Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1881, Page 2, Image 2

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The Pacific NationalBank of Bos
ton Suspends Payment ,
The Run of the Hank Stood for
Awhile But It Finally
A Largo Operator Allowed to
Overdraw His Account
and Does Not Come
to Time.
The Offlcers of the Bunk of
Course Say the Suspension
is Only Temporary.
nt the Dopofiiton Wcmld Tool
More Socnrn If They Hn.a
Their Money Ont of It.
The PnolfloNatio
KktlonalAMoclatni I'ri-w.
BOSTO.V , Xnvombor IS ) . The rn-
c'tlic Xntionnl bunk suspandol.
The Iwnk 1ms been Hitpposed for some
time to bo very weak. It wns not n ,
member of thu clonrinK IIOUHU , but did
nil its clearings through the Elliott
Rational bnnk. The latter institution
thia morning declined to clenr for thn
J'anific and throw its checks out. At
noon the Pacific was compelled to sus
pend. The first trouble with the IV
dfic bank seems to linvo origiimtod yesterday -
terday , when the Morchnnls National
bank received n check of ? 2JOO ! drawn
upon the 1'ftcilic National. The
check was immediately taken to
the Elliott National , where the
I'ncific bank had its deposits. The
cnshior informed them that they had
no funds to meet it. They refused
payment. Ho stated that tlio chock
would bo paid before 2 o'clock. It
was presented again about 1 o'clock
and was then paid. Thin morning
Bovoral checks drawn upon the Pacific
hank wore presented at the Elliott
bunk and vero all refused payment ,
the same excuse being given that
tlioro were no funds in the bank. The
cashier again said it would bo paid
later in the day before the close of
banking hours , but upon being pro-
Hontediigain were refused payment , anne
no money had been deposited to meet
them. Ainonirthom nro several check H
of largo amounts , ono being for 82,000
and another for Slt.UOO , Soon lifter
the opening of the bunk this morning
an attachment in the gum of $1,000
was placed on the funds in thu Pacific
bank by the bunking firm ot Preseott
t llersoy. They also trusted the
Elliott bank for the Rama. AH thu
iiows of thu reported fail mo gained
utronyth : i large crowd aurroundcd the
bnnk , blocking the Htroet and occupy
ing the steps leading to the entr.inco
nnd completely filling thu rooms. A
slight run wan commenced on the
bank ut , about 12:1)5 : ) p. in. and checks
in small HIIIIIH ranging from $ -,000 to
$3,000 paid until 1 p. in , when the sus
pension to'jk place. During this time
ono gentleman madu a deposit with
theroceiving teller of checks amounting
to § 1,500 saying , as ho did so , that
ho believed the bank was solvent , end
hoped by thin j.o assist in ( ho run then
occurring. Other email dopoiittiB ,
aggregating iu nil perhaps § 1,000
more , wuro also reported , and ono of
the directors of the suspended bank in
conversation this evening , said that
the cause of the temporary trouble
was that u largo operator had been
nllowod to overdraw hia account to a
largo amount. This pushed the ex
haustion of the cash on hand , but still
thu necessity for thu suspension uas a
surprise. Completed arriingomuntH
had boon made whereby funds wuro to
bo in readiness to meet the checks
of the depositors , but thcso arrange
ments failed to bo carried out
uromptly enough this morning , and
the result that what would have been
a uuspension for an hour or two wan
noised about until a run tvaa inaugu
rated which the bank was unixblo to
meet. No donositor could lose bin
nionuy , and theio wrm no doubt but
that thu bank Avould resume business
immediately. The only damage
would bo whatever loss of confidence
would result. Jt WIIH stated by an at-
tacheo ot the bank that the prime
reason of to-dny'ii dillieulty wns that
Adoio C. Weeks had failed to receive
certain Hiirotios which ho WIIH to dupoiit
with tint bank uu collateral for lomm
previously obtained. Itis , reported on
i thu Btrcut that thu friends of the bank
i i believe that with the financial exhibit
and surplimns nuido ovidunt at the
time of the last official examination
_ everything is safe and sound. Accord
ing to rumor the bank haa succeeded in
borrowing money cuiHiciont to tidu
over thu present ombairassment wcieh
is regarded wholly temporary in char
acter and it in buliuved that business
will bo icsumcd in u short time.
' UONTON , November 120. The Central
" !
tral bank has suspended the payment
of checks temporarily in order to give
the bunk examiner an opportunity to
uxamino thu accounts. There is no
auapicion on his putt of anything
wiong , but thu measure is simply a
prucutioniiry ono. It was hinted
on the streets and in Washington
diiimtchcs yesterday that the Central
had Bonio of the questiunablo paper
which hid passud through the I'ucilio
Imnk , and last evening sumo of the
"broker * predictud trouble at the Cen
tral to-dny. The more conservative
I'nmncioiH did not nliaro this lack of
contldonce , however. The directors ,
however , ioolvud to be prepared for
any emergency and opened tins morn
ing with over § riOO,000 in ready cash
to meet all demands. The run begun
us soon as thu doors were open ami
by 11 o'clock the bank was crowded
with dopoHttoiB. These were all ac
commodated tig fast as they could IK
attended to without question or com.
incut. The bank examiner , however ,
thought toatispond the operation !
of this bank for thu moment until :
full opportunity for coimulta
tiou in regard to thu resources
sources of thu Boston banks
and shortly after 11 o'clock puymeni
was Btupped. jnnkor ) nnd director
nro in ooiiRultation , and it has bi'ut
rcsolrud to do all that is necessary l <
meet ti o omorgi-noy. In the mean
time udditionul funds are being storm
in the vviuliB of the Central bank ii
propitiations for | > rompt payments u
noon us the ozatuiner givoa hia consent
Ed , XVillin m *
ST , PMrt , November 20. A dispatch -
patch to The St. Paul Globe from
Durnml , Wis. , gives the pfttliculnrs
of the lynching of Kd , Williams , ono
of the murderers of the Colcman
brothers about a month ngt Jlo was
caught in Hall county , > ob , lost
Saturday after a desperate struggle
and convoyed to Durand , where ho
arrived Friday. Ho as arroigne < l
in court Saturday afternoon and
pleaded not guilty ( > the charge of
murder. The court room WAN crowded
and Rovcral liuntlrod men weio outside.
Ho had ncnrccly entered his pica and
asked for time to procure witnesses
win n a noose was thrown over his
neck , those inside the court room
shoved him to a window while those
outside pulled the rope and ho wns
dntpgcd flomo forty rods to a tree and
hanged until ho was dead.
Di'itANK , Wis. , November 20. The
notorious outlaw , I'M Williams , alias
Maxwell , was lynched Saturday af
ternoon. lie was brought into court
for preliminary examination. Ho ud-
drciaed the court , naying ho was ono
of the men who killed Sheriff Coleman -
man , but it was doiio in self-defense.
Ho lud acircely ceased speaking wluin
A rope was thrown over his head and
thu noofiQ drawn tight around his
nock. Ho struggled desperately to
cost } oil' the rope but in vain.
The end of the rope was thrown
out of the window , and the crowd be
low Helved it and jerked Williams out
through a windoiv , ho falling headlong
nn the ground. In a very fuw minutes
the ropu was thrown over thu limb of
a tree , nnd ho was hung until dead.
At 1'W ! ; the body was Btill dangling
from the tico. It seems that the
rUFair was well planned. The crowd
in the court wai largo , but very quiet ,
and all eeoincd to understand what
was to occur. As soon as the rope
Has thrown over Williams , iit'ck tlio
crowd hustled the oilicors into another -
other part of the room , and detained
them while the neat job was quietly
proceeding in the court yard below.
Soon after the man was dead the
crowd dispersed quietly , and the
village assumed the usual peaceful as-
1'ee'- ' '
Notional Atioclatitl I'KIS
KtiOKt'ic , Town , November 20. The
sunken steamer , War E.tgle , is being
[ lumped out and raised. ' Mo bedim
ST. PAUL , November 20. The leg
islature adjourned sine die at noon
Saturday. The proceeding woru nn-
LooAHHi'OKT , November 20.--Con
rad Wostwoulor , a oar inspector on
thu P. 0. ( t St. L , U. 11. was run
over in tlio yards last evening and in
stantly killed.
FniiKMAN,111. , November 20 About
10 o'clock hist night Lli/i Simpson , a
hired girl , in thu employ of n. family
named Luating , committed miiciilu by
taking uorphino.
MUNCIK , Intl. , November 20.
Luur.iMcCiillaged about 20 , of prepos
sessing appearance , fall n victim to the
wilcH of a ecducur and sought in
death the Hhelter from the living.
0 iiip , 111. , Novomber20. The recent -
cent rains have caused much dama eon
on the line of the Cairo division of tlio
Wnbuah road. The bridge ever the
Wabash river in disabled and two
opans sunk.
AI.TOK , 111. , Novonibor 20. Hag-
ing floods in this vicinity have caused
great damage to corn and moadown
along the streams. Wood riyor rose
25 foot and the Mississippi river two
foot in the past 24 hours.
COLUMIIUS , 0. , November 20. Mi-
cliaol Doyle , a laborer , was found teen
on the street car track on North High
street with u hole in his head. Death
is supposed to have resulted from a I
kick of onu of the hones while ho
was crossing thu street.
DuruoiT , November 20. Uriah
Mayor passed through hero last evening -
ing under arrest on thu ulmrgo of
murilurint : the Kinxlurs , at Heading ,
Pa. , in 187 < > . Hia brother John has
confessed to the crime and accuses
Uriah of firing the fatal Miot. Uriah
ban been living at Kulama/.oo and
Sehoolcraft , Mich.
Poivusylviiulft Oillolnl Vote.
Nntlnnul AMiuclalod I'niu
IlAituisnuitii , Novombur 30. The
official retiinm from nil the counties iu
tlio Statu have been received at the
Sfato Dopartmont. The following is
thovoto : lliiilcy , Itopublican , 25,2)5 ( ! ! ) ;
Noblu , Demociat , 258,171 ; Wolfu , ] n-
dopundent Republican , ' 17,1)81 ) ; Jack-
BOII , ( Sreonhack , M)70j ! ) Wilson , L'IO-
hibition15,072 ; au.ittoriup , H > 7 ; total ,
null-100. AH compaiod with lait year
the vote nhows a loss of about . ' 12 per
In thoflu times of quack medicine
advertisements everywhere , it in truly
gnvtifying to find ono lomudy that in
worthy ot praiHo , and which really
does as recommended. Elontric Bit
tern , wo can vouch for ai being a true
and reliably remedy , nnd ono that
will do as recommended. Thcyinvari-
bly cures Mtomaohand liver complaints
diseases of tha Kidneys nnd Urinary
dillicultics. Wo know -whereof wo
speak , and can readily say , give thorn
a trial. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by
Ish it MeMahon. ( D )
On Account of Jimlousy
National AiwoUatod I'met. , N. Y. , Novumbor ! ! ) . -
LaHt night TlionuiH HOIUIB , u furni
laborer in the town of Seinio , u fuw
miluH wpttt of lioro , lircd two shots at
Mrs. Amelia A. Scaring , u widow ,
who disolwigod him from lior omploy-
inont two iiuiiitliH iigo and witli whom
Blip WHH in lovo. Doth shots took
cilli'ot , but nru not tliought to bo fatal ,
JIu thru wont to a w'eeoof woods nuar
by and tlit > d a bullut through | IH own
ht'iid , llii duud body was found this
morning. Jualuusy was the cauao ,
IIumliuHgail _ _ „
I BHW BI > iiiuuh snid about the nior-
its of lloplJiltuin , and my wife who
was ahrajB docloriiiK , " d nuvor well ,
U'iiBid mu RO uraoutly to got her omo ,
1 cnncltidud to bo humbuugcd again ;
and I um ulnd I did , for in loss than
two montliH UBO of tlio Hittoro inv
wife wan cured and slio hui rvmainoil
so for oigliluou niontha sinci ) . T liku
auoli liiimbiurKiiif , ' . H. T. St. Paul.
St. I'nul I'iouuor-l'icas ,
The Metropolis ol toe Boyer
Valley and Oonntj Seat
of Harrison ,
"At Homo" With the Prosper
ous and Hospitable People
of Dunlap , Iowa.
Pen Picture * of the Plncn.
Corrc | > onileiM ol TIIR HER.
UufU.Ai1 , Iowa , November 18.
About fifty miles from Oniftha , on tlio
Chicago iV Nortlnvualurn railroad , is
found ft flourishing town , which is by
far the bust trailing point between
Carrel and Council ] Jlufl's , nnd ID
made up of lfiOO , people. It in lo
cated in llio eastern part of Harrison
county , some fifteen miles cast of Lo
gan , the county seal , mid i known
for many iniloa us
Mr. C. D , Mitchell grazutl n iloclc of
ohcep on the land now occupied by
by the town in the sinr.inor of 18CO.
The railroad commenced running from
Oliico o to Missouri Valley , through
Dunlap , the next year , and the town
was orgnnixnd , and Mr. II. J3. Ilillas
opened the first Blockof goods in a
little rough board shanty on the same
lot his line douhlo store now stands.
Ho has seven salesmen em
ployed to attend to his trado. Messrs.
Mitchell t Thompson were the next
to open n stock of floods , nnd to-day
nro found within ono of the nicest
store , buildings ono usually sees. They
have kept puce with the growth of tiio
town and nro among tlio strongest
Mr. M. Uarrott is another of the
brilliant land marks who is still exert
ing himself 113 much as over to push
anything that will tend to forwaid the
prosperity ot Dunlap. Mr. II. lias the
credit of building tlio first brick build
ing in town , and his increasing busi
ness required an addition which ho
built thm season , making the whole
building ! 25xlOO foot , two stories high.
are laid out very nicely and are all
100 feet wide. This feature alone
makes the place look attractive and
rehoves the city Iroin narrow-
contracted , pinchcd-up appearance ,
usually found in too many hamlets
and cities. The town situ is elevated
and rolling , nuking a variety of "loca
tions , calculated to suit the many no
tions of the people.
In walking up the main street I
noticed marked improvements over
the neighboring towns ( that seem to
bo equally nsoll located ) , which
is conclusive ) ovidi-nco that the people
of Dunlap are of the typo of business
men who possess thn nerve nnd en
ergy rcnui&ito to make things move in
the right ditoctiou. There nro a
n or inoro line brick stoics on
either side of the street , with ninny
frame 01103 , all well filled with a stock
of goods rarely excelled by a country
trading point.
There has been built the past season -
son some forty-seven dwellings , BO mo
ot them very ornamental , indeed.
six brick stores nnd a now Methodist
church is now building at a cost of
$ , ' 1,000. Also n larao two-story brick
blacksmith shop filling out a promi
nent corner. New sidewalks , orna
mental shade and fruit trees are put
out , ground * guided and seeded with
iimu grasses , nice door-yard fences
are put up , making the ganornl ap-
icaranco of prosperity and comfort.
'ho people are very social andfricndly
nd are all trying to make every
eiituro of their town equal to the
emnnds , so their rural friends willet
ot bo obliged to go else where for
ho necessities or luxurua of lifo.
The finest nnd largest public school
n the county occupies a whole block ,
ml is the pride of the parent nnd the
oy of the child. The attendance in
unmicr ii so lar o that thu old build-
in ; is still used for ono or two of the
ounger clasco * .
las been laid out and planted with
, rues , and will soon bo ono of the
'uttiro attractions of Dunlap.
A driving park and fairgrounds are
oe.xtml near the outskirts , nnd no
little attention is given this dup.ut-
Mr. M. Ilarrelt informs mo that ho
lias u stud of noted H.ishaw horacs
: lmt promise something more than
ordinary speed.
The breeding and raising of
thorough-bred stock in nil it branches
ia fast being agitated in wostern'.Iown ,
nnd Harrison county is keeping p.tco
with the public asyan shown at the
exhibition at the fairs last full.
The r.ulroad company have laid out
a gnrden opposite their commodious
eating house , and planted it with Hewers -
ers nnd ornamental trees , and fitted i
up with u nice fountain nnd grave
walks , which in ikes the weary trav
eler feel a boimition of admiratiui
nnd love for Dunlap ,
is a fertile ono , and extends for man )
miles. The whole area of countrj
tributary to Dunlap is ranked amen
the bebt. The crops are ns good at
found L'lsotvhero for this Reason , urn
the oldest inhabitant informed nu
that they never know of n faihno
Thu amount of produce bought hern ia
estimated in excess of any place in the
county , which faot is apparent fion
the exchange in thu banking luis'inves
dnno hero. The Dunlap bank
commands n sitely corner and is
thu nicest building for the purpoai ii
Harrison county , and is in charge o
Mr. L. S. Amsdcn , cashier. It tvas
erected in 1678 and is the pride of ho
1 cannot close without oxjirufHiiij ,
my sincere regards for "Undo M ;
and Aunt Mary" who no lavishly
entertained your correspondent dun i ]
wno of those dreary day * known .ml ;
to thu traveler who is compolle ' u
stay away from his | , > UK
aim his church , over Sut"l > y
"Undo Ick. Kchollield" i
widely known ns an "honest mil'ir,1
and ono of those whole-souled IIKJ. o
sterling worth to nny community , ,11111
must confess 1 never spent a d.vy
nero pleasantly than nndor the
uspicca of "Aunt Mary , " mine
loatcai , who reigns t > vcr her domestic
\bodc ivi'.h n graceful and queenly air
f compoiuro and solid comfort.
See advertising columns for bushiest
lireclory. K ° VE"-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Th Bonml tTnloowl-
Clmrlon Thntntwon , Kranklin Ktreot ,
.liilTnln , wyn : " 1 Iwvo Milfe cd fur n lou
line with otmnUpation , nnd tiled almost
very pitrKfctlvo .iilvcrU cd , but onlv tc- ,
ulttne In temporary relief , and ftftcr 'con-
tlp tlon still moi n vravnlcd. ' I was
old about your SnniNO HUJX O I nnd tried
t. I cnn now sny 1 mi cured. iunl though
me month * Imve tlnpictl tlll remain so.
hhnll , however , nlwayd keep ROIHO on
mnd In case of nM cotniilalnt returning ,
ii'cc , CO cenlfj trml bottles 10 cent * .
Mrs. .1. n. lloljcrtson , 1'ltt'lniw , t'n. , writes : " !
, M nnflcrlnvlrom tc.ntral ; iltlillltv , want ol ap.
> ptltc , ronwtcitloii , etc , , o tliat llfo wai n Imr-
en ; niter using1 lliirdcxk lllo < xl lllttira I felt hit-
.r tlian for ) onra , 1 cannot prolso Jour Hitters
oonmili , '
It Olblffl. of Butlalo , N. Y. , wrltrn : "Your
liinlnck Illci Uitlcni , In tlironlc iJlicuseinl thu
ilixxl. lUer k..J klitnovH , Iiito been flRnnlly
liirkeil with micccM. Iliaio u > c > l tluni 1113 nclf
with best results , for toriiWIty ot thollicr acid In
ore of ofrlcnil of inliiu BiilIvrltiK from drojwj ,
ho elicit Kan mart clous. "
Drucc Turner , llochtBter , N. Y.w , | rites : "I have
icn nulijcit to xcrloii9 disorder ol tlio kidney i ,
nd inmhlo to nttcinl to busings ; liunbek Hlood
Utters rcllovcil mo before hnlf nliottU uasuswl ,
feel contldint that they will entirely uirutnc. "
E > Aitchtth Hall , ninh&nipton ( { , N. Y. , u rites :
1 niilTcrcil uitli ft dull pnln through niv clt
n < K nnil ulioulder. Ixiat my oplrlix , nppctlte
nd color , and could ultli illiMcully kucp up nil
ay. Tool , your llurilock Illood llittcri. HH ill-
cctcil , and haio ( clt no | alii since flrtt tinf
em. "
Mr. Noah Date * , riinlrn , N. Y. . writes : "Alwut
siir carnage I hail mi attack ot mlloiif ( u > cranil
c\cr fully rccoicrcil. My dljenthe orpins
were weakenedami I would l > o completely iron-
rated lor ilajn. Alter lifting two bottle * or your
lunlock niootl Hitters tlie Improicincnt VMM 60
1 llilo that I ua nttonlthctt. I iiinnow. IhoiiKh
1 j cars ol age , do a ( air anil reasonable daj 'u
Morl > .
0. ninckct Robliiion , | iroi > rctor ! ol TlioCanaila
'rcnltyUrlan , Toronto. Out. , wrltcn : "Korjmrt
eulTtruI prently from olt-rocurrlnjr lica'lacnr. ' 1
8i. < l jour UimloeK lllooil Hitters with happiest
LHiiltK , anil I noiv rtnd injdrll In bitter health
han for vunrH ] > afit. "
Mr Wallace. Hiiffdlo , N. Y , writes : ' ] ha\o
. c < l Ilntvloik Ulood Hitter * for nenoiu ami bll.
oils huailaihv-i , am ) rail rcioimnuml It to anjono
n euro to
Mrs. Ira Mullholtanil , Albany , N. Yi rites :
Tor BUI oral j cars 1 ha.o sullereil from olt-n cur
ing blllioui lioulichcg , djspcii'-la , n < l torn-
lUlnts peculiar to lit } BOY. hlncu win. , ' vour
lurilock Illood Hitters I amtntlrclv rtllcvcil. "
rice , SI. 00 per Rattle ; Trial Dottles 10 Cts
FOSTER , BHLBUBH , & Oo , , Props ,
Sold at nholcsalu by leh Si MoMahon ami C. F.
oodnmi. Jo 7 cod-mo
One of the Rcasonablo Pleasures
Of life , ft p.ntK.rly eookej meat , nffonla ll'tlo or
10 prccctit \vmentnml mu i HiibsMiucnt tor-
ticontinualiljspeptii' . Hut when thnnlu
tloiiisicnilittilulth oitcttir'nS omai.h
i , tliu food In fii'in uith H'liii , nnd most
mportauc of a I , IHDH linllatuil li.v and nuurifln.s
no Miktcni. I so thli irrm tl tonic nml torreitl\o
nlso to rciwdj ronstlpitlan , bllloHsiiiHj , rlieu-
na Ism , ( u r an ' n no
1'or Bilu li\ all DruiTlit aiiil Do lent genornll ) .
2 ?
ILEB & CO. ,
Sole Mfinufaoturore. OM 4.HA.
Mary J. Holmes.
Just iiulilUhixl : Madeline. A iiicniltil | ! now
non-1 by > ln . Muiv t. HIILVM , noiio no\cl
t'll HO iMiornioiisly. anil ale nml nnil iu nwl
itli mcli Iii'creit. UuaullfullJ bonuJ ; prko ,
' . 'Almtiaiiilimnio iiccilltlon oJlr . llolnm
nthfr uork Tomii t nil1 Suiivlillio , Lena
Kit CM. IMItli | , j lo , l/ln-kUiuuiiliir\lnrlnnOrt7 ,
Writ IAUII , Korost lloutc , itf , rtc- .
ALSO , 80M ) 11V AI.U IIOOKar.t.tKllS ;
ACImnceil Hcirt Another InUiucly Inter-
rktliiK noul l > > MAAiiNKM KLKMISU , author ct
tlio m\AM \ iiotclt ( liiv IVultconrt'x Wife , A
Woiidorlul Wuinnii , Mad Marriage. Hilc-nt nml
True , I o.t lor n Woman , etc. lUtutltullj liouinl
irlcc , $1 CO.
Q. wToAnTETON & CO. .
CUtiU.HHllm. t'uhllslicr * . N. Y. Oit } .
Special uttoutloii Ucn to colloctloiu In llutki
Omri Front lloom * ( np ( tolrn ) In lUnKora *
D W brick bulMing , N. w. corner Ftt euUi oil
Permanently Cured no humbug by one
month'iutace of DR. GOULArtD'SCelebrat'
ed Infallible Fit Powder * . To cornice suffer
ers that the ) xi\\iler will do nil we cUnn for
them no n 111 tend thnn bv mall , poll paid n
free Trial box. Dr. Uonlaril h the only i > hjsl
cUn tlut hn oci nude Dili , l ! uwo n tpucUl
Ntudy. anil M to mir Knonlcilffo thouwndi hMO
bem Permnnallycurcil liy the list of thr c
Powders , we will euarAntee n permanent
tiir < ! In cU'ryesiH ! or refund you all money ex-
pendcd. Allmfferer should glia tlicnc row.
lUm an early trial , anil l > o couvlticcd of their
curntho imutrH
I'rlic , lor largo box , $ .1 ( X ) , or I lio\c for1000 ,
Kent b ) mall tonnyuirtol Ilic unltnj States or
t'anailn on rtccliitof price , orl > y exnrcii , 0. O ,
1) . Addto , A8H & HOnOINS
300 Fulton St. . Drooklyn , N. Y.
'I'M ' ' for silo Mrs. P. fl. Kclloiqr'i Trallorln KTS-
cm. Through Imtructlon In t c Art of llactfrif
i glten In tlili ) Uin. I mills ileslrlnif verfcit
fit li'jr ' Co ttm.c.4 Iroin tlio Uteit Fn.mli ikifatu
tan hate the untcrlal uit , 1 > a tal and drn | > c < l nt
mrj reasonable prices , lthft Rtnnnlccof per-
foil fit. line removed from Sll to oil IStli St. ,
ii lairs. /loiHIlni
217 nnd 219 North Main HI. , Ut. Louu ,
VKWS , f r/lrtnu IWKAPPINO
Printers Stock.
yC.vh paid for IUR8 ami Pajwr Stock , Scti
roiiond MetAls.
Slock W tihoiuci 1229 to 1237. Kortli
Geo. P. Bemis
I5th and Dodge Sti. , Omaha , Neb ,
This agency ctoca hrnhcnKO buslnow.
loot not tjKxulate , Mid tlicrrloro any bargalni
n Its liookg arc Insured to Its patton * , Instead
h tlip wcnl
BT' '
For Sale by
521 South Tenth St.
Positively Cured.
All unlTcrcni from tli ilUeiuo that are anxious
to lie cured nliauM try DR. KISSNER'S Celo.
br ted Consumptive Powders. Throe l'aw <
ilcrs n c the only | ireva ntlou LIIOHII that "ill
furu Coiiuiii | > hon nml all ilmaKCs ol tlio Throat
anil Lunirs liiilcixl , K > btron - H our laith In
tlivui , ami alto to fon\lncu roil that thu ) arena
luinibu ' , nu will foivurii to pury butlori'r , by
anil , | iot > t ] > altl , n frea Trial Dox ,
Wvilon't aut > ourinoiicj until ) ou are ) > cr
fully i.vlMlci ! of tlnlrcurathe iiouirB ll > our
lilo Ii wortli v\lnir , ilon't ikliy In ( iltlnt ; thcuo
Powders A trial , thc > will hunly cure jou.
I'rlcv , ( or br-u l x. ; IOO , n'nt to any juitol
thu I'nlteil 8Uto < or O&naiU , by mall on rcrulpt
ol price. Aiiurfw. A8II & KOIIIUNH ,
nlldly soar'n'tnn ' bt. , Urockl n , J { . V ,
, Dexter L. Thomas ,
On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. ,
Double Strength White Lime
Lumber , Lath , Shingles ,
Thirteenth and California Streets , OMAHA , - - - NEB
Wall Paper and Window Shades.
1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb.
1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET.
The only exclusive wholesale house in this line in the west.
The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska
Jy 18-ino
IB1. O.
1213 Farnham St. . Omaha , Neb.
BATI BIa"S7l !
We desire to call the special attention ot the trade to our
elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PKIOES ) of Underwear , Cardigan ?
Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overshirts , Overalls
Hosiery , &o. , now open. Wholesale only.
Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts.
1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb.
Confllnnmcnts tnadv us nill rccchc | > roirit | attention. . . Itcfcrcnrc * : State Bank , Omaha ; Platl
d Co. , Baltimore ; IVclc & Banslicr , Cniinao ; M wo.i. * ' / oinclnnrtl.
It always gives satisfaction , because it makes
superior article of Bread , and is the Cheap
est Flour in the market. Every sack
warranted to run alike or
money refunded.
W. M. YATES , Cash Grocer.
Omaha , Collins
Cheyenne , Colorado
Fall and Winter
Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises.
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices te Suit all