THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 23 , 1R81 , OUR IOWA NEIGHBORS. The School Board Playing tin Wandering Jew , ' 'Successful Bupinoss En or- pri-os Growi i Up. A Stranpor Arreatud for Carrying - ing Concealed Wear cms. Foiloo MonUont Plnnnnnt For * lonal Point- The school board hold their mooting on Moml.iy evening , On no- count of soinis trouble with the heat ing ntipararus down at tin1 Ulooinor school building , the meeting a % held aomowhoro else. After the moinhor * of the board had 8unt ] sonio tiinu in trying to find enoli ether , the busmens of the mooting bcijun at tlio north ircat corner of IJroadway nnd Main atroot , Profcnaor Farnhatn , John Croon nnd E. E. Aylosworth buinu jmsont. Mrs. Hill , whoso husband bus tlm contract n janitor of the Second ward school , had a complaint to inako be fore the board. It suoina her bus- band has gone awtvy or is hick , nnd the duties of the ofiico devolved on Ms son , who , it Rooms , has not inado n extra good school house firoinan , "baring allowed the flro to got BO low that it was of no earthly account OR a .hoating apparatus. A colored nun was einployod in Hill's pluco. Mrs Hill stated to the board that all tin- Tiaiblo means of support thu family had the coming winter iraa the janitor's ' ollicu. The boaul bcinir naturally of n nyiii- puthutiu turn of mind , will no doubt reinslnto thu young mun and him uuotliur trial , unless tlie colored man , wlio lin ; possession , comus Iliu ' "big four" ever thu board ( and refuses io count the votes. ) It was gutting it liltlo chilly , and Mr. Ayloswoith moved that they ad journ to Ilia ollicu on I'eurl ntiurt , which was accordingly done. Minn- time GlawHun , Murphy nnd Spoon r , beintr tired of wailing down at tlie school building , concluded to adjourn up town somuwheru. They got to gether at a Into hour , finally , in Jones & AyloHWoith's ufllco. Taken an a whole , Council lllull'ii liu a vary fiuo school board ; all gentleman - tloman of oxpcrioncu nnd well pNBted on thu laws and duties of schools. "Wo should say that any one of them , jfrom John Clausen down , could aolect a flist class school teacher at sight. They nil aeoin to bo much interested in the schools of the city , and nro no 4oubt doing all in their power for their aUvanCei'iont ' nnd genoril welfare. ! fhp following is the businesi trans acted a'fc 'Jp'o fJoard nt this nioi-ttng : - TilomlhuieBOf the previous IRcet- ing wcro read and approved. Kuaignatiou of Miss Florence I ijnydor (19 ( teacher rend and accepted. A petition of the soulor wild Junior classes was rend alU\ \ laid ou Ul < > table. ' Moved by Mr. Bpoonur Ihut the committooou tuauhota with the supu-r- intendent bo instructed to and report on the mat tors of com plaint in the high fichtiol. Carried , i i The comiirittuo-ou junitora reported ' ' 'aa'followa : GKTLKMKN - Owing to the gross ne glect ot duty I am compelled fo rue- ommend thudiamiBsalot thojanitorof the Mill school. L F. Muni-iiv. V ffhu above leport wus rcceivod , con curred in and accepted. Moved that Mrs. John Hill bo up- iiitcd as janitor of the Mill school , r one month on trial. Curried. Moved that Mr. Scutt bo appointed to fill the vacancy niadu by tlm reuig- fnation of Miss Snyilor. Can led. ' The committee on clock * reported , ccominendnig that C , It. Jncquemin & Co. be authorized to take charge ol ho clock until further orders. Ac cepted nnd concurred in. The superintendent reported ( hi following summary of attendance dur- .ing the month ending October 128 , 1881 : lotal enrollment 1,811 Xt'omticrattending during month . . .1,75 } -A.Ter go mnnbcr lel ) < minr | | | 1.D7J Averajj daily uttundanco 1 , . it : Moved that the schools be closoc for Thuraday and opened again 01 JTrlday. C.iniod. The following resolution was offered mndconcurred in : Revived , That the kinder artei achool room bo opened one-half a day on Saturday of euch week to thu in dustrial guild , the room duriiii/ , sail time to bo under the charge of MIHH Eddy. Dills to the amount of $102.85 were allowed , Adjourned , to moot on Saturday voniug. A 8ULTKKBFUL KNTKIll'UIHK. -A an example of what can be done in Council 131 u Ha in the way of success ful manufacturing , wu point to the enterprising firm of Maynu & Co. "broom manufacturers. Althougl their factory hero in in iU infancy , ua it wure , having been established bn a jshort time , they have already no quired nn extensive reputation fo putting the very best broom upon the market that can bo made , The do m&nd for their broom hns of l.ito kun pace with their present capacity. ISc bettor broom ! B made anywhuro tlmi in produced right hero in Counci Bluff * . hOMEWIUT MIXK1) , _ One of the Ogden gutMtH who ar rived in thin city , in aomo way o oparatcd from his "SiirntoKji. " No Leingnblo to account for this condi tion of thing * , aa ho had declined i to one of our uxprcu men , with ord rs , aa ho claimed , to deliver the sumo at the Ogden , lie repaired to police headquarters and put the case in the hands of the authorities. The express nan wan found and the myatory ex plained. Thu oxprcas man holds tha the order ho received was to deliver ( ho trunk to the Rock Island depot -vhcro it was lound unduturbod. COKCBAIJSD WKAl'ONS , A man giving hia name ua M , 0. Xittlefiem was arrMtod yoaterdfty for on tlm street inn Ute of intox- icHtion. Ho v.n * i kHi to hradqttart- cm , and EH Arched. Concinlcd weapon - on King ilnc | ivptcd upon his perhon , t IUH charge nlsn wns preferred nyninst him. A line of § 13.10 was imposed by the court. I'UTUltK rilOSI'KCTS. lion , Oc" . F. Wright has returned from DCS Motnts wJu-ru he hns en i > ngcd qtmrturs for the winter. AH . us Morgan tots nmttcrn at thu O'obe ' stniiuhtencd ho will start and tliuro is no ilnubt wlton ho once net puttied in the canital city and dowi ( < > busincKA , otit from under the in nm > nc of J. W , Chapman wo filial published in Council Bluffs a- first class democratic organ , THANKSniVINO 8KHVICKH. There will bi union I'lianksgivinj Rtirvicont the Conurcuntional cliurci in this city to monow forenoon. Al jvru invited to att < ! tul. Tlioso wht Imvo n desire to help the needy wil IMVU an oiortnnity | | as n rpccinl col lection for Unit purpose will bo tnkci up. A YtiUTiirui. OITK.VI > IK. Writ'ht had another of tin little U. P. pilfirorn up before bin yt'fliord.xy , nnd after liRtenitn ; Io tin toHtimnny , rendered n verdict o Kiiilty. Itttt out of nympathy for Iho broken dnivn boy hu unly im osecl i ine of CO cents nnd coats , IJuforo dis hiirginit him the justice gave bin some fatherly ndvico , The boy , it tears , declared ho never again woulc take anything that did not belong to him , HUNAWAY. A span of horses attached to ono ol our street curs broke awny from the car nnd taking the nolo with thorn ran up Broadway. Tboyworo stopped , how over , before much da in ago was done , "ONK OP TUB antrH. " A woman who liven in Omnha came over to thiq city to do stmio Bhopping. Sim got into the wrong nhop , and when she artumptr'd to get into one of our Htreet CIIIH , made n nnd exhibi tion of licriulf. Shu made a dnah ( or thu hind end nnd fell upniwJiiig in the mud. IIOV IXJUIlKt ) . A young Inrl Uy llio muni' of Willie Ciilhinn , while ciiguged playing lull at the Centre Hticrt Bclioo ) huitsiivas acciduiitnlly stinck by a bat , inllicling iui | > o a Neviiro injury upon the side of IIJH hrii'l near the temple , Dr. .Idiom WUH called and dteHncd the wound. MINOH MT.NTIONH. Quite n ptutly , fashionably dressed young lady wtood huecx-d [ botwei-n the gat o at thu noithcast corner of Hayliss' ' park until quito n late hour Monday night. Mr. Potter , the ticket agent on Main titreet , _ bus ( jnitu n suggentivu and uniipie ni n representing a huge knife , cutting ratea , Mart Harden , our worthy street supervisor , is doing all ho can to irn- provo our streets , Yesterday Ito had moil and tuutiia engaged withuscrapr , reducing thu small eizod hills that have stood so long on Main street. Oflicor Tyson nrrested ono M. L Miller , found drunk on the atrcot. His case wfll bo disposed of tomorrow - row , Gttrt OroVBner , foreman of Mayno & Oo. ' broom factory , hns moved fwui U rcis " 'rest ' Into a noiiso Corner > f Mill * and Sixth , a location more ionveniunt , being near his placu of ) usincss. Judge Loofboro is on his third week of court up in Cass county .luduo Jteed'H court will convene in IHH city on Monday , Doci-mbiir Ct'n. joveral important CIIBI-S will bo tried , nt'luuinu thu onu nu'aiimt sonio of lie membeiH of our city council. Each day our city pit'sonts a very ivelv appeal ance iiotwithHtnndiiig thorough rough condition of thu ntrtiuts. The Hi-HCtio eiigini1 company of this city will give n , grund ball and mippcr : > n Tliaiikngiving ovening. All are invited. A splendid time is antici- patftl. The Dcuio miinufacturing company are buihling a liugu thn-e-Htory addi tion to their waiebouse rt-ct'titly pur- clianed of llougland it C < > , , on south Fifth street. Shoot music , ono-tliird of ! ' , at Mueller's. I'KlthONAI. M. I' . Druwur has gene into Carroll county on important biuim-os con- iioe'ed with his linn Ho in in hopes that hu will not bu detained from re turning in time toasiust his family t < remove tliu nii-at from the frnmo of ix fat Thiiuksgivmii tin key. Judge Lnrrimur returned from i brief businons trip to the great Sal Likko City , Mjnday , in his ustia health , Dr. John Green says there is no diubt but that Spcticor Smith wil pull through This is good news for his many anxious fnondn. H. 0. Lunk , of Logan , Iowa , was ii Council BltilFs yesterday , at tlio Ogden , lJ. . Savngo nnd P. L. Tain , of Uoono , wore at the Ogden yesterday. TU UKT011KR TRUST. Too much cannot bo suid of the ever faithful wife nnd mother , constantly - stantly wutehing and eating for her dear ones , nuvor neglecting n single duty in their behalf. . When they are assailed by disenso , and the system should Imvo n thorough cleansing , the stomach and bowels regulated , blood purified , malarial poison exterminated , she must know that Electric Hitters are- the only sure remedy. They nr the best and purest medicine in the world , and only cost filty cents. Sold by I h MoMahon , (4) ( ) LKOAL NOTION. Tlie ro-iartiirnhli | liuitoforo vxUtliii ; ho- * ? , . 1 Vln"\ ' ' J" ° ' H- - toii , uiidtr the Bnn iiania | H. tlv&o , In i nl rnd 1 to Jo . lUattr. make all collection , and liquidate tl.i . In " * ' ° f M " " ' ' " ' - T , I1KA1TY. ' JM ) . 8. HKATO.V J.P.ENGLISH , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , J10 South Thirteenth Htr l. with ' M. A. G. TROUP , ATTORNEV AT. Edward W , Bimetal , The leading Sclcntnti ot to-day ftitree that incut dl eic arc cauwl by dlnordcrod kldncjs or llvtr If , Ihtrcfore , the kldnon and Ilicr are kept In iicrfcct ord r , perfect health will " > o the remit. Thii truth IIM only been known < v uliort tltno anil lor jcnrH people Buffered irrcal ( ? nnj nithont being alilo to llnd relief. The dhr- cry ol Warncr'n afo Hldni-v and Micr Cure murks a A new era I the trcatmtrit of these troubles. .Made from n ulinplc tro | leal leaf at rare value. It contain * Jint Iho elements neciMiry to nourish andlmUrorato Ijoth of tliii-u : ordain , and nnltly restore nnd keep them In order , it Is a Positive Remedy for nil thu diacMc * that c.-uuo palm In the lower i > art of the body fur Torpid l.licr Headache * Jaundice Dizzinctn-CIraxe ] Four AKIIO I'Ucraml t'rlnary Ortfani. It l nn tixic'lcnt ' and Halo remedy tor fcinnlcii during I'riwiancy H will icntrol Menstruation and I * In amahlo for Lctiiorrliun or Palling of the Womb. Aa a Illooil I'urlflor It In iineinuicd , for It curoa the oriran * that make tha blood , Thin remedy , which IIIXH done mich Homier , put up In the I.A1UJKBT HlXICI ) IIOTI'LH of nny medicine liiwn the market and Is nold by Drnic- Klita and nil dealer * at I.2G per bottlo. For blabetcB , cniiulrb for WAHNKh'S BAKU DIA- 11KTEH CUIth. Hlaal'Oai 1VK llcmedy. H. H. WARNER & CO. , Rochester , N. Y. ) clU-tu-th-nt- AND STILL THE LI Ol CONTINUK8 TO Roar for Moore ( E ) Harness AND Saddlery. . -Sft&s * ! S "J" ' r Jl- ( P' I have lulnntcil tlm i.lon OH aTriulo llaik , and all my K" ' > will bo rfTA.MI'KI ) ultli the I.ION nriil my NAMK on the mine. NO GOODS AUK JKNU1NK WITHOUT TH > : ABOVE BJ'AMl'S llio licet inatcrlitl IH luvit and thu mo l akllliv Morknicn nru imiilojcd , and at the luvL-Ht c - > l irlrn , Anyone wlhhiiiK a prlcu-llnt of good vrll ) .onfor a favor by somllnif for one , DAVID SMITH MOORE , THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS JOB 1IAN AND BEAST , For moro tlinn n tlilnlof n oonttirvtlio Icnowii toin4)lioimiill over thoworldIIP HID only snW t-cliiuiee for tliu roller of lircllll.'lHH ( lltll JlUlll. tt Ii II IIlOlllclllO iiliovc piiCiUinil pruhu tlir lint ol UH lidul. For i-v < Ty loini ot external ini'ji ' HID . . . . . . . .p , I.iiihni'nt U uitlioutmi oquul. It priirlrut ( li-xli mill initkclr Id flir tcry liiMif milking tilt ) cunthiil- unco ( il pain niul inlliiiiiiimUoii InipciM Hllin > liy t'lloolH upon Iliiiiinii 1'li'sli iinil III III iiluLlrnllull lift' fijiilllljvuiul < r- ' " ' - - till 111 IIiiliiiiit IH nni'ded by noniplioilv In i-v 'i y house. Uvury < lu > lrtnK IHHVH n i Illr n iiiiof mi IIM Till KI nil ! 01 linrii t Miiliilucil , of rliruniiitic iiini-l > ri i'i hliiH'd , nr u > luulilu liimr fir ox vi-tl by tlm liL-alinj ; pouur of tliln \vlilch Bpi'i'illlv cni'-s micH nlltncntn ol thu IlL'MAN I'l.KSH ill * It In-it inu1 U it' , . Mivollli\f ; , ( llin Jnliitu , < ' < iutrrrti il Bill ri5-i , l'nm nil Mi-uliiM , < .uC > ) tiriiFHfw nml NU-lllt | | . Cll'f U IIOIIN IllllS Hint Stliifj ) . Ntlffti. us , 7.iiiiiriii-N . < Mil .Till 1-xV/l'K-l / H , I-'r < tt > ll < - , Ollllllllll > X. Sore iVIppIrt , < 'nKu < l iti-cnil. mill liulrtil rvrry form of cxteruul illi- ciiie. It lirnliivlllinul iicniir. Kortliu llitUTi : CREATION itcinoH Nprnlnt , Ntvliuiy. NtllT .lolnti , I'nimiler , llnruria Herm , Hoof Jllx- imteii , Font Hot , Ncrotv % v riu , .Si-nl ) , llolluiv Horn , Ncrutulim , IVIml- SnllM , Npnvlii , Tliriuli , Itlimlxiiir , 111 Nortit , I'oll ivll , Film upon tlie Slulit nml every other ailment to tvliluli the occupniiti nf llio Nlnlile nml Mlock Vnul urn llnlile. Thu Mexican ItluilniiK I.lnliiieiit iilwuys cm OB uiiil nuvur illMiipjiolutu ; null It Is , positively , THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS FOE Um OE BEAST. POLAND & UWYEK , Commission Merchants , For the vain of Farm I'ruduco ; 1'oUtocA I'oultr ) , lluttcr , Kgg * rvcthinl and no don loiiinilvlon. Ciuh tiltanciM WnrehouiB and Store , 1413 Dodge Street Omaha. Neb. MASTER'S SALK. In the Circuit Court ot tlio United Htatea for the DUtrkt o ! N braskn ; Jaineii K , O Shcr oo l , Calvin ItutU-r .V lleherca llutk 11. \ \ ' Dunn & Henry IVlticr. i lORBCLOHL'KK ( Jf MOK _ . . . 1'ubl'o notice In lurtby tliviitliatliipuniuaiico and bj lrtuu of adtinu intcifd In ihe abotu cau u , oil the 2nd day of tjep'cniber , IRbl , I , H.1.1H L. lllinillOWlfll , Hxclal | Matter 111 Chtncery In wild Court , vlll on the Oth day of Deeenibcr , ISsl.nttho hour of 3 oVIoi-k In thu afternoon of aitld day , at thu went door of tlio United btatiuCourt Moiwo and 1'oet Oltlco build Intt , In thu City of Lincoln , Laneuter County. Utatuand lUtrltof ) N bruka , Bell at auction Tlm HuutbKent quarter ol the outhoa' t quar ter , Huctlon iiumberixl nliKtueiiMu ) , nnd tlioiiwt half ol the northwt iitiartcrand tlie northnot < iuait r of thu iiorthco t quarter of loctlon num. bervd thirty ( SO ) , all In town liln numbered thirty-one ( Si ) and raniff numbered twoH ) e * t. In tlia county ol Cedar anil UUte of Kebraxka , KU18L. 1IIKH1IOWKI ! , . , . , Hi * * ! * ! Mutei In Chancery. 0.0. Ucu , So Itltor for Complainant. iiv ( t CONSUMPTION Positively Cured All milTorcM from th < llvn e ( hit re nnxioii to liccuml nfnulcl ry DFl KIS8NEFT8 Ccla fornted Co lumptlve owdei * 1hi > o I'ow ilctn a n iho only ) r * tlon known tbitt " 11 cure CoriMiinptiAn find nil di m ci of ( lie Thro And Lungi indeed , to ttrontr I' on faith li them , MiurtUo to < - onlncuouthit . tlio\ arena tiumtmjr , we will 'o in to c cry uIcrtr ( , li ; nil , ) x > it [ aid , n frea Trial DDK We don't MA t joiiriivncyiiiilll 3011 ro ttr ( ccily ( . | .flc < l > f thcl'-oir tl'C IIOMCM Ifjon Hfp x north Mvlnt' , 1 n'ldclijln qhlriK these Powdtri A tilnl , they will nurcly cute joti. Price , for larcol t. tSOO , entto an ) i ito tlie I'nltcdtrklc' or Cnnailn , liy mill on rcrclp clirlco. Ad < Jr M , ASll&ItOHIlINS , nllilly SOOTulton hi , Ilrot.UKn N V. JMIUHATK NOTICE. Stale of NohrMka , DoiiRlM County , ss : At a County Court , held at the Oountj Court floom , In ami for Mid County , Aujrmt l t. A D. 1891. iTMont , HOWAUI ) R. SMITH County JutlKc In the matter ol the cstnte of Joicjih It , Nc ) ion , On reading and flllni ; the ( .ctltion ol Martha S. Nelson , iir jlnif that the Inurnment , imr | > ortlnz to bo * nuly iHthcntlcatcd copy of the not will nnd UtAmcnt of raid durAHtf , and o the iirnhato tlicrcof , by the Circuit Court of Fountain Counts State of Indiana , and thladix nied In thin Court , may be nllou < d and ncoMwl , an the last will and tcntnmcnt of Mill Jo iih ) II Ncl.ton , dccta cJ , In and for the bt.vtc of Nc hranka. Ordered , TJifit Auct t27tli , A. I ) . 1831 , at 10 o'clock n. in , , I awlirnul for htnrlni < 8lil petition. when all persoimlntirihted In nalil matter ma ) apjuar at a County Court to be held , In and for ald Countj' , anil fhourcatuo why tlio pra > cr ol | ) ( : tltloiiLTnhoiiMnot lie Kruntcd ; and thit notlci of the iiciiilctic. > ofiwM jictltlon and the hiarlnr thereof , lie tlicti to all pcreoun Intcrtsted In raid matter , hv p lill hli > K a coj > y of thli order InTin OMAHA WxitKUrltKR , n ncwn | > aicr prlntul In mid County , lor three mccciwho weeks , prior to said day o1 hearing tA true co.y. | HOWAItl ) B. SMITH , "Iftw3t County Jiid/c. John G. Jacobs , ( Formerly uf Olsh Jacob' . . UNDERTAKER. No. 1417 FarnhamSt. , Old SUnd o * icob OU * PHOBATE NOTICE. State at Nctirvikn , Douulm County us : At n County Court , hold at the County Court Itooin , In onil for mid County , Oct. 24th. A. 1 > . 1S81. Present , A , JI. CIIAWVICK , fount1 JinUc. In tha matter of thuentito < > t Nell Mongontcn , ilucagcil : On runling anil tiling ; thu petition nf l' ( lor M iick.irnj : | adinttiWr.itieri of raid hta.u nny tia urant'd ' io hiin ( .lf , ataiiinliil tritor. Onlcrcil'I li\t NoAeinlicrSQtli , A. I ) . 1 > 1 , at [ 0 o'clock n , in , to a-ni ncd ( or hearing Hilil pcti tion , win iiall persons IntcnHtul in xalil niittcr naj nppenr nt a Count ; Court to bo licit ) , In niul 'or ' id Countanil hhuu tiin-c Mliy the prayir ot pctltinncr ion Id not liu itrAiiti d , ami tlmt no li u ot punilrnij of naiilpetition anil 'liu ln-.lrliiL' thereof , liu ( 'ncn to all purxoiii ) IntcrciUil in HIJU nntttriy \ ] uilillvliin n coy \ > of thiHordcriri Tiih > UIIAVKFhiY DFK , nnuwapiperprlntiMl In said Couiitlor thrtu uccemi\c wu. l. , prior to ualil Uy of hcailrw A. 11. CIIAL'WK K , no ° x\u ; ' ' 1 llTlt Ju'lffo1 Fall and Winter CLOTHING- , At New York Prices at E. M , & 1 , Peak's ' " 3ETOIC3BC CLOTHING HO USE 130B Farnham St. , OMAHA , - - - NEB. DexterL.Thflmas&Bro , WILL , BUY AND SELL AND iLL TB.AN8ACT10K CONNRCTRD TUERBW1IB , Pay Taxes , Bent Housea , Etc. if ran WAHT TO BUT on BULL Call at Office , Room H , CrelghUm Itlock , Omnhi. SIBBBTT & PDLLBR , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , DVID CITY , NEB. Special attention Emi to collectionn In liutli" W. J. CONNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , Omen front Kooma ( up 8talr ) In new brick building , N \ \ > niBr VlUentb ail FITS EPILEPSY OR FALLING SICKNESS. Permanently Cured no humbug-by one month't u ate ofDR , GOUi ARD'SCelcbrat- ed Int.illlLlo Fit Powders. To lomuo uller- ors th it tliu-o jMiwili-ni v-l 1 ilo all \vo il.nn ( or them o will tend tluin liv ninll , pott p ld a free Trial box , Dr. Ooularil lithuonh ] > li > Hl- clan that hasevei undo this disuasn u hpuclal Htudy and oa to our knowliUgo thousand time li' n Permanctly curnl l > y tlio us of tlic o Powders , we will cunrantee a permanent euro In < cry casu or refund you all money ex pended , All fiitlcrcri sh ulil Rivs tlitso l'o - ileru ttn early trial , ami bo lomlmcd of their turntivu iKiAcrn 1'rlii' , ( or laryc 'jox , S3 00or4 boxesfor 1000 , wnt b > null to nny inirt ot the llnloi Ktuton nr ( aiiiula on rtcvlpt of price , orbi' express , O. O , I > . AUdrc-a , ASH & ROUBIN8 300 Fulton St. . Brooklyn. N. Y. MRS. A. L. BBRUQUIST Una lor sale MM. F. O , KclIonc'H Trallorlnga YD tcm. ThMiifh ln truttlon In t o Art of Itaatf tf Is thoii in tliia 8j Um. I iili Joslrlnif j > rfec.t ( It 1 K Co til. i ca front tlio latc-t dtalzna can hn\u the material cut , lasted auj ilrnpttl at " . vi ry rtaio nblo prices , w Ith euaniiiie of jicr- fct lit. lla\u rumou'd from 811 to 811 IKth St. , up Ulrn. WAR IN PASSENGER RATES HOlUlir imOS. . llrokera In all llallroad TUUtii , Omaha , Web. , offerTickoU to tlio Kast. until further notice , at tlio following unheard ot l.ou links : Chicago , WI2 : llnund Trip , 621.00 , These r limited First-Clues Tickets and wood for return through the jear , and \la the Old HclUulo Chi can" , HiirllnKtOD * Qulucy Hailroad Also , one * " 5 lutclaw , ZJclvs , NEW VOKK , 42" ° ° . I108T1XV , 2 ° W , .i5.1'llll.Allri.l'JIIA ; , 25)0 ) , 2300. JWAHIIINuTON , Sif.uO , MJW- „ Kor mrtlnilara , write or fro dlruct to HUllIlIk UUOS. , lijiiluni In Koducod llatu lUllroaJ nd 8tcain lilii TIcliftH. SOD Toiith St. , Omatia , Neb. Uciiii-niVor the iilwio Three Doom North ol Union IVitlo llollro d U } > ot , V * l Bide ot Tenth Strcil. Oronln , Auinut 1. 1881 u2Bd ii Geo. P. Bern is REAL ESTATE AGENCY , IDth nd Dodge 8t . , Omaha , Neb Thin uttiicy ! aoea HTIICTLT * brokerage litulnoer. Doc not mxulftto , nd thcreforo any bart-aitM n tin iHxjltl are Insured to Ua ( Vktroui , Intitivkd liv Iho ayou > < DISEASES OF THE EYE & EAR DR , L. B. GRADDY , Oculist and Aurist , LATE CLINICAL ASSISTANT IN ROYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL. Keforoncm all Iloputablo Phynlclani of OruaJia. yOfflc , Corner 16th nd F rnhBm 81s. , Omah * . N b aui&metf B. D , MoLAU&HLIN , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW And Notary Public. ock , O * o IU P. MORSE 1319 Farnham Street. Within the next sixty days we expect to occupy our new store at / 1315 and 1317 Farnham street , adjoining our present stand , with a ' stock of DrV GOOdS ne uaUed in the West , / HOT SURPASSED IN THE EAST , and meanwhile we desire that all Omaha should take advant we of the very CLOAK QEPARTMBNT. JJcavi-rClo.iks , hnndsonmly trimmed with I'uR menturiu and Satin , Silk Velvet , So 00 to Sl.OO. All Wool Beaver Cloaks , from S8.00 to 812. CO. .Beaver Dolmans , handsomely trim- mcd with Silk and 1'ringe , 88 00 , or with SatinSilk andryssmenterioDeep Fiingo , Corded and Tasskd , 810.00. Al $15.00 we offer a handsomely fur trimmed nil Wool Diiigonal Dolman , iml at § 18 00 wo show four styles of Dolmans wortli fully § 20.00. Lk'ht Jackets at § 9.50 to 812.00. In Liyht Dolmans wo show over 13 styles , from § 15 CO to$1)5,00 ) , makiiiL' special prices it 820.00 and § 25 00. Silk Dolmans from-15.00 to § 70 00 , ill handsomely trimmed with Fur Plush. DRESS GOODS. Jadies' Suitings , Cashmeres , Silks and Plaids Novelties. 40 inch Ulack Cashmeres ( iOc. , 7Cc. , Ooe , SI 00. 40 inch Black Cashmerea , 75c. , l)0c. ) , 81 00 , 81 25. Wo will uiree in nil cases to refund the money for Cashmeres should they tot prove satisfactory. Our pi ices will ) o found 20 to 30 per cent lesi than those usually asked for tame qualities ; ill wo : isked is comparison. 40 inch French Flannel Suitings , 80 < j. j.Ifiinch French SilkandWool Plaids. 81.00 48 inch French Foullo and Camels Hair in extra heavy weight , § 1.05 to § 2 00 a yard. 48 inch Drop do Etc at § 1.25. 81.50 , § 1.80 , 82.50. HOSIERY , Ladies' and Children's UNDERWEAR. 60 dozen Ladies' ' all Wool Seamless lose , 40c. 25 dozen Ladies' all Wool Seamless lose , oxtia heavy , 50c. 25 dozen Ladies' iino Cashmere Hose , 75c. , worth § LOO. Children's all Wool Seamless Hose or school wear , all sizes , 2Pc. , worth 40c. to 50c. Boys' all Wool Gray Mixed School lese 40c. . woith BOo. to 75c. Ladins' extra heavy Fleeced Lined Jelbrigyins , BOc : Ladieu' Ono Merino Vost.s , 45c. , voith GOc. Children's ' line Merino Vests , 25c o S2.00. Men's Sox , Shirts , UNDERWEAR. 200 Dozen Seamless Fancy British Sox 25c. 25 Dozen Men's ' Fine all Wool Scarlet - lot Half Hose 50c. a Pair fully worth 75c. 25 Dozen Fine English Merino Hose 35c. 3 for § 1.00 Seamless Unhleaohed Sox § 2.00doz. Extra Fine Unbleached Sox 82,50 doz. doz.Best Best Quality Linen Collars $ LGO doz. doz.Best Best Quality Linen CuiFs § 2.50 doz. Another invoice of Mi-n's ' Piqno Sown , Stitched back Derby Street Gloves Sl.Iio pair , usunlly sold at § 2 00 to § 2 50. Every pair warranted not to break , Heavy Merino Shirts or Drawers 25R. -Heavy Merino Shirts or Drawers 50c. , wortli § 1 00. Heavy Merino Shirts or Drawers $1 00 , worth § 1 25. For § 1.25 we sell n very heavy Patent Mt rino Shirt or Drawer that 1ms heretofore sold for § 1 50. Seamless Shirts or Drawers from $1 50 , formerly § 1.75 , up to the best C.irtwri hfc and Warner'a Hand-knit Scotch Shetland Wool. ORDERS TAKEN for Silk Under wear. SATINS , SILKS , VELVETS. PLUSHES , In this department all goods nro of our own importation at the prices we name. No house west of Now York can compote with ua. 19 inch Black Satins , all beautiful lustre Eind , well covered , 75c. , 85c. , 95c. , $1.00. 22 inch Black Satin , $1.00 , 81.25 , 81.40 , $1.50 , Sl.CO , 81.65. A complete line of Colored Satins nt 90c. , equal to the 81.25 Satin of last season. Black Gros Grain Silk 50c. , 75c. , 90c. , Sl.OO , all worth 25c. , a yard more. Cashmere Finish Gros Grain Silk from 81.15 to § 3.50 , \Vo have full lines of our celebrated brand of Casbmere Alexandra Silk > Black and Coloied Plushes , full 21 inches wide S3 50. 19 inch Silk Velvets from 81.25 to $4.00. Over SOqualties to choose from. KID GLOVES. 3 Button Fisk , Clark & Flogg Gloves , 75c. 4 Button Fisk , Clark & Flogg Glows , 81.00. 0 Button Fisk , Clark ifc Fluge Gloves , § 1 25. Tlio above are well known in the east as ono of the best Gloves made. The makers sold us all tlioy had , and wo assuru our patrons that they rank aa hiirh as any lirst-closs Glove known. UbU.illy selling at § 2.00 , § 2.25 and 82.50 per pair. ' We are solo agents in Omaha for Courvoisier Kid Gloves. 3 Button Courvoisiei1 Kids , 82.00 4 Button Cuurvoisiur Kids , 2.25 0 Button Courvoisier Kids , 2.50 Foater Lace ids , all Lengths. 3 Button Real Kid , Black , only 81.25 4 Button Kual Kid , Black , only 1.50 When Gene uu c.uinot replace. IACES , RIBBONS , ETC ? Hand or machine made all Silk Spanish , G 'ipuie , Uiintilly and other now style Laces , fiom one to twelve inches , Deep Cteam or Black. Spanish L.ICO Scarfs from 35c to 85.00 each. Wo also add to our sock of Ten Cent Ribbons Many now colms and extra widths in Satin and Gros Grain. Como early this morning. BLANKES , COMFORTST Our Blanket Stock is the largest in Omaha , and us oui prices will show is by far the cheapest we ever offered. 100 Pairs 10-4 White BlanVeta § 1.50 , worth S'J.50. S 100 Prtirs 10-4 White Blankets § 2.00 , worth § 3.00. CO 11 4 White Blankets 82.50 Pair. CO 10-4 White Blankets § 3 50 Pair. CO 11 4 White Blankets § 4.60 Pair. Tlm Bt-st § 5.00 Blankets in the West. 50 Pairs Extra Heavy all Wool Blankets § 6.50 50 Pairs 12 4 Extra Heavy Blankets § 7.00. 50 Pairs 11-4 all Wool Blankets 88,50. An Extra Larpo San Jnse , California , Blanket for § J 0.00. The Very Best Bargain in Omaha. 48 Bed Comforts 55c. each , wortb 75c to § 1.00. 48 Bed Comforts 75c. each , worth § 125. 48 Bed Comforts , very largo and heavy , at SI.25 e.ich. Fine French Blankets of our own importation from § 15.00 to § 50.00 a pair SIP. . IMIOIRSIE < fe OCX , 1 1319 Farnham Street. , ' Emporium of Fashion ! We respectfully request the attention of the Ladies of Nebraska to the announcement of the arrival of the largest and most recherche invoice of Fur Lined Promenade Wraps ; Silk , Plush and Embroid ered Matelaise Dolman's ever imported west of the Missouri. DIAGONALS AND ARABIAN CLOTH SUITINGS ! FRENCH FLANNELS AND CHINA SILKS I Trimmed Elaborately with every Shade of Plush , Satin , Velvet Passementerie , Suits and Costumes in Innumerable Varieties. WRAPS AND SUITS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. Plain and Embroidered Dressing Sacques , CLOAKS FROM $5.00 TO $150.00. PADCICI n Aenw | wanted for Life of ImnrlLLU I'nwUcnt OarlloU. A com. I'leto , faithful hlotory from cradle to ( trove , by the t ' .tnent blogra ) > oer , Col. Conucll , llooki allrtnujidnitcry. . An elegantly lllu tr to < > rolumo. i.nilorsi-d rdltlon. Liberal tt-niu. Aki'iits take orJcri for from 0 to M copiv ) dally , OuUells any other Ixxik ten to one. Aitviiti never made money HO fiut. The book iiilU Knoll. Kx- | H > rleni'v not ueceasary. Kalluro unknown All make ImiueniHi nrollu. Pril ate teruu free , OKOHOB HTINSO.N & CO. . I'cttlard , V&li.e BYRON REED & . CO , .OLDBIT BITAIUIU1D Real Estate Agency IN NKDBAHKAI Ic p a compUfe abdract of OUe Io Real ( rtata In Om fc * an OouiU * oouorr , J. A. WAKEFIELD , WHOLKSALK AND RCTA1I UKALKK IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LiME , CEMENT \ . Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA ,