Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1881, Page 8, Image 10
THIS OMAHA DAILY BKFS SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 20 , ISSL rilB DAILY BEE. Saturday Morutng , Nov. 26. LOCAL BREVITIES. -Tho mild t > f"itlicr IIM returned with lh ne vtnoon. 1t'i i drjr inoon , too , llioy > iar. The deconcl clft t-ral ! cone rt t f the Philomatlieaii cluli too place at Mat Meyer's 1m 1 In-it night. The White Lead company will enlarge tliolr work * tiip-nftbt pultl. R In n v in.v eliincry nml crrclirii a new l > ul illnif. Twenty of the ynunj bvl ' Br wnell liall atU-intiil wrvl IM at St. B ni ! lxw Tliu'nl y , inareljHiif then'In n txxly. -The witch neil oliiln nt-ilm fr m Mlchnel Donovan on Hie 19th of .Septum * her last , h t been roc .ref-il by I' mtibltf Kihrrlou fro n | iirtim : to whom it wwcoM. Irvine' * orclitwtr.i furnlnliiMl line music for I'.tif. l'lnni' > ' party at hall fur tin.1 U w fet yt" U-rtla.Y. MIPIHT gu In ill lurRC illning room Iml'iw the hull. 'I lie iiamn of tin' iiiilKldml who wriil to Jill for slitv ! > f"r ln' a anl n tli cJialnlu'r aid n I Umll'ir.l lit the tlm.ili hmii-o u H Kl.iotiian lin-to.vl of lluiii-iiuu. Her ft Go. anil Kzr.i Millaul liave coiiiiuenrcd the culmination of n prltali < ewer for tinn - i f Uu-lr few biillil HKS mi Hartley ntri'ct. Itulllbo four blocks lone , uxlcnillii ; t June * trcol. llya recent mm/ order ifMticil from th ilejiartmunt hoailmiaito n iho K ( etnl court in.xrthl convened nt 1'oriMc intiuy \V. ' ! ' . , by piragrai > h ft , cn > ol. l .mlcm No. Ill , current H rk'n , it author ! oil to Kit without regard to houn til train * i < .vtt nntl e t were Into Thursday , the mornin ; tr.kiiiifmm ItiM'a-t fr > iu thirty iuntoi to thrvo hour * . The uruit-bound 9 ' ' tr.iiu , o , ! l , was two hourV lal % * fc 1 No. t d il not arrivu until 9 o'clock TbumiUy ni ht. ) ) acoy .lolmnou , ihiiRlitcr of Mr. nnd Mm. ChriH ilnhiiHoo. diodNovvin tr2Mlt ( 1881 , nt fr.30 n in , , an l iitn yo.irn nnd ecmi day * . Tliu ( uncial will take place to-day fro n tbo renlilenc.5 on I'lmrlen and King H r' ' U , KImm'i.d Itlun. - .fn U. I'rlch ml , who him bo if for M\ | yeiwn p .nt with tbo Wo-lprn Union of thin place , IIIIH hueoo.diyl Mr. II nt n n ciwh- ii r of tb compnny'ii office on I Iftrviilli anil 1'aimm , It l > a promotion ill tvill \ > f hatlnf c o.'y ti nil the f i fond i uf the onlli'tnan. Jl. Hitcln , t'ui ' trmelllnj ; H.-tlm i an f < ff Stubbi'M orf A Co. , W.IH o.illiMl home fro n hin uentoin trip , liy 11 trltxram received nl f.inuiiie nniiounciti ; thu iloitth of hii o'dld , ati'l ' the dolayvJ utxiland train enabled - abled him to r nch tb n ci y jiijl in time f. rtho funeral -A conxocatlon of the deny an I laity of Northern Ncbronka will l > u held nt tbu Cburili ; of OiirH.xiour , Nortu I'm tu , on /Midrow'H d ty , tlio Otli of November. All tlie c'crjy > f the dkco o who can innkf il c < m\onifiit tx ) atU'tul are o nliitily imititl. K. It. MillKiaiih ] | , dean. --Tlipsu mon deli\cri < < l bv Dr. StelliuK on Tlmnkogiv ng ilay at the U. V. Cauruh will n't ) bu published by TIIH BKB an the < l/.tiir haft , in dufere'JO i to tbo r | \i nl of m ny frit-ndx coiisi'titi-d to roiio t It at the OJHTA lloum on Hnudiiy t > venln ( next , whcro all nny bur . an opportunity to hear biiu. O. Ii. Ureon , one of the mail carriers of tin' Oniah t po tolliio , h.vt a inalo ( o curry no * that in n little out of the UHU J liu . It tvoitfhti ten pouuilH and urrivod n' lloVook Thumb- , ( irrcn proponvH to initka that boy po-ituiniiter g nerul w > me < ! / , hut if ho dorK. tbu buy will be no ( inmdrr th n hl < fiillieri * to-day. -.raoobj Knottier , lue ttranyer who nt- tvinptod M lc do near Mart n Tibko' farm , fi\-mi.'ort Mint < > f Omaha , on Woduwtday , byatiibbing bl-rnclf no\ornl times in the thro t , wan liroiifiht into Omaha Thurnd iy moi Mini ; nnd lotigeil in jail to thu ac'i nof the board for the examination uf lunatic * , ulio will [ irobnbly tnd him to tin' nj < ylum at Line 'In. The Mii'nncrcho nociely , of whiili the ue.v y-eluctt'd county clerk h nn old member , mnji t the t veulin' o Tliunk < iiv- | ; int ; day with Mr. John liaumer nt IIIH ro - idencf on W lmler nn I N notu > ntb I'trrot . Ttiov hud n inuniual feast In oonueution of the fe.Vit of c od things t-prend for their tutort.i n no it , and n irnu l goo 1 time wan njoc d byy rjbody. A bow Ulonjjlus to Mr.H. H. Hkow , whiln hitcheil to npont before thohoUMO of Mr. J. A. Lilt * , on Wcb-ter Mtreet , lout Tliurnday , bocnuio fritflitoia'd nt a wagon londod with funi lure , with a cow loiding bchiml , whl h W.IH p.ning by. The homo xnudo a fearful break but w.n detained by the linen which it ulit ; on the poU and the carriage w H ovoituruod and badly d mor Tim mayor in preparing to enforce the llijti'ir ' law on atnl after Jaiiuny Int. To thUtnd tin city clerk IH pit-jiaring the iiccemary blank * , auil on Derember * l ull purlieu will bj iiolitii-d that they must u.Tiku appUcnUoLn for I ct-n-o , if tln-y mult- firi1 , btf.ite Doctfinbtjr lUh. A lar o uum. bur of nloou * will i HI cl e < l liy tldu action M the licfiiH ) feu ami loud * are cor.ililcicd too much for email LMllbro tnloom , I'littsmoutli dooi 't H cin lo tucklu kindly to the Hli/cu nb Ilijuor law. The Indlctuient ud arre t of four saloon keep ers the o w yet hat br ugbt fort'i ' nothing. At the court In fcesidon there thl * week one of the Baleen kt > o | > oni jvan tried , I ol. K. r * . Huiytbii rvpren-ntln the defense. Tim Jury were out nil Wednesday night null c imu In yesterday moruing anil reported that llii'y wore tmable to ngrue. Thin puU oil all the cajoi until Juuo next , uud lu thu mean time thu lm > Iues oontluuoa ta run jitut the tutme. "no uf thu finobt TLauknglvhij } din- nen ever net np In town was that , at thl CanCold houKb Thur day. Thu bill ol faro wat printed on enatnulcd card boanl with tttel t'UjjraiH | .laiwuirna de-lgtiH on thu back , and within a lt-t of good tiling Uiat would h v made Uio heart of an t > pi < ouru It up for joy. I'rotn tl > v Haddlu ruck cylf f uoup , flanked by ox ta 1 an nmllian- lawny , down to a dell loan diii < rt , every thing WUH K ittou up iu royal etylu. Tli'rt w.m turkey in t\ery MiuK | > , chicken ditto , due , i-nlp- , \enlpon an < l all KhuU of wllil K in ; , ( lib , Hi u and fowl , Ool , ( ii'oii.-e , ttie i xwlli > at vt Kard , aeamui all ntci u'i h BUiilcB at tbu flgbt i > f thu gtu-hU' i'ii Joyintnt. 'J liu fait In Col. Gror < I * t prince uuiuiu Mleward' , nnt the Cau cl uoiuu Iia4 nn truublu in ret Inl g iU old time popular liy , with him at tbu uolui. "WINEOFOAnDUl" for Ltulies only , IXC. V. Goodmio. A SLICK SAINT , Goo. Q. Cannon , the Mormon Loader , on Eia Wny to Con roaa. Ho JB Confldont thnt Ho will Defeat Cainpboll , AHlioub | the Conrt hn Deolnrod Him nn Allan. George Q. Cannon , t'u contestant for n float in the house of roproftonla lives ns delegate from thu territory of Utah , { fumed through thu city last night on his wny to Washington City , whore congress moots on Iho 5th of next month. Cannon in n short , Ihick- sot , round-fnccd man , with Knglish- man stamped on every fc.ittiro , Hi * lioa < .l it as bild ai a billiard cue , hi/t fico is clean nhaven , oxcepl undur- ii'ii'h lim chin , ard his twci glitter IlKC ul .41' 'II.I- ! ( > It till * Hlllk'JCt Baint in M nmondom to-day , and , il the recent decision of JnJgo Hunlur is correctlinn euccetdod in holding h's ' in congress for torma liy thu fraudulent IIHO of nntinali/ili'jn papers fraudulentlyoblainud. A mon IN TIII : nii'iti n. Cannon is n member of the lira ! presidency in the church of .loMii Christ of FJ ittor Day S.mitn , is 1'ro i- dent T.iylnr'a fusl coiinHellor and will he his Nticcensor when the old is callnd from the earthly / < m ho has helped to build up to another sphere of r.clion. A fluent talker , a good politician , well grounded in "the faith , " he is the little giant among thu MormoiiH , nnd when ho lifts up IIM voice in tlw tabornnelo it is "I am Sir Oracle. When I ppunk let no dog balk. " Hois regarded with oqtui revetunce by the S.unls and abhorrence - renco Ity the ( ipnti.'cH ' , who decl.ire liiin to be a h.vpountu and n duma- uogno. George Q was tnckled by a Hiii : reporter at the train last night , and win at Unit LOATH TO TALK apparently , and when ho did talk throw very litllo additional light on the ntihject , which is now agit.iting his conslilnonts of Utnhnmieand femilu , for both fioxes vote in territory. Ho finally sat hinmelf down on a rude bench near the depot , and whtlo tlio p.issengers "had their bngu.igo checked tor Troy , " ho made u brief stalement , in Riibstanco : i tullows : ' I'ho attorneyH of Campbell , who is contesling in this e.wu , have befogged the whole thing by misrepresentation and falsehood. They pnfeired the complaint before Jndgo Hnnti-r , of the third Cniied States district court of Utah , in the naturalization p.ipora and bo dumisjod the complaint , which pr.ictic.illy defeats Campbell. This leaves thu case with thu house. " TIIK KMICTIO.V KRVIBWKI ) . Cannon then atatod that in the elec tion which is Ihus contested , ho had received some 18,000 odd votes to l.,000 { odd votes polled for C.irnpbull. Governor Eli H. Jlurray in-mod the certificate of election to Campbell , upon the grounds that he ( Cannon ) was an alien nnd was living nt the time in open violation of the Inwa of the United States. The seal wan thus put in con test , but the case did not como up at the last session of congress. In the mo Ultimo , Clerk Aclam.H , of the house , put Cannon's name on thu roll and the latter drew Ilia salary regu larly us d delegate until at length the Gentiles diopped on this racket and brought AX I.VJUMrrillN hUIT in.ludgu Hunter's court to stop pay ment of nn > further monthly install ments on his salary. This case was diamitflcd for want of jurisdiction and lion the Gentiles felt dopresaod , but hey were corroipondingly elated when . short time ngo thu H line court , in ) jH.iiag on the original question as to Jaunon's citizenship , declared that his mturaliziitlon p ipera weru fr.mdulont- ly obtained , had been fraudulently used and were theieforo void non says thai he is confident ho will jot his seat. Probably ho him had a ovelntion to'lhnt effects but he didn't my HO. Ho did say , however : "TIII : .N.\ivii ) TIIUTII is this : lias the governor the right : o ( Ucido upon the eligibility of cand idates to congress , and hai ho a light jo duc'do in f.ivorof a minority cand idate. Any but a negative answer to thi.s uonld uvorlhrqw nil precedent in Aineiicin government. " Dr. Cannon's opponent , A. 0 JuiiiiliL'll | , is a man of 'fifty ye.ui. of ago , liu in as tall nnd us slim an Judjo H.ildwin , but has n niagnilicont bixiwn beard , which reaches to IIIH waist , llii eyes nru as bright and his mind ns clear an Cannon's , lie started in : IH a poor boy nt the mines , where ho winked in the lowest posi tion .il first and gradually climbed up nut I ho became an owner huntiol , lie is now the wealthiest man outaire of the church in Utah Territory , his pile being estimated at THUKK MILLION I > OIIH.S. . Kvcry cent of this ho got by the hardest knocks nnd by undergoing toil and priviUioim to which Cunnon is a stranger. Campbell , unlike his nntnsronist , is n very illiteritu nmn and cannot writon , sentence correctly in the Kngliuh language. Thu two mon represent opposing ulemonts in the commonwealth they wish to rep resent , the one a conservative , who opposes progress in oyory shape , and openly denounces the fruo school sys tem , and the other the liberal cle ment in whnict HUCCOB.S alone Utih can over hope to tnku her place nt ono of the members of the American union. Pleniaut Prolongation , Thomas Curry , chief operator of the Western Union , loaves to-dny foi Ogden to taku thu position of maiuigei of that important oilico for the pros out. The notification of this chungi was madu to BIr , Curry a few d yi ago In obudiuneo to instruction ! ho made his preparations to leave foi Ogdon. L.nt night n memorable BCOIII occurred nt the telusraph ofllco About nix o'clock Mr. Curry was toh that one of the wire * of the efllco w.i not working , nnd ho stopped to the switch board ( o lvt > t it. U that moment , just ns a HKK reporter stopped in , all of the opordors in thu room , some twenty in uimber , K-ft their tables and congru- / t0dnbout thf chief opoMt'ir. Air. RhtM'in , the m.uiagi-rof the office , then imk n pair of Rpi-ctaclos from Mr Curry's eyes and oulntituted for them i beautiful gold mounted pair of spec- tides. To my t'yit ' Iho nun was sur prised , is but i faint expression of the condition of ntfrtirs. Hu WHS non plussed for n moment fltid entirely oierconif. Uejnvoring luniHolf ho reopntuled in suit iblo tonns , nnd ox- orodsod hi < thinks for the tribute of "tho boys" alludum ami ronpoct. THE JOLLITIES. First Apponrnuoo of n SLnr Compa ny ntBoyd'x Opnrix Ilonsn. The "Jollities , " a company com. posed of first-class artists , will , it Hoyd's opiT.i homo next Monday in the great musicil absurdity , "Thu Klfctric.d ljll. " As many nro at a loss nn b > the charnclor of a p'ay with so queer a name , Iho argument will bo read with coiiHtderablo interest. Cornelius Twitt , an iranciablu old toy-maker , han n mani.i for inii'jicnl and electrical experiments. Ho has .1 wayward son , John Hobblu , apron nephew , Climlophor , who's his ap. prentice , and a H ncy servant n.itn d Catty. Christopher is in love with a pretty milliner n.uned Dolly Wimplu. For ye.iM old Cornelius has been at work on his maitorpieco , .1 niagnifi- cenlly dressud life-stood doll , which ho propoiea to endow with life , and then make her his BOII'M wifo. .lohu has , however , on- ciinraged a tomler pn ; inn fur the in.ud Cateiina. Old Coinelitm , who has np * propriated a sin.ill fottune loft to Christojiher by his father , tro.itH him b.idly , and to c.ip the clim.ix , Bendn him to bed without any supper on ChritdmaH eve , and takes his own son tii Mippor at a friend's house. While they are away | Chrmtophur dons his garb as MophmtopholcR and awaits the arrival of Dolly who's uoing with him to the iiuflqiiurado. She arrived , bur , having given all her money to u poor woman , they nro going to remain at honiK , whoru Christopher thinks of thu Djll , nnd ho is mno her gorgeous dross would tit Dolly. While she is diosHinvr n teirific storm comes up , and Cornelius , having Ixarned fiom Ins works on magic , that such \\oather is ni nt favorable for liis proposed hfo giving ceremony , ro- tunti homo in hot haste , accompanied by his son. The living/loll is brought liom the closet nnd by the aid ( f ) of magic , oloctrieity and thu "Old Nick , " who oppottimely appeals , she is endowed dewed with life. of making an angel , Cornelius finds ho han waked a demon , for thoDollabusosfathcrand son , smimhes dishes , breaks their toy , and liually drives them almost crazy with her head pranks. Corne lius repents over having m.ido her and vows to exercise the demon and takes a mallet to kill her , when ho is ac costed by Christopher in his satanic costume , who oilers to tnku her away for n certain sum , shrewdly mention ing the amount Ukeu from him by his uncle. Ity an accident the old man learns the tricks that havoboon played upon him , and also that John and Catty ro determined to mirry ; ho then , like n sensible parent gives his consent , says ho will makes no more "Electrical Dolls , " nnd then "our Jolities aio over. " PERSONAL. Cli-iii Chano wan at home yeottrday. ( ion , .las ( Tollman , of Dakota city , ix in town. town.M. M. M. TatterMon , the entile man , is in town , II. U. .Ii'imi-on , of the W. U. T. Co. , in in town apiin. llcv , John AVillianiH , of St. Kainabat > , baa f , " io .Kant. Mrs. Kd. Moraeinan IUUOH Ihix nfter- ion font unit eu t. K , It. .lohnstoiif , of the St. I'.iul 1'ion er 1'reMi , iin the city. , lo .iiio . Dll'on , of Noith rintto , U ( iifinU In thu city. Jw-ph It , ( ! u Rae , if thu Ulaclc iiuinal , is at the Witbni'll. Lieutenant ISarnard , of the J-'ourth in miry , on ninto for I'biladelphin , iroiih ( { the city yt-aterd iy. M. M. Gajlord , with H. T. Tiffany 'o. , i f Chlcajjc , spent Thankcu'ivinK in own and plclu'd t rkoy with .1 miniber of Oiilitiiln > a h , from ( Jiccn Itivcr , Wy- niiif , ' territi ry , ani\od In townycH'i-id.iy. lo reports e\uryth > n ( ; ia tlourinhing inditinn. Ii , I ) , IICL'KC , of Ibo'oTiircrt ' , WUH IIB KC'iiUoinan whodrewt e While Mowing iiichino nt llurtr.'i ) entgrtnlnmi'uv ' Wvd- c.i Iny nielli. Captiln Wi'Hton , of Die Hiib iul'iico do- lortuiuut of thii I'lii-ilio coasl , and wile , hi'.l in the city yenlordny. Thuy leave o-d iy fur St. Koniri , At tlie Metropolitan : O. ( ioo 1 > iwhiK , if I'irth , Null. ! John -hrlnp ; , of Lincoln ; A. . I Wrisht. of Tfciirmeh ; O. W. ' 'nip of Line .lit ! U. W. Hum , of Sutton ; \V. S iVelU aud wlfo , of Dololt , Neb.j M. It Horn and wlfo , of Or.ind Inland. ] 'x.Aldcr.nnn Jim Stupneiiiou arrived ( O-lordiiy finm nn extenil\u trip through Colorado niul I daliii , He Indian lutly do den the Impntrtloncutt upon him by nilno h tHwobr , of tlio I nloii VnJKo Hold , and nay that ho uovur H.IW u ( , rizi y lxar ; on hi- trip , lion , Win. K. Hi'ins , treasurer of Doug. UK county , rpeut IiU Than * < HjivIiiK ; in lIn. cn'n. Ho unjoyH the ropiitatlon of having cullecteil the largest mnuunt of tnxfH ol any tro.isuror in the Htalo. This coinoi fr in the fut larxuly that the valuation of JoiiKl.-m county IH the Urgent in Ilia Utr , with Intic inter H clo Hecoiid.Lncob Juuinal , Rnb It In. * Jacob Lo cknian , l7l ! Clinlpn gtriet Hulfalo , N. Y , , nayii ho ban btcn iifini 1 IIOMAH' KCLICTIIIO OIL lor rbotmialimu HH had "licit a lame back that he could di nothlnKi but ono bolt ! * cntlrdy curi-dhioi _ . . | l..nllur A ttul package of "BLACK-DRAUGHT' ( nw of charge , i At 0. F. OooJouvn PLEASANT PARTY. A Former Guatim la Very Htindeotnely Revived. The Fifth Anulvernnry of Chief Clerk Book's Enlistment. A inerrj' parly wuro fontid Ly a UKB reporter nt Krod Wirth' lioijiilnblu City liotul , on Tenth atroyl , lail uvon- in . There wuro fourleoii in all , in- eluding TIIC. Hiu : , nnd n jolliur coin- puny it would bo iiuluud hard to tind. The occasion of the funtivity MH.S thu fifth nnnlvurnary nnd diachtirgo day of August Bock , chief clerk of tlio liL-adnunrtorfl , of Iho tlopitrtniunt of tlio 1'l.ttto. In fonnor ilnya it WHH the cimtnni of each discharged Boldiur or dtlicor to i/ivo a reception , to which liiH pir iuular aHjoci.itea were invited. Hut , duriiifj the l.ittor yoarH the head- cjuvrtcra Imvo been locnti-d nt what are known in the bnnacks , . and thm ciiBtoin haH fnllun iiito ihsiiso. Tliat it wiw the intention , hotvuviT , of thu gcntlunun nainud to roini ) the cuitom in nil it-t { iriutini ! pupulinty , was uviiltnt from tliurojul entertainment ho proton tin' to liis friunJ last oyeniii } , ' . J5esido tlio host thuio were present Afenirj. Von Unb- kovvski , Rush Ki-hl Collins , , , Knglo- inniin , Hensloy , McU'lnnney , Uroj. ' M , Ucck , IJoivts , Stewart , Oatea , nnd the rojiri'sontativo of TIIK UBK. Afttir the comjany were assonildud they were invited into the spaciotiR dimm ? hall and lliero Ae.ited in front of such a feaat as only Airs. Wirth can propuru Quail , turkey , oysters and all < f thu nv.kilablo vogotabloa and delicacies of thu Eo.imn huaped the boaid in bounteonsnesi. At conclusion of the nctivo nssanlt upon the temptiiii ; udiblua thu corkH be an to pee and , in their turn , thu following toan'.H wore ollered nud re sponded to. "Our Chief , " by .lolm Collinn. "llald Headed Men , ' by .luilwn II. Hiiht. " ( lenuan Iker , " by Henry Keltl. "SwettheirtK > nl WIVOH , " by AnciiMt Kick. "J.ind Lnnune , " by Ptephe i UOWOH. "Tim Ii uliiM , ' by J. NelM > n Stow.irt. "The Army , " byV. . M-ICinney. "The 1'roiH , 'bySiimner .lolmson. Mmic by iho Italian orchestra was funailiL'd throughout the evening and contributed jn no small doyicu to the plea-turea of the eec isipn. It was nearly midnight when the plo.i.smt party finally dispersed , all with wishes of many yeara of prosperi ty and hnppmcH-i to their entertainer. Mr. Beck is an old and v.iltrjd ein- iloyo of the government , and lun ullillnd his responsible and important 'uties for a lonij time to the perfect itisfaction of General Crook and his ther military superiors. To say that 0 is popular among Iho clerks and ilferunt attachea of the department in o but fuintly express the estimation 1 which they hold him. The wish liat ho may see many future years ot rojpurity it heartily echoed by TJIK 'KK. School Exhibition. A very pleasant entertainment wa ivon by the pupils of the CABS street chool , Wednesday afternoon , under ho directions of their teacher MIES Jlay , in which Bomo excellent , compos- ions and recitations were read by 10 following pupils : Annie Coyle , W t'io JJrown , ieorgioShipm. i , Henry Hatternroth , lario Gecamunia , Cliira Taylor , unaVetrick , Hattiu Whitney , l.iud Light , Gr.ico Lilly , Ciien 3hritchfiidl. Ktta Whitney , JDinniiv iVeiao , Kulio White , HOSA .Jelly , 'lablu Horseman , Lottio Sincere. A BLACK BULLY. Difolinrgeil Poiiltautiary Bird on tlio Rnmpngo. Yesterday : i big black nt'gro over iifuot tall , wlio is Haid to Imvo just loriidibclmrgod from the penitentiary irrivuil in Omaha and , probably hav ing hoard that it waa u wickoil city , icludod llnit when ho wan in Uome , lie would do an Uuniaim do. About 8 o'clock night liu mot a ospcctiiblo white woman walking uji u laa strcot nnd duliber.ito- y alriick her a blow ivith his list in the f.u-o , knocking her uii and gearing bur nuarly to h. o luft bcforo anyonu could inturfuru tvith Ins littlu paat-tlino. A little Lvtur hu mul two colored men -milking up thu Btrcct , aud liold- iii | ; out IUH pistol toward them ho mlerod n halt. They did not ho ir , liouurur , and as they npproachud it'an-r , ho tired at tbum , but fortu- uitnly niissoil his aim , only burning thu cliouk of OMO with the powdur AH thu Hinoktt cleared away ho exclaimed - claimed : "Oh , 1 thought you were | ) obromon. " Ho was still taking in the town at a Into ho'ir and oll'icom Gorman and McCiino wuro looking for him , us ho was on thu lattor'a beak and had goni > the tmtiro round ot Third ward look ing for H policeman. tlti in tmid to baa holy terror uiul Bovural dogreoft worao than the "bad nuui from Hitter Crook , " whoso no toriety is pretty wdospread. Whun thfiii H a mooting tlioro in apt to bo blooil. WHISKIES. If you wnnl itraiiiht good Sour Mnnh Kontuckj Whiskies , call only for 0. Conrad A CO.'H Moss lloso Bourbon or Govern or'n Choice llye. Aak your grocur foi them. Hhootlns An intoreitinn sporting match w.-v hold on TliankBgiving day nl the out of tlio Groun street c r lino. Twi tonta were oreetod and everything pre pared fur thu day's sport early in th morning. The aliootiu ; comniencoi about ten o'clock with ttomo tifteoi coutvitants , and CJutiiiuod nearly iJ day. About tliroo hundred were roll used and of thin number about two hundred were killed. Kay ainl tiathauay were the must Kiiceeoo- fill shots , both tnkintj first jiii/cu The "uluttglitnr of tlio innocent * " - avery very exciting at timco , and attnicted a largo crowd of sptct.itors. The Wcathor. Ycslorday wai n cloudy day geiifr- ally bul no rain or snow fell , except at Fort Assiiioboiuo aud an ttnapprocia- bio Amount at De.ulwood , HikoU. The tJiuporaturo lins continued to rioo , the croateat rise occurring at Oin'tha , 2(5 ( detrrt-CH ; DOH Mniiivn , 2.'J ; St. I/mi , JO ; Yatikton , If. The pre vailing winds were northwesterly , with a falling barometer. SINNER'S SUICIDE. An Omnhn Sporting Wonmu Dieo in a Lincoln Bnguio. * A Short Career of " Ono Mora Uii- fortnunto. " The iietta w.m received in this city yistordiiy of thu death by nuiuido of a young girl who was formerly numbered - berod aimini ; the raukH uf the iliiini- moiido uf Omaha. The giil'a namu was Carrie liarned , nnd who was from Hampton , Tmvu , where hho has a widowed mother and aJHter residing. She canto to Council liluli's in .Inly to meet a man who failed to show up , anil being left there in a destitute condition nlie WAS taken by thu proprietor of one of the most ri'itpectablo boarding houses in this city , who gave her decent clothes aud kept her for no.trly three months. Hero BIO went under the muiio of Lulu Egglcston. She was a pretty , bright little thing , who was greatly liked by her siutera in sin. Eventually however , ho got to running around , movtd lint lo ono house and then another , all of the higher class , and finally went to Lincoln vhero flho took up her abode in ifamk Claik'u bau'iuo. This WIIB three weeks ago to day. The rest of the story is told by The Lincoln Journal : "Sho WHH Hick ut the time , and Frank took her in and cared for her. She had been Hick nearly nil the time since. Yes- turday Miss Clark had her rouin changed , HO that she could be near herand administer to her wants. Lulu walked down .stairs and out nto the back yard , and then bit up in thu pai lor u ulnio , after which alio returned | to b"d. Dr. Fuller , who lud been attending her , made his usual duly call about o o'clock , ai.d left Bomu medicine , with instructions to give the first doao at 8 : 0 , and re peat ut 9:30. : Tlio first dose was given ut the prescribed time tnd nothing un usual waa noticed. When' the hour arrived for I ho second dose Mus Clark went to the room to administer it. She spuko tttico to thusick woman , thu light being turned low in the room , and tin I'd wits no answer. She then riu out in the hall and called the housekeeper , saying , she believed Canio was dead. They wcni to the room and found it true. She says she is certain that she could not have been dead more i ban fifteen minutes , us there weru people in the room about that long bolero - lore she was f ouiid dead. Carrie h id told one of the girls that if shu eould get to thu drug store she would kill hoi self by taking poison , and that she had begged the chambermaid to buy poison for hor. Efiio Davis , an in mate of the houeo , sjys tint shu saw her with a small vi.d in her hand Homo time after and asked her for it , and she refused to let her see il. Said she didn't know what was in it ; thinks now it was poison. Dr. Fuller , on being asked what caused death said he thought it was poison , but did not know what kind , and would not make a statement jet until further examination. It is thought by MISJ Clark , the in mates and those who examined her ihut she committed suicide , aud from the information jjiveti tlio reporter it lookH .is if it uas the correct version of the matter. " Thu girls in the houae where the un fortunate wom.iu first resided in this city , my she olten made threats of siiicido wnilo here. The coroner waste to hold an inquest j estorday. The deceased was but eighteen years of HtimbnRgod Again. I HIW ; so much said about the mer its of llop Hitters , and my wife who as always doctoring , and never well , teased mo BO urgently together Home , 1 concluded to be humbugged again ; and I am clad 1 did , for in loss than two months use of the Hittora my wife was cured and she has remained so for eighteen months mnco. T like such hiimbiiL'ging. H. T , St. I'aul. St. Paul PionttT-I'reBH iiovlfideel _ Stolen Wntou Recovered. On thu lilth of September M. Donovan van , proprietor of the Creighton Housn , lost a valuable Match and chain , which cost $250. lie was un certain at the time whether his pocket had been picked , or jvhethor the watch had fallen on Vibe tloor and been corralod by Homo emi loiif. ilia about thu hotel office. Thu COHO was put into Constable Edgerton's bard. The officer succeeded duy be fore yesterday in obtaining the watch from p trtk'H to whom it had boon sold by the thief. Ho is also on track ot the criminal and cxpccttt to urrost him in a few days. A World of Good. Ono of the most popular mcdicinee now before the American public , if Hop Hitters. You see it every whero. People take it with peed ell'ect. II builda thuni up. II is not us pluaianl to the Usto as Bomo other Bittern at it in not a hiaky drink. It is mon like the old fashioned bone-set te. thai baa done a world of good. Il you don't ' feel jusl right try Hop Bit tors. Nunda News. novl6-decl Dr. Amelia Burroughs , Withnel n house , Tuesday aud Fridayo , 10 & . m 11 to 8 p. m . " " \ . , i IT WAS A MAN , And ho Wi\ * Not TJmlnr the Bed , But on Top of It His ,1 custom among the gontlcr sot , which hiw prevailed from timu immomniul , to always look under the bed for a innn before retiring and , with tlio single exception of A man in Oshkosh , them pro-Hoinnial searches have always been in vain. Hereafter they will luitlco it a point to look in the bed a.s well .IB under it , for tint is what a couple of the Cnnl'icld house irn ! did 'I'ltnrn- day morning early and they found at the limt gl.tnco a man with hi * bootH on. on.Three of thu girl * hi ; 1 attended thu iron moulders' ball on Wedtu'Mhiv night , and one returned tothohouso early , tin- second about-t and the last about Pi o'clock in tbu morn ing , liraee , a companion in the dining room eorvico , had H'ayod nt homo and determined to uliako the others up a littlu on their return , B they bolli occupy iho H into 100111 ut a remote dislanui from thoi'flici1. ' She accordingly made a dummy , winch was so nearly constructed aftur ninn'H own image as to bo credit to her architectural skill in th.'it lino. This shu took to their room and throw it across the licit , boolH on , as if itsero the victim of Homumidtiight dobatich. The clerk iv.'is led into the secret , and fearful of the result cucli a nciro mighl have on the ijirls , if they went to the room alone , told 'Afury , who came in at1 o'c'ock , that aho had better sit down and warm hororlf until Madge canif. Mary was too independent for th'it however and m irehcd boldly to the room where by the nid of the dim gas light , she discovered that the bed was occupied She gave a terrific Bcri'-un and unit down thu stairs at about one j imp , nnd announced to the clerk that there Wiis n man in her bed. The joke watt explained but HIO ! wouldn't ' buliovu it until Stuart went up and hauled the straw figure off of the bod. It was then replaced for Madgo , who camu homo with her fel low , and beforu ho could go out of thu hall brought him b ick by her cries. The origin itor of tbo plot had to remain hidden all day yesterday to save herself , and hereafter the boys will have to si'u thoircompany to their room ? , or wa't at the foot of the stairs until a thorough invest Cation ia made. AN I10NKST I\1EDIC1XE FREE OF COST. Of all medicines advertised to cure any aflection of the Throat , Chest or Lungs , wo know of none wo can rec ommend so highly as Dit. KINO'S NEW DiheovKKY for Consumption Coughs , Coldfi , Asthma , Bronchitis Hay Fe ver , HoarHuncHS , Tickling in the Throat , loss of voice , otc. This mod- icinu does positively euro , and that where everything else has failed. No medicine can show oiio-half BO many lositivo and ponnanont cures aa have Iready been ell'ected by this truly ondcrful remedy. For Asthma and Ironchitis it is a perfect specific , cur- ; ig the vury worst cases in the short- at time possible. We nay by all leans give it a trial. Trial bottles reo. Kegiilar size $1.00. Forsaloby " ( lly ) ISH it McMAHOK , Omaha. SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAN MONEY. [ ONEY TO LOAN Call at Law Olllce of D. L L. Thorn Room 8 Cralvhton Block. To loan at from 8 to 10 percent on uood real p tatesi > curlty , by II. ISAAC EDWAKH110U Farnham St. < k"tkWllk"10 LOA At 8 per ccntln- 3 > * Ol/.UUU tercet in ums of C2BOO and ipwarda , for 3 to & yearn , on Drat civ city and inn proiwrty. HKMIS UCAL LSIATK and IXJAN nKvnr , 16th and Oonitlco Sta. HliLP WANTED. Dill for u-unoral iiou * ( nrk. Tea WANTKU -nt L'lil 1:0 d uapu.s ; v 11 bu paid. ' . \Y cor. Oiliforiiiaand'JUt ot. 579 ill * NTTD llj u man Inl ronple after Dec. 15 , fur ilslifl ronmsvtith board In private [ itiiily. Addnn wfih tcinn , O , It. , 1I"H Doug las M. i7S-l5 ! ! ANTED rook and kitch.-n help , at IVI- W 'otlHe ( ! oil naKiMpllii. 5S1-25' fl7"AN"lKI > Firi t-c'nin i-Vminbiirnmul mid din- \ > inp room K'irl CiljlI.Ul. 673 2B L\7"AN"Ii ; ' ' A jonmr niin at the Antlqoamn VHonk Store , U 0 UoiiKlasHt. ! i74-7 Three hundred men. WANTKO V.UO. liiiiirunt | Int' Ilice , Kk\Liitli t lit bttHii Firnhaiu and Ian i > y. Innuwllatel.v a ionil strong pirl at WASTKD StiR'ti I.iuiidr ) . 21bt anil Irard itntti. 6TO-2S \17ANT l-'D To go out nursl y. b.v a ex- \ jwriL-ncod | wrtoo Oooil rity rcfcren e at 16 17tU St. , bet.VVbjur and Hurt. 6B2-28' Hitnatlon by a > OIIPL' man to WANTKP K ortik c ro o ( hors''n. In- uiro 1110 liourflus , i ar lllh fat. 660 \\7ANTKU-A new milch .ow. Jlu-t I * K > n- \V tie. Eimniro 01 L. 1'oland , 1413 IJ dii ) trc-t. Ciltf A houcekecpcr ut 11W I'ariilivn WANTED , np stairs. US-tl \\rA.NTKIl A flivt-dawi wonnnr. ok atClini > V Mnkt' < res uuraiit , 1105 Fornlmm tn t 151-U _ _ ' \ T7ANTK"ilrltodo " hou'uorl. . Kmiulro V > 1110 Ft nliauiat. tl-t' Fundlne bridal ) und J.hool Iwnda. WANTED Clark. IleUovuo. Two girls , one to rook , wni-h and iron , nnd onu to do eiond work and take cnro of i h'ldren. ' lltrt of n ffri nixf r < xiulrc < l A | > pl > w > uthc .t corner of 20th and California Sin. IkJt of zoi. 31 tf A.NTEU-liO to SOO lo du of dirt near ? .1rd andm. Mary'B OM'nuu , hnquiro t otnco. ' FOR RENT-HOU8EB AND LAND. UKNT-Onn ftttnl-hed 'ront room on 13lh FOll , , l 't. Fnruhaui uud llumcy , Jjo. ulJ. A furnMinl room with Ixmd POllltENT tiblu boardom tiktn , nt 17i o H . mstf , 1U.M'-Doom on Howard , bit. lltbani IXth ilr . Win. KttvcnH W'-tf ' riOK KKXT llou o.of 0 rooam , VilIBth St , 1 } nwrl'aul. ' 07-- " T0lt HK.NT-l'linoi und orBin , 3IS Tenth JJ ktn-e . 6 * ° H OH IIKNT A < ottaie of 3 r > ouw. 231 nml St. I lUr > ' ' nue. lUiqulnof II , n. Krniitdy , I2 S. 1 Hi St. _ 17UH KKST A lull of furnlnhol ro-ims , parlo 1 } and two b 1rootn < , alcO ltiil ! niom. Cn ruiro ktriwt , bctHi-vii Htu a iU ISIh , ccnt/u brick It IlkNT LmtvebanJ nm y Mrnlnhrd ba. i > rlor ! also Iront room M < ma tor ) w hou , SOU U i utrvtt , i do n vert ot WU. iTMf SPEUIA1HOTIOESOontinufld 7(111 ( 1lF.NT-Kun.l hJ roomn , north "utj of C llf ri.U St. , Sfl door wet ol Slot. Irnulfe | ' J'iloty IIOD C , ruom , 4 lar e \l o , a b ira ! f diN'rcd. 24S3 IHton- 1-ort HI. ITtOIl MKST To jountf tn'-J who Unnrc Rtxyl . winter iiitrt | ( > r i t o nk'ly lurnl h l rfcm . Iniinlra cl 3. L. Itkv at Joe k s' m > or at 17IC Dod o trwt. tx.t ' I710U UI.NT A funil-licd front for r nt L Ith bo nl , In | irl > at fimllr. Uenilrmnn . rrcf > rttHJ. Call007 } X. nthbt. 3W-tf J ITIOIl FtlLVT t .fufniHhiHl tonni" ni r Miu- ' K rhixru * Ktchkricc.N. K cor. lil'li anil DoJr tr-D-tl I7OII SAI.K- Coed | ionv for mlc t M Itin-i ft ; Oo.'ii Ooraml la . llouto , 107 f. tlth Mt. I0ll SAI.K \ tine Colfn llwph load tiir Hliot I1 dun tloixl ni new KMitni \ i nl ten- Iltt'n ' , C' < M8' 6 , will ttktiVO. Adiltwi I. U HteOlllct. ( , ; j. f ' ' I UKHAI.K A linnlwarr nnil xtcnc lm > im - < lii / ono P ! the K t tn i , In Ktl.ra . k ; l.uMm-w . lone I'ltM.IMt il n d l t lomllnn In tnwn. \\oiiicl nil Inn uliole rr Uko nrliiiT. . wlio l < triot'i-nl ' tlnmrnnil mliliix to i k lntiu ) lioi > nliltaki'rliant-o It. No better ( hviru ttirnf- d n ! for u irtxxlil'loiiii About Si.d.o ruiulr- nl AJilrtKx , II. Xo. 4 , Hainlm 11 , v ( .it- " ! ! * 7 < Olt s.M.K-dtio cook Llnl one ' 0 iMi- . I. . F. rclghton Hlock , C1t > . TtUlt 6AI.K Two MH-onil h ml invlnm In HIM. 1 rln.oinlltlon , one as II. 1' . inj onvtl U l'aivlro ! ( On aim JVuiiJrj bmi iluoJ ln Co. ITIdltSAl FV-Ti t < , chmni ; at l JL1 Hiirit , Ibth Ht. Oi-Jl-tf KICK Hull CALK. B M3-tt RMTAHROOK * POP. BB B Kit IS UHruttllHif lopIbtn of noiiew , lot- litnda ainl Irvtnw ( or mla Call and irol tlii'm. SAI.B MHJ.H ol OouirtitH Mid barmout - i. A.llOSEWATCIl.lf.MFsruhftiiii.irftI . " HOUSKH AND UYN'U UuiiiiH r.'BU stores , hotels , ( amoUi , taurfji , cin ) M rooms , ofc , Sue lut pxr MIOOLLLANEOU8. l OUNK-On t Mar > ' ( iirtiui I1 nlslit , a lip-robo. AUilnm Lou iCO , i-i Rrib- proporty. Wtl-i ; , ' . * O I A K\VA1ll > Will b pulrt fr.r . th. ntuni Oilof R nit ol Mirirlnil luttrutnciilo , ( torn iny oUioo Nor 2 ( 1'bl , ami no mu auked lilt 11. I' Jis-HEN. : 675-28 rilllK U.VDEH-Kl.Vi I ) lt.rHc , ll ) nnnouiuvw I. to Ike- public gf Omnliii , { piriliuliiilj-t.i : tlie [ ii'miMtH that ho w 11 cum an o filing ccliool at liH ru iwlico , on 1st I , bit. hlcnio anil Cntm Sl . , on Motidju I ict'nUr Mb , ISol. Instruc tions In nil tr u brunch Hpritatnliujto a c-omnion Kin lich Kchuol uliicfttlon 11 bo tvcn. Utrman will bi < Wu ht K un-lrnl liy oxuerlcncu an teacher In puld'c w.hooU in tlirec dilTfrpnt. tlaict U until lent jruarinicu to CM tv outwlsh - tiirft > iitt Ml. rorliittlur ( irtl nlars iipih to thimndothlKiud. Vmj I ! tici.ltuU > , SlATlliAS Tu NTHKX. ( hnilia , 'nJfilh , 1-H. { ,3 2a > FIIIIII M h. If th ami t'njio t , biij liorci A jrari ol.l , 16 turnl * ih. Libtral tcw.ird fur rci-otir } t luiil. bKXAUfclt. _ ) Ol'OSAI.S Prop viln will l reeci iil for Ki-ailhiKanil lirr rlnc IU2 fc t froi t on nrntiiiinHt. lliilw \ > v net tied nulll noon , Ii . t. l al. Ko lull pnrticulnre intiulro A. Kuub , SOS Karnham ht _ t > M--tA " OOUTItAlTS ix ritAYOV Part'lo and ( H' , l-o divor.tho Mi'mlnjr. ' JUIH. I ) . It. vAUUNHII , room 1 , Jacob H lUoch. T OL'ND KI-JD i n Kmnham , In Iront of Tult's. J Oncr can li.i\ue.tii c lij jiruvlii propcrtv nd ) u > Inc for tMd advertisement at thu Ueo. Illee. i 3 I B ' IlEALMiTATE UOOM _ buc- lit l > Al.hU 11AY At A. II. B-iuder H fuwl owrc ' 1013 Harncy Ht. slO-tf ES1IB' EHTATB KXOUA > 'OE. 8 B E.Mia' NKW CIPY MAPS. 10 . Mounto S2.60. GI-0. P. nKMIS. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTiCfe. . Special advertisements , nuch an X5st , Found , To Loan , for Bale , Ta Hunt , U , Hoarding , etc. , will bu inserted In thta column at the low rate of TEN CCNT.S VEK i : for the tlrst iiiHrtlen nnd FIVP CENTH LINE for t.uh HUbnoqurnt Inscrtloiu xa\oo < ertlHemcnta ut our office , up.ttilm , comer 1) ) road way and Main Btrctti , Council 3Iuff . [ TrANTED K cr > l ody In Council Illuflij io VV to take Tins Urn , S i ntn per wi-t.1 ; , da \ercdbycarrlerH. Oihce corner Uroulway and Iain , up ttalrj , Council lilullH. ( Xi'Mf You ran iet the qui kett and I crt _ N plctur H fjnur ch Idrcn , ic. by patron , /in ) ; Uurku'excilsior ( pillcrv n.ur | usr. oltlce , Jouncil I InffH nulls iike < tlicin Illhia t neiw iC44. Ir.diu.iiidllcri1icfaio ! ; ftllouo'l toruiil.n iH. it e. o. d. \TTANTiU : AJlrkt cl.m tatbcr nimfdlately , > > \\ill paj thu I Ichett uatfei. J. J. ( KKHI , -Agent to iuni ( ! liott piy- > in Im-imoi In the i'ui ntry. AdureM M , Itoeotnce , Council imtlN. NovH-tf I710U 8AI.K Hone , buy nd liari ew , cheap L' for c.ish. AflorcM n , H. U. , I : < u cll < 'ouiail ' Ululln. No\u3t ' . ' . TICKKT Ol'FICIiWar In railrmil POTTKI'.S et.ntlnne" . to l > oem , L'n recokntrd tm rsiteH to all cintirn jiolHttt. Eierj tkket guaranteed , Onlcrs lllle < l liy telephone. From inuto ten dollart mtbd luuchieinif tUkit if C. A. Pot cr , Bucctfsor to Potter A , Palinir , No. 0 South Fifth KtriLt , f ur iloom be o th" ] > cwt- " -f , Council I lulTn , lowu. oitUMf \ : > - llo\Mltli > Kiny , M ( atrv ) < | WA\Tii at ( inn ollkv , l/ouncil HluUn. _ o < til ! U _ _ " \VrXNTKIl To liny KXI tons l > com. V > J'or pnrllcnlarii adiirciu Council Itluffj Drooin Tactorj , l > iunill llluB , Iowa. OM-S9tf ! _ ASTER- Uwt-cUsi brwun tier. Mnyit * W &f'o. . Council Illuffd. loiut. _ MO 'M _ [ 710K SALE-dlJ papa * We i > cr hiindn-cl , at The lice L' . t'OUIH icll HluHH. M-J7U EDWA11D KUE1IL ilAOISTKH OF PAI.MY8TEIIY ANII CONDI TIONALIrtT , 408 Tenth .StreetbotwM-i Farnhara andllainiy. Will , ultli tin aid of guarduvn Hplrltn , obtain ( or ntiy onoct'UnTO at the ] > os | am1 jiruxont , and on curtain condition * In thu lu- , ure. Hoots nd Shota mudo to order. I'erfoct utlnlactlnti s' nI n2fl.l " Absolutely Pure. Uaile from Drarx Ciefc a TarUt , No ether arpatlon makct rach light , flaky hot triad * , vxi\rloiu \ paltry. Can ht < v Uin by EhijHplu wttrout fi r of Ihellln renultlui ; from hoavr tf * tbl0 ( lood. Bold only In t n * , by all Oroctn UOYAU IAttlKa4VOWlW. ) ) CO New Yet * .