THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY NOVEMBER 18 , J881- - COUNCIL BLUFFS , i The Oity Gounoil to Count and Declare the Vote , Orange Blossoms Blooming Everywhere A Young Man iu Sonroli of 111 * A few ilnj sago a young L'nglishnian , Edwin Thonnn Wionslmw , arrived in Council Ululls , nnd to TUB ItEii re porter tolls the following story : Some tinio prior to the 17th day of August , bin father determined to come to America nnd settle somewhere in Cali fornia. A parly wno made up , con sisting of the following persons : RobertA Rcnsh.iw nnd Mrs. Sarah his wife , father and mother of the "Jophith" of this state ; Fred. llcnilmw , u > ounger brother ; Gcorgo Lightfoot , his wife Selina and three children , a man by the name of Gas ket , and the said Edwin Thomas Hen- ahaw. Applications for berllm were made on bo.ird the Htoamor British Crown , which sails between Liverpool ; ami Philadelphia. Thoio were ton in , the party. includini : < > ur heio. Hut it was found that only nine first-clasi births \voro nv.iil.iblu on the steamer. It was decided that Mi. Thomas Edwin - win Humhaw should take the ste.imer , and th it the remainder of the p irty ihould wait nnd Bottle up emu alfaiis in London and como on in the next sti-.nner which sailed for Philadelphia. The British Crown , hailed on the 27th of Septombui , nnd the young nun WAS to await their coining at Philadelphia. Af ter the Poiiivmn had Hiilod , it . was discovered that iusto.idof landing in Philadelphia shu made the p-nt ot Hoston. Finding the mistake , the you n , ' man proceeded to Philadelphia ui and found that thu Itiitinh Ciown had anived there , but could got no trace of the missing parly. From Phihdel- W phia ho cuno on to Chicago ; still no wi ti.ico of Jui parents or any of the 10 party. Ho determined to keep on 11 west , ami , as stated , arrived in Coun th cil Binds a few days since , etill in Hcaich of his father. Ho sayn ho has ta been tempted to "stand up u polo and tawi follow the direction of its Jallint , ' , " but on reduction thinks bo had butter remain horn and try , through the wi press , to obtain some clue to his lost on : patents and friends. lie says ho has ante about run out of funds , but his health to i in good and ho is willing to turn hts in hands to most anything. Constable llosccrantz has kindly given him a ah temporary home with him. Mr. ro Hunshaw is n tali , dark complexioned , BCl rather fine looking young man , appa cai rently of more than ordinary achohirly POl attainments. Ho applied and ob tained work at Stewart's pork packing pi establishment. Ho Hays it does not smell quite as mvect as an English counting room. O. but at present ho is glad to got any lul thing to do. The point fixed upon OCi by ttio party in which to locate , Los OCiGi Angnlos , any information in tegard'to on tho'whoroabniits of the above named onwe parties will bo thankfully received. we Address TJIK UKK ollico or W. 11. Sli Slimi Vaughn , mayor of Council Binds , mi Iowa. I There are so many poor shows that fai come along that when wo have a good an one wo take pleasure in announcing hooi the fact. Dolmny's opera house was ? oi Sacked fiom pit to doino on Wodnos- on ay evening to witness thowoll known play "Undo Tom's Cabin , " as render rot ed by the Anthony and Ellis com fai pany , There is no question but that coi Bliss Kato Partington is the "no plus COI ultra" of Topsy's with her dancing , tri singing , banjo playing and ur6ll say hit ings she- kept t'.io house in an uproar. Mr. J. Alfred Smith a * St. Glair , IIH pleased everybody und it was very ov , he ident that ho is an old Hta or. Mr. liv Walter Chryntal in his double impersonation pa sonation of Pitman Fletcher and tn Gumption ( Jute was immense. Dan Hart , us Murks , brought down the of house with his comical sayings and dr nun o comical appearance. Little Minnie Shannon wits not only the th ( lower but the hoquot of the enter th tainment. The colored jubilee sing- of i cm although they did not carry nut thu piogrammo advertised , highly delighted sp lighted the audience with their plan in tation melodies. Jack , the "aaa per ch formed his part well , in fact the en tire company IB a select ono , and well worthy the generous patronage they are receiving wherever they play. Victor Keller , who has recently re w turned from Colorado , had his hands blC ' full last Wednesday. Ho encountered C ( three women at dill'urent tunes who Pl Boomed very much in diatross und hi asked him for consolation , which , of course , he gave , Thu third and last women who appeared to him was quite - n stout lady , well known in this city , She camu crying as if hot * hoait woula breuk. It ooeir.H ahu has a wayward brother , nnd at times ho will visit our gambling places. This grieves his sinter very much , who is a very ro- spcctublo lady. On the evening in question she learned that minter way ward was iu a Broadway gambling hades. She determined to go there in perdon und get him away. Throw ing u aliuwl ever her head she loft her homo , passed out on the walk nnd noon mot Keller , whom she appealed to to accompany her on her mission of mercy. Keller convinced her that her vibit would bo futile. That if her . brother was bound to go down there > it waa not much use in her letting him drug her dow n too , That it w mild bo no place to ttilk to him. Her bust plan would bo to return homo , dry her toara , and at gome other time talk and pray with the errring otic. This the Indy consented to do. Shu retraced her steps and returned to her home , whuro aho no doubt pa&sed u sleepless night. Mr , Keller thought ho would do the name , the business was gutting too brink. Our aistei city muni bo careful , Wo fear the oflicota of the lau over there arc unmindful of thu good treat i ment their oiling cituons loceived over hero. A peddler from there be ing found on our strcuta nailing with out a HCCIIBO won ant'stud , fined about § 5 and costs , which were afterwards remitted by Mayor Vaughn. Two men claiming to hull from this bide wore arrested ever llicro for ncljing without licoiuo ntid Jndgo Stiill , it is fixid , lined tlicm ? r > 0mid costs , Now. HUH is not oxnctly a fnlr return for all our "tciulcrnt'ss. " Wo will bit our best Hintivo : ( ! ) hut thnt ( lie famous "resolution" council will count t/io / votes on tlio now chir- ter quoit ion to-night or before the Brand jury niculs. Mn > or Vaughn. Aldormim Phillips , Ohurchill nii'l ' Utitlmnk do iincl Jilwajs have favored tliu counting and declaring the vote from the first , but not AU with the big -HI. Mm Fnnnip Livingston i lylna very soriotinly ill at her residence , on Maine street , with lung fever , Miss L is the Indy who eaitio ht-ro HOIIIO- tiinc ago having in charge thn Cornet orphans , the younger ono of whom was adopted by Gr.iliau , , Since , however , Mr , 0. IMB sent the little ono back to her aunt , for what c.'Uiso wu do not know , no thnt at the present time Mies Livingston hns the two children to care for. This is a nad cuao and the family ulionld bo looked after , Wu understand that during her sickness the family lm\o been from two to three di jn withou' ' lire enough to keep them comfortiible. At the residence of James Goodwin ilimiicu Abbott joined one in the limb Mr. G. 11. Hough , of Crescent City , mid M - Eli/.ibeth Swart ? , of Tabor. Mr. Hough I'H an old school-teacher : md hi * bride used to be a pupil. Shu m.-ill- bec.unu dearer to liU liu.u ttli.'in . ho | ) iiiil [ of his eye and he lumarlced o himself one evening in her prrs- siico , "Snarli ! the odds ; wu may an : tell hitch up and 'Jluugh' it thu rest if our d-jys together. " I tun 'well irelet' ' , " remarked the fair Kli/abeth ; Jot'adoit. " And they did. "Two oula with but a sini/le thought , two iearlH that M one. " A rollicking , wrinkled Winkleo and iH fuir ono appealed in Justice Ab- lot's court and moved the court that L liiko a recess for a few moments us io had a case that needed looking fteror it miglit npoil on his hands. 'ho justice wanted to know what wan p. Ho winked at his f.iir KhVi and unded the com t a paper. The jim ice put his hand in hm pocket ml lemarked Urnit wan all right. ml requeued them to join their ight hand * . "Do you take tins oiiun ( to be your lawfully wedded ifu ? " inijii red the court. "I do , " MpondedVinklor. . ] t'H about time. vo been winking at her ; j-oin' on nrty-five ye.u-H , it's about lime. /hat do you think jud o ? " "Do > ou iKu thin miiu to bu jour luu. fully edded husband ? " iiuiuitid thucuuit. I do. " "Then I , before tliocu wit- eases , pronounce you hiiHb.ind and ifu , and may the Lord have mcicy i your souls. " The groom is D5 ill the bride is edging pretty closely 15 , Thu have both finally succeed- tc.ipturing their first love. All children who buh.ivo properly lonld bo allowed to outer the Hchool wins , if tlmy wish , before the school 'saion begins , and for those who R ui't behave n WAUII shod should bu instructed Bomcwhcie about the emises on the oulnido. KrfSOLUTIONS QV HEHVKUT. At a mooting of Hawkeye Lodge , I. E O. F. , No. 184 , the following reso- itions of icspect wore adopted on the icasion of the death of ill-other Fast rnndO , P. Shorradan , whichoccurred i the morning of November 13 : Wlieroas , Our well bnluved and orthy Brother Past Gr.ind O. P. liornul.ui has been removed from our idst by the hand of death ; and 'Whereas. By this and event the inily of tlio deceased has sustained * irreparable loss , the community an morablo , honest and intelligent citi- n , and our lodm > ono of itH brightest nanicnts ; therefore Ilcsolved , That in thia hour of bo- I avement wo extend to the stricken inily our heartfelt sympathy and ndolcnce , and commend them for imfort to that God iu whom wo list , an the only real source of conso- tion. Resolved , That nu cherish the ! emery of our do.vr brother in our mits , und strive to emulate in our cos his purity of life and his great itienco during his painful and pro- acted illness. UuBolvcd , That in commemoration > this Had event our loiluo . . . room bet aped in mourning for thirty days. Cn liutiolvod , That uncertified copy of leao resolutions , under the Real of io lodue , be presented to the family the deceased. Huiulvod , That these roHolutioua bo ire ml upon the minutuH of our meet- : ' ig ; , nnd that they be publialicd in the ty p.ipors. 0. L. .1 MOUS , .JOHN DIUKKV , JOHN I' . WKAVKU , Ooinmittoc. How ft mini can't tulk with another ho has killed two brotliurs in cold- lood ao compact us the biother of . 'oloninn , doce.isud , did with the dus- [ erado Alnxwull , i beyond compro- ' elision , cupucially ulion there wan u Vindicator at hand. They moot to-ni-jlit "thU council" -and it is claimed they will nurpiiso lie people by c.mviuaing and deolur- ng the vote. The \vay u looks now ho pioscnt council will tun the wcliino until next N. M. I'usoy lca\es to-d.vy for an ixtonded trip throughnut the west. Io will Hnond | urc of hi * time in : Iri ona with .Judgj James. Conrado Qoiso has been hnvinj ; con- i idorablo trouble lately. 11 U artesian tell 1ms given out. Hm brick ice louse don't Buom to stand thu pius.iuro ind nil hia hornua mo laid up with the link-eye. Tlioro was a gentlu knock down at .ho St. Joe hotel. It created con- ider.\blo oxcituuu > nt , ( > uilo a cruwd mstenud to the scene , IIH usual. No incuts wore made. One of the Btreot car * broke down im itH way to the transfer and the paa- suiiKeraweroobliyt-d to take street and unlkut's oxnrpHR fiom the cuivo on luvsor HriMdwiiy. Tlio car was KKIII put oil' for repairs mid eir put in its iluco on the route. juia Goltl. Dan'l ' I'lftiik , of Uroukljii.Tiiya county , I'a , ilei > cilbes It Um * : " 1 imlo tliirty ml CH fur H bottle of THOJIAH' KcLl.tnmo Lu ) , wlilth tllictitl tliouiliilerful cuio of crmleil limb in nix oilicntiiiiin | | ; It proved wortb more tlinn Kolil tn 1110. C. F , Manderson , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW 'a JTirnhua St. , Om h N The lending Scientut * ot to-ilny a-Tce tlia niontillHimt urecmiHil lij cllnorilcrnl klilnc } nrlltir. If , tlicri-loris , ttio klilrwikml liur nr liiptln perfect ord r , ( ii-rfcit htnllli will ctli rtmilt 'flil truth hni nly IHUI knnun n nhor tlnonnil Inrjpupi people miUcrwl imnt without bolnir nlilt tn IIml rolltsf Tin' ill- of Uarnor'B lo Kldn } ntul l.hir Ctiromi.rknn 11 now era t tlio treatment ol thma troiiblut Mii'lo from n rlmplo tro | Ual leal ol rnronluo. . I contain * Jimt thu ilcincntu ntctsRnrj Io nouriil ( xinl lnil onxlo Iratli fit th < KU fruit or ano. niu wifely ri toro ntul I < cti > tlam liionkr it hi Positive n medy I > rnll tliu iliwuui tliat rau-c | Mtii < In tlio louLrartnf | the Iwnly I r Toril ] < ! I hoi llcmlacliti Jatiiiilloo ttirzlrihs ( Iravtl I'ovorAinio Utcranil Urlunn It In an oxco kut nnil xafu rcinixitor lurl K I'TOtnmy. It will control Mcimtnmlioii ind IK In alunlilu ( or Liucorrhaa or Kail UK ol hc Wonili. An n Illofxl Pnrldir It In nnc > imlcil > tor It cures .ho origin tlmt nrnhi tlio lilooa. Thin rcnit-ily , MliUli lia > iliino nucli wonilcr , I Hit lip III tlio I. A ltd US ! nlZKD HOT' l.i' ol all ) iicillci iiiian tlic mirkit nntl It wil I hv ; lDin ami all ilialcm at ZI.2D i > cr bottle For > lnletcui'iulri for A\AllNf. 'S SArV. 1 > IA II.rhSOl/'JtK ItlHfc 1'OSI IVK lUinuly. H. H. WARNER & CO. , Rocheiter. N. Y. JclO tu-th-Kit- 4xle Grease NEVER GUMS ! Unul on WnKtuiH , lujrin ! , , Itupunt , Tlircslicrv nil Mill llntlilinrj' . It In mvAlDAVLX TU FARM l. AND IxMtHTrnx. It curcn ! tcratcliLH and nil linii ulsorcu nn Iloncr > l I Stock , tat ell ai on OLARK & WISE , HanuTs , 300 Illlnolt Street , Chicago CHE OCCIDEHAL i. I. PAYNTER , Proprietor Corner 10th and Howard Streets , OMAHA , NEB. lates , Two Dollars Per Lay , Zlilnm KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA ro a ) ft3 ni 1 ! oa 5 OJJ -JJ BITTERS ILER & CO , , ole Manufactu r ere. OM H A. ) exterLThomas&Bro , WILL UUY ANIJ HKI.L * MU ALI < TXANHACTION tONMHCTICO TllRKXWrrn , uy Taxes , Rent Houses , Etc. ir YOU WAXT TO nrr OR aiUi ill at Offlce , Uoom 8 , CrclRhton Block , Om-Mia. Vlary J. Holmes. Just imblMuxl : Madeline. A Bpknilld nc evil by MIDI. JUia J. UULMKK , u OHO nostls ll BO cnornioiul } , and am r. nJ anil re nail 'ith tiucli In crest IkuulUulii boiliid ; ii'lcv , 1.6'i. ' . AlinhnnilMinu nt iditlonnotMri. Holmei ) ' tlirr works ' 1 1 im > t an Kniianliiu , l.cim lUint Kdlth ! < } le , lilim Itrounlnt ; , Marlui Ore } , I'uat Lixwn , Kcnst lloueu , etc. , < itc. ALSO , 80I , 11V ALN IIOOK3HI LKIIS : MAY AGNES FLEMING. A Changed Heart. Another liitenselj Inter- t.llnnnou'l l > y JUi AdNKrt I-IKMISO , author of lose rani til novel * din l rlrcoiirt'ttVile , A foniltrAll Woinnii , 11 id Marrlnzv. Silent and 'rnu. lost lor u Woman , etc. llkautifull ) bound : a. woAruxTON & co. . Oat2 Ideodl in. I'nblUhoni , N. V. Clt > . CONSUMPTION Positively Cured. All MifTiTcm from th H ditiinu that urn anxious nliuturcdvhould trj DR. KISSNEH'8 Oele irated Ooi lumptlve owilers. 1lm.u Ton Im n thu only | irci".i ulUui n that wil uru ( 'onjuiiiition | and all dm U < K ol thu Thrott mil Lunijt- India ) , m ktroinr ! on lallli In hum , nnilaUn to rainlncuoullmt tlun arena uiiiili\u , wo will 'o unril to e ir > mITircr , bj nil , I'Obt | uld , n free Trial Box Umloii'tai t jour in ini'j until ion arux.t - Vxth ra Utlidrf thrlr ninitpc pcnurn Itour Hu'iiorlli HaxliiR , diii'tiUlo ) In | il liK thtHu Powders a trUl , Ihej Mill urd ) Hire > nu. I'rliv. [ or UrK > i l > otaoo , nt to an ) iwito tha United * latt > 4 or Cunadi , liy null on Ti ulpt ifirlco. AddniM , ASH & . UOI1I1I.S8 , nlldlN aua Kulton it. , llro Kljn , N. V , BOGGS & HILL , REAL ESTATE BROKERS No. 1508Fnrnliaru Street , N'nr li < lil nun Orind fN'iit ml Until Dandies Nuts Fruits Eto Etc , , , , , , N. P. JENSEN'S RESTAURANT rAnd Confectionery ! 416 lOtb St. , OMAHA , NUU. FANOYFR5 CAKES , &e , A8PEOIALTY BiSTOZ & WELLS , Will Remove in a tew days to BOYD'S NEW OPERA HOUSE You will do well to call and examine our stock of BOOTS I SHOES Afc 1422 Douglas Sfc , near Ififli , Which will be Sold at Extra ordinary Low Prices Be fore Moving. CONTWUhS r < > Boar for Moore ( R ) Harness AND Saddlery. gi I have adopted the Lion an a Trade Matk , nnd II my ( roods will bu STAMPED with the LIOH nil ill ) NAME on thoKUuo. NO GOODS AlU KMJINK WITHOUT TIJ ABOVE GlAMl'd ho beet maUrinl 19 uscil nnd the iroot s.dllti orkuicn are cmplojtd , xtid ftt the lowest casl rice , Anjonouuhlrig a price-list of good wll onfora fa\or In sending for one , _ DAVID SMITH MOORE. The Oldest HJstahliahed IN NEBRASKA. Caldwell , Hamilton & Co. , tnnnctcd eamo as that of nn Incor porated oink. Account1) kept In currency or gold subject to Hli-ht check without notice Certificates of deposit isticd pajablo In three , alx and twcUe month * , juariiiB Interest , or ou ilcinand n Ithout Interest. Advances made to customer ! on approved > ecu rltlcs at market rotes ot interest. Duy nnd nell pold , bills of exchange , govern merit , atntc , county and clt ) bonds. Draw elgnt ilrafta on England , Ireland , Scot land , and all parts of Europe. Sell European passage ticket * . COLLECTIONS PUOMPTUY UAUK. United States Depository NationalBank OF OMAHA. Oor. 13th and Farnam Sts. OLDEST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT IS OMAHA. SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE BROTHERS. ) BI1BU8IIKD I860. Organlted aa a National Bank August 20,1B63 CAPITAL AND PROFITS OVEB 300 000 orriciRa AND DIRXOIOKB : UtKMiN Kotmzi , I'rrsnlent. Auaraiun KOUHTZK , Vice President. II. W. YATKS , ( Politer. A. J. Forrwroif , Attorney. JOHN A. CasiouroH. F. H. DAAnal. . Cishlor Thl bank recolvefl deX > lta without regard to iniount8. Issues tlmo cortlflcatcs bearing Interest Draw a ilrnlti on Ban Franduco and principal Itlca ot the United HtntcH , alee London , Dublin ICdtnliurKh ADI ! the principal cities ot the contl ncnt of EurojHs. Bolls jnusenpcr tlckota for emigrant ! by the Io man line raavldtf D. S. BENTON. ATTORNEY - AT - LAW AUHAOII 11LOCK , _ T > encl IMh Bu l'm ha , Xnb. _ Artloloi of Incorporation of the Millard Farmer * ' Club- Articles n [ inciiriiorntiun iniulo and ulniitcil tills 2ith ) day of October , A. 1) . 1881 , by nml between the undcrnlgneil in- uorporntorn , au follows , to-xvit : NAMK. Artii-lo I. Tl\o nnino of thUclubKlmll bo the AllllnnI Knnnerrt' ihib. n \CK or HCHIMMH. Article II. The nrlnciml | lilaco of bust. ness ( if thia club ahull bo lit Millard tta- Lion , count } ot Uoiigla" , NebriwUn , N VTU1IK OK I1UHI.SI.SS. Article III. The funeral nnturo of Inifi. ucsn to be tran > > attel by thU club is to conduct ft ( 'encrnl lltcnvry nnd social bus ! . nenH nnd other eutertniniiieuti of nocinl charncter. CAl'ITOr. STOCK. Arliule IV. The amount of capita ) Blocker or this tliri t ] all bo two tlioufmnd dollura , ilivhli-d into shnres of one dollnr each , whiihliallbu itaid in the manner \ > t < i' fctiled by the diieotorx. LOI1HI SCEUKNT AND TER11I.VATMK. Artio e V. Thin club Hlmll co.-ninonce to trmifact btiHinoiiB nnd exeicl-eitscnrjiorate txmorn the 'J9ih day of October , 18H1 , and ita | i wern lmU CCBBO nu the 'JOlh day of October , 1US > 1. AMOUNTS OF I.IAllII.m. Artlula VF. The highest amount of a- bllity or Imlebteilnem , which tliU club nny ou time tubjcct lUlef , nhall be thiuo lumjrod djllurs , OH'IOMIS. Article \'ll. The olllccH of this club hhall bo ronduutod by n board of three illrectow , win * shall be elected from ainoiif ; the stoclcholdci , ami they ! nji nnt a prcjfiUnt nnd Hiich other olllcots as bv law IH required. * ,1 tu ii-hSuiiiuu 111:11 : , J. JiLUM , - V , ' . Ui iiMiour. BTATB01"NtlJl HK\ , I C < ) l'MOKOl'HAH. ' . I On this ( itli day of October , A. 1) . bbSl , i > et > onally appeared bufuio me. Oharle * JlraiulcH , 11 notaiy ttublio for said county , .ruliua SchnxHlrr' .1. Ilium , tlaxwSchu- in um , W , ( ictiidorf , to mo known tobe _ thorlgnera ot thu foieiioiiiu' aiticlca of in corporation , nnd acUnowledgixl tbouiuo to be their voluntary act anil deed. Notarv public in and for Douglas county , KebriuV , S. P. MORSE & CO. 1319 Farnham Street. Within the next sixty days we expect to occupy our new store at 1316 and 1317 Farnham street , adjoining our present stand , with a stock of Unequalled in the West , HOT SURPASSED IN THE EAST , and meanwhile we desire that all Omaha should take advant ige of the very Preparatory to rnpvinpr wo ofler our entire stock nt a great sacrifice. Study carelully the prices we quote , bear in mind that \ve buy all goods for cash , do the largest strictly rotiul dry goods bueinusa between Ctiicniioand Sanfrftucisco , and nim to jive our custoinera the benefit of nil the low prices and extra cash discounts given us by manufacturers and importers. CLOAK DEPARTMENT. Beaver Cloaks , handsomely trimmed with Pasimoiiterio nnd Satin , Silk Velvet , $5 00 to § 1.00. All Wool Beaver Cloaks , from § 8.00- to § 12 CO. Beaver Dolman * , Inndsoinely him- med with Silk and Fiingc , § 8 00 , or with SatinSilk andriis menterieDeep Fiinge , Couletl and Tiwslul , S10.0U. At $15.00 w e ollVr u handsomely fur trimmed n > l Wool Dingonal Dulman , and at $18 00 wo show four stles of Dolmans worth fully § 20.00. Li ht Jackets at § ' . HO to § 12 00. In Light Dolmans wu slum ovorJIi styk'H , from $ lo CO to3u.OO making special prices at § 20.00 and $2500. Silk DolmansfromS 15.00 to$75 00 , all handsomely trimmed with Fur Plush. DRESS GOODS. Ladies' Suitings , Cashmeres , Silks and Plaids Novelties. 10 inch Plack Cashmeres GOo. , 75c. , 95c , 81 00. 40 inch Black Cashmeres , 7(5e. , ! )0c. ) , § 1 00 , § 1 25. Wo will a roe in nil cases to refund the nionej- for Cashmoiei should they not prove satisfactory. Our pi ices will bo found 20 to 30 per cent less than those usually asked for fame qualities ; all wo asked is comparison. 40 inch French Flannel Suitings , 80c. 80c.IGinch IGinch French Silkand Wool Plaids. § 1.00 48 inch French Foullo and Camels Hair in extra htuvy weight , § 1.03 to § 2 00 a yard. 48 inch Dr.ip do Etc at § 1.25 , $1.50. § 1.80 , § 2.50. HOSIERY , Ladies' and Children's UNDERWEAR. DO dozen Ladies' nil Wool Seamless Hose , 4.0c. 25 do en Ladies' all Wool Seamless Hose , cxtia heavy , 50c. 25 dozen Ladies' fine Cashmere Hose , 75c. , worth § 1.00. Children's all Wool Seamless Hoae for school wear , all ai/es , 25c. , worth 40c. to oOc. Boys' all Wool Gray Mixed School Hose 40c . worth 50c. to 75c. Ladies' oxtia hravy Fleeced Lined Bclbriggins , oOc : Ladiea' fine Merino Vests , 45o. , worth COc. Children's fine Merino Vosta , 25c. to § 2.00. 2.00.S. . . DVCOIRSIE ! &c CO. , 1319 Farnham Street. Emporium of Fashion ! 140 We respectfully request the attention of the Ladies of Nebraska to the announcement ofthe arrival of the largest and most recherche invoice of Fur Lined Promenade Wraps ; Silk , Plush and Embroid ered Matelaise Dolman's ever imported west ofthe Missouri. DIAGONALS AND ARABIAN CLOTH SUITINGS ! FRENCH FLANNELS AND CHINA SILKS I Trimmed Elaborately with every Shade of Plush , Satin , Velvet Passementerie. Suits and Costumes in Innumerable Varieties. WRAPS AND SUITS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. Plain and Embroidered Dressing Sacques , CLOAKS FROM FITS EPILEPSY OR FALLING SICKNESS. Permanently Cured no humbug bv ono montli'i uiaue of OR. GOUt ARO SCelcbrnt- eil Infdllltlo Fit Powder * . To lonvuu fcutler- in that thcnu } K > diniul Ida all uo iliini for tlain u will nnd tluni 1 v trail , post p > lt a frru Trial box , Dr , UouUrd U thu enl > i'lij l- dan that lunem niitde ttiln dleiaju u | K.dM ntudy and a < to our knoulnlj , ' thouutiln la\u h-in Permnnetly cuud 1 > > tliu u > > of lhc u Powders , wo will cuarantte a permanent ( lire In um > ou i < or refund you nil money ex pended. All .ntlcruri h ultl g\\a \ thtrv I'OM dim on tarly trial , md bu toiuliutd of tliilr lunitUu povtcra 1'rlie , iorUrBobox , $3 00or4 boxtsfortlOOO , unit li } mall toun > iiarl ot iliu Unl 01 bUtin or Oanadi on rtetbit ol price , u. 0 , 1) . AdJrc > , ASH & RUUDIN8. 300 Culton 51 , Drooklyn , N , Y. Men's Sox , Shirts , UNDERWEAR. 200 Do/.en Seamless Fancy Uiitiah Sox 25c. 25 Doron Men's Fine all \Vool Scar- hit Half Hose OOc. a Pair fully worth 25 Do/on Fine En-dish Merino Hose a. > c. 3 for 81.00 Seamless Unbleached Sov ? 2.00doj ! . Extia Fine Unbleached Sox $2.50 doz. doz.13tfst 13tfst Quality Linen Collars § 1.CO do/ : . JJest Qualily Linen CufldS2.50 doz. Another invoice of Men's Pique Sewn , Stitched back Dei by Stteot Gloves 81.35 pair , usually sold at § 2 00 to $2 50. Ev cry pair warranted not to Heavy Muiino Shiits or Drawois 25p. Heavy Merino Shiits or Drawers 50c. , worth SI 00. Heavy Merino Shiits or Drawers $1.00 , worth $1.25. For $1.25 wo sell a very heavy Patent Mil ino Shirt or Drawer that has herotofoio Bold for St 50 , Stainless Shirts or Diaweis fiom SI 50 , formerly $1.75 , up to the best Dartwri ht and AVaiuer's Hand-knit Scotch Shetland Wool. ORDERS TAKEN for Silk.Undcr- wear. SATINS , SILKS , VELVETS , PLUSHES , In this department all goods aio of our own importation at the prices wo name. No house west of Now York can compete Aith us. 10 inch Black Satins , all beautiful .ustro and well coveiod , 75c. . 83c. , 95c. , § 1.00. 22 inch Black Satin , $1.00 , § 1.25 , § 1.40 , 81.50 , $1.00 , 31.05. A complete line Colored Satins at flOc. , equal to the § 1.25 Satin of last Benson. Black Gros Grain Silk 50c. , 75c. , 90c. , $1.00 , all worth 25c. , a yard more. Cashmere Finish Groa Grain Silk from $1.15 to $3.50. Wo have full lines of our celebrated irand of Cashmere Alexandra Silks lilack and Colored Plushes , full 21 nches Aide $3 50. 19 inch Silk Velvets from $1.23 to $4.00. Over 20 qualtics to choose from. KID GLOVES. I ! Uutton Fhk , Clink A ; Flngg Gloves , Tuc. 4 llattdii Fisk , * Gloves , $1.00. (5 ( Uutlou Fisk , CInrk irv Gluvos , § 1 25. Thu abuvu mo ell known in the cast as ono of the bust Gloves inndc. Tliu uiakuM sold us all they liatl , and woassuro our patruim that tlu-y rank as hiirh us any lirat-class Glove kno.Mi. . Usuully suiting at .00 , $2.L'u and § 2.50 per pair. Wo mo solo agunts in Omaha for Courvoisier Kid G-loves. 3 Button Courvoiaiur Ivitls , § 2.00 4 llutton Courvoisiur Kids , 2.25 G Button Courvoibiur Kids , 2.50 Foster Lace r > ids , all Lengths. 3 Button Real Kid , Bl.ick , only § 1.25 1 Button Real Kid , Bl.ick , only 1.50 When Gene wo c.innut replace. LACES , RIBBONS , ETC. lland or machiiio made all Silk Spanish , Guipuio , Ohintilly nnd other now style Laces , from one to t\\olvo inches , Deep Cream or Black. Spanish Lace Scarfs from 3uc to ? 5.00 each. Wo nlno add to our sock of Ten Cent Ribbons Many new colors and c.vti.x widths in Sutin and Gios Grain. Come early this morning. BLANKES. COMFORTS. Our Blanket Stock is the largest in Dmaha , and as our prices will show is L > y far the cheapest wo ovcroflercd. V. 100 Pairs 10-4 White Blankets $1.50 , woith $2.50. 100 Pdirs 10-4 White Blankets $2.00 , worth $3.00. GO 11-4 White Blankets S2.HO Pair. GO 10-4 White Blankets $3 50 Pair. 00 11 4 White Blankets $4.50 Pair. The Best $5.00 Blankets in the West. 50 Pairs Extra Heavy all Wool Blank i-ts $0.50. 50 Paira 12-4 Extra Heavy Blankets $7.00. 50 Pairs 11-4 all Wool Blankets 88.50. An Extra Larpo San Jose , California , Blanket for $10.00. The Very Best Baig.iin in Omaha. 48 Bed Comforts 55c. each , worth 75c. to $1.00. 48 Bed Comforts 75c. each , worth $1.25. 48 Bed Comforts , very large and lieavy , at $1.25 each. Fmo French Blankets of our own importation from $15.00 to $50.00 a p.ur. TO ALL OTHEES In Convenience , DURABILITY , EGGKOMY GENERAL CONSTRUCTION IHi I Biff - IPfcB" 'BI < i RIIY THE RFSTI \ BJP I _ UiLVy I SOLD By- Lang & Fotick