Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1881, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee.
t'ublhhcd very inornlnRexcept SunrUy.
Tlie only Monday morning dally.
Ht . S10.00 I Three Months $3.00
M.mtfa5.00 < | Ono . . 1.00
WKKKLY DEK , publWiml er
fy Wednesday.
On Yenr . 52.00 I Three Months . . SO
BUM'Aths. . . . 1.00 | Ono " . .
K All Coinmnnl
8 Uoiii rolntilm to XOWK nnd I'/dltorlnl mut
ton , nii.iild l > c ivlilrefwed tn the KlHTOH or
Till Til r.
. Lultei and HciultUtK--n nlmiilil be ml-
rin1"11 TIIK OMAHA Ptmt.isiii n COM-
PANT , , OMAHA. Uraftd , Checks anil Pott-
uiliuu Ordcifi Ui IK ) iniulo | iaynlilo to tlic
Of ( er ' the Conii > any.
OMAHA PUBLISHING 00 , , Prop'rs '
, 1'xHtor.
Dnvl , MnunRor of City .
John II. Pierce in In Clmrpfl of the Mall '
Olrcu ition of THK DAIIiY BKK. t
J. I ) , ( 'liatnbcrlaln corrcBpondcnt and
Tbn.nliKilvlnK Praclnmatlon by
the Prosldant. P
. It him lc > nifen the pioiiH cnitnin of our Iici
jH-iU- | , with the clotting of tlio , to ci
look b.vsk ui > oii the blewiliiffi hniuijht to cifc
them in tlio clninnlnB cour o of ne.inons fctl
anil rnainH.I'VIIIII ' iliankH tliu nll-ftlviiu tl
iniirco from w .inn they How , And i > l- tlT
though at this pcnol when thu falling leaf T
adm ninhivi IH tliat th ti t < u < if our nacrud tli
duty in alhan ' , our nation still lies In tli
ihadow of the nr at niuavoinotit nnd fe'f
mourning which Iiu II led our hcnrlH. ntill 'ii
finil-t ua liopeful xpri'Hslini toward tliu G.xl
before ho wo U'cly howrd in urlcf u d u.
application , ypttM"eoiiiitlp beneltn ! which u.ii [
liavo Klioeruil up > n IH during tlio pa-tt
twelv * m-iiitliM i-n 1 for our fervent Krft"- in
tuile , and in tko it fitting t nt wu htimi d lii
rojdioj with th.inkfnlnu-4-t tlmt the L'ml In
Ills Infinite mi'i-cy IUH sU-nally favored ha
our country and peoplu. Pfaca withunt tri
> nd pro-in tity within has been voncliBafed
to MS. No poitiifiicu ban visited our ou
xhoreK. The nbundnnt priviU-Kei of fiee- th
doiu which our tathurH left in th ir wi- !
ioQ or" Still tmr iiu-rea liig heritage , and
il in part * of the vaU domain dome nlllic-
tlona hiv visited mir brotliren in their
forest hollies , yet oven thin calamity lias
boon toinncred in n iiiannur Hanctilictl y du
the genuroiH conipa-Bion for the milfurerH dumi
which hai been called thrntiRhont our mi
cnnntry. Kor all tli HO tliln.-t it S meet th
tint tlie vnii-B of the nation niinulil go up
to ( ind in ferv-nt homage. dii
\Vheicfoi-u I , Gliijuter A. Artlnir , iu l- ro
deut of the United StntcB , do recommend
tbat all people observe thu 21th day of JSo- rn
vember. Init. , ns n day of nati nal thankx- ed I
tgvinK and prayer , I ly ceaiiing < > fariw
. maybe from their nccular lalwis and meet- pr
faif In their H veral iiloco-i of worship , ro
ithero to j"in In asserting h nor and pndie ropi
to Almighty Odd , whuw gwdiietH has been piSi
HO manifest in our lilntory nn.l imr HVCH , Si
U'l olToriiiK earnest nrayerM tliatnlH boiin-
HM mav continue to u and to ourcliil. tli
Iii'witnoM whereof , I h ivo hereunto net trL
uiy haivl nnd caused the great HCIJ !
r f the U Itcd SCaten to bo allixcd. 1"
the of Washington ,
Done nt city
thin seventh dav of. November , In tt
[ o. H. ] ttm
the year f our Lord one thousand ttII
nd one , and
oi lit hundred clgh y II
of the independence of the United IIK
8taten the ono hundred and tilth. IID
. AnTJlUIt. D
Ily the Prssldent :
JAM. G. BLAIKE. So rotary of SUto. cl
"IMTROVK the rivers , " is growing
to bo a watchword of the west.
fa YOUK considora Palti-cako
do r nt oren five dollars n slice.
OUKAI > homos for working men
laoans a prosperous and populous city.
SAUNUKIW has been niond- .
img his foiicos in the South Platte i
country. '
USINQ the cloak of religion to fur
ther political ends is not popular in
Ncbnutkn ,
OOITHAU is the sanest lunatic who
QTOC plead insanity in court to oacnpo [
from punishment for crime.
LONDON papers regard the Quitcau
trial as a "farco. " It is a furco which
the American people would like to ace
turned into a funornl.
EYBUV precinct alliance moans a
ooutro of iuiluonco and information
uu the great issue of the hour , Ohcup
transportation and regulated railways.
UHODH IHLANU has filled the vacnn-
of created in the lower house bj thu
promotion of Congressman Aldrich to
the Burnsides succession by electing n
TUB great difficulty in uocuring n
bankrupt law is to drnft a bill wnioh
will not bankrupt creditors , swamp
debtors and turn all the proceeds of
the estalo into the hands of the court
TIJKKIS nro a tfood many Hichmonds
in the lieldfighting forthoHpcnkorship
but it is suggested by ono , of the ad
mirers of our tall bass wood from the
Klkhorn thnt ho is just the kind of
timber speakers uro made of'
THK authorities nt Washington are
rory eager to assure the public that
the assailants of Guitcnu will bo dealt
with according to the law. I'ooplo
would like to feel equally certain that
impartial justice will bo do.ilt out to
the cowardly assassin of the late presi
r' ' dent.
H <
Ovrmu to the absence of a merchant
marine the United States pays Great
Uritain $100,000,000 annually for
ocean frigates. If u little encourage
ment > n the way of the abolition of
consular dues would pave the way
towards retaining this vast Hum of
l money in our own country , congress
n should not bo backward about coming
. ' ! r < , -il/Vi < v.
Thia ia the cry wich is coming from
hundreds of housekeepers In Oninln ,
mldrcspcd io our bittchorii , groccra ,
provision nnd coal dealers. The in
crease of price * in ovoiything thnt is
required for homo use i crcnting
much destitution nnd want. A part
of this great mo is due to the increiw-
ed cost ol good * and high rents. A
atill larger portion is owing tn the
greed on the part , of dealers to make
large profits. Tothcso parties THK MKK
would repent the injunction , "Don't
be Hoggish. " In the first place , thnt
in a mrnii trnit of chnr.ictrr which
.iccks to build up your own fortunes
on the nicesaitius of others. 7t i
certain tn bo found out by cuitoiners
ind will lese you ns many patrons as
'rieiids , The public docs not submit
to extortion any longer than tlio limn
t I .ikes to discover the imposition ,
nd then il very naturally transfers
its patronage to some other and moro
.liisurving firm. It don't piy to bo
loutish in business. Thure nro linns
n Omaha who have discovered tine
o their coat. There are othuj dualor.4
vhu , by modest profits nnd increased
ilofl , have far oiitntrippod in tlio
nee for wealth those who have du
iciidcd on high prices nnd n moro
imitod ciiritotn for their luisinusn in-
omo. Tlicro is absolutely no ranon
ir ninny of the outrageous pricrs
nit Homo of our dealers are charging ,
hid easily IHI proved by n tour of
lu city. Thu dillurcnco in pricun ut
ocory and provision ntores vurici
oin five to fifteen ] > or cent. Thu
IUSOM doingbusiiiD.M on u Hinall mar-
n of profit nru attracMng the trade
id making the nxmt monity. They
ncovor that it dues not pay to bo
) ggish , nnd thu auoner the same . in found out by the remainder of
ir rotailern the bolter it will bo for
cmsolvus and for the public. [
The trnllio on the Mmisrtippi river
iring the post year lias been c'nor-
iius. Notwithstanding the war of
0 trunk lines , which has tunded to
minish shipinonta by the vviitor-
ute. Thu number of boats on the
vor and the ton * of fruightttaimport-
, show a marked increase ever the
ccoding year , and provo the great
vivnl of interest which has taken
ace in trunsportation by uutor.
jino stntiatics have been compiled by
10 Davenport Gazette , showing the
ado on the Mississippi north of SV
ouis , which indicate the vital iiu-
urtunco of this great natural artery
) trade and commerce. Although
avigution opened us Into na April
iith , 2,014 trips have been imido bv
07 boats throuirh the drawbridge at
luvnnport , including boats of all :
IMBOS rafters , freight and passenger
Every boat on the upper MisHia-
ippi was fully employed during the
hole season now drawing to a close.
) vur ono billion feet of lumber passed
lown thu river from April to Novem-
lor , in rafts to the n umber of
47. Four hundred and fifty-nno
targca wore in use transporting freight
rom points ns far north as St. Puul
.lid as far south as the gulf. This
u tire business was done under disad-
'iintagos , well known to uvory resi-
lunt of the west , and against the com-
lotition and united opposition of the
ailroada. The figures form a sub-
itantial basis were thuro no othnra for
the demand of the west for the iiu
irovomunt of the great water courses
The river route , oven in the present
condition , has proved itself a groai
safety valve against further opprossivi
oxtortionn by the monopolies. A
points where it competes with the rail
roads it is the arbiter of freight rates
It largely determines tariff's between
all towns on its banks , and during th
last summer it has also in
lluoncod tariU's on thu land an
ocean routes for grain shipments
by wuy of Now York to Liverpool
With a judicious expenditure c
national .appropriations in dooponin
the ohamuil and confining it with !
its banks it would become a imtioiu
blessing. A larue portion of westur
produce and exports would seek th
gulf by water , at rates which woul
leave the producers some uduqu.ito ru
turn for their labor.
Oaroful ofttimnteH plnco the annua
siivim ; tn the west , iilouu , through th
opening of thu Mijiinsippi and Mis
souri rivers to snfo mwigntion , n
$100,000,000 annuiilly. I'lio stimuli !
which such improvement of the groa
natural highways would give to pri
duction ahmu its banks is simply beyond
yond calculation ,
OWKOI.A , Nob. , Nov. L'O , 1881.
To the Kdlt. r of Tin : HFK ;
Will you bo so kind as to ox plain ,
through the columns of TIIK BKK ,
how "Kentucky , with 70,000 domo-
cratio majority , casts twenty-four
votes in the national republican con
vention , while Iowa , with 70,000 re
publican majority , is only entitled to
twenty-two votes , " as you state in an
editorial paragraph of the 10th inst.
The Representation in the imtumnl
conventions ol all parties is based on
the votes to which each slate is enti
tled in the electoral college. Tn the
election of presidents each state casts
two voten for the state at largo for her
two members of the United States
senate , and one vote for each member
of the lower houso. In the
national conventions ouch state [ s
'A. , . ' ' ± 0 JJ.i
represented by two delegates fir ever ;
elector to which such state is entitled
In tlio latf republican enn
vonlion the bails of n-prc.iontnti i
wn.i for cncli utafo four delegatcs-nt
large nnd two delegates from end
cniigrcnsioiinl disti/ct. KontuckyV
delegation consisted of twenty-foil
mcmhorH , bccauno tlmt state luia toi
congressmen and was entitled , under
tlm call , to four dolui { to.t largo ii
addition to tliu twenty mombora
elected on the basis of her eongrcn
aionnl rcpri'siiiitation ,
IOWA IIM nine members of congress ,
entitling her to eighteen delegate. ' ,
which with the four ilolujjati'B ' nt huge
made up hordclcgiitrnn ot t\vonty-tw <
members nt Chicago. Under tliii bnni *
of representation no consideration i :
liiul us to whether tr/e states nro re
;' ' or doTiiocral rs. Status Iflto
Kentucky and Mistotiri , which , in
o > ery campaign rJ'll np heavy major
iliYs iigainit tint repnbllijiMi party , arc
given ri grrnier voice in tlio choice of
o r prwi'hntiiil cnnduliti's than
oUiuiu whuHo etjiully litnvy majorities
iiguinst tliu democracy turn the tidu
of victory. It was ajrrinsttiiM method
od ( f roprcHuiiUtioti thnt THK JIH :
protested , ns huiht ; unjtret to the ma
jority of the party nnd li rfly t < v work
neriotm injury to its 8iicet in rvntion-
il enii-.yiigiw thn ngh tlm golertJon of
immlidatui not acceptable rot'lugreat
iiura 08 republican voter. " .
TIIK annual report of
flonernl James cnnUitin mncik in-
itructivo and intcrei > ting informution
ind Home1 , commendable recoc\nu'ndi- ;
ion.s. SMUC of tliu Jtconiincndritn'.iis
undo by the postmaster jjciwral do
lot moot our npprovalY l'V > r instance ,
.ho poitmiMtor gencrtl recommendtt
hu reduction of Huluriii.i of puBtinas-
urn in tov/rm and cities of ICMI than
0,000 population and wt increnna of
hoBahirie.i wt thu postmasters of Dliil-
idolphia , Chicago , St. Louis , Ciiiein-
luti , IJontoa , Haltimotu- and Hovoral
ithur largo nitiu.i from lf-1,000 to-fT-
K)0 ) per iiiinuni.
As n matter of fact the postiimtor
if our smaller IOWIIB a'.u2 citius nara
ivery dollar Ihoy get , while the post-
naaturtt of the large cititta ore drawing-
> ay for wosls done by deputies and
iiibordinutus that receive only from.
51,200 to ? : y)00 ) ] ) or nnuuai.f To i-aiao
he KidaricH of tluae cinncuru pust-
uniturs from § 4,000 to 87,000 would
lot improvo- the postal uervicbin ho
tusti Postitiaatera of ( Jits-liir o cihoa.
ire for thu most part politicians thuU
luvoto most of their tinio to other
mrsuits , nnd 37,000 n jreur would not
it-euro bolter niun tlmuare n < iw willinjj
o starve ou $4,000 u yuar.
The pcxituuifltor yoncrnl also uagev
ongresa to nmko iiu ullowanuo-
jhiof howl olorkn of r.iilwiiy mail oer-
vice for their necossttyi traveling ex
penses. Tlio chief head clurk in the-
railway mail service whose headij.uu.rr
tors liavo been in Omaha for nioro
than five years has travelled u great
deal during that puriod , but ho has
always been provided with nulroail
pusacs. If the government is to pay
for such transportation , they ought
to iilso deduct from his pay the ex
pensu incurred in hiring substitutes
forMuin while ho in away on JHiikntii g
THK Omaha BHK is fearfully oxer
ciaed over the proposed Shoniindoah
t Lincoln rnilrnocl as u bnneh of the
Wnbush connection. THK J3KB fran
ticaliy calls upon the Towa people to
do nothing to aid Hio construction of
the lino. Linco'n ' Journal.
This is not the first time the Jour
nal has maliciously misquoted TILP
BKK in order to fan thu dying embersjol
local prejudice against Omaha. If the
Journal had the decency to reprint
the articlu which it seeks to magnify
into an assault on Lincoln , it wouli
demonstrate to whnt bnRonosa envious
nodiocrity will resort.
Wo can conceive no railroad projccl
thnt would in the least check tin
growth of Omaha or curtail the circu
lation of TIIK BKK. But we hnvi
consistently for years opposed tin
donation of bonds to railway corpora
tions in our utatu , and wo regard thei
voting of mortgages on thu home
steads of Iowa fin-morn juttt as ohjuc
tionablo as wu do any propoaition fo
bonded pnhsidii's to r.iilroud.s in Ne
brnskn. Having often condumned th
prnctico of subsidizing railroads 01
this uido ot the Missouri HO huvu ex
ereisud tlioaamu privilege in condemn
ing the prnctico on thu other side o
thu Missouri. If thia thing can b
construed into hostility toward Lin
coin let the Jnunntl make thu moat o
SKNATOU SIIF.KMAN , who in perhap
as long headed ns any political leiulu
in the country , declared last week
an address before the Cincinnal
chamber of commeicu that hu couh
find no ciuiso for u ( junriel but wee
thu democrats and republicans of Urn
city. lie knuw of no political issu
worthy of thu niiiuu in Ohio. Wlnx
is trim politically of Cincinnati ant
Ohio is likely to be approximate !
true of other cities and states , and it
sociim to be n question whether wu
have any longer any political issues
on which parties are divided. If not ,
what keeps them divided , and what
is to bo thu Hourcu of their vitality in
the future ?
Whoa thu "distinctive principles" of
thu republican and democratic parties *
are spoken of , the roforcnco is rather
to the controversies "f Mio past than
to quasi " " > " "f pruicnt moment ,
Their illffiT Dice's groaini ; out of sla
very , Rcc .isi" > 'V ' ftufl fec ntructioii
v-ore very distfflCt , but thjt-o issues
nro settled. It irf w liijiyer pnsiiblo
to mnke any conttit on thu oil sec
lional line. The- south hua its unset
tied jiroWums , sirin | ii ) from Miu
prwanco 01 the enfrunelihnd
in largj minibers in the * tite of thnf
scctitiii , but it is Hvidunt that their
Bolutttm mint iiccomplinhed
by the souMiora people Un.-msclvofi.
While nil th-j oW iwiio that have
furinorlt divided the nvo grorrt parties
liavo pnjuil nvr\v , gr.i jiroblcMii con-
frout thrt cmiHtry that demnnd an
arly nnd di'C'.in't'cidutioti ' , TT. rela
liom bctwr"'fi t'ia ntcoiiMratioii'i , more
r ( it'cially t'ui r.ul'iay monopolies , and
tTio people , i b * settled by milional
antlatnto ] >
want-i a mtirkut. Shu IICMJ.I
n > placv whern ri'tniluri of provi.iioru
nnd iiippliu-t f r tlio table c ill be plao-
s 'in ' % .h Mlihyc Miipottti n. At pres
ent tins pr < lin derived ftom thetjro'
ceryniul meattradj htw < ever stiinu-
ulud thu- business nnd the public nro
( Ktipollud tr > pay uctorlionatu price.n
ortbo ivicefmriof of life. The oom-
) etttion imliicrjd by thfl l ingiii/j / to
goth'cr of * number of'retaiJera under
n commoni roof would not only prove
ofjjbsr ofib i' ' JiDttoriny thoclns of
foodd-but alai > in cheapttiriii'/ c ) st
o purchasers. Jt woiiKl in addition ,
icncflb'oup ' ftiriftCTs who could find iv
eady tnaket and competing [ > urclia.v
m for their furut and dairy pioducts.
iooiuiriir luior Oniuha tcust have n
larkul and thu mmiuu' in these- times
f high prici ) ? , blio butter.
IN th9ioauiaigj ( pruciidiu-itho late
leciion in- Swift county , Minnesota ,
ne of the o.mdidatos for district at-
ornoy adviaod hiih party tn vote the
traight ticket , even thuugh the devil
wai on it.Vheit thu ruttirnuf'/rSis-
lilo Grnvu > Sv ift eo'inty , were can-
assud , thajisto'iil ' , s follows :
'or district itto nov TJia Devil . 7
W district ottnrnny I.V. . Aro.auder C
The Devil'N timjoritj . 1
"This , " nays thoSt. . Paul Globe ,
'is the firal'instancit ' : where the/ devil
terally c.n-iixd an election. '
Tins improvcMimnt of Washington
vill early unijaijo tho-ittention of both
branches of congreaa. The great
inwhea to the southof thu White , known r.s thu Potomac ilats ,
which have been an oyu snro and a
uisancu to the public health , ever
iuco the foundation of thocity. should
> o oxtinguishod. It will bo an easy
ob to till thum above the level oS the
'otomao to prevent overil > w and then
o convert them into a. public gjvrdon.
ntunds to retire from public life with-
n a few wouka. closest Ilia antmu.1 re-
wrt with n powerful ! plea foe civil
ervico reform * Bvorv time u. polit-
cul leader rutires t9 > privuto life , he
eaves civil service rvforn : .19 rv prvc-
oua legney
Basint -
M Lnl.ti iril > ne.
Mr. Joseph Nimtiis , Jr r tup < irt on
tiilroaila in , chief nt the Bureau of
statistics. Ho diseovorn that frviuht
att'.s luwubueu uiadually reduced ,
with increasing businois , from. 177-
10 cents pur ton per mile to 1U 7-10
rents , and recommends tbatacouimis-
Hion of experts bo appointed to invea-
: igatu the subject o railroad transpor-
ation. This is thu old story. The
wheat crop of th west , nuUbly of
Dakota , has. increased by iniiliuns of
tons dining the post four yearn. Thu
crop was , of course , far from the iw--a-
board , and to move it at all tliu very
lowest special rates were given. Tlii ,
idded to other buaiuusx of the roadu ,
greatly increased the tonnauo and of
coursu cut down thoavoragu ratcn , but
it is very doubtful if uny ruductionn
have been mndu on the regular height
bills of the various roads. The
nppoiuting of a commission of uxpurtx
has been tried over und ovur , nnd al-
waya with one result. Thu ruoMoning
has been started from the b.-uiit that
thu ownera or mun.igorn of nulroadii
nro entitled , like the ordinary bimint-
man , to make all that m poemblo out
if their property. So long a that
idea is idliurtd to thu wiongn of rail
roadmg uill continuu. A murclmnl
has a light to givu n hiiit of clotlm to
onu mini and to clinigu u duubln pricu
to another mini if hu pluuncs : bvcumiu
if a man please * not to tr.idu with onu
munhnnt tiioru uro plenty of others to
apply to. liut a railroad company him
no right to haul freights at half ratios
to one man and to charge full latet to
another ; because that jtursuud for n
year must result in the making of onu
man rieh and in thu insolvuiuy of tli
othur. Railroads aru common car-
rioia , they receive extraordinary riglita
nnd priv ilo esn simpUed contract biixlH
them to deal with exact impartiality
with every mun in the community. .
This goes to thu quest ion of discrimi
nation only. Then thuro is n quui ,
tion of profits. Each State hna a ratu
of legal interest of its own. In many
States to charge morn than the lega
rate is to lese both interest nnd prin
cipal. That ia , if a banker h s his
own gold in his bank , the law says ho
shall not take advantage of thu nocen
Mtiea of his follow men to charge i
rate of interest which experionci
proves no business will pay. Hu
thuru is practically no restraint upoi
railways which are n necessity und
which every man alike must nntroni/.e
A company can build a road , the act
tu il cost of which ia $30,000 a milo
nnd by contracts within their own or ion make it appear that it cos
§ 00,000 , pur mile. Then they cai
mortgage that road for 840,000 pu
milu , can vote extravagant salaries t (
otlicers , and moke the public pay nl
thn oxiu'iisos nnd interest ou throe and
ono.thinl timoa the cost. In ndditioi
W ' .t > / Y- . I .
they soniptimcs water the stock , whicl
doub 01 ihu whole ostensible capital
and interest ( throuyli fares nnd freights
is vxnulbd f r the \\holu Mtcal , Th
result , is ( hut thoiiyh railroads hnvu
been u power in tliu land only nbout n
scor of > ears , to-dav there are tei
rai rind men in the Union vtho h-ivo
mom power than the ( Jovornnieiit it
self , h-scniuo a pnrt of their rovunuu
has hern for years nut ( widu for the ,
solo purpose of keepinjr elF hostile leg
i lati m ontil Conja-ess is so com
mi ted Dmt any 1 gislation ii
the intrrnt of tlio pooplu
wan imposOTbility. It is on gfoiinds
public policy that bankers are re
uteiined fromchitruing ejtwssivo in
t jest to people who ( Feaire loans.
LSuS M < fur no vrvll orgam/fd attempt
linn been ninduto reduce the profits
of tfiilroads to a small percentage.
Hy nn occult cl tjfiification of freights
the haRt of the pi-ifita of nil thetoilois
of the country i turned over to tliu
railroad' ' companies- bnlud oat hay
is worth1 in timrki I two dollins per ton
iiinro than bnled tltnnthy hay , thu
milroiid nr us just two il.illara moru
per ton W Imulinjs timiithy hay.
Krnnni conj coits jnstax much more
to movu b } ' ! ! ) ! ! ! ! than ordinary cojjias
ordinary corn i.-i worth , le s per tun
tliiin broom uorii. and R < > itgoes. And
what n the Ufof more commissions.
Huvu thuy n&t tried unaugh ? There
should bo n certain charje permittefl
bo railroad compmius foro-irrying psn-
senaers , so nutoli per mHo , whether
the distance is MIO milo orfc tliousnnd :
; liu same should1 be the ru'V on freight )
vith the ndditicnal clinvge of from *
Aventy-livo to frfiy cents per ten fet <
iVvlitr ntio nnloi Ung cnrs. Discrim--
nntioi ) bliould ho snudo a penitentinry
) ( runau. Thcso provisions would help-
hK1 pre ent .situation but wsuld nut
cnro the evils That euro will
when the Government du -
) liouten all through roads nitd runs
hem iiu thu inhjresita of the pwple ns
ho INistnflicu Dupirfnient in now run ,
vilhJinnly such chirges ns will pay
muni ) expuntcs and1 repairs , localise
railriiHiT millionaires nro already n
nunaco to free iustiSitioHH , n-xl the
counkfy will not stand it to have many
nero of them crentcd.
Th. nkslvlnB..1881. |
, & * t Mrfroli i.iy mine nuncKl outafrr.nd
.Nfy vf'ri eloped in Atay
\ . fiti ; bm o-ixit and bur. ed my barnu
And all' thu stuck of ;
'he hoppers cleaned my cnrdcn out
Jlv co\v tx Ht wick nnd diiil
. 'I o li'irncH got the | tluk-oyo ad
And drtipiied nn uvcry uid >
'h - banketiRp ndetl all at onee
Tlie runt pot * > n the rye
X cjc'ono-toro- fielJ ui
And nil 'the wells went dry ;
'he c icI.'CTis-citfceued with t' ' e pip
The hirsd girl ran on"
? ! ii- chili lren-i > u - by one to k down
With iroupi.tntl whooping cough.
And yet , dwpite thi * luck , I vnot
Dow n lo lie grocery tore
An' ' I for a turltay goi bier p .id
Tim List t v < > dollaro'ur. .
tlmugh I'd kind o' c lfbrate
Th nlcH.ivinK ' | K > n my word
A tiamp broke ID thu image liw'J night
And stole Hie plaguey b nl.
Some BotAsaaobiwatta Statistic * .
The assessment of the state cf >
Miipsacliiiautts for state , town.counter ;
and poll tares for 1881 , shows semis
facts that must bo of considor.-i.bli >
interest to * people elsowhoro. The
total valuation ! of personal property is <
$408,274,140 ! real eatute , $1,149,905 , '
827 - aygreene , 81,018,239,070. ' This-
is a gain of $03,483,000 or nearly 4
per cent , ever the year 3880 ; but it
tails 11 G per cent short of the total of
1875. Boston's share this year ia :
Personal-property , 8210,15,5/07" / real
estate , $455 > 388i < ! 00 ; toliil SGC5,6S4r ,
597jor40.4 per cent of the whole
taxable valna of the state. The popu
lation of Beaten is but 20.2 per cent
of that of thu whole state. So , with
a very auulll fraction above one-fifths
of the population , Boston pays a.
simill fraction more than two-fifths of
the taxes. The total vote of Massa
chusetts at fciio hint presidential elec
tion was 282,512 ; but the assessors
tbiH year return 409,207 persons liablo-
to poll-tax ; , of these 99,000 are for
Boston , thouyh the total vote of that
city hutt year was but 57,000.
The average per cent of tuxes- this
year fop alt purposes is § 1 47-7 . "on ths
9100. Thu total taxes for all purposes
are 24,120,245. An the state tax last
year waa below $5,000,000 , and is-lees-
thin year , , the city and town toxus
rnako up tuiarly four-fifths of thawhola
The following towns and cities aio
( axed [ is ahown opposite their.mimoou
the 100 :
1'jkx luvy.
nn , on tlio 3100 $1 3'J
Jaivcr . 505
WoLuru . 1 50
Dudley . 1 'Jl
Kite bnrj ; . 1 80
VVorciMter . 108
Jreat lUnington . 9-
TaiinVjii . 1 filj
! | i.uc rt ( < ; r . 1 80
! < iiwrenco . 1 ( > 0
Ii/nii . 1 74
saloui . 1 30
Saiifiw . 1 70
SprlnKfiulil . I 2- |
( ' .mihrlilgu . 1 ( iO
J.ow ll . 1 57
ilu . 1 05
The number of polls nesuHsed ( $2
each ) is this junr 1 ,401 greater than
m 1K75. Thu monuy on hand taxable ,
including bank deposits , is ? 19j > 27-
\iW \ ; and public stocks , and secuiities ,
SU.'lUJi,585 ( ; Atnukholdurs in corpora-
liona outfide of the state , $5S,4i3- ! !
0iG. ; Thu total urea of iMiiss.xchnsutt.H
-1,992,000 acres , nnd the aesessora
this year return on their tax list 4- ,
187,709 acres , or 90 per cent. The
gain in thu number of dwelling-houses
from May , 1880 , to May , 1881 , wiia
4035 , in hordes 3912 , in sheep 1U5U ,
but n loss of 8115 cows , The taxes for
nil purposes in 1881 are less by $140 ,
000 than in 1880 , and loss by 814U ,
000 than in 1875 , Tno returns of
total valuation from the fourteen
counties of the state are us follows :
Total V hies.
llnriibtul.lo . . * ia,6S5l ! J
KrUtol . 103'JIHM7
Dukw . 31K,7 ! ) H
K.SSUX . 202-lit,42i : ;
Fnmklyn . 10,808,5011
IIuuiiMhira . 25,28' > 174I
Kuntuck . a.WS.ISi .
Norfolk . 89,421,000 ,
I'lyuumth. . . . . 41 , 597,800
Suffolk ( Urtiton ) . 085,321,12.1i ,
131,05 1,438
Total lH8,539tf70
' * . - - , . *
lioston ha * A tfty tlection on Icemb r
nth ,
The ImjlcatloiH M > e fimnr ! will b
returncd to the Sen la from .Mi l
. . . . Hoa of ' .iMaoliiiietts Ii nl-
ready mentioned M hi * own successor In
The new Mai-nch Bettfi Legislature will
inrliidBt lenst r.inephrHlc ! iu-/our from
H iston.
Thu UiMton republican | iapcr a n-e that
Ur .Samuel Green , city phy.Wan , is the
niiui for mayor.
_ In Tmli.jim , the Keiinblicano of tlie Leg-
i lntitrc wi 1 fflro ite.l .
a u sup ori l < < ( Jo
love S. Orth f ( - the 8penkerslii | . ,
r .I'lliyrr1crn ? ' ! ! tle ! Senite frcm Vlr-
cini.ll Jho Lntf Nh Inn imuc Ii quite fee-
Me thl * evening. - [ A l.inta Constitntkin.
H'liublirans of tlie First Ithode 1M m
in t-let hiiro nomlnat-d Cnl. H nry ,1.
bimmey fur Cot ie-f. He will I o ek-ct
ed , and willmuke nn able nnd hone tvp
He. ryOalwtLfHl.-t , one of he editors
of tlitJSortli Amurio n Review , was d * .
f nt u' for tlir .State Heimta in lh
hssex diUrict tii M , n"n.-lniM > tU , The din-
tnut hn ttken too inntry doiMiif Iutlcrtc !
nj > luciiiten rt'foun cn-f LodR
. . . . . , . . - , io > "Ilnlf-bu-eiV
Ktio .vnthmgfi , " mnl tlie like , haxo
nlwuyiibtviia wimlrrto ( Virrluiiern , lint
when a poitv i-niS itsi-U the" "Winter-
lliuruika dwcrkftbiiTHchctiverwarti-ij
. p rty : n Swltzer and rtti. ! < , it
i cit O'H breath m > .y.
Fivolllinors licpuMle.inn J candidate- )
'or D vi I DiiviH'hent in tlie T"ni ctl Statoi
Hunntou-hcn iH tune csplrvH In 1883i * :
C. 15. Kar el ! , ( Jeiu-rnl T. .1. H ntUs-son ,
uier.Uteen. ! . 15. Itnumf Oenoral .Tnlin I.
.iiKuer , nnd O Vfrnon S. M. Ciilloin.
KOIIO of them can more than Inilf Hll it.
.T. M. Hniiiev , the colored e"j-e iigre H-
-nun from South fnrnlinii nnd wall known
n N w JCiiK'liitid , liacli.imi for tlie.lico |
> < clerk ol the Itouse of lle russatutive-1 ,
and a diepiMiti"n 16 imsh thum. He was
loininatcd by thorcpul'li ' aim of thts .Kith
Sm rt-ds wlie-i the. were in' the minority.
Mr. Jliiin y now nslts the more subslantial
ncioi-H. incut of cleciin .
Semtnr Vborhcea tif I tltftnais itirrint ;
ip hla br thei dcir.ocr.its a irood deal on
< ie 'tarilF for revcnuu'1 drtctrin ? . Hu
aidin.-ircu n interview : 'The mmvic-
ioo , false or true , that our party favor ti
I r de blazed tlirn > rli Indian ike a
et. The poiyon' of thnt f"olii& . nil
te re ° olntion exfoll ite < l like the leases of
tri e ull over tbi K at - . " '
If the consent of Tovas conld bo ob-
nined , fcnir morn stiit s could I e ndd l to
lie union , a d the senate conld bo rein-
wend with eifilit deino'nulo soiuitorH.
Jut twowioiijt * do u t nmkc a riihtr and
t ihec'inst-nt of Te.\u weie obtttlneit for
ucli a div slon of her territoiy , the im-
lolioy of fuiriiik' new atates int ( > < the union
or solely political iUriusc8 | wouldirenuiin
XM indisii | ) a > lo fact. Such iv p Hey HU-
urli3-the liidance of olitioal
- puver with-
ut any adeqn to cause , putting into the
mndti of uin 11 and indilfcreut couitnuui-
; ies the decision of mm tors of the largeat
notn nt. fWasliinyton ata' ( Kep ) , .
Kate Claxton is now-performing ti > a
cry small audieni-e. It's girl.
Mtirie Coloinbier ( whoniidn'twritoBer -
laint's.bofjk ) is fat nnd forty ,
Allan G. Thtirman wH J > actico- law at
yolumbuti until his country calUmain. .
It may have been notioeil tint the latest
rank , J.I I ward Welles , parts hu name
n tlio middle.
Mun in , the bigaiuauKand foiger , h < m
> . d in the lioe < iuuartuient. of the
iuhiuoDil peuiten i.iry
"Lss * there is to bo a tratiwit od Venus
n 882. K-cp a forv me. "
Oecay Wilde , the nj-thatic poet , , was a
tupid boy at college , He ia. now a gorgeous
uiui.ia ily , and utterly tun too.
Oliver Wendell Holmes ha.i u.n ik > diouM
voice. He in fond of noticiuK how En-
ialnu.B pronounce certain' words.
Mrs. . Zcldii Seguin Wallace willi not re-
.oriir io the Blage b _ . t will dev < ate her
p endhl voice to Boothin herbaby. .
Mr , .iMncs Gordon Bennett has g. DC tu
Eur jj * . \\hitelaw K id. M . Iro-
) Uni8i Ijorillard , und Mr. Foxhall Ketno
lie a ! o tbere.
M IM Kiniua Graf ton , .oi Hlioile Island ,
was kidnapped by her lover last week. If
irre-ted the man will piobably , be tried
or embezzlement.
"Mr. MacVeagh" The non -you refer
ois "Kiss Me , ; Jieforoye I'art. "
n singing it under 1'residtnti Arthu 'a
window i c sure to waar a helmet. A well-
blown lx > o jack ia dangerous.
The name of Kosuue Conkling appears
n four-inch black letters i n th doors of
< IUHIH 2-1 and 25 in the Bunk. of. Commerce
miltting at Nassau and Cedar streets , New
York. That is Us new law of See.
.Jugde Cox , befoie whom Guitea'i is be-
ng tried , i a man who e fago indicates
tr mth of chaiacter. Ho h , nlceeu gr y
yes , an iKpiilinu uuse and a firm mouth.
Hew urea he vy mousUclie and goatee.
Col. William A. Cook , who. is called the
'aggeessive man" on tde iuve. nnient'u
kle in the star route , trial , enterwl the
. 'eunxylvania letiaaturc ] when heVUH 21
years of a e. lla was tbea a deuuxiiut
nod a 1 cat preacher m til * Methodist
Eini > enr William. U onaiplaiiunt ; be
cause his emliu iutio & ale admirers
.hrtiw . bouquela nt him o.itfckleau y when
ever he apDu w in. . public. On seveial oci
cauions ho has ad thu aktn of his royal
lose knocked nn * by the fbo of the
ng sweets bcowed. .
A numbo of. governors wo re ueig
other day at Atlanta , Co. G verne
of l'emi ylviuiia , wuigiud2'l8M } ] > uml
rnor ltjel ! ( w , of Coiuisetifjut. 18Ji ( ; G v-
rnor Colaot e , of Georgia. , 17C ; Goveniojp
Inc. burn , o4 Kentucky , -23J , nml Gov-
nior Vance , of Nort Cuvolinu , 303.
Ikick I'omeroy , it iti Huld , is ai'ain ntrim-
led in Den yet- . Tuiiye.u-H ngo he l.intltd
n Dcnvar witli leaj than $2 , nnd in le-s
liau or.a year tlit-n-iifLcr ho had an inv iuo
M tliu salrn of ininliii , ' block of fully $10-
00 iiaily I'VKxently his daily mail
rougUt him fro . $ ln,000 to $ > 0,000j 11
if thu m ney h&x ionu into inineH except
hut which Iiu hai rawn in liis xxtrava-
Kant operaiohs , Pouter Y , h wevtir , has
iicccvdQil in pliciiiK himself it the hc.ui
if whnt is called tlm A lantlc & Pacific
Tunnel coiiijta.i > \ , and thi-i entetprire , it is
t , will Liofi ro another yuar place
his fuot again.
Liquid Gold.
Dnn'l I'lauk , of lirtioklyn. TIt ga county ,
Pa. , doneribes it thus : " 1 rode thirty
ail es for a. bottle of TIIOMAH' KCLKCTIUO
Oil. which elffcted the wundtfrful euro of
a crooSvVtl limb in ix upplicatiuiu ; it
proved worth more than ga\A \ to me. "
Oonaumption , Gouglio nnd Colda
Asthma lirnucliitls , etc. , is givun
away in trial bottloa free of coat to
the iiUlictcd , If you liavo u bud
couyh , cold , difficulty of breathing ,
hoaraenoBs or any nllbction of tliu
throat or lungs by all means give thia
wonderful romcdy a trial. As ymi
valno your existence you cannot
ufl'ord tn lot this opjiortunity piiss.
ru could not atl'ord , and would not
give this romudy nwny unless wo
know it would accompliuh what wo
claim for it , Thousands of hopeless
cise8 hnvo nlready been completely
cured by it. There is no medicine-
the world that will euro one half the
will euro. For sulo by
0) ) TSII iv MoMAHON , Omaha.
JAMK-JK. I1OVD , I'roprlfor.
11. L. IIAH'II , Uunlncis Munixijcr.
C"lommo"ciQB1 Monday , Nov. Bl.
Grand Mntlnee Thanksgiving Day
nnd Saturday.
Ml s MUchall , Chlrroy.ii ; Al. Kim , -an , Vcntrl-
lonuUt ! K niik Inwton , Comuliin ; I'n < vickoiy ,
dele rir.nltt ; i. II Murkn Siiccnlt. ' '
K'cgixr.t ' | > reicnt > given a nj nt cncn vertorm
Alnil : oti , only Kc , 3Bc owl 10 . No' cxlr
fofrt-iK.-roJi n < s scenrnl nt llox 0 , 1't ' * .
_ _ _ . . . _ _ nnau-oillw
United1 Stares Depository
Mation lEank
OK OM/rHAl- -
Cor. l&rlv
Ol.a-C.ST iA.\tllNiJ : KaVAnURtMIXN !
orm r.t > > ji f > Min
n. W.
A. J. I'aiTjaror ,
Juil.S ' . ' / . *
F. ' . :
> < - > uu iii'mr > i ; inrnvt. .
Drawsdralta on Saw S'/anclncn and iirliiiMr >
lti < ol the United Stt oi , lso Lei on , DuMln-
Mlulmrthtiml fir prlacijitil dtk-f nt tliocontl
i' lit of Uurnpc.
Selln | * > < mger tickets lor cinlirant by the In
mm line nnvi i
Th Olcleeit
Caldwsli , Hairi&on i
Uoslnoua tiamvctud KVUW w that ol in ( near
ranted cjnki
Acconnl i.k > ID curtu MJir old cihjtcli *
Icht chc-ck without notice
Certificate * of Jupoelt Dic ti yklile L-I thrjo , .
ii anil iw&te months , j- rlc 1'ilcnnrOD !
oniAtid n-.bbou ] Intorcat.
Advanccfl m-wlo to custom - "v .
> RI-OII nppm"v ocau
Itics nt rr. riteii nxr of Inti T -
tiuy and. wl > ff ' < li b'Ha ' W exchange ,
uu-iit , BtnX county and city blew ! * .
Draw siht .Irafts on Kuljrt-d. Ttel c 4i
and , nnd all- part of Ki\rojw-
Scll Elcopuan'futfiogi ; tkkan.
In the Croult Court of the VtilML States to'tha *
Wistricfof Nebraska :
New K rcUi'd Mortgage J
Secuiii ) i ompiuiy )
Martha A4.Conndand | } '
George. P. Connd \
Pulilic notli-s bi lioicby .girvnr.t .
nd by virtue ol n decree cr.tmwl In ihobovo -
caiuo. OBI 1 he Smi day of 3ci > lembcr , 2881 , * I , .
JLL13 L. Wi-UBOWK. Hpcfial llastcr-i In
chance' ? inid ! Court. Vfi'.lA1" tr < c Cth-iIay.OW
December , ! Mtf at the hour of 3 o'clock ia > the
nflcmnon aii d y , at thai vest door of
bo Unltidsfc\lea : Court HOHO ; and Pont ( Hllce.
mildlnt , ' , in the Cityol r Irica'o ; LincastezOeun.
y , -tateaiid Ntbia-sfca , nil ot auc-
lo'i * h follow iu UcscriLuI inopurty , to- wit :
1 k .aiorlb > 8 t quarter ot ntction numbcredi
trn iiOln ) townthlp num'cMt ) thirty (33) 'Mid '
( ng < | iuimbetiJ : lx (0) ) ea-t , la thu County ot
Special ia ttr In Cham try.
1) . Q. lluu. , Soliiltor for Cot plalna.nt. irlwit'
Bend fAt.-outi
1 New Illustra
ted rrico-List.
No. 3CV , for-
. of 1881. Free toany nddrcs.1. Gon--
taina full description of-oM kituls of fiocxla.
'OK perscnal nnd family use. W < i deaL
directly with the consumer , nnd. sell all
; oods in any quantity -Aofcso/0 / prices.
Yuu can bnjr better ;
227 and 22U WabasU'Avcnue.Gliicngo.llL
/ , . * - , ,
Sx f\\
M' * V-\ -
/ 'N . jr j'.e- \
/ la r P Sfe fr
: UWi-A
Wind Mills. Culiivatori
& Com stalk Culers | >
Marseilles M'fg. ' Co ,
Jo as-wn
OMAIU , Nn. , Oct. 2Sth. 1881. 1
You orohareby notified that Ui.xtcr L.Thoma
mrcliaicd Kt the county trioMircr'n utlite. on thu
ith dnyof Juno. 1879 , at prunto nalo. 'Iho lol-
oulnt ; parcel of land ( or taxes of 1677 , for clirht
lollaruunJ niiict\-eii | t cents ( 8b6) ) , nnd tjs !
id Dexter L , Thornis ha tr referred uaid cai-
incnte ot role to William Connor for the um of
ten dollirn und t euty-tlirco cents ( * 10 23) ) . Dti-
crljitlon of i > rnpcrt > ( to-wit : Coniniinc IIL' 10.27
halns Kof SNVt-orncrofbKl , thencu X 3.1UI
halna , thence KS.lCJilialns.ilioncea lOlcJialna
henc Wil : \ thaiiK , to i > ! ttct ) of ln'k'lHi.Jnu' . In
8 W ofa Ubeciloii Ko. Ib , jam , ' " 16 , 13 , < v tali | .
nt ; 0.10 acru That ( will ml.u out u taxdcod In
hrei mouths from datu ol Hilt notice. n2 at *
1313 Farnham 81. , OMAHA , NED.
Hat a reduced prlct and are now tA jui. i : Ui
Body UrusMeU , 1.2S to W.lO : Ifait 1W i t
lirutMtds , 81.00 totl.Sfi ; n < .nts-ply ( hrti < ic , jl.l
to 91.10 ; Ikbt liifraln , t-Oo to 41.IS ; Qiiua | ) In *
Kmln , Sic to 06c ,
Mattings , Oil Cloth and Widow Shades
at Lowest Market Prices
Largest St ck iwid Lowest Prices ,