Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1881, Page 2, Image 2

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The President's ' Policy Ro §
Appointments ,
Inoximbonta to Remal
Their Turms Bspir
A " : JOO" BiulRo Not n Sur
port to Fvor. .
" \VA lilnfton SpcrUl Cln Ihtiatl Comrr.i
It has boon thu cxpcticnci
the Ohio statesmen uhohnvi
Washington nincu the advent
no\v administration that 1' '
Arthur was adverse to m.ik
inoro changes in thu federal
than is absolutely necnsrar )
has been the subala'tcc , 1 fouu
his interviews concerning the
unti np 'ointunMits. Thu p
proposes to tnko his own time
these thiugi in , and then to
the poraons
nucli ch.mucs ns are dumnndcd
public woil. As evidence of t
jdcnt's policy in that regard ,
bune correspondent to-day roll
following :
"A curtain congressman t
this city a fu\v dayu ago to Mix
of the poslolllces in his distri
is n st.ilwurt and was an activi
man * last year , nnd is a person ;
of President Arthur. With ti
cumstnnccs in his favor , ho n
< loub * as to his ability to got t
nets which had brought him
capital transacted without deli
came away from his interne
the president , however , in ba
and bad temper. According
account of that interview , Mr.
received him with great co
hoard his plea in bcl :
his candidate fer the
ollice , and then asked if th
any just grounds of complaint
the way the oflico was now ir
The congressmen replied t
ufiico was run in a manner sati
to thu public , but that the pin
'was a rampant Illaino men.
ho thought , waa sulliciunt gr <
removing him , and putting
'our friends' in his place. Th
< ] ent teplied that hu had niadi
mind that thu only safe rule
to follow was to rutnovo nubot
out cause duriiiL'thu term
lixod by law. If ho dcparte
this rule in one case , ho won
to in another. There was no
draw the line except in front
He did not think , however ,
waw under any obligatiuim ti
point odicc-holdors at thu ex
of their terms. Wherever thu
lixod n definite term , it wa
conclude that the intent is
initiate the claim of the iiicuu :
Ihu place ut the uud of that
nnd leave the appointing povvei
ly free to select a new mm
president went on to say in an
that hu believed it to bo
Ii interest of harmony in U
publican party , sis well
the good of the public i
to observe strictly the spirit ani
of thu law. When the term
postmaster was about to exp
tdiould bo glad to confer with t
gressman as to a proper man
I ' coed him , but it was useless
Lmf l-jr i his removal.
I ' The congressman was not coi
I ! by this argument. Ho beliov
true course- for the admiuistra
pursue is to turn ont all utlico-
who wore opposed to Grant lasi
siiid till their places with the 1
adherents of the third-term I
And thus attempt to control th
national convention for Grant ,
is a candidate , or fur Arthur if
is out of thu way. Ho ndiniti
aome chagrin , hm surprise at
that the president had dotenni
< | uite another policy , and cot
bo talked out of it. "
A number of instances mi
cited to bear out th'ut theoi
enough have already occui
prove to the friend * of Uenora
that something more than
badge in required to obtain otl
dor this administration , and tl
gentlemen now in Omcinna
might throw somu valuable li
thu aubject woru inoro evidenc
ary.Homowhat in the .eanio line
experience of a New Yoiker , i
lieen for years a political ho
und nn iutimato social friend
prutident. This gentleman 11
cyo on a desirable oih'cu , am
thinking thu matt or over a
told the president ho would
huvu it.
"In the place vacant ? " the pi
"No , it's hold by a man \
appointed by Hayus. "
' 'Do you know of any rcunoi
moving him ? "
"I know of iiono except
would like thu oflico myself. "
"Come and see me about
duys before the iiicuuibout'rt i
mun oxjiirev , " aaid the preside
have made up my mind thnt
cials ahull servo out their term
( hey fail to perform their
properly. "
This is in brief a report of t
vers-ition as given by the ofliei
himself , who nays thu prutidt
shrewd anil longheaded politic !
poor distributor of patronage
hU ftienda.
M'niio Teaoior * in DeuA
J . nver Tribune.
A connoisourof music tcac
ports that ut least ono-half
women wlrt come to Denver t
up with thu country uio muni
era. A vuat number of thui
know inuch about musio , bi
como impressed with the id
they can gut remunerative i
mont at leaching our girl.i
"paw ivory und howl. " The i ;
jiro muriiud ladioH whoh
Uanda bucomo _ clerkn erin
in BOUIO businvHt that dn
iuitify veiy he vy living e >
This class of music teachers
ask largo clasai-s or high
foes. They nre quite willing I
"juut enough by giving IUBSOIII
a good nor van t girl , " A auml !
ludies in too sti
her urd young
circuiuatunctw to dromi well , 1
are too proud to work in other
Their lot ia the ha :
They genewlly diacover i
brief time that , thuir knuwli
anueio ia utter ) ; insufDciont tc
tlicin to hold their ow
Tlioy tintl sx liinh stnii' '
inviiical ti\to , ulitl not on
teachers tnitnUcly superior ti
selvug , Irtit Jiro alio confront
young tnuia scholnrsvu ! > C.M
thriu morn ( it nmiic limn tl
licint. The bulk of these
unto teachers nuon find that
in thu twiorcst ini
, Thu work of geltin
it iliscour.iKlng < o i
iiif , ' cl.MJ
doirco , and only n few c > f th
coud in niixkint , ' living wo es.
Ono of thuijloiinui results
syntein of unittnsitl t'dnc.itiim
the nvernjjo feinnlo HTV.uit i
paid tluui the nvur.i o
toucher. Iii'let'd , the Duin
v.uit girl ith hur tn-unty-fi
IDS n month nnd luurd ,
wnrlli twoiitylivo nuiruis byn
nn inliap | > y innrt-il. lluriay
that of thu fluikvlimo Hilary
doll'iM it month , nnd ho c
much inoro , bocmnuslicdocH i
to dress mi well. It 'ni ht b
iul'lcd thnt aliu ilous not li.ivo
so hard. Is'ot t no lady iiiasic
in tonuvurayeH ix liit'idivd d
yuur. Many do not roeivo , f
lni.fthit : iiintiunl. And yet
uvury Horving wnniiin it'.iolvi
lior ( 'Iilop HII ; ! | not siiccce
vocation , but Hh.-tll , inntotd ,
lesions on the piunn , MI that
bu u music tutch r. tMiuor , ,
A'nn I.oitini Gary y honcll
U flio tly to hu iniirrl d , iitnl u'
the Bin 'o nnd KII uu Imvf gut ti > '
Mr. Win. Cliri-tic , 'ho newly *
lutronutimr rny d ' f I'ii1nnt1 [ ; , wl 1
ricd to n d iililc | ruf Alfred lliu
N'oveinbor 2'J.
Cliicf .liHtiou \ , llrnilfonl T
N'uw i\lix cc , w H nmrri d in
plnirc , Now Yotk , Inxt wnikt < j >
C. Hcattl ley.
A New } tavcn yntin woman li
| ioHtp < i ud her inarnu u ufto tlio
uu-its ha i AHsemljlo ' , Ktvin no r
opt tliut ulie IH tint < | iii o ready.
Keolctik hud n ( | iioer inntrimonl
the oilier day , wln'ii a fathor'x coi
a fiktlier'ridivoruvd wife , the /nth
Kcuirvd nilivnrco in order that 1
marry Ilia wlft'n nixter.
Tnc wcdilins of : i p onilnunt I
Ot avv.i , Out , \vn * ftoplfd nt tlic
-unlenra of I ho ceremony l > y n frit
of tli bridt' rIlls
iH'riiiK' in thu car
Ills fluncoo wni it dwiiorntu advent
Tlie IOHM Mutual M.irrinfo us
Ins crxanlrc'il i.t Mn-ion I
It iiwn , O. ( ) . Kruwn. Uuv K.
SV. C. 1'oitcr < ! . .1. Lonff un B.
' ' heen I !
burner. 'l'henrticlu < luno
thu ciTetnry of H ate
An cdi or wnitii n licadli o , "j1
ilo ilhiiuler" to K < > vur n nulroad
itit thiniKlit it wn-t thu priuterH f
t not ovt-r liu UCCDHII' of n ncdili
'ilitoruu tlio inu'i tliranhcil nil t
Thu nmrr ivjo of Dr , Webb to M
lurliilt , thu youiigcut diumlitcr of
Vntuler1 ilt , will tito plme in
ACck in I ) > cciulier. M r. Ijinpem
ut will bo thu beat nmn , iuul the
v ! 1 take pUvu in St. llurtln
ihurch , corner of Forty.fnurih Hi
U.nlisiiiieiiuo. .
The iHtothnl of I'rinou Lui
'rincoFM II liiiinf Vi'nlil'Ck , i nil
n l.nndnn. 'Ill' ] > rin e , who is
iilil Buvinth chi 'I ' ( it ( Jiienn Vioti
ion ; April 7. 1853 , bcintf 'JS year *
ID U ne t uld r tlmn 1'rinueHa 1
h ynnn i'rtt , child f the ipieeti , n
11 18'7. I'rltnim Ifuli-n.v of Wn
tie fourth child of 'ieor o Victor
co't ' , Ouriimny , uudvnn -burn 1
7. 1BGI.
Not to bo nutilotio l > y the Inv
v ro iniirrifd iitthu Humiuit of 1'iU
nir yet liy thov who were weili '
lcH muter gr tml' In Mnnunot'
n Uhio coiililu lint weolt Htooit np
icunilu of the cap tel ut I'cjluinln
iride was M m M.icyiu JJ Funto ,
> w Bud , nnd tlio Krooin wns
leovo , n wertlthy c'ti/vn ' of Will
'hey did not o ntcniidatcii'arru
line , but wlulu fnuiuu'rin thnni" !
tel the rolnantlu iibn presented
ho youii ) ; mim hiid the Iwly net
A very queer breach of jiroini
u trial at IhuUnii , Win. , on n cl
enue from Ui < lik h. A ydung
n the pruco'H of B wins his wilil
aiuo outmi led with n pretty urv
.ml. hh.alU' en purcluii-ed rcli'iini
n ( , ' her a unto for $3,000 t < > bo pal
veddlnu duy. Him nuturally
irnund to cet u hmbniul nnd c
uonoy , but liefnr * hn nccompbH
be ( ) rti ish tire burned thu precini
ty . IS'nw hu linn n unit to rccot
nit thu dnuumvulary c\liliin.c , nil
UK a haul time > f it.
A I. utnvi le Kirl made in ciiaii
loiio with 11 > imii | ; mini wlinni he
mil orbuldun to vnter thu him
was to ridu in a ukwa uarri n
: ! IH llnu into Indiana , litvo thu
purforined and return '
iliemnelvo * linn'iiiuul ni
WIIH carried nut in fur an thi
Jiu currhtKt ) . Then the mun U
'irl nnd th fnuud whisky on hi <
Slnru llnin that , hu juilcud hU
iivi.cltvtn bu tlio i < 3-ult of nlij-1,1
.ion , Him tit mice d > 'cl.ned tin * u
i\it hu would nut tutu back ho
mllrcuun to herald , ; iit into ami
ria u und u'uiit hninu unmarried.
A runwavMimto'i ' full of cxciti
H ( II { A duAcribvil at IfiiRth by ih
J irolluu paiiew , Tim hernitu wn
.eivvillo Hiiuioi | ; irl. Her fath > -
UT in u louiii nnd Kept u liii ; di
Lhu vinduw , BU that nn ladder
lilimted thuie , She was nll'/wtd i
[ ii'id und -\\ater f r tttii
ut th > end ofvlncli t > nio i-liu hum
< elf buforo her ] iaientH mid \\rt
On tin ) fi > lii ! iu/diiy nho went teAt
At in 0-8 her lover unlo up nn
liornu , iMiijht ; the tjiil in hU armu
lopcil n uy. The Sprlnglield ln y
aniot ihaclrl. fullo fd the | hu ;
into Ith'ii toimty , lint the hitler
KvHimillr un Imtir twfore their
Hid were in rrioil , Tlien the | ir
Tendmi bin lirlilu ut the pulnt of th
md ngiiu iii' > untii K hU white h
utped to tl.u inuuntjlni.I'nll
J'imeci. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Aliout a Hoy.
Urinili ) ItooiniTJiif.
Thuru him iilwnyn boon more
ill fuuliiiK li iinat the uvunigu
-iutu hu c.m't bo Hunt after n
without dullyiiiK tdoiiK by tl
lido , und duin ' BOIIIU Kind of
. itliur to thu uitiulo hu wunt i
something ulsu that hoSUHI
History gouu to Hhmv thut
Liny ia tout uftur n hatuhut hu
iiaL'8 it nhniK thu ruttd to pet
ire OH or chop down picket I'en
you send Inm for i h.unmer , h
dly bntttMH up Boint'tlun ; , ' wit )
that \vlion thu b.ilaitco In
struck , you find thai it woul
boon cheaper to liny HUVU ;
Imtuhut und iicollin in thu fin
List wiii.ur , Imwovur , thuru
incidunt occiiuudin Coluradi
jhuugod thu upininua of i.uvu
[ ile rulutivu to thu avunigu
with olio auspendur , tuul u tii
; .Uorillira | ) in hU jioukut.
An old iiiinur naked hUlilth
IUHHBOII to t-u np thu gulch in
[ > ick thut hud bi'ua luft near t
iiud bring it down tovlu < ru
mun wan working on a proepc
1'huold mtui wai H Itltlo a llii
llio fact tlmt hu couldn't Und t
and lie swiiro nt the boy in an , . . , , .
sivo kind of wny tlmt wns cf
In make the youth lly nround
bnck during thu summer ,
was onu of the porvowo kida'
not apiwllnd much by
wlicii hu g t the pick hu h
hack it nronnd nntl tear tip
uin Boil , partly for lim nnd l
kill time.
Ujo and bye ho duy out th
ot n rod : urotiHfii his c <
uud nfter Riiittin ; un it and u
carefully on his pants , ho lord
with onu cyo closed , like sin
who is p.iid 3,000 to tuus
T.Viii : of ii minu.
Then ho took Uio rrnk busk
old nmn , und when thu urnul
wai uboul to attack linn with
dull thu boy Hho.vud . him tin
men.The old mnn linked at il ni
changed his mind about knoc
boy K loy | West , as hu had nt
tended to do Ho wont np tl
nnd oponiid up si minu Hint
liti-ly for SloO.OOO
Thu boy n red-headud a
freckli i on his mma IIH bi ns
ngatc , und hia eyu-hiHhes nn
and Ins troth uru tint in urool
hu is thu idol of n hr.ppy huiiu
ho pnU it npit ! nlick on the t.ii
fiinnly ilo , or lills thu cre.iin
full of young fru s , or m
uqn.ariiim of the poup tni <
iiaruiitH simply jiasi it by an n
tricity of uuniiH , nnd ho doua
us ho likes. The paruntnl
Hiirmud toward him , and tns
is onu liro.ul avunnu of gold
litdit , udown whoso vislu h
steals , und the bright und In
univurtu holds not in idl its
yrip a boy whoio warty and fn
spattered fnco is lighted with j
peculiarly potent tlmn his owr
Tronljlo Saved.
It U a rem'arkalilo fact that
KCI.KOTIIK ; OII.IH us i-ood fur inter :
tcrniil iixe. For d KO.'IHIM , nf the K
thnu . and for rhcnnmtisin , n
riidc n the hack , woutuls and '
thi > bcit kn'Wn rcuinly , .and mu 1
is natcil hy having it always on hi
PropnrliiR for Her Mnrrla
Now York Banliar.
frov ( N. 1. ) Tele r in.
For ii couplu of years past
uirl of modern iiiiou and conb
nuiiuly baa liuon omployid
Ituvciwyck i\lill at Sandlak
paiouta wcro poor bntrispuct.i
tlonts of town , and thu 01
which nhu ix'cuived w.ta
thtough hur < i\vn etlotls. .
of i
year nye a young druygist
buyan to " [ iity attention" to tli
ly youi y factory yirl and for n
\v.m thought that a wedding \ >
thu UHiiit. Hut ttiu match , if
boon contemplatud , was broke
tin1 ruUrivua of thu yonii } ; mi
Lhu girl for a time seemuil von
iiit out over the all'.iir. Shu i
: hat she had never promised ti
looting druyjjist'nvifu , bnt it j ;
> ain to realize that his rulativei
loom her beneath thorn ,
noiiihi ti o a distant rclativu
; onrg lady living ut Brooklyn
tor to visit that city. AVIiil
ihu bucumc acciuaintid with r
, 011111 ; b.mker , u member of tl
lr < irk Stosk Exchnnnu. The
nau was not alow to dirco >
f.ict thut thu factory irl
iewul of the llrat water. Ho i
.nto Jiur anccetry , and learnf"
tor family woru rcBpectable
uid that thurp waa nothing
.hem but thuir poverty , ho p
.u hur , and after duu time
: oplL'd. The young lady hits
jd 10 S.mdluku , whcro she is
ng for the niarriugu wi'h ' th
i'oik baiikor. The event will
> rihd this month , and the otl
u the Boverwyck Mill wh
irene to accuse I heir former i
on of having been given t
diouldur by a "pill iniikor , " n <
ler with ffreat rcnpect us the p
jndo of tv rich Now Yorker.
Thu best nalvo in the world fi
liruises , sores , ulcera , nalt
fuvurBorus , tetter , ulmpuud
lihUlblaius , cornn and nil k
skin eruptions. Thin salvo i
untood to givij perfect Batiafa
nvury c.vso or monay roftindod.
' Jfio pur box. For sale by
lu > < iv MoM.uioy , Oi
A Dligracoful Trial.
L'liii'lniiiill Coiuincri.lil.
A Kuiioun por.ion Bi'uma
hiiublud I'leunsu wo have to i
( jiututin , thi ( mnrdorcr , iiuibt
cutod tint tlicia ly , if not elli
uud bt-caiMu wu do not affect tc
treyiiud buoatisu thu bloodiest m
in thu linu of thonss.tssiiwof g
usufiil mun is occasionally shol
Wo do not , udvocatu mob '
lowuid ( initunu , but wu say tl
try IIIIH bot'ii moru dUgnicui
trial than it would huvu been I
in > ; without a trial , Thu vvh
: luncy of ihu trial , us it ii eti
the hck of H butter name , is i
thu IIIUH und cunrtH into contui
It h forlmmto that ( liiitunu
luaswcrud on thu spot when hi
i.'d belli ml thu president uud i
ud bun , for thu rcaton thi :
wretch had been torn to pieci
11 Ruspiuioii thut heM thu a1.
coiiBpiru-y could not hay boo
cued t'roui the public mindan
havu donu great mischief.
Unt thu liiigoring , da dlii
gling mnddlu of uv\kwardiiuss ;
becdily going on at NVaahiugUi
the Pi esident'ii murderer ph
ptrtnnd uujoying his cunspi
thu miiHt hoinblo of his race ,
liyiug to the public Dr.tionco
feinnu in thu uxtiume , wliiloi
blnjj in dfcgrAco to the nutioi
itBsatHiiiat ion Itself.
W < > do not want to tee the i
iisia.imiitud , but \\o want to s
III-.SH in kiiurt , und on thusdlfi
lu tiu'so times of imack n
iidviiMHOiuuiita uvorywhero , it
urutitj ing to Iiud ono icmedy
worthy ot piaisc , nnd whiol
doch , ia rccoinuii-ndud. Klunt
tt i we can vouch for aa boinj
mid luhablu rumudy , and 01
will d i ni recommended. Tin-
bly oui a atoinnch nnd liver coii
dieois h of thu Kidnoya and
ililliculiitfB. Wo know wjier
apeak , und can readily say , gin \
n trial. Sold at llfty cents a b
Toll i
JAUK4 R. DOYO , Vrovrlc'or.
It r , . MAllUt , IliHiim MMI
Gomtne cititf Monday , Nc
Grnnd Matinee TliankiRlvInc [
nnd Snturdny.
Ml MihVI , Cl Irrojn , Al. Duncan
lixpilV ; K unk Ijxuton , ( omul I in ; I'rot.
.Sol , > 1'lsi.M. . I . II llurk' , tihpuiillk
I.U aiit | > n ( htt glttti awn ) .it uicn
nuruilm ! lon , nnlj } V , 3V ntid fo . 3
climYt lor rewriilicn'ciulnl ut Hot
MM. J. < , lloUcrtaon , t'ltMniru , l , v
win Buttering from general drWlitv , WM
pitllo , cormtipatlon , etc. , no llmt Il'o wn
dun ; alter llalnif 1 1 unlock llno < l 111 turn I
tcr than for jcnrs. 1 cannot jiralde } ou
too much. ' '
11 , Ollilffl , of Buffalo , N. Y. , writ H :
lltinlock Illok WttcM , In th routed I sca >
lilooil llxcr it. . I klilneu , ) m\c liecti
nitrKril with miccc 9. I tin o used thai
% lthlic t rwmlts , fortorpMIt ) oftholln
cane of a frlcnil ul inliiu mlfcrinif ( roii :
the effect WM irmmloun. "
Ilnice Turner , llochntcr , N. Y.tvirlto'
lipcn suliJCL-t t < > H'riniH dlHirdr r of the
A'ltl uiialilo to nltunJ to lnnln < M : lltmln
ISIttirH rilleu'd ino More hall nhotllu v
1 feel ( .onlldcnt that thu\ will entirely en
K. Aiculth Hull , nin hatnpton , X. Y.
"I HulTi'ri' < l with n dull i"ln through
IIIIIK and bhoiilder. lx t lay npliiu ,
and color , urn ! uimlil Itli Jliliciilty kcc Took jour ItiinloiU Illnid IMtrp
rue tciI and Into ( ut no ) iln slntt tint i
ter UHlnu them. "
Mr. Nonh Hate , EInilm , X. Y. , rcR
four } cnr < a o I had nnattuclc of ulllounfi
net or fully rccq\crcil. My illxrutlt n
er uinkinrdnnd I would wco i ptiti
trutLil lor da ) a. AUcru'ln twolioltlu
HnrdoiK lilooil lllttcr-i the linproMinviit
t I lido that 1 ww ntnidihrd. I can liovv
Ul Ji'urn el afe , do a fair anil rccsonnb
0. IMickct HoMninii , proprietor of Tin
l'resli > ttrKn , Toronto. Out , , \\ritrn : " 1
I HiilTeriil irruitly from ott-rLcurrln , ' lieai
UHeil your Iturdnck lilood Ultturs with
n-iultH , and I now tliid m > xif ] in liettc
than lor jcara pout"
Mn. Wallace , Ituffalo , N , Y , writes :
u L\l llunlock lilooil tlitttrs ( or nertnu *
( GUI lusulailiuH , and inn recommend It ti
rciiu1rli > n euro for bllliouencn. "
Mrs. Ira Mullholland , Allmny , K. Y ,
"Por .intnvl yars I ha\o sulTerod from n
rlni ; lillllou * hundailici , djHjicpsIa , ar
li'alnU piuillar to M > n. . hiin.u u l
Iturdock lllood lUtkrs I rtll
rlce , 91.00 per Bottle ; Trial Dottle *
BTIIw'AI.O , Krf Y.
SolJ atuholiualo h > Islri McMahon a
doodnisn , jo 27 c
One of the ftcasannbto Plc.tiur
01 life , ) i niKtl ) coiUcil nffortls
i opruM > t on ] \ nicnr , and nut ihs i\\ \ \
n toaontliinoddypcp Ie. Hut htn
bjrl > stliiii isnnib > t ttllth o-leitir' !
' . with ri'lU , n
inil'vr' , tint food Is ta'.n
Ilitpitrtnn of a 1 , U ns linlUtcd hy nnd n
' il toiro nnd t (
mo fjhtoin. l' i tliUura
llli-O ti ) rillllCll ) COIllIlpltl' ) ! ! , llllllllHIKI
ma li n , lc r an a ut : .
I'ormlo \ul I , Uriiyglstuninlllo IITH Ri
Real Estate Age
ICoep A connileto filwtnict of title to
Kn'nl In l > nnli i\n flnnrU * ro'intv
Pay Taxes , Rent Houaoa ,
: al ! at OfTke , Hoom 8 , Crcl hton Ulock ,
ILSR & CO , ,
-lolo Manufnoturoro. OM '
And Notary Public.
ock , Oi o Uo P -
Will Remove in a
days to
Vou will doAel
call and examir
our stock of
At 1422 Douglas St. near !
iVhichwill be 3olcl nt I
ordinnry L > nw Prices E
fore Moving.
For Sale by
621 South Tenth St.
Mary J. Helm
Just piilillilicil : Madeline , A splcnd
xvlliyMKy. JUm j. UiiLMrK'o ell
ll o t > narii)0ii l.anil . air nail and
ith .ucii Intercut. Jk-autlfuliy bouml
' , * AI < n hnniUonie iicwcilltloinolllra. 1
'nr work * Ti'iiiu ot an Uunvi Ino
l\ir . KOitlil.jlo , K''roHiiIniJl.ina
'wit Law ii , Ft/rent House , etc , ttc.
A Changed He.trt , Anotlu-r Intcnacl
ilni ; IIOM ! by JUv Ausm KLUIIMJ , m
. '
lOHti raiilt I no * cli ( iiiy | jul.rotirt'
'uiiilvrlol Woman , MiJ MairLtcv. Hilt
rue , I ot fora NVomin.vtc U autlfullv
rice , 91.10.
a. wTcAnTETON & cc ! < > llin , I'ulillilicrii , N. V.
isle Grea
UM I on Wutroni , liurx'ii-a , Uia | > or , Tl
ul Mill Machinery. It U isAUUAHLS i
14 AMI lAW f M. Itcurni bcratilu )
ml ol or J ou llor c auj block , M hi
CLARK & WISE , Manui
005 Illlnoli Street , Ohl
BEND FOH riUC" " , l *
IT" "XT" V " " JuLi TTI
Mining and Milling Company.
IVorMnif Capltil , SI.KO (10 (
Japltal Hto k , 12.1.000.
i'ar Value o ! hhsre" ,
lill J J. THOMAS , 1'KiWent , t ummliiKVjomlny , ,
WJI K. TI1.TOS , Vlf .rrc IJeiit , Cummin , W
E. N. HAHWOOli , Sccntarj , I'uinmliif , WjoniliiK.
A. < ! . H'SS , TiMsitrfT , Cummin * ,
. . . foiili Miller \ \ b. llrimcl A D Puni
Ir. ' I. Tliotni" .
. h/U lma
. l. / >
' ( II Kalm.
. icn.
: . .Y HarAuoil. t'uiiiN Loa\on
. . . .
1)r. J. C. Watklin.
oro.\V. _ KixtlAM. : . Antlior-znl j.'iit. for " < ilo of Slo k.
On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. ,
8311 0 > l r
Double Strength White Lime
Lumber , Lath , Shingles ,
thirteenth and California Streets , OMAHA. , - - - NEB ;
/Vail / Paper and Window Shades. .
1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb.
* " " " ' " * " * ' " ' " *
' " * * *
" * * * * " * ' ' ' * " "
" i"
" " " "
1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET.
The only exclusive wholesale in this line in thu wont.
House in Nebraakei
"he Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug S
Jy 18. me
1213 Farnhsin St. . Omaha , Neb.
'r ' a JT'8" A
attention ot the trade to our
"Wo desire to call the special
PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan *
legant lines ( Overalls
Over-shirts ,
Gloves ,
ackets and Scarfs , Buck
losiery , & open. Wholesale only.
Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts.
Oommissson Merchants ,
1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb.
attoiitlon. Uereruncen : Stuta Bonk , Omaha ; Plat !
will ruche proinjit
CoiuUnmcnta mwln u .
* r-lni-lnnsH
It ( M. . lUltlinorH ; IVrk & l > Mi hfr Ohlw/n ; "
Banishes Oures
Bad Breath Ohest Pains , raeumonia ,
Blood Spitting , Oolds and Ohills , Phleghni in the Throat
the Sides
Breathlessness , Oattarrhn , Pains ,
Bronchitis , Group , l Pleurisy ,
INSTITUTION IK Til 15 WOHLl ) of which.
Ilmmpton II. Hpltn U the LAUCHST - DISKASKS. HH M illcal Stall
. ANM )
10 ul j ct U the irentniciit of I.UXC I'llYSICIAKS in iJoiidun , to wh.mi e < m tlii < -
iiwUtinf the MOST KMIKKNT OFTH JJ ACK. I . th Uh M'tropol
10 MOST Sl'COK-sSKUh . HHMKUY l.OOD.OOO OUHKS , ft < l In the ; trjiuj ; Winter if 1880 i >
< nio isliacirrcte.l m a than lll'N'DUKDS Ut' 1,1 Vi.S.
tfil with ha\liu ; HAV12U
Eend for Sample Dottle , 35 cents ,
. nnd Wo cftcli ) , from
OliU'nuble ' only ( 'n ' ISottlen * 1.00
' . ' , CtJYfJtYYjA3W3E33E6. .
no U U 8. W. Pierce and ZOttv S
'p t-0me nox D02 ,