Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1881, Page 7, Image 7

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010 Fjkrnham bet 0 h And 10th Stree
ir.u is < > K sunsuntPTiox.
One copy 1 } c.irln ltd t Mice ( p slrolili )
0 month * " " -
3 , oi.ths . " "
0 * lli R1ILROAD.
Le\tc Om hk P9 cnRcr No. 2 , 7'60 . in.
tomiDOdttlon No 4 , 1 00 p. m
Air ' iha * Mucnitrr No. 1 , 6:10 : \
Accommodation No. 3 , 10.60 n. m.
. . li. & Vft * tit. 3.40 p. m.
C. { „ N. W , , 7:40 : V m. 3:40 : 11. in.
. , It. I. i I' . , 7.40 in. S-40 f. m.
1 < , St J. * C It , lf te t fi a , m. rd
p. m. ArrUcintSt. Louliut 0:30 : & . in. and
p. in.
1 U & I1. , Iwtteunt S n. m. Mill 8
m. Arrives ivtSt. . Loui ixtfljIO n. m. Mid
a ui.
* B. < r on witrrimFHTK.
c. a. in Set. , Ihratuti KxiresH , 8:1.0
i * U. Mtvo'ii Kxprfii-tiSO p. in.
U I' Kttmu , 12 Iliii. m.
11 , \ II. v in I tn.'om , 11 (5 n. n.
) . * 11. \ fnr O-cooU , lo.lun. m ,
{ r i hi Sr. > , ft 10 n. in.
* 9 , * " 0 t l .
U V freight No. 13 , 2. 0 p. w.
I | i. m. cmljtron
V. I cnur c < cprc < f , 7:35 p. in.
, i ao ii. in ,
f P Demi r freight , :25 : p in.
. > , ST. rMPH 4481 AND ( WHTltt.
. i. & u b W > . a. 7:25 p m.
t N. W , , 9 4S ft. ii. . 7:25 p. in.
K. I. l'H:45ft. tu. ti.Ofi p. in.
4 i . , St. Joe &C II. , 7:40 : n. m. ! 4B |
J. It. V. Iroin Lincoln 1 04 p. m.
U. I * . Kxpriiw 3S8 p. ill.
B b M. Ill Nob. , ThMHch Kxjitciw tlB f
B. t M. UnmlH Kxpross-040n in.
U. P. Dcmcr oipres7:3& : a. m.
I. I' . H < isli o - 35 p. in.
U. P. f'0 ft n 'migrant.
U. P. ( night No. 14 , Ii : 5p.m.
U. P. On. in.
V , P. o. ' " - ' < * n. i'
U. P. Homer freight , 1:10 : a. m.
0. & U , V. mixed , nr. t,4 1 | > . ir.
COU.tUt , BUJPtt" .
U < ftvo Uniitm at 3:00 : , fl.OO and 11:00 : a
110 2.00 , 3 00 , 4i , h 00 and B 00 p. m.
l.nvu Comai. lllntla ftt 6. , 9:25 , 11:25 : a
1 : ' i , 2:25 : , 3-25 , 4:25 6:2.1 : and :25 : p. in.
iuiiMij Ttio dummy loatn * Omiha at
a I 11 no i . m.j 2:00 , 4:00 : and IS 00 p. in. lie
C imil Illua * M fl" > fi anil lltSS a. m.j 2:26 : ,
a id fi-'l't p. in ,
Opening an'- Closing of Mlls.
> . in. p. ni. a. in. l
Cm \A. rt . H.UO O.OD 030
0 m i , U 1. 1 , Tactile 11:00 : 0:00 < UO
0 1x1:0 , II. * * ' . . . .11:00 0.00 0.30
W.msh . . . . . 12:30 : (1:30 ( :
S xUllA ind I'uiilc 000 USO
U ion Kcilic . 4.00 11:40 :
n mhikft U. . 4.00 11:40
n . . M. ! tiNci > . vno 8o :
O 'I'm ' \ S'onx ' City 0 00 7:3J
U &M. IJncoln . 1U-SO
U. . Lincoln Sunday. . . t.30 11:00 :
U. I' Uimv .ri : < . i-:00 :
O. , Sioux CItj & St. 1' 11-00
ki.niiliior > t.ti ui luv.'u lixuolmtoi
da ) | jj , 6-iOn. m.
12 . to 1 . m.
Ai i > in n tnndM f Mm in. p.
Titns. V HAI.l P
Business nirecton
Abstract and Real tstate.
IDIIN Ii. McOAOUK , opposite Post Offlc
H. DAUTI.BTT 317 ' 'outh 13th Street
lloom U Crtirfhton block.
A r LMtOP Jr . Knoni2 , Cieizhton liloi
Boon and dhoec
fine lioots and Shoes A oed nanottmor
homo work on hand , corner 12th find Harnoj
TI1OS. KKICKHON , S E. cor. 10th and Dou
606 10th strict , manufactures to order iood '
> t fair prices. Ucpairliii ; dono.
Bed Spring * .
J. V. LAKKIMEll Manulacturer. 1B1T Dourl :
Books , News and Stationery.
FllUKHAUF 1016 Karnham Street
J. I.
Butter and Eggs.
HMllANK & 8C1IKOEDEU , tlio oldest B. an
house in NfliraBka nstalillshcd 187B Omaha.
i'jmhwtst corner lUthand DodRo.
Ufnt { or the Money.
; tihictioi ( ! Ouaran
ti < nl nl all Hours
Konril 1 > \ tlm Hay , VVtek or Month.
Good Term's lor C
yiiriiNhfxi I ! ' " ' "B "ipiillfil _
Larrianti ano Roaa WnKOtis.
V\'M SM Dblt , 14th am ) Ilimo stitetg.
JHWO era
JOHN UAUMGK 1314 r'nrnhaui Street.
II. HKPTHOI.n , Hausand Metnl
Lumber , Lime and Cement.
FO3TE11 & OH * V corner 8th and Douglas
Lamp * and ulassware.
J. BONNEB 1S09 UojjUa 8t. Oood Var
Merchant Tailors.
One ol our mom popular Merchant Tailor * I
celling the latest dtslL-ns for Sprlnir and Sun
Goods lor gentlemen's wear. StylUli , dur
and prlcca low as ever 216 13th bet. Doue.&I
MRS. C. A. RINOEIl , WholCHale and Uet&ll ,
cy Oooils In great variety , Zephyrs , Card Bo :
Hosiery , Gloves , Corneta , &c. Cheapest lloui
the West. Purchasers ea\e SO per cent C
by Mall. 116 Fifteenth Street.
JOHN WEAUNE & SONS , cor. 14Ui & Jarksc
Hour and Feed.
OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th snd Farnhiai
Welshana Dros. , proprlctora.
Z. STEVENS , 2Ut between Cumlng anil I
T. A. MoSHANE , Corn. jSd and Cumlnit atr
Hardwaie , Iron and 8teel.
Ot-AN & LANOWORTHY , Wholesale , 110
112 16th street
, KH u > rner HUri anil CallfomU
Marntt . Saadles , &c ,
t ! WKIBT " 20 lath St. hi-t FarnlUi
ANriKUIIOUSIOoi ! Canltcld.Bth & Karr :
DOHAN IIOUfiK , P ! 1 Cary , 018 Farnhai
s-r SLAVKN'8 IIOTKUF SlaM'ii , 10th 6t
P r * 1n rn I lotil , Ous llnintl nth & l.cav enw
Clothing Bought.
C .8HAU will palil 'htst Cash price fur HI
hand clothini' . Corne-r inth and Karnham
( ill PAUL , Williams' I'lock , Cor. ICth & Do.
Clrui , Palntt ann Olli
I'haimaUsta , Kln "ano ilixids , Cor , IMIi
DOIIVHI street *
W. J. WHITKHOUi K. WholcfMoA lletail , 101
0. PI KM ) , 20i2 orn Slf.j Cumlnif St
PAHIl , Druvirist , lOin and Howard Street
Dry Goodi Motions , Etc ,
New York Dry floods Stcri , > , 1310 and 1312 I
him utratt.
L , 0. Kiie olil ftlno liontHand aliom 7th &P
A K. OUObS , New r.d 3i J > n < \ Hand Fiirn
nd htoitd , lilt Dout'US HlK'lieat amh
aid ( or Hvcond liann iroo < *
nONNKK 1303 Iouvi ft. WHO i-ooun ,
Fence Workt ,
OUST , FUIKS&.CO,121SIIarm > yf > t. , Imp
ed Ice lion * , lion ami Wood F ni. < , (
' allltura , Countoru of I'lnu and Walnut.
Clgan and Tobacco ,
WKST & FlUTSCIIEIt. manuhUurtra of Cl ,
and Wholeiule IKalcru In Tolaccon , ISO.'i Dou
W. r. LOIll ZEN manufacturer 1410 Kami
A. Donwhu * , nl nt , nil flowers , * f < l * , boq1
etc , N. W cor 16th n 1 IVme-lw street * .
Olvll Enfilnccri i > nd Surveyors.
ANHRKW HOSV.WATKU , Crclhton ( HI. .
To n Sur\j , Grvle and Seworaito Sstcm
Uommlttlon Merchitntt.
JOHN O. 1VIU L1S.U14 DodjoStlett.
0 R HEKMKR. Kor iletftllj c * UrRB d > crl
ment In IHllv and WceVli.
Cornice Worki.
ft'wtern Cornice Works , Manufacturer * I
Cornice , Tin , Iron nd Slate Hoofllnp , Or
trom any locality proniptl ) executed In the I
manner , Factor ) and Otljce 1213 Harnej St.
GaitMilicd Iron Cornices , Window L > ) , (
niinufictnrnl nnd put up In any pnrt of
country. T. SINHC'M ) 41B thirteenth street
H Crockery.
J. HONXEU 130(1 ( Douili9 ! stret. Good line.
Clothing nnd Furnishing Good * ,
OKO. II. I'lVriinSON. AIM Ilitd , CM , 110
Jhoo * , Notions and Cutlcr > , $04 t ) . 10th street
rtclrlRcr.itort , Cnnfleld'i Patent.
O.F.GOODMAN lltli St tx * . Kntn. A IHn
BhowOaie Mnnufnctory.
O. J WtUlK.
Mnmifacturer and Dealer in all kind ) ot SI
I'H M , Uprlslit Cft'cfl. a , 1317 CIVM St.
KUANK I , . UKIUIAIU ) , proprlitor Om
Shoxi Cmoimint.iitorj , SIS South 16lh sir
lictntrn I.TOMnwnrtli niid Marcy. All ire
nntnntal llntil'uw
UOSKXl'KLI ) . 10th St . bet. f1 to 1
Gtovet na Tinware.
DfAlur In UtOM'fl nnd Tlnaro , and ilitnufacti
of Tin Hoofs and all klndii ol Dullillnc Wi
J. nONNEU. 1809 DourlM St. Good and Chi
J. EVANbVholciwte nnd KeUll Scot Drill !
Cultlmtora , Odd Fellow * Itall
Phyilclans nn1 SurRoont.
W. H. OlItlJM , M. U. , UXDin No i. Crelgti
Klock , 16th Street.
I * . S. I.KISKNU1NO , d. 1) . Maronlo Block
O. L. 1IAHT , M. U. . Kjr nnd F r , opp pesto
DU. L. II 01UDI1Y.
K-ullst and Aurlst. S. W l&lh and Farnham
Grand Central Gallcrr ,
212 Sixteenth Street.
nrar ilaaonlc Hall. flnt-cla ) Work and Proi :
IICBH guirantccn
Plumbing , Gat and Steam Fitting ,
P. W. TAIU'V & CO. . 210 12th St , bet. Fixrnl
and IXiuitlas. Worn proiuptlj attended to.
U. riTZPATUICK. 1409 Uouslas Street.
Painting nn aper anfilng.
TfLNIlY A. KOSTKH8.141 OodRo Street
Shoo bcores.
Phillip UIIK , 1320 Farntiaoi st. bet. 13th & 1
Second Hand Gtore.
I'KKKINS & LEAK , 1416 Doiulaa St. . Now
Second Hand Furniture. House Furnishing Oo
&c. , kouirht and Hold on tmrrow marrlns
In the now lirick block on Douglas Street ,
Just oicncd n niOHt ek'pint Ueoj Uall
Hot Lunch from 10 to 12
e\cry day.
" Calcdoiiin " J FA1 OONRll 67B 16th Street
CHAS. IUEWE , 1015 : Fnrnhaui hct. 10th & 1
00 Dent Stores.
P C IIAOKUS 1-206 Karnhiim < t . fancy Of
To Nervojs SufTerer
Dr. J. B. Simpson's Speci
It Is a ] < Fitlvocuru for Sjierniatoirhtn , Som
Weokncff , Imptnncy , and all ( ll8wi < M.-n rtv uli
from Sill- Abu to , as Mental Anxlctj , Lose
y , Falni In the Ihcl : or Side , and disc
being t
with won
fUl 811CCCC
wnt free to all. Write for them and ( tot full |
tlculin ) .
Price , .Spo.ilic , tl.OU per package , or six p :
.tffl for i&.CO. Address all orders tu
Nos. 104 and 100 Main St. Buffalo , N. 1
Sold In Ouuhi bj C. F. Goodman , J. W I
i K l h , iti'l nil { rucL'i > 'i'i'very where
Oculist and Aurij
References all Reputable Physicians of Oiui
XaTOfTlce , Corner ICth and Farnham S
Omaha , Neb
' 1213 Harney Street ,
OMAHA , - - -
Cornices ,
Dormer Windows , Finial
Specht'a Patent Metalic 8k
light ,
Patent Adjustable Ratchet Oar and
I mil the KCianl bUtu A 'tnt for the all
line of i.oodx
Crcsllncs , Balustrades , VcranclaslOTico ( (
Dank RallliiRS , Window and Cellar
Guards ; also
Peerton and Hill Patent Inside Blind.
folluw as n _ _ _ _ . _ .
btll Loiwof JIi.iiior > , Unlvrrhal \ &
tilde , I'uln in tlio llauk , Piiimtfn of VUlon , 1
niaturaOld A 'c , and main other Dl'casos t
lead to liiHinlt ) or Coinuiiiptloii and a 1'ic :
turn Ura\u
iirrull particulars In ojr pamnhlct , t
un deolru to send freu 1 mall to L\to <
tilTtw bpiciflc Midlclnu Is told 1 > > ull dru.-
at ilK.r patka.'i ; , or lipat.kt'LH for 5 , or
ho bent freu by mall tin re : ptof the money ,
IluRato , N , 1
For ealo liy C , K Ooodi ottmi i
SMI Frnncl'co 0\ll
Thpro t a lonolliip'i In life
No liumnn loc a\u < \ or :
Thn K'I ' nnn I1 * Hnkcvl to
Thought wnlk * nlono fotoxcr.
There ! ft pntli Ihnt > nclj n\m\ \ .
Untroil liy fttiy oilier ;
The slender th ed each walking weaves
Fnto cannot join togetlier.
The thoughts that ri c to touch the he
T i ninkf lt < gh or dinglnc ,
Coino on their own < * lk pinion * upre.v
Their lonely pathway winning.
Wo look in louni ; eyes that .Oiliie ,
Unspoken thiiiK'i" ilUoei nlng ,
And \ruiuli r thm if look nieel" look
With yearning nnto jeimtlxR.
About our henrti cold mist- ' lie cloje ,
l.lko pen * in ulnutlyt.ither ,
And winlt unknmvn indexed , ,
Walk lifo'd p.ith togetho. . .
Soonur or Iiiitor.
Pooner of 1 t > r the tornt "hall Iint. .
Over my Hlinnlier ftmn head to f ft )
boon i IT lal r the \vi d sh 11 la\u
In tie IUIIR fi.ii'n nl > o\v my j
1 shall n theed them when1 th y lio-
Nothlng thiir RHII * slnli signify !
Nothini' the IHM Ntn ei fiolof : iiu ;
Nothing to inu the dayV pain ,
Sooner or Liter the Mm slnll t-hlr.o
With lender wnrtntli on the ninuhl
inin > ;
See cr or later In mnnnierV , lr
Clove mill \iolitn b o < < i > oin tin ro.
1 nhall not feel in ttmt deep-lai I re t
The sheeted li ht fall o\er my brea- ;
Nor i \ en n to in thoie hlddun lumn
The uiiul blou'ii bre.ttli of the tot >
( low-eiH.
Sooner or Inter tha ntalnlehs mums
Shall add their hn h to my inntu
Sooner or later Hhall ohinttn
And hen i my bed with the
i hill th ugh that frozen pall shall seen
It's toui'i. no colder onii niiU ! the dre
Tliat reukx < ol the H icnd drcud ,
Sliroudin . the city nf tlio ,
Sooner 01 hxto the bee ului I come
An I Ilil the noon wit lit KO ! o _ Inini ;
Sooner o liter on imlf-po eilin
The bluu biitl . b < ve my gr.ivo sluil bi
SiiiL' and hirp and nhln luitli \e \ ? ( : ,
Nothing hi ninsiu nieui u > mo ;
None of tile o lienntifnl things xh 11 ki
How Konndl theii loxer xlueps elow.
Sooner or Inter , far out in tin * ight ,
Thu * nhall ovei me win tlieii High
Sooner or lat < i , tlm diuklin de\vs
Catch the \\lute in their bilont ocr
N \cr a i.iy Hhall p-xit the gl ioin
That wraps mo round in thu oilnt toin
I'e.-ce ! come to lip and brow
Soon r or later , nh , why not now }
1 could give you thu pedigree of
stonu , bub the details arc luni ; .uid
inuuy they ininht tiru y. < u. StiHiut
to nay that I bought it nuuy ye
ago fioiu .i low , in ihu lovvur p.ir1
liroathvuy , who told mo u cuii' '
btoi-y cunciriiing it. llu stud it
talisman ; tluit ,
it vua ownud by ; i Yuiiutinii fiiunlj
riiinud furtuuuHln > hud
it with JL'.dous c.i.iu ; it hint paa
froni thuiu in many ways to biotli
of liis in the monuy-loncling way , i
should bo mine if I paid Ins pi
for it.
In truth the iitonu had a Btr.u
and Oury gleam. At thu first gin
it suoniud of thu purest water ; n
instant it changoU to pink , bluu an
palo urucn , and then iridoacuitt hti
omitting sparks of firu.
I wutchud it curiously for nearly
hour , talking irruluvantly thuvhilu
other ni.ait'ra , and ruluutiintly com
to the conclusion tliat if over ti |
ctoiis stonu poasuasod unc.iiiny pro [
tics this one curtamly did. 1 tluin
myself yiulding to fooli-htiupuiBiiti
or that my uyus weio tned vvith Ii
gazing at thu gum , and to rebt thui
turiii'd my glancu to other diaiuu
in tlio cabo to uomiiu ilium witli
tiillaniiin , Thu > liw evidently dtvii
my thought , for hu look fiom his p
poukui a vvalk't nnd opunud it , i
from u uinnpartniunt bionght out e
oral BUI. ill ti--HHe p.ipor p icUoiH , opui
tliem and ahowud inu l.ugu and HJ > : I
IIHL ; tliiuiKiud- ' ,
"Thuru ii not onu liku that i
hnvu in your hand , " hu tiaid. llu
right. All were briglit in their g
tuning flash and murciluss gluaii
wondrounly huuutifnl , but nil wore
liku thu talisman.
"Why do you Bull it ? " I sink
"With ull this wuulth you cannot n
inonuy , and if what you tull mo of
taliainanic property bo true , thu g
is priceless. "
"I wish to sell it if you 1m vo >
couragu to buy , " hu said.
It socincd to inu that ho purpos
mndo Ins tonu dramatic , nnd I ami
scornfully. As for thu stonu itself
likud it ; thu atory ho told of its i
tuo , although I only half boliuvod
interested mo. 1 had no fear of i
evil supernatural influence ; it i
just thu 8i7.u I wanted to buy , and
shapu and outline it was all that )
to bu dosirud.
The old Juw told mo that whoi
was about to embark in any enl
priuu that would provu successful
Htone would dazzfu with unusual b
liancy. If misfortune or death w
to coinu upon mo or mine , thu sti
would appear dull and almost neuti
Now 1 inn a praciical aort of a
low , but I had no objection to ti
thu mystery along witli thu atonuti
vidud it waa thrown in as a barg
and I hud not to pay extra for it.
a few moment * I m.ide up my in
and counted out to him four hund ;
dollars , thu price hu asked for it , ;
left.I I woru thu diamond for moru 11
live yoara ; at fiiHt in a ring , ufturwa
in a shirt stud und then again ii
ring. It now circluH thu linger <
lovuly lady whosu littlu dutightor ci
mu "I'apa " All lliiH timutheru hi
boon no tragudius In our family ,
dear friund has died. JSIy own hen
lias been excellent , and 1 am ijnitu
uigiied to havu it put down tu nn
inntion on my part , to mu , my Hti
m bright 01 dull , iiucording to
piospect ahead. Only this J aflii
that tuice , ulit'ii lo teat it , I \ \
contrar > to its warning , thu puni
ment ( juitkly fullnwud thu olluii
Once I speculated in I'ucilic Maili
lobt lieaMly , and at oncu 1 askut :
swuut lady friend lo bu my wifu , i
Hho rufiisudmuplump
Superstitions or not , as you will
rugaid my diamond an my talitmi
my mentor , and ever sincu my UIIH
cesuful wooing I havu looked upoi
with love , not unmixed with a1
Onu morning when riding down to
in a Madison avennu car to my hi
ness , I looked up from paper , consul
of fixed stondlly " '
of a pair eyes
of ui ut l
OppoMto wn n lady
jvais , dirfsed in soft sontbiu
tlio only bit of color to nln-vu i
cqit thu bloom of IHT leliiu'd fu
was n hit of rod , low do\\u bi'tn
thu bum of hur gruy fult hat.
ujesv010 light , Illations br n ;
hair , much darker nud floy (
brushed back in waves from n i f
head , upon whicl. a curl or two
not the dotustablo "Iwngs , " whic
finnkly atalo I abhor , btltahorl , gr
fill fringu-liko ringlets , thatrestid
on thu VN hilo brow as if they loved
Tliii rnro and radiantinnidou WIWM
ing nt mo. I Inokud at hur m let
with a fitco t tried to mike oipri's :
of nolhtmj , cottainly not curios
She glanced down Hgnin nt her IK
"D.iniel Doroiidn. " I ruturnu
' in the 1
my telniranliic dipateho'
aid. t full hoi jjazu , nnd aj
1 lookol up.vnd inut hwr eyes ,
uvidontly anted to speak to mu ,
else hiid'sumoihiiiK on hur mind c
cuining mo IJad I over nwn lii'i
fmof I aiktd mjsolf. Xn
ai-cmcd too modestly avu-ut to x i-'l
rtitiaot thu aUuntion of a sirm
I'etish the thought , 1 said inwni' '
Hut HIO as certainly looking at
again. 1 am not n b.ul-lookmufVl !
and as men go , in > t a bad oit ; I Ii
alnaya been populnr with my I
tiiunds , and 1 leturnud hur look
timu with onu of intori'st , and I
afraid , I aniilud. Instantly her 1
clouded , sliu bout over her book i
b't her lip angiily. I turned to
paper , but not to read. Oncu inur
looked at 1113 via a-vit ; aim wai ste
ily gazing at me. ] could have w
to it. Oli , my tn'isniJtnl ' jou fa
mu i lion , but thu f mil was mine ,
did not suck your 'idvice. Jul
this moinunt ( hu condnutof uamu 1
riedly to the front of the car to sp
to thu diivrr , and , us ho was roll
ing , thu lady in gray said lo him n
low word foully si
voicu , uvory put
iblu to inu and as chilling as an
burr :
' Conductor , thugontiumun oppu
mu is losinir hi ) diamond. "
J Unshod to tlio n > ot.s of my Ii
fult for the stonu and diseovoiud t
it waa hanging by the yphitnal scr
and ao neatly out that a quick nn
ment would have hunt it down i
the musluH of ihu car mat. T rcplr
it securely , bending back thu wno
greater saf t ) , an I then cast an
pioiing look of apolng ) , giiiiiludu
hninibation upon thu kind tttiam
Her face remained plai.ii ) , but at
momunt a duinuiu amilu atoltt into
uoinuis of her mouth , and I d
think it was provulced by what
saw in the book , or what who
rending very attuntiely. .
Shu lott the car at Font tut :
stieut , nnd I g.i/.ud eagurly alter
as she tiu-ned up 10 IJioadway ,
ihun L miidt havu siihed. IVrli
bicansu 1 teaiud I ahould nuvur
hui atiiun ? Wliat was moiu nati
Hun for mu to dusno to know 1
It wan so kind andHOSonsiblo ot he
piovuit ni ) losing my diamond , i
was such u gentlu looking ureati
ihoiiLli aho had wpnit , as I wau-
in the gleam ot her 03LH , and tl
eyes \\oiu so oxptuasivu of intellei
ulity , and her jieilect nosu was <
leas beallliful than her perfect cai
tion mouth. But , pshaw ! neui
apologizu for my intuieat thun.
does not take any of UHory long
discover that. Love never asks
question - why ? As thu old 8
Hays : She had gone from my
hkf a beautiful dream. It I cu
only Hi-o hur again. Perhaps shu
niMiriud. Shu was girlish in apit >
In r dignity. Onu thing 1 dincovui
that them was a nainu on thu tly
ol her book , the first of whi > h
"Maud. " I'urlmps thu bonk \um
IIUIH , and ifil nas cmild I hupo lo
in 11 gloat citj like Nuw Yoik a l.i
onlj knotxing that her nainu
Maud ? \MienI had atuvud at
st.igu of common aunau 1 had icau
m > placu of business , and aflur
teniiing to thu first dntj ot the (
uading my mail , my thoughls I
back to my la'ly in gray.
"Jf thu tlniiu' nuro within
bounds nt pobuibility , 1 would liki
find out who aim is , jnst to tliank
for her kindneus to mu. "
How liku a jackass I must havu
puarud to hur. When I remonibi'
my impertinence in amilmg I wu
have been glad to havu found HI
obliging friend to kick mu dou at
for my idiocy. I bowed to thu inu
ablu and dismissed thu nflair wit
sigh , but I did not forgul hur facu.
Onu rainy afternoon about a mo
after I mot hur in a Broadway sto
I recognized her in a moment , i
took a seat , the only onu vacant ,
her side. I looked into hur lace , i
I know she roinoinbured mo , but
did not exhibit thu faintest gleam
consciousness of my uxistonco. It
worse than Tantalus and the tormui
Buforo she luft the stagu the rain
in torrents , I hoped that ahu was
pro vidud with an umbrella , that I mi
olFor her the protection of mine , bi
Klanco showed mu that shu held <
in hur right hand. My unfoitui
luck again ! I lookud down ut
diamond ; it sparkled like thu B
beams and us joyously , but its da :
conveyed no intolliuencu to mu , u
it gave mu u gleam of hope. She
HO near that I could vury easily h
played H trick , liku that a friund
mine oncu played , slip u card into
cloak pockut. Nothing of that k
would go down with this qnec
creatnro , I peifectly well know ,
I was forced to watch her at
leave mu and turn down thu Htn
holding hur dress so duxturously t
it quite escaped thu pavomunt and >
closed two neatly-fitting buotH
I'urhaps I nhonld huvo said In f
that my nainu was Kldridgo , tin
am a lawyer and .liulgu Clifti
junior paitner. In the nuxt ollici
ours tliuro aru two young follows j
started in law , who receive moru c
from their lady friends than rutiiin
fees from uiti/.uns. Ono day , as I
leaving my nflicn , I Haw my lad ;
gray going into theirs.
1 must confeuH to feeling a sorl
chill , and then dmappointmont. I
not liku to know that my dignified
known went aionnd visiting gen
men'rt ntlicuo , oven though thu g
tlumun wuiu her aciuumlnnceH. |
casionully a lady friund would cullen
on mo , not upon hutmiOHH , and
though I waa always polite , I m
unuouragud that sort of thing , and ,
a practice , I heartily disapprove of
iMy second thought waa more el
it ablu. Onu of the fellows might
hur brother. So much thu butter ,
would iniiku his acquaintance und <
livuto him. I did this after HI
weeks' delay and considerable circi
'HIM i i > \t UK pin , mi 1 h HMO i
t u ei > . MI , . . . , , . M , \ ]
h 1 1 ais . i in n. 1 Mmul nnd
due vi us ci k. i.i.l ( ) , , fiu nil
piiMin. .In" ! th nk . t mv tliii
Actually ei > ged t" the oilier full
U n s sa.t i-iii'iixli to k
she was Imund , but I n
ildnUlii ; hoithu wifu dt
fell"M who had little ambition and
brains. Th re WHS nothing in
man , absolutely not hint ; . Why , <
a tuck before ho had thown * IM
Ip.-iil arcumcti in a ease A mrru t
nicahty of winch the rawest tu <
should not Imvo been ignorant. V
women can see in nimio men
there , I must nol get incoherent
looked at my ring after mj distui
tlnnmhts and it.s rosy glesming
mo fresh courage. After nllevtii
day I resulted to renvu-sely niul i\v \
nnnedlj cm him out if 1 c < uld.
It was ipnti in my peer lo bi
suvice to Mr. A hn , and in MMIH
asked me le lux fill f - r's liiiuse to
ner S 1 1 s w my > ml.M md , n ii"
and i her , hiii urninniiiin H ]
'lest. ' 1 ii'in ' d lu-i u me - \i > it
worn tn y tnan fho hail looked tu
iii'fuie. 1 lad pi | iar il ni\
t'-r onr lui-t mi ei uu , but
hid not , and lietin td a I
eiiitiii-rnssnu nt I ital not , 1
oter , lefei 10 onr nlvi.iiwo tint
hid ealud npmi hei MIVUPII IIIIUH ,
then \cnuiied in v u U hi r mr c
ing to the ie ciie o mt piii'inns
niond , She liesig. d nn- with deep |
in her cliei ks n i tninnm nit. I
aH.iulu.uiH in alien m , a nnd laid s
to ihu ht-ait.s ol i he ifvt of ( | u , tun
and ipiiutU im au to > \ < m Tint I
Home liithlmiro over was pr
by thu fnit that liei betmt
becninu je i Ions of mu
flllll.ldo lll'l' llOlll HMO Nlllg IMS VI
Snu tdliebeil , iiliur bi ni ' . ' t\nh
unnojaiico fn > m him nnd liiialh
diHiniHHed him
1 teniuied to a < k her , 1 ke a h ;
ciiio , wlij 1 no hn g. r mot Mi. 1
Imsll at her home.ot , thut 1
) > iinng fni his souii ty , " 1 adr'od wi
Mill 111. .
" \\u h.i\o Inokoni HIM Mg.nieinui
sin Muil , look n at In' Hour.
I cniHi'lorod ' niv 1,1 s mi . Hlea
tlpuil. u. It fun y ia ! e. H ! in thu ll
Thu ti mpt-itmn \ \ .s s innu , bi
lo-IKtid ii , lo beg hur OLI\U mo
hi.nd hu had lost. I AH , d until
uvening when 1 W.IH i' coiiimi
luiiiiu fiom the theane , and I ( old
the sloiy of my ring and hu In lii
in its migiu moiu lumly than 1 di
"It has nevir tmli d mo yet ,
Allyn , and I inn 1'iun.i , ' to put il
K ninger itHt. "
She WIH mi piovi kinuly di-mur
unciinsuuins 1 kept hark h * |
linn on ni } h | " , nn I foil my c m
liku lob ! Auies , i > o/ing nut n my I
ei-onlK , and nuam 1 wnM > d.
" 1 i-lioulil think \i > iitt < iulil bu n (
of losing it , " Hhi ) H il I , a f. il.iVttn
She wis holding i lu i iiu in UT h
movinU tins UM ai d ihtt l < > u
"lu jnii know , \ lis All' n , tin
am en -liMily if anl n' l < I g n ,
smcu 1 lilnl met JOH/ / ' "IM mo I
it f itnil - . L i HI' ' put i' o , t is
gur. I'lonso .In n id .nnl jive
uiiir.-oll in ii-iinn. "
She h inu In i l ad and b'u '
and stammeled a litilc , lint nhe
nol ha > nn.
Kcmutmv *
A foitunu may Ob | 'in in ii in
fectnid medieini'Hueii liy imp
Tlioinas' Hclectuu Oil axpe < dy anil
oinical cure e.m bu LlFrcted In en
iheuiniti.-iu , lame hack , bodily aihii
or prins ol every desciiitfou | it allou
htant lelief. m _ _ _
Auothor Youuu Train Rnbbc
It was night.
oSTinht in Aikansan.
It was night in suvurnl othur a
as will , but Ark. ins , m in the onu
which e h ivu to dial at this uii
Ib ItclliL' onr turn to deal
A lightning uxpiestiain was In
ing alotii. at thu tale of MxtmiKv _
hour Kveiy ear .is full , n
Atandmg in thuanlesitli mat m
nui-8 , md paiienco on.y seen < > n
Amuiican i.ulroad , to aueiimmo
the fellow who wants four scats al
Thu lamps bla/.ed Ii' ' fully ovur
pa seiigurs' dnstuia , which .seemed
fil fully as well as tiavuling diif
usually do
The conductor had passed thro
( which was moru than hu would n
an ) one else to without the luiiu
pass" punching people into wake
iio s in order thut he might pi
their tickets
The train boy had filled thopna
gera laps with hooka to koup tl
from bouncing in their uents while
ing over rougii places.
A brakennin had put his head in
shouted , "Tho next stopping plat
- ! " the name of thu station blest
lost in slamming the car door.
Thu boy , who is alwayn dry
made his fifty-second pilgrimage t <
And the woman who wants air
torn off her lost remaining linirur
in trying to got her window up.
This was on n railroad in thu s
of Arkansas.
Suddenly the car door opens.
A youthful figure appeals , hoi
something in his hand upon w
the light glitters. Ho presents it
significant manner und cries ;
"Now geiithuni'ii , your inonuy
Fifty nion tnrnpalu and cry , "L
shoot ! "
Twenty futilities cciuam with
voice , and somu faint.
Thuro is a hasty tin listing of Wat
and pockulhonkH beneiiih cushions
into boots ,
Women iinf.utlun their juwehy
slip it into secret places whuiu no
bur who is anything of a gentlu
would think of nxplunng.
Strong men fight for a placu n
thu Beats wliuiu they can nucrutu tl
selvoH ,
" ( Jeiitleiiien , " again cries thu cl
iah voice , liiiL'ing high and cleat' al
the sci earns of women and the di
thu train ( gaspH for muicy from t.
of thu men ) "let me sell you mini
this excellent t topical fruit , ' am
extends in his dexter hand a ban
It was thu tiain boy , pnisniiij.
useful and harmloRs vocation
cinnali Katuiduy Night.
Buoiuiu M jvriiicu Sulvn ,
Thu best salvo in the world for i
bruisuH , Hores , ulcuis , salt llu
fuyur 5ores , tetter , chapped In
chillblaina , corns and all kind
skin eruptions , This salve is t
indeed to give perfect Hiitisfaulh
uvory case or inonuy refunded , J1
" ,5o pur box. For aalo by
T 'i ife MuAUitoN , Omni ;
Give the Bargains
At.Pncoa tliat Suit Any Oustornor Who Itually VViaiioa n Pirafc-
Clasa Artiolo.
A'e also Sold Exclusively by us.
THE JEWELERS , Opposite the Post Office.
Is the first to make the announce
ment to his customers and
the general public.
Always sold at the lowest Market.
We carry the largest stock and
make the Lowest Prices.
Orders promptly filled and every
attention given to patrons.
1313 Farnham Street.
OMAHA , - - - -
R ? 2H