THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : .FRIDAY NOVEMBER. IS , CAMPAIGN LESSONS. Monopoly and Machine Rule Rebuked Everywhere. -A. Revolt of the People ni tha Polls Sploy Extract * from S Into Pnpors. THK niXfl lltM.NlII ) . Wnyne County Hoviovr : Tlio balllo 13 over , aiul the indopoiuk'nt-rupiibli can ticket ot through with jjood nn jonties. Tlio rosttlt oi s to allow thai itviia not thu candidates thut tin pcoplo were ik'htiiiLr , so much as tin attempt to bulldoze and whip in tin pooplu to tlio suppolt of it certnii And the ring is "busted. " A STUUdOU : FOIl MKN. Republican Valley Echo : In tlio struggle which has ittst undo nfliliiitioiia wore .almost lost siuht of. The "straight tickoi" dotty did not work. Thu party l.ish was cracked in vain , and scores of thu strongest and strnightcab republicans in the county , business int'ii , uiu ! fanners declared they had shut tlioir eyes and voted tlio straight ticket as long us they could stand it , hence the result. It w.ia a s'rujjs'lu for mun , nml nut for p.uly. And \vo trust those who havubeou thus favored by their peers will never give c.uiso for their supporters to regret their action HOLT COUNTY l The Frontier : Considered in any light it ia : i grand , a glurit-tH victory Wsiturloo for the democracy --a it defeat so overwhelming thut the p.irly will never recover. The democrats canvassed Hij e.iunty thoroughly , worked upovory uix'innent , and eatuod the moat shameful , obscene and scan dtilotis articles to bo printed and scat tered broadcast over the county , but was of no avail. The moro of the slang used only made votes for the re publicans , as the result shows. It may be said that the democrats died game , but were compelled to die just the bfime. bfime.TIIK LKSSOK IN TIIAYUK. Hebron Journal : The republican party in Thayer county has been de feated , but this does not signify in the least that it has lost its power. With a full ticket of good names , and properly managed , it can conquer any opposition. This iO. da to the obser vation that no p.arly , no matter how good its principles , van win with ob jectionable and iinpopuhkr men on its ticket. If this defeat shall teach the party to nominate next fall , for rep roaontatives , on'ystrong ' , ciear-lieaded men men who will vole for the people ple , and against monopoly extortion , it'will prove a useful , though a costly lesson. The management of the party must bo put ill the hands ot upright and non-acheming men , and this result can bo accomplished , if the people will take half as much interest in the matter - tor before the primaries as they do before the election. "SADLY DEFEATED. " Franklin County CJuard : The elec tion is over , and , although wo have no official figures , yet enough is known to make it pretty certain Unit the en tire republican county ticket , except the endorsements , is sadly defeated by republican votes. THE ALLIANCE IS MIGHTY. Fairmont Bulletin : The fight was a hot ono and at times most bitter , and although the regular republican nominees wera able and deserving men , the combination of alliance /armors defeated them badly. A SCKAMIII.B FOK OFFICE. North Platte Republican : The elec tion which took place in this country on Tuesday last wast wholly devoid of political feeling or interest. Men selected their candidates without any view to party , many irrespeetivo of the principles of right or wrong , and the struggle degenerated into a scram ble , in which personal feeling pre dominated , in which wounds inflicted years past were torn fresh agape , and from them flowed a stream of rancor and hate which time had but soured and embittered in their pent up recep tacles. What wonder then that men whom party ties should have cemented in strong unison , were found at angry variance , and that results the moat unlooked for should have been brought about it. It is true there was a pro portion of our citizens who recognized the duty they owed to the community and sincerely sought to perform it. Straight tickets were almost unknown , it happening in the majority of cases that two or more men who were fight ing each other to the death were voted for by ono and the same party. VALENTINK'S IIOMK nu.v. West Point Republican : As shown by tlio returns , published elsewhere , the democrats have won a Hweeping victory , electing the entire county ticket , with the exception of sheriff. Now the query arises how did this happen in this republican county ? for wo maintain that it ia a republican county. The question is easily an- Bwored. Because of factional strife in the party , and a general disregard of party ties and obligations. The lesson taught by Tuesday's defeat is a sevoio ono , but wo believe it to bo not with out its good results. Wo are confident a largo majority of the republicans who thin fall scratch ed their tickets , sincerely regret having done ao. When they consented to do it through feelin''fl of pique or pnrsonalfricnriHhipthoy , [ did not dream of the dire disaster that was to result therefrom. It seems a trivial thing for one man to scratch a ticket , and so it is , taken alone , but when hundreds do the same tiling it is impossible to conceive of the mischief it in liable to do. DO.VK jiiiow.v. Norfolk Journal ; The republican .jarty in thin county , as The Journal lias ; repeatedly asserted , owua nothing but defeat to Drown and his like. Every time they have attempted to take Brown into their confidence they have been betrayed. Their con ventions have been stampeded their plans frustrated and the bettor ele ments of the party disgusted. The election two years go sugifojted this /act very forcibly and the ono just past fully confirms it. (1001) MHS ( } ) l 1IOTII HIOK.S. { ji-and Island Times : The republi can ticket in II.ill , county this year is elected throughout by majorities ranging from sixty-nine to over 1,000 , The men elected are good men , as art some of those who were dtfeatod. Th administration of our county affair will bo in na good hands during th next two years , as they have boon it tlio past , and our march onward t prosperity will not be impeded in an ; particular. M1I.MUUHM IN DAKOTA. Ninth Nebraska Kigle : The victor of Tuesday waa not giiined by repub Henna , but all over the county , uiu particularly in thu custom and south ern section of it , good democrats am true helped to knife the men who hui been forced upon them by nn over bearing and domineering faction. Nor were the slaughtered candidates , all u them , deserving of such fate , UP among them were some of our bos men and leading citizens , who , luu they been chosen to the places fo which they were named , would have served the people usefully and well Hut the action of the party killed the ticket , and just so long in future as the faction that coutroied in the Ins convention is allowed to rule , just so long will democratic candidates it Dakota county be elected-to stay ai home FORTUNE'S vooi. . Reporter : Saline count ) gives , the democratic ticket a majorit ; of Uiu. Th.vt speaks for the re publican leadership of our frien. " Hon. James A. D.uvos , chairman ol the republicans ate central committee. A WA1ININO 1 ( ) MONOl'OUY 1IOSSKS. Central City Courier : The result o last Tuesday's election is a warning which the malingers ot I he republic : ! ! [ tarty in Morrick county cannot ulfoni to ignore. For a number of years [ Kusttho number of votes cast for tli republican olllcers of the county were upon the moat dilvct issues and with 10 personal or factional liyliia tt contend against them , has fullen a good ways short of the fud party strength given to the state ticket- and at the last election the repub lean ticket ot the county received but t bare endorsement. The fact thut Jio alliance ticket , put up by a eon volition representing only one class of individuals , has almost gained the en dursemcnt of the county against the ticket of a party representing all classes , and claiming three-fourths of thu voters of the county , is expressive if something wiong in the republican ranks. The fact that republicans have not moro fully stood by their ticket indicates that the transactions done in their name have not been entirely of ; heir creation or endorsement. The Joiuier speaks to those whose profes sions of party loyalty are disinterested mil sincere. Tlio result of the elec- inii in its promotion of caution on thu urt of our political managers and igilanco on the part of thu voter will > o salutary. TACKING THE OAUl'USSKS. Aurora Republican : Tlio demo crats , greonbackers and a few sore leads with the iiwistaneo of the so- called alliance , combined with the omfoohshuess m tlio republican party > ya few tliat would rule or ruin and he loose manner in which our caucus- aca and convention were conducted accounts for the defeat. In thu first > lace our caucusses wore packed by aim who did not intend to vote the opublc.w ticket and in some instances jy men who never have voted it. L'liey were thorc with no good pur- loio to thu republican party , but with Jie avowed intent of defeating it. OVEULOADED. Seward Reporter ; "Boas" ism ia oo heavy a load for the republican jarty of Seward county to carry suc- : essfully. TOOK AKTKACTIUNS. Ashland Gazette ; The Gazette do llars tlio defeat of three of the ropub- ican candidates , clerk , sheriff and udgo. Thu result among other caus- )3 , was owing to the fact that the re- mblicaus failed to turn out. KKEI' Ul' THE UOIIT , York Tribune : The Tribune now alls upon all anti-monopolists to or ganize for the next .campaign. Ivuep ; he issues before the people. Show o your neighbor the necessity of um- cd action. Our battle has but just > egun. The advance gu.inU have at- ; acked the enemy in its strongholds , and the enemy is whipped. The peo- ilo have captured the commissary do- lartment and cut off their supplies , sund firm and fight hard. Wo hold hs enemy at bay and every vote ; ained strengthens the people and weakens them. t'UOWDED TO THE WALL. York Times : Farmers and friends f anti-monopoly , we have aecom- ) ! ishcd what seemed almost an im- loasibility , and nothing but thu jus- ice of our cause could over huvo > rought to us thu surprising and un- xpccted strength thut we have so eon developed. Instead of being iacouragcd by the result of this clue- ion wo have every reason to bo on- ouragud Our enemies are more ban surprised at the result ; they ro struck with consternation. io strong has tlio monopoly in- uence been in this county , and so trongly intrenched are thu railroad ompanics hero that they had con- idently expected from 400 to 700 ma- ority for their entire ticket , and to co us elect part of our ticket and rowd them so very closely on the rest uis taught them what they are loth to leliuve , that their power is broken and hey miut soon succumb. Stand to other , farmers and friends , stand ni' , and wo will compel them to give m what wo demand or stop aside , and lake room for men who will. THE DOSSES UKIIUKKI ) . Hasting-Gazctto-Journal ; In some aspects thu local cimpaign juat clos- d was peculiar. While the ofliee of utility commiabionor is by far the important of thu county offices it ittractcd comparatively little atun ! ion. ' Air. Kdgerton was agreed upon > y all parlies as thu man for thu plticu md there was no contest for thu hon- era of that ofliee. Rut with thutreas- uruvthip and BOIIIO of the other olliccs hat are well paid the cano wan quite lifl'ureiit. Thu republicans placed a ickct in thu field in the usual nannor. There wore many who lid not approvu the ticket , hence the ' 'annerfi' Alliance was encouraged to ilace a ticket in the field , which they lid on the day following thu republi can county convention The ticket vas made up of men who had the con- idetice of the public , owing to their upright character and superior Intel- igonce , This later ticket received fiu endorsement of ull who were op posed to the republic n ticket , which besides the democracy includes nmny who are republicans upon the main questions , but who for vat ions causes saw lit to oppose a portion of the re publican ticket. This combination was too strung , as the returns show , for some of the republican nominees. QUEEN OF THE "SLOPE. " Missouri Vftlloynns Growing Fat and Prosperous oil the Suuny Side of the Blufl'd. Record of the Sorncm'n Improve moiitn-A Donil Trump- Com | iiinli" ' T of Tun llm. AliMsuiMii V.U.I.BV , November 1-1. In our first letter to Tin : Bur. it mijih not bo improper to inform your read era where , who and what wo are , hot many there are of us and what wo ar doing. JIUsouri Valley ia situated upon slightly sloping hillside overlookin the valleys of the Missouri and Hoye rivers. To the north bluffs risu ab ruptly r.nd stretch oil' in lonu lines ( high ridges and deep ravines covere with woods , atforiling ample grazint area for our cattle ; to the oust a gentl , rolling farming country greets thi vision , while tlio level sweep of th. . valley upon the .south and west spreadi out its beauty in attraclivo linea thai holds the eye ofthe gazer in admira tion upon its bosom and causes him tt exclaim , "This , indeed , must bo the garden ot the world ! " To the wesl from our view , on the hill back of the city , the silver like thro id of the Mia soiiri river may bo seen hero and : hcro shining through its barricade of 'oliiige , while far away to the south thu smoke from Omaha's many fur- laces hanga heavily on the air. The Ohieauo & Northwestern , the S. 0. t 1' . and the Nebraska division if , thu latter complete our railroad 'acilitius which connect us with the cities in every quarter of thu great west. Wo have the Sioux City Pacific railway shops and general of- ices. Also new stock and teed yards ire under contract , being built by , his enterprising company. They are 580x280 , having sixteen yards and ivo streets for loading. They are eased to our popular stock men. .Ino. ' . Luhinan. These when ; yards , com- ) letct' , will cost § 20,000. AVe have ho finest schools in thu county , un- ler the management of Prof. Cole nan. nan.Our population at present is 1,500 and constantly increasing ; our many idvantages offering inducements to settlers are uncqualed by any other county ; our builders have orcctpd some thirty dwelling houses during ho last season , and yet the demand 'or tenements far exceeds the supply , vitli routs climbing higher up the adder of the outrageous than was over fondly anticipated by the greedy andlord in his most delightful dreams of dross. The buildings for the near : utlire are an extensive addition to 3honey Bros , depot hotel , and a two- story implement house , 20x50 , by Carlisle Bros. , hardware morchnnts ; ilso a very complete establishment on i largo scale for grease refilling , by L. T. Goodrich. Our farmers are busy employing every moment of available weather to uiak their corn , and despite the Hoods of last spring and the unfavorable summer , tlio bottoms will yield a fair crop of this necessary article. Our merchants find trade lively and are running off their immense fall stocks at a rate that at least meets heir fondest expectations. The incoming express from Sioux } ity on last Friday morning found a nan lying upon the track covered vitli snow. Upon examination ho > roved to be dead , having been killed , t is supposed , by some outgoing train he night before. He was a tramp , lluon HOXIK. Bradford , Pu. Tlios , Fitchan , Bradford , Pa. , wrilea : 'I cnclosu nionoy for Si'iiiNO BLOSSOM , an Hnid I would if it cured inc. My dynpep- ia h.'iB vaiiinhi'd , with all itn Hyniptoinx , iluny thankH ; 1 shall nuvcr be without it n thu IIOIIHC. " Price 50 conlH , trial bot- IM 10 centa. ITeodlw A Case for Charity. ) clrot ! Krco Pross. One of Detroit's inillionairos was walking homeward yesterday when ho ncountored a laino imni with a greasy mpcr in hia hand. As the pair came o a halt the lame man asked : "Will yon do mo tlio favor to read Ills paper ? " "Can't do it left my eye-glasses loine , " was the reply. "Then I will state tfie contenin to " * " on. "No use no use. I'm so deaf that couldn't cath moro than one word ut of three. " "I'm a poor man with a wooden eg , sir. " ' Yes I see--I see. Lots of poor nen have no wooden legs. You are ucky , sir , and I congratulate you. dust have cost you fifty dollars , and presume it is a nice lug. " "If you had any clothes , mr. " "Yes , but ! haven't. " 'Or old boots. " "I'm wearing my old boots , you see. rou are juit six months too early to get'urn. " "I haven't had a moul since ycslor- lay. " "Nor ] , cither. Wo arc cleaning louse , and for thu last three days I'vu iad toeata cold lunch off the piano , " "Then you couldn't spare a nicklo1 "How can Jl Ain't 1 walking homo iccausu 1 haven't ' money to ride on the ar ! " "Is thut HO ? Then we're both hard up. " "Of coiirso wo aro. " "And being you'ro the ' worrtl off lore'il a cold sabHiigo I got at tlio lioiifeu > ulow , and hero's a nicklu to ride on ho car ! 1 tell you , sir , IIH poor folks IUH got to have moro pity for thu rich mil do better by 'em or we'll all go to he poor houeo. "Buohupuilm. " New , rjnlck. complete euro In four day * , urinary Directions , mnurtiiii , ' , frequent or liilicult urlnniiou , kidney diseuHu * . 91. Depot nt U , 1' . ( joodmau'ti , ( ft ) Tftrmut's Aporiout Slav | < roicrK lie calld lie " 'lermWof ' tncll tf'nc , for It el'fttuNaturi1 * fttturin > p , ami nllo < Hthn rocil | > o | > o\m < ol tin' stem toile ilolie ork of reitoiMloii 1.1 luHi Vo im-di rlnc t'lle ; Saturn nlotH r\rr Tl. ! AIHTKMII open * tin i > roii'ri\cniic | , ti ! fiitn-li n n > e ) nr inlttoil _ to rcHttiitu tliclr M r < . nn.l tlir | iAtiviit * ' ' " " ° ' ' 'SOLD ItV AI.t ( DIH'COISTM IMIvt-ol WIionrnt glossy , InxurJnnfc nntl wnvv tresses ol'nlnmilant , lioaiithm llftir iniisfc use lA'OK'S KATUAIUON. This clecnnt , clicnp article nhrars niaKos tlio lluir sro\v : freely and fast , keeps it from falling' out , arrests and cures gruy- ness , rcntoTca dutidrnir ami itcliiiig , in a k os the Hnir r.ti-ong . , giving it n cm-line : tcmleiicy n d Keeping it in nny dosirnd posit itni. ] 5oau- t'ftit , hwillhy lluir is the sure result i' usuijj liatliairou. To Nerve JS fcJufi'erers THE Qllh'AT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Sitnpson't ) Specific It la a | ) ( tiM'ciirc lor S | > crniitnirlifa , Hvmlnt Wwkm'AN liii | Uincy , nntl all ilisia eJ it ultliu i-om Scll-Aliu 1 , if' llontiil Anxlut } , I.otw Memory , lailia In tlio Uarli cjrSUc _ , ai " " ' " . .nut " ' tint toil to Ceti5uniilloii | Mtnity nn. I rarly ra i ! tipi'cill Misliclno U with [ ill rt\lCCf B. PllllH > hlut > 'tn't true to all. Wnto tat tnciu end Rot full pnr < ticulnts. I'rlL-u , Siiovlllc , fl.Ki iwr packnie. or v\x \ | cl > - iiriij ( or J6.00 Aitilr > " nil onlers tu B. 6IMSON MKD1CINK OU. Noa. 104 ami Id ) Main SI. Buffalo , N. V. Bold in Omaha l < y 0. K. ( Ino' , J.V. . Hull I. K It-Ii , nil oil ilriiralHrwvcrywhoro. DISEASES -ui'Tinv- DR. L. B. GRADDY , Oculist and Aurist , LATE CLINICAL ASSISTANT IN HOYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL , deferences all Remitohlo I'liynldana ot Omaha t3"Office , Corner IGth and Farnham Stt. , Omalia. Neb vrZCmiotf GRAY'S SPECIFiO MEDICINE TRADE MARK ? " 'TRADE ' MARK - ony. An iin- rallini ; i-uru i fir Svinlnal Weak n cm , H ) iriuator- rhca , Iniiot- | ency , and all lli > ca i'Stlmt' follow nn a BEFORE TAKI a. > ' i < 'o or AFTER TARINO. loir AluiHe ; UH l Memory , Unlienul lj\i \ - vide , P.i'.n In thu llaek , Dhnnuiu of Vltlon , Pro matura Old Age , and umiiy other Di-eixui that cad to Insanity or CoiiBuinntlon and a Prcma- tire Oravo. XaTFiill partluularH In oir pamnhler , nlileh wn dciilro to Bund trco I . mull to every one. 4-gTrio SpcdHc Medlclno In ( old by nil ilnwlstf > t $1 jier jiackatjo , or I ! pic't ' kui for $ fi , or will > e hcnt Ireo by nrnll "M re 2 ptof the money , liy ddrcexlni ; TI1KUHA lliDICINI' CO , , IluHalo , N. V. For sale by C. K Good1 oc7iiie-iod fait for bein the most direct , qulckcut , an oafoiit line connoctlnjf tlio ( treat Itetrojiolla , CHI AflO , and the KAHTKRN , NonTii.ICAMTK.tiN , HOUTI nd SouTll-EAHrERN LiNim , which t riulnat tlicru , with KANBAH CITVBAVBKWOKTM , ATUUMON , MVKCU , IlLurm anil Okuiu , thu COMUIUCUI BNTRks from which nvllato EVERY LINE OF ROAD iat penetrates the Continent from the Ulmoarl ivcr to thu 1'acinc Hoix ! > . The OHIOAGO HOOK ISLAND & PA- OIFIO RAILWAY the only line from Chicago owning track Into anuaH , or which , hy Itu own rood , rendiwt the iolnU nbovo namtd , No TRANUfxiui nt CAHRUGH I t'o MHuiisu cuNMtaiosM t No huddling In III- entllatod or unclean earn , an every puJMcn er Ik carried In roomy , clean and ventilated coachix pan Kant KxprcM Trains. DAT GAKH o ) nnrlvaled munificence , I'ULLUAX 'ALACK flLiinriNO CAKO. and ourownworld-famotu ) ININU CAKii/tiiion which iiiciln nro nerved of uri' urjia iJ cxcclUncu , at tha low r to of HnvKNir- IKH CIWTB IACH , with ainplo tlmofor healthful nlpyraont. Through Care between ChlcaRO , Poorla , Ull aukua and UlwMiirl Klvor Polntii : and clo o eon ectlona itt all pulntii of IntoraoctJon with othei Wo ticket ( do not forijet thli ) directly to evert JacB of Importance In KaimaH. Nchronka , Illaclc ( Ills , WyomliiK , Utah , Idaho , Nevada , California , rcjrou , WaHhlni'ton Territory , Colorado , Arizona nd New tlunlco. AB liberal arranicmcntn rcKurdiriff lioKtr 'oai' ny other line , and raten of faru alMtiju axl ow tu > coini > utlUr , who furnlbh but a tltha of Ihu com orUKoKsanil tackle of uportsmon froo. Tlckcta , inai > and folder * nt all prlnelia | ( HluuH In thu C'nltwl HtatfH and 1'un.vK It. K. CAIII.K , K. HT. JOHN , 'IcoPres't&den. Oen.Tkt unUWrAic Manager , Chlcavo W. J. CONNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , Ornrt Front Hooiin ( im ffalru ) In llaniixjiii'ii now brick ImlMliitf , H. W , corner Fttcculli ( id nRWIHKKHtl BYRON REED & CO. . ( lUlBUT MTAHUH1IIIU Real Estate Agency IN NKU1 < A8KA | Kocp comnlcU al trftct of title to floai Kotate ID Onufu &a Voutlui county , ouytl No Changing Cars Wlicto itiroct roimi't'tion n > tmuie with Tliroiiirl -SI.KKI'INO OAHUNJMIor NKW VOUK , ItOSTON , rillLADKI.IMUA , IIAI.TIMUHK , WAHIIIKOTDN AND AU. KASTKHN ITIKS. The Short Line via. Pcoria Kor INinANAI'Ol.lM , CINCINNATI. LOUIS- Vil.I.r , .MI. I all | < alntx In the rim KIUT For ST. LOUIS , Whoio illroct ( xiniifctioiit Kro intulo In tliu Unloi , Ui'jvit with tha Tlirniii'h Slwiilii ' Cur MUM tor AM. roiKTt ) SS O XT 'JC 3E3C . NEV/ LIMEADES RIOINES THK I'AVOtUTK UOUTK KOH Rock Island. The iinunuM | imliu'i menu infi'rwl l > y tills line to IrvvilorH ixiul tonrlnts nronx tollm\ > : Thn i > clulimt l I'UI.I.MAN ( tll-nhml ) 1'AliACK SI.KKI'INIl ( JAKS run cmlv on thin line 0. , U * 4. I'AI.ACK 'UAWINO UOOM UAH8 , with llorton's lli'olintnif Clmlrs. No e\tni clmr o (01 ( ; > iuN In llodliilni ; Chalrx. Thu IHIUOIIH U. , II. & O , . 1'iibra Dliilii ) ! Cnm. (3orRi > oni ! timoUni ; Otrr lUli'd with rli-pint hlL-li-btrkiil rnttnn rovoMnv chixlni , tor the uxcliim\o unool tlrnt-0-l sn inssoii' Cert. . . Strcl Track anil anwrlor | iNiiilpinont voinhlrn I with their gicul through car nrniiKouimit , n lt this , aliovu nil oUuTii , Iho tavoriU ) route to tnr , Month nml SnntluviHt. Try It , Mid jo\i will llnil trnvollntf a luxury In stivul ol A ill-ifointort. lliruiiKh tlcKrtu vlo thl colotiritwl line lor unit At ull oiliciK In the United MUtei ami UinaiU. All Intornintlon nl.jnt mtiw ot tare , Sli-culng Car tu'cnniinoihtlaiirt , Thno I'nhlui , etc. , wilt tx chocrfully ulvon hy npiilvlnit to f KUCKVAI. I.OWKM. , Genera ) oncer Airent , C J. rorricu , On. MRiiru'rr ( Sioux City & Pacific THE SIOUX OITY ROUTE KtiiiH n SoliilTrnlti 'lhroiih | from Council blull's to t. ' aul Without Clmngo Time , Only 17 Hourt , IT in 3LO O MILKS TIIK HIIOKTKST UOUTK , FEOM COUNOIL BLUFFS TO ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS OULUT1I OK IU3MAUCK , nndall polnta In Narthorn Iow . Mlnnoiota anil Dakota. IhU Ilnn la cmilppoil with the linprovod Wo8tlnihoti a Automatic Alr-brako vnl Ullloi 1'latfonn Couulor and lludcr : and lor SPKKD. SAFETY AND COMFORT \niBuriiannoil. . Pullman I'alaeo Slvcnlnc ; Car run Hirou-h WTIIOUTOIIANUKIictwrcii Knn s.w City anil St. Paul , vli Council Illutlt end Slou < ; City. 'I'nlim lenvo Union Pacific Tmnfifer at Conn. ell ItluHx , at 7l.'i : ! p. in. dally nn arrival of Kaunas City , Kt. Joxcpli and Council I Huff < train fioin the tionth. Arriving at Hionx City 11:118 : p. in. , anil nt thuNow Union Uciiot nt St. Paul ut IZ-.SO noon. TKN HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANY OTHEH ROUTK. / rltenirnilicr In taking tlio Hloux Cltj Mouto youijet n'lhroiili ( Train. The Shortuxt l.lnn , thu cjulokeiit Timu and A Comfortahlo HIdu lu the Through ar hctwuori COUNCIL , IIUTWS AND ST. PAUL. ilTSeo that your Tlckcti read via the "Sioux City anil 1'a.clfli ! Ilall oail. ' * J. H. WATTI.KS , J. It. IIUCIIANAN Mincrlntuiidunt. Ocn'l I'OHH. Aut'iil. P. II. ItOIJINbON , A Vt I wi'l PinAi t , illHHOiirl Valley , Iowa. J , II. O'llllYAN , Soiitlm-iwtrni 'Kent , Council Illnlf . Iowa 1880. SHORTJ.INE , 1880. KANSAS CITY , SUoe&Gouncil Bluffs U Till UNLT Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST Prom Omaha and the West. No change of earn botwiwn Omaha and t > i. i > ml but ono lietwuon OMAHA and NEW YOKK. Daily PassengerTrains K1ACIIIHO ALL KABTKHN AND WKSTKHN CITIKS with LIBS UIIAliaiJS and IN ADVANCE of ALL OTJIKIl LINEa. This entire line la cquiiix | > d with Piillmvi'i Palace Rlccpln ) , ' Care , Palace Day Coarhco , llillorV Safety Platfonn and Coupler , and the celobratttl VVoatliiKhouao Alr-brako. Gti'tico that tour ticket read * VIA nANHAh CITV , ST. JOSEPH It COUNCIL IJLUKFS Ilall. road , via Ht. Joueph and Ht. Louis. Tlekuts for wlu at all coii ] > on ntntlom In tin Wwt. J. K. JIAKNAHD , A C. DAWKS , Gen. Hupt. , St. Jomii.h , Mo Qen. I'tat. and Ticket Act. , Ht. Joimpli , Mo. I Anpr lioHDuN , Ticket A ent , 1020 Kanitiaiu itrcvl. A. D. IlABMARn. Uenoral Aiuiit , OMAHA. NK A. MARTIN , MERCHANT TAILOR , 1220 Farnham St. , Dosirea to announce to hia friends and the Go oral public that ho has resolved to rodace h'B prices to the lowest notch consistent with tha principle of 'live and let live. " Gontlqrnen desiring a flrst-ckus Suit of lothps , in all respects equal to any and second to none , will do well to jcivo Mr. Martina call. Good JBuainesH Suits to orkor , $25. Ffno Pantaloons , $ D and upwards. n 1 d 1 in 01) , . CI.AIIlU 0.t. 1 , U. IIVHI Clarkson & Hunt , Butcuw' " in Klchanla k Hunt , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW On. l. Nti. John G. Jacobs , ( formerly of ( ll h&JacolMi UNDERTAKER. No. H'.T KurnhamBt. , Old HUnil o ! tirOiiltHi ov Tcloiaauh HollciU J 17 I'MIS N W AJND CC\ttRECT KCAJ ? tro < . jcyonft anj iraftniialilo question thnitlm CHSCAliO & NORTH-WESTERN RY > oy nil Mtno ( \ few ; ton for you to tnkn ivlicn tr.ivcllnrt lu cllhci rtlrectimi betwocnT Onlca/jo / mid all ol' Ihu Principal Points In the V/ost / , Worth ant ) Northwest. atftuliy fxaininoiiil * KiThe \ ] ITijicimi ntlosnf thn Voitnnrt NortliwwtiimSt.itlopr nn tills ronil Ha tUrouuli ttalnn timid < > losn rouin'clluu * wIlU tUo trutua ol all railroads US JUIH 11(111 pcllltA w 'j.l1.i ] ! U . , ok.1' t $ ' Jk3r | > < 3 THE CHICAGO & NORTK-WLSTERN RAILWAY , The Imperial Palace Dining Cars. ltomi > mlicrloA.ik for Tickets vlntliUroaiLliosurottiorrcnil over It.niul takriiionoiithor. MAU\1X IlL'tlUITTOcu'l Jliuiaiicr , CUIcaRO. * W. U. SIENNKTTOcti'l 1'iiss. Actit | , Clilcajjt IlAitHV I' , ULKli , I'lckct Airniit 0 AN. W. ttnllivny , Utliiiiul Kmnhnm ntreotn. l > . hi KIMIIAI.I. , AssUunt Ticket A'ntC. it N. W. Uillwity , 14th mill Farnham strooll J. IlKLIi. Tlekol A ont U. A N.V. . tU'lway , U. I' . K. K. Deral. HAMIWT f'l.AUK flpncrnl Awmt -MAKERS OF THE- finest Silver Hated Spoons and Forks , The only uiul Uional plato thut original linn of ia giving for in- llogora Bros. otatico n ainglo AH ou' Spoons , plated Spoon n Forks u n d Knivca plated triple thickness I with the grofttoat plato only on of euro. Each the B o o t i o B lot being hung on a ecalo while where expo d being plated , to to wear , thereby inouro n full deposit - making a single posit of uilvor ou plated Spoon thorn. thorn.Wo wear ns long ana Wo would call a triple plated o.spocial ntton- one. tion to our BOO- Rival- Orient Tipaed. All Orders lu the Weet nhouldbc AJJresseJ to A. B. HUBERMANN , Wholesale Jeweler , OMAHA , NEB. Special Attention Is Once More Called to the Fact that Rank foremost in the West in Asso rtment and Prices of CLOTHING , FOR MEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR , ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF Furnishing Goods Hats and Caps. Wo nru'protmred to moot thu donmnds of tlio trndo in regard to Latest Sty lea and I'lkttorns. Fine Morclmnl Tailoring in Oonnoction RESPEOTPULLT , M. HELLMAN & CO , , 1301-1303 Farnham and 300 to 312 13th St M. > | . l In tl > l.A IUJKHI' I N.STJTl"I'HN ) iNTIIinVOHhl ) of which lint ( j ct \ * the imiUiifiit nf MrN ( ! AND Oil KV1' D1SKASUS. It Mediual SUIT ' ' ' ' I'llY.SICIAN.S In Luinluii to whom this c < iii | nt of tln MOS'l' UMIN'UN'T , wo ewe tlioMO.STHlTCOIJtHKlflj ltl'3MHl > Vf > l'"rilH ACK. lu thu lliltish 3\rotroiioll . nlnnu MiaoliVctuil tuo tlmu ini , ) > , ( XK > ( HMIKS , n il lit the trying Wiitt-r oflKSO U wuillrctlwltlili'ivliiKHAVIU ' ) Hf.VlJ iijUKhlVJCH : ) , Obtuh.ablo . only ( lu JJoU Sl. 0 mid liOo eucli ) , from M ? . 3E3. 3E L3EC3E Ja7a7 : , ADDRESO , RS8IDENOE , P. O. Ugx 002 , uo\lit ( 8. W , Pierce end 20th 81s. ,