Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1881, Image 8

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Friday Morning. Nov 18.
" "
"For the ncconiodntion o { < mr np-lown
pstrons arranpcrnenl * have liccn tnndo with
Edbolm & Krlckson , jewelers , oi > polto tlio
post office , where ndvcrtisemcntR and
crdcM for the city delivery ° f l' B H
will Ixs rcccivi'd. AiivcrtlsctucnU for the
vcning tnmt bo Imndcd in before 1:30 : i > .
m. , Jor tlie morning edition before 8:30 :
p. in _
I'litterson ll
Vroderick Iicwlitifr llnttcr.
-Donne. Hellablo Itattcr.
Gloves nt UicltO cent ftoro.
Winter coin cheap i.t V cderickV.
Hnjrcdorn sells meal , for cnsh , only
At 2p.m. yeaterday llio Jn.rcur >
WIVH down to 20 * nbovo zero.
Die street can Btill conUnus to Iravc
in sounds nnd tl n't mul-e pclicdulc lime.
Lnrue line of line to let coni nnd per
fum-ry at Kuhn'H ilnifc' tor . nl t-tf
Lwllcii Hnnd Hat , " ) ftttlieD'J cent "tore.
Smoke the Gil IOAOO TIMKS Clffftr , for
h' ilnif Rtnro. tiHlf
snlc on y at Vorty ' ?
liOXXKll'S forliwt Stoves nnd fur-
nilurc. '
Old L'dd cxclinngcd for new jowc.ry nt
> t Krickson's , ojipositu the
- Kwlfi clict c imported and iinitation
whnlowla and retiill , t II. feycr'n , 207
nuiith l-'HIi Htrcct
A wnrrAiit wns ycntcrd , y isntn-il for
party who brkc in tlio door of Lim Sco t' '
place lft < t night.
Tlio iMt bound IT. V. tra'n wnH twi
hour * late yesterday nnd nil the ca tun
train * catne in I tc ,
Cnpitul uvc-.iii' , near Jiitli was ( In ; ; n [
yetcrday for tlio reception of now RW
pinw for Masonic llnll.
ITncleTom'H Cabin and tlie Meinpliin
Cadets at the Academy of iMtific to.nljjht
Hwt compniiy and lowest price * .
Tlio Anthony & 13IHn Uncle Tom's
Cabin Company arrived yesterday In
thir elegant 518,000 * , ccial car.
There weru five MucuinlM in police
court , yomierday , one of whom W.IH dis
charged , two paid mid two weiit to jail.
' | ' | 10 high eiiclos'ire nnd waitin ? rnntiM
.it the new rink mu nearly cotnpl- ted HIM !
I it wi.l be open in lime for Thanksgiving
The Danish church holds a fuir lit
iUamhtnl Hall , Fifteenth Btrect , on J-'rldny
and Sntiirday lights. All ntcconlmlly in-
DrnperV Jlninmolh Coinbinalion at
15oyd'n Ojiiia Jlonae toMiiffht in the
popular nnd p tthctic drama Uncle TOW'H
The reocptiun and banquet o [ the
I'lc.uant Hours Club , in honor of Mr. A
K. Tou/.alin , takes place at Maionic Hall
to-ni ht.
Dent be Iiuin1 > ngiei1t ; Date not
chanRtdl Thm ( ; rcat Anthony & Kills
Uncle Tom Company plays to-night nt the
Academy of Music.
Ciospel meeting nt the Y. M. ( . ' . A.
each evening this treck. This week has
been net npnrt ni a week of pecial p ayer
for young men and Young Men'sChrihliiin
A xiations. All are Invitcil to attend.
"Partner Wanted. " An enterprising
Lady or Gentleman with $1,000 to take an
intercut inifiratclasH tlicatricnl enterprixo.
niR money. Go 1 clianco for an amaleur.
Addrcsw , "Manager , " jiostonice , Omaha ,
Nebraska. nlOeodSt
The meeting of the younj ; folkH of the
Lutheran church , which was postponed.
IftHt Friday cvcnii'tr , will ba hold to-night
t the rcNidcnce of Dr. Loinem-ln ; , ' , 101 ! S.
Hlxteenlh fctrcot. All the moml era nnd
their friondx nro iuvitod to nttcnd.
Andruw Boviim returned from the
Hurt county distilct court ye toidny
where ho riicceedcd in defeating a tui title
of right yeura Htauiling , the purchahcr huv-
ing been in POH < CB. KII during all that time.
It seem * * iinpoiHlbl to enlnbllsh a
A tax title ttmt can not bo ovoiturncd by u
k ill ful lawyer. '
Miss Clara Louise lvulloi. % the f.xvi r-
iti ! American itlncvr , uhu ban been nbucnt
from tills country for thu pant two yearn ,
boa returned home , und U now making a
concert tour of the United Stntcx , under
tlio maungemont of MCHHFI * . Pond ft IJach-
rn rrl. of Now York. She will glvo a con
cert nt Jioyd'ii Oporn Ifoute Dec , 1st.
Dining the porformauoi of Uncle
Totn'H Cnbin , by the celebrated 3)rapor
Combiivttlon to-nii'ht , at 1) ) yd'H Opera .
lloune , tlicru will be introduced a snuw
scene which will bo thu finest ttcuno ol the
kind ever HCOH In thi } part of the country.
It U blmp'y grand und In i lone wonli the
price of luhnicaiou , Tliia great moral
drumn will bo put on the boardx im it never
W.IH put on bcforc'in tills city.
One hundred and iifty-nino beautiful
rcdldcuco lots , located on Hamilton Htreet ,
halfway botwcou the turn table of the
red Htreet car line nnd the waterworks
reacrvoir 'ind aildition , and iuwt wi-iit of
ho convent of the BUton Poor Cialro In
tih inn's addition. Prices ratine from 075
to $1 * 0 each , and will 1x3 iiold on easy
term * to those who will imiuove. lieinls'
real CHtato agoucy , FUtccntti and Douglas
Dr. Ainuliu JUirroutilis , AVithncll
liottsu , Tuiwlay uiul Fridys , 10 n. m.
to 8 p. i ' ' " n&o
Dnited Staten Court ,
The United Stilton dmtrint court
yeatcrilay wis occupied in thu liuaring
MH ! iir umunt of motions , In thu
afturnunn the grand jury wcro urn-
panolcd. Thrco of the jurora , W. V.
MOITHOV , J , Broatch ntul S. 11. John-
ao'ii wore excused on thu ground that
tboy were of those whu Imd ollbrud u
reward for the urroHl tul conviction of
tlio intinlorur or inunlurcra of Wnt-
'son 1) , Smith , au this gr.ind jiuy are
expected to investigate thin lumentublt )
ail'uir. TJio jury nftor boiiif , ' out
panolcdvuru oxousud until 10 o'clouk
this morning , wlwu tlioy will bo ud
druiHsd by thu uuurt , nnd coiniauficu
their duties. The trial of civil cii
will coiiiinonco to-day. .ludgo
McOroury oicujied yeutcrday uftor-
noon in the hearing of equity casus.
JSvory steve sold IH HKNT OUT win
The Groftt Mining Country o
Eastern Idaho.
IntoroMinR Fact * ConoornJnrj tli
Mltiliif : Eldorado of the
Coming Yonr ,
F. 0. Harding , publisher nnd cdi
tor of The Wood Hivcr Minor , th
pioneer paper in that recently oponei
and very prosperous mining dintric
of Idaho , and , T , M. .Uogers
a largo owner of mining intcresla , ar
rived iu Omaha yesterday on thci
way lo Chicago on business ant
slopped oir for a call upon thci
numerous friends in this city. Mr
Harding was formerly one of th
ttachi's of a newspaper in this oil ;
and therefore has many acquaintances
whom ho was anxious to meet , am
vho were equally pleated to gaze upot
his boarnim ; countenance. Those gen
tlonion report the Wood JUvcr conn
try as simply "a booming. " On Wooi
river and its tributaries are six min
ing towns , as follows : IJollvuo , witl
about 000 inhabitants ; Haley , fivu
miles north , containing 1,000 ; Hill
lion"fix miles west of llaloy , ani
the leading producing camp of
Wood river , four hundred residents ,
which includes the miners working in
and about this point ; Kolchum ,
twelve milisa mirth of Ii'aloy , with a
population of three hundred ; Uidena ,
about forty-live miles noith of Ilidoy.
and at the head ( if navigation of Wood
river , which bus two hundred iuhabi-
tautn. Sawtooth and Vienna are two
small towns or camp * about fifteen
miles north of Galena and contain ,
e.ich , about one hundred inhabit mte.
Tlicac are dtstiiiod to become pnwpcr-
ous and leading mining camps of the
Wood lliver country , and will in a
few years have a largo and thriving
population , Even in thcsp latter
towns lots are worth § 100 apiece and
nro rapidly increasing in value.
The lending town on the river ,
commercially , ia Ualey. .Notwith
standing that it is only live months
old it 1ms the largest population
of thu towns on thu riverbiciuFe _ : _ of
various reasons. It is , in the first
place , the outlet of all ore of this new
mining region which is hauled to this
point for reduction. In Wood river
country , as a whole , there liuvo been
erected this season four smelling
works and two stamp mills , the latter
with u capacity of fifty stamps. The
liiflt smelter in the country was
erected at Haley and this gave its
special advantage in thu reduction of
the ore. The rapid growth of Haley
is attributable to its nuporior location.
Nearly all of the present producing
mines get their supplies from and ship
ore to this point. In a recent contest
for possession of the county neat of
iMturas county llnley "got away with
the cake to the tune of fourteen major
ity and consequently has the coveted
prize. This majority , although small ,
secured for county the best
possible point for the county neat , as
Jlaloy is undoubtedly , the most ad
vantageous and central location that
could have been selected. Hundreds
of people have waited for the settle
ment of this county sea * ( mention in
order to obtain residences , and consequently
quently the greatest boom on the
river is now iu llaloy.
The characters of ores are princi
pally auriferous and carboniferous ,
with 'hero ' and there bromides and
chlorides , and very rich. In the
upper country gold to thu value of
twelve to twenty dollars per ton is ex
tracted , which pays for the reduction
of the ore. The ores of this new El
dorado will average about sixty per
cent of lead. All of the lower coun
try produces smelting ore , while in the
upper country , mainly Sawtooth , it is
principally hiu'li giadu , free milling ere ,
Lifo in these towns of the Wood
river country is very similar to thatof
nil mining camps. There is consider
able lifo , and consequently many in
stances of homicide and lobbury. At
thu same time the majority of thu citi-
zone of the largest towns are indus
trious and of peaceable character , and
the inevitable influx of roughs into a
mining camp is as much discouraged
and energetically discouraged as pos-i-
blo. Thu cost of living is not exorbi
tant , board being from § 8 to § ! > per
week , and the present ptico of provi )
sions incixiaiUMg at a raping rate wi 1
probably i.Uo the rates of board.
.Still thu prices of board and living
generally are moro reasonable than in
most mining camps , and the profits of
mining are very liirgo.
Mtssra , ilr.rding A UOICCM speak
very enthusiasticilly of thu prospects
of this now country , and prophesy a
future for the Wood river mines
which has not been anticipated by
oven the most sanguine , ol its dis
Subj not From a
A distin ui.sliucl unyiucur who IIUH
boon visiting in our cit.y Hiiivl to u lii' ! :
reporter yesterday :
"Puviii | { IH ubsolutoly nucviisnry to
render your city nttruutivo and to jjct
ahead of rivals in or near this grout
vnlloy. "
"This soil is soft nnd oni-ingy tuul
roquiroa diH'oront truiitiuuiit from tlmt
found in the oust. Kvidontly n tliick
fouiuliilinn of inncadiini niuat be
bid for I'itlior wood or stone. Chicago
cage and Dutioit Had cotlnr blocks the
boat in the woud line and of courau
cheaper than btono. Very well , then ,
wo will liavo crdav. For this a fouti-
datum of nlanlcH two , Uirco or uvon
four inclit's thick w ill not niiawor on
youi-Buil. Onu aiiuilar to ( hat on
Pnralmm atrcut ia the kind neeiUiil.
Tlio latter can bu loworud to the
nronor level. "
' Cedur blocks with inncniliuii fonn
dation will be oxpoimivo , ' but it will
bu it paying investment. The whole
city could help the cuilral property
ownois if necessary , and could at least
attend to the civuaingH and inturaeu-
tiona which aru not really opposite
any IUIUI'B land , "
Illn the ineanwJiilo BOIUO reliol
might 1 > u had by rouading.itu the cen
tros of fitroots nnd rolling the surfnco
so thai the water can run off nnd let
the soil got dry. If you will look
around you will BCO thai there ia not
n well graded struct , in town. Much
tilling ill is necessary in modi of them.
They nro muddy bucauso there is not
dirt cnouuh in them. "
Meanwhile , if the city fathnrs will
repair thu crossing * nnd keep them
clear of iniitl. wo will thank them
kindly. As there is not much hope ,
however , of oven thifl much rolicf , lot
the boya turn in with shovels and
brooms and o.iru IOH ! cf nickels by
keeping the main crossings clean.
Tlio Moronrv Dowu Forty-Eltjhl
Below Zero nt Bnforil.
The mild weather of Wednesday was
succeeded by a return of the coin simp
that night and the mud was once mure
solidified on the streets of Omaha. The
wind , which rca''hod a velocity of sev
enteen miles an hour , made the at-
mosphcro biting and disagreeable and
it continued quito fresh all day yes
Tlio iiignal olllco reports show that
Omaha hits been exceptional in the en
joyment of mild weather during No
vember , thu cold at other stations ,
north and west , being nearly as tx .
vcro as during the corrodponding
month of J 880.
Yesterday the weather rcpirt
received at thu United States sig
nal olllco showed a ftdlitiirtomporaturo
at Denver , Cheyenne , North i'latte ,
Omaha , Yankton , UusMoinoB , and a
higher thermometer at Davenport , St.
L'anl and St. Louiii. The lowest tem
perature recorded this ncason uas at
Asuinboiiio-JJ s F. , andatCuster 2 ° .
Fort Jlutord reported a tempcralure
of 18 ° F , which , if true , wouldbejtho
lowest over recorded , oven in Dakota ,
or , for tliat matter , anywhere within
the temperate /.one in the month of
November , for which ruison it is be-
liovcd to bo an error in the transmis
sion of the cypher , in which tlio
weather reports are telegraphed. No
rnhi baa fallen , except a slight amount
at St. I'aul , since Wednesday , but in
the upper Missouri and lower Missis
sippi valleys is generally cloudy
A Taloutod Lady' * 0. P. FlominH , state lecturer
) f Missouri , and also an artist of rare
nurit , whoao picture of Adelaide Neil-
on is pronounced by the press to belie
lie moat beautiful portrait in the
Jnited States , in a. recent letter said :
'J ' liavo boon troubled with kidney
lisoasu aincp my childhood , and it
inally culminated in chronic catarrh
> f the bladder. It would bo impossi-
ilo for mo to describe how much I
lave suffered , and I had abandoned
ill hope of over boiiiL ; cured. I was ,
lowover , recommended to try War-
lor's Safe Liver and Kidney Cure ,
uul it has done mo moro good than
ho combined skill of all the physi-
ians I have over tried during my on-
ire life. " Such testimony is beyond
uealion , and proves the value to all
adics of the remedy it advocates.
oed 1 w
_ _
Jr. Graft left lor Wyoming ycster lay.
Hon. G. W. Doiinu I'tm rctnrned from
JtftfiiL-1 Josolly nnd his company wont
oulh yesterday ,
C.npt. Maruli left for the went on the
eon train yesterday.
T. 1C , McG'all , county clerk ( if Daweou
Bounty , It in tlio city.
Mw , W. D , Ilrown left ycstf rdny for
iait to friends in Den Moiuo * .
Wm. Anyan , of ( ! rnnd Islimd , niado
'm : iiiic : ollico n plonsaut call yuaterday.
AlrH. Ciil. j\I. J , Green , accompanied by
or HOMH , retnrncj from her visit cant last
Sheriff Dave Miller took Inn run out on
10 U. 1' . yesterday. H will not leave
\ > rontl for a few weeks yet.
O. K. ] Jic'o , 17 , P. Land Agent from
'asliinilon ; coiinty , N. Y. , just came in
ith a I'.irty , nntno for California and Homo
o Incato in Nebraska.
( ! co , Jl. O'Urion lu-tves the Union 1'a
ilio employ to accept a ] nsition iu the
VcHtcrn Uiilou telegraph ollico iu thin city.
t will take good man to fill Guorgo'u
lave accojitalily.
Capt. W. H. Sishee , Vonrth U. S , in-
uutry , conuii.-uHlin- ) Driilgor , W. T , ,
nrn.s in thu city last night. Hu in a former
GHident of thin department anil IIUH a liont
f frieiuU and nciiualntancen hcio.
I Ton , .luhn Sharp , president of I'm Utah
Central Hallway Consolidated , nnd n
inmincntofHccr of thu Church of Jesus
'hrUt of L.ittor Day HaiutH , rnmo in from
ho cast thin moriilng , en ronto I o c.
II. II , Cook , Into iiKCiit of the Union
'aclfic railaoail nt Mi lanl has been trait-
er cd lo tlio olliee of C ! . W Dioliinaon ,
ruin dltpatcher for tlio bridge division in
Ills city , anil n Mimui tint position of night
l.fjiatelier theiti.
" "
- cures
HIM , iiidi ealiun ami heartburn.
At ( ! . F. oo < liviui.
NKW nun HANOI : FOU 1881.
iir.sT ( loons rou TUP. MOMKV ,
Fourteenth and l < 'arnham Htrnol .
For Wholesale or Ilotail no Jewelry
lousu in tho' Went makes as low prices
is A , li , Huboiniann , Goods war
ranted ouporior.
it prices to suit everybody at Bush-
nan's. nl7-i.t
TllOSi : A110UTTO I'UIUlll AMI ! ANVTllINd
Farnhaiu and Fourteenth street.
Do your trading at Kurtz'a ,
An Entortnltimont Worthy of the
TemploDotlloixtoil to
the Arts.
It is far from flattering to Omaha's
appreciation of music thatntiniidicnco
of less thnn three hundred people was
present at JJoyd'nopera house Wcdnta
day to welcomeJlafaol JuBcfly upoi
his firHt appearance in our city. To
be sure n number of soeul entcrtniir
meiitB ; vero attractions tnoro poworfa
lo many whoso faces nro usually scei
at concotts in Omaha , but oven these
and the terrible condition of the streets
are not sulllcient apologies for the beggarly
garly array of empty benches whicl
stared in the fao the third greatest
living pianist and oflorcd a very eug
gestivo commentary on munical taste
and culture in our city. In inany
respects .losolfy ia unique mnonj ,
pianists. He lacks the clinjicil sev
erity of Von ] 5utow , nnd the iierj
impulHivcncfis of Anton Htibonstoin.
Hut in grace and delicacy of style in
intelligence nf conception , nnd in
mai'veloim technical accomplishments
ho eeoms to unite many of the char-
nctoristica of the greatest masters 01
the instrument which he has chosen
for and made his own. There is n
delightful nhsenco of self conscious-
ncas in all his performances. Of
oourso hid iadividuality us an artist
asEorto itHolf in his various interpreta
tions , still it in always the composer
nnd not Jo'eity who iu brought into
prominence. His conception of the
aim of the pianist is that of an inter
preter , not ail originator , and hia ron-
doritujH nro nhvnya marked by the in
telligence of the student and thu sym
pathy and feeling of the artist.
Josolly does not depend upontricksof
style toiii an audience , although
nothing would bo easier to a performer
of Biicli wonderful technical ability.
lie prefers to allow his art to inntiiff st
itself legitimately through a conscien
tious fidelity to the aims of the great
masters , which ho interprets with
such rare intellectual insight through
a mechanical bkill which 1.4 without n
Hiipurior in hi.i line.
The programme of Wednesday was
popular in character. Jt contained ,
among other numbera two adaptaiiona
of other composers by Lisa , the some
what hackneyed Rhapsodio Hongroisu
No. 2 , a polonaisu by Chopin , substi
tuted for the E. minor concerto and
two compositions by Jose-fly himself.
The opening numbers was Mendel
sohns familiar "Wedding March"
theme , with List's iiiHtrumcntation.
Uorr Joscffy qavo n thoughtful and
intelligent rcndpring of this difficult
composition. His playing was char
acterised , by breadth and power of
conception and by great delicacy of
The Chopin number , on the whole ,
was best titled to exhibit the great
technical resources of the artist. Its
rendition was m rkcd 03 * an elegance
and delicacy of style and a brilliancy
of execution which is above criticism.
Critics are agreed that as an interpre
ter o Chopin JosclFy has no equal.
His fortissimo passages were powerful ,
but legitimate , never degenerating
into noise. In thu pianissimo ef
fects he WIIB a master , and thu charm
and sotiHHOusness of his playing
showed itself at iti best. Syery note
was clear , distinct nnd audible to
the most remote corners of the build-
in- , ' . _ Without entering into detailed
examination of the reinniningnumbers
of the programme mention must not
bo neglected of the Paganini-Lizat
"Campanolln , " "Thu Mill. " a compo-
fiition of his wn , and the "Rhapsodio
Hongroise" which concluded the
evenings cntortainmcnt. Lizsts fa
mous concert piece was treated in a
thoroughly original mannor. There
waa moro of the performers individu
ality manifested than in any of the
other interpretations on the program
me. The rapid tempi were taken
with a rapidity which has been
attained by no one but
Josolly , the phrasing was elluctivoly
marked , and while the coloring waa
different in n number of instances
from that given by other pianists , the
performance aa a whole was received
with enthusiasm by thu audience ,
which compelled a recall of the artist
Miss Laura Bellini luckfi only two
< ) t the qualifications of : i great singer
voice and modiod. She was heard
last evening in four ( selections , the
last of whicli elicited au encore , which
certainly was not duo 'o the merits of
the performance. Her voice , while
not deficient in volume , ie Badly lack
ing in quality. In the upper register
her notes wcro harah , and in the lower
resistor thin. It is difficult to BCO
how the lady can bo classed as n so
prano of moro than thu most moderate
A Hot I'lro ou. a Very Cold Moriiliig
At 10 o'clock yesterday an nlarnl
of tire was sounded -from box 10 , n
mcataptu of the same import coming
through the contra ! telephone ollico at
the same moment , Although it was
bitter cold and a stifV wind waa blow
ing from the north , many persons hastened -
toned after the department to the
BCOIIO of the conflagration , which was
on Eighteenth street , near -Hurt.
Thu lire was found consuming a
small , ono-story cottage , belonging lo
Mr. S. lU-ichonborg , and occupied by
two families , those of Mr. John
Leisure and Frank A. Uenolkon , thu
latter a boiler-maker in the U. P.
shops. The Hooks nnd hojo carts
Noj. 1 nnd U wuru mum on thu ground ,
and found thu tire racing in thu south
part of the house and in the roof ,
bursting out fiercely at ihu east end of
the cottayo , Two streama of water
weru got on from the hydrants
in short ordur , while the hooks
did cllicient work nnd the fire was
brought under control by the time it
had destroyed the roof and interior ,
leaving the wills intact. The furni
ture had been partially saved nnd
with thu household goods of several
fnimlioa living to the leeward of th
fire was stacked picturesquely nbou
the stioot and nirulo excellent sittin
accommodations fort ho crowdwhicha ,
usual was on hands in full force. Tli
damage to the building will probably
reach 8100 and thia is covered by in
The origin of the fire is not knowi
but it ia believed to have como from a
littlu four year old son of Leisure's ,
who , left to nniuso himself nloii
probably got with the match box
Mrs. Luiauro had gone on
in town leaving tin
child asleep , while Airs. Donolkin
and her children were iu the adjoin
ing apartments , the former intending
to take the boy when aw.iku. At
length her litt.o girl went into the
room and c.imo back to her mother
saying thatit was full of mnokc. Mr.s
lienolkcn ran in and found the cluh
ccatod on the floor and the lire ju.i
( ( citing a good Htart in tlio
cupboard corner. She t-avcd thu chile
nnd then givu Ihu alarm. Nuithei
Mr. nor Mrs. L had returned whei
Tin : UIR : reporter left iho scene.
Mr , Itumilken hns had quito r
fctrcak of back luck of late , lie- was
hurt during the summer and compelled <
polled to lay off from work , then one
of the children , tiny had nix , diet
and now they are suildonly loft homeless
loss in mtd-wintor.
The only accident lothu depnrtmoni
waa thu breaking of an iron piti in the
fliiiule-troca of the hook and ladder
truck which fortunately did notocoui
until just us the fire waa reached.
Four hones wore driven to the truck
on account of the bad roads.
Palpitation of the Sloart.
.1. M. Might , Syriicine , N. V. , writes.
"Wlisn I liret commenced using yonr liur-
ilock Dlootl Hitters I was troubled with
fluttering and palpitation nf tin ; ht.'nrt. I
felt weak timl lairti | ( , d , with n numbness
of tlio limb * . Since using ; , my heart lias
imt troubled inn ninl the numbing Henna-
lion in all gone. " i'riuc , § 1 ; trial ize , 10
cento. 10-eodlw
Preparations for
Winter's Spurt.
Some days aqo it waa rumored that
a skatintj riiik was to bo opened on the
vacant lot nt the corner of Farnham
wid Ninth streets , but the rumor was
subsequently reported aa without
bundation. Yesterday , however , it
was learned that great piep-
irations wcro in progress for
, ho complete transformation ot thu
1'ivoli gardens , southwest corner of
tfinth and Farnham streets , into one '
) f thu must complete and superbly
equipped skating rinks in the west
Every one is familiar with the place
lamed , which has undurgono so many
changes from n church to a beer gar
den. It is ono of the plcasanttist
spots in town , and right on thu line
of tho. fltreot railway. Thu enclosure -
closure is 1I2 ! feet square and
, hw graveled surface is now being ce-
ueiitod , while all the trees , witlt the
exception of a few large ones are bo
ng removed and thu tlio inside funces
akon down. The largu building at
.ho northwest corner , heretofore
ised as a saloon will bo'changud to a
eatuurn'it , and thu little church into
a ladies' Waiting room and ball room ,
rlere will bo n piano and
.he mimic provided for the season.
I'ho full Musical Union orchestra has
jccn engaged for the season , and will
ilay every nii'ht when not engaged at
[ Joyd's opera houso.
There will be brass music occa
sionally and from timoto time dances ,
imskcd balls , otc. , will bu given.
Prof. Kerr , the noted Chicago pro-
essional skater , has been engaged
or the .season , and a full line of the
inost skates will bo kept to lot. The
ink will be lighted by the electric
ight , arrangements having been niado
or a largo sis liaht lamp.
Worl ; is progressing rapidly and
everything will bo ready for
iponing with the first heavy
rost. The rink is under the
namigement of Julius Thielo & Co. ,
ho " ( Jo , " being a well known society
; cntlcman , with no end of capital to
lack the scheme and no end
if enterprise to make the rink loom
ip. With such prospects ahead as the
oung people havo. thia winter will
OMO its terrors entirely.
A World of Good.
Ono of the most popular medicines
low before the American public , is
fop Bitters. You aeo it everywhere ,
'eople take it with good oll'ect. It
niilds them up. It ia not as pleasant
0 the taato as some other Hitters as
t is not a whisky drink. It is more
ike. the old fashioned bone-act tea
Imt has do'iu a world of good. If
on don't feel just right try Hop Bit
ers. Nunda Nuwa.
Howard for Elnrdorors-
Citizens' fund for the apprehension
of the murderer of Colonel Smith.
Subscriptions not heretofore pub-
ishccl :
Coefc Ciirlin § . " .
I. ( ! . CJla.ic k Co 10
MJ.Detwiler 1"
1 uben Allen 10
< 'iank C. Moij'Hii ! >
\ . W. 1'lielp * 10
I. W. Woo worth fiO
Tan'CH Fnr yth 10
F ine4 f >
iV. I' . Hcnman - " >
5. .1. Jo olyn Ifi
Af. It. Itisdon , t !
rimrxtun&llall 51' '
W. H.ljnnw 25
"W1NEOFCAROU1" for Ladies only.
AtC. K. ( iQOilinaii.
Cnoioi : POTATOES ,
Avi' , Bimim
AND E(1H ( ! ,
novl7-yt ,
Opening of the second half form of
ho Dancing School for children , at
Central Music Hall , Saturday , Nov.
] { ) . Pnor. L , F. Pi.vKnv.
nli-2t (
Pnrtioa leaving town or disnosing of
heir household oifects will make
iionoy by calling on A , L. Fitch it
Co.t05) ! ) South 12th street , who pay
ho highest CASH price for second-
mud furniture , n2-lm
Presents of all kinds at White-
louse's drug store , 005 North Six-
.couth street. oSfieodlhn
A Notorious XVumnn Shaken Omnlm
Mnd From Her Foot.
Among the notorious character ? ,
male and female , who are known to
newspapers und police oflicials by their
unsnvoiy record in the criminal courts
was Ellen Fruiik , who has been n
Onmha for fifteen years past and a
"ono time kept the lied Light
silooii on Uodgo and Ninll
streets. This place was fitly de
signated by the name , for it was one
of the hardest hides in Omaha , and
WAS known to those who were com
pelled to vUil it on olaciul business aa
the JJubbeid' llooat. Muny were the
tights , robberies and shooting aliVays
ci edited to the evil inlluencc.s of the
tied Liijht and it * red liquor , and the
old boya of No. U temember a belle
who ticqui'iitod the place who was
dubbed Ilose C.irt Mag , on account
of her inftttuiition for the driver of
No. 2's ho3o cart , a big stout fellow ,
who is now in Denver.
Well , Ellen Frank has boon
on the down grade ever since
she hung out -it llio Rod Light , whoso
sviirnini ! she did not lieud and hits been
up before the police court a number
ot times for drunkenness and prosti
tution and fined as regularly as she
Yesterday who was a .iiti run in and
the jutlgo suspended sentence
on condition that she would leave
the city. Tlio marshal took her to
the depot , and , with her own money ,
purchased a tickut fir her to Detroit ,
whom it is fund she has relative * liv
ing who will no doubt bo to sco
Jlur dopartura is a ourco of con
gratulation to the police whom shu
has given a good deal of trouble at
dill'urent time * .
A tral package of "DLACK-DRAUGHT"
VPP of charge.
At C. T. Oooilman.
Nul'lCK AiUmif-em''iR To txjuii ,
< nt , Found , Wants , tloardlnc , kc. , will liuin-
ertcd In thepo columns once for TEJT CENTS
or line ; each aubaoquont Ineertlon , FIVKCHNTS
x > r lino. The Insertion noier than
ONBY TO LOAN Cell at U\v Olltco of D.
M L. Thonm Room 8. Crelchtcn Ulock.
lF * " /I I Ill \ ' ° 'oa" ' rlt ' 'om 8 to W ptr cunt
'j5 .M .wUU on coed real cstatcuccurity , l > y
Hit. ISAAC EDWAliUS 1109 Farnham St YUU11'1 * LUAtAt S per ccntln-
aAd\\)0 ( ) ) terost In aumsof ? 2f.OO Mid
pwanU , for 3 to B years , on Hrut-elaaa city Mid
arm property. DKMIS KtUL KSIAIH anj
< ir.NCY , 16th and Doiuba Sts ,
ANTED Pinlncroom'irlat | Dorau House ,
W OliS Karnliam M. , opposite lieu olliee.
I/ / ANTED ttook-lin'per , a situation by a
" jouuRiua wlio has a thoroiili knowl-
Iso of double entry. Highest referencei and
pcurity if rt'iiuired. Address , A. H. O. Bco
lice. -
TirANTRD MM. K 'lth want to inform the
VV Indlei tliati-lic docs not dcHire to lose
ipirctHtoin. and cone-j cntlvhm reduced lier
lit Ilnir Sulti'liex Irom 'iS 00 to $5 00 , Five Dol-
ar Stt Itches rutlxiccd to 8300 , Thrco Dollar
witclifs reduced to 81 60. Natural * Va\iyi a
prci.lty. ilKS. . K. KEITH ,
498-tf lBi2Farnhain8t. ! _ _
ANTF.D A good cook , at the southeast
W corner cty thandst. Jlary'uuvcniic.
S20-17 *
ANTEIl A sirl for Rcncral houscwoik.
W Knquireat Uuffet'8 xr eery. ClO-tf
,117 , ANTED Young min of 18 as collcctoi ;
rV must be cntkinanly appearing and nhlu >
o rite good hand. Address in own hand. Ho- c
crciices required. J. F. C , this olll o. OlS-tf I
'ANTED A twelve-year old nutfie c'rt ' , 1I
W Solomon's glas * store. M7 17 I [
\T7ANTEI-l'osltloii to drlvp earriaRe and J
rr take care o'liorret. Apply 11 iO Douglas
rnt. Blfi-l" *
KD Two good barbers an find a steady
WANT and jnod pa ' V. App " v at So. fi'JO 15th :
it. , opiiojltu Crcljtliion'llloclc. "C. II FITOH.
'ANTED A good woman cook. Un , * Ic-
M Coy , near nongovernment carall , I'op-
etou A f. , let 2Ut and -J2nd StB. rili-a'J" !
TTASTE Homo for n little girl of i-ljtht
VV jearg. Ooidiu erenc-CHrequired. Apple >
o Jlr * . 1'uller , corner of lUth and 1'arnliam Sta.
'ANTED A dUli-washer and clianibcnnaid ,
W at Einmctt house. C25 SI *
TTANT D-An exrcr'enccd ' girl for pcrcral
fV hoturowork. ( ! ord wngeH will bo paid to
rif wlui IH ell recomuiended. Applj at 21CO
odgoSt. R9tf >
\TTANTEI-llv idow lady , 11 ht wort in
VY mi ill family , i.'an d plain Miting and )
are for children. Imiuirc at V. .M. C. A * .
ATANTKI ) A new milch cow , JUi > t be n-
VY tie. Enquire of L. Poland , 1413 D dg
ruit. r 1-tf
A.VfhD A cook at 'J20 liarney * l , bet.
w Hh and 10th. 3-tf
A pnod lrl for general h"usu-
WASTED at 415 A'o. iOth St. , bet. Ci Icsi'O
ud Cas * . 4SO-tf
IITASTHD Alirsi t-clasi uillnder rirefi t < eder ,
VV a thh ollico.
ANTKD-A housekeeper ut 1109 Farnham
W btreci , up htiurs. JUS-tf
.TSTANTEn-A first-class uomancrok at Chris.
YY Mcrkt's res auraiit , 1105 Farnhaiu ttreLt.
W IAXTIjn airl to do liouwwctk. Ktuiilro |
1110 KainliamSt. 41't (
iTtT Kundlnir bridge and MOhcwl bondo.
W II. T. Clark , Bfllevue. 20-tf
WANTKD Two Kl'l' , ono to rook , wash and
Iron , mid ono to do eccond work unil tike
jxro of children , licst of n fcrcnrra required.
l > l > ly eoutlica t corner of 20th mid California
U. IkMt or wnL'1'i. 31) ( tf
iTrANTEO 110 to 200 loiul cTdlrt ntar ? rd
VV anil at. Mary'd arcuuo. fcnqulre ot Ri'O
tlU-u. I'j3-tf '
11Oir"jlUVr UwL'lliiiK hiiiiMj , 5 roomi ,
; S-viiidoMSt. , no r tcrinlnui of track. Ai- |
ly to Kiuncli Uolililim , on | > rcmln'S. MU-1U"
OltllEKT Tno nicely ( urnltlioil rooms , "H
, ; 17lh ttici't , two douri Irom I'oolllc ; ovtr
lore. tSl-lB'
IJWIl tti.NT Two furnished rconw. Biiltalilu
1. far llvht hou > u-k ciiln ; ; . 21U C.illfonli : bt.
Knqiilrc N.V. . Cor. 10th and Cul.fornla Ht
HUNT Ilunwi nlth II rooinii. Inqulrv ! .
FOlt . llradlo , a. W. cor. 10 .h uiul Wvlwtcr
] 0 II HKNT-A ) uirlor llh bedroom ndJJnlii- ; ,
I' sultililo for two or tliriu tMitloiui M , nt N.
W. Cor. 21 and Wu > tcr. sai-tu *
HUNT A new house with II r cms , In
quire of I ) , Uookc , ISth and Io venworth
ktrecti. ISl-SI *
FOU liKNT-Ilooii with l ard , miit.ililo for
tuoKClitluneii ; IMS IJtli ml L'apltoi avo-
nue. 6SM8 * f
neil IlKNTNoHbrick hoii-c , 8 r-ouw , hand.
L' ooiiio fu nltiiro. for &lo clira ) > } dislr bin In-
: > tion tor lioardvra or nuidcnev. for partial'
ir addrra "OnDfr , " llr.R Office. - W tl
UH'NT Hauw ofCroom" , It21 lOtli ft.
hcnr aul. 607-1S'
ITKJrt IIKNT N'lecl.r furnished room , N. W.
L1 cor. FarnhMn and 1Mb St . MM-17
IPOU IlKNT Suit furnWitsl ronni , MilUble for
J' mnn at tl wlte ; S5 N. litli St. . liet. ( fillfot-
nla nnd Wclwtcr. Ilofcrencc required. 193-17 *
hKNT A Mitt ol fiirnMic I ro m , | rlor
} nnd two bedroom < j alco ft tingle room. Chi-
r.\nttrcet , between 14Uio tl 1Mb , centre brhk
4K\-tt \
IOK 15KNT l.n.
. pirlor nl o front room picvnrt tt-ry brick
lioun. , 1013 Cj < n ftritt , o clour * west u ( i.-utl. .
I710UHKNT KurnWiPd rooin . north .d.i of
. ' Ciillfornlft St. , 2d door west ot 21st. Inquire
niter 1 | > . tn. 4fl-l >
TfKHfiiBx Uric * storu In. ) cvhs' lie K , iMn
JJ on J Capitol ammo. JUuN O , JACOU.1.
T71OI1 IIEXT 3 stor.v IIOUH' , 8 roo'ni laro
; elo < eli [ nlfOnbirti'.Idiflre : ! . 2I.SD t > a > eu-
l rt St. -
fjlOil BEST A twontory liouso-wlth K line
.U rooiu aid I Iirifo eloi < ; t ! n PO , Ixirn If do
nlrcd. Inquire at 2433 Datrnpoit tmt. wiuth
title. 4SS-tf
1TWH "K.VT To .vounirtncn hodc.slio
; winter qaarlera : two nlreljfuriii. . ]
room * . Inquire of .t. L. Illoo at Joe & Sam's or
At 1715 IliHljfo trt-ct , octf '
FCMUlWfT A furnished front for rent
with 1)0 ) nl , In private fifiillv. Oeirlomim
prefer cd , Call G07J A . lth St. 319-tf
IJ10K UHNT S furineheil rcornovur Mui-
JO clivilH1 KjcebAntrn.N. K , ccr. 1(1 ( 'h ' and
tr ttn. 2ftf-tl
TJ10U SAI.K One bigc tnblt inn 'o ami onu
J.1 turlort'ct of 7 pieces. L. I' . Jlj lnn , Att'y ,
irclghton niach , City mjtf
BjlOU SALU llon-ctiold film lure , bowi1 , liujf-
L try ' iM lmrnc * < i with lease of h n u rf 7
rtMiiH anil CO acres No , 1 IF.IM , 21 nillea irom 1' .
O. PO-H Bslon shun nt oin'c. In ulio l.'uxter
I , . Thoinns .V Uro. , No. 8 , Or 1'-htoii lllocls.
Clfl-lO *
tjiotl i-AI.K Two Hecond linnd ciiKlncs In ll t-
1 rlnas euiidltlon , emu 25 11. I1 , and oncO 11.
1' . Knqi'lro On aha Fcnmdiy ami llachluu Co.
171OUH.VI -Tum I good Conies , clioGi | ; at Itcd
JL' Ham , Itth St. oifl-tf
Mil KALfc.
103-tf ESTAHHOnK i COG.
nOH SAI.12 A lot of tci'ond hand furniture ,
JL1 stoves , carpe'snml crcckorv nru , at H.
" - ' -V , l-'o : ! Douglos St . ' ues-tm
BEMI3 has rattllnjr ionif UstH of IIOUSCB , lati
bnds ftud farms for suKi Cull and get
[ 710R SA'iE A dmill cnirliia , H. W. I'aj no *
| J Son's make. In perfect order. Inquire ot L.
J. Clark & Co.
[ 710R SALE JInps of routll aud yarvv out.
L1 ties. A. ROS&WATEK.lMOl'aniliaui'slteel-
HOUSES AND L.VNO llumia rents tiou-oa ,
stores , hotels , fanr ota , lands , nillcca
oonia , etc , Sco 1st paxe
IOST A inalteso liltten about four month *
A old. Tlie Under will lie liberally rewarded
by rcturniMto tlio uniljr > ! ( ; n < il.
Nov. 17 , ISsl. C-2C-IU * 1' . L. 1'EHINE.
Cj I / \ Iteward for an rl ht-vcur old cow. Lost
IP H " 7th October , 18S1 , ituu to ha\c a calf
Jan. 4lli , lsb2. Marks all rod , a 1 It o htu ! un
der belly and one -mall while tpot t o In hesiu
diameter rl > r toppos te in each flai k over Imj. .
C. i' . UOCK1IUD , N. K. corner Nicholas and irati
Stg. _ Bit 17'
K10UN1) Keys on Kaiiiham , In front of Tuft's.
J ; Owner can have an o by prjvintr property
and payinj : for this advertl&cuiLiit at the lieu
olllcu. (23 1
T OST A roan mare : four years oUi. medium
JU fir.e , a brand of u knot on left hind \CK\ \ Ions
mane and short tail , w h'tc hind feet. Ht'NIlY
CALENDER , Saratoga 494-20'
BE ttEAl aTATK BOOM. See l t pago.
HAY At A. H. Sander's Fc.-d Store
BALKU Haniey _ St.
B IBS ivt.'to.
B Mann. 87.60. OF.O. P.
KOTICS. Special advertisements , nuch ai
x st , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent ,
Want * , Boarding , etc. , will ba inserted In this
olumn at tlio low rate ol TEN CENTS 1'ER
LINE for the first Insertion and FIVE CUNTS
I'ER LINE for each subsequent ineortion.
.care adr crtiscmenta at our otlice , up etaire ,
xmer Broadn ay and Alain street ) , Council
lilulf * . _
Kverybody In Council Bluffs lo
WANTEU TUP. BHK , 211 cents per week , do
ivcrcd by carriers , Office comer Broadway and
Sluln , upstair ; , Council Hinds. _ liM-tt
WANTED A flrst-elas * barber inmediatcly ,
\\HI1 pay the l.lgbcst wages. J. J. GOOD ,
Jomicll nimfg. _ nlT-lt
Apcnt to carnal Uebt pay-
WANTED ' in the country. Ailcireai
3. M. , liccolllce , Council Bluffs. NovB-tf
SALE HorbC , biijrgy "nil hanioiu , i-hcap
FOR cibh. Addrcm > v. 11. C. , lli-e olllco
Jouuell Blulfj. _ Noy3t _
' TICKKT OI'FICJWar In railroad
POTTBH'S continiiL'H tn boom. Uiu rccedcnted
on- rates to all eastern iiolnts. Kvcry tlikct
uaranlefd , Ordcra filled l > y telephone. Front
note ten dollars twcd by jiurcliasliiK tlckcta
if C. A. Potter , successor to 1'ottcr & Palmer , No.
10 South Fifth strict , I ur doora bcion th" jiost-
lllce , Council 1 ItilTn. lowq. _ octlit-tf
\irAVrii : > Hov , with pony , to carry jiupera.
VV Inquire at lir.K oilier , Council UUu5B.
octlil-tf _
j To buy 100 tons 'broom corn.
I'or particulars adilre.w Council Blull *
3rooiti Factory , Council lluli ! > , Iowa. 60S-2'Jtf _
\17ANTKI ) A Hnt-clV'H ' broom tier. Mayns
VV & Co. . Council lilulfa. Iowa. H"O SO *
, , - papers 40c per hundred , at
FOPBArK-OId , Council lllugi' . M-27-tl
riOKALIHT , 4DH Tenth Street , betwdoi Faruboui
uitlllaincy. Will , v.ith tna aid of guardian
nilrits , obtain for any ono o ( rlanco at the past
mi ) present , Ami on certain conditions in the fu-
nro. Boots and Bhoo timde to order. Perfect
iitl iirtlnn rimr.i.'l' ' " " " ' " '
Hade- from Orapo Cret. n Tartar. No oUiot
urpatlon tufju * mich light , liaky hot hrftida.
UMirlou iiaitry. Can lie eaUn by Dysjuptle
ith out tar of ihclllK rtsultln < from lio.ivjl
o.l. KoM only Ir. rtiis , by nil Own-on
V.OYAUK < : < GtyoWl > KU CO
Now Ynrk ,
0. V ,