Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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Thuradiiy Morning , Nov 24.
I'nttoriun mil la oor4 ,
Frederick L wlirifr Hnttor.
1)000. Kotlftblo Hnttor.
Glovcw l UieVJ cent
Winter cnpt clicnp i.t
llaifexlorn soils meat , ( or cmh , only.
Imperial club party at Miuunio linll
A. P. Jnlmioii , Dcntint , Jacob's Mock.
Ucfttitiful ChrifttwiM CuttU t KtitmV
lnif ) ? Storo. nov23tf
Ladles Hand DIVRII utthoOO cent Rtore ,
-I'oUck'fl clotliltiR N Ilio l > ot ever
brmiqlit to this city. nov22-3t
-15ik'Rnini ' In fine LTmleru < vir at
l' , lackV. iiovL'2-3t
Specialty > ( J'rescHpU im nt Oper *
House I'lmrmncy SclirotoriI5echt. oc2fill
UONKKll'S fnrlict Stove * nml Fur
niture. " & -1' '
VrnlMin ami l'r"ri Ven-
ii.WllI ! * H-irr.tmiiiMrivt AII IVKI A largo lt l > l Uy
and YoutlmrNtotH-tilo ) clnfcil tint cheap
-.t 1'olackV. new. 2-31
OKI irol'l ' excl > n i ol ( fur now jewelry
t'llhnlm , t KriclMiin'ri ' oppnsito Uio t ) ; ,
lie * . 28
- HwiM clii'cse iini ortoil uml imitation ,
'wholesale and tctnll , nt 1 1. Moyor'n. 207
( Minlli 13th Ktreet
Unmet H. ( Jnroy , Ilio embezzling
{ ( rand < l ) roil o At'enl , who in In jftll
here , lion liecn tmlicteil by tlio lr. 8 ,
frunil jury.
Inthu polled couit yoslo ilny there
KOTO tbrco c HCH fir ( trial ; nno Slocum nml
two ( IMurlicrw of the ptaco. Olio was ili -
ehnrjjed nml ths ntlicr two pilil tliuir fino.
The flyinf , ' Band on tlio river bnnkii IH
/ ddunae .11 to lilde the low.i bluffs ( nun
> \f\\l \ \ \ ut tlniCH nml tlie cold wind mixkcn it
rut like t-vo-edjfeil xwunl ,
A iiicc'.tn ! ? of the W. C. T. Lr. will be
hold at UIB Hnpllrt clmrcli , 1'rtday , Nov.
ffiitli , at 3 o'clock. All nrc cordially in
vited. MIH. .1. II. BuiroURliH , I'rcnldeut.
- A. c' nr box , with n fncoiut In it nml
n ciindlo itlncdl inside , recently frightened
nevoral of the employ of Mctz'H brewery
nearly nut of tliulr wits , bchif , ' Inkon for ft
gln t , One in in Hwoonod nw.iy and lias
born in bed crcrxlncc.
Chan. licnsnmn , the man who ns-
nntillid llir clmntlcrinnld nt the Omnlia
Ifoiti > c , and drew .1 knifn on tliuproiielor ] ! ,
Mr.Mnltli. . win fcntciicol by Jndj0 {
Ilcncki ! to thirty < Iiyn" imprisonment for
cncli olleimf. '
'Taitner Wanted. " An lUitcrpriMng
Iiiuly or with 81,030 to tnku mi
intercut inn Uivatriual entcrpriHe.
BIB nionoy. CJo 'iVchanco for nn nnmtcnr.
AddruHH , "Nfmiauer1 postolllce , Oinnbn ,
XcbraHkn. n1 < > eod3t
There KCCIIIH to be an epl b > m'o ' among
inothen for leaving their f > ITni > rlii on
nnmvbody ulno'fi ilonr step. JWrfl. liil , a
colored lady on Thirteenth direct , received
one recently In thin manner , und IIJH
turnnJ it over to thu county coinmV
' Two drunk * were arre/itod by Officer
Kagper vc.ilcnday. One ol Ihcin W.IH
diischartjed from the county jail only thin
ni'irning on nccouut ol family trouble , hi-
wife ba\inc given birth to n child which
hail died. He ought to be Hcni , up for tilxty
yen * a.
, lu t before 1 ! o'clock yetterday n
donblc team < f bliick * ran wildly up AVeb-
Stcr Hlrect u"d dixniipcared nnith on
Twonty-fiiut. The liiiBgy waH Btlll at-
tauhcd , with the top ImngiiiK oyer thu
i jrend. They went out of night before
anybody could learn whose they were ,
Lieut. L. S. Welboni went West yoaler-
day with twenty-five rcci nits for t'ort Lnr-
amic and sixteen for Sidney , leaving four
teen at thli point to bo Kent to VoitNlo-
l.raru by the H. C. & 1' . road. The de
tachment catno in over the Wal-asli thia
morning , fr in Jtiferwin liarrnuku , Afn. ,
aad arc fr thu Thin ! and Filth Cavalry.
They hail a cold timu ilunvr. up ou the leo
nidu of tils dctj \vattuiK for No. 3 to oomo
over from thu Transfer.
Onu hundred nnd Ufty-nlno beautiful
residence lotn , loontod on lluiiiilton t > treet ,
liaU way between thu turn table of the
red ittruct r.nt line und the wulcrworltH
reservoir -in-l ndditinn , nml liut west of
the convent of the SUtcrs Poor Clalro In
Shinn'B addition. Trice.n rangti from $ i >
to $1.1 0 each , and will bu nulil on cany
tormi to thoHC who will Improve , liendit1
nil cstatn nuciicy , Fifteenth and Douglas
In thcBu tiiiK'H of quack inuilioiiiu
advurtiuumuutH uvutywlioro , it ia truly
{ { ratifying to And ouu ruinody that ia
worthy of jiraiHo , mid wliioh ruully
dot's IIB recommended. Klootric Itit-
turj , wo cuu vouch for as boiui it truu
and rulinblo ruincdy , and ouu Hint
will dn us roconnnundcd. Thuyinv.u-i-
bly cures Ntoiiiauh nnd liver complaints
disuneoa of I ho Kidneys and Urinary
difliciiltius. Wu know whcruuf wo
Bpcijk , and can readily say , give them
a trial. Sold at fifty cents a bottu | by
Jali it Me Million. _ (3) ( )
About noon to-day n surioun acci
dent occurred nt tlio corner of T wen-
ty-fiifth and Dodge , by wliicli n ruirn
way team threw Miss Aldio Hoiliu
from the cnrriago in which nhovns rid
intf. Tlio youtiK lady received noino
aovurc injuries iibout the fuco but no
buues wvro broliun , She WIIH nttond
ud liy Drs. Moore , Mercer und I'nrkur ,
buing taki'ii to the rcsiduucu of tlio
latter on Cajiitol Hill.
Wunior'a Safu Ividnoy and Liver
Cure. codlw
Wo clip rho following notice from
1'Jio Lyons ( Iowa ) iMinor :
To OMAHA , Mr. John Lund , an
enterprising nnd valued business mini
of Lyons for ninny years , uftor pros-
pool lit" around for Iho purpose , IIUH
nottlcd upon Oiualia us n nroiiiiaini !
] > lucc to 1 oc.ito witlt u clothing etoru.
ilo will oj'Cii up ( hero Nov. Jst , and
wo uro pleased to recommend him In
prcfH and pcoplo us an impoituot
acquisition to that city.
Mr. Lund luin arrived in Oinuhii
and in ready for busincsa , hia adver
tisuineiit will bu found on the first
page of this juipor.
Ulinco Most 12ic per pound ; two
pounds for 'J5o , ut "Win. Gentlenmn'B. '
Tbankaeivinj : Welcomed by
Pleasant Dftnoiug Parties.
Plonoor Hook * , tlio I nnd Z.enano
anil tliB Iron Manldori.
Tlmnk-Bgivinjf ova w.w celebrated
last evening by tlicro pleasant dancing
parties. Tlio Pioneer Hooks , Land
Lcnguo nnd Iron Molden gave balls
respectively in Masonic , Standard nnd
Clark's balk All were well nttonilud
and thoroughly cnjoyod. The
Knights of Pylhiai also hold n pleai-
ant reception in their ledge roonia.
'ilio minimi ball of the Pioneer Hook
Mid Ladder company , No. 1 , was held
In Masonic hall. The hull was hand
somely deoorntod with festoons of
green ntid the walls wore hung with
thf many fine pictures blunging to
i ) ( mix. .oiion ; , ' which was n
laiye tin containing tlyi ] ihoto
graphs of all Ilio inuinhurii , reeent ) >
presented by ono of thuir number.
Nearly two hundred couples wuro
present , and kept the floor lillod dur
ing nil of the thirty numbera on thu
well arranged progrnmtro. Among the
dancci were HIX dedicated respectively
to the Council Uhilirt department ,
DurautlloHo company No. I , Oinnha
No. 1 , T''iro Kini : No. 2 , Nebraska No.
, ' { , and Pioneeer Hooks.
Tim following wuro thu ollicurn ol
the ball : Master of ceremonies , Cluis.
Fisher ; . Hour mana em , Louis Stunim ,
J. J5. Kocator , George Selimid , GUS
Williams ; reception cniinnittco , < I.
Rotholt/ , Phillip Doru , Louis Kroitsoh ,
Peter Uesen ; coinmittno of r.rrantte-
nicnta , D. S. Mitchell , fSoorgo Scliinid ,
Louis Stcinin , ! . H. Koi'fllor , Ous
LAND uiAoin : HAM. .
The Omaha Land 'Leagiio societies
gave a ball in Standard liiH. : Hero ,
IIH at the IVIasoiiic hull , about L'OO
conjiles wuru in altoiidanco. 'Die Hays
of the leagues were hung in appro
priate places , and the hall was hand
somely illuminated. Thirty numbers
constituted the pro rammo , inter
spersed with rofri'HliiiiuntH , whieh wore
provided by the ladic.s of the
le.iguc in the rooms adjoining
the diincin r hall. The Aluaical Union
furnished excellent iniiHiu. The fol
lowing arc the immes of the com
mittees and Hour managers :
Committee of ArraiigumentH Miss
Slacia Crowley , iMiss Sana K. Ilcun-
nuii , Miss Anna Nioliol , Misa Jierotta
McDonald , Miehucl Lee , Miulmol
Letihoy , JamoH lircnnati.
Reception committee ] ' . W. Gray ,
John Hush , Michael Donovan , Jamen
IJotiiiiu'tm , Thomas Tallon.
Floor managers-Clmrles BfcDon-
ald , Clmrles Hanloy , Itichard Pierce ,
,7. I. Nichol , John Itoagan.
Till ! IHO > JIOULliEltH.
There has been no ploasauter ball in
the city for a long time than was that
at Central hall last night , given un
der the auspices of Iron Moulders
No , 11)0 ) , of Omaha. It is an annual
all'.iir in which they take great pride ,
and thu occasion is always graced by
n largo turnout of the fair BOX and a
corresponding quota of gentlemen.
Central Hall In excellent
ly lilted for dancing pur-
pones and the floor was last night
occupied by as many as thirty-live sols
at ono time , and Un highly waxed Hiir-
face WAS not allowed to remain idle
very long from the beginning to the
end of the order of dancing , which in
cluded thirty numbers. Thu music
furnished by Holl'mim's orchestra
was of the highest order , and Mr.
.lacob Swineburno tilled thu oflicu of
prompter acceptably to all. There
wore at leant 170 couples present ,
thii hall being comfortably crowded
with .T moriy a throng an over danced
to { rood music. Thu eommittei's were
( lintiiiguislioil by haudsomo badges ,
the ladies wore tlio elegant fan ahaped
programme at the waist and the gmi-
tlumen'u coat lappelH wuro decorated
with pink favois. The coninuttuca
were as follows : Master of ocrymo-
nius Robert Kaiser ; ' committee
of nriangeniontuRobin t luiiaer ,
.las. , John Colbath ; recep
tion committee J. Madden , Hugo
Porntor , T. Springsted , S , Haws ; door
committee J. Colluth , ( < . 11.
Mackey , Ohas. * Adams , J. Carroll ;
Hour committee J KnL'lit , R. I'ierce ,
.law. Uunnigin ; , Chas. ForKter , .lav.
MuLoughlin , J. Jacobs ; introductory
committee- . Robinson , P. Car
roll , ThuH Mulanil , II. IVckham , .f.
llamnioiid , 15. Crnron. The company
broke up at an early hour this morn
ing to the hi rains of "Home , Sweet
Home. "
BLACK-DRAUGHT" makes chlllo
' ' - r impossible.
At 0. K. Ooodinan.
Dr. Amelia Burroughs , Witlmell
houuo , Tunsday und Fridays , 10 a. in ,
to 8 p. m " "
WA.NTKII. A low moro good act ivo
reliable purchaaing amenta to neil thu
light runniiig Domestic sowing ma
chine. For terms address , W. D.
Womnck , gunurul traveUng ngent ,
' '
Omaha , Nebraska. Nltf.
Flour , ( irouiid Food , Corn , Oats ,
and JlaU'd Hay for tale by Poland A ;
Givyor , Miai--- ) ' nlH-Ot
Save nionoy ; trade iKurl's ,
Omaha Iron and Metal Yard.
Olllco yard east nido Tenth , botweim
llarnoy and Howard streets , next to
Jim Stctphi'iifion's old livery stable ,
H. JUirthuld , propiiutor. The highest -
est cash pricen paid for any kind of
Old 1 ron and Mutula , Country Pro
duce abe hnmUud on ainall
nion ,
Why should perHons Biiller indigestion
tion whun t o remcily is so near at
hand in the "Conrad's Hmhvuisur
Ucer. " Try it and bo convinced ,
Trimmed Hats , DO cunts , worth
$1.00 , at the "IJoston Storo. "
It pays to trndo nt Kurtz's.
For nice fresh poultry , fvosh from
the farmers , go to IJutlutt'e.
The ( ifti ) annual mooting of the
Fnrmcifi1 Prottctivo Msocintion of
Douglas county will ho held nt Mil *
lard on Friday , the 2 < 1 day of Decem
her , nt ! o'clock p. tn. A full attend
ance is dosirablo. Bvory member ia
requested to bo present , i the onicem
nro to bo elected nnd to toke action
upon n proposition from n similar
society organized nl Humboldt , to
co-oporato against horeo stealing ,
This meeting is in direct interest of
every man who owns n horse , whether
ho is a member or not. The o fleet of
this orgnmxUion may bo observed in
the fact Hint during the five years of
its esistenco this county has bom
singularly exempt from this species of
theft. Them will bo the usual annual
ball given In the owning , Music by
the Omnhn band. IJy order of the
oiecutiro ofllccra.
Trlnl of an lalorontlni ; Case from
Saline County.
The United Status district conrlbaa
been occupied for two days in the trinl
of an interesting mi it , which had its
origin in and especially relates to Sa
line county. This cam has once
before como before the United Slat en
court , the jury failing to agree. The
action is entiklud Calm vs. Van Dnyn
ot al , the other dcfumlatitR being
Meisrs.Vehn nnd Castor , of V/ilbcr ,
Saline ccMinly. Wjhn is editor of
The Opposition , ] U ilished nt Wilber ,
while Uiistor is a prominent democrat.
The Bint w\s brought to recover § ! )00 )
on a morlgigo and note , which
; vero nllogod by Calm to bu fictitious.
The inorlg.i"jo'niul notes uro claimed
to liavo been signed by a man named
Orut/cl , who bought a farm from
Wehnwlio has oinco disaiipenred. Van
Duyn , and who figures as the chief de
fendant , was elork of the district court
in Saline county at the time the notes
and mortgage are nllo o'l to liavo been
given by Ilio missing G rot /.el in payment
for the farm , while Castor WHS a n tary
public who claimed to have witnessed
the ni ning of the mortrnge.
After pissiiiK : from Wohii into other
hands Culm , the plamttH' limilly ob
tained poFS'Ksion of the moitg.igo and
notes , and then brought suit against
Van Duyn , thu clerk ; \Vehn , the or
iginal owner of the farm , and Cns'or ,
I ho notary , claiming that thuso men
hud conspired ( o isiuu the sccnrilii-s
with fictitious signature ? , and divided
the proceeds of the money obtained
from thuir sale.
This involved both the reputation of
thu defendants , as well us the value
of the mortgage : > nd notc.s , and they
consequently mndo a vigorous fight on'
it. The plaintiff alleged ns'his reason
for commencing the action that the
property claimed to bo conveyed to
the missing Gret/.cl is not worth the
fnco of the mortgage , to say nothing
of the notes. Tn the former trial of.
the suit the value of the farm was
variously put at Sl.OCO to ? 2,000. I.i
the present trial both sides have been
ably represented by Burr A ; WoLster ,
of Lincoln , for the 'plaintiff , and
Hastings & JVlcGintio , of Saline
county , for the defendants. Tlio jury
will return a sealed verdict to-night if
they uro able to agree.
Tlio Pbilomntlioan Programme.
Following is the programme for the
second concert of the Philomuthcun
club's series , to bo given at Max
Meyer's hall Una ovuning :
Quartet , No. U Kill
a , Diu MulTerm. b , Die Muhle.
Itomuuze , I1' mnjur Icttho\eii !
violen uolit.
DirertirFcmciit Kniant . .Pnraladopp
Klutv , violin , cej'o , piano.
Senate 1'iuiui mid violin 0 rieg
a , allryrettc. b , nlle ri ) vivace.
iuait-t Tiiiiio , violin , viol i cello 'Schu
mann. So.Ueimto aBai. Allegro mn nun
"CSuld lollH here beneath me , " . . Kubliibtcin tolo , Mr. 0. J. I'eimell.
Introduction ami variation1 , Tliemu ,
David. Violin milo.
Quintet II ayden-15oc hcrin
a Herenade. b , nuMiuetto.
A tiial package of "BLACK-DnAUGHT"
five of charge. "
At C. I' , fiooilnmii
Wo dropped into the parlor of our
enterprising young friend Dr. And P.
Johmon thu dentist to-day. Ho oc
cupies roomn No , J ) und 11 in Jacob's
lllock which ho has been fixing up in
elaborate style. Thu opi'ruling room
is furnished with all the modern appli
cations which make dontistiy a line
art. The parlor uhowa exquisite tailo
in till itsurrungcniunts und decorations
and beside the u Ul ! ) line furniture ,
mirrors , etc. , | ho ha placed
thcro a very line , piano and
n choice selection , of music.
It HDUIIIH that in Hiich u place much of
the childhood dread of tooth pulling
would bo driven away , nnd when you
mid to the iibovo the gontlcnmnly
operator , the win beccmes < i nl ens
ure , "almost , " says there is no
pain. Science hits intioduccd nitrous
oxide gas , and the doctor luu used 5
very Biicei'Hifnlly for aovcral years.
Wo EUW some bua'utifnl
sut.H of artificial teeth nvido
puifect as tcoth can bu , and they wore
warranted not to fall inlo your soup ,
or into the middle of a linu npccch ; in
fuel they will Htuy > vhuro they ate ] iut ,
and not irritate or chafe the month in
any way , and should you moot Dame
Nature while wearing them , who will
lilush to oep liersolf outdone. Give
him u call if you need any work in
this Unc. , mid wo nro Hiiro you will bo
more than satisfied.
Trimmed Huts Mta , worth § 1.50 at
the "JloHtoii Store. "
Clold nnd silver wntches nt Whippln
Choice Onions nnd Rutab.igo Tur
nips at Wm. ( lentleman's. u'Jl-at
Ono Hundred nnd Seventy (1"0) ( )
Barrels of Selected Vorl ; Stnto Auplcs
just received nt J. H. French it Co.
It is n well known tact that Now York
apples keep butter than Western Iruit.
nov2Jl at
WHAT 18 IT ?
An liarthy Formation That
Killa Dakota County
Ono Man AlioDlen FromDrlnklnp ;
the Poitonod Water.
J. C. ( Jibblo , a well known farmer
of Dukotu county , arrived in the cily
yesterday. Ho tolls a rcmnrknblc
story regarding n poisonous mineral
substaiioe whichoxudesfrom thu earth
in certain portions of that county , ami
which is death to men nnd horses il
tukcn within the stomach. This aub <
stance Mr. Gibblo describes ns re-
Humbliilg alkuli , but materially differ
ing from it in taste and poinonoUR
effects. The existence of this ran
terial in the HOI ! has been known for
sometime , but it has only been within
the past year that its effects on men
and horses hu ) become known ,
the many deaths among the
uquincs bum ascribed to other causes ,
During the past season Mr. Gibblo
has lost several good horses from this
oaiiso. When the second horse wni
taken sick , ho ascribed thi ( trouble to
bo Is or worms and used remedies for
thoio troubles. Instead of improving ,
however , the horse colitinuod to suffer
from some internal trouble , which
battled thu skill of veterinary physi
cians , nnd it finally rofviaed food ulto-
gothur and died.
To satisfy himself Mr. fJibblo opened
the body of tlx.animal nud found but
four hots or worms , but still the
stomach was almost entirely eaten
away. Ho was still at a loss to de
termine the cause lif this , ns , together
with others , hu hud never considered
the snowy incrustations appearing in
places iijion the ground other than n
kind of harmless nlkali. Ono day hu
wuspassinganewlycutblnir from which
this nubstanco a paired in con ider-
uble quantities , when curiosity prompt
ed him to taste it. Ho only touched
his tongue , and found it rather sweet
in taste and nt lirat apparently harm
less. In nn hour or two , however , his
tonyuu begun to swell and burn , and
this iiillamnutioii continued two or
three days , resisting all Boothiiig ap
plications. Finally thu inflammation
MiOMuledalmost as quickly ns it crime ,
and hia tonyue and mouth guidually
A few o'coks previous to this , James
Wescott , a farmer living four miles
west of Kakota City , was attacked
with a peculiar internal ailment. Ho
wan ill two or three days and then
suffered intense pain for a week , when
lie diod. All possible efforts were
made to relieve him , but none of the
reihodies used su-emed to affect any
thing. A post mortem examination dis
closed his stomach to bo much inflamed
and eat en away in places. The surgeons
pronounced it a cn'so of poisoniutr ,
but by what particular poison they
were tumble to discover Mr , Gib-
Idea says that he ia satisfied , as aty
the members of Wcstcott's family and
hia friends , that the unfortunate man
had been drinking water from a
slough , where Iho poisonous forma
tion existed.
A rather strange .fact connected
with this poisonous , encrustation is
that cattle like it , and lick
it up , without being injured.
Gibbk'H thinks that the poisonous
properties arc taken into the stomachs
achs of the horses iu water forming
in puuls on the ground where this ma
terial upptur4 , during wet weather ; as
all of tlie animals he has lost have
been taken sick during.or after heavy
fulls of rain. At such times a num
ber of animals throughout that sec
tion of tiio county always arc laid up
and nnny die , despite the moat
strenuous precautions. As yet no
remedy hiw boon found. AsuceesBful
antidote fur thu poison would bo alike
a hlnsshig to the farmers and a bon-
auxa for its discoverer.
Lieut.V. . 1C. Almy has returned to Ft.
Mn < c Jleycr baa 'ono to the Colorado
A. W , Helm , of Oakdnlu , is in town , for
i brief visit.
Cha lei Mead , ( r , left Tiiexdiiy fora visit -
it in Clilcaci.
.1. O. Phillip ! , of the U. .t M. , was in
the city , Tnesay. ' ' ' '
Kred H. Clnry.tho.Sli'ncy postiD.ihter , in
attain in the city.
fiialor Daily , ex-L" . S. .Marshal , wns in
thoc.ty , yesterday.
-M. I ) . Williams of Council Wiilf * . was
in tlie city yii.tterduy.
Irs. Dr. Dli. murn lectures iu Lincoln
Saturday evening next.
Victor Vifipiain , of the Lincoln Demo
crat , was iu town yest'rday.
1 > . ilackhim fi Soli , of Albion , uro btnp-
pins at Hie Crcitfhton Honso ,
W. H. Stretch , of falls City , made u
ImshiPMH 11 Ip to Omaha ycntcrduy.
< I.\V. Lo an , of llattlu Creek , in in the
city , ifv tered at th Mctnipulitnn.
.1. J. Kadtb , of Omaha ai . ncy , In iu
town , rc istereil at the Crelfhtoii ; House ,
Judge iluo. It. 15rnu : < , of 1'oiuu , re
turned j'ciU'rday to attend I'liited Status
K. 1) . Juno' , K q. . of Ked Cluiu ! , ar-
rivu.l Iu the city yesterday ti attend tha
United States court.
Major O'Hrynii , the general agent of
the .Sioux City & . St. 1'mil railroad , is
a'ain ; nn deck and prepared to polirh
ThanlcKgikiiii ; turkey bonia.
Cnpt. IVanlc Itabhltt , the Kdilal nnd
haiidsiinif proprietor of the Norfolk Depot
Hotel ami thu beau ideal 'f landl nln , is in
the city , a ( juest of the C.mfirld lloiinc.
Mr. U.mick , tin editor of The Spliit of
the Tim. . * , of Sau I'Vanclico , pas&ed
through this city ycntenlay on hia \ i\y to
Wn ! it. . jt. > n , Ho is H prominent cundi-
date- for ttociot > ry o ( the nenntv ,
.Tho fo lowing , unions others , rcgUtered
ut tlio Witlmell house ymterday : ( Jharlo *
II. Tanner , of Hustings , Nob. ; M. M.
J'ntturtwi , of Cheyenne ; h. W. Cornlnh ,
of Fort Nlnbrora ; 0. M. Swan of Sioux
City ; K.-Snina , of Iowa City ; 11. K , Kit-
trldgo , of Lammta City.
The Wenthcr.
Continued fair weather yostcrdny ,
but there was a general fall of the
temperature , the greatest at Omaha
30 degrees thu smallest nt St. Louis
5 degrcen , Uriak or higli north
west winds prevailed , the highest
velocity attained in this city boitn.
thirty-nix miles per hour ; North
Platte yesterday reported thirty-tw <
miles , St. Louis twenty-nix.
A light niioiv-full occurred at Den
ver in the morninjr , and n still lighter
one at North Platte nt the eamo timo.
The Aiinunl Day
Fan and Feiuttliig ,
the holiday legal
ized by the State and Nation , is nt
hand once moro and promises to bo n
season of unusual gaiety. The 'an
nounced Thanksgiving entertainments
arc not all on that date but cluster
around it closely and are enumerated
bolow. The religious non-ices are
generally confined to the i-Mth nnd are
aa follows :
itr.uoious SEUVIOES.
At the United Presbyterian church ,
corner of Eighteenth und California
streets , preaching at 11 n , in , by Kov.
Dr. Stalling.
At the First Methodist church , 11
a. m. , preaching by Jlev.V , J.
llarsha , ot thu 1'resbytoriun church.
At the South , Onwlui 31. K. church ,
corner of Tenth nnd .Pierce strcots ,
10:80 : : i , in. , preaching by Uov. .f , W.
Ingram , of the Christian church.
Trinity , St.SLirk'fl mid' '
congregations will hold joint services
nt St. Kiniib.i3 ; church. Service nt
10)0 : ) a. m. ThO offertory will bo in
behalf of the aged and infirm clergy
At Saints chapel , preaching nt 7:30 :
p. in. , by Elder K. tJ. Itaitul , of the
Reorganized church of Jtsus Christ ,
of Latter D.iy Saints.
Tlio Omuhii Union Catholic Library
association will assist in a body at
Solemn High Mass in the Roman
Catholic cathedral , Ninth street , nt 0
o'clock. The musical programme is
of a very Dulcet character.
The annuiil Thanksgiving dinner for
the children of thu industrial nnd
Sabbath schools of the Omaha City
mission will bu ivon on Friday noon ,
November 2lith , at the Tenth strout
mission building.
The Papillion dramatic club hold a
TliniikFgiving eve entertainment , and
the Nebraska City society people have
: i pirty : _ Thursday nit-lit. The Musi
cal Union orchustra of this city sup
plies mubic for both.
] Iartn , the magician , holds forth at
IBoyd's opera house to-night.
Thursday evening there will bo a
very attractive entcrtninmcnt of a
musical and literary character at the
Union Catholic library rooms , Croigh-
! on block , ut 8 o'clock , to which put-
ron.i and fviunds uro cordially invited.
OMAHA KKE : 1'leaso make notice in
your paper that the postoflico will bo
open to-dny ( Thanksgiving ) the
same as on Sunday from 12 m. to 1
p. m. Morning trip will bo mudo by
: arricrs as usual.
I'HOH. F. HALL , Postmaster.
TJio 33. it M. local freight depot
will bo open to-day until 11 n. in. ,
, o receive and deliver freight. It
will bo closed thereafter until Friday
The mammoth house of S. P.
Morse it Co. will close on Thnnks-
jiving day nnd give their army of
clurks n rest.
The district court adjourns over un-
: il Friday , when such cases as are to
: > ii tried by the court come up , The
iury was discharged until December
M , by which time their Thanksgiving
dinner will bo settled.
There will bo no United Stutes
sourt to-day. Judge McCrary
loft yoatuiduy for Keokuk , where-
lie will spend Thngkegiving day at
cl Aain.
I saw so iiiuuh smd about the mer
its of Hop Hittero , and myifo who
was always doct'mnjr , and never well ,
teusL-d niu so urL'ontly together some ,
I concluded to bo humbugged ag.nn ;
and I am alad 3 did , for in less than
two months use of the liittora my
wife was cured nnd aho JKH remnitied
so for eighteen months since. 1 like
finch humbut'ghig. - H. T. St. Paul.
St. Paul Pioiiiicr-Prcss' .
Parties leaving town or disposing of
their household olfcctsill make
money by calling on A , L. Fitch it
Co. . 209 South 12th street , who pny
the highest CASH price for second
hand furniture. n'2-lin
A. D , MOUSE , 14th and Fnrnhum.
Ladies n''d Gentlemen : ! Htnrt for
Chicago to-day to buy Christmas
Goods. I shall bring back something
beautiful for nil. Wait for mo.
Yours , MILS A. E , KEITH.
m > v ! 2-ot
Do your shopping ut Kurty.'a.
Dr. Parker has removed his reei-
donee to 25th nnd Dodge , n7it <
.Ion. Schlit ? ' Milwaukee Ueer on
dnuight at the Mercluim's Excha.igo ,
corner Kith and Dodge stretitii ,
Dr. Van Camp has moved to his
now rosidunco , southoawt corner < if
Webster nnd Twentieth struets. l-it ! ) (
Miss LOUIHO ( J.iratino , ti'aclier of
vocal and instrumental music in St.
Hiirnabas parish school , desires n
limited number of private pupils.
Addruss , St. U.iiir. bas rectory. 1'J-tf
The best wivtch work in the country
ii done nt IJuaT.MAN'.s. Watches
without jewels transformed into full
jowrlod wntchca in ono day's time and
warranted ,
Do your shopping nt Kurtz's.
Ilepart of nn Imporinnt
Branch of the War Depart
A copy of Oon. Hazon'g first annual
report as chief signal officer to the
Secretary of War has been received
at , THE ] ) inolKco : nnd i * A document
of too important , A character to bo
disposed of in nn ordinary review
were it never no exhaustive.
No public department lias CVIT
served B greater variety of interests , or
nerved them moro successfully than
the * innnl Horvicu ns now managed.
This suction of the country shows the
benefits of many practical improvo-
nicntH introduced by the now chief
signal ollicor during the
past year , among which wo
mention the publication of special
weuthcr bulletins ; the forecast ol
' northera" for the interior plateau ;
the arrangements for i crcaso ot river
service , and wider publication of warn-
ingiof lloods or ice gorges ; the in
creased information added to the
farmers' ' nnd to the railway
bn'letinH. ' In point of scieiititic
research the .sicnal service has been
untiring. Two expeditions have been
organized and equipped for meteoro
logical observation * in the Arctic re
gions of America , nnd an extensive
* ystom of stations of observation es
tablished in Alaska. Prizes for essays
of great merit on meteorological sub
jects h.ivo been offered , and the most
creditable display made ut the elec
trical exposition at Palis. A series of
experiments with sun Hashes has led
to the selection of an improved form
of heliograph to bo adopted for the
general use of thu army. During tlio
past year stations of observation on
the habits and ravages of the Rocky
Mountain locusts or grasshoppers
were established in those sections that
Iho experience of past yeara has
shown to bo most exposed to thu
ravages of thcso pests. The stations
, vero at Omaha , Grand Island , North
L'lattoand Sidney , Neb. ; Cheyenne ,
W. T. ; Denver , Colorado Springs and
Pueblo , Col , and other moro remote
ilaces. It is gratifying to state
.hat not a single report of the rav
ages of locusts has been received ,
md their presence has boon nn-
aimounccd only 'at Grand Island ,
Nebraska , Forts Supply and Elliott ,
.nit in no installed has any danger
jeen reported. While continually in
creasing the labor and usefulness of
: ho signal service , General llnxcn
las yet succeeded in materially
reducing the expenses of his bureau ,
expecting to ell'ect n saving of
§ 75,000 below the cost of the past cur-
ont year. Combining economy with
efficiency , science with discipline , pro-
with system , the signal service
indor its present chief is surely des-
incd to become arepresontativo insti-
; ution of this country , of which all
will feel proud.
The Bonntl Unloosed. .
Charles Thompson , Pranklm street ,
UltFalo , SAJH : " 1 have fciilTo ed for o long
hue with constipation , nml tried almost
every purgative advertised , but only re-
suiting in temporary relief , and nftcr 'con
stipation still more aggravated. ' I wan
old about your SPUING BLOSSOM and trit a
t. I can now say I m cured , anj though
; me nioutlu have elapsed utill remain so.
L Khali , however , slwcys keep sonic on
innd in of old complaint returning.
? iice , CO dints ; trial bottles 10 cents.
Chas. Shiverick has received ' a largo
ot of now chamber sets , in 'latest and
) est styles and of suppriorior work-
nanship and finish , which he is nffer-
ng at low prices. A careful inspec-
ion by parties interested is solicited.
General Household Furniture ,
1208 and 1210 Farnham street.
Visit Kurtz's storu. nov21-2t
[ ONKY TO LOAN Call at Law Ofilce ol U.
L L. Thomii lioous Crrlchron nioc'c.
'to loan at from H to 10 prr cent
< "i cooj real cstatcMcurity , by
ill. ISAAC KDWAUOS 1103 Farnham St.
1'0 I.OAA At 8 prr ccntln-
erest In juinnnf 42,600 ard
upwardi , fov ! 1 to 6 yearn , on Drst-elatiB city end
arm property. HF..MIS HKAI , HsrAT'j and
. IGth'and ) Km
ANTED Uov 14 or ! . ' ) years old. Enquire
W lieu pru H rooms. liOitf
WAITED linmcjliitely n fjord htronj ; ( 'irl nt
Omalu Uiundry , 21ht nn I Izanl
trecti. fj70-2S
VlfA.NTKD-A rcmiutcnt 5'irl wants liiht
\ > work in privalo family. Wages nceord-
ng , Address il. M. II. , lice olli'o SW-2J *
V\7 ANTEl-Si.nation by n competent gl I to
V\ do lioiibCAork in small [ inilly Enquire
110S. KitliSt. MO-23'
" \X/"ANTKD / To KO out nunl"t' by 'i ex-
> V perlence-l person < ! oed rlty rifcrun u
: ncul | u at ilS 17th bt , bet \Vebilur and Hurt.
WANTED-Ilook-lireiicr , n situation by a
yound ma i who has a tlion > uili Kmiul-
edtfe nl iloublo entry , lllnliost rt'fcri'iicus nnd
security If n-qulrcJ. Addiers , A. II. U. llcv
otllee. KtO-SS"
Hituatlon byA yoinii ; man to
WANTED Keortakucnru of horsca. Inquire -
quire 1110 Dou Us , near llth St. MO M'
ANTED A uirl lor treneral housework.
Kmiulre ut lluffct agt eery , 210 tt
A 17ANTED A new milch low. ilu-t bo g < n-
YV He. EmiulroofL. Poland , 13 D.d o
ANTKD A nr t-clisi i-jllndcr prosi fi ciler ,
a this nlllfo. no\fitl
ANTKD-A hoiitckcot er at 1109 Farnham
street , up Uirn. 4QS-tl
: ) - llr't-rla woman ok at Chris.
WANTii-A aurw.t. 1105 r'arnhain street.
l&l.t ( .
ArAJiTn"fililtoilo liousVworl : , KiHiuIro
\ \ 1110 Fariiliain tit , { 1'MI
Fnndlnr brldfa and school bonds ,
WANTED Clark , iknevuu. M-tl
Tl/"ANTED / Two girl' , ono to eook , wnfli nnd
> V Iron , nnd one to tin bi'cpinl work and ( aku
cnroof ihildren. Hot ol reference * ri'inilml.
Ai < ply outlu'a > t comer of 20th and California
tits. Ilttt orwaunj. SOUf
' . ItOtoSOOIo-vlsoldlrt n-ar ! rd
WAVri'.O Mary's avenue , hnqulre t lice
otllro. 103-tf
FOR ntNT-nouaua AND LAMD.
1011 IlEXT T o nlrely lurn'elied ' Iront roonm ,
.L' alto boaulliitf If iletlred , on 7th St. , 2nd
door from I ucltlc , 01 IT store. ! > "l 23 *
UU KENT 1 nicely lurnUh d room , within
a ( hreublo kii of I'M O.Bce. Knquire
St. [ C3--.M
KE.NT A furnUhetl room with board.
AUaftfuw tiblc boarder' tikcu , at 1720
C lS. 16 $ ( I
10K KbXr.Koom on Howard , 1-U. r.111"1
1 12th. Un. Wm. Stevens M * . "
inoil r.KNT tlou-o.of 0
Jj near P ul , r 07-20 *
1011 llKNT-I'linoi nml orpins , 318 T ntH
1 ttrco . ClO-tf
1,1011 UK.VT A ( ottftge of 3 MOI.I , 23d anil SI.
} Mnry'n Mctuio , Kuqulrool M. W. Kennedy ,
312 3. 1 til St. H3-tt
I10H RRST-A sultof furtilshc-t ro"m , pi rlor
1 nJ t o b lroom , &li > o n | . | njlc room. Chi-
auto Btreot , betwetn 14th a U 15th , centra lirl < k
hou o. XJOtf
POK ItKNT ohAndnoiniiyfiiri.Minl . Inwk
| v rlort nlno front rocni tccon.i ftity bilck
houstOI3 _ UM ) Mrect , t > < loon west ut ixitli.
. KENT Kiirnlitjwl tooint , iiortli ; < li of
J.10H St. , SJ door wc t ol 211. limulre
Mter 1 4:14 : tt
IlKNT istorj IIOIKC , h rooiim , 4 hirv'e
. clef t * , ; Jsonljrn iidttlicil , 24KI IHteu-
port St. 4"- > -
I.IOIl HKNT To youustncn wlioik'flre
IJ winter re : two ntroly turrlnhcd
Inquire cf J. L. lllco at Joe & Mini's or
at 1715 DoUtfetroet. . octi' '
0lt HUNT A futnl hcil front fioin for ton I
] : with bo'rd , In private family. < .cn lenmn
preferred. Call W)7J N. litliKt.
KEN'T i furtiHhod room o or
FOU ' Eiob DKCN. K. ccr. 10'Ji and
ftrcrta. 2ifl-U
SAI.K- li.irihvaru nnrl
FOIl of tlio liesltnwiih InNchrik-k ; l
lon cttalillvli. J mil In ft lomtlon In ton n.
Would tell tlio MIOU ! cr tiiltc a inrlncr. who l
a I tautkul tinner anil willing to wo'k In thu than
u d taUo cliar v ot It. Xo better cliuico ever of-
fcrnl for a coed I ii'lnc-cs About SJ.Oi.0 ro < iulr.
nl , AdilrtM. II. Ko. 4 , Oinnha Ilcc. OS4-S6 *
" 171OK SALE One large cnolt range mid ono
J,1 intlorsct of 7 piece * . L. T. Mufjlnn , AttV. '
.roljhtnn ; Bloi-k , City. f.TJ-tl
iTIOIt hAI.K IVo tcconil Imtul cnvlnvM In flrst-
L rlaij condition , ono 23 II , I1 , tml oncfl H.
' . Knqiilro Omolia Foundry atnl liaclilno Co ,
T710IISALI1 Team ( food ponli-H , clicv ] > i at l
± 1 Hani , Itth St. ocJl-U
B t'ALf.EHTAB1100K
BRitlS has ritHlnif loni { lists ol house * , lotrf
Inndg olid ( aima ( or eAle Call and ert
I710K SAI.E Uape of Don lr.s atid Sarpv out.-
L' ttM. A. r.OSKWATEU.llJ'JOFarnhiimrtroel
AND LAND IlcniM runts houses ,
HOUSES . , hotels , rurtr ota , lands , ulUcea
motnn , etc , Sec l8t
ATTllASSKS-Wholcsalu and retail , 212
M N. 15th at.
QTIlAYEU-Froni S. K. corner Uth and Dar-
J I'lijioit , bay horse 5 jcars old , in hands
hiKh. l.ilicr.-il reward for rccotcrv will ho puld.
H SiX.\UhH. : W50-20 *
171 it'NO Gold rinj ; . Jnniilre at thia oinraaml
j \ > to\e ) iroicrty. | rf"jtf ,
) A roil cow ol medium Mzo with
STRAVKI tied nroin d her in i k , Jrom L. .
hniiw.ild , llltli anil Jaeluon Sti. licnard will IHI
l ld fer htr recovery. EG5-iJ
' I > roi3 | nN will be received for
EHOl'OSALS ( ; terradiiK 1U2 ( ett ( rout on
ulum St. 1M be rev -tvcil until noon , Dea
1st , 1SS1. For lull lurtlcitlarj enquire A. Koch.
IMS Farnlum St 65B-20 '
PO l o deeorativo iwlntliifr. MKS. U. It.
AUDNKII , room 1 , Jacob's lllock. M2-tf
FOUND Keys on Fninhani , In front of Toft'K.
On-ncr can hat e Kin by proving jiropcrtv
and viuvlnc lor lUi advcrtiuciuent nt the ilco
olllcu. 123 1
. ) HAY At A. II. Sander's Feed Stoic
BAI.Kl llaniey St. MO-tf
B 1st pajte.
B Jlaps , 82.60. OKO. P. lihJIIS.
NOT1CS. Special advertisements , such aa
Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Kent ,
WantItoinliiig , etc. , will Lo inserted In this
column at the low rate o ( TKV CKNTd PElt
LINK for the flrat insertlen and i'lVE CENTS
1'Etl LINK for etch subsciuciit Infcrtlon.
Leave lulv crtiscnicntA at our ofllce , up staire ,
corner llroadway and Main streets , Council
WANTED Kt cry body In Council Bluffs lo
to taka Tun UKK , 20 cents per\t \ , de
livcrcd by varritis. Olliuo corner Uroadnay and
Main , upttaira , Council Illuifs. (103-tt
"VT OTICK You inn ( jet tlio quickest .nnd I cat
JLii plctur B f your tlnlilnn , &o ! > > ' patron-
i/.lii llarLo'x cxccl-ior ( ? illcry mnr | ios' ' . olllcu.
Council I luffsaslio unHllit newilistcv t DCCUK
liroiusd. lir.d-oundUcnlicfait ! allowed toOiniLiv
ui'Jita. tt e. o. J.
W' AXTIID A first'cla s h.irlier mnirdlatcly.
Will pay the liiijlioat waftui. J. J. Cool ) .
Council HlulK nl7-lt
WANTED Agents to ( ainats Ilu't jiay-
iti. IjU'iiUHi in tlie ruLiilrv.lurc'si
C. il. . licootllcc , Council llu.1J ! , Xovii-tt
"I710R ijALE lloric , hug 'y JIM ! liamss , clicnu
.U for cash. AdilrciJ \ > . II. t' . , Jico ol ! u
Council Ilun9. ! Novv-
' ' TICKCT OKFICE-Wnr in lailrond
tlclceU continues to boom. Un roccdcnted
low ratOH to all eastern jioint-H. Eivry tiikct
Kuarantcnl , Orders filled liy tclciihone. From
ono to ten dollars haicd by piiriliaslni ; tklicta
of C. A. Potter , successor to Potter J : I'ulmer , No.
40 South Fifth strict , / ur doom 1/ciovv tinpott -
oll'ictf , Council I J iiK ! _ lnu _ n. _ oitia-tl
'A\TJJt > Floy , with ) xjny , to cnrry iiap
W Inquire i ( , I : > : K ollice , Council lilullt.
_ octiMI :
_ _
To buy 100 tom Inuuin torn.
For parllculars addrcs ) Cour.cil lUiiDs
Urooin Factory , Council 1111111Iowa. . f 5S-2Utl
ANTED A ( iut-cltisq lirooir. tier. Mayne
& Co. , Council UliilK lona. M > 0 SO *
HALE OM jKiper840o per hundred , at
FOK lice ollico , Council IllulltHt'JTtt
TIONAL1ST , 4US Tenth Htrtutbetween Fninh m
and llainoj' . Will , ulth trio aid ol guardian
spiritH , olitnln ( or uny ono n Klanco at thu [ > < i l
am' preeent , and on certain conditions In tha lu-
ture. Boots und bhocfl nude to order. Perfect
Hatinlaction 1'iiar.inliRd au2R-lm
AbsoIuteSy Pure.
tlado Irom Clrapo Creir > Tartar , No other
ar ) ation makes such light , flaky hot LrcvJj ,
nrlou | utry. Can be e&ten by Dytprr.ttr
without lear ol the Ilk rmiUIn ; Irom hiAvy
gctttble loo-l. SoM In cans , bv nil ( irocro
New York.
0. F , GoaJuuu