Till' , OiMAUA DAILY Bti' : SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 19 , US ] , HIE DAILY BEE. Saturdny Morning , Nov. 10 , For the necomoilntirm of our u putron * Rrrntipements lw o been mndo with KtUiolin & Krictoion , jewelers , opinis'ito the post otRce , whore ruUcrtiNciuc'iiU And crdcn for tlic city deliver } ' of Tim Urr will be receiv cd. Adv ortipemcnts for tlic evening must bo linndcd in lufure 1:30 : p. m , , tor llio morning edition l > cforu 8 , " > 0 LOCAL , BREVITIES. 1'ftttcrnon PC I IN coal. I'rcikrick Leading lUtter. -.Do-ina. Ucllablc Hatter. Glov n nt tlio 00 cent ctoro. 1'ttr Cni > , nt Sir * . Huliennnim'c. "Winter c-\pi chcaji i.t l- ' Iln ednrn * eU ) meit , for cnsli , only. LirK'O line of fine toilet s.mj n and ptr- funiTy nt Knliti'H dnig ctorf. iill-tf Milieu Hnnd JJajTsntthoO ! ) cent stoto. Smoke the Cilie.lflO Ttvll.s Cir , for nalo only nt Vorujth' * tint ; ; "tors. n8-tf UON'NKH'S forhctt Stoves nml 1 tir- nltiire. " Ole c , ( flotes atMra Hnbcrniitm'ii 3Cth slrftt. nl8t ( Jnitiua nnd IVmml Sweets , nt Me- "Vltlli'H. cor. lltli ntid I'nriilrim htictt. llr.rlr , tlio Magician , vnll hold forth nt llojd'Hall next ucdt. One Slocitnib VV.H nmllcted 810 nnd cosU liy Judge Iknckc jcstcrd iy. Trinity Choir concert at Mnx Mcjir1 * TSlusic Hall to-iuRlit. Old unlit cxclmngcd for new jewelry nt IMholiu t Kricksnii'M , optmnito the poit ; 3icc. octM-lf S\vi < rheeie imported nnd iiniUtlon , wliolvala nnd ict.ill , nt II. Mujcr'a. " 07 Roiitli 13th Htrcet Pine hot milk egg-nog and milk Tom and Jerry lit Jake in d Hurry1'1 , Koiitlii'iwt corner Ultli nnd Dodge. The Pioneer Hook nnd L.uhler com pany will iUa ; n. ball 'riinnlcHgivin me. Tickets .iro now on mile. Memorial ncrviccH will be Jild ut ( ! A. H. hull on Monday atoning , November 17 ! , In honor of thu late Col. Wutton K. .Smith. .Smith.Kov. . .1 AV. llarrii will preach ut thu Iliplitt church next Sunday on thu tttib. jcc' , "Who l renponclblf for thu inutdur of Col.yalfcon I. . Smith ; " The attention of the public is directed to the call for n nieiliii ! ; of tlio Nihr.iskn Bociity for tlio prevention of cinelty to niihn.ily , which will bo found in niiotliu toliimn. C.ipt. W. 1L Sislioc , 1'onrlh IT. S. in- fnntry , commanding 1'ort JJridger , Vf. T. , wns in the city Tlmuiljy. Huixu forinir rcxldcnt of thin dcp.irtuiLiit nnil lias u host of friemU nnd acqunlntnnct'H here. Tlio case ol Deli i Tlininni , on of the u omen arrested for lighting on 12th nnd IDixIgo direct un Tuesday liul , vas tdii-ii- ! crcil by Jnilga Itntl.o ! thin nftcinoon nnd ho was dihchnrgcd. The other cnntH were continued until Friday next. "Partner Wanted. " An cnterpri iiiR Ijiily or ( icntleman with $1,000 to take an intercut Inn first-cliiss t'lentricnl ciiturpri c. ] ( ! K monoy. ( load chunco for nn mnntuir. Address , "Mimnger , " pontollicc , Onmh.t , Tfibriwlta. nlOood.lt The bright and pretty littlu "Fopiy" who in rufcrrcd to in a morning paper , ! H TlIK llKl.'rt IIOWH girl , nnd Unit ulio is n MIC- cciw may bo judged from the fact that ha Hold The Kopublioin man the only Iti'h lut ever bought. She la n d.iiny and don't you forget it. A Millard precinct farmer named "William Smith wan Tliurmlay ncntuicud l > y Judge AnderHon to fifteen dny Im prisonment In the county jail for drunken. ncBH ami thirty dav' for nsHnnlt nnd bat tery. Ho in charged with drinking foity- two gallons of whisky In five month * , IwntiughU ttlfo with the wtcneplpo and throw in ; ; platcH of grub in her fuco. } Ono hundred nnd tifty-nino beautiful residence loin , located on Hamilton xtrect , lialf wny between the turn table of the rod direct rar line iiml the wnterworkH rcHcrvoir and nddltion. nnd iiut wei < t of bo convent of the Kl torn Poor Clalro In Shinn'n addition , 1'riccn rnngo from $75 to 91CO each , nnd will bo wild on CHHJ tormi to thoHQ who will Improve. liemU' eal estate agency , Fifteenth and Douglan treetfl. _ Lntn Trnitm lloth tlio overland trains on the "Union L'lcitic rend nro l.itu tu-day. Dolny in the Cliic.igo roads hold the wc'jt bound train until nenrly two o'clock. No.I is rupoited uo about six lioiiru behind time but may rodncu that liuuru Hoiniiwlmt on tlio run in. Oiily oiio o ( tlio t'dat bound tr.iina will wait. Unavy > Fro'iL-ht flluliinunla from tlio m taro are on the daily incroiuo , nnd nlrondy uro cnormotuly hoivvy , In u Binglo twulvo hount this week 1 1cars of fr i lit from uimtorn jiointa wuio traiiRforred to this side of tlid r.vor. Thin hc.ivy iiinoiint tif freight neuussi- tatuB the woiking of tovi-n night KUII H and u btill larger iiinnbur in the day , 'I'hcso will piobubly bo incre.itud , im it is oxpoctcd tliat the tnuihfiub of freight will nygiogalo ever -100 cnr * daily. A trill package of "BLACK-DRAUGHT" in n of charge. At 0. K. aofxlman. , Tii8t ri'ccivod fi jinunil Hnxon bust Million Layer lliUinsut Win , Ijiwoi- tteiiiH , lOthHtrirt. nlT-Ilt NEW SILirioLMANS nt nriueu that ilufy cuinpvtitiini ut nl7-2t 1IKKT MICIIUIAN AI'I'I.IIS , f-1.50 PKH UAHH15L. Early UJBO Potatoes , 81.15 , nnd Bait Luke I'utatoi's , $1.40 j er bnsbul in 10 buahcl lota , ut G. Jldniiud'd , Sixteunth street U. 1' . block , novJ 1-lit Now lot of Rubber liuotH and Arc tic * to-duy nt Fuenvy it Coniuilh'a , Kixtcunth street. nl8 21 Ladies' Linul Cloth .Shot's , and Men's Heavy Lined Otuin linllalo Bhoes tit Feenoy & CoiineljjK Uo.it and Shoo Emporium , 612 bixteunth utrcet. n 18 lit NO CONSOLIDATION , I Dr. Mercer Denies Any Part- uorehip With Vntifihn nud Chapman. The Honllo Line to Bo Pnt Upon OmnlmStronts Indnpoudontly. About throe months ago n rumor prevailed aWit this city tliat ex- Alderman -Iiin Stoplioiinou had pur chased the right to put on Omahn'n streets n line of conveyances , known as the Ilerdic conches. The Herdics nro becoming very popular throughout the country and for many icasonn are a very satisfactory moans of public conveyance. Accordingly , tlio leport \\nflfn\oru1jly leccivtd , nnd the np- p niunco of u H.iuiplo caniniro tiion Kmnh.imstieet about that time tended to confirm the rumor. Tnno slipped ulon , but no Iterdiu line nan cst.ihlishrd nnd presuntly it AVUS whisjieied that the Hclicmu to purchase the light had f.ill on thnmuh , and that the piivilcfje hud been secured by Council Hindi ] iutics. In iiivtstigatKiu of this I.ittor report n IJnr ropoiter went to the Town city and called upon gentlemen thuro who Hero otiiled to bo interested in the matter. Thcae , ' - ' * ' " " - ' wcru noiieotlierllinii Mayor W. L. V.iu lmn and John W Chnpiii.in , editor of Tlio Council IJliiir Nonpireil. In an in- terviuxv Mayor Vniigh.in Loiilirmtdtlio icport , but Htated tli.it ho did not dn- niro to have tie ! matter mndo public then , for \unous leaeons , nnd fatd tint when ho wiui re.idy ho would ivo 'I nr Hiu ; the lir.it information. lo further said tliat ho and Air. ( Jimp- mail had paid 810,000 for the ri"htfnr , both citten , and conyiiitul.itod himself that the investment \\.in a good oni > . Ho st.ited that in order to procure the riyht foi Omaha at well aH Council Illullrt , ho W.IH obliged to leaorttoa hltlo "dinner game" on .StiphciiHon , wiio was endeavoring to close negotia- tiona wilh I'utor Ilcnlio , and that he telephoned ever to Jlurdic while the latter was in Sio ] > hciimin'ft ullice , to pn ; acioiis the Hi } < Muddy HI id ( line vMtli him , and extended him the freedom of thocity.it the a tine time as an oxtr.i inducement ; also that the veteran Willi.uuaporter accepted the dinner invit.ition , and there the bit gain for the n lit to inn coiche * ) in both eities in conjunction wns con summated. The leporteracceded , somewhat un willingly , to thu icquest to Keepnunu , nud nothing W.IH publinlad. On Thuimluy , however , nn Omnha reporter porter lor another paper erossud to Couiioil Hlulla nnd intoi viewed Mayor Vuugliuii and other pintitHon the sub ject. In thin iimtancu the woitliynnd lively mayor unbosomed hm jirojecla , nud i.ithor eneouriiKed their puliliui- tion. JIo made tlio matter voluble enough for n half column nr- ticlo , nnd the report g.i\o therein the imnio of Dr. S. D. .Mercer , of this eity ns the Omaha rtimosont.itivo of the Council IMuIln llcrdic coaeh lino. lino.This This report is emphatically denied by Dr. Mercer , who alao , ns will bo aeon in the following note to Tin ; IKK ! , gives the truth of the mutter regard ing the puichnso of the right for this oty ! : lu tlio Billtor of Thu Ike. I'len'o deny the rejiort In The Herald of this morning of my connection uilhnny llcidlc Hue. It in true that I purclnwd the right in Omaha , but it \\i\a ontinly In thu inten-xt of other parties , nnd not in itny way connected with the Council Hlntf * Line , or Imlliinn br ! lfo Hchcmc. Very rcMpectfullv , ti. O. Mi ituhit. This nt onccn jmneture'i ' a hole in the wtory by Mayor Vain-luii and do- stroyn the pontoon binlgo idea HH ellectually as would the ( hut rise of water that came surging down the tin bid Htretm which Hepu.itus Omaha and Council Illutl'i. If Oiimlm over IIIIB Bttouls suitnblo for the Iluidie co.ich ilh us low li \ stops and axle , the line will bo introduced nnd run by Omuhnpirttea inteaHted in Omaha's toiivenience. Palpitation of the Heart. .T. M. Might , .SyraciiHo , N. Y. , writes : "Whun 1 lirwt coiiiiiioniod iHln youi Hiir- dock lllood Dittira I wai troiibkd with IhitU-rlng and palpitation of the heait , 1 ( clt weak and Imigu d , with n mimlniexi of the limliH. 8inco using , my hcait ha not troubled mu and the numbing Henna- tlon IH nil gonu. " 1'ricc , $1 ; tiial uuc , 10 ccntH. 10-eodlw ALL FOR ANIMALS. Important Meeting at the Opera Houie , T' This evening the Nobrnsla S. P , U. A. will hold its annual moutiii' , ' nt Doyd'x opein house , nnd nil mu invited nnd urged to bo present. In nddltion to the business transac tions of the meeting , n most interest ing piu inmnio I'H piomised , Little .li'iiniu McClelland nnd Hiury MeCor- miok will sing , nnd Heasiu Hunter , the noted elocutionist , uill give reci tations , Addies os will bo delivered in the older mum d by Dr. Gen. L. Miller , pieuident of thoHociuty ; ! - > Clark- sun , Oeii. JManduunii , Jaiia-a Stephenson - son , Uuv. A. F. Shell ill , George . llomiin and C , S. Montgomeiy , Esq. NoLhiiigelmtoverwill bo mndo hu ndmUsiini , it being the deaite of the society to pioiunt the nmttt'i to the publiu nnd enlml I'oneial Hympiithy in the can no. Thu lollovung IIUH been issued as thu oniciu , Thu undiTrtii-ncil , in bohnlf nf many good men nnd ui im.n in the state and eity , makib nn eninebt nppial to the pioplu to attend nud putieip.ituin thu annual meeting nf the society for thu pruveiitiiui ot ci unity to animals , which Hill bu hi Id tit Hoyd'u opera hoiiHOdii Situidny OMinini , ' next , A coidial invitation is extended to all to bu piouent on Unit occasion , A pleas int I'liti't-tninmeiit is to ho olfered by those having ehaigu of the nr- i.ingemuntK. Major llojd , uitli n liboinlily that tofiiib tu nuver woitry , bus givun thu nso of his beautiful ojiera house for the uurpose , prac tically free , nnd the time will be op- poitunu for many who hnvu not aeon the 1 entities of ihia mngnilicent ktiuu- turf , because they do not pntionizu tlualcM , to rco it in nil its splendid appointmeiitH. ] lake this opportunity to nay to the pcoplu who upholdmnl niMtnin the ctlorts of this young ooctoly to jiru- vent brutality to brntos that it needs their active co operation. The pur ixni ! i * lo'ro'trgnniro it in some respect b.ituiday evening. In the ikath of Colonel Smith lln > society hnB lost not ineiely n vidunblo olliccr ns Bccrelnry , but n viuilant nnd devoted friend of the cause. ; It will bo necessary to choose Ins successor nt the coming meet ing , nlid ncrhnps to male homo chang es in the orgim/ition \Vlin * . is most needotl is the active membership nnd tifsislanco of the l > nimineiit women of the city. In Doston , Philadelphia , I'lttahun ' , , and other cities , the first ladies of soeitty me most conspicuous nnd ull'.ctuu ] in the work , nnd this ou ht to bo the etsu in Omnha. Addrcnsin will bo made by Kt. Kev. Itishop C'arkson ' , IJov. Mr. Shernll , Cieorgo W. Homnii.lames W. Sav.iio , Mr. Montgiiineiy , nnd other gentle men , nnd it is hoped tluL theioul ! ho n largo nttemlan-o at thu coming meeting. In behalf of the society , Gi.ouai : L. Mir.mt , I'risident. A BIG HIT. Undo Tom's Cabin at Boyd's Opera House. The Finest RiiprosontnUon of tlio Drnimi No more delightful entertainment has been given at lioyd'u oper.i house since its opening than that of Thurs day by Draper's Undo Tom Cabin combination. Familiar nn is this dra ma ) i/ation i f MIH. Btovve'H won derful novel , often ns it has been given in this city , it HCCIIIB that people never glow tired of. it nnd List night Ion ; ; before the oponint scene the vast thcntio vvnn ciowded in every part. Not less than 1,500 persons , mobibly nearer 2,000 were piusent , leaving enough for nn overllow meet ing iiL the Academy of Music , where the Hnmoplny wan presented by smother comp.iny to n Riuall house. The piece was put on in. such n man tier as to place it in the best possible light , nnd nt the same time reveal the maunilicent scenuiy and uiuipmcntH of thu new hoiui : , nnd thu cast was well taken and atton thuiiighoiit. W. D. Cormier , ns Undo Tom , was nearer the popular uh n of that patient and pious old man than any ether or who has csi.iod thu role for joaia past. W. 1. Lewis , "who w.is n law- yeintid IUH iinmo uns Marks , " was evidently ntLop'nblo ' to the house , foi ho was gicotul with laiightor aim applause throughout the evening. Anew now departuiu was the remarkably light-coloicd CaucaHians eliosen to represent ( Jeurgu nnd Kli/.i Ilurrif. This is really caiiiud out by thu novel on which thu play IH founded , bubwus n little hard to become accustomed teat at first , i'liineau Fletcher , Simon Le- gree , George Shelby and other char- ncteis in the play wuu well taken. The part of Topsy , sustained by Miss Adele Clarke , was by nil odds the most perfect in con ception and acting that has ever been seen here , ilow her black eyes did sparkle , and who over saw mote genuine childish deviltry nnd childish ngony of grief tliun this Topsy exhibited. Miss Clnrko has no upual as Topsy anywhere. Evunguline St. Clair , by Little Gunevievc , the opposite character to Topny's part was equally will taken and deserves all praise She is just petite enough fui the part. The Mngiiolin Jubilee Singers , Messrs. Hamcr , Corey Smith and Hagurman , tnlioducud some new fea- tuns into thu play , which with theii ( specialties made it much more enjoy able. They were encoied four and live tinu'H at each appearance. The sceneiy was grand throughout , and the death scone of little Kvn wns But in n man ner and with nn ell'uct never oxcdlcd in any metropolitan the ilu * . It was bimply beautiful , ami when the sweet nut is of the Mngnolia quattotto floated ui ) lu * lu night nir they seem ed ho iv only enough to accompany the spirit of thu gfiitlu child to the King dom of liuivon that ia of such ns she A Tnloiitod Lacly'w Vinwi Mrs C. F. Fleming , Htnto lecturer nf M issoiiri , nnd nUo un nrtisi of tare inuiit , vvhouo picturuof Aduhtidu Noil- son is pronounced by the press to bu the most beautiful portrait in thu United States , in a ncent letter said : "T have been tioublud with kidney disease HIIICO my childhood , nnd it finally ciilmiintud in eluonic catarrh of thu bladder. It would bo impossi ble for mo to deseiibu how much 1 have sullei fd , mi'l ' 1 hud abandoned nil hopu of over being euied. I "an , however , leeommeiided to try Win ner'a Safe Liver and Ividney Cine , and it 1ms done mo moio t'ood than the combined wkill of nil the physi- eiana 1 Irive over tiled dining my en- tuu life. " Snuli tiHtinmny IH beyond iiu > slion , and piovus thu vnliiu to nil Indica of the rumedy it advocates eodlw The most grateful and liixiniuus BeiiMitions thu either emunnlu fiom n cheeilnl , glowing ctovu. 1'ieiuy , J'Jll Fiirnliani stieot , bus only a tuu of the " " " "Iiivineiblifl"lott Thu "Wi'M- ininstura" nru alao going like hot enkes. novl itf Joat received , a Inrgo line of s did Silt or waie , nt WhipplotV : McMillan's , nm IS-'t G i omul Food , Coin , Oitw , nnd lialiil liny for ralo by Poland iV ) tut Dudgu stieet. nlS ( it I'.UVI , (1LOVTS , 11(1111 H , Fur I'liiHli Cloth , Silk , Cult , IJiililu-r Cuim , liiick Bkin , Castor , Kid ( JK/tli , C.ilf and VTiMtl ( Jlovi'H , llo.vi , Hiiivur , Uulycr , HnccoiHi , Wolf , Mt.MU.III flout , Fox , Li'iili , Kulliilo Itnlii'i mid rii-iitu' Co.itH , nf all Ivindw mill ( ( iiality , nt Homy 0. Hiohtvr , tlio l-'urrit-r , KI'J Fiiriiliuin Hticut. nut U ) ( it A Unit line of Imth Wind r Mid Sjiiiiig Wlii-at Flour , ut Win. Liuoit. Btuiu'ri , Sixti-oiitli Hticot. novl7-3t Bait Uiku I'ututooa ut Win. ( Jfii- tluniuii'H. iiuvl-t-tit DRAGGING ALONG. United States Court not yet Bojum. \Vhnt Tronulow ArUo over Obtain- Int : n. Grnuil Jnrj- The United States court is sujiposcd to ba in se i m in this city , in fact wns nnnoniued to beam last Mondny but ns yet only n put ot it , nnd that n dry Icyil i art has been in mo- lion The nst of the business of the court is nt a ataiid-still , The reason for this seeming blockade is to bo found in troub'cs ' which surround the obtainnl of a grand jury. This jury was drawn and the names of < he jurors published four or five \\eeks ngo. Still it is not filled and several nttempts nl empaneling ImVo only de veloped the fact that there were still one or inoti vacant chniiH. In the fust instance the jury rniiltH nuro biokenby His Honor's excusing three gentleman from this city Iroin serving biciuso they wore milHcribor.s to the Wals in 15. Smith fund , ns it is known , nnd that c tse is likely to come before the pieseiit jury for investiga tion. This action by the juduo vuis undoubtedly coriect , but it created three v icnn < us all the same , and they must bo hllul Now conns m one of the bpiuluii ol Uiu pnadit nystuin of obt lining n grand jury f lorn the state. The lux in which thu commissioner ban placed the names nf residents of thu state who nro ehyiblo foi jury duty was shaken up and three names diawn. They all happened to bo those of business men in Fall City , and it then becnmo necessary to send them notificitiou of their "election. " which caused a day's delay. They came , but one of them had the next IHS excuse to personal ill HIES that Ins family were all sick and ho was excused. The box was shaken up a nin and the name of n far nil' resident of the state came out. Notification was sent him and he will piobubly bo hcio to-dny. Dul , in any event , thegi.md juiy is not likely to get down to business before next Monday just n week behind time. Thi.s dei.iy has doubtless caused much inconvenience to both ntlorneys , witnesses and pnitu.s in MiiK nnd niiy cauao inoie. Still it c.ui't bo helped uinifi1 the existing law for obtaining t'l.it IIOCCRS iry niljunct of the couit , the giaud jury , nnd in the meantime the gentlemen from other jntta of the state have nmplo oppor- I unity to look over the pronporous , busy and iteming metiopolis growing up on the eastern bonier of their thiivingctite. The ciimtnnl docket , besides the civil , is Impound some very interest ing cases will probably be tried. Con spicuous among these aru those of the a ont nnd superintendent of the Sid- iu'y-De.idv\ood stnuo line , on charges of compiling to t oh the government , nud also the triil of Geary , the route agent , on the U. P. , who got away with a § 2,000 ptckago from the Sidney postoflice. About thirty witnesses are m nttondanue to testify in these cases. The whole will be full of business nnd very interesting , A. "World of Good , Ono of the most popular medicines now before the American public , ia Hop Hitters. You see it everywhere People take it with uood ellect. It build * thoni up. It is not as phusaiit to the tistu as some other Bitters ns it is not a whisky drink. It is more like thu old fashioned bone-set tea that has done a world of uood. If you don't feel just light try Hop Hit ters. Nunda Nows. novJfi-dccl LAID UP AGAIN. - This Time it IH Reported to to nn Excursion that did it- After various contiadictory reports as to the probable nriival of the over land ti.iin fiom the west yesterday afternoon , it wns finally bulletined nt the depot that No. 4 had been aband oned. Thu fact that no heavy snovv.s or startling accident hud been reported west made it somewhat curious that die train bad been taken oil' . Later , however , the explanation came that the latge excursion from Montana , which uun advertised to come through to-day lad coupled on to thu overland train .mil had delayed it o lout ; tha * all hope of making up the tin ID and cumulating wilh the eastern tnuiiK was ivui up , Accoidingly the train L' t 110 fin ( her last night than Ninth Platte and there laid up for thu Dun- voroxpiuss No. 2 , which took part of No. I in tow , and both uirivo this inmiiiiii ; ut the uvular aiiivmg time of thu Dunvor ti.iin , 7:155 : o'clock. Sfato Bur MootlnR. Thu state bar association held a biiof imoting TlHired ly evening in the United States court room , The only business of thu session was the election ot mi orator for the next annual meeting Judge lleavii , of Fulls City , wns flrli-cted. This ehoicu H both a tlitUini' , ' one nnd vuiy appropiiutc. Colored Odd Fellow's Bull. Omalni Lodge No.'I. . ' , othurwisu knowd as Pride of the West L idu'u. of thu ( iiand Uni n Cider of Odd Follows held n pluuint , lecuptioii in Standiud Hull Tlinibdiy evening. A In ut lifly eoitpha v\eiu prifionl , nnd tlu-v hud it most cnj i\ablo time. Tlitty Hull a Good Time. You cm just but they did. It was up in , Inn Neligh'rt looms and quite a ptr > ) were thoie , intluding Vie. liierbmur , Ecrj , and tlfloen or twenty n-pixBHitutivugentlemiii fromSidnoy. When the jmity weio faiily nwrinbled and the fun started it was simply immi'iisi' . A qu trtut from thu Omaha glee elub were present and sang their swextest and most stirring song * , until thu HiU-ct and favored audience ap plauded to the ech < As thu night were on some of the took n hand in the inimical entertainmentnnd an uxtempor- iml but highly original nn 1 artistic concut was the result. 'Iho genial legal gctitlemnn mentioned made n handsome little speech , and then the party all ropairul outnidu for supper. After the sumptuous nnd hearty meal , it is slated by the host , who insisted on giving ' 'Vic" awny , lint thu latlur becimo drowsy , and after all othci menus of awakening him had been exhaiMi d , a mtistard-p inter wns ap plied , which called lurth .SD ninny "sniaif lemaika from the go < d natnrcd victim that thu company wer < > more than satisfied with thu expeli- nieiit. How much tinth thuro may bu in the latter yarn , it is difiiuult to tay , but one thing is .sure , that the whole party wns an extremely pleasant nnd jolly ail'tir. SESEMAN'S SAY. Ho Nails Sovcrnl Lion to the Mntt- Ilond. Mr. Gustavo ScBeman , landlord of the Western Hole ] , on Pieice htieet Killed at Tin : JU.u oflico yesterday and put in a fitoiit denial to sumo serious chargeH prenented ng.iinst him in n mottling paper , under the head of ' Sesemm'a " Swindle. Mr. cjosuni.ui lia.s been in Omaha for tight j'oarj past , and has never befoio had any in sinuations made against his chaiaettr. He doua not duiend ] on his hotel for a hvni } . ' , but wo'kd hard ovtry day at bus ti.ido , tlrit of a carpenter. Ho says that Andrew Frank , the plnmtitr , who won the suit in Jud o Clmdwick'rf court , lefened to yed- tesdny , came to 1'ia house in Sep tember instead of December , and that ho hud just forty live tents to pay for lodging and bie.iksnst. le ! pud up nil but a balance of SI'S ' in December. On February 4th Fi auk- got his pension and back pay , nnd put $350 in his ( Sesemnn's ) hands to be given him when culled for. Fintik was wick one week , dining which Dr. CoH'man nttcndtd him , nnd by his own instructions , Mr. Scstcmm HIJH , ho paid mimcroiu debts of hint ; stand ing. At thu time of his liickncsa Frank vins indebted to the house about 8100. On the Ulst of Fobumiy ho owed.i balance of $10. Ho gave Sisemau a check for $ -1)0 ) , wilh which ho purchased an electnc bittcry and Rome other things for him. On Apul Ith Ftunk left him , $ L'7 in debt. Mr. Sesuman denounces the state ments referred t ns iinniitigated lioi. and says that by the timu his ease comes up in thu disMict court hi- will piovo what he sayp. He wou'd ' suu the propiietors of the paper which published the storv , but that ho does not fix thu responsibility on them , WOMAN'S TRUE FRIEND. A friend in need is a fuend indeed. This none can deny , especially when assistance is rendered when one is sorely alllictcd with disiusu , more par ticularly thnsu complaints and weak nesses HO common to our fenialo popu lation. Evoiy woman should know i hat Elect lie iitter.s arc woman's true friend , and will positively restore her to health , eeu vv hen all other reme dies fail. A single trial always pioves our assertion. They nro pleasant to tlio taste , and only cost fifty cents pr bottle. Sold by Ish & McMahon. (2) ( ) Real Estate Trnusfcr - The following aio all the transfers recorded at the county clerk's office Wednesday and Thursday , as reported for this paper by John L. ftlcCa ue , real estate agent and conveyancer : Isiac Noyes and wife to William F. Lain ; ; , o A ' ot s o [ of section 2 , town. J5 , rungo'lO c , w d-Su-IO liyrou Reed and wifu to Georu'o P. Bemis , lot 11 in block 11 in Reed's 1st add , wd-S-'iOO. Peter Hrown wife to Peter U. Cham bers , lot 8 in block 10 , linpiovcmeiit add , wd-SlOO. Heniyli. Lewis to Joseph J M iller , n e } section ( i , town 15 , range 10 e , wcl-Sl.D'JO. Johnahan JlilliK.iii and wife to J. 13. Whittier east A of noithwist } section 0 , town 15 , raiiL'o 10 , tast cj o d SI. Cecelia A. Colling ot al to Gilbert M. Hitchcock ] ait of Jot 27 , Nelsons addition , w d $1,1)50. ) Win. Fleming ot nl to Louis Mtn- dolssohn part lots 1 and 12 , block 2 , subdivision of lot 5 , Capitol addition , w d Sl.'JOO. Clnules Miller to Darris Leiflers , lotlM , block 1) ) . Konntyo and llutha addition , vv d § 1,500. "BLACK-DRAUGHT" euren dyBjC- | BIU , mdigchtiuii and heartburn. At ( ) . P. I'Omtnian. .1. M. WOLFE. To the citizens of Om ill i ruul SUtuolXu rn-Ki : lam now cngigul in the moliminu- ry work of piop 111114 the 'biid ' viliimo of thu Nebnihkit State Oa/etteor and Unsmesij Dnectoiy and itspectfullj ask that my old fiiumU.ind pitrons will kindly itsurvu for mo their onleis for this work. I loirnthat an o itniilo party is attempting to foist linnsi'lf upiin this community by misiupru- suntationa , nnd is seeking to aecmu orderafiomnu | utrons atatingthat I ainnot engagi din Dotting up thii vvoi k. I nsk my fiiends to suuid by mo 111 an old iiti/cn mid not oncum.igu un interlope ! fiom another city to step in and taku to another state thu wink , buifinusa mid money which should 10- m ( in here. My leaidencii here and my woikh foi thu | nit twelve ji'aia will be Midi cient giiaianteesaa to thu foith coming publication ; while a similar w ik fiom u nun traident will bu devoid of any guur.iiiteu or ] iurs ( > ii il responsibility whatever IIH to its conectuefcH < r cum- pli'tencBH. Jly auentrt uro now obtain ing the necessary infoimttion thiough- out thu htutc , and othuis will call upon the eiti/.ins uf Omiha in a few days. Veiy tiuly joins , n7 ! Ut jl. af-JVoLri : . I have been appointed state audit for Sdilif/'H Milwaukee Uoe in kegs. I'aiiius desiring to bundle anne please apply to or address M. A. MeXnmunt , Omahu , Neb. imvin-tf Evvrjlliiiii ; desirable tor Thanks- uiving , Frosli , bright and new. FLKMIMI , Grocer. HUGO ROSINSKI. lie Dies Among Prioudlo'sancl Alouo. The Close of n Jourimlintio Cnrcor- A stranger died near Kasala , in Lo Seuer count } , ISIinn. , n few days since. He went to the house o' n man named [ lolbrnok , complained ot hav ing n severe hepducho nnd requested | in-mission to ho down , which was granted. A few hours later ho wns found to bo dead , hiving passed tinny M ) qiiklly that Mono about him were aware of the presence of the glim visitor. Nothing wasfoundonthu body of the stranger lo identify him save n phvBichn'.s pii'sciiption , but lie was a man about thnty jeais of age , evi dently intelligent , and well udttcited and the uhituiut-s and softness of his hands showed thai hu was not ono nc- customul to haul manual labor. The New Ulm l'ot , n flermnn tu ner , fciys that there is teasou to be- iievo that the hlr.uiger wus Huu'o Von Fratikenborg , who v\as theio up to Rome time in October , l.nt suddenly left , and who lived in other places un der the name of Hugo R BU ski. Hui o Reginald will be well ru- menibtred bj a iniijoiity of our till- /sens as hiving ( iiiuud soinevvliit con- spicuoiiHly in connection with The Omaha I'o'it ot which he wns nt one time business inina-jiT. Dining a tiip enl on the lotdCuil Oranpiu , the editor ihsued a maniftsto deiiouncini , ' Roainski us a swindler and a finud. L'ho latter letiiined to Omaha nnd in few weeks succeeded in oust ing Granrro and installing himself again , after which ho in turn issued a piocl.imitiun dunuuncin ( ir.mpro in tlio same general teims. Six in mlha later he was bounced by Haiikt'ti upon the cluvn'o of crockud- 1ILSS , AVlulo on The Post ho wrote an ar ticle , which was very severe and casb unjust reflections upon the JJohcm- i.in nationality. Matthew Ncind , then a constable cltci" , met him on the corner of llth and Farn im and gave him a eistiyatiou th.U was pretty severe , nnd this brought both p.utus into police court whcio Nerad wau lut ell wilh a tine of 915. Uusinski damped nioiind n while nnd fm.illy tinned up in Kansis City us business mauugtr of The Heinlu. Hu vvsib fcuon in court again , charged with curtain crooked transictiun.s , such as opening letteis which hu look tiom the postollice for otheis and approriitin ] ) < r tlu'ir contents The I'ost denounced him as a swindler , and he nniruwly t scaped gJing "ovor the lead. " Hi' , career seems to have at last ended and vciy sadly for him. Ho was naluially a blight , intelligent fol low , with a line personal appearance , but with the fates apparently ugaiiibl him SPECIAL IJL-AiU.nisu.ci : To Luun , lor Sate , . Found , VVantR. lioardlnc. &c. , will bt In- setter ! tu liiopu columns once for TKN CENTb p r line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVHCKNTS | iet line. The tlrst Insertion novcr less than rWENTY-riVE CENTS TO LOAN MONEY. ONEY TO LOAN Call at Law Ollleu ol P. M L. Thomiw Hooiii S , Orulirhton Him K C > " A A AfV To loan at from 8 to 10 pi rtcnt 35 * ) ' ' .UlMf on jrood real n-tatceecuritj , hj UH IiAAC EDWAKDS 1100 rarnhiin i-t. ' 10 l OA At B per ttntlu- tcrcbt In Bunmot i2riOO and upwmls , for 3 to 6 > car3 , on first ilivss citj and farm proxrty. | IlrMiu HKAL EHTATK and ViiRNCi. 16th mill Dotisrlci Stn HELP WANTED. " \"VTAN'l Hi ) \ iiilldlo-ajtd niran who 1111 > \ ilcrsianiH ilrts * nnKliik' , at Mr VV. II. Wood's Milliner } ttore , L'10 IGtli bt. 5-0 It ! NNTI'D Situation bj i ronipttcnt dnis- W iniktr. AdilrcfSor tall at 1511 * Ho' o , for 'our di } 5J7 ! ' 'AS'I I'D All list kopor for Ilit I house VV'urk I'.nmilri. at Ca.i M aihool , .1 i ID ni At thu Cn-l.-htrn House , a ilininir W room tlrl , aKo a htad wa'tcr. ftJ'J-EO" Dinlnirrooniairlnt Dunn House , 013 Kaintiam f-t , oiiiKBitu I tu olldo WANTED tlook.kuptr , 5a situation by & } ounj , ' inn i who has a thorough kiinwl cd.ro f donblu intrv , Ill.liot rifciinici ind M-curit } if required. AddreiK , A. H.C. Ilcu ollUe. - ( B ) 11 * \\rANTKIi-\fr-.lMltiiwaiitH ti Infnrni the \ \ ltdlis tlmt fhii iloes not ilenlro lo lose their ciHtcni nmlioiHO , cinli IUH ro-'ncfi ! hu" i ut llalr Hwltcl o Ironi b OH to * S Oo , 1 1 o Iol lir Kwitdiis ru iu.il to flix ) , 'Ilirtu Dollar Id In a rtductd to Jl fo , I\&tuml Va\ta \ a 12 ! ! l-arnl mu nt. 'ANTED A ) fcirl for uonorat niiiiru at I nIT.t sr txn. Bill tf i \f AMI' ! ) / \ t" " " oiiiini < u ) . .nrf , Mu < Oo } ' , near uc turiimunl > con I , Pop plcton Am. , bit ' l > t a il UIHhU \ fiig 2i * ! i-IIninufor a httlo ylrl or WANTI . ( .onlic irn KHri'i'iiriil ' to M Fuller , tori or of lllth ami I'urnhnm bit ' * D A dlnli waslar anil ilmnl irmaid , at Umniut lioisc tiL521' \l7A\Ti1 II An exiir iiitril girl or l.o-il wairii will lie ptid tn on. vvh > la HC'I riionnundrd Appl ) atH'O Dod.o ( bt. tf0 t/ - \ new in'lfli ' cow Jlmt ho sm ile fnijulro 01 I , I'uiund , 141.1 Dido Hn. t fi I tf I'KDlira' ikm cylinder puss f edcr , WAN Liilt nllicu i.ovl ) tl " \\7"AM'I.D A hou c'kcc.crut ( 11W ( I'arnhani > > itriot , upn'ulri , 40a-tf . ' - fir't-iHssuomanrcok at Chris W.VN'TED-A uiiMiit , 1101 rarnham otri-ct 4M tf \\rA.Nl El > Oirl to do lioucrk. . hniUlro | > V 1110 lUinhaniSl 418 If ANTED-r'undlnir luldifc nd school honds. w II , T. Clark. . - Two ( 'lrln. on tn rook. ni-li and WASThD and nu to do Bicnnd worn and taU enuof < h Idrcn. Ili t v ° f rifortniii riiinnel M > pb noiitlua t conur of 'JOth and Callforida st.i iii t of WHICH jnitf \\7.\M KU 1 0 Ki 200 loans of dirt n ar ; ! JM > > and-it. Jlar ) ' * a\imo. hunuire t _ lire oiliu. _ _ _ Htl4r-MOU&bb ArtU UANL ) . O lli.ST : V brick < w.Tln. Kmi ir f Kt JOthftt ( JKUlllJK II. I'hlKlS 'N ' t35 tf I.lOK IlKM1 l \i lllir ( hon.e , 6 room" , on J1 H-miidcri St . nu r tiniilnin cf IMIK Ai > 11) to Frumli Kobhliu , on iirmil'i J. MJ 19 * . IIK.NT T o nkely turn ihul room * , on 1.10R 7lh tuet , two doom from I'adlli : our > tcre. tai-17 * I7OH IIF.NT T o Inrnltlicd rconw , lultabla I fur ll.-ht Itoutf k eplnir. V2I0 California St. hmjiiiro N VV. Ccr. Iflth nd Cal.fornla ft I.10H UKNT HOIIMvlth H r emi iu..r . X' E. Dradlo ; , S. VV , icr. 10 h and Welwter. i ' * 7 I 7 SPECIAL NOTIDES-Oontmuod 171011 HENT A jiarlorMllh lifilroomluljolnlnv , I1 riiittble for two or thrto frilitlenicn , M N. V > . Cor. 22d and VVelKer. 631-ID * 71011 HK.NT \ nt howt Mltli 0 r.onn. In- 1 ( ( UlroofD Cookf , Ibth anu ] . < enworth 7101 lli.vr : Iloo-n lintnl , Miitthlo for twj ytnUancn ; 16th nnd Capitol nvc * IlllC. /S4-18 * "J.'OK Kt'NT N'M brick hon c , S tram * , hund- I1 wmo fii-nltnre , for talc cheap , dcelr.bio lo- cition toboanlcM cr nsidinco. For putlni- lnMiuldrm "o.mr. " llrr. oniti1 Mtttf ItV.NT-Ilomo of rooms 1221 IPtli St. ' cir Vvil ' 107-13' 'TUMI KENT Mich furnished room , N. W. I1 cnr. 1'arnhiiii mid IMh SI * . f-03-17 IriOlt ISK.N'T btlit fiirnlihcd roonn , suitaMo fop 1 inin and nllu , ii 9 N , 17th .St , bit. rallfnr- nla and VVVImttr. HcfcTincon rtqtiirul. 4I > 5 17 * IT ! " ! ' . KENT A ruiltof fnrniOiel ronn , parlor and tAo bcftrooni" , al o n lnli room Chi * 1.1'oMrcct , bctHicn 14th nnd Utli , centra brlik , ) UV.NT-l. ' ncliamJ omp } furrWicd baik IMK also front room Kjronrt ttorj bilck hous , HI 11 Caij street , l > dooLtl of 'JutK. rvjf 1.101 : ! ! ! NT rurnl-ticd rooms north sd" of I1 CillfomliSt.JdUoor xustot SNt. luciilro alcr lp in , 4TI tf ' tStilfu'EN llrli' * store In JiaibV b o I , , IStli an I Capitol IVCIHIO. J01I.N U. .IACUUS. 4JS-tf 171 Jll UEXT JMor.v linn-e , 8 rno'n , 4 lirtre J1 iloseti ] al > oabirntiKtlrral. ! 21S1 Ducn- jiort St 4" * . ' ' ITIOU KENT To } oun ; nun lm desire coed 1 wtntir iinrorh. | tno nlctl ) furnWkd r onw liiiniiroof J. L , Hkuat Joe.t Mmg or nt l.lfi DmUe trcet. oit ! ! ' I710K Ill.NT A ftirnUhcd front r cm for rent , L' wllhlioinl , In prtitofimlh , Gciillnunn prtfirrid. CullW7JN. KtliSt 3J9 tt IY1OK KI'M1 9 filrnl4tii.il rooni1oiej JIU- f1 ch\nt ' EMlmiiKc.N. E. cor. IB'h and Do Igo BALE. J71I1U * AI I.-Out HIJ.I took ' and ono pirlornt of" pieces. L T. I VliRlnn , Vtf } , iil hton Illccli , CiU f .i. tt J TiOll lALE Hoil'chold furii'turv ' , I rrw , biiij- 1 LiiH hiri c"i x ltli liisu nf h n-u ( f 7 roouK and 20 a < rin .No 1 1'in i , z\ \ miles Iroin P. i ) PowiH loii trl\en nt OIHC In > ilto Puxtcr I , . Thoniaj & llro , No S , Cr Dillon Itloik S10-10' 171UUAl i : Two second hinil riijinci In flikt- L ) cla j eondltloii. nnu 2ri U , I' , mil nlic'U II. I' EiniuiruOn aha I ounJrj and J'aU.Inu ( o. -l-oildc3 r.lOUSACE Team teed ponies , cheip , at lied JL' Ibrn , Utli M. ocSl-tf IlK'K FOIt " lOllt "KSTAIIKOOK & COB. [ 711)11 SAM'- lot of sttond Imd Inridture , JJ t \L > ' , cirpolnnnd ir < jcl.cr.\ \kaiu , nt U. , 12uJ lm "J5EMIS rittllnc1oiu llstn of - , loti I. ) landi iiiJ titm * for tate Call and got tin in ITIOi : SAIn Itapt of Douglas n > nl Sirp > out- JL' tlui A. liOoKVVATEl > ,102oraruhninFtntt | WOUHEa AND LAM ) lem ! , rents houHs , stores , hotels , farir ot , hu ! , oUlcca rooms , etc , See 1st pi p YISCELLANEOUa. A unite e kitten about four I mntlrt J old 'I lie finder uil ! bi ! lilieridl } rew.udcd ' v n turning to the undcr-'L'iitd. 'NOV 17 , H-l. KG IV 1' . L I'Htl.NE. lilOUND Ktncn rarnlnm , in front of PC fl's. Jj Owner , nn luos nru 1)pru \ h > property and ] > uii ) ( . ' foi tl.li advcrtiaenicnt ut tin lice ollic. . . i.M 1 _ A rein mare ; four } < .ir-t ol ! , nicduim , J t\ic. \ iihr.uidof ikiut on liftl ind kj ; . loriff niaiio and t-hort tall , h'te ' liinu flit. IlrNKY 4TI " 0 * EM IS' REALKSIATE BOOM. HAY At A. H. Saudcr'H heed htoie BALED inu Harnev St ill-tf Eltia HEAL ESTATE EMJIIAMJh. ) 1st pa-o. BVI81 NKW CITY MA1\S. } & Mounto B Mars.S'.M ) . ( IK ) . P. IUJIIS COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICK hpciial adurtiseiiHntsiah a Loit , 1'ouiicl , To Loan , For Sale , To Kent , Wants , lioirdliiK , etc , \\ill be iiitcrtnl in tlii column at thu low ratoof TEN CK.NTS PER LINE for the flrat hmrtkn und FIVE CENTS 1'Ell LIN'K for e th subsequent in-cition. LciNoadv criibtmtnta at < ur olliuup Btiira , cornir Ilruadua } and Main strict- ' , Council IjllllTHWAMED P cr\liodv in Counc.i UliHTs 10 WAMED TUB 1UK , 2ft cents ] nr tc ' , tie lixcnd bj carriirH. Oitliu c-orncr lire adw i } and Main , iiphtalm. Coimcll Hlulle. UOJ If V\r ANTED A llrtt ctos burbcr imiieil atiljr \V \ > illpitlie highest Hiutd J. J. ( > ooi ) , Coiindl lUiUlX n7-t ! Agenti to ( aina-s I'c't pay- WAMED iiitHH in the countr } . Adurcss 0 M , liecollki , Coiinc.ll IlluH' ' . Nc.vJ-tl SALE Hori-u , buiK } and harncsi , chcnr > FOU . Adurctd V > . II. U. , Ire illuu Coiindl ISlulTs Ko U 3t 1)OTTEi'S : TICKET OFFICi : VV'nr in railroad tkKitN crntinnes to boom. Uniirucdintcd' low rates tu all uistirn ] K > Int Ever } ticket Ifiianniceil. Ordtre fllltil U } tcliphone. From ono lo ten dollars wueil b.v | iiir < lii.Hint ; tlckita 1 f U. A , I'ot er , Hiicetcsor to I'utter& I'almcr , .No. 40 Soilt'i ' 1 ifth strict , four ( loom I clou 111 ) oft- ollicc , Council L.luffj , Iowa. QitlHlf ANTM ) Hoj , with jxin } , to iarrj fT"- " . Inciulru at DKK otlico , Louni.ll Illntft. oitlHtf I'o bu } 100 tons brorm corn. WANTED * addrcns ( ouncll llluOj Uroom Kuctor } , CouiK.ll UluH , Jo a 05 $ 21)tf ) A Hint class brorm tier. Jlayno WANTED Illiifla. lav , a ECO SO' feALE Old pipers 40c ptr humlrnl , at t71011 1 llioollico , Council IHnlK 8 > 27tf EDWARD KUEIJL il.VGIb'JLH OK PALMYSTKIIV AND [ CONDI TIONA1 IbT , 4'HTdith Strtttl > ct.eti ( rmriham and flatni > } Hill , vlth the aid of unuilinn eplrita , ol tain for any ono aidaiuu at the past and pri-ecnt , .mil on certain condition * In the fu ture , llfotii am ! fihots made tourdir , I'Difint Katlafactlon iuar , itcid an' ! ' Im Absolutely Pure , Madu from ( Jrapo Crw. a Tartai No ether urp tlon maVtK auoh Ilifht , flaky hot lirovli , Nxurlout | UKiry Can If > MU > II by Ih ipepilr v > it ) out fear of tin lilt rti'iltlni ; from hcxvy nd Hold nnljr In caiic. . In all Oror n UOYAL IIAKIN'III'OWIIKU t'OI .Vr York.