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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1881)
THE PUBLIC SERVICI The President's ' Policy Regan' Appointments , Inoximbonta to Remain Their Terms Expire. A " 30G" Bmlco Not n Sure T port to Favor- Wa-hington Special Ch lnn tl Connr.f rciil It 1ms boon tlio cxpoticnco ol Hie Ohio Btntcsinunslio liavo VH WosliiiiKtoti wince the nilvcnt of new miniiiiistration llmt 1're.M Artliur wai aclverso to nuking more chiuigcs in the fcilural ot tlmn is iilisolntoly nccnstnry. ' lias been tlio subatii'icis , 1 fminil , < i his intcrviotva concuriun thu Ciii nati np 'ointnii'iUfl. The prcnii jiroposus to take his own time to thing ) in , nnd thun to cot : the pronor poraona anil inako i such chiintjcs us are ituinandcd for public woil. As cvidunco of the | idciit's policy in tlmt regard , si buno corriJsjHiiidciit to-dny rolatud iollowing : "A curtain congressman CAIIK this city : i fo\v ilnyB nj o to Mix up' of the postollictis in his district. ia a st.ihv.irt and was nu nctivo 'f ! man' lastyunr , and isiipurHunal fr of ( 'resident Arthur. With theno cumstances in his favor , ho made doub * .is to his ability to ut tlio 1 nets which hul brought him to capital transacted without doliiy. caino away from his interview the president , however , in bad ttp and bad temper. According to account of that interview , Air. Art received him with great uordia heard his plea in behalf hia candidate far the i office , and then asked if there any just grounds of complaint ngn the way tlio oflico was now tnana The congressmen replied tlmt oflico was run in n manner Batisfac to thii public , bub that the ptmtmn 'was n rampant liluino mun. ' 1 ho thought , was sullicient ground removing him , and putting one 'our friends' in his place. The p : tlcnt replied Unit ho had made ii [ mind that the only safe rule forte to follow wns to remove nobody w out cause durini ; thu term of o lixud by law. If lie departed f thia rule in ono cusu , he would li to in another. There wun no plae draw the line except in front of Ho did not think , however , that wut under any obli ' .itiotiH to n point olllcc-holdors at Iliu uxpir.x of their terms. Wherever the law lixud a definite term , it was fai conclude that the intent in to niinato the claim of the incumhcn thu place at thu und of that pur unit leave the appointing power out ly frco to select n new man. ' president went on to say in Biibstu that ho believed it to bu in interest oc harmony in Uio publican party , us well M the good of thu public nervi I I to observe strictly the spirit and lei of thu law. When the term of postmaster was about to expire , Hhould bo glad to confer with the c Kresatnan as to a proper man to t coed him , but it waa useless to u f \ \ his removal. The congressman was not convim by. this argument. Ilo boliuved true course for the administration pursue in to turn ont all oflico-liold who were opposed to Grunt last y ( nnd till their places with thu fuitl ; Adherents of thu third-term fact ! nnd thus attempt to control the n national convention for Grnnt , if is a candidate , or for Arthur if Or is out of the way. Ho admits , v * ome chagrin , his surprise at lind that thu president hud determined < | uite another policy , and could be talked out of it. " A number of instances might uitod to bear out thia theory , enough have idready occurred prove to the friend * of Uonoral Or that something moro tlmn a liadgu ia required to obtain ollicus dor thia administration , and thuro gentlemen now in Cincinnati ' might throw some valunblu light the subject were moro evidence no ; vry. vry.Bomowhat iu the .same line wns experience of n Now Yorker , who "been for years u political lieuteii und an intiin.itu social friend of president. This gentleman fixed vyp on a dcsirublo olliee , and ix thinking thu matter over a mo told thu president he would like luxvo it. "la the pl.ico vacant ? " the proou naked. "No , it's hold by u man who appointed by Hayes. " "Do you know of any reason fin moving him ? " "I know of iiono except thr would like thu ollico myself. " "Come und sue mo about th days before the iiiciiiiibent'n conn nion cxpiruf , " eaid the president. have made up my mind that nil ciuls shall servo out their ternm nn they ( nil to perform their du properly. " This is in brief u report of the i vertntion us given by the oll'ico-sct himself , who nays the president i ahrowd and longheaded politician , iKior distributor of pulronngo am lib friends. _ M'nslo Teaolior * in Denver. HinyerTrlbuue. A connoiseurof munio tfauhunt forts that ut least ono-lmlf of women wlt'J comu to Denver to g up with the country aio muaia tui ers. A vast number of thum d know much about intisio , but t como impressed with the idea I they can got rumunerativo emp inont ut teaching our i'irl , * how "paw ivory und howl. " The mnju Aru inunied ladioH whoso 1 bands become clerks or enj ; in eomo bua'uu'H.i that does iuitify veiy heavy living oxpon Tin's class of musiu teachers do ask large clnsBes or high tui' ' foe . 'l"ioy nro ( juito willing to in "just enough by giving luusons to 1 a good servant girl. " A smaller n bcr uri < young lurliea in too straito circuniBtaucoa to"droBu well , but are too proud to work in ether dep . Their lot ia the liardea generally discover in a > 1L- They brief tuae that , their knowledge onusio U utterJr insufflciont to oni w t f * THHSOMATIA DAILY BBB : SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 2(5 ( 1883. lliem to liold tlicir own 1 Tlioy II nil ft liiyli Mantlim' ' musical tft , to , uiiil not on'y ' tcnelicra tiilliiltely superior to tl selvoo , but lira also confronted young music scholars who can t thorn inoro ot music limn they heard. The bulk of llieno unfi unto teachers soon find that hey uiigngcd in the poorest imaxm hngini'ss. The work of gcttinif a iiifj cl.isi ii discouraging to the do ri'u , and only a fo\v of thuni ceoil in making living wajjes. Ono of the tgloiinun ruMtlts of syatein of luliKMtioii i.s the nvurn u fumalu lorv.uil in lit paid than the avcrngo n teiicher. Iii'lcud , the Dutiyur vant j-irl with hur twenty-five Ian n month and ho mlvliu worth twt'iity-livo nioruia by no in an unhappy mort'il. liurpny w\ \ that of tliu rluik whoso Hil.iry i.i dollars a month , and itliu can milch more , hucaiiiushcdouH not , 1 to dress BO well. Jt Mii ht bo f. iid'lud ' that slio does not have to \ DO hard. Not < no lady ui.uic IIM in tun avur.iycH nix hti'idrod dolln year. do not lojcivo , all I hu.flhat ninouiit. And yut wu uvory Hfirving woman renolvinjj hur danyhlor nliall not Miccoi'il l < vocation , lint tdial ) , innldid , roc lessons on the piano , fo that sliu hu a music teiicliur. ( jtiour , isn CONNUBIALITIRS. A * 11.1 I.ouini Gary HII.VH hcnclf thu h flio tly to hu uinrri d , mill it-tiro the mnn < > nnil HOve hnu > got to. cliu Mr. Win. Cliri'ticho newly nmi i Mtnmomeimy il < ( Kuglanil , w ! 1 hu ricdtoail iiulitur uf Alfred lllukinn November 21) ) . Chief .Iiislicu L llr/ulfonl / I'rinc Now iMexcii. w n nmrri tl in Tr rlmrc , New York , last wmktoMlm' C. lica'd ley. A Now Haven yoiniK woman ha * t | ) OKtiw > oil her limrnuKU ftfte tlio we < Rlic-it * Ita i Aweniljla i , civin tin icami ' cjit tluit nlie ii not iiii | o ready. Keoktik hud a queer uixtrimonlal ju the oilier ilay , when a father' * mm ma a father' * divorced wife , the fath r hn secured a divorce In orilor Unit l.e u marry his wife' * Hixter , Tnn wedding of n p omlnunt Imvy Ot a\v , Out , Ufin Htiii | | > i'd at the one llio ceremony by it iend v poring In the cur of tlie liriili'Krnoui IIH fmncoo was it desperate adventure * Tlio low.i Mutual Marrin o USHOCIII Ins 1 1' CM orx iil7eil i't MIMOII hy .1 II own. O. 0. llmwn. Huv K. Hkir VV. I' . I'oitcr , ( ! . .1. Lone nn B. V. burner. The article * lm\o heen liliil ; hu Kerretary of H ate An cdi or wrote a licadli o , "A 11 ilo Itlnniler" to o over n radroatl ami Jilt thought it win tliu printurH fault t K'jt over hu account of a v cildiii | ; . ditor win the inu'i thrashed all thu n Thu inarr tvto of Dr , Wubb to Mins li-rliilt , tliu yoiuijjciit daughter of Win Zander' ' lit , will tike ] ilni'e in the \ci-k In December. Mr. IiiHpcnird K ut will lie tlio bent man , mid the limn vi'l take plitco in tit. llartliolniii ilmrcli , corner of Forty-fourth Htreet U.idison "Venue. The h"liotlml of I'rinoii Lunp'li 'riricocH H Itn i ofVaIil ck , I aminui ii London , 'Hipiiire , wlni is tin iid HQVinth chi d ot Queo'i Victoria , drii April 7. IB "ill , hoinv 1M yenM of l N ue t old > -r tlian I'rincvM 15 all li > i vomi i'st child f thu iinern , and I : i 18' ' 7. l'rln < o lleteiu of Wnlihcl liu fonrth child of "ieor o Victor of V eo'c , ( luriiiany , i.nd wax -hum IMin 7. 1601. Not to bo nutdono by the lovorn , -eru nuirried at thu ttnmmit of I'ikesl'i ior yet liy tlinn who weru wedded ulloa miller t'fV.tml' In Mammoth 0 n Ohio couplu hut week utood ii ] > in ii'uudn of the cai tel ut I 'ohtmlma. ride wua M HI M.tiyio K Fuoto , of nv Bud , uiiil tliu Kroom wai Kii | leovo , a wealthy c'ti/un of Will UR ! 'h-y did not o ntcinplacii'arri.ioat ! ) i line , but whdu Hmmeriii thr < Hi"lith , ol the roiiiiintlc ! d"a prcBcnti'd itncl lie yoiiii ) ; mini Mid the lady ncquloi A very queer breach of proinirfo cai u trial at llud-on , Win. , on a chuitK < enue from Uxhk bh. A yomiK IAW n the prnco'H of a win ; ; hU wild oatsi , auto oulmiK'leditli a pretty nurvant | iid , till.alli' en. purchased release by i > K' her a nntu for $3,000 t' > bo i > aid on /cddiiiK ilay. Hlin naturally niH .round ti > cet a hinbaud and earn uuauy. but iiufori nhn accompl < Hhed hu 0/tkonh tire burned thu prucioui uc ty. Now HIQ brln 'rt unit to recouu- int thu docmnvnlai-y tivtiKncf , and in I UK a haul tiuitxf it. A Liniinvi lu Kirl inadu in tnj'agi'inci done with a young mini whom her fa mil f 01 bidden to ( 'liter thu IIIKIHC. iliiu was to ride in a nUi.-n carnau at .h" line into Indiana , h tvo thu mar iLTumony purfornifd and rrturn to I < 'inumnuu ihoniKiilvo * hiiHliiind ami v I'hU WIIN carrinl out as far an the xtii .ho carrion. ' 1'lieii the mun kixiet ; irl and him found whisky on Id. lire Uoru than that , ithi ! jinlti-'d his mm ifucitv to bo tlio id. nit of Hll lit int. ; Ion , Kho at oncudi'i'laii-d thu alf ir Vii h would not linn back nho call xillceiii.oi to her aid , t"t into another 1 K and went hoinu miinarried , A runwayjuuto'i ' full of exciting ( idea in du'crihud at Ifncth hy the N j iroliua imperil. Tha herein i was a C .crovillo mhool j-irl , lltr futh r lo < ler In a loom and Kupt a Im ; do in .hu window , HU that ii'i ' ladder couhl limited theie , Him was alKwdl no o 'o'lil hreail and A\ liter for to we it tlu. end of v.Jucli t'liio hu hinnblfd telf before her pairntx and WIM for i . ) n tli followiii/ day i-ho went to hell At ro o-u her lover rode up on a w iioriiv , iMiitiht the ilil ; In his arum and loped aw ay. Thu Hirnnli [ ! ld hoj' " , l > r swot thojlrl. ( followed thu tlii liig into Illii-n annity , but thu latter run Itvunatillr an hour before thtlr pnra iiut weru in niod. Then the ( jioom 'ended hU brlilu ut the of tha pi ind iiydn HIM until hU whltu * ImrHO , : aped to tl.u niuuntjlns.I'ldl.ulrl rimes. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Aljout a Hoy. Thuro has always boon mom of 11 fueling ligiiimt llio avurayu hey unto ho't hu Hcnt after nnytl vithont dallying alonj , ' liy the \ iido , and doui } , ' BOIIIO Kind of dan iithur to the aiticlu hu went nftui lomcthing ulso that ho uimn't i iflur. History KOCH to show that who joy i tout aflur a liatuhut ho altv lai'B it nlonx thu roinl to pod al roi-H or chop down pickut I'cnco . , 'im sund him for i Immincr , liugu dly battcm up Bomctliiujj with it hat when the bdancii IIIIH 1 lU-nck , you find that it would li jucii cheaper to liny several mtohut and acollin in thu first pi Jjist wiiiior , howuvor , thuro wa ncidunt occuuod in Colorado iluxiiyiul liu opniiuint of i.uvtnil < ) le rulutivu to the average jnvii , vilh onu biispoiulur , und a tin bo : aiorpill.irii in hU pocket. An old minor usked hialittlti wo efiHBon to n" uji the gulch and u lick that hud been luft near the I tnd bring it down to wheiu the nun wan working on a prospect 1 The old man wat u Itttlo agitated i > hu fact tlmt hu couldn't find the 1 and ho nworo at tliu boy in an in sivo kind of way that was calcu to make the youth fly around am hack during thu mnnmer. Hti WIIH olio of the pervoritu kida who not appalled much by profanity , when ho got the pick ho bcua ulinck it around and tear mi thu Kin neil , pnitly for Inn and p.irtl kill time. Hio and hyo ho dm , ' out the cm ot a rock arouwed hia curio and aftur snhtin" on it and \vipii carefully on hii jiuntn , ho looked with onu cyo closed , like an e.\ wlm is p.iid $5,000 to t > iess al T.x'iii : of a mine. Thi-n ho look the roik bask to old man , and when thu cruel psi was about to attack him with an drill thu boy showed him thu HI men. men.Tho old mnn looked at it and changed his mind about knocking boy Kivlloy west , as hu had at lir.v tended to do Ilo wont up the i { and opumid tip n ininu that ho lit.-ly for SloO.OOO. Thu boy H red-headed and frecklci on his IICH < ! an big ns a ; ngate , and his eyu-hiHhes uro v nmi his teeth aru pnt in crooked ho ii the idol of a imnpy homo V he puts a split stick on llio tail of family dot ; , or fills thu cream pit full of young fro s , or make aquarium of the poup tureen , parents simply pasi it by as an e < tricily of Kenini , and ho doca al us ho likes. The parental lion warmed toward him , and ! m lifo h one avontiu of goldun liL'ht , uilinvn whoso vista ho s Ktrals , and thu bright and beaut univenu holds not in all its mi yrip ahoy whose warty and freckli spattered face is lighted with joy i peculiarly potent than hia owo. Tronblo Snved. It is ft remarkable fact that Tin K < ! i.KUTiue On. is as Lood for inturnnl i tcrnal UKS. l''or d Hoami-iiof the lun 'n throa , aad for rheumatism , ncuir nick n thu back , woumls and NO ci I ho hust kn'Wn remedy , and mil h ti < Is naveil by havlni ; It always on hand. novUl wxllw A FACTORY GIRL'S I/DC ] for Her MnrrlaQo Now York Buultcr. ProvN.Ti'ejr ) ! in. For a couple of years past a yc { irl of inodurn mien and eoiibidui nuauty haa bi-on employed in Ltovutwyck Jlill at Sandlukn. mtonU wcro poor but n spect..llo lents of that town , and tliu ednci which shu received was onli Lhiongh hur own elluits. Abe of thia I'ar ajjo a young druvgint beyau to "pay attention" to the C' ; y youi' factory girl and for a tin LV.IS thouijht that a wedding wonl .ho ixHiilt. lint the match , if onu 30011 contL'inplatiid , was broken ol , hi' nd.itivoa of the young man , .he girl for a time seemed very n nit out over thu affair. Shu dech hat BIO had never promised to bu Hiung driiKgist'B wife , but it gave lain to realize that his relutivesshi loom her buneath them. A uonthi ago a distant relutivo of 'o i > g lady living at JSrooklyn inv ior to visit that city. While tl hu became acquainted with a ii oung hanker , a member of thu ] fork Stosk Excliauttu , The yo nnu was not slow to discover act that the factory uirl wu ewul of the llrst water , lie inqu nto hur ancestry , and learngin lur family were respectable pun , iul that theru waa nothing nga hum but their poverty , ho propi o hur , and aftur duu time w.i < : epied. The young lady has roll id to Sandlako , where she ia pre ng for thu marriage wi'h ' the I t'uik banker , Thu event will bo ( ir.itttl this month , and thu other ] n the Bevenvyck Mill who i ironu to accimu their former com on of having been given the honlder by a "pill maker , " now t tor with great respect as the prom > ndu of a rich Now Yorker. Buokuirn airmen. UnJvo. Thu bust naive in the world for o miiscH , aoros , ulcers , Bait rlie 'over ' sores , tetter , cliapiiud hai ihillblaiim , cornn and all kindi iltin eruptions. Tliin Halve in g inleed to give perfect flat i fuc tin ivory CIIHO or moiiyy rofundud. Pi i5o pur box. For sale by lu'i .V MnMAiiov. Omah A Guiioim purann neuma to .louhled I'icause wo have to say 'intteiiu , the murderer , miibt bu intud uni'llicia ly , if not ollicial mil hecaiMu wu do not affect to bu Ttu.suil heoausu the bloodieut miner. . n thu line of the assassins of great isefnl mun is occasionally shot at. Wo do not advocate mob vioh on-iiid ( iiiiteau , but wo Hay thu ci , ry linn but'ii moro disgraced by .rial . I him it would have been by h. . \if \ without a trial. Thu wludu lunry of iliu trial , as it in called .hu . Uck of a butler name , m to b hu lavsH and courU into contempt It is fortuuatu that ( inituau wan nassiieruil on thu spot whun hu BU 'd huhiiid the president and mnr ul him , fur the reason that if ivrvlch had been torn to pieces tl i suspicion that ho was the a''ent wiiHpirtry could not hayo been or siu-ii from thu uul > liuimtiinndwi ] , lavu donu great initichiuf , Uut thu lingoriii" , dawdling , ling lundtlli ) of awkwardness and iiociliiy going tin \Vashiugton , > ihu 1'iesiilent'n murderer play in : i rtimd onjnying his conspicuit ; : hu moHt hoiriblu of his iacu , is \ : iying to the public pr.tioncu ami 'iini\u in thu uxtrunie , while it JH i : iing in disgracu to the nation of uwnmnationltBclf. Wo do not want to ? eo the assa isii' > sinatud , but wo want to nco I ii'ON in court , and on the sr.iliok ! , UO NOT UK DEOEtVin ) . In MII'SO timea of ipuack meilii ulvii'iiiuuiunlH ' uverywhere , it is t ; ralit\mg to liud ono lemedy tha ivortny u ( piaiso , and which re lucti n3 rcuiiiuuifiided. Kluctric ura we can vouch for as being a i uid lulinblo remedy , and onu I ivill t' ' i ai ruconunended. Thi-yinv ; > ly iniutt utomachnnd liver ecmpln liBoiSvH of tliu Kidnuys and Urii lilllcultieH. Wo know whereof speak mid can readily nay , give tl trial. Sold at fifty cents u bottli fall V McSIahon. ( BOYD'S ' OPERA HOUS JAMMK. I1OYO , I'mi-rle-on U 5IAH-II , llii'liiMS JInnvct FOR ONE WF1EK ONL"5 Oointno"cinj { Mondny , Nov. Grand Matinee TliAnkiRlvInt ; Day and Saturday. C ± 3 s * &i : ' \NI ) HIS CUAND COMIIINATIO.V , MI Mitch'1 I , CI lrrc > < n , Al , Dimcnn.c IwiuU'i h' ntik lji lon , Cointdlin ; I'rnf. VicV * ) ! , I'laiiM ' I II. Iliirl- , iS | > uMilieu K'c ' ant piiMiiU Rltin auuj nt t.icn | > c > f < ftnruAilmlvlon , onlj ! . < , 3V nnd f 0 . No r. : tor rusi.r\t > d ti-ari * pcuut'd ut Itox OiH < MM. .1. ' 1. llolicrtnon , I'llWninr , PH. , urltc m sulTcrlnt ; from general debility , want n ( pitlto , connti | > attoii , etc. , no that ll'o WMIX dun ; after ualni ; Ilunlovk lilood lUttim I ( rlt ter thnn for j curs. 1 wnnot pralus jonrllil too much. " n.aiMw. oi nur ( io , K. Y. , vriton : u\ Ilnnlwk Illci lllttcrn , In ilirn icdloiasoHnl lilocxl Ihcr s. . I klilncIMC liccn r\ic\ \ \ imrkotl with Mtiixc-B. Ihi\o used ( Mini IIP with lic'trusullii , for torpiillt : oftliollter i-r caHcof a friend of mini ) " 'JltcrliiK from Ore the elicit was martfloui1. " Ilnicc Turner , ltochM'.cr , 1 * , Y.nrltej1 | : 1 liccn Biilijcut to uriom 'N'irilcr of tlio kldti n'ul nnablo to attuuil to liiHlnen ; lltinloi k It Hitters rtllovcil inn Hf' half nliotlln iw n I fuel exmllJcnt that Ih i\ 111 entirely cnru nil A-enlth Hall , Ilinifliamiiton , ! J. Y. , wr "I Biitlere.l with a Uiiil | nlu thrnnth inv IIIIIK anil klioulder. l.o-tiuy tt | > liiti < , uppi and I'nlor , mill uuiild ulthdlilioiilty keep ii ] iliTook jotir llnrdoik Hint il Hitters ns rectctl anil hmo fu.t no | dii slinb flrnt week " .Mr. Noah Hates , Elmirn , N" . Y. . writes : "Al ( our ) iar < u 'n IhaJnnaUuelc of tllinimlner , nctur fully recoicrol.My illxcntl\o nr > worn wcakcneil , and I nnulil IIP co i plitily | tratnl lur ila8. Alter ii'ln ' IHII lioltlti * ol j llunloik I'.looil Uittcr < the linro\eiiU'iit ] n \i llilu that 1 wax : i > tniiltheil , I eun now. I ho 111 J'eura ef a u , do a fair anil rcasonntile il urk. U. lilickct Iloblnion , proprietor of Tlio Cur Prcflijtcrian , Toionto. Out. , writr : "Kory from oft-rtcurrln licailnifii tl your Iturilock , ISIncHl Hitters \\ilh hip | H , anil 1 now tlnd ni'Hilf In liettcr lie than for jcars pant , " Jin. Wallace , DiifTilo , N. Y , writes : ! 1 iHL' l Ilurilock lUooil Ilittirs for nenmn nnd lous huailaehvx , anil inn reuoinnicnil it to an } n curu for bllliouenem. " Mm. Ira Mullhollaml , Allmny , N. Y , rl "Kor Miirral yars I lia\o sulTcrixl from oft-rn rinn lillllotiit hu.iilai.liui , tlyiqivinin , anil c I'alnts peculiar to M ) HI. , hnuu mln j Burdock Illuotl IlittiMl amcntlrtlv rtlle\ul Price , SI.OO per Bottle ; Trial Dottles 10 ( PQSTEE , MILBm , & Co , , Pro ] BUvAIjO , K Y. Sold ut uholuwli ! hy Islr& HcMihon anil C. . Qoodm&n. Jo 27 cod-n Ono of the Reasonable Pleasures Of life , u p opotly uo ikril , atlonU ll't' < i iipro-m t en ] ' \ inoiit , ami inn B'llis' iiicnt | ! ) u tone mill mod ilyipcp'lr. Hut. nlii-u elir ' tiiri vitliin is iiinlnt etlultli oituiUr'itS on ; inilier < , thu food h ra' . with relU , anil n Ilitpurtnn of a I , U as imtUtcil hy anil noiirl- nio f.M-twn. l\e thUira il toirc nmi lorrue lil o to ruined ) eonitlpitlon , bllinuiiuxj , rl nu It n , fi , r nil u u . Pur H ilo I j al lru'glita and Do lent genera avr.oi mru. U WIDXI BYRON REED fie C ( Estate Agent IN NKIlf ASKA3 l ! ep coniteto nlwtnict ol title to I fc iil In Oniilunn I > nnvK fn'intv in1 DextaUknas&Br WILL linf ! AN ADO ALt , IRAhHACTION covMtcrrn TIIBFHWIIII. Pay Taxes , Rent Hcmaoa , Ei IK YOU VANT TO HOY OK BULL Jail at Office. Room 8 , Crolirbton Block , Onu KENNEDY'S EAST - 1NDL BITTE ILSB & CO , . -lolo MapufRoturoro. OM .H " E. D. AIoLAUOHLIN , ATTORNEY - AT - LA And Notary Public. i o lto P f 01 BASTOZ & IELI Will Remove in a t days to BOYD'S NEW OPERA I10U You will do well call and examine our slock of BOOTS 8 SHOE At 1422 Douglas St , near 15t Which -will be Sold nt Bsl ordinary Low Prices Before - fore Moving. -AND- Handsomes -IN TIIK- KIAEEET For Sale by E. STOETZE : 621 South Tenth St. Vlary J. Holmei Just imMUhcil : Madeline. A splendid i tncl hy Mm , MAKJ. . Ihn.ui'n , \ \ < ma no ill n cnoriiioml.N , niul air nail and ro r ith iirti iii'cribt Jlcautlfuliy bound ; jir \A\ \ AANihandtoniv ncwi'illtloinorMw. Holn t'ur uorks TI-IIIII kt nn Sun liliic , I , \\ir \ * . Kilitlil.jlo , KdiiaI > ro nlniMaruuiJi I'wt Lawn , Forest Hoiibc , etc , itc. ALSO , HOM ) II V ALL I100K8KLLKHS : MAY AGNES FLEMING , A Chanced He.irt. Anotlu-r Intunsol.v In > ilnt ; iioil by MAT AIISKH KLFMINU , mittm lioiie e iilt I nou-U ( lny IXrNrourt' * VS'id ruiiiU'rliil Woman , Mid Mairl.iL-v , Hdent run , I est ( or a Wouiin. utc lUnutltullv IKII Q , W. CAnETON & CO. , I'ulillslicr * , N. V. fit. Qreas NEVER i , l.uiriU'J , Kcaixirv , Thrml nd Mill Maililncry. It l I VAWAKLK iu n KK AMI ItAMiiTiiiK. It curit hinU'lu 1 and luil oltoreu cu IlomcH uJ block , M will & ien. _ OLABK&WISE.Manurs , 80S Illlnoli Street , HKHJl FOU THE JELM MOUNTAIN AND I Mining and Milling Company. to.k Caiiittl , , Slt(0 110. I'ar Value of bhare , i 2.1.000. STOCli FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE' , Mines Located in BRAMBL MINING DISTRICT. Iill. J J. THOMAS , I'roiUlent , Liinimlim , Woiiiliir. , \VM K TII.TON , Vlfo-PrcslJciit , CunnnlM , E. S. UAinVOOIl , Sciritarj , Cummins Wyoming. A. ( I. 1,1'NX , Tre.xsurrr , Cuniiulnii , Wjcmin ? Dr. .1. I. Tlioinn. TouN Miller \\.S.Urinicl. A. ( ! Puni. . . . lico. H. Kalis. l.twU Xuluiai. Dr. J. C. Wntklin. nni'inrfini OKI ) . W. lviXHAI.Ii. ; AiiUior'zc.l 'prnt ( f > r nlo fif Sto K. WHOLESALE- LUMBER , COAL & LIME , On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. , MARBLE HEAD LIME CO.'S Double Strength White Lime ST. P AUL LUMBER YARB C3MT. . S DEES'aC' S. , Lumber , Lath , Shingles , Dhirtoeuth and California Streets , OMAHA , - - - NEB ; _ _ _ _ _ * c21niclm - WHOLESALE - BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AXl ) DKALKIl .V Wall Paper and Window Shades. . 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. I. OBERFELDER & CO. , IMl'OUTEUS ANIt JOnilKKS OK EOLZilNERY & NOTIONS , 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. The only exclusive wholesale houno in thia line in the went. DRUGGISTS .ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGrLAS STREET , OMAHA , NUB. ? he Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska * SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAILORDERS. jy IB-me _ 1213 Farnhsin St. . Omaha , Neb. -FOU- - - GQOUS , We desire to call the special attention ot the trade to our ilegant lines ( at BOTTOM PKICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan rackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Ovevahirts , OveraUa Hosiery , &c. , now open. Wholesale only. SHREVE , JARVIS & CO. , Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts. FEARON & COLE , Commissson Merchants , 1121 Parnham St. , Omaha , Neb. . State llanV , Omaha ; PUtl Convl''nnicnta made ut will rciflte pronijit attention. Itefercncen : ft Co. . lUltliiiorH ; IVrk fc number rhlw/n ; w i > > - flm-lni'MI . . . , UUiViU l Uit U41.AAAMI I. m\Jf Hll ALL W * w AWb i > BreathlessnessT' ! Oattarrhn , Pains in the Sides , Bronchitis , Croup , Pleurisy , BOSS COUGH PHYSIC. i ba\lni ; Eend for Sample Qoltle , 35 cents OhU'nnble only ( 'n ' Hottlf * * 1.00 null COo cftfh ) , frura \ r.ADDRE80 REBIDENOE , ADDRE80 no U U a W. Pierce and 20t v 6 Pott-Offlc. Box 002