Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1881, Page 6, Image 6

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Saturday's aid Sunday's Ncwi
in that Lively Iowa Oity ,
The Council Holds nu Un
usually Protracted Session.
They Discuss the Question ol
Paviiifj the Uuovon Busi
ness ttroots.
A Proposition to ClmnRO tbo
Name of tbo City
A Crazy-druuk Darbor Trios to
Cnrvo his Boss with n ,
PJonljof Bu liin i 'nnil Hani
Knock * Tor the Police Force-
" 1 lic > either tlielr fate too ,
Or their dcm.rti .ire t'ii small \vlio ( cur to
put it to tlii- touch ,
Anil win or line it nil. "
Thu hangers on against the cxprciH-
od wish of tlio piople met in the city
council chamboi Inst J'Yulny night.
The space back of tlio l > , ir wna well
filled with citi/eiii , dinnn thrru for
the purpose of seeing the council conic
out like men and redeem tliuniKohcfl ,
It h.ul bucn given out that the HI
had held a secret meeting , nnd there
in the presence of thenmelvcs lind de
clared tlmt they would no longer
ikulk nnd play the hey , but would
count and declare the vote. The people
ple ivoro beginning to forgive them
for every other HIII ; hut alas ! as usual
the pig got control and the vote still
remained Hncounted. Thoio was
nothing of uny very m.itcrinl micros' '
tiannpired ,
The hills woio picsuiitcd againsl
( lie city until Mayor Vaughan wanted
to know of Chief Justice Abbott if
thuic were any more. The Justice
responded , any qtiintity your honor ,
and DO thuy called out until the end
VT.H loichcd. Quito a largo hill was
presented ftom whore or whom none
teemed tu know. The mayor thought
no hills should bu allowed unless they
were certified to "Hand her here , "
cued one of the council , "I'll certify to
her , " and she as cvitifiod to , nnd the
procession moml on in the following
older. Petition of J. 1' . Casandy ,
Conrado Oiese nnd others , that the
council extend NVaphiiigton avenue
in n direct line tint to intersect Frank
street , referred to committee on in
ternal improvements , on motion of Al
derman Dawson ; petition of Win. M.
liirthnell , E. II. Odel and several
othots that the exclusive right bo
granted them to tiupply thin city with
electric light , Churchill moved it bo
placed on tile and referred to commit
tee to investigate und report at some
future mooting. The mayor appoint
ed the following gentlemen on said
committee : Aldermen Churchill , Cav-
in and Spetman.
The petition of IT. L. Hall for sa
loon and billiard parlor license for
hun'mcsn ut thu Pacific house billiard
pai lore , was granted upon petitioner
comply ing with the ordinance.
Tlio bill of the city engineer in rela
tion to thu woik of grading in
partH of the city waa refer red to the
ilnanco committee for investigation.
The report of thu Hhenll'of the con
demnation of propel ( yon Fifth otroot
for the widening of that street was
read , together with thu amounts of
condemnation to vuiious property
owner * , amounting in all lo$7,10t .UO.
On motion of Aldeiman Churchill the
matter was refeirod to a special com-
mitU'ucoiiBistiiiL'of Aldermen Chinch
hill , Cavin and Keller , to look into the
name and lepoit at a subsequent meet
ing of the council.
The rt'poit of thu eity attorney that
the right of nay foi an nlloy from
Fifth Htiuet to Button's ttl.iblo bo pui
chnml , as eiti/eim have nppiopriatod
850 , theattoinoj uioinmutiding that
the eity appropriate the additional
§ . )0 nuiuBsaiy to secuiu light of vruy ,
wai received und accepted.
Alderman Unthiiuk , of the special
committee to consider the piopoaitum
of I'etur llordir to cunstruet water-
wotks in the eity , teported to the ef
feet that inufciiiucli aa the matter ol
the contract with the Ametlcon Con-
Bttuctieiii company of thu erection ol
woika is now in litigation , the ptop-
oaitioii of Mr. lluidiebo not enter
tuined until the question now pend
ing bo decided by the courts , The
tepoit w'as it'Ci'ivL'il , md concurred in.
Thu committee on location of new
UCBCUU engine hoiMe , reported that a
jet nothing had been done , und Alder
man Dawson moved thit when the
council adjourn , it adjourn to meet
Wednesday evening next , by which
time thu committee expect to bo able
to report di finitely. Ituport win re-
( .lived.
Alderman Fond.i moved that the
work on the eastern out from Fair-
mount bu Mifjpundod , and on
motion ot AIdeinnn Churchill it WIIH
moved to amend to thu ulloct that all
paikvoik bu discontinued. Thu
amended resulution was cntued by a
full volu of thu council.
Major Yiiuglmn called thu atten
tion o'f the council to the tiigont DC-
cortiity for paving our strouts at the
earliest'jumsibhi time. Mr. Clnuchill
thought before taking any action tlio
council should have thu full o.\ptc& <
Hion of Iho hiifini'&H along thu stri'i'te ,
'Iho nmyor remutkcd that ho could
yet Ihat uu'iy day in the week , That
tie ) hui iuos men om rally believed
tlmt Huuidw y uiitl Main Ktreet munt
) ; ( ' OliVvd.
bdiim uiniy ( inlUt-UiH pieamUd
Jl. I'almer ht having -
by J , , put-
chiu d tliem fioin thu owner , WLIO
) ( ( , Nobody setmod to know
' about tin m and payment vas deferred.
The urnor thought HOIIIO retion
* ' , "olujuld bo taken ( ovumla the cliangmg
illiu luinu of city , Tliat Council JJlullu
r- was 50 long it was so expensive to
- . advertise. Tlmt it takes BO many
more letters to spell it than it doua
Omaha , They get their ndver-
tising miich cheaper. The mnyo
did not impeest nny other natn
Mr. Churchill introduced an ordi
nniico ro-wnrding the city , claimiii |
thit it vmi nt present divided tin
equally. Referred t < i the followin ]
nipinhors , one from each ward , to re
port nt the next meeting Churchill
Gavin , Unthank and Spctman.
1'otition of Deere plow compiny fo
the of the old building occu
piodby CJiononet } it Schontegin ns j
salt storeroom , which they claim i
such nn obstruction t > the enjoy
mcnt of their largo warehouse rccentl.
coiutructcd n lower Main ( .trcotn
to bo a nuiianco.
j { . Oidakcu prcsontcd 11 claim fo
hauling dirt to fill lip streets in th
lower portion of the city , b fore th
high waterInst spring , churning it Imi
boon wnsho'l away. Ho made oath t (
the correctness of the same nnd tin
was backed by his friend Joe Sanders
\V. S. Wayne spoke in behalf of th
bill , He behoved that the work hai
been performed as claimed in thu iifll
davits referred.
City Attorney Holme * reported thn
the condemnation of the alloy in tin
rear of Ur. I'ntton'a stnblo had beet
perfected. That the owners had sub
fcciihcd $ f > 0 towards it , which ho hai
turned over to the city treasurer
He recommended that a city
warrant bo issued for § 100 am
turned over to thofihonli'nnd the got
in cash bo kep1.
The mayor wanted to know wlml
ilillerenco it would nmke. Why not
isaiio u warrant for 950 (
Ilolmet thought the other wny was
Iho legal way.
Nothing was pnid about it , but it id
x fnct that the way liolmon wanted it
would save nbout $ L'.0 ( ) , as the city
rtould receive th- cash for a piece ol
| > npor worth about ninoly-llvo cunts
on thu dollar , whichumountB to S'.uO ,
don't you HOO ?
Mr. Holmes asked further time to
irircHtinatutlio Slow ard-Scarbury claim
igninst the city for damages.
Mr. Cavin loporled that the street
: ar line between the ( racks.of the
Hock Inland and Now Milnuu
lcu r.ailroiuls , t'li N'nughan ave
nue , would icqmrc a gloat d''nl
> f lillini ; . That the mil road cam-
i mica had ollered , if allowed to use
hu city dirt , to make thu till at twon-
y cents per cubic yard. Mr. Church-
It inquired the distance the diit
iroulil have to be moved. Mr. Caviu
aid about 100 feet. Mr. 0. rejoined
hat they could get dirt hauled that
listance for n good deal leas money ,
'ho matter was icforred to Cavin ,
) awson , Fonda , city engineer and
ity attorney with power to act.
Mr. Untlmnk , chairman of thccom-
iiittoo to whom was referred the
iroposition of Peter Hordic to con-
truct watorvvorkn reported no niiuh
iroposition roiild bu eiitorliiined by
ho council nt the present time ,
ur the reason that the Atnoiican
( distinction company had the city
end iiretriovably to thorn. Mayor
riiughun inquired of Mr. Chiuchill
'hotlior ho , as chairman of the com-
littco on internal improvomontR , had
ny report to make. "Not much on
ituinal improvements just a little , "
3plicd Mr. Churchill.
The petition of iieebe , for n cross-
ill k , was granted.
The matter of the damage done to
'homns ' Ollicer's fratno house , nearln-
inn urook , by the action of that ter-
iblo stream , was discussed pro and
in. This is the claim that was ro-
icted at the Inst meeting.
Mr. Dawson stated that , at the
me , they supposed the city was not
nblo , but in n conversation with Mr.
Ihcor that gentleman informed him
ml the city , by constructing u wator-
uiot there , hnd thrown the
ntoi from thu original cluin-
ul ; hcnco the damage roforiod to.
Cavin moved that the matter bo 10-
irrod to the committee on internal
iiproyomonts , which was done.
Petition of Charles .1. Deckman for
cinmncnt grade on Seventh iivonuo
as granted.
Mr. Daw son , on the question of lo-
iting the new engine IIOUHO , asked
irthei time.
Mi. Fonda ( in the absence of Mr.
[ oiler ) , fioin the Lommitteo 0:1 paiKs
tid public grounds , icpoited thatthoy
ad found that not quite all of the
loney hnd been expended. Mi.
'nuglian remarked that Mr. Thoin-
iiii ww present and would enlighten
lie council as to the amount ho would
equiro to punh the cut through thu
Hulls , Mr. Thornton stated tint in
ii opinion it would require about
400 , Mr , Fonda , as stated above ,
loved that the work bo suspended ,
ilr. Chin chill otl'ored an amendment
hat all work on public narks bu sus-
lendid for the season.
Auplieation of Uyron Drown lobo iip-
tointed diiver of hose cait was 10-
oived and placed on tilo. A retuilu-
ion was ollorcd that u committee of
hieu bo appointed to leport an or-
linanco foi thu esliiblislimont of a
'reo ,
The following woic selected ,
hmclnll , Dawson , I'lnllips with eity
ittoruoy. Dr. I'atton being ) iresont
uvnti'd to know of the council if thuy
> ver intended to take aiiy action in
egaul to coiibtructing n system of
fvatorwoiks , what the trouble was ,
, vheio the Anuiican construction
Aero , nnd what they weio doing , Ho
thought the people should bo advised -
visod upon this question.
Mr. Daw son moved that when the
sound ! iidjourn it bo to Wodnesdiiy One
councilman auggeatod thatthnrowould
ho a show on that evening and some
nf them might want to uttend , ho
wanted the mooting fixed on some
owning that would not inteifuio with
the show. It was finally agreed to
ndjourii to next Friday evening.
The Council liliill'u board of ti.-uk
mot in oxtia sension lust Fiiday nl
their i-oonm on Pearl stieet. L , 0.
Jiahhvin called the meeting to oidei
nnd stated that the pinposu for which
the meeting had been called was to
select delegates to the i Ivor conven
tion called to assemble in the eity ol
St. Joseph on the 1'llth inst. foi the
purpose of taking some action in the
interest of thu Missouri ii\or cheap
tr n * < piiailiuii MUCHtion. After some
dibou&bioii ihti following well known
citiVens woio selected ; J , W. Chap
man , chairman ; J. T. Hart , K , 11.
Udell , J. It. Davidson , Leonard Kv-
urott , H. Mutcalf , H. Kisuman , A. 0.
( iiaham , K. K. Ihuknisa , F. It , Unit ,
D. H. .Solomon , L C. Daldwin , Mur
shall Key , F. 0. Newell , Uoorgo A
Koelino , J. C , Do Iluvun , John N.
Haldwin , h. W. Tulloya , A. T. Klwoll ,
Dr A. . MoKune.
The subject of holding the nox
Strtto Aguculturnl Fair in this clt ;
wns taken up nnd discussed pro aw
con. The board thinks the fnir cai
certainly bo procured for Counci
iJlulls , provldcdsulficiont inducement
are hold out to the managers nt the !
annual niLctmg in January.
After diso'issinir. a few minute matters
tors the board adjourned.
The question of clnnging the tiaim
of our city was suggested last Fridnj
evening by Major Vmulinn. Hi
claims tlmt Iho name of Council HlnlF.
is too long ; that by reiion of iti
length the expense of advertising ! i
very much enhanced ; thar in thii
regard Omaha has the advantage
of us. Now , there is no tellnij
what our city coucil may take a no
tiwn to do , before thuy make up tlieii
minds to declnro the result of the
hit I election They may decide tc
chnnpo the immo of our city , nnd at
the object is to sivu expense in adver-
lining , wo would suggest tlmt tin
following letters hu stricken out ,
ouncil lull" * , and thu city bu called
plain C H. Wo doubt the propriety
of maknu anychange at all and doubt
the right of a city council without thu
intervention of the general assembly
to HO do. lint if thuy have the powei
and are inclined to nuiko the change.
The above would bo the shortlist nnd
the cheapest name that could bo
adopted , and if we must give up Coun
cil Illutn , the people would probably
be as well pleased with it us any other
The mayor has appointed the follow
ing gentlemen to lopresont thin city in
thu Kivur Improvement convention ,
cilled to assemble at St , Joseph , Mo. ,
on Tuesday the SiOth tnsi. '
Hon. John II Kent Icy , chtirinini ;
Hon.V U. M. I'usoy , Kov J. CJ.
Leinun , lion , J. C. Morgan , C. S.
Cl.irk , C. F. Adams , Hon. George
Cnraon , AL F. lloliroi , Hon. ] ) O.
Uloomcr , Murshall Turloy , Col. D. JJ.
Uailoy mid E. K. Ajlus worth , Esq.
In thu caao of the young man who
was arrested chari/ed , with others ,
with larceny from tut ) U. P. railroad
company , taken from Trainoy before
Abbott on n change of veiiui' , the
justice , not dunning the evidence ) suf
ficient , dismissed it. The
are bound to put a stop to this petty
pilfuiing , and boys had huttei bo
careful , for it will umko no dilluicnee
how email or insignificant thu articles
taken thuy will bo nnustcd if muptct-
cd. There hns been a great deal of
this kind of woik going on , boys be-
liovii.g that the company would not
miss tin HO little ! articka. Hoys will
congregate , und if they find u box or
baircl open , no matter what they con
tain apples , oranges , pears , 01 what
not they seem to thnin. tlioyluue a
right to help themselves nnd will de
liberately fill their pockets , but some
> f them have tilled them up too full
if late and left a telling witness at the
Jnmes O'Brien , who claiiim to bo a
itock dealer , made complaint to police
loadquaitors that while proceeding
'rom the Tremont hnuao , on lower
Broadway , tj the Drovers' hotel , nenr
; ho transfer , n couple of young men
nut him nnd demanded that ho hold
up his hands and bo searched. Quick
is thought he drew from his poukut a
rorolvor , und mining it nt him , said1
"That IH the way I hold up my hands
'or such ns yon.1 At this the would-
ID robbers hod.
Ollicur Cusic hnd his hands full nt a
ate hour Saturday night , on South
? ifth sheet. Ho nrrested n couple
if pretty stifF drunks. They wore
unking n little moro noise than
ban is generally tolerated in Council
ilufl'd from any man , diunk or sober ,
juaic inform d the gentlemen that
hey must bo quiet. "Who is run-
ling this end of the townf' ' Mr.
) runkoy No. 1 inquired vuiy blandly ,
, nd the twoin raised hades hinder and
ouder than before. Mr. Cusic could
tuiul it no longer , and hu attempted
o surest them. They resisted , when
[ into u bnttlo ensued Mike Nolan
.lino to thu luscue , and between thu
wo thuy succeeded. lifter a hovero
trugglo in blinking in their
; unu. It was midnight nnd
n an out of the way portion
if the city. During the struggle- ono
> f thu men stiuck him over tln head
vith n glims bottle , cutting open his
'ur can and making his head a little
ioiu. He also received a blow over
ip left cyo , inllicting quite u fioveio
njniy. Cusic deserves much credit
'or Ins pluck.
AX imluuimn. .
Charles Laiilgatu , who eamu hero
ionic time agn and wont into thu em
iloymont of J. J. CSord , w ho keeps n
mi bur shop on north I'euil shoot. Jt
, vna soon apparent Ihat ho was one of
Jioso journeyman barbers who will
ihave one \veok anil get drunk the
next. Mi. Gord put up witli him
until his patience becnme ex
hausted , when lie discharged
liim. Ho appeared at the shop sever-
il times , and his pruisttMit nnnoy-
uicu became intolei.ible. Satutdny
evening he came again nnd claimed
that Mr Oord still owed him on back
nay. After a while ho calmed down
nnd wantud to lemain all night. Mr
Q. iiccudeil to hid request. Yesteiday
moniing he gut up , went out , and
having hlled up with liquor , letmncd
again to the shop. Mr , Ci. listened to
his nonAoii8o foi n while and then 01-
dered him to leave. Ho i of used to do
HO whi'ii Mr. ( ! . took him by the
collar to pjoct him fr&m
the bnildmg hoiesiHted an 1 quite n
tueslo ensued , in which Mi. Gord
seemed to be gutting the upper hands
of thu inhmtor. A joung man in
the employe of Mr 0. , with the as
sistance of Mrs , G. , Boparnled the
combatants. No sooner was this dune
thnn Mr , Ludgato ran ( o the shaving
stand , and grubbing a i.-u.or , rushed
nt Mr , Gord , tineatoning to cut his
d n K soul. Mr. G. made his es-
cnpo through the back door , went to
thu polic * heiulqiutters , toported the
case , and with Ollicer Cusic retinncd
to the ulioi ) and had hu assailant : ir-
ii'Htod ami lodged in the calabi ese ,
Mr Gord ia bound to have
him proaecuted to the full
est extent of the law ,
HUT J\OT A tool.
Quito u sad case of the human intel
lect stiuggling with human doptnvity
was before Judge Hurko. Quito an
intelligent-looking man had boon
brought in and lodged in the cnlabooso
for being found in n boiutly state of
intoxicfttion , He guvo hu numo in
AloinnderT. Stowart. In the morn
ing , nfter ho had slept nwny th
heaviest part of his drunk , his tongu
began to loosen nnd nothi g wouli
eatisfy him but n speech to the court
which wo gno in full.
"May it please the court. I at ,
not , as j oil perhaps know , the bed ;
of the man who had the honor o
bearing my nitno during his life , nn <
whoso whereabouts is now ono of tin
unfnthom.iblo mjstcrips of history.
cinnot , thireforo , bo nrraignedon th
stif | iicion of being the same man , stil
at large. Hut , it it may please tin
court , I dciiro to thank yon from tin
bottom of the heart , that bent
beneath tlio tattered cent whicl
hns experienced tlio ravn
ges of the hand of Time fo
the can you took of mo during tin
delirium of the hour when spirits fru
mcnti seemed to hnve n controlling in
liueiico of my demorahxod frame '
tilso desire to return my heartfel
thanks to thu gentleman in blue , win
so kindly assisted my feeble bodj
from the street to your comfortabh
castle hen1 , for in taking mo in out o
the cold he undoubtedly navod nu
from frcc7iug. 1 w'as n strnngci
within your gates nnd hnd lost mj
way , nnd the gentleman took mo in ,
Whatever may have boon my wonk *
nesses heretofore , I am resolved fion :
this hour to reform ! "
Judge Burke was touched. The
tears rollul down his cheeks. Clnel
Field's ojclids weio so moistened thai
lie hus since used them witlidilliculty ,
Hirhyto and Brooks sobbed aloud ,
and when the sobs "sobsided" tin
court dismissed the case. In jusl
Four hours and a halt Alexander T ,
came back in a long four-wheel hack ,
drunker than ever befoio. Thesecond
.imo ho had to come down with
something mure substantial than .1
The Adoptive Jlnsons , known as
the Eastern Stni , concluded to inako
up n little party and , just for n general
O'ood time , siirpiiso some ono of their
heir number lust Saturday evening.
riio following wore among those who
miticipitul. Ex-Alderman A. C. Gia-
nun nnd wife , Goo. H. Jackson and
vifo , T. I ! . Hays and wife , Attorney
A. J. Halt and lady , Mrs. Ilortonnnd
Mrs. Miller. They mot nt the resi-
lonco of ( Jeo. H. Tabor , nnd in n body
epairca to the residence of G. L ,
( acoba , ncir the Northwestern depot ,
ind to Mr J. their visit was n sur-
iriso beyond a rensonnblo doubt. The
taity nt once entered into a social
food time , which was kept up until
long nfter tea , which was bountifully
[ iroparud by Mr and Mrs. Jacobs
between It. and L o'clock. Every
body present had n splendid time , but
iiono onjojed moro than their genial
liost and hostess , Mr. and Mrs. Ja-
: obs. The party arrived homo in sea
son to attend church.
Olhcor Sterling nrrcstcd n man who
; avu his name as Smith for being
irunk and kicking up a general "hoo-
loo" in Boukly's saloon , during which
K broke the glass in u cigar case.
Ofliccr Tjson brought in a man for
jcinir drunk and disturbing the peace.
Officer Morse arrested n man , who
.vould . give no name , blind drunk.
BG.85 for liis appearance this morning.
The civlabooso was too full to bo
iiealthy justerdoy.
Sheriff Fnrrell , Glcnwood , was in
Council Bluffs yesterday.
U. H. Bowman , of Omaha , was at
the Ogden yesterday.
lov. Cyrus Hnmlin proachcd a
, -ory olotjuont sermon to a largo con-
; rugation , nt his church ( Ccngrega-
: ionahat ) yeotorday forenoon.
N. M. Pusoys , left Saturday on an
jxtcndcd business and pleasure trip
, hroiuli the west.
Use Dr. Jolleris' treatment for diph-
; houa , and nil nlcerntivu , intlainma-
, ory , putiid or cntarrhal conditions
> f the throat nnd noao. Indispensa-
) lo in nmliguant seal lot fever , nlso u
luio ] iroventativc. A pliysicinn un-
lecessiry. Follow directions nnd the
osult will bo fnvoiablo in ovpry caso.
L'hu buit catnrrh remedy , curing hun-
Ireds of cnscs where nil ulso fail. The
noitiditv fi"im diphthoiia in Euiopo
ind the United States , from HO to 77
) or cent , under Dr. Jeiteiis'
nent , the death rate in meiuly nomi-
ial , only onu-lifth of ono per cunt. , or
1 in fiOO. Price , § 2.00 per tioatment.
Medituio sent by express , C. O. D.
\ddress Dr. Thomas Jelleris , Council
B , Iowa.
CTnited States Depository
Cor. 13th and Farnam Sta.
OrganltM u n National lUiik August 20,1S03
3Al'irAI. AND FKOK1TS OVER 300 000
II u N KOUNTZN , ? rcii < lcnt.
At limit H hoioinii , Vlco 1'ruMenl.
H. W , YATM , Oulilcr.
A. J. I'oi rtnnw , Attorney.
JOHN A. CxKtaiiroN.
K. II. PAVia , Awt. CwUor
Thl Uak rocdvr * JX | lt without icfrud ( o
amount * .
Ituucn time ctttlQcat liwrlni ; Intortxtt.
Uratts .Iraltu on Han Franclico anil | lnclp l
( .ItltJi ol the United Statta , oleo Loiiilon. Dublin
tCtllnkiirithftuil the | irlnU | l dtlua ol thecontl
nontbl l'uroi > , . . . .
BclU inAieiiL-er tlckoti ( or omlyranla by tlio In
mm line m TlUM
The OWeat Eatahlished
Caldwell , Hamilton & Co. ,
a > that ol n Incot' '
AccounU kept In currency or goIJ nubjcct tc
li'ht ihvck without notice
elx anil Utha months , JcArluf ( ntccoii , or oc
uiuiaiuj uUhout Inturcit.
AJi&nct m ilc to customers on 6ppn 4 iecu
rltln at marktt r U < 4 ol tntereit ,
lluy and Mil gold. bllU ol exchanif * , govern
incut , tute , count ) ami city boudt.
Jr w bt ! Jr lt on lliinlinJ , Ireland , Scot
land , and all } * rta ol Europe.
Sell European paauge tlcketi.
The lending Bclenlitta ot to-dny n rco ttm
moftdl eiw. nrocaU8ctl by illsordcrnl kldncj
or Ihcr II , therefore , the kldnov and Ihcr nri
kept In perfect onUr , iwttoct hcnlth wllll.etln
result. Thl truth hiw only been known ft lion
tlmo ami lor ) cars people sulTcrcd if real aironj
Wthont Klnif able to nnd relief , The ill < -ncr ;
ot Warncr'n bafo Kldniynml U\er Curomkrkm
a now era In the trtntmcnt ol thcso troubles
Mru1c from n Birnplo tropical teal ol rare value , 1
contain * Just the demon * * neccssiry to nourlsl
amlln\lfontol)0th | ot thcso Rrcat orKann , am
mfcly rutoro and keen them Inordir. itl i
Positive Remedy lor all the dlnewca that cau i
tmliis In the lower part of the body lor Torplc
LUcr llcndichcn Jannillcc lizHtits ( Jraxc
FexcrAfue Llttrand Urlnarj Organs.
It ( an cxte'lnit tuiil Mfo rciiiLilj lor Icmntc"
during I'reptnncy. It will control Menitnutloi
und l In'aluaulofor Lcucorrlitua or Ifill Hg o
the Womb.
As ft Illood Tiirlficr It In unoimiloil , for It cures
thu organ ! ) that mike the blood
ThlHreineih , which handonu nuch wonder" , In
put up In tlic'LAUOr.ST hlX.Kt ) HOT I I.K nl any
incillilnc niion the market , and U Hold hv Ilrui-
' ; l tH and all dualcrs nt * l 2D per bottle For
Iab ! tc9 , umuire for WAHNHu'S SAKK DIA-
UETKS CUIlh. It 11 a 1'OSI ' 1VE llcincdy.
H. H. WARNER & CO , Rochetter. N. Y.
join tu th sat- _
IIOIIIUK HI108 , . Brokm In all Railroad
Tickets , Omaha , Neb. , ofTtr Ticket * to the Eaut ,
Until further notice , at the foliowlnn unhuard ol
i/ow I'atoa :
Chicago , I2 ; UoundTrlp , 824.00 , ThO'Soaro
limited Urst-ClnKS llckcta and Kood for return
through the 3 ear , and via the Old Reliable Chicago
cage , Hurllngton A Qulncy Railroad Also , one
wny to
1st cliw , 8il da's ,
JJKW' YORK , f20 00 ,
UOSTON. 20 00 ,
. PHILADELPHIA , 2500 , 2300
WAHIIINaTON , 22 oO , 2000.
For pirtlculare , wrlto or go dlrtvt to HOIHI1K
IIIOS. , Driers In Ucduccd Rate Rnllro.vl and
8tcani8hlpl1ckcts. 809 Tenth St. , Omaha , Neb.
Htmemhor the place Thruo Doom North of
Jnlon I'acIUc llallroad Depot , East SIJo of Tenth
Omaha. Auguit 1. 1881 _ uS5daw4m
Axle Grease
Used on Wagons , Butrgtcs , Reapers , Threnhem
and Mill Mai.hlni.ry. It IB ISVALUABI.KTO PARK
IRS AND 1KAM8TKR8 It euros bcratchcg and all
hlndsofeorcoon Homed in J Stock , on well aaon
ncn.CLARK & WISE , Manuf s ,
386 III Inol * Street , Chicago
MTSKKP I OR HIKES. _ ' - " '
Fall and Winter
At New York Prices at
H , I. & I , Peavy's '
1309 Parnham St. ,
, - - .
_ oeSSwSt
To the Stockholders of the Nebraska Oas
Light Company.
Toke notice , that a special mectfn ? of said
tockholdcrs will bo held M the cilice of said
ompnij , Omalii , lit 4 p. m. , on the 15th day of
ktembir , liSl , for the purpose of electing ten \ -
n dlrc < tors , and the omicru of the coipin } .
'hero hat iiiffjic n a failure to elect iHrrctore at
ho last annual intetlner.
FRANK JIUIU'HY , Sccrctarj.
IHtcil Omaha , Koy. Qth. 1881. _ noBvMit
A Sure Cure Found at Lastl
No Ono Need Suffer !
A euro uiro for Illlnd IlkuJIni ; , Itthlnp and
JlLcroteil 1'llis hiiHbcon dlstotcrcd by Dr. Wil-
lam , ( in Indian remedy , ) called Dr. William's
ndlan Ointment A Bliilo hex has cured the
\orxtchronlc cuxta of 25 or SOjcira standing. None
no nce'il suffer lUu mlmitcrt alter appllngthU
Koiulerlul soothing ni'JIelne , Lotions , instru
ments mi'l electuaries do more harm than goo < l ,
MIlluin'H Ulntn int ahsorln the tumors , nlKja
ho ntuiEt Itihlnvr , ( pirtlculaal } at night after
ettln/ warm In lied , ( nets a a poultice , gl\es in-
Itint and jwlnlcsH relief , and Uprcpared cnlj for
'lies. Itihing of the private parts , and for noth
K elso.
Head what the lion J. 1 ! CcRlnbcrry of Clo\o-
and en about l r. Willlam'H Indian i'llo Olnt-
nut : 1 liiueMise.l scoreH of Piles euro * audit
ITords inupt-uuio tuna } tliatlhiue never found
njtliln , ' Mnlch gaxosuch Immo ilato and periua-
cut relief as Dr. Ull IIIII'H Indian Ointment
ForBiilo b ) all ilrugdsta or mailed on reeeint ol
irlce100HENRY & CO. . Prop'ru. ,
rortalobyC. F Goodman.
Will Remove in a tew
days to
You will do well to
call and examine
our stock of
At 1422 Douglas St , near 15th ,
Which will bo Bold at Extra-
oruinnvy Low Prices Before -
fore Moving.
And Notary Public ,
ctx , t-ciito p in < :
(0. ( A-N. W. B. II. , Western Iowa. )
Mitchell & Thompson General Merchandise
M. Dnrrott General Merchandise
11. B. Hollas General Merchandise
L. S. Atnsdun. . * . Cashier of Bank of Dunlap
0. W. Taylor it Co Hardn.tro , Stoves and Agricultural Implements
Nay & Moore Haidwaro , Stoves and Agricultural Implements
D. P. Simmons & Co Ilardwate , Stoves and Agricultural Implements
L. A. Sherman Groceries and Quoensworc
WetteiiRpl Bros Wagon and Carriage Makers
J. Scholfield . . . . Dunlap Reporter
Special Attention
Is Once More Called to the Fact that
Rank foremost in the West in Asso rtment and
Prices of
Furnishing Goods
Hats and Caps.
Wo aro'prepared to meet the demands of the trade in regard to Latest Style *
and Patterns. Fine Merchant Tailoring in Connection.
1301-1303 Faroham and 300 to 312 13th St
the Oldest Wholesale and
Retail Jewelry House in
Omaha. Visitors can here
find allnovelties in Silver
Ware , Clocks , Rich and
Stylish Jewelry , vhe La
test , Most Artistic , and
Choicest Selections in
Precious Stones , and all
descriptions of Fine
Watches at as Low Pri
ces as is compatible with
honorable dealers. Call
and see our Elegant New
Store , Tower Building ,
corner llth and Farn-
lam Streets
< o ina. . aac
General Agents for the
Finest and Best Pianos and
Organs manufactured.
Our prices are as Low as
any Eastern Manufacture
and Dealer.
Pianos and Organs sold
for cash or installments at
Bottom Prices.
A SPLENDID stock of
Steinway Pianos , Kna'ue
Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi
anos , and other makes.
Also Clough & Warreu.
Sterling , Imperial , Smith
American Organs , &c. Do
not fail to see us before pur
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
MINIHO luouiMmv , mrLTN , n n . " STKAb'
A. L. STRANC , 205 Farnam St. , Omaha.
JT sir.
Lath and SMngles ,
Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocks
north of
" ? * lrWWW | * " * * ' Vl l