Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1881, Image 3

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The Rivalry Between Stewart
and Clafliu and Vandor-
"bilfc and Drew. .
Ilarr ) lllll In New York Morciirj.
I'tisiiti' Sto'vnrt's Chamber strcut
store the other day , lookin * at it coin-
l > aritivoly ile.ioited , I uonltln't lu-lp
tliinkin' of the great tiinu there vent
in Now York tltu day xvhoti this .vend-
urful btoro wns opened.
I'nplic opinion , so fnr in you could
got : it it , was opposoil to Stewart's
vouturo ; just us public opinion was
opposed nt first to old Ktio's venture
up town the Fifth Avenue hotel
Stewart himself was not very wol
liked , and wasn't undomlood then a
\ \ uns \ he was nftcrwnnt , and every
Tjudy whn wns nr.ylmily in lliu ilrj
i oods and real I'st.itu line prophesiiM
) iis downfall. 'J'lio ' two jjicixt objoc
tiotn to the stoio were , tivat , tlmt i
was too expensive , turn' of whitu
iimrlilo , and next , that itviw on the
wrong sulo of lirm'lwny.
The day before the opetim' day o
his big Btoro StoAvmtjot into a st'io }
gtiin * up tj hia VL'sidonco , which \va
tlion on Jllocclvur utioot. . Thostnj'o
was lull of men. ami nobody in i
know Stewart Hut they woio al
t.Ulnii'of his bit ; store ? , antl huijjliri'
\vlion the uld follow quoted tliu eli
adain ; "about a fool anil his money '
Spoatiin * of thin circumstance to s
friend afterwards , Stewart eai'l : 1 tlion f'irtlio first and , last tiino ii
my lifo I naked myself , 'Am 1 afooh
and really 1 could'nt answer tlm1
question in self just then , ao I put ii
oil till tc-murrow.
Stewart had made every arr.intje
inont for a big openin' . Kvery clorl
was in hit ) best lub and tucker. Ho
had mun btationod on the west side o
Broadway to call the attention of the
crowd to his store on the other side
Kvorythl'ig was conducted on n scale
worthy of the store.
15ut when , on the early inornin1 ol
the day of the openin" , .Stow.irt got \ \ \
and looked from the windows of his
house , on Hieeckur ttrcot , at the nky
ho saw it full of black clouds. Trot-
ty soon it began to rain , and it lookci
aa if it was going to rain all day. Am
then what do you think A. T. Stowiu-t
did the owner of the fmostBtoio ii
Now YorkJ WJiy , ho did what anj
girl Would have done , and , sittin
down in a corner , hidin' his face in
his hands , ho hart a good cry. Yes , a
goo.l cry , as if ho win a yuuni ; school
mifca or an old woman. Ho told a
friend of his this fact himself , and his
friend told mo Stowait was human ,
after all , and somotimeshegot nervous
just Jiko other people. Ho wasn't hall
as cast-iron as ho was thoui'ht to
nave boon , and wJirn ho saw the
chances of his openin' alxj'il to be
spoiled by the weather , and know how
much depended on a good openin ,
why it was no wonder that ho had a
touch of liis mother in him for a mo
ment. But only for a moment. Then
ho wiped his eyes , and br.iced himself
up for anythin' for breakfast , the
liiy t thing. After breakfast ho thought
ho would talio one moro peep out of
the window at the weather before ho
ventured out. To his surprise ho
found it had stopped rainin already ,
and promised to be clear. It kept its
promise , too , ml before Stewart got
down to his store the sun was bhiniii'
beautifully. Stewart's ' luck didn't desert -
sort him.
It was the biggest oponin1 over had
by any mercantile establishment in
Now York up to date , and when Stew
art rode homo in the 'bus that night ,
ho was better known than ho was the
night before , and the very people
who were Inughin' and sucerin' at him
then wore praisin' ' and oiivyiu * him
now. Twenty-four hours , and fine
weather instead ot foul , make a wonderful
erful difl'erencc.
Stewart was "death" on churches.
His very stable * was a church Dr.
Williams' Presbyterian church on Am
ity street , ilo would buy all the reo.1
estate round a church , then gobble up
Ill * the church. That wns his wayi\ith
1PN the old Dutch church on Ninth street.
Ho played a somewhat similar game
before ho bought Dr. Osgood's church
on Jroadwny ? , aftorwaid the Globe
thcatro , now Harnpiin and Hart's new
place. Ho bought Gov. Morgan's resi
dence on Lafayette place. People
wonderon what on earth ho bought it
for. "To oblige Morgan , " slid some
body. "Toobligo Stewart , " was the
answer , and the answer was right.
The Lafayette place lot was right back
of the church , and , havin' got the lot
first , Stewart afterward bought Iho
church , and so had a property stretch-
in' ' from street to street.
Once , ami once only , did Stewart
got into a regular knock-down light
with anybody , and then with ono of
his clerks , about what ninety-nino
men out of one-hundred would have
called a trillo , but which Stewart
thought involved a big principle.
It was a rule in his htoro , and a
good mlo it wax , too , because in 1 he
long run an absolutely necessary one ,
that none of the employe * tdiuuld sit
down durin' litiaino-w hours. One
mornin' early Siowart ent rod his
Btoro and found one of hia clinks not
only sittin' do-vn , but loiuuroly nad *
in' a paper. Stewart walked nglit m >
to llio clerk and &hovcd the p iper ho
was rctulin' ' to ono side , so he could
get a good look at him. IIu rceou-
jiizod him at once as ono of lliu vuiy
oldest and beat sulcamon.
But that inn o no clillerenco. " ( jet
up and go , " said Stewart , and the
cloik got up and went. "Follow mete
to the cashier's desk , " said Stewart ,
and the clerk followed him. "Pay
this man what ii duo to him till this
mornin1 , " naid Stow.irt to the cashier ,
"and let him consider himself dis
charged from my employ. " The clerk
like a man in a dream , took the money
and ivcut nway , But tliinkin' the
matter over , ho made up his mind that
Stewart had only been "bulled , " and
didn't mean ro.illy to discharge him
for so simple a thing ns sittin' on a
chair and readin' a paper , So became
down to the stole as usual the next
mornin' . Stewart came down as usual ,
nls > , and thu two met.
Stewart got almost white tthnn ho
saw his discharged clerk back ag.iiii.
Ho raised his hand. "Quit this Btoro
at once and forever ; you have no bun-
inces hero ; I have discharged you ,
sir , " he cried , in his shrill voice. Thu
poor chirk , who had had a good salary
and had thought ho had a sure thing
for lifo , looked in Stowait'a face , and
saw there was no hope. Ho wai a
tnarried man , with a Inrco family de
pendent upon him. Ho rcnliml hi
position , and , in a ( Hot rngonnd fron
xy. ho rushed at Stewart , shock hii
li'ke n terrier slinking a rat , and the
knocked him down. Stewart foii h
( tame ly , but was overpowered , an
lost some of his teetli in the cneount
er.Now. . perhaps most people wh
don't think would blame Stewait ; mi
people who know how itupottniit
thirg discipline is in a hotel , thontiv , railroad and an tmiiy-
evorythitr , in fact , that employs pee
plo-will say he did just riuht in dis
oliarqin' the mini and oi > forcin' th
di-chaixo. Thoug'i ' I think , if 1 1m
been ! Mr. Stewait , 1 would hnvo take
him back after n while. And , poi
Imps , Stewart would have taken hit
back if he hadn't knocked his fron
teeth out. Makin'a man s\valow \ ! hi
tueth ain't alwajstha best way of mak
in' a man swallow his words.
Thu iMit between Stewart and hi
clerk didn't last over two minutes
but tlio Ilitht ( or trade rivalry that a
most ami unted to a light1 * butwec
Stewart und Chillin , lasted some 111
teun years. Stewart never liked t
hear Clatliti'a name mentioned , an
you couldn't innKii him mndJer Urn
to praise Clallin , ( lieu h he never com
nutted liimselt by sayini ; anythin
against him. Fivn dill'erciit time
Stewart tried to break C'lnllin v C <
ilnwn , and once if it hadn't bocu fo
Ohillin's outside friends ho would hav
Stowart. v.-ai a very hard man 01
credits. Ho had to find out ovrr > thin
aliout a man befcuo ho would tru
him a < loll\r. Then if the man was a !
right ho would trust him a ! ? LOO,000
Ono morniu' man from the _ wes
called on Stewart to upon acredit ae
count with him , and ho was shown
accord in' to custom , a list of question
that had to be answeted. I low oh
"as heVns ? IIP married or simjlo
How many children had he'Vha
wore the ages , habits and character
of his childien ? Did ho drink ? Did h
uainble/ / Did ho belong to any chinch
and soon. The western man lookei
at , the long list of questions a minute
Then ho turned on hiu heel , put dowi
the paper , and said : ' 'Woll , this beat
tlio census man. I ain't gettin' mj
lifo insured , " and walked oH'loCluf
liu's , where , without nriny questions
he got all tlio credit ho wanted.
( Jlallm was as popular with his mot
as Stewart wai unpopular , yet Clallii
believed as much in rules as
did , only ho didn't practice his be
lief so much.
Chifliii was always a very unassiim-
in' man , and a good fctory is told o
him on this point
A man wanted to sec Clatlin 01
sumo personal matters 0110 mornin'
So he called at the store and asked to
see Air. Clallin. ilo was refeireclfrnn
ono man to another , and was hop
busy huiitin' Clatlin hero nnd there
for some time. While huntin' Clallii
the in in came across several times
upstairs and down , a somewhat mi
isixdd individual , bald-bended
slightly gray , plainly dressed , towhou
nobody paid any attention. Havin
passed him about seven orcighttimcs
and not yet havin' been able to lim
Clallin , the Clatlin hunter went up a
lust to the somewhat undersized in
dividual and , stopping him on the
stairs , said : You seem to have notliin
to do but to go up and down stairs
perhaps you can tell mo whcie I cai
lind the head of the house , if thcro is
any head to it I mean Mr. Clallin. '
" 1 am Mr. Clallin , " said the little
undersized individual , and the other
man wilted.
There was ono first-class thingaboui
Dlallin. Ho never showed any dif
ference between .himself and clerks as
'aras rules were concerned. Ho obeys
lis own rules just as if ho was under
It. was against thorules , for instance
or any of the clerks to enter by the
Worth street side of the storo. So
> nc day in the rain , without an um-
jrolla , Clallin was seen to walk along
ho whole length of his own store , tt
jhurch street , and got soaking wet
athcr than go in on NYorth street ,
md thus violate ono of his own regn
al ions.
Stewart's fight withOIailin was bitter
as Vaiiderbilts light with Diow , with
; liis difference , that Vanderbilt and
Jrjw weiofric'iuls once , and that the
ild commodore kept faith with Undo
Dau'l till the latter old man went back
on him.
Vanderbilt made ono mistake ,
hough , about Drew. Ho thought ho
rasu't fit for steamboatin' , and told
lim sn. "You don't understand boats , "
aid VanderbiU , "and you'll sink 'em '
> r they'll ' sink you. " Ho had to eat
lis words , though , years after , when
ho People's line started , and viitual-
y controlled the Hudson river. Poor-
nan , the first president of the Hud-
on Kiyer railroad , opposed tlio Poo-
) lo's line tooth and toe-nail. Drew
vas carryin' people thin on his boats
or § 1 to Albany , while the cars
hargtid S-'f. "How enn wo get you to
niso the fare ? " asked P uorman of
) row , "Buy out the Peoples line , "
aid Uncle Dan'l , "if you've got inon-
y enough. "
Undo Dan'l was always afraid of
iglitnin' . Ho would shut his eyes
vlienever 1 o MW a Hash mid shako all
iver. Tlui was on account of an acci-
[ cut that happened wliun ho u.-uiitul-
n'in cattle. A htorm cnnoonulion
10 diivju' t-oiuoi cattle , and he
md a companion , another cattle hurt !
r , tonk u-fHUM in a carriage that was
tandin1 under a tree. The trco wns
truck by liglitnin' and Drow'a com-
laniim killed outright at his side ,
Jiow never forgot the incident to his
dyin' day.
Drew showed a good deal nf nerve
n the Krio light , and was as stubborn
s a first-class Irish pig. Ho hid in
n od ! loft on Nafifiau street for two
liys and nights durin1 the injunction ,
vhere only a stop ladder could get ut
inn and where ho could got at tln <
oof in a jill'y. Two of his not gnnid-
d the ladder , and his food was pass-
d him up i'ii ' a plate , which ho took
n his lap instead of on a table.
DIOW resembled Viinderbilt in ono
liinjj very closely. 15oth men were
ibcral about suinu things , and very
lose about others. Vanderbilt was
J ways mean about his pleaauros. He
liked horst's , but didn't pay much fur
'om - at least , .lot much for him. Ho
liked Postboy better than any other
horsu ho owned , but he used him
oftonur und drove him harder than any
other hoi so , Ho novcr Kpcnt uny
money worth spoakin' about "on the
road. " Now and then ho would tuko
a 'drink at Duboia' ' half-inilo track
or Harry llnrtholf s , and that wa.
about ail. Uonnor bus paid in pro
portion to his money 810 whore N nn
derlult put out SI for homllc.ih. 11
drove his business. In fact , he look
ed upon drivin1 ns "business , " am
w lion ho got ready for his horses h
would always say , "Now for busi
Vnnderbilt never torijavo anybodj
who snubbed him. Shuiio , the pres
ident of the Hudson road , tried it o
him , and next year ho ousted Sloniu
Tho'i Tobin put on aii-s and the eli
commodore lint his sou William ill
stead of Tobin. Well , the old commodore
modoro has gone , too. Stewait ha
disappeared ( they don't even kuo\
where his body M , and riiillin is th
only one of the lour bii ; bugs 1 Inn
been writin' about in tliin chapter wh
still remains.
" .Our Upper Clnss "
Xc York ( trnpluc.
Some journalistic scribes of Atner
ica dpe.iK at liinea of our "uppo
classes. " What courtHutiM our uppe
ola ses/ / Who uro tlu-yf Is not th
phrase comparatively now/ / Was i
ever in nso lorty years ago < Analy ?
American society , As to menus , \ \
havu very tich men , vety | uiof met
From whu-li is drawn our uppr > r ohms
Ayiin , no to antecedents we h.ive ver
rich men of two or thivo generation ! *
pedigree , very rich men of no ped
gwo , ton years ago kenping curue'iit's but of which cometli th
upper class/ / Again , doctors , lawycis
nuntstfi-.s , editoiv , mercliants. ( lener
ally , well educated. A few well t ll' ;
great majoiity of moderalo incomes
Winch of these belong to the Amor
can upper class ? Again , army am
navy. For the most part , sons o
merchant ? , mechanics , lawyers ; in fact
sons of the people. Is this the uppe
class , or a part thereon Au'ain , doe-
nn American of education and relinei
tastes , with an income ol $1,500 ti
$ 'J,000 per year , belong to the uppe
or lower class ? Doss the steady
honest , intelligent mechanic belong ti
the upper or lower class ? Does tin
great republic in this class pcalo
tolerate any standard s.ive that o
intellect , virtue and intelligence ? Are
intellect , virtue and intelligence , a
$1L'00 per year , relegated to a lowe
social standard than intellect , virtue
and intelligence at § 1,500,000 per ycai
income ?
The Country.
Who that hv i > ver lived any time in th
country but must Imvo heard of tiu\iitui ! >
of JUmlod ; : n : i blood purifier , ISunlocl
Jilootl Jiitters cure ilyspcp-in , bilion-ncs
aiul nil diiiirilurs aii iiiL , ' from itnpiir
blood or iler.ui eil liver or kidueyx. 1'ric
$1,00 , tiia ) bcttlw ln " " * ' 7 eodlw
Tlio IVHssifislt > ] ) l iiud ItsTrlbutnrioN
Vlcksbini ; Ifcralil.
A pamililet ] < m the Mississippi ; uu
its tributaries gives the following
sta cmcnt of the inilcago of the navi
gable portion of each of the following
named rivers above its month : iM
souri , 15,125 ; Jlississippi , 2,1(51 ( ; Ohio
J.OIH ; lied , ! ISO ; Arkansas , 881
White , 770 ; Tennessee , 780 ; Cumber
land , 000 ; Yellswstono , 47-1 ; Onnchita
US I ; WaHash , 1)5 ; Alloghauy ,
3'J5 ; Oasgo , ! J03 ; Winnesota ,
2U5 ; Souflowor , 271 ; 111 !
noise , 270 ; Yuzoo , 1227 ; 13lack ( Arkan
sas ) , ll'J ; Green , 2CO ; St. Francis ,
180 ; Tallahutchie.irC ; Wisconsin , 10 ( !
Deer creek , 11G ; Tensas , 112 ; Motion
ahela , 110 ; Kentucky , 105 ; Hartholo
mow , 100 ; Ivaiiesaw , 1)1 ) ; Muskinguin
1)4 ) ; Chippewa , ! )0 ) ; Iowa , 80 ; Uij
llatchie , 75 ; St. Croix , 05 ; Ilock , 05
] ilnck ( Louisiana ) , 01 ; Macon , GO
uiif , 51 $ ; Bis ; Horn , 50 ; Clinton , CO
Littln Ii'd , 40 ; Din Cydrous and lake
44 ; Big Black , 155 ; Dauchittc , 'M.
Total number of rivorc , 3IJ ; total num
ber of miles of navigation at present ,
15,710. ,
A World of Good.
Ono of the most popular medicines
.low before the American public , is
Hop Bitters. You see it everywhere.
People iako it with good ellect. It
iuilds them up. It is not as pleasant
: o the taste ns some other Bitters as
t is not a whisky drink. It is moro
ike the old fashioned bono-sct tea
: hat has done a world of good. If
you don't feel just right try Hop Bit-
eis. Nunda News.
The Cirii Crop.
As the fall months pass nway and
ho rains continue in tl o great corn
tales , the situation of that staple
rep becomes soriouN. There has been
ery little dry or pleasant weather yet ,
] > to November 4th , to dry out the
orn sufliciently to crib it with safety
n great bulk. The stalks nro more
{ enornlly blown down than has ever
icon known before. Very much of
: ie corn has been lying on wet grounder
or moro than n month and must be
> adly damaged. Thousands of acres
f corn is on land too wet to drive a
earn onto , and the outlook begins to
> e serious. Wo are liable to have
now storms very soon , and a deep
low would ruin millions of bushels of
> rn. livery fanner should crowd the
ork of husking whenever the weather
ill permit , even if it must boone
ono in the mud. It is of vital iin-
lortanco to get the bhort crop of this
ear saved in the best condition possi-
jlo. Where corn is put in largo cribs
u its present condition , some means
' ventilation should bo provided ,
" "once poits orpoloi placed at frequent
ntervids through thu crib as it is
) eint ; filled up will bo quite tfitclivo
ontilators ; but it is bettor to tike
unco boaids and make long boxes six
nches square , borintr holes in thorn at
rcquont intervals , then plnco them in
n upright position on the floor of the
: nb , and fill with corn. If the cob is
mind to bo quito damp , these boxes
lould bo at distances of not moro
mil four feet apart through the cn-
ire crib. A few dollais expense in
rovidinu these cheap vcntilntoin m.iy
nvo hundreds ot bushels of corn. It
s not unlikely that coin will sell fur
uvonty.fivo cents a bushel in most of
10 western sta'os ' before another crop
s rained , nnd no fanner can afford to
) Lrmit any waste. - [ Kx.
A. iir > it remarkable cum for d
Wull ' If-nltli Huutwur. "
* - The cu
nicl > e t liiliiHiuuiiil liver re-mudv iciiown.
1. OriUKi'ts. Do ( it I' , K. ( Jooilnmii.
vm v
Tarrant'a Sultaor Aporiout
MixvpropctU liociltcil lie "ItfriMilo't" of „ , ,
rl HP , ( or It rl.ninNntuu' MUMII ulsli < . n > ul
ilo ilio work of to totfttioii to hf.i'th. N , > mI.
lno lUic , N'ntnii' nloim e\tn , TliM Apr.nt
om-iK tlio | ir | M > r iMrinie * , ll ' fuiiftlfii" in , | ur
imllel t > ri'Miuio tlu-lr work , mi , I the | ii 1-1,1
" ' * "C
SOU ) Y AU , lHl'a ( tSlS
Wiiorniit glossy ,
nntl wavy ol' alnmunnt ,
boantiim liivir tiutst use
clctcnnt , cheap nrtielo ulwuj ;
nialkcs ( ho Hair grow freely
and lust , keeps it IVoiu fulliii.-
out , nrt-estu am ! cures grayness -
ness , removes dandruff md :
iiching , miikoa iho IIair
Rtrong , giviii ? it n curling
tendency and keeping it In
tiny desired position. Beau-
tTnl , lioaHliy Hair is thosuro
result ul' usmg Katliuirou.
Wont ! rr bouiK th" moil iliroct , tjulckc * ! , n
ife < t liiioonnncrtlnv the innt Mctrnpollti , CIII
( . 'ADO , mid ( In1 KAKIK.I , NoRrn-KAnrnnv , SIIITI
aild SoiiTii-KAsrKiiN I.I.VKJ.lmi ! trriiiunti thprr
\rith l\AtHi < i OITT , I.KAVr.NnniiTii , ATI nuns
ChNTXH" Irom nlilili railmto
tint pcnctriti1" thu Continent Jrrin thu Wlionr
Itlu'r to the I'Mltii1 Sloio. 'ISio
iBtliconly line from Chicago ounln track Into
Knn ti , nr Hlikli , li > lt o n tno'J , rmvhra tli
iiolnto alio\o imiioJ. No TKAV KIIIII nv CAKIUAOI ;
No MiMhiNo oiNMicrioM ) ! No luiilillintr In III
Miitilalcil or iiiiclcan earn , n i\fry : | n.sxuiuHr i In roomy , elenn ami M'litllriifil coaeli'M
njion Vwt lixprufcj 'I'l-uliiH.
DAV C.UIH ot uiirhiilcd luv nlllcfricu , I'ULIMAK
I'ALACK .Si.Frnsn C'Aitn. , irnl ouruniiworld.Ivioii :
li\no OARH , IIDOII Mhlili mualmiro Hcrvurl or mi
euriuinwl excellence * , r.t the low nxto ol Suvh-m
KINK C ru KACII , with iviiiplu tlino for bualthdi
Throiti'h Cars libt o n ChlcaRO , 1'corla , Jill uml MU < ourl KlM.r I'olnta ; nnJ clone van
ucctloim at all pointa ol Intcrtectlon ulth otht
We ticket ( do not forgot thh ) directly to overt
iilaco of luiinrtiiito In Kantian , Nebraska , Hindi
IlillB , Wyoming , It tnli. Idaho , NoMvda , C'nlifornh ,
Oregon , Waahlntton Territory , Colorjdo , Arlzoni
and New Mexico.
As liberal nrrnn cmentti rcirardin biijt.'niro tv
any other line , and rutoH of faro alwaja anl ow at
tompetiton * , who furnlili hni.n titlioof the coin
fort ,
IJpf.'J and tackle of firartmucn ( rco.
Tickets , niagn and folderd at all jirlnclpa
otl'coH In the United Ktfttes and CanaJ- .
n. n. CAULK , K. ST. JOHN ,
ViL'ul'rart&tturi. flini. Tlt andl' f 'r AK
SHnaircr. C'hl < yo ( 'hfanim.
! S80. SKOBTJLINE. S880a
Direct Line to ST. LOUIS
From Omaha and the West.
Mo change ot tarn InUien Oni'vha and bi , . uou
tud hut one leUi > cn UMAIIA mil
sr.3C.-axs :
Daily PassengerTrains
CHAIini:3 : and IN ADVANCK of AI.Lj
This entire line l txiiiiiwl | ] with „ . . „
alaco Bleeping Corn , Palace l > ay COW.IICM , Miller'n
lafity I'latfonn and Coupler , and thu celebrated
that jour tlclset rcaild VIA nANSAH
oail , via St. Jnsnili and tit. Louie.
Tickotu fur Halo at all eoniion etotloni In the
' t. J. F. I1AI1NAUI > .
C , DAWKS , Ocn. S-ipt. , St. Joseph , Mol
Oeu. l'ah . and Tldirt Aift. , Ht. Joseph , Mo.
I * M > v Ifoiiiii'.v , Tlikil Avonli
10HO Karnliinitrcut. .
A. U. IUiiNnn ( luntrul AKCII ( ,
Free to Everybody !
i BBaiitiM Book for tlio Asking ,
Ily nii | > l luff | iorMinlly ) nt thu nearest n'llco
y | ioi.taluiril lint aillHtmuu ) any AHHI.T i > cr.
on wfl lie prcMcntu ] with a lieaiitlfully lliun.
ated copy of a Nuw Uook entltlud
on TIII :
tinndiDino and costly ntvl (
u frontUplcriu ; nino. a ? ilncly tiiyravnl
its , and luiirnl in an iiiilmruto blnu und K"ld
ilio raplied icr. N > thar ) ; hatcier In made
or thin iiiiul + jiiio Uiok , whkli c. n liu oliUurud
ily liy application nl tlio h ninh uiid mbor
nalu ollkc < .f 'I hu Singer llaniifaLtiirln ; : Co.
rrlnclpal Olllco , 31 I nlon K'liiaru , .Vow York
Des Moines , lov/a ,
> 1anufictiirort ot UAfiH , DDOI13 , nLINDS
Driat rwluctlon In Hank Countirc , I'lani fur-
lthulaiiil work fiirnl-liu/l In all kimln of hard
ri-oftwo'xl , C'onnti n Unlxhud In oil ulitu ( , .
red BlicUln 'of all kimli liirnijMil anil put
ito Imlldlnir rc il.v fur paint oil nhort notice
'ir workmun uru lliu licut inuihanlvt tint inn be
rocured , ijato money by giving HI your tou
Qtaln , Nev/oli and Daluiters.
Our foruuuri In llili department wui ( ormcrh
Ith I'robt Jlanufacturin Co , ' Clilcuyo.
In , ami hu ilono ooiiiu of thu fliiutt Htilr Aurk
Ordcre liy uiall proniptly attondwl f/ > a m
No Onan mg Cars
iti iivN !
WheriMluiil vonm-rllon nro invif mill '
Sl.l'.Kl'INO U-\U r.l.Ma ( or
NKW vnuc : , IIOSTOS ,
Tie ] Short Line via. Feoria
Vll.l.K , nnil1I | K.lnt < In the
\\hcritillirtt iMiiiiwllnnn ar nmilc in tlio I'lilft
lciH > t with thu 'Ihtniijih slifiilnit Cur
l.lni-itor Al.l.roi.VTS
r 3 o "cr * a ? r&z .
niK KAVOUITK itnrir. KOU
Rock Island.
Tlio iiiuiitnloil liiiliui'inniita oltrntl h ) thin Iln
to tnvt cU rn tviitl tourists am ux folluwti :
Tliimlil-rntwl I'l'I.I.M.VN > 1 ' . '
- 0 - i < ' < ' I'Ati.U't
SUil'lMl : ; L'AIIS mi ) onh DII thMlnr C , 11
Si y. I'AI.M'K 'KAWIM ) Hot 151 C'AKS , ttllh
llortun's l.ohnln ( . 'litm. NooxtmiliitKOto
ne.iN In Ili'diiilnir I'liilrH. Tln < ( niiioui ( . ' . , I ) , .t
( } . Palitu rilnlii fars. OoiKrom Siuoklm- Cur
rtltoil vviiii tlixunt liluli-Kuki-,1 nvtl.ui nuh lin
oliu M , ( or tlio t'xihuho UHuul tlrnt-cli\
Steel TrncV ntul 9iiiorlnr | i-qiilpmoiit coniWri1
nltli Ilii'lr niLMt throiiitli c.krnrrun uiiu'iit , nrkts
thlt.alimu all utluTH , lliu t.uorlto ruutu totiu
I'Ml , Koulli A'ul oOUtlu'Att ,
Vry It , .xnil you w III ilml traveling a Uxury In
Klo.i , ! of A ( llwicintort.
11irnnli , tlilnie vlnOilnctlutimtuil line toriiic
ntnll ut'iii'iH In tin ) I'i'lti'i ! .Slates nnil CniniU.
All liitoriiuitloii .11. nit mli'H of fan1 , Sliyt lnc
Onr uctoiniiioihtioiiu , Tiinii 'l lilui , to. , VMll Ii
licn liy K | > ] illiiif la
Ocncrvl onircr Airent , t
J. I'l.'lTl'.U ,
Ofl. Mixtintrtr '
Sioiix Oity & Pac.iiic
liiiiH ft Sollil Train 'llirotili | frnni
Council Blulltj to e1. . t aul
Without Clmnco Tlnu1 , Only 17 Hours.
IT is
Mid all polnt In Northern loua. MlnnoKoU am
Dakota. Tlild Ilnu If ciiilii | , ] > eil w llh the inirtrm 01
VVftliifihoniie Autoinallu Alr-lmiku 'id llllk
I'latfonn CJonvlor and lluflcr ; und for
lauimtirpiuised , I'lillinun I'nlaco Blucplnc Car
run through WITllOl' L' ClIANUi : between Knii
has City and St. 1'itiillr. . Council lllullH am
Kloux Oily.
Trrthm Icai'o Union I'Aclllc Trnnnler at Conn
dl Illuirx , at : 'J'i p. in. dally on nrrltal of Knnw
City , St. Joseph and Count ! ! ItlunN train fron
the boulli. Arriving at Slouv City 11UC : p. m ,
and at tlio Now Union Depot at tit. 1'aul at l' > .3 (
agrUemcnihur In ( nklnptho SlonxClty Houto
j on L' < t a , 'I ) irmuh Train. 7ho Hhorte-t l.lnc
the Quklieet Tiino nnd a Coinfortalilu Kldu In the
TliruiurlM , an between
at jour TlchuU read via the "Sioux
City and I'adfle Itnll.oail.
tiiiporintendeiit. Clrn'l l'iM4. Acunt.
P. K. IIOHINSON , AsVt < < cn'l I'M't \ ,
Mlxhoiirl Vnlliy , luwu.
J. II , O'llltYAN , Soutluu stern < > Keiit ,
Coniiel I lllnlTii , Iowa
1220FainhamSt. ,
Dpsiroa to announce to his
friends and the Go oral public
that he has resolved to reduce
his prices to the lowest notch
consistent with the principle of
'live and let live. " Qontlqmen
desiring a flrat-class Suit of
' lothes , in all respects equal
to any and second to none , will
do well to KIVO Mr. Martin a
cull. G-cod Business Suits to
orker , $25. Pine Pantaloons ,
$5 and upwards. nl < Uin
ILER & CO , ,
Sole Manufncturora. OMAHA.
llOllllli : IIKDS , . Crohem In all Itallrov !
I'kLetn , Onmliu , Niii. , oirerTlel.etH to thu Kmt ,
intll further notice , at the fblioulnx iinhuardul
nvCatm :
Chlcni'O , * I2 ; Itoiind Trip , ? 2I.OO , Thoionu
linlicd I Irht.ClaM'llcKttH and iiood fnr return
lirou h tlioji\r , and \la tlio Old lullr.lilli C'hl-
UK" , Jlurllnittoii A ; uli.cj Itailroud Also , one
Hit ) tO
IKJdTON , W (0 ,
L'I'llII.ADKI.l'lllA , Bftoo , 2.'irfl.
jWAHIUNi.T ir. Mtfi , 20 W.
rorpirtlciil/itt ) . write or Koillrixt to 11(1111)11' ( )
tllOH. , J > ' : nli-rn In Kudnctxl Itnto Itullroad and' '
httamahlp'lkkuUi , bOaT < ntli Ht. , Omaha , Nub.
KuincmU r the plaui Thrvu won North of
Union I'oUHu Itnllroftd Diiiot , Ha t Bliio of Tunth
Omaha , Aiixunt 1 , 1881 tu25dawlin
Dexter L. Thomas ,
THIS : w
Hmt t1t
Utlc.igu : K" . ' i'i ' i rihc i In tne West ,
Vft | tialn.1"i tin1 \\n , * > , nd ( itr < Mmlona
< n tliliroiiil iti tialn.1" cutsn fii'iijcctliuit . "J ) tri'II' < ' II1 rdlMirl * A3
I ' ! ' "Kill t i Mf
Ml HUM ninn noli \ v.dallv from two ti < dmrormum ! ' : IST < .xnn < -
mulvost ( trciih-nKit Hint iH
The Imperial Palace Dining Cars.
to ink fur TloVrtq \ l.xtliU ranit , liosuro they rend over IInml t.ikn noun othoj
ilAliV'l.X IllUIUrf.Cicii'i Mnnnsur , UhliMso. IV. 11. SlumTT.Ueii'l ' I'ass\peut , li ! )
IIAIIItV I' . DUIU , , TlcUct A ont 0. A N.V. . lUlh v. llllnmt F.unrnni . < trcot < .
D. K KIMI1ALI , , AtMNtniit Ticket A 'i < nt I' . A N. W. Ilklln-t ) ' , lltll mul ' mtrooil'
J , lll'.liU 'IVIn-t AuvntC ft N.V. . Killw.xv , U. I * . U. H. Uriwl ,
HAM IIS T. UUAUK Oeiurxl Airent.
Silver Hated Spoons and Forks ,
'I'he only iiiidjl plato that
original linn of j
for instance -
JlojjorB Hroa.
stance a nuilo ; ;
All on1 SO ] ( > nn ,
plated Bpoon a
V o r k a a n d
ICnivca plated Wm triple thickness
with the yrealeat
plntu only ou
of caro. Each
the a o c t i o n
lot being hung
ou a Eicalo while wlioro expo d
boiiif , ' plated , to to wear , thereby
insure a full deposit -
making a single
posit offiilvor or
plated Spoon
wear as long asa
We would call
a triple plated
OHpi-eial attention
tion to
our BOO-
Rival , Orient
All Orders In the Went Mioulcl ho Addressed to
Wholesale Jeweler ,
In Convenience ,
- -
Lang & Fotick
Omaha , JJ , Collins
Cheyenne , * * Colorado
Fall and Winter
Satisfaction Guaranteed , Prices to Suit all i