THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : VR1DAY , NOVEMBER 25. 1881 T11E DAILY BEJ OMAHA PUOLISHINQ CO . PROPRIETOR ! 010 Farn ham , bet , Oih nnd 10th Streets. TKUMS OK SlWSOUIl'TIOtf. One copr 1 jcar.ln tritancofn m | 10I v months " < ji Iinonth " < . J | BAIL WAY TIME TABLE. \ CIIICVQO , ST. r u. , * OMA1U HMLRUU' . " * ' \lx-i\o Oinilii fft < i eincr No 2 , 7 Ma. in A commotHtloii No 4 , 100 ] > in Atr uOrnnhvlasscnccr No. ] , 6.10 j > ti Actommotlntlan No , 3 , 10 CO * in. t-KAVlNa OUAIIA BAST OR SOUTH tCVKD. 0. , B , & o. 7MO . Bi. 3.10 p m. 0. A N. W , 7 40 . m. S'tO p. tn. C. , R. I & P. , 7 40 ft ni _ < 0 IL m. K. C. , St J. * C. II , S .v m art G : ! p. m. ArrhCiS.-Ubt. I.ouUnt C 30 ft. m. ftnil 6.E p. m , . , t. L. i R , laMMfttB B. m. ami SW | in. Atrt\ci at St. Louis AtC.IO n. in , and 7:3 ft m. WIST OR 80CT1IWFJTO. D. & . M. In Neb. , Throtmti Kxnrtts , 8:10 : . n 11. & M , Lincoln VxprtM 0 20 11. ID. U V ICxi rc 8 , 1J.15 i. m. O. k K. \ . tor tln.-oln , 11H5 a. rr. O. & 11. V for OatLoli. 10 10 u. m , II. 1' . frclcht No. C , h iO a. in. U. P trrlitht No. fi , S 10 n. m. U. V. freight No. 13 , 20 : J > m. U. I' , frnalit No. 7 , wlO | i. m. emlgnnt. . . V Pemir eviircs' , 7 31 ; p. in. 11. P. ( r.Urht So U , 11 SO p. ni. U. P. Dimer frilghMgSp. in. ilMMMi fKOU CAUT AXD I > OUTII. C. D. & O b DO A , in. 7.23 p ni. C. ft N. W. , U J5 m. 7 25 p > n. u. K. I. ft P.,0 J5 ft. in OC \ - \ . to. . C. , St. Joe kO U , 7:10 : n. in - ' 46 JLBIUVINU PROX THIS WFAT AND BOUTHW I. n. * It. V. ( ram Lincoln 1 03 p. m. U. 1' . Hutux1 * 3 25 p. ni. D & M.lii Neb. , nitouah Ktprc4:15 : p. n II. Si M. Lincoln K\pro > s 0 to A m , U. I1. Demi r txpro-.ii , 7.S' > u in , U. ' * . rreitnl > io. 1O 4 35 | i. in. IT. P. < 1 lfO a. m. Kmltrrant. U. P , frclRlit Nn 14 , HUJ : p. m. U , P. < . , . o U 00 p. 111. I ) . P. Vf. r l'4B a. m. 17. P , Dcmer freight , 1:10 a m. O. & It , V. inlxoil. fti. ill ) | > . ic. DU1II1T TRAINS BJTWnRN OUAUA AR9 OOVILlL BLLrPB. Leave Omaha at 3:03 : , 0 00 and 11:00 . m 10 S-00 , S 00 , 4 UO , 6 00 and 0 00 p m. Lowe CouniU IlnTe ) ( at ti 25 , 8.26 , ll:2fi : ft. u 1125 , 3:25 , 3 25 , 4 26 5-25 and 6 25 p. in. Buntlayn The dummy lixkvos Omaha kt 0.0 aad 11-00 a. m. ; ' .00 , 4.00 and BOO i > . m. I.OAXC ' Council lllufla t 9 26 ml 11S5 : a m. ; 2.25 , 4 : ! and 6:25 : j > . m. _ _ _ _ _ Opening an' Closing of Mflls. roms. OrilS. CLCfiB. ft. m. p. m , i. m. p. n W. . n.oo B 03 030 24 .H i. * r'raiir.e.ii'oo 000 (130 ( 24 Cllcnjfo , U. Si il 11 CO 900 0x0 24 1230 030 9t SouxCit ) wid I'ao'lc. ' . 900 OSO 24 Union 1'iu.lllc. . . . . fuu 11:10 : Om&h tlt. V t-OQ iv o B &M. In Neb -100 810 Oaihus Stoux Cltj' . . . . OCX ) 733 B. &M. Uncoln Ill 30 00 U. 1' . tln"Oln Sundaj. . . 1.30 11:00 U. P Ucnv.rEx000 0.3 osiouxtit ) ast r .11 ex ) i.i i-nuvl iiniln tor Htato ol lovia lca\e but oncu d ) \\t \ : U M n. nl. Otflca open Runda ) a from 12 m. to 1 p. m. TIIOS F HALL P II. Business Directory. Abitract otid Final bstate. JOHN L. McCAdUK , opixwlto Pott OClcc. W. K. BAHTLETT 317 South ISth Street. Architects. DUFttENE & MENDELSSOHN , ' Room 14 Cn-Ijchton llotl > . A. T. LAKGE Jr . Room 2. Cicluhton Boot * and Shoes , JAMFS DBVINE & CO , Fine Boots and Show. A good Dtscrtmcmt c homo work on hand , corner 12th and Ilarney. TII08. ERICKSON , S K. cor. 16th and Dcuglu JOHN FOKTUNATUS , 60S 10th strret , nunntacturca to order good woe kt ( air prices. Hcpairln ? dono. Bed Springs. J. F. LARIUMEK Manufacturer. 1517 Dourlaaal Books , News and Stationery. J. I. FRUKItAUK 1016 Farnham Street. Butter and Eggs , McSUANH & SCHKOEDER , the oldest B and I booao In Nobranka cntfiblnhod ! 1875 Omaha. CKKTllAL. KF STAURANT , MRS. A. RYAN , oathwent corner iGthind Dotlzo. Beat , Board for the Sloncj. S4tleaction Ouannttoil Meals at all Hours. Board by the Da } ' , Week or Month. Good Tcrma ( or Cash Furnlshnil H Uarrlaces and Road WU BN YDER , 14th and Hurncy Btrccta. dewa en. JOHN BAUMER 1814 rarnham Street. dunk. H. nErTUOLD , Rags and Metal. Lumbar , Llmo and Oemcnt. FOSTER * . OR vY corner th and Douiflai St * Lamps nnd Glasswnro. J. BONNKR 130t JJotalaa St. Oooi ! Varlet > Merchant Tailors. G A. LINDCJUEST , One ot our niont iwpuHr Mcrrlnnt Tallora Is re cel\liiK the latest dunt \ lot bpriiiff and Buimm : Gooda ( or entliinoii'i ) wear , btylikli , durable and priced low nn mcr 215 1'Jtl ) tict. Uou . &Fnrn Millinery. MRS. 0. A. KINOEK , WhoIcyilcnnJ Retail , Fan cy floods In ( jre.itariUy , Zej > h\rh , Cird IloanU HoslLrj , Glovf ) , C'or ctK , A.C. Cheapest HOIIHO lr the West. I'urchtw.i-8 i.i\c SO pur u.nt. Ordu by Mall. 11G Fiftuuitli htri-ct r-oundry. JOHN \ \ EAIUTK & BONd. cor. 14th & Jaihson nil ( lour and Fend. OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th nd Farnham btn , Wolnhane Ilros , proprietors. Urocerc. Z. STEVKNS , 21 t between CuralnR n < l Irar T. A. McSHANE , Corn. 23il and Cuinlnu Streets , nardwaie. Iron nci bteoi. DLAN & LANOWOimiY , Whoe ! ale , 110 t.nt 112 15th trCt A. HOLMHH corner 10 h and ralKornlk Harness , Saddles , Sec. B. WKIBT 20 18th Ht. lii t FarnA Harnev Hotels , ANPIELDHOU3KGeo.Canflaldth& ) Famhin ; DORAN nOUSB , P H Gary , 918 Farnham St SLAVES'S IIOTKL. F. Sla < en , 10th St. Southern Hotel , Qiu. Hamcl Oth &Leavcnwortl Olothlng nought , 0 3IIAW will pay highest Cach price ( or second hand clothlnr. Corner 10th and Farnham. Dentists. Da PAUL , Williams' Plock , Oor. 18th & Dodge. Drugs , Pal its and Ol Is. KUHN 4 CO. rhsraacteb. Fine "one ! , Cor. Hth nd Donifin trcoU W. J. WniTEIIOUf K , Wholef Ie A Retail , l th st. 0. FIKLD , 202S > ortti Hloo Cumlnc Strtet , PARR , Dmrotirt. loin and Howard Stro t9. Dry Qoorts Notions , Etc , JOHN II. K. LKJlMANN fi CO , K w York Dry Goods faore , 1310 ud 18U ram. him utroct. L. q Kn weld alM hootn nml riifir * 7th A Pacific. r-uruituro. A T. GROSS , New and Suond Hsnd Furniture ud Stovea , 1114 Douiriw. Ulfehwt cosh yrlce kid ( or Hecond hana soo'i. BONNElt 1809 Doo/W st. Fine joods. be , fence Works. OMAHA FKNCK CO. OUST , FRIR8CO.mSIUmey9t , fKtt- el Ice Boxm , lion and Woo < l Fences , Offlc * Rallloiri , Counters of Pine tad Walnut , Olgirt and Tobacco. WEST ft FR1T8CIIEH. manuacturers of Mid Wholesale DwJers ( n Tolaccon , X , r. LOHENZEN BiaoufcUr r Flnrlit , A. Dordfhct , pUot * , cut flowcrf , M ( l , et . N. W. cor. 10th an I Dourlw strcctn. Civil Englnrcn * nd Surveyors. ANDHMV RO&EWATKR , Crolghlon Woe Town Suncje , Gr de and Sewerage Systomt Uommllilon Merchants. JOHN 0.VIL I.IS.UH Dovluo Stitet. D U nEKMKK. fOTilftMls sceUv kdttl meut In I > ill\ anilVnkh Cornice Works , \Ventetn ComlcQ MorkK , Xlftrutkct.irtrs In C nilc , Tin , Iron and 8i ! ( Keening Onle ( - om.inv Imalllj | romi'tly cxrcutcil In tlie be uutincr. Fftctorj nnd Ollico 1213 lUrnc > St. 0. SPFC1IT , Proptictor Iron Cornices , \Miulow Cni > s , ot < rtxl and put tm In nny | < ntt ol tl fountrv. T. H1NII01.U 41f.Thlnrtnth iitrptt Crockery , J. UONNr.U 1SC9 Doui us f trcct Oocd line. Clothing and Furnljlilnc Goods. CIEO. II. Alw ! Int % Cnr * . Hoot SiiotK , Notions and Cutler ) , S04 S. 10th struct. Retrleer.iton , Canfleld's Patent , C. P. GOODMAN llth St. Kt Farn. A llatrn Show CASB Manufactory. ! 0. J UlLBE , Itanu ( rturcr and Dealer In all klnitt ol filic CawK , Uprlglit Cnnca , A : , 1317 Oin &t. FRANK I , . OFP.IIAUn. proprietor Omol Show Case inatmlai torj , SIS South IBth sine between I < ui\xuinortli and MarcAll ( , 'ocv warranted lir t clvi Pawnbrokers. ROSKVFFLT ) . _ 111th St . M. _ f1 A 111 Ctovet and Tinware , A. IIURMHSTKH , Deitcj In Stoif and Tlmvare , and Manulactur D ( Tin Hoofs and all kliidi or Bulldlni ; > Vor ! 0 < ld Fellows' Block. J. tlONNKR. 1SOU Rouclas St. Goal and Che * tinvds , J. KVANSW.osib ! . nmt KeUll Seed Brills ar Culthatom , Odd Fellows llall. Physicians nnl GUI-ROOMS. W. S. Gll'.ns , M. 1) , U-jom No 4 , Crolsht < Block , Uth Street. P. S. I.KI3KNIUNG , il. D. Macula Block. C. L. HART , M. 1) , Ej c and Ear , orip postofll 1)R. 1. H ORAUUY. OculUt ftn.l Aurut. 8. W tbth and Farnham 8 Photograpners. OKO. IIKYN. PROP. Grand Central Gallery , 212 blxtecnth Street. near Masonic Itall. 1'in.t clftM Work and Prouif Plumbing , Oa&and Btoam Fitting. P. W. TAUPY A CO. . 21012th St , hot. Farnha uiil Douglas. VVorK prompt ! ) nUendixl to. D. riTZl'ATUICK , 1409 DousUs Street. Painting nn aper anting. URN BY A. hQITKRa , 111 Dodjfo Street. Qhoa Oturei. Phillip Lore. 1820 Fninham * f hot. 18th & 141 Second Hand Store , PEUKINS X LEAH. 1410 Itouplas St. New M Huuonil Hind Furniture , Itouno r mulshing Good Sic. , Ixmyht ami nol I on lurrovr innnrlna Halooni. HENRY KAUFMANS , In the nuw brick lilock on Douglas Stroct , hi Just oH.ncl | ( a modt ilq nut 1'ioj IUI1. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 " Clciloni % " J I'MC'OS'HU fl7lt 16th Street U'idcrtnkerx. CHAS. RIKWi : , 1011 Farnrum bet. 10th & lit J9 Oent Stores. P C BAOKUK. ISOt Fariihuin St. Fancy Oooi If T m of IIL .ho strain of Cirstclliuif ovrium \oiir „ duties nvoUl tifKhi wotk , to re itliuulanMaml uno tnreliralinieiTi'nud Hep Bitters. astt , u o Hop B. IrnirorlnufromanT lu Itloai K you am mar rlcJ or nine , eld or I jouur , BUlTirln froci nuorbiaUkvi lur ulbfl i inir uii . beU ot stole -tly on Hop Bittur . Tli&uaand die vcr JOTnrc. Iwniver you feel njallj' troin system Kidney tliAt your team that mlRl.t twodii cltniwhiB , ton- Inn 01 ftinuilattUK , have- been prevents 1 by a timely u eo ( n Hop * Hcplltten EUtO'O. O , I. O. crwi Is an absoluU , ii. ' du. Ulscaio and Irreslt-tn of the itomiif/i , bio euro - Toi HOP fcouvf * . eJooiJ , dnintennOBs ItMrotntrvett use ol oiiluui , You will bo t < bacco , o * cured Kynu use Hop Blttcre IfTtu r lm rists. ) fur k anil fly w e n lowBjilrltcditry NEVER Circular lei It may not-cnrus pave your FAIL n-ra co. , life. U hao saved hun dreds. A Toronto , Ont. Eichmond , Ind. KSTASJLISIIE ! ) 1842. Builders of ENGINES OF ALL SIZES From 3 to 25 H. P. For Smal SAW iVIILLS , ror all drains ami Seeds , Including Clove and Timothy. Feed Mills , &a , &c. ! t v\ ill pay yon largely to wnto , slat ing what yon want and bow jou vush to pay. Inusurl Inducements to Cash Purchasers kDDRESS : noSivtf Richmond. Ind Worn Horse ana ( tattle In surance Company , Cnpitnl , . . . eiOOOOOOO nmiruj Horeca , Mules and Cattlu nutiist IOHM l > j coldcnt , dicuutu or tlnlt. A tnuliu In all coun ICH Ot the SUt . Htllll rnrclriKlani 8 j20Wlj HAWKEYE 'LAirae MILL COM Des Moines , Iowa , 1anufncturer3 of 8A8H. DOORS , BLINDS , BRACKETS , MOULDINQ8 , &C. Great rtiluctlon In lUnk CnuiitiTr , I'lnns fur UliuJ , anil work lurnl"hu < l In all kinU , of hard r toft WOIB ! , Countcru fli \ "huIn oil when etc red StiU\lir ! of all klmli funildtiKl nnd put ito ImllillnK rcad > for pilnt on Nhort notlcu "ir workmen are the licit narliarilcn that can lie roLurtxl. fcmomoncj bj u'ivin ut jour con racU. Stain , Newell and Baluslen. Our foreman In thin ill 1,1 tincrit wan Jormcrlj Ith Krost ilaniitacturln/ , Chicago , ! 1 , nn < I hM done BOUIU of tin. . Hnu.t8Ulr Adrli Itlic North * wit. Orders by niall proniptlj nttnnilwl tn ? m m IN PASSP.NBER . BATES I HOniilK III'.OS , . llrok. re In all Railroad 'IcLetii , Oir.uhn , Nil ) , ofli r T i koU to the EaNt , ntll further notice , at tli I > ! ( { unheard ol aw Ilatct : Chicago , 912 ; Iloutid Tri | ilt.OO , Thwoarc tmltcil f Irtt ClaMTIcl ti . < ' .tor l for return l.rouRhtlwjtar.and \ ' tlni'lil Kollaola CM , t-Xo , JiuillnftoD & tjul.ii ; I * lro 4 Alto , one a ] to NEW YOIIK , 1.1 iO , 1108TON , ' , I'llILADIHI'IIlA , < ! ' ' 0 , 2300. WASIIINJ10N , V , 2000. For inrtlruUrd , nl < > / ? r met to 710UD1K KOH , l'A\tn \ in IU < J ttntr lUllrt * ! and teamnlilri Tltketo , 0 < ra't hi Ouiaha , Neb , UouiciaVr tliu p ! > < Tort'- DOOM North ol Fnlcm i'aciHo halli - ) \ \ : ' , K * t bid * ol TaoU ) ttrtl. Omiibj. Augutt 1,1WJ _ autMaw4ni Dexter L. Thomas , & .T LAW iTTOENEY - . - A RAILROAD ON A BUARI TrnltiN of SIM TravornlnR Pnnol Mnrlts for Mlnnte * . New \ork Sun The | nociw of ninking up the niv winter linu'-lnblo of the New Yoik l \i ion of the I'onnsjlrnuia rnilroi tt i wiliicsd the otlicr tlnv by ft Su ropoiter. Jlr. Cliurlos Wntti , tli tnxln master ot tlio di\ision , arrrtii c it bcforo it was subiuiltctl tn Stipuut ! tcntlcnt McUion. Jlr. Wattslnitl on the trniiiK l y moans of silkoi cur < U upon nn nntncnso board ropu acntiiig nil thu stations of the ili\i9in ; and nil the minutes in tnctilytou liours. Alouj ; the top niul bottom c the bo ml nru the ilyurcs for the hunt ami minutes with ittlcil lines reach ing from onch liguio on Iho top to th corrcpomlini fiRuro on the bottom lon n the sides of the boat tl are ih namei of tlio station ? , with simila linen connecting them. It is no know n that there is any other boin _ of the kind hin ; ; lines fo.i the mill ntcs. There mo innnj with five mintit lines , iiml some \Mth lines for oacl two minutes. Hut BO many train are inn on this division , especially foi aluut distincos out ftoiu Plilh delpln.i ami fioni No > \ York , that minute is an important fuctni in th timc-taWo. Dining n peiunl of aboil nn hour in each atteinoon llnoo faa lines loaves ilorsoy City for I'lnladel pliia , mul'bofore , bolwoen nnd aftc thorn way trains are run to NCI Urnnswick or uciior points. The first thing Mr. Watts did -\\-i \ ito to put in the threads to u-prcseii IheHO liglitning expresses. This \M5to all of ono color. They ANor wound around n pin lit tlio minute r departure , and caniod down th boud in a slanting elirection to th pin at the moment of in Wee Philadelphia , These fast-lino thread cover only a small area of the hoard but a slow way-train makes a ver obtuse angle and stretches far ticros * ho rows of minutes , The Urn of dopartuto for these fas tr.tins had not been alteied , bub li n anted to got a little moro speeel nu of ono or two of them if possible , li saving three minutes with one o them ho experience conaidoiablo dif liculty. Ho 1:111 his thread tlurt ; miles oven ono section of the mad be fore ho could pick up a minute. II was taking into consideration hi Knowledge of things not shown on th bniud. Fet instance , ho knei of certain heavy grades thn dolled better time than 1m buou obtained dining the sumniot Then there \\n n draw bridge in an other place , and a slow run throng and just beyond Ticntem and at othu points. Thcroii3 ono thiiiL' , bow e\er , that he couhl not take into at count , important ua it was. Tliut \ \ , \ the possibility of high winds. II slid that : i still bice/.u opposing : i fas line and sinking tlio coaclicfl at an an glo rathet than dnectly ahead willdc lay a train seyeial minutes. Tliero was moro diilicultyabnut ,11 ranging the Now Jh unsw ick and othe wny trains. They must bo kept BI many minutes ahead of the fast lines One of thorn started out flovoni minutes ahead of the fast lines. IL ntiuiig another colored thread fron the pin at the mark of the minute o depaituro to the pin .it the minute o auhal The thread , bung obliged ti cover , i gieater nie.i ot ininntc than the tin cud , die ) near and dangcioualy ne.iro to its rapid neighbor. They lookei as if they would run into each otht on one block of the load. Mr. Wall hurried the train up ly diawing it ; little straighten , and thus iemo\m ; the points at which the threads crosaei until he got down to the line market South Eli/abctli , where ho knew theti was an extra hack f irtho NewHiuns wick ttain to inako her way on , am these the pink line of the lightning express crossed the ether line , ant shot ahexd without having beei nearer than mx minutes t ( the way train until they cacl took a tr.xek to tlieinseheH Next the thread of a Trenton trail wag stretched , and it also was u\ > pronchcd by n last line tin did only .1 short way out on the Ho ar- lanced it so as to reach the neighbor hood of MenlH I'aik at a s.ifo distaiicL iheatl of the last hue , and then he tied the thri'.id toapin on one minute linonnd stretched it stitight aciosi ti : inothiir pin a few minutoH later in tlit lnj' . Q'lius ho indicated a Hiding on kvhich the ti.un tested until the fast ino should run past , and the way lain could diaw out and 11111 behind .ho fast line "Hut where are jour fieights' " the , 'isiroi usked , adding , "I don't Bee a 'leight train on boatd " ' No , " said Mi Watld , "wo never icediilo ( hum.Vo inn them all , IH Mldcit tiains That in , they have no egular set time to inn on , tint do the joit they can. " "Tliuy run moHtly at night , I mip- ' ' 109(3 ? "No , they run ut all honis , often jotting a id.idway for long nieis and ) ftoii being obliged to sleul along hu- weun Bihedulo trains from siding to idint , ' . The LiigineurH hi\o ilicir imo tables and iinderHtiind then umk o that they inako the best of their ipporttihitioe ; but 1 have known a reiL'ht train to lay by two hoins within twenty or thnty milcH of.Ter- oy City waiting for a clear roadway. " Panning in Daliota. irooKlyn l'nj\o \ , "Yea , sir , " rcHiiint'il the Uul.ota nan , us the crowd of agricultumtH rew luck fioin the bai and Netted hoinaulves around n little table. 'Yes , sir ; wo do things on a lather i/ablu cc.ili ) . I've HI.en a man on one f ( nir big farmstitai tout in the splint , ' ml plow a ntiai ht furrow until fall , 'hull ho turned around and hai vested nek " "Carry bin giub with him ? " asked Brooklyn fanner , who raised cab- > agen on the outukirtH. "No , sir. They follow him up rith a steam hotel and hiuo reluyu of len to change plowii with him. Weave ave seine big fauns up there , gentlo- len A fnund of mine owned ono on rhich he had to give a mortgage , nnd pledge > ou my word thu mortgage ras duo on ono end bcforo they could ut it recorded t the other You HOO : WIH laid off in counties , " There wan a murmur of astonish- lent , nnd the Dakota man continued : "I got a lutter from a man who lies in my orchard , just before I loft ome , and it had been tlireo weelis etting to the dwelling house , though t traveled day and night. " "DLntanct'i are pretty -wide up there , ain't they ? " inquired a > e Utrecht agriculturist. "Uoasonnbly , icaRonably , " leplu tlioDikotn iiinu. "Andtho worst it i ? , it breaks lip families so. Tu J cars ago 1 mn whole families pin tratod with grief. Women yollm chileltvu liowlipy and ilogs lurkini One of my men had his cinip tnu packed on seven foiir-nnilo teams , nn lie wns around bidding overyboel goodbje. " \Vheio wni ho gome I" asked ('iul man ' "Uo was goin ; half way nciojs tl fnnu to feed the pits , " replied tl D.ikot t man. "Did ho e\et get luek to his fain V""It isn't time for him jet , " retmi the Dakota gentleman. "Up thci wo solid joung min led onunles t milk the oows , and their cliildre biing him the milk. " " 1 undorstaud jou ha\o mines u that way , " ventured a .Inin.iiei turn ! planter. "Yes , but weonlv U'o the qiurl foi fencing , " said the Dakota mat testing the blade of his knife with h thumb , preptiatorj to whetting ito Ins boot. "It wouldn't pay ( o crush it , bi laiifowoean make moio money o wheat. 1 put in eighty-nine Inn died townships last sprimj. " "How in my acies would that boi " o don't count by acres. \V count by townships and eountics M yield wiw § 08,000,000 , on alom and I'm thinking of bic.iking up fnii eighty to a bundled moro lountit tie\t season. " "How do you get the help for snc extensive operations * ' asked the No1 Utrecht iii.ui , "Oh , labor ii eheap , " replied 111 Dakota man. "You cm get till yo want for from $12 ! > to § 17 a day. 1 fact , I never paid ovei 648. " "Is land cheipl" "No , land in high. Notthatitcosl anythini ; , for it don't ; but under th l.uvs of the territory yon have got t take so much or none. I was in lucl < I had a fiiond in Yankton who got bill through the legislature , allow in mo 4120,000 square miles , which is th smallest fum there , though it is " "Look here , " said the bukoepei , r the eastern hush indmeii strolled 01 in a bunch to consider the statemeni "is all this thing you've been tellin tinoi" "Certainly , " tesponded the wesloi man : "at least it is a modification < w hut I saw in a Dakota paper th , was vuappod around a pail of shoe last night. T don't dare to put it ti stiong as the paper did , for no on would behove it. You can slate tin last lound of diiuks , ami 111 pay i the nioining. I hut light heio o Myrtle avenue. " ODD ACCIDENTS How BCortnlu Uuluolcy Por&oii Have Hocojitly Boon In jured or Killed. At I'inu I'lnds , Ark.ashcnir pos' sut founded the reuideiico of a despui ate thief. Ho jumped fioin a winelo and ran for the w noils. One puiaiu ouUtiipcd his fellows , nnd the no lei-test mistook him for the thief an shot him , At Itock Castle , ICy. , as the Kov Mr. I'elroy enteiedahousu a hen tie in and perched on a hanging litlo : fell , and falling on the lock was ui : chaigcd , and killed the ministci. At Kansas Uity , a man was sittin on the bnlcony of hui house , a stoan boat ran into it and ciushed hunt r eath. ( This was during the Apt Hood. ) At Baltimore , a man who was bcin bhaved heaul a runaway , and thinkin it win ; his te.un , jumped up and h.i liis nose nearly cut oil. At Canton , 0 , James Little' jomo cold beer , which paraly/.ed hi stomach , and , formim ; caibonato nci .Jan , which pinetiutcel his whole sys tern , cuised nearly instuntaneou ileath. At West Point , Lieutenant Atc'ii jald ( Jiltoii could not , while 01 i.uade , lift his Iiixnd to remove a npi ler fioni his ear for a , whole hour tVhui. ] tuade was dismissed 1m ea V/IH / full of blood. The insect wn mly taken out two daya l.ilui , am .lieutenant Gibson ultimately died o nll.unnmtion of tint biuin. At Chnilu-ttowii , Afas * . Alfiecl An lureou ciauloil inli. a tuml-housu In ind built , and it fell in on him uni niothoied linn At Xanticoke , Pa , John Lailuhnski itoke n bottle ot wliinky in IIH pocket uturating his chithes ; when he Hub eijiionUy lit a niatih they took lire , nd he was fatally binned. In Adiir county , Mu , two yonim nen ngreed to be photographed witli nutoh dtawn on each other The i tint , while aiianiin < ; its position , ! Hclmrg"d one of the pistols , hooting the uppoNito hitter tiiiougli he linii'H. At Hiuitpnit , M"e. , a Bailer , wanting drink of watei , and finding thu iiBk-Dtiinp fro/en , jmured hot water ito it , and , while nttunijiting to suck think fioin it , inhaled the Hteamund ; n scalded to deith , At Pittsburg , Mike M niomy onter- d u core-oven in a foundry to warm iniHclf , and another woiknmn placed coie on the truck , tan it in , closed lie door and roasted him alive. At llixford , Pa , Louis Oaithwnit iwurcd a foity-fpj.ut torpedo of nitro Ijcerino into a well , wlien the well iade a midden ( low , utruck the tor- edo and blew him to piec "i. At Green Ridge , Pn. , John Thomp- : m and bin brother tried to Rtop n og-fight , nnd the latter thrown ntnnu t the nniinih , nna , mifsing them , natliud his brothcrV skull At St. LOIUH , Thai. J. Wlmrton , r. , took up n InnjeojBtor and ailtl , TJus n the kind of oyster Wnlter Irookii choked to death on1" tried teA A allow it , nnd wnn choked to death , At Cimlmoru a friend snapped a liorry pit at Limit. W , A. Moore , : id hit him in thu eye. It utiuck the ptic nerve , caiiRini ; puraljais and jn obtmii of the bruin , nnd lie hud n arrow oscupo front death. At Louisville an old man aimed n iclc at hm wife , hot his bnllunco ; fell , nd was fatally injured , An Indi.uiaKlm | the 7/eightof n ens ) ; T water fin u.lied the teotli of u "Man ith tlio Iron Jaw , " mid falling on liii reart it cru hed him to death. At Dovutcourt , Knglnnd , a boy Anted lioiit dwallowed the sting of n asp while eating floinopicsurtca , and ied while running to the doctor. At Ilimton , Simeon I ng , while laying with the cat in the hallway , n misstep , foil ngninst the wi nnd ltm ] > o hii neck Vt Dublin , Gn. , n chiiunoy swallo filled the iimvlo ; of Williim Snug gun with pliy , nnd when hodisehnrfe U t lie weapon blow oil Ins liand. At Xeodejha , Minn , All ert Oraii vvas plnj ing with a Nowfoiindlan i'4 ' and diagUMl it by the t.ul , whe H iinnned into the pond , pulling hu HI mill ho was diottiietl. The Country H 1m tint h-n over li\od nny time In ill ei imtry but iiai t Inivo hc nt'of thovittm of HimlnpVna Wixnl jmrillcr , Uuidoo 1'1'id ' Ilittrrn euro d > > | isU | , bllinu < iif nn I .ill dl'nntei nrithif ; fiom Impui I lii l ur < li rin > ri i1 \ \ \ M 01 kiduevR. 1'rli 51 CO. littloj i" ' 17 IjnstVnrdH Ike last VAouU of n dying plml < ei"Now keep veiy still. ( Dt init I'iiH Press , 'Ihoio of n djin fuijiiuin : "I'm going nvei the riven | -teubetivillo lleiald Those of djini ; batber : "I'm goinic to mik a ilio ' - ( tticlinuuur llaton Th 1'iiuter. ' 'Ibis u mj last t\ko.- ISonkets Gazette' . 'Iho editoi "Al fill ' -Now ( Hiiv.n UegiMei Th It'ijtaph ' oncintoi'a "Guild niijht. -Uoitoii | btu. L-\sl wouls of djiiii ; Iftwjei1 1 want n iury timl. [ lioehostrr Kxprrss. La t wmdso thedjln 'bus ' condiielor. "lloom fo nuii moid " - fltoino Sentinel Lis v\urds of the djing butchen "I 151 aluad to meat you over there , " I Saturday Ameician. Last woidt o a dying physician : "Patients , bfo * titful fovet will peen bo o'ei. " Of i dvnig actor : "I'ing down thecuitinn the play h done.- [ The Hornet. ( J a dju.g iailro.ul conductor "Lus si 11011 , all out " [ 11. ] Uulwny .lout mil. mil.Of Of an old miner. "My lifuhai boci in vein. It his pinched out. M ; liiborj me e > 'er. " AN' IIOXKST MKD1C1NK PHK1 OK COST. Of all medicines advoitised to cuu iinj nHeUuni of the Throat , Chest o Lungs , we know of none wo can iec omuiond no highly us Dit. KIMI'HNKV Disi-ov hiiv for Consumpti'iii Coughs Coldn , Aslhnu , P.ioncluti.s liny To 1 01 , IJoaiHoneMS Ticklini ; in tin Uhioal , loss of voice , etc. This mod iciiiu does jioHitively euio , nnd tUa whe'io eveij thing else hw failed. NI Medicine can show ono-hiilf HO man ; piMitivo and peunanent cures an hav duady been etlectud by this trul ; Mondeiful temedy. For Asthma ain Hitmchitis it IH a ] > eiiect specific , cm mg the very win at C.ISUH in the shot ! ist time possible * . Wo say by ni uieanigivo it a tiial. Ttial bottle fieo. Ifegiilni Bi/opLOO. Foisalob Isu t McMAiio.s , Onmhii P3LES ! PILES ! PILES ! A Pure Cure Found at Last No Onci Noml SalTorl A surkiuru lor I'.llnl lilncillnt ; , lUhlni ; nn tliirplml I'll ) * ImiliLili ( IbiincTLil b ) Ur , VVi Hint , ( MI Indian rnm hi i-jlul Ur VVIMI\ni Iniliin Oliitintnt. A uhi lo hax lion cinuil tl vturrtdironlc uiiH of iftnr 3ll\u.ii Htunillii ) , , .N otu nctil snlTir IHo tnninlLi nltir nipl } } line tli vaniltrful Foatlilnnr innln IIILl.otlnni , InMri intntH nn I iltctuarkH ilu inora hnriii titan KH > 1 \\UHim'n \ UiMinu t nii" < iin Ihn Ininoru alia ] Ho ntenflc licliini : , ( iur'.Uiilnnl > at ni ht ulli y\ titnnitii In l > u ! , ) atU nn a | > oultlcc , ulxfH li slniit nml iwnloHH rulitf , mil U | > rq irul only Ic I'llcN , ItUiln , , ' ol Ihu | irl\ilu i ixtiii , und for null \uf \ il . llcwl ulint tliclton . ! . VI 'XTnlwrrj ntClmi Ulul ui rt ttlicllt Dr. Uillimu'B I'ulinii I'tlu Oln iiKiit , 1 lm\u iiiil | SLOfusol I'lluHiurij ami nlloid" mop fusil utoHn thntlliLtiuuirmiii an ) tliln. n ulcli ir > \ u HKh liiiiuu latu nnd ] > or in Hunt ulkfan Ur Wil lani'a intllnii Olntiuunt I'nr Balu li\ all ilru 'UU or uulluil on ruculpt i price , it 00 HENRY & CO. . Prop'rn , ( JI.U KLAM > , UlllO. Tor by O V Ooolinan. Free to Everybody A Beautiful Book for tlie Asking ] l > apiil' InL' ptroonrillj- tlio ntarrnt ortli at I III' MANLKAe-'irUINO CO. ( c l > y | H > sUlianl Ifnt a ilUUinu ) ) nny Amur noi MJII il Ijupruinticl witli u In autidilly ilui Itatiil mpy l it No\.r I look untltlml GENIUS RE WARDED , - OHTIIK - STOM OF THESE WHIG HAOfllN ! nntalnhn ; n. InncNonio nml mill' , ttcel Mi/rn\ K fionllspltri u , aio , 12 1 llncly i iiKiaiul no i , nti , iirnl bnunJ in nn tlilioritublnu and gn\i \ Illin rnphul u > M.r N i ( .limi'it uliatiivi r Ix iinuli or tlilH uniUoinu b.KK , vNtilili can hu oltUktti itih li > nppllLntion it Hm h riiuli anil mibor liliulu D IIILI 1 1 Iliu Siiycr Vlaniifictiirlii Co. 'lilK MANUWUIUKINO CO. , 1'rlni.lpal Ol'kc , ill I nlnii S'imri | , .Vow Yoil Tie rn piitii'thlilp li'rctoforo ixltllnK l IVIIIM In" , lluitu u ilJno. K Hi toii , under tlic rni n tun , nl llmtt > A. I o , In ( tils naj cliH.i.lvtH / mil inluiii'int A'liroj ' r' of Md ointrii .rili in tniliMurul tn Jut Iliatl ) , Him vili i iliuull i ollto lonaund lliiilil | l < i tin , hnldlitid- UKKI NJ | < ! linn .IDS 'I.IIKA'm. 2J.ll JNO 8. HKA10.S MASTER'S SALK. i tlio Circuit Court of tlio Unltid State * ( ar the IMi'iKt of N brnxka JHIIIIH H , 0 hhinuKxJ , I iitkrfcHHeI Hutlrf ' " " "ccrj. , ahin I ca ( II. \ / inuui A , Ilinry Fullitr. J I imvci.ii i i K of MnHTiMiir , I'nlil ii IK < ltu IN In nliy Ivun , tlmtln | inr mnro nil \iitiiuLtuiluriocnlutd In IKI nhnte in. i , on tlui 2nd ilij ol hep tmliur , IHhl , I , i.l II I , . IHKUII'iUKlt , faiKLlal Hatcr In nuiu . tali ! Toiirt , Mill on tin ( , li ) d.iy ol 'iiLiiiln ' r , IB 1 , attlio iiour of J u'cloik In tic It rnniii of Hjld nn ; , at thu wont door tit thi ' ami'ml \ Olllto Ijiillil iiiuit ) n ; > t < H t'unrt Mn IMI ih.i I It ) of l.lm.iln , I Mii-utir C'ountj , tu mil lilnriit i > ( .VImi-,1 1 , mil at auulon HI I lliulnn'il < H rll < l pn purl ) , to wit TM utnuu't iiiarter | ol tliu toulluaiit " | iur- .1 , fcj * . lo i n nnUtriil nlnntu nlll ) . and tliv ( wt 1 1' f tiitt nortluuv t ijimrti rand tlio iio < tlmi > t ilarti rrl the norllinut quarter of xttion limn LI il ilirtj ( M ) , all In tfiHiihlilp iiiinib red , iri' ( iioJ ) UIM ( runimmli n 1 tuu ( ) < a > t , tint uuly ol tidurunJ Main of.Ntbra-ku KUIS iiii.niio\\iii : , H | i ( hi Mutter In Chamirj. ( - , f'UM,3oltlt > rur Coiiiuilnant | , u'JwSl positively Cured. ' , Idrcrn from th dliicuxn tlmturr anxlonn ndnhoiiM try OR KIS3NEn'3 Cele. rf Coniumptlve Powders llimtt 1'ow- i * . thu only pri'iaiutlon known tl at lll > HUiiijitlon auilftll ( lnii > c of the < "i : -Incli'til , NI ttrciu I' on Uuli In i iiluUo f ) coiiviiKi : sou Viu the ) aio tin , uu will fo , mii [ o ner > .ultcrtr , lij it | i 'd ' , n fre Trial DOK jii't utnt jourumney until j > u are t r t iifltdof tlalr turatlir iiovrni It jour irth u\lni ' , , doii'tiliUy In KhliiK tlu u DW Ji.r a i rlil , ua tti y will urtl ) ' cure ) ou. > r t. tnr Urea box. IrJCO , > cnt to ail ) | > ait of 'ud ' SUtoior Cauadi , by mall nn rneit | u. ' . Adilrrm , AHII IL HOIIIIINrt , LJ..I.V tW Fulton til , UrocUnt W. Y. DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTEL" UOTR1.K. ton , - . . AHUNOTON , d O MclNTinc , Lincoln , Nnl. WAVCRLY HOUSE , JAMES W CRABTREE , Wavcrly. Neb. SARATOGA HOTEL , d S 8TELLINIUS , Mllforcl , Neb. RCEOHOUOC , OEO REtO. Ulyttet , Nrh. WOODS HOUSE , W. f. EI.LIO. Otceoln , Nil ) , COMMERCIAL HOTCL JOHN MANNAN , Ctrom * Ur | ; , Neb. AMFRICAN HOUSE , OEO H MCCAIN South llcnclNc MALL HOUSE , A. W HALL. Loulsvlllo CITY HOTEL , CHENEY A CLARK. Olair , Neh , DEPOT MOTEL , P. H. UAIJGITT. Norfolk , Neb. CITY HOTEL , J F COLE. Pcrti , Neb UARNUM HOUSE , Mil. VAN HORN , Nrhratlia City REVERIE , D , DRUM , Uimtlllln , Neb , EXCHANGE HOTEL , O.n. HAOkNEY. AOitrml , Neb WI8NEH HOUSE , PEI1RINE M OS. , Wltner. Neb , DRAPER HOUSr , C. WHIPPLC. llloliMrn , Neb. CHEICHTON HOUSE , P. 0. TIIIOAOEAU , Crelfiliton , flub. CITY MOTLI , , L J JOHN30H , Mem ilia OUf , Neb , CENTRAL HOUSE , JUHN CCOPCrt , Oakdale , Neb , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , VVM CLEMMOS ? , Sewartl , Ni b. COMMERCIAL HOTCL E EVANS , O'Xolll ' , .Voli. OOMVCRCI\L HOTEL C T CA3SADY , Denlson , In. MARTNE.Y HOUSE , W P. H.NTE'I , r , la. la.y BELLOU HOUSE , MIIS A E URUOC y , Neb , NELIRII HOUSE , VV. D MOULTON , Wet Point , Nib DORCHESTER HOTEL. A 8 KINKLE , Dorchester , Neb COMMCIJCIAL HOTC. , J. O MPAD , CENTRAL HOUSE , JAS McKILLIP. York , Neb , TUTTLC HOUSE , W. H TUTTLE. Aurora , Neb. OAO& HOUSE , A. It IJAar , Reiuib IcxnCltyNcU DESVEIl HOUSE CAIRNS & WILLIAMS , HflttlrtK , Neb SANDERS HOUSE , CHAS L McNISH , Frlcnil , Neb WOODWARD HOUSE , WAREN WOODWARD , Exeter , Neb , PACIFIC HOTCL. 0 J PORTER. ( Alrmont , Nub ESTEB HOUSE. N T ISTES , Grant ) lilnnrt , Neb COMMERCIAL HOUSE , F W. WILMS. Kearney , f > eb WILDER HOURE' THOMPSON REED Wllber , Neb COMMERCIAL HOU8C A. O OAAItPER , Manly , Neb METRO "O1. HAN HOTEL , W W SHUWFD.1 Wnro , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE , G. W. MAYFICLD , Qrcenwooil , Neb HAMMOND HOUSE , JOHN HAMMOND. Columbui , Neb CENTRAL CITY HOUSE , J. S GREGEIW. Central Cltv , Neb. UNION HOTEL , CHENEY BROS. Mo Valley , la. DCLDEN HOUSE. A. W , UELDE.S. Woodbine , l.i , CITY HOTEL , J. P. CREWS Coin , la , SCOTT HOUSE. H SCOTT , Silver City 1.1 SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN A DECKER. Cretton , la. NEOLA HOTEL , F. 8IEVERTZ , Nroli , I * . EMERSON HOUSE , A. L. BHELUON , Emerton , la , ULANCHARD HOUSE. T FOREY. Ul.inchnril , la. PARK'S HOTEL. COL. F M. PARK , Ghcnamloali , In. MERCHANTS' HOTED , W , I. UOULWARb ttutllncton Junction . * M. H. It , Centra' ' Nebraska ) H.iiilw.uu , Stovi'i iimlTinw.ut ) L' . O. T Itliicksmilli ami Wii on Maker [ 5. A. U.uliy . Ueal Kstutt' , .liBtiu1 < > [ thr I'uico ami IIIHIII.IIIOO Aunt | { ,1. W. S trick Iff CiutiiM il iMrn'oliamlise \ \ \ 11 MeL'loml , V 0. . 11 UiU\aio , Siiivi N ami TniWiiiu Metropolitan I Intnl. . \ \ , \V. Shntillt , ' ] | ! > r A * N. ANM ) O. A 1J. V It U , CKN'TUAL NL'UICASKA. MOimiSJONES Agriculltnal linpluincnts ,1. , A HARK. . . \ iu'uhinal InipluineintB U I'EIM'HU , V CO. . . . ( iont ial iMeiii'lnuulisu K. H. ANC3ELL . . . . Ociioi il Alt tvliandiau , i , r UROWN . . . . . . . ( loiuiial JMoicliuniliao RE1NI1 MiDTASON . ( lonoral iMiTuhandiac SEARGHNI' ' , WALKER CD . . ( OaiiiKiin , Ni'b ) < i' imrul Aloiuhaiidiso \V. . 1JOSTON i an < l Kulail llatiluaii ! , Ktovo.s , Ac ,1. T. NELSON. . . . . Ciiocor KELLER ItHOS ( SrooiUH W. V. OATHS. . DiiMil CityJlaku'j , Uuuuiios. AvC A. .1. MARTIN . . . . .luueihy , Silve-rwaio and ClnckH ,1. 11. M01UJAN. . . . . Kii'iniiuru unil Undni taking .TAMES HELL A. . ) . JVIALOY Iliulguv [ jituibi'i Yard O. C ! . 05 ROSS. . , . lunt Mtirkiit , I'oik Piickiiii ; and Gtncury KO. SMAHA. Alcitt Aluikut C. H CHURCHILL. Stock Rainer llunii.1-H uiul SaiUUoB LOl IS SM TM. . ] JANYE R01JERTS , . . . liitrhtir Shop SPELTS KLOHTEIIMAN ( lrlin and htock MERCHANTS' ' AND FARMERS' BANK. . . Hull A la'cnmul , IJankors ItUNi'INf ! A RUN YON . . Ki-al Estatu OlliceA onts R. Jl. Lundii \ 0. II. FOIll ) Rial Esl ite- , Loan anil Insntunco Olhce \ IMAHT MILLER . . Attorney at Law mid Loan Ofh'eio nounitTK.WHSTovnit.v WILLIAMS DEAN , \ > < 'L1N(1MAN ( Alton tH , KHtale and Abstract , Ollico HORAUE fJARKlKLD. Attorney at Law DH. f ! H I'EHULES , IMijHiuinu and Snruoon K. 11. TAYLOR . . . Clerk of D.Hluet Court KRANK DAVIS . . . . T-i muii-i UullL-r County RV. . LEONIIARDT. . . . I ! . A. M. Station Ayeiit fJEOlMJE OSTHRHOUT . nf llutli'iC'Hinty ' HENRY WILL Coininuicial House D. R. UVLLOOK D.uid City HOUHU ivG the Bargains IN ALL KINDS OF- WATCHES , CLOCKS , SILVERWARE , SOLID AND PLATED WARE AND DIAMONDS. kf.Priceu tbnt Suit Any Guatomor Wlio Uonlly WiBtioa a Pirwt- Article. 3TAR TINTED SPECTACLES Are also Sold Exclus v ely by us. ALSO WESTERN AGENTS - R ) It THE - SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S ORCAfiS. EDHOLM & ERIOKSON , _ THB JEWELEftS. ' Opposite the _ Tobacco from 25c. per pound upwards. Pipes from 25c. per dozen upwards , Cigars from $15,00 per 1,000 upwards ,