Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1881, Image 1

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For Safe By
, ,
No.'L , Vcwtnvrc : , 7 rooms , on CKIAI | > K sttcit
No. E. 2 ft ty dou'i' , ft room * , mil , cistern MK
barn , Webster , nwu 15th street , SiSOi ,
No. 3 , Hou * t.r 10 room < , on Htrncy , nuir
Ii Klri'ot , 8ti f foundation , s-MX > < l.
No. 4 , Ijir o \ 01190 ol 11 rooms , u Wcliitj
trfct , ncir Urrlithtnn follctc , * Vtf'H.
No. 0 , ll'iuKeuf 7 roam * , on Cnnear ltl
Btrcct , Sfi.iW.
No. 7 , llntM'vot ti rooiua , S M , an IVtli lr t-i
> ncjr turit. S ( * ) .
No S , Itoirs of 6 ro.jim , on Oass , no r Kth ,
82x133 tco1 lot , $1300.
No , 0 , Uosioof : l rootm , kHcllcn , cicor
Casi , nparl3ti ; bt t-ct , 8-00.
No. 10 , llou-u ol U IOOIU4 vith to' , 2Jxtii' : Ifct
onCass ncr 14th atrcct , $ 'XJ. '
No. H , ti u u of < 1 roa . .n , < in Ifltli street , nc
Ioutlav4 Ii ( M futt lot , * l H ) ,
No. 1Ho soof 0 rnonu. t < rA funiiilatlon , 01
Ifarnvy , n .r i7th street , $1000
No U , L etoiy new liouso of 0 rooim , hricl
lounilailoiL , olTMt.Mary'i ) aionuu , nuir coiivunt
ICo. 14 , Uousoof S rnomiarfimimmcrWWion
on SOth trut , near dark , fiWi ) .
Ho. 1 * > , Ilotiso ot S rooms , on Sherman avenue
(10th ( Ntrtr t ) near Nicholas , l22fiO.
No. lit , 1 1 story hout ) ot t roonw , cellar
stililu , etc. , on la\cn ort , ur .r i'.Mtrct , 81600
No. 17. 2-otory brick hou-c ol 0 rooms , ii
uJ ot rot street < ar turn tnhle , y > X,0.
No. 18 , Housu and 2 lots , 4 ulouks wwt ol ItlxU
Noj L1) , ifuuse and 3 lots on rend to park , near
head St/llar > ' 8 axenuc. $3X0.
No. 20 , ItoUHoand llj lotn near tlcniaiU'e , South
No. 21 , IIoUHii and lot oa Davenpirt Btrcct
near ICth street , $ S&00.
No. 22 , 2Btry house and 1 t S'JxM feet , on
Davenport , near 12th street , $1300.
No.i 3 , House of 4 rooms tnd 2Joi on-ITib
trect , o ar Izard , ? i2OO.
No55 , Housdand J lot on 10th itrcet , near
r .
No. to , Hnuso anil J lot on 10th street , ncor
Cap tel avenue. 81450.
No. 77 , 2 hounes and lot OdJuctuon , neunlSth
, .
No. 211 , 6 houses and 1 lot on California , near
* ' -
> lNi > .T80 , lj utory brick house ot 4 rooms with
tot 00.1200 feet , on Slat man menus i(10th
.inear-Uard , J30CO.
No. 31 , U story house and 33xfl(3 ( feet , on 13th
.rocct , near tlonurd Htrtot , 62000.
No 8i , i-story housu of ( i rooms and tno Jets
on Jtasori , near 16th street , j)000. )
NOMS , I.aric house a il fill lot on Capita
venue , near 13thtieet , 82 sno.
No. 3U , 2 three t-tory hru-k Uousei i ) ot.44x
13 feet , on Uhic.i.'o. near lath street , $ & 0 each
. o. i7 ! , tloiHu ol 7 rooms with Ii lot 1'au
street , near l&th street , $2750.
No 3 * , House and lot on l th 8tr t , near
flheruian , SISStl.
No. S ! > , House of 5 room * wlth-UvSB feet lot ,
on lEtlmtitU , near California , S2TOO
No.12 , lluiMool s roonn with I'ltltOxlfiOfi-et ,
on Cobiirn , near Colfax street , $360(1. (
No 43. UOIHO iml 'i lotx on I tiiceuo , ncariOth
street , S70JJ.
No. - ' > , rc liu HU ut 7 rooiun , elsnotHi
Mell iid UtcriionlfjihnuarCJaiI < i.uruot , t
No.Ill , lanre hiiu u > Nitli ( nil block , near nou
.ahott ow er , S2000.
No. 17 Jlou > o otl innnMtli { let , on Pacific ,
near lltl > irect iviDIK ) .
No40 , r-rkK housool 11 roouix , well ,
, /aj thr lUf-out tliu houneo.J , , etc. , on
Fnrnhani.near 17th street , \OOO. \
No M.3Iouse ) ot (1 rooms , cellar , wtll , otc. , on
10th , near I'aul xtrect , S.10JU.
No. 63 , House of ( I roonnamlcttti.rtS3xlf21 ! | :
off St. lUry's ait mc , near convent , $1500.
No. 9 , tour lioii-esiuiJSSxl'iifuct , on Davan.
, port , near ICth street , jtMOO.
No. 60 , Hun o of 'J or 10 roonw , on California ,
na r 21 8t ( .trect , t5r > 00.
No 67 , House of 0 rooms , HUininer UtUieu ,
cellar , lister. , well , tr od barn , otc. , ntar .St.
Clary's avenue anil 2lHt street , $3000
No. ! S , Su\v house of 7 rooms , ( 'ood barn , on
Webster , near 22il street , 82'00.
No. M , Four housen witli S lot , on 12th Direct ,
near Casi * 25no.
No. ft i , Iuii4o ! of 3 rooms on IHveujttrt , near
SSrd street , tlKJO.
k No. 01 , UOIHO of i ) or 10 roonm , on Hurt ctiuvt ,
ucar 22nU , # . ' > ( fl.l
No. U2 , House of 4 rooms , 1 etory , porch , eel
lar , etaturn and. well , on Hartley , near 21 et street ,
No. 03 , Hoini ! of 4 ro ins , cl'iueU , baaument
and collar. ncar.lYiilto Lead Works , tlOOO.
o 114 , Huilduii : on leased lot , on Ilodte truet ,
near pout ollke , stoiu below and r.omn above ,
Na , 05 , 3 lots -v.'itli barn nnd other improve-
meuta , near tre t ir turn table , 82000.
No. U , , Nun' hoti o of U rooms on 17tti , near
Ouuun ntrecl , $10i > 0 ,
No lii ) , Largo Hue bouse ol 12 room , every-
thlBKcomiilUu , o . IHth. mair Chicago , gttOO.
* .o , 70. lloumon Uthfctreet , nrar i n-enioit | ,
store iielownnJ.roouisalKiMt . , barn , etc. , tH > 00 ,
Na 71 , llou n of H rooms , line cellar , all oem
plete , on Califa-nLa , nuir 21 t , aTOOU.
No , 72 , Brick honm-ylO or 11 roomn , enl a uii
| > ort , iuxr Kith SM.O.
No. 7J , ll- torhoiuie , rooms , icllar , f I
ami cl-U-rii , on Jaul > 12th * 1W > 0 ,
No , 74. llrlck lion. < i uith 2 lotM. fruit ttuw ,
etc , on UiCJu , ncartoiiltol&icnue , $ l&,000. ,
No , 75 , lioui-aof 4 rnoinn , Ju.scment , lot UJx
132 fctt. ou Matey , ( n ar 7Ui,0 < l76.
No , 70 , l- torhoiue , &roctn , on Cass utrcut ,
riiar 10th .trout , M'MJ ,
Ha , 77 , i-ntoey liuuv , 11 roams , closet * , lui-
flee , trnlt trtuw. bam , etc , , oil Famliam , near
th htreet. XaUX ) .
Ji'o. bl , i Iwunen viLUfl rumin , and other with
uvoiin , on Cfikao , ut.urJiIliu < rcct , 3000.
S- > . h'J , 1) ) vtory house , C roonin , 4 closets , cl' '
AiiIJOO-tarrel clktt-ru food burn , ui fierce SI , ,
neat -OUi ( near new t'ovoj-uiiu-nt cu-rj | | ) , IbOO.
\e aJ , 2 story huu e , aioonu , coil sbeil , good , { i.tcri > . on I lot , on C'aultol ivtnuu , lica
12th , ii-'OO.
No , tit , 2-Htory houw , S ronum , I Ixicx Mid 4
bovo , 3 losot lco'Ur ' , * ell nuU uUtcrn. with G
cr i ( 'round , on Saundcr < tro.- < , near Uarrucks ,
No B5 , 2 Mtoir * , IIOUKO on Ic wl j lot , leaw
runs 2ycar from April 1st , Iwl. on I'udltc SI , ,
near U. I' . dciot | , * ! > 00 ,
No. SO , Hoiut , IS rooms , uell , cUtcrn , te , ,
near loth and lUrney streeM , S 000
No , 87 , 2 story homo , 3 room , well with 40
feet of Hater , ufthi aereuofirround , outiaundew
street , near U S. Hiinc-kB , 2000.
No , 88 , Large houx of 10 ronmx , well , c
burn , eU. , on lii-w utruut , near ' 'Ut , $7000.
Heal Estate Exchange
JLSth and Dougl < a Street
The Trial of tlio Murderer ol
President Garfieltl ,
Mr. Scovillo's Long and Able
Address to the Jxiry ,
A History of Guite u and
His Many Crazy
Froake ,
A Copyist , a Gonitaumat , a
Lawyer atid on As
sassin ,
Hirsed Prom the Court ; Riom ,
But Safuly Lodged in
Tbe Sewrcbers for the Joan-
notteiia "Wiutor Quarters
iu Siberia.
'tho WonlU-be Asfi sstn 'of
Guit n.a , Procures Bull-
\\Vsiu.NtiTON , NovcmborS : ! . Tljro
the usual crowd present when
was brought into the ruiirt
room this mortiiiiL' . Hu h .d "a Tide
of .honor" from thu jai' , n mounted
etefirt being in .ittcnd.inctf. At' . T lie
had tukt-n bis e.-it he ttei'ino'l in a
roinurkalily good humor , wliiuh-is ex
plained by the facttlin JUo liudj-ast received
coived a nice lettjr enclosing a < nioney
order for $20 from an Clinois lawyer.
The proceediugb begun vvitli tlio con
tinuation of Mr. Scovillo'a iir umeitt.
Ho called the attention of tlio jiuy to
vibe fact that Iiowurorfirni inighc have
t > n the gtMioiul opinion atihrst , tuni >
had led to some elwngo in this and
other communities. People have he
gun to wonder whether -or not thu
prisoner was of sound mind. E.ich
one on the jury iiiul sr.icl hu could
carefully weigh all tealiuiuny on this
.question of insanity. Tliia they
must do. Uo ulso uddrossed the
court to the effect tJjat heeliould ex
pect to have the jury's attention called
to the fact that the tvholo . .question of
.insanity was in their own hauus. iNo
two cases of insanity wcro-ever alike.
There are insane persons who are
compelled by an irresistible force to
do wrong , and were unable to control
their action. Another man might not
bo a victim of such impulse , yet men
_ wasRtown to bo.aiuinioumqjgni 09 upy
subject. Iu such n particular those
those things must have their weight
with the jury on the question as to
whether the prisoner was in control
of himself when the shooting
was done or whether he would have
done such a deed had he been of sound
mind. He cited eases .where men
had been hung not vithstandingii de-
fonaa of insanity and where postmortem
tem examination had revu.iled unmis
takable insanity. He own pointed
out a case in this comt , Judge Fisher
presiding , where a colored uomaii was
convicted for the minder of a white
man ; that , pending a .new trial , sit
died and a po&t-inortem examination
showed shu was insane. He believed
too , that Dr. McDonald has tcstiliet
in u curtain case that man wan s.uie
when , after death , ho wis found t <
have been insane , and that the jury
will have to depend greatly upon tin.
a&ports1 testimony in this
case , Mr. Scovillo mentioned
thia thing to show that insane defenses
,11 o not always uhams and dodges. N <
insane man was ever declared sane ,
although rovcttiu wns frequently tin
cane. In mtcli cases the burden ] > iool
rested with the prosecution. The
present was a case of iuniiijwho lacked
reaguning power ; who knuw what he
wanted to do , but not how to do it ;
was not mad nor , but lacked
re.-isoiiiiiL' taculties ; one who started
with false piomises and tried to argue
from them. Scovillo siiid jo under
stood that a case nearly like the prud
ent one would bo testified to by Dr.
Spitery , of Now York , wlw claimed
that a man with a peculiar defect of
mind might go into , politics ,
mingle with great men , think
himself one , dislike hia treatment
and even commit a great crime. This
seemed .indeed to be a prqnhacy of
this shooting , He did not insist that
vas always hereditaryil > ut it
was u rule r.ither than an exception.
That whuKj there wan a taint in the
aloud insanity was the probable re
Scovillo.argued that it wan impussi-
: ) le In separate mind from body , . .and
| unt iw wro < n ; to puniali u uian Jor
.iialformaiion of br.iin an mulforma-
, iun of foot or arm , for the victim .hud
control orcr it and wan iiotitu
ne. The counsel then proceeded
.orliscuei caiiRin nnd evidence of in-
sauity. A kcisu was cited ( if
the Ohician who attempted to hout.
Hayes and nai siibseouently
sent to the insane asylum , und it was
shown iliut , iilthou h ho had never
been in Washington he had a com
plete plan of thu c.ipjtol. Tins was to
show that insane people often plan out
their Btilmcquuiit woric , Scovillo ar
gued that inability to do busiutss and
even homicides were frnjuoutly inci
dents of a desire U > kilL The com
mon kind of insanity wan where there
was a lack of any motive , which of
course showed a lack of reasoning
jKiWers. Such was the case of the
young man who shot down sevetnl
men and then shot himself. Scoville
Jiext considered the question of
feigning insanity. He taid if the
prisoner wasfeigningho was not woithy
of the protection of the law. Experts
were never unable to detect a really
insane porwon , but some were at times
unable to fee ) experts. This order of
man must have knowledge of insanity.
" " has wne yet. The district'
nttorney had said he wns sane and
feignnn ; a part
At this point Guitciui inlorniptcd
in a loud voice : " 1 never feign any
thing , 1 alwuy * act ns 1 nm , ano or
Scovillo : "That , 1 expect , % 5H bo
proven to the jury. "
Scovillo continued that when ho
first heard of the shooting ho hud
( aid , us did Mr. Hlaino and General
Gurtield , Jlwt "the tmiti is crnzy "
District Attorney Corkbid denied
that Hlainu and CJ.irtleld ever * nid to ,
and eilhd iitteiition to the fact that
Itiaine Inul nworn that he thotiglit
( Jllltt'Ul WASSIUIO.
Scovillod replied ho would brine evi
dence on these points , nnd tlu'ii pro-
ct edod to diKcuss insanity Tlio mom
beta of tlu1 CitiitiMii family \votil' show . u ijratidfiulier bad luon iiiB.nio ,
mid a taint run through the family ,
llo cited the family name , Martin
Lu her , Alnum , etc. , to show a 10-
ligtona in.inui ; also one relative with
a well-to do liusbmd , who hud mama
that she was rorng to the poor house ;
nnothor was u blight irl , fourteen
years old , who then become imbi'ijl
Mid w s nowi .ianasylumanutliordieil ;
insane ; another made insane love uf-
lair * , und unother ( Juitean Inul a
mnnia that he would novUr die , in
which lie tvas disappointed.
Scoville went on to wiy that the
mother of the defendant was , to any
the li'Hat , peculiar , nnd just befoi
Gniteiu WHS born shu liud a sovorii
sicklies * , had u brain trouble and had
tolmvolur head a ha rail. The hair
I hns taken oil' would bo shown in
court. Thus liuitvau nvus born. Ho
watt a bright boy , nnd tliero wiw noth
ing wrong about him , 'except , perhap-t
nn impediment in his speech. His
fathi'i' whipptK1. brii ! lor 'Jii > s and
whipped In in as only rn int''ly ' re-
ligtoiis man can v.iiu ; but it didn't
{ d stiiiy tlit * iinpeJiuiCMt Hooiitgiew
it One day while at play bo WHB
ntrii < k n the head with : i stnin ; . nnd
thus \v a causeil the scar which has
ln-eii spoken of as < a mark of Homo
porsoiiMl eiieouuter.
Hcovillethen detailed the liislwy
of the pmonor. ; Oiow ho had cun
ir.enetxt life ut .Tiei'port by copyiu
docda ; went to Ann Aibor to school
found JiuuseU , worked hanl atstuili
; uid exincliutr > ltdigi inn books ; lion * tl ;
latter had a b.ut intbiencu , and 3in * .
ho linalty went to tlieOneiilit Oetn
luuiiity , iived < theru tiv ycnm , tun
was fully 'impressed that tlivir > doc
trine \\i * right , nd even expected i
becouie iil&e ruler of thi e beliuvors ii
the world. The Communists Ino
hiai sort.of fcl
upon na-U'Coiuinoii < i
low , 4\iid , to speak commonly , "sa
down on him. " Ho wentt < JTowlVork
mna , living on-crackers and water , o
some ether .bram food , .abored fo
months unsuccessfully to start a ro
hgioua paper.
WhHe this * tory was being ttldth
prisoner iwur his face witli hia ham
and litugliod guietly us if muaud wit
Er. Scovillo then referred to his re
turn to Ujicidaas if , in the fiiHillmen
of IH'H wish to do what he coiLsiderei
to bu tJio .btet thing , to servo Ked , nn
he Ctdled attuiition to the taut that tli
testunouy for tliu dctenso wolbld HUI\
that all through bis lift ) his gceat mo
tivu ( xwer had been hat he chough
the Lord wanted him to do. 1 lo oul
lefr the Community bcciUHU ho ua
literally oppic-s-ed by some of 111
customs of ilo : colony , and , wj'n-n h
did leave it , it was with u feeling tint
ho wxs depirting from the .way . t
heaven. Up to this lime all ulloit
of his frienitHto gut him to Imvc th
Community were unavailing , an d i-vt i
alter he lelt them it was u loc < j { tun
before he concluded upon mui othi
road to huavun. lie linally t * . ok ii |
law , waa examined by Mr. lli't-d , o
Chicago , who asked thruo quulliioiiH
Gniiean answered two and was ad
nnttcd to thu bar ; was an unsuccessfu
lawyer and collecting bad debts wns
his i nnci | > al business. Whciujvor Iu
met iinuther lawyer in court ho Tailed
tiere Guituau interrupted Setiville ,
saying : * 'l have had u good ninn >
cases in court , and never was called a
fool when a lawyer. 1 generally give
them us good as I got. "
Scovillu continued : Guitca.ii was
persistent as u debt collector und had
a good business.
Guiteitu inttirrnptcd : "Had al
good huhits , and his personal 'i ) > poar-
auce which was whatbrought bus
incus. "
Well , said Scuvillu , ho never had
bad hiulntH. He never Binokee-draiiK
or chewed. Once he tried a c.uu with
Chan. Beid , of Chicago , in .which
Reid got tlio impression that he.was u
"little olf. "
"Tln't's fake , " Raid Guiteau. ' !
don't ' wish to interfere with your the
ory , but 1 never tried a case ijvith
Heid in ny life. QL'Jio ' rest of your
story ia good und true , and in regard
it , my peculiarities you underaUnd
Jiein ; but 1 want you w know 1 was
lever quite n fool when it hiwyor.and
1 don't want you to .forget . it , "
At J2'JO : the court took recess .for
lialf an hour.
After tuccsB Beoville .contimied/tlio /
recital of Uuiteau'u life , showing thut
lie did not pay hit board bills or car
Fare , and hubital jiur.
His latter stateiuent Guiteau dt > -
The prisoner was
Guiteau interrupted by ftajrj'ng ; "J
luid braina enough but I hud theology
jti my mind then ; that was thv reason
I did not adhere to tliu law. There
sno money in tlicointry and Iran
> ehind on that and haven't got oven
yet. I am out of the buuini'SB now ,
though. "
Scoville stated that when in Wis
consin , Guiteau was overcome bytlic
he heat , acted strangely und threat
ened to kill his sister with an axu.
Guiteau said thia wua a lie.
Scoville said that the friends and
amity physicians considered him insane -
sane , Thu physicians said he should
M put into an asylum , but thu family
> bjected HO long as he waa not dan
gerous. Guiteuu acted as usher to
iloody und Sunkoy's meetings ; Joe-
ured on the second advent of Christ
jut made no money.
Said Guitcau , "There were no ideoH
th t people werp nofc pduct d up to. "
Sc vi li < contintn'd to ilescriho the
indiir.iriicn to moiteta > y rosxMiaib | lit -
t ! ( .itil Guiiiuu interrupted him with
a statement tlmt liu di-iul-hoaded from
Detroit to Wiislnimtoli fts an agent
of the Ixird nnd on hi * personal np-
tie ranci-j m ver was put off a ttiiin
but twice and once vnis ni-arlv killed.
Sir Scoville thenspoko of ( itnteiui's
Mucoiiltnlity | to woninii'a sxc'y : in
ordf-r to show t i vt his affections wore
inllut'iiced , Guiti'HU ' m-i'ined to think
he could niariy any woumn he chose
to ntk.
"That iNftlii'"iniurruptt l Guiteau.
Hcovtllu I'lted tlio cato of a lady
with $10,0K ( ) , and said that ( luitoau
rea ly oxprctod to be the lioiust hits-
band of an honest woman.
Gil' ' loan heio interrupted , clinrgiui ;
Scuvillo with intercepting anJ sup-
prensini' his oi'Vicspondtmcu ' and l > ing
uboiit it. ( -nil can uas iiHserling m
l.'tul toiun ' 'Yo'i iiro a liar ! " A c.iii- .
tiovi-rny riiRiifd hut noon the counsel ,
Col. Corkhdl asserting that Guitcaii
was acting the p.ivt of ilci'cjitinn
Scovillu's aimwer WHS that he woul I
reply to the insinu I'ion ' at the tir pi > r
time. [ KxctteiiKMit nnd anpUui < i > . ]
Soovtllu coiiunenced to read & numhor
of h'tteia written by thu prinouur
w'u'ii ' u young man. 'I'ho prosecution
nhjcc.oil , biitthueouit rulwl that the
luttets were not ovidonoo until presented
sented .AS ouch , and cotintvl ciuilil i-iad
tin m. Tli listtors wore tlwsn read. The
letter * read by Scuvillo wore written
by GuitiHTi to his fiioinJn in 18."iS and
185i > while at school stud atj Out-id * .
I'rum "tlu'so it appeared tlmt he uan
hrni ! : ( j'lit'tly ' ut limno bcfon' v ing
into tho. Community. After that the
tttern ere full o * ' tlio subject of his
confidence in tliu truth * ol tlio coin-
inuuia < .H , and details thu depths of his
the 'I ' > g cul H udies and his subs , qiient
f.unno.d oio u'oii'j.
Guiuau kept | effect nilelico dining
the n ii' ' inj of mo-t of thf Iciu-i'M ,
of tl'O time rcia'.UK' his head upon Ins
hiilids. At the coiiclosioii "f one ho
tid : "I li.nt forgutien 1 hud evvr
wrote tliat letter. It is n g < > o-I cit -
planation of the t iicoi 1 lived
umler for aix yearn " When t lie let-
lots w ( . > i if < idilmiikhiL' , | Scovillo foi his
past kiiidiuH * . lie sail : aJ wimru
covering ftom insanity ibcnon uoe ;
I had got uw.iy ttoiu tlmt fanatical m-
fluonce. "
Guiiciiu's cluau attention toilioso
letters waa explained liv ' is snymj ; :
"L was not aware tlmi-ray of thoHu
letters weio in existence '
Mr. D.ividgo tiskud how nuny moru
woiu to bor 'iul. ! Mr. Sc.iviilo said
he could linish in an hour or two ,
whereupon Coikhill unwed nil adjourn-
nii'iit and tlio court ut3 p. m. ad
The crowd ycikxl and hissed as the
prisoner was led to the van and some
one shouted : "Kill him ! " but he
wns safely locked in and Feturnollrto'
the jail.
atloual A 80 < : Uti4ltTii > ' 8. ] . , . x
' '
WASHINGTON , November 22. "Win
Jones , ulio itttompUd tc take Gui
tcau'ti life was taken from jitil < to the
police com t ( hie moining , where ho
secured bail , 51 jBbrd. E A Wheeler
and Sebastian Aman being his bondi-
meii. Jones Y/.IS iclcau'd. Ho left
the court room und mounted his sorrel
rel horse , tiding oil amid the plaudits
of thu croud. So tar 8000 has boon
suliBciilL-d for his defense. The wit-
nissL'B for the government are befmo
the grand jury to-day tt H'tfying to the
fictn as to the Junes cuta and it i
expected tliat sin indictment , will b
found this afternoon or to-morrow.
A report received from St. Liw
renco bay , dated November IGth
says lloircrti reached thenow tlio IfJtl
for winter quarters. A Her sending
his lepmt , September 27th , they pro
ci'cdttd to Holly inland , and , iJiiHiuj
no two of the JcauneUi' , proceedec. .
to thu coast of Siberia in itearch ol
winterpiarti-rs , sighting it at Capi
Jokaam and Innded on an island abuui
twenty mill's wont of Caj | Soigo ,
where ho erected a house and loft the
paity , consisting of Master Putnam ,
Singeon .IOIIVH , Pay Cl > ik Gilder
Crloll'reternon , Frank AlilucH , C.ip
tain Top and Constantine Latternoil' ,
the first named being in command.
They were supplied with provisions
for one yo-ir and are to explore the
const of Sihciia tor ( lie Jeannette's
crow nnd ourvivora of Wiilleiistein an < 1
Virginia , erect cairns , inteiest tin-
natives in the search , Jtc. Cuiunmn-
dor Gerry will go for the party next
WASHINGTON , November 22. The
case of T. U. Lilly , OK deputy sixth
auditor of the treasury , on trial bu-
foie lnsticu litindy , chargeil with ru-
coiving money for expediting tar
routes , was nwiimed tins afternoon
tirade , the principal witness , could
not bo found , and the ptisonor waa
NKW YOUK , November 22. The rupert -
port of the atorney-gt'iteral is com
pleted and ready for conxroHn ; as w
also that of the secretary of war. Sec
retary Hunt , of the navy , in still en-
gfiged upon his , These reports will be
made public after presentation to con
gress , Thu report of the secretary of
the treasury will bu completed by to
morrow and ready for Ir.inmiiiMsion to
congress , tt will bo in part the work
of ex-Secretary Windom and in part
tlmt of Secretary Folgi-r. The report
recommends some changes in the life
ititvings and revenue marine bureaus ,
nlacing the marine , in certain
branches , on a luvel with the navy.
4. DlrTKUUNOK or1 119,000. )
Treasurer GiJfillan recently notified
the South Carolina sati ( ) treasurer that ,
IH custodian of the Indian trust fund ,
lie lioldn bonds of that state amount
ing to 8218,700 , issued in 1850 , and
Juo January J , 1881. To this thu
itute treasurer replies that the funds
now duo on those bonds are but $120 .
175 , instead of $ m7f > 0.
We torn Iiibrarlau Aitoalatlon.
Nttlotml A ocUu l I'ruw.
III. , November 22.
. meeting of the prominent librarians
Hrosjiold to-day for the purpose of or-
anizing a woitoni asaociation of li-
brarinim , The following wore elected
I'resulonl , W. S. Poole , of Chicago
vice-president , Hon. H. U , Dement
wcrotiry , K. J. Goldvn , of I'eorin
Mr I'oolo made an nddrccs. Tlic ses
sion will continue several dny ,
Sutloti * ] Aiwociiktotl l'rc- .
MIUVAUKKK , Novembor22. His ru
mored tlmt thu Green ltay&Minnesota
milrond , of which John I. Dlair , ol
lilairstown , K. J. , is pri'sidenl am
chief stockholder , lias been purchased
by the Chicuuo A Nortliwi'stern ,
CIIIOMIO , November 22 The re-
pmteil purcluiso of tlio Gioen Hay A-
Mitiiie.sota railroad by tlio Chicago it
Nortliwestein is denied by ollicinls ol
the latter.
Tiunmu : WITH tin : IUIK. :
CIIIC.MKI , Novcmbor2I. ; 'I he west
ern trunk HUH p'liHctigor ns.tociatioii
held a meeting to-div > to tukomciwuroR
to force the him nmd into n compli
ance with their rates on emigrant
bu inesR , The 12iio uontiniies to base
its reports on the old rates and in do
ing idl it can to divert business to the
Rock Island , which does not belong
to tliu iu > si > ciatioii. A probnllu ulti
niatuni will bu sent to ( tie rebellious
eatlein comtiiuies | , rt'iiuiring them tt
comp'y or Imvo tlu-ir tickets with
drawn from H&lo. A decisive autiot
"ill be taken at the adjourned meet
ing to-morrow.
National A * ) olnt 'il I'u-x * .
TiujviiiKNCi : , II. L , November 22.
The election hero to day passed oi
quietly. The u-publienm uli'etoi
" > | iooiier to succeed Aldrioli in tlu
lAirty-oiijlii It C'ltiirri ss by lrt. , ) ! ( miijiir
ity , over Henry F. Sis * n , democrat
andO C. Vanxaiit , who ran on th
liolling ticket.
William S. llayward was re-vlectet
imiyor ol tlusi city i > y 2,02r > majority
HUSTON , November 2li. - The ru
public.ii'.s tins evening nominated lr
Samuel A. Cireun for major.
Vatloiittl AHMiiiktnl I'ruHH
MADISON , Wis. , November 22.
tShcritl Kilian , of Nebraska , wh
captuied Ed. Williuma , to-day re
cuivud half of the reward ottered by
i he Btato for the capture-of the nnU
rums outlaws. He hud already re
.ceived half of the reward tillered bj
Dunn and I'epiii counties. He re
ceived in all in this gtuto $750. H
will stop in Springfield , 111. , am
claim half of the reward olio red by
that state.
National Associate. ! 1'rcss.
DKNVKU , Col. , November 22.
Guiieau's first wife passed throng
hero en route to Washington , wher
she goes as a witness in ihu trial. Sh
wayn Guitt'au is not insane.
niroiiTKi > ( 'ON.SOMDAIION.
The union of The Denver .Hopiibli
can and Tribiinu is reported.
A SitiiHlbln Rcmnlutloii-
National AH-.UUIUIIXI I'n-M
Ciiit'Ado , November 2'2The state
loiil ) of health at a meeting to-day
.idopted the following i < solution ;
Resolved , That , by thu anthoiity
vested in this , it id heieliy or-
dclfd that un and after Junilaiy 1 ,
18812 , no pupils hlmll he admitted to
the public ( schools of thm Htate without
piTsehtiin. ' nat.hfaetory evidence trom
a leput.tblo . phjHiLian of iiroper aim
successful vaccination.
Billiard Tournaninut.
Nvtioiml AbHuratiil I'rcia
Niw : VdiiK , November " - . Throe
aiiieH uoio jiliiyed in the billiard
inuniamont tins afternoon. AVallaeo
licat SioHson by a score of 200 to Ii ) ! ) .
Suxton won by 200 to 157. Dion and
Schaefer played ihoir second game
tnd Dion Won in the Reveiity-foiirll
inning ; score , -00 to 11)1. )
In the third game Carter beat ( Jal-
I.igher by a scoioof 200 to ] ! ) ! ) . Sextet
and Morns played their firnt game thu
Ciuinl to bo Glonnil.
NMliinal Anndciiiti-il I'm .
CliiUAUo , November 22 , Thu Illi
nois it Michigan canal will bu closet
for the season next Saturday ,
National AwMiclutuI I'lf
CiiiCAfin , Novombur 22.-Thu call
hoard of trade , which holds afternoon
sessions , rained the price ol meniber-
ahip to ? 1,000 to-day.
A Biiltiiiiorn Failure.
National AHJJOO ulril Pro * * ,
NKW YOUK , Novemhor22 , Advices
'rotn lidtimoru annotinco the failure
of Josipli Schieinur , brewer. His
iabilities aru estimated aL8100M)0. ( )
N'Minnil AHrtoeluud front ,
NKW YOIIK , NovoinbiT 22 , Sailed
Nevada , for Liverpool ; Victoria , for
Condon ArrivedMosul , from Bru-
nun ; Fur uesia , ftom ( jlasgow.
IVmtoflico changfs in Nebraska dur-
ng the week ending November 1 ! ) ,
881 , furnished by Win. Van VIeck ,
f the iioitollicu du ] > ; irtinent !
I'.ITAllUHIlr.D ,
Long I'inj , Sioux county , Tliomati
I. Glover , postmaster.
Shrule , Fillmore county ,
Crotinso , Luncuater county , John
'homiison ; Leonie , Holt county , ,1.
) . McltoberU , Odessa , liullalo coun-
y , B. 11. Webb.
A pure , wholesoiiio article of beer ,
uitable for nutritive purposes , und
ndunted to family use ; such is "Con-
ad a liudweieor , "
Yesterday's ' Happenings in This
And Oilier Lands ,
A Christiau Family Massacred
( \t Lucca , Maoidouia ,
by Brigands.
The atato of Slogo iu Berlin
Prolonged lor Another
A Ropnbl can Cougrosauuin
Eluotod in Rhodu Island
Tbo Mexican Oabitiob A Fatal
Duel Near the Oifcy of
A LOUR List of Grimes , Orimi-
nald and Casualties
Railroad nuil Other
Now * .
N'atlntml A fHitiil l'ro .
LONDON , November ili. . A HUCCUH
sioti of Jio.-ivy winds luivo OCOIIIHM
which have ilouu yront dainuno t
property : uul shipping iilotijj the JO ML ;
lUli , Scotch unit lii h const. Suvora
lives ure reported lost.
.1' 1,000 IUMAIIU.
In the court of I ho qiH'CMM boiiol
this aftoniiiou in Liu liliol Hint o
Cli'iniMit Scott vs. MM. ! > iniiHoii | , ref
ercu , fur nsHerltiin that Scott t limit
ow I In diTilo .MIHS NoilHoii'ri iiHMiiorj
unions ( Jlyini paid him u HIIII
of nioiH'3 tluijiuy icluriied u vordic
for Soott , iriviiijj 1,500 dimmgCH.
i in : MIXKAN : t'Aiu.NiiT.
OHV or. AlBXico , Novi'iulier 21 ! .
Gem-nil Truvmo , secretary of war tuu
Souur iMonlK , minister of mililie in
stniotioiis , have not resigned us ro
ported. Signor Lundcro , secretary o
the truasury , lias Hunt in his rcsigim
tion , but the president has not ao
ceptod it. It in Haid that in tliu
president concludes to accept Sono
Lamloroa resignation. Scnor Minnie
Puucuro will liu appointed im his sue
censor. Tliu report that whole cnbi
nut intended to tend in thuir residua
tioim ia ufliciully denied.
A FATAL Dim. ,
OITV urMttxico , November 22.
General Cnriicolu , chief - ofstnir t <
Gonanil Canto , and Sotior ( Jrnin
inonibur of congress from thu distric
of Alninos , fought a duel with swordx
u few miloi outside of the city oaity
this morning. It is reported tlmtSenoi
UrroaIH niorl.illy wonndod. Tliu
cause of thu dillictilty IB niikmnvn.
HTATK or .sinni : nioi.oj iii : > .
Iliiici.iN , NOVOIII her UL' . Them in u
i Minor that thu federal council liai
prolonged thu Hlato of sieyo in Herlh
for another year.
LOMION , November S2.-- dispatch
ftom lleriin H.iyM it is rniuurcd thai
Herbert IJtsiiiiiielf'H mission to Lon
don is to oiler thu ecsaion of Euypt tc
England IIH a bid for mi Anglo-Cler-
man alliance uyuiiiHt Franco.
CONHTANTINOI-I.H , November 2'2.
Turkish brigands Imvo pillaged the
villttiro of Lucca , Macedonia , nmus.i- .
ercd a CliriHtiiin family , nn < l earned
oil' thirti'isn prisoners.
OONHTANI'INOI'I.K , November iiii.
The porto IIHH notilied Greece ol
thu withdrawal of tlio privilege to
nijiintain afJri'ok poHtollicu in Turkey.
Greece protected andu diplomatic i up
tine in ihi
DITIII.LIN , November 22. Outrages
continue to ho repotted in various
imrls of Ireland. A party of armed
men attacked I he house of Lord Boss-
| JOIOII < . ' | I'H ngeiit in ICilkenny and
fired upon it. The police soon
ippcared , when the mob decamped.
Nine of them were injured. While n
lumber of thu tenants at Swallembad
ivoru returning from paj ing rents they
worn attacked by a mob ami many of
hem badly injured. Air. Green , a
'armor near WcHtmoath , who wns idiot ,
s ropoited to ho dying. The Kildare
ion lids have been piinonml. A mob
if f > 00 to-day attacked mid dis-
iwfHod an Armagh hunting party ,
'AUIH , Novemberii2. In the chum-
ier deputies to-day Gambetta , in the
ominitteu whole on thu Tunis IJIICH-
ion , declined ID < lincntK th 1'iuiieh
lolicy in Tunis on the ground that
ho pacification of that country should
iu thu liist consideration of its mem-
101 S.
AlAiiluit , November22. Thuolmm-
ber of deputies to-day voted a grant
of 00,000 fiances per Kilometre for
the biiildingol the I'yreniiestiinnel and
allowing six years for its construction , '
N&tlon&l AnHoiiatoil i'reHi ,
CIIIIMOO , November 22 , Herbert
M. Thieis , who fled from Konoiha ,
Wis , with $80,000 , which ho obtained
by u serioH of forgeries extending over
a period of three yours , was captured
in tlni city and taken to Kenouha this
iftoriioon by thu sheriff of that coun
ty , Ho waa found in a boarding
house , No , 70 South Throop street ,
where hu had been since his disap
pearance u month since. A reward of
? 5.000 was ollered for his capture. Ho
hud 501UO little capital himself , and
was engaged in loaning money nnd
dealing in commercial paper , and ob
tained the co.ilidoucc of a large num-
ber of iHistMoM nion and cupi-
talistfl , Hi * methodH of oporationn
WHS to loan money , and take real on-
Ute mortgngcB for security. Flo
would then make fiuvcral o.x.ict dupli-
cjxtcs of each nolo and inortif.igo , forg
ing the name of the mortgagor , and
Bell the whole batch U ) the highoit
ddira Acpnrately. Ho carried on
thin business for several years before
detected. The prisoner nUtcd to-tlivy
that he uxpocted to go the pent ! ton-
tinry for life. "Tho hhadow of this
thing hns kept mo in hell for three
year * , " he said. Ho is thirty yeara
ofm o , of gontloinanly bearing , and
Tory Blifonti
NKWAIIK , N. J. , November 22.
Theodore F Maldwin , late toiler of
the Mechanics' bank , has boon ar
rested muter the direction of the
United Stall's district , attorney on n
charge of fulnifyini ; the books in con
nection with his brother. Thu cashier's
bail wai fixed ut SoO,000 No bonds
men were found.
LANL'AHTKH , 1'a. , November SJ2.
To-dny John A. Snydbr , one of the
wealthiest roiidonts of .lersoy Valley ,
waa struck by the fast mail train and
instantly killed.
CINCINNATI , No/ember 2i3. The
private car of Vico-l'residont Alexnn *
der , of the Louisville & Nashville rail
road , while pausing ever the Little
Miami to-day took tire and waa con-
Hiimod. L , $10,000
I' , 1'a , N-iviMiibnr SU
Sylvester K. Wilson , ticket scalper ,
wus anested lhii af'ernoou on a war
rant Hwoni oir uy LiLtuMiil Passenger
Agent Wood , cf I lie Pennsylvania
railroad , chat "it1 him \\ith vud.itiiig
tlio nof of thu ii in 1 > l > y do.iliiitf in
the tickets of t'.i ic company. He
\\ent to pri"i > n , ( i--iiiTl ; " ; a liuaiing to-
] IO\MIVTI : , rin : KMIIIV./.I.P.II.
WASiMNdi-oN , I ) 0. N--v.mberL'2. '
Oapt. llowfat.1 p' ' ' not guilty to
the Hofi o u.u iiidio.ii'i-iit. * for utn-
bexxK in i.i. lu-diiy and n.i > i ' 'turned
to jnli.
Xnl on.ii nclfttcil Cn' .
WASIIINIITON , November 2.1. l' ' ' ir
tlio ii'iMorli8si \ < niipi ; a'ltl lower
8'iiui Milleyf IneieiiMi L *
.ud lig'it eiiow , K'ithweht to north-
\ \ > t \ui ds , fi llonod during the niu'lit
1) ) . i1 ild , T weal her and rining 1-aioin-
etn The 3Sisiiit > Bippi liver wi'l ' rise
slov ly
Keul S < ! T
Thu following are all the traimfeni
recorded at the county clerk's ollico
Saturday and Monday , us reported for
this paper by John L. McCaguo , real
estate agent and conveyancer :
Willis M. Gates und wife to Mary
1 .Hd ' Wock ? MeOor-
Parrot , lota . . - .
mick'siuld , w d - 81)050
John McOonnickto Willis M. ClaloB/
lots 1 and 12 , block 7 , McCo'friiiokV
add , w d Sl.i-'OO.
Alary A. Gwyor to Oeo. A. Towlo ,
o A of lot 7 , block IIIO , Omana , w d
Alary A. Gwye.r to Augustus Pratt ,
w A " of lot 7 , block 137 , Oinahii , w iL
John I ; Ilodick to Win. F. King , lota
( ! and 7 , in block ( i of Hedick'n add , w
d SL'-100.
Hoggn it Hill to .Tiilius Schoolder ,
went A , Rent Invest j , xi-ction I , town
M , r.ingo J 1 , cast , w d $1,200.
llnz.iid Powder Company to Frail-
mitnd Stocti > . , parcel in Kount/.u's 1st
addition , w il $100.
Hoggs & Hill to John A. Fisher ,
parcel in seoHon fl , town 15 , rnngo 13 ,
wist , w d-J50.
John L. Wehser to GlinrleB WeliRer ,
block 27 , West Omaha , ( i c d-GOO.
0. L. Gilman and wife to Loionzo
Orouiif-u. lot 4 , block 8 ! ) , Omaha , w d
. ( CJ. Hartman to Kdward Aitmcow ,
east \ , lot . ' ] ( ! in Hartmun'a addition ,
w d 91.'IO.
Milton Itogora to LoiiiH Schroedcr ,
lot , block 200 , Omaha , wd § 2,500. ,
Thomas Kennuy to Wilson Jleyn-
ilds , 80 acrus in Boction L'7 , town 1C ,
range 10 , east , w d ? ( ifiO.
The Chlld'H Hospital.
The managers of the Ohild'o IToa-
pital gratefully acknowledge the fol-
owing contributions.
Mw. H 0. 1'ntturi.on. ? ! 20 ; A. K. Ton-
alln , 8KX ) ; K. , ( caHli ) . goOj tlirnuili hoHpl-
al boxi'H , § 5 ; lii ho | ) Clurkmiu , tliu rent of
tliu IiiMjiitnl ; .r. M. Wonlwortli , car , eta
md iiiuUroxi-uH for the IIIIIINCH ; ) ( vy und
Stnno , two tablon : Afr. ] ) uau , ( of On.-lmrd
nnd ) , six ch PH ; .MiH. I'ln kitnn , a
stove ; Mro. S , 8. C.ililwt ! > ll , Mm. .f. M.
I'lnird on. iMirt , J. M. Wonlivii tlj , MrH.
"SVulntcr Hnyddr , .Mrn , Hislinn Claikmin ,
inn bud unit lii'ddiiif , ' eiiuli ; Airx. ( i. W.
Dome , window Nliiulun ; the Hoialil
Thu hospital building will bo open
on Wednesday to recjivo contributions
) f fiirniluro and [ irovisio'iis.
The Wonllivr.
At all thu points reporting to thu
liimlia signal olllcu the weather has
out inued fair , except at St. Vincent ,
vhuru , at the receipt of the last bill-
etin light snow was falling. The
emperaturo has generally risen eieopt
it St. houis. In this city tlio highest
enipoiaturo recorded WIIM forty-nine
legrues , the lowest twenty-nino do-
; reua. Last jear on the name date
ho record stood ; maximum thirty do-
greea ; minimum eleven degrees ; the
veathor beiim as fair as yesterday ,
nit followed next day by gleet and
now ,
fn these times of ( jnack medicine
dvortiauineiita evorywhure , it ia truly
'ratifying to find one lemedy that ia
rorthy ot praise , and whiuh really
oua as i ( 'commended. Electric Hit-
era , we cun vouch for us being a true
nd reliable remedy , and one that
/ill do as recommended. Theyinvari-
ly cures stomach mid liver complaints
isoaaea of the Kidneys und Urinary
illicultios. Wo know whereof wo
peak , and can readily say , give them
trial. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by
Ish & McMahon. (3) ( )