Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1881, Page 4, Image 4

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" he Omaha Be
Published my morning , except Sun
Tlia only Monday morning daily.
nr $10.00 I Thrco Moulin
Mtmtlu. . . : > .00Ono |
ry Wednesday.
Ono Year . S'-.OO I ThreoMonths.
Six.luntlis. . . . . 1.00 | Ono "
OllinWt'OKDKXCK-All Comm
toiH rtlatitn ; t i Neva Mid LditonaH
ten should be addressed to tlio Linroi
i * lit K
IilSTTHnS-All Km *
and llctiilltanrcs
Ij lUrh
' C
dr'cwcd toTnr. OMAHA PniUsliiNfl
Ur.ifts . Checks nnd P
Oii. ( ! . ! Ordeis to ' "iadc payable to
onUr of the Company.
K. ROSEWATEtt , Editor.
Kilwln Dnvla , MannRor of C
Circulation' _
John II. Ticrco in In Clmrpc if the ) S
C'ltcuitionof Till : DAILY 11K1J.
A. II. Vltchcorre pniidfntniid nolle !
llio President.
been the pious cinlnm of
It ha * lorn ;
people- , with the closing of U' ' " > 'C.r !
look b.ick upon t' ' ' " blessings bmuifhi
them in the clumping cour o of Hess
nml ratlin ) mili'inn thanks IK thu ull-giv
i from w-n.m . they ( low. Anil
HUM co
though at tlii-i pono.1 when the fulling 1
mini iii-lies im the time of ; mr H.-IC
duty in nt liaii I , < mr nation still lien in
uliiw'lrw of I ho great Mere.-ivotnrnt i
mourning which has fried our heart * , h
liudi us hopeful , pressi"ii toward the (
bowed in grief i
before ho n we lately
liavo nhnwured tip ' ' during too ]
twelve ni'inths en 1 for our fervent gr
twin , and inaku it fitting t 'lit wo she
reioii ! . ) with tlianlcfiilno-w tint the Lunl
His intinito nirrcy IUH signally fa i
our country nml people. r-.ioo with
unit prosp-ilty within lm < been voncliin
to ns. No iHMtllctieo Ims visited <
shorvi. The abundant privileges of fi
don : which our lathcrH loft in tli ir v
increasing heritage , 11
doin arKlill our
Ifm iMrtMof thoviwt domain NIMIIU all
tioti'4 Iwo visited mir brethren in In
fore tt hoinc-i , vet even th'n calamity 1
boon turn > crod in n manner unnctllioil
the compassion for thu iinlfer
which lias bi-en e.illml throughout <
country. For ivll th-so tiling il n in
tint the vnico of the nation should go
to ( ! od in fervent homage.
Wliercforo I , Chester A. Atthur , t r <
dent of the United S'ntido rrcuiniiic
that all people observe the 21th day of i
% ember , inst. , as n day of nati nal than
gvim ; and pr.iycr , by ceutdng no far
inaybo from tlioir uccular labors nml me
iii'j ' in their several platen < -f woruli
there to join in averting linnor and pn :
to Almighty Clod , wlimu goodno.w hnsbi
BO manifest in our hlnlory and our liv
und iilferiiiB earnest prayers thathin boj
te. < uiav coutinuo l us and to our el
drit ' .
In witnesii whereof , I hive hereunto
my hand and canted the ( , 'i'eat *
of the I'liitcil Htuteii toboallix
Done at the city of WiiHhlngt
Ti. . . ] thiw Hcventh dav of November ,
the year f our Lord one thoum
uiKht hundred nnd ciRh'y-one , I
of the indep'jndeneo of the Uni
Status the ono hundred and fifth.
Uy the 1'mnUlent :
.lAH. G. UI.AINK , So retury of State.
SIMM : the olctiou Now Jersey Di
, -ocrats uro rpollini ; nation with iv ci
TnuiaowVini : > boiiRts that lie
voted for aixty-tlirco ycura mill ulw
.ngiitnst tliu democracy. Thurlov
cv'ulrntly "a Btuyur. "
THRUM will bo thirtocn colored v
in the next Virginia k nislat
Gould anything bo more oxnspornl
to the ohivrtlry of old Yi
UKNV < ! K rejoices that there can
no question of her choice by the \
pie of Colorado as the location for
capital. Her vote was 15,080 , ii ,
0,028. Colorado's citi/wim are
dontly level headed.
JOHN JtoAi'ii the Chrstor ahipbi
cr ii seriously iilanued over the i
ilition of our national Hhipping in
and thinks that nothing but
moat liberal subsidies to Amor
builders of VCHSOH can revive
shattered innriuu. Mr. lloach'a
triotirtiu is only ciiualkd by the c
inys of his capacious nocUot book.
lMH'.l'1'.NHKNT Woi.l'K , of 1'eill
vania , who wiuinatud hiinsvH foi
fltixto tveaBuremhin in opposition t (
Cameron dyi-usly und inado a maj
cet : personal canvass throu hou
Htato , nuiht bo greatly K"lliCiu'1 ' "t
atrniix following which ho gained ,
returns show a total oflii
votes cait for Wo'.fo as a
IJailey ( ropubMaiu ) and Noble ( d >
erat ) . Mr. Wolfe jircdiotod DO
nnd liis opponents conceded him
OMAHA welcomes to the city
Montana tourists. She has not
on lier holiday attire , and her si
nro not in thuir best condition
Bini i ready Jo show them u ma
cent commercial present and n
greater business future. Her
aalo houses nro prepared to lay
thuir f-ooda in the western terri
us cheaply ns they can bo nurehai
C'liicayo with frcighto added , an
manufactories have long since
putcd in western fields of trade
eastern producers.
KENTUCKY , with 70,000 demo
majoritycasts 21 votes in the na
icpublican convention , whllo
with 70,000 republican majoril
only entitled to 22 votes. Nov
democratic Kentucky imks for
federal patronage ut the handu
republican ndtniniatmtion tlian
inandud by vepublicnn Iowa.
A nmnl er of ( luc.slioiis whicli
inlimati'ly conneclcd with trade i
comniprco are likely to come uphof
the next congress. Thu find of tli
will bo the enaclment of n natici
bankrupt l.iw. The committee
pointed by congress for the purpos
investigalini , ' the ( | ueslion has li
numerous Kctsions during the i
summer and fall and received
opinions of niAiiy of the ablest finders
dors and jurists in the county. '
iniptessiun prevails that thu draft (
bankrupt law presented by .Iu
Lowell , of Massachusetts , will bo
ported with few amendments. '
silver coinngo ijuestion will i
come up for consideration. V
street will make a determined ellor
secure the repeal of the law wh
brought aboutusale of Atuericnn sil
amounting to neatly 82,000,1 ,
monthly which is the amount coil
at the mints. The disbursement
tlio treasury surplu.i will also ho <
cus.ied. The nation now rccei
about 88,000,000 , a month more tl
its expends , This largo amount
money if wilhdii.wn pcirmaueii
from circulation must seriously nil
tliucondlion of the money marl <
How to again inject the s
nto the arteries of tn
without loss to thu government
to the profit of the people is one
he problems which the next congt
vill probably Holvc. The piirch
if liigh rate bonds in the open mar
H advocated in some quartern , wl
> thur financiers recommend the c ;
ng in from time to time of the ! 5 $ ;
cunt , bonds in aulliuieiit amounts
secure the expenditure of any trissist
surplus which may be mi hand. ' 1
cdnotion of the internal rover
axation is aho likely to come up un <
i strong pressure from thu distill !
uicl tobacco interests. There is
loubt that there will boalivcly effort
i thorough revision of the tariff. ' .1
ligh tariff convention which recen
not in Now York him formulated
inlicy and the free traders nre soon
, o the name. Unu thing HUCIIIS c
ain , that from the present compc
ion of the two houses of congress ,
ery radical decrease in the cuatc
vill be made. Thu manufachir
ntercstu have ahvays been ably r
esented in congress and they will
lone the less so during the presi
Wnn.v congress convenes wo hope
mar from thu Nebraska delegatii
I'hu people of this iitatu have for ye
> uun sutlering flagrant abuse at
mnds of corporate monopolies t
can only bo redressed through natio
legislation , Pirst and foremost c
gress should afford our people re
from the highway robberies porpel
ted upon them at the Missouri ri
crossings in the shape of bridge teAt
At Omaha alone a bridge that can
duplicated for $800,000 is carniii
million nor annum for its owners w :
out even affording re.isonablo faeili
for the transfer of passengers i
teams. The right to fix the toll t
this bridge is expressly reserved
congress in thu bridge charter
congress should exercise this ri
without further delay. Another
portant subject demanding natit
legislation is the Union Pacific 1
grant. Under thu original grant
lands should have reverted to
government for homestead and
ouiption entiy five years after
completion of the Union Pacific
oad. That time has long s
lapped , but the road not only h
nllions of acres of these lands ,
vades payment of taxes on t
inds by refusing to take out pat
ir them until after they arosoldl
inn to lime. This imposition on
ix-paying citiv.ons of Nebraska sh
u remedied by an act of
rets requiring thu road to
ut patent. ) on its entire land gn
L'hesu and other matters of vital
ortanco should receive prompt ul
ion. They concern our people a |
leal inoi-e , than thu distributioi
eleral patronage which nt bust
lUMmdary iuiuurlauce to all ex
ho olliuo 8ouker.s.
'fur. decision just rendered b ]
United Slates circuit court in the
John I Ulair vs. 11. T. Cliuki
volving the title to a large trai
lands in thu Elkhorn valley , at
very gratifying evidence that the
some rodruhu against land piracy i
courts of Justice , Mr. JUair'a nu
of levying blackmail on towns
uountiua along thu line of proj
railroads , by threat' ' ) and throiigl
nipt manipulation of local ollicia !
exhibited in documents produced
ing the trial of the above
did not dill'or materially fron
method pursued by ether land s
ami highwaymen that have HO
millions of ncros of public hut
this state as subsidies for cousin
railroads. John I. Blair was pc
more bold and recklusi in the
and means employed than i
who followed in his food
but hu wa.i doubtless full
honest and honorable in his
ings as any of his compel
It is only when these land p
havu n falling out that honest
get thuir dnca , and only through
wo can fully realize to what In
means they resorted in bulldozin
blackmailing the people out of H
sldicn in lands and bonds.
Hi'.NitV VII.MUII , the railroad ki
lias purchased the lending journal
Portland , Oregon. Next to the ro
bed nnd onf-inux , a subsidized presi
one of tlio essentials of the mod
railway monopoly ,
After long consideration and nu
hesitation Oamhottn has finally nccc
ed the premiership of Franco , selcc
his cabinet nnd announced his noli
The composition of the cabinet
surprise to all the continental joiirn
It contains few men of note and n
of distinction. Oambetta takes
presidency and portfolio of foreign
fairs with as minister of just
Paul Hurt ui minister of public
Htruution and Roussea as ir
ister ol thu interior. i''o '
and Wuddington were not cosult
Asa body the nowcnhinol is conan
cd decidedly inferior to thu Fe
ministry. The general Hurop
opinion is that the premier purpos
constructed his cabinet so as to ins
his personality the ono command
inlluencu in thu direction of thu all' ;
ol Krnnncu. There is evidently tine
no divided responsibility. ( J.unbc
will bo tin- ministry nnd the gove
mmit ns Bismarck has been the C !
man Empire and Oortschal
the Russian ruiur. The Loin
Timnn in a leading art
"It is imp-assi
on the subject says :
not to see in the ascendancy of On
betta the certain revival of a i
soiril government , and n possi
menace to the spirit of republican
slitutions. His accession to ollico
the turning point in the all'uirs
Franco , and , possibly , even in th
of Europe. But history and
career are the strongest security ti
that Gambotta will bo proof ngar
selfish ambitions. "
The policy of the Gambotta mil
try as announced by the premier
the two chambers contains few (
tinctivo deviations from that of
predecessor , llu gave ns hia p
gramme a constitutional and uni
government , except from all pal
consideration imposed by dissons
and weakness , ever ready to rondoi
the representatives of the nation
account of its acts , and capable
imposing on all degrees of public (
cials , respect , obedience and we
He referred to his scrtttin deintti \
the reorganization of the senate ot
more democratic basis. Ho promi
a further development of the o
cational system ; a reduction of
land and Boa forces in order to roli
the burden of taxation , exprcsse
cordial uesiro to insure the peace
Europe nnd respect for the relation
the various religious domonstrati
with the state ; and finally , while i
tucting the public liberties , to mi
tain with firmness , order at homo ,
with dignity , peace abroad.r.
series of reforms , ho said , would 01
py the full term of the present h
laturo. The government would n
the full and complete confidence
the republican deputies , which it
nmiidod without hesitation , being
solved to place at the service of
nation all the possesses of stron ;
courage , nnd activity. Thu gov
munt would pass according to the
of thu country , to n fresh staga in
path of progress , which knows
limits and which lies open to
French democracy. The speech
cordially received by the Senate
Chamber , but is generally considi
uvasivo by the continental press.
The gro-it success of the 1/md C
mission has pr > vod the wisdoi
Gladstone and the ample remedy
existing abuses which his Irish
biUatlordi. Tlio bill itself is rar
becoming popular among the tci
farmers and tons of thousands 1
come forward to claim
practical benefits. The in
Catholic hierarcy , have pronou
in it's favor. A form ) r iiiumbu
the Foniau triumviuto , O'Learj
name , has just written n letter :
L'aris , declaring that , whihi ho n
tains his seoassion principles ai
iiuulrod to combat Engla'id , ho tl
catos the maligning of Euglishi
Gladstone , ho says , has given Ire
a land act such as nobody n , few j
f ago could have hoped for , and Fo
is very much bettor tlrm most of
Irish secretaries Hont over to Di
castlo. Up to Saturday night -II
Irish tenants hai applied to thu 1
Court to fix their routs. Tliasa
in addition to thiiusuula with v
the landlords have compromisi
reducing the vontsVt 0 to 150 per
and in somu case * more. The
Court cuts down the rentals from
fourth to one-third , and in somu
ono'half. The aggregate roduc
in the island from present indie ;
will exceed 27 millions of del
Thia great work has been accom
ed by n statesman whoso elfo
their behalf will bo gratefully ack
edged by the future gonoratii
Additional aocoud elections in
many havu further Btrongthunei
us Liberal ranks. The majority aj
in the Conservatives is now fiucnri
inm Bismarck has voiced his bettor <
is poiiitment ill the throat of rei
id tion' , 'i'hu three , parties <
German Empire nro clearly disti
from each other in aims but divu
among themselves ns to the means
which their ends can best be
tnlned. 'I'hc Conservatives donn
that the inlhionce ot the crown nnd
aristocracy shall bo superior
that of the parliament nnd
masses of the people. Prusa
rather than German in fcolinu tl
draw their principal support from
nobility , the bureaucracy and
army and navy. The Ultramontai
are the natural defenders of tlio rig
of the Roman Catholic church. ' .
Liberals are the .idvocates'of the rig
of the people as ngniii't the power
the crown , and , although divided
faction , are united in thuir opposit
to the great chancellor. The del
of the conservative party in the 1
election involves the dis
proval of the German people w
the great schemes of internal ceo
mic r fnrm which were introduced
Bismarck into the last parliament ,
is not suprising that Bismarck
bitterly disappointed at the opposit
which they have encountered. ' .
threat ot resignation which lias o
before proved effective in break
down his nntimonisla is likely o
again to win the day. Much its mi
of the German people dislike liisinn
the man , they nro naturally proud
the statesman v > ho united
Gorman Empire and nindo
tlio dictator of the policy of Euro
lie cannot ba shelved nt the pros
time without scrums loss to the pi
tigo of Germany.
Russia ia becoming agitated o
tlio friendly relations existing botw
the Tinted Statcsaml England. E
ing our civil war Russia was ain :
the only ally of thu govurnm
among thu European powers , nnd
most friendly relations have ahv
subsisted. On the other hand , Ru
fears and hates England , and is j
ous of the sympathy which npp (
between the United Statea and
mother country. This feeling
strongly manifested at St. Pctursb
when the nmvs arrived of the ho
paid to the British Hag at Yorkto
One of the leading journals , in
article which attracted much att
tion , declared that it did not belie
after r.ll , that the old enmity had pj
cd away , oven though it might , bo c
coaled. It then went on to show b
its animosity and its misinformal
about American affairs , in the as
tion that "President Arthur
spoken of before his election as a ]
tisau of the Irish patty in Amer
and , therefore , the salute to his 11
ish Hag was probably a pleasantr ;
the expense of England , gotten uj
the American Fenians.1 The pa
then proceeded with the oven more
founding statement that the Presii
is "an Irishman who was obligei
ipiit his country through English i
rule , " and that , in spite of oflicia'
lotions , "unofficially the policy of
Americans toward the English acts
a good dose of poison. "
Tlio land reform question is b
agitated in Scotland. A meotiru
farmers was recently hold at In
Aberdoonshire , for the purpose
hearing the replica from the landl
in the district in response to an i
tation for nn expression of thier v
on the question of land reform and
reduction of rents. Out of two
three proprietors invited only t\v
appeared. None of the proprii
proposed in any way to meet the v
of the farmers on the questioi
agricultural oopression , and the n
mg came to the conclusion thpt i
ing could bo settled except b
thorough land bill for Scotland ,
farmers unnnimouslv adopted
view , and other sections of the c
try nro now boiny canvassed and
tated in order to bring the matte
an issue before parliament ,
The gnlo on the Scotch coas
October 14th last was most disasl
to life and property. The lishei
of Berwickshire nnd the Firth of I
experienced the greatest losses in
which amounted to 1)1. ! ) In
mouth nlone 80 wives have
widowed and liliO children i
fathoilots. During the storm
vessels woru lost on the coast , am
lives lost and missing numbered
The month of October has always
the worst of any during the yoni
the shipping in Northern Europe
the hist gale was the most dest
ivo for many years.
There are 18,000 Chinese on
Sandwich Islands. Their prii
article of food is rico. The f
wich Islands havu much soil suite
to the growth of this grain ,
thrifty plantuis grow annually se
million pounds. Do they feed
Chinese laborers with it ? Not 11
They uro too shrewd. They ii
from China unough rico to feed
coolies. The government cxat
alight duty. This the planter c
fully pays , because it is an im
tax which ho would have to nu
some other form if not this wi
the government must ho suppt
Menntimu thia thrifty Island gf
his crop or rico and sends it I
United States , where it is adn
duty free , and commands u good
Abk UrugBUU for "Kotmh on ItnU
clear * out raU , mice , l l-bup , rq
10 U'rmin , fllw , nut * , liiHtta. l&c per
Sli'nnr Rossi played Othc'lo , Hai
aid II men in l > 'ow Vork Jntt week.
Ktntut.'s of llolliul nnd Verdi have 1
mivt'ilu i in Ln Senla Theatre , Milan.
AitcHnn Tntti wlll ingin ! lic"Mrmii
nttlio Chrl t'iias PostUal , in Clncini
Mrs. Abblo Cfttrimton Jm , \ > ccn
p.i vd to nhiK in Italian opera v. ith
( Jcrotcr company.
KIU Wren and John 1) lion have 1
rntfiiKcd for ' Mother-In.L.w' wh n i
produced in Xcw York.
It In Raid tint Caiii | > itiiiii' < teniH >
Mnttlcsun thU tcaiim are $5,000 a mo
sln itib' three limes n Wfck
Liszt's lft t symphonic poem "From
Cradle t-j the ( fr.ivo" will soon bo I si
by Hole Ii I nek , In lierlin.
It is nunoied that the I'miia Abl
ojiera company are doitii ; a very
liii. i ness , and it ! ) oven nnid that they
on the Vt'rxc of ilis'nlntion ,
M'lle llhcn , the ] tu < | nn dcbuta
iiiadu her first nn ] > in Americf
the llrookljn I1 , rk Theatre , in the c' ,
actcr of CamlKc , and achieved decided
cess ,
Mcf'nllouph. who is now playing at
New York Fifth Avcmip Theatre ,
lcmlntes | ) n revival of "Jack Cade , "
modeled by Mr. Lewis NVingfiehl , of 1
Miss Jclfreys-LewlK. it is now sla
will ihnrt'V in "Two Nighfe
U inc. " ? > IifH Ijewis has been watidc
between New York and San Fraucisc
Mi s Anna Bojlo mndo her dcbu
Hazel Kirko r.t Stntn'ord , C'onn. ,
Stturdav ni 'ht , nnd achieved nn im
diate triumph. The lady in under cng ,
incr.t to the M.uliiou Siiarc ] theatre.
Mr. John S. Clarke ha.i revised
familiar play , "A Widow Hunt , " nnd
renamed It ' 'A Militia Major. " Ho
added , niiiont : other things a new ncl
the piccf , incudin ] a comic duel Hcenc
It is stated that th Knjllsh acti
Miss Wallie , will come to this cou :
next year. Among others who are ] >
ably to comu ut that time are Salvini.
iiicin ] , ] ! istuii , and Modjusku. All
others will follow eventually.
Mr , C rl linssa'fl opcrn'iccompnny ,
The London Oraphici'ipurHuinK its eo
in the "province. " with the aeciisto
sueceH. It is reported that Mr. It
contemplates making hi * r/ondon SC.TCI
Her Majesty' Thc.\tr < i in a great m a
"NVnguerian. "
Harry Sargent is having ma-Io life
wa lisures of his star , Mile Ithca ,
will have them cl thoil in BOUI if
actress' richest robe * , and exhibitor
windows on thu principal streets of c
of the cit es where nho will playt
cMiiiiiR fea'-on. Tliis is civcujinj ; wi
Mine. Ktdlta 0prater will fint ; in <
cert in Norway and Sweedcn under
Max Strakoscli'd mamisement a- , the t
of bur jn C3 nt American tour. The (
} > ter Conrert cotnpatiy will be increase )
the addition of iliss Jcnni > * Dickiu
c ntrnlto , who will join the panj
Scnor Sarnsitc , the inmoiis Spa
violinist , is at present | ) lajinj _ ; in (
many , nnd visited Mannheim last wi
Hs was so Bticcessful in his wn cou
this year Unit ho received a Mec ra
from the kiny , nnd refused all ind
menU to coino to London ; but Gcrn
seems to find more favor in his eyes.
The Buckingham troupe has conn
Krief. The manager quietly slipped
for New York on Saturday , and on I
day morning Miss Fannie Loniso follu
him. The members of the company
left nb'o'utely penniless , biid it teems
something uu'ht ; tu be done for the ref
of their immediate necessities. The
son in Colorado has been a particnl
unf rtunatu one with tlium , the rfCi
Konie nighta not cxseedin310. . Pe
Harvard has 812 undergraduat'1 ,
freshmen number ! i g 217.
Michigan University is to have .a
mmemn which will cost § 00,000
There were 125 caes of corporal pin
ment in the Milwaukte schools dnriiij
post m nth ,
President Wh'te , of Cornell Univei
S'iys that institntiou was never befor
so solid a t undatiou as 't the | in
time. It has an endowment of _ 31,700
and in two or three years it will
fromSSO'O.COO to SH.OOO.OOO additi
and then be the richest collegiate i
tution in the country.
Lord Uarlingford , in recently dji
utins ; prizes to Borne Miuceitful candii
in the Oxford local examinations
van. . ed very revolutionary opinion * _ ii
card to the maintenance ii caste ii ;
British schools. He thought that d
cut classes might very well tend
children to the same s : heels , provide
Hchoo H were good. He Raw no reason
children upton ccrt'in ago should n
together on the benches of the Bamj
mentivyKchnol. This is enough to ;
the British lion roar a main.
At the session last week of the
liedford - Institute , Agent
I ard , of the Massachusetts Jioaid of
cation , naid that he tliought not too :
but too long arithmetic was taught u
schools , If it were taught lens j
would I : now a great deal more. _ Ho v
teach compound numbers a little ,
gression not at all , The reaion why i
ndvdiiced.echolara could not go to a ;
purchase a number of articles nnd calc
the proper clunge , was because iho I
to make u practicul u jof their learni
Professor W. H. Nilec , of the JJ
chusctts insiitnte of Ttchnology. saj-i
geography should be tanyht mainly
out Imokg , except nthmes. ( iluhes
valuable aid. 1-acU should bo the
thing Causes ami relations should I
ferrcd for a later course. In the fir * !
of the clem ntavy counse , which m :
unn term , definition * of objects , us i
tains ne f , rivers anil bays , may beta
I'urt Hscoml may be a teaching ot cl
U-rlnticH of the noUblu individual i
tain" , etc. And so on. In rurul di l
a email uchool may bo tuugl
geograiihlcal ICRKOII from thu i
lieu > o windows. If this Is imp-uch
bxcu > slims may ho planned foru.xtral
For Ihfue the clam Bliould bo divide
moiotban ten going utonw. The scl
may have a good tlmo on the way , b
rivud at the ulace Delected for the 1
order ami dinciplina should bo onfi
Study fiom nature i- worth more
study fr in booU. Tlio scholars m
told to oltocrvit different | ioitinn4
country about the HchooMi HBO or vi
ho that c lli-ctively they can make a
map of it. This will teach them hai
observation , and they will iindt'rBtai
nso nnd object of imipiJ. I'Vo hand
drawing is an important portion o
The medical oeiety of Clovolni
ccntly dincuBsciI the eifeet of our s
of education an the health of girls.
general cnnuhifclnn reached wni tin
clfect was not Injurious. IiUuint |
dreurd by ouo mi'inbcr tn HOIIIO c
most distinguished iihyslcians in the
tiy had ovolyed Uicirnplinim that the
nothing deterlmental to the health ol
'ii ' the ordinary goim ; up and down
in the city schools. A o rcular was s
the Cleveland fchool lupertuteiiilent
pircntB of the high ncliool pupils nskl
Imiibtlvo nuestlons as tn the time gi
chool work , the effect upon the pnii
amount of excrelHO taken , etc. fh
NWCTH show that nlxmt four- fifths i
iiarenU nre HatlHliod that their chlldi
not niienilt " much tlmo out of
withVchfol work ; that their mln.U . n
ovurtaxed with ncliool dntleBj that
have efficient tlmo forcxcrci e , * > ci
tnre , recrtation , general ii.'ading , tti
I hut they do not recommend u roil
of bchool work. A largo number ol
IntcndenU und teacher * were asked :
you recall , or nro yon nw-ro of , n
l . btnnco of mental break ng down Ii
pupil of the pnb'io ' tchools durinii
( onnectlon with them , dourly uttrilj
to overwork ? " The answer ha < bee
the negative in every instance.
"America. " says an
country where a man's statement
worth two cents unless backed up witli
otfsr to bet you $10. "
An exchange ft yi "Thohicyrlolsag
thin ? to put lleMi on a man's Irg , It is
H great thing to tnkn flesh elf a tnnn'di
n'-d other portions if his face Nbrrist
"What if the moon good for1 asked
teacher ; "wlntaro nw ? " -
the Mimit bad Vny looked up from the
of the cliiio nnd said : "To rest the
companies. "
"Must the American oyster clioV'i
one nf our exchanges. It must , If
tough em ugh tn go thrmiah n plain :
or a fancy roast nlive , wo d n't wanti
.Springfield Uni-m.
Tha will of ( Jeihat Ilcchtol , of II. .
county , Poiiiisylvania , Just filed , contai
this remarkab o provision : ' 'That 1 fur
disinherit and prohibit from pnrtlclpa
in llio dlstriliuti' n of my estate MIC !
my male descendants n < jierslst in wea
mustaches , "
Talmago la t Sunday made nn onslai
on tobacco. "If yon smok cheap tobnc
"aid ho , "i want to tell why it is cheap
isnnrxtn > oof bn cock , lampblack , s
dust , colt's foot , platitntion leaves , nil
earth , lime , calt , and aVIttlo tobacco. "
Secretary Kirk wood in liNnnnual r ;
recommends that libera' provinion bo n
for tench ing the Indiiti youth the Ivnv
language. This is right It is frtque :
the case that when In - p or nntutoreit
man reaches a largo city ha Is compclle
walk nround for IKMIM without n di
because : m inhuman government has
towtd him to grow up in ignorance.
An Augmtti man went to Ho.-itoii
bu'incfs nud put up at one of the f
class hotels , The cleilc save his bag ;
and the key to his room to a porter ,
condnettd the August * gentleman to
elevator. Closing the iloor they begn
. v-fcnd , unperccived by the traveler ,
eyed the four walls of the elevator n
ment nnd exclaimed : "T.iho my bngf
back to the otlicej you can't put me
little room liku this ! " [ Portland Aigu
For more than a voar a Mrs. Thori
Caniitcn , N. Y. , had lo-t the use of
voice. Keccntly she f-aw her hiisb.iu
professed tt'iniiurance man , standing i
snluon bar tippling beer , and rnshei
him scrraming in n lo id tone. Since
incident she has hud complete use of
tongue. No\v the query whether
drinking of tha' . beer will produce too
bad results. Will Mr . Tli.irn blooi
sweetly as a thoraless roseV Or will
prove a thorn in Thorn's side , bej
strewing thorns in his thorny path ?
How the late Mr. Methuselah , whc
hi > 878th vca > , mu t have enjoyed sit
down at the corner grocery andlyini ; al
the cold weather of ! : > 15. C.
.Tosh llilliups sais ho wouldn't pive
cents to hear j'ob liiKenoll on "Tlio
takes of Motes , " but lie would KIVO S. (
hear Mo es on the mistakes of Bob In
"No , " said n prominent member
Vcnnout parish , " .Tacltson will ncvei
for deacon. Ifo hain'r , got the quali
tions. Why , durn it , I've cheated bin
a IIOKO trade myself. "
M r. Talmase , the Brooklyn paeai
I as begun the delivery of a series of
inons upon thu "Ten Modern Pl-uji1
The Philadelphia Times thinks he in
make it eleven and icll us something a
hiinscl' .
Just after election a gentlcinaii
proachedthodefeated candidate with"-
do you feel ? " ' Well , pretty mncl
T arazus felt ? " "Lara/us ? What demean
mean ? " "Why , Lazaius was lickc.
ili gs , and so was I. "
The archbishop ot York had u shy a
ritualists in talking against "Secular
in the recent church congress. "SI
upwH us , " he cried , "if with foes closii
mon us , instead of studying the map
the r utes and dividing the commnnii :
nre studying the culcr of the uniform
the lacj ujioii the jacket ! "
Two children in Troy , N. Y. ,
broucht to an .Episcopal clergj-mau
bajitism. " you ever been bap
before , my daughter' ; " asked the mil
very solemnly. Not understanding
difference between baptism and vac
tion , "Ye * , sir"rcplcltholittleeir ! ] ,
mine took , but Charlie'sdidn't. "
"M aking a call the other d iv , " wril
fair corresi)0ndent , "I casually open
bible on the Drawing room table '
waiting fcr inyfripnd. | Th re was af [ (
l > ieco of paper inside , and it was marl ;
couldn't help seeing it , 'receipt forpuiu
My friend entered at the moment a
handed it to her. 'Why , where ii
world did you get that ? ' she risked ,
been looking for that for nix montlu
"Who is Lucifer ? " said the teacher I
infant dits in Sunday school. _ " ! U
Hpoko up a biave five-year-old girl in i
earnest tone. ' Yul ! , tell mo Katie ,
the teacher. "W'y Lucy's ferBoh Sp
who has such a fnuny little mustnc !
wears fitch a short teat ; but papa
like- him at all , an' HCZ he ain t yotno
an' mon y , an' ho'n ole Mr.
an' " "Thai will do , Katie , bro !
the teacher ; ' I > eo you nro posted.
Avill go on to another qu-Htion. "
Father Hyacintho has decided to
pone his visit to America until next I1'
ury.The first Itointn Catholic Die
Synod in Scotland sinca the licform
V.U.H held atCllatgow , October 111.
The Itev. Dr. Whitchead , of U <
hem , will bo conhccr.tted biahoio i f 1
burg on the 'J5th of next January.
Tlio I'rotcstaul lipiscopal church in
gen has t-ixtcen lectori" , twenl
churches and missions , and 1,011 Sn
school hchularn. The comnmnieauts
bvrW , and theie were lifty-thrce c
ma'ioiis lust year.
11 hhop 1'erry of Davenport isjirop
a memorial hUtory of the American
copal church. It will bo ieay foi
year 18SII , wlien occur * the cenleniiln
Hcrvanco f the imlopenilent oiganiKv
iiit nco of the chinch in this country.
TheUnslUh Wealeyaiw church has :
liable relic , the poclcet bible whicl
Wesl y carried with him in all o
jimiuryri , and whluli i no ' handed
to each president cf the wmfcionco i
L-CSMOII , to be carried and used by hu
ing his year of olllo .
The Second Congregational chnr
Newton , Mass. , ivlubrutud hi t J u
the unu Imnd edth anniversary of H
ganliiatioii. The lirnt pastor , tin
William ( jiccnongh. a native of II
nnd a graduate of iilo college , had t
of the chinch finm 1781 until his de
18111A McthoJist camp-ground it to he
chased , cniuistim , ' of ! KX ) acre ol } n\ \
the toi > of the Allegbany mountains
between Doer 1'ark and Oal
Mnrylaml. It U to bo a national
gnnmd , nimlliir to Ocean Crovo ar
Imry 1'ark nnd Chantaunua. 'I he g
is U.OOO feet ahovo tide ,
The total membeiithip of the SI
church in Ncbraiku is 70,017 , ag
the but year of KW , ' 1 licro are
Htato ninetvtwo church buildiliL's ,
rreivu in the yi-ar of fifteen. The
nlxly.nlno pirwniayeH , an increase of
Thu value of tii churches IN ? 18Ju5i
of piiriKiaages 810,1110.
lilidiop llarri" , of the Methodist I !
pal church , millotl for Aspinwal
Tlmrmlay mi hU tour l \i iUtion J
thonli > bioii8 of thu Mt'thodliit h ] > l
church in fortian LimlH. Ho will i
at the iiinniM uiefting of the W
South AtiiiTlwtn iniiixlon to bo lit
Santiago. A ( tor upending * oinu tl
thl vicinity ho will go to the eastern coast
of South America .md will embark nt
Buenos AJTCH for Kiiropc.
Achur.'h which h de ribed , with local
" in nrchitrctural beauty
l > rlde , fin "atnndlnc
without nn equal In the I'nited States ,
his ju t been itcdicn'ril to I'mte.'tant
ICplscopal worship In Lynn , Ma s , It is
n memorial to the Into K. lifdinsti n
Mtidg by hU hciM. Tlia outer walls are
reddiih mbbl n unc , the faclngH
mid angles briclc , and the wca'liO'ingH
Xo\.i Scot ! i frceston - , richly catvctl. The
buildl-'g formi a Intln cruss. and there is
a jquaro ln er ISO feet high , without a
spire. The interior is i-Xcccdlmjly ornate ,
Its striking features b ing the mosaic
pavement , containing 08,000 niece * , nnd
the irridcfcont window" . The cost was
Sli.10,000 , exclusive r the nitoand a large
| ) .irt of the stone , which was imarried on
the estate. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The Country
Who that has ever lived nny time in the
country but mutt have heard of thovirtucj
of Burdock as a blood purifier. Burdock
Ulood Bitters euro dyspepsia , biliousues *
nnd nil disorders niising from impure
blood or deranged liver or kidneys. 1'rice
$1.00 , trial bettlen m - f" 1 ? eodlw
If you wish to nvoid great danger
and trouble , besides n no small hill
of expense , nt thia season of the year ,
you hliould take prompt stops to keep
disease from your household. The
ajstom should bn cleansed , blood
purified , stomach and bowels regula
ted , and prevent and euro diseases
arising irotn spring malaria. Wo know
of nothing tliat will so perfectly and
surely do this as Electric Hitters , and
at tlio trifling cost of fifty cents a bet
tle. [ Exchange.
Sold by Tsh & Mclilahon. (1) ( )
Artioloi of Incorporation of tlio
Millnrd Farmers' ClnTi-
Articlca of iiiMrporation made and
adopted this 29th day of October , A. 1) .
1SS1 , by and between the itndertigned incorporators -
corporators , an follown , tc-wit :
Article 1. The name of thi.s clnh shall bo
the Millanl Farmers' club.
VI.ACJ : OK icaixKss.
Article II. The place of business -
ness of tliia club shall bo at Millanl tta-
tion , county ol' Douglas , Nebraska.
XATUHK or nusiNiyH.
Article 111. The Ri-ncral nature of Imsi-
ness to bo tran ncted by thii club is to
conduct tv general literary and Kocial busi
ness and other euteituiument.s of a Buuial
Article IV. Tlio amount of c.tpitnl slock
o' this clue Bhall be two thousand dollars ,
divided into shares of ono dollar each , fhall bo inid in the manner pre
tcribed by tics dlrcctoii ! .
Attic o V. This club ah all commence to
transact business mid exeici-eitucorporate
thu lHh ! ! day of Uutobei1S8I , nuil
powers its pov.-eis Hlmll cuobo "ti thuUth cl.\y of
October , 1031.
Article VI. Tlio highest amount of a-
hility or indebtedi vs , which this club
shall at any one tinio mbject itslef , shall
bo thrco hundied djlhrs.
Article VII. The oilieen of this
club shall bo conducted by n
hoard of three'directors , who * hall IMS
elected from among the stockholders , and N.
and btich .
they shall appoint a president
other officers at by law is required.
On this 29th day of October , A. I ) . 8881 ,
personally appeared before me , Charles
J randes , a notary public for paid county ,
.Tulius Schrocder , J. Blum , Ulaus Schu
mann , W. Gerndorf , to me known tojje
the signers ot the forcctoinR articles of in
corporation , and acknowledged the same to
be their voluntary act and deed.
[ HKAL. ] CIIAW.EH tiiAxnts
Notary public in and for Douglas county ,
110 South Thirteenth Stioet. with
! M.Woolworth.
O. F. Manderson ,
< i Fkinbim St. , Oman * . N