Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1881, Image 8

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Monday Morning. Nov. 21.
r-f.tton.on MlU oonl.
Frederick J * < Ilnff Hftlter ,
Donne. K li 1 > lo JIftttor.
Gloves Rl the 39 cent iitorft.
One week inornof conntr court.
Fur Cnt.H , At Mrs. Hubcrmnnn' * ,
Winter c | > ' clifftti .t V exicrick' * .
llH tnent , for cnili , only.
line of fine toilet HD.I. n nnd pc r *
fnmry nt Kuhn'H drug nlor . nM-tC
L-niHcs Hnml UORI nt thoO'J cent i-torc.
Smoke tha GIIIGAUO Tmw ClKar , ' < " "
Uklo on'y nt Fowyili'it ' ilms nluro. nS-tf
IiONX3il'.S ( or la Sloven fttul l-'tir *
nittire. n'J.lf
Glove- , < > love * . nt Mw. Hubcrmftnn'n
tOtli Ktrfet. n8-2t
Thirty-four CAM of came in froi )
thr wct SntunUj.
-Ths overland train from the vct Sat-
tinhy wiw fix hour * l lo.
I'lio District court will open .iniii ( nn
For nil wool clothing nnd nlienrcd
prices KO to Hlf-utter * .
It was ftiwty onwijfh Saturday iiluhl
I , . > ult the rink mnnnKcrH.
Soxvntr en hundred dollar * hnve been
uiliscrllied t1 Improve lOtli utroct.
The riuT in lull of HoatliiK lee from
above nnd in fiilllriK rapidly.
BoyVnml R.rl'ri nlcdn 50 ccnU each nt
Self < tnon' .
Twenty car * of Mtock c.itnc In from tlic
wc-t yesterday.
Boys wn 'om , l > c tt in town at $1.
wholesale nnd rulall nt Kolutwm'H.
Hurt * , tlio'in , begins nn nil
week engagement < vl Uoyd'n to-night.
Joe Murphy "nl the Ao'dumy ol
Mu-lc to-night. novW-at
The Ice wiw gorged In Ilio rivur op.
piMlto tlio miicHIng : workn lur it little whiU
Saturday iiiomin- ; .
Travel ljuth ontt and went U hcavici
thnn nt the corronpouilinK period ol nnj
prcd'cdini ; year.
For black ( jlovott nnd inittetiH , niDdo o. .
deer kln but not dear no to KlffutturV
lOtli mid 1'arnam.
Try your luck in Ilia Michignn Tobni
ci Store Disliilmtlou. nM-titn-lw
Old gold ( ! xch ii'i'd ( , for new jewelry nl
I'Mliolm & Kricl.'wm'n , oppi slto the po ti
lice. octlS-tf !
Kvery Tii-ktt in the Midi.gAn Tobacco
Store Distribution drawn n I'rize.
nl I.MM-JW
--Khln Inrakciit and clipper sleiU nt
Solomon's , vn.y low , from TiOcenU to ? - .
Thu noon tr.iin for Ilio went yesterday ,
left on tiint.but . IMI. I came in two honrn
One hundred dollnrn have * been added
to the Wntxon It , Smith fund by dee. M.
I'ulltnnn ,
SwiiH ulitH-M. imported nnd imitntioti ,
wholuialo nnd ii-tnll , nt II. Jleycr'tiW
Kouth Kllli Ktrcet
The ( ! . A. K. mcmorlnl Hcrvicc for
the Into Colonel Watmm It. Smitli oo-
ouni onu wefk from to-night.
- Jximlel & Krellc c.irry the bent line of
hatH , caps nnd glove * ut the lowest price * ,
JI3 Fourteenth atrect , Kait Hide near
Two dllnpidntud looking drunkH wciu
hnuled In by the pollco yonterdny. This
filled up the vncnut nich in MUC'H citbitiet
nud ho iv coni > Mui-iity ] ! content and hnppy. . Intrant , of tha Chil-tian
c'jiireli , entered upon the fourth year uf
hi i [ uintorat-i in Omaha on the h'rut .Sun
day in Nov. mbur with it lurfjo Incttase in
hi * K.ilnry.
Col. Harry 1'romuon , of the If. I * .
jjiweriil freight ollicu hnd a HCVOIU attack
of p.inlyMs' while nt work ymterday. It
is said to bo the third onu Hume uiul fenrn
were fi'lt Fildny nx to Ids recovery.
Fifteen ini'iidK-rn of the French dole-
fr.-.tinn to Yorktown vauiu In from the oust
Saturday mid left on the went bound
train. T\v. Ivo < > f them t-top over r.t
Ohuyo nc nnd three ( to direct through to
"Partner Wanted.An
ludy or Ciuntlcman with ? lOtX ) to take nn
intercut inn flijt-clasrftlii-ntricnlontuiprixu.
! ! ! ( { monuy. ( ! o id chtnco : fur nn amateur.
Addrcm , "Miina't-r ( , " poi.tollico , Omahu ,
Wo dt-nire to call nttcnticu to the
notlcuvliio i will liv found in nnolhvr
volumn of Ur. Dinsmoor'd Turkish Until
and I'U etrlcal lintiuite. "CleunllneHH it
nuxt to ( jiidliiu'ii ) , " nnd thin in an enter.
III'IHU which should i. tti not the patronai |
of every citizen.
The olliclul UtI of thoclty jail himbvei
increased by n fine looking bull pup. II <
ban nlr < ndy Icnriu'd to dUtiiiKuUli betn eci
nn olliuer itinl n pri.nim'r and runderN cf
Kcient si'i-viCLM lu c.iusint ; tlio rapid du
hc nt of the Uttui- through the "conl holo' '
into the
Elmer I ) , Vinnk ban been appointci
clcik of fiu United Stittcri circuit o.nirt
: n niiccussor to ( he late Colonel WnUciu II
Hmlth. He is clerk of the United State
district court and duputy clerk of th
circuit court muter Colonel Smith. Th
appointment given h'uncral uutUf action.
lloyd'tt OIM.TU ITouno waa ngaiu filled t
nvvrflowin Satnr lity nl ht. thu BCCOIH
per'ormanco by Drnia'r'ii Uncle Tom' '
Cnliiu Coiubination belli ) ; the nttrnctlon
As on the proceeding evening , the entei
talnment WIIH nnuM'optioimblu in ever
reni'cct and the actorti KU uxvny londc
with i-ureU \ ( 11 won. *
There wan not ono nrrctt Frldn
and cim c < iuently nothing before Judi.
Ikntko Batnrdny. Ho iisued n uni
rant In the forenoon for thu PIXHMUUII t
Thu HepnbllcaiM Ilicf , who wa cliur.v
by the llreman 'with lirct daubiii ) ; ink o
bi * face nml then tlniiiipln hla bend ajalni
the diimiuv ,
The Union Catholic I.tdiMi-jr AhM.el. .
tii in will cclut r.ito ThaulFlviu ( ; , ' dny h
uttuudiuj ; fjiuclul hervicca ul thu t-athodn
ThumJuy morning , and In thu f vtnlna U
lumibera' frl 11 IK will partake uf u lilerni
and inimical fvn t nt the rooms of Ilio UMI
uiutlon lu CrelKliton block. In ci nnei
tiou with the latter the quarterly repor
of Hici-M will be rtotl , Them wim
meeting of tb wu-odntlon yc i-rdu
Afternoon at 4 o'c'vvk , tu further this pn
Arrival of the Montana Ji'xcur-
sion Party In Omaha.
A Terrlblo Oolllslon N nr Rnwlln *
Delay p l Thorn.
The cicu lon party wliioli left
tut to , Montxtm , on the loth hint. ,
rrivcil Itoro nl noon Saturday , over
wonty liouru lute. They occupied
'ullmati conches on thu rcKiilitr tr.iln ,
vhich was duo here at ! t:25 : p. in ,
"riday nnd were in the nafo cliargo
f Mr. Nttt Itrown , tr.tvulinK ngont fur
lie panaongor duparttnont of thu Bur-
ington route.
There wcro twonty-fivj in all , of
lie visitors , ns follows :
Charles S.Varran , W. K , Smith ,
Chnrlcs Kcoslcr , 13. U. Truinnt , 1 .
IcDunnott , J' T. Brown and
amily ; IX H. McFurland and wife ,
UBS Knnnio Ilotclikis * , Mauou War-
on , Win. Catly , Thos. D.ily , D. C.
"iahor , John MoLatjfjnn , ,1.V. . Xol-
on , L. Strickiiuul , A. L. iMcGall , S.
1. Ross , Win. Coopur , Mr. and Mrs.
'hatnborlain , Mr. llnlatoin , W. S.
Mivor ; ,1. 0. Holdcn , Mr. Sheridan ,
Sam Schwab , Mrs. Hampton , ( ! un.
\.J.Stnithand Lieut. Hlocnmb , of
lie Kightocnth U. S , infantry , from
M rt Afiaiiioboino ,
Tlio travulcm arrived Home what
lamponed in their order
jy tlio Bovcroly low tuniporaturo
experienced on the trip and
ly the loKft rit a days timo. They
came to O den on tlio Utah and
Northern andaro'from Bulte , Helena ;
) uer Lotlgo nnd various ] > roininont
lontanii toffiiH. They left Oyduii on
iiiHi Wcdnettday morning and hnd no
roulilo until they reached Itiuvliim at
l'J5ThnrAlay : morning. Horu they
mcountured an obataelo to proceeding
n the Hhnpo of what one of thu pan-
sengers doBcriljcH us the worst wreck
10 ever Haw. During tlio night two
freight trains had collided about iivo
miles cast of Uawlin.s on the open
> lniim. They must have been
; oing at terrible .speed , for the
, wt > lingo locotnutivuM and aovun
c.ira of onu train and two
if thu other wuru piled in ono india-
in uiahahlu mass , broken all in prices
ind teleHcoped together. Only ono
nan was hurt , onu of the engineers ,
ind lie but nligbtly. Olio of the trains
cnrried two co.ichoR of uiniguintH , who
veni hhakun up a rood deal , but none
orioualy hint.
After piiKHing this wreck two
nuro di.chi-d ( engines were en
countered la-foro reaching North
'latte , nnd lant night another delay
von occasioned by a ditched freight
rain at Clark'n station , which also
aid the Denver train out about five
lours ,
A few of the passengers made a
hort stop over hero , but the majority
irocecded directly caat and will ro-
urn in from one to Iivo months' time.
a , labal Unit.
Mr. ] t. N. Brisco , the safe man , has
eturncd from Chicago , contrary to
lie expectations of HOIIIO of his ac-
ua'ntancca , and denies in tote tlio
eports which weroincirculation about
lie timo. of bis departure , He claimi
liat his movement ! have all been
pen and above board , and that ho
id not intend to defraud * any ono of
lis creditors out of a cent. AVu un-
orstand , incidentally , ho pro-
) ojes to bring n damage Huit
igainst the firm of Orchard it
lean , by whom his piano wasattnchcd ,
nd also to institute a libel suit
gainst Tin : Dp for the item pub-
ulied .concurninij ; him a few duya
ince , both of which he claims have
ono him great injustice and injury.
\H regards thu libel suit , Tin : JJr.K islet
lot at all alarmed , IIH it will bo able ,
i summoned into court , to uhow Homo
ury substantial foundation.- ! for the
tiiiii in ( ( UCHtion , obtained from a
ourco which the courts will hardly
[ iieation if they should prove nnsatia-
actory to Mr. Brisco.
3 < id Prodlcniuont of An Oninbuiiud
StPanl PuNBonrjor Train.
Ail ucci 'out occurred yesterday
Tternoon to thu mixed freight and
MiHAungor train on thu Omaha and St.
'mil read , duo in this city atfi o'clock
in the evening. The escape from a
lorriblo disastei and loss of life wan
HO close as to bu anything but pleasant
o those who experienced the shaking
up.Tho train was leaving a atniion
vbout fourteen miles above thin city
when the rear conch jumped the
track. _ The car was dragged nloim
Tor quite a distance in Uiia condition ,
bumiini ] , ' over v.iila and tiuH and shak
ing the pasaenguit ) about in a live
ly manner , bruising several of
them up more or IOBN , but fortunately
not breaking any bones for any onu.
At length tlio car was detached from
thu train and How crotswiso of thu
truck , at right angles to it and within
a few fuut of u precipitous embank
ment of great height , down which u
plun o would Imyu bocn miru death tu
almost everyone in the ear. The pas <
auiigurs say tlio car hung in cijuipoisi
over this frightful abysa and it was i1
( invHtion at lirut whether it would nol
tumble down , but huk was on tlu
side of the pnssungoi : ) .
Thu train was considerably clelayoi'
and finally had to comu on to Omaha
leitvim ; two coaches at the scuno oi
thu accident.
The Element *
No nortlnveatuni reports were received
coived by thu bignnl otlico last night
All eastern and woitorn stations roper
a higher trmporaturu , varying fron
5i0iitSt , Luuh tolit0 at Kuril
Pliitti' .
T.o thurmomoler in this city yea
Icrday evening registered 0 ° highe
tlian at St. Louit , 5 ° higher than n
81 , Paul , -i ° liighur than ut Denver
10 ° higher HIHU at Davonport. 1 <
higher tlian at Platte , und 0 ° highe
than at Ohuyunno ,
Tlio weather reported is Konorall ;
fair , no rain or snow having fallen nt
any of thu point * hoard from.
The depth of the Missouri nt Omaha
fCstcrdny afternoon was 5 foot 10
nchos above the low water mark of
18157. At Ynnkton the river was
'ror.on ,
* . _ _ _ _ _
Goaernl DcmoraHzntlon of PAnsen-
Ror Trnirui
All the legs itro broken off of the t * .
' . time table of late , but it will soon
bo repaired and yood as now. The
snow and extreme cold weather west
of MB have combined to delay trains
and a few accidents sandwiched in
iavo furthered thu nticcms of tlio plot.
Tlio train due in Omaha at . ' 1:25 :
rcntorday arrived ohortly after 12 to
day , and wao preceded only fifteen
nimitcA by the Denver cxnrexs , due
at 7 i'm thin morning. Tlio latter wan
lelayed by n wreck at Clark's Station ,
and .No. < 1 by n wreck at Itawlins , and
ly the weather afterwards.
The eastern trains were all hto SaS
urday the Rock Island thirty min
lies , thfl NortliwentLrn two lioure ,
nd the 0. li. & Q. an hour and a half.
There wcro no coaches in the
Omaha U. P. yards Saturday to
lake tip a train for the west nt noon'
nd consequently A delay wan nccessi *
ated until Friday's train arrived ,
caving Omaha over two hours late.
That Don
The caio of Alary O'lirion against
itn Davia , lor an alleged assault of
) nvis" " dog on Mrs. O'llrion's ' little
irl , WIIH trie'd in the county court on
Saturday. A verdict of no cause of
action wns rendered. Davis and the
) 'Hricn familj have had considerable
rouble , partly arising from this do ; ;
) iting all'iiir , and it is probable that
ho suit will not bo the la t of it.
Trouble Saved-
It I'H u rciniirkabh ) fact that TllOMAH1
{ ( f.Ri'Titlt1 ( Jll.l.i a JJOIK ! for Internnl n ex-
oruiil USB. For cl ? e.nn jii of the IUII H nnd
hnint , nml fur ihuuiiiati iii , nonralKl i
rick n thi ! back , woiiuJrt : iml BOH-K It !
Im beat kn wn ruinedy , nnd mil' h troublis
H Haveil by lm\ inn it always on hand.
nuv'Jl codlw
t ia Pasinblo on the Bottoms and
Well Ecjoyotl.
The few cold nights of the * past
week added another source of enjoy-
ncnt to those who have the time and
lisposition to utilize it. In the two
argo basins north and south of Farn-
lam street , on the river bottom , ice
Ian formed to a thickness of three or
our inches.
The boys wcro not slow in discovcr-
ng this , nnd on Saturday afternoon
Avoor three hundred skaters were on-
eying the first winter sport of the
oason. Neither did the youngsters
ofrain from the same indulgence yes-
erday , and nearly as many were
kimming over the ko in joyous glee ,
nnd making the bottoms resound with
heir cries of "Shinnoy ! Shinney ! " as
hey engaged in an exciting gauio of
his rather dangerous pport. § |
The pleasures of skating are likely
o bo generally enjoyed in Omuha
.Ins year. Two rinks are being built ,
no by Philbin and another by the
) ropriotor [ of the Tivoli garden , both
if which will doubtless bo well pnt-
onizcd. Skating , like archery , can
) o made fashionable with little dif-
culty , and once "tho go" it will ut-
rnct hundreds of the "upper ten , "
vho are governed by the proprieties
f the amusement rather than by its
irtnes. It is probable that the skat
ng rinkii will both bo liberally BUS
A. E. Tmujilinwcnt cn > t Ust night.
Watwii Tj'iKin , ot Jlluir , ia in the c'ty.
Alex. Swan , the ! cuttle king , Is in the
M.M , MclCinnoy , of IHiur , is upending
a few ilayH iu Oumlm.
P. H. llollmi'l returned < m Sittunlny
roiu u Hiiiuuwhat L'.xU-nileil visit oist. :
Col , Hwit/.er , uf MiBBouria visiting
hi son , Warren Hwit/.ur , in this city.
Col. Hurry lirownoon Id reported us
iprdvliiR , lint not yet < mt uf danger.
.1. W. Gelchull an-1 V. I , . ( " ! rcory ( , nf
eli li , niu iutown Htopplng at the Creigh *
Tlieidoro ) Van A1 t , the well ktinwn cat-
e timu of Klkhorn , in iu thucity i u n biu-
eijs trip.
Col. Lvinaii Itridh'tiii. c.iicf eiiilaer of
ti Coluriido l" railri > ai ] , ami family
arrived from the wet yuitculuy.
liul 'n John li , Itiinu'K , of 1' , nen , nr-
rivcil in the city Sitnriny t-vcnin ; ' , . He
ivill attumt Uiiiteil iStiito , court.
ii'or o NV. I'obcrt-f , ( icneral uianiigor of
, h Old ] liukiiy < m no , iu uuutlicvn I'Uh ,
cniiio iu fiuni Deav r j-es'.enlay ' ,
Oen. Mnna 'ur B. II. H. Clark , uf thu
Union I'ncHio Ciiinjmuy , left f r New
York yesterday in hin npcuinl car.
Andy Tniyuor , the KG" " * ! bagase. (
muter of the 1T. I' , voud , icturned yes-
terduy from an extended western trip.
Dr. Hutirrcht , of Auisto ilivin , IInlluuil ,
n great hnnkor mill a largo utookholdcr In
the C. , II. & ( J. nnil D. & 11. O. roads nr-
rived in the oily jvutunlay in a uucuinl car
and left for Denver lout night.
The Cnuiichl Inuao has thu followln
ustH on its riyiator : A. G. Owens , o
Tttinn City ; .1 0. I Us , of N'ebrankn City
1' . Deiniisey , ifo andd.iujhter , of ( Irani
IhbmdjJ. 0. Kllirttt , of Columbus , O.
Col. W. A. Mujre , u'orelary of t'u '
Xevul.i A ; Orrii } i railroad , and \fr lieu
ilciiion , of the OrcKon Navigition com
paiiy , wcro iia eiiioni on the U. 1' . trail
No. I yesterday afternoon. Tlu-y go eatl
Thonm * Kwnhc , propiictor of the Traua
fer hotel , arrived h iniu from nn exto ilei
trip through Color ido ycxterd.iy. H
iayrt , llm ytpheii4on ha gone up into the
mining country , and when Inst heard frn
hud killed ld fourth grizzly boar , am
br ken three or four faro banks , Mr
Hwuba w < w requested to UV oil oiu
grizzly jintl con fM that the
don't knw hnw to play fa o , but he
ret" cd to retract , cv n if ho should bo
mlcd for libel.
Col. Jone , government agent for th
nlrt nf tim1r In I ha territories nnd Umil-
Inrly known M "Timbcrllno'1 , T.n , cam *
in from Ln unlc City jvnterdny. He WAS
. .c < jompi\jiieil by hln hrothcr , K. K.
Cronoy , formerly editor of this ( Jlcnwoo ' ,
In , Opinion. They wcro on their way to
Olcnwood ,
The MeiMiiollUn Hold ic l ler indi-
oaten the nrrhal lu the city nf the follow
liiKgentlf in ii : Jnolci Uonncr , of Lincoln ;
K. II. RallirAltli , f Albion ; ! ' . C.llamer ,
of 1C nrney ; K M. Collin' , of Preinont !
F. V. I'olt r , "f Central City ; ,1 , T. < 5nl-
ati n , of ItiinsnMj'Al ( Jrilllth , of Ketch-
um ; T. T. I , w ry , of Ilcllcvuc ,
< 5cnernlVc tcrn Agent , T. T. Clark , nf
the ' 'old t-cllaU * ) " Chlcigo k Northwc < tcrn
railroad , I eav In-day for ChlnAiro ts join a
few friend * in enjoying a Tlinnk-glvlnfr
turkey on Thursday. Mr Clark 1.1 not
) iily a thoronshly cllicicnt railroad man ,
nit Mso a very en l gentleman personal *
y , nud his ( liieago friends will find it im *
" much' for him.
[ Ki-eiblo tc < li > ton
Tlio following are registered at the
Witlmcll hiiu-e , among ycstorday's ar-
rivalu F. M. Kubler an 1 wife , of Ar-
ap ] > ah'c ; Win , T. Hhalfer , of Eyanxtoii ;
W. I ) , Idesnn , nf Hnitiu < H ; J. H. Monn-
t ln ndV. . rt. Walker , of'ilver n , Col. ;
O. A. White ud win , of ( Jreelty , Col. ; C' .
T. Spccdinnn , nf tt'ymniig Teiiilory ; ,1.
S. TrMejiJ DendwooJj Thomnu Kllhnn ,
A Man Jluiuscs 'Kimsnlf
Eliza. Harrln.
ConsidciMblo of a sensation was
caused to the passengers on the dummy
rainw Saturday by the miuu'uvors
of a reckless individual on the river.
As the 10 o'clock dummy pulled
mto the bridge attention was , of
course , attracted to the surface of the
Missouri , which was covered thickly
vith floating cakes of icu , running
n a channel about thirty foot wide ,
from which to tha shore on cither aide
wus solid ice. While watching the
iver a man was seen to go
out from the shore near the
smelting works fence and start for
ho Iowa side. On reaching the open
chrnnel he was seen to cross it , leap-
ng from 0110 cake of ice to the other.
[ t wag expected every instant that ho
would miss his footing or break
Jirongh and go down , but ho "made
: ho rilllo" and reached the Bhoro on
: ho opposite side in safety.
As the train returned at 10:45 :
a man , supposed to bo the
same one , crossed in the
same manner from the east side to
; ho west. It was no doubt the same
nan , for it is not likely two such
ool-hawly individuals live in ono day.
Thrt passengers and train mon were of
course horrified nt the sight of what
seemed to bo a deliberate courting of
loath , and they showered some ener
getic curses on the head of the follow.
Itis inoro tlian likely that the man
liad attended the play of Undo Tom's
Jiibinand seeing Eliza Harris cross
; ho Ohio , on the ice , with n child in
ler arms , thought ho could do the
same thing and ho did. If any onu
olfo wants to try it , they may furnish
v job for undertaker Jacobs and an
item for THE BEE.
The Snazor HODS and Bohojnian
Barley , out of which "Conrad's 33ud-
woiser" is made , are the finest which
can bo had in the world. m&o
Y. M. C. A.
A Coudousoil Royloiv of tlio Wcoli
of Prayer-
During the past wool ; over 2,000
Voting Mon's Christian associations *
won- united in the semen of
iraiso for which the week was es
pecially set apart , and earnest prayers
iavo liuon ofl'ercd for God's continued
tilcssiug upon this association which is
doing su much throughout the world
for young men. The rank and file
of the association is being tilled up in
11 parts of the country by mon
who are representatives of. the Chris
tian world , and in U'H short lifo
about . ' 57 years they note Ood'n work
through them.
The meetings of the association in
our city have boon productive of good
rojulis and all who have attended
have found them interesting.
The week's porvico closed with
the meeting at the association roome
Saturday The subject is ' 'The
invitation nnd God's time for accept
ing itUov. . 22:17,2 : Cor. (5:2. ( : Short
addresses will bo made by several
young men.
The meetings nt the association
rooms yesterday wore the first since
the evangelists , "Whittle nmlMcGnma-
ban came to the city. There wiu
at 0 n. in' . meeting for young men
only- bible reading and praise service :
at 1 p. ni. , mooting nt county jail ]
: ! IO , song service at rooms , led bj
young men's ' choice ; p. > n. , gospel
Wo understand the association is tc
lease their present " ( \uartors \ for t\vr
years , nud will at once mnko uomc
changes in itn arrangement which will
add to their facilities for their winter' *
work. _
Warner's Safe Kidney and Livoi
Cu.'o. codlw
The graceful outline of a lady'i
form whether on the promenade or al
church r open * , is diophxyed ti
greatest advantage when olegantlj
draped in a tasteful , wcll-littinj
Wrap , c-ithor Dolman or Sac < iuo. Tin
most superb Cloaks wo have Hcon thu
season m Cloth , Fur and Velvet , an
now bunig opened at Chan. MoDon
aid's , 1-108 Farnham street
Wo saw ono lady pur
chuso a fluborb lllaek Dolman
heavily trimmed with fur for § 25
Wo ourselvus in days gene by havt
been compelled to pay as high as $5 (
and § C > 0 for inferior garments. Tin
suits from this establishment , whethci
made to order or ready made , have i
certain uir and style which , like tlu
works of Worth , the renowned French
man , are distinct and appreciable bu
not to bo described. uovlOtf
Noos of the History nnd Pro
gress of Various Orders
Throuehout the
Ancient Mnsous A Ohinoao
Masonic Relic-Tho Tri
ple Litik.
Stnttiticn of Odd Fellowslilp-
Pythian * .
Matonio Lodges wcro
opened with impressive ceremonies ,
and observed a certain degree of care
ful formality. When thu craftsmen
wore called to labor , a signal Bounded.
It wai cnuctcd by the Torgan law
[ ordinances of the stonemasons , A. D.
1-1(52) ( ) , that "tho Master should give
three knock ? , a I'ullircr ( Warden )
two , consecutively ; and in case the
craft at largo were imperatively de
manded , ono blow must bo struck ,
morning , midday , or at even-tide. "
Phis wan claimed to bo in accordance
with the ancient usages of the country ,
lixuctly similar signals wcro appro
priately given when the ledge clusod.
from this it is evident that as early as
; ho year 1402 the Opu'ativo Masons
'ollowed mi old custom in opening and
closing their Inbont with distinctive
inocks. [ George F. Fort.
Richmond ( Va. ) Standard : In
: ho hall , in London , of tlio Su *
iromo Council , thirty-three degree of
Masonry , there ia exhibited a porco-
ain figure of Confucius , about .seven
nches in height , decorated with full
Masonic regalia , with the single
Hymbolic exception that the compass
s open at the anglo of 720 ° instead
jf t)0 ) ° . The columns and other
symbols of a Masonic ledge are also
ircfcntcd. The figure which was
akon by the British army from the
[ mporiul Palac at L'ekin , can bo sus-
stained as having been executed 0,000
years before Christ.
C10AT 1CAI11S.
Illinois Masons have appropriated
510,000 for the relief of the suffering
ircthcrn of tlio fraternity of Michi
GocLhc was initiated as a Mason ,
Juno 23d , 1880.
Capitol Ledge had work in the E.
A. degree on Monday evening.
Bro. IJrnncr , of St. John's Ledge
Xo. 25 , conferred the F. C. degree on
, wo candidates on Thursday evening
Mt. Monah Ledge of Perfection
So. 2 , Ancient and Accepted Scottish
Rite , conferred in ample form on
Thursday ove.iing the first and second
of the ineffable degrees.
The following correspondence an
swers the question , "Was Garliold an
Odd-Folio wi"
October 18 , 1881. ]
bho 17th duly received. General Gar-
iiold was not an Odd-fellow that is ,
we never know him as such , and never
: ie.ud of his having , been.
Fraternally yours ,
C. D. ADAMS , G. P.
Wusr MENTOH , OHIO , 1
October 21,1881. )
AMOS Mooiu : , ESQ. In reply to
yours of the 10th inst. , Mrs. Garliold
directs mo to say that her husband was
not an Odd-follow.
Yours , very respectfully ,
COI.ONKI. 0. O. Kocicwr.i.L.
There are three Supreme Lodges
( Sovereign , German Empire , Aus
tralasia ) , fifty Grand Lodyes 7,172
subordinate lodges. It is estimated
that at this datu , including those in
Foreign countries ( about 15,000 , mem
bers ) thorn are . | ! 5,000 inemborH in
good standintr in what 'is ' known as
American Odd Fellowship. In this
country January J , 1881 , there were
45(5,042 ( members , an increase of 10-
1511 for the year. For three years
preceding there had been a loss. The
highest number over reported pre
viously was in 1875 , vix : 450,125 ;
consiM-uontly , 1880 exceeds by 817 any
former year. The total revenue
for the year was $4,005,708. (50. ( Total
relief , ? l , < i87,11K.5l. ) ! The last
two items include the Encampment
branch. T hero are forty Grand En
campments , and 1857 subordinate En-
caiupmo'itB , with 70.42.1 members.
There are eight Grand Lodges and
ono Grand Knbampment in foreign
countries , with 1 ! ! ) subordinate
Lodges and ton subordinate Encamp
ments , containing 10,000 members in
the Lodges and 500 in the Camps.
The total relief paid by the Order
from 18'JO to 1880 inclusive , was $40-
J)07i0.t ) .53. Its nsseta and income
wa never so largo us at tlio present
time. During the fifty years referred
to , DO'.UO members have died and
been buried by the Order , 120,1524
widowed families relieved , and 1)45- )
8)5 ! ) members cared for in sickness and
paid there weekly benefits. The
total number of initiations during this
period were 1,175,050 , As a bene
ficial Society , with its perfect system
of weekly benefits , American Odd Fel
lowship Jmr no equal on this conti
nent. [ San Francisco Call.
Omaha's lodges are picking up
rapidly in the now work.
The meetings in our lodged are well
The report of the Grand Lodge of
Now Zealand has boon received.
There are in the jurisdiction nineteen
lodges in good financial condition , and
thu momborahip is increaciint ; monthly.
The Albany Odd Fellows are talking -
ing about building a hall for the use
of the Grand Lodge of New York , and
to permanently move the officers o
the Gr.tnd Lodge and Grand Encamp.
mont to that city. The scheme ie
meeting with rod-hot opposition.
Monday ovciiina Planet Lodge
iNo. 4 had a Inrgo and cnthusiniitic
meeting. The lodco was visited by
Ire ) Knight French , 0. 1C. of U. ifcS.
The first nnd second ranks were con
ferred , and two candidates for promo
tion were prevented from attending
because of sickness in their families.
Ono now application waa received.
Everything wan done with the usual
harmony clmractorifi'ic of the order.
There were eighteen Knichts present.
Nebraska Lodoe No. 1 hadapleasint
meeting last Wednesday evening , and
preparations were made for the cele
bration by ii membership of the
lodge's ' anniversary , at it's Castle hall
on next Wednesday evening.
Omaha lodge , U. D. , had work in
the third rank Inst Thursday nicht
and were unusually active in their
work for the order's good. There
were twenty- three Knights present.
The members of this lodge will meet
on Sunday evening to perfect some
matters relating to an endowment sec
tion to bo connected with their lodge.
Taken all in all , the order ia in a
flourish. ! ! ! condition , nnd the future
looks bright for its membership.
A most reunrknblu euro for ilyjpuiisln ,
"Wells1 It nlth llcnpwer. " The creatcut
tnnlc , bent bilious and liver remedy known.
81. UrtiifslsU. Do ot ( i. ! ' . ( iHidman ,
Coutomplntod Xmprovomonti in
Central. Block.
Every passer-by on Farnham street
manifests a deep interest it : the
changes being made in Central lilock
by S. P. Mono & Co. TUB BEK con
tained n description of the contem
plated improvements .HOIIIO days ago.
Since that time the interior wall has
been torn out , and a huge scaffolding
erected in front of the two store
rooms , which are being thrown into
one.And now the enterprising firm con
template further enlargement of their
mammoth estubli liinent. They will ,
in the near future , occupy the whole
uixty-six feet front , Nos. iU5 ! , 1017
and l.'UU Farnham street. The front
will bo made to correspond with that
now being put in and the interior ar
rangements will bu on thu same grand
and elegant scale.
They are compelled to mnko these
improvements to accommodate their
constantly increasing trade , and will
distance all competitors in the conven
iences of their house , ns well as in
their business transactions. Nothing
could more clearly demonstrate the
solid prowth and prosperity of this
linn than these late moves , and while
they add to the appearance ot the
city and of Farnham street , they are
at the same time a uioir.imcnt to the
business tact , energy and go-ahead
character of the firm.
To Persons About to Marry-
"To persons about to inarry , " Douglass
Jerr 14'n advice was "tlon't ; " > ye supple
ment by Kayinp , without laying in a supply
of Si'UiNO BLOSSOM , which cures ulbuini-
nari i-ncl other kidney and bludiler com-
plaints. Price 50 ctntu ; ttil bet lea. 10
cents. novlil-codlw
A trill package of "BLACK-DRAUGHT"
frr of charge.
At C. K. Ooodniaii.
NOTICE Advertisement To Loan , For bale ,
Lost , Found. Wants , Boarding , ic. , will be in
serted In these columns once for TEN CENTS
per line ; each subsequent insertion , FIVECENTS
per lino. The tint insertion Dover leta than
ONEY TO LOAN fall at Law OIHco of D.
M L. Thomaa Room 8 Crelchton Hlock.
Qt "t\ I\\\ \ ° * ° 11" a * 'roni ' to " ller cellt
* * *
* S > eJl'U ' on Teed real e tatc ecurlty , hy
DR. ISAAC EDWARDS 1109 Farnham St.
A1' ° LOAA At 8 per centln-
0U.UUU tercat In siimsof 82.500 and
upwards , fnr 3 to 6 > rars. on nrst-clani city and
( arm proiieity. Uiwns KRAI. ESTATB and IXJAS
AUKXCT. 15th and
'ANFKD A Inu-ui-kicpcr for I'ght ' house
Work. Ennulra at Cns at. School.
ANTED At thu rrciitl.tcn Homo , u diiiimr
W room girl , also a bead niter. KID-CO'
r ANTED Doran House ,
fllS Farnham .St. , opposite llceolllrc.
l\l ANTED Hook-keeper , Ju situation by a
VV young ma who has n thorough kuowl
I'dnf iloublo entry. Highest references anil
ke.-urlty if required. Addicss , A. II.C. lieo
olllee. 630-10'
'ANTED A tlrl for general liouscwoik ,
Knqiil re at Hull at s gr eery , 81'J-tf
A good Moman cook. Urn. Me
Coy , neir nu * Kovernmcnt , it > rall , Pop-
plcton A > e. , bet 8Ut and 22nd Stu. aig-M'
\ I7ANTKHome for a little jrhl of t-l-jlit
V > yearn. Goodrocreicesreiiiircd. | Appl *
to Mrs. Fuller , corner of lUtli and F.irnlicm htK.
ANTED A dish-wuBher and chamU'rnmid ,
ut Emmett lioi u , SlTi it *
\irANTKI > A new milch cow. ilU't ho grn-
V > tie. Enquire of L. Poland , H13 D , lwo
ttro t. 5 1-tl
ANTED A Ursulas * cj Under press f. itler
a' tills olllce. rovDtl
ANTED-A housekeeper lit 110J rarnliam
street , up stairs. 4fis-tf
'ANTED A < 1rt-cl.u < .i uonwncrolt at Chris ,
W Meikt's res ituraiit , 1105 Farnham street.
STKl > - fiirl to diTiroiHewofkEiiiuire
1110 FarnhiinSt. 4)S tf
Funding httdga and school l nd .
WANTFIl Clark. IKllen-e g8-tl
Two plrK oi to cook , wash and
Iron , and onu to , lo second work nd Uk
caruol children. Bent of nfcrcncen rcnulruJ.
Apply fouthca t corner of ioth and California
ijts. Dest of ua ; > H. 301 tf
"ITi 110 to 200 loaiU of dirt near Sllrd
"ITiVV aud St. Mary's avenue , hntiuiro at Ike
RENT FnriiUhcd room r su't ol roorrs
ulthliraid for man ami wife. lUfercnci-s
uxchan ed. Cor. Jla.on aid IStb , Ml Si'
FOR UENT-I'i itw an.1 . orgwt , 3IS Tenth
btreo . MO-tf
I OR RKXT-A rottaso ol 3 rooms. SSd und Rt.
; Mar ) ' art mm. KuqulruofM. W , KcnnoUy ,
UISS. 1 th8t. 643-tf
'ITIdlt RKNT-Houso , 8 , K. corner 10th and
J } clap. Enquire name lot , D4S-5S !
rOIl KBNT Dwclllnic hoaw , 6 rooms , on
Saiindon St. , nmr tcnnlnUN of track. Ap-
pi ) to r'rsucli hobblns , on prcmlns. W3-1J'
RENT T o nlwtj furnlohsd roomi , on
FOR 7th tttcct , too doors from Fuclflc ; over
itor . WM
HKNT A ( nrlorwlth I
FOK for tno or thno tntlcinrn , at N ,
W. Cor. E2d itnd Webster. MJ-19'
TTIOH HRNT A new hon e with 6 rooms. In-
JL' quire of 1) . Cooke , lEth and LoM en north
FOR KKN'T New brick hou , S Thorns , h nN ,
eomo lu-nlturc. for iMo cliMj ) . iloir bl lo
cution tor bmrdcn or riiidcnco. For purlieu *
Jwrj addrrM " ntr , " liKR Offlce.
l 11KXT of C rotms , l 2l ! > th St.
hear Viuil , ir-18 *
171011 HKNTA Milt oriurnUhc.1 to-nn. iwirlor
.1. iiu t o bedroom * , 1 J A tlrislo r.toin. Chi *
rotfo street , between Kill tt U ICtb , rcntrabrkb
homo. _ 410 tf
. . -
. parlor ! nlro front room tcx-oiid ttiiy brick
hoi , 013 do * kttctt , f > door * \ ctl of ioti. : )
FOKKKNT rurnkhccl rcwin * . rnrth : d , of
CMIforula Ht. , Id door went oi Sift. Imiuire
alter Ip. I . til , 434'U
1710U HEN. Brick More ln.Ncv.ln' li o K , Ilia
Jj and Capital Menuv. JObX 0. JACOils.
"IjlOlt HKXT 2 story home , 8 room" , 4 large
JJ closttulio.alum ; II ilinlreJ. 21S3 Dntui.
> iort Ht ,
Foil HUNT To youriit men who desire good
winter quarters ! two fnriilMu I
rooma. liuiutrool J , L , Rice at Joei Sam's or
at 1716 lofio ) tri't't. oit ? . " '
fJIOUHKN'T A furnUlieil ( tout row for rent
. [ ' \vltli br > nl , 111 prlvnto fivnlly. Cleiillcumn
yrt'fcrrcd. Call 007J N. ITtli Kt. 3J8-U
"TTIOIl KENT S furnnhed room * u\cr ilcj-
J ? chant * ' Kxchkngo.X , E. ccr. Iflth and Dodge
strceta. " "
TJIOKSALK A oM liotoo aikl top
L1 wnvon forBilo , ai iO S. 10th St. WJi
HAVlitSCIII.A : ( ! GI4-22 *
T710U SA1.K A .o. 1 trcsh milch CMV n id calf.
Jl ; Iniulri3 | of Kuenc o'NI 1 , ror. IBth nnd
Uonnrd. SID tf
lull OALIV One ] > ! ( ; < ' . nxiK tnii u nml ono
JJ i > arlor set of 7 plcci * . L. P. UjRlnn , Att'j ,
irclghton Block , City 132-If
"T71011 SAtjflton'.obold furniture , horse , biijf-
JL Kyi"1' ' hnrncsn with IOOHO of Ir.Ufo of 7
rooms and SO ncreg No. 1 land , 21 miles from P.
O. Powwdon Riven nt once. In ulrc Dexter
I. . Thomas & llro. , No. 8 , Cr iKhton Hlock.
SALK 'f\\o second hand enjtlnei in Orst-
FOR clivsi condition , one 25 II. I > , and oneO It ,
P. inulru : ( ) OiLAlm 1'oundr.v nmt Maclihio Co.
FUK8AI.K Team good poults , cheep ; nt UoJ ,
Darn , nth St. ocSl-tf
BliSlIS has rattllni ; loni ; lists of houses , lot *
lunda nnd farina for eala Call and get
SAI.B Mups of I > ouilac ; aiid Harpy out *
tlca. A. IIOSKWATKU , 1D20 Ftroh&m etroet '
AND LAND beimi rerun houses ,
atorcb , hotels , farir ota , lantln , otflcoa
rooms , etc , Sco Ibt page
rnilE 1'AUTV Who , ycstcrdn.v at 5 o'clock p.
I n ] > lcl > cd tip a buffalo rolin n Howard St. .
between Uth end Hit , will iilcasn leavet at the
IfoUou ClotliuiK f-torc , U12 Farnliara. 543 lttv
UAITS IN , ItAYON I'astilo nnd 01' .
l o ilcconttvo iia'iitltijr. J1US. D. It.
WAK1JNEH , room 1 , Jacob's llloclr. 542-U
FOUND Keya on Fo'lihani , In front of Toft > .
Owner can ham Ban u by provinir propcrtv
anil puylu ; ' , for ndvcrtiscincnt nt the lieu
olllcc. 123 1
L05T A roan mare ; four years old. medium
size , a brand of n knot on left hi nd leg , long
mane and short lull , wh'tc hind feet. HtNHV
FALENDEItS ratoja -194-20 *
ESIIS' REAL TATE B00il.- 1st p < * o.
BB ALKO HAY At A. II. Sander's Fowl Store
BB 1018 Harncy St. _ nl9-
EM18' NKW CITY MAPS , 10. : . Uounto
B Maps. 82.60. GP.O. P. BEMI3.
NOTICK. Sjwclal udfcrtlscmetits , such as
Lost , Found , To Loan , Tor Sale , To Rent ,
Wants , Hoarding , etc. , "ill lie Inserted In this
column nt the low rate of TKN CENTS PER
LINE for the flrst Insertion nud FIVE CENTS
PER LINE for each subsequent Insertion.
Leave advertisements at our otllcc , iipbtaln ) ,
corner Broadway nnd Jlain streets , Council
ANTED F crybody In Council llluffs io
to take Tun HUE , 2n cents per week , do
Ilvcrcd by rarritr.s. Olllcc corner Uroadway and
Main , npstalrn , Council llhilfd. Cl'j-tt (
\\7 ANTED A first-class liatbcr inincillatelj- .
VV Will pay the Mliest ; wajcu. J. J. GOOD ,
Council lilulU nl7-lt
" ' \7"ANTiu : Acnt | to iamn s liest pay-
V\ In. lin-liicss In tlic i untrv. AiJorea- )
C. M. , Bueollk-e , Council llluin. No\y-tf
1J10R SALK llorne , buggy nd hnrno1' , vbeap
Ij ( or < 'n > h. AddriKj \ > . II , C. , lice olllcv
Couiu-il lilufla.
JOTTKR'S TICIUrr OKFICB War In rallroa'd
ticket * continue * to boom. Uiu nvedcnted
low ratc-i to all insti-ni i ) int" . i\ny : tkkvt
( uaraiitci'd. Orders tilled liy tckplionv. From
one to ton dollars saicd by | nirc.h.i Iii tickets
of C. A. 1'ottcr , auccexiur to Potter & 1'aimer , No ,
40 South Fifth strut , f. ur door * bciou the pot-t-
olllce. Council I'luir ' * . loua. ottl3-tl
Ilov , with pony , to carry rapcra.
WANTKU at UKK cilice , Council DhiCs.
To liny 100 toni broom com.
WANTED * nddrcsn Couiu-ll HlnHj
Urooin Factory , Council lllufl * , Iowa. U3S-20tl
> ANTED A llrct-clnii broom tlirr. Mayno
W 4Co. , Council Illutr Iowa.
TfTIOR SALE Old miierH IPc i ir hundred , at
JL1 The IJco oiUco. C'ouncll JlluOs. miT-tf
T10NALIST , 4'JTentli Htreetnctwuci FarnbUB
mid Ilaincy , Will , with the aid of guardian
HpltltK , obtain for any ouo a clanco at tlic past
in'i present , and on certain conditions In tlio fu
ture. Hoots and Shoes made to order , Perfect
satisfaction i'iiara.iU' l anSC-Im
Absolutely Pure.
Made from Orapo Cretn T rtor. No other
nrpatlon maku such light , ( bky hot broadi ,
uxnrloiu inutrr. Can Ix mien by DjiOHpKe
ltroutfcmrof the Illn resulting fromhuavr
l. Hold only In can * , by all Groceri
New York.
0. F. Qoodnu