THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : HIIUJISDA ? NOVEMBER 24 , 1881 THE MARCH OF PROGRESS Long Strides by David Oity , tlio Capital of Butler County , Twelve Hundred Inhabitants Who Live in ft Live Town. Intorontlns D ioriptto > t of Butler Cotmty anil It * Rononrcc * . Cone pondcnco of Tin lltx. Dxviu CITV , November 21. Three ycws Imvo jjono by einco I Inat visited David City , and tliu changes wrought by that brief period loft littles for mete to ronicnilioi' . . whun yeBtcHay I Ira- wcrsod the broad and boautidil public sqnnro anduazfd ni , the rniiks of busi ness housua that ontf.'oscd ' tlio four eidcs of thut little park. Some Inml marks roiiuincd , notably the court houss , an inferior fiatno building , that' will , no doubt , tlUappcur with ethers of its kind ere nnothor your has passed ever the hill of time into the ro.ilin of the pa | | t Now buildings weiro everywhere conspicuous , and the bright smiles of the business men told of peace- and piosperity. I met Dr. Peebles , the old veteran of tin ) medical deputmont. Ho smiled blandly , hunted for the cash to pay for THE UKU ono year and remarked - marked tlufc thin a pour country for doctors and but for recruits in the infancy line his business would neb pay for horjo feed. The b.uik president , Mr. Jai. Bell , found 11 golden eu lo in the northwest corner of the money drawer and re marked that ho had sold during the last six months 114 car loads of lum ber , which item I noted as showing a feinglo dealer could do in u land where half the shingles bear evi dence of short acquaintance with the weather. There was only one man who said .anything about quitting business a d that was Henry Will , landlord of the Commercial liomu. Thy hotel was full during the three days I stopped with him , HO ho cannot bo resigning the lunillorship for wfttit ot custom ; iiuvertliuloss the hotel is for sale , and intending purchasers of hotel propctty should correspond with Mr. Will or they Will lese ono of the bjst bargains in that line that I know of. in There is at ono store in this ; ity that dons a jobbing tiado ; there may bo others , but they put t'onv.xrd no claims in that direction. Mr. W. G. Boston has sold to dealers during the past season seven car loads of hardware , stoves and tinware. Mr. J. 13. Morgan has made exten sive additions to his stock of furniture , sowing machines and undertaking goods. pr A pork packing department has are been added to the tine meat market of are Mr. G. G. Gross , wh. > also keeps an of extensive stock of groceries. stri It was my pleasure to attend a solo the of Durham oOtvs , heifers and bulls , pla conducted by Hon. J. 0. Kpborts , of gra Roberts , Westovor it Williams , at torneys. Nearly two hundred head A. of blooded stock were offered and a ialn large proportion went oil' with new owners , but many of the best still re for main and wilt bo disposed of on long Ian time with u low rate of interest or a fan discount for cash. dre D. n. Bullock has just refitted and win reopened the David City House. dial The loan and Jaw office of Mr. Matt try Miller is one of the busiest places in per town. It is a dullday when Matt has lion nothing to do. A bran now agricultural implement an warehouse lus sprung from the ( lames turn that devoured tlio store of Mr. Morris Let .Tones , and he is now booming his con : business ) more energetically than ever and before. To Mr. Jones I am indebted The for items , favors and dollars. Such intc men are the life of a town. We Last , but by no moans least , on a this Hat of men who are making their and mark in D.ivid City , comes well groi [ known real estate lirm of Hunting & rcsr rcsrF Rnnyon , agents for railroad and other lots and lands. Mr. Bunting labored icon zealously to secure a good representa tirat tion for Uutler county in my corre anil spondence , lie has worked hard to cam develop this country , and the proud tool satisfaction ho now enjoys when ho ahe . sees around him the wealth lion and prosperity of this community in tot great part located hero though his ef farn forts must indeed bo worth more than cult gold although 11 liberal f.haro of that own useful commodity 1ms bcon garnered had 1 in the years since ho first came to G this p ace with only wild prairie from opo which to carve homo fortune and com friends. All those who wish to learn Serf more of this country should comnnin- T icato with Bunting an-l Runyon. pod There is hero a wonderful invention rom that takes the place of a blacksmith's nee striker. It must bo aeon to be appre I ciated. It has been patented an I will nero no doubt prove n fortune to its owner ings Mr , J. Jlobt. Williams. foil thoi TUBCOUNTV. . thoiI Butler county is one of the best and stock and agricultural sections in the fiivc state , Its soil iaii rich , dark nllurium , prai deep and faiablo , and it contaiim just dire enough silica to render it warm and opis quick. It has an underlying corrug ated stratum of clay , supporting a soil remarkably porous , allowing the air to penetrate thus moist- Mr , carrying - "Ah ' tire to the roots of vugejntion , while hill ! moisture operates in a diverse direc My. tion from the clay subsoil , Such soil I w will endure greater extremes of wet ilayi and dry weather than any otnor in Hun' ' WJH the known world. That is the secret ( Mil of the iiiurvollona 'growth of vegeta .13(1 ( tion in thuso south I'latto ciniiititM , trial during seasons of excessive rainfall or periods of growth. There may bo instances of a partial failure of crops , T but an entire low will probably never ever occur. stan The county has an nroa of 5 ! ) J square dear at lousit , suvon-eightlm of it being uty susceptible of the highest itt.ito of cul assai tivation and the other fraoiion suitable lould for grazing purposes. The 1'latte fit : on river fringes iU northern border and puri the Hluo river , Oak creek , Plum creek ho and other tributaries , lluw through are t the southern portion ; while Scull , thel Bono and Door creeks and their worl branches water the opposite half of by I , the county. Patches of timber skirt the larger ntrcnms and excellent water powers invite tlio manufacturer. Thu topographical * of tlio county do not vary materially from other south Platte counties. It is moro undulated than Adnms county , but not as much so na Snwmlers. No ordi nary amoliht it wet wcalhoi- will ever interfere with agricultural pur suits or create pools of stagnant water. The climate is cquiblo and thosoasonn nro usually propitious. Nature could not provide n butter country fora rural penplo.and thomnstthrift/ representa tives of that element nro nvnilingthcm- eolyos of its advantages. The popu lation of the county is not fur from 12,000 , , composed of the best class of Americans and Europeans. Two ini- uortant railroads i-pati the county , the Omaha t Republican Valley , ita general direction extending cast and west , mid the Atehison A Nebraska branch of the lUirlinyton Missouri Hiverrnilroad runniiiu at right angles. There are no paupers in the county. The uducational interests are in good standing. There is n complotu corps of teachers , and buildings suf- liciont for all practical purpose ) . For their support there is n landed - od aiidowment of 22,000 , acres , and this magnificent fund in rapidly accumulating in value. About 80,000 acres of prime land are for nalo in the county , mostly railroad and speculators' ttaots , at very reason * able rates. Excellent well water can be obtained all over the county , at a depth of from twenty to fifty feet. The hardy fruit ? , if properly eulti- vatod , do remarkably well , and there are numbers of nourishing orchards already in successful bearing. Small fruits , especially , thrive with very lit tle attention. Altogether , Butler count } * eilfera inducements to the man ufacturer , the farmer or the man of unplu means that cannot be ignored , nnd are certainly not surpassed by any other equal area. It possesses a eoil of remarkable fertility , a , salubrious climate , railway and telegraph lines afford cheap communication with the great irarts of the nation , churches and schools abound , and an intelli gent and thrifty people have al ready planted their banners here and are changing the face of the country from its pi imilive condition A into fruitful fields , and dotting it with shady groves and happy hotnts. Tlio time is not far distant when a dense population Avill loom on all this region , and the arts of pcaco will dwell with thorn and the very acme of if civilization will urown their achieve- inents. THK TOWN , for David City , the county seat , oon- my taiim u population estimated at twelve hundred. It is located very nearly ley , the coiitro of ilio county. Over my seventy hiiMiiesa oatablislinionts of nwfti every kind are in successful operation , churches and schools are ninplo , good Ho hotels and livery ontorpriaus attbrel ac and commodation in their line , two nan banking houses , thrco lumber yards , two . elevators , two depots and two L rival railroads , make affairs whirl with my such vim as rarely falls to the lot of a gneiu [ Boven-year old western town. The professions i aul mechanics , branches reel well represented , and the people tan wide-awake , enterprising and full tapl local pride and patriotism. The kiiif : streets are broad , and in the eontro of you city is a pretty public _ square , usee planted with trees and overgrown with edl grass like a beautiful lawn. Masons , tree Odd Fellows , Knights of Honor , G. thin . 11. and other societies have llour- ty. ishiiig lodges. inin Right hero is one of the best points kind : a flouring mill in the at.ito. A Muf lanjo number of well cultivated Farms are near , and hun bolt dreds of thousands of bushels of to wheat arc raised within a reasonable mill' distance , while all this scope of coun trouTl is without a mill. Ne > better op portunity presents itself feir the eroc- ing of a four or live run mill. The un e.iding citizens would encourage such rattl [ enterprise , and jt would bo a fjrcat Mrs uonelit to this part of the country. Free some ono with an eye to busitum fort ome hero nnd ptitupaateatn gristmill day see how ejuick he would gob rich dead I'licn there nro other manufaetuiiiig f we nteresls that mi''ht bo made profitn- -th ; a cltceso factory , machine shops , in , foundry t , wa on and plow factory , tone various \vorlcH. The demand is Thoi rowing for aucli industries and tlio Thoi esources are hero to support thorn. have Frank Davis , tlio treasurer , has just This made a third termer , Ifo was pose elected in 1077 , ro-olected in 1870 US now ng.iin in 1881. Mr. Davis withAl lame to this county cloven years ago Al a homestead and began to got eiiee .head : , and finally after fivu yearn of ling lonest work and self elonial moved in- jual town. Ho now owns three good time amis , nearly all of which nro under sunn ultivation , eight or ten building. ) in throi , and in n pecuniary HCIIBO has and good luck generally. enter Goo Ostorhoufc created a mon- meat poly ! by getting all the votes cast for favoi ounty juelgo at the last election , ti ) i ioronel term for the judge. were There is hero an opera hoimo with like staao sccnory , two dressing this oonifi : and seating capacity fen- about goiii people. Alis would like to Bay a great deal But for David City and itH surrounel- timc- , for there are few places where J liia i so many warm frienelH or more up [ liorough-going , live men. jun am , however , entirely out of items jly with an invonatioii for fortuno'n ' cred avers upon this beautiful city of the rocki rairies and a reference to the business hirce lirecteiry e > n another page I clone this ono pistle. ItANOUu. dragi dragiMi Mi Visible Improvement. hearl , Ncuh Hates , Klmlru , N. Y. , writc-8 ! HCU 'About tour yearn ngn I hiwl an attack of over , illlons fever , anil nuvof fully recaverud of elej ( . linehtivo orjfunH were wcakone.l , nni | and wiiuM ho completely prostrated for . After usln td bottles of your grun" 'unlock JUijod liitter.H tliu | iuijirovcinent any ! to I viaibla tliat I wn astoniithcd , 1 Satai now I , tvnuxh ( il yc.irH of nue , d > a fnir ovcrj 10 I Honabla ilay'i * work , " J'rice , $1.10) ) tire , 10 cunU" , nlil-i/udlw ' j ov'oa HCU t TRUKTO HERTIIUST. was : Too much cannot bo said of the in the faithful wife and mother , con- thod -antly watching and caring for her stray ones , never neglecting n single droac in their behalf. When they nro Th milad by disease , and the system Cwha have a thorough cleansing , the force omach and bowola regulated , blood done > uriliod , malarial poison exterminated , hay 1 must : know that Electric Uittora inner the only snro remedy. They ar badlj best and purest medicine in the in , and only cost liity cents , Bold ho i da ylslut McMuhon. (4) ( ) and J STOUT , Tolel lir iho TnrhCV. I ( into to sco nn ungrateful man , goodness know * ; but an unaraiufu ] turkey-a turkey who has lived to como down ofT his perch tlio nuiniiiit ; after Thanksgiving the proud fowl who is by nn indulgent destiny per- milted to walk ever the feathers ofhis late follow gobblers and isn't properly tniprosscel with tlio fiitiution , I tny hu ought to bo tarred and uufeathered by an iiu'llgnntit populace. 1 slmll not begin the relation of 1113' lifo nnd adventures - ventures witli any ilolrtul rellections , or any moralizing on the wherofe > ro of my being born a turki < y , and the con sequent bringing up in full \iew of a hateful and seemingly inovitnblo Thanksgiving day. Ono might be born forworjp tilings. 1 had n very disagreeable neighbor whom 1 envied once a peac ck with a r.ivishingly beautiful tail ; but alas , ono day wJiilo Btrutting down the road airing his plumage , ho hail his earthly caiecr and his lovely tail cut oil' by u great ungainly ( nuango wagon , ] am thankful to have been spared so ignominious n falo. 1 claim a sort , of distinction for having boon born a good looking turkey. One shouldn't bo toei proud of natural advantages. Candor , how ever , forces mo to admit that 1 rat her prided myaolf on my brown mottled breast and creamy wings , which made it an easy matter to single mo out of a barn yard of fowls , culinary in most respects. 1 was brought out of my babyhood and early trials , under thu person 1 care e > f a very kind little boy , whei u.scd te > stall'mo , however , in u horn- bio manner with dough , un til the water ran out eif my eyes. Ills 1 kindness in this lospect was a great drawback to my h.ipphmss. If I could only have been let nlcnro , to w.inder around the farm and into tlio hay ; mows and granaries at pleasure , ] at should have liked it better , but as 1 s.iid before , I should halo to bo 1111- grate/ul. I hud a twin-brother who was ! a good-natured fellow enough , but ho was not handsome. As Huemas wo chipped our shells wo weio claimed e > by the farmer's two sous , who wran gled n good deal over what to call us. yountr turkey , as yon may know , isn't particularly lovely , and at that ago I saw no reason to bo vain or haughty with my brother , who after- iv.irds turned out badly. ' You may call yours Billy or Jack , you like , " eaiel my little boy , aitting under a chnsnut tree untying a lot of sotlon twine to make a kite tail. "As mo , Charley , I have already named myi turkey , fclustaphn. " pee [ "Sounds i " " . like mustard , said Chnr- oy , , throwing n chip slyly at ono of the : toes. "Whateloes it mean t It's iwful euoer , ain't it ? " I cre "Yes ; but it's got some btylo to it. don't lee > k like a common turkey , I this ho ought to have an uncommon lame. " care " \ \ ell , you've got it , I ehould say. hey novcr heard of no Mustaphus in all born life , and you neither , I bale Ut'SS. " eooi "You ain't read no tales of kings , I old eckon , " said my master , Freddy , sqtii arning very red in the i'nce. "Mus- spot apha has been the name of a , lot of actu ings and princes in .story books , don't coul know thorn stories Sallie liorton lioni tsed to read to Kity when she spraiu- Fro. her knco falling out of the nhcrry Krtt rco. Mustnphn means a great lot of the hings , I don't know what all ; ask Kit- have If I was you , Charley , I'd call glcd glcdO nine Ali. HO'H another of the same ind of chaps. It's most as pretty as and luatapha , too. ' ' . 'Til see , " said Charley ; taking a l > raii otter aim at mo this time , "I'm going but have ] a christening soon as over * line ' can stand a ducking in that old thoi " rough . yonder. turk This chance remark came near cost- a us i our lives , as wo were betth held " rider water so long that our teeth ittled , or they would if wo had any. with . , Thompkinsoti gave Chailey and Schi a hit of cookies nnd baked apples lieve their picnic the following Satur- I'm , without suspecting their dark and my eadly designs , and eo my brother niul spite' : " were dragged to the old horao trough the fresh spring water was pumped saiel and wo wuro baptised and cliris- to jned , respectively , "Ali Ohurlos keys hoinpkinsoii and Mustapha Frederick Fi homphinn , Esq , " and "tho Lorel want mercy on your souls , Amen ! " who was the winding up , and I sup- a . the prayer wan hoard immediately , with wo both gave a gasp , and como to , 1 fan a shiver. M All's legs wore a little wobbly and tie after thip , and I think hinchrist- lions wont against him. Nothing un- h'lpponed after this for a long me , , 1 shall never forgot thewo long lelee limy days , when Ali and 1 prowled bo tl irough our neighbors' wheat fields , her picked ; up m.iiiy &tray bugs and hand iterpillens on the green hill nnd eliBin icadows around. I think we were " .vorcd in many ways , when it i-aino tame be known at the honao that wo see , civiliml turkoyn , and had names el anrie Christian ) ) , though I have doubted eat since ; , having heard HOIIKI of the HllOlll ) on of certain Mimtaphas and " , who were not nice chaps to know , the boys meant well. Snme- - I think Ali got his badness with inoni name. He was always stratching hard. garden i seed and running the don't chickens , and pecking at the my little goslings before they feath- "Ji out. Hoys were always Hinging fdr at Ali , and once Mr. Bryan's dinm man , 1'oto , shot an arrow into pnt of his wings , which he alway.i lit ragged after that , a halo Mrs. TliompkiiiKon wan a kind- n lingo iartod woman , and f Mlery sad to now her moping around with un apron bock her head , crying in the pin full rioin dough she mixed for us morning fanii night. i Her husband was a uteni , kryl uil'iiiiin , who had no paticntco with posit lybody ) but Dan'l , who was a regular cat it , and his mule , Sligo , who kicked expei ( hitching-post down on the J wni . Things were going wrong , " 1 a scatti'i'-biainod tin key could " that that , and wo soon learned what it old n all about.Yhilo quietly ( coding little yard , during tho"millimg ami eoine doing u ] ) of choroi , L fathered fttolu bits of talk which nlurmod me The pjulfully , liriort 'J'hero was a heavy mortgage ruddy hatever that win ) and the talk of a listeii rcclosuro soon unless something WM very , , The cropw were all bad , the huim had been spoiled by the rains , and comr ThompkiiiH needed money capos . Ki 1 don't seoas I can help it , Murf , " deal , Bnid , putting up the burs after Hue eui BCBH , tlio cows. "I huto to part Than with Bes < , she's a fmo milker , but I'vu been ollered n good price , mid I am goinir to tnko a lot of chickens nnd turkoja to town on Thanksgiving. Tlmy'ro n nice 6n"Ki " "d o j5''t ' ' tei bring 820 or $30 mow. ' Fivddy sitting on thn chopping , block * g.ivd1 little cry nnd ran to mo instantly , tying ittuU'il hit ol roil IJAtuiol around my nt > ok. " ' "t my "mtnphn , father I couldn't ent Mm I Maived myself , lot nlono s-ning other greedy things dolnp it. " ] "Well , you needn't sco it , ymi know , " said Farmer Thompkinsi with ft eeiarso Imigh. "You won't , ktiyw nothing nhoutit , I Kiiess. Ho Hint no bettor th n the turkeys. As hku as not ho'd bo knocked ever for our own Thanksgiving d ntior. H 1 d h t you be\vs alone l\i have a lot of ] l.\y- od out eild turkeys on the place oun-y year , eating their lirnds elf , became you cnu't boar to ECO them killed. All bosh ! " Poor I'Votldy ! T must say thnt 1 felt t.u. > 'etod myoolf , but ho cried si > imid that Cliarle.y came running ; and he joined in nnd Kiuycjiuoout inailati upron , nml she bo an to cry , wh eh took all the starch out of it "Well , boy. * , " said Mm. Thompkir.s n a trembled May , "thm ends yon h.n-- tig pot lurkojH and chickens. ] i inlet - lot stand such scenes every year 1 lyinpatlnxeMMth you , but your father right ; ho i.s sadly vexed now , niul you mutm't add to it. 1 am sorn fur ioe r Ali and Muit.iplm , but it isn t as f they hint Simla , you soo. " Cruel worn in/ / What sliould the know about turkey's Minis/ / "Ah and Mustaphnlmvu iintao'ili ' said Chailoy in a rage. "Wo b.iptixed , them and ehristowd thorn , and they ain't like nocomm n turkeys ever see. " Kitty I felt our misfoituues keon'y ' , but she r.ilhor grievcel ilto most f. > r Mess , who was a kind i nel lovely uro nttel us soft as silk * BOM looked Kitty I with her mild ejus wmulor- ingly , and Kitty humid over tlio luw and nobbeel M if her heart would btoak. "Oh , dear , what a hard old world this is/ / Darling BOSH , 11 han't uveru'o over lo the daisy moulow after jem tiny moiis. " Mrs. \ Tliompkins wiped her e'yua ' slyly mid went into iho milk heitm > , wlulo that ugly Sligo e'airiuel on ehdously anil laughed , if uvra iiuilo did in this world. Ho luted us nil , [ believe , and D.iii'l ' put him up to it. 1 cannot elwoll on the luiii'nving scenes oonnecteel with the soi'oting ut' those homo ties , nor toll how Ficildy were ho'el ' run away with a circus , nor how Charley in a lit of r. g > str.ii'j. ' ud inor Ali til o.eily daybreak , while Ins .itlior wiis putting Doby nuel Siigi * ie > ho wugon. " \Vo were nil dreadfully hustled ami srowdod , and a horrible fat gmn1 ilood on my ciirrin the whole way , a al with grief for AH and the loss e > Krcdely mudo mo really hardonetl mill iaruluss. Even turkeys can feel aftir have been christened. Wo were all ulael to got to the mtchcr'n. 1 hoped it would bo oiur oon. : Great rod faced cooks nnd lo.m men came in , and poked and ' qucczoel us until there , wasn't a Round KW left ou our bodies. I think 1 .dually grow thin in two hour. 1 ouldn't eat nor drink. I wia so tome sick for the olel barnyard , and .froddy . , aiiel 15ess , nnd Sue and r J Citty , nnd the old trough , and all rest lost to mo forever I would VI given worlels to have been strait- like Ali. One ; by ono the chickens nnd gcosu I _ turkeys went , anelat last ( wui-1 | - dere around nlono. Everybody ' ruisc'd mound thought mo a beauty , nobody : bought mo. 'Why , Schneider"said ono man to huckster , "I wouldn't eat that MC' nrkoy for a farm. lie's got eyes like ' human being. He's too knowing. " "I'd 1 like to know what's the matter that danged yellow turkey , " nnid | TO ) chneider to his wife , at lait "I bo- he's sick. If 1 didn't think so . HIj 'Die blamed 1 if 1 wouldn't have him for Q. own TliaiiliFgiving elinner , for , ite. Ho cost mo an awful Hiulit. " Q. u its ' "Yem might got * 1' ° hydroulioby , " llttocl M r.s , Hclinciilor. "I don't w.ent clinliti eat him. I don't like yuller tur- [ turn hired , . , nohow , " ti i tli's ' , Finally a customer came in who Hint , anted a live turkey - a young man Htrnil 1'ri didn't know a good ttirkov from Thn b.n onu and Schneider and I p.trtud at all no lasting regie's on cither uidc , Car AH fancy. chuurl My customer's Avifo wan a pretty lit- thing , who was playing ut keeping DIISO. She talked a geid tkal of oiiHCiiii ) to her husband , and sonio to and t then coaxed mo to oat , which t * * fi * * declined to elo , knowing what would r I the result. 1 tamely submitted to < nir caresses , and leaned nyaiiut her nnd slio gave a little ticream of lop If ismay. Inl "Why , Arthur , darling , thii is a 'ocirl ' tin key ; _ H'Jinebody's poor iwt ; i < siho I hns a s'tring on liis neck. Why , ! , I couldn't kill that turkey and him for anything in tliei woild. 1 choke. " "Noiisuniio , Dora , " iiaid my now | aster. "Wo fan't thre\ ) awuy onoy like that. If anybody wai ird'lieartod as to Hull n put turkey , I HUO why wo ulioiildn't eat him , precious. " "But I cin't cat a pot turkey , dear ; | rather ; not have n inner. It's too horrible. 1 hael n | turkey einco. " Hero the dexir bull rang loudly , nnd old gentleman blustered in with brown pared in his arms. My mmitor'H fatlioi-iii-lnw , IUr , Horn , , , who , by the wuy , held that iiiys- mortgage on tlio 1'liompkiim , Ho had brought n dressed tur- PL. by wuy of a jiroson' , with a ( ivo- isition that ho iihemld ceime and help | it. Then Dora related Aithur'sj purionco in buying live lurKoyH and Manu iiradod before ' f loruhuolc. ] f'apa . Orc.1 elcclnro , " said ho , rollectivoly , ultliul looks like a hatidsomu tnrhuy or mil Hired man Thompkina had ; n put of hu luU > In boy , Fiuddy , who called him O'ir we outlandish thing. HO'H been tfM'U icuruil. ( , probably. " kind oid man actually made in- with Our the next day , and meeting 111 , i , tt first , hin Bynipathieauro un- In tliei and T W.IH scut homo. I was very happy and glad to ho ut ip.iiiiii though the falo ( if m y nnradcii and my own hair-breadt h madu 41 changed turkey , EAL Kitty and Freddy pumper mo n ge > od but lifo in n very uncurtain thing oupccinlly with turkoya about -timca , i net Tnrmnt's St ltzor Aperient M jrjiroj cflv li cnll t ilifl "Itorditw' ' ! ) * infill' duo , for It cl.wH N'.iUnv'f rnie\n ) tihirii , and tloi tlia rcrtiiwrMttr imwtr < of tlio f.\ntuii to di Ilia work nt rritorntlon In honlth. fie mcdl- < lnc cute ; Nature stems c.\rc . Thl' Aperient ( Iniiroicrnieniu' | , tlio ( uncllotH HIP tn rte - to r ttiinu tliolr "or.'i , mi.I . the patient l uor.o nv AMI "Whonrnt glossy , luxurlnnl ntul wavy trossoa of alnuuhint , Ijoniitiim Hullnmat uflo L\'ON' KAT11AIKON. This rlecnnt , chonp nrliclo nlwflya mnkos tlso Hair prow freely and fast , keeps it IVoin falHu out , nrrcsts niul cures gniy- ncss , removes dautlnitf ud itching , in a k os the Ilnir nfronp , giving it , a curling ( cudency and liin'piuij IL tu nny dosUcd posiuon. Bouii- < ! fti ? , IioalUiy lliilr is tlm sttro result ofisiu Ktitbairon. MC'JBEXI Changing Cars & GHIOAOO , 'horo dire > ct connvrlion nl-o tavlo WTth Through SLr.K''lNO CAH LINKS tor YORK , IIOdTON , 1 PKILADBU'HIA , BALTJUORR , WASHINGTON ANI > AM. KASTKIIN IT1K8. Short Line via. Peoria Rat IHIHANAPOM8 , CINCINNATI , LOUISE - LU E , and r.ll pnintit In the 1I1RHIUT LINI -"or ( [ ST. LOUIS , ilWl h'Tudlrrct roniicctinne made in tlio Union Pejiot with tliu Tlirnui'h Illnqilni ; Car Wl I.lnvH tor M.I. riJINTd IEVLNE"ouDES ' ! W10INES TtIK KAVOUITK UOUTK KOH Rock Island. , luiuqvnleil InilnccnioritH offiToil by thlo line trfticlcrw % iiiI tniirluti ftroaH follnwa : I .t'letiMtd I PULLMAN vlO-wliuii ! ) PALACK .KKPIrtU CAItS ni'i ' nnly an thix line 0. , II. . PALAl'li I1AW1N(3 ( 1100M OAIIS , with irdiriti Iti'dlnlni ; ( 'h'iln. No extra clinr o ( or in ! Itixllnlii ) ; C'liiln. Tlm f.unoiw C. , II. & I'alvr > Dining Cuif. < ; oriuatiH Hinol.lii fiire ullli Llc ant ) ]'il tutfcin ro\olvlin ; , , tor ttio C\IHUI | ! inoof llrut-elasa IWHCOII- Truck anil uiip''rlor . ' ' | iilpinent ( .onililr l tliclr i.Mtt thiouxli tsit armiKumcnt , iindxt Mxni'.ill otlisn , thviMrllu ( rciutu totnc ituuth i arid houthcfut. It , nnil joiiII1 llnd tra'.i'ltiii ; & luxury In. ol i n ili"iincrt ! ( , rhrouili IKKclno \ tlilnrolnhratud line for mil olllc.'a In ll : lri > lti l MJtnjund Uuitiiln , Inlnnmlltiii al-Jiit ralun of furc , Slurping bCfoiiiiiiu'latlaiiN , Thnu Tal/lirj , etc. , u 111 In uurlully jjlvtiti liy iii'lj'r | ! ' ' In flil'.OKVAL LOWI'.LL , CoiM'rul ' Ait-iit , ' ciivt'r ; , Ohlrago J. pcrrcie. fjd. Maniu'ur ( 'lilcacn. iX j.- 'tV u H7u > lui : i If 71.11 aruii.MitW/4riryo'ini.i NtGIl Ilav ofliK IMIvtw al v.tvj tnnn of li'i " iirillij I i"iliii.ii < if { .t/ ti i tclllniro irmiil ! il'i..i moid \v.y nlrl't ' udtlt to rr * a. 111) ) uuu l it liialitne t i uU mute , u Hop S. j-rjii aroyouiiu nnO 7tiir * < rln from fltih. . IInuMJoti nr ill liu i.un , Ir VIHKIII 'unr or Hln.'V ciM ( ir votingrulFi'ilii/ i t'di 11 laiuiil iH'/l Iurr DM it ttd ji lii ! My , lily -jii (4 op CitU.r * . TliMitJiniM IM | G G HAWKEYE LiiraU MILL CO. , Des Moines , lov/a. mufnr.turer. of 8AQH , OOORQ , UUIND3 , BRACKETS , MOULDIfiGO , AO. H. rudiiitlon In It ink ( ' ' "inter * , 1'hni Inr- laiiil KdiK furiiUlivl in nil klinN ol Imrd roftun < il , Count ) n lli.i huil in nil wliui i.u- Hhcli INK- ' < ( ll kinili fiirnlil unnd \ nut building retdy lor ) ant | on uliortiibtlm workmen uru ilia t/i < tt mu Imnlci tlutum lie . Huvo inoiiei ) \ > y iM\m \ m j-our i-on Otalrr , Novell and D.iluitort , iirorciiian In llilniluiinitiiiciil M lonucrl ) I'Vnit M iiulaanrliitj Co , llilin o , ami liai UO.TO uaiiiu ot tliu flntit Ht-ilr Nortluuut 0 mill promptly Uoml l' ' ESTATE BROKERS No , Stmot , Kor , b ildo oyv U f and Ccttrnl Hotel. THIS -NT.W AND CPRRECT MAP" ' l'ro - . jcrond . Any rc.uonnblo question that tint CA30 & NORTH-WESTERN RY o , . Ite . . , , , , , , , . TO „ „ i rt ! „ „ „ „ „ , , n Mam amnm f and ill of Iho Princlpil Polnls In Ihc Weil , North ind Northwal THE CHICAGO & NORTH'WIiSTERN RAILWAY , ' ' rif ll < iirlnoli'.it lliiiM. rnni nrli wnv il.illvfrrmi two . 'J Mills , Jt . to Imirormoro KO.IT it \\L' Lnf > ChlclK tlivtUM'.stl : > o The Imperial Palace Dining Cars , U . ' isttu'oriJv . iiml . tliatiuns . rulliiinuSlcfTlnsCarsKiinli or Nnrttrwn < it of . . n. tiij X.Htitt .llfM.w < > i-'JnII > . It lorins tlio . ClilcnRO. Jtli a. " . ' . follonlr.w Trunk LJuci "i.'nii.ioil IUiir < , 1 > ' ' . . " " : e'iivi'r CilirnrnliI.liii- " ' ' ' : : - "Wliioiia , Bll ncoinftpiitral ! ) , . Dakota Un ' "Siiiux''llyNor. . * N'i'lirn'kii.'i , " " YnitUim . " \"Clilcnii , St. : . , ; ) Viiulniul SllnnoaiiolH Mni . f np. lllltuiitKn < t . " " rie | > i w Diibiuiiui Mile. . . "Milwaukee * ( Irre-n Hav % I VI i-u our tills ' t.iko Siiin'rlor r lift , ' are until liy nil C'OIIIKUI Tlokut Asviiit-s fn tti Uultuel atatca iuu' . , ilcti'ii'hiticr foiisU for'Hckct.s tliUroniUlioniiTOtlioy ronfl ovcrlti\nil take MAKVIN Hl'UIUTT , on'l ; .liu.iior : , ChlcnsA W. 11. STlN'NKTrrG ! iu'l 1'iiss. \ Ajctit tionn , ( iltUuiy othou IlAHIir I * . ItlJKt , . Tlckft Aitotil 0. A N. W. ll-vltwoy , ltli nml ntrnoti. I > . K. KIMIIALL. AwisUnt Tlcliot A\ront C. & N. VV. Ilillurty , 14th nnd J' ruh m itrooll * ) , 1IKI.U Tlikut .Ui'iitO. ft N , W. Kaltwiy , U. P. U. H. Uopol. HAMra T. ULAKK llontnl Ai'cnt. Buy the PATENT PROCESS MINNESOTA FLOU& . It always gives satisfaction , because it makes superior article of Broad , and is the Cheap est Flour in the market. Every sack warranted to run alike or money refunded. V\i. \ M. YATES , Cash Grocer. TO ALL AVIIO HAVE WATCHES AND CLOCKS TO HE REPAIRED , TO HE DONE Oil JEWELRY il t MANUFACTURED. iVhile our Work is better , our Prices are Lower than all others.1 received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS offered for Competition in ourline Competitors. the Best Watch Work , For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. ) For the Best Engraving , For the Best Diamonds ( own importation ) FOR THE BEST DISPLAYED , ETC. . in1. } lately enlarged my workshops mid putting In now . .ml improved ma chinery , 1 hope ) to "till moro improve the ( pnility and finish of our ork anil ( ill emlors with moro promptnana than is usual. Nolle ) luia ulwixya bouniuul alwuyn will bo : "Kirat ti > gnin nupurior fiwilt ties aiiel tliuii thu foot not luii'ore ) no wild udvurtiaoincnta. Soinu iiujii-inciplud do.-ilom boni ( { in tliu habit of c > pyiii < my aiuiDUiiuuiiiuiitfl , I would ) > og you , thu road or uf this , to draw u line Inttweiun imoh copied iidvurticoiiionts mid tliejao of YourB very truly , f The Reliable ) Jeweler , Omaha , Neb. , Sign of the Striking Town Clock. HOT HI NO , HATS , GAPS , ' . ' * -.AJKrao 3-ent's Furnishing Goods , A.T THK- M. & M. PEAVY , Proprtelors , Farnham Street , QML4HA , NEB. n , Tobacco from ? ,5c. per pound upwoa-ds , Pipes from 25c , per dozen upwards. Cigala from $15,00 per 1,000 upwards ,