OMAHA DAILY HLEVKNTIl YEAR OMAHA.SArITJJRDAY MORNING , WYI ) < ] i\riBHil2 \ ; ( ; , l > 8i , NO. 134 THE ASSASSIN'S TRIAL. 'Sharp Oommonta of tlio flow York World 011 the Counsel , . .Homy Ward Boechor in Fis Thnnkwciviaf ? Sermon De ll no3 the Criino. 'Tho Trial of Guitoau Resumed , with His Usual Inanuo Performances. JSynopgia of the Statement the "Lunatic" M.ido to the Court und Jury. Guitoau's Father Once Com manded a Dead Girl to Ariao and Walk. . .A. Witness Saya the Prisoner ia a Perfer t Pac-Siinilo of the Old Man. jMoro Testimony Tending to Kntiib- lih His lusanlty- COMMENTS ON THE CASE- Ktttloml AfMX-iitUHl I'riw. MII.tRV TALK. OP "Tim WOULD. " Nr.w YORK , November 25. The World this moining says , editorially : "If Mr. Scovillo i * wise ho will goon with the management of thu Cinitoau defense without Buokiui ; tcrinvitoMr. A. H. Trudo , of Chicago , to come to his aid , and it. Might bo a good idea for Air. Win. Ilonry Smith to lot up on his daily ndvortixing of Mr. Trudo throunh Hio Associated Mr. Trudo is a sharp practitioner of the Tomb * or Old B.iiicy . school , but hi'liuito his appcar.mco in a criminal case has bur too fioquontly indicated its desperation , ntfd , instead of win ning u cause , his nimplo but tioniowlmt monotonous practice is to hang the jury. " niiCCIIKR ON THK TKIAf. . NKW YOHK , November 25. Speak ing of tlio Guitoau trial in his Thanks giving Rormoii , Henry \Vurd Beechor fliiiJ : "Even the of that wretch , tardy aa U ii , has been a trial to the spirit of thu people. It shows that a government of h piiio enoous jjeoplo is not , as has been said it must bo , a government of passion. Men waited and waited very long for the process of organized justice and with an assurance of Bocnruy that self government ulono can give. This na tion was grieved by that blow , but not jarred. If it had been not only the the president but the vico-presi- dent and consjroja , it would have boon the saraoevoii jf all the poli ticians had boeri slain. [ Laughter , ] Tho'government would have gone on. Even out of this trial that appears to bo going on at Washington [ laughter ] - there should come a bettor defined doctrine of the liberty and responsibility of thoeo who nro said to btj of unsound mind , and un less there is some such outcome , nil- leaf this doctrine could bo fixed and liVnited very slurply , wo are destined to know not what will bo the waste wf life. Unices it linn this result this trial will only have been a Hpectaclo of an imbecile judga at one end of the com t , a crrninal at tbo other end ; an idiotic c mrt trying to find out at what point a murderer is ins mo. [ Applause. ] Ho who ia sane enough to oig.mizo the element of crime am' ' accomplish it is sane enough to bo hanged. " THE TRIAL- OUITKAU'S APDHKS3. WASHINGTON- , November 25. There was the usual crowd in the court room this morning , and the court , before beginning tlio trial , warned those present ag.iinst any expressions of-ap- ' proval or disipproval. ( > uitciu : was then given a few minutes u > address the coutt , and rend a paper peculiarly -constructed , setting forth some of his a ideas , He road in a dramatic and somewhat eloquent manner. There was a sharp tilt between Sco villo and D.ividgo over the newspaper -clippings found on Guitoau when ar rested , which ended in Scovillo get ting1 possession of the papers. Gniteuu thonmndnn second speech , saying ho understood his divorced wife was in court , and wanted it un [ derstood if she came there to do him harm ho would rip up her char- acter. There wore Homo things inter esting concerning her career in Phila- - -dolphia. Guitimi's statement made to the court this imruini ; is a long , rambling 'document , in which ho Bays ho in tends to have all the fncts RO before the jury. For this ro-iBon he contin . ually interrupted the counsel and wit nesses , and was determined every fact in his career biuring on the question who lirod that shot , tliu Deity or him , " should bo presented. Jlonco , everything connect id with his person al and theological record must be de veloped. Ho placed great stress on the editorials in the nowjpapoRt last b < Hprincr denouncing Chrliold for using . patronage immicahlo to the republican P rty and Bays ho certainly novar would have shot the president but for them , and they could bear n just portion of the odium nnd responsibility , n * should also the doctors who actually ki'Jod ' him ; an , except for their ire.itnont liu would bo nlivo to-day. 1 lo was not afraid of death and w.n certain of his destiny , ni the Lord inspired tliu act a * ho did in the ciso of Abr.ihim nnd scores of other case * inontioned in tho. Uiblo. Guitcau then paid particular attention to the cranks , warning thorn to keep away from him at the peril of instant do.ith. Ho snid in the case of Jones , who fired at him lust H turdoy , he would have boon shot do-id had not tlie homos roared at the moment the guurda allot at him , llo wkod only I that the jury dhposo of the cane 01 thu fads. Mr. Scovillo ca'lod ' forSomtor.lohi A. Logan , of Illinois , Kmory A Storrs and Charles H. Rood. Noli answered , and Jtuoph U Smith , o Krecpurt , was sworn. Ho tcstifiei that ho know Guitrau'H father ; though him "queer , " but not cr.wy ; know Gnitoan and his former wife , but hi know nolliing of their married lifo. .fame * U. FOHS.JOI Now Hampshire an to 'tho ' shooting , testi lied that ho heard , i eeond shot , : iw the prisoner in the hands of nil oflicd and appeared very highly indignant thought the wren m in luid been nr rested. H. Uoetl , utato attorney o or twelve years , tostiftod tt ' appearing as comunl for tin in a minor criminal case when ho undo a nmb iuj , incoliuroti speich. Hu fcubwqiiotitly stated hi was about to buI'ho tutor ttent newspaper , although lie liad nr money , but tit-ponded upon his in tl nonce Guitwiu indoavorod to bor row 815 of li + ni a f w d.iys before the shooting , sayini" when he jiot hispluci. from the gnVLramcnt hu xvunld pay i that B.uine was backing him am wai all right. Ho told the witnoH- ho would in a few days bo iiomin ated for the Paris can-nilito. Witness advisciUiiin to seokii minor pn itinuv and Guiio-iu was inilignaiit. Ho liar visited Guitoau in his cell since the shooting , and asked him why lie ( .hot tlio president. Guitcau enid the Lor < ; did it , usinjf him at His instrument. The prisoner was incoherent , anil struck his hands wildly against the wall. Gtiiteau always nppouod sin cere. This waa the limt indication ho over haw of violence In his cross-examination Hood - , tes tified that ho visited 'Uuitonu ' in the cell at the requmt of Scovjlle. Ho never coiUidorod him dangerous , and did not think him incapable of judg ing right Irciin wroni ; . Ueed denies that lie had stated to Cork hill that ho thought Guitoau of unsound mind but responsible for crime. Ho sat by Seovillo's side during tlio trial and BUggeetod questions llo repeated the a-st'i-tion thatGuiteau's attempt to borrow money was four days before thu allnciliny. Guiteau interrupted : "That , was false ; it was two months before. " fie c uitiiiuod his interruptions until Fudge Cox told him if he did not stop ! io would bo gagged. This silenced "lim. At 12:08 : p. nu no further witness answered and recess for half an hour was declared. After recess the first witness was Herman H. Kmerliog Ho know the GtiitiMii family fourteen years in Freeport - port , 111. The elder Guitcau always believed doctors unnecessary and if people believed in God they would never die. On cross-examination the witness acknowledged ho waa an inti- ma e friend of the Scovillo and Gui teau families and had written to a Mr. Orloy. saying if ho gathered evi dence of the peculiarities of the Gui teau faroiJyJie wou'.d'bc ' ppjiacMl as . a witness and would receive n re muneration from the government. On being further cross-examined ho acknowledged he had actt-d almost as consulting counsel in the case , and had prepared a brief for Scovillo on intamty. Be never know the prisoner personally , but know his father intimately. The next witness Thos. North , of Chicago , a former resident of Free- port. Jlo testified as to the peculiari ties of the older Guitoan , with whom ho wan associated in official town busi ness. Mr. North was cross examined at great length concerning the pe culiarities of tliu elder Guitcau , relat ing an instance when ho commanded a deceased dauuhtir in the nauio of ( Clirist , iid also a sick woman , ttiariBo and walk in thu name of Christ. Neither cumnunds were obeyed. Ho was apparently aincere. The witnuaB was asked if the prisoner resembled his fatlicr. The prosecution objected , but the question was allowed , and the witness eaid ho was an exact facsimile of IIIH father. In referring to the Hacrilicial belief of the eldt-r Guitoau , Mr. North aaitl : One evening in a public meeting , in discussing troubles concerning a cer tain son of a family , ho B.-iid : 'Take knife and slay him as Abraham did Isaac. ' Ho really meant just what ho said. " The witness continued his testimony until . ' ! o'clock , when the court ad journed. Mrs. .Scoville will testify to-morrow , and poBsioly Guitoau. "It is understood the defense bus mbpoonaod ono of the government ox- icrts who had made up his mind con- irary to the expectation of Corfchill. WASHINGTON NOTES. -iV.loiml l'n"t AiiodUlon , WE.NtKS IUIHO.V ti 8T.iNni.VU. \VAXIIIMITU.V , November 25. The dopartmer.t nf justice this niftrning < lonies tint A. M. Gibson ituH any itanding in tint department as an at- .ornoy. . liA.VK ! JONKH INMCTP.U. The grand jury this evening return- id an indictment agiinst Joiiys , who ittackod Guitoiu , charging assault vith intent to kill. " 01 01' 1IO.VD nKDHMITION. cf : WAHHINOTON , November 25. TJio cfCI : land redemption nuilitr the 105th call fr ) date amounts to $10lj,5 ( ! ! ( ) . tr CA1II.VKT MKKriNO. ? ' Ill Socrolarios Blaine , Folder , Lincoln ti tnd Hunt attended the cabinet meet- o tig to-duy. The dopirtinont of jtis- ice was roproscntii'l ' by Silicitor- Jonoral Phillips. Dupirtmont mat- crs alouo formed thu subject of dis- lUHiion. Afcor next week the c-ibinot uooting * will bo held in the white louse. ' THE HTAK KOUTE CAHKH. The question of A. M. : iuthority as an nttornoy for tlio Jnitcd Htatei in tlio star route invcs- ifjatiou luivini { called out from Solid- or-Genoral I'liillipn a lott r doubting uch authority , Gibson has written a oply which the departinont of juatico , my make public to-morrow. It x laiina that Gibdon'a appoiiitmout personal from MaoVengh nnd thai it * was on ( his Gibson published the vnluminnun rejKjrl of the invostiRn which was written and printot1 Mi'anwhilo the grand jury uro 001 slderiug the star routii caoe , sovoru witnescea having alrondy been examined amined , The Billiard Tonrnnmonl X\tinimt AK-ocUtnl I'tmf. Knvf YOHK , November SJft. In th billiard tournament this iifli > rnoo D.ily beat Sexton in the ( ' "nd inniii by a aeoro nf 200 to 181. Hiwt riniH- D.ily , J , 10 , 44 ; Sexton , US , 1M , 12. InthoHfoond gnmo between Dal , and Schaufur the litter won in th 1'iilrd inning by a ncoro f " 00 t 187 Most uns Daly , 11 , 17 , 17 ; Hchaele 11,17 , 11. Ditm and t'arlor opened tilt' gumo tbia evening. Dion won the gimo fo the ohampi mship and the first pm in the ( list inninit by a score of 20 to lot. Winner's avernge , . ' ( 17-lil. The last came of the tounmmeii was played between Schacfor and Sex. tun. Soliaofor won tlio camu in Ih f > ! ) th inning bv a score cit 200 to li Sch'iofor taknsgccond pri.pandVal lace. Mortis and Sloston will play o : tii1. * for third money to-iuornuv. The great , match for ยง 5,000 , belwcei Si'\ton and Scluofer will be played 01 Dei-ember 2th. ! ) PORBIQN INTELLIGENCE , Yesterday's Budget of Newu by the Cable. Nation il AHtoi-iatcil l'rt" . Till : JIASClIKSTKIl HACKS. liONUON , November 25. The race For the Manchester Salford Wolte handicap to-ilay was won by Picador with IDtoii Hocond and Montrose third Thu race for tlin Manchester Ellesmere more \\olter handicap came off to-day and was won by Montrose , "with Don Christinu second and Princess Louise third. UISMAltOK AMI HIS 1'OLIOY. DUULIN , November 25. Bismarck at the state dinner last night made r speoeh disavowing apprehensions o u Hi'rious conll ctatiddiaBolution of th U'-iehstag. lie tu ly appreciated the difficulties ho must encounter in at tempting to enforce the emperor's pol icy , and did not underrate the opjio sition. but tinticipitcd Mictvss. It do fo.ited ho would confine himself to foreign alfiiis , and appoint a vice- chancellor for the homo department. , ' Bismarck will Opposition pip < ji'H Bay evade the contest. 1IOYII AMI IIANLAN. LONDON , November 25. Boyd has chtillo gjd Uunlnn to row a nice on the Thames for from 200 to .Cl.OOO a sido. NO REVOLUTION IN VE.SKZUKLA. NKW YOUK , November 25. The Vonrzui'liitn charge d'affiires denies that thtro is a revolution in Vene zuela , us reported by cable from .Havro thiEniorninsc----- IIH. CAKVIIB. LONDON , November 25. Dr. Car ver , the American rifle marksman , shot at Ilondon to-day in competition with Mr. Eden to kill the greatest number out of 50 pigeons , Carver shootingjit thirty yards rise , while Eden slipt at twenty-eight. Carver won , killing I53 ] Eden killed 150. . lUIPJSHOIl WILLIAM. Br.iii.iN , November 25. Emperor William is still indisposed , but sleeps well. Till : CAItDINAI.'S 1 > AUOI1TKU. KOMI : , November 25. The Capital nf this city publishes n number of documents supporting the claim of 'oiuituss L'lmbertini as a daughter of the late Cardinal Antonolli. ANOTIIEll "fiUSl'ECT. " . Dtiiir-iN , November 25. Ono Ma- lony , who is believed to bo the per son who circulated the "no rent" manifesto has been arrested. nr.Ai ) . PAIIIH , November 25. M. Atns Barso , the celebrated French savant , is dead. OAMMKITA'H rAi-KU. M. Gambclta is going to publish at Marseilles an iuniorUiit ovuning jour nal called The , to support liis policy. Hl'ANIHir KTHAMI'.K LOUT. LONDON , November25. A dispatch to Lloyds Bays the Spanish steamer Josi-llanos has foundurcd at sea and fifteen lives have been lost. Failures Daring the Woek- yatlonnl Anxoclatixl I'rcm " NEW YOHK , November 25. There went 123 failnriH throughout thu Uni ted States and Canid.i reported to liradfitix-et'a during the past week , an . incriiiso of two as c.nnparod with the reconi of the preceding week , Tlio Jecrvaao was the largest in the middle tatos , while in the western there was in increase , the southern and New England states showing about the " Cotton Prodnoorn' Convention , . ' ATLANTA , fia. , November 25. An mportant convention will usstiinble v n the grounds of thu international otton uxposition on the ( ith of Do- etnber , and will continue in Boaaion ivo dnys , for the purpose of bringing : ogcthur all persons interested in the I lultivation of thin ttaplo to study thu mploment.H and machinery on oxhihi. ion and confer on matters of moment thu wholu planting Mining Now * . ; KAN FitAScist'o , November 25 fining news from Caribou , Hritish 'olumbia , is very good. Statistics of tie past year have been largely in or- eBn of jirovious months. ? iinall PoxEildemlo in Roolienter > ' NKW YOIIK , November 25. The iUthoritics hero received a roijuoBt : ttd have sent two thousand vaccine > ints to Rochester , where the lor. U becoming epidemic. SILVER CITY , TliB Past and Present of an Idaho Oommnnity , Through the Vnlloy of the Jordan. Observations Along the Owy heo-An Old-Tim El Dor ado. EfToot of Railroail Extouklonn San rraiifl'ool'hronl 1i HOI.SK CITV , 1. T. , Noxviubor 15. The ride from Hoino to Sdvi-r rity is Dot thu most pivpo.wtniui , ' nt thin season of the year. Thu stngo leaves the territorial capital at , ' ! a. in. , and dashoA out of the little garden ' 'i'y at once , HO that its lovely oi-ohai-iU'iiro lost to Bight an soon an one lias cr < > * sud tlio yellow Hoods of tl' < > modern I'nctolus. For ( iftoun inikvi not \ \ housu or feiico gl.uldonh thi eye. The buk : of the | > r-iirii' wolf and the scream of tlin wild fowl , scared from its reedy bed , < i : < < all that varies the monotony of tm ! jmirney. t\L daybreak wo re.ich ana lu where wo uit down to a breakfaht. A fresh team living to the w utoii , wo now speed away wi-s.iw.ird nt\ \ the sun uives his litKt . 'Unu ' over the Itoiso mountitiim to .sue if the wotld is j'ut awake. Itoforo us , fifty milun awtty , lowers thoOwyheo r.mgo , cold and dull in the early IL'htvhilo bo- Mud im ( hu Hois moutitanm nro all ijjloiv. About us all is iK-Ndlalioii. Nothing but Hagobrush and hand for tiles. Our ( cam toils heavily up the ill which overlooks Unako river , and a herd of eleven dour spring up from their bed beside the , and they canter elF with the speed of the wind. About twomilos aw.iy , ncroxi a Mough wlicro myriads of wild fowl iiio'fcedingi floinuthiuu' wlitto moves xluwfy aiong. It in a held of antelope that hm > Ixien feeding on the * hitu na'f. ! no.v lipo with tliu lirsb front , Till : OWVIIKK KIVKK. Half an hour more and wt * mo at the banks of Snake river , whiuli xvi < cross at the Owyheo ferry. llen > a second cluiiiie in had and we drive iii- ] on the broad old HCO\V to crocs tin- river. What a , change in tno hun dred miles ! The roaring , danguiviiri sttam that b.iilles the iiigo.iiuily of ihu pilotp no much at Luwiinon is here smooth and glassy , and as sluugith as ttio Feather at Maryvillo. The r.iil- road boom will make plunty of work for any steamboat under. 300 tons af ter next year. Doubts are had of iu ultimata course , mostpooplo believing that it will cross Buise river about 25 miles btlow IUHO ! ! City and build up a rival town. My awn idea is that it will never , ramo ou this side of the iJv.jrj. 1 have oxamliied both 'baiiltV of the Snake , and if it is as good alovu thu mouth of the Uwyeo as it is between that stream and F.irowoll Itend , 110 miles further down , it wi 1 keep on the nest side and run nearer to Silver than it does to Home. Thia will cheapen the cost of oveiything for the Uwjeo people plo except mining machinery , which they always h.ivo t-ot from San Fran cisco A wearisome journey was ours up the valley of 1'iyiiolds' creek on that bleak October afternoon. TIKI leaves hud fallen from the apple trues and the yellow poplaiH were ghostly and b.iro. Snow was fulling an we halted at the dinner station , and a more dismal day could not bo imag ined. Alter a wretuhed ride up the desolate niouni am side for t waive miles wo were beside the muddy watorj f .lotd.m creek , ono ot thu lamoim gold of America. JOIIDAV CKKUK. It Hews through the county seat and beside the now vacant and de- soiled towns of Uuby City and Buonu- villu. fbis crook is full of wasted Hold to-djy. The tailings are la-apod i1 up sixty feet high in some placcn. When thesp digyii g * were stiuck in j 1804 provisions were so noarco that a man could not muku wages to work u'l-ound that did not pay * ( ! per dsy to the hand. Now men would bu glad to work them , could they obtain fall of water enough to carry off what lies on toji of tht-iii A few Cliinecu work the bed of the creek .over every year , mid I they occasionally liud a lump of lost amalgam from BOIIIO of the mill * iliat gioimd out foriuni's in the palmy days of the ' 'Ida Elmoro , " "Golden Chariot" and "Poor Man. " All tin-so clniiim are now abandoned ind are full of water. Silver Uity begins to show marks of wear and .oar , but it keeps a stiff upper lip , and kvill die ganiQ when it docs die. It us fourteen saloons , and not a "bit IIUUHO" among thorn. At thu "Idaho" ihoy play "solo wxly" for cigarH , three Fur a dollsT. And you must not jnd o tlieso Hhabby-looking old fellows by ' their clothes , either. Thny often are well heeled , " but love logo Silver City lies at thu mouth of Long ar 'iilch , which comes in at the foot of to Koridiiinoiiiiiain. Itut this place is great tributary of San Francisco , ind still p ys in largo minis of money uiniially to the merchants of that ity. Somn of the stores hero carry is high as $150,000 worth of goods ( trough the winter , because the roads ire viitu.illy elcsod by snow after the 1st of Noveinbur. 11AII.UOAI ) r.XTOUTlOM. Tli is freight is hauled in wagons from \Vinticmucca , 210 miles , at a \ < > Ht of about three cents per pound. rin-at complaint is made by thu mer N chants huro ugainst the unjust din- iriminatioiiH of ( hu Central Pacific ailroad , which charges 82 10 per 100 { lounds to Winnemiicca , and only 1 10 to Kelton , which is nearly . ' )50 ) nik'H further. It will und in San I'Vancirco losing all this vahmblo irade , because whenever the Oregon railway and Navigation company is otnplet d to thu Grande Hondo val ley , HU that they will not have ovorl'OO nilej of wagon hauling thewj merchant * nill buy their goouji iu Portluud. ( Another great cause of complaint is that goods arc not delivered as they are shipped ; that Kelton freight , i'i given the profi'reiieo over ( jooiN iilnjiped \Yiitiioniucca , I'nlts.ides ( iml ISIko ; that earn containing ircight for the latter towim are mulched out at way points all along the line , nnd that Kultnn car * nro given "tho right of the roml" ever everything but pas- iionyor trains and trains loaded with to.i for Now York and Boston dhcet. A healthy ghoul is this mime half dt'-id looking town of Silver City , with its weather beaten stores and uooUns res idences. But I miw no evidence , of want on any oido. Of cotirso tin best part of the \V r K.iglo moitntiiii in worked out , but thuro are scores ol fellows who go elF ovtry once in t while and coinu back with suvoi or eight hundred dollaru that they Im pounded out in a hand mortar. N man will ovir diu of mtlmu in that ti.wn , for it is about 7,000 foot abovi the sett. The MIOH lun from ten t onrtion feet dooji in February , but it March a warm wind , of thu style ol ho t hviroti 'Chinook , " lakes the utiinv ill' . Then they to about in tluir Ion ; ; uin boo-H , those sturdy all sin-vivori if ' ' 111 , Ituglniu ; tit danger and enjoy IIL ; lifo in tliuir rough w.iy. AN MNiimrn : : : Tlioro is a do.-d of line man- ami rude nobility nmom ; the hvyhi'o inountiiinoor.H , and no man svur wont inv.-iy from theii1 doom him- gry. In ; inonntain fast' the traditlotiH of early Califor tin arc * still lu'jit ulivo like vestal tires if old. The cattle mun of thu Jordan i alloy do most all their trading at Sil ver Citv , und aonut of the larger "bull barons" pay up once a year in the sum of $8,000 , or 810,000. The fwttivo cow-boy don't limn nth bin siiRhootor around thin town OH ho does in the Montana and NVyomini ; towns. The old pioneer element fdmoU on sight , hence them ) Texas foilons buluivo thiMiisclvoH jiretty well in Silver City and speak when they are Hpokon to , Tlio Jordan valley has plenty of hunch-grass pastures , and the cattle are diivcn to NVinno- mueii.-i and shipped tlionco by rail to San Fr.ineifoo. All the cereals tlirivu in ihu Owyheo valley , and the farm ers got good prices for what they pro duce. Lumber in high and the cost of fencing a farm invo ves a heavy outlay , as lumber readily soils for 6-4(1 ( for the very roughest kind. For this reaaon many of tliu farm houses are built nf adobe , than iitfcrdin nests for the ( wallows and perennial hhelter for the ipijtiri'an ' bedbug. Fences are made by diguing trenches about liv feet wide and piling up sagebrush bo- hide them to the hcighth of three feet. No homo ever tries to jump thin HO it of a fence , and no hog can over trot beyond the ditch. Thu mining clement In almost entirely old California ! ! , while the ranchcii are to a great extent - tent inhabited by people from Kansas and Missouri. heroyer you BOO a real Yankee his avocation is dairying , mid ho is raking in hay with one hand anil dollars with { ho other. FircR Yesterday- NutinhfU AHrwcUU-U I'runi Si'uiNoi'iKi.u , November 25 The saloon and residence of Mrs. Henry Koiiiurd was destroyed by fire to-day. Loss , 8 0,000 ; iiiBiiranco ? 10,000. IJrtTAU ) , November 25. The planing mill of IJrastiiH U.irt 'i ' Co. wan destioyod by lire this evening , to- uothor with a largo quantity of lum ber. , $120,000 ; partially insur ed. Hosio.v , iN'ovouibar 25. A fire this evening in tlio block of buildings No. 10 to 22 , Beverly street , occupied by ClniH. .Miller , miniiifnettmir of stair riih-B , and by the Now England ma- chinoconij any , c.inecd alons of 20- , 000 , which is partly covered by iiiHiir- unco. The Canadian Puolllo JPtonil- National Aiwoclatml I'IOHJ. 'J'oitoNio , Out. , Novombur 25. Over fiftocn hundred poninim attended thu baiiquot given Sir John MacDon- aid by the conservative convention lust , night. In tlio course of the npcech Sir ilnlm stated that ho liad received a letter from the piTsidentof the 1'acillc railway syndicate authorizing him to announce that the road would bocnm- ploted from ocean to ocean within live yt-aiM , which IH one-half of the time allowed by the contract. Porloai Klnvator Accident. National AHSOO ulrd I'ICM , KANSAS ( 'nv , November 25.'I ho u'ovator ' fell this morning a distance uf sixty fc'iit in Meyer Bros , .t CO'H. wholesale ding iron ) , currviii' ' , ' with it six bane's f sulphur and the porlor uf tlin building. The latter wasludly injured. Tlio Hiilplinr in its dencum exploded an 1 ignited and the atlomjit to put out the tire i-auKiM a loss of 5rU,0 < > 0 , the water injuring the drugs in ihu ollar. Iiidinatlonii- S'fltlonkl Atc tid I'n-HH. ' WAKIIINHIOX , N ( vomber 22. For Lho hike region : I'urtly cloudy wcath- , occasional light snow , southwest northwest winds , rising tempera ture , falling , followed by rising bar- iineter in the lower lakes , and rising . barometer , nt.itionary or lower torn- . pcraturi ! in the upper lakes ; For tlio upper fllississiiipi and lower Mis'outi valleys : 1'artly cloudy : weather , liglit snow in thu north | or lion , winds mostly from northwest to ] southwest , rising baromer , stationary ir lower tempoiatnre. ia Wood Worlnr 'Mutual Inmirunoo Company. Katlonal An.v > olaUil ; I'IUM. November25-- Mutual CINCINNATI , - - - tual insurinco company has boon or- Hiiiiiud by mem burn ol the furniture jxulmngo for thu bunulic of wood 'orkurH. The factories will ccu&o to insure in other companies. Her Rooord. I"- HAN FJUWCIHCO , November 25. At Lho Bay district races Ilinda HOHO , a yearling filly , reduced her former tbo bwt ) nword of 243i ; to S ; 6J. A MURDEROUS COWBOY , Tlio Death ola Partner the Bosul of a Qnarrol at Sidney. A Rod-Hiuulnd Qimrtotto Aecondocl Yeetordny vm the Coloatial Short Liuo. Bloody Riot ami Mnrdorvvith Sjmdua nud Shovola iu TounosHoo. The Stnr Route Caoea Sure to Como Up for Trial m Phila- dolphiiv in Pobrxiury. , - After Uaiutr Hia Wife Lik a Boiiat , an Ohio Brulo Ends Her Conviction of a Miui in KIUIBJIB For the Murdorot a , Kuu- 8U8 City Drumtr or. The Dny'rt Rroord nf the Dootl * of tlio Daiuonn Qouorollj- . CRIMINAL NOTES. MI-Hllini AT HIU.NKV. Kprcul IH'pntfli toTIm Hiv. SIIINKV , November 25. Mnrdor again prevailed hero last night. Two intoxic.itud cowboys begun wrestling in Itubel'H saloon , Hank Coyno pulled bin revolver and hit the other , James Jameaon , on the head , makingaaovorn gash. .lame on ran to Oborfoldur's store , obtained Irs revolver , and Hworo ho would kill Coyno on night. Coyno kept away from him seine time , but finally followed him into a saloon and shot him with a Colt's 45 revolver. The bullet took ell'oct in : the bladder and passed to the pelvis. All was done to relieve him , but ho died at 715 ; this morning. Ilia murderer : derer escaped to the blulfs , but a strong is after him and if cap tured a nock-tio party will probably be the result. iiAMiiin KOK Mi'iiiniu. ATLANTA , November 25. Itichard James ( colored ) wus hanged at Mar ion , S. 0. , to-day for the murder of D. M. Darnell. Harvey Johnson ( colored ) was hiingo at Sumpter , in the same state , to-day for the murder of John D.ivis in February. UoatiuHVU.Li : , Tenn. , Nov. 25. Jou tlarris was hangedri hero this afternoon for tho'inilrdfti y two mon , Brown and Heck. Ho butchered his two victims in bed and robbed them a year ago. A number was present from all parts , but good order pro- ; vailed. The tlroji WHH about live feet and ho died without much pain. : OUAWKOUD.SVII.LH , ( ia.Novomber 25. Sam ? Armor ( colored ) was hanged hero to-day for the murder of Win , Ellington , last March. Howaslmplined yoitorday , spent a sloeplitw night , foil repentant and expected to go to heaven. He was hanged in a meadow near town in the presence of a large s crowd. llo confessed the crime. . IlUHl'tTKIl. LF.XINCITON , S. 0. , November 25 , Inquire Clark , to bo hanged to-day , has bocn ruipitud to December 2ld. ! Itr.TTKH OIT ALL AltOUND. I'KiiUYsnnio , ( ) . , November 25 LouiH Il.iab , a farmer , killed his wife and then himself by shooting. Ho had lived unhappily for the lust ten ye.-irs. Ho often whipped her nnd coinpilled her to work in the Held in addition to household duties. CONVIC'TKII OP MfJItDIIIt. . " \ViNrir.t.D , KIIH. , November 25. Thomas A. A unstrung , indicted for thu murder of .lames Hiluy , a diiim- ( mor , of Kansas City , on October 17 last , was ycsferduy convicted of mitr- ilor in tlin itccriiid tlogruu. The iunish- mont cannot o.\ceed twenty yoirs' im- , under the laws of Kansas. IILOODV nioT. MOUIUSTOWN , Tumi. , November 25. There was a bloody riot at Oliver , Anderson county , yesterday , at which iliovi Is and spades wore freely used. G I'lio participants in the affray wore Floury Child * , Jack Taylor , Call Me- i 3uo and Buck Diij/gaiiH. Two wore lanverously hurt , ileury Childs was ; cillml by a blow on the head by Jack Paylor , MUUllKKIill HOIl KOIIItKUI. ATL NTA , Ga. , November 25 , The rvifo and three-year old daughter of n 'armor named Clews wor.i found iniir- lorod near Thonuisvillo yesterday for robbery. No clue , ' INCltKAKK OI' 1UII , KI-.O.UIUKI1. Tiiii.AinariilA , November 25. Thu dlegcd Htar route conspirators wore .o-day required to renew their bail in .ho sum of 95,000 eich , At the Fob- uary term ot' the difitrict court the ases will bo called for trial. A piom- mint United Stales oflicinl , being ii.stionod on tiu fiiibject of the ibatidonmont of thusu cases , iiulig- ai lantly denied any uuch intent'on , , } ing that the government in dutor- s nined to punish the parties who have : successfully cheated it. ( i inroit iiKiAMv. November 2H. Cajitain M. I' . Wuhirick , landlord of the Com- inurcial house at Kinmoltsburg , was loclcod up yoitorday on the charge of bigamy. Itoth wivun am on hand to . : prove the chargo. ; Hiior roit A WOMAN. \VILLIA.MSTON , 111. , November 25. John Butler , u printer , was shot nnd perhaps fatally wounded by Mike Homplull , a barber , who came here n short time ugo from Chicago. Thu uiou'lmd a dispute about a woiuaa , | | I M v'ni/-nti of Otcnn Stonmor * . ( T tlon l AMorittH I'tovt. NKW YIIHK , November 25 , The stiMiner tlalha , from liiverpool , duo hero on Tuesday , arrived to-day. The Silesia , from Hamburg , also arriwd. AMWKIIV , Novi-mbcr25. Hailed on the 2 ( thTho IVtcr Ueconitck for No\v "orfc. Lo.vtHiN , Novpinber 24.Sailnd ou the 2. U--Tln ) Canada for New York. ( JtAsiiow , November 25 , Arrived The Kthnpiit. from New York. Iiiviniroflft , November 2T > , Arriyeil - The S.unaria , from Koston. Mntlnj- n BritlnN Ship- National A fioluii'IM \ > . WASHI.VOTHV , November 25. Tin ? Hritixh ship has coino to anchor If the OcLiwaro breakwater , the crow Living mutinied1 and rt-fuso to go to > CR'.l. Dontli of nir Old Warrior. Kallnnl AKMiolAtoil I'rwM. ttutunv , Fla. , Novotnlur 25. The loath ID announced of Uhipoo , a noted Seminole warrior , over one Inuidroil , 'oiini old. Pnvriiou Items CornxpctiilcluM ol llij II-j. PAWNKK CITV , November 25. The approaching cold weather haH somu- wlint retarded our bricklayers , which will , if it continue : ! , adjourn our build ing boom until spting. A Mr. Hurri ( > , of Sterling , Nobraa- ka , will bt > the railroad ticket agent hero as soon us there is a demand for services iiv tint direction. A wood chopper ( wo could not get his name ) cut elf his right foot yesterday - day iuur Cincinnati while chopping ; wood , A defective flue in Kelly's drug ; store in thia city came near starting- another destructive lire at the end of the row where the first great lire ter minated. About 200active men com posed a bucket brigade which prompt ly subdued the tl.imos without any Janiago to speak of , otherwise than han damage toutock in quenching the- liro. Our county has no farmer's alliance Lhus far. lint since its inception in ho west part of the state and its po- itical intlneiico in Adanm and Fill- inoro counties at the late election , ita jurly organi/.ition is looked forward to with interest. D. M. Pullman and Ed. Bell , took tir t ptcinimns at the Into state lair , for lust driving and walking toanin which in quilu a f oat her in our coun t's progress in the reuring of line lorsoH. Fred. S. IIa8slorr of this city , is re garded as a bigger man than ( irant iu politics. When all other schemes fail ind all other politicians go under Fred zoinoa to thu front on clcctionday and elects his man. Homo of our fanners nro talking of importing seed wheat from Minnesota , this coming spring. There is millions ) in it as tliero is a largo demand for u oed article of that kind during the Doming spring , and some good farmer ould realize handsomely f nr under- siting an enterprise of this kind. A shooting atl'ray occurred about Mghteen miles west of this city on Mum crook , yesterday , in which A. itanon shot and killed 11. M' . * Meyers , The cause of the shooting s ( hat Muyoru was caught in secret iason witli Stunton's wife. Stanton Mill at large , he having escaped al- .houyli the shooting done on his. iwn premisi s. I'awneu City is enrobed in a now lidowalk throughout for the first time n its history. Thanksgiving day was generally ob- lurved heio by appropriate oxorciHca n the churchu.s and the closing of tliu Miiim-m iiouses. Nothing of importance transpiring- low in our quiet city except an occa- ioiial drunk now and then to molest ho piety of our burg. I'awneu City will have but onohotol .ftcr next week and theru is not a bet- er opening in the west for a good ii-Ht-cluss hotel than here in thU i-ogresnivo city of the west. ANOTHER HOTEL. iomothlug 'Which Workmen will Appreciate. William A. I'axton , of Paxton & Jallaghor , who are building a largo vholeualu housu on Tenth street , has ; prospect in view which cannot but ive the laboring men considerable lomfort , Hu proposes to erect ou hu ground now occupied by the Slavm lousu a four-story brick hotel , espo- lially adapted in its arrangements and Lppuintmonts to thu needs of work- ngmen and transients -who deairo a iidging place with reasonable rates. I'ho hotel will adjoin the now waro- louse , of which oiio ( wall will coimti- utu the south side. It will bo forty- our feet wide and , as before montion- ioneil , four stones high. The room * ng capacity will accommodate about cventy-flvo reunhir boarders without irowdinj. . This building , Mr. Puxton. ntumhi to make at once commodious , tnd practically comfortablo. its coat. vill bo froni $15,000 to ? 20,000. , It neither his intention to build a hu- ul to attract tirnt-clafs travelint ; cns- iinnor to make so ox pensive a build- ng that the prices of board and tran- ilent lodging should bo equal to those if the more pretentious structures ; but ho recognizes thu nuccssiticH of tiboring men who are , to a certain ex- ont , toniporarily in Oinulm , and iu- .onds to provide at least a part of lu-se witli a comfortable , clean ami commodious boarding house which ihull at thu Humu time prc&ent itu hoa- pitablo attractions to thu traveler of iiodi-st means. Tlioru is little doubt , nit that Huch a hotul. wil ) bu both a , benefit to the city and a BUQICOAR for itu wuot and proprietor.