Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1881, Image 1

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    1 HK
The lending Scientists ot to-day n'rcu , tliit
inoit < lhe-vies nr < ? emu-d l > \ ilUrtMcrM Utilities
or Ihur. If thcrcforo , tlio killing uml l\cr ! nro
Kept In perfect mil r , pc'ifoct litnlth will bo tlic
result 'lliUtrutli livum ! ) IICMI Known n slmrt
timu nnil for > tnn | noplo mUtttil ercat ap , > m
w Itliout bcl ntf nblfl to ( lint n Hi f 1 liu ill -mri
uf Warnir'iifu KMnii ami Uvcr Cure
n now ire 1 ( lie triiimiiit of thit-u trouble
Miulc from n simple tn > | ioil Icnf of riro vUm1 , It
contains Jmt tlio iliiiiiMtiiiccc'.aiiij to nourish
niul in' Isornto both of tlic-o wilt orjritH. mill
mfcly restore nnil kicii them In order. Itlia
Positive Remedy fir nil the ill > ei i ( hit raii e
mln In the lower part o [ the liodv f-r Torpid
l.l\ci IliaiUclie * JauniltiaIlizzincis Ora\cl
KecrAifiie Llitrniiil Urimrj Orjjani.
It Is in cMu'lcntniiilsifa remcuv Inr fcmitcs
during I'rciriamy. It will control Mcnutiviitlon
nnil is In 'ahnblu for Leucorrhica or railing ; of
the Womb.
As n Illooil I'urllUr It U uncqiiilnl , for It cures
Hie nrfr'ns tint make tlic lilooil.
This runuU , uhlili his iloiie nirh wonder , Is
put up in tho'ljAIUIhST8IZKU llOril.h of all )
iniilicinu iiimn the market , mid is xoM ly Druir-
KUti ami all dealers nt ai.20 per bottle Kor
lllilielc" , cnniiln for WAUNBn'S BAKU DIA
UlTTKS UUItk. It Is ft 1'OSI I IVi : Humid/ .
H. H. WARNER & CO , Rochester , N. Y.
JAMKsK. I10VI ) , I'roiirio'or.
] l li MAU H , Uiutnias Mumscr.
ONUNiniirONIA' I Thin-slay , Dec. 1st , 1SS1.
Of Miss Clara Louise Kelloggf ,
A'jlxtcil bj
lll CJirx I'oole , Coutrtltn ; Sin' Rrl noli , Tenor ;
! M . rln lhi > ii.tru , Datit no ; I'crr lliiKitlij
AiUnia skl , ViolIniHt , llcrr S l.ttbiln ,
1 iuiilst ; Mr. AilolpH ( Hose Accoin
lunl-t und MifKil Mnctor.
Silo of icat'i for tno nioa ureit Killo/i ; ( .on.
ttrt lUiniiiLiicts at li\ Illiii. ! ) Mtuiili } , No un
far IU. lit 7 . in. ; nil ) rciillili u ei : nil il la
lu Will io npvii on SltJMjaj , o\t.iiilor ) Jl , at S
a. in. ; rununopen until 4 p. HI. Will then bu
closet ) until furtliLr notkc.
1'ricoof tic > itK ( or thi < Ormd Concert will hone
no follows \U. l'ir < iui.ttu .mil ' < mr front innmn
l'arinetto | CiiUo S201. | ro r icir nm in Par
iiittto ) Llrtlc , Cl.fO All rtscrvul. DriM Ur-
ilc Tlirio front ro , SI.60. Ihe ro ,
81.00. lluscrnd. Kumllj Ulrclc , all ( iirts , Ui.
ncil7 2t
3'KorosALs rnit SUBSISTING ] :
On itK OK riu-iiAHi a AMI Dhi'OT C. S , 1
0unfccl ) . , No15th , ISjil. |
Soiled prop Kiln , In ilniliuitc | , snbjic' to the
usual ci'iiilltl in * , v 111 lie ruth id nt thn ollke
until 12 o'i.lck iionn.on liciu nhtr fith , ISM it
which thu anil place Ilio ) ' Kill be oicn l It
pie ciiLU of Indtlcrs , firfu niiliin , ; .itd iltltvery
at thu f iihbtiiicotortliotnc , or nn cars , in
Oniah i , Keb , ( if on cars , . .Her Inspection am
accept M < o at pl\re of pa Mil ) ? ) , u- < may ho ru-
quircil h > the - uu Utu cc Ucpurtmcnt.
Uno liunilrM n il tiuhc fU2) ) hi rels pork ,
light mesa To lie ilelnoral by Jammrj tth ,
ISSi. onchuiiilrel iiiidJtMO'itsexeii thaimnii
( U7OGO ) pounds I aeon , hliort , ikar Hiilui
ilin veilii .nil tht Vn < > < ! ' < . | c\cd llf ntos.
p * ' ! of uhout 2-i'J ' pnind-i bibOii turh. .Kach
pi'icof bacon to he io\ircd ulth cotton cloth.
AU to he itclhcntl li ) J.intiur Stli , 1S3J.
The 0\urimient rmcrxua the ri ht to rcjuct
any ( r all pr ) | > os iii.
lilanl : pr p mid and full Inf 'filiation ' a3 to the
iiiannc * of liiddiii , atid torini of contrict nn < l
piyiii' ' at , Kill he nirulslicd un appHcUUn to this
No proposal nil ! bo reecho ! udlcsa aceom-
panic I lij tint ImtriK fion-i u > ludlcri
l iiirljpas cnn aiiilns proiK-sils houd ! he
inirUed "l'r > | iOHil < for Sulx utLiico btoics , " and
adilru Bcilto thu unilor U'iuJ
ulTdOt ' . - - , 1 S *
lie itrc ohcd by the Cirj Council of tlicut > of
Omilia *
Tlntj sda\\allv ! lie , nitliln fifteen dajn fiom
\ tins d itc , bj i ( instructed > uid liidto fhu prc Liit
trade intvld til ) , in Iront of uid adjoining the
toItoKin d crihcd iirciin-us , \ic :
Lot 1' ) , ttisl side of Uth street , in block CU ,
lot. " 2 , nist iido of 17lb street , In Mock 0 , ( i
feet lilu.
Lot ! ! 1 , ucit nldcof 17Hi street , In blocU D , 0
feet will-
hiuhsnlcnilli to ho ron truittd of 2-lnili pti !
pi ink and tu he in ulilth. in iho\o s ; > ; Illul , and
the iispcctho ouner or ov i era : f tnj alKu-nls.
PCI i liu I premises aiu berth } rsiiuiicl ta ca.utiutt
tlic tain. .
1'nwcd Not , , 1881.
J. J. L. r. JUWETT ,
Cltj ; itrk.
Axle Grease
Used on Untune , HU/KMM , | HJH rs , Thrtuherf.
tld Mill M Hhmuy. It U ISXAIl'AbLKlU MRM
KIM ASH lijuuimH Itcurm bcratctiuu and all
kinds offconxi on HorstH led block , an will anon
Will.OLARK & WISE , Mamif s ,
3136 Illinois 3troet , Qhlc.1KC >
rlM > H I I I < I ' ' 1
An & 8.00U H.IOCIIKO fctolou
National AuMicutt d I'ruan
EAST fjAiiis v\v , Jlieh. , NovembiT
,18. The osp'esi m it-tniiyor on the
last night's Alioliigan Centril ti.iin
from ( ii.i HiiL' lupiK.stliu leas by ml )
buiy of nn I'XJIL"H ] p 1''ku o unnmnt-
in to ? 8,000 'Iho iimiicy was hunt \
from Lansing to thu county tii'isuioi
nt Grajbii' ' . 'Iho ox - IIJM
( lelivoieil it to t o Ntatiiui ntoiii , \vlio j
hud it on the pi iifurm with oHiur ex-
pu ss inattir. A Tow miiiu'eH Ja > or .
the . ' cunlil not bu
m mey | ) .ickuj.'o if f
found , iiin
RIIW at n Wedding- inu
A luted Priwc.
i , Novoinbur 18. In
Oiveiiiip onunty , Ky , , Allen RiuhanN , inu )
m.iriieil MIH. Hinkc , u ru < pectuhlo udi
widow , anil a lar e pirty .itlureil to It !
coltibratu the nujin.iN I-uiiiii ) > Ihu
I'Viuiiii' ; Simiiol liurke , HUH of the it
biilo , iiml IIIB IIDU stpf ither yet into in
an iiltoiottuiii when UuikuVIIH uhot of
by Jtiolmiihi iiml in in a HunniH etmili- lu
tiiin. Thu biiilo intiHoil toitucept her 111
BOII'H i < layer us a anil after u
lively iiiw the uedilmt , ' pnrti04 th
K.I .
limnna Asylum In Flame * i r , A ) c i it , " ! I'rim , pa
COLUMIIOH , Nou-inmT 18 The in- V.I
eano uHvluiu , thu linuftt in the world , hi 11
with 700 or 800 inmates , is in ! linie < , IH i
and will probably bo tuUlly debtroytd , lit'
! ' MI „ ? 500,000. hii
His Statement of tlio Troatmeiit
of tlio Oaso From the Shooting
to the Post Mortem ,
Ho Reviews the SCOIIG nt the
Depot nt the Tme of the
And of the Heroic Fortitude ul'
the Patient During
His Illnet-s.
Ho Bc.irs TJj > Wonderfully Under
tlioMont Painful Ujtointlnus
Katloml Amdatcd I'rifa.
Ni.YOHK November 18. The
next edition uf The Cen'ury Ulairir/ine
will cdiitniti un uxh.uistivo uiticlo by
Dr. lyisH , ehiif ] ) liy&ici in iu charge ,
concuriung the cnsu of Piesiiiout Garfield - i
field , The nrtido 13 , as has been [
stated in the preliminary nofieis sent
to the press , a , ntnughtfornnid nml
lucid review trout the titnu of tholiring
of thu fatal shot , tu the moment of thu
completion of the ) , est iiioitt'iii. Di. ,
liliss givu.s u stateiiiuiit of the eharae-
ter ol Gt'iieial Oatliohl anil u review 1
of his turly boyhood nml of the
associations between himself nnd
Oailield. tint \vhile Ciar-
iioldwas a boy at Ohagiin Falls , in
1811 , ho was located on his mother's
fat in , about two miles from thu resi
dence of the father of Dr. Bliss.
Hliss suys his recollection ia that G.n-
field w.m mi mdustiious boj1 , a httio
yuumjei than ho , and whoao ambition
\Mt8 far ubovo his parents' advantagos.
Jiliss sis ; he was summoned to ( ! ai-
lield'a btdsido by a message
troiu Seoictary of Wnr Lin-
coin. Ho reviews the scuno
at the depot nnd u'vu ? sjiuctal
expiussuin of the appieciatum olloiud
gentluinen who attended the president
at tlio depot and tnenee to llio whitu
hunso miming thorn as follows : Dr.
Tortiishend , health ollicer District
Columbia ; Dr. ( J. JL Fmd , Dr. IA S.
Wulos , suigeon gontnil U. S. N. ; Di.
C. 1J. I'm vis , Dr. C. C. P.vttt-ison ,
Dr. Noiru , U. S. A. ; Dr. N.
S. Lincoln , Dr. J. 13. Hamil
ton , sui oon-yeneinl marine hos
pital bcivico. Continuing , Dr.
Bliss 8'iys th it the patient , upon ur-
lival at the -whito house , was Jiiyini ;
on the woundud sidu iorioasons kno\\n
to suigtuy , and there MOID rave ap-
prehensioi.B of hii uppioaelimy diaio-
lution , but no indicatiim or IC.IMJU
eoulii bo discoveied even by the most
Banguine. Womeaauied time \\iththo
beatmt ; of out hearts. The presi
dent several times made inquiry us to
Mrs. Gattield , and , appreciating the
t-r.ivity of his injury , was extremely
anxioua list she hhould bu too ill fur an
intelligent interview Dr. Bliss thou
.t.ruacht-s ) ; the fjist 0 < ( r-io ntiknt c'Mi
cal point in the history of the
Ho siya : "Iteg.udiiig the fir-it intur-
view between ftlr. and Mrs. Gnrfield ,
upon her ariival , ho tequestud that
their mtoiviow chouid b' ' entirely pri
vate. Thus , prostrate , and apparently
dying , hustiand met wife. She re
in lined by Ins Bide not moru than
live minutes. The woids of love ,
hope and cheer given him uro known
only to themselves and God
It is a faer , however , that
within un hour the symptoms ,
begun to experience a leietion In
the courao of hid leviuur Dr. Bliss iv-
latus vaiious instincts characteristic
nf the pitiout. The folloiMiitr i.s ono :
the piesident raiuly spoUo ot' hi ;
condition , scildoin o.xpria ed n - \ \ mt .
and only oneo in my hoaiini ; icfeired
to the circumstance ) of the shouting ,
lie naked of the si-cie'ary of state
in the ufleruoon thu numo of the
usiaaain. On being told ho said ,
" \Vliy should ho have wished to shoot
me. " It Avas ixplaiued that ho had
piobably been disippoiutcil in seeking
Moiiu ) ofiice. Dr. Uhs-t then gives the
hist > ry of thu fi.-st day's treatment
and ihu ij-Hiianeo of hourly bulletins to
allay the auxioiy of the public. The
next moiunit. the president called him
nnd said that ho was prepaid ! t'i diu
und foired nothing. Mr , President
jour injuiy i formidable in my judg
ment. You huvo a clui co to'recovor. (
lie placed his hand upon my arm
turning his face t inard mo nnd Haid ,
nith a tu.-ufnl Binilo , "well Doctor I
will juke thut elianco. " After the
morning cniiMft.ttion and dieting of
the wound , having at my n qutHt , do-
cnh'il upon pL-nnnnent | lofusanmul ut-
tun livid * , ho doBiicd mo to
thiiiik indivuluilly , the phvBici.ins
uh'i c.unij to his asais'.i ice
BO pioinp'ly. SVhilu tlio condition of
the continued lliu
iliiy was 1:0111 i Vi ly niit'Vi nllnl. AlN
In the ( ivininL ; it w IH di'iidt'il io hum AlN
inon distiniu ; she 1 coiinN'l fiom New N
Voik .ilid I'm ade.pliiaDIM Iliye , X N
\irnuu mil Kiank Iliumltoii. Dr. N
liuss then ptocceds to speak in lliu N
highest tcm.s of cnmiiiniidation nf the XJl
ion fulness of ihu patient und those JlOl ( )
ibout niin u id Iho pit g. dent \pic s- 1' ,
d Ins ikteiminutiiiii to live furothois
possible Wlii'ii the piviriileiit win
nforiiied Jial u surgical opuirlioli wa T.Ui
icei Muaty because ol tliu tin in ition of \ Ui
uupoi fiuml pus RUC , und that the uuu VI .
the knifti was neeosuy , ho loplicd , VIw
u cheerful lout' , ' Voiy will , what- w
\or > iiii mj i neeei'Haiy miiht bo w
lone. " TliM is onu nf the most pain- \v
ul ineulonts niintiouo tin I'lisH'.st.ilo-
m-iit He dc-icriljo-i it us foliow-i :
'When the ph.txicians untctid the
ooin I handed the vitttimtiy to one of
the comnil , ivith the n-quest thut to ir I
m iko the iiici'ion uitliout nn c , ,
ntidoti' ! , nnd niilii'iita muiiuur or u fm
nin-ciihir C'liitiaction by the pa'iunt tu
lie imisidiiM mule. IIi > ( juictly tuwi
bleed the ifHiilt of thu npi'i.itiun .mil ml
.ink into p uc > fu' ' nlnmb < r The opc ( : ) ,
r.itiim , tli'Mi ' 'h Bimjilu itnulf , VMIH ej
ainlul , and tliu m inner inInch it .
H.M [
ijvi burnt ! by 'ho [ utient in , , | II. |
i.ifi'ubled cniiditiun , -
wi , piirliiin-- | ,
' an im-t nice nt hia noiidi-rfol
t-rviius control which cluncli < med
whole illnuss. II H pnworof mind
over wna also daily exhibited at
the dit'ssimrs of the wound , which
weie unavoidably painful , fttnl nilmir-
nbly born o without any indication uf
discomfort , and nlm > sudsuitipnt opor-
ations. Ne.nlyall the imminent re
ceived by the president during his * ill
ness was ndtii'tiis'eied ' by the phy&i-
onus , but up to within un hour of his
death ho almost iinariably took
Iho k'hiss in his hand
and from it himself
without assistance , lie look pi Ulo in
hisiibiliiy to do this NVo xv.Uelied
imlu-ulion which gnvo hope of
lu assimilation without eh KSmvJ'
ni o did not drawn breath which was
not he.ird by thico iucmnnamblo
nurses. When the stomach f uletl 10-
suit was 1 ad tuotlii'i in ( Mils of ndmin-
isteiitiii food , which wetv leiieated at
proper intnvals f r four of the ,
nt pi'iiods of his illiust. UV
h.i'v him frhppiuu f i oiu out' hands
Wo consulted mid decided that
there wns some intetnal injury which
no nuntul could have daied e.sploie.
We sought c\ cry available means of
snptilyiug the waste known U the
mode of plusiolouoil meneo. Why
wo could finally succeed is shown by
the autopsy , Uurinij all the pnsidont
intulh untlv di&tnsjoil each condition
with me. lie often spoke with iYelini , '
of the woudeiful aids which seioneo
could and did a mill'eior in his condi
tion , H lying on ono oeiMsion , "What
a lolief these so c.illod nilitici.xl nieth-
oils of nourishment luvo given me. Wo
should be thankful science has
so advanced tint wo can : mul ourselves -
solves of it in tins c.isii. Ur. Hliss
then dotailH ( .liu field's expression of
nppri-ciation of the ( "ouoiotm coiitii-
butious liuulo to\.iids i ln funds lor
the bcni'lir of hm wife and family in
case of domi < o. Ho follows with n
dot.ulod discii ] > tiii ( ) of the sreiu-s in
the siek room , lach of which is es-
pooially illustrated. Of thoextiaordi-
naiy , , happy und appixcutivo
naluid of the | iu < iont. Ho men
tions , among othois , his e.x
pressed dcsuu for games ( f cauls
and in neeotdani'O witli bin
family ass * waMons. It is ovidonttha *
the pres-ident apiirucuited the giavity
of Iho eiso , as is shown by the follow-
inj , ' inlet view which occnnuo ui > on the
ocuiHion uf Iho lotinn of Of. Ulih-i
fiom a few hotiiri' alweiu-c in New
York , which he thus dLsciibes :
' Upon my return the pu" > idont held
out his hand und nUt'iiM > li ' ' ' ' ' fa
miliar shake. J h id : Mr. President ,
I hnvo been away for a low hours , as
yon know , but they Hccmrd hue an
ago. He answeied : 'Doctor , > ou
plainly hhow Iho ttl'cct of ail this
care and unic < t and 1 am ulad yon
weru forced to lake this tompoinry re
lief. Your anxious watching will be
o\oi. " Dr U.iss continues "Tho
histoty of thu next lour d.iy.sw is that
uf anxious apprehension. All sjmiit-
( inii pointt-d to ptofonnd disturbmuu
which at any tmio mi lit C.IIHO.I fatal
result. His dispos-Hion to converse
was not so marked. The wandering
mind was easily and instantly lecallod
by n word or touch of the hand. The
occurrence of occasional "ligora , "
Mmietimoi severe , indicated tliu ino-
Utablo end , And probably long bcforo
the pn sident fully believed ho could
not sntvivo , he was peifectly cilm
and inclined to bo humoront ; yet
there was still an undercur
rent of conviction which all
our hopefulness could not stem.
huriitiN-nMi : ; T WVLKHK'S IIKPOHT.
W.vsniMiroN' , Novemliei'18 Kran-
cislM. Walker , fcupennteiident of the
census , hassubinittud liis reiort [ of the
ti nth census to the booietary of the
inteiior. Ho estimates that tive-
hi.\lm of Iho clerical work has boon
c mpleted , the one-sixth rom linintr
bom , ' niostl } ' in the line of tabulation.
Tlio total population uf the United
.Stales as nearly as can bo ileteniiinod
is 50,155 7M , an increase of popula
tion Hinco 1870. Jt is es'imuted that
$550,000 will bo reqniiod to coiuploto
thu census , of whii-h iJ UO.OOO will bo
applied to tliu piyment of the volun
teer foice. The census by st ite-i and
territories , as finally dcteuuinedupon ,
is as follows *
' " ' ' '
Arkansas . . , . . . . . , 'bi JV 21
An/.iini . . 1-1 ( ) JO
California . . . . , . . 801,1)01
Colwml 1UJ.327
CDimectient 0 ,7(0 (
Dilcnta 13jIl7 !
Dolmani H ( > , ( < 08 ,
District of Columbia 177,021 , l
FJniMft , . , . . Sil,1. ! ! ) ?
lUfirL'ia 1,51',18' !
lil iln > : WilO (
Jllinii * 3,077,871
Imlluna ,1,878,301
Iowa 1,1121,015
Kiuirt.m UDO.O'JO
Kentucky lIHIO ( ( ! !
Muinu . < il8)3i ( ) )
Munlun.l . . 011,013
iii-Ut-i . 1,783,085
u . 1,03(1,037 , (
oti . 780,773
MU'umi . 2,1(18,380 (
Montiuii . 311,137
-ri2"0a , | I"
S'uvnl.i , I"n
Vuw llainiHhiro W'Mtl n
Sow . c-v 1,131,11(1 (
Vow Mexico ! ! , % "
S'owY'tk ' fi,08.,87l 4 }
Voitli - Caro'iiia ' 1 : i'i,7.V ! ) ' > "
Jliio rilS ! ) , < liJ "
rfn"ii 1717iiS h
iinilviu i.i . . . . . . . . . . . lli80Hl2 !
iniitli Cirnliiiu ! ) l"i"i"7 )
iVxiw i , . ir'll ! ) | T
tdi M3.0I3 A
11 , iiidilt ! J32y ( { ci
'iixhiii . . . 1,512 , ( > r > 01
Vnihiiu'liiii Ti-nitory . . , 7"i1l ( ! I'
\\-nt Virginia IIIH"M ; | I'Ul
\'ifLiiii < lii . . . . . . . . I'it'i ,107 Ul
Vimiiliii , ' 207,875 tl ;
AH u rule wo do not lucomincml
itont m-dicim H , but w hun wo know
ono ictlly IH a public bom fac- 01ex
, and iloLM jiositivoly cine , thin wo ex
insider it ijiu duty to nnp.iit that in- II
inn ition to all. Klectnc bittur-i uru fnm
n'y ' u valunble inedicinu , nnd m
ill surely euro Hi lion-menu , Fever VIwi '
Aiiiie , .Sioinneh , Liv-ur nml Lidnoy wi
inpliiulH , oven wheionll otheis n-m- " !
ibis Wo vi
fail. know wheit'of wo
ii-ak , and cuii freely recomtmnd to ue
. fKx. Hold ut 50 conta a bettlo.
Ish it McMuhon (4) ( ) W (
Spring buckle brace nt UUIICO'H. I ,
n8-2t th
Soiuo Interesting History of that
Lively town's ' Growth1 <
From Infancy , ' ]
The Town Boautifnlly Sitiijlt-
od Fertile Farming Lnnda
Near it.
A Flouriupr Mil' ' , nn Attorney
nnd Some MirrinKONklol
Girls Need < d There.
Sumo JExtoudvo IinprovoiuotltK
Going on Tlio Conu < v' *
Politic * .
Corii' < | JOnloiice'I ! Til * HKK. j
STKUMSIIIT.II , Nob. , November W. -
The weal end of thu Omalui * Uepuli-
bean Valley tailnad is at this .town ,
and , like a'l ' other i.iilway tormfonl * ,
it is n growing nnd prosperous place.
The town wai located in J87bj
the present postmaster , Mr. It. lied
stroiii , a Swede of extended iiilluenci' ,
who has induced a l.ugu immigration
of his couutijmen and has coloni/ed
them in the western part of this ( PollJ
Iludbtroin , Imckley t Co. , about
this time , started n store. ,1. 1 * . Smith
also opened an implement store. A
blacksmith and wnt-on shop owned by
lledstrom iV Olson was mat to bejm
businuis , and then a lull ciiniu in the
growth of I he town until 1S7 ! > , wh"'i the
railroad unteied a d madu Strom-thing
the terminus of tins , the first braneli
of the U 1' . lailroad. The nanun
road waa voted bonds by a
umjoiity , but the of
this proposition by the vote of Do UK
kus county left the c iinitry to the U
P. , and tint eorpoiatmn was not slow
to take aihantuuo of the situation
After the aihont of the load Iho town
iiovv su.uldy , and the countiy sm-
nettled upitliuvcn greater
Siiiioiinding Stioinsburg nio sumo
of the linost Nebraska
nml prominent among them is the
highly cultivated land und cosy homo
of K. K Vogil , who located heto in
J87- , when there was nothing but
\\ikl praniu , the settlements all being
fai l her d iwn the valley of thu Blue.
Mr. G. H. Morull , the present
banker of Stromsbur , located hero in
the sprint : ot ' 71 ! , und begun the de
velopment of what is to-day ono of
the best farms in Poll : county ,
The Hucldoy brotheiH , thrco in
number , ate entitled to thu credit of
being the fiwt settlers. Thuy/icqin-
menced tilling the soil in 187ll4nd
now they have extensivenireiou ; a
and iJiops. Tht-y Iniy. jjrftinjsvUiH ? "
ho 's nnd broom corn ; manufacture
brooms and furnish the coal for the
surrounding countiy.
There 1ms always been a biisk riv-
ahy with Osceohi , si > veu miles
in rtlicast , and as Unit town secured
the county fceit and uavu the state a
governor , it cai-ily boc.imo known , but
Stronisburg madu up in hard work
what it lost in piuttigo and , judging
by the loports given by conmiercial
men and the expeiieuue of your cur
respondent , Osceola will do well to
loulc to
ru\ii ; AND
Few towns in this state cm Hlmw
moio fla'teiing fisjnic.s in this line
than SiioiiibiiiL , ' . On Siturdny the
public Mpiaro of the town was com
pletely hurroiinded by a mass oi farm
wagons and the stoics woio crowded
from early in thu mornini ; until Into
at nielli. The sales of seven lirnri
for that day aggregated § 11,111 ! 00 and
the grain puichiiscd by the liuckley
Bros , cost them over a thousand uol
Yesterday I visited the country nnd
in the evening responded to an invita
tion ox tended by Mr. Vo el , pres a
ident of the I'olk county nlluiicit , and
talked to a withering ot the sturdy ,
intulligunt farmers of Htroniburg pro
cinct. Making a speech to a fui inert ) ' b
alliance wni a. now departure
frr your coi respondent , and how my
auditors managed to Mirv.vo the in-
Ilietion is moio tliiin I can suuuisa.
Thut night I ocuupiod a fiatlier bed '
in Mr. Voxel's hotuo , and the niut tl :
niprning was shown over lim faun ,
with ila fruit tioes of every Kind , 01el
ovorgtcon treen , gently lollihg Imids eld
and tin ifty Iivo slock.
my visit to the countiy Twiw in
not ono iilovenly yard , weedy field or ,
tumble " down house. C'aiefnl , indm ,
trioiiH and 1 successful fanners aru the t
men of this p.itt of the state , but they
know their tights and mean to have ov
Ilii-ni. They have abjured nil p.-uty
'ies nnd honcofoith stand ready , uvtuy
nan of them , to cut loose from thu 0)1 )
ladi-i.s who have gnined povvur at AI I
heir bauds and then lined that power
igiiinst tho-iu who had bestowed i- .
I'hu fui ii'uiH hoi o havuhiuid of thu
Mlialiciiconei ( in neu'liboring al
jountim and eio lonu thev will < | < tm- HI
matratu that the plow f ilhuveivi of In
'oik u.unity can mgani'Ce , cnnbino
md dufeit all tint comes against mdi
hem , di-
While nuiiing Iho toun I noticed in i
lint StronmbinUMH of F
thu crest of the L'tintlu nlopo ( lint tri
ixtcnds from ( he north h'lil ; of the fol
3liu > . It is about a ipiailer of u miJu tii
rmii the livui and uii uighlh of u
nio ! f i oin the duMit | , Tint clomi built ( HI
'illaL'u , with white walls inMiispor * < ud H.
nth u fair sprinkling of bright new ngi ;
line coined IIOIHI s , presents u lovitl v
w fiom whatever point it may bo to > ;
oun UIH
The valley of thu Hluu extending 1
westward and down the liver till
un opposite direction , ( Jill
ioka us beautiful as at any point in
Ilia delightful vulo. Artiliuiul gr CM
while orlt.igos , gohh-n corn liehh and
clusteicd stacks of hay nud raiti coin-
ploto n pichno fi'ldoni sin passed for
rural boauty. On the uplamls there
ia plenty of v.icint laml and it is oMi-
nuled that one half of western I'olk
county is virgin mimic , which ca >
now bo purchnahcd for from six to
ten dollntn | er ac e. The r.ulnad
laud luis long since been sold ; theie is
but hltlo speculators' Itnd und this
wild prahiu is miiinly the piopoity of
ictitlouta of Sttomslmrg and vicinity.
Coin is tlio chief product but wheat
follows close after , 'I In- jtoltl this
j car is largo and II \ I r. Voyel infnimi
me that foity to seventy bushels is the
juld for corn and that he has not an
aero on his fat m tint \\ill go under
sixty bushel"
Wheat a poor crop but good
piicis nmku it piolil ib'.c. '
Hlooiu Ciuii is one of the chief pro
ducts , l-'rom fr'15,000 ! to Sli OOOworlh
wote raised this year in the country
suiioinuling this ttn\u ,
Air. A. 1' , I'uckley , owner of the
Stromsbmg broom factor , * , iui > od si-v-
ciiteeu tons wet Ih $ 1,000 on tllty
acu's ,
The Boighum cane is thrown hero w-
tcnsively , ono man making this sea
son some 'J,000 gallons.
A steam Ihuiriug mill is needed here
and in order to induce HHUO miller to
iriet ono , the people oiler four acres
of town lauds tree , and will hisidett
douito ? ,000 , , provided four inn of
but His uio put in Thete is no mill
within fouttoou miles of the town , and
win at la one of the most important of
Polk county piodttets.
An attotney is badly neeiltd ; there
is mine in town , and all lojal business
must go to iioiglibuiing towns , n great
Moio mechanics aie wanted , espe
cially catpeiiteu and pl. teiers , tn
theiearo pknly of buildings to be
ou'otod with no one leady to take hold
and put thi'iii up.
The biikiness men heie , with scarce
ly an exception , are young men. .Many
of them are very good looking , but
theio m a wondeiful sen-city of wives
among them. The greatest need of
Stiomsbing today is wives , A cu
lonlof gills , good , clean , plump nnd
rosj-cheeked gills could bo disposed
of at once 'I ho lumber dealerMo -
Conighy \ ; Hothwcll , will handle the
gnls. Who will ship ihom in /
More live , iiidustiious men are
wuntid. Mntton-hends not
- aio ap
preciated hoie. Thuio aio plenty of
now comei.s , but theio m room
for thuusuuls , and evety man with
muscle ] , money or biains mid a dii-pn-
Mtiun to jiso what he has , is hearuly
w elcomi1.
A putchaaer is wanted for the only
hotel in town , and the man who yets
itvill bo in luck. Address John
llatiuan , Commercial Hotel ,
This town bus nov a good republi
can weekly paper , the Republican ,
nnd its editor , piopriotor Mid founder
is S. 0. Beach ? Ho does all the work
in. every department ; bus made a
unaiiuiaUyiud literary success of the
"onturjnisi ) and yet ( Mr. 1J. is but n few
weeks past iii years old. Mr. lioich
is good-looking , and has a motto in
his beU-room that re.uls " \\hit is
homo without a baby ? " Think of
that , ye maidens , and then some one
should go and see tliat his home is
ptoporly provided for.
Polk county needs , so the farmers
say , an anti-monopoly paper , mid
Stiomsburg would bu a good place to
locate iu.
F. F Vogel it IJto. hive erected nn
cxtuinjivoiigiicullni.ilimplement waiu
J. A. Frawloy it Co. hive enlarged
their sto.te , and aio now miking addi
tional improvement. Tht.ii stock of
giocenes , ( bugs , boots and shoes has
been matei Lilly onlaiged.
( Jhas. Njipiist is building an addi
tion to his haiiiLHi and sh < o hliop.
L. M. Woods , on the coiner , the
oldest gem ral meicliandisu de.ilr.r in
jown , has the famous 511. Mr. Wood
explain further.
, ) . L. .lohuson ia going into nn ele
gant nuwstoro that is noarlyeomploted ,
and will soon ho icady for hid largo
stock of drugs and books ,
The O It , V , II H. hns erected
commodious coal house that will hold
eonl enough for all possible needs.
A two story suhuul homo IB now
being erected
The railroad ompho OH nro , as a rule ,
building homes and nuking Stronn-
Ijuix Hn ir home.
T can't iindetHiaiid the ins and mils
if l'ol\ ! c n it. ] olilii-s , but I du know
hnt the cleik and mptrin'e ' 1'lont of
ho c'liiniy wi to iu but n iw they mo
Hit , h iv in | been bualcn lit Iho l.ut
iK'ction by two nidi pendent c.iinli-
lalen : If an anti-monopoly ticket
nidi r the niiti-inonopuly humor
ihonld tike thu Held in this county
hero is nothing that could prevent
fiom KMuupiug m thu cake mid Ihe
ako buket , Iho cold pje , thu bil.e
ivon nnd the whole bakery
Theio is mi pnmpoct of any fuithui
xtoiiHion of ili-H r.iilroad , an ihu 1 ! . iV ii
, have cut it out of the Republican
alloy , nnd tin ro m no place for it to .o
uilil to , A ninth ami road M ,
owovi r , morn tl an piobib'e ' , forsueli
line HOII d natnially bu doHirous of
inching the O. iV Hr. . , and
iii ; H mo now being ciiivejid.
Mr A Meig , a popul ir business hil
nn , fmmmly with Smith \ ( Jiillen III
en , of Conmil Mliilh , .mil w > 11 ku 'un to
Om ilia , is now tliu siinii'i' member him
tlio him of Mmg it UanUio , dry m
mils ' , clothiiu , etc , a
Nu\t weuk Ah. H ! „ ' Htatts for a He
ip acroKH the ocean to M < O lliooll HeM
ilkn buk in SiMnliiii A | leasant M
ip lu you , Mr. I < mg.
Any olio Hunting fnrlhur inform i
on about iStioiiihbuig I'uii aililio-H .1.
Djy , ivnl estate und iiisuiauce pu
ont. fn
) tie , Oarlxon it Co. wore the lirst
Htaitu luidwiid IIOIIHO in thiri town
now tlioy iini doing a big biiHineH-i.
f. ISoostioii him n bnckyird , when1 COm
best of brick aio iiiudo in lur u m
Mr T. M. Blmllunbergcr , the bank Htl
shier , Jiaa thu moat cunoiid collection en
of ancient books that I over saw. A
copy of "ClnomeoiiNuromborgoiiso,1'
punted in 11011 , a few uionth.s before
Columbus leturned fiom hisvoyagu of
discovery , contains'J,2f > 0 wood cutsol
the most ( Miami and cut ions kind.
Haitmanu Sohedol was the nitia' ' .
There ; is only one other copy in this
country and that is in possession nf
the llarpcis. The work is religious
and was will trilby a refoimationist.
If Hob IngtiMoll 'had that book ho
could lectmoon the mi tikes of huth-
or for it isoeitaiuly filled with laugha
ble stipeHlitum.
ThoS edo Huptist chinch , Swede
Lutheran clutrth , Swede Methodist ,
Kpiseopal , and M. 1 } church , ate
icpicsented by church orgamwttioiis
Two churches have been erected and
several moro ate contempla ed.
For business review sou advertising
columns. HMIIII. : .
Testimony and OtboiProcood -
lupjs in the Caao Yesterday.
Onltonn Blnltci n loRomurlt
Aujut Sun-lilt )
WsniMi KIN' , November 18. The
audience in the criminal court this
morning \viis of a somewhat butler
piality than it 1m born hilheito , and
the majoiity of it weiu ladies , wh'i
were nmitly content to secuie sland-
mgor listing places on thobicks or
ainri of ehaiia occupied by their moro
fol timato sistciH IJefoiotho prisoner
was biought in Mr. Scovillo arose and
nuked thocouit to adopt some I'llective
meaiin to keep his ebon' ' quiet dur-
injj the pioceudin H. When the lavv-
jei had got far , d'uiteau was
noticed by him cutoiing the loom and
he hrfiitatod a moment Afleiw nils
he uiked the jiiilue to iasno an order
forbidding the accept nice by any om <
fiom ( .iintean , whether in cmnt m
j ul , of any duouments , as the di I
id not di'siri ) 1i tty thu cise iu the
nevvHpapeis. "I visited the pnaoiier
last night in his cell , " Scn\ lib said ,
"and 1 I dked with him iu vain upon
this subJLcl. "
"Your honor , " inteirup'ed tlui-
toiu , "Mr. Hciivdlo talks ono thimj lu
me m prua'.o ami another it public.
That's the nay ho bus been playiui'
double with me all the way Ihiou h ,
and 1 dun't \\uiit him m tliu . "
Mr. Scovillo fried lo leaaon with him ,
but it vvasof no n.u . Thu prisoiu-i
continued. "Mr. Scovillo m no crim-
unil lawyer , and I don't want to tiust
my case to his hands. 1 want tlnoe
or four of thu best layers in the conn-
tiy , and 1 am going to have them or I
will make trouble all the way
through "
Mr. Scovillo attempted to proceed ,
saving that he had had a hatd time
last night keeping Ouitoau fiom giv
ing out something ho had written. I
HUiiundeiod it to you , said Quitean ,
and told you to do sisyou pleased with
it. I caru nothing about having it go
to the proas"
The prisoner was excitable und
about invpiessiblo dining the ( 'ay and
was kept quint with iieat ; dilliculty.
Thu following vvitiictistH weio called :
Kd. A. Alayne , who failed to re
Joseph K. Sharp did not witness
the shooting.
Ella M. Jlnlgoly saw the shooting
Joshua A , Davis saw the prisoner
after his urrust.
Win I' ' ' Huker failed to answer.
W. S. Ctawfoul BIW thu firing.
Ofliccr John A. Kcott assisted in
taking the piiMinnr to jail.
Dislnet Attornuy Cmkhill pioduced
thu muiderous pistol which was iden
Edmund L. Dubarry witnessed the
Ollicor Patrick Kearney arrested
the piisoner ,
John Taylor and Acipiilla Dai ton
madu arrangements to dnvu the
prisoner t > ihu cumotery.
Andiuwc , of Thu Chicago Inter-
Ocean , vvus plucml on thu stand ,
meiely , howuvur , to ostahh-ili the fact
thil tnoro was such ti puinon as thu
one fiiiiteau ad'Jreshod ' thu papers teen
on thu day of tin : shooting.
Mr. Huvillin Htowne , chief clctk of
the htato dcpuiiiKiiif , testified to the
froiitent | visits of fJuituau to the du-
putment. Jlo looked upon him UH
pe istent , but nut jiarticuliulystriiiigo
in his iiclnuis , liu was f > o iien > istout ,
huwuvur , that diicclions weio givun
tint no more uf ( imttati's cards betaken
taken to Buiietaty Hlaiiie.'lulu
Mr. JJiowno WHS tuitifying , Ouitoiu
wrote a wliott letter Leaning toivu ds
his In other , hu haul : ' ' 1 Mipposu I
cm do what 1 plna u with my piivato
"Vou can't publish it , " s.iiit hw
In other. a
"Can't , eh ? " retorted Ouiteaii ; "you
miiHt bo u b'ncklioid ' , You uru about
in Plum t an Hcoville , " and thun , im it
lie h id n tid something HIIIHI t , hu looked
iruiiiid und laughed. Thu did not
iv o .in good an ellect im hu uvi.luntl )
kvinlud , lor hu kijit uphii luugh for it ;
bo uil'ictivu
On oiim-uxamination , liiown sud
10 had never untoinagid Ouiteaii to
hmk that he nun going ( o got lim
iliuo. TliD placu he wanted wan bu- is
iiid his lunch , Witmss could 1101
ay why ho thought this , but hu did , '
hmk HO , lie had lofusi d him acce H .
the libraiy luoiuxuliu did not VMIII !
lim hungiiu' longMi n out Iho dopirt- , '
nt Sii.l ho nutkod Ciiiitxaii t > bo
neivoiis IIUIHOH , nml that ho unl not
i-em nblo to 1 > o'i any ono in the eye '
"I nlwayi lookid on m the eye ,
Ir. ! > , vn , " broke in OuiUau.
Dm tug the iifternooii Mi. 'icovillu
ave nolico to thu piosueution that tin1 01 :
efom-o to bu mutinty. They t.\- le
the bin dim of lliu uvulum.0
thu geM ntnient.
Mr Divid u ruinarkoil : "Wo think
illoienlly , "
"I moiily with it to g < i on recoid , "
oiitmuul Mr Htovillu. ' 'Igive thu
iiitico before you elosu your ptouf. "
Tlio court uxru8 | ) L'd his under
lauding of thu matter , und that ,
iidod it ,
Formal In pontion of Thorn by
the Council.
Examination of tlio Eutlro Syntom.
ol'Oiunhti'n Aqnooui Supply.
As will bo remembered , the tiinu of
completing the waterworks , by the
original contract , expired July 1st of
thii year , An extension was then
granted until thu L'Oth of November ,
hut the waternorkscompuiy have suc
ceeded iu hnir > iug mattuiH sulliciuntly
to put thu works into practical opera
tion , and last week announced to thu
city government that they vvoro pro-
pnod lor a formal inspLction of thu
entire sjsteiu , wheioby Omaha is to
obtain n suru and pine supply of tlmt
greatest of all neuds g > od water.
Aecordiui'ly yestoulay the mayor
and city council , together with a num
ber 1 of citi/.ous and ivpiesoutativoi of
the pi03" , accepted the invitition of
Mr. Nathan Shclton , the snpetintend-
cut of ( he water B iitem , and met at
the ollice of the watorwoiki com
pany , on Fauiham stieel , where they
weio fuinmhtfd carriages for thu
hip. Among Iho eiti/.wis not uiein-
beis of tlu council weio lion. J. L.
Webster , attorney for the compxuy ,
S. Ii. Johnson , Mil ton Rogers ,
SujKirmtiiideut holton iiud Cliiui of
tlio Fire Dopntmunt ( lalligau. The
putj diovo diteclly to the piuuping-
linusu and engine j of the woiks at thu
liver bank. Ileio they wore very
c nnUoiisly shown the opei ition of
pumping the watei fiom the river
into the in nut ) , and then forcing it
to the high icseivoirs and xetiliiiu !
bisiiH. Tlio pumping miehiuery , of
the most appioved and poweiful t > pe ,
vrns put at a high deg ieo of speed , so
that the huio ; pu.i p tui-jing the water
tliiotii'h the pipis miulu ten stiokes
per minute. 'Iho ouliuary speid in
but , two strokes per minute , eighty-
fourgalhmsbi'ing foti.o.1 at umhflioko.
As may bo imagined , so slow a motion
of thu nicely geatu.l inachinuiy , yet
withal so poweilul , caiibos no j ir
whatuvcr to the building , and when
but two ittrokos per miuittu aio bmii | ;
made , the in itiou to u c.uual observer
almo-tt impoicoptihlo. To sustain
thu oidmary npenl but 25 pounds of
hteim is ic < | iinel in the Luge lualeisi ,
while tluy mo cipibld < if liR ! pounds
and can maintain , without iujuiy ,
this trumonduii pte.ssuie for a lou
After looking about the pumping
houiu for an half hoin , thu paity wire
dnvui to the sitting and
o'eaiing ' bisius , which aru loca'cd '
in pioMiuity to thu engine house.
Thoiu mo four of those I'a-
sins , with a capacity of ! ) ,000,000
gallons. Onlyonoot these lusnis
the lowo-it ouo is at present bucked
and cemuntud , but the uther oiu' & .
will soon be lilyuwiaucouiplotud. Thu
turbid thud from thu mii'ht ' uf tlio Big
Muddy here limls its way from ono
basin to another by means of ingun-
geiiiotihly iiuanged valves , and u part
ol its microriuip.c but plentiful sedi
ment is allowed to huttlu in ( .ach , un
til the water is at last drawn into the
chaung basin from which it Hews
into the pipts Hiipi > linx thu city.
Whun thu water loavim thu basin it m
us clear as crystal nnd fieetiom either
botliment or mud ly taste. Cimsider-
aliln lime was hpjnt by the party in
uxamming tlicdo basum and Intoning
to lliu lucid uxpl illation ot Supuim-
teudeiit ijhultoii ,
lluaiuning 'hu exrriagus thu next
and hist point visited v\us wluio the
storage roaoi voirs uro situittd , about
two and half mdoi and at an
altiliido of flOl ) feet above the luvol of
thu lowest IIUIIIDII of thu city.
Theru aiu two IC.HOIvoirs holding ! , -
000,000 gallons o.iuh. Ono isontiioly
complete , being I r eked a id cemunied ,
ami the otnor ono will bo n nileied so
in u tow diH. At the piLM'iit rate of
consumption thesu resetVOIIH will hold
fiom tun to fourteen dajs' supply.
Of coiithu no puni ) iu apparatus is
ntcesHiiiy to get then'loudest [ iRssuro
doMiud from thenu ruauvous. Thu
descent of iiOO leet in the pipes
will give the watur so much
foicu Iliat ite.iiBily will uputt over thu
highest building or stuuplo in 1'iu city ,
ami , if iinreBtraiued , it would burst
pipus und faucets , with Us violent
stuigglu to seek iti level. Thu dilli-
cnltj , however , will bu controlled by
VII'VIH ' uud giltss airanifi d Unit thu
pioai-nroeuu bo mcioisul or dnnin-
mhed tit will ,
Thu work of puttiii ! . ' in the firu hy-
diants bus boun one of thu most Ja-
hoiioim natnie , hu' ' all of the 230 hy-
diant-i cmitiuutidfor o.xceptfive aio in
and tliusi ) will Eouii bu
piopuily placiid. It is not
piobahlo that the council will accept
thu watuiworks uillil o\niything i *
completed and in woil > ing older ,
I'inis ' iar the wotk of thucoiiriiny ( has
been ot thu Hunt hatisf.ietoiy natiiio
uid the ma > or nnd council sceim d
yistoiday to bu uxtioiuily well HIMS-
Iiud with what they saw. Onuof thu
hiiit Icatines of the Astern is iho
iillii ieney of thu liydrants , taking them
a u'liol * . Nidi'ly all furnish
tsater withjiit tii > ii > ilu nml at n
'iatifying de iou of f ice. Thus f. < r
.luven Iiie-j huvu been mibjcttal to
iiieanm from the hydtants and hnvo
'iini illv HuuLiiinbil , Among thu
uoro iiiij-ioiLuit , of Omalu nidus ! noi
ivhiuh hnvo adojiliil the wutur
'or ihuii supjilj aiu the \\'illo \
bctilloiy and 1 $ 'yd'H ' packing house ,
loth them iHlablinlinunis ntu latgo
pi.jititns of water and Ingiily appro-
iaie thu iuI/aiiUgui of thu new sys-
em ,
TIIK Hpurkliiig ( pialilfis and creamy
earn of lliu "Cuiira I'M lindwei-iu" aiu
hu lesnlt of natural fuimentation und
nit jirodiiced by artificial mi am , as
vith many other bnuis. iiutu
FltlJSHJOVSI'EMSut ' Elliott's by
ho pint , ipiurt ur gallon , 412. n , 10th
ilrtet. nlT-lit