COMMLH.OIAL. OinixlinVholrt Own u Ti ThLridny i\emnx' , N < Mtu ! cr 01 No changes hi market < . I'.i lions * * oWrvod ThiuVk Jving , k 'lospd all day. We qunto ye4t innrkct * . Loeftl Uialn Uealinc * , VVHKAT.-tVh N'o. 2 , 1 07 , No. A. fKlJitreJoct l 7'iic- , " ' " f * * ' A * ' * 93 ' 53s , RYE. ( 'ixHli , 82\o \ , COUX.-ra.ih .No. 2 , I IB , HAY (8 00(50 ( 00 per Ion. Livestock. AT COOXCtt , 1IUHT * STOCK VAllll Cittluyo < wl shiiiplni ? , SI O0f , " 0 cow * Mid heifer * . ? 4 JVi j 00 , Hliodp dl.uin'htisring hi damand at w Provisions. FLO'DIl Himii0' , straight , $32" > ® 37"'t "Pioneer" Cilifoimu , patent , $3 7" @ 1 30j whiter .1 st trade 5S8.WI 2.1 ; mlent , M , ,0(7,1 , ( 0 hniii rye , W 7-'t , < 1 W JiYl'i F.tUIi ) ) st : . , . SllLLbTlTFi'd Jran , pnr c\vt Mfeculni , per cwt. SOc ; Munis , cwt l.OJ ; chnpped food , IHT c\vt. 1 20 bolted , yellow , 110 ; uhite. SI liO. l'01'ATOUtf-lti lot , . Suit Lakes I ,1@1 W. Kctml. 1 r.O. . HWr.Kt' POTATOlW-aomdrtj Ji .tint ? , .Tfnlo IMSP IK 1'OUM'K V'-Cljlckeni per do/.en , © ' - ' 73. OUU'KEN'S-S3 00 per , QUAlli I'er dnz. , fc2 OJfnH 03. "WILD nKKSC 2 7.X .TSO UMUI i > iroivS-2 00,0,2 r.n. . . " liUTTKlt ( 'hnlcp , scarce "nt 20 poor , "i inirlo't ; cienniory , Sl ) ' 3."ic. Al'PI/K-t lioo'l. MMiud.erf i nt 81 MSB I 73 per IM. IION'I.V -"slif.rau vhito clovt comb , 2I@--c , , ' TjK\roXS-P "Rlv : oor 1 > ox , J UUAl'K3-t\r 1 U.I MAI , LAG A - > , per linlf l.lil. , SJ 50. nr.lWYV AX Y allow , 20 ? > ; ! ! > ! . ONMOVS-1 r , . iOO per'buahol. CAIiH VUE-sn Oi > ® 2 00 per doze to nuatitv. OKAXUKUlilKS-Per bbl. , $10 11 0. iCKfiEnY TW do ? , 5 < M.V . DUBSSKD C1Ilt'IvKXSror 11 ' " T muCRYS-Pcr lb. , 'DUCKS-IV 1b. , 10 ? KUCr-.KSIi-Por Hi. , IU OYSTI'JllS-S"U cte,5' Grocers List. COKFr.R. Klo , lair , KUc : Uio. lie ; Hi > , prime to choice , flic ; Old ' " * * ° ' ocu'l'"J"c > 173c ! TJ'AP. Gunpowder , good , 4. ( Chiiico , Cn7" ! ; Imperial , good , -10 * Uhoieo , WfB'TOu ! Younij llywin , anod 50c ; chnict CAitfl 0' ) ; Japan Xut iVio ; .r.iinin , chuici * , ( i05/7."c / ! ; Oolong , S-'itt ? 10 ; Onion ; ; , olinicc , 'lOfnirM ; Sane Knod.rifif \ Ido : rhoice. :5.fS4 : , " > o. SUOAItH. Cut lo.if , lljc ; On Fitie jMiwdercd , 11'jo ; Stntitlaiij Cullc TOJc : Xcw York Ciinfi'dlDnoi's Him A , lOlc ; ISoiid A , 10'is ; Prairie l"-l tJYHUI'S. , house , bhl , Me liU , We ; ki'fTS 4 pilous , S'J.Vl ; c taldo nyiup , TiOo ; halflibls , .r > Ic , kt-v * . ' SUlJA. Dwiuhfs n > inpcr. , Si OU x land do , WOO ; rlmrch's , 5 00 ; ICcg STAIlUir. 1'carl , 4\c : SllvorClo ( < ? 8Jc ; Corn SUuoh , SiiTfc'Jc ; KMC ( Jlos7c ; Coin. 7 0. SALT. Dray loadi. p r W > 1 , 1K ; ton , intack * , Pi . "ifl ; hlih dairy DO , os , bhl dairy. 1110. S ? . SOTi. DKTJJI ) FIIU ITS Choice h pcnche' ' , now cn ) | > , 10cV.v : | > oraU-d A ] 5 lb Loxe * , ISJtCl-lc ; Allchifnin , K..c ; York apples S .c : Pi anus , old , 7.Jc ; SJc ; Currants , 77ic ; iilockbcrrici , ir > c cOJIUKSK Tull Cream , Ific ; Skim. HJ.c. WJDKNWA11K ( ) ( Two hoop 195 ; thieuhoup pails 2 20 ; No. 1 9 50 ; No. 2 tub" , , 8 fit ) : No. S tub * , pioneer wr.-ihboard'j , 1 85 ; Double Ci 2)0 ! ) : Well bucket3 25. LKAO liar. 81 to. SPICKS. 1'eppcr , 20 ; Allspice , Clovt s 4r > c ; Xutmeqg , 31 00 : Cassia , Mace SI 00. MATCHES Per caddie , 90s ; i case * , 87.01 ; square cases 35.10. I'UOVISIONS Breakfast bacon , ohoice lard , ISAc ; dried beef , 13Jc ; fl ; era , canva ed 9c ; hams , cauvassci Lacon , sides 12.Ho N13W PIClvLES-Medium , In ba $10 00 : do in half bbls , i > 75 ; Binall ? , in 12 00 do , in half bbls. 7 CO ; ( , 'herkii bbln , 14 00 ; do , in half bbls , 7 SO. VINKGAU 1'tiro apple extra , imre apple , 13c : IVutiaimr imro annlc HOMINY New , * ( i 00 per libl. BEANS Medium , hand picked per bushel : navy , ? 4 00. KOI'K Sisal , J inch and larger , ! neli , l"c ; } inch , lOJc. SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , Kirk's satinet. 3 4H ; Kirk's Htandartl , Kirk'b white Russian , 5 25 : Kirk's Ei 205 : " Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( a ' nolia 1 f 5. 3 JO ; Kirk's nia , > CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibx , Ifi n ICc-.boxus 40 Ibs. , 1(5 oz. , rta , IGc. LV 1C American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; I lye. J ( JO ; Jewell lye , 275. POTASH -Pennsylvania cans , 4 " ' Ball 2 doin in cine , 3 3"i ! Babbitt's , / 1 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in tvwo. 1 50. FIELD SEED Bed clever , c new , $0 00 per biiHbel ; mammoth c ' new , 87 00 ; white clover , now , 8' al nlfa clover , new , 12 50 ; nlsiko , $1300. Timothy , C' " " newi * bine grass , extra clean , $1 50 ; blue i clean , 81 25 ; orchard graHS , ? 2 50 ; ret choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Mia 80c ; millet , German , $100 to i Hungarian. SOc. HKUGESKKB-Ogaife oranM , 1 buthelrt , 85 00 ; ORajco orange , 10 bunhs over , 84 50 ; honey locust , jwr lb , , 35i 100 Ibs , , 826 00. FISH Family white Bah , 90 lb hf $3 75 ; No. 1 white fish , 00 lb hf bbls. No. 1 white fish , in 10 lb kiln. 1 00 ; fi 10 lb kits , 7ic ! ; New Jlnlland hcrrhn keg , 135 ; Kunaian s.irdincH , 75c ; Ci biu river salmon , per 1001b.s , 8 00 ; Get Ba-tk cod firth , _ Cc ; Gen , beuelew co S c ; bmelfus fwh , 4Jc. M AOKKIUCIi Half bbls me asmac ! 100 HH , S12 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex xhor 100 Iba. (5 ( 00 ; hf bbl * , fat family do llw , 3 B5 ; rnens mackerel , 12 lb kU ! ) , No. I ox shore , 12 lb do , 1 50 ; No , 1 r 12 lb th. I 00 : fat fntnily. 10 lb do , 75 CANNED GOODS-OyhterH , ( KieW'M ) , per case , 84 20 ; do 1 ib ( Fi < per c-ue , 2 50 : do 2 tt > ( Standard ) , per 3 00 ; do 1 IT ) ( utandanl ) , per CMB , ' ii 2 1li ( xlack ) , per cn e , 2 7S ; do 1 lb ( u , Onlonn 3 80. Salm per c/we , 200. , H > , | T doz n , 1 00(0,170 ; do21b , t > ar < 2 M. Bardineo , nnmll t'fah , imported , quarter boxeH jwr lx > x , UJcj Ainei quurtcr IKIXCH JUT box , lie ; do half I ri 'r bet , 2Uc. J bntcrn , 1 tb i ) r d ISO. Tomato , 230 ; do 3 tb c < , 310s Oon - 2 Tb ( Mom > r rii-'tf , 3 70 ; Hn Vo < l com , 210 r - 1b { Yarmouth ) , per cft e , rtrinj ; lieana , p r , 2 23 ; Lima I IX.T c/v e. 2 20. Succotatih per ewe , J'e.iR , common , per caoe , 2 00 i newt , cl jx-r CONB , \ 50. Blackberries , 2 lb , jMsr 280 ; ctrawbcrrien , 2 lb , jier caao , 1 rat-pberries , 2 Jb , j > or cane , 2 76(5 Danihoii" , 2 lt > , | > er ciue , 2(5. ( . lia p nrn pi-r case , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortl rim p r case , 2 80. KKB plums , 2 It & . * , a M ) ; do , choice , 2 lb , | * r CMC , Orccn ga eH,2 lb per ca * , 3 fX ) : do cho IIjitr cnNe.-l CO. Pine Aptilen , 2 tb , per < W@5 75. 1'eachw ) , 2 ll p r MK , > V " , . . I I , I. \ riANTTfl vvd.di.l * . r- ni' ro. ! > ui < orll > , f M fV vhih' , 1V ( \ Tftjr- while Virginia rftw , tOc ; r. Ilic. Dry Cooilt. KUOWK COTrONS-AtlMitlB , An > 1et n XX , 7u ; Atlixtita A , So ; 1 ; I' , % t Itnelcojrol.Ti , ( .1 , "o ; C 'i ' ijc ) Clilttenrvngo A. OJp ; lr"nl I'n S > ! ll.HMcT , 0 > ! n-.nrst WtMtli , " man nriKi T Hen . .ii t .j A ' , . .i.i.i S'c ! 1iulni . _ ! : n 1 Ptmul im , 7jc. KINK nUOWN CO'lTONS-All ! : 7ic ; Allipntor . , 8o > Aixvle I Atlalitio LI , , njc ; ] tftdi rRtun X I liennlngtnn C 4-1 , OJc ; Huckeje S. ! Indian Orchard AA H-S , S\o \ ; 1/C | W , 8c ; Lclils-li I' l-l , Si'c ; l/m Jr lOv : Peppcrcll \ M , 7o ; do O . . 7k Ilii , 7\'o ; do V. : ! 0. % ; Poca s t C WmtwitU 1. 1 , lit- . Jll.KACUKD COTTON ! ? - \ndi Mil L4-I , UVsl'lnclc'titueA A in PCM dodohftlf blcu'h'd44o ! ) ; Cabot , Fidelity 1-1. ! HcKrm of th | , i.Mil cm brie l-llM'doWnfrrTwi ; tlOVp ! PalHg , . , e : Indi.n U. a I shrunk f--l li lnl.ilc , lOc ; do cimbrl117 , lllo York Mill . l."c : Pomiot A , lOc ; l'o | N G TwilN , 12ic : Poc.ilmntiw 1-1 I'opd" t 41 1 , % ! Utlca , lie ; \ \ SH 0 X X , I3c. DUCKS-UnWcachod-AUantic , l"c ; lUlthnoro do , Ific ; l.ouo bt.xr , l.'c : Hav p. , U'c. IK - KS ( Colorpil ) Alb ny K 1 te : do 0. .Ira' I IV.v , fltilpi ii'ulK I2p ; do XXX brown mid itHifn | and jiliddR , 12iurlitiglon ; I'.V ' ) I'rnnswiol ; lirmvn , Sic ; Ch.iriot IL'Kdo ; extra heavy , ' 'Oa ' ; Vnll innvn , extra hen\v , UJc ; India > nwn , 13c ; Nopjnvot A brown , 13o -AmoRcii- A C , i7Jc ; do XX bl o " ' . ' , IMJc ; Arrow ijo ; Plaremont 15 11 , 1" Jo ; Uont'tlo ra , lie ; llnmiltmi P , llio ; tiiwu- ! 0 , l.'o ; Miiino nhtt ' < , 20c ; ) ic r ixtrn't-l. aSu ; IVail Ulvor 32 , lOJo XX liluo utiipt1 , 12n ; Shetuc 0\o ; do SS 12c ; Ycoiran'a bl 10 2 : DKNlHS.-A-uo.krak , hluraml 1 fi'c ; AndovorUD 'l i > , Vijes Arl ilue Sentfh , 18UConmr.1 ; < < 1O , Wi iron'u , 1'Jic ; tlti'AAA , dn < lo 13 ! do lit do ilic ; ilaymakpr'd blue mid 1 'Jo ' ; Jlyntis River DD Rtrlpo , KHc ; ttvor , blue and IJMWII , 15Jc ; Unca ilue and hrov.-n , ! OAMBRICS .unnnl. TJo ; Kdcl , , 21 inch double fac s , Sje : Gnr ,1c. Manhattan jslovo finish rt d ) Oo ; iln ghwcd , WJc ; Pwpi ic ; ! < o kneed kid l.nlab , ( ic. CORSET JliANS Amorv , KeA ogin ; nnt1ci'i ) , RJcClau'iid < iU , ( i'ol | ' ojj.v ext teens , 7j > : ; ll.-.IUwel , . ; I liohanl improved , 7.c ; Nunaan > i't 'oi > perill sattccn ! ) ' , o ; Itoulcpuit , 7 c PlItXTS Aliens , GJo ; Aniori.-an \rn Id , 7o ; ] ? ir\\iuk , Ifa ; Coehpc * jouosto a. die ; DuuUirk , 4'jc ; Dv ij7c ; Kddy tone , 7c ; ( ilmiui-ste larinony. .Vc ; Knickerlwclccr , OJc ; iiimo D , 7cf Mystic , ojc ; Sprni'iio : iiiuthbridjTi' , ( Ic : dn. Gin hami , 7u ; ) ri' , ojy ; Orient 1 ( > io. OrXCtllAMP-Amoikca ? . lOVc ; . : eag . .Ire- l-'i Awlo , lOJc ; All le ; Cuudinrland , 74o- , 8Jj ; Plim kett , ift : COlTOXADUfj AMierville Vinte , 20c ; Am tienn , IV ; Arli'-i-vi 3.itn. D and T , lll'.u ; CJlaTiouDu 7Jc ; Di' Co. stri | w DmidT , Kit- tone , l"Ac ; Nrnruola't , I lie ; Noa | Ou ; Ooe'in D and T. litic ; lloyal , Uiis-x , 12o ; 'I'ii'K'a. ' 12UU'achuett ; nn chixl.ii , 12 c ; do , NitiiKin , 121c ; lain Xnnkin"r-.c ; do , checks , strip ancy , I'l vi do , 8 o/t , 20u. SlUKTIXS-Aiulr. : ( } . > wlnlO- lo 0-1 , 21 < > ; do P-l. 'J2o ; C.'titin.-u 12 , lie ; Fruit of , ho Loom 10-1 , 27. ' , k'ork nulls ! ) rt. 3"ic ; do 7 S , : ,0e : do " > H S&w . cmbro'jo 10-1 , 2w ; Pc pwt 10-1 , 23 ' -I , 1e : ili ) 4 ! , Kc ! ; IV'.ipcrell Ju 10 7 , 21e ; do 57 , ISc ; Utic-i Dt , i , 22ic ; do 48 , 17c UuIldlnE Material. LIMR Pr bowl , SI 35 ; bulk p t"c. Cement , bbl , S2 f > 0. Iowa ji > bl , 32 50. Hair iier bu. 3.5c. ' elt 100 ll ) , $3 50. Straw board , S PAl'EK i3t aw paper , SJc [ ; ra ; , ' c ; dry ; ; oodi paper , 7c ; mr.mla pape ie\vs paper , 8c COAL Cumberlanil blacksmith iforii-i Him Hlnoshnrg , S12 ; White ump , ? G 50 ; "White-breast nut , SO f > 0 ump , i'i 50 : nut Jfi ( 50 : Itock S | ! S ; Anthracite , all me * . 513 00. Lumber. WHOLKHALi : . VKNCINO No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , S s'o. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 10 00 ; rhceting di to. 1 , 18 00 ; No. 2 , 1C 00 ; common 1) ) Iressed. 20 00. FHAMING 115 ft. and under , p 0 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 22 00 ; 22 ft. : ! Ht. 25 OU. FINISHING No. 1. finish 1 } , 1 ! Inch , 850 00 No. 1 finish 1 Inch S S'o. 2 , finish 1J , li and 2 inch , § 45 0 ! finish , 1 inch , QOQ ; No , 3 finish , ' 3500 ; O. U. battoiH per jOO fee 11 00 ; well curbing , § 22 00 ; rough j nch battoiw per 100 feet lin , . SOc. STOCK UOAUDS Astock , S40 ! o" > 00 ; C , SIIO 00 ; common stock , $ FLOORING No. 1 , 10 00 ; 1 $ r 00 ; No , 3 , 322 00 ; yellow pine , : 000. SIDING No , 1 , $24 00 ; No. 2 , ! Co. 3. 81800. SHIP LA L' Plain , $22 00 ; O. G. 132 00 ; No. 2 , S22 00. OKI LING S21 00(237 00. LATH AND SHINGLES A ntn liin les. $ 85 , No , 2 , S2 50 ; No. 3 , ath , $3 50. PalnU Oils and Varnlshai. PAINTS IN OIL White lend , ( ' . P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. & C. Co , < : ; MarseilleK Rrnen , 1 to 5 1) > can i'rench zinc , green seal , 12c ; French ed seal , He ; French zinc , in varnisl Oc ; French < cinc , In oil a st , 15o nd burnt umber , 1 lb cans 12c : rai urnv Sienna , 13c : vandyke brow ; o lined lampblack , 12c ; coach black "ory black , lUc ; drop black , IGc ; Pi line , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; c reen , L. M. & I ) . , 14c ; blind and g reen , L. M. & ! > . , 14c : Paris green "dian red , 15c ; Venetian red , 9c ; 1 ui , 22c ; American Vermlliod , I. & 1 hromo yellow , L. , M. , O. A , D. O , ellow ochre , Uc ; K < > ldcn ochre , 15 ; i ryer , Cc ; graining colors : llK'ht oak 0 c , walnut , chestnnt anil tuh 12c. Dry ° alnti WhiU lead , ftjc ; French rlne. lOc ; jhitcing 2icj whitinB ifilders , 1 biting com'l , IJc ; laranblock He awn , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , Be ; UD blue , 45c ; ultramarina , 18c ; vm rown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umtwr c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , ra' ' aris crcen Renuine , 35cj Paris ( jreen 5c ; chrome green , N. Y.1 20c ; c r 'cn K. , 12c ; yennillion , Kn . , 70t nillion , America , 18c ; Indian rwi one pink , 14c ; venotiun read , Coo ju : Venetian red Am , , IJc ; red leai hromu yellow , gcfinine , 20c ; chromi iw , K. , 12c ; ochre , roohelle , 3c ; prcnch , 2'ic ; ochre , American , Vintcr'i * mineral. 2Jc ; KOiiKh browi pnninh brown , 2 c ; Prince'rt miner , VAUNISIIF.S UftrrcU per ( j ' "uriilturfc , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , > I ; furniture , U , Me ; coach , extra , , loach , No , 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , $1 50 ; J Oc ; Mplmltum , 70c ; shellac , 13 50 ; II finlA. * l 'M. OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon , 12c , leadlight , per gallon , 13cj 17f > " hea < ] ier gallon , 17c ; cryhtollne , per K lloi Inseed , MW , i > er gallon , 04 ; lin cBdl > er gallon , Ii7c ; lard , winter Ht 'd , p < w. 1 05 ; No. I , fiOci No. 2. C5c ; c 1 30 No. 3 , 1 15 CXX. i > "r gallon , ; ; r gallon , Me ; sperm , W. It. , perg 35 ; ti h , AV. . | > er gallon , GOc ; neat xtrft , per KRlliin , 75c ; o. 1 , C5c ; atlng , zero , per gallon , 30e ; nummei o.deu mucblnt ) , Nu. 1 , p r gallon , S& w , A , - t , ' 'I 1 , 1 i , d'lll ' , J l 1 'il ' . t . .1' I. ' It .11 ! , . . ' . . IL . M , tv\ ! Irwn. < > ; . . S.KiO' pl" - < locl , cft < l 2 liMf ; OH ; hiilr , iicr et , 1 * " ; fellow , H-h , 75c : M\witi | nnU , per Ih , I Wftshcrn. pr lb. SfWl.V ! mcts , jwrl oi ll chain , pep lb , OiW12p ; innMrAbl ron WKiVid , ( V ; e wl > nr , Ik1 : 1 tcclh , litirMKhoe : * , pcrkt-g , ROO ; XATLS-10 to VXM. 3 CO : vS S/i 10 , M , I 00 ; Id. 1 2 : ! ! M , coimivm , , * ) i flnf , (5 ( f > 0 ; clinch , all si us f > 2 > ; ( id , ( 4 75 : S < 1 ra-iiK' , I 5 ; 1V1 cvslttg : , I 5 ! fitmi ! , I 7. " : SiT finish , : . 00 ; ( VI flnWi , half kes ? , lOo cxtiM. SHOT. tJliot , W.W | rtitfk Mint , OiJeiitfil Piir\iler , knT" . ! ? ( , SO ; do. k ? , K ) . IS : do , , niMitor kfjr1. Sl.SS ; ! < ? , k ! ! i , ( it.i : l-'n c > , tifr 100 fcot i Morsel nntl Mules. Tlio m.irkot i < bilsk and all prnd t'llineell nt n ( .light advance in The demand for good horses i-xcw mipply eomldcni'ily. Prices range lows : Kititt ninulc drivers , $10. to ROO. ? draft hnwi * . S-l" " . tn 22. . : Common hnr o3. SIOO. to l.'iO. : Iktrn fuliu 1 SUO. to 125. : Common tngood f.irm 1 10. to SIW. ; Kvtia plnis , ? ( X ) . 1 Common pltipo , KG. to cMU. MULKS. IT. to ir-i hnmh ( ettrn ) lo 150. : MJ to 15 handH , sjiCO. ti 14 to 14J Immlj , $75. to 100. : 13J hands , SOO. to 75 HUlfJ hur , Etc. lllDl'S Oroon butcher's hide , 7c i-nrod hldos , SL- ; given * alt , pr > t hide" , 7fif 7 o ; lry flint , sound , lopiJl citf nnd kip , l-.VjMJ'c ; dry nail hide * , llfit 12c ; green calf. wt. K tolf.ll's. , ] l Kioeilcalf , wt , ninlopS llw , poj skh Ritvn polti , 91 OOftl IKWfn ; lamb SI 10 1,1 25 ; dnmn-fivl hidi-i , two-thlr c-ut ocou'd a'ld u\o cnib , classed tl irds vnlo , ) branded hid 10 per cc : ' Co.inxKin ? , No. 1IKc 1 : No , 2 , ! ! 0c ; . ' . ' 0 , ; No. 4 , 10c , Mink , Xo. 1 , " 'Ce ; ' IlOu ; No. 3 , 15n ; Ni . I , 5c. VIA , f.02j N'o. 2 , 25c. Skunk , No. 1 , ! " > ( ; ; hnTt sLriiitlOf" ' nntiw.1 strip. l.naJ ftrii > i , 10s. 'fallow , 5JiS. Wool. Mo'-lno uuwtvRhod , light , llijflfic : ' , l(3ll.'i ! ( ? : modtum nwn.ihcd , light. If ftbvashid , choice , " 2c ; fair , HOc ; an 1 vv , , 2-o ! ; burry , blaoU and colttnl Jit Cc los.1 ClR.Ars r.nd Tobjccus , ( rOAUS. SrctU , ? lVtiO : Connc' ' > -r.00 , ; Mixed , SW.OOj Rooii Clear 1 lavann , ? 7.00. . TOl'.AOCO PLUG. 24 11) . ( .Or ; Spotted l-'nwn , ( lie ; Our G''ii ; i > f.u- , pounds , 21 lb , btt'.ti , Ol'c ; Shoe , pound's ' 24 lb , butts , OOoi Pur Hi. buttriJi's ix > u"pn Uoi21 H > , tmtt U.U IM e , pfmndn , 24 Hi , lmtl , 00 ; : uid X.j\v , p mnds 'Mo ; llullimi , p1 We : i , < > i-ii5ard'fl Climax , pounds , ( JOc. 1'lMl CUT Tn pails. Ihinl to "o ; ( .rohlcu Thrc id , 70c ; Fountain r..Mivhe , ( i"o ; Kooky Mountain , Fancy , f.Oc ; Daisy , 45o. In tin I'atliim O. S. , 5 11 > lmxi , per ll > fi.-p : lllanl'H Tifror , UOc : Dtamoirt Crown , SMOTCING All praties Comnior 5.o. ! ISriiuulated lilaclnvolls Durhi DX lie ; Dukes Durham , 10 os , TiOo ; ! Noith Carolina , 10 07 , 4fi ; Seal of N ! ; u , 10 oz , 3Su ; Li mo Jack , 4 oz , linei iwrlb , Sl.Ti ; Mavbiirgd' , 2 ( nil , 55e ; Do ; ; Tail. < > 5e. Liquors , ALCOHOL 1 7 pr < mf , 225 pri ralun ; c-ctni California Hpirit187 1 II ' i er o-oof galion ; triple reliufil If" vr of , 1 24 per proof cation ; re-di H'Vit-s , 1 OOtyl 5 ; line Men led , " lions 20xS ; > 7 < fl bom 2 . 0 ; Krtucky , IncUy and Voii'isvlvatii i vyeis 20 < if lillAXDIKS liuporttil , 1-0 UU ( dnniestic l-10a ( , 00. GIN'S Imported , ! HO O 00 ; doi I -Wtf'A 00. 1UTMS Tinportod , 1 50(30 00 ; Kn-lhtnd. 2 ( XI c1 1 00 ; doiiieRtic , 1 'ill PKACH AND .U'PLi : UUzVIs 1 75CO t 0i. ( C 1 1 AMPAGNES Imported pur 20 005/131 00 ; American , per caao , 1 1801. CLAltKTS Per CMPI 50nG 01 " \VIXHi Rhino wine , p r c'i'e , 20 00 ; C.itavb.i , per case , 4 007 0 ( Drup-s. DPtUGS AND C'HKMICALH.- Carbolic , 50e ; Acid , Tartarlc , file ; 1 Co.ibia ] , per lb , 70c ; lUrlc , ? aisafn lb , 12o ; Calomel , pur lb , H'Jc ; ( . 'inch p pr oSOc ; ( Uiloroform , per lb over's powder * ) , per lb , ? l 40 ; alt , " , per lb , SJc ; Glycerine , pure , ISc : Lead , AcuUto , per lb , 2lc bou oil , 110 = , jimKiillon , 11.Udo ; pergat , 13Jc ; Oil , ( 'astor , No. 1 , ] * 1 35 ; Oil , Cantor , No.3per gal.Sl 2 ; Olivu , pcrg..1 , § L 40 ; Oil , Origami Opium , S f.O ; Quinine P. & W. k II per 07 , 82 00 ; Potassium. lodidu , ; $2 40 ; Salacm , per o35c : : Suli > l iMorvibine , per oz , S3 85 ; Snlpnur per lb , 4c : Strvchuine. cr oz. § 1 ! MARKETS BY TELEGIU Council Bluffs Marltot. Couxoir , lli.UFFH. Novembe Flour Manufactured by Crysta City Mills. 3 7 iGti 50 ; Kanstus anil souri flour , 3 50@1 25 ; graham , 3 7 flour , 3 40. ] 5ran and Shorts 17 00 per ton , Chop Com 2J 50 per ton. Wheat Is'o. 2 , § 115 ; No. 3 , 00 joctctl , 70c. Corn No. 2 , - > 5 , rejectan 43. Oats Ko. 2 , 40c ; rejectucl , 3"o , JJurley No. 2. ! IOc ; No. 3 , 75u. Hay Ti 50 ® ( i 00. Wood ( i 00@8 00. Live HORK 5 fX ) ( 5 75 Cattle Shipp ne , 4 00o ( > 5 00 ; COWM 30 00 ( 45 Oo per hoiwl ; bu block , 275(5300. ( " Shueit 1"00@B 00. < J Hides 5c ; G S hides , 8c. Wool IB ® ft. Uuttcr 30"35c. KggH-tOc. Potatoes 1 00@1 20 ; we t , 4@5c Oniona 1 25@1 40. Orond Janotlon Market GHAND JUNCTION , la. , Xovembei Kgg17c. . Uutter 10@18o. Otuoago I lwe Htook. ( /'IIIOAOO. Novembei Cattle Steady a-id fairly outiv ports , 5 90JrC ( 70 ; good teen ce , 5HO common to fair , 4 00@l 75 ; to fair butchers , 2 lXft3 0 1 ; to cho cc. 3 40@4 00 ; ntockers ai d fi i75@3 5 ; TexiH ca'tle , 2 U04 ( 21 ceintR , 3,500 hud ; ithlpments , 2 000 , hheeu ( iuiet nd Jirni ; po-ir t mixed lots , 2 75 ( ? < 3 50 ; m-diuin to ; i 75@4 25 ; choice , 4 50@5 25. Uei Hi Oh ad ; Miiimt | nU , 1,1 0. HOKS The market was a tlve and lOc higher all amund ; common u 11 ixed lutH , 5 Gn i.O 10 ; heavy paolci Khipping , ti20i50 ; light grndi-s , S On ; cnllv and graH erB , 4 00(5,5 ( 50. ceiiitf , 38,000 held ; Hhlpuruuts , licud , The Cotton Ezposltinit , S'atlontl Associated 1'roii ATLANTA , Oa. , Novombm 2t Juy'nvno thu largest att r d/tu tlio osposition. Twenty t'mi [ icraoim were iiroscnt , inclu lin , thousand col logo and dcho i ftu < Dr. Van Camp has riH'Vtd t now rcsidenco , noutlionhi trm NVobntcr and Twentieth nti coin Miss Ijouiiio ( iarBtinit , u-.i ,1,1 rocal and iiiHtrumenUtl inuiv n Itarnabaa parish Hchooj , d > xn limited number of priv.ilo pi \ddre B , 8t , Barnabas nutury. v3 DUSINLJJ. STork. tvtul OtliwllBAXT W J y Gould Sjioctnl to the dnrltumtl Ooinricrctal. ' KI-AV YOHK , Novcinb.M82. . * - IB eonsuU'iMblo tolk on Wnll tV ( the innpnaort uw sl-ic-U oxchhtiKI is s.iid M bo ti mig-u ntinM ot ! . > ' C Itii chief nssuciiUi' * in tlio onto ate Ojrua W. J'iolcl , lliiMcH 5i Sidney lliHun. Tlio immus of \ \ II. VmutotbiU , 0 I' . Huntliiyk 0. Mills , Uhvid Diiwa and liu , ) o\\utl were incntionud in conm with tlio schoiiio , lmt tlio use i nnmca of uiobt di' them , nt lo' " ' niiaulhorizoil , Vandcilnl nud i two oMiots denied , in tlu > most. IK nmntioT , Un-y luvl nnylhJny ou-r to do with the nuittoi" . The details of I ho pliii , nupatt have nol. yet lu'en ! iri-\ni ed. iiicctingi in seine of the ] iurioti ostcd in it iviro hold to-dsiy , M olhor nu'otnn ; is to bo hold tu row. Uij ndinittod hy some o most nrdont friends of tlioiirojoo the rccint action of the govc cuiumittuu ot the prcaout rcgnt il to the ntoal < of the Kiel is the immediate ot-c.ision of uioveniout. After the Hjjret-niun month liotwocntho rnnnntltCOJ ( i Ihroo Elevated v.iilrcad conip ! which modified tl.o teinia of Ihn. to the MunluUtan eomp.itij' , the ronoUtim atrtk nt.imnod nccurdi the r.e v ogiamentnt \i\\l \ o uv.irlu t. Thu c mimittoo on scon nt .vtlod th.t tl.o stnuincil \\ni uut n yoi/d di-lii-ury , and Oii ebion iv , is nirxiul lined aftofivni-i thu gnvernii'g coioiii'lct' . TJtisr iiij ; of the atnmped stuck intido > s.iry o , ch-itiijo of plan on tlio pi tlio elevated railmiul nianngci and thu tirojio-ed mcrgov of Ilio two oimip.iiiicsitli the Jtnnh coiupiny was indireoily < ho r fc'ouio of the corui'nniaa noinplni : tevly of the nation of iho stoc change. NYhoti Sidney Dillon was i about the now ovohutige , ho VO ] " I'hfro i really no iuf'U ' mntiou It yon , as t'io du'.iila hnvo not yet armnped ; all th.4 1 know about that at the u oi' in of the Mutr. tun jiooplo to-day fny Uonld cat metitiuned that llw building a front of llroidwiy the Washii luilol , 1 thmlt ic it would in , good site f aa stock exchange. of the men ptt.ecnt. oirrvetl t would be a god i > l co. Well , th.vt them ivni n , litth ra1 talk ahoiit it ; hut notli'itig "iras tonnrd ! trcaiiuini ( iho phina , " "Do you think the nelicmo a bio one ? " ' J sec no reason why it ahouli hj. " 'Ta ( lie objeei to not in oppoi tj the presentrauh.muo l" ' \Vill , it cerfcuuly wmtld ho a posiHo-i to tlio t'scliiigo. . " Kx-Oovcvnor Alutgin and Hit ; tTewilt denied nil Knowledge i'me. David Duw.s w.ia aaton ai.d di.ippiovtd it. A prominent member of the emir. ' . ; committo Hiiid : "i'o-.l hi'tird for the first , time , thnt n oxcliunyo wns propuhod. I o.\j Boiiicthing of tlii'j kind , for re , tlicvo blue bc'i'ti Homoslockn | ) ies to the committee t < i bo liBtud , huvo been refnaul btcauto tlio mittco not H-itiifitd they f-honld hi ] ) iit upon the ThiHangwcd the poisons HO tlul may tiyto siii'o [ tins exchange. ' . jireseut case eer'ain Jiilevr.led i weropisjt'd upon by thu eomi unfavorably , That IB the rcusoi the only leasnn , that Icaniulvni : thu plan. I presume that n c man WIH disappointed ; hut , i opinion , ho will find that he ca flpht thu exchange. The ohlexc it too deeply rootud to bo overt in a day. It him bikon onu hu : years of time and labor and pa and careful nmimgumont to foi present connections , and to rait value of the eeals to what the worth. This cat. not ho undone hurry. It is by no me.ins an thiiiy to gotti miukot , and a mar what makes a utock exchange , nn thu combined millions of a few vidualn The Times nays : ilay Gould has not bucn acc < that truittmcnt hy the Stuck Kxcl to which hu believed himself out Moro tlrin once the governing mittue of that iimtitntion baa i action unpleasant to him , and than once , too , has a story Blurted of alikolihoodof an'oppoi Exchange , with Jay Gould i head. Never , till yeattrday , how would he acknowludge lie wai or become , in any wise , intercstc such a project. But the recent action of the erning committee in declinir recognize his stamped 0 per Metropolitan Elevated railroad as good delivery for borrowed W politan 10 per cent. , has nettled to desperation , and his threats have been neither few nor mild Cyrus W , Field and Ilusticll Sage been hand in hand with him i : crusade. They have held daily forenccs. They avowed their i tion of placing their house upon i icrxlly different basin from that ol existing exchange , which "in mo and in scopo" they criticised as 1 "fur behind the spirit of the ag < fogyish. " "In conjunction with tlio nov change , " flaid n representative ol Gould , "there will bo ostablisl bank and trust compnny , . The will be for the use of members o : exchange , and all transactions of exchange will pans through , it , discounting all rinks inatock dolh and wiping out the trouble conn with the present system of cor checks in vo < ; uo at thu nrcsont change. Such a bank will bo t intents a clearing house. The company vill serve members in matter of their deposits on conti and will also bo available ns n tra olilco. Tin-so are featurco wjsi themselves will insure a thot DUCCU88 of the project , nnd they features which thu present Excli will never bo enterprising onou adopt. The old can not hope to pete -with the new. " The announcement was made the capital stock , $0,000,000 , boon Bubocribed. Boats will IK I I f , | . \ II 'i r n .d t.i.l n.i in1- iu , < * building will bo oU'olo.l , Uioat ing nlready clinKiMi , Tint ullo ' . being the property of CyruV. . 3 ami Iho other Jot < n pot limit ) Mktropoiiun Klov.i'od ' ihvuy n tttp , wliich was tmm l ov r I Minimi tun cunpinv a few dnyi Kven the pm ! sof tn tia but ni * mb' public. 'I'lio flat llo t liavo r. "Ini-grt , sqiiiiM room , " ennnyh to nceoininodixto nil ttio nf lOUOop. > ratoM , to h > m the l-prship will bo limito.l , Tha re dor of the b.illding will bo H'td ha'f ' n di s.n Slim-lea or so wil'i i for In-okct-K. Krni the Intddm to bo Mr Gould's Wost-m I wliva direct lo every city of .he try , nnd upon Iho Hour of Iln change will by given special cnbi ncctionith London , hiris. At d.itn and other1 IJuropcim i-e Mntiy ho.ivy enjnt disla nro i M associated with ( .1 tiui'ing Iho tui'iips V.iudorhilt , DIIIVM , Dillon , lluntiuutiii , Mill Jewett , ns well as othi'M in Clii Cincinnati , iSi. Louis , Lnulon , ' nnd oliowhoiv. < H stocks to bo from tl-o present ai d with the now. the flowing inonti'piiud : Now Y'o , k ( Joi C.iiwdi SoviUioin , Tevas 1'aciiK1 , tml vailwdy , New .Itnoy , l iko H \VeetornUnioii , Manila , tan Kiev NVft'iiisli ' , New York , Lain Kr \V stunt , Vi.ion Pocifie , Now Kk-vati'il , Ci'iitrM IV-ilic , Mi , I'rtcil'ui Jfail , Metvopi Rlovu'ed ' , Ni-nhwealern , Mis ! lCiuisa.1 1 % Trxis , nnd luekutttim ur A nuc ( Us DAMASOCM , Soitfiioi20. ! ! . - A ivhteh hohin tlio imhoM i < f ftal.idii l ucKle , ami is the home f Abdi k-r wlikh hud theglmj. . of St. I : inversion and the iiui or of Mu ined'c , luout oiuntal coiniliuun [ lot 1 1 bu ojen in ti day , nor diani is n miviigo of tint di.aei-h. If i lot onoo boon the cap ! tnl of the , v r'.d , the I'.uis ot tlio Uiijnt : liim as tu' vlilur bointy ol iho 4 i.-unic , xi > dus fiimi M.'Mipi tamii he Holy Land \.ouldgivuii Ulods o toonoli di-opof iu livers , unnxl 'nuiUaiim , IniUow every utoin ' lust , and gild every object upon i its fkico sun ihiuoH. \ Vhcithoruforo , wo h-ft beliiti blue sea and the pvomontory of jout erdayr nnd wound ou ivt-i- the bare hills in lints , and , n inntuino on mountain ! ) which 1 iiitiier , and nhcn we b.idu fnnin ilio hughtu and v.iha of that Lei by thu ujn , so mncli bolovtd , : vi jlory of its codain , [ iilais , tnnlbo fig treoa and vinoynidu , and bcg.i long i-ido uniong the ruokn , nwun * uJ plains of tlio Lobttnoii buyon ai-'ii , wo know tliat thuto was a ; onn recouwonso in store foi-oiu1 1 If onr ro.ul was uluvutud and < > m r.ig xngvoro wo not repaid li ahadin',3 and splonduin of thu 1 oiuaugu.i audtlio peurlefH of Sluiint Herman. If our o ; nniu wore > f iin uliiin nice , \\L not rep lid by views of mountain and c nic'H , nnd thu wi lo voidani at tlu'ir base , not to speak of Iln rt'cnrin ; vista of that liib'ici whic'i mot oiirgav.o iiniuigh mm delih'R and which ever lifta itsill in a I'.ulmi What a prospect w from tliuso mountains of Lul \Vhal \ mumoik'j ! 1 ivondor whulheiLimnrtin inouuLniuii in tlio Hjiiing , they uro Diiid 1 1 bu greun and b fill , or nt the end of mntiieiai c.-iae , liL-n all ia i.mber and niul it is : i.iid that LVUII hen the ti are tricked out in tlioif finery of olives and niulhuriy , still the tains look brown from bulow fro low as you are ascending , but wise when descending , when tl raced walls nro not observed. over thai may be , wo have now tiling of that contrast wherein much delight.Vhon the wuiu ply here is full , then the spiii summer are generous of their nnd goodness. But it is not i though poetically pretty , as 0111 lishj Minister , Lowell , in his h of inspiration , once bwng- that ' 'I'is lieiuen alone ihat i.1 L'ivcu : i\vi 'Ti > , duly < iud may Ij3 had fur tl injj ; There U mi priu sut on tin ; lavUI HUT. And .Iniio nriy IKI had by the | ciinir. No huavonly beauty , nohivisl mor , no leafy Juno , is to bu hru ratis. Thi'ro is a price which i iu hard labor for all that tlio Le gives lo its stewards and toilers , in lovlinuss or rovuird. Something more than rhaps required to tell how we piisso day on the road to Damascus. Damascus is in our viow. Tli pear the six minarets- two tipped and domes innum bursting out of qrooii environs. n splendid vision , for it funjin the famished eye signs of Damai the Elder' Simji ! Urack ! Whisk ralah ! from the horn , and , an crowd of bystanders , open lly tin and wo are within not only tli of Ih , the capital of Syria , thod of the Orient , but within the pro of tlio grand uiliconco ontablish and near the Hotel Dimitri , wh the goal of my ambition. Preliminaries for return nnd to liiialbeu hi-ing settled , wo nr by a courier and escorted to our As wo enter the narrow and low way , its court given ns an in Damascene view , wliich has all tl 311 1 color which trees and foun : olored walls , nnd nrahesriuos of : ould give , It was a welcome ; It is n grand old city , and wo it , not without some chivnlrio on > r , for liow olno would ono tal : ity which holds the tomb of Hal Con vontlou of Cotton Meu S'ltlniml AOHOC alf 'I Vtcm. ATLANTA , Ga , , November & lonvention of planterH nnd man .urors will bo held hero on Di Dor Glh. _ _ _ _ Wo liavo a largo slock of the ! ihuet Music on the way from the iuhora , which wo intend to sell nt iriccs us peojilu can afford. Tli lo to accommodate our ninny cu irs who ur e us to handle thoeog Bdholm & Erickson , L o f J * . . , tV ° H vn ConH"v at u the Old World. SOUtH AMERICA. PAKAM\ , November count tif howv tutu * n the linn , on the lini been wr poudwl , nnd will pvubnhly for A to\v i-iUni ts I'l-.ut' , from S mth America , N\m-mbor ' 'd , roporti ih.u in p'liosnigus jn I'lilitioal circle ! some time must e'npso bcfuro uv Buy ik'soription can bo roatoroil. dili'en-nt Ivadcis issued proclnm antngonisUc to inch other , sulllco to provo iho truthof ihoi Adminl iUonteiv , wlio in s.x eoinmnnd the nnithovn put * of baa nlno boon wntintj letti-vi , in wl.ijh . ho nu'iitinna ISat Im accoj intervention uf the Umti-dStati' will uivo his ndhuitinco to the govcnnuont dir.clly wlivn ho le an iinswer ftotn Minister Iln Ho fnya ho lint at lenutli dtten to thtow over the lovo'iitinimr ; ernmcnt of ] 'ior 1.i , and vlmt "o 'act 1 01116111111' infornii'd the rep ntivo < if the I'tnU'd Utiitoa iu n , it'iterJay soiil him , " nouvu NX. Ooii. Catnpero niul army U-ft I Holivi.i , Oulobur " 7th , nnd nr tortoil ns maiching t.'uunda ' Tni or the pnrp MO of opmiitig in ill vu'tnvctit a campaign on llolivi tiiunt. Unnvir hui it IliatCatn .ilentiontsto dtitroytho nitrite n ordi-r to iujnro Chillm intt lionld tic dn so ho will tnjuie of htoti'ly ' , Pern , wiio i < nt. pi ibtnining oympithy ubumd froi ) tVH ) < 0 ' 1lVO ICg > li.llioll8 Of tin SO wi-rltn and d'-po iti fur the puvp tbthlnin funda ni'h ' whic'i to Ulniirnt ( of the war imlnunity a to pivvenl 'ho e wi'in of ten Otll ilJMh'II.U'.S llllAl.Tll. Lain HOAR fitiiu Cliili ioior'E ; \iipul rick improiii t ; in In tilth. APFAIIlS I'rung. ANI1TIIRII ttllV r.XWKC.1 VI.OT Loxnnx , Nuvotnbop "I.Th hoi ii ien Im I anotlieiliny ] < ' n .t niglit , ai.d indued it is no uver. The p ilico were infoi in ncaus of nn nnonymouA that there wan a plol bow np ( luild 31 all. iiiiMiiiH'i.'iiiont evcitod the tippi ftiuii of tho.iu lowborn it wna coin cuted niul an exttu pobuu 'force .1 ; toclivtB woic oi-tlurud on duly. itiovements of unknown rursnns vicinity were i-aivfully ivnioliei voviriii iinvsls of innocent j were made. Tin : itANviniHTiu ; iucis. : The race for tlio Miinuhtaier Belling otaki-B to-diiy Wnii by Antony , with MorriMMke M-UUII I'iitunie third. Tlio uico for the Fnnoho'lnr miiro Welter luindioipe.uneulVt and v.-ii3 won by Moutrose , will Uhvisliiio ot'cond nnd I'rinoca.i third. .Niiiii.isTtiro.vrr.sMoNH. . ST. I'l.TKiimiumi , Movembui- lli'Ksy llellmiuin , thu finulo i now eon lined in iho Tn.ubuhl. lion , will pr.ibably receive n li don in cotiimh'iatiim of 111 fu3himi3 hho bus inuli' . confcssiomi : igu > o to the Lieut. Toukano ! ) ' . The result uill bo that the numbu'r HUH ! ) llgnring in the appunclmij Iriul will bo raised from ti\tnli , to Beveiity-tv.o , and posmhly fai : rj not only lit Bey llul and Toukanoll' , bu Trigoni lias made a conl ltirt < pnte likt-ly thtit ( ( > In persons nniy bu tried in a whether by tliu stale ennstilulei Buprunii ) court or by court nun not yut ilccidi'd. Geneial ] gi thanks to wlioso tact nnd p tin-so revelations were i would iiiofur that the try the cades. Ho inclines to relatively speaking , may be ck'iiii'iicy , llo his pk'dycd bin ceilain instancus that paulon H granted , nnd intends to leu promise. Tlio number of oxe will thus bo diminirhed. Tbotr stiiku to thu M'.iy heart of the or iini/.iiliini. It is not to takt till January , hoivuvur. Kutwe ' time and then ( ion. lyimlkll't to have much moro to cliock th bition. Kio.ih confessions aru made daily. KNOUMOI1K ( IKKM AN TAXATIO HKIIMN , November ' 'I. Th nidiH increase in thu militur mates has uHtonishcd the peopl excited n great amount of con not only bucaueu of thu neccs increased taxation , but , npro ] Jiismnrck's ' probable plan , tin mates cull lor mi increase of ttO tenants und iiOO iion-cpnnuiH ofllcora. Tliero lire indicatiui Prince liimmrck is wavering latest threat to resign. It nounced. however , by those wl in olllciul confidence , that his ec unco in power depends upon I ception and treatment by tboroi of his plans fur financial and HOI fornib. I'lHTOL l-IUKKI ) VI' . I-ONDO.V , November 1. A believed to butliu onu nnod by when he murdered Mr. Ooli been piclced up along thu line Brighton nii.way , TUllKKV KMISAUUAHHKII , From diitpatchoa received her Oonstnntinoil | < i it nppeurj thnt uiu'ii uttilu lo on thu war indi claims ombai'iaisus Turkuy in t tloment of tim debts. IIIKMIIUJK'H J-UTUKI : romno UKHI.IN , 'f"vember 21. lUuniirci : hai ttilt'graphed to th Semitic meet u g in ucsaion hen 10 could nly ' 'osido during tli lion of the 1 1 iclistag regarding 1 Lure poiitmii HIl'.U. KKKLIN , Kovombor ( , - lusch , u iiiemberof thu privy c < ilied at I'xnirno to-day , I'OMOI. INSt'KOTOUll INPICTKI DUIIUN , Nuvembor U4 At tl oner's inquest over the body < man who was killed by thu polic rig the clmr | < e by them on the i ; t I i N I i l u ) I.i \t S " . ,1'H , ' I Jt 111' , - , tl- nn null clurm il < U > puty , IM ivnil to do- clftfo ( if linn Void on we ground of h torf roiicc < .f tlwcli'tuy. Af.Vdldeolc ltowmi , in nistcr tif the Intniinv. tu ! > icjiublir. * ! , mltt'iin tlic i ( ) J CotlC .ft And the e'.BCtiun H'.ll i rial. sU 'ok of on vrn loll hufo lo- di MV\ the of tiwny b WIM.tAM Ml I'll lU'.TtKH. , Xovom'nr .M. - Kinporor Wil i nn i * much bjtti-i , nud to-day pnMlfl dti'itM nround Uurliii , fuHtmt tiosit itiM.nti ! : . 2 --Mr. 1 . lloiirk v , November - - , in bi'hnlf of tlio Tnrkiih bondholder ! * , IIH , asked the Hiinliah govrrntuont to iwintaln thu Tnikub debt iri\mgo- mint .vjninit Russian intcrfcreiire. - of atito for lirl ( Jninvillc , M.'cnlii-v oreign atPairn , has replio1 , luforritig boudholdtiiH to Iho lltn-lin ttualy. For Sale By FffSK8RIEH ADTJ WeUSBTS , , No. 1 , "en lir < u ii , 7 lumnH , on ( 'iimtm ; wttrut iiinr Smniiln . VI-.H.J. : > o. 'J. ' 2tt i ) liou-i' , II r < mnn , i'l | , clsIenianJ barn , M' li trr , iir r IMIi tu Lt , fJWH ) . No. ! l , HoiiMi ) if 1" n > 'iii' , on lUiiK'.v , luvu fj ll MlTCl , Ktlllll' ( Ollllllllloil , . ' 31IHH ) . ' JCo. I , Lar n houj.i uf II room' ' , on U'rliptcf Unit , iieur < lei 'l.toti ( olk'co , MM" ) . Ko. 0 , II mo ol 7 toon.H , mi'i , near I7tk jtri'i t , * U ( K ) . No. 7 , Ilimioof 8 rooinn , 31otn , nn ITtlistrtul Heir iMpl. l W ) . No t > , Iloiii-oul & riionm , on Citsa , ritur 14th , i'Jxl.l'J ILII' lot , iiH ) . l\o , l > , lliini ( ) oV looiiii , VlUtu'ti , i'lr. , or CIIKH , nriiriith tt cct , S'lll. Nil , 10 , Hun . r .1 roonirtltli lot 2'2xKW f.'ok , an ( iui , iK'Ui Illli ntuu , jiUMI. No. 1 1 , lluiisu of ( I riKiiiin , un Hi tli tttci-t , iiita lMii'lii ! , 4 IxtM fci't lot , f-H Hl , No. 12 , lid , Miol U raoiiiD , linck foiinilitlon , o llnrnry , IHATJTtli i-tru't , IIX-O No K ! , 1 tory ni'W liaimu nf U rooms liricl. loiiinliilon : , oil lit. Mar > 'n avenue , nunr l No. 14 , MoiMBiif 5 room * r\n.l Niinuiierklt' lioi onOlh Htioct , tnur ilnik , t'JMH. No. 1HOIIHU . ' ( H IOOHH , on Hhuiiutii avcnu * Nn. in , 1 A tor IIOIIMI nt 4 rooniH , tlalilo , t'to. , Tin D.uoti. ort , nu.r i Utrei-t , Vtt 0. No. 17Mliirj titiik lioiiH ) of U nionin , ni u ail I of red ttieut tar turn tuMiWitf ) . No. 1 H , I IOIKC un J V lots , i blocks iht of Illgli Scliool , JJfKXJ. No. Ill , liiii ( oainl ItloUrn toml to park , nuu Ut'iul Nt. MIII\'H uM'llH" , tl.'iUH , No. 20. MciuKVunil 1IJ lutM iiml.'usi'iH' , SouU Omnlia , tllOJ. No. til , IIoii"0 niul lot on | ) a > iiii rt iitreet , mar lUtn Htrcit , # f 'iUi , Ao. iJ. lH ! r > IIOIIKC itial I t 'Ji\M fl'it , oil IUuii | irl , ni-nr l tli ntiect.rlilix ) . No. VU , Unusu of 4 rnoinn uml i \ utnJ7lt \ tt.ut , UirJ , fli.'UK. No. 'lit , iluiim uml i Im on null itrcvt , , or Dollar , 16M , No. ' 'U , llouKti niul J lot uil lUlli it rut , iiiwt Citii Lol a\rniie , .VHtU Nu. L'7 , ! liuuiu * anil 1 it 01 Jacknon , nmr ntti trt'tt ' , tVMO. No. 'ill , 6h'iiim uml 1 tut on CalUornU. , nu r Utliilrict , MXKI. N" . Un , IJ-nturj' lirlck ) iouof 4 rcxiiui nltl. lot WliitJO ffi.t . , nn Sli , rutkii kii'iiutt ( llJUi .Intt ) , nvur luril , 130(0. ( l\o , ai , 14 icry Imiiw ) and 88vOl | tv | , un UUi rrvLt , near lloutirJ fur' , } > 00. No ffi , V- tory hoinw cil U roouit and t o loU on Jlu-un , mar ir.tli Mri'vt , tsoou. N ° t30 , Ijir u lioumi & it full lot ou ( iipil * vunuo , nt r l.ltli otrrcl , tltiOO. No. Sil , 1 three utory brick limi < n w ) Iot44.\ 13 feet , on t'liloxo. niar IStli strwt , U 0 euch. o , 37 , llouiu ol 7 roonm wlUi li lot l' l Itrcct , near Ihth itrnt , < K760. No 3i , Hou u cnit lot on 1Mb itrnt , uuu- Blic'nimn , H8W. No. 3D , llouHeof 5 room" with 44iOfl fttt lot , ou Ibtli , noarCallloruln , ri'/X ) No. 42 ! , Ilouneof H room * with lotlMilWffct , on Coliinn , iirar Ooll x utrcct , $3WW , No. 43 , llouno anil t low on Cblcftk'O. near 20Ui tmt , D7WJ. No. 4i , Large haune ol 7 rooms , clowtN pantry , wull untl ci tvriion IBIli , nuirt'lurk utrent , fJMKi. No , 4H , Ure liOUm ) wltb lull block , nuar new ihott ower. (2000. No. 47 Houna ot 9 roqirm with J lot. on I'nclflt , nutr 11 tli street I'M JO. No , 4U , lltlck houmiof II roouu , e ] | , i-'ttcru , KM thruUKt.out thu liouw , ROTH ! barn , tc. , on Vtrnliuin , near 17th ttrret , l'XX)0. No f.O , llnuiio ol 0 roonm , cellar , will , etc. , OB ISlth , ut-ur I'aul etrtxt , * WO. No. 03 , HOUM of 0 roflnu und cellar , off HU Miirr'i axeiiiie , nuxr content , lltOO. No. it , Vour hou-ej unilHHi 120 feet , on Dau - port , ivar 10th tri > ut , ItOOO. No. W , llou-e of 0 or 10 loouu , on CullfomU , an r HUt.treut , JfifOO. No LI , llouuoofu roonn , ournmor kltcben , cellar , dutoni , well , | { roil barn , tie. , mur HI. Mary'a avvnue anil 2Ut street , 13000 No , M , New houwi ol 7 roomn , good b ru. o Welintor , near iza Ktritt. fJMK > . No , Ml , Four liouum wltji J lot , ou lith fctrwet. liflir Cum ' . ' 6UO , No. U > , lIuUH-j ot 3 roonii on Dtrturorl , new Klril btrcet , yOOO. Kn. ellnUMi \ ol U or IU ( ooinn , on Hurt etruct , tiimr Zinil Hire-it , JMjOiJ. No. 62 , llouioof 4 roomi , 1 rlory , iwrtli. ] Itr. clbtfru luiU will , oil llnrney , ntiarJUtklnwt , GEO. P. BEMIS1 Real Estate Exchaiige 15th oud Douglf e Street