Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1881, Image 1

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    " ' " " WHI HBBiHBPBBBi
Pall Particulars of the Attempt
ed Killing of Guiteau Sat
urday Afternoon ,
The Assailant Captured and
Proves to bo Wm. Jones ,
of Virginia.
iHe Refuses to Either Admit 01
Douy the Shooting , Re
maining Silent.
'Quitoau's Brother and Siatoi
Express Themselves on the
Guiteau Wanto" a' Detachment
of Mounted Police For
r a Guard.
.A SulisorlpsfonlPapnr Olroulatei
to Defray the
Nattanat Anoclntcil 1'rciu.
WAHUtNOToN , November 20. The
third attack on the life ot Guitcau
took place just before 3 o'clock Sat
urday afternoon. The news traveled
so disconnectedly that fora long time
it waa discredited. Oflicer Kdelin
says they loft the court house at 2:4C :
p. m. When opposite the Holmes
house , D'streot nnd Now Jursoy av
enue , they met a man on horseback.
Ho "noticed tbo man because ho had
seen the face in the court room. Rid
ing near the van the stranger seemed
anxious to got u look at the prisoner ,
but Edolin said to him , "There's
nothing in therefor you to see. " Witli
this the horseman turned about and
was seen no moro until on First street ,
near Capital street. There ho rodu
up from buhind , and us the van turned
into East Capital street ho was on its
right. Dropping behind ho peered
through the grating and pushed his
horse quickly to the left of the van.
Prom this point and before the officer
could discover that ho had a
pistol , ho fired n shot through the
grating , and then wheeled suddenly
back towards First street. The officer
nrcd at him as ho turned , and thinks
he struck him , for ho fell forward on
hia horao and continued in that posi
/ ! tion , riding northward on First street.
Without waiting to inquire about the
condition of the prisoner , the van was
started in pursuit of the horseman ,
but time was lost in turning over car
tracks on East Capitol street , and the
fugitive had too good a start. The
van pursued as far as K atreet , down
which thn horseman fled , but ho was
soon lost to sight. E'lelin had a good
look at tbo stran'ccr , and. noticed , ' too ,
that hi * weapon was a central tire pis
tol. IIo dcscribtH him as heavy sot ,
with dark complexion , dark hair and
eyes , and heavy , stubby black mus
tache. He was dressed in passably
dark clothes , black slouch hat , and
scorned to be of middle age.
Edelin says be did not hear
Guitcau say a word during the ride
except that ho wanted to go back to
police headquarters for a guard. Pay
ing no attention to him they made
their way back to jail. They backed
the van to the o trace and opened the
door. Guiteau waa crouching in the
further corner , palo and trembling
"Como on out , " said Edelin , but the
fellow was too frightened to move.
Presently lie walked toward the door
but shrank back again. The oflicors
repeated their assurances that there
was no one else there and Guiteau
came out. "Tho Lord is on my side ,
sure enough , " said ho , "but I think
ho had better have a policeman take
care of mo after this. " Then , turn
ing to Edelin , he said , "Tell them I
want a double guard hero Monday
morning to take mo down to court. "
When asked if ho was hurt lie only
caught hold of his left hand and was
thus taken to his cell. There a report
er found him changing his shirt.
There were two holds in the left
sleeve of his coat below tbo elbow ,
but neither sleeve of the outside shirt
nor of the under shirt was injured.
Cutting away the sleeve it was found
that the concussion from the ball as it
passed through his coat alcove had
brought blood to the surface of the
arm just above tbo wrist , but there
was no rupture of the skin. Dr. Ale-
Williams , jail physician , directed ap
plications of ice , and in a few minutes
tbo injury was imperceptible. The
doctor also recommended that a _ nar
cotic bo givoii at bed time. Guituau
was extremely nervousundcontinimlly
upbraided thu mayor and chief of po
lice for not furnishing him an ade
quate guard. 'Warden Crocker told
him that Mayor Urock wasn't to
blanie. "Then who is ? " inquired
Guiteau ; "some ono is , surely. "
When putting on his striped shirt tbo
prisoner kept saying that the Lord
was on his side. IIo was too much
oxcitcd to talk much. Later ho grow
calmer and lay down on his cot.
When asked to tell how it all
happened , bo at first referred all
immirio * to "my body truant , " but
upon learning that Edelin bad told his
story said ; "I started from the court
room in excellent spirits. I stood up
in the forward p.xrt of tlio van , took
hold of the grating with both hands
and was looking one. 1 was thinking
my first week in court bad been a
good ono for me ; I had n good jury
and no ono had H'tid anything hard
against mo. T noticed nothing out of
tbo way till I beard a shot , then an
other , nnd I felt something jn my
arm , I dropped on the floor thinking
that my arm was broken , but didn't
move much until tlio van stopped at
tbo jail. "Who was it shot at mo ? "
ho asked. Upon being told that the
man escaped , ho asked if ho'firod two
shots ut him. Edelin told him ho had
' fired but one. "I wish you had kill
t ed him , " ho said. While lie WOB talk-
ins ? , Perry C.irson , tbo six foot > lorc <
deputy marshal who rode ot
thu back of the van , brougb
in the bullet which fun
been found lying on thciltotloin of tlu
vehicle. Itvai ofIS calibro am
had made an indention in thu righi
side of the von beluro falling. Tlu
prisoner glanced nervously towards
everyone who came tbo coil
While there were several around him
ho s.iid : "I thought the horses wen
running away , so 1 clung close to tlu
bottom. "
" 1 guess that is PO , " voluntccroi' '
Carson , "I hoard a fall inwido as aooi
as the shot wa lired , and I did not
hear no noise. 1 thought bo wa.
dead "
"AtI o'clock Mr. and Mr . Sco-
villo nrrivtd at the jail. Mrs. Sco-
villo waa in a pitiable state of excite
ment. When it was proposed td
bring Guiteau out in tbo hall that slu
migiit aeo him she said , "No , no , let
him stay there. I would rather gn
homo without seeing him than liixvc
him rim any riak. " Finally ho wiw
led down Ibe corridors and showed
bis ram to his sister. After ( hut both
were more c.ilin. He repeatedly told
her and Air. Scovillo not lo worry.
That the Lord waa on his tide , and
Mr. Scovilln then bade him good-bjr
and said : "I hope bo will always bo. "
Loft alone , lie partially recovered hi
composure. Warden Crocker re
ported him at supper as well as uaual
and that with the help of tbo imicolic
it was thought that , hu would olcep
This occurrence has caused consid
erable excitement in the city. The Star
extra lu t evening saya that a man of
publitdicd description-was around thu
city hall several hours to-day. He said he
was from Prince George's county , Va. ;
[ hat ho waa an old army mate of Gen.
Glarliold's , and ho waa here to murder
iiin assassin. Ho bad intended to do
it yesterday , but had "waited until to
day because it was tbo liftietli anni
versary of Garliold'o birthday. People
thought he was drunk , and so when
lie wont out of the building , mounted
in oH horao and rode elF , no purticu-
; ir attention was paid to him.
Deforo court adjourned Mrs. Sco
villo was talking bitterly about the
course Mr. Robinson in bringing up
ho malpractice defense againt the
wish of Scovillo. She was euro that
sumo barm would come out of it.
"Now , " she says , "people begin to
hink that the trial will never end ,
md it is that that has goaded this uu-
uiown stranger to try to kill my
m > thor. "
John W. Guiteau stated when ho
icardof the shooting : "Itisadisgraeo-
'ul proceeding anyway. A man
; uilty or not should have the protec-
ion of the law. It is a disgrace to the
, 'ovornment and to the District of
Jolumbia. I hope thia will result in
: ho government giving- the prisoner
ho protection that justice demands ,
jo tlio facts what they inay. I fool
hat a man being trieu- for hii life
ought to bo protected''from" vio1-
enco , and I hope that this will cause
such in the future. If a man is crazy
10 should be punished to the full ex-
ont of the law. "
"Then you join with your sister
and Scoville in believing him insane ? , '
"Yes , and if ho ia not , I say he
should bo hanged. The fact of his
icing my brother is of no weight with
no. If I believed him sane I would
lot throw the weight of a hair in the
scales to prevent him being punished ,
as the law prescribes. John Guitcau
aid further that the family and Alts
Scoville would not consent to any do-
enao except iimnity , and the
efforts of RobiiiBon to introduce thu
nalpractico theory without their
mowledgo must bo abandoned , or
lobinson would bo put out of the
Perry Carson Bays : "I bad seen
ho assailant repeatedly. IIo came
round thu City Hall onhorsubuckyes-
ord.iy , but ho did not follow , I sup-
> oaed that nil wai right. To-day
vhen wo drove off ho was there again
and rode after us to First street.
L'hcn ho rode ahead and turned oil" ,
and t had supposed that ho had gone
or good. When wo reached tbo do-
> ot at the corner of Now Jersey avo- .
mo , bo rode up behind again , and
vhon wo turned up Firsts street was
; uito close and leaning forward
on his horse , hia head quite
lose to me , ho peered through
he slats in the door. Just
is wo turned tlio corner of Fiwt
ud Capital streets ho rode past mo
mil up along the side of the van. 1
caned urouni to sue where be was
; oing just as be placed thu pistol at
lie lower corner of the second top
> anol from the front , but could not
leu what ho done with the pistol be-
auso of the smoke , but heard the
lorao'a hoofs clatter , and then another
hot was fired by Edelin. Tbo stranger
lien dashed out towards the railroad
rack and wo made a lively race him ,
nit the hill broke us oil' and ho got
way. All this time wo didn't know
rbether Guitcu waa shot or not. No
ound came from tbo inside , nnd wo
oncludod that the best plan vrivi to
rive to tbo jail ut once nnd wo did
o , When I opened the door Guitcau
Imnst sprang into my arms. Hu was
tanding up lioKlinghiH right wrist and
, iid ho had been hit , but didn't think
; WHH bad. Hu said : "Air. Carson ,
ik'fliio you to tell Deputy Marshal
Villiams and Detective McElfrcsh to
oublo my guard on Monday. "
"Ho was tbo woJst frightened man
over saw. He W.IH as palo as a
; h st , and said that bo was standing
p when shot. "
James Leonard , who was driving
lie van at the time of the shooting ,
ado a statement confirming in every
etail Carson's statement. The horse-
nan , ho said , was about thirty-three
ears old and plainly dressed , and the
eapon , bo should juugp by the quick
lance bo got , vas quite small , and
ickol or silver plated , Tbo horse
was in poor condition , mid apparently
ilind in ono eye. There were several
uborerers end officers in the capitol _
[ rounds , vrho witnessed the shooting.
When the van passed through Hi
( . rounda ono of thcto oflicors said the
noticed A stranger mounted onanorrc
horse riding near thr van. His presence
enco was remarked especially , niu
ono of the bystanders B.ud , "I boliov
that man is going to shoot Guitcau.
The man then had his pistol in hi
baud , It was observed that th
ollicers in charge of the vai
appeared rather cAruleM. When tin
van had passed thrcugb the cam to
ground * and \yas emerging into Eas
Capital street tlio stranger rode up tt
the right nido of tbo van , levelled his
pistol and fired. The loud repor
threu tbo gurda at once into a at ate o
great excitouiunt. Tbo driver , Jin
Leonard , leap.ul doun from his sea
but at once nnnountod. MranwhiU
the stranger urged hia horse and epei
away in another direction. The vat
wi8 driven rapidly after him for homo
distance and then turned back. Thu
van was oiivon to the city hall , after
leaving Guitoau at tbo jail , mid was
tl.ero submitted to an examination bj
the otlicera. The side of the van was
found to bo perforated by a clear on
hole perfectly round and about thu
size of an ordinary pistol bullet.
It indicated thai the mu//.lo of the
pistol had been pressed ngainst tlio
side of thu van. The bole is a little
moro than two feet from the front u :
the van and twenty-one inches above
the seat , showing that Guiteau's posi
tion bad been determined and ail-ef
fort made to strike the back of his
head. The side of the van which was
pit reed is sheet iron nearly a quarter
of an inch in thickness.
Scovillo Haiti in an interview Insl
night that Robinson must abandon
the malpractice theory or ho will ap
peal to the court and retire from tbo
After escaping from the olllcera the
man who tired at Guiteau waa cap
tured at the residcnco of Mr. J. B.
Lord and taken to tbo second districl
polieo station. There ho gave hit
name as - , occupation u farmer , anil
the chatgo preferred was -suspicion.
It xvas luarned that he tofused cither
to deny or nlfinn tbo shooting. Ho
was locked up for the night. Deputy
Marshal Williams recognized Mr.
Jones as the mini who hung around
tbo court house during the day , and
who had been eyeing Guiteau very
closely. The description given by
Officer Edelin , who fired at him an hi !
lied from the van , was answered
easily , even to the color of his mus
tache. IIo will bo hold for trial in
thu police court on Monday.
Subscriptions to the amount of
§ 200 have been taken up in various
parts of the District to-day to defray
tbo expenses of the trial of Wm.
Jones , charged with attempting to
shoot Guitcau on Saturday.
atloiml Associated I'rcus.
The present membership of the
house ot rapresontntives is 5i93 , or ono
member to about 140 , 000 , of popula
tion. According to the 'table submit
ted by the census department to-day ,
the population of the states bum/ / ;
placed at 49,371,340 , the statoH will
bo represented in tbo Forty-eighth
congress at the ratio of ono member to
every 1 ( ! ) ,080 , or unless a new ap-
portiontmunt ia made , ns follows :
- < 8th17th
ArkiinxnH . 5 1
0. lifomU . 5 !
Cole , ado . . 1 1
Connecticut . . 1 -1
I ) luwiirt- . 1 1
Florida . 1 2
Oeor ; ia . f ' >
Illin.-H . 18 19
Indiana . t . 12 13
Jowa . II 9
Kui.-mn . ( i 3
Kentucky . 10 10
Louibiana . ft < " >
.Miiinu . -t , r >
Maryland . < r > ( !
Mi'.H > aclm.seUs . 10 11
Michigan . 10 ' . )
MjmicsoU . .r > ! ]
Mis.MSMmii . 7 II
Mlhsouri . r.t 1
Xcbroaka . ! '
Nov. da . 1
Ne-v llaint > sliiri ! . - i
New .Jersey . 7
Xew York . SO 3 :
Nonh Carolina . * 8
Ohio . 10 20
Oiegon . 1 1
L' nnsylviitii < . - . " 27
I ! bode Muml . 2 2
Smith nrolinu . l > H
Tennessee . ! ' I-1
TexiiH . ! ) G
Vermont . ' - 'I
Virginia . !
West Virginia . -f 3
Wisconsin . K H
Ex-Deputy Sixth Auditor Lilly waa
arrested yesterday on a warrant charg
ing that December 10 , 187 ! ) , he ac
cepted from Goo. F. Brett § 8,000 as
compensation for procuriii1 ' Jirott a
contract on a mail route , 'Rail was
fixed at $5,000 , und furnished.
The mother of Mrs. Chriutiancy WHO
nn tbo stand in tbo divoroo casu yeii-
turday , She stated that her daughter
iiibmiltud to her all the letters iihe
wrote and read her all she received ,
The letter put in with Giro's testimony
waa submitted to her and carefully
uxinnined , She said the writing was
liku , yet unlike that of her daughter.
5ho didn't think she wrote them.
H Aim ELD'S fiOrii
The memorial Garlield mooting to
night , being the 00th nnniveraary of
Gut field's birthday , of the Washing
ton literary society , was largely attended -
tended by the most prominent people
uf the city. It was , in a literary point
uf view , most successful.
A Pop-Corn Mnu Found Dead lu
a Huy-ntaoli.
National Ansnt-latetl 1'rct * .
hjriu.s'oKiKMi , III. , November 20 ,
, J. N. Sedgwick , u pop-corn peddler ,
was found fro/.en to death under a
jiay-atack to-day , Ho baa been miss
ing for two weeks. Tlio deceased was
ugcd 00 and waa u well known crank ,
having lived under u sidewalk in Chicago
cage all ono Hummer and was known
u "Old Kedge , " or tbo | iormit of
Michigan avenue.
The Testimony in Full of fcli
Buitoau Trial on Saturday ,
The Question of the Olmrao to
of the Defense to bo
Causes Differences Botwooi
the Counaol for the
Robinoon Wants to Make it
Malprnctico ; Scovllle ,
Insanity ,
A. Press Reporter's Interview
With the Aesasain at the
Jail Yesterday.
Memorial Celebration of a on-
oral Garfleld'a Fiftieth
Anniversary. !
Apportionment of the HOUND of
RnjiroNoutntivcdOtUni - Cnp-
itul NOWB.
S'ntlonnt Av ocwttil I'IMI.
WAHHINOTON , November 19.
School children vied with Indies for
jositionu in court thin morning , iiiul
nun , outsiilo of members oft t ho bar ,
wuro decidedly fuw. The friends of
the prisoner wore early in their B.
John W. Guiteau said to arreportur ,
' 'My brother in in very good humor
Inn morning. I saw him early , and
io was laughing about the remark ho
n.ido yesterday , when ho told mo ,
You don't know any inoro than Sun-
villo. ' " Ho sayK it is most hiuglmhlo
o think how Hio priaonur passes h'B
imo between daylight and dark.
Svery evening , when it gets too dark
o read or wnto , ho lies down on hii
cot , and , boating time with both foul
on the foot board , whistles and singb
o himself until lie goes to sleep.
TIIK JimrriioToQitAriiBii.
The jury sat for their pictures thw
uorniiu/ , having boon fixed for tlio
occasion. They looked better than
The crush about the doors of the
milding this morning was greater
linn before and it was almost im-
lOHsiblo for the judge and counsel to
; et in. The prisoner came in at
,0:12. : Ho waa dreased .in the usual
manner and looked much the same as
csterday. As ho passed between
Sen. Swaim and Col. Rockwell ho
glanced hurriedly apt wifttyi .ftight-
envd look t thoru jfitimat vft.ii ; 3of.
ho president.
The first witness called was Oeo. C.
ilaynard , electrician , who has boun a
esidunt of Washington for many
cars. Ho testified that on the 12th
of March Guiteau came to his ollicu
and asked hi in to lend him § 10 for a
ow days. Ho was expecting a re-
nittancesoon , ho said. Witness lot
lim have the money and aiao in Juno
ast ho lot him have $15 more. Hos.iid
10 wanted to pny a bill. Witness
liowed a duo bill for the whole
Guiteau rose to make an objection
o this kind of evidence. Mr. Scovillo
aid that the objection was in good
aitlt , and Guiteau uaid : "I do not
hink it makes any diiroronco who
owes mo or who I owe. Mr. Maynard
n a good follow , and I owe him § 25. "
The court asked the prosecution to
explain the object of the evidence.
Colonel Corkhill said ho intended to
how that the money last borrowed
vn s used by the assassin to purchase
ho pifitul uaed by him , Tl > o witness
cstiliod further that ho had boarded
at the Bamo house with Guiteau dur-
ng hia school duys at Ann Arbor ,
Mich. IIo did not see him from that
imo until ho came to borrow the $10.
"Did you notice anything atr.uigo
n his appearance us the time , " aikud
"Mr. Scovillo.
"Nothing , except that ho looked
iiingry. "
" 1 wan boarding at a first-class
mono at the time and had plenty teat
at , " interrupted Guiteau.
"Anything else ? " continued Mr ,
Scovillo , addressing the witneHS.
"Ho looked a little needy T
bought. "
Guiteau "I had a $70 suit of
lothes. There is nothing very seedy
bout that. Again , I do not think
ty circunifitnnceH have anything to do
vith this CIIHO. I have been well fed
vcr since 1 have boun in Washington ,
know plenty of public men and
mild get a'l ' the money I wanted. If
looked hungry it waa duo to mental
nxioty I had a great weight on my
iiiul , " IIo spoke with his usual vo-
emenco but was allowed to finish
Mr. Maynard's testimony was cor-
ibonitcd by his clerk and Mr.
D'Muaru , pibtol dealer , retold tint
veil-known atory of the pistol pur-
liaso and identified the weapon ,
At the request of counsel , Mr.
TMeara drew the cartridges from the
listol so that it might bo H.ifoly
mndled , While this wan being done
jiiitcuu addressed the court calmly an
olloWH :
"Whilo this is being donu 1 want to
ivo iv public invitation to John D.
'ownfiond , of New York , to assist me
n this trial ; II'HO Leonard Sweet and
\\i. \ \ Trudo , of Chicago , I _ desire to
iivito them to meet hero with Judge
IcUriulur , of Maryland , on Monday.
'liero are good brains on the other
ido and I want some on this. Mr ,
'ownsoml IIUH nuil ho would como ,
nU I think the others will do NO , He-
sorters will pjoaso make notoof this , "
'hen , hesitating a moment , ho wont
u : "Another thing I want to any io , I
nderstand there are some disreputable
haracters standing about thii court
ntondmg to do mo bodily barm , I
want to nay that the chief of police
has kindly provided me with an escort
cert , and 1 have a. body guard. 1 am
not in fear of my lifo , for any one at
tempting it will probably bo shot at
once by my body guard.
Co ! . Rockwell , commander of pub
lic buildings , and ono of General
Garfiold'g ' intimate frimid * , wan next
placed on the Aland. Ho. said ho wra
an otlicer of the army , 11 is testimony
concerned what lie knew of the nht > o {
ing at the depot. Ho did not sou thu
aboutinir , but was at the president's
aide soon after. When ho lint eaw
him ho thought lie looked like ono
with n mortal wound , Witness also
said that lie ataid ly thu president
nhiKMl constantly until ho died at HI-
boron , N. J. , at 10:110 : p. in. , on the
niRbt of September 11 , 1881.
Mr. Scovillo did not see the use of
this testimony ,
' 'Wo admit the shooting but no
tbo killing , " interrupted Guito.iu
The court said ho could nut control
[ ho line of prosecution.
Mr. Scuvillu did not ask any < | ucs
( ions of the witness.
( Jon. Swaim followed Col. Kock
well. Ho then told how ho was iii
Long Iti-iinch wilh Mm. Gartield whei
.ho president WHS shut ; hnw ho came
in with her and remained with thu
( resident until bin death , and bean
n's last words , "Ob , Swaim. "
The defense did not erosn-examino
leu. Swaim.
Or. llhss was then called. Dr ,
Illisii wan dressed in a light Hiiit am !
ooked better than ho IIIIH for several
nonthtt. Ills answers were plait
ind brief , as far as jxtssiblo. He bo-
; ivn his story where ho lir t taw the
( resident at the depot , detailed hm
inndition at tbo time and stated that
10 wan in attendance on the president
mtil his death , which vas caused by
loniurrhugu , and that it wus the im-
nediato caimo of death. Dr. lUiim
.hen took an anntomy model and
showed the jury the courao of the
> all as revealed by the autopsy.
While waiting for the section of the
vertebrae of General Garlield to bo
irought in Mr. Robinson began a
cross-examination. Ho drat nuked the
Inetor to detail to him the symptoms
) f the president each day from the
imo he was shot until ho died. He
> egan the Hlory of his case which In
md several times told in prirate. A
ho depot ho said ho used small probes
n his wounds. They passed aboul
hreoatpl one-half inches downward
md forward the fracture of the rib
vas thus discovered. "I detailed this
liscovury to thu other physicians. A
i-niuiltatiun was held , a dressing ap-
> lied and the president removed to thu
vhito house. At the depot the prosi-
lent had the appearance of one in a
ollapsc. Ho evidently had been
omiting , but ho said bo had
lot. The doctors therefore thought ho
omplamed of a pain in the lower
xtrometies , but nowheru else. At
.lie white IIOUBO the president was
liven frequent draughts of water _ and
Her awhile hypordermie injections ,
'he necessai y temperature was main-
nmod , and strict ailonco enjoined
J-hfe' JnatnilIKU lK Jf V th ° 3
resident neemed chcorful and hopo-
ul. A reaction having set in , a mm-
) lo drcssintc was applied and ellbrts
n.'ule to induce tliu roton ion of the
lilk and lime water. The stomach
vas in a Bimilar condition on the
th. That morning Dr. Agnew and
Jamilton arrived. There was a con
ultation of the physicians nubsec
uoutly , in attendance. Ueforo this
imo it hud been customary for three
r four physicians to go to the bedside
f | lhe president and make an
xaminatioii and lopoit the smnu
, o the rent. The opiniona were
f eouwo oxpressud. Ono physieian
elt sure , from a personal examination
hat the liver had been perforated and
hat the piosident was dying of inter-
ml hemorrhage , Afler thu evening
f the yd , Dr. Agnew and Hamilton ,
) ra. Koyburn , Uarnea , with the wit-
icsH , were at on attendance on the
ircsidunt. The two lirst muntioned
nado a perauiuil oxamination. DrB.
'owiiHoml and liarnun were at the do-
lot when wihiesa arrived. Thesowit-
IOSSCH bolioviid they had probed the
vound. Thought lr. ) Townsend had
ound the fractured rib. lie thought
10 ono had probed thu wound except
nghimaolf on his arrival. Witness
he ) * , reported the description of the of the ball , according to the
utopsy. Ho then identified a section
f the vertohrao aH that of the late
irebident and with it several parties
vhieh explains more fully to tlm jury
he coursu of the w uiid , The ball
tail ciMimu'iiuad to rust when found
nd the vertebra' had begun to decay
rom the ( 'flVct of the passage of the
> all nnd the attendant conditions ,
Ur. lilies then described the fiucturn
f the rib and went into the details of
10 operation ho performed during
fo on account of the burrowing
f tbo pirn cavity. This burrowing
f the pus cavity started outs do
10 vortobnu and it was into this that
oth incisions were made. Neither
f them were nmdo into the back of
10 wound. WitnuM had HOIIIO trouble
i making the medical terms under-
toodby the jury.
Gniteau occupied the lirno during
U'H testimony in reading , only occa-
onally ghincing at the witness.
Dr. Hliss further said that , no other
ragmuntH of rib were found lifter
oath. FragmontH of thu vertebrae ,
owovor , wuro found at the autopsy.
Col. Corkliill was very anxious to
ave to have the Dr. make these terms
ndei-Htandablo to the jury. Ho
otibted not that Mr. Robinson nnder-
teed them all , but ho did not , and he
anted to bo Hiiro the jury did.
Tn answer to a direct ( jiii'Mlion Dr.
Hits Miid that thu track of the ball
as not in thu corpse and that ho
louglit the specimens preserved
vould show the track and where the
all was found , notwithstanding the-
arts were changed by inlUmation ,
ho parts of the wound whucu the ball
vas found was completely healed in-ar-
y in , not toward the vorobnu. Tliat
art of tbo wound was , doing as well
is could bo oxpccted. Mr. Robinson
lion went back to tbo early con *
ultation in tlio case tind at
iia request the witness men
toned the namcu of thono
in attendance on th
[ ir fit day. He tried tu recall the opbi
ions expressed by them , and said i
wan Dr. Wat IK who said the liver wa
laccrnU-d and Kild it was on bin statement
mont that it wa generally believed
When tbo first consultation was belt
with Dm , At/new nnd Hamilton i
aeotnod fmibalilo thai the liver was no
lacerated and they Wgrui to recede ,
thonib nnt then onJirely fnim their
previous ] mnitioii. Thsrowori' no im-
iiurtnnt dovftopmonts ht the cane niter
tbo rcaotitHi until the first
mil cavity formed. Tlreu there were
uumiatakablo ymnloms- conllnod
| ius , which relieved. There wan
little change until tins BOCIMU ! cavity
was formed , and1 ivftor that the symp
toms continued uniform. An to when
tbo parotid glanrl trouble began I'r.
Ulisi said he couliJ iivu ; a dehmlod his
tory of the oisj of Mio aiso if ho had
data at band , I In was told that bo
Would bo given an opportunity to pro
vide himself such dtUe.
Mr. Soovillo then iuestioned him.
In answer Drr' llli H suid that the
time of the shooting until de.-illi ,
tburu was undoubtedly a llow oi blood
from the broken artery , into and
through the adjoining cavity. The
cavity tmwl linvo been enlarged just
buforo death , Thu artery could not
have been ruptured by the injection
of embalm , el u there would have
been unmUlakahlo evidence of it , but
the witness bad been lirjt summoned'
to the CJIMO by Secretary Lincoln and
afterwards remained in charge of the
personal rinp.iu l of the prvtudcnt and
Mrs. Garlield. Heing judged from
the nature of the wound | the shot
must have been Bred from a litlto tu
the right or directly behind the
president. Dr. Bliss then pro
ceeded to tell Scovillo tbo history of
famous pus canal.
The short recess was taken at 112iO. : :
Must of the- crowd kept their places.
The prisoner ato' lunch in tbo mar
shal's room.
Dr. IMins was recalled and Mr. Sco-
ville continued the cross-examination.
Ho asked carefully concerning tbo
treatment. Again thuvitnom had
recourse tu the ulliuiul record of the
caau. This was in Dr. Itoyhurn'.s
hand writing. That nbysician had to
bo sworn tu aut an interpreter of the
same. Together they began tbo de
tailed history of the vaso. Air. Hob-
inaon said he wanted nothing but the
symptoms , after which only tlio record
of this was given. Nearly an hour
was consumed in thin way. Mean
while thu auditinco grew restive.
Gnitoiui faimmud himxclf by looking
over Mr. Scovillo'sshouldoraa ho read
the statutes. Mr. Robineon listened
closely , but the other counsel
seemed busy with booku and papera ,
At length , however , Colonel Cork-
lull and Air. Davidgo made an ell'ort
to find out the object of thin line of
Qvidenco. Mr. Davidyo said lie pro-
niuiud that thu object was to establish
tbo dufente that the president' wiu >
killed by malpractice. Such evidence
: ould not be admieBtiblu according to
Ilia way of tliinkiny , unless the de
fense meant to charge Uuit the prcsi-
, . .
A't any ruto uoh ovidoiieo wia not ad-
[ iiissablo ; it this btigu of the case. If
inch a defense should be undertaken ,
ho prosecution might then bare some-
: hin < ; to say. Mr Davidgo thought
inch a defense would IM ) supremely
idiculotiH. Any way to save time
md trouble , he proponed to
ut the defennu have the ollicial
ecord of the case to use
is they pleased. Mr.
ilobinson accepted thm oiler and only
isked a few moro questions. Mr.
icovillo did not acorn at all pleased
vith Air. Jlobimon'rt line of oxiunina-
ion. It was learned during the af-
ernoon that Mr. Soovillo really ob-
eeted to the malpractice defense , and
bat Mr. Robinson was undertaking it
m his ort'ii reBon.ailibty. ] After Mr.
llobinson had concluded , M r. Davidge
iskod Dr. Uliss to state to the jury
.he great dangers of such a wound as
.ho president was found to have had.
Dr. liliss replied that the injuries to
: hu backbone wiui the chief danger ;
.hat , blood poisoning xvas unavoidable
'rom the ellccts of the scattered bono
'ragmentH , and tltat the injury to the
irtury miiat wooner or later have
iroven fatal. These wore the great
langei-H , according to his point of
, -iuw , and ho plainly stated so to the
my , and explained , too , that a ball
vould perfectly encrust , but bonu or
raijmonla f bone , never.
Colonel Corkhill Raid the prosecution
itid conliduntly expected to close their
: aso thin afternoon , but Air. llobinton
tad informed him that nil thu medical
fitnesses would hi ) uubjectud to u
imilar interminable cross-exaniination
3 Dr. HlisH , and ho therefore saw no
IBO in going further to-day. Conso-
uoiitly the court adjourned
The jury will IHJ allowed to take aide
ido under the escort of the maraluil
iimorrow. .
Guiteau seems * much pleased with
lobiiison's espousal of the malpr.ialici )
efeiiRo. Ho shook hands with his
irotlier and sUter Ixjforo tiu went out ,
nd suid : "Come and call to-mor-
uw. " Tlio van not having been or
ered until D o'clock , ho W.IH Uupt m-
ide longer than usual , alld therefore
Heaped KO great a crowd ai yesterday.
lo carried about a do/.on papers with
im to the jail.
WAHIIINHTON , November'JO. Theru
t uvury jiroHpect of unotlvr ncenu in
ourt in the Guiteau casu to-morrow
lorning , and one that will purluipa
iiivo a inuikcd etl'ect on the future of
ho trial. Air , .Scovillo to-day ceil or-
led in an interview lib determination
o rutiru frum tlio CHHO unlesaMr. Uob-
IIBOII duLM HO. M r. Kobiimon , ho
ay it , dot nut consult bint ut all , and
lis coiieoittion of the malprautico do-
onao will not bo tolerated by tbo
riuiids ij the priaonec. Mr. Robin-
to H ly wlnt hu will do toinor-
ow , but it irt HiimioHud that be , bav
ng been unsigned by court , will con
innu to act unlusK Die court HiinliH bo
md better ititiro to save trouble. Tlio
msonur'tt hrotlior and Mr. Scovillo
usist that Robinson almll go. The
) iily way a comnromisu could be ef
fected in by Robinson's ' agreeing to
ibandon the malpractice defense ,
keep still and lot Scovillo
have his way. All this , it i * tfiought ,
bo will bnrdly do. The course that
Guitonii hnnseU will bko in tbcr mat
ter is uncertain. It was reported hero
to-day he had said bo would up
hold Robinson in the matter. Robiiv-
w > n called on him to oo how badly ho
was hurt , but did not see him ; neither
was the priiwiior visited by Hcovillo otr
bin brother to lay. The jail wa *
visited , however , by many curious
0110.1 , but few saw hiin. Among these
who icon him was a rejKirlcr , to whom
TA.KKI > KRI'.nnT.
First ho said lie wished the papom
would not spunk of him an tbo ' 'aisan-
Bin. " "That is n cruel wrrvd"saidhc ,
"and if grates on wy nonsitivo nen'CB.
Some | > r.pera alwap speak of mo as
the prisoner , the defendant , or Gui
teau. 1 don't ' mind that. 'Fellow' ia
another name I ; , that ia a.
low , vulgapappcllatio ii" TJio inter
view then yrcKeoded :
"Doenyout wound fmrt you ? "
"Not in thi > least. It did noUburb
from the ! irsTho mm intended1 1
kill me , but the Lord interposed1 and.
wived mo from harm. "You wui look.
it my arm , " contimtod the assasjin ,
md showed tH spot inaido of the ol-
MIW , that lootaxl very imich like a-
. He eoniinue'l "Tho
mm. ' : papers *
lavn done mo- wrong in nayiug T
smilingly handled a Heelion of 1'resi-
Ibnt Garjicld's backbone that wa >
iriKluceil in court1.1
"Didn't you critically uxnniino it ? "
"I did not ; Scovillo bad it in lii'iv
iand and it attracted my attontioiii
L whispered to him , 'is that part of'
Gartield's bones I' and Mr. Scovillo
jodded 'yes. ' I did not ntick > my
ingiir into tbo hole ; didn't ' oven point-
it ib. I want the Htutumont correct
ed , fur snob reporU lend to incense-
the people against mo.
"Did you over know Hill Jones , the-
nun-arrested on Hiiapitiion of having'
tired at you yesterday' "
" ( ' never saw him , and don't want
lo sou him or any ono Hue of his dis-
xisition. lie must bo a lunatic or
mshwluiekor. "
"Did you say , as reported , that yuits
supposed some damned Virginian or
Maryland rebel did it ? "
"I did'n't. I don't n n nr. 1 havo-
ilways associated witlihigh-tnncd poo-
doChristiana a > id politicians of
uoral principles. Whenovur you aeo-
in oath , coupled with any expression *
icoorded to me , you can put tbo
vlioio ( him ; down tut a luaiiufacturcd-
aUebood1. "
Warden Cracker remarked that lnr >
ng bis attendance on Guitcau- had
lover heard a profane or vulgar word
'rom him.
"Do j ou desire thu punishment of- -
your would-be slayerrosunudi / tbo
: eporten
"I ccrtaiily do , an.l to tbo full ox-
entof the law- ; not , howoveiyout of
i sirit ] of revenge , but an a warning
o other eranka who harbor designs-
against my lifo. "
"Do yoiu stand in dread of any fur-
; bor- attempts on your lifo ? "
"I havo'im anxiety an to the future.
L am in no- fear ; the Lord and the.
metropolitan police vrill guard mo front ;
in the future as Ho has preserved mo
in the past. Ho ia using these people-
to aervu Uts purpose and hence cornea
my protection. Tbo. ' issues of life or-
death , yon know , are in His bunds
nnd IIo never , in working , out Ins ,
plans , givus much reference to-tho wilL
uf man. " '
"Hut , " said tbo reporter , "if tbo
Lord guards you with such * tender
jure , why. was it that this attempt on
your life throw you into a state of
fear ? "
"I waa not thrown into any fear.
Die report A'aa.falao and slanderous.
When i beard thu shot I thought ono
> f tbo guards bad accidentally dis-
jlmrgedihis. pistol , nnd that tbo hor-sea
then took fright nnd rait. . away. I
loll you. thin made the old van hum.
I'liat , of course , caused me considor-
iblo tropidity , but I waa not frigh
tened , "
"Will you appeal to thu court for-
uhlitiimal protection ? "
"I undoubtedly shall , if the addi
tional protection is not granted with
in L such an appeal , and I am im-
'ormed it will be. I want no leas
.ban six or eight mounted- policemen
, o guard tlio van from the jail to the
soiirt room to-morrow andi back again *
o the jail"
Ho remarked that tbo mounted po-
ici ) have only accompanied the van in.
hu moruing.
"Dn you intend to niuko an address ,
n court io-inorrow't"
"I don't ' intend to make any moro
ipeeob u in future , I will get in my
vork on the sly by seasonable inter-
uptions and interjections. "
"Your lawyers undJ the court may
lave uometbing to say on this sub-
| ect , " suggested the reporter.
"You can just say , " rotortoditbo'
iHsiiH.iin , "that I am not going to be *
mauled , I don't intend to bomur -
lored by any Hii eationa of my conn-
iel , or by tbo ruling of the court. 1
nay tiavu something to say.tomor -
ow , for 1 uudoiwtand that Scovillo.
ihjccts to the croH3-oxamii-j.tion of the
loutors. Now , 1 want them to bo
: ! gidly examined. "
'Mr. Ciockor. bore objected t < the.
) ri. onor criticiHing bis eounael , but
iiiiteau said ( ( uivkly :
"I want to.say this , that tlu ) doc-
era must tulL their otories in fullH
is I IIHTO r.aid in open court.
1 udmit thu shootinv , but deny the.
willing. The dnctora killed tlu presi-
lent anil 1 intend that they ahalL
iburo with mo the odiiuu of bis.
Icatb. ' "
"Do you then intend to insist on.
.bo ] ) loa of mulprattico , "
"L do not , 1 nut solely on the plea ,
if insanity. "
"Tben you really consider your act
m ins.inu one ? "
"I do , Tlio act of taking 1'residenb
Clarliold'a ' lifo , from its conception in
itu execution , waa an insane one. "
"Vou surely do not maintain that-
you are mi insane man at this moment
ment/ / " Ventured tbo reporter.
"I maintain , " bouan Uuitoau , but
the warden put his foot down on this
way of getting evidence , aa ho seemed
io consider it. The assassin did say ,
Continued on fifth pa jtt <