Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1881, Page 5, Image 5

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    I'lli : OMAHA DAILY BtiE AV DNESDAtf , NOVEMBER 28 , 1881
NEW YonK , November 22.
Money rl'i od at fi per cent. , but the
ruling tale to-day wiufl per cost. h irj .
Kxch'HiRO clutdcaL ait'l ' lowir at
Governments sto dy at follo\\ !
Currency > 's . . 1 r0 ! Mil
4' coupons . . . , i . 1 Idj li ) I
U's COUIH > II . 1 Mb I'i ' I
Sit continued . 102 hid
6' continued . 1 OH bid
Pncllie rallnmd bomN clo. ed un fi tlo nt
Union firsts . I lT@t I7J
Lanu grunts . 1 l ( .yl It
SinktiiK tunds . 1 ! . ' ! S ! >
Ccntialfl . . 1 ISvS 1 ! " > }
( lOCKS.
'lie market w s not. K active i'l tii !
niftin and vcnk tli ough t , Nothing f
t | 0 tmcj irmspiieil : , and , iw A r 'PI '
price * i-howi'd n di-eliw nt the < lo f of } ©
3 per cent f run. the bent jit 1 N of tt'o d .3 .
TLo prlnc pal deuli K.I were In Like
Shor- , Den -r& Kio > .r ml. ' , Kilo , Ml-
wnukte & St. Paul , New York ( . ' ,
Teis I'.ioltic , DeliwunLiikuwaniw &
WostMii , Now Jtrsfy , W rttin
Union , Knn ns & Texas , and \Vnb. li.
Tli a following uru the cloH'tiir hid-i :
A&TH . fr-H Northwest rn
I'refened. . . . ! U
IJ& ( J . last
C.UIIIM Sou tli n 01J
Uvt A . . . .IJtO
CStL.'kNO ' . WJ
CCC.V1 . . 111 ?
Dt RG St ?
l)6cll 108J
Krio & Western IIH
Kiie 13 ]
Pro erred . . 9:3 *
Adaim WII
Amuiiaui . . iU
'J. S 7f >
II & T sr.
H&St J Ul {
pf.l I0tr )
io i > ii
K& T 3S i
LS 111S !
L&N ! ) . !
LN A& C . . . 71
Mo Pa 101J
Michigan Ccnt'l l'S
Following arc the highest prieei un
mining stocks at the NtW York mini K
ex lunge :
Quickidver. . . . 13 Little PittaburRlO-'g
Pieferred. . . . GOJ
State bonds ure quiet and general y
CltlCAUO. November 22.
The banks reported u sliurf ) do and for
money n d fair iat , at G@8pcr cent. ,
according to the grade of the setunty.
The supply of loanable funds was more
than 01 o u'h to satisfy the wants nf bor-
roweis enti cd to thu a.une.
Kastern exchange between city banks
waa unchin ea a , par and 25c premium
per $1,000.
The clearings of the nsxociated banks
were 50,400,000.
Omaha Wholesale Market-
Tuesday Kveniiijf , November 22. f
There was no ch mga in the general
char cteristics of the marl-ets o-ilay , x-
cepting that greater firmness was noticed
with an advance shown in bids for wheat.
Oats were firm.
B irley a 1 tt o easier.
Butter eggs , poultry , hiiles , wool , &c. , ,
Thewe.ithe- pleas int nnd a great
many farm rs were im the streets ,
Hay was in good supply and slightly
Local Uraln Uealmgi.
VV'HKAT. ( Jash No. 2 , 1 OS ; cnnh
No. 1 , 9-1J : rejected 70ic.
DAllLhY.-Uash No. 2. 93Jc ; No. I ! ,
RYD. Cash , 83c.
CORN. Cash No. 2 , 4 He.
O ATP. Cash. 3 IP.
H AY S7 00@8 00 per ton.
Cattle Good shipping , 8t 005 00 ; fat
cows tnd heifers. 2 7.ri@H 00.
Hogs Mixed p.ickin ( { , So .r > 0@.r ) 75.
Sheep Slauithtcrinjf in demand at 84 00
rTiOUH Spring wheat , straicht grade ,
32d@37.r ; "Pioneer" California , 84 2" . ;
patent , S3 7fi@4 .50 ; winter Client straight
graiie S3 & 5@4 2T ) ; patent , ' 4 50@4 90 ; graham -
ham rye , 82 75 : Wheat , 3 ( Ml.
UYE FLOUR 63 ' > .
MILLSTUFFS Bran , per cwt. bu ;
creeningH , per cwt. SOc ; sliorts , per
cwt 1.00 ; chopped feed , per uwt. 1 20 ; meal L
bolted , yellow. 1 40 ; white , 81 GO.
POTATO KS In car lots , 105@l 10 ; N
1 Salt Lakes , 1 2-@l 3T . Retail , 1 23 ®
tine , 3c per Ib.
POULTRY Chickcnx per d.veti. SJ fiO
@ 2 75.
per do/.en ,
QUAIL Per doz. , 82 W ® ! 00.
WILD GKKSI-'J : rr > fet : no
WILD nuoKS-aooussso.
KGUS Firm ; ocarcoat : id@32o.
13UTTjR-Cholce ; , Kcarco at 20@tOc : ;
poor. ID market ; creamery , 303" ,
APPLUS ( Jowl , bound , very su rco
atSI f < 0@4 75 per bbl.
IlO.VKV-Oalifjrain white clover in
comb , 2l@2oc.
LKMOXS-Steady ; per box , ? 8 fiO. 30
\tALLAGA GRAPES-Pur bbl.8 .10 ;
per half bll. ) , SIM ,
BKKSWAX Yellow , 2022c.
ONIONS 1 5u@l GO perliushel.
OADUAGK S100@200per dozen , as
to quality.
ORANUKRRIKS-Per bbl. , S10 00@
II 1 0.
CELERY Per do ? . . fi06t55o.
Grocers Lilt. co
COFFKK. Kio , lair , me : Hto , good ,
lie ; lllo , prime to choice , flic ; Old gov't
Java ; 20J@28ic , Mocha , 28Jcj Arbucklu'ti ,
TI'AS. Gunpowder , if001 , 4S@56o ;
Choice , GO@7Cc ; Imperial , good , 40@ir > c ;
Choice , G0 t > 7 ! > c ; Yonng Hyson , KOO < | , 30 ©
SOc ; choice , O.r c@l 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf ,
3rc ; Japan , choice , ( X7.1c ) ; Oolong , ifoml ,
33@40 ; Oolong , choice , 40@S'i ; Souchong ,
good , { Vi(3)40c ) ; choice , 3. ' > @ 4Sc.
SUGARS. Cut loaf , lljc : Criwhed ,
lljc ; Granulated , lie ; Powdered , lljc 'Jo
Fine | > owdered , lljc ; Standard Cotfee A ,
lOJcj New York Confuctioner'n .Standard
A. lOic ; Go < xl A , 10jc ; ; Prairie Extra C ,
9 Jo ,
BYUUPH. Sugar house , LbU , 50c ; ha'f
bla , 62c ; kegs , 44 gallons , 82 50 ; clioice
table syrup , 50c ; fialfbbln , 33c ; kegs , 82 W ,
* ! O1)A. DwMit'sHi vitpvrs , fcJPO ; Do-
, nnrt do , S3 Oil ! Church' * , tsl C"lj Kef ivli > ,
STAItl'H.-l'tnrl , IJc ; Sllv.-r lh ! , Si
. . . Corn
Jlnif. "c : Corn. 7Jc.
* * AIT.Ony lo.uK lierblil ,
m , in t : ick , 3 .M ) : bbls dairy iJO , . ' > , 3 4" > :
dairy. 100. 33(55. ( .
riltMTS-Clinice lulu- .
, ioftchf < , new trot" . lOc ! Ilviiporatcd AI > . ) ] P .
" ) Ib IrtU's I3ifjlie ! ; Michigan,8 > c ; N'cw
v ork tpple , Sic : Prune * , > ld , Tie ; now ,
* Jc ; furrnnU , vWV'l ' l-Uckbcrries now ,
> CtKKSi | : Full Crwin , Ific ? PAI (
VVl'iODKNWAKK Two hoop putt"fe
i ' . > " ! three hf > p jwlls 2 20 : No. 1 tub *
) Ml ! No. 'J tnlii. , 8 f > 0j Xo a tubi. 7 f > 0 ;
pioneer wi hboaril * , 1 " < * ; Double-
i'.iDVllbuclvets ; 3 a" )
liKAD Ilnr. SliM.
SI'irP.R. IVpprr , 20) ) AlUpt
Minr , 4."cj N'tttmotf * , SI OC : Ca ln , 2V :
Unm S1 1 1
\l \T'lliS : Per ciddie , JKc ; round
' '
'nttiviSIO S.-P.rcnk'fn-tt liacon. l j.
ihniee lanl. 1HV : dried bwf , injcihnulil
iN , u.uiv.-H-eil ! ) o ; hiiini. canvassed He ;
'neon ' , - < iilc < 12jc
VKW l'irKLiS-M.dlum : , in h.invl- . ,
< 10 00 : do in half hhU , . " > 75 : smallIn Mil- .
I'JOd do. In h.itfWik 7 CO ; ghptkiin , in
hhl11 00 : iln , In half bills 7 M ) .
V1NKUAII Putv npplo extra , It'c :
nre apple , lle ! ; PiH Iinr nuro nnnle. lOc.
HOMINY Now , SS ( 00 per bbl.
UKANS-Medium , hand picked 11)0 )
| ici bunliel : liavy , SI 00.
KOPIv Si-al , i Inch and larger , OJcj 3
neb , lncj inch , lOJt.
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 4.1j
ICii-U't xatinet. 3 Ili ; llrk'nUndnrn , 3 50 :
l\irk' < white Itiisslan , 5 2. ' > : KlrkN Kwtncn ,
JOl : KiikV Pr.xiiio Qm-cn. (100 ( caket ) ,
1 (0 ( ; Kiil.V niiiijnoli.i , 1 fi5.
t'ANDLiS : Boxes , 10 lb , 1R 02 , 8 < ,
iJcbiixct ( ; 10 Ibo. , Ill oz. , ti < , lc. ( !
LYH American , 3 10 : trreenwich , S40 !
\Ve tern , 2 7o : North Star , 2 i"0 ; Lowis'
1st' , I 00 : Jewell be , 27f > .
POTASH Pcnniyhnuia cansI do * . ,
In cii e , ! t 3"i ; Uabbltt's IU1I , 2 doz. in case ,
I ( > 0 : Anchor 1UII 2 do * In case. I " > 0.
KII-3M1 SKHD-Kud clover , choice
new , ? ll ( X ) per bmhel ; mammoth olovut
new , § 700 ; white clover , new. 81100
il alf i i-lover , now , 812 SO ; nlsike , new ,
n.100. Timothy , good , new , Sit 00 ;
blue grass extra clean , SI HO ; blue grass ,
cleaii , 81 25 ; orchnid grass , $2 50 ; red to | ,
i iinlcp , 1 03 ; millet , common orMlstouii ,
80o ; millet , German , SI 00 to 31 23 :
Uuiuarian. SOc.
III-DtHS12KW ! ( Osngo orange , 1 to
b I'liel85 00 ; osage orange , 10 biuhelH or
vcr. 8-450 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 35c ; per
KI SI I Family white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls ,
x ; { 75 ; No , 1 white fish , ! K ) Ib hf bbls , (5 ( 30 ;
No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , 1 00 ; family
10 Ib kits , 7."ic ; New Holland herring , per
keg , 1 33 ; Russian sardines , 73cj Coltip--
liia river salmon , per 100Ibf , 8 00 ; George'd
Bank codfish , ( ic ; Gen. boneless codtish ;
Sic ; boneless fish , 43c.
MACKIMIKL Half bbls mess mackerel ,
100 Ibb , S12 TO ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do.
100 Ibs , C. 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100
Ibs , 3 85 ; mess mackerel , 12 Ib kite , 2 25 ;
No , 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , I 50 ; No. 1 shore ,
12 Ib d , 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ib do , 7fc.
CANNKD GOODS Oysters , 2 Ib
( Field's ) , nor case , $4 20 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) ,
per case , 2 50 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case ,
3 90 ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , per case , 2 50 ; do
> Ib ( slack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( slack ) ,
per case , 2 00 Onions , 3 80. Salmon , 1
111. per dozen , 1 60@1 70 ; do2tt > , per do7en
J 55. S irdincs , small lf.h , imported , _ one
quarter boxes per box , UJc ; American ,
qnaiter boxes per box , lie ; do half boxes ,
per box , 21 ic. Lobsters , 1 11) per rtoycn ,
1 80. Tomatoes. 2 30 ; do 3 lt > per
case , 310 ; Corn 2 Ib ( Mountain )
per case , 3 70 ; soaked com , 210 ; do
2 lt > ( Yarmouth ) , per CBe , 375 ;
string beans , per case , 2 25 ; Lima beans
per case , 2 20. Succotash ti r case , 2 25.
Peas , common , per case , 2 00) ) peas , choice ,
ner case , 4 50. Blackberries , 2Ib , per case ,
280 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 7ftg.
' 2 Ib , per case , 27f > @ 300.
Damsons. 2 \ * > , per case , 2 45. Bartlett
pears per case , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortleber
ries per case , 2 80. Egg plumn , 2 tti per 1 , 3 50 : do , choice , 2 Ib , per case. 4 50.
Gmen gages,2 lt > per case , 3 50 : do choice , r.
tl > . ) er c.iHe,4 30. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per case ,
4 00@5 75. Peaches , 2 ib per case , 3 10 : 2
do 3 It ) , ca&e , (5 ( 00@C 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 ib , per
: a < < e,385 ; do pie , 0 lt > , per dozen , 3 50.
RICK Carolina , 8@8ic ; Louldiana , 7J
&a\c. \
PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten-
ne see , Do per Ib ; fancy white , lOo per Ib ; 2
ra-v white Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted ,
Dry Ooods.
BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 8Jc ;
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A. 8c ; Boott
FF , UJc ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W ,
74c ; Chittenango A , C c ; Oreat Falls K ,
8.Jc ; Hoomcr , lijc ; Honest Width , 7 0 ; In
dian Heuil A , 8-jc ; Indian Standard A ,
83c ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8 0 ; Lawrence
LL , 7c ; Mystic Riyer , 7Jc ; Pcquot A , 8 c ; 4
Shawmut LL , 7c ; Utica C , 5jc ; Wachus-
ett , 7ic : do A , 8Jc ; do E 48 , 124c ; Wai-
cott BB , 71c.
4-4 ; 7Jc ; Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Argyle 4 4 , 7 c ;
Atlantic LL , CJc ; Badger State X 4-1 , 7c ;
Bennington C 4-4 , C c ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , OJcc
Indian Orchard AA 0-8 , 8Jc ; Laconia 0
39 , 8Jc ; Lehigh E M , ! )4c ) ; Lonsdale4-l ,
30c : 1'epperell N 30 , 7c ; do 0 32 , 74c ; do R
3li. 7.-c | ; do K 39. 8ic ; Pocass t C 4-4 , 7 c ;
Wamsutta4.4 , 13c.
tin L 4-4 , 10cBIa.kstone ; A A In perial ic ;
do do half blenched 4-4 9c Cabot ?
- , ; 4-4,8 ;
Fidelity 41 1 , 91cFrni ; of th Loom , IDA ; do
can hric4.4,13do ( WatcrTu 1st , 10\c \ ; Great
Falls Q , Oc ; Indim H > ad shrunk 4"1 1 , 12 c ;
nslale , lOc ; do cnmbri 87 , 13c ; New
York Mills. 13c ; Pequot A. lOc ; PepperMl to
( J Twills , 12 Jc ; Pocahontas 4-1 , lljc ; 14
PocasK t 4-1 , 8ic ; Utica , He ; Wamsutta
X X , 13c.
DUCKS Unbleached-Atlantic , 10 oz. ,
17c ; Baltimoru do , Kic ; Lone Star , 8 nf. . ,
12c : Sav ge , 18c.
. , o ( Colored ) Alb ny K brown ,
; do C , ilra' i ! VA , Htript'b and
plaid , 12Jc ; do XXX brown and drab ,
stripes and plaids , 12Jc ; Arlington fancy ,
llc ! ; I'runswlck brown , HJc ; Chariot fancy , SI
12jc ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall Kive
brown , extra heavy , ll c ; Indiana A
biown , 13c ; Neponset A bro-n , 15c.
TICICINOS Amoskcag ADA 32 ,
17Jc ; do XX blue 32 , 18ic ; Arrowanna ,
9Jc ; C'laremont B B , 15Jc ; Conextoga ex-
ti.i , 17fc , ; Hamilton 1lljc ; Lewihton A ( ' , "
, 15c ; Minnenaha4-l , 20c ; O iicga sup r
extra 4-1. 28o ; 1'earl River 32 , lOjc : Put-
mini XX blue htrinc , 12c ; Hhetucket S ,
lOJc ; do SS 12c ; Ycoman'H blue 29 , 81c. 1:1 :
DKNIMS. Amoskcak , blneand brown , tu
lOJc ; Andover 1)U liluo , 15Jc ; Arlington and
blue Scotch , 18ic ; Concord (5O , blun and 2@
brown , 12Jc ; do AAA , do do 13J ; doXXX
do 1 lie ; Haymaker'H blue tind brown ,
'Jjc ; My tlc River DDntiipe , lljic ; IVarl
River , blue and brown , 15Jc ; Uiicasvillo ,
blue and brown ,
OAMHItrCS-lJarnard , filcj Kddystono
lining , 21 inch double face , 8jc : Garner A 21
glared Tic Manhattan clove . . fi2c
, Imiab , , _ , J.Hli
Newport tin ( io ; do glazed , 5-cj | Pequot do Hlib
; L't ' kwood kid finish , ( io.
COKSKT JKANS Amory , flcAndrim- and
gin satteen , # Jc ; Clareiiilon , ( i cj Conestoga - 58c
toga KatteenH , 7-Jc ! Hallouel ) , bo ; Indian
Orchard improved. Tie ; Nai ruganm'tt , 7Jc ; 75a
Pepperill Hatteen Die ; HnckH > rt , 7'/e / , I < Y
PKINTS Allprm , iljcj American , flic ; YFi
ArnId , 7cj llcrwlck , He ; Cochcco , 7e ; Fiu
Coiicntoga. Mo ; Dunkirk , 4Jcj Dunne ! ! , 11
07c } ; IMdyntono. 7c ; Gloucester , lie ;
Harmony , 5Je ; ICnlckerbovkcr , OJu ; Mer- 33c
rinmc 1) , 7c ; Mystic , /ijc / ; Hprai'iien , < Jcj /
Southbiidge , lie ; do , Gingham * , 7c ; Marl
bore , f > io ; Oriental Gic. ka
GINGHAM.S-Amoskcag , lOJc ; AIIIOK.
keag < lreH 12 } Arifyle , lOJc ; Atlantic , oil
; Cumberland , 74c ; Highland , 8Jej
Kenilworth , 8Ji ; Plnn kett , lOJcj Hua-
i , .A
IGc ; Oeeiii 1) und T , 13jc ; Royal , llljc ;
Siu x , 12c ; Tioia , IL'k ) Wnchu tt shirt-
lm < chocks. 12Jc ! do. NuiiUn , 12c ) Yoik ,
iilnin Nankin , 12jc ; do , 1ieck < , t-tripcs and
fancy , 12c ; do , S oz , SOc.
do 0-1 , J.MCdo : 8-1 , 22e ; C ntin ntnl
42 , tic ; Kniltof he lAxmi 10-1. 27J : New
York mills VS. 3 , ' c : do 78 , Moi do 58. 22c ;
IVmbioko 10-1 , 2ocj IViiuot 10-4 , 2SJc ! do
M , , IHc : do JO , tOc : Peiipcwll Ot ? . 20o ;
dn 07 , 21o ; tin f > 7 , 18c ; UlloA 9tf 3."o ! dr
59 , 22Je ; tlo4i * , 17c
Bullrilnc MitterUI ,
MMK I'sr Iwrwl , 81 3S | bulk per bit. .
35o. : Cpinent , bbl , 52 j" > 0. Iowa pbvltf ? ,
bbl , & ! 50. Hair , per lm. Vc. Tarred
felt 100 IU , # 3 50. ' Straw board , § 4 00.
PAPI'.K-St awpapor , 3 c ; rag pain r ,
4c ; dry goods napcr , 7c ; nmtiili paper , lOc :
news paper , Sc
CO\li I'umborlnml lilnckKiiilth , SI. ' ;
MornI5tm Blossbtirtf , S12 ; Whltebroft-.t
lump , Sti fiOj Whltobroast nut , $ ( > 50 ; lima
lump , 3' ' ! 50 ; I own nut SrtMtj KockSpriug * ,
58 ; Anthracite , all sire * . S13 00.
I'lWINWNo. . 1 , 12 to 20 ft , $20 00 ;
No. 2 , 12 tn 20 ft. , 1 ! ) ( K ) : sheeting t1reiil ,
Nn. 1 , 18 00 : No. 2 , 111 00 ; common boardi ,
draped , JO 00.
PI ! AM ING ! < ft. ami under , per M ,
20 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 22 002ft. . 22 00 ;
21 ft. 2"iOu.
FINISHING-No. 1. flul'liU. U and
2 inch , S. ' > 0 00 No. 1 finish 1 inoh ? I5 00 ;
No. 2. finish U , 1J and 2 Inch , SI300 No.
2 HuMi , 1 inch. $10 00 ; No , 3 Mulsh , 1 iu.-li ,
SUTiOO ; O. G. luttuin pi-i iOO foot lin. ,
$1 00 ; well curbing , S2200 ; rough i and 2
inch bnttnin per 100 font Hi' . , 0c.
STOCK 1HAKDS A stock. $10 00 ; U
tf.Ti 00s C. $ 'M 00 ; common stock , S22 50.
K LOOKING No. 1 , $10 IX ) : No. 2 ,
* : C > 00 ; No , 3. $22 00 ; yellow pine , No. 1 ,
SIDING No. 1 , $2100 : No. 2 , $2200 ;
No. 3. 818 00.
SHU' LAP Plain , $2200 ; O. ( J.No , 1 ,
$3J 00 : Nn. i $22 00.
0 KILING-S21 0 iiS37 00.
LATH AND.S1UNG LKS A starbest ( )
Singles. S3 S3. No. 2 , $2 50 ; No. 3 , $2 00.
Lath , S3 50.
Points Oils nri Varnlihe *
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha
P. P. , 7c ; white lead , < 1. P. A C. Co.pmt' ,
5u ; Mnrioilli's gief n , 1 to 5 Ib can'JOc ;
Kreuchinc , qrcen seal , 12c ; French /inc.
rod seal , lie ; rrutifh zinc.Jn vnuilth ius t ,
_ 0o : Kiench zince , in oil asst , l" > c ; Kn\\
ind buint umber , 1 Ib rails 12c ; raw nnd
hiirnv Sirmm , 13rj : vnndyko bnwn , 13 :
i-olinuil lamiblack. | 12c ; coach black , P'e ;
i oiy black , Itic : drop black , llic ; I'liisslan
lilue , IKe ) ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome
L. M. & D. , lie ; blind and shutter
iieen , L. M. .t D. , He ; Paris green. 18c ;
I"dlan red , 15c : Venetian reil , ! lc ; Tuscan
r n , 22c : Ameiican Vermiliod , I. & P. , IHc ;
chrome yellow , L. , M , , O. & D. 0 , , 18c ;
yellow ochre , DC ; golden ochre , 1'J ; patent
'iryer , Cc ; graining colors : light oak , dark
Mt , walnut , chestnut ami ash 12o
Dry ° alnti
sian blue , 45o ; ultramarine , 18c ; Vandyke ,
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 44c ; umber , raw ,
ic ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c
Paris green genuine , 33c ; Paris green coni'l
iic ; chrome green , N. Y. * 20c ; chrom-
green K. , I2c ; vennillion , Kng. , 70f ; vcr-
million , America , 18c ; Indian re < l. lOc ,
rose pink , 14c ; Venetian read , COOKROII'M
tyc : Venetian red iVin. , 19c ; red lead , 7Jc ;
chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yel
low , 1C. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ochre ,
French , 2c ; ochre , American , IJc ;
Winter's mineral. 2o ; lehigh bro\vn , 2jc :
ipanish brown. 2ic ; Prince'H mineral 3cj
VAllNISIIKS Barrels per gallon.
Furniture , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No. 1 ,
SIfurniture , U , 85c ; coach , extra , SI 40 ;
Coach , No. 1 , St 20 ; Damar , SI 50 ; Japan.
70c ; asphaltum , 70c ; uhellac , SJiW ) : hard
oil finish. SI 30
OILS 110' carbon , per gallon , 12c : 150'
heaillnjht , per gallon , 13c ; 175 * headlight ,
per gallon , 17c ; cryttoline , per gallon , 20c ;
linseed , r i w , tier gallon , ( it ; linseed , boiled ,
per gallon , 07c ; lard , winter st 'd , tier ealM
Ion. 105 ; Nn. 1 , SOc ; No. 2 , 65c ; castor ,
XXX. p r gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3 , 115 : sweet ,
per gallon , 85c ; sperm , W. II. , per gallon ,
35 ; fish , W. B. per gallon , fiOc ; ncatfifoot ,
extra , per gallon , 73c ; No. 1 , G.r > c ; lubri
cating'zero , per gallon , SOc ; summer , 15c ;
L'O den machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No.
, 30 ; sperm , signal , per gallon , 80c ; ter-
pentine , per gallon , We ; naptha , 74' , per
gallon , 30c ; 04' , 20c.
Heavy Harnware Lltt.
Iron , rates , S3 50 ; plow steel , cast , 7&n ;
cast tool do , 15(2(20 ( ( wagon spokes , set.
25@3 00hubs ; , jier set , 1 25 ; felloes , sawed
dry , 140 ; tongues , each , 70(3 ( > 85c ; axlus ,
each , 75c ; snuare nuts , per Ib , 7@llc ;
washers , per Ib. 8@18c ; rivets , ner Ib , lie ;
coil chain , per Ib , 0@12c ; malleable , 8c ;
ron wedges , fie ; crowbarn , ( > e ; harrow
teeth , 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , B 00 ; spring
steel , 7@8c.
NAILS 10 tu 20d. 3 CO ; 8 to 10 , 3 75 ;
lid , 4 00 ; 4d , 4 2.i ; 3d , common , 5 00 : 3d ,
fine , G 50 ; clinch , all sizes , 5 25 ; Gd , casing. I
73 ; 8d casing , 4 n j lOd casing , 4 25 ; lOd
finish , 4 75 ; 8d finish , 5 00 ; fid finish , 5 25
half kegs , lOc extra.
SHOT. Shot , S1.85 ; Buck shot , 2.10 ;
Oriental Powder , kegs , $0.40 ; do. , half
kegs , S3.48 ; do. , quarter kegs , 31.88 ; Blaht-
iuif , kegs. $3.33 : Fuse , ner 100 feet 50c.
Horiet and Mulct.
The market is brisk and all grades are
selling well at a slight advance in p ices.
The demand for good horses exceed" the
supply considerably. Prices range n fol
lows :
Flue single drivers , 3150. to 300. ; Kxtru 5
draft horses , $175. to 225. ; Common dra.'t
horses. 8100. to 150. : Extra farm horses ,
S110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horses
S'JO. ' to 3100. ; Kxtra plugs , S < > 0. to 75. ;
Common plugs , $20. to $40.
MULES. 15 to 15J hands ( extra ) , S125.
150. ; Hi to 15 hands , 8100. to 140. ;
to 14J hum's ' , § 75. to 100. ; 13 to 14
hands. SIX ) , to 75
Hide * l-urs. Etc.
HIDES Green butcher's hide , 7iKrcen ; '
cured hides. 8Ju ; green salt , perl cured
hides , 8@Kc ; dry Hint , Bound , 13@14c ; drv 4
calf and kip , 12itc : ; dry Halt hidebound ,
ll@12c ; green calf. wt. 8 to 15 It * . . 10ll j
green calf , wt , under 8 Ibs , per skin , 50c ;
green pelts , SI 00@1 I.I ; grci-n lamb skin * ,
10(1 ( 125 ; damuged hides , two-thud ru.o ,
hcorcd and one grub , clamed two-
Xc ) ; No. 2 , 2."ic. Skunk , No , 1 , black ,
; short stripe , 40 < " nairow stripe
broad stripe , lOc. Callow , 5 i
Wool ,
Merino unwanheil , light , 1 l ( 10c ; heavy ,
13fgl5c ; medium unwashed , light , 18Sl20c ( ;
tub-washed , choice , 32c ; fair , iiOc ; dingy I
w , , 28c ; burry , black nnd cotted wooli
@ ( > C ll'HH
Olgart anil Tobacco * ,
CKiAKS. Seeds , $15.00 ; Connecticut ,
S25.00 ; MixedS.TS.OO ; Seed Havana,3-0.00 ;
Clear Havana , ? 75,00 ,
TOIJACOO - PLUG. Golden Uule ,
Ib , UOc ; Spotted Fawn , file ; Our Hope ,
; Star , pouniU , 21 Ib , butts , liOc ; Horse
Shoe , poutidR , 2-1 Ib , butts , ( ! 0c ; 3'nrlty , 2-1
, buttu , 52c ; Queen Itee , 21 Ib , butts. r 3c !
Gilt Kdge , pounds , 21 Ib , butts , f > 0 ; Army
Navv , pounds , 5lo ; liullion , pounila ,
: Ijorillard'H Climax , poundn , IJOo.
KINKOUT-In pails.-IIanl to Heat , nt
; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , SOc ; 1
Favorite , fi'ic ' ; Kooky Mountain , S5c ;
l''ancy , Wc ) ; Daisy , 15u. In tin foil . .
Catliiu 0. S. , 5 Ib boxes , per Ib Mr I iri- {
illard's Tiger , ( Xcj ) Diamond Crown , Me.
SMOKING All grades Common , IBitn
, GraimlaU'd lilackwells Durham , If )
o/.filc ; Dukes Durham , Ifi or , 50c ; Seal of
North Carolina , 1G o111 ; Heal of Xebras-
, Ki oe , 'iSc ; Lone Jack , I o/ , linen bags ,
peril ) , 81.35 ; Marburgs'I'vck , 2 oz , tin
, fi5c ; Dog Tall. Ii5c , II
LIUori | ,
ALCOHOL Ift7 proof , 2 25 per wine
gallon ; extra California spirit" , 187 proof ,
3 < J | tr pioof gallon ; triple refined njilritu ,
proof , 1 2lt > er proof gallon ; re-dixtilled
Hvkles , 1 00 1 f > \ > ; finu blended , 1 50 ( )
; Kentucky boiirbonn , 'J00ffi700j K-n-
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 < H > . J
UK \ NlIiSImH : | > rte < l , 5 00@ll' . ( X ) |
tlt > metio 1 0@ 00.
GINS-lmp < irtcd.
1 4Htf ( S 00.
lil'MS-lmixirted , 4 Mft > W | New
Kiitfland , 2 OOfcfll 00 : domc'tlc , 1 Xi53 ) ! : > 0
1 73 ® I 00.
CHAMPAUNKS-Imported per ea - ,
M 00 { < i > 3l 00) ) American , i > or ca o , 1200(01
OLAHKTS-1'cTMf.i ? . I 50@IROO
WINKS Rhino ine , i > er cx < p , 0
20 00 | Catawba , per raip , 4 00@7 W
CaiMIc , TiOo ; Acid , Tartarle. f'4es '
Copalim , per Hi , 70c : Bark , Sa Mfrn , IHT
Hi , I2oj Calomel , per Ib , POcj I liirhunldla ,
per nt , fOc ; Chloroform , 1 > or lb ( SKV ;
Dover * powders , per Ib , Si 10 ; Kpsitiu
wild , per Ib , 3U- : Glycerine , imro , pur Ib ,
I8c ; Lead , Acetate , pcrlb , 'lo ; Car
boil oil , HO" , per gallon , 1 He ; l.K-03 ,
porgnl , 13c | ; ( ill , Pastor , No. 1 , nor gal ,
* l 3n ( HI , fuUor , No.3i > cr gul.Sl ri ; Oil ,
Olive , per gi l , St 40 ; Oil , Urlirnimm , Mhj
Opium , St " > 0 : Ouluino P. k V . k K \ S. ,
per 07 , * ? 2 00 ; I'otassluni. lodidi. per Ib ;
$2 40 ; Salacm , per oz , SSc ; Snlnlntc of
Morphine , per nS3 75 : Sulpiu.r Hour ,
per lli. lo : Strvrlu Inu. twr nt. , * ! 50.
Counotl Bluffn Mnrhnt.
Tlonr Miiuufrtcturod liy Crjslil , ml
City Milk .17.V" I 50 ; Kansas mil Mis
.souri 7. Hour , 3501 25 ; graham , A 75) ) rje
lloui,3 10.
Bran an I Shorts-17 00 per ton.
Chop Corn 22 50 per ton.
Wheat No. 2 , SI 15 ; No. 3 , We ; re
jected , 70c.
Corn No. 2 , 5 , reJeclO'i ' 43.
Oats Ko. 2 , 40c : rejected , Sit.
Burlov No , 2. ! > 0c ; No. 3 , 7iV
Wood-t ! 00ir8 ( 00.
Live Hogs ii MXiiVi 7fi
Cuttle Shipp tut , 400(0)50(1 ( ) ( ; milch
cows IlOOOtffllri 00 per head : butchers
stock , 2 75@3 00.
Shooii I 00(315 ( " 0.
G Hidch 5c : G S bidet , 8 < s.
\Yool-15 ® 5.
Butter ! iOg.VC. ( ;
p'otlitoes 'l 00@1 20 ; sweet , 4ii)5c. ( )
Onions 1 25 ( jl 10
GrAiitl luuotlnu Mrw.-nt- )
OUANII ilUNUTioN , la , , No t tidier 22 ,
Kggs 17c.
Butter 10@18c.
Ghicui O iTottnoc.
( ! iui.AiO. Novoinlier 22.
The giain markets continue to dec inc.
The silnpiMlHion is iii'iiounced of t a'tc
. over k Co. nnd L. K , H ! ! & Co , hoaw
operators on "Change ; also t o of tlio mnall
fry went under W. W. W teoiuCo. . and
Masse ) &Co.
On 'Clunge ' the markets were again
weak and lower.
Flour Dull and easy ; common echo co
we te n i-piing , 4 tOnli75 ( : do , Almnemitn ,
5 50&G 25 ; pa ent , 7 00 ( ) i ) ( XI ; wlnt r , G 25
O750 ; r e Hour , 5 8j@t > 1 ; buckwheat
ifoui. 900@960.
\V ho , -Uu ettlod , nctivo nnd loner , de
clining l t Hgc , but rallied later in the
day . . n d part . of thu , decline , , . rccuu'rrd . on .
1 fvr .t
the roKiilar boiml , und closing fur No. 2
spring < n rail at 1 "G for December ; 1 2liij
for January ; 1 27J for February ; u'jected ,
85n 90c ; No. 3 , 1 11@1 114.
Corn Op tied weak anil closed strong r
on thu regula boaul ivnd on cal : No.
2 , fiSgo for December ; S'.lo ' for .lunnarj ;
lilfo lor May ; rejected , fitijc.
O.its Opened t-a ler , but cloicd higher
Oil thu e lioir mui on call : No. 2 ,
43u } for N-ivt'inbor ; 43 § fo December ;
lljc : fur .lirau iry and February ; 45gc for
Rye-Dull and Ic 1 wer ; N.I. 2 J8c.
Barley Steady ; No. 2 , 1 05.
Poi I ; Open d lower un i clo ed with
the decline recovered ; mess , IB 00@Ifl 12J
fo Novcmb r ; ID 00 tor Decemb , r ; 17 02 }
fur , January ; 17 20 for Feumarj ; 17 35 f-r
Lard Active and lower , closing steady
witli tlie decline recovered ; 10 I ) > for De-
CQ be ; 1) ) 17i for Ja uarv ; 11 274 for
February ; 11374 for March ; It 52j for
Bulk M.eats Active and we k , closing
stionger ; fliort lilji , 8 55 for cash ; 8 70 for
January ; 8 82J for J'librnary ; 8 90 for
Butter Quiotand iteady ; receipt * fiiir
and stocks ample ; pa < kin _ stock anil ladle
imcked weie dull , as shipper * woio not
mi VIM ; choice to fancy creamery , 35@3.c ;
onliiuiry to good do. , 28@33c ; good to
fancy dairy , 20@32c ; comnuin tifuir do. ,
KJSj22c ( ; l.ul e packed , 14@17c ; packing
stock , 12a ( lie ; trcase , 8@llic.
ICggs The offerings H cru largo ; demand
only from the local trade ; strictly fresh ,
25c pei iloxen ; ice-house , 22o ( 23o ; pickled ,
Whisky D stillerw1 fmUhctl , Wo ; un-
chanued being reported on the basin of
Hec'ts. Shipm'ts
Flour 10,4W , : 7.834
Wheat 31,491. 42.H70
Corn 114,743 , 141,501
Oats 43,1105 2U.3G4
Rye 2,211 2,101
IJarloy 112,785 , 20,776
Chicago titvoBtook.
CHIOAOO. November 22.
Cattle UeceiptH.-i 300 head ; shipments ,
1,200 h ad , Thu demand * a * weak , a n
the quul ty poor. Kxpnrt cattle , 5 00 ®
5i : ; good to ch ice shipping , 5 30@
8 ; common to fa r , 4 00@5 01 : liutcherH'
cho cc , 2 75@3 00 ; Tex us , 3 0 @ 4 0 ;
to kern ai.dfeedeiH . 250 350.
Iliyci Heceiiits , liUOOhead ; nhlpmontn ,
4,300 dead. The maiket uas active , but
weak , and 5IOc lower ; common co goixl
nixed , 5 G ( ai , 00 ; heavy packing a il
shipping. ,0 , I lOCnjlifiO ; culls andgranserw , 3 ( ! 0
© 5 30 ; ight ' , -5Qrli | 00.
Sheep , 2,5 0 brad ; Hhipments
400 laa'l , Trade is actho and | > ricf am
h'rm. Poor t fair I uiiiin , 2 23@3 00 ,
medium natives 3 50@l 00 ; good to choice
50&5 U
Nuw K orU Jfroiluon
NKW YOIIK , November 22.
Flour Qnlot ; c.ty mill extra , 7 00 u 8 00 ;
Konthcrn Hutu dull anil ikvlining.
Wheat Opened l@ljc loivcr , after-
waidi bfcjiMo i-trnii , ; mill iccovered must
t u duulino , closing linn ; Nu. 2iv < l , II0 I [
yl 12 ; No. I whi'e , I 'Mtfuil IO ; No2 rod ,
cumber , I IOJC" 1 lOifel lift do , .Jan-
miry , 1 131(511 ( 11
Corn 1 iniimiiUllxhlly ) ittlior ; ungraduil
Ixod , GlfeliSo ; NJ. 3 , I.ljii . < i5c ; No. 2
white , 73 ; o , 2 Nuvi'inlii-r , Iifii7u / ( ( ;
do Dect mbur , l7 ! , ' > , ' < c ,
O tH Sttonger , dcmnnd mudcrito ; No.
wji to. 5ic : ; N - . 2 , d > , 51ic ; No. 1 mixed ,
1'Jo ; No , 2 do , lfci"l/c' ( ! ) / ; mixed \icnluru ,
4GC")50c ) ; whl edo , 50&i'jc. ( |
Rye Finn at .I'Jurifil 03.
Birley Dull and nnminu
Pork Firm nil quint ; Hjmt IIIUSH , 17 50 ;
January , 18 10. _
Lard 1'niily ' activn mid Hun ; 11 274 fu >
caxh ; 11 25 for Novrmhu ,
WhlHky Nominal
Bnltiiaoro Produoo.
HALTIMOUK , November 22
Flour - Quiet
Wo'itWeuM fall , J ! fO@l 37 , long
bsriy , 1 40@1 17 for ; led winter weak
. I 3ri7i/l ( 'Ij for cimh nnd November ;
3nj@l 3IU lor Dxcimlior.
Corn White siiuthinii dull at fi2@ilc ( ! :
yellow , Iili4 ( l8cj ! imxtd wiMteKti dull * nii
lower at ( MjuJOc. ( (
Buifitlo 11 vo Stock.
KAHT BUKKALO , November 22.
I logs -Lower ; ruceiits | , 71 earn ; ship-
inciit , f > 'J can1 ; VorUern , 5 7fe5 / ) 85 ; Hubt
mixed , 5 80c.5 ( U"i ; good medium , B 00 ©
05 ; g < w d ho ivy , li OOfJ-.d 2 ' , A
Toledo I'rofluoo
ToLfim , November 22.
\ \ heat-Quiet ; No. 2 rud , canli , 1 31 Jj
Drtember , 1 32 ; January , I 2 h February ,
( Jorii Quiet arid dull ; No. 2 , caxh , Ii3c ;
Movembcr , ( J3c ; Jimuury , 02Jc ; May , ( iS c ,
St. Loul Proitnoi > .
ST , 1xt'f . Noxculior 22.
I'lonr ( Ju'et ' and unchtngo i.
WheatOprlud lower and declined , tc >
ao o and pliwd tinns No. 2 red , I 321 ' "r
c h ; 1 94GB 1 3:13 : for December ; I 30 j
for Jnminry ; 1 MlJ for February.
Corn Cl srd firmer ; li3JfS ( 2Jo for cmh |
o f rDec < .MnbprWW' ( > 3So for Jan
imri | C3)@f ) | ! < io for February ; tiOGf.litijte f r
HaU-Slow tlljir ( (3o ( for ca h : \'io
for Doceim cr ; 4"3felSja for Januaiy , 4Sc
for May ,
R\o l t er nt SHJr' .
Barley Slow at 8 c@ 1 15.
Uad-Qulct at 4 80.
Butter Hotter ; dairy. 20Mo.
IlgiStendv nt 'J7Cov.8c.
Wbi < kv Higher at 1 II.
Pork-Dull ; Jobbl g 17 00.
Drv Salt Meat Dulls (1 ( 20iTfi ( 3H.8 ( VWJJ )
8 7S , S TftfiTH 85 , 1) ) OOC . ! > 10 , aiMiidim ; to
110 n Slow ) 82.V'iH ' ) 1000 , 10 50.
li ml Nominal nnd lovr r at 10 85.
lieo'td. Shipm't
li'limr . 2,000 0,000
Wheat . 7OtX > ! > ,0 0
Turn . 30.000 43H > 0
Oils . 2HX1 ( nun.
live . iii'iu- ( ! , tK > ( >
llarlcv . ' I.CHKl nmio
StLautn ilvi > Stonlt
ST. Lot-it , \embor22
Hog * S'ow ' ; lig'it uhliipiiiir at 5 ( Hlfn1
525 ; Yorl i'is , 5 ( liif ft "r > ; lucki'ig , 5 7 < ( a
( UO ; bulohoii ! iiiiu-v lll'Oi ' ! " > Ko
ceipti , 3,2150 head : lilpmt'iiti'l 200 li rtd
| jiviiiroiii : , November 22
Flour American , lm lid l.ti.
I'orn ll-i.
Per -75- . ,
Liint 57" < I'd. '
Wheat No tipUfor the ita tthti-o days
253,000 cental121 , W beliiR America
whitu , 1
E-atlilhrrty I.lvn Stonli.
I-'AHT LIIIKUTV , Pa , No\ember 22.
CnttlDull and imchange ; tocii U ,
1,5K1 hoaili ithipiuetitH. 2,2 0 hum ! ,
llog Slow ; loi-oipts , 2,000 hold ; hi
ient . 0.200 bond ; Philiiddphias , ti 40iri (
G 50 ; Yorkoid. 5 70Cui 00.
Slivop lie oipif , liO ( > head ; s1il | > menti' ,
8,000. _
Philuilolpliln Protliiuu.
IMlll.AliKl.l'lllA. Novomboi 2J.
Wheat KMM r ; 1 > 70il 3SJ foi c.i h nnd
nM > mbt > r : 13 < 4firil3il for December.
Corn -Unsiot : li.'ifti lilljf for fiisli und
oM-miioi ; t ! - ' for D ivmlicr.
Oats Livtiei ; 4tiJtOi.ric } ) for cn-.Ii and Nt-
Hju ( Julft nt O o.
OXK I'Kirt : MtoismiiK or
S. D. MOI5SK , Mih and Furiihiun.
Gc ouuiitur at the
"Huston Stoic. "
Lidics u"il Ooiitluniun : 1 slarf for
Chicniii to-day to buy CliiLslinnn
Ooodn. I shall biiii back Biimuihing
liLiuitifnl for all. Wait for inn. , Mim A. E. KKITII.
Tic counter nt the
"Huston Store. "
'lh beat watch uoik in the cnunlr.Y
tlunti ivt lliilwiiii'iiiiis. Wntolios
without jom-ls linnitfoinii-d into full
juwulutl wutuhus in otto day's thuo and
Ktir nice fruali poultry , fiusli from
the farmers , go to UuJfVit'H.
f > c counter nt the
"JJostou Sloro. '
It aftordu UH sincere pleasure to oh-
aurvu Hint the diatinguiahod ooulibt
and aurint , Dr. Chuddy , bun decided to
make Omul-a liia future permanent
place of rtfcidunco. Tito rapid march
of Bcioiico nnd the wide IUUH and
growth of knowledge di'iiiiind Bprciul-
ists of high sr.ido. Dr Orudily'a
8ncialtiti ] aiu dim nsc.i of thu uyo and
unr , and lie briti u to these Hiibjcctn an
inU'lluctuiililiHcurmnuiituiid ascii'tililic
uulturu which bid fnir to phiuo liis
iiiiiuu in tlto fiout tank of OcuIiatB
and Aitrists , and mi expert operating
nkill nnd tundcriiUHS which Ims ulwuya
otuluarud hint to thoimamlH throiijli-
out the laud. 22dlttwtf
OystoiB , Turkeys , Finn Crisp Colony ,
Swuut Now York Cider , IVlalauiir and
Ciituwba GnipuH , Now RiiiHiiiB , Figs ,
Dates , Nuts , CurrautH , Citrons , Finu
JJatiiunifl , Oranges mid Lemons , Fine
Table Apples , ut Wiomora' . 22-2t
J'HMi'KKNicKKi. , fresh rouud , for
sain by I'olnnd 4t Gwyur , 141IJ Dodge
street. nl8-0t
Dr. Parker has removed his resi
dence to 25th and Dndgo. nl7-Gt
RiciiTKit , Fou MANUKACTUHK.H , L'522
Furnhiiiii street. uovl-Jt ( ! (
Parlies leaving town or dwtiosiiig of
their household ell'ccls will nmko
money by culling on A , L , Filch it
Co. . 20 ! ) .South 12th Htieot , who piiy
the lii ht'Ht CASHiti ] ] ) for Hecoitd-
linnil ftiniiture. n'J-lui
j\lins \ LOIIIBU ( JaiHtiuu , teaultur of
vouil und iiiHtrumi'iiliil iiiitHiu in St ,
iSiuniibaii pniJHh suhoul , dottri' ' a
linutud number of pttvatu ] iupils.
AddrcBH , St. Uunwbus notoiy. J-tf ! )
iuw , < iiovis : , IIOIIIM ,
Fur PltiBlt Cloth , Silk , Pelt , Rubber
Cujm , IJtick SKin , CiiBtor , Kid Cloth ,
Calf and \Vool Gloven , ISuar , Ueavur ,
natlutir , Uaccooit , Wolf , roxiciiu float ,
Fox , La-til ) , MuH'alo Robes nnd ( JfiitH1
Coatx , of all kindn and quality , ut
Jleitry ( ! . Riuhler , the Furrier , UfW
Farnhum Htieut , novtlj ( it
Not many persons , we fin icy , know
bow eoll'ce lookH on the tree , and thu
elogaut lilbo rajilted picturu of a
colli'u tree , which we weie Hhown thiH
wuok ami which Tlmrbor tt Co. , tliu
ijruat coil'eu merchants of New York ,
iiruHunt to dualeiw whoHoirtbeircollbo ,
both ornumeiital and inatniutivu.
Wo prt'Bumo all of our nierclmntn will
HOOII have tltt'Ho buautiful showcardH.
At JSdholmit EriokHon'w , ujlnUluu
No 1 watchmaker ; will pay good
wages and give steady vyotk , to u good
nov'Ji-iit Oppoxitu I'o.stollice ,
.J'reHunts of all kinds at White-
liouHo'adrug store , Ii0."i North Six-
tconth street. o2. ) uod2in
Je B. Detwiler
Is the first to make the announce
ment to his customers and
the general public.
Always sold at the lowest Market
We carry the largest stock and
make the Lowest Prices.
Orders promptly filled and every
attention given to patrons.
1313 Farnham Street.
, - - - -
Omaha ( , A. PQLACK
Cheyenne , . , OoTorad
Fall and Winter
Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises.
ox * urxxxztrca- nro
Satisfaction Guaranteed , Prices to Suit all
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
, , .
A , L. STRANG , 206 Farnam St , , Omaha.
. . . *
/ > n t I'S it i' :