Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1881, Page 2, Image 2

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A Bit of History Concerning
Them ,
How they Have j Grown The
Flour tboy Manufacture.
Odds nml EniM from tlint ThrlvinR
Correspondence o ( The Hoc.
Mit.i'oiu > , Neb. , November M.
About a thousand Nubmskn towns nro
nsp'nu to bo grout in some way , bu
Milfortl hns nehievrd greatness in onu
rcspoct , at least. For years slio Ins
boon striving to secure the proper
uUHratiim of bor nia'iuf.icturint , '
aourccs , mid to.ilay I bad llio plo.iHiin .
. .f oxamininjr , by far the lineal mill in
.be at.ito Of Nebraska. From a little
country suw and f-ri't mill , olcp by
atop they have grown until they Imvu
reached a heiyht of o ! hly-
tbreo feet , only seven less than the
roar will of Itoyd's ' Opera JIoiiso
From making corn meal of common
grade and fourth rate Hour tboy have
gone up to the Htato fair of ' 81 and
came back with lirat premium mid nil
attendant honors. From a little frame
structure these milU have developed
into a mm of stone , brick
nnd timber 48x52 feel ,
nnd seven ntone.i hi h , with two ele
vators , nearly us large , and flour dust ,
room , ofliccH , etc. , situated in thu
rear and connnotud by a wire rope
transmitter. From doing a little grist
business it 1ms now evolved into a
merchant mill with the Ilunipiriun
reduction syfltem which is now usi-d
l > y the Minneapolis niilln. Bteul roll
ers take the pliuo of buns , and the
wheat is cracked in the first rollur ,
mashed in llio second ami pulvcriswcl
in the follow ing live , ouch sot of roll
ers buinu' closer than the preceding.
After the wheat patsua these rollers it
is bolted or Hifted through coarse
cloth. This cloth lets the" disinte
grated particles of through and
passes oiriho largo pieces , which urn
run through another act of rollers AIK !
again lo'luci'd ' ,
The germ ol a kernel of wheat in
not good food. Jtmikoi flour blnok
nnd unwholesome. By thu old mill
stone procws the waxy germ wat
ground up with the starchy portion
nnd bolted through with the flour. By
the new system of cracking ( he kernel
instead of giindini ; it , thin germ is not
ground but tl ittjnud and bolted out
while thti Hlaroliy jinrtionsof the wheat
are powdered into Hour. This in the
only mill in Nohrus'di with this ma
chinery , although u similar lollor sys
tem it now used by onu that has just
been completed and no doubt all liiv.t-
clast I r'o , mills hereafter erected ill
use the rollers , huUmall mills cannot , -
for it takes a mill that product's ovur a ;
hundred and lifty Inrrels a doy to use cr
tii'i ( ) rollers pnlitably. ' th
Them mills are n.'imed The QIUM 111
cluqnu J\ill,4 , and they manufautiiro w
the ishofjo , thu ICollianua , and the wJ
Popotne biiuuls of Hour. Any one Oil (
reading this letter aloud will bj c.ivo- III
fill wlieu he comes to thene luna-n ,
They are not dangerous , provided yon
let them alone , but don't tike them
in your mouth for tboy are loaded mid W
might 150 oil' . The words nro Aztec ,
Popotne means good , Kolhaiina means
better , and Shogo means host. In
They were furnished by Mr. J. II.
Culver whoso Ar.ten researches liavo
occupied much valuable time. I stinted
out to say that this Hour is now sold in crmi
nearly all the large towns in Nebraska , . mi ,
Kansai , Towa , Illinois , Colorado mid it
the territories generally and that the of :
cash invested in this milling business IH
is not less than fu [
but eo many details crowded in us 1
wont along that I nearly forgot the
main facts , If
The history of the mills of jMillfon' ' Fi
is somewhat intere.stini , ' . du
The original print mill was erected to
on thu present nito in 18iO. ( in
Hoed , IXiviBon \Vortondyko , wore
the pioneer mill men , and their building
20.\20. One burr and
ing was \ a t'i
primitive. water wheel was the t'iw
outfit , nnd feed , corn meal and Hour , til
nil wont through llio s.imu burr. The
Hour mid shorts were soparted by hand. il
.1. L. Davison thun became the polo ilec
owner. In 1870 tho-mill was enlarged tii
and materially improved. In 187-1 in
Mr. J. U. Culver'boughta'balf interest
and in 1875 the and
uuni Hume weru fa
uvmhnulod , improved and rebuilt. In fap
187 ! ) Johnson and Perry of New York p [
purchased a half interest and having tli
nrnplu menus , commenced the erection all
of thu present mills' The following alof
year they purchased the remaining of
intoroit .of Davison and Culver and tl
continued their improvements ami tltt
they uru not near through , and yet tl
they have now a larger mid a bettor tlT tlS.
mill than any in Nebraska , Kansas , S.
Iowa Colorado. S.ii
or .
It in strange how many things there iib iiN
are in this world that we don't know. b
Now I never dreamed that Nebraska ty
had eueh a mill iw this. I had seen ael a
uueh in Minnesota , but did not pro- el
HUino that Nebraska cared much about ela
big milli. a
Milfnrd , however , isnot yet satisfied. ui
Thent u another mill situ here , and it uiHi
won't bo long before wool , paper ,
starch or glucose will be manufactured
bore , and mayhup all four , us there of
in no limit to the power if that Lin
coln cruel ; c.uml once getu a portion of of
Platte nvur runningthroughthu Blue ,
thus giving the n.iiue head of water
all thi'your round.
Milford claims to be the
incut picturesque and beautiful
town in the State , .Shu has blull's ,
clills , gorges , springs , groves , a small is
lake , a sm.tll river , ngarden-liku coun
try around and , from an observatory
fifty font high , Lincoln , Crete , So\varl !
and BI rural smaller towns can be
scon. Boating , hunting , fishing and
Bwimming purlieu visit Milford and thu
wealth , beauty and brains of thu largo (
cilice of thu stale liiivn niciiio'd here it
for weeks at atinio. Milford wanted
a railroad and Air. J. II , Culver , .
Leandur Gcrruid nnd u few others of
pulled together and got it. Milford of
wanted a big mill and J. L. Davison
.hunted up tlm capitalists and in
now cornea Milford again and
wants the veterans' annual reunion
. . . _
and flic will get it nnd don't you forgot
it. There Is not a spot in Nobr , sk.i
that has such advantages for making
a pleasant camp. This town proposes
to become NoUr.wka'a ple.isuro result
and , judging by the p st , she will bu
successful in becoming universally ac
knowledged as the Saratoga of Hi
went.The farms hero and hereabouts un ,
nmoiig the very best in the state. Th
business men are live , enterprising ,
and keep their town sinning.
OWH AND r.xns.
The best chance extant for a hotel
man is now olllred by .1 , S. Stuttinius ,
landlord of the Saratoa.i , the only
litol , in Milford that has the pa rou
r.go of the traveling men. Mr. S.
mint return to the east , and s <
his hotel is now in the mat'
lcL ami ho solicit1 } coirospoudeuce.
The building is excellent , tiir/iisliiug /
now fixtures fiist class and the _ right
man can make loU of money in it.
Milford ba-llyneedsa barber ; there
is not a shaver in town.
There is a new school house going
up hure. It is to be of brick , two
stories high -10x00.
0. W. Hamlin < V Co. , lumber dial
ers , cmup am that it is almost impossi
ble for tlioni to get lumber enough to
supply tlio demand.
The Milford Siato Bank , Wyandt
Emurduii's guiiurnl incrcliandiitu
store and the pobtolliue forms com
lunation that transacts a vait amount
of business.
Air. A. D.Volbort has put up anew
now Htoroaud is doing a goud busi
ness in gioeorios , news , etc.
Mr. A. Wa'erman , the crayon artist
of Mdfurd , would make a mint of
money if hewrruin Omaha , hiii hake-
sperian studies and his portraits are
; rue works ot art , superior to any that
[ have seen outside the studios of
' .iinoiH artistf ,
To Captain Mitchell I am indebted
'or the most efficient assistance in
irocurmg a big BKK Hit at Milford.
3x-Shuriir Niuhart also did noble
work in the Miino direction ,
Mr. J. 11. Culver , the liveliest deni-
/.en in a town of live men , gave me
mints by the dozen.
B. f Powell , the big merchandise
iropnetor , is now a Bui : man.
For business review BOO advertising
columns. KAN < JIU. :
of Nolirnalm.
Imilntrctt'ii Weekly.
I he state ot Nebraska will not be
ifteen ye.irs old until the 1st of next
Ifarch , and jut to day it has a popn-
ation nt neatly 500,000. In 18D5 , a
uar after the territorial orijauixalioii ,
ho poiulaiion | was less than 5,000.
'ho United States census returns
hews the following growth in popu-
utiou :
White , Colored , Indian * .
Sri ) . us , . ' .in 8i ! 0:1 : *
an . I2'I17 "RJ (5 ( , 4. 1 ! "
a8j . 140,1)5)nr ) -i.tiij"
Native. Foreign T.ital .
800 . li.-IUl ) 0,3 I 1S8 !
. . , . : n ,013 'J73J151,13 : ) ,
"Imli in nulin tti lolution ,
Of the nearly 50,000.000 aaros cm
iraucd in the state , not ovt-r 3,500,000
are cultivated in cereals , and the in-
cn-asoof these crops , as reported by
the census for the three decades ,
may ! be seen in the following table :
18150 1-70
Who it . 147.8IJ7 ii,125OSO
JuU . 7-1,51)1 ) ! t.JM.fiOl !
tinli m corn . VI8J.U8J1,7 0710
lUrluy 1J108 2Hi-18L '
Who it l-m , $ ( " > 1.1,8I7.07
JJyo aiL"J7 ' 121,318
2'0-l.i7 0/155,870
inn unrn . liJOliliO ( GS.-riO.I.Vi . liiG ( ! 17.W5J
Hurley . lir.l.'OL 1,71lt80 !
This certainly shown a healthy in-
rcaso in agricultural productH , and
more especially is this the ca-iu when
is ivmombeied but a small portion
f thu iiliiio in plowed land. That
nearly ; three-font tlis of all the wheat ,
nlly per cent of the corn , "
ind eight-ninths of all thu hog-t
raised in Nobniska in 187H were
credited to the twenty-nine counties
lying between the Missouri river and a
line , diawn from Sioux City through
Franklin county to the Kansas boun
dary , Doubts uxist in many minds as
the fitness of western Nebraska for
anything moru than pastoral pur
poses , Thu repoit of I'rofeBborn
Samuel Anghey and 1) . C. Wilbur
t'ikes the ground that the soil of the
western States and territories beyond
the lOOth muiidian is , chemically con-
tiideied , prolrtbly as fertile as any sim
ilar ami in any part of the American
continent. The only practical tpiea-
lion iu in regard to the supply of
moisture. Tlioy assert that in west a "
ern Nebraska the average annual rain
fall is as m'ciit or yroutor than in many
: irls of Kuropo which are cultivated
without thu aid of irrigation , and upon
this fact they base thu statement that
parts of the State can bu cultivated
without the artilluial application
water. It has been stated that
the climate of the wojturn coun
try is iindOi going a great change -
that it is ur.idually becoming moitter.
The recent rise in the level"of Great
Salt . Lake , nnd lakes Mono and Owen :
Kiistern California nnd Western
Nevada , are cited ill proof of this
hypothesis ; ; but it appears to be prut-
well established that the rise of
these lakes is due , not to any climatic [
change , hut to local causes , while
agiiinst this theory is opposed the fact
that thu rainfall records carry on for
'JO or ItO years in thu west , do not
show any appreciable increase in the
amount of precipitation. That
ment , breaking of ground , planting
trees , and the geneial incic.tso in
vegt'tationhai increased the moisture
thu climate , is undeniable as it pru-
vi'jitsthe rain from goini ; immediately
oil' thu surface , and causes it to sink
into thu ground , thus increasing the
moisture of thu giound and theatmos
phoro immediately abovu it , bu
Jhoiu is no uvideneu that thu rainfall
thereby increased. Thus to a
eeitain degree settlement , ami in that
way cu'tivation without irrigation of
what was formerly supposed to be an ( .
and region , bus been imulu practica nil
ble. To that extent , however , this
can bo carried , still remains an open
jiiiMtiuii , but from pesont indications
would appear that funning without
irng.ition has reached its limit in Kan-
u.iii and Nebraska in the neighborhood
the 100th meridian. The people
the western part of both these
stales are taking considerable interest
the question of irrigatien.
Thu cattlu and sheep interests of
thu atato aru increasing very rapidly ,
Tlio following t bio is official , and
hews the number of the live stock ai
enumerated by the census of 1870 ami
1880 :
1 70 , 1R80.
llnr M . Hl.f'OO iXH.I
Mnlrs . 1,700 lif.7 ! (
Oxon And other entile . . 207,0. f ! OiO. i.1'
Milch cow * . .isoo : ! KII.O ; !
Sli.1-ii . 2V.OO 2-I.Vi !
HtW . 125,000 1'JH 7SI
( ) no would hardly expect to find
such a purely ngr ctiltmal region m.ik-
inu' such progress in miuuf.icturu , but
for all tli-it , Omaha , with a ixipn n iou
of over 30,000 , and Lincoln , with over
1'i 000. are making headway in thin
direction nnd the follow ing table show
tlio lines atong which the leading c
ivitios of tlits character are moving
and the rate of p ogress :
No , of c it nli ! ifihtncn's . 1 _
lliiniNciupliivrd'I'1' '
C.iiillal invented . $2fiflB7ii)0 ( )
VViittra I'd' ' ' ' . 1- ( ) ' --wl
MatBiinlH . : t7lir. ! , d
I't-r c.ipitu proJu tlim ( )
Ma dl mtftlilNliinenli < > TfJ
I InmU employed ,
C | ill l Invo-tod 8lin ! ! , ! irjJ.Wi
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
MiC'rrl.ils. ! . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV.lir.w'l 00
IVndil U r.,788rili.LO . !
I'rciiuitn production - 1KI
No. : > of e Ulill hrnf > iit \H \
II ' niln oinpliiyt'd 7VN1
Cap tal invented ? ljjl8,7 0.0i )
\ \ ni/t'H pud . . . 1,7H > , 7U IKl
M lerlnls 11 : HW.W Oil
1'rodneln Ki70,0IO.OO ! ( !
Ter e.ipita protluction
The figures given for J880 are not
thu final official figures. 'L'liu final re
ports when the work of all the special
: igents is concluded nuy change them
slightly , but we have no liL-sitancy in
saying that the growth will bo found
approximately as above given ,
Koal estate and personal property in
Nebraska andansebsed uvery year , in
such manner ILS the legislature may
dintct. The assessment is equalized
by the town boards. The rate of as
sessment differs in different counties ,
varying from flG to 55 pur cent , of i's '
true value. The ansessed value of
property is about ? ! )0,000,000 ) , about
four-tenths of the true value. There
are 2,011 miles of railroad in thu state ,
and it has all been developed
since 185 ! ! , when ground was broken
for the Union Pacific railroad. Few
statcn have a more excellent school
system than Nebraska. The founda
tion was laid in the government land
grants , and the productivojicrnmucnt
school fund bus alre.uly thu grand
total of $ : i,323,217 , while 2.M , M8
acres out of tlio original grant of 2 ,
Git)80 ! ! , ) remain unsold. 'I ho immi-
[ T.ition into Nebraska at the pru.ioiit
time is chiefly composed of thrift }
Americans , English , Scotch and Scan
i Escaj ) ! ) nnd Cnptuvo of a Crim
inal at Blair-
Corro pen < lcnco to Tin : linn.
15 ; , A i it , Nuroinbor 1C. - - Quito n cmn-
inution was ( jcciwioncd liuiu yu.stuid.y
niorniug by the escapu from jail of
Frank Sutton. His plnn of t-Huaiie
waa an iinyuiiuroua ono. It IH cus
tomary for tlio jailor to hand tlio kuB
to ono of the priaonorH at night to
lock the balance of the uriaonerB in
their cells and then put thu keys in his
own cell door. The jailor thou goea
in and locks him in , In the morning
the jailor noes in and takes ono prisoner -
oner out at a time , to do chous.
There beinjf only ton jiuraoim .
in tlio ? ail . youterday , Wntton
acl\omo woikud very nicoly. In the
ni lit , before ho locked tlio other
prisoner in his cell , put the Icoy in his
eell door , and hid in the hull under u
blanket. In tlio morning the jailor
wont into the jail to take out the [ ins-
omsr , and wont first to the cell of the
other prisoner , took him out , and left
the outside doors open , Sntton then
"skipped , " Sheriff lioirgs BOOH give ;
chaao , and followed Button into a
weed patch , when Suttim defended
himself with a six-shouter. I'og s re
taliated by pulling two loads of line
shut into Sutton ueforo ho would gtvo
up. Ui.\ .
A fortune ni.iy ho Hpuiit in usin ' invf-
fectual invdiciiioM , when liy applyini ;
TlumiaH1 Kuk-ctiiu Oil mul
a cpcody tcou-
uinlcnl cine e.iu bo dFectetl. In ribu of
ilieuuintl. in , luiiiu li.-icl ; , buitily ailiiiciit-i ,
or ] > rins of every ilesciiiitfon it atumU in-
ntutit relief. ' " - 'w
PraJrloFirnn iuOurt Ccnnty.
Hurt County NOHH ,
A terrible prairie fuo swept over a
portion of Everett precinct on the
> th , doing immense diiniat < e in burn
ing hay , etc. Thu lire jumped
creek , where it was over twenty fuet
wide , burning up seventy-two slacks
out of' eighty for Tom Souter , mid K
ibont half that amount for his brother
Mell Senter , and dointr cousider.iblu
dainngo to others whosu names wo
could not learn. On the LTith tilt , a
ire ran down through a portion of
Summit precinct , burning up filleun
tons of hay for Wm. Kby , and about
ho same amount for Mr , Freeiiiiin.
Another liiu came up thu bottom ,
starting somewhere below or east of
Herman , with a southwest wind , it
crossed over into southern AiiZ'ttu
ireoinct where a large amount of h.iy
wan burned up. Men worked all
night to save their Summer's woik ,
which if it had not been for their
liard work , would all have been swept
Bucluin'H .ariiica Salvo.
The best salvo in the world lor outs ,
bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum ,
fever sores , tetter , chapped h.iiuls ,
chillblainsj corns and all kirn ol
skin eruptions. This salvo is in.ur-
anteod to give perfect satisfactiMii in
every case or money refunded. Price ,
25e per box. For sale by
Tu" it McM-vuox , Oiua'n ' ,
HADCICI n AROIIU wMilwl Cor I. Tc ul
U/\nrluLU ' , ,
l'rcij'iit DirllcU , A < „
i.K'to , ( altlilul history ( roiucmillo ti um . , > , \
licit ' . 'iiniit lik'jra ' | > ocr ( Col. Uonni'll I : . . ! .
ri'AO ; iilmui-r ) , An vcjaiitly ! III r I
Milinnc. i.-ulortcu million. l.llnr.l i < ri
Avi'nti take onlurs ( or ( roiu-'O tof.0iii.i. | ! . v
Oiltovlla any oilier hook tun taonc. At ; * < . . . r
mivtlo iiioner no ( akt , Tlio book ulln H > " 1\
i nvctwury. Failure ) imlims. , All
rollu. I'rhntu lurmt lr .
IV i > lli nil > ' on
810 South Thirteenth Street , nltu
- ' M. yVoolworth.
Mr , .1. 'I. lloliftt'oii , l'iti l > nrtf , I'ft. , writer" !
wru ftnrfcrltuf from cneml ilctillitv. Mtuit of op ,
IK'tlto , toniUi tlon , ilc. , i" thnt ll'o nift linr-
ilcn ; nftcr nuliitf ItnnlocX flnoil Hitlcrii I Iclt bet
ter than for j earn. I cnnnot prabo your Hitters
100111111)1. '
. . nf IlurTalo , X. Y. , wrlton"Votir
[ liinlock Ilfci tilttir , In liroiio ! < ll c.iic < ol tlio
blixnl liter A..J klilni'j * , lin c licon kljriiixlU
marled with unccc-n. Ihi'C . < ! llivni injuclf
nitli lie l ri"iiH , for tori' | < Htot thclluT unit In
rft enl n frltnil o ( tnlno MilTcrliif | from iltujn- ,
tliu cllcct was niarvtloiu. "
llntco Turner , llochcstor , N . V.wrltci"l | : li-xvo
bun Ktilijuit t/i ocrlomcllirdcrof thu kldnoji ,
. vriil iinnblo to ntU'iiil to liU'lnt.i ? ; llnnlorl , Itloail
Illtlm I relicvinl inu before hull nbottlti lucd ,
I fcclvonnJont that tlivy will entirely turn me , "
i : < Atfiilth Hall , tllntilitinpton , N. Y. , writes :
M ( Hillcivil ultlia dull | nln through inv vtt
tniivnrnl nliotililcr , I/ t my n | > lritAi npiiet
nnd color , mul cnnM with illilienlt } keep up nil
il.i\ . T < inl < jour lliirdodi Bloi d II Itvn M ill
TLteil nnd hafo.t no ] ln uliitu tint cck nf
cr inlnff them , "
Sir , Noih Itatc , Klmln , N. Y. , writes : "About
four ) ear * aio I had an attack of Mtloiucncra ! > 'il
nc cr fully rcwjxc'retl. My illio ll o nivaiM
ere weakened , and I woul.l . < " eo i pli'tcly | iroi-
Irated for day * . A'tor mini ? tno bottler of your
Itimluik lilooil Hitters thclinprn\tnicnt waa no
U II. lo tlmt I ni avtoiil'lud. I van now. though
' ) ! years of njrc , do a fair and rcasonaljfo day's
C. Illaclict Itohlnion , proprietor of Tlio Canada
I'rcibjtcrlnn , Toronto , Ont. , wrltcn : "Forje.irn
I unfTured ( 'tentlv from olt recurring hcadicnu. I
n id jour Ilimlock Illixxl Bitters with li.ipplfit
riHiilti , ninl 1 now find m } ulf In butter health
limn for v cars past. "
Jlrs. Wallace. Dufrato , N. Y , write * : ' -I Imo
med llurdoik Illood Hitters for nenoiH nnd bil-
headatlicH , anil can ritommciid tt to anyone
Mrn. Im Jlullholland , Albany , N. Y , writes :
"For e\eral jeara I ImosufTcrctl from olt'TLcnr-
rlnu blllloiiH licadachct , dyfHi | ) la , and com-
iilalntJi peculiar to my wx , Sintu iislng jour
llurdoek lilooil Illttern I un entirely relieved , "
Price , SI. 00 per Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Cti
, MILBUEN. . , .Props . ,
Sold at wholesale by Ish i McMahon nnd C. F. Jo 27 cod-mo
Ono of the Rcasonnulo Pleasures
Of life , a piopcrlyconkul melt nir nN li't'o nr
no ) irusunt cnj i ) ment. and inu. H'dis. ' ipicnt tnr-
turu tciauunllrinedd pcptic. Hut when i-lnniiiu
indln'LNtlnn ' lnci'iiihittctiul'h ' ' o te'tcr'nS oiniih
Hitler' " , the fund Is 0-1 n with rclln , nml most
all , IH .i jinHatcd b > Mid nonrhhea
. UKO IhNjtra'il tjii'o ' mid corrcctho
ilno to renitdy i-onsllpttlon , MIUHIJIUHrhuu -
inn IMDI , fu r all a no
Tor M > lu Ivvnll Drus'tatannd ! Do Icrs Kcnorally ,
If van are i ma n W If you nro a
offiu > Luris.wi.ik y i innn of li'K . _ .
ennlbylhottmlnur \ tii-itclliiiKovsrniM
jntir iutln ! uvolil " nlKlit wink , to ri"
cl ( mutants anil ujo loitliriiiiiic.rvi'niK !
Hop Dittors. waste , u e Hop E.
If you nroyouns nml itrcrlmffronir.ny i , .
tion i Ir jiiunni'imr ,
iK'tl or hln ( ! iol'l ' nr youiiR. tiir rlm-f 101.1
IioorlieV.llj urlaiiKUfoh nuon a bed jC sici
Lvr > , ulon Hop
Whoever yocnro , Tliouvnnas oiii nn-
vhtnavrr you licl njally from sune
tlmt vnur nj'fti'iii f Kidney
Fiic'dn clcin inr , tun that nilKlit
ir.'j 01 sUinul'itliik' ,
w Itliout Mtale tlntl , timely unuuf
.nlo 14 op HopGlttora
D. I. C.
Is An ftbjolutt
( llio < lowncA , nnd Irrrslfla
/hi.n'/5. btnotl , no ? | j ] f u ro f i
iti-erorutncil ilrunkunnoEH
u&u of opium ,
You will be t < bitocu , o'
mri'illf yoiiuac
Hop Bittortf | . fioMhyrtruir
ry ] \ / u n 1 : and . l > ticuOlor
I'lirrrlritciMrj NEVER C'liculir
it i ( t
may nm-cintK ,
oav o your
llio. It tins FAIL r.-ru co. .
caved hun-
A Ti'n.ntn , Out ,
OMAHA , .S'ru. , Oct. 28th , 1SS1. )
lonil\H ) Coi'Mv. f
You nro hereby notified Unit lL-\tt-r I. . 'Ihonind
iiirchn'ul nt thu coui.ti treasiirur u lylllcL1 , on tli.
itliilnyolJime , IbTU nt ] im.itoo.ilt . Tlio fol-
owli | ii\uel of liuiil ( or mxiHiit 1877 , for ofeht
iloll.irxunil iilniti-v ( r t tfiits ( WbS ) , mid the
Id Dexter U Tlionn * him tr iihferml mill icr-
tlllrato o ( tain to William Connor ( or the i-uin ul
len dulLirn uml twi'iitj ( i'iHHiIU 'JJ ) ! )
utrliitlun o ( prclurl ) , to-wlt ; fomnitnc HX JO.'T
iliafiiH , : > ( \ ( & : , thvnco .S .I.KIJ
h.ilhs , tiiici ) ) KS.lfJihiliin.ilieiiioa liljeliiln- ,
tin moV n.l } tlintiK , tu | iia u ol lienln liu In
iV ulti llueo I'm No. in , miitro IT' , 1U , i-outnln-
e mro Tl nt I will mVv cut u tax deed In
nmntlm ( rciin ihtu of Hilt ii'"ieo. ir st *
1313 Farnham St. . OMAHA , N EU.
lime ruluoul | ulc ami ivo now HJ-IUHIJ ; I'i * >
Itoclv llriiw'ls , ifl.M to 41.UO. Heit 'Icvii
lru ! n.l , tt.w ) toijl. ; lUht 3 ply 1'ani-T , 81. )
to * 1.40 , Hunt Insmln , i Do to ! . ; ikuw In
Jlattingn , Oil Olotli mul Widow Shades
i t Lowest \larkut Tricoa
Stock and Lowust Prices.
Fall and Winter
At New York Prices at
1. 1 , & I , Peavy's '
1309 FaruhftUi St. ,
OMAHA. - . - NEB.
_ _ oe25 Ct
To the Stockholders of the Nebraska Oas
tight Company ,
Take notice , that a niw-ljl mtrtlnv of iia
looklioMin lll K | ltj | t tlio othco ol nalil
eoint > .iny , Oimlu , at 4 n , m. , on Ilio 18th day ol
llieoinutT , IMl , for llio inirixiw ol vlivlliiK .ev
en dlrci His , and thu oilV-ir * of the co i ixiny.
ThcroluvliiBhwuiafallmutu vl a illrtclort at
the last niiMial iniftln .
UVIiVANL'M WUIUMT. l'M > l.lont . ,
iv , , . HWNKMUHl'HV , SccreUrj- .
Ifc'.ed Omaha , Nuy. utb itbj. no 6t
P11013ATE NOT10K.
RtAtc ol Ncbr&nkfc , l > oiiiib Countf ra :
At County Court , held fit the County Coii't
liooin , In and for rnM County. Oct. S h
A. 11. 1881 , l'recnt , A , 11. CIIA1MVICK
County Jiulire.
In the tuattcr of thctatito if Nell Mongerncn
dcccnrcil :
On nndin ? ami f.llnc the jx tltlon if PttcrM
Ibck. pr > > lii thnt ailniliiMrntlan of nilil > nta >
may noKranti-d lo hnn ull , ik < n.mliil-tnvtor | ,
Onlercil , Hint Ntncmhcr 30th , A.I ) , 18K1 , at
10 o'clock a , m. , li a > Mzncil for hearUiK mid poll ,
tion , hen all f > cr otis Intorcstctl In s.ild timttct
may pH > r ftt & County Court to lie held , In nni
tars Id Uountv , nnd how tnn c why the iirayer
of | vctltlfiiicr thoiild not bo t-ratit.d , and that no
tli n of ( wnilcncy of sihl ] > ctltloii Mul he hearlni
thereof , lie Ucn to nil pcrjorm Interested In iili
matter , hj pnbll hltif ( n copj of tliiaonlcrlii Tnr
OMAIU WPRKMIlur , n HUH fjiiper printed In Kilt' '
Countv , for three tucccasho nu < KK , prior to luxli
diy of ho rliiR \ . M. CIIAUVVICK ,
non at Onuntv .lii'liro
Stale of Nclra ) lDoticliM County , M !
At a County Court , held nt the County Court
Koom , In nnd for said County. Autfust 1 jt , A.
I ) . 1UI. ) I'reieiit , I10WAK1) B. S1IIT1I ,
County Jnd c.
In tlio matter of the cctato of Joseph H. Ncl-
noli , decea cd ;
On rcaillnif nnd flllns the hctltion of Martha
S , Nclion , tirajlni ; that thu Instrument , pur-
imrtlnir to ho a iluly AUthcntluatul copy ofthe
ast will nml testament ot ald dccc cil , nnd o ;
tlio prohato thereof , hy the Circuit Court ol
fountain County , Su'o of Indiana , nnd this da\
filed In thU Court , miy lie allowed nnd rtcorleil ,
in the last will and testament of Raid Joseph II.
Nelson , deceased , In nnd for thu SUtoofNo
Ordered , That AHjjunt 27th , A. n. 1991 , nt 10
o'clock n , m , , Hnr.-.inMcil for liearin'said ; petition ,
when all persons Intereated In wild matter inaj
apjx-arat a County Court to ho held , In nnd for
iiid County , nndhow causa why the pm\cr ol
pvtlttoncrnhnuld not hu irranted ; and that notice
nf the pendency of raM petition nnd the
Ihrrcof , ho tl < en to all pcrnoni Intercntid ! u R
matter , hv iiulillnhhn ; n copy of tlili onlcr In TIIR
OMAHA WKKKLV HKF. , a ne\v paper printed In said
County , for thrco euccesaivo weeks , prior to salii
day o1 licarliii' ,
IA trno copy. ] HOWARD II. SMITH ,
" " > w3t County
In the Circuit Court of the United States for the
Dhlrlet of N. hra ka :
James 1C , O Hhcruood , I
Cah In Ilntler fc'llebccca Puller ln chanccry-
. W Dunn & Henry IVlber.
riiarcui > < i'iiK OF M
I'ubl c notlco H h rcliy ( ; Uoiithatlnpiirnuanco
nnd b ) virtue of a dccrco cntend In ho ubota
eaine , on the 2nd il.iy of Hvit'rniticr , 1SS1. I ,
H.I.IS I. . IIIKKII WKIt , b'lHc'nl Jla't.T In
Clnncory In fald Court , vlll on tdo tithdoyo ]
December , 18 1 , at the hour of 3 o'cloih In the
nlttrnoon n [ Mild uny , at tlio nest door of the
United htntm Court Uousu and Post Ollleo build
Inv , In the City of l.i"coln , Inncahter County ,
Stituancl Ills rltt of Ntbr.i'd.a , sell al auction
ho follcmlticdcH ribed ] m ] > iTty , toUt :
Thu Biiiithuc-t quarur of thu > outl < oa-t
ter , Hcc'lon n nibereil nlnctui-ii ( ID ) , and the . ast
half tif the northoa t quarter-anil the noithwcet
itiaiterof | tlm norOtuiit quarter of Haitian num
bered thirty (30) ( ) , all I townihlp nuniUreil
thirty-one ( II ) nml ran ) ; numb red tuo'J ) ca-t ,
In the uuiiiuy of Cedar mill state of Nebra-ha ,
Kl II ! * I , . Illl KIIOWhR ,
Sieilal JIa ttr In Cham cry.
P.O. Hru , , SiicltJr for Comp alnant. nOnCt
For Sale by
621 South Tenth St.
Special ktU'iitton Kl u'li tu collucton ! In Ilutlti f
"U-roo DID ; *
On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts , , I
Double Strength White Lime
Lumber , Lath , Shingles ,
Thirteonch and California Streets , OMAHA , - - - NEB
J -
Wall Paper and Window Shades.
1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. n .mo.i ,
1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET.
The only oxclus'ivo wholesale house in this liie in the west.
i <
The Only Exclusive "Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska
Jv 18-nii-
IE1. O.
1213 Farnhcm St. . Omaha , Neb.
T I s
We desire to call the special attention ot the trade to ouv
elegant lines ( at BOITuM PJEHCES ) of Underwear , Cardigan
Jackets and Scarfs , Buck G-loves , Ovevshirts , Overalls
Hosiery , &c. , now open. Wholesale only.
Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts.
1121 Parnhnm St. , Omaha , Neb.
Consignment * made us u ill rrcclro iirompt attention. , . Itcfircncci , : Sl.ito Kank , Omaha ; I'latl
& Co. , Ilaltlnioroi I'ecK & llaimhcr , Clileairo ; M * " L. h nCincinnati. .
Guns , Am mLnitSonSporting ! Goods
MAX MEYER & CO. Omaha , Ne
Tobacco from 25c. per pound upwards.
Pipes from 25c. per dozen upwards.
Cigars from $15.00 per 1,000 upwards ? .
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Near Union Pacific Depot. , - - - OMAHA , NEB