Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1881, Page 5, Image 5

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Nwv YotiK , November 17.
Money closo.1 nt 4 percent , but at onn
time to day Icwiietl as lii h as ( ! percent.
I \ plus l'4 ( ! of t | icr cent.
I5toh iiec iteady at1 81JCM S1J.
novcrnmcnts ( lint i.s follows :
Curicncy G" . 1 SO bid
4'aeoupon.i . t ICiJ ' 'M
IJ's coupons . L 131 ' ' " 'I
CN continued . . . t 01 F I'M '
G' continued . 1 02 lid
IL\lLttl.\l : > llO.VDS.
Pacific rallioad lionda closed ai follows !
Union firsts . 11 74
Union land grant * . 1 ] 1J@l 17
Sinking funds . I S3 & _ 1 25
OcuU nls . 1 10- ? 111
T he nJock Hint-lot to-day wa quite no-
tivo nnd timing tlio morning strong at n
higher range. of prices. Toward 1 p. in. a
weakness i et in and the Improvcmint of
ti o morn ng lo. t , the market con
tinuing weak to tlio close , when the piiecu
fhowetl n decline , In the majority of c * cs
r.vtgi'ig from 1 to 1J per cent. Memphis
& Ch.irbkton was e.\c ptionally wi.ik ,
allowing a decline of ! ! [ icr cuit.
Tha following lire the closing bills :
A&TH . . 5i ; | X p . 4PI
Preferred . . . SCi PufoiTed . . . . S.iA
US . i' : U I1C . ! Mf
OP . t)5 ) J jio I'll . icr.i
C& A . 13U N W . 12.S
U S Prefened. . . . 112
C.OCtl ! I2" NY C 13-if
C C III 0. 'J0\ \ Oregon N.IV. . . . 172
1) & X li ! ) Omnlia 10) )
pfd 102- }
DL.tV 1'Jlij PPC lee ;
Krio IDA V V 120V
1're erred . . . ! w u
H&.SU . H5I 1MJ&J- :
I'ti . ii2j
1 C . l ° .Ji Stl" Al . 'v ' ; M. 112 ]
1 B & W . 52A Texas Pacific. . . 5IH
K&T . 42 } T& St L . . . . 32
LS Wub.tsli. . . 48
LX Aft 0 1 pfd 8S ?
Following are the h ghest ( ric.i on
mining stocks at the New York mining
exchange :
Con Ya . . . . 210
South r.ic . . . M2"i Little Chief. . 105 55 Iron Silver. . . . 195
lliiliinson S75 lliburni.i 27
Miner 15oj. . . . 43 State Liu.-1 & 4 4(1 (
Chiyiolilo. . . . 575 SateLin 2fc3 175
Sierra Ncvada.1200 1'nion Con. . . .1100
CHICAGO. November 17.
The volume of 1'imness tr-ns.icted in
banking c rcles to-day wn : only moderate ;
money , tided firm and otendy at 0jl7 ( per
cent. S'astem t-xcliango between the city
banks ) w\s weak wiih huge sales at pir.
Tliu clearings nf thu associated b.inka weie
57,700,000. A large amount of cnvi'iicy
was forwarded to the farming districts ,
OnmlmVholosilo JVJnrlcot-
Thurhd.iy ICvening , November 17. f
In market circles to-d'iy everything was
again very steady. There seems to be
plenty of biv-iiiejs , everybody havingabout
all tlidy can do to keep up with their
In g'.aiu , wheat same as yesterday.
Unrley ! lower ; rye advanced 4c ; oats tin-
changid ; corn udvnriced Jo.
Local Grain UealmRS.
WHEAT. Cash No. 2 , 1 10J ; cash
No. H. 915V. rejected 74Jc.
BAllljlTY. Cash No. 2 , 02jc ; No. 3 ,
llYJil. CnHn , 84u.
COllN. Cash No. 2 , 45Jc. !
HAY 37 OOS8 00 per ton.
Cattle Uood hhiipiug. [ 81 00@5 00 ; fat
cowti md heifers. 82 75@3 00.
Hogs Mixo.l packing , 55 25@.r 50.
Sheep Slaughtering in demand tit 5-1 00
© 500.
FLOTJH Spring wheat , straight grade ,
$3 25@3 75 ; patent , 83 75@4 50 ; winter
wheat straight gradu 83 8j@4 25 ; patent ,
\ S450'190 " ; giuham rye , § 275 ; Wheat ,
83 00.
UYB FLOUR $3 25.
MILLSTUFJ-'S Uran , per cwt. 90e ;
Bcieonings , per cwt. ( jOc ; BhortH , per
cwt 1.00 ; chopped feed , per cwt. 1 20 ; meal
bolted , yellow , 1 40 ; white. SI 75. :
1'OTATOKS In car lots , 105@1 10 ;
Salt Liiken , 1 25 ® 1 35. Kctail , 1 25 ©
1 50.
UUP , 4o | ) or ll ) .
I'bUhTJtY Chickens per dozen , S2 50
© 2 70.
per dozen.
QUAIL Per dux. . S2 'inf62 ( 75.
MTL1) O HUSH 2 75fo. ! r , < )
WILD DUCKS-2 00fe2 50.
KtJlJS l-'lrni ; rearcout aiV32s. : (
1JUTTHH Choice , s-carco at 20@30c ;
poor , no market : creamery , "OftMc.
Al'PLKS ( iioil. Bound , very huircu
at SI 505'tl 75 per bbl.
11ONHV Calif jrnia white clover in
comb. 2i@25c.
LUMONS Steady ; per box. S1000 ; '
Vinenfc .Messina or/inijei' / , 37 "OrsiS 00 re
packed. 0
MALLA.C ! A < ! K.U'US Per l bl.S3 50
perlmlf bbl. , ? 150.
B H 1 WAX Y nllo w , 1820c.
OXJO.VS 1 r tul 00 per bushel.
CAHUAttK SI 00200per dozen , n.s H l
to quality , 1)1
OttANJJEKKir.S Per bbl. , § 10 00 ® br
11(0. < 1 o
CKLKUY Per doWJCJTific. . 8
DHKSSKI ) CIUCKIINS Pcrlb , , 10 .
lie.DKKSSHD TUIlK'HYS-Perlb. , 12JfrJ 8X
1JIJKSS1J1) nUJKS-Por ( lb. , 12ic. X
JiHSdiiHKSH-Per : : ( ; lb. , llfejliie. 5c
Grocers LIU.
COT-'KKH. Kio , Jair. KUc : Ki' , gooil , Cil
14c ; Itio , prime to choice , M.Jc ; Old gov't to
Java ; 20JJ231c ( , Mocha , L'3ic ; Arbucklo's , toOi
P ,
TJAf5. : nnnpowdcr , gorxl
35c ; .lajian , choice , fiO@75c ; Oolong , goi < d , [
S. " > 40 ; Oolong , choice , 40@.rir j Souchong , rii
Komi , : f 10c ; choice , 35ft,45c. Si
SUGAJl.S.-Ciit loaf , lljc : ( Jrn-hwl , ho
lljc ; Granulated , llu ; I'owilercd , HAe
Id [
se :
SYJIUJ'S. Sugar house , bbK BOc ; haf !
bin , 52c ; kegs , 41 t-allonH , 82 fiflj cho'co ' '
table syrup , 50o ; half bbln , 53e , kegsS2 10 , A'
SPICKS. Pepper , 20 : All | > ! cc , 20c ; 17
Cloves , 43o : Nutmeg , 81 00s Ciwuia , 2.c ; HtlHi .
Mace 3100. HiSu !
801 > A. Du-teht'H lb jinpow , Rt 00 ; le- Su
Innddo , 5300 ; Church'u , $3W ; Ke s. la , jli ;
STAllOir , Pearl , 4ic ; Silver OI..884 . fin I
© fijc ; Corn Starch , 8J@9c ; Kxceldlor
CiloM , 7cj Com. 7ic. do
SALT. Dray loadH , per bbl , 1 95 ; Adi- 42Y
ton , in sack * , 3 M ; bbln dairy ( JO , ox , I ! 45 ; I'a
bbU dairy. 100 , 'it , 305. 7-1 J
UHIKU I'-llUJTS-Choica ' halveH. do
peachtu , new crop , lOo ; F.Tapuruted Apple- , 58 I ,
5 lb b txr < s 19JS ( > 1 Ic : Mlcliigan , R\cj \ Now
Vork apples SJei Primes , old , "Jc ; new ,
8J j Currantu , 7@"iu ; Ulaskbcrrio- , new ,
woonr.xwAHK-Two hoop p.\ii ,
I 9i ; three htvppuU , 2 20 ; Xo. I lulu ,
B 50 ; Xo. 2 tuK , 8 fid : Xo .1 tubs 7 W :
nlnnecr wwhooartls 1 8."i ) Double Urwun ,
21M : Wellbneler- 2.T
l.KAI > Uir , 81115.
MATOHKS-Pcr caddlp , ! iOc ; round
ca es" : nupre r.v-e , S.'i.lO.
I'ltOVISIOS'S-P.ri-aktVt bacon. 14j.
ihoico l.ird , IJHoi drieil bcof , injcj hould-
cr < , cAii\a cd 1V { haun , canvassed lie ;
bacon , fide * 12Ju
XK\V lMCKUS-Mcd : ( m , Jn barrels ,
f 10 00 : do in half bbls , 5 75 : smallin bbl- ,
12 00 do , In half bbK 700 ; qlicrkhur-
bbls. 1 1 00 : do , in half bbN , 7 50.
V1XHUA1I Pure apple cxtm , lc ( ! :
pure npple , 1S 1'nixMiiLnuni nnnle , lOo.
HOM I N Y-Xew , S < ! 0(1 ( per bbl.
HHANS-M. > dium. liin.l picked $300
per bushel : navy , S-I CO.
KOfK , J Inch .mil larger , Ojc ; i
noli , 10c ; | inch , lOJi , ,
Savon Imperial , 3 45 ;
Kirl.'s satinet. 3 45 ; Kirlc'n standard , 3 M ) ;
Kirk's whlli1 Uu simt , 5 25 : Kirlt's Elltoca ,
2 05v : Klilc's Prairie ( Jiicen. (100 ( cakes ) ,
3 10 ; Kiih'.i maviiolin , t 55.
CANDLES Uoxcs , 40 Ibs , 10 oz , .S
10eiboMM401bs , , 111 o ? . , I'M , IGf.
JA'K , 3 1(1 ( ; ( ireimwich. 310 :
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 fiO ; Lewis'
lye , 4 OOj.lowcll lye , 275.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 dor. . ,
In ca r , 3 3"i ; linlibltt's Hall , 2 diw. In f.\-c ,
I ! )0 ) : Anchor I'.all 2 dor in ea-.e , 1 50.
I'lUljO SKKD Ui-d clover , choice
new , i : ( ! 00 per huhrl ; niaininoth clover
new , § 7 HO ; white elm or , new , SHOO
it alfn clover , new , $1250 ; alsike , new ,
Sl.'lOO. Timothy , good , new , S3 00 ;
blue grass , extra clean , ? 1 50 ; blue gr.iss , , SI 25 ; orchard grasn , § 2 50 ; led top ,
eluuLO. 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri ,
SOc ; injllet , German , SI 00 to § 125 ;
llungniinn. Qc ,
HKIXJKSKHK O < igo orange , 1 to 5
lm hels , S5 00 ; o-.igo orange , 10 bu hol'i or
n-nr. 8-1 fiO : honey locust , per lb , , 35c ; per
100 Ibr. , ? 2500.
K1S11 F.imily white fi h , 00 lb hf bhl < ,
$3 75 ; No , 1 vvbiie fish , 90 lb hf bbls , it SO ;
No. 1 white lish. in 10 lb kits , 1 00 ; family
10 lb kits , 75c : New Holland herring , per
keg , 1 35 ; JJusslan sardlncn , 75cj Colut"-
bia river salmon , per lOOlbs , 8 00 ; George's
linuk , fi' ; Gen , bonelosii codltshj
SJc ; boneless fish , 4c.
jrACKKUKL llnlf bbls mess mackerel ,
100 Ibs , S1250 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do.
100 Ibs , 0 OOj hf bbls , fat family do , 100
Ibs , 3 85 ; mess mackerel , 12 lb kiln , 2 25 ;
No. 1 ex shote , 12 lb do , 11"0 : No. 1 shore ,
12 lb do , I 00 ; fat family , 10 lb do , J7ic.
CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 lb
( Field's ) , per case , SI 20 ; do 1 It. ( Field1. ) ) ,
per case , 2 50 ; do 2 lb ( Slandard ) , per case ,
: ! 90 ; do 1II ) ( standard ) , per case , 2 50 ; do
2 lb ( slack ) , per ci\"e , 2 75 ; do 1 lb ( slack ) ,
per casi ) , 2 00 Onions , 3 80. Salmon , 1
lb , per dozen , 1 ( iO ( > 7)l ) 70 ; do21b , per do/.cn
2 55. SardiwF , small lnh , imported , one
quarter bo\us per box , HJc ; Ameriean ,
imaiter boxes per box , lie ; do half boxes ,
per box , 2Uc. Lob-4err , 1 lb per dozen ,
1 SO. Tomatoes. 2 30 ; do 3 lb per
case , 310 ; Corn 2 lb ( Mountain )
per case , 3 70 ; snaked corn , 210 ; do
2 lb ( Yarmouth ) , per ca o , 375 ;
string beans , per cas-c , 2 25 ; Lima beans
per case. 220. Succotash per case , 225.
Peas , common , perc.ise , 2 00 ; peas , choice ,
per case , -I 50 , Blackberries , 2 lb , per case ,
280 ; strawberries , 2 lb , per caio , 2 75 :
inspborric. * , 2 11 > , per CMP , 275 ( 13)0. )
Dani'-on" , 2 l'i. per caae , 2 45. J'aitlctt
pears per case , SOo lOO. Whortleber
ries per case , 2 SO. Kgg plums , 2 lb ] ier
ct.-e , 3 50 : do , choice , 2 lb , per case. 4 50.
Given gages , 2 lb per cabo , 3 50 : do choice , T
ll > i > cr ea = e , 1 50. Pine. Apples , 2 UP , . per case ,
I 005 75. 1'caches , 2 lb per case , 3 10 :
do 3 lb , case , 15 00r ' 0 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , per
oaae.385 ; do pie , I ! lb , per dozen , 3 50.
KICK Carolina , H@S\a ; Louiiiiana , ll ,
PKAXUTS Pioasted , choice , red Ten
nessee. ! ) c per lb ; fancy white , lOc per lb ;
r.vr white Virginia row , lOc ; roasted ,
Dry Goods.
1JROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , SJc ;
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A. 8 ; Jioott
FF , Sic : Iluckcyo LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W ,
7.1c ; Chittenango A , life ; t treat Falls K ,
Sle ; Hoosicr , lijc : Honest Width , 7 ; c ; In-
ilian Head A , SJc ; Indian Standard A ,
S/c ; / ; Indian Orclnrd d. w. , SJc : Lawrenno
LL , 7c ; AIvBtic Uivcr , 7ic ; Pequot A , Sijc ;
Shawmut LL , l'c ! ! ; TTtica C , 5jc : Wnchnv
ctt 15. 7jc : do A , S\e \ ; do K 48 , 12ic ; Wai-
1-4 ; 7'.c ' ; Alligator 3-1 , 3c ; Argyle4-l , 7 : c ;
Atlantic , LIHe. ( ; Badger Stutf X 4-4 , 7c ; i
Ik-nuington C 1-1 , l'rc ; JJuckns e S. 4-4 , ( i.'cc
Indian Orchard AA 9-8 , SJc ; Laconiii O
i'J , Sic ; LchWi JO 4-4 , 9consdale / , ; 4-4 , :
lOo : I'eppercll N 30 , 7c ; do O 22 , 7ic ; do It
> , 'lc ; do ] : 'ia. SJc ; ] Jocasit C 4-1 , 7/c / ; ;
tin L 4-l,10eHlack'toiieA ; A in peiialOc ;
. lo do . half blanched ! , ' . ) ( ! . ; Cabot 4--l ,
fidelity4-1 , 9k-l'rui' " ; of th-Looui,10.j ; do !
an.brio4.,13f"-iloWalerTttist,10JcJr ! ; ; =
b'alls Q , ! .c ; Hi-adHhrunk 4-1 , 12.c ;
PJI nsdule , lOc : d'i cambrl 37 , 13c ; New
i'orl ; Mills , 13c ; Pequot A. lOc ; Pepperell
ST CJ Twills , 12Ac : Poc.ihontiw 1-1 , DJc ;
'oeiiss t 1-1 , 8Acf Utica , lie ; WaniMitta
) X X , 13c.
DlTClCr ? UnlJeached Atlanlic.lOoz. ,
7c ; Hi'.ltimorrt tlo , lt/c ; I.ono Star , S oz. , ci
2c : Sav ge , l. 'c. cihi
. /'wC'KS ( Colored ) Alboiy 33 brown , CJ
icdo ; _ C , > lr.i' "i ( V.htripci and 11
ilaids , 12jc ; do XXX brown and drab , ! ! '
tiipes and pl'dilu , 12Jc ; Arlington fiinoy , 5
9cj I'nmsnick ' brown , 8\u \ ; Churiot funoy , 1
2Ac ; do extr.v heavy , 20c ; Kill JtlvJi enu
irown , extia he.vvy , lljcj Indlaim A enc
irown , l.'lo : Ncpomit A brimn , 15c. " c 0
5 Amoskciig A C A 32 , 30
7.\cj \ do XX tilne 32 , ISJc ; Arrovvmina , IM
'Jo ; Clarunionl ] J ] ! , 15\o ; Conestoga ct-
m , 17iu : Hamilton P. fljo ; Lowioton A hi
, ISc ; JSUnnei aha 4-4 , 20o ; < J 'it'sa Mip r
xtra4-4 , 2ije ; Pearl Kiver 32 , Kile : Put-
am XX bin. . ) utripe , 12o ; Slietucket S ,
OJ ; do SS I2c ; YeomanM blue 21) ) , 8Jc. 13
DKNIMS. Anioikcakj'blueandbrov.'ii , .111
lc ; Andovcr I > 1 > iJue , 15 > c : Arlington
luo Scotch , ISJc ; Concord 000 , blue and
rown , 12Jt : do AAA , do do 13i ; do XXX
do 14Jc ; Haymaker'H blue mil brown ,
; . . ] ) ) , NUc ; I'.ivrl Cl
liver , nine and brown , 15.J ; l/licunville ,
Inn and brown , IsAc. I
CAMBRIOS JJarnnnl , 5c | ; l-Mdystono '
nine , 21 inch double face , h'icinner ; A
lazed 5c , Manhattan glove lininh r/'c '
, , ( ; lb. .
idwport do Oc ; do glazed , 5Jc ; Pequot do lb.O ! :
; I.o kvumd kid linuh , Uu. an
COKSKT .II3ANS Amoiy , BcAiiilrH- 58. ! .
oggin catteen , HJcjClaicntlon , O'-jc ; Cones-
iga BatteeiH , 7i < . - ; Hallnwe'l ' , 80 ; Indian io
U-chard improved , 7ic ; Narnigannutt , 7Jc ; I'a
'upperill Katleen U.Jo ; Hockport , "tic , l'i
I'lilNTSAlloiiH ( i C'a
- , c : American , OAc ;
.ni'ilil , 7c ; Di'rwickHe ' ; Cocheco , 7"o ; pe
loncatogn. iHc ; Dunkirk , 4/c ; / ; Dunnull ,
ariiiony , 5ic : Knickerljocker , (5Jc ( ; Jler- oN
niao I ) , 7c ; MyHtie , 5Jc ; .Sjirai'iien , ( Jo ; N (
onlhhiidge ; , lie ; do , Ginghams , 7c ; Murl- ka
ere , 5/c : / ; Oriuntjl OJc. P.0.1
( UNUllAMS Arno'dcag. : JOJc ; Amos.
eag dreM I'-'V Arvyle , 10c ; Allantlc ,
; Cuinbeilaiid , 7 c ; Highland , 8Ac ; 1 Plun kctt Suv Ca
, bju ; , lOic ;
' '
8c. .c"
COTTONADKS Abbcrrlllo 13Jo ; lb iiei ,
gate , 20c ; American , lie ; Artifcian , 20cj
alro 1) and T , l.'Uo ; Clarion DandT , sal
"Jo ; Dccciii ( 'o.stripes DandT. lOc ; Ivcy- 'C
.one , 13i ; Ni'.ntucket , 19c : Nonpaieil , bol
c ; Ocein D and T , 13jc : Itoyal , llijc ; pel
checkx , Jljc ! : do , Nankin , lli.Jc ; York , h Oil
lain Nnnkin , I'-'ic ; do , check * , blripen and Op
uiuv , 12Ac : do , $ < > e , 20c. [ r
-Arulnwcossln 10-4,270 : 82
U-l , 21u ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental I ) ai (
, lie ; Fruit of iho l < oorn 10-1 , 27J ; Now T
'ork milU US , 3.1n ; do 78 , 30c ; dn 58 , 22tc ; pel
emhroke 10-1 , 2.'ic ; 1'eriuot 10-1 , 2Hkdo ;
, JUe : do 4 it , iocs l' iiixfell ! W , 21lc ; j
( i7 21c dn f.7 18cj Utlca 00 SSc do '
111 , MlUi 111' I'l i , ; ga'
SKjcj do 48 , 17o JO
L1MK i'.r Inrrel , $1 ! Vi ; bulk porbu. ,
SAc , C ment , libl , $2 50. IOWA plaster.
Mil , S2 50. Hftlr per bu. 3.V. Tailed
felt 10n lUs 83 NO. Straw bonrd , $1 00.
1'AI'Kl ! St HW paper , Sjfc ; ragi > aper ,
4e ) diy go.\N . impcr , 7c ; iiianlU paper , lOcj
news paper , S < "
COAICnmbeiland WackMinth. $12 :
Monl ISnn Viloiilmrjj , } il2 ; Whitebreii't
lump , ? fif > 0 ; Whitebifn t nut , SOfiO : I own
lump , $ 'i.'iOi ' Iowa nut $ fl.0 : Kiick Springs
S.S ; Anthraoite. all , 513 00.
\vnou-i.\u : : .
rr.NciNtNO. . i , 12 to 20 ft , SM oo ;
No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 10 00 ; wheeling dressud ,
No. 1 , IS 00 ; No. 2 , 111 OOj common bo.vrds
dieted. 20 ( X ) .
I'MIA.MINV. Ill ft. mid under , \vr \ M ,
20 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 22 OOJ22 ft. 22 C0 (
21 ft. 2.NCU.
KINISIUNC No. 1. fiuNlilk 14 nnd
2 Inch , 550 til No. 1 tinl-h 1 li-ch SI'i 00 :
No. 2 , linish 1r. 14 nnd 2 inch , tl"00 : No ,
2 , 3 inrh , $1(1 ( 00 ; No , 3 iinWi , I i.v4i . ,
C > Ti 00 ; O. I } , batlons ) iei iOO feet liu. ,
$1 00 ; well curbing , $2200 ; rou < h 4 nnd 2
Inch lialtoif IHT 100 feet. Hi' . . f.0c.
STlKlIC r.O.\1JIS-w\ . , . * ! IO 00 ; ' 3
$35 00 : ( . - . : iOOO : common stook , 622 i'0.
KLOOKlN-N'o. ! 1 , $10 TO : Nn. 2 ,
$ -35 PO ; No , 3 , t22 00 : yellow pine , No. 1 ,
$10 00.
sinrNCt-No. i , $2100 : NO. 2. $2200 ;
No. 3. 81 SCO.
SHU' lAt' I'latn. C2JOO ; O. t ; . No. 1 ,
$ , .200 : No. 2. S-200.
cr.rriNts sci oowsa * oo.
LATH ANnsiUNdl.KS Astarlw-t ( )
s.\iinile \ . # 3 ! O , No. 2 , $2 ( .0 ; No. 3 , 5'J 00.
Lath , S3 : .0.
Ollinnd Vnrnhlies.
1'AlNTrf IN OU- White lend , Omah.i
T. I1. , 7c ; vvhltu lead , O. I1. , t C. Co.mtv | ,
Ui1 ; laii-cilK'-t gicen , 1 to 5 lb cans VOe ;
Kreiioli sine , green seal. 12e : I'reuch nine ,
red M-al , lie ; Kreueh ? ine , in varni ll nwt ,
20o : Kmnch KIIIIV , in oil n.wt , 15c ; 1avv !
and burnt umber. 1 lit 12c : raw and
Imrni Sienna , 13c : vnndyko brown , 13j
lulincd lampblack. 12c : coiuh black , 1'Vj
l".ny . black , We ; drop black , lc ( ! ; Prussian
blue , 30c ; uHramariue blue , ISc : cbnime
green , I. . M. & 1) ) . , He ; blind and shutter
green , lj. M. ft J ) . , 14i ; 1'aiis green , ISe ;
i"dlau reil , 15c ; Veneti.m led , ! 'c ' : I'tf-cati
iiJi , 22o ; Ameiican Veriniliod , I. & 1' . , ISo ;
chrome yellow. L. , MO. . & I ) . ( ) . , lSc ;
yellow ochie , lie ; golden oclne , 10 ; palent
vlrycr , Oo ; graining coloirt : light oak , darken
on t , walnut , ches-tuut and iub 12c.
Dry ° . \lntn
White lead , ( lie ; Irencliinc. . lOc ; 1'aris
whiteing 2Jc ; whiting gilder ? , lie ;
\\hititig coin I , HO ; lampblack Herman-
town , He ; lampblack , ordinary , So ; 1'rus-
Hiaii blue , 45c ; ultramarine , ISc ; vnndykc ,
brown , Se ; umber , buint , 4c ; umber , raw ,
Ic ; Antenna , burnt , 4c ; MCIIII.I , raw , 4c
Paris green genuine , 35c : 1'ai is green com'l
25c ; chrome green , N , Y , ' 20 < - : chroin-
giecn K. , 12c ; yur million , Kng. , 70c ; vermillion -
million , America , ISc ; Indian red , lOc ,
rose pink , lie ; Venetian read , Cookf-on's
"jc : red Am. , 1'lcj red lend , 7.c ;
e.hi oino yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yel
low , 1C. , 12e : ochre , rochelle , 3c : ounre
per call
Furniture , extra , SI 10 ; furnituie , No. 1 ,
81 ; furuituie , U , 85c ; couch , extra , 8140 ;
Coach , No. 1 , St 20 ; Hamar , . ' .U 50 ; Japan.
70c : asphaltum , 70c ; hhcllac , $3 f 0 ; hard ,
oil finWi. SI 30
OILS 110cirlmn , per gallon. 12c ; 150'
hea.lliyht , per gallon , 13c ; 175' headligh' ,
per gallon , 17c ; cryi-toline. per gallon , 20c ;
iinafed , nw , pcrgallon , ( > ! ; linked , boiled ,
gallon , (17c ( ; lard , winter ht M , persral
Iier , ] 05 ; No. 1 , SOc : No. 2 , ( > 5e : castor ,
XXX. p-r gallon , 1 : > 0 ; No. 3 , ] 15 ; sweet , (
pergdlon , Sjc : fcjierm , W. 15. , per gallon ,
1 35 ; fish , W. li. per gallon , IJPc : neatfoot ,
cNlra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , ( ! 5cj lului-
eating , zero , per pallon , 30c ; mmimer , Ific ;
o den macliiuu , No. 1. per gallon , 35e ; Is'o.
2 , 30 ; f.porin , aignal , per gallon , hOc ; tcr-
lientine. per gallon , Olc ; najitha , 71' , per
gallon , 30c ; GT , 20c.
Heavy Harnwnro List.
Iron , rates , $3 50 ; plow steel , cast , 7ic ;
cast tool do. 15ji20 ! wngon . polcon , hot.
2 25@3 00 ; hubs , pur net , 1 25 ; felloes , sawed
dry , 140 ; tongues , each , 70Vi ( > 85c ; axles ,
each , 75c ; Mjuuru nutn , per lb , 7@llc ;
washcrH , per lb , 8lPc ; nvotH , peril ) , lie ;
coil chain , per lb , ( iCa12c ; niallcable. So ;
ron wedges , fie ; crowbar * , ( ic ; harrow
teeth , 4c ; iioraeahoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring
stocl. 7@Sc.
NAILS 10 to 2VI. ( 3 CO ; 8 to 10 , 3 75 ;
VI , t 00 ; Id , 4 25 ; 3d , common , 5 00:3d ,
ialf ko x. lOc extra.
SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck shot , S2.10 ;
liental Powder , Kegu , ? ( J.40 ; do. , half
tegs , ? 3.4S ; do. , ( inarter kegs , 81.88 ; I'.last.
> lf , keu's , S3.35 : fuse. nrr 100 feet COc. {
Horses and Muloj. '
Tlio market in bri1 ! : and all grades are
elling well at a slight advance in p ICON. P
L'he demand for food horxes exceed * tlio
ujjly couuidcrably. Prieos uinge as foi- >
own :
Tine Bingle driveis , S150. to 300. ; K rtra
Iraft homin , S175. to 225. ; Common dnu'i
iorcn , 8100. to IfiO. : Extra farm hoise.s ,
110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horses
90. to S100 , ; Extra plugs , JJO ) . to 7fi. ;
Jonnuon plugs , 20. to § 10.
MULES. 15 to Ifii hands ( extra ) , S125.
o50. ; 11 to 15 luwid-i , S1GO. to 140. ;
I to 144 liandfl , 275. to 100. ; 131 to 14
lands. SGO. to 75.
Hides hurs , Etc. .
IIIDKS Green butcher'n hid.1 . , 73 : green
ured hideri , 8Jc ; green will , pjjti , cured :
lides , XC&j\c \ ; dry flint , sound , 13 ( .l Ic ; dry OC
alf and kip , ll'OnllJc ' ; dry H.ilt hidea.i-ounil ,
If l'Jc ; green c.df , wt , 8 to 15 ) ! . , lOC/jHc ;
rcen calf , wt , under ii lb , per skin , f.Oi : ;
rcen pelts , SI 00@.I 1" > ! green Innili nkins , ( [
1C ( ; 125 ; damaged hides , two-third ru.e ,
ut Kcored and ono ( 'mli , clushud two-
ird.s rate , ) branded hides 10 per cent. ilf. . , „
Iiion skius , No. I , 4'ie ; No. 2 , 30c ; No. 3 , '
Ov ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , r,0u ; No. 2 ,
Oc ; No , 3 , 15c : No. 1 , 5o. Fox , No. 1
Oc ; No. 2 , 25C. Hl.unk , No. 1 , bl.icl ; ,
ric ; short'tripe , 40cnuirow strip.i 'ir > c ;
mad atripe , 10e , ' 1'iilh.w , 5Jc ,
.Merinounwashed , light , l4Cnlf > c ; heavy ,
"r--"l8 ; medium washed , light , ISf/JOo ; C.I
ib-washi'd , choice , 32c ; fair , 30c ; dingy 11:1 :
lid w. , 2 < ic ; hurry , black and cotttd wools > >
Clears and Tobacco : . Cl )
CIGARS. HeedH , ! T,15.TO : Connecticut , foi
23.00 : .Mixed$35.00 : Heed Havana50.00 ;
lear H.avnna , S75.00. foi
TOP.ACCO .PLUG. Golden liule ,
lb. liOo ; Spotted Fawn , file ; Our Itopo ,
'c ; Star , poimiU , 21 lb , butts , ( ! 0u ; Horeo 1 (
lion , pounds , 21 lb , butts , ( JOc ; Puiity , 21
butts , 52c ; ( Jueen ISeo , 21 lb , butts , 53c !
lt-Mo ( ; , pounds , 21 lb , butts , 110 ; Army
id Navy , pound * , 5c | ; Bullion , pound * ,
c : J/orillard'n Climax , pr-mids , ( lOo.
KlNKC'UT ln iailM. lfld | to ,
; ( Joldin TJinwf , 70e ; I'oiiutain , Me ;
avorite , ( ifluj JtnU.y .Moimlain , 55u ; VICe
aney , S0 ; JXilsy , l.'ie. In tin foil VIW
fitliiis 0. S. , 2 oz pacli.'iges , 5 lb boxer ) , Co
JlJ'J'All.-/9r'llft.l"rt ] ' ! ' ! 'l''n'UJ' . 'iOc. ' Oa
SMOIClNtJ AllL'MifcK f'oiiiiiion , 25to J
le. Grnnulated-Uliiolcwcllx I > urham , 10
sfilc ; DukoB Durham , \f \ > r. , 50c ; Seal of
orlli Carolina , 10 o4H ; Seal of Nnbras-
, , 1(1 ( M , 3Scj Ixino.lnck , 1 o/ , linen b.ig < ,
lb , § 1.35 ; MaiborgV I'-ck , 2 m , tin
. , r.rc ; Dog Tall. ! : . i
aibolle Wc ) Acid Tart.-irlp ioi ;
, ; , , fiScj Ualaam
d9) )
upaljia lb 70u U.ul. . li
, per , ; KnnnfraN , per
12o ; Calomel , per II. . , rSo ; Clnchonidla ,
r oKOc ; Chlonu .n . , jmr Hi. DOc ; vvli
over1 * powdi-iH , jier , 81 10 ; ICptom
1U , per lb , 3i ; ( Jlyi' ' fii . - , pnr , per lb , da '
: lxad ; , Auelatt , lb , 21c ; Car
oil , 110' , tK.Tii. ; . . , . ; lkdo ; 150 ° , \
31 ; Oil , Cantor " , 'v - . , ' . , M\\ \ ' \ ' ' , . oil ' 1 Wl
live , per gal , SI 40 ' . . ; , Origanum. TXo Co ;
limn , 84 Ml ; Qulidn. I' VV. . k J ( , i S O.r
m , $2 00 ; J'otur i iUi l.xilde , per Ibj Hy >
140 ; Halacin , pet . / . y > ; Huliilmto of Ha
orHhiuo.ero7 , ' . . T , Sulpmir flour ,
lb , 4c ; .Slrvcln . < i i o51 M.
Llq jrs
ALCOHOL / . , 225 per wlno me
; extni C'alifoiui'uhpirit- proof , rnui
per proof gallon ) tiipls refiuodnplrltH , U5
IH7 pivof , 1 21 | > cr proof fl11oit | re-distilled
M lsu'S tOO$15u ; fine blended , 1 r > 0.f. (
2 f > 0 ; Kentucky bonrbonc , 200 ( 7W : K H.
lucky nnd Ptnunvlvmiliv ryts , 200 7 IH > .
WiANDlKS- Imported , $ OUfcUO 00 ;
domcilic 1 40 ® 1 00.
GINS-Tmporlcd , 4 & 05T.COO ; dom-stlc
1 40ftf3 00.
lU'MS Imported fiOftSO 00 ; NVw
Kn-jhmd. 2 00tf-l ( 00 ; doiiicstie , 1 50@3 50 ;
1 75C < f I 00.
CIIAMPAONKS-lmpoTted per c.-vsf ,
2i ( XC < f3H > 0AmericAn ; , per case , 12 00 < rf
18 ( XX
UliAV.KTS-Vercane , 1 oO < 3 > iroa
WlNE9--lhiiie ! wine , per r.uo , (1 ( 00w
20 00 ; Calnwlu , i > er c.w , 4 OOf 7 00.
Council Bluff-i Mnrlint.
Couscn. lluww.Novcinbei 17.
Flour Mntmfr.ctuicd by and
City MIIK 375r < i-l f'O ; KanVn-i and Mi- . ,
wuirl flour , 3 fiOCrf 1 25 ; grah.Mu , 3 7" ' !
tloui,3 > IO.
llrnn and Shorts 17 00 per ton.
Chop Corn 22 ! < pinton. . -
Wheat--No. 2 , § 12. . ' ; No. 3 , n > ; u-
tooted , 7lV.
Coin-No. 2 , J" , ieect'lS3. ] .
O.its No. 2 , 40o : rejected. 3V , .
.Uailey--N < > . 2. DOuj Xo. 3-75c.
Wo'od-0 OOrii S 00.
Live Hogf 5 > 50 5 75.
Cattle Hdppuur , 4 Ofli93 ( 00 : milch
cows 30 00frflf ) OJ iur ht'Ail ; butcheis
Block , 2 75WJ ( 00.
Sheep 4 00 ( < j7i CO.
G lfidi" f > c : I ! Shidc , Po.
Wool 15 ® 5. , :
IJtittcr 30@35c.
l > - s25c. .
Potatoes 100 ® 1 20 ; sweet' , 4fTV.
Onioiii 1 25y i 40.
Gruiul Jiuiotloti B&v.'ltol.
GuAKli Hiscriox , la. , Novtinbei 17.
Kggs 17c.
lluttcr 10 i ISc.
CliicnRo JPrmUuio.
CnicAiio. November 17.
On 'Change the markets were rather
ipii t , iuegnlav nn I in the main weak.
The receipt * of grain were 21,000
bubhels of new No. "biiilor by Like and
353 ear loads of nil kinds of prain by rail ,
embracing 17 of wheat , 210 of torn , 111 of
oats , 3 of rye and 23 ot barley.
Flout- Killed ipnct nnd nul mr.tcri.illy
chr.ngi'd. Stock on hand conti' ned mad.
Coiiiiuoii to choLo efteru , Hiiriug , I 5Difl
075 ; do. Minncwitn. 525@7oO ; patents ,
750r-(925 : winter heat Hour , Ii5'i775 ;
rye Hour 5805iO 10 ; llour , 9 00
( nil ) 25.
Wheat No. 2 , tipring , feeling tlevelo' etl
w s Hnuuwli t inibo lied nud price * incu- ;
lar. Market opened abou Jo lowvr and
r Hied with Mime liuctu lions l e , thin
receded , declintiur irregularly ' about Ifie ,
tluctunted un l tin-illy closed aboul IJi-
loxvor on the regular board and on rail
at 1 272 ' "r November ; 127ft ® ] 2.S for D -
cent o : 1 2.SJ for .1 niiriry ; I SOJ for Feb
ruary ; No. 3 wpiing , 1 1-1 ; r | fCteil , H' , i ,
92.icconlin ; to locaiion.
Corn Demand wns fa rly I'ctive , lint
the market uii : home\vhat unsettled in u
genera way , and price * fluctuated con-
ciderabh' wii'dii ' n inn i range. OH'uringH
on spiculntivo ncciiunt were imito free ,
moio particularly during thu hiltir p.\it of
scffeioii. Karlr in the day r. sternly feeling
pievailed and prices guidualy uilvauced
A''Jc ' but later in the day the mat-net
ilriggiiunnd prices icuiled j > c ami riled
tame to thu cloM ) . On c.ill No'2 and hi h
mixed cloned at Mtge for Dccemb r ; ( iOJe'1
! 0c | for ilannary ; tiljc fi r iMay ; Olfjj lor
June ; rejectu I DSc.
O.tfs ( Juicf pud little lower ; No. 2
closed ill 43jc for November ; -13k for
December ; 4 c for the year : l.Tfu for
ilmiuary and I'cbniary ' ; J5Y@45J-for May.
Uye Tam > ; lutlf doi > , ; No. 2 , OUc f.r .
December ; 1 01 for .lanuary.
Unrlcy ( Jtilit ; hard y sulllcient liadina
to establish mjrket ; No. 2 , 1 05 ; io. . 3 , 92
Poik Acti\e : JIH-H4 cloacd at 1(1 ( OOfij
1700forcisli : 1725 for .lununry ; 1712J
for Pebruuiy ; 17 CO for Mivrili ; 17 87J for
Lard Trreitilar , but fairly active : closed
at 11 10 for November ; 11 15fiDtcoiii -
hci ; II 30 u 11 32i for .ranuary ; 11 42i ®
1145 f'r ' l-cbruary ; 1155 for .March ;
II 774 forMuy.
Biili : Meats Quiet and better ; 8 80 for
lanuary ; 8 92i for February ; 9 05 for
Whiskey Quiet at t 11.
llutter- Fair local demand for linu
ireamcry , the offering * of which wuie
miall , but of fnir to good qualiti ; frc.sli
nide 1. die in light rniucut from ahlupeis ,
nit wild dnl ; choice to fancy oicauiery ,
li35c ( ; ordinnry to good do. 2M@33c ;
rood to fancy dairy , 2ife32c ( : ooninion t
'air do. , llJa2Je ( ; ladle packed , 1417c ;
ia kiiu utock 12y ( 1 lo
KggH-Sto nly at 21C'2.rij ( per dozen ;
fieriujs ; moderate , inoitlv fruit house.
' . li,117
iVhcat . 30,201 3'Jlill
2orn . .SS.itOti
Jyo . 3,415 , 5,701
Jarley . . . 12,238 20,100
Cluoujo X < lv W !
Xovcmber 17.
Oiv'tlo QuiPt and .ib nl lOo loicer : ux-
lords , ( i lOfoli UO : good t tholcu chipiiiii , ; , i
3 ( in , W ; buU-herV utocl ; , 2 .V'ftS ' 25 ;
ock-is nud f'Cilern , 2 ir > r ( n00 \ ; 'iViau-1 ,
85g.W. , . Keceipu 8 COO ; uliliimentu 3-
Klucii - Mr.rkol nctive : medium ISle.xl-
an niiil nattvuH , 2 2 ( { ' 3 OJ ; ooil to clioi o
mitt n * , 305'4 2fij ixlrun.I 50 5 25. cl
ecciptf , ffi 0 ; bhii'inontii. ( ! 00.
H > g .M.trke' . fuiily iuti o but ] loWl.'It ; " ;
ommon MI g oil mixed 5 lijii { ( ! | 0 ; heavy '
ai.'King .uid , , hhilinitii . , , - ! , ( ! I ? & ' > ' > : light.
. . ) „ < . ! < j.ij ! > ; d HH mid grjHBcm , 375 1
j,5 25. jev.cij { k , 52 , ' OOj shipmnts , 3 , KJO.
ST.LOUIH. Novci-vbcr 17.
Flo'iiOiill and uiifhaiigeil ; Inmily ,
V'Ci I ! 01 ; nholto to fancy , ( i 1l ) 7 00.
Whe.tlLowir ; No. 2 red. 1 35p for '
ifch ; 1 'i"i for Deivmber ; 1 40J for Jan.
arv : 1 ll ! | for Febi uarv ; Ku. 3 do , 1 27
\ 29 ; No. 4 do , 1 18. -
Corn C o.ied u i-hado off : ( ' , ' ( , ( ; } for '
isliitil'/o / f'.r December umlJiiinniry ; ( Wlo f
IT May. in i
Oats -Slow nt 41' ' for cash
c ; 4 lj < i I5o
ir Diicembur ; I9c foi May. he
KJO Uetter ut 97Jc ,
1 Jiii JoyL'nclmnged ; prime t fancy ,
00 © 1 15
15fjntur , at 4 fiO. cc
lltittcr Hotter ; dui y , 25'.32u. . vii
HtfgH Ilctter at 23f .25u. Sv
Wl.ii-liy . Sternly at. "Ill ,
I'ruvlHioinVery slow | nli
ery HO\V ; no upeculativo
otemcnt nnd only MM i'l ' jobbing tr.ide , tli ,
Iteo'tM. Hhipm'K wl
lour 5,000 U.OOO no
'h at 19,000 11,000 IV
urn 11,000 170,000
aln 7,000 : ; 2W ( ) 8CI
* iiono mint ! BO1
nrlcy 3I.IXX . ) none
-VoHn. Proilnon , gl1 !
I'KOKM , November 17. III !
Wheat Timrtivrf ieniaiid * lit full prices. tlli
f'l.rnWoiilc . nnd ilow but closed moro
itho nrd llrm < r : yellow , ( lie ; lil ji mlxo I ,
lo ; mixxl , fiOjo ; No. 3 , 5J ! ) j ; inj.ctcil ,
lie ; nogriile , OHj ; now , 57lc.
Oiit.Steady without cluinge ; Xo. 2
Idtr , 1510.
Jlju Mimnnd ite.idy at about yester-
I''H pilctHjX" . 2 , 1 02. on
Whisky-Fiim at 1 11.Iteo'U. roi
Iteo'U. Ship's.
htat 1,375 noun
ini 39.H25 29,000
Un 12,200 23ti25 IVJI
-o 2,100 iionu SJH
uloy , 2,200 iioiio
Buffnlo Live Stock. sin )
EA P lluiTAto , November 17.
Hogs Lower : reit'ipts , fi.'i c.irs ; hhlp
, 41 cnroj VorUrx , 5 Wtf ' , ! ) 03 ; good
jdium , 0 lOfeO 20 ; choice lie'avy , flty
Ktvri ft
KANS.-M Cnv , Xi.x ember 17.
AMical ItcrelhtH , 0,110 bmho'c : t.lth-
drawn , 12.11st ; In tor140,530 bu-dieli.
lh nrntk-t wa < mn ttl d nnd ( nine
biKlicr : Xo : i ra h , Xou-mbernnd ,
oo. 2 November , December nnd .lammry
mid No 1 wcro nominal ; Xo. I ca h , 'l
oar , 80oNoveuib : i , 1 e. r , Sfijr } 3 can S7ci
.Innuary , VOc bid tCnaiked : No. 3 rii-h ,
i'l'lc ' bl.l . , 1 01 aikcilj X xenilur , 1 12 Md ,
DP. . null i. 1 01 J lid , 1 O'Jj *
Mknliycnr , tliJohM , 1 02ft kislnnuar.v : ! ,
.1 c.iri , I ( ; fij ; No , 2 ea h , 1 car. 1 21 J : Do-
conulcr , 12 'bid. 121 V < cd ; .Innuarj ,
1211 bid. t "Hanked.
l'.rn leeet" ! ! | , 8,321 lnuhelltl. : . .
ilirvii , D.riOl : In st re , ! IOS2. "nikH
tinner it Ifif IJc lilnlwi ; Xo. 2. Xovr'nler ,
year rnd No. SJwli'tn ndedverc non.hmli
No. 2iM-.ll , rdfiiritJNoveudie , lit ) jo bid ,
( ilo asked ; Dicemlier , 00e { : Iho ) e r , ( ! 0c
blil , lilonk Hl ; ilnnnnry. ill } ; Mnv , 033c
bid ( MO ailed ; X < \ 2 white niKetl. c.nli ,
TiOiu bid , Olu naked : Noveinber. ( ilo bid ,
03 vskid ,
Ontrt-Krceipl. . 3,0112 : withdraw n. 1.141 :
in xtore , (2,710 ; No. 2 , catK I2bid \ , ISc
inked ; Nm ember , I'JJe bid , Ifr n kiil ; De-
cemlKT , I3\ \ tiM ; 45 ni-ked
liveNo , 2 i-n-li , S2Jo bid , 'HI n iil ;
November , 1 r , s7 < ' .
City Llvo Stonlc-
KASHAS Cr. v , Nevi mbi-r 1 T.
C.xttlo-ln-ei.t- ! | . , 1,131 ; ma kot H | . \ \ ;
tlxx'i liippiiigM 'er < 5H ( > ll 1 ; < nt hrrs.
3 40kf50 \ ; f fdiiuj , WaS f.O . ; ww , 2 lit ) ,
! l 2"i : 'I'ev ' xtcvrtf , 3 > n35 ; Tnittii coxvc ,
2 ( .Of. . 2 IK ) .
lloi ; licepit. { . 5 tiV.t : market lie lower ;
choice piukin570 -(50 ( < li mednuii 5 10m
fi l0 ! ; luilk of mliv , ft 10 ( ' 5 C,5.
. .
* i.
No\v York I'l-oituoo
Niw : VUIIK , NoM'mber 17.
riour Dull mid heavy ; 5U\5r.O . . for
dripping i'\tr.i ; 3 3tii ( I f.O fo > No. 2 ; com
moil t cholee ett n , 5 ! > 0n ( S 50.
Wlual Irru ular , closing Jc low > r ml
. * ( . ly : No. 2 nil winter , 3 43 J ( " 1 Hi No.
1 white , 1 MJOd 42J.
Con -Ung adu.1 . i. iM-d , CiKnlWlo ; No.
2 while , 73Jc ; .vdlow , 7l'jo : N . . 2 , Decem
ber. life ; N . . 2 , lamia' y. 70 'iii70/c. /
tUU .No. 1 whi' , ft > : N.i. 2 do. , 51 1 ;
No. 1 mixed , ISej mixed atidesern , lltfii
4tie | ; No. 2 mixed. Novem. ei , I71c ; Xo.
2 December , ISJfii ( H - .
liyo-tjuiet nnd inn hanged nt lUii ) I 01 r.
llmley Quiet.
1'oik Dull ntiil wo.ik ; spot ine'-p , 17 50 ,
I < nid Did ! nnd lowei ; 11 42.\ \ for c.ith ;
11 I0iill ( ! I2lor November andlt iuber.
WhwkyNominal. .
BnlUuioro i'roduco.
HAI.TIMOIIK , November 17.
Wheat | { it U > r ; No. 2 led winter itun1-
the andliimer ; 1 \ V.forc \ ii ; 1 4l@l 41\ \
lor December : 1 lljf ( < il 45 fo , .lanuaiy.
Corn Vulloqitie \ in 07ift70o. (
To/odo Proauro , November 17.
\ \ hcatDn'.l ; No. 2 led , ii.inli. 1 311 ; December -
comber riominnl at 1 3tH ; .Immaiy , 1 II J ;
Februr.ry , 1 40fj.r
Corn Dull : No. 2 , c.iHh , (13c ( ; Decem
ber. (12 ; May , H7o . sled.
Oat , ( Juict ; No. 2 , tic.
ChichumU Produce ,
CiM'iSNATi. November 17.
M"c s I'oik-.lobbinx , lb 00.
Lard Steady ; primu , 11 10 ©
liiid : Me.itsSteadv ; clear K'dec , II 15
CM ) 20.
ISni-on Sten-lv ; clear n'diM , 11 23&U1 50.
I'lour Dud : fminly , I ! I5u7 ( ! 50 ,
Wheat Sttvidy ; No. 2 ieil"l ll'.cai II.
Corn Fiiin-i ; Xo. 2 mixed , liljjc.
Oatb Dul I : No. 2 inlM-d , 47o
Kye Dull ; No 2 mi : ed , 1 d5ff ( 1 On.
Itiuley-Stcady ; No. 2 , fall , 1 ( ) ! > ( ij.l 10.
StZiouln JAvo
Sr. J.OUIH , November 17.
Hogs Weather unim ; | i..ekeiH out if
miiriii t ; Riipp'y liheial ; jir < cus lower ; light
nldpljinir , 5 lOttfD 10 ; Yorl-.eiH , 5 85@MH ) ;
packing nominal ; butchers' to fimcy. 525
@ 5 50. Kvccipti , 13,800 head ; bliiiimcnU ,
IK ml.
3,100 _ _
I/lvcrrool Produce.
Jjiviitl'o : < ir. Novi'inber 37.
V'lonr American , 10s lidSJ3- ( ) < .
Wheat -Winter , K'.s ' Od@lN Id ; wliilo ,
10 < JOdfyUls Id ; HprJi- , ! li ildfillOj 5dj
club , HH ldiillKtd. ( ) !
Corn Bi Hid.
I'ori75 * .
Ijiird 57 < n ! .
Clovelnuil M rcot.
Cl.KVl.l.A.s'l ) , November , 17 ,
I'otrolcum J'lnn and
unclinngid ; tan-
lard white , 110'teht , 7c
Phllntloljthlii Frodnoc.
l'iiir.Aiii.i'iiiA : , Xovcmber 17.
Wheat Kanier ; 1 W6n41 [ \ for rash
mil November ; 1 4fiif/l ( l.'if for Januiiry.
C'orn HUndy ; lV'in Ii7o for canh and
Vovoiulier ; 704fe"3i ! for January.
Oats .Stcndy50ii51c ; ( forc.uh51 ; J& 52u
or Jnnuify.
ltyc Quiet at 1 00 f r canh.
- Live Stnc ] : ,
KAST Ljimi'.TV , I'a. , November 17.
CattUFair and uncliancd
- , ; rect-ii'tr ,
.r > 0 hen' ' ; shipments , HI III
HngsA' live ; receipts , 5,000 h ( Mil ; ship-
ncnU , : ; , < ] GO bund ; Pliiliitk-lphius , li 40 ®
( it ) ; Yorkers , 5 UU&ll 05.
Hii'ep Fnir and unchanged ; rcccipU ,
00 hunt ) ; ijhiimeiilH. ] li 00 head.
How K Hi'1i 13ry ( Joodn.
NlIW YOIIK , Novo'idier 17.
The dry g OOH niatket has to-day I een
baracti'riciiy pretty mil h tliu same
enind featnien remitted of Into , ' /liu / de-
iiand in. lirit linnil.s lontnucii mo.luialo. .
jobbing trii.liihas . not lieeti uctivn but
fair binine-H in domestic prln's , &e. , was
iport d in fioniu fjuart-rH. Notions , fancy , ho. , mitalilu f ! coming holiday
lad. , niu receiving iucru.iMtl alt ntion
rom Imyerc.
- t * - -
'JCJio SnvnntJi Com tit till * Season
'atlnii'i ! Asrooattil l'n * .
Hou'iiiHTJ'.H , N. y. , Novoinlior J7.
-Din otor Swift , of tlio Warni'r < > b-
u'rvatoiy , at 11 o'clock on the niylit
tiio J lit li dihcovuruil n faint coini'l
tlio cotiatt'lliiiion of ,
uvinyn right atecimiun of about ono
our and lifty iniiiiiteii , ( luuliiiiilinn
orlli cuvonly-iMio ( Icyrut-H , HH inn-
on wuu slowly uiutvvurd , It Ima a
jntral condciiH'itiiin lint no ( nil in
iniMo. It i.'i niaily niund and Dr.
wift cHliuiitliH Hint iU diaiiuiter in
bout four iiiiimioc , It h jiosaihlo
iat it i.s tlin comet of 1812
hick V.-JI.H cxjiuctud to appear in tlio
orth. 'I lit1 conu't i.i in a linu between
< uii'l ' thu ( , 'R'iit cluster in I'er-
a litllo nwir Pidaris. 'I'liis is tliu
ivu/illi / j r.unut . ( Hnuoveruil iiincoanu / - S
y. Dr Swift telii rapliH llto dUcov-
y to ] ] uio/o | anil liu will probably
it tlio U0hundred dollars : , tlioVar -
ir jni/.i,1 , tlio Rccoiid liu lias received
iiu year and thu fifth ono awaulcd.
Co ant Nov/a <
KAK FiiA.swihC'o , Novoinliur 17. A
eotin of the ( litiH.itiKtii.-d ntooldiold-
in thu Jiiillion iiiinin
IIH held , wh'eh ' brolu ; up in a
w , No LmeiiH'HH vvui ; traiiEiiutud ,
A liirgi ) land h-u iio nieutin { {
ild at Aleiend , Cul. Tlio inuutint ;
IH a vny onlliiiHiar.tia onu and thu
eakeni wuru loudly ajiplandud ,
A very heavy ram uloria jirovailH
ni ) ; tliu eoiiMt. No indiuntioiiH of tliu
Kuo the rich arttNtio work in aU
ylu of Jutvolry nt Whipplu & Ale-
irs \
Is the first to make the announce
ment to his customers and
the general public.
o ,
Always sold at the lowest Market
We carry the largest stock and
make the Lowest Prices.
Orders promptly filled and every
attention given to patrons.
1313 Farnham Street.
Omaha , A PAT Collins
Cheyenne > * & * VAa Colorado
Fall and Winter
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit a
fard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocks
north of