1 DAILY EE. ELEVENTH YEAH , OMAHA , TUESDAY MOUN1JNG , NOVEMBER 22. 1881 , NO. 190 \ WASHINGTON NEWS , May's Procooilhigs in tlio Trial oftlio Assassiu of Barflald , Mr. Robinson , One of the Couu- sel , Retires Prom the Case. Quiteau Given Permission by the Court to Talk to the Jury. Attorney Scoville's Addre-s to the Jury Yesterday Aftsrnoou. The General Impression is Thnt His Ai gument Thus Far is Effective. Jonee , Who Attempted to Kill Guiteau Fully Iden tified. Robeson Declines to be a Can didate for the Spoakerfihip of the House. Porsoimls , AppolutiuontN and Other Interesting Miscellaneous Capital Nows. auiTEAxrs Natloiml Associated 11093. WASHINGTON , November 21. Guiteau had u Eullicient escort this morning , no loss than eight mounted police being detailed to guard him on the way to the court. Ito arrived at the court house as early as 7 o'clock but at that hour the crowd , number ing . " 00 people , had assembled. When lie decended from the van ho showed evident nervousness. As ho was pro ceeding up the long opening , lined on ecah side with people , his teeth chat tered with iear. llo sped along at an increased pace , desirous to get out of the crowd as quickly ia possible. Arriving within tlio walls of the build ing , ho uavo a , sii li of relief and aa hurried up the stairs to await the assembly of the court , which was called to cuder at 10:08 : o'clock. There was a , larger crowd than usual outside and the sonta were all taken within. The prisoner waa ushered into court at 10:12 a. in. Ho looked paler than usual and like ono who had not slept well. When ho shook hands with . -sfc Tra. ScftYillo , nUo naked liim itOW ItU folt. "I feel well , " said he. Ho then took up some paper ho had brought with him and began to read when the roll of jurors had boon called , Mr. llobiiison rose , addressing the court , and said that an article in yes terday's Washington Post made it necessary for him to makea. ptatemcnt in court. Ho then renewed his as signment by the court to assist in the defense , his asking for two weekstime for prepaiMtKm and his understand ing that the time was not granted be cause Mr. Scovillo himself objected to t. Thia action of Mr. Scovillo had him to think it best to get an assis tant counsel , who would not try to undo privately what ho had sought to have done publicly. Tin's ho sought to do , but in vain. But notwithstaii 1- ing this , ho tried to put up with Mr. Scovillo'a insults until last evening. Then ho saw the article referred to , which said that Mr. Scovillo had said : "Ho ( Robinson ) , had been making up the malpractice pica , against his uisli , and that ono or tlio other would have Icavo case to-day , unless this plou waa abandoned atonco. " Mr. Uob- iiiBon said Mr. Scovillo had talked to him on the subject and had been informed weeks ago that ho ( Robinson ) to w.iivo no defense possi ble , but to have all facta brought out and then adapt or abandon as the facts , the law and the situation of the case may warrant. It waa on this theory that the crosa-examination of Dr. Blisa was conducted on Saturday and it wia a legal examination. Mr. Scovillo made no objection to hia two hours' examination of this wit- iics3 , but ho had even promised sumo questions. Mr. Robinson had not been in the habit of learning thu ob [ ject of an ns > omto counsel through ) the press , llo c mid no longer HPKJ ciate with atich a man an 1 a lud to be relieved. No animadvuiaiuii could ) have caused him 11 maku Iho rcquebt believing that Mr. Sonvillo win abso lutely necessary fur thy vr.tP. "I want HY moi'o TJ'jbinaou ' in my caao , " said Quiteau. At this point Mr. Seovillo tried to induce him to keep atill. Guilelu continued , how ever : "That is mi nblo npevcli , and T agree with nm&t of it. " Mr , Szovillo tnen said ho wanted to any u. word or . two. Ciiiitoau a'/iiin iiitoiitipleil : " 1 side with Mi. Jt-ibinson on this mal ; practice question ; not wi'.h you" Mr. Scoviiio. " ' 'Wait until you lioar my speech1 , said Mr. Scnvillo. Mr. Scovillo then review eel Mr. l' < d > inson's action on the case , and said h < j thought it W.'IB ; at the least unwise , Mr. Scovillo said that ho had nothing more to aay except that ho had not fully made up hia mind that either ho or Mr. Ilubinson mint Icavo the case. The diU'erenco in the torn- poramontfl made the trouble. Judge Cox said ho appreciated the prompt sacrifice uiado by Mr. Robinson - son when ho was asHi'giied to the cute. Ho recognized the diEadvantagca Itobinson had labored under , and par ticularly since Mr , Scovillo aeomed lo have mastered the case , Hogavo Mr. fix Robinson a very honorable discharge from the caao. Mr , Robinaon then took a back seat. k Guiteau then made n short speech h in regard to hia expectation of conn- ' Bel to como , concluding ; ( < 1 am hero representing the Deity. JIo Imi taken good care of mo thus far ami 1 am willing to trust Him. " Sttrgcon-Gcncr.il Barnes was then called. He said ho had been in at tendance until September 7th ; also in nttendanbo nt the autopsy. The wound was mortal from tlio Ant and was the causeof the death of tl o president. Dr. Woodtv'ard was then called. He also was nri-seitt at the autopsj In his opinion | ho urosident'a wouit was mortal from the first and was tli cause of the president's do.Uh. Tl same idea was oxprosied by D Lamb who m.ido the atttoposy , and h nlso paid ho had never heard of sue wound proving otherwise than fata Mr. Scoville asked the gentlomo no questions , Col. Corkhill said thrro wo enl , two points remaining , duo waa thu Klheron wns in Monmouth county N J. , and the depot whcro tlio ahootin took place waa on ground helongin lo the United Static government Mr. Scovillo admitted those points ; i facts in the caao. ' ' Col. Corkhill the slid , "lour honor , the ( jovermen rests. " At the rrquest of Mr. Scovill , th prisoner was bore given permission t address the jury. Ouitcitii began t talk aa ho sat in hia chair. Mr. Sco villo asked him to rise , "Thank you I don't cire to ttiudup'saidGinteau " 1 am notbnmd ; to , however , hut have only ( a moment to talk. 1 du not expect to bo naked to make speech to-day. I have no sot speed prepared , and I don't care to mak one. I have ono word to say , how ever , in regard to malpractice , only want to have it shown that a certain times the doctors anid that th wound won not fatal and that ho wa out of danger , and that therefore if i was fatal afterwards tha the doctors were to blame I want an intelligent statnmen of the caso. As my own counsel in tin case , T shall held the right to maki corrections when T please and sue ! corrections should bo made while tin matter is hof. I shall take care tosei it done , and have , therefore , nospeecl to make. I am obliged to the court and counsel for this privilege. I have no more to pry. " Mr. Scovillo then rose and said h should begin his argument , but , afte reaching a certain point , ho wouh sk an adjournment. With thia un del-standing he bu an. Ho rose bofon tlio jury and addressed them in a con vocational tone. Ho said , amonj other things , that ho thought thu de fense had put in much evidence thai night well have been left out and the eloquent speech ot the district attorney noy had covered much unnecessary ground. ' 'For instance , " said he , "you are not here to try the long suf ferings of the president or the sorrow ing widow and children ho loft bo hind. Wo all feel alike on that ( pies tion. Wo all know the deep and wide spread grief. " At this point Mrs. Scovillo wns overcome with weeping , and manj other oyej wore dimmed with tears Mr. Scovillo went on to say tha tlio case should be tried as if the president had been nothing but a la borer. The only question was whether the man was murdered by the pris oner. It makes no matter who held the president's he.id or who dressoii the wounda. The position of the jury was a difficult ono indeed , but their duty was plain and direct. Ho then went into an explanation of tin kind of testimony that might have been expected as to the responsibility of the prisoner. Mr. Scovillc stated to the jury that th-jro was no doubt that insanity exports would bo called on both aides , and m/ doubt dilferont opinions would bo expressed , but the question of motive must bo consider ed in this tiling. Surely experts for thu defense would not hold their rep utation much by testifying that they thought thu prisoner irresponsible and insane at thu time of thu shooting ; that the chances wore that when they go homo they will find some of their patients going to other hands Surely , too , aiich witnesses for the defense could not bo infiucnccd by the 81.25 per day which the government allowB them. He had aubp < unaed exports ho had never seen , and ho inn the chances of their testifying in the pris oner's favor. Sonic of them would no doubt disappoint him. Ho look- that chance. Mr. Scovillo said that tha case ouylit to have been postponed for some time , but ho know it was use less to ask that , llo was therefore Joing the best ho coulO. llo called the attention of the jury to tli . dis- > .irity of his forces and those of the pposito side. He asked no favors , itut desired it understood that lie was lot responsible for the failure to gel L idequato counsel. Hq WA.S mt 1I111B | , f a l.iwyur liim > if , while Iho prose- jution Inn nil hhillod practitioner- * , > Ut In pui.it of fivt : lie ! i KoJ no odds , If Iho jury did their duty ho was sure Lhoy woitid rocojuiisj an irreiiitibln iv.ill in the defense. He would fo.l iecuru in Ihoir judgment. Ho Ihtiii isked Iho court to adjourn until to- narrow. Tlu case was then ad journed , but the audience kept in .heir Ho.iU for the entrance oftlio r.ind jury on another c.iao. A gi'iioral impression prevails that 3Cjvillu's argument thu-j far has bouii m cllectivo one. Guiteiin kept voty jtiiut during its delivoryantlexpresied lis thitnks to Mr. Scovillo at the ] yse. The court room was cloficd at > 100 n. A gtiai'tl of six mounted police nc- ionipanioil Ouiteau from the court lousu to the jail. There wus an Un- isnal crowd at the court houau , but ' 10 denuinbti'fition waa made ' AllOIlIONAL UOUNKKf , . Scovillo stated to-night that ho ' vould have additional counsel in a ow days , but ho declined to ay who ho expected hia associate tould be. Ho is busy engaged in iiaking out Biibpumuca for mudic.il ex- / Ksrls , who will teatify in tlio courao of ho tiial ; but , for prudential reasons , aid ho would not now divtilgo their ' " , lamca - fc .roNis. : THE AVENGER , 'UJ.LY IllKSTJKIKIl A I'I'.N 1'IIJTUKK J- AND JlIaTOHY OP HIM , n. WABIUNCITON , November L'L Wm , in Jones , charged with shooting at Gui teau on Saturday , wns t-iken to the police court at 0 o'clock this morning. Judge Snoll was on the bench. J noV counsel , 11. K. Klhott , was in court. The charge made against Jones , for a 'mu It and battuiy with intent to kill Charles J. Guiteau , was read. Jones waived an examination and Judge Sttell fixed his b.iil at § : > ,000 , in default of which ho committed .lone * to jail and postponed his trial in definitely. WASIIIN'OTON , November 21. The police authorities to-ni' ht atatu that t hero is no doubt of tlio identity of Jones as the man who shot ( Jtntoau. llo has been recognized by two of the three men with the v.in at the tune of thu shooting and the pol'e > claim Avitncs ess will bo produced who will testify to the shooting , ami trace hin tliglit from the city to the country. Ono witness will testify to a conversation had with Jones early Saturday , when ho said ho would kill Guiteau before night ami create a brecxo in the city and tmuulimtt } ; this country not equalled since tie ! asj.is sination of the presuieiO. Jones is now in jail , but it is proba ble that ho will be bailed out in a few days. A number of responsible eiti ? .ens have offered to go on his bond. Jones is a native of Prince George's county , Mil , , of English descent , and is about 20 years of ago ; oeeupttion , farmer. Four years ago ho married Miss Catherine Bates. His wife is very well oil" Jones is known as one of the best horsemen in this section and lias aomu of the fastest running horses in the District. llo belongs to an excellent family and has always borne n fair character. Guiteau saw Jones at the jail this afternoon , for the first time , as an ar tist wns making a pen portrait , of him. He seemed curious to see what. ho looked like , and , after seeing him from head to foot , remarked to u re porter : "Ho is not very pretty , is ho. ' " _ THE NATIONAL CAPITA ! . . National A odaU'it I'rc.-w. I'EKSONAL. "WASHINHTON , November 21. Di rector IJurchard has returned from Philadelphia , und is at his desk this morning. Gen. Drum has returned from Fott Loavonworth. Gun. Sherman ia back from hia southern trip. Secretary's IJlaiuo and Kitkwood are the only cabinet officers in town. James is south , Lincoln in Now York and Hunt in New England. The president will move into the white house ono week from to-day. Dixon McGinnis has boon appoint ed storekeeper of the Fifth district of Kentucky. OOV.UUNMr.NT IlKCKIPTS. The internal receipta to-dny wore 8001,77:5.09 : ; custom receipt" , $ o'0i- 44i.0.f ) ! national bank notes received for redemption , § 253,000. IIOWTIATK'.S VILLAINY. The grand jury to-day brought in ; ho following indictments ng.iinst Dapt. Howgato : September 22 , 1870 , embezzling § i,500 ; { ; September 1st , 1880. 87,500 ; August 10th , 1880 , S'2,000 ; February Rtli , 1889 , Sti.OOO ; Aiu , ust 21st , 1880 , 817,100 ; May 25th , l)7o ! ) , $2,150-all froir the 'United States ; also for forging the name of 11. D. Sagro to a voucher for ser vices as assist int clerk of the signal illico for 82,500 on Juno 24 , 187 . A MAJOIlirV or FIl-TKHN. An aqcurato account of all the losoa has been made , which gives the republican organ iz.ttion of the ncx * muse a clear nnjority of fifteen. Tlio Iptuccrats have surrendered all claims ) f being able to organixj IIIN : HIU/H IIKAI.TII. Senator Hill , of Georgia , has been "stirred by his physicians that tlio rouble experienced in the throat is in fair way of being cured , and that to need have no fear from that trou- ilo again. HOHUSON NOT A CANDIDATE. WASJII.ST.TOV , November 21. Kx- Secretary Iloboson slated to-day he ' was not a candidate for the speaker- ihip , for Iho reason thnt his eyesight ivas not good enough to recognize members at sight. "Hut , " ho added , "if the east ia to get the apoakerahip , t can only succeed by uniting upon Mr. Rued , of Maine , as ita ( Maine' ) laudidato , 1C. M" . M'avblu , coiiiiuis- iiodcr of the eemtu , resigned his nosi- ion to enter upon thu practice of aw , The president will not appoint successor immediately. 1 Aituivr.f ) . Cion. Longstreot arrived to-day , OB- onsiby4 ! about some mailers in con- icction with the department of just ice , but ho will take occasion before t 10 leave * to call upon thu preiiUlciit. ii lo stated to-night thai ho di'Jii't haI iovn that the bolter class of Hoittheni opublicciiis would press the aubjoir , if a southern man in the cabinet upon ho president. Ho Kajw his friend1) tad pushed his claim , although ho had akun no part in the matter. The eelin throughout the autith , lie ro- : narkcil , in referiing to the result of ho "Vnginia election , was ono of ncouri < ; eiiiont on thu part of the - epublicana and of disiuireeablo sur- rise on the part of the democrat ! ) . h TELEGKAPHIO BRIEFS. rational COI.UJIIUA , S , C. , November 21. 'he notorious white outlaw , Frank i'earco , was killed in Marlboro county ly T. ( J. Chiiiliolm , a conatuble , who i'aa endeavoring to arreat him. Coi.ujiniA , S. C. , November 21. - - Jishop Wright man , the oldest bishop f the Methodiat church in the aouth , low li B at the puint of death in /litirlc.Hton , YOUNOSTOW.N , 0 , , November 21. ohn Soefrod , of thia city , who disap- icarod Sunday morning , was hist night utiml dead at the bottom of his well. \ " YouNdsTOWN ) 0 , , November 2L csso I5aldwin ( the man who WUM ebbed of his gold , makes a statement The Evening Nowa of to-day that iho gold got for bonds recently at tin- treasury department in Washington was not stolen. llo says thu amain ' is not nuarly flo large as represented Ho hud a registered government i iixiliold bond stolen and believes confidence man who tried to wor him in Washington was the loader i Iho robbers. His the imprewioti her that Baldwin's h s is as lii-st rcportot S.'tOK)0. ( ) N.itlnnnl AinnclMvl OI.ASCIOW , November 21.Arrive State o Georgia , from New York LniiNi : , November 21. Sailed State of Nohr.iHka , for NenVork. . ll.unti'iui , November 111.Suilot on the 20lh - Sorvia , for Nv York. AsTWiiKi'i November 21. Arrivet Switzerland from New York. HAVUH , November 21.-- S.u'led 01 the I'.lth Labrasor , for Ntnv York , Pi.VMorrit , November 21. Arrive Anolatid , of New York , fur Ham burg. tiH.ixsTowx : , November CI. Saile on the20th-Portia , of New York. IiiVKiii'oni , , November 21.Arrivei Paris from Montreal t City of Alon trenl and Briltiatim , froiu Now York British , from Plul.idolphia. Sailed 01 the lHlt--St. ! Louis , for New Orleans Schooiiov Gnpslnail Three Mou Natlaml AMOcmtixl l'n' , HAMKAX , November 21. Tin schooner Enterprise , Capl. Huston , from Windsor , Nova Scotm.itib.illast , bound to P.irriaboro , was struck by a sudden Htiiuill near Part ridge Island , just output ) her port of domination , yesterday ami capsi/.ed , Tlio three men on the vessel , took to aninall bo.il they had on board but were semi bj thee on the shorn to nwam ] before a doxen strokes of the oar had boon pulled and all went down. Thu two men with Cap * . Huston wero.lolm A. Haws and a Dutchman whojo name is unknown. The vessel wna iifterwnrd towed to Parrisboro. YOHK , Novembur 21. Flint t Warren , retail dealers in drj foods , faile.d to-day. Liabilities 82oO)00. ( ) The asscsts consist mainly of stock. A despatch ban been iveoived nn nouneinu the fiiiluro of Solomoi IJe.ir & I'ro , wholesale nnd retail dri jooda , Wilmington , N. C. Liabili tie' , SltiO.OOO ; asso.-ts , S7"i,00n. F. Solnvautaucer , retail dty goods , Now York city , failed to-iUy. Lia bilities , § 20,000 ; assests , 57,000. Kjrposltion. National AtsoclatcJ 1'rcss ATLANTA , Ga. , November 21. A largo party ot liiiltiinnra mcrchanta and tnanufautnrvrs are hero t i-day t see t o exposition. The addrces 'ol wo'como ' by Qov. Colqtiitt was ro- apolided to l > y JIayor L itrobc , pf Bal .tnnyro at the batujuet to dj/lk. Tin rifle tourii'itnont conniiunccB ncre 01 December jytli , continuing five dnyn M"any prizes are ollbrod. Smith it Porkoraon , provision deal ers , failed to-d.iy. - Tlio Billlnrdlsts. Nalloiuil -oclatcJ I'tcan. Nr.vv YOUK , November 21. Morris and Carter played the opening giimc this afternoon at Cooper Institute ii cushion curom toiirnamont. Morris won in 708 innings. Score , 200 tc K7. In the second gime , between Heisor and Dion , Dion won. Score , 200 to 10 ! ) . Morris and Slosson played their first game in the billiard tournament thia evening. Morris run the game out in thu sixteenth inning. Score : Morris , 200 ; Slosson , I.'U. The next game w.ts between Daly and Wallace. Wii'laeu ' hold his own to the finish and won by a acoro of 200 to 170 , in the fifty-ninth inning. The Utah National ygioclatitl Prcis. Guiiuno , Nov. 21. A Washington special pays : The decision of Chief Justice Hunter in the third district court of Utah , that the alleged cer tificate of naturalization under which George Q. Cannon has had a Heat in congress an delegate from Utah for eight ycara was obtained by fraud , was fraudulently used , and is void upon its face , lias put : i now feature on thu contested flection case of Campbell va Cannon , or Cannon vs Campbell , for each has filed a notice of contest. Coast News- National Absoctatoil I'ru&t. SAN FiiANfisi-'O , November 21. A largo and enthusiastic meeting of the land league was held at Napa , C < il. , Saturday night. The audience was mostly Americana. George H Itowkor , Lite manager of Iho Western Union telegraph and tel- uphotio company of Tucson , AnV.onn , is dead. He wus formerly of Sun Fiancisco. Indications- S'atlotml Associated Tress. WAKIJISCITO.V , November 22. For Iho upper Mississippi and lower Mis souri valleys : Generally f.iir weather uid slowly rising leni ] > erature ; thu winds shifting to east and south , fall ing bui'omotor , The Minaissippi riv- i-r will rise slowly between Cairo and Viccksbtirg , Ono of Uuitoau'H Itolntlvcs- S'otionnl AHSoclatcil I'ruxn GIIANJJ ItAriDH , Mich. , November 21. James C. Guitenu , a coiiHin of Lhe iiBmsin , and who boars u Htriking rosomblauco to him , was sentenced to ten day's iuipiisoiiment for drunken ness to-day. The C. B Be. ( I'd KioKL'K : , In , , November 21. Tlio uhieagv , Jlurlinglon it Quincy rail road company will , on January 1st , isstimu control of Hie Keoknl ; < t Si , Louia line and thu Keolcuk \ : North- railroad , DrMoKonrlo Doud- \"atonal AtnoclattU I'rcM. PnirADCU'iiiA , November 21. Dr. It. ShelUmMcKenzie , thu well-known luther , died this afternoon , aged 72 rears , AT HOME AND ABROAD , - - * Intorostlng Tolograpliio Now From All Parts of tlio Yostordny an Unusually Livol } Day for Crimua and Casualties. Christopher Davis I-Iuuft by Mob at AthotiP , Ohio , Yesterday. A Torrillc Dymunlto Explo in N'b\v York City. Chief Justice Hunter Renders u Decision in the Utah Dalngatuship Caso. Terrible Piro in a Georgia Jai Two Frisouors Bnrn- od to Doatb. Irish Land Act Pro vi off Succoaaful nnd Gain ing Favor. A Sclioniior Capsized OIF the Cons1 of Hiillt'nx-Throo Mou Drowned. CRIMES AND CASUALTIES. N'nliunal Awoclatutl 1'rowi. AN OVTltAIIKK 1.VNC1IKI ) . CoM'Mium , 0. , November 21. A mob caiuo lo the jail at Athena at 2 o'clock this morning , and , on pretense of having a horao thief whom the } xvi'ihod to place in jail , gained enliMiico They aoisied Christopher D.ivie , who was eonfiucil on the charge of outiag ing Mrs. Luckey , an old lady , am taking him to the "ityo over Hockinj , river , on the road to' , ho lunatic asylum , hung him to a bcan'i. , , , I'ATAh ACCIHKNT. ' - . NKW YOIIK , November 21.WhUo Mis. Win. U. Morris xnm being driven from her niHideueo to the Morrisam depot in her coach , thia morning , the horses became frightened , throwing the coach and its occupants down steep embankment. Mrs. Morris was picked up in an insoiitublu condition died shortly afterwards. The driver was slightly injured , and , while the coach was demolished , tlio horses escaped unhurt. . ; , , i- . . * - - * 4ag & - > * aMf CmcAno , November 21. Thiovce entered the ftirnituro store of Join Samuel , -II State street , early this mornincr , blow open the Halo with guiv powder , and carrind away § -MO ii cash. A FOIiniMlY. PiiiLADKLrniA , Novomhor 21. The suit of thu government against Congressman Itarr , of Hurrisburg , to recover § 5,000 , the iimoiint of ( ho jond aliened to have boon given by lim us Riiroly for Jiobort Dales mrg , i\.t collector of internal revenue ) f the district of TOXIIH , was tried in , ho United Slates district court to-day. Senator Don Cainoron and Simon 2aiiior < m Bwurothat the signature of ho latter was a forgery , and a verdict igainst the government wan returned. MUiiiitin ) : : JN 111:11 : , EVA.VSTON , III. , November 21. Via. II eslo , widower , was found dead n bed thin morning , with his head rushed. The houao was evidently ilundcrcd. The murderer left HOIIUI f his clothes , from which it is sup- losod to ho a train ] * HOCK ycsloiday round town , a German 18 yearn of go , who spoke broken English. HOT HIS WIKU'H I'KOTKUrOIl AND TIIBJf COMMITTliP HUIUIIli : . NBW YOHK , November 21. Early his morning Peter llengor was shot nd seriously wounded l > j' Jacob l in- irinan , a Kill ; dyer , who carrion on HisincBS in the rear of his residence , teen after I/merman opened his shop lis wife , Caroline , came into the dye lonso mid immediately her husband niiiiinmuo'J ' quarrelling with her. In ho allocation no drew a revolver U hoot her , whereupon Hunger , an em- > loy.- , iriug | between them. Liuor- iiiin t'.u''i turned an I uhot Jlen oin lie luft bre.inl. MIH. l.aiieniiau J.o- , itied tlie police , wlm found Ileiigur yiug ii. u pool of blood. Lanonirin ) scaped , uinl two lioura after com- litted uuicido by blowing hia brains \ tit. DIHASTIIOIM 1'I.OOIM. Srm.virm.n , 111. , November 21.- 'Jio Hood in the Sanginimn river has ' amiiged property to the extent of ft iiarter of a million of dollar/ / ) . Two undred head of stock have been rownt'd. 'ratltll'IC KXri.OSIO.N. NKW VOIIK , Novembnr 21. About " o'clock thinaftiTiioonalerrilio exijlo- lon ocotirred in.Seventy-third street , uitwonn Second and Third avcmmi , hero a largo number of men we.ro niloyed [ ) blitsting rock for excavation , 'ho work wiiu under the supervision f I'at rich Farley , contractor , mid it s clmigul that ( ho cxplouion AVJIB iiiscd by thu caroloiimicHi of tlio forc- iaii , MichaelM onahiin , who , to dry a : migo of Uynamito , placed ono of ; 10 ourtridges on the steam nij > o Inch connected with the boil- r , Oco. 11. JJonnett , son of the ngineer in oliargo , Haw the paper unking. llo immediately called * the worKmen to run for their lives , ud save tJicmsolvcs , The explosion jllowed almost immediately after , lit fortunately all men got BOIIIO dia- nice away and uncaged without any [ urioiiB injury , Opposite on the uvo- no , about sixty muii were emjloyedf ) ut , loyoad receiving severe shoekfl , ere miinjiirod. Kever.il Binall woo < lon ' striu'tuivs near the plnco worn blown down , and about sixty houses in the iiiimi-diato vicimly ( dialitly damujjcd. Windows WCMO sluxttered for llirco blocks away , nnd in aomo of tin ) liouees near by the lo-iks wore tornoll the doors. A largo nolo wn.i torn in the boiler , nnd a hole two feet deep blown in the ground near the boiler. It ia supposed that seven of the car tridges , each wi'ighin ; ; ' pound , weru dischaTged. AIIIOIIK the IHIVJOIIS reported - ported injured are Mrs. Al , ri < aret To- norandMra. Mc(5arliek. ( Both re ceived scvoro slmeks. > "i < llii > , aged two andoni'-lialf yonnt , duughtor of Mr ? . AK'U.irliek , was * oveii < ly cut in the hand from broken ghm Mrs. Schi'iiwombor w.u nlio out in the hand. ( ! eo. Ik'iinott , onninoor , and his HOC received slight injuries , and Patrick McKciuriu wai thmwii down by the unnoiiB.Mon and slightly in jured. The losi ia estimated nt SJIO.- 001' ' . Patrick Momilian was arrested nnd remanded without bail until to morrow , .i.ui. iintNKit piiiso.vnus iirusiiiTo : MrDoNoniit , On. , November 21. A tire broke out here hut evening in the jail , in which a number of pris oners were confined. It was found impossible to unlock the doors and it seemed us if all the prisoners must perish , Thoiv screams were ho.ut- rending. The building was a vast shout of llnmo and part of it fell in , when a number of heroic cil i/.ons broke open the doors with slcdgo hammers and dragged the unconscious prisoners out , One died , another is dying and Iwo are in a critical condition. Al'OIIiKNTAI. KXVI.OS10N. fliiANi ) RATIOS , , Mich. , November 21.lly tin accidental powder explo sion at the plaster qu.irry of Noble V Co. two men were fatally and two seriously injured. Win. Mrooks , fore man , had his skull broken ; M. Mc- Nam.xra , both logs broken , John ( ! lassnor and .lames McDonald , se riously injured. A HUSTON KlUU. BOSTON , November 21.-A tire oc curred I hia evening in the llostuit 'City Hour mills , on Commercial wharf. Loss on building , 8 0,000 ; on stock , § 0,000 ; fully insuruii. FOREIGN AFFAIRS- National AiwivUtctl 1'riw.t. Tin ; iitisn IANII QUiisrioN. jUtmu.v , November 21.-A secret .warning manifesto is to ba circulated tlrrtiu'ghuut Ireland among the tenants. It is 'put forth unanimously ami i.i not huliftvott o have tlio sanction of the nuuriftonudrlcnJora of the league. It sayb Hint if one lonnnt on an oslimiito paya his rentthe roinaV. Jprot the ten ants will forfei suppocfcvf Iho land loaguo. Tlieao hwitn have very little otl'ect. The people to .5 vftoxriu . , ' ' morn aatiafieil with the. v .t'/iji < land law and u rconiontft LI. ; , ' dcaiu lords and tenants jlwithoul R'tHmto * ii. . * . . * . . 'i . \.f Ji.L'i. TTTrT-i ! - j ij. < iii.3 COUNT KA LOONY. VIKNNA , November 21. It is offici ally iiiiounced that Count Kolcony has been appointed minister of Ana trian foreign affairs. JIIIKTINd OK TIIK MAniSTIlATKH. Duiu.iN , November 21. A meeting yesterday of one hundred and thirty magistratoB assembled and called vis count Moneck , who is lord-lieutenant nf the court , to preside. They adapted resolutions approving the action of thu government in enforcing the laud bill and injiiieaaures which have boon taken to preserve the peace of the country. Every day gives evidence that the bill will prove a great success and oppo sitition to it is now confined to lurlni lent persona who wish to llamo thu animosity toward England , light or wronr , and to agitators who make trade of stirring up ntiifo. A 110YAI , UNd.UII MIJNT. LONDON , November 2L A court circular announces the engagement of Prince Leopold to Priuceaii Helen , of Waldcck. KU.SSIA'H | ) I.MAND. : A dispatch from St. Petersburg says Russia asha that Iho control of the revenues at Kroxcromn bo given to her in order to meet thu Turkish war indemnity. TIII : iitisn ritisoNius. : DUIIMN , N vcmher 21. fho sub jects In thu Kilinain juil have ofierod to accept the prison dint in order to relieve the funds of thu land league. T l' MOHA.M.MI'I > AN INMUIKHINTH , LONDON , Novomhor 21. A dis patch from Cairo nays the Kyyplian irmy of malconlcnla threaten an in- mrrentioii. The iiisurgonts at Hedges , iround Mecca , have aunt notice to the ligh acherceef of Mecca and Medina o join the sultan or both pi aeon will )0 Backed ami dcstrnvod. \Vtnnul lusoclntcil I'l'.m. UOSTON , November 21 There WJB iut little excitement in financial cfr- ile.i to-day , Thu Central national iinI ; rcaiimed bimiiu.'ss witlu ut any 'USH or ( lurry and itceoplud the rewig- lation of Ciihhicr Vouni , ' , who bus iccommod."ted the manugora of the I'aeilic national bank contrary to the mlersof tlio insiiitant b'ltik examiner , Jos , W. Derby IH easliior pro torn "Jno of the diroatora fluid , "Wo are n Iho fini'fit condition jinssible to- lay. Wo have puiu out 8200,000 and aken in about $000,000. " Thu ex- iinination of the Paciiiu national lunk j still going on. Diwt nil bunltu coi- osponding with thu Pactllo have at- angeu for the payment of their OMAHA , November 17. T have ro- eived the now light running DJIUCB- io newing machine awarded io me in he late fair diHtrilmtion advertised by iV. \Vomack , general agent of tlio lompany'H ollico on the fair grounds luring the week of the fair received a lumber ticket in I ho diutrihuti"n. I'hu ' machine dulivirod to me is Hint- ilasB in every paiticnlarandl oiler my jest thunliH to the eomjniy ; f'r their onoroaity. MusV. . \Vn.iUNH. I } . N l'-2t. ) Fontliura , Feathers , Feat hers'at Iho 'HcHton Store , " THE B. & M , An Enrnost nt Whut Their Colo- rndo Polioy Will Be. The Burlington , v Missouri , wlioao eventual building into Colorado and to Douvor is earnestly looked for , per formed an act the other day , through its general freight ngont , which will linvo u decided inllueiico upon the warmth of its welcome to the Centen nial state. Honesty and justice are always admired , but when to this promptness is added a trimuviato of iUjiness virtues is made ns rare : m it in uiMtoful to the mercantile com- inunily. Sometime about the middle of last month J. G. Uoiikli'iiuii , the well known stock-grower of this vicinity , Bhipped to Cliic.iy. seventeen car loads of Colorado beef c.ittlu. Tlio shipment was over the Burlington H ; Missouri , an-l when Iho train reached u point about ten miles from Culbiirt- Bon.an accident occurred by which the train was n recked , asid ' its live contents either killed or severely wounded. The telegraph brought the news , and the Tribune gave publica tion to the particular , Upon the receipt of the information of the total loss of his consignment , r. Huiikelmnn wrote to ( lci.or.il Freight Agent Harris , of the Burling ton i\l \ Missouri , and laid the eusto be fore him , and by return mail eamo the assurance that the road would purmit of no loss to its patrons. List Thursday Mr. Harris came to Denver and examined tliocusouid ; thtmdrow a cheek for 811,000 and handed it to the Coloradoshippor. Thisamountis at tlio rate of Sill ) per head all through the train , and is in full of all claims , and to the complete and entire satisfaction of Mr. lljukolman. The promptness and completeness of the transaction is so unusual that Thu Tribune gives the cane the foregoing prominence. Cer tainly the Burlington A Missouri will lirao nothing by Much admirable busi ness muthoda. Denver Tribuo. Aiiuuul The annual meeting of the X. S. P. C. A. , at Uoyd's opera house , on Sat urday evening hist , waa well attended , over 1,000 persons being present , and waa u pleasant and enthusiastic all'iiir. There were prjaunt among the gentlemen - tlomen on the stao : Dr. Miller , president of thoauciety ; Col. Swilxlor , of Missouri ; Itijhop Olarkson , I lev. A.'F. Sheriill , P. L. Perino , Jno. T. Hell , Henry 1 Ionian , 0. S. Montgom ery , Ferdinand Stroitz , and T. II. Loavitt. Address were made by Dr. MiU ler , Bishop Clarksoo , Col. SUvitsilor , . lluV.VA. . Shertill 'r"- . . If. , Henry ' &m2iS j SM WrtiiirolFoiSBW I Thbiiyarioi sjL. gram Were all inlorcatiug ontl Aiot' with great appreciation/ At the close of the meeting a number berof now members were received , including EJ Wulah , W , F. Erdman , Dr. Win. McClelland , Samuel Her man , C. S. Montgomery , Mra. C. S. Montgomery , M. H. C.irloton , Mra. J. E. Hlako , Mrs. S. Harvey , MM. D. P. yholploy ) Hoaowoll Hmith , Dr. Leiaonring. Appropriate resolutions conceinin the late Col.Vatson It. Smith , aecro- tary of the society , were adopted. EVE. Tr/o Grand Balls-Tho Hoolis uud th'o Iron Moulilors' Union- Pioneer Hook and Ladder Co , No. 1 , will on Wednesday night next , Thanksgiving eve , give their annual grand ball at Mimonic hall. Tlio boys have made these balls among the greatest social events of the year heretofore toforo , and propcso now to outdo all former efforts. Those who dancu will of course buy tickotB too quick and thou who don't will invest in them as a matter nf courtesy to the boys who in heat or cold , night or day , auiu-hino or storm , are always among the foremost to dash down our utieoto nt the tolling of the alarm to fave properly from tlio lluneii , The Hootci are f.imous , they are great anil O.naha it ) proud of them. Now the o is a ohaiicj to show how much they mo appreciated , The programs itioii out forthis af fair are the moit' , el.ibjr.ito and beau tiful over neon in the city and will bo highly pri/ud art nouvoniura of the occasion. Between cardboard covers , ) f blue and gold em broidery , rrj the irogr.iin , lint committees , etc. , irinted on the Iliiust piper : and in : lie most ai'tiHlio utyle. Upon , ! io liront of the cover h i iiiiifjuo llora.1 de ij-jii representing in arch two children beneath 'oslooned with flowers. Uy n simphi cimtrivanco the arch ia thrown out and the children are left standing in n pinulino ; of llowoin and trees , mumrouB white doves tbtling thruiigh the boughs of the latter. A prettier dcBign could hardly be conceived , and the whol was the work of F. C. Febt- nor it Ron , the job printers. The Iron M'ouldeia1 union , No. 1'JO , will give a grand ball , also lin Yednesday evening next , at Central hall. The committee of arrangements includcB Robt. Kai- eor , Jamua Dunnigan and John Col- bath. They have gotten out a very tasly and beautiful card programme , fan idiani'd and of rod uml gold colors. It waa from the aamo house. \V. F. Kidman , representing 11. K. & ; F B. Thurbunt Co. , New York City , New Yoik , The largest grocery - cory , tea and cigar house in the world , will bo ut the Creighton houae for ono week , from Monday November 28th. Merchants visiting Omaha please call and aeo our Bamplea and prices. . i " Save money ; trade at Kurtz's ' , Dov21..2t ,