Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1881, Page 3, Image 3
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY NOVEMBER 2(5. ( 1881 FnrmorVUlto. . Chtoiffo Trlbmic. Yon IIIAV Wk u1 the jny o1 the fnruier , An'ctiry hi < tree , e.ny life ; Yon nuy Hit at hit bou ttful table , An' | > r Nc lil < ii'iiiittrioii * wifM. Kf you ch plied In the woods mi th \vlntcr , Or fullered Hie furrer all thy With , i tea n of tin nlv ymmtf'oxoii , An' feit heavy Kulfd with o ay J'.f von h-lil d ' ' t e o plow. I'm n-thliikin' \ ttiM xiii ; ; i , a ditF ru , t way. Yon niu dream ' tlio colden-eyu 1 < Ui < l < - < An * lillttlmt Hear n'ch a charm ; ISut it u'iin me a he > p o1 ha d labor To keep 'en from i < i in' my f urn. Von in ii pictiir * the * kSe In their hpUn dur , The huiiUctK | ! < "o full n' reposes Hut I never tfct timtirlook nt 'cm , J'\t : | it v hull it lains or it own. You may sim' ' the soiijf-lilnls o' MIII meri I'll ' tend 11 tlio h.iuk < an * the crcnvs. Von nny write o' llui beanti-H " ' mtiir' . An' dwod on the plea-tin's o' toll : Uut i he 1-iiinl thin n we cv on otir table Al hev ti be duy fp'in the soil ; An' inn' beautiful blight golden bntttr , I'erhipt you n av never hev larned , M Ve < n heap o' h ird work fur the vuni mill- It licz t bo ch 01 fully churned , An * tiecho HB , no plump in t > ur pantry , All hev to hi } lifted .in turned. When 1 cuma from the h tylield in MIMI mcr , With t ir < ( jh-am n * over my hen 1 ; \Vlijn I ml k bv Llio 11 lit o my lanieni , An'weaiiiy cr.uv into btd ; When f tliink ' thd work L" the morrei , An' orry fur fi-a It n i lit t in ; When the loud i oar o * the thunder An' wife Rim begins to uo nplaiu- 'Theii It HI ms t'z if life Wiis a nimlen , \ \ iJi lo.t.e tn hi , iu fur or ya.n. 15ut the fnrj imnv ha pi inted in Hprim , t mi * . The weeds intuit he kejit from the jf 'While the h.w npist IILu it in the vi TJi u he it ni'iht IK' cradle i an' bounJ ; iFnr nn nevtr I'D ' mil > ' cm pi lymeiit , liu.vpt when wu 1 o in i lie ijud ; 'Wu mu t chop a I our wood in the winto- An pile it atvny In the fthed ; An'the ere IH unlit be t lUeu to miivktl Tlie .stock must bevi eied an' fed. Yon may envy tlw j ys o' the farmer. WIIM wen Kg Ji'ua ' M.IVO | lor his bioad , Or muhbe to ji.iy elf a in ir ua u That hanjfit li o a cloud o'er his head ; You may ( jaz > at 1m coriifi hlw : tu * mead ow < , No- think o' his wantu tin * his ncedx ; Yuu may sit in the hade o * the orchard , An' liMir fur the life thiithu lemU ; I5ut you'd find hi tlo comfu t or p eamir In li htln the huan' tliu Trapping in the Mat no * WooiI , Jo inul. Once in a great while tin old back- wcods tr.ipjior gel * inside of hiotoricjil coon-akin c.ip , polithes lib boots with beur's grease , pin hips geese so far us tort. ; up in a , "oiled shirt , ' and comes down to Lawiatoii from Dead river or M.igulluw.iy on bust lies ? . J-Iis buaincHa IB to fcal thu niiirkct mid ltigi tno cui rent prices o. fin's. Thcsu are raw occasion s. Probably not m iru tliuu two or thruo profcssiomil tiappurs got down to Lowiatoii iu n yiar , TJioy pcnura'lj aollthuir pol tries or barter thmu ti traders in tlio Imuk towns , or consijjn thuir year's batch by express to the city. The v. lue of ttio raw fur , haudlod annu.illy in Lewiston is .istoiiialiinylj Ur u , when vvo consider into w hut a narrow uparu the fur-bear ing nnimuls luivo been diwun by tniin- kind , und hivv chcumscribed are the trappers' hunting grounds. Ono dea'er ' in Lowifrton bought and phippi d 8700 wortli of furs laat year. The value of the fur I u mess done in the statu of Mumo annually exceeds § 100,000. Tlio lar st indi vidual dealer is a mini in Brewtr , who handles $ -35,000 wortli per year. The nuiiibur of fur buyuis in the Stale is not large. Their chief sources of supply nro in tlio regions at the head waters of the Androscoggin , Konno- bec and IMiobscut rivers , and the atreauiB emptying into them. Sports- tnon and liuntois furnish a few pnlta , but the bulk of the furs is fiirnislifd by the pi utu.sjional trappers. There are many hundreds of men in ! Maine who earn llieir living and sup port their faiui ies ly hunting , trap ping and fishing , anU who do nothing elsu except pirnups act aa guides for pleasure -scckera in the summer \ months , for the whole year Tliuro i .are men in Lowistun and Auburn uho o make a praciico t f sinking into the a \vnods with their j uiis , irupuuiid fish- poles over fall , ami staying till the i -cold weather dttvc.s them out. Some times they como hick loaded with val uable fnra , and * ci > nrcd from crown to boot-tups with the oil of the u'umo they Jiayo akmmd mid the fumesot the salt pork and lisli they have fried They are gonor.illy i : tnirj ( people , and don't make themselves vi-ry promiscuous , but onou in a wlulu , during November , one drops into Tlio .Journal ofiice nith his ottur skins on Iiu iial ; , iiudapiecu of Boinu tree that a lieivof IMS knnwcd down , as a trophy. If you can tot ouo of tlu d modcbt , Heim- huutL'is to cross Ins Uga and his advdiiiureB , lii- . yiri.s . are found full of the c sic i ion ot But jour true trapper pays no at . tention to thu chilly blasts of Novem ber. Ho luiivus Irs wife and children and warm chimney c uncr eaily in tlip fall , and liibern.t s in a cold camp \ Eich nun gees iiro the backwoods in September , and Bdts bin line of traps. Ho chooses a aito , if possible at the > buso of some mountain and on Iho 'border * of s nne htn am or pond. H is line of traps may exti nd in a rude circle or eclipse , L 5 uiiKs in diameter. \ Atoachoxlnmity he will build a camp. TJiiaia lu's huntiiifgiound. . It is asHicrcdly IUH a if ho had a ; warranty deed of it and a solid stonewall - wall around it. If another trapper comi'u along and BOOS his line of traps , ho will walk right by and tind another place. Ho would no moro think of intruding nn his cljim than ho would : of "stealing his chickens or rmtkiri a 'holo iu hi neiglibora' wood-pile. i Tliuro is a dilicuto ueiiflo of honor .among the tiaupc-rs on this point , The iiuui who btealn : iiiother'a traps or ( taunt , or oner acluH on hii line in any wuy , is an oiuhw. If dniucted and , knoivn lio'd got to kci'p shy , for the vongeanro of tlio whole race of trap- pets is bound to fall on liim , Kyery d ly d i i'g the Inig winter , end until thu melting snow awulls tint utr.'aniB in the , ilio trnppir goes over his line of ir.qs , oxummuH every one , Keen in nrdor , mid lomovcs gaiuu ho ba * caug if , if any. If i ho has a very wMo eire o of traps , ho : cannot go over them all in ono day , and his t u camps tit the opposite ex- t tromitioi of l w g ound como in play. lie gees over hull his liort , camps for jiiglit , and comploe * < his tour thu fol lowing dny. sjiuiiding the next night in the other cump. Ho disposes of ' I lii furs by shipping them to Lewist < n or some other control point or by bartering thorn for Mipplioi f > r liis family w ith t 'ine trade'r in IIM vit-itiity Kvi-ry year the fur catcli decrease * ' and t'hi- bounds of the trapping Hues are giaduidly becoming moro limited , U hilo tramo of moit Kinds i retrial- ing further in the forest and bcooinii j scaiot1 , it is said that tlio number < d moosu and ( U'or , uhuli ate jiroteotcd by law , are incfeiiimg. In numbers thu muskrat c\ccos any nthi'i' kind of gaino trapped for its fur in Muino and liaiullod tn Lewis- tun , They are c.iitchl in emiimoii rat trap ? , and iiO of tlitMO sin ill ti.ip.s are Aonictiiiics set ' . 1m- by uiio titiptit ! ! - tnenstxpiaiititits of them nro untight. Kight or ten thousand of them are shipped from l.cvuston annunlly. Alt of them are tApuited to lier- many and Italy , where tlio kitm art- dyed and funnslUid n poimlar fur for liuinjH nml Indus' npparul. They are ninong the chiapeit of fur. < . Aeiy luigo number ot skunk fuu are also Blnpi > ed from tins city. It is used tor trimmings in this country and it often passed oil' for Ahiska sablo. The larger pait of the skunk c.Uch prob.ibly . goes to luanco und ( tcrtnatiy. Thn otter is tine of the most valuable and fur honing animals trapped in Maine. Not nioio than 1,000 ottois ate anmmlly inught in the whole state. The skins nuke a beautiful and warm fur , which is highly valued lij * the Hnadi.uiM , Greeks and Chineso. The fur is n dmk , glusjy brown , and of two kinds , one being toft , ahoit and thick , and the other longer and coarser and mturmuod with the formor. The va no of a dressed skin ruiisjroin gtO to § 12. fll.iny of the utter skins caught in tins ntate tuo sent almost aiMimd the world in the course ol trade before reaching the place wltero they aio iinally worn. HONEY FOE 1HE LADIBS. The "Kedingotii .lolm" rowM in favor. The latest in : "Well , 1 Biionld nod to the ripple. " Mnlfs continue small , lint are elalior.ite- ly adorned. Torpient'f { inre w1iiu * vnlhiro frMtliurt are vpimltuly pretty for youn/ > K I''d .mil pointed bodices with B.ith- ureil Hcmf punier ilraprritM will Le much worn. If you cotilil only .ice thu tfi N of Ablnn- tee JMII wouldii t bl.imo the kin0' for Id 1- iiitXat ! ( ) niu't * . A yn'ithfiil femnlo l.iwwr ivonM feel in- Miltcd at liciuj ; c.illcd u m.iiil , im I yet tiiit' : jmt , hat llo is At Alt. IMomn'-lowt. , it ynnns liuly is n iw uiidor oiiii tli i nml nn- p'lMsimi vxprriuiico of cutting hei thiid t-ot > f teeth. worth SJO.OOO thu police nhu Is n kleptomaniac , and hitilly CD ceal li r ideiititj. rio no niivl imported hats nra made o'l- tlrclr of a thick network of co tils nml I e.ui" , which i the evening ( 'littcr like n thousand colored gum . "f decltre , " t-aid Julia , "yon take the wonls rif-ht nut i f my month " "Xo wo i- der ; they .ire o8WvttAiii Henry. Tha day .is s t that BVtniiii ! . \ w man can dress hi > r h ir to ma e licrnelf look tenycarsyounger , but the bent n m no 11 do in to p itly cover a b.ihl snot nml feel that he h a deceiver. The effort t revite hoops has jiro\ed mi- successful , and the H ghr. of av man cross- ill 'a imuliU htree nn longer ese ble a bird caee walking oil ith a pa r Lf ctuo - in''H. [ L'h ludelphiu Chronicle. Clouk eln-pH made of Roman fid nml 'apiii lazuli are \ery fivshioiuble. The Htone IH of a dark blue color , mottled with lirovrn , and it ii froiiPthn that t e much valued pigment called ultramarine it * made. A nuw Itussiau rTd'ngboot which haa become - como very is madi ) of dark M'hei , with nilk pliMh tops. They are cut torome aliniit thri.0 n il n half inches al > oe the ankle , und re fastened with small round bu tonof French ( 'nlJ. Medium-sizfil fanH me carried instead of n the iniuif ni-cly lar u ones HO In'vly l > opu- 1 lur , Jtraiitifnl eveniny f us are inadu of ro-c-tintcd i htrieh fuatliers , with mothtr- of-pearl handles. I'ortii funs are also s'l'Aui ' , ma m of delicata maiivo tinted nb ft'athcrii , with it ck.s of tha-ed bilver. b A caprice of the sc.von i * the combinn- A tion of bl.iclc nud vyhitu , i nth in l ant AV eveniiif ; ro f , wnl ingcostumc , and , lastly , in evening bonnets and hats. Op i.i hats ai re shouu by It'.idm ' importcrH made of tli uhit velvet or plush tii. med with bl < Iv i.ricli tiiH | , mid thu-u of black chut ciCi lo nod uitii uliitu fL-atheis and biiil. ) The \erf latest imp rtutioim in cloakH hii > v tha ext unely lonj , ' cio.ik" , MI lately tlf Xi'KUc ' , uic ( jiviu-pi te to thm nf medium leiijjih half-loiiK and clo e-flttin " vuaii.-i , which an' certainly much mote be uiiiiiiiig , nt li'i"t t Hlendtr , y uihfiil liffiires , than tlo , txii , o ated t lcs > which I nd > e antiiiu it dhioki'ijloher ' Hub- jards" of uloomini ; imsstH of tweet nix etn. etn.A A ninety-xuvei ; ] Hiniul 15 aa i tan that tips the beam at two hun. Ired and ten. She I eeps him in attend. tr u f every night np to lli o'.l , cl : , heated omforUbly in an tirm chuir , Shu e\- ilaiuu i 1 1 n tempt ion , nn er the feal of tcrecy , btnuith the cushion hln lept irrantiimn l iv a in a bonk , ab MI n j they were sulllc cntlv priMsed Hho xvonltl til ivohiiu the mitten. Ut ailing ; Times. Win e Minsiiados of velvet , | iluth or it 1 1 li 'iirkidh Ra in , lieav ly trimuud with < IIPI .hunille fimjje or nilllcs ot co'o'red la e. tate leadeil by a mrow fur ba d or bcadul to iplipiei < , are to bo carrifd thm winter n IK mmydy. Tiiis IH MOIIIO hin of nn In- th ovat ! n ; but there it < ertanyno : reason \Jiy n par hul majnntbocairfed in w nt > r cu oKhieldtho face iroin the lury if the InTl [ lorthei n b awt * . or to protect the inci Tl mm the il.i//.l tu t-IFect of thu refraction tic f tne Hiin'ri uijf f oin thu mow. [ New ier oy bodices are imported made w f chenille mid line uovun xilk , vvillixllnta cu f old thrend ( diim i.i ( ; throu.h the woof. he \h nilsoiiiuciain-inffdro H has a turquolf-fi th In j rsejof 'hii demriptlon attached to lort xkhtsof pale bin > t-atln A l.ou ! ho iiinze Mirf of the Kiitin , lined with p le vvi old Hiirah and bordered with an mbrnid- co ty of tolduu vvhu t-lieadi and 'Hprayn of ( ill ot' , iu ud ed , The b ilico in th IP ! falling from the nhonlder/i ru dainty double frill-i of rich old lace , th : Will Boinebodi hand ns a fan ? "Queer pc orirs bd in to crop out , " rayx the Hulfal ur. Jxpio1 ! , "about thoit lenrnud ( butother- ud vlnu miobjectinnablu ) women uho met di > ro in conjrvtH l ; nt w tk. Onu of tl ch eleua es wuHseeii to e ' with her kn f , K' nether ( timed her nuN in m nrnliu th iroiiKliont tliH entire iiifttiiipr , anil H ill imthtr u'instan'ly woru a d VH which leuly I'xliibitud t ) thu rudu ( , - . / < of thu iant man what vvu mav molcHlly call lontiTii I e.xtriiuiitii'/iof her clavlclcd ( o > vhtch ulii ) had 'wo , and the iidjacvnt teril- fill houthw " ory rd. tlu It h now ciiai dercd fmli'peii'ublu tlmt (111 r rxtcnnion table in tlio iliiiing-rnoin lall bo covered with it h avy cloth heath , - eath the table-cloth itself. .Valeria ! Inch IH ma e expressly for thin purp n < < ati in be ini chixed .1 ny Inrgu dry P" ru. It IH exp IH ve , and ito HOIIIU house. iho teper Irivu tried mr H itute . mid have mind that canton llanncl wil > do very ire ill. liny two h vudthit ho itipiiitlUi tin iiKth and i-tltch the i. together ; or hoi y W ( ieitiiif | will do. Thin ute by to be fa toi O'l t' > the tiblu BO that ure ill be no danger 'f wrinkduf , liy byA hingtliis c.ivviinu n handaome lu-tiluth mk tvcn n cer than i Is , and an old one nay bo made to do good H nice for n lout ; A tlnienfler it ln Invmo tliln fxnii on- . Un wo t nml u-niln ! , I'nr 110 stri ct not' iiu l'i' ' ' " ttr 'I"11 Iho tailor-in iili'ciKtiinuH wliiu'i ' HI ninny l.uiiiM il ipt. They tit tn jiorfertl 11 , ninl havt' ni < vcroilinqly trim nj > | > tier , iixiViUiu a I inimliloil nil tli fis'iTi. rhi' in'r | < nro ins k-In ill. ' < < iitipif t f.-nhi < n , ninl n1i < lnti'l > A\it out tiniiiititii' , Tin1 Mi'ti'riilU RtMur liy ootliilirk nr rn , elf e-lirmui rul'V ami bl rnltli \\\g \ \ \ fft j > r llo pcilorv. 'IVo vt > U'-t | HHlinu ti.ite. The one IIIM n iVi < | > MIL at tlio liittdin f tlif skrt ; nlnuo i , i W.ittiMU mireuhieh i < (1r.i ( | > 'ilin n it'riiM of Iwips nt the ! k. With till * iinin n JCt'M market. t > r "N lull's ArV o > M. , u It ! .th r l o call- ril , uliU'li MfoinUint ivfti-r tli > | fft liiiin of nf .1 m nt i man's iloulil.lireivilul cwit < f f the j.inut u-t lo ci l | > tl > n. PBPPRMWNT DROPS. Tlitvnr of iMiiks nntl roinetrt Mill anon lie over. Ts'uliMi thiMviulit lto\erni > p i ro just nn vIck n'lOil. When n innus liuUI on n fat nflioe sll ] > , it j r < him II < n r. P < w'ti | > y t1 roe ( lollnis for ix cwifrilir- ittn tliiiui ml dull , r li ml wlit'ii juii 0,111 j Hit us well I k > 'a jilciv of luinui p.i ir ninl cliulk thHiKtm" < $10,00(1 ( on It nt th- coit of , i o nl A K utlcmnii frifiiil hntl thirl vlwn troth t < Lcn nut tlii > nt1irri1.iyithiiut \m\n \ \ , mill niut iiiiKini'-thutlc of nnv knul wm iHcil. MUI N.iy. Yi' , llii'V WITU f.Ui . Thir nro nn qiil nls in thin slit'1. Th-y ilnif ijjht out as MIOII as le.uliiu tlm s'.nty fnuu M iliu' that thirty hun i-r < liilliill MH > MiiiiiflsiMcli | i > i u hunt last. in < ei lit IIMIIIM. An Illinois f.u-me' stole n do , ; in < 'hi- < .i o. nmln.'vcrfell n it eon < eiiwi-ti'ipU n until the brute proad HOMMI ca-es of fin II- po\ in the in h > lil > i > thnoil The f.Uimi doien't u.iie for doys nuy more. The word 'Vtund.mloaier' thnuld be scr.itchi ! i fiom tli political dii-tl , mry k I iv t.ilo I'nnvi'iitl ii.ilism mid < ii > sn'r nieiui : m > thlnj , ' ntall Mi an\i , ns lunMm ; in.ui t-tamliiu'at n bar nn I tunP.iiira Intof reil-ims d liuiiiinc M for their v tes does no like .inland ini-beai-ur anyli w. "L know , " "aKl tholittlcgiil to her lder fiUter'- , > omi' , ' man nt the Miiipcr table , "t .lit yon will jol , our Mieiety lor the pin- tection of little i ird" , b. . eaU'ein < mum nays you are very find n' I ik . ' " Then there wis a Hilcitce and Ihi' l.lmbnr.'i i cliees in Kht li ivi > Utfvn licirtl * o milling around In iti tin-bo\ i n tin' cupboard phi'lf. [ lal- ! timorc , This is a I'.oil. It ! < on the Man' . * 'X-ok. Would jou like to K oil it ? If > i'it Do , tho.Man willl < V < lit , t o. Tlui 15 il is iv mean Thin ) , ' , and it N a Coward H\ou Str l.e it , it will Itnn. Unt the Jlan will nut Kim , Jlonill Dancejind nmko lit- niurl.'t * . JJolls uy htar Wuy ilmvn 110,1 n little 1 Hoy's waisiiand lint'thnv ittivuy * come to a Head at last. Hu ewe have n .loki' and u Man Tlio ToKiis very 1)11. H is lluld and Tooth- IL" " ' . It mnt I'o about mi 't'linii : iiKl yeiri Old. The man wvun a llij ; Ilia- inond nnd a Shi , y plti lint , lie is n yro M list ul. ( lOHnil t'ive the t ) dO , d .loke to him and ho will Take cue of t v ry Tfiuleily. It N Ids Hutine c. He tn Fo ty dull its a week for It. An operatic agent hiri'd live fl'ntfers to i with him to .South Anuiioa. After tlu-y had aiU'd they fnimd , nn trying their \oice . that every n an was a tenor. . ho rnilied to the atjent in hi cabin den-an i- iti ) ; an exilanaiio'i. ] ' ' 0 1m jn'ii no > ih ? " said the manager , " 1 shall med you : dl Knur of v n on hindi K w' ' be rallied off by ide blacomit , a d the uurkiNnrwill have the place " Has th I'rmtor tobacco ? HH has But li - will not Ted yon So. He came it in tlie lcg of his 15 ) o * , and when he waninn Chow ho onuiiks down in the Uncle Alley wnero Nobody can See Him When he Spi H t-ibacco , it Sonndibkea Duck diving in the \Va er. The printer is a Queer nn. He is a Fickle ernon. Sometimes ho Has ten thousand Kins on the Sti in , but they ar Alwavshis l > upe * . If > < m are n I rm- ter , Do lint lie a JSlncksm th or you will get I ircd. Wo ilit through the dreamy houn of summer like nwl t winj-ed bumblebees amid the honcj-nicklo and pmnnli n blox- M > ins ntoruig away perhaps a I ! tie glu- c 'Be honsy and hue wheat pancakes for the future , but a 1 at once , like a no np - per ihief in the night , the kin , ' of frost mid i ii e , mellow chil hiins is i pnn us , and we i ronch beneath the wintry blast liump oni-Hpinal column ni into the cri p InS ; like a Te H htec that has thouyhte s- S swallowed a raw oaLtus [ IjaramieCity lionnieniiitf. ! The Drama1 io critic is Asleep. Thojilay Does not Interest him. Ho wll ji\o it Thunder in the I'aper The Attorn will be Sorry when they ] { -ad the 3'nper be- cnute it will Say they are n t Artists. Aferthe 1'liy , tlio Uiitiuvill goto the Vmicty Show. Will ho Slee J thereNo _ , Iu will Not. Thu lady in th hhort Di i an 1 1'iiik TiglitH will linyIK Cm > leii of the 1'ajier in the Mormiif ; bei'ivusu the ciitic will Say H o i * an Ani-t. It ii vety Comfortable to bo an ArNt when thoie aic c'rilic.s in tli X iirbboihood. Vloiblo Iniprovetnonf. Mr. Noili Hates , JMmlra , N. Y. . vviitus : "Abuii' t > nr ye.iM ago 1 h id an at'ack of billioiii finer , and novo fully leu ivt-ic'd ly iligcstiv o orgaiH v\ere vveakciioJ , i ml wuul I be completely pr utrated for lays. After tijo'nj ; t o bottles of y/inr / Hurdoolc Hlnod IlitU-w tiie imptovement WiMsiivUihlu that I was astoni-iliud. 1 can now , t'on h ( il yeniH of a'e ; , d a fair and 10 8oiiablfdiy'rt work. " I'n'ce , 81,10 ; trial : dV.e , lOcentH. n'-'l-eodlw An Editor's Now Pants. ' An editor in Chic.ix" * a ulnirl. time nio onlCLud u nuw ] ) inof pautH Cioin the t.iilor. On tiikinu tlimi on tluy roved tu he nevur.iL inches too buin ' latu on Saturday niulit. thu tailor's Bluip w.-ii ctosud , nnd tliu editor A took the p.mtH to his uifo , and uilfod her to cut them oil' and hum them over. The f oed lady , vilioio QucumbtT or nmloii hrl : perhnpi Imagrued with lur , hiusiiuuly refused. F i'lio tame roau't ' lollovMji un npplic.i- tion to the wife's si.stLT and I lie oldest Unghter. Hut bufnro budtimo the wife , repenting , took tlie punts , nnd , jutting oil'bix inchea from the li'jji , in etl liummed them nicely , nnd itMlniud en them tu thu cloaot. Half an tin flour Inter tin1 daughter tnken tlu fri with compunction for her untiliiil nil conduct , took tliu pants , nnd cutting PC - ill'six inulieH , hennnud and replaced til i ihom. Finally t'io ' sister .tn-lnw felt tilpe ho pangs of coiiHciuncu , nnd nhu too x-iformud an ndditional surf/icnl op- ion on the gnrmutitVlicn the jditor appeared ut brealt fist on Sun- 0. liy the family lliotiglit a iliicf had utriveil , for tlio"pnntB ached ! only to the uiiddlu of Ilia ( TR UB 'nTill-Mi ' ' - 'nu.s'L1. Too miicli cannot Iio miid of tliu vor faithful wife ; rtid iiiothor , cun- itaiitly vMitcliing and curiny fur ) ior hi ulo lear ones , iiuvor tiuylpcting n single OJ luty in tliuir bclmlf , WJioji tlioy lire 0. lasailcd by diac.aso , and tlio aystotn ihould Jmvo o thorough cluaiining , the itomiich and bowulu ru uhitod , blood iiirifiod , tnalurinl ] ioiBiiiuxtc'rjiiinntod , must know that Klcctiic Bittc-rb limn tlio only Huro rotuudy. Tlioy ar ftl bust and purest mudiuinu in thu Ml \ \ \ vorld ] , and only coat fifty cunts. Sold IIOI IHI ! fr AToMiilion. ( .J ) ' A. G , TROUP , of I ATTORNEY. AT-LAW _ .HTKfl * 1 * , " V w-fw * Tnrmut's BeJtaor Aporient .i | > r n > rrl > timnlhit li 'Id roulct" nf n CIHV , fur tl ifttii JXatim nujpin > tit > n. nml lln tli" Kfiincr.th1 i" " .r . of the . ttn i0 ilf > ho f.rk "I tMtorallon t , ln.iH > i No in , , I , fliio iil'f ; S.ituro IOIIM . t- . Tl | . \nrpiit | Ovti | tli pmiwf 'Minuet , i i fni < il | < n in < | , kr ni itiil t-i ri' < iiu % tliclr 1 1 r , ninl the ( wticut * * " ' HY OUfO.lHT < Who xrnnt glossy , Inxm-Iani ; nnd Trnvj * trosscs ot'aliiimlant , lioutitiim Hair must nso LVON'S KATliAmON. This clipuit , c'ipnp Tirilclo nhrays r.iauos tlio Hair prorr freely : mtHiist , fencps itlVoni f.ilHn : ; out , arresls anil ctires jray- ni'ss , removes dnnilrulf and i telling lualtcn iho Hair r.troiifr , giving it a nirlinr ; ( cuileacy and kcoiiiny ; il in : my clashed i > 0it5iin. ! ? Uonu- ( M'til , lipuHliy Jitilr is iho sure result cl' usuig Kutnairou. ' VM" i tii i ' t t for ImiiR the mo"t riinwt , . ( iildn-t , in nt line connoctlnir tin1 KM it iclu | l ' , I'll ) OAOO , anil the KAStitns , Niaiii-CAorrHh , S MKSni Tll.llAnrKKN LlNr ? , nliich t < 'liilnti-t ith KASHAH CITY , I.KAVKNwonm , Aici" > n\ [ 'nmtcu , l'i\im ninl OHMIJ , thu CIVVH.TU CiUiTHiu from tvhlch raJiiti' EVEHY LINE OF ROAD t .hatpcnctratot thu Contlriunt from tint il ! njiir li liver to thu I'ftclflo Slopo. Ihu OHIOACO ROCK ISLAND A. PA OIFrO 'RAILWAY t Is , the only line from Chicago ounliitrauK ) trti Kanwu , or wlildi , by IU onn rnail , roachux tm mlnUabovo mniixl. No TKANEFKIM nv CAHIUAGK No MISH.VCI ro.v.vccrm.vH ! .Vo hiuMllii ) ; In 111 ventilated or unclean caia , an uvrry | iasncnKcr li cvrUtJ In roomy , clean anil v cntilatod co.vlii > upon Kai-t Kxnrisa Train" . DAT CAHS of unrivaled murnineenco , 'AkAcn ' SLXFriNO C'xiib. nnd ourouiiHor DuxiMt CAM , upon which turalii are ecru l of nn lloncn , at tlio low rnta nf Sxvrvrr KINU CRNTH SACII , with Rinplo tlmofcr hoUthtn ' enjoyment. Through Can between ChlcAKO , Ptiorls , Ml1 uukco and Missouri Hl.tir 1'olnti ; ami claso coi nectloiis at nil point * ol Intersection with othi roads. \V ticket ( do not forget this ) directly to oven ilaco ot Importance In Kanww , Nebraska , fllia rilln , Wvomlnif , Utah , Idaho , Nevada , California Oregon , Wiuhlnirtou Territory , Catonido , Arl m mid New Mexico. Aall lioral orranKemcntB rccirdin , , . . . _ any oilier line , ami rates ol faro nluin aul ow a > lompcUtors , who ( urnlah lint a tithe o ! tlio coin tort , IOKH and tucklo of sportsmen free. TicKctH , maps and ( aldrra at nil prlnclpa olllcefl In iho united Statw and 0tnl'v , It. H. CAULK , E. ST. JOHN , Vice I'res't A. Oon. Qiin. Tkt bud I'ahs'r AK 880SHORTJLfNE. KANSAS CITY , St , Joe &Gonncil Bluffs IB TUB ONLY Direct ; Line to ST. LOUIS ANU TUB BAST From Omaha and the West. N'o cban a of car1) IctMiori Omihvand at , and but nno hotmvn OMAHA and NIW YOIIK , Daily PassengerTrains ( .KAUIIINU ALL \ BABTKIIH AND WKSTKHN OITIKS with rKSS CHAKQCS Jiul IN AUVANCI.ol AI.U OTIIiril LINT. ) . Thin ontlro line IH inuiMHil | wltli E'ullirMi't I'nlaco SUc'inr ? Ours , l'.ilisu Jj.iy C'outlirs , Mlllor't ituty I'htforni ami OiujiIiT , ami the ino ! initiiJ lVeatmj'housii Alr.bmko. /f-i/'heo / thnt ioiir tlilat rovln VIA nANHAf ClI'V , ST. JO.SM'II s. UOUNCII. IILUFl'd Itall ravl , via 31. Joioili ) ami St. Loulj. TkkuU for Bilv ut all coiiimn ntatlons In thi Wont. J , F. nAKNAIIIJ , / a UAXVliS , Ocn. hujit. , St. Joteiih , Vo ) Onii. 1'OoS. andlkkct Agt , , bt. Joiiph , Mil. , A.vnv JloKURti , Tliket Airrnt , 1020 Furnlmni MtriLt. A. I ! . njHKAKn ( iciicral A uit , OMAIIA. HV Fifs "EPILEPSY on FALLING SICKNESS. Pernnoonil/ i Cured no humbug-jy | one montli's mai'e ofDU. QOUi AliO'SUelclirat- n Inf.ihltle Fit Powilen. 'Jo MIIIUIO Kinlcr ft Iliut Ilioo | iHilirn M | | iln nil wu tl nn Far tin-in uuvill Mini tin in I v innll , pott p lit tii free Trlnl box. Dr , ( ioiihnl In tliu onh plivnl i cUn Hint li n ou-i innlo tlilu , Hi.ii.o a tudy ami a.s Uiour linouliil a IH invc li-in P rminrtly c-iniil lij tliu 111 nl lln-n : ' Powdcn , wo will guirantcu a permanent fj lira in inrrj WHO or refund you nil money ex pended. All iiduriTK nil iild j-nn thuxi' I'ow an unl > trial , und do c-oiuin , el cf tlw r tC j'rlif I , lurl-nun'm fiwor : < l ) \ iior > lore , ut liy mall tnaiij partof thu ( | | , | . ) , Htaten or CI in rctuipt ui prlcu or by cuprous , i' , U. 01 AiMro , ACH & . [ tut DINS _ 300 Fulton 8r. Drooklyn , N. Y $ HBbraskaLandAgBB" DAVIS & SHYDER , B COCFarnliBni Ot . Omahi , Nebra 3l-OOOOO wSLaiCJEtES ) hro.ulli iocU ) l land In Kastcrn Nolirinhafrt n ( .ri t Ibr auid In Imuroviul fuririM , and Jjialiadtyprninrty K. DAVIS Wld'HTCH BNYDKIt MIc Ion ifbiin'r II " GRAND OPKNINQI f\ \ ProfeHMor Fi-litr , ( from St. I OUN | ) Dandnt' Ac , Hluui ) , Htuiidiril Hall , cor Klftientli and 1'arn- , 'ruumlt ) uunliiH , Hcptiinbtr Hth , lwi.i ) for Itiillui and ( Unlleiiitiiudnincnci. ! rticwJt.v mnliijf Kiptciulier ( ill. ; ( .latHiw lor \\\uit und Miiitcn , ctiiiimi.iuJii , ' y tunlij after- moil at 4 oVlix.k. ClanM.ii for Kamllkn , will lie irraiwd lo milt tti honorable lutron * . Al o 'nlkt dam \UK \ u n be taught. TuniK llbi ral , and puifoo Mtlnfattlon to grlial- I niatthu DtMlLil AciJuuiy 01 it tlo "tililuiao an the patroiK. I'rlvaUi otJdJ * ) oe left atil > , l \ fl3EEJBi33TO ! I * " " " " " J3fi.Vj" No Guanoing Cars OMAHA & CHiOAGO , wbcro ilitvi't nitiiu'ctuin nn > iiwlo MUM Tf" nisl "LKKI'ISO CAIt UNI tor MW YOttK , HOSTON , 1'lllU.VDKUl'lllA , UAM IMORR , ANt AU , KASTICUN tm.S. The Shorb Line via. Peoria Rfit INIHIN M'OIJS , CINCINNATI , 1LI.K , nml ul | | vnnts ! In tlie run For ST. LOUIS , VMitnnllmt loniiixliopnrntiin.UMM tlin t'llloi Dojiol w It N thul hi ouch ill i oliu C r Miii'itor AM. I'OI.NTH HEVUKE > DESMONES ! TIJK KAVDHITK UOtTTK KOU Rock Island. llio iiiciMi.l | liiiliK-oiniiit-s inU' lij Kiln Hi o k ) InMliTnnihl toiirlrtliuui M follo H : llic irlclintiil ri'l.lMANl ' ( ( | . lioi-l ) 1'AliArl sJ.KKl'IMi ( . 'Allfi run only 311 tills line 0. , tl f. Q. I'AI Ui : illAWIM'f 111)011 CA11S , will Ilirtim's Kiillnliiir llinlrn No nxtnv rlrnixo foi mt In Itii lining I linlni Tlio Imnom 0 , II , A IJ. I'uliico Dlnliip ; Turn. ( lonnouH Smoking Cart Mttcl ullli otj.-iiiit ] lilL'li-lxickul rattan roAolvliu ilrntm , for tlio pxdusUv moot llrst tlivw ] MHJMII m tn. tn.StralTr clt anil mi > iTlor viiilHH | | nttanililrri with tlitlr through car irnnncwput , invKo thl < j nlioui r.ll olluiH , tliu ( avorlto route to tin Kftkt , Hnntli nml i > o lhi"ii-t. Try It , nml j onlll Hnd trovnltiv a hiiury In * t iul nl n illscninlart. Ihroiivli tlcki tla ( lil rclinxli'il | ; ilnu tor mli ntnll ollUcrt In thu Unlttil sutoo tnd Ui All IllloniKitioil : il jut nti-r nl Inti' ' , SUiiiln Csr meoininoilntioiii , Tlniw InMcd , etc. , will In cheerfully K\\un \ by * i < | < llnii to I'KUCKVAt , MIWIIU , , Qoncral oiiL't r Aici'iit , Clileijjo. J. II TKU , On , Mtnai'iir I hlc BO. Sioui City & Paciftc THE SIOUX GITV .ROUTE UniiH n Snli.ri'niln . 'lhroujli from Council blufl'rt to . - 1. i aul Without Change Tlnir , Only 17 Houn. -IT is 11 OO WILK.S THK HIIOUTKST UOIJTK , COUNCIL BLUFFS TO ST. PAUL , MINN M'OLta OULUTHOIlUISMAttCK nil all points tn Northrrn town , MliinonoiA nd Dakota. Tills line la ixiulppvil with thu kn | > rotr < l Wustliijhoii o Autoinctle Air-brake nil Mlllci rUttorm Cauulur ami ButTir ; am ] far SPRKP. 8\FOTV AND OOMFOtlT IH unsurpassed. Pnllinin l * Ui-o Rlec'iilnu Car run thrmiKli W TIIOlTOIIANdK l > it fcii Kail MH Cll.v anil Kt. 1'nul , vir > Oouiall UHUH anil Slmix Oil } . 'IraliiM liftM- Union I'lclHc Transfer nt Coun cil llliiir , nt 7l. ! p in. ilnllj on nirl\al of Kaiisac I Ity , St. JOHCII | | anil Ooiiiull llliid-i tmln ( loin the houtli. ArrMnk'nt Slaux City lias | i. in. , ninl nt Iho New Union Depot at Ht. I'.nil at l'J:30 noon , TKN IIOUIIS IN ADVANCK OF ANY OTIIKI. ' KOUTF. tST Heinenilicr In catling the Hloux City lluutc \ou 1 .1 a'lhrnnyli Train. The ' honci't Line , vi Tlnio and n Comfortable ) Klilo m tlio inu'h ar liotwicn COUNC'II. III.UIV.H AND 8T. 1'AUI/ . iliit jourTlcKiN roail via the " .Sioux C.U nml radllo Hull oail. ' J. S. WA'HI.IH. J , It. lU'C'IMKAN MM ci lull inltnt. ( i < n'l I 'ait , Aront. ) I' . K. ItOlll.ShO.S , AHI'CI oii'l I'MA < 't , Missouri Valli , lima. J. II. 0'IIKYAN , tonthnihtcrii K < . "t , 1111111(1 lllnfT . ln\Ml To Nerve js tSuflerers THE QRtAT EUUOPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. D. Bimpnon'a Spociflc Itf \ n | uvtitncilto | for Hjrm-itoirhn , Bcinln * iVtokni n. In | ) OUnc > , and all ditica cu rimiiltln Y'lin Mlf-AbiiHo , ni Mi'iiUl Anxlot ) , lx > hH Ui'iiory , Puli'nln ' thi < liack or hide , and dlicuNu Hint load t < it frre to all. Write for them unil tnt ; ful | ur I llct , Sjwlflc , 81. ( iO | K' | rnrkue. or lx pact. tftit tat tLH. Aildri-iM all nnlriK I" It. SIMSON JIKHK.'INK CO. NOK lot tnd 100 Main St. IliifTulo , N. V f"old " In OinnliA bv C. K , Oooilnmn , J. W. Hull , K 11' , anil nil A. MARTIN , MERCHAH T1ILOE. 1220 F losiro'i ' ti ( innounco lo hio Viends and the Q (3rul pubho .hat ho hu n-Hoh'od to mdueo H pricen to tlio lowest untch conHJHtoat with the principle ol 'Jive uud let live " Gentlemen desiring ( a flrat-oHen Suit of lothpp , in all reHpoctu equal toiiny nnd eorond to noni- , will do well to < ? ivo Mr. Martin a cull. Qrod BiiHintiBS Suit a to orkor , $25. Pine Pantaloons , 35 ' and upwards _ nMlin Geo. P. Bern is K REAL ESTATE AGENCY , I6th n < i DodgoOU , , Omaha , fab , TliU winvy don nruiCTMrn lirokumiB Iniilnnsf , oun not | H..nlati % mi < l tlurdoiu un > l Itn 1-vjl.d arc I iiuroil to lt imtrorjn , bv tlio 'W. J. CONNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. Ofricn Kiont llooiiw ( nn ritaln ) In Ilitimunm' inwltrkk liiillilliitf , N. w. i < r > rncr KflMiiitb ml srnlrun hlrnctK MBsVArL. JJERG QUIST tuf rualu Vlr I' . ( I Kolln.c'd Tm'lorli'K ' * > cm. 'llinii/li lii-tiilitiun In t \itoMUnll K Kheii In thin < ) nti in. lull ill nlr ii/H'r/wt I K t'o tu , , in iroiu tlm Ut t frtntli ''iii li tu tliu niatirUUut , baitcil < t J ilrfpul t v rvri > > io Rl.le irkiii , lth | ! UiririiieoH'r. ctlt. ! lUu mmwU Jrum bll Iu 811 IHh Hi. , > Ulrv. rnzs nr.w AND c * * n' v jcj-onrt , xny rr.vonnbto qiic . : CHlGAEiO & NORTH-WESTERN R'f , ' \ n'i ' . .t jsiiin > f.ii < > ( \ i ( ur vnn to tnkiMVlirn travrllni ; In cither rtlicctlon K-luect. " . hirngo - 'H ill of Ihn Principal Points In tlio Wosl , North and Vortrivml. . < ( nv pxm.jiii. id , * Vfip tlif I rnoij. I nii , nf tloVf , , fintl Kortliwoirnr > .M on il < isroii ( li" I'ui'lw'k IMlns nmkoxlou counccJoiw wltli Hio trulujotail mllfuiuhi-j YHE CHICAGO & NORTH-VVtSTERN RAILWAY , Vr if ' , ' ! Ile'llnl ' bit'l ' a . ; ! tW > " " " " " " 10r < 3 " The Imperial Palace Dining Cars. ; : iiii'iiitifrt'iasl ; forTlr'tcts vl.xtliUrn.iil , lui sure they over It , ami takotinunnthvr. in IX I ! ) tillllT , Outi'i Jlmajor : , UhleaijoV. . II. srt.V.NllTr , ( Jcn'l l'.uw. Apent , ( ! lilCAic , - H MtUY P , Dl'Kb , Tiol-ut Aircnt.C. A N. W. ll-vllw y , I Ith nnil rnh m ntrootn. I ) . K. KIMIUM , , AHMitiiut lloki't Avjo'it U. A N. W. iUUu.iy , I4tli. iul Kiruhnu llrootl > J. | lii.b. : TiHut A'L'iitO. & , M , W. Ktllmw , U. 1 * . II. il , l > i pjt. HAMK.S V. OIAUK ( lnn > ral Avon * . Manufacturing Company , -MAKEKSOFTIIE- Finest Silver Plated Spoons and Forks , Tlio only uiulfj Ititmnl plato tlmt original linn of\ \ m is giving for instance lid urs Bros. stance a single All ou < Spoons , Forks and iilntud Spoon n lt ICnivun i > latod triple thickness willithogroatoat plato only on of euro. Each the soctio B lot being hung on n Bcnlo while where expo d boiP iilutod , to ta wear , thereby insure a full deposit making n single posit of nilvor on plated Spoon thoui. wear aa long aa NVo would call a triple plated especial utlon- one. lion to our noc- Rival- Orient. Tloood. All Onlcrsln the Went fliouldbo'AildrcBsoJ to . B. H1TBERMANN , Wholesale Jeweler , OMAHA , . NEB. Buy the PATENT PROCESS MINNESOTA FLOUR. It always gives satisfaction , because it makes superior article of Bread , and is the Cheap est Flour in the market. Every sack warranted to run alike or money refunded. . M. YATES , Cash Grocer. J. A. WAKEFIELD , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , ASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT KTUTATK AOICNl FOR MILWAUKEE CUMKKT COHl'ANY Near Union Pacific Depot , OMAHA , NEB O. H. BALLOU , DEALER IN Lath and Shingles , Yard and Office 16th and Cumings Street , two block * north of ST. PAUL. AND OMAHA DEPOT- -ood-Utn.