Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1881, Page 4, Image 4

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    The Omaha Bee.
Published every monitor , c i > t Sunday ,
The only SSomlny morning dnily.
nr. ei'.l ) > 0 I Three Months. Jfl.OO
Monllis. . . 6.00 I Olio . , 1.00
WKI5KLY BEE , puttl.Oied ov
ty Wednesday.
OnoYear $2.00 ThrccMon.hst. K )
Six Months. . . . 1.00 Ouo " . . M
cations relntitm to NewmiilKdllorifil mut
ters uliould lie a'UttCMed ' to the JJwTou or
CTlie * Il-J | *
LcttorK nirl llfinlttnnnc ulionld Ixi ml-
dressed to THIS UvAHA I'oiiLiMMKn COM-
TASV , OJIAIU. DraftP , Olicclw nnd J'fijU
olfico Ordci Io bu inndo paynlilo to the
order of the Company ,
OKARA PUBLISHING 00 , , Prop'rs '
E.ROS2WATER , Editor.
Edwin Dnvli , Mrumsor of CKy
.ToJm IT. Tierce lit m Clmrfo of the Mnll
CJrctntiiinof TIIK DAILY 1JK15.
A. If. Kitoh , eorroflpondontntidsolicitor.
Proolivmntion lj *
the Prenltlnnt.
It has Ion ? been the ploiw cintom i > f our ton
jicoplc , with the cli > fliii ' of thn ycni1 , to
look luck UIHIII the bloping * brought to H.'d '
them in the cour o ( if IMMMJIH
nn < l rotiirn .rtlenui IhntiliH " the all-nivnr , '
Hotiico from wnoin they lie * . And id-
though at tliin jicno 1 when the fallinj- leaf
mini ni hcs ui that thn lin.o of our Hacruil
duty is nt ban I , our nation utill hm m tlie
aliadnw of Iho i > rcat roreavc.iiont and leas
nioiiriiinK which has lM < ? d our hearts , Htill
find-i us hoiicful xpreHHii'iitowiml tliettixl Mr.
licforo .Jin.u wo lately Iiowi-d In ( jricf ad
Hiippllcatloiiyctth coiintlcsihcneliti which
liavo ulioworal U | > 'n ui during tlio pant not
twelve mnutlii ea I for our fervent ifrnti-
tiule , and rnako it ( ittinj ; fiat we nhou'd '
Tojoici with tliniikfuliicim Iho Lord in Hint
Ills infinity mercy lus bljinally favored ii3
our country nnd neoplo. IVaco without
nnd prtwri'iity witnin hiu been vouchsafed moro
to ua. Jfo poitilfiico has vinltcd our
jJiores. Tlio ulmndmit iirivil Kca of free-
iloiu which our fathera left in tln-ir wls- with
loin nr.i htill our iiicrcfwlni ; heritage , nnd only
if In parts of the va t doniuin BOHIO nllllc-
tions have vlnited ur brethren In their atone (
forest lioinw , yet even thin calamity has city
been tciiiiiereilin a manner Mincllliod hy
the ( jenerom com passion for thu rock
which li.-n liwn called throughout our
country , i'or nil tha tiling it in niRct
that the volco of the nation nlioiild RO up ured
t < > ted ! in fervent liomnjfc , Tliia
Wlioreforo I , Chester A. Arthur , presi
dent of the United Smtec , di > rrciunineiid with
tliat all people ohwvc tliu'JIth dny of No alrcut
vember , Jnst. , ru n diiy of nati rial tlianlcn-
fjivios and pr.iycr , by cennins w > fnr mi a
may lie from their n-cular InboiH and meet * from
inj ; in their several places 'f worshjp ,
there to join in Mtcrtln Junior ami jirai under
to AlmiithtyJnd , whine f-diiihiCM ImH been :
so innnifcit in our hintory mid our llvm ,
and ofTurlii ) ; eanie t prayer * that his boun drcds
ties may continue to us and to our cliil. It is
< lron.
In wltncsii whereof , I hive hereunto net oil
my hnnd and cauicd thu j'rciteal at itio
of the United Stntcs to bo nlllxod.
Vtmo at the city of WaHldngton , aramed
[ i , . H.thiH ] KovvntJi dav of Xovemhor , in trendies
the year jf our Lord one tlmnxaitd
ciylit limidred and ciKli y-onc , nnd an .
of the independence of tliu "United fair
StaU'n the one hundred mid fifth.
Cin.iTr.itA. AIITIIUH. proved
15y the PrOiiUtcnt : it has
JAS. ti. r.iAl.NK , Sorctiry : of State.
GUITKAU Ims sccurod Ilia jury. TJio pair
first Htup tow.irds the gallows , auitablo
Coi.oitAiio wnntfl a place in the cab Louis
inet. There is no end to Colorado's [ > laying
wrtnt.8. smaller
OMAHA is having morn sociables this liut
week to the squtiro inch than nny city and ,
of her aizo in tlio country. granite ;
THE contributions of coal dealers No
mid pluinboro to church collections turbanco
during the coining winter ought to bo ndditiona
univoraally largo. abutting
SKCUKTAUY IVIHKWOOII'H friondn nro ham ,
conlidont of his election to tlio ouiiato llickumu
if ho will consent to the use of hia compared
imnio n'-ainat Jim Wilaoti. Their
> aved.
JAv Gnui.D has rocovorcd nuflicicntly continual
.from the attempt to bhmkinnil liiin to inch us
put the acrowa on a fuw inorounfortu- Ornahn.
imtea in Wall otreot. Now i'ork nectioiiH
wasted very little Hynipatliy on the manual
great steak jobber. linu
Dn. ( iKoiini : MILI.KK ia uyain "nn- net
lliuaing" < nor the subject of "Pio witches
volition of Cruelty to Animal. ? . " Thu liaturbing
doctor has apparently never heard of In Omaha
cruelty ( o hiiinnn beings and ini'aim ID lay
for its prevention. taken
HIIODK THI.AND ia virtuoualy indig o itiglifaru.
nant over the census report whiuli est objuc
clipa oiraoinufifty-aix inilei from her It [ scema
already ocanty akirta. lUioilo Island macadam.
is now nbout the bi/.o of n aecond-cluss fore
Dobraaka school diatriet. ham and
up compa
Tvi'iioii ) fever ia prevailing to an reds ( of
unusual extent iricl
( he coun
try. Nebraska ha ) been exempted and ropla
this season from thu diauasu which in losing
other s Li tin i.-i opidumlo and attended ) 10 enlarged
with jnora than ordinary fatality. lectiona
ANOTIIF.K absurd canard haa boon vill iiocus
Hot a < lout by cntcrpriHing Chicago ru- trout
porters , in the pretended discovery of moiit
a co'cuiui'pirutor of Guitcau , who Ims the bill ?
been arrcstud nt merit of
KoiiBijigton , Illinois ,
The mysturioua priuonorin all jirobi- puirciuonta
bility ia amiiu tramp who want.1 the
govornnu'iit. ( o pay hia faro to Wuali- Till (
lias been
T.IK falluig oil'of the republican nuction
v6to in K < > bruka at the hut election
w.ia fully ijl ) ] ji.r cont. This circimi- strike of
atanco ui c ! < > v-a a big rift in the radi nati roll
cal cloud * thr udi which the duiiio- Republic
craUosuuliyliUhiiiei ! fitfully. Herald , aubjoct
The falling oF ( in Nobrasku'a .
repub 1 ibor , ma
lican vnto in nnvoral counties revealed HA atriko
a big rift in railroad ring circles costly pi
whicli Ntibv.islca produveru refused to that almost
endorse oven at thu expense of voting cimiati tn
ing against thuir party noininoos , town of
Then is n ] Uestion in the tiiitui
of a great majority of Orimlia ( ax
payers as ( o the urgent necessity
paving our principal atrccls. Th
meeting of our citizens nt the boaul i
trade rooms , llio commeiita of eyei
business man and llio agitalioii of th
topic ( by the press in proof of the in
crest ( which ia taken in the subjcc
by nil classes. Hut there ia n action
question aa to tlio material wliic
should bo used in putting ou
thorough ] fares in n condition tu met
the demands of trade and the aanitnr
and individual : requirements
our citizens. The pavement
of the principal cities in this coiiiitr ;
are aiphalt , concrete stone , wood am
macndan .From thu l.iat ( lire
Om.ihamust select. It ia cmnplainci
of atone lliatila firatcnstisoxtravagan
nnd of wood that it in unhealthy ant
lucking in dtirabilily , Iho additiona
cluirgo may bo brought ng.iinnt mac
udiim thai ! it haa never proved a nuc
ccsn in large cities in thia country
that it is only n makeahift fora more
compact piving material and nude
circumstanced niich aa exist ii Omahi
would bo entirely uidltled to nice
the rcqiiircineiilfl of the city.
Mr. Henry 1 fiickman haa writ
n letter to the Iln-
giving his experience will
macadam pavemcnta in the eity ol
Hirmingham ] in England , who.e , aa ho by
Hiatus , every i street I'M paved will
broken stone , and the ratio of wear ia ia
than thrco iiichca in eight years.
. llickman'a ' ixmclu.iiona aa to nd-
vanlagea of macadam pavement wil
apply ; to Omaha , where the condi- In
tiona are entirely dilForeiil. In llio to
pine , niieh a macadam pavement
in laid in .Birmingham would cost dy.
in thia I city than Belgian block
alonu. Wo ' have no granite , which , land
trap volcanic rock , ia ( ho this
durable material for a broken
pavement. ) To transport to thia teals
granite from Sherman or trap
from the call would be little lees ing
cxpunsivt when nil thinga are consid
than to pave viith stone blocks ,
city haa mridu the experiment ho
limestone macadam on Farnhnm 'lio
and the experiment haa proved
failure Tf nil the mud were cleaned
that alreet to-day the pavement o
it would bo found to bo in a hroo
condition which it would cost htm- ind
of dollnra tn partially romody. ican
rutted in every direction , hollow- vest
out by I the crumbling of the
and the wear of travel , f
with gas and auwor tora.
and littlu better than vho
average country road in a vote
aeaso . Limestone macadam haa eastern
a failure in every city where vill
bee tried. The
atone ia par- I'lio
sensitive to the action of till
and water and no amount of ru- 'otca
can maintain it in a condition
for heavy trucking. St. ho
made the attempt and ia now oto10.
for : her folly. Omaha , though rhicli
than St. Louis , has had thu ) ! ) ,
even with granite near nt hand bat
delivered cheaply at our depot a t ia
macadam pavement would bo vostern
costly experiment for our city , 'ho
pavement mill'urs BO badly from dis- Irtos.
, Every gas trench cut , every >
; water connection made with ho
lota 1 impaira the condition eif Michigan
hoatroota. Old cities like JJirmiug- ows
of whoso board of worka Mr.
was a member , cannot. bo oto.i
in thia respect with Omaha , owa
atrcota nro built before
up being ) ly
. There * 13 no occasion for a mt
overturning of tlio roadway , iidiniiii
for years must bo the case in I'Jiis
. Gas , water nnel newer con- tart
have 1 been placed in the per- uoat
and durable bnildinga which ho
( heir thoroughfares , and sTobraika
atrcct car line , with its mo
work of track and II.
does not
enter aa a ( ago
; clement into the question. ortainty
it will bo the height of folly ho
nny ; pavement that cannot bu
up and replaced with little ex-
and : without injury to the thor * ory
fare. This is ono of the strong-
objections to a weed povoment. MANT
to ua a fatal objection tn ) con
. . It will bo many years be- 'orks ,
Tenth , and Uarney , and Fnrn * ) oarda
Douglua strecta will bo built onduot
compactly and permanently. Hun- Iliciont
wooilun ahulla and unsightly Jiiiuiiumti
voneera are yet to bo torn down lesacd
replaced by larger and ineioo ini- or many
structures. ( Jas inaino aru to liD board
and repaired , water con ati
must i bo made to numberless heir
. All thusn improvemenla Much
necessitate the tearing up of the ition
ami the relaying of the pave- igoroii.i
Can a limestone macadam
fill a thu
AVill ovun a granite pave * ain
brokun atone meet the ro iistico.
of our city. dti-graco
ity with
ck'creaso in striken in England voidth lighway
commented upon lately by ! iu
Iho eastern journals in con * ! io mud
with the ending of Iho great ractoiH
the workmen in the Oinein * lorses 'ho
rolling ! mills. The Springtiold in cause bo
; , in an able article on thu lanngemont
ol the relations of capital and hero ,
makes the foliowim lismaimged
; eommont :
is n barbarntia and terribly o
proceeding , and it happened
upon the duy that the Gin- ) onniblo
trouble was ended the Kuglish riMiigud
loiild bu
Darlington ] had
a little cere r three
mony which suggests n specially inter
esttng lesson to both side * of the
losing controversy. Tt was the pie
scntation of n pot I rail to David Dill
founder and president of the board o ;
arbitration of the northern iron trade
a * an acknowledgment of hia torvieea
in averting strikes and lock-outs.
Fifteen yoara ago the dillicultica bs
tweuii workiron and employer * in the
arcal iron district had pn
ducod n aocinl war perhaps more bitten
than that existing in Jtulnnd at thi
moment. The trade was almost par-
alyxud , and ( lie district wan tilled
with idle , hungry , Batngo
Finilly llio employers uoiiiiiored ] , and
tlio men went sullenly to work ; but in
180 ! ) , when the iron tnulo began tr )
recover , the old trouble again np-
pearcd ; llicro wa every indication
that the old mischief would bu re
pented. Then the board of arbitra
tion wni established , elected in equal
prnpnilionn by mailers nnd men , nnd
proved a wonderfully ell'ective ounce |
of prevention. It completely cndul
strikes. Thu bonul , with ita commit
tees , ainoitnta to a judicial dyatum ; ila
Biiccess led to the establishing of him-
ilar orgiini/alioiia in llio various in-
dustiies connected with iron product-
tion , and to-day no fewer than 100,000 of
workmen in thu north of Kiiylatid are
practically sucutud trom irreconcilable or
disputes with their employers
the adoption of arbitration.1
Undur ordinary circuniitancua a strike of
a protest agaiint ; sonio real or im- (
agiuud wrong. In thu hitler ciae it
ariaos from n misunderstanding bu-
tivoon llio employer aud employed.
lliu former case it oftun neuds only has
bo brought to the employeia' an
knowledge in ordur to receive a reme
. If Iho method of arbitration
which hiia been so successful in Kug- OJ8
were moro generally adopted in by
couuliy wo .should liavo fewer
lockouts and a cessation of those eon-
between capital and hlmrjwhioh loss
result in BO much loaa to thu proJuc- of
interests of the country. a
TIIK next apoakorship is becoming less
all-absorbing topic at Washington ,
question who among all the re- tion
iiibhcan competitors haa thu bust hold
banco to bo speaker ia a difllcult ono
answer. Dividing the country into
great sections thu eaat , west ly
south the following ia the repub-
strength in the house : cast , ( Hi ; Ohio
, 71 ; south , 10. The leading ginia
andidato of the eant ia Mr. lliscook , pie
Now York ; but ho htujKuiiiocoinput-
. The atrongeatof thcao is Itubeson bo
will certainly take tlio Notv.rur."oy tion.
for a limo , reducing the solid
vole to ( ! 2 , Seventy-four vote *
bu n majority of thu full caucus. for
Iliucock vote will cottaiu'y ' bo ican
further reduced by Now England
for Heed and .Hoiliiuioii. Do-
luctiug Jfaino and Mas..aclnmitu iiiid burno
re.'iult will bo to make liiscoek'u great
-10. Give him the nouthorn vote ,
ho may got , and ho will receive
or fifteen abort of n majority , with
any ono boliovea , howovcr , ister
ho will receive all of this voto.
therefore almost certain that a itically
man will bo the next speaker , 1870
west has three oir
prominent c.'indi-
. Keifor , of Ohio , represents the rind
rotoctionistn , nnd Kaason , of Iowa , also
revenue reformers. Hurrows , of the
, ia also a protectionint. Bur- ernor
ban curtainly his nine Miolii- trate
voteu , ICeifer his lifteon graphic
, and Kasson his nine the
votes. Uurrowa will proba-
liavo no moro at the outset ,
Ivoifor may got the uijht : voles of liest piirtnora
nnd thu nix from Wisconsin. on
would give him about thirty to at thu
with. Kaiison ought to get llio enty-Hixlh
of the thirteen
votes of lllinoiH , it will
tlirou from Minnesota , ono from four
, three from KaiiEitu , and '
from Colorado , making thirty in One
Although it is impusaihlo nt thin Dillon'a
to predict with any degree of has
, there ia a fair prospect that house
mippovlor.s of Koifur nnd Hurrow nan.s
villnuitoon Kasaon , and that will been
likely nominate him , fruiqht
of our tax-payers , who have
clamoring for a board of public tional
will bo shoekod to learn that tion ,
of publics works do not uhvny * stead
publio lure ,
improvements in an
and foOO
economical niatmur.
, for instance , haa 'jnen ' ago ,
with a board of public works of any
years , but the iisofuliiooa uf been ?
ia diaputed by the Ciucin- tionery
. Hero the legisl
papers. ia what one of
dailies mvya about it ; mean
has been aaid about thu
to ( ho
of our strouta , nnd , ultlnniuh
. phniscs liavo boon iifed , thu
htia really been treated lightly ,
Knglish language doea nut e < m *
words which will do the matter through
Our atreotu nro nBhaiiioand welcome
, and that is sayinj' it while intended
Can it bo
possible that a tended
the intelligence , energy , and iran
to build such
a miti > ! idiront
of international eouniiireo as a apoech
Southern railroad ahull titiok in atorm.
because u few worthier cnn- debt to
, careless olllciula , und old hadn't
nnd wagons nro in the way ?
of this condition of thiuga "march
told yon in ono wordmis - still bo
mismanagement , every- ind lirett
Thu board of public works
live yoara ugo in Idling
contract * for atroet np.iira ( .IXIUAI. : :
bidders on bids provided thu
defraud the
city inrro-
bidders on bidw BO the army
that thu most of the money eluded in
drawn during thu lint two parhncnt | >
years , preparatory to nunlly tu
dotiment thereafter. The law prr
vided that cacti mom er of the bum
of public works should super-visa livi
districts , but hero they mismanaged
They did not .
HUpeMlse. Once in n
while they rode over llicir districts
and then did what ? Heei llriL the con
tractors repaired thiMlcfccla ? Oh , no
Not at nil. They did ( he laborious
tiresome , nnd patri tid work , the
thinif f r which they are pair
thrco thousand dollars per yom
ouch for doinjr , "f going up tt
the ollicu of that nugiisfc board am'
firing a resolution at iho derelict con
tractor. Jn all prnliability the con
tractor never heard of it ; and if hu
did , ho wondered what it wat nl
nbout , and did nothing. The roaolu
tion fell far short of iho mark , SUN
the ntreotw wont fpim bad te ) worse.
Thu Mimu ii trio in to the stri-iit-
cleaning. ] neonipcency : and mis-
nimgeincnt have been the rule , nol
I he exception.
Coui.vii ; , Jnii.Y For.N'Hv is by no
means discouiagcd over the demo-
crulic defeats in the lalo election. Ho
announces in a recunt number of hia
mpcr , The I'rayrci * , that "the demo-
eralanro the natuial governors of this
country , " and will certainly bo recng
nized as such by the people. Mr. t
Forney'a recent conversion to the
democratic faitli , no doubt , has made
him unusually Iioncfi : ! for tlio future
his parly a hopefulness which is
not alnuod by the democratic lenders
warranted by the figures of recent
contests. In New Vorl : city the
falling oir of the respectable element
the democracy ia startling. Formerly
ho city below .
the H.irlom river was
depended upon to roll up 1)0,000 ) dem
oora'ic majority in a vole of about
four times that amount. Brooklyn
always been depended upon for ; o
additional l'J,000 majority. In :
1870 Now York ami Kings county , , '
gave 7" , ! ( " > ! ) majority ; in 1877 , 54 , it
; in 1878 , 41i.3lj ! ; in 187 ! ) , aided
revolting republicans , Gl,283j in thu
1880 ,'.IG , and this year a little
moro than . ' ! 8,000. Thia indicates a H >
of nearly half the oll'octivo strength '
the party and the cutting down of
majority once one-fourth of
total vote to a liguro
than ono-aixth. Jf Col. Forney luct
find in thuso rcturna any indica
that the people of Now York
a growing conviction that thu
democracy must continue to bo the .
governing clnsa ho ia moro than usual
sanguine. Lot him a del to this di
minished majorities in Now Jersey , , o
, Maryland and the loss of Vir wlio
and the confidence of the poo-
in the democratic parly na "tho .011. .
natural g.ivonioM of thu country" will
found to liavo very little founda
. One
, lie
THE Century , which is the now name .ho
what has boon known totho Amer ' .
public as .Scribner'j Macaxtnc , A
willpublish in ils January number an } !
: if
elaborate paper by lion. E. 15. Wnsh- little
on the Into Adolph Thicrs , the Found.
French statesman and the first
president of the French republic. Mr.
Waahburno became well acquainted chinch '
Mr. Tliiura while he w.ia our min iilln
at Paris , having beenonintinutu good
relations with him personally and pol onened
during the great convulsion of church
71 , and previously. This mem A
cannot fail to bo full of interest hhort
information. Mr. Washburnehaa Mr.
just completed and issued from week lost
press his "Life and Times of Gov > 5
Coles , " lliu second chief magis Thu
of Illinois which is . n u
, s.iid to bo a Hill-
yet faithful picture of life in nillidii
early settlement of that atato. The
Sidney Dillon , ono of Jay Oould'a itr > >
, is about to build the cost o
rind most orimtoprivaiu resido.ico
this continent. It ia to bo orccieel clran-up The
corner eif Fith avenue and Suv- nills
street. Now York , nnd the or
with the grounda Kiirrouridiiig (00. (
cover thirteen full ciry lots" , rushed
of whiuh will bo on Fifth avcnuu , ( 'nlil
1'liiludolpliifi Press.
of the men from whom Sidney
corporation drawn its wealth ity of
just built a m > at nnd el.' aud i ; .riliu.
on thepr.iirie The
out of the rom- been
of hia harvest which has nor- ey by
gobbled up by the railroads for The
adoptetd the constitu mindl The
nmciulmonU at the hint conven an I
which provided for biennial in cau'e ,
i ulu
of annual notions of lliu legisla Tlie
and fixed thu pay of meinbura at alt '
each fur the c aiiiiMl
session , with mile inj , '
but no Htationory or perquisites liiruiiiK
sort < I , before
llorut''foro the pay ] I.TJ
SlliiO a year , with milivigo , ata-
and perquisites at the will of The
legislature. Wniconain'a farmers tt n <
economy , and their example chool
well bo followed in oilier states choo ) .
benefit of all ( x-p.yeia. : Th"
nen ,
s wmth
is marching '
tieorgia. Ho wua heartly iav '
! nt Atlanta Tuesday , and oad lonif in
the exposition buildint-a at During
a meeting of the flee > rgia Mex the to nl
veteran * . Thu old warrior madu btead ll'.l'OjiioriM '
that took his hearara by
Atlanta owes an ovurl.iating
William Tecumseh. If ho Steps
burned the > old town on bis
Tlio li
to tlio sea" Atlanta would Oregon ,
a conglomeration eif rookeries and the
The po
x.ilil to be
. HiiiiitMAx doesn't want to in per
service classed aa a part of The mi
and ita irmi ; A
appropriations in- S0i ; ; Jim
the oxponscs of the war do-
. It costs October ,
, , an
A company
conduct the
signal service , go with a
and thu most signal buhctit derived
therefrom is tlio rcvoinio it .allbrtb to
the telegraph companies.
A late fi-c nt Modrsto destroyed SIGO .
O.ln wortli of property.
The Miiremo ; court of rj'difurnia li.-u do-
Mird the Hmnl.iy l.iv. ' coi ntllullotinl.
G'ro.ido ' | w-11 in Vnra v.iliy : , In somp
of tha ore'irdn .1 jrcond croji of ] ncJiu *
U beinj , ' ijatirc'd ] , Mid n , f Ird crop 01
k'rA es hneitly. ripe In the vinuyatcR
Since th ! ! lth of Aiifu | ttlicfoha o been
twclicHitddin r.nd tlolcnt i ratlin In .S'li '
to o and vJViniiy. Four
weio cn-sct < if in-
tcntl'inal killing , the < tlicrn were acci. en-
Cliax. Crocker him donated ? 20,00' in R.
I * . ) x j er c-Jtit lo nU t > tlio nc.ademy of
M ience- , tin * interest lie
to devoted t- > o.-ij-
Iiulfclt.ntillo invi-sllgation < in thu I'ncilie
Uur'ng ' the ttid of Wililini .Sclincii'cr ,
for the niiird'-r of I. ' . M .Millnr Ifkt Oclo.
bcr , utloi'kton last v.-n-k , th'i numlcrcd
nmii'H bo irt wax produced ii coiir- nil 1 nd-
mi ted ns oxidi-nco. Tin ) coiir' ' , jury wit-
lies PR nnd lookers-on ro e to tbflr foot and
tooii liru thlcns. Wliin the d"ctur took
. 'iesi ! dumb xvllncAj ? > L > s jip-iiiiMt lliu a. ciisi-d
nnd ll-u-tr.itoil tlio pn"i inn oT theliivrt , In
the body , ntid hhnwrd how the knlfo ha'l
ev red thuwixtb r b ndriit > red ilielicart ,
.iiint . ; thu tjlinntly wi ui.l v/Jinh lundc it
jltui > u , lt lifu blood and lintnnilv c.-aiu
beat , the MLi'iic ' .n : o\rnnely Via 'io.
It U . viinrtnd Ilia * , tin liat been iii" > c > v-
crcd 11) ) ) tlio Hitter Mont.
TIB | IIM ppHinanl toll of Cliotc.iu county
hovSI "riiVVhS worth uf pr .perry.
t i. estimated tlmt th re wyro N95.000
bushels of < n.d COy.COO bushels of
Data raised In Mimli county in 1681.
It is o > timnU'il the cost ol construction '
the Koc-y .M untiiii ( liriMon of the
Mortlfjin J'ne lie will be about il ,000 , per
nilc.A :
A str leu of rich ere ha < been made in
cS'i ri ininc , near 1'nttu. The vein
reported to lu bout fivv feet thick mill
will r..n 100 tuS'iOO in Mlver nnd ; ; old. .
A n < > ld lend near Kort rayintrH 11 fnid
lie one of thu larrfcir , HI iiulicitod by
hc imtrroppiiuji. , yt't discovered in .Man *
tm.'i. The locution m clo. * tu Itnby
'iilch. fr in wlilrli it gold init/et valued
$80 as taken lw-t mnnuipr.
A Chinaman it Butte who had no'd hii
iii'tre1 * * to n fellow -countryman for 1J5I00
other ay , ru d his bargain nnd do.
iiiuuded more in ney. Not ( jetting it he
cv IIM and nt uck tlio woman in ! > n
hebaeiiliH hatchut. inflicting slight
'njuries. He w < arrested.
eceipU for liiiior | l-ecuse l.iht inoulli at
Denver w 8 11'JOO.
Summit county estimate tli" it
proas pro- of
iu roiuiil numbers at $3,000,001.
There are no lea-i than ten tunnels now
joiuj ; worked ou the Kl teller mountain.
The inilitarv atVhito Uiver have re
ived instructions to remove the Utes )
.here , .tiidfurcd them buck to the Uinta .cut .
igency. > f
Six hundred dollaH lias been Biibscrilied
owaid erecting n monument at ( Jreuley dled
fbo luvinory of X. 0. Meeker and thuse
f 1 : nt the White JJivcr nnsfacre.
Four labore on the Smith Park mad net
ecently ( juit work and started for Ouuni-
. Arriving at 1'itkins they found the :
South J'ark-road ehi.sed for the winter , mid ral
started our on foot , A mmw storm soon
iverto .k them and
they wandered : i ] > art.
or them ntru 'leil on thnnt h tlin
and e trly in the morning si liteil
hnuike of a'locomotive. Hu Boon found
truck nnd fell upon it , overcome with
.tigue mid hunuer. IFo naj pickeVl up
bnni'iht to Denver by the trainmen.
party to i-earch fur the mis-sinf men was if .
rfjiiiized at I'itkinimmec'i tcly on receipt ilood
thu information here given. There is ind
hope , however , that they will l.e blood
. Sl.OO
Thn Cnth.ilics are building the lnrjest
in Mitchell.
yi'liero is employment in the Kouthern cash
for all who are wi ling toVFIT ) : , at \rbor
wa c.-i. , o
tiracu Kjiscopal _ church has just beeii uaual
for n-rvico in Ilunni , bcin ; the first hose
building in that place. ivoman
discovery "f a vein of cojiper ere has cured
ociMitly I ecu nrulo near Deer creek , a and
ilistanee north of 1'actoln.
. and MIH. Jacob Kock , of Scotland , "
six children from diptlieria within .1. called
, the olde-t 10 years and the youngest
ears. .he
Dendivood Times wagckvi that with- he
ye r the .ilvcr output of ( ho ISInck inued
Hillwill boa i-ojjnized qu.mtity in the "
statistics or tlij world. ng
Kim ; oJom.'H company have l.ilcly "
iurchased the Jeadwood mine paying in
? UJriO ( ) . This cuiiipnny it al-o con-
cting n ditch x 'vonteen mill's in lenjjth
w.-.ti-r fr.iin ' es3
; C'a-"le ereek , which
vmploym * nt to n 1 i o forte of men , ivant
result of the regular Feint-monthly And
- nf the llome-irn ! < o 01'e led
wa < tulun down to Dcaihvoodtne 'inl gt
hhijiment , mid amounted t'"i over 'S'250- , ho
One i rick from the Deadwood Terra
2 , lOi ! I'tince.s ' , be tug the largest
brick L'verc.i-t in thu Hills.
About one-fi/lh of Iho crojia in the vicin of
Alu co have been rulueil by early you
. disease
county sea' of Altwits county hat ijstoin
M'ttld m favor of tlia town of 'Jl&il- purilicd
a decision in tlie district court. ; ed ,
llr t c.n CUT built in Idaho
b.'Oi turned out < , f the xhopH ut if
i.ocl : . ft H intoad d for u u by Jiirely
rei'drt'rii. [
at the
TheVnod liver towns liavo only a '
stock ofpr [ .visioiiH nnhaud , j.otati vn 'le.
oth'-r vt'iietablvs I'fii'K. y poeially Sold
and it IH exiceled | th it Tirleon will
lifyli lliis winter ,
Caj .n I'-Fi coal milieu are just nww
ai'lini' lonsiderdiK * iittention. It is
that a mpciior article I'D now b.-
taken nt , and that HIM vein.s lire en- O.VKyinilV
nii'l ' Kivinj ; mmu .ouiltu thnn ever
of puinianeiiur.
tciritnrinl univertity I\M \ n prest lit
niii'e of S7 pupils.
MNt Ulara
U'alla has o\er J. ICO children of Sljr.
ii'e ) , , ] t > > s tlun h.df of wluuii attend
aswiiii ! < ; nt of the territory for the
S.ilo of
yearialh-wi thut eaeh of the 7f > , lL'0 ' rerl
nonii'ti and children icportcd in 18S1 IJ..T 111 ,
in , Will
hundred thoUH.ind aerfs of Inml ft. m.i '
bfen bouwht by 12.i < tern Ciiiii I'rlcuof
thu line of the Xoithern J'jcltio rail t follnur
the territory. Ianiivric |
the year emliii } , ' Junu ,10. 1SS1 , cle < | iiotto
waits of goveinini'iit ' land
wrre ifJ.uO.
, and ue. i t 8l'0i,0i8. ( ; Ilo
entries included 2J7,01 >
re lit-iiiK taken to bcduro a tele *
it llawllns , > V , T , Ito it rciohdl
tililpincnt ! of butter from Cixpillle , Oiimli.t :
wi 1 this y ar reach about IS tons Tlwxtn
export of tisli will Dili date ,
uniouiit to about lirmlo In
populition of C'anilolarln , the mo- Ut 10 ,
of JCsinerclda ' . fttt Mill I !
eoun'.v , Nevada , in
incri'.itliiK at the Lot 22 ,
rate of from 10 feet wide.
day. i
I/3t 2J ,
iuin K near Tombstone , Arizona foot wlilo
[ , biirlmlilewnlk
iiUnk and
the rcijH'i't
> rrllHilirri
{ the Mmt.
lias been organized at Chica 1
cApituI of $ M,000 ) fur th pur-
of brlnuitijf fnnd ies from nortlu-
. .
.Miy and vrinbll-hiii ti eiu iue
in tliu territories of
tann. _ _
Tatnl Hcsultn of A 1'nrnior.Qunriol
1'lxini ' Countoli ( J Courier.
List Frid.iy tliu stardint ; intclli-
( / nco roaehoil I'oiion AV. 11 ,
Auulinifiotly , mi old niitl tniicli re
spected fanner living iicnr Newcastle ,
liad shot Lytnan F. llisliiip. Tlio
news created Cdiisidi'fablo oscitcinoiiJ ,
HH both tncn nio ivvll K-IIUWII
as ro-
speutiiblu niul vcsponciblo citizens uf
our countj' . Thu circiiinstaiircfl , na
wo learn < hem from suvcnil dillurcnt
purcon ? , tire as follows :
TJio fiirniHof Mr. Bi.sliop nnd Afr.
Aitcbinoody join , nnd both are quito
extensively emjr.pd in slock mis-
] 5otwcuii tliu
tn-o niun there
aprunif up auvoral ycm
an unfriendly ivlntiun
( iwinj ;
to noinu dilliculty about trcupasning
stool : . On the dny of Ilio trairedy
' '
Ih'slinp's eattlo came into Auchinoody'H
um nnd wi'ie shut
up by tlio latter ,
who sent word for ( ho former to conio
uid get his stock nnd pay Uio chnryrs.
Mr. Auchmoiidy inforuicd hiinlliat he
would huvo to replevin thu cattle un
less thu sum was paid. This IJishop
refufit'd tu do nud i-oinun-iiccd t , k-
tnif down the bars for iho
releasing hisatook. Auehniuoily
wnriio : ! him to desist and on IIJB
tofus-al shot him , thu charjro taking
clct \ \ in the loft h-g be
tween thu kueo and the hip , The
shot used was cnull bird allot , which
erforntcd iho leif for a k ] co of aliotit
tun inches in length until it resembled
pepper box. Mr. Dishnp died
on Tuoiday night abuiit 7 o'clock from
'niliutiiition ri'sultin in h-.uinmtic
fjangruiio and the abaorption of the
Kiiaonous iniitlor. Dr. O'Coniu-ll at-
ended the wounded man and DCS. near
TCunnoll and llasson hold a jioat bam
novti'in on the reiiKiins from which .
.he above- facts in relation to the h
wound are gleaned. street
A struct
Sidney Tolc-s rajili , near
Lodyo Polo is now the centsr of excitement No
citement oivins to tlio gold mine No.
alleged to have recently been found Ciuu
hero. It ntieimi that a party of cow- on No.
joya working for Carpenter * Evans No.
JlunningVutor , while encamped
about four miles from tlie ( own , were llornov No.
suddenly surprised to find that the No
ground on which they were seated
continued a many colors , evi- No.
lonces of a gold bearing nature. They on No.
once began gathering a great deal ( ICth
the dirt and then dug about No.
lireo feet in the ground , when they dtablc No.
iliscovered npccimona of .stones , which , en.t
ivhen closely examined worn seen to School No.
contain the free gold. They at once No.
word to the leading mineralogist llu.'nl
Lodgul'ole to comoouttothu place. 3imi.a. No.
Judge iJarry .Barrett immediately sad No.
his horse and rode out to the near .No.
round. The colon * wore such that
hia most sanguine expectations. No.
o declared that the entire licet
country No
ibout there was ono continuous min- Uodfje
belt. The stoncavcto sent io No.
Denver by express for assay and the Cap No.
Dodge Pollutes feel exuberant over the .tnct
liacovery. 3th Nn.
Tlio Country- lot .
Who that has ever lived any time in the near .So.
country but must liavti heard of thevirtue * reeft
.Burdock a Wood purilier. JJurdock No
Hitters euro dyspepsia , bilioiwiciM on
nil diionlen arising impure N °
or deranged liver or kidueys. Price venue
, trial L-ciltleH i" " - " i ? No.
1U feet
Sbo Kxiuw It street
As the Pacilic express train coming Sherman
on the central road reached Ann No.
on Ibth
the other day there were inaiiy No.
got oil'and on , nnd there was the on
hurry and confusion. No.
. Among street ,
getting abo.ird was a little old No.
about GO well and
years old who
, se No.
the assistance of the brakeinun holt
drew herself up the step of iho No.
mokitfg car. near
"This way , madam this way , " as
the ollicial us she laid hand on Karnhain
door of the .smoking car , but ns nth ,
paid no attention to him he con- No.
o3 at.
: No. 55
"Hold on , madam that's the ainok- port ,
car. " No. 1,0
"Will , don't you 'aposo T'vo nc.r21 No. 57
raveled enough to know that ? " she cellar ' ,
, tin aho whirled " Murv's
around. "I No. 6S
I know whore to go when I Webster
to smoke ! " No. fit
she entered and sat down , No. o
her old clay pipe , borrowed a 23nl ftrcr
No. 01
, and was noon pulling in
away nu'ar 22iil
greatest contentment. No. 02 , elstern
you wish to avoid gix-at danger nnd cellar
"o. ill
trouble , besides a no Binall bill nenr pobt
expeiiso , at this season of the year , esooNo.
No. 05
should take
prompt stops to keep nicntH ,
from your household. The No. Il ;
should bo cleansed blood CuiniiiK '
, No. 0) ,
, stomach and bowels rogul.v lilns-complete
and prevent and euro diseased .No. 70 ,
Irom o ] > ririg maliiria. Wo know dloroliulou' No 71 ,
nothing thiit will so perfectly and nlctc , on
do this as Elei'tric Uittern and > o. 72 ,
port , near
trilling coat of llfty cents a bol- Nu. TJ ,
[ Exchange. anil ci-tern
by Tab , v Mc.Mnhon. No , 71 ,
. (1) ( ) etc , on
No. 7fi ,
JAJ1KSK. IOYI ! > , I'lDjirlinor. No. 77 ,
Jt , J. . .MAUHI , liiiNliicss Jimmfrer. lieu fruit
O.VJA' t Tlmrn lay , Dec. 1st th btrt-et
, 1831 , No. si ,
GRAND rooniH ,
C-ONCERT No. 82 ,
aiii ) 100-1-aji
Miss Clar.Louieo near 20th
\ Louieo
Kellogg- , .Vo S3 ,
AtiUtuil by * ell , el-tern
1'oolc ' . 1'Jih , f2 , W.
, t'oirr. Ho ; Hlg. llrisnoli , IVnor ;
lOKllmiletitt , Unit nc ; Hcrr 'llmothy No. Bl ,
AiUiiiinVMKl. Vlollm-i. lltrrt ) . lM > l\n- \ ' , > eve , U clo
i'UrititMr. ; . Ailo'pli ( Jlou , Acrom- or . a L-round
[ tiiilit am ) Mt. icil J.lrcctcr. 2600.
fcaii for tlio ubuva i rtat KclloRi ; Con- No 8 ? ,
cDiiiiiiiimti nt ltriilloo Mitiiniay , N' i mi- rum iiyearH
at 7' . in. ; will unuiii Dim unill Un. U. I' ,
ruojicii ui , M' ' . .lay . .
. , .Vmvn.lior SI , at b No Ml.
rc'iii.iiii < . ] > ni nni ; 4 . .
p. ID. win thru l > u near ICtli
until further m.t..i.
llrkctK tor tini.rmil Oncrrt No 87 , 2
will Im
feet of
iz . witter
> ; r.Mui'itu nnil ( our fnmt rnuclii
Cltx-le i'J.O ) . reel , near
Jmir ruir nmjii I'ar
Circle , $1fi ) AT rucMml. Drevi Clr- No. fcS ,
Thrco/rnnt / IUHSi so. rivn ri'nr ru , barn , i to. ,
Kc-nn wl. > Vn ll > circle , ! l iiart , W : . No il ) ,
nol7-2t atcr Htrcet
r > o. UO , .
near ; Dodjjo
KESOLUTION ( ) ltfKULNCJ SIDt ; . No , UI , 1
WALKS. ham , mar
Nu. W ,
' lot' , nvrr I )
liy the I'IM r.uintll ol the city of No. Oc i , l.i
° * v-i/K"1 '
vlilvualk lnviih-n fifteen , - /uul
ibjsfroiu luic , 7000.
liu i onstrii. i. i , , i I till to Iho iire eiit No. VI ,
nalil dty , In ir . : i anil .iiljolnliiy the fcr.No. i -
wet niiliii.r jin .
, In block M ,
wist n'lli /Hi-trrcl ) , InMockS , fl
west tMi > ' Ktli strtct. In block B. tl GE
to i. , . .n iiui-t il of S'lncli nine
to t be In . . .
w..lui. .i t\v\a \ mil
dUoowiui > , r . > * ieri .if
xrllirifiimulcioiaii.lii.talj > r iulrci to conitiiict - Real I
Nov. , ltd ! .
J. J. L. fi. JKWKTT ,
Clly tlerL , 16th a
For Sale
No. 1 , Vowlionw , 7 rooms , on Cumlnc btrcct
Sauiiilers , 31200.
No. 2 , 2t .ry hou ' , 9 roonn , well , cistern and
, AVchstcr , litar strcit , S2500.
.Vo. S , Hou o of 10 room * , on Itnrnrv , near
btrcct , stone foiiniiatloii , S4000.
No. 4 , LurKo house of 11 rooms , on Webster
, near Vrcl 'liton Colleice , SJOliO.
No. 0. Hciusu of
7 rooms , on Ca ? * , near 17ti !
, SJi.Oi
No. 7 , Homo of S rooms , 3 lot * , on 17th etrctt
Izird , 8.1 CO.
8. lloiifc of Brooms , on Casn , near llth
l2 fee' ( lot , 81KK ) .
. 0 , lloinu of 3 room' , kitchen , cc. , ov
, marl 13tli ut cat , S'OO.
. 10 , llou-o of 3 room ? with lot 22x13:2 : feet ,
Cftss near 14th street , 81)00. )
. 11. , llon 1 o of fl rooms , uti ICtli street , near
Douglas , 44xCtI feet lot , $1000.
. 12 , llorsoof G rooms , br ck foundation , oi >
, near 27th street , S10CO.
fa , 1 story now house of (1 ( rooms , brick
foundation , elf St. Mary's a\enue ,
. 14 , Hoiiso of 5 room' and slimmer kitchen
iOtli street , near dark , $2 00 ,
. 1 % House of 8 rooms , on Sherman avenue
street ) near Xlcholis , S22SO.
. lit , 1 J- tory bouse of 4 rooniH , cellar ,
, etc , , on luven. ort , near22 tbtrect , $1500.
. 17 , 2-ptory briik bouse of U rooms , near
of red stiitt car turn table , $2 50.
. IS. II miss aiul 2 lot : ) , 4 block. ) weat of HlL-h
, $2.t.OJ.
. ID , lioiisB aii'l Slots on road to park , near
gt. ilnry'n iiventic , SMO1) .
. 20 , Ilnuwantl 11J lots near Haacall's , South
. . gAIUO.
. 21 , . House and lot on Da eaprt street ,
ICth street , iW < 0.
22 , 2-st..r.v hiouso anil I t 32\CS feet , on
Davenport , near 12th street , ? 1SOO.
23. llou-o of 4 rooms nnd 2 lots on 37th
, near Izanl , SI200.
25 , ilouL-andl lot on ICth Etrcct , tcar : c
, 5tvO , '
23 , Ilonicnii'l J lot on lOLh etrcct , near
tel auMiuc , ( ? U0. !
i7 , a IIQUSCX I and lot on Jackacn , near 13th i
, &SOO. . *
2s ) , r.lioTi'os anil 1 lot ou California , near
ttrttt , iSMW.
3' , IJ-story 1 ] brick house of 4 rooms with
COxSTO feet , nnSlurman avenue (10th ( street ) ,
31 , Jj 1 j story hoim nnd 3ix8 : ( feet , on IStb
, lieu Howard Htriet , S2GOO.
ai , { . -story house of 0 room : ! nnd two lots
Mawin , m-ar IJth btrect , 51000.
{ 35 , La 'o liouso n ii full lot on Cupilo
, near l.'tth i-ttcct , . * isno.
ii : , 2 thruu-Htorv brick houses wi lot 44 *
" , on I'hfraxo , lieor ISth street. W 0 each.
a7 , House of 7 rooms with IJlot 1'uul
, near LStli street , 1J2760.
Hi , IIoinu nnd lot ou ISth street , near
39 , House of 5 rooms with 44x00 feet lot ,
attcct ( , near California , $2fiOO
42 , llou'o of 8 rooms with lot lEOxlGO feet ,
Oobutn , near Colfax street , 3500.
43 , HOUND and t ! lolj ou C'Llcnuo. near 20th
46 , LarRO ho < ! 80 of 7 rootm , closets pantry ,
cistern , on IKth , near Clark street , $35ex > .
40 , Ijuye house with full block , near new
ewer , SL'OOO.
47 llou'a of 9
rooms with i loton Pacific ,
llth street 301.0.
49 , Uriel : house of 11 rooms , well , cistern ,
thniusl.ou ; the house , good barn , etc. , on
, near J7th street , StiOOrt.
fO , House of el room * , cellar , well , etc. , on
near I'ntil ' street , ! 000.
63 , House ' of tlroomnnd ccllarliit33i l32 ,
M.iry acnue , near convent , 81 .00.
, Four ] ioucj nnd&8i:120feet , on D.tven-
ncir Itith Htrcet , ? SOOO.
, Ilnu'C of 9 10
or rooms , on ( California ,
t rtrcct : , f5.r.OO.
, Homo of U rooiw , eumrncr kitchen ,
rlitero , well , K > od burn , etc. , ritar Bt.
avcnuu and iilbt ttreet , if OOO
, New ( house of 7 roomf , jjood barn , on
, near K2d Direct , 3i.,00.
) , Tour lioo3L'a with
} lot , on l th etreet ,
, Hun-u of 3 roonig on Davcniiort , near
t , ? > JO.
, 1)0110 ) of 0 or 10 rooms , on Hurt street ,
llcl street , r6lXJ.
, House of i rocnw , 1 flory , porch , eel-
anil well , on H rr.vy , ncar21ntbtreut ,
, IIoiiwi of1 ro mi , rlflPtti , lia cincnt
, riwtrVhlto I.ciul Vorkp , 81(100. (
, Diiilillin ) , ' onh-a-eil lot , on Dodifcstreet ,
ollliT , btoru bulo\v and r onn above ,
, 3 lots with barn ami oilier Improve-
near htrect i-sr turn tnbloW > .
, Newhou-oof < 0 roomaon 17th , near
titled , C'lO'.O ,
Iar'o fine house of 12 ioom , every-
nipli , o. ! Ibtli , near ChlcaKo , SUPOO.
lloiito on ISthMrect , near l ) > eiiport ,
belou'iin.l rooiiH nboui , Imrn , etc. , SHOO.
lloiisn of H rooini , Him cellar , all com
O'nlifornla , near -iHf , i'OOO.
Hrk'k house , 10 or 11 roomson Daven
l..ili 1 ! $ . ' 0 0.
Ij-storv hoiieo , 0 rooms , cclhr , vrtl
, on Jackson , near 12th , JlfcOO.
Hrlck lion-u ullh ii lota , fruit trees ,
Itilh , near Capital at emir , ? I5,000.
Iloiife of t roonw , Inii meiit , lot 17Jx
on iluicy. mar 7th , iL'76.
ijt"iv houee , Sroonu , on Cosstreet ,
ICtlmtt , ? 1.VX ) .
2-ntory hoiuo , 11 roomn , closets , fur-
trcei. barn , etc. , on I'arnlmin , near
, fcOOC ) .
2 houses with 0 roome , and other with
on Cliiwro , near 1-th Direct , fJOOO ,
JJ story house , 0 rooms , 4 cloHels , well
huiel lUtern ; reel burn , on I'lerco St. ,
( near new cuvcrmmnt corrnll ) , $1SOO.
'J-Htory hoiiaC , UrnoniH , coilnhud , jjood
, on i lot , on Capitol atenue , iica
2-story house , 8 room ? , 4 below anil 4
clo-ttH i , ru'hr , well iiM.I cistern , \ulli G
, on tiuumlcMDircet , near JiarracKi ,
2 Btorra i , house on leascil j lot , Iraso
from.\pfil l.-t , 1S31 , on iVclrtc St. ,
doKt | , ? aCO.
Iloimo , 16 room , well , cisU'rn , etc. ,
uml llarucy utreeU , XiCO.
Edtory liouaea rooms , well with 40
, with ( < ncrcKofcrounil , onSaundcra
u I S. IS.vr.tckn , $ iOOO.
l.iri'o houiio of 10 rooms , well , cistern.
01 : Cm Direct , near 2Ut , STOW ) .
I.arw house , 10 or 12 room * , on Wob-
near 10th , 7HW.
l.arfu onto anil beautiful
corner It.o
and i 17th btreUii , 47000.
> torv ! , house , 0 rooms , etc. , on Tarn-
lOtlulrett , 1600.
lMtK < i , beaullful , hrlck homo and 2
. . ) venport ' mid 17th ktrecln , * 1S,000.
tory brick house , 7 rooinD , ith lot
I. "l'jr ' ' "I'l'letonV ' , on fjhcrnmn ate-
I-anfo hoiiKo oU / rooms , Imrn , etc. ,
avenue , near Clark Hn-ct , make a
Estate ixcliange
and Dougl as Street