.ws. Apent , Cli
I ! \UIIY r , Dl'KU 1'ial.ot Aisont C , A M.V. . Itillwiy , 1 Itli ftiul Pwnlum trnoto.
I ) . I' . K1MI1U.I. , A l4Uiit lli < ki < t Avu'itU. A N.V. . iUlluny , lltli.kiul K ruli m alrooll *
J. 1IKI.I. , TicUa'ontO. . .t M.V. . Uillwiiy , U. 1 * . B. U.
111. AUK < lmi rilirmit
Manufacturing Company ,
Finest Silver Hated Spoons and Forks ,
/ " ' The only tuuly ijtioiial plato Unit
( I original liriu uf |
ia giving for instance
HiiijorB Bros.
stance a single
All on * Spooiia ,
1' o r k n and plnted Spoon a
Knives plated triple thiclcnc.MB
with the groatoat
plato only on
df euro. Each
the a o c t i o a
lot being hung
nn u scale while whore expo d
boi % plutod , to to wear , thereby
iiisiiro a full deposit
making a aingle
posit offlilvoron
plated Spoon
wear an long aa
Wo would call
a triple plated
especial attention
tion to
our aec-
Rival. Orient. Tinned.
All Orilcraln the Went phouldbo'AddriMod to
Wholesale Jeweler ,
It always gives satisfaction , because it makes
superior article of Bread , and is the Cheap
est Flour in the market. Every sack
warranted to run alike or
money refunded.
. M. YATES , Cash Grocer.
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Near Union Pacific Depot. OMAHA , NEB
Lath and Shingles ,
Yard and Office 15th and C timings Street , two blocki
mrth of
if i.i