Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1881, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee.
Publishedevery morningciceptSunday.
The only Monday morning dully.
ftr § 10.00 I ThreeMonths$3.00
Montlit. . . r .00Ono | _ . ,1.00
ry WedtieKtlay.
Ono Year. S2.00 1 TlircoMonllw. . M
. . 1.00 | Ono " . .20
efttlun TclnUtn ; to Now * nnd Kdltoriftl mot-
tan should bo addressed to the KniTOK OK
Letters nnil Kemittanccs Miotilil bo ml-
droved tn TDK OMAHA I'unusiiiHa Cost.
TANr , OMAHA. Draftn , ChcckH imd 1'ojt-
office OnloiH to bo mode payable to th
order of the Company.
OMAHA PUBLISHING 00 , .Prop'rs .
E. ROSEWATEB , Editor.
Edwin Dnvl , Mnnajjcr of City
.Tnlm H. 1'lcren la In Chim'o of the Mail
Circiutton ol THK DAILY 1JKK.
A. H. "Fitch , corrcspomlcntamlBoliclliir.
Proclamation by
the President.
It has Ion ; , ' been tlic pious ciijtnin nf unr
, with the cliwIiiK of thu yenr , t t
oolc back HIXIII Uio blcuMMKS lirollijlit to
them in the dimming cour o of ne-twitm
anil return solemn thanks t tlio all-giviiK
wmrce fnxn whom they How. Ami nl-
thmigh nt thin | ieriml when thu fallliiu leaf
vliiniiili lien UK Hint the tium of < mr wcreil
lutjin at linii'l ' , nr nallim ntlH He.s in the
Bhn liiw of the hcrcnvoincnt imil
iniiiiriilni , ' which lias Ililecl nnr hcartn , null
finil * UH lioofnl | # xircnslimt | < iwinl tliu ( ixl
Iwfnro who n we lately howeil in L-rlcf n-'il '
Bnpiillcatloiiyolthflccmntlo miicnoliu which
hnvo nhnwcrcd up m n durltiK tlio past
twelve nioutli * ca 1 for nur fervent Kratl.
tuile , nnd make It fittltw that wein. . . . . . . . .
rejoice with tlinnkfulnoM that tlio 1/onl in
HiH Infinlto tneroy IIHH hluimlly favored
nur country and jieople. Tracu without
nnd iinwiwilty within ha been youchiafed
to n * . Xo licHtilencfl lias vmitrd nur
nliireH. The nlmmlant privileKW of free-
cloni which our fatherH left m tln-ir win-
< liiiu ara still our Increasing lierltn o , nml
If In iiartH of tlio va t domnln HDIIIU alllic-
tJoim have vlslteil ur brethren in their
fnre t lioinen , yet even tliia calanilty hiw
been tempered In a manner naiictilioil hy
the KcncnniN compa nlnn for the * mmurorii
which liai boon called throughout our
country. K < ir all thme tiling * it h meet
that tliu voice of tlio nation Hiionlil go np
to Coil in fervent liomnKo.
Whercfnru I , Chwter A. Arthur , prom-
dent of the United HtalL-H , tin rcciitnniRiiil
that nil people observe the 'Jlth ilay of l )
voinbcr , innt. , as a day of wall mal thankH-
Riving nnil prayer , by ccimln wi far a
may lie from their Kuculnr laborn and meet-
injr iu their HOVUM ! plnceii i'f worhlnp ,
thera to join In .issertiiif ; b" or nut ! praUe
t < i AlmiKhtydoilvlione , ( ouilnoHn liaMbeon
HomanlfeUin our liistory imil-our IIVBK ,
anil offering earnest prayer thathm bimii-
ties mav ciiutlnuu to 111 anil to our clul-
Jn'wilncM whereof , I hive Iierpinito Kct
my hanil nnil cauxuil the ( , 'reat Heal
nf the United States to bu atllxt-d.
Dona nt tlio city of WiwhliiBton ,
[ UH.tliM ] xoventli ilav of November , In
the year of our Lord one thounanil
dnht hundred Mid eiK y-ono , anil
nf the iiidepaiulcnuo of Ino Unltcil
States the ono huuilml and fifth.
lly the Vr Meut :
JAH. U. 15uvi.Ni : , Soiretnry of btntu.
WHKN it comes to capturing out-
lawn , Nebraska's slicrifl'a take tlio top
Tn K coal monopoly in the cast is
winning inunoy from the distroBHCs ( if
tlio poor.
GUITKAU triiHts iu the Lord , butlio
ivanls lu police escort doublet ! tlio
next time ho is tiikuti to court.
OMAHA will bo heard on the pave
ment quuBtitm nnil her voice will be in
favor of permanent pavements of solid
granite or atone blocks that will not
have to bo replaced every few years.
Mit , WIIITBI.AW Kim : considers
marriage na moro profitable thnn
jounialism. Ilia salary ns editor of
the Tribune is $0,000. His incomea ?
lni.ibaiid of D. O , I\lills' daughter is
$ : ir > ,000 per nnnum ,
Iuisn-A.MiitiANS : adit § M)00 , ( ) to
Hie treasurer of the Land Lenguo la.sL
wcuk. Three hundred and thirty
thousand dollars in rent wua saved to
Irish tenants hut week by the opera
tions of the land commission.
Tin : speculative mania has reached
'HUCI ! n high point in New York that
the butter and choose exchanges huvu
raised their initiation fee from $50 to
9200. Thuro SB evidently money for
mime one in butter nnd eggs ,
OWIMI to the high water in the
IMiHnissippi barges drawing ten feet of
water now go from St. touis to Now
Orleans , A proper improvement oi
the great river would ensure tliiw
depth of channel during eight months
of tlio year.
IT costs to celebrate. The expense
bill to the government in the Yorktown -
town centennial foots np the ouni ol
$10,000 , , This amount is trilling
when compared to the return in kind
ly feeling between the governments
who participated in the expense. ] |
it had not been for the Yorktown cele
bration "Yankee Doodle'1 would never
been heard in a lord mayor'ri proces
sion in London.
, , Tiu : leading ciindidutu in thu Iowa
' fteriutorial rauo , .luiucs F. Wiluon , ia
hiindlod witliuut lovu.i in u recent
jiumbcr uf the Chicago Times. Mr.
, Wiltun is truthfully | irtniyud hy the
Tint * us a political inotintuhunk who ,
from being nn outspoken chuinjiion of
the inonopulius , Ima middcnly bucomo
a. granger Dnthuauwt. In J87 < UM
government director of tlio Union Pa-
cifio railway Mr , Wilson wirnostly
protoitod agalnat thu luwu imnscd to
compel the Pacific railroads to pay
the interest on their debt to the
government. He denounced , in n
public speech printed by the
Xlitie llryitlir .it DCS Monies ,
the laws regulating railroad Imfl'ic ,
and closed by urging the repeal of the
law which limited the tolls of the
Iowa railroads. Mr. Wilson's Credit-
Mnbilior record is also ventilated nnd
the fact that lie received and sold his
slock is brought before the public at
tention. It is sincerely to bo hoped
that the people of Iowa , now that
Secretary Kirkwood is available , will
refuse to recognize the claims of .Inmcn
T. Wilson for the United Slates BCD
nto. His conversion to the atili
monopoly rankn in too recent
and his record ns n corporation attor
ney too well known to recommend
him to the favorable consideration of
the Iowa legislature when a tried and
true representative of the people like
Secretary Kirkwood can be found to
fill the ollicc.
Tin : recent attempt of a craxy mill
to blackmail that prince of corpriralo
blackmailer * , Jay ( tould , has not
evoked much sympathy from the east
ern press , who know too well the
usual methods of railroad magnates.
The Springfield JlepnbltfaH does not
see why ( iould should bo treated nny
differently from any other nnn , nnd
protests against the expensive efforts
niado by government oflicialH to iifsi
inn in discovering the nlt'ender. It
says :
When anything Imppcns to Jay
fiould thu world never takes a wink
of sleep until ho is safe. What a
liubbub wai raised over the threaten-
intr letter which ho received ! Most
if our readers have at least in flush
: imes had these little positive do-
n.indp on them for a million
) f dollars or their life within
twenty-four hours , and thought
lothiug of it. But Mi : Gould
s not to be trifled with ,
le passcH it over to his broker ,
ns broker calls in the postmaster of
Nrow York , the postmaster-general of
he United States , the metropolitan
lolicu authorities , fifty postmen and
ifty detectives to hunt thu raacals
lown. And thu next morning "tho
lireat metropolitan dailies" all detailed
.ho story in the mime languarge cov
ering four or five columns. The great
hit I es take care of Mr. Gould Hweotly.
I , Howard Welles , the oll'endcr , is a
nan once honorable debauched by
sprculation. Ho won the title of
colonul by gallant service in the
Union army had u good property left
lim by his grandfather , has
i wife at 1'aris a daughter at
\l\rn \ \ Porter's ncliool at Kurminglon ,
' oim. i < 'or Hdini ) years ho has had no
msincss but Hpecuhition , und his
'riends say ho has often acted wildly
uul H'raugely ' nt times of speculative
excitement. They liavo of late- re
garded him as "oil'tho handle " Hm
ofl'orlH to blackmail Gould , however ,
iave been so cunning that it will be
iliflicult to arouse much Bympatliy for
liim as : i ' 'crank. " Ifo has worked up
Ilia insanity by speculative indulgences ,
is f.uiteau did his seeking ollicu nnd
cultivating hm own vanity. If both
nen had liad some honest occupation
to buckle down to every day , there
would have been no trouble with their
Tun notorious desperado , Ed. Max
well , who had been captured in Grand
Island a week ago and brought to
Omaha on hm way to Wisconsin , was
summarily lynched by a mob Satur
day , in broad daylight , within a few
momenta after ho had been arraigned
fur the crime of murder before the
court. Oa the same day , and almost
at the Biimo hour , an attempt was
made at Washington to cut. short the
career of President Oarliold'H assassin
while hu was being conveyed from the
courthouse to jail.
While mob rule and the taking of
life without duo process fof law musl
be discountenanced by all law-abiding
people , thi'Ho incidents furnish n strik
ing proof of the growing distrust tlio
American people entertain toward our
judicial iiy.stoni.
The most dangerous criminala hnvo
time und again been acquitted 1 > >
stupid or voual jurUtu either upon
technical pleim or corrupt in.
llueneoa , Murderera about whoso
guilt there i.s not n shadow of
doubt , hnvo prolittod by the law's de
lay and after expensive and pro
tracted trills have gone scot free on
plea of insanity.
Instead of being regarded as the
bulwark of social order , our courts
frequently become thu means of de
feating the ends of justice. Popular
confidence in the speedy and summary
punishment of criminals is weakened
and lynch law is retorted tn as the
surest and swiftest moans of ridding
communities of cowardly assassins ,
Ito.Niis under the last treasury call
continue to come in slowly. It is
utatcd that owing to thu continued ac
cumulation of money in thu treasury
Secretary Folger will shortly issue u
call for 8l > 0,000',000 or $ ; iOOQO,000 of
M per cents , to be paid after ninety
days , nt which time interest will cease.
Thu ovur-abundanco of money is indi
cated by the reluctance with which
capitalists purl with bonds bearing
such a low rate of interest as tU per
Tin : attempts of the Oniulia
to pull the wool over the eyes of the
public in palming oil' stale news
through its columns as fresh matter is
worse than redioulous. On "Wednes
day THK ] ) KK published a dispatch
from Milwaukee announcing tlio sale
of the Blair interest in the Chicago it
Pflcilic to the Chicago , Milwaukee A-
St. Paul road , giving thaf road direct
ino between Chicago and Omaha , On
Friday the Jfn-ald , in its editorial
columns , pompously hinted that such
a sale WAR in contemplation , and on
Saturday announced that its suspicions
wore correct. The lir.rnld should
publish its news as n weoklycontinued
story. The public would secure its
news in nearly as fresh a form as they
do at prciunt.
A SINIIUI.AU complication is
the brains of Virginia politicians.
The election l.w of the slate requires
canvasser * of returns to meet in Hich-
inoiiil on the fourth Monday in No
vember. The present month contains
only three Mondays and tlioro is a
loud discussion ns to the proper
method of Hading ] n way out of the
woods. It i * argued that , as thu law
never exacts an impossibility , if the
canvassi'i'd cannot meet on the fourth
Monday a meeting on another day
must bo had. This seems to bo the
general conclusion and thu lioiirbotis
will have no chmico to nullify the re
sult of Senator Mnhono's victory.
WB slmll not bo surprised if THK
UKI : is called into court very soon to
make uood the loss sustained by
damaging the jjood name of another
highly sensitive individual. Notice
has been served by Mr. Charles
Ouiteau upon till editors that have re-
furred to him disrespectfully as an as
sassin , that ho intends to hold them
responsible for this atrocious libel. If
we remember right , the last libel
suit against Tin : HUE tvas brought by
a sensitive bull-doxor by the name of
A. P. Nicholas.
SKCKKTAUY Knunvoon in his forth
coming report advises that liberal pro
vision bo made for the education of
iiidian youths ; that the hundred
mil two reservations bo reduced in
lumber and size ; that effort bo made
, o entrust Indians in herding , and that
, hey bo encouraged to abandon their
.ribal . organisation and adopt the more
civilized form of a white man's gov
_ _ _ _ _
"PiSKEVK , " the prevailing horse
listemper , is said by eastern surgeons
, o bo a form of typhoid pneumonia
luu to atmospouric condition ! ) and not
contagious. Relief from work , good
euro and the free use ot stimulants
rvru the only remedy for the disease ,
while quinine , ale and milk punches
ind nitro mixed with food are pro
scribed us effecting good results ,
The opening of thn Denver Short
line and its advantages in time and
distance , has already diminished the
passenger nnd freight tralllc on the
only competing line , the Atcliison ,
Topcka and Santa Fe , in connection
with ' the Denver and Rio Grande.
Tholiitt r is n narrow gunge road , but
n third rail has bu u laid , making the
second line between Denver and Kan
sas City. A fast passenger train will
be put on this line on the 1st of De
cember and thu time cut down to
thirty hours. This line , being entire
ly independent of thu Gould roads ,
will undoubtedly seeuro a good shnro
of business.
The Denver and Rio Orando nill bo
the first road to enter the Salt Lake
valley direct from Denver. The road
is narrow gtiagu nnd is being pushed
forward with remarkable rapidi
ty. The grading of the
HIM between Salt Lake City nnd
I'rovo , ! )0 ) miles , will bo completed in
five weeks unless the winter proves
unusually cold and stormy. Material
of all kind and rolling slock are ac
cumulating at these points. The
road runs through Salinapais to Clem
creek , down through Clear crock
canon to what i.i known ns Cave Fork ,
Antelope Springa , Cove Springs uiu
Cove City , where a junction will bt
formed with the California Centra
railroad. At this point n large m ; > n
ufactunng city will be fostered
0.1 thu coal nnd iron fluids
in the vicinity are inexaustible.
A force ot 1,000 to 1,800 men nroai
work in the Utah division. Thu Black
canyon will bo the theatre of opera
tions this winter , as the company wil
concentrate all available men at thai
point , The Gunnison Dtnwcmt says
the ono great object of the company is
to get the road completed by the time
the B. & M. reaches Denver. This
would give it an eastern outlet shorter
than that of any competition. The
company has secured all the passes
and canyons from Snlina to Iron City ,
Utah , monopolizing every piece ol
land broad enough for two roads , to
prevent competition in the future.
This road will be a great boon to both
S.ilt Lake City find Dourer and intermediate -
mediate towns and thu vast mineral
belt tributary in both Colorado and
Utah , besides a paying investment for
the owners. This fact has stirred thu
U. P. to build a "cut oil" between the
two capitals and the Greely , Salt Lake
it Pacilio is the result , Surveyors ,
praders and spikers are already in the
The Gould and Huntington factions
luvo compromised all their tlitlurt'iicea
both north nnd south. The effect has
beuu thu practical abandonment of
proposed eastern and western outlets.
The Central Pacific has agreed to drop
its proposed extension from > Corinno ,
Utah , to the Missouri river , vhilo
"iould's "Oregon short lino" will ab
ruptly terminate in the interior of
Idaho , probably at Boisu City. Thus
are the hopes of Northern Wyoming
nnd Northern Nebraska nnd the rival
ry of Yanktnn and Sioux City for the
bridge over the Missouri knocked
lighcr than the traditional book of n
Brooklyn preacher. By the compro
mise of diflicultics in the south , Hunt-
nglon acquires tlio right to intersect
the Missouri Pacific 100 miles from
Now Orleans , all pending litigation
will ceftso and high rate harmony will
will bo iu order. All roads between
Now Orleans nnd San Francisco will
bo operated as ono line with n pro
rat.a tnilongo and division of earnings.
The iron layers on the 13. it M.
iiavo crossed the boundary into Colorado
rado , nnd the graders are ninny miles
beyond. The contractor of tlio fifty
miles nearest Denver began work this
week , and the contract for the next
Ify miles has been lot. The rapid
progress of this road is not surprising
when the level character of the coun
ty is considered. The maximum
; radc from Culbertson to Denver , a
distance of nearly JJOO miles , is thirty
; c < t to thu mile. Forty-nino miles of
: rack have been laid west of Culbert
son since the loth of October , or
about ono and a half miles daily. Thu
rails are sluul and the roadbed is well
jallastod. The yards in Denver are
icing laid off : : nd graded. The com-
lany intends occupying for n time
.ho union depot of the Union Pacific ,
Denver & Hio Grande and other
Colorado roads.
The track of the U. P. "Oregon
Short line" has reached the divide between -
twoon Hams Fork and Bear river'
[ daho. From this point to Soda Springs
the work will bo easy , ns the louto
runs through a level plain. The com-
> any propose to make Soda Springs
in attractive watering place , elabor
ate plans for hotels , drives , etc. , to
cost half a million , have been drafted.
L'ho engineers oE the company have
uat accomplished the difficult work
of surveying the Low Tooth divide at
measurmcnt of 200 feet to the mile.
Ten miles of thu distance was through
n frightfully rough country und occu
pied the entire summer.
The circular recently issued by the
Siox. City and Pacific railroad , calls
attention the wonderfully productive
ind cheap lands in the cDuntry bord
ering on the Elkhora Valley route ,
extending from Blair to Long Pine
or Croigliton , on the Pierce branch ,
240 miles of road. Possessing nil the
elements for successful cultivation ,
these productive lands will attract a
vast number of sotlers the coming
spring and summer.
President Vilhvrd , of the Northern
Pacific , lias closed a contract with
Thoe. Edison for the construction of
fitty miles of railroad in Minnesota , to
test the practicability'of electricity as
a motive power. The road is to bo
built next spring , und should the ex
periment fail the greater portion of
the cost will fall upon Mr. Edison.
Thu latter is backed by strong capital
ists and is confident of success , in
which event he will receive a stipu
lated sum for the entire road. It is
probable that Iho experimental track
will bo built to St. Cloud Minne
apolis nnd St. Paul.
The Chicago Tribune says the Chicago
cage , Milwuuko it St. Paul company
has arrived at a settlement with John
T. Blair , in accordance with which all
his claims nnd interests in the Chi-
cugo it Pacific are given up and the
iailroii'1 company becomes owners of
all securities and judgments and all
the stock of the Chicago it Pacific.
. "John I. received ? f.00,000 in part
payment of the entsre sum , § 1,800-
000. This settlement was the only
foundation for the rumors current in
Nebraska last week that the Milwau
kee company had secured control ol
of the Sioux City t Pacific.
Leavonworth after lingering for
years on the ragged edge of prospec
tive booms , has woku up to thu im
portance of securing u connection
with the Missouri Pacific at Atcliison.
The latter is reported to have refused
the right ofvay through the streets ,
nnd Luavonworth is moving to mollif >
the company and secure a connection
with Omaha. , Two new roads are now
branching out from thu town.
Liucolnites have tuned their harps
and are bewitching thu malingers to
secure a branch of the Missouri Pa
cific ,
The extension of the Republican
Valley is completed with the exception
of fifteen miles between Table Hock
and Ca'vert.
The B , it M. company I'D taking
winter by the forelock by erecting a
large mileage of snow fencvs.
The Missouri Pacific tnioklayors
were expected at Weeping Water ,
Cass county , last Saturday.
Ten now ten-wheel locomotives are
now being constructed for thu Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St. Paul company. This
company announce the opening of n
now route to the Black Hills from
thu terminus of their road at Chain ,
berliuu , Dakota ,
It U officially announced that the
Texas 4t Pacific road will bo completed
to KI Pnso by December 1st.
Visible Improvement.
Mr. Noah Hiitou , Klmlnv , N. Y. . writes :
"AlMiiulour yearn njf 3linil , wi attack of
billion * fnver , and novef fully recovered.
Mj ilk'estivo nivniiH were weakcne.1. nnd
I vouM bo completely prostrated for
dny * , After usini , ' two bottles of your
lliiriloi-k lUoo'l ' Ulttern the | lmprovemeut
w i. so visible that I W.IH natoiiiihetl , 1
can now , though 01 yearn of aae , d i a fuir
unil'ii ) ( tollableday' * work , " J'nce , fl.10 ;
trial t/e , 10 cvats. n'Jl-cwUvr
Uenlricc school bond * arc * < > M At jmr.
HumlxjliU will soon hixvo nn clevntor.
Lund sectors nre thick In Nance county.
Thrco oa'oom In Tecumnch have Slo-
cuinbed ,
Limn U scarce ! u Lincoln and building ii
K'tardeil ,
Wornnn nilfrjga locelved one vote in
I'lattc county-
I'latUmoutli schools have a daily at-
tciulancti of 800.
A Stcrlincr bakery \va robbed of fifty
dollars worth o
The leccnt auction of land in IHitler
county netted $30,000.
Tlio editorial aosoclatlon dicsolvcd attain
'or want of a ( juonim.
The old town of Niobra ii fact bccniu *
nj ; a thing of the pa4.
There i.i at \ cat SMI city of dwelling
mure * In nrniiit Tslatd ,
The wealthy Ic.v'cr.n ' of I he nlliancc will
establish a paper lit Hchron.
Lincoln proposes to vote nn 810.0CO
iondH to hu u td in wnter experiment. ' .
Vivo hundred t m of lirty wcro con-
mined hy n | ir ! rio ( in- near Kivirhury.
A Beatrice burglar WM captured at Ir-
U Hiola with $100 worth of stolen clnthlnpr
ti his vnlUu.
A new depot has hcen laid out nt Crai ?
in 0. , St. I' . M. It O. , fight wilt * north
if Oakland.
A construction tc-ln i * nnw nt work
mining up the low trnck between Onkdulv
und Kcligh.
The Burlington , t Missouri dl.slrll-nted
$ " 3,000 among its employee nt 1'laUs-
nouth Jflbt week ,
> I. D , Parmclee hm been rcapiin'nteil
superintendent of the iimtilntu for the
> ind at Nuhwkn City.
Surveyor * are laying out and platting
he new towii of Cimon , nt the junction
) f the 1) ) . & M. and Missouri Pacific.
Aohlnml nntertatus hopci of the curly
eoniiletioii | of the 1'lnltc bridge at that
mint. The funds are being raised.
Seward citizens propose to boycott the
nan who weld explosive coal. A poor
nan's stove was blown to pieces hy n
chunk ,
Fast driving , sincing nnd nhonting N the
'revnillnn fashion in the htrcct * nf Stor
ing on Sunday. The youth of the town
arc bound to bo hetird ,
The lit'le sou of Kd. Norton , of Milford ,
was severely bitten by liogH in his father's
ard. Tlie liogn were w Id with rage , and
levimred the boy's ptt dog.
Plattctnonlh advises Nebraska City to
'move up tr > ILiptiy Hollow , where the
e.iident * can behold a railroad bridijo and
iv < < in the siibrnrbs of a city. "
The ununty feat contest in Hai-lan
county will again go into court for cettlu-
nent. Orleans and Alma are at dagger's
lointH , both claiming the prize.
The men that were working on the M.
I * , r.ii v. ad bridge acro's the Xemahn
iavo been ordered to Lou'avilJe ' , where
hey will go to work on the PJnttc river
The school of Schuyler lia" ! cou-
racted for a new school house to cost
f."if > 00. The ouiulicr of "oholnrw enrolled
if 21H ; attendance 217. Five tcaclitrs are
The new town of Spr'ngfield in Sirpy
county , though only on paper .11 yet , i <
claimed by its projector * to he the future
coMiity scut. The Missouri Pacific will he
' - pimml column ,
Coal in unaually scarce In several towns
n the tute , nnd famine pricen prevail.
[ n Omaha order * for Wyoming two wve'-m '
behind , hard coal is plenty and wood
scarce nt S3 per cord.
Miss Katie K. Johnson , of I'lattsnmuth ,
wants 810,010 to Imnish the terrors f old
ipaidcnhood. She has sued Fi aitk Wald-
iner , of Kan as City , f > nncrly of 1'latts-
mouth , for that amount.
The body of A. O , ] Jo.vd. of ( Joapcr
oouiity , who wua Huppofcdto bu killed by
Indian" , has botn found * and It M ii w
thought that lie was attacked and goicd
to death hy a wild Texas ateer.
The little dauj'liter of Chas. Pemb'rton ,
of Central City , was shot in the abdomen
hyhcr _ gr.virifiither , from the clfectw of
which she died , The old man wu.s extri
cating shells from thu pistol when it went
The district court of Cas.s county dis
posed of a horfo thief and rapist , the
former for four and n half and the latter
for seven yearn. 'JVo nnti-Shicuinb sali.on
keepers have been indicted by the grand
jury.A .
A young man named Tirush drowned
hinwiltiu the Blue near Crete. He had
been n ck for some time and wis down
hearted and generally inferable. His par-
cnti reside ij the vicinity. The body was
Calvcrt is growing wonderfully. The
13. & M. has just finished its fine depot.
nnd a l.irgc dep-.t is under way , owned by
the land department of the road. A
Catholic church and several stores and
residi nccs nro going up.
Hucksters have haul time in Xcmaha
county. A peddler of tmide uroceries was
brought inio Urownville hut week , fined
heavily and ordered to cross the boundary
or take nut a , lic n e Frauds of this elais
rilmuld I e warmly booted.
The board of of PHtt'innuth will
vive : i bum [ lint to the oliiuialM > f the IS , ? i
M , . , Htato iiiic.'crH | , and protninent citi/cns
; f uei lihonng tinviiH , on the ! 2lth. ! It is
inU'iulc'd as an advertisement of the pres
ent growth nnd prosperity of the town
A Lincoln woman has cauFed the arrrwt
of her fouitcen yenr old daughter who had
been enticed from her homo by u dissolute
character and placed in a hou u of ill-
repute. Tlio girl hail became so unfortu
nate with the demon * Hint the court deci
ded toHMid her to the reformatory.
A ned and fatal accident occurred on the branch "f tlm ] ! . ft M. , near Mil-
fo'd , last week. C. Crockett , foreman of
the con trurtlon gang , was btiiicd n ivo by
the cavil g in of a lid bank ten feet
thick. The unfortunate man was coon rx- i'd and every effort made to allev ate
hlx mifferings , hut he died noun after. His
homo wan in A tchison , nnd lie has had
ch rge of the colnred cou tructiun force of
Iho eo.up.iny for Meveral yearn.
A it rribl h'llhy lUn has been unearthed
in Lincoln. Th outfit uunaista of an old
wretch named Duboi ? , Ills daught r about
sixteen years old , two hiyH , the widest of
nlioni lim not iittaineil more than live
y-'ars , und a girl named Mcliilf , Hgednbotit
fourteen yearn. The wife of DuJ.ols
and mothnr of I in children is now an
Imnatu of a baijnlo at liealrice. Oirt and
fiqiialor hi their worst forms cover every
tiling in the room. The girls are nearly
nakid , the mna lor children almont totally
HO , and tl'U old xvrctuh of n father iv bundle
of rags nnd tilth , who lives i n the nranty
earnings nf the girl/1 / , who , young as they
arc , arciilrcmly prostituteH of the vilek't
Carro'l City has seven hotcN.
A rend In has organized n brass hand and
happy ,
11 round for a public park has been se
cured -Manhtiin. .
The state legislature meets ou thu second
Moil ay in .lauury.
The Odd JMlowH at Walnut have moved
Into their new hall.
Ida Urnvo 1ms about completed a
$10,0(0 ( tchoolhirldiog.
The rew btnte cap'tol rciiures | forty
tons of window wehtn. !
Two Dubiume f actor iei turn out < r > 0,600
dozed overalls per annum ,
Lucui county has invested S lWl.Of in
cages for the new jail.
l/ut Hummer hay was worth $2 a ton in
Unawa , To-day It was worth $ Ti.
Kogineer Oberholtier , of Sioux City ,
has made a survey of the main street of
Slblev. and cfctiuiatcn that the ilcsirwl
draiiiogc c n be secured for ? 2500.
A inixnl paint inanufnctnry lia * recently
been ( ftabliMud in the capit-u city.
Marshalltown'a new wagon factory has a
capacity of 5,000 vehicles per year.
Tvr Mormon mUxionarics arc at Decatur -
tur , making convctts of whom they can.
Thirty.five Prussian ? , late arrival * from
the "Vat land , " have settled in Cresco.
Prom Jl ts ! cents a hu hcl is the going
price fet husk ing corn in Alcnona county.
Cattle arc reported dying jnShelbycomi-
ty from eating binutty corn in stalk fields ,
At leant 1200,000 , Imihols of old coin are
vetcilbhcdin Shelby , waiting shipment ,
The nitnriHU of lied Oak arc rang
ing for a grand hunt on Thank. ilving
The Ited Oalc Tc1cihone ] is agitatins the
pr jcct of building n city has in that
The new city hall in Iowa City M said t"
bo thu best hul ding nf the kind in the
The l.o Mars school board hrs purchased
a block of ground for a school Mtu for
The city oouccil at Des Moincs has
decided In favor of paving the city's
The broom department nt the Vinton
college for the blind is unable to keep up
with urdeiH ,
Hull ling hash en lively in Harlan the
past Reason , and the outlook for next year
is promising.
The Vint n canning 'Workc recently
made n sale of 8125,000 worth of canned tic
matosH in Kanvas City.
The town of Manning , in Carroll county ,
thro mouth- * old , has ci0hty-fivo buildings
mid a population of 'll-l ,
Tno Western Tnion To'egraph company
Is Htiinging a new line nf wire betweeu
Chicngo 1.111 DCM Moines.
The ifaquoketa woolen nii'ls nrc seeking -
ing n new location nnd Cedar Rapids * is
making an effort to got them.
Kour thousand dollars arc ncedeil to
conuuVo the library building iu Keokuk
and an effort is to be made to raise it.
After December 1st no child wil be ad
mitted to tin Clinton public schools unless
provided with a certificate of vaccination ,
Des Moines coal miners are now paid
live cents per bushel for mining , nnd many
of them nro sai i to be making over SlOO a
The city council of DM Moines , on the
night of the l-tth , passed an ordinance pro
hibiting theatrical ami concert business
Sunday nightx.
Company K. of the Fifth regiment lown
national guards , locate at lied Oak , are
making arrangements tu build for them
selves a new armory.
A 5 < TreO creamery will be erected in
.lelfersDii as early in the s rit'g ' as the ( ea-
son will permit. Its capacity will be one
ton of butter per day ,
During the past t n days physicians i f
Dubunue hvc vaccinated fully 10,000 pee
ple. So far there h.ive been only tivocases
of variolold reported by the board of
The Methodist church society at Mcnio
has let the contract fur the building of anew
now church edifice to an Atlantic man.
The building is to cist § 2 , , " > 00 , exclusive of
tiic foundation.
It is reported that Bosnian has a large
bed of Iiro-el y aud an ine.xli uistablo mine
of oclire , and the ir.iuufacture of paints
and fire brick will soon work up to lar o
proportion t that place.
It is rumored that Maple .1 unction sta
tion is to be removed to C'arroll , making
the Carroll depot the phit of depai turo of
trains on both branches as well as being
011 the main line of the .Northwestern rail
road. .
The sale of the celebrated Jluli'e Point
herd of thoit h 'rn.s at Jted Oak recently ,
resulted in the disposal of fifty-four heart
at price * ranging from S-IO to 8-7" > . A
largo number were bought by MiHscounty
stock men.
The Des Moinm water company have
made arrnrreinunts to fund their old debt ,
amounting -ViO.OOO , by issuing bonds to
the amount of SIOO.OOO , 47 > 0,000 to be used
in funding the old debt , and the remainder
in extending the mains.
Some unknown party fired a revolver ,
recently , through one of the whitlows of
the school house in Clarinda The ball
just past just over thu heads of the chil
dren , who were seated at their studiis.and
lodged in the blackboard.
Dining the past season Close Bros. &
Co. , of the Knglisli colony , opened np ni"re
than BOO farms in Lyon and Osceol t coun
ties , of UK ) acres each. During the com
ing year they expect to break up and im
prove li,000 to 0,100 more acres of land.
The Western Iowa Hort'cnltnralsociety
will convene in annual session at Atlantic ,
Wednesday , Do ember M , 1SS1. Th * pro
gramme wi 1 be issued FOOH , and will be
mailfd fie to all applicants by addressing
George Van Heiitcn , recietaiy , Bedford ,
lo > a.
The time for hearing thu Imbed wire
rases has been set for .lamia y 31 , at Ivor-
kuk. The full bench will bo present ,
.Tudfo Mct'rary pie/mling. / General Ken
Butler , of Masachu'-etts ' , and .Iu ue Cole ,
ot Des Mi Inen , will appear for the
The Iowa-state temperance nrgan'zntion
has issued an addicts to tlio people of the
state urging orgauisiti : n aud the holding
of comity conventions uf the varioin tem
perance and religious societies ou the 7th
day of December , preparatory to n state
convention , to be held at Des Moines some
time In .lanoary.
J. M. Jac'iOioii , at Burlington , has been
fcnteru'eil for two years for Mihornation of
ppi jury. The case in rather peculiar in its
details , .luekson h d won th affection *
of a. simple maiden near his hornu in Hen
ry county , and bho had agreed to clop *
with him. The girl's parents decidedly
obj cteil , a.s it was reported Jackson had
negro blood in his vciim. in order to
! ude the o d people the couple went to
Burlington and wrro married. It was
necessary to procure a licente , that oath
be made that the girl was eighteen years
old , and Jackson suborned friend to
falsely testify to the fact. The statement
that she was over eighteen was made sub
stantially by Iho groom placing in each
slioeof lus bride n Hliji of paper uimtinhig
tha number eighteen no that when the
ln nd Hworu positively that nlie was over
eighteen he swore truthfully.
Too much cannot bo said of the
ever faithful wife and mother , con
stantly watching and caring for her
dear ones , nuvcr ncglocting a single
dutj ; in their bolinlf. When they are
assailed by disease , and the syotcm
should have a thorough cleansing , the
stomach and bowels regulated , blood
purified , malarial poison exterminated ,
she must know that Electric Bitters
are the only sure remedy. They ar
the best and purest medicine in the
world , and only cost lilty cents. Sold
by Ish .t McMahon. (4) ( )
DCS Moines , Iowa.
Manufacturers of BASH , DOORS. DI.IND3 ,
0 rrat reduction tn IJank Countrw , I'Uns fur-
nlthuilanil work ( uriilnhixl In all kinds ol harder
or tolt wood , Counter * tliilnliod In oil when do-
jlreil. Shelving of all khuU furnl i i-.l anil nut
into building ready for | ulnt 011 iliort notice
O'jr workmen arc tlio l > it mochanloi Hut i-an be
procuicJ , Ha\onionertirglvin ; uiourcon
traiU ,
Stain , Newell And Baluiteri.
Ourforemni IntliU.leiiutmcnt a l ( ormtrlj
wllh Fioit MwiufacturlnK Uo , ' Ch
111 * , ami liu don * Douiu of tlic finvu .St lr
In tha .Northmen
Orders \ > f mall rromrtly attcndmt t.i. 9t
For Sale By
No. 1 , Vow house , 7 rooms , on Cumin j gticct
now Saunters , $1200.
No. 2. 2-story house , 0 room * , well , cistern and
barn , Webster , nrnr 16th street , S2600.
No. 3 , House of 10 rooms , on Hnrncf , near
li street , stone foundation , $4000.
No. 4 , Ijirfjo house ol 11 rooms , on Webster
Urcct , near CrelKhton College , B600.
No. 0. House ol 7 rooms , on Cans , near 17th
trcct , $3 00.
No. 7 , Hoivool B rooms , Slots , on ITIh street
near Izanl , * 3iOO.
No S , 1 louse of B rooms , on Caw , near Hthj
22x132 feet lot , $1300.
No. 9 , Housa of 3 rooms , kitchen , etc. , or-
Ca 9 , near lath Bt ect , SsOO.
No. 10 , HoufO ol 3 rooms with lot 22132 feet , .
on Cass , near 14th street , $900.
No. 11 , House ol 0 rooms , on 16th direct , near
Douglaw , 44.\Cl3 feet lot , $4000.
No. 12 , Houseof 0 rooms , brick foundation , on
Ilurnrr , near 27th btrcct , S1000.
No 13 , I etory new house of 0 rooms , brick
foundation , oft St. Mary's avenue , near convent *
No. 14 , House ol 5 rooms and summer kitchen
on 20th street , near dark , 82500.
No. IS , House cf S rooms , on Sherman avenue
(16th ( sheet ) . near Nicholas , S2250.
No. in , 1 j-story IIOUM ) ol 4 rooms , cellar ,
stable , etc , , on D.ucimort , near 22tl6trc < .t , $1500.
No. 17 , 2-Mory brick house of 0 rooms , near
2liJ of rcil btreet car turn table , S350.
No. IS , House auJ2 lots , i tilocks west of Illch
School , > M > 0.
No. 19 , ilousoaml Slots on road to park , near
head St. JIary'a avenue. $3500.
No. 20 , House and 11J lots neirHase.-ill's , South
Cunlift , S2500.
No. 21 , HOIKO and lot on Davcnp rt street ,
near lUth street , 5500.
No. 22 , 2-story house and li t 32xCO feet , on
Davenport , near 12th street , S1200.
No. 2.i. House of 4 rooms and 2 lots on 17th.
treet , near Izanl , S1200.
No. 25 , House and J lot on 10th t trcct , near
Dodge , i < i50.
No. 20 , llonoe anil J lot on lOlh ttrott , near
Cap to ! avenue , S14EO.
No. 27 , 2 houses and lot on Jackson , near 13th
street , S4300.
No. 29 , G hou cs and 1 lot on California , near
3th street , iSOOO.
No. 30 , 1 j-story brick liouso of 4 rooms with
lot ( HK2CO feet , on Sherman avenue (10th street ) ,
uearlzard , SJOl'O.
No. at , IJ-story house and 33xCG ftct , on 13th
recct , near Howard utreet , S2000.
No. 32 , i-story house of 0 rooms and two lotit
on Mason , near 15th street , S3000.
N ° | J5 , largo house and full lot on Caplto
venue , near 13th street , 32300.
No. 30 , 2 three-story brick houses wi lot 44x
13 feet , on Chicago , near ISth street , $5 0 each.
to. 37 , House of 7 rooms with Ijdot 1'aul
street , near l&th street , $2760.
No. 33 , House and lot on ISth street , near
Sherman , S16M.
No. 39 , House of 6 rooms with 44x00 feet lot ,
on ISth street , near California , ? 2500
No. 42 , II oust' of S rooms with lot 150x150 feet ,
on t'oburn , near Colfax street , 83500.
No. 43 , Houto and 2 lota on Chicago , near 20th
street , S75JJ.
No. 45 , Uirje house of 7 rooms , closets pantry ,
well and cistern , on 18th , near Clark striet , 33500.
No. 40 , Lar c house with full block , near new
shott owcr , i-2000.
No. 17 I touso of 0 rooms with J lot , on Pacific ,
near llth street § 3000.
No , 40 , llrlck houseof 11 rooniH , well , cistern ,
tras throughout the house , good barn , etc. , on
Karnhain , near 17th street , StiOOO.
No. C.O , House ol 0 rooms , cellar , well , etc. , oil
10th , near I'aul street , $3000.
No. 53 , House of 0 rooms and cellar , lot 33132 ,
off St. Mary's avenue , near convent , 81500.
No. 05 , Four houses and 88x120 feet , on Daven
port , near llith street , $5000.
No. 50 , Hou-u of II or 10 rooms , on California ,
noir 21st street , 85500.
No. 67 , House of 0 rooms , summer kitchen ,
cellar , cistern , well , jf < * od barn , etc. , near St.
Mary's avenue and 21st street , $3000
No. 68 , Newhoiisuof 7 rooms , good barn , on
Webster , near 22d btreet. S2.,00.
No. 59 , Four houses with j lot , on 12th street ,
near Cast S2500.
No. ( in , Houseof 3 rooms on Dmcnport , near
23rd street , SHOO.
No , Ul , House of 0 or 10 rooms , on Hurt street ,
near 22nd street , $5000.
No. U2 , House of 4 rooms , 1 story , jiorch , eel-
lar , rUurn and well , on llarncy , ncar21st street ,
No. 03 , House of 4 robins , closeta , basement
and ( cllar , near White Lead Works , S1GOO.
No. 01 , liulldln' , ' on leased lot , on Uotlirciitrcct ,
near po'jt olllco , store below and ruonn above ,
JbOONo. . 05 , Slots with barn and other Improve-
incuts , near street uar turn table , $2000.
No. 07 , Newhou'oof 0 rooms on 17th , near
Cumin street , $1010.
No. U9 , Largo line house of 12 looms , ovcry-
thing complete , oil ISth , near Chicago , WOO.
No. 70 , House on 18th btreet , near Davenport ,
store belowand rooms above , barn , etc. , J1500.
No. 71 , Hoimn of 8 rnonii , fine cellar , all com
pletc , on California , near 21st , 87000.
No. 72 , llrlck house , 10 or 11 rooms , on Davcn
port , near 15th $ M > 0.
No. 73 , IJ-btory house , 0 rooms , cellar , wil
and cittern , on Jackson , near 12th , $ lbOO.
No , 74 , llrick hou-o with 2 lots , fruit trees ,
etc. , on ICth , near Capitol avenue , ? 15,000 ,
No , 76 , House of 4 rooms , basement , lot 17JX
132 feet , on Maicy , near 7thC76.
No. 70 , IJ-ntorv home , Brooms , n duwstreet ,
mar 10th street , $4500.
No. 77 , 2-ntory house , 11 roomi , closet * , fur-
ace , fruit trees , burn , etc. , on Farnham , near
th street , JMXX ) ,
No. Ul , 2 houses with 0 rooms , and other with
rooms , on Chicago , near ICth street , $3000.
No. S2 , 1 -story J house , G roonn , 4 closets , welt
ind 100-barrel cistern good burn , on I'leree St. , .
near 20th ( near new government corrall ) , fclbOO.
No. S3 , 2-story house , 0 rooms , e'oaUbecl , good
well , extern , on J lot , on Capitol avenue , nia
12th , 82100.
No. Bl , 2-story house , 8 roams , 4 below mid 4
hove , 3 closets , cc'lar , well and oiotcrn , with ft
cnH ground , on Sautideraitrect , near Uarraiks ,
No , 85 , 2 rtoret , house on leased } lot , leans
runs 2 years from April 1st , Ibdl , on I'acltic St. ,
near U , 1' . < ! cK > t , $ oOO.
No. 80 , House , 16 rooms , veil , c-Utcrn , etc. ,
near 15th and llarney streets , fruOOO.
No. 87 , 2 story house , 3 rooms , well with 40
feet of water , with 6 acreuofuroiind , on Sauiidm
utrcct , near U. H. liairacks , $ l000 ! ,
No. 3 , Largo house of 10 room * , ncll , cistern.
barn , etc. , on Cans trect , near 21 t , $7000.
No. S9 , Ijirgo house , 10 or 12 rooms , on Web.
tcr street , near 19th , 67600.
No. l > 0. Large I OIHO ant ) beautiful corner It.o
near Dodge and 17th streets , $7000.
No. 01 , 1 story house , U rooms , etc. , on Farm
ham , near lOthttrcct , 81600.
No. 92 , Urge , beautiful , brlel : house and 2
lot" , ncrr D.m'njiort and 17th strcctx , # 16,000.
No. IK ) , IJ-story brick houw , 7 rooms , with lot
2)0x101 ) feet , near 1'oppleton's , on Sherman are-
nue , 87000.
No. 97 , Large house of 11 rooms , barn , etc. ,
on .Shcrnun avenue , near ClarL strict , runVc q
Real Estate Exclianga
16th and Doug ! e Ptreot