Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1881, Page 2, Image 2

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The Romnknbro Growth o
Uly&eos , But or County.
'Tho Import'nuco uf Uio . .TownIt
Biiftiticn < Men n.ud Prospects.
Corrc < i onJctw of tli3 HKE.
UiYf is : , Nob. , Nov. 1 ! > . - AIIHIII
nil tlio woiitlotf ) o ( llio west nothing i
more rcinurknblo than tlio rapid ilu
vulopinout of towns. Lc. < u tluni tw
years ngo this town was lint. To-daj
it is booming uloiifin tlio neighbor
hood of n llinimiiil population. Tli
inrincrs inako tlio change and tlic rail
roads bt ing tlio farmers.
Til K II. ifcM.
line from Iiincoln to Columbus run
through Ulysses , tlio second town it
size in this ( Hutlor ) counly. Tin
line of roiil was built two years (
and nud it opcnotl up tlio flnosl strij
of hind in ccntrnl Nobr.i&kn.
Famed for its lovely aoonery , it
great fertility , nnd ilfl numerous mil
silos strutclu-a suvuy to llio norlhwus
and to the south with cliistcra of trees
grassy knolla and gentle slopes. Th
river lUno runs through the town am
furnishes water power for the I'lyssu
mills famed tnnotij ; the fanner
for the stijienority of itfl product
The railroad lands hcnubouls hnv
long sineo lieiMi placed under culliwt
lion , mid the products of llutlo
count } * this year nre , in some ruspuotH
superior to the oldur settled countic
on the sontli . .nd north.
The great drawback for Ulysses ha
buon llio fact that immcdiutely east o
the town n tract of the best land
in the sUtu woio hold by u.wturn . optx
nlatois , lut this is mw 0:1 thomiirkut
Fourteen years auo ; , when thor
was all out doom to pick from , K. S
\Vhclnn and L. K. llo g , both o
I'unimylvnnu , cnmu to tins Ulo will
eolle o scrip mid other implement
for land gobbling , and after ridlnj ,
over ( hero virgin piairion , then tin
touched by thn ploiv , lliuy selected
of lintlcr county land , and to tin
great detriment of ( lie people this li.v
over ainco been kept entirely out u ;
the markot.
Yeeteiday I rode , in uoin ] > nny will
Prof , Chaiiiburlain , nine mile.i noross
this land , mid a liupr eight 1 never
saw on western pr.iirivH. Kvery foot
of the Biirfacu is lieh IIH land can be ,
iinil the kinks of the streams revea'ecl
u depth of b'ack ' loam ranging fro n
two to four feet and underlaid with a
clayey subsoil.
MiltH nivay to tlio nor ! It and to the
. HOiith as I redo through tliu centre of
the tract wax the line of dcnurkatinn
between I no nettled country and the
speculators land. The latter had not
a housu or a cultivated field , while
almost every acre beyond was covered
with " dense growth of corn.L'no ,
rows of" houses aw.iy to the north and
the south looked almost like the street
of a ccuntty village , the buildings np-
tx'd.ut.sucli regular intervals. ,
This tnicl is couorod with a growth
of hay which , if marketed would hnvu
alone been worth ninny thousands of
dollirHa't1uuglivnntliordsioamodovrr )
it during the entire summer. Thin is
the wild prairie hay and it in now
Totting on the ground.
When wo were in the centre of the
tract there was no elevation from
which wo could catch sight of a house
to the ciwt or wuit , the land lying in n
Htrip extending eastward from the
valley of the Blue. There is no
broken land , all is gently , uiululatnu >
jirairie , To the southeast lies a tract
of stony land with a thin mufuco soil ,
but hero there is not aiick nor stone.
To the far north there is sand ,
but on this tract of * speculators
land during our long ride of nine
miles out and about eleven back by
another route wo piosod over not one
upot that would refuse to yield the
most bounteous crops.
The bright balmy nir clear as crys
tal , the lew Ileecy cloudtj overhead the
gentle but bracing breoxo of a Novom
bur day made the lido one long to bo
remembered , and when wo came to
the Lone Star settlement we found
most intelligent class of well-to-do
farmeiM uhoso subscriptions repaid
tlio time expended.
Months ao ( > there wore thousandb
< ; f circulars distributed in Illinois
Iowa ndvcrtiaidg a coining auction sale
of theeo lands and by the time you re-
cuivo this letter the auction will bo
over , and yet the proliabilitius are tint !
u large proportion of the hind will re
main inmoUl , in fact it is almost im
poaaiblo to dispose of such an im
inense tract uo muldcnly. True , overv
train for Ulysses w.w loaded will
people coming fiom far away to at
tend the Kale , but the first days auctioi
trantfcrrod only a few thousand acres
and although excursion trains are ar
riving yet it is universally coucodei
that u largo proportion of these lands
nuiBt bo closed out by private con
tract. Only 10,000 acres are advertised
tisod and I could get no definite infer
nut ion in regard to the other 110,00 !
but there seems to be a general idoi
that it u ill all bo put on the murko
and some f-ny that any of it can no\
( .ought , but for this 1 cannot vouch
From the bills 1 copy the following
information for our land uockin ,
renders :
is the nearest point to thi
tract of land , and some of it lies with
in night of town , and all of it withii
nine miles. David City and Itraineu
on the .Republican Valley branch o
tlio U. I' . It. K. are the next noarea
points , and they are from nix to to
miles distant. This tract has choic
of two acts of murket IOWIIH , the U
P. and B. & M. railroads bfing near !
uqui'distaut. "
Mr. Bibbot , of the firm of Bibbot i
Fuller , attorneys of David City , Neb
being the son-in-law of Mr , 1
U. Hogg , has had ohurge o
these lands and I am infonnct
that it waa through his ellbns that thi
tract in now placed on sale , In thi
way ho has done n great good for thi
flection. Sibbota & Fuller and Mi
JJI. F , Gould , of Lincoln , bought op
tioiiH on n lnr < c qnnntity of this Iniul
niul tlipy urc conducting tlio s.Uo.
B.'ITiMKST. : .
Uljsscs is now crowded with buyers
and tlio fxcitoimmt U liiftli. All nro
doliuhtpd wllh tlio Ituid.i nnd few , if
uiiy , will tutiirn nllhont liuyliiff ; seine
for Block , HOIIIU for gi-iiiii ) ? oino for
fruit , but nil with tlio design of bo
coining XobniBLvi.s and inukinj , ' this
llioir homu.
Old iviso licwls buy for tlicir sons
but I liunid nf no < o who did not in
tund to uio tliu laud nnd it is not do
aired that flpocnlntors should get n holt
nn any of it. Dr. H. T. W. 'I'limpp ' , o
Ulysses , will sull tliuso landsai well ( if
nlargu lot of othorland , town lots , etc
UljRsoi iiierchntitsaro ( 'citing ready
to furnish hundredth of families witl
] n tlio lumber line tlila great pro
imratinn in notul ly conspicuous , h. 0 ,
Oaku , Mannxer hero for W. II. Walkoi
it Co. , haft now on hiuid wnnowhen
between 815,000 to § ' . ' 5,000 wottl
ot building iniiterini , incliid-
\ny \ Hlono , biick , ready inlxutl
paints , lime , hair , piaster and cement.
Ho h also contrasting for coal in latgi
ciiatiliticH | for if the weather holds
good many of now comera will
build tlm fall and become residentH
this winter.
Tills firm is n branch of S. K. Mar
tin it Co , of Chicago whoao yardn ,
docks and stock makes one of the
heaviest wholesale lumber bunim-ases
of city and is aim connected with
W. II. Walker of Sownrd , Neb
Lumber being the most important
iluiii of the purchime list of a neu
comer I deem it ndvisablo for the
bom lit of Ulysses to Miow that an nm-
pie supply is obtainable , and I miglil
say that Mr. O.iks guaiantees to com
pute with any housu that is cqui-dis
tin it from tlm base of supplies. Mr.
Me. D. Towmir representing .loo"
Tisliuo has ono of the largest genera
merchandise stous in ccntr.d Ne-
braika. 11. 11. Miller whoso motto
equal "justice to all live and let live1
hay given him a line trade in grain
stock , coal , Hour and feed is fully pro-
[ i.ifcil to do Ins share tuw.irda helping
the bcem alolig.
Arihnr Hale , n young man , but an
experienced financier hai bult a boun
tiful bank building , and is doing a
hanking business here under the name
> f the iJlysu-s Stale Hank.
Ceo. P. Reynolds , doing business
for ( ! . Habaon , .Ir. , hui made extensive -
sivo preparalionafor supjilyingtheiiew
settlefH with agricultural implements
. ) . T. Maxson , of Uly.ssef , Iris a
K cholera euro that has created
jnito a stir hereabouts. When hogs
ire dying by the dozen this thing
I.XCH them up in uo time. Stock men
should et his receipt.
To I'rof. 1. 1) . Chamberlain lam
mder obligations fortho splendid time
your correspondent hnd while viewing
he promised lands for continued , rj le ,
) eraistent and sticcossful yfluitti 'to
nake an iininoiiHu subscription list for
'in : BKI : in Ulyascn nud for a delight-
ul evening's oiifsrlainment provided
> y his accomplished lady.
Loiirr 'i.ill 1 remember Ulysses , her
VCN business men , hpr beautiful homos
nd lovely surroundings.
When 1 return six mouths hence !
tope to record the xottlomcnt of all
te .surrounding wild lands.
I had nearly forgotten to mention
10 fact that here is one of the best
iiti-monopoly Republican papers in
THE UKK appreciates editors like 0.
1. ( Jlmllis , of the Dispatch , who can
corn a bribe and keep up a noble de-
enoo of the people's rights when sell-
ng principles is a fashionable thing.
A lively clerk in a hotel , ono who
inowH his business and does it , is nl-
raysa treasure , and such a ono is ( ico.
) . Ilagar , of Geo. Heed's Heed
II or business Koviewcuo advertising
nnd Hlh | Altitudes.
A thunry has been started in the
east that tlio reason why llio Indians
nnd cowboys raise cum out west is that
tliu tilled of alcohol is HO much nuiru
torrilic in this high and dry cliiualo
tliiin on the I < nvor levels. ' 1 ho indian
i-i described ns n mini of "highly norv-
ou ? temperament , " while the uowboy
is said , when sober , to bo "hospitable
mid liiiid-heiirtud , " and that liquor ,
"in mi ntinosphoro highly charged
with electricity , lias n swiftly madden
ing eflect , ' driving the Indians into
assaults tin the trading posts , and the
cowboys into running amuck through
frontier towns ,
This is n beautiful spun theory , but
an't ' worth rubbish-room in prnuticu.
i'hu clleet of liquor in our higher alti-
tides , it is said by those well informed ,
varies with individual * , nnd there are
niiny who dnro not swallow alcohol in
.he mountains. Jiul that fact docs not
enter fuirly into an explanation of the
'liliirioimu'HH of the cow-boy , or the
nimlurous propensity of the Indian.
1'hesu characteristics exist , with-
> ut dcpondcncitnn the Broiler
nlluenco of whisky. "Raising
li-l" is the ideal fun of Home of the
cow-boys , drunk or sober ; and tlio
Indians in the west in these days , are
the ainu bloody and treacherous race
is the older tribes of colonial days.
London Fun once printed a scries of
cartoons illustrating the " 'it-h 'old
timo" which a couple of Urilish labor
ers hud on n half-holiday in destroy
ing green-houses. The naliro merely
illustrated llio faut Unit the spirit of
mischief is not wholly spent in these
'children of a larger growth , " mid it
isthisspiritol mischief which produces
llio "Kid * " of our western life.
Flash romances and whisky h vo their
influence , it is true ; but tliu inlliienco
would be the same in < ho East if the
opportunity of "uiisim ; h 1" wore as
rife there us on Ihe frontier. Indeed ,
Missouri and Kentucky nro but little
behind the Far West in this respect.
The Jlocky Mountain West , which Hui
KIIII lUissell characterized ns "law
loss , " would blush to own such trail
robberies us the recent ones in Mis
souri and Arkansas , or such vendetta
us make Kenlubky n bloody ground
Visible Itnjirovomout ,
Mr. Niuh Union , Kliulra , N.Y. , writes
. V * > "t Jour yearn nju 1 Jmd im attack o
Ijillloiw fever , and never fully u avvitsl
Aly ( lljjustlvu orifnim weru wt'iloim.l. ; inn
I wiiulil liu ciiiiipli-tel- pri Htrotcil fo
ii y < l ; Aftr ' . ' " ' "H l * " I'0" ' * ! ' * ot ynm
Hmdock Illood Klttora tlieiininivoinen |
WUH so vulult ) that I wus ustonlnlieil. ]
ciin now , t'loujjli 01 yearn of aso , ( li n fal
and to Hunablb iliiy'M work. " Price , SI.10
trial tizv , lOccutu , ii''l-eodlw
Vhat Variety of Statistics
Concerning the ProereBS
of Utnh.
Tlio Blotil * nnd Bnrron OuUldrtN of
Mormnndnm , Etc.
Corre pomlenre ol The Iro. !
SAM IMKI ; CITV , November 18 ,
18B1. Saturday night nnd Sunday
morning the greater portion of the
mining town ol Stockton , Toolo conn
ty , in this territory was destroyed by
fire , supposed to bo the work of an
incendiary. Stockton is the present
terminus of the Utah it Novndn rail
rend , and nt one time was a camp nf
considerable promise , but of late years
its mines have not been suflicicntry
productive to warrant its increase.
Oon. T. K. Connor , waa in the time
of its prosperity , the leading spiiit in
developing this mineral district , and
has still considerable intcrud therein.
To sliow how the trade of Utah has
increased within the last few years , the
following factw gathered by United
States Collector O. J. Hollister may lie
of interest to yoilr readers ; "lieforo
the completion of the overland rail
road , the imports and e.xporU of Utah
did not exceed 12,000 tons per annum.
Since that , they huve averaged nearly
twelve tunes that ; two-thirds imports ,
olio-half incidental tu mining. The
\aliieoftho yearly imporlH and ex
ports is not far from $0,000,000. Job
bers and retailers do a yearly business
of 810,000,000. Perhaps i'loOO,000
are engaged in trade , most is done by
a few houses. The heaviest is Xion'o
Co-oper.itivo Meic.intile Institution ,
of Salt Lake City , which , with its
branches at Ogden and Logan , im-
poitn one-third of nil the mer
chandise used in tlio territory.
Jt Jius 800 stockholders and a cash
capital of $750,000. There is a
cn-opcrativo institution in nearly
every sett leinont buying for the big
institution at Salt Lake City , sell
ing to it tlio country produce they take
in for goo-Is , but they are not
blanches. They have thousands of
stockholders , and most of the people
patronize them. Fif ly insurance com
panies ciiry S 100,000 insurance on
Diiildings , and perhaps $1,1500,000 on
merchandise in stock , representing , it
is estimated , three-fouiths of itu
ivora' o value. There are ono national
ind ten private banks , with an aggregate
gate capital of § 800,000 ; average "du-
wsits , $2,000,000 ; average loans ,
$1,500 P' i drawing S'Jo.OOO.OOO ex-
cha < go yearly. There are no debts
m account of railroad construction.
1'ho revenue law is liberal. Rates
> f taxation are three mills
or territorial , and three for
chool _ purposes ; counties may luvy
n their discretion not more than six ;
.owns . are restricted to iive for ordi-
lary purposes , five for opening , im-
> roving , nnd keeping in repairs the
treots ; wlnlp they are all empowered
, otax in their discretion to provide
rater nnd water works. Taxable
n-onerty $25,000,000. , In no other
state or territory are the taxes BO
iiodornto. " '
The Mornmn authorities are still on
ho trrand tour through the southern
lortioii of the territory , visiting the
arioul scattered settlements on the
Arizona border. This region is but
very sparcely settled , being rough ,
uj/ged , uninviting , rocky , bare end
j.ihl , with but little timber and water
and that almost inacccssable. It is
supposed that it will eventually do-
vlop into a lich mining district ; but
without Homo wonderful dis
coveries are made it will bo many
'oars before it is occupied and worked.
A Bomowhat remarkable character
lied in Salt Lake City last week. His
mine was William Falcoiibridge , nnd
iis ngo more than ono hundred and
mo years ; for ho was born on October
2-1 , 1780 , at Fritchloy , Derbyshire ,
Cuj/liind. In early lifo ho was bound
.o a stocking maker , who having the
mtorpriRo to use some of their newly
nvontcd machinery had his property
loatroyed by an ignorant mob. Fal-
cmibridgo next fell intotho clutches of
in English naval press gang , and
; o carried aboard the Salva-
dora of Lord Cochrnno'a licet
where ho served as cabin boy during
i lengthened cruise on the Spanish
coast. Ho was nftonumls transferred
to one of the ships of Lord Nelson's
tleet , mid had the honor of serving
under that hero at Trafalgar. Tn later
years ho saw the great Kapoloon a
prisoner on board the liritish ship
Hcllerophon. Subsequently ho en
listed in the -Iltd Regiment of Hritiah
Infantry , in which regomont ho found
liis fnther from whom ho had been
aoimratcd for many years. About
twenty years ago ho emigrated to Salt
Like city where ho has been a mai
den over since. UIATOKD.
In those times of quack medicine
advertisements everywhere , it is truly
gratifying to find one temedy that is
worthy nt pr.viso , nnd which really
does as recommended. Kloctrio Kit-
tors , wo can vouch for as being u true
mid reliable remedy , and ono that
will do ns recommended. Theyinvari-
bly cures Htomachnnd liver complaints
diseases of the iCidneya and Urinary
dilliculties. We know whereof wo
speak , and can readily say , give them
a trial. Sold nt fifty cents a bottle by
Ish * MoMahon. ( It )
Of nil medicines advertised to cure
any atlection of the Throat , Chest or
Lungs , wo know of none wo can rec
ommend so highly as Dit. Kixo' Niw :
DISUOVKUY for Consumption Coughs ,
Colds , Asthma , Uronchitis liny Fe
ver , Hoarseness , Tickling in the
Throat , loss of voice , etc. This med
icine does jwsitively euro , and that
whore everything else has failed. Ku
medicine can show one-half so mail1
positive and permanent cures as hnvo
already been effected by this truly
wonderful remedy. For Asthma anil
Bronchitis it is a perfect specific , cur
ing the very worst c.ises in the short
est time possible. Wo say by all
means jrjvo it iv trial. Trial bottles
five. Regular sixe SI.00. Forsaloby
( Ily ) Isu * MuM.uio.v , Onmlm.
Mrs. .1 0 Uoberteon , Plttatmrtf. 1'a. , v ni < -3---i
win sufTerir ; ( rom general dclillilv , want of np
petite , coruM'ttlroii etc. , net that mo was a hur
den ; afkr 'ivnf Utiriloek lilood Hitlers I felt bet
tcr than f > ' 'oars , I cannot prolso jour Hitter *
too much
H. OIliK l Buffalo , N. Y. , writes : "Your
llunlock Hi' ' i UltUM , In clironlcill ca cnof the
l > looil llvir inJ klilnojn , hr o huen idRiialli
timkcil with ucee ii , Iharu iiicd them niytcfl
with bc t n-.uH , for torpidity of the liter Mid In
rasool a fn ml of in Ing miltcrlng from dropsy ,
the effect was manelous. "
IlracoTurncr , Hocheitor , N. Y.jwrltcs"I Ime
liccii iiiliji' i to xerlotin tllwinlcr or the Mdncys.
ami unnlili' in atteml to liuilncBi ! llunlock Illood
Bittern rclii'Mil mo liefore lialf alioUI * iMiueil ,
I feel cotifiiltnt that they ulll entirely ctirumc. "
K Aftnlth Hnl'i ' niiiahampton , N. Y. , write
"I > ufTirt l Hitha dull pain through mv eft
limit ami hnuMer. I < o > tmy xplrlls , npjictlta
niul color , anil eoulil with illtllculty keei | up all
clay , TIKI \oiirllnrdock lllooil Hitters M cll <
rettedami 'IIMI ' fc.t no | nln slnco first week nf.
tcr Mini ; thuin. "
Jlr. Noih lUtei , Hlmlra , N. Y. . writcn : "Aliotit
four year uo I hid an attack of lillloin Iciernnd
nuer fnlU rcxoMrwI. Sly dl estho or ati'
were vcaki ned.and I would lie completely , pros
tratcd fonhji. Alter uslnff two bottles of jour
Murdoch HI'ioil Illttcra the Improu-ment U.IH HO
\l Iblo tlmt 1 uai QstonlshriJ. 1 iiuuiow. Ilioiiitli
\tarsolasc , don fair ami reasonahto il.i'n
nnrl ; ,
C' . I'.lncl.ct HoMnvon , proprietor ol Tlio Canada
I'reiliytcrlan , Toronto , Out. , wrlten : "Foriears
I miHereil u'ri-allj from oft-rccurrliif ( licadauic. I
u eil your Iliirdock Illood Hitters with ImppliMt
reniilu , and I now IInJ mjacll hi better liealtli
than for } cara pant. "
Mrs. Walhre , Ilitffalo , N. Y , writes : ' ! ha o
used Ilimloik Itloccl Hittcri for nervous and 1)11- )
lout liuadui IICN , and can retominend It to an J ono
i for bllllotlsnesi ) . "
Mr . Ira Mullliollanil , Albany , N. Y , writes :
"For No\cnljcars I Imoniflered from olt-ri-cttr-
rlii MlhniH bondaclics , dyspepsia , ami com-
nlaltiU | vrulhr to my sex. Klneu iisiii ' your
Hurdock Illood Illttern I iinietitirelv rcllexciJ. "
Price , SI.OO per Settle ; Trial Dottles 10 Cti
FOSTER , HILBUM , & Do , , Props ,
SoM at uliolcsato by Ish & McM.thon nnd C. F.
Oooclmar. Jo 27 eoJ-nie
One of the Reasonable Pleasures
Of life , a p'opcily cosked meat , affords lltt'o or
ro present cnjijinent , nndinu. subsequent tor-
: iirc too uonllrmcd djspcptlc. ] tut when chronic
nilUcstliiiiineombiticdwith "ostettcr'sS onrach
Iltter ) < , tlio food U eaiin with relish , and most
mportant of a I , Is an Imllated by and nourishes
tnoxjstcm. Use thU erand tonic and corrective
No to remedy constipation , biliousness rheu-
n.a ism , fu'ir airl njtic.
Kormlo hyall Druriflata and Io lornBtnernlly.
c.iy. Aiiun-
faillm ; euro
fur Seminal
\Veakne8B ,
rhca , Impot-
cncy , and all
helf-Abuse ; na Loss of Memory , Universal l.iwsi-
tuilo , I'iiln In the liack , IlliniK'si of Vision , 1'ro
inatiira Old . \K"I and many other Dl'casoa that
Mil to Insanity or Consumptloii and a I'rcma-
, iiro drive.
Jari'ull particulars In oir | iinrnlict ! , which
vn dc'siro tn bend frco I , mail to every ono.
AdTTf.o Spcclllc Jleilliino is lold by all drii lstx
ut 41 per package , or C part vjes for SB , or will
b sent free by null on re : ptof the money , by
nddtwiliiff TllIiOlM 1EUICINB CO. ,
CuHalo , N. Y.
Tor ealc liy C. F Goodr oc'mc-icd
} our . . . . work , to re
tdie lirainnurvpnnd
Hopi nittoro. ' , u.-u Hop Bi
iloii i Itjotinni'imr-
i ii'il or flnrcl" , oM or iK , suiri'rlnIrorj
ixiurLraUU or lanpuWi on u Led of sick
ijics , rely ou H o p
Whnover y < i D re. ids oir > nit-
vhcnuver you lul njaliy f rn in tumu
Hint ynur nrHiin J forte uf Kldnoy
lint tnuti I
in eiln eli'RiLilnur , Ion *
jntr ttininiat' " , 'PiiiimiiUi-
without ni fnfortoi. . 1 . tr a ttniuly 'wut
' .iiUo Hop Hcpt.ttera
D. I. C.
criu tiarufoii' Is an aliiolnU
' and IrrofcUtn-
of ilio'riui'ii"1. ' ! HOP blo o u r o fui
tmll , tilooil ,
Ht-trot Hcrvti 1 lien or opium ,
Yon will no tc bitoco , o'
rurcjlfyouuso uarcaliu.
> lop Ditto
HI It may 1101DITTElUi
nnvo your
llfo. It hns
onvod him RKkM'fn i
a redo. A Toronto , OLI.
A Sure Cure Found at Lastl
No Oiio Nootl SitiTor !
Aniiruciiro for lUlnil , lUecdine , Itchlni ; ami
Ulccr.ile.1 I'iln liaiiUrn ili covcml by Dr. Wil
liam , ( im Indian remedy , ) calltxl Dr. William's
Indian Ointment. A Dingle box hog cured the
nonUhronU' lanes of 6or SOjc-ari ttandinu. No
one noiiI Biiirer llvo iiilnutou alter applying tblt
nondvrful iuKthlni ; medicine. Lotlona , Instru-
nu-iitu nn < l clrctuailci Uo morn barm than K ° < xl ,
Wllllaiiri Ointment alHorb * tliu tumon , allayi
tlio intcnve llclili'tr ' , ( prtlciilaaly at night after
Kittiii. winn In bed. ) ucU a npoultltc.srlvo in-
Bt.-uitaml ilnk'd relief , and in pre | > awl only for
I'llM. Ilililnir o ( tlio | > rUulo parts , and for noth
IllR clsu.
Koad what llio lion J , U Ccftlnberry ol Cleveland
land sayii about Dr. Wllliaiu'a Indian I'llo Olnt
mint : I Inuo mod Hcorcaol I'llos cures , and It
affordi ma | > eneuro to y tint I lm\c never found
aiitliliir which gave Mich InunoJlitc and ] > oniia-
ncnt relief IM Dr. Wll lam'ii Indian Ointment
Kor alu by all dru lnta or milled on receipt of
' , 1 00.
00.HENHY & CO..Prop'r . ,
For ulo by U. K floodman.
To the Stockholders of the Nebratka Qa
Ught Company.
TaVv i'otlc'0 , that & > | < oclal moctfnir of ml.I
Dtix-kholdcra ulll l > o held At the olllco of H.UU
ivniwiy | , Unialri , at I p. in. , on tlio ISth day of
lUwtnlivr , 1 1 , for Ihopurposool vleutlnit t r >
t'li illriTtiirb. ami thu olllecri of the eouipany ,
Thc-ro Im ln"licma ( failure to elect directors at
the lait anniinl mcotlnir.
BVWANL'S WlllUllT. rrekldcnt ,
FKANK MUUI'IIV , Secretary.
ia , NO ) ' . Utb , IS81.
Remove in a few
days to
You will do well io
call and examine
our stock of
At 1422 Douglas St , near 15fcli ,
Which will be Sold at Extra
ordinary Low Prices Before - '
fore Moving.
Roar for Moores ( )
AND Saddlery.
. §
I have adopted the Lion us a Trade Maik , and
all my goodn will bo STAMPED with the LION
andmyNAMK on the game. NO OOOD3 ARE
Tlio best material U used and the ire l skillet'
workmen are employed , and at the lowest ca
prlcu. Anjono wiBhmi ; a price-list of good wll !
confer a favor by bcmllntr for one.
For Sale by
521 South TtntlxSt ,
A JuL a w JJg Jj.
Mining and Milling Company.
Working Catiltil , SVK , .
- ,000.
Capitol Stock , . .
Jl.WO < CO.
Par Value of Mure * . J25.0CO.
UK.I J. THOMAS , President , Cummins , Wjomlii ? .
WM E. Til/lO.S' , Vltfl'rctldcnt , Curamlr.f , W.votnlnr.
K. N. HAtlWOOU , Secretary , Cummlnr , Wyoming.
A. O. LL'NN' , Tmstlrcr , CuimulneVjeinlng. .
Dr .1. I. Thomas. Ioul < Miller \V. b. llrtmcl. A. n Dunn.
K , N , Ilnrnood. Francis Liuvent. Oco. It , Yn\n. \ Lewi * JEobiuiti
lr. ) J. C. WatU.n.
DEO.V. . ICKNliAI.h. A Ui < ir' ' cd fgtnl for Palo of Sto V.
s TQ
On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. ,
Lumber Lath
, , Shingles ,
Thirteenth and California Streets , OMAHA , - - - NEB
Wall Paper and Window Shades.
1304 : Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. , .me.iy
1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET.
The only exclusive wholesale house in this line in the west.
The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska
JvlR-mo .
. O.
1213 Farnhcm St. . O-naha , Neb.
We desire to call the special attention ot the trade to oui-
elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan
Jackets nnd Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overshirts , Overalls
Hosiery , &c. , now open. Wholesale only.
Corner Fourteenth and Podge Sts.
1121 Parnhnin St. , Omaha , Neb.
Cons'cnmcnts ' made us will rcc-oho prompt attention. llcfemicci : State Ilank , Omaha ; I'latl
bCo . . Baltimore : I'eok & Hninher. Clilcmro ! ' ' " - " ' 'nn 'Jliulnimtl
Bad Breatli ,
Blood Spitting ,
Breatlilessiiess ,
_ Bronchitis. .
( lures
Oliest Pains ,
Gelds and Oliills ,
Oattarrlis ,
Oronp ,
Fneumonia ,
hm in tlio Throat
ns in the Sides ,
Pleurisy ,
Uroinnton H ni > lt in the LAIKtKST INSTITUTIOXINTIIK WOULD of which
ho obj/ct / is the treatment nf LUNG AM ) ClIl T D1SKASKB. Its Medical Staff
ounihti of the MOS'l1 KJIINUNU11'llYSIOIAXS in Loucbii , to whom wo owe thin
lie MOST SL'COKiSyULUKMKDYOKTHKACJK. In the Htitiiih Metropolis
ixlono it lias elfectoil inmo tlian 1,000,000 GUJtKS , a il In the tryiut ; Winter of 1880 I *
rcdlttd with having SAVIM ) HUNDHKUS OK L1VKS.
Send for Sample Dottle , 35 cents.
Obtainable only ( hi UottloH SI .00 ami COc each ) , from
X * . 1. 3E .3CCOE'IT'2C > , OIMC tk.3SCj3k. , 3XTOB3B.
Post-Oflleo Box. 602 , novlitt O.W. Pierce and 20th BC