Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1881, Page 7, Image 7

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    Xju ' f
013 Hnrnhnni , hot. Oth nnd lOtlt Street * .
, lniuliMicopietrnlJ.flti.CO ( )
" ' . . . . 5.0
totths " . " S.OO
Leivn Oniahi r.on cr Xo. 2 7.50 v m. Ae >
comincil.illon No. 4 , lCu : | i. m.
fassen cr No. 1 , 5'10 | i. m ,
0. , II. it Q. 7 M n. m. 3:10 : j > . m.
C. .t N. 17:40 : a. ra. 3:10 : p. m.
C. , n. 1. 1 1' . . 7:10 : A. ni. 3UMi. : m.
K. C. , St. J. L C U. , lent c nt s n. m. oi-d CSO :
V. m. Arri > cj nt St. Loula at 0:30 : a. in. anil 6H2 :
j > , in ,
\ inV. . Pt , I , . A I' . , leases ntS . in. Mid 3'jnp.
m. Arrlvra nt St. lxtiis nt 0:10 : . m. and 7:30 :
n , w ,
ttitsr OR BOirtnwiwrs.
B. k It. In ? 'e1 > . , Tliroiiijh K\i'r , > * , 8tO . ra.
II. te M , Ulncola Kvprcsi 0.2) ji. m ,
U P Kxi > ro , 1'1B p. in.
O. & It. V. for Lliiaun , 11:15 n. n- .
O. .te It. V. for Oaccola , 10:10 : n. in.
U. I * , tioicht No. f > , : : u ) a. in.
U. I' , ( rrlirht No , 0 , .20 a. in.
U. P. freight No. 13 , 2M : ) p. in.
U. I1. tieiUit No. 7 , 1/10 p. in. emigrant.
. . 'P. ' lciir cxiircss , 7 35 1 > . m.
U.'l' . frtiirht Nn 11 , 11 SO P. m.
U. P. llumcr fuifht:3e : p. in.
C. D. A. O tiW u. in. 7:26 : p m.
C. & N. W.,0I5 : a , lu. 7:25 : p. iu.
(3. n. I. & ! . , & : 15 . in. 90S ( * ' "
K. C. , ht. Joe &C K. , 7:40 : n. m , 0:45 : p.m
0. S : U. V. train Unooln 1.03 1 > . m ,
U. 1 * . Kxincsw 3io : ji. m.
B & JI. In Nob. , Through KxpreM 1:15 p. lu.
n. t JI. Lincoln IXjiu > < n 10 a ra.
U. I' . Denver express , 7:3"ia. : in.
U. \ \ Frtlyht No. 10-1.35 p. in.
U. P. ' 'n H BCO a. in. ftnl
U. P. frciffht No. II , 14.5 : p in.
U. P. < io. o U.Wl p. in.
I ) , I1. " 0. 12 1-JK n , m.
U. P. Dcincr freixlit , 1:10 : n. m.
O. & II. V. mix til , nr. 4:45 : p. ic.
oou.Mit , num.
Leave Omtha ftt 3:00 : , D:00 : and 11:00 : a. in.1 ,
1:00 2.00 , ti:00 , 4:0.1 : , 6:00 : ami Ui)0 : p. m.
LcMoC'ouiKi. IHmTaat 8:2i" : , P.SD , 11:25 R. m.J
1:23 , 2:25 : , 8:25 , tV > 6:25 and 0:25 : v- '
UuntH ) H Tlio diuntny leaves Omilia t 0.00
aid 11:00a. : in. ; 2.CO , 4:00 : nn 1 0:00 : p. in. Ia\r > )
Council Bliiffs al PttSS nnd H:2i ft. in. ; 2:2 : ; , 4:25 :
and 6:25 . m.
: p.
_ _ _ _ _
Opening nn- . ' Closing of Mc-lls.
Cllcngo.V i. A'pnctn iiiro
Caic.vco , It. A ; o _ 11:00 :
W bmh
S ouv City nnd Pncitlo. .
Uulon I'aolflc
Omaha fell. V
B &M. In Neb
OraiM to Sioux City. . . .
1 ! . JB.M. Lincoln
U. I1 , tin-join , Sunday. . .
U. P. Den\.r n\o * :00 :
0.SiouxCit > k St. P. . .11CO : -iu
IaiMiniila \ for fa Into ot loaene but once u
day , viz : O.SOa , in.
. Otflco open SuaiKya ficm 12 in. to 1 p. in.
Business Directory.
Abstract nrid Real tstato.
JOHN L. JlcCAOUK , opixisito Post Ottico.
W. It. BABTLKTT 317 South 13th Street.
Architect * .
lloomll Crotghton Block.
A. T. LARGE Jr. . Room 2. Ciclzhtou Block.
Boots and Shoes.
Fine Boots anil Shoes. A Rood assortment ol
homo v.ork on hand , corner 12th and Ilaruey.
THOS. ERICKSON , S. E. cor. 16th and Douglas.
606 10th street , inanulacturcw to order good work
* t lair prices. RcinlrlnR done.
Bed Springs.
J. F. LARRIHER Manufacturer. 1617 Dourlaset.
Dooks , News and Otatloncry.
. J. I. FRUEHAUl' 1015 Farnham Street.
Duller and Egcs ,
UcSHANE & SCIIROEDUK , thu oldest B. and E.
house in Nebraska cstabliiihcd 1875 Omaha.
touthncet coiner lOthand Uodfc.
liot lioard ( or the Money.
BAttafattion Ouarantcod.
Menla at all Hours.
Board by the Day , Wcok or Month.
Good Terms lor Cash.
FnrnUhiwl llnnm
Road VVuRonn.
WM SNYDERUthniidIlarnoyStrL-ots.
Uowo ers.
JOHN BAUMER 1314 Farnlnni Strogt.
H. BEIITIIOLD , Raea and Metal.
Lumber , Llmo and Cement.
FOSTER & GRAY corner th and Douglas St ,
J. nONNER 1300 Douaha St. Good Variety.
Merchant Tailors ,
Ono ol our most popular Merchant Tatlors Is to-
celIng the Latest ilcslin9 ( or Spring and Slimmer
Goods ( or gentlemen H wear. b'tll h , durable ,
and nrlccs low ny over 21S 13th bet. Douv.
MRS. 0. A. RINGER , Wholomln and Retail , Fan
cy Goods in great variety , Zoplij r8 , Card Uoards ,
Iloskrj' , Glo\ca , Corsets , &c. Cheapest House In
the West. Purcliasera fuu-o 30 per cciit. Order
br Mall. 115 riltccnth Btroct.
JOHN WEARNK & SONG , cor. Hth & Jadieonsts
Hour and Feed.
OMAHA C1TV MILLS , 8th and Farnhnm Stf. ,
Wrlehana Bros. , proprietors.
Z. STEVENS , 21st botnocn Ciiratnt ; and Im
T. A. MoSIIANK , Corn. 23d and Cumlng Streets.
Httrdwaie , Iron and Uteel.
OLAN k LANGWORTHY , > Vholesale , 110
\Vt ICth street
A. HOLMES corner IBth and CalKornlu.
Harneaj. ( iaddlet , &c.
B. WEIST 20 18th St. hct farnft lUrncv.
ANFJELDHOUSEGoo. Canfltld.Oth& Farnlmci
DORAN HOUSE , P H. Cary , 013 Farnham Ht.
SLAVKN'H I10TKL. I * . Slavcn , 10th St.
Southern Hotel , Gus. Hamol ftth
0 .SHAW will pay highest Caeh price lor second
hand clothlnr. Comer 10th and Farnhnm.
Dontltts ,
R. PAUL , WlllUm1 Itlock , Cor. ICth & Dodio. ;
Drugs , Points ana Ulli.
PhirmacliU , Flno tfnno Onodn , Cor , Ittti Mi'l
JJoueii * ttructn
W. J. WHITEHOUPK , \ > Tjol ftlo A Retail , 16th at.
0. FIELD , 2022 North Bldo Cumlnir Street.
PARR , DruKtrlst. 10th and Howard Sticcta.
Dry Goods Notions , Etc ,
How York Dry Good ! Btoto. 1310 and 1S12 Furn-
ham street.
Ii. 0. Enowold also boote and ehoca 7th & Ptctflc ,
rurulture ,
A F. GROSS , New and Second Hand Furniture
nd Btous , 11U DoozlM. lllgheat cash prlca
W lor second hand trooua.
CONNER 1309 DoarU at. Fine uooda , &c.
Fence Works ,
OUST. FRIES 4. CO , , 1213 Hamey St. , Improve-
od Ice ] So ig , Iron and \Vocxl fcncis , Oillco
ri , Countciu o ( line and Vr'aluut.
Cigars and Tobacco.
WFBT ft FRITSCIJEH. uinul ctureH ol Cigars ,
nd Wholesale tXalcra In Tolwiecoi ) . 1305 Douifl&a.
W , F. LOHKNZtN nuuud'-turcr 1110 Farnbuui.
A. DonoRhuo , pltntd , cut flower * , weds , botjucti
etc. N.V. . cor. Iflth nni DoiifU < uttccts.
Civil Engineers And Surveyors ,
ANDREW K03KH'ATlU , Ctflehton P.lock ,
Town Suncjs , flrado ml bc er < o bjjtnns u
Commission Merchants.
JOHN 11 , WIL US.Ull DodiraStuxl.
D DKKMKK. Korilctnlls § co Urjro advertise
mcnt In l > illv and W Us.
Cornice Works ,
Wcotcrn Cornlco Works , .Maiiutact rcr Iron
Cornice , Tin , Iron nnd Slate Itoofllnc , Orders
Iroin any locality yr.impth lAecutiil In tlio be. t
manner , Factory ami Otliec 1213 Harne > St.
OMtiuilrei ! Iron t'ornicci"Vliilo ! Unjiii , ttc , ,
ttianur.aeturnl aiiil tint tip In tuiv ) < ntt ol the
country. * . S1NHOI.U llfllhltlronth stnvt
Orocl'cry ,
J. ItONXr.Il ISO * DOIISIM street. Ooo.l lino.
Clothing nnd Furnlihlnj ; Goods.
OEO. II. I'KTl'.USON. Al > o HftSa , O J , nooto ,
Shots , Notion * nml Cutlery , 801 S 10th street.
RotrlRoratofj ,
C. V. OOODMAN' Mth St. 1 > ct. r.arn. A Harno .
Chow Cciio M.inufctory. . |
0. J. WILDE ,
MAnnictnn > rnnil Dealer In all kinds ol Bhtiw
Cases , Upright CIMOI , a ' . , 1317 Ciwa St.
FRANK I. . CiUt\l51) : . proprietor Omixhn
Show C\so maiiudxctory , S18 South 10th Rtn-et ,
bctnvin Lcr.vumotth nnd Mivrcy. All
Pawnbrokers ,
UOSnNFKU ) . 10th St. I'Ct. far , ft liar
Otoveic Aim Tinwaro.
DMlflt In Slot ci ami Tinware , Mid Manufacturer
of lln Koofi and r.ll kliute of UulMliiR Worlc ,
Oilil rellowa1 lllock.
J. I10NNKH , 1E09 Doitcliw St. ( looil and ChcAp
Seeds ,
J. KVANS.Wholc'ttloar.dKetAll Seed Drllla mid
Cultivators , Odd Fellow * Hall.
Physicians nn J Surgeons.
W. S. nillUS , M. D. , Haom No 4 , ClclKhton
Block , 16th Street.
P. S. MJISIiNltlNO , a. 1 > . Mn'Oiilo tllock.
C. L. IIAHT , SI. 1) . , Kyr and Jlar , o f. ixjstofflto
1)11. I * It ORAUDY ,
Oculist and Auriet. S. W IMh anil Farnham Bts
io. : IIIiYN. PllOP.
Grand Central Ratlrrr ,
212 Sixteenth Street.
no MaEordo Hall. Hrst-cliiHd Work and Prompt-
ncsd Kuarnnlvcn
Plumbing , Gas and Steam Fitting.
P. W. TAlll'V & CO. , 21012th St. , bet. Farnham
nnd Douijlf.s. Worx promptly attended to.
D. F1TZPATUICK , H09 Douclns Street.
Palntine nn apcr an InK *
'IENRY A. KOSTKRS. Ill lodto Strcot.
Shoo Stores ,
Phillip ranjr , 1320 Farnham st. bet. 13th & 14th.
Second Hand Store.
PERKINS & LEAR. 1410 Dounlai St. . Now and
Second Hand Furniture. House FurnlshmgOooda ,
&c. , liouirlit and sold on narrow marpina.
In the nuw brick block o" DotiKlaq Stroct , has
just opened a most elegant iieej llall.
Hot Lunch from 10 to 12
ex cry dny.
" Caledonia " J FALCONER 070 10th Street.
CIIAS. HIEWn , 101S ! Fnrnham bet. 10th & lltd.
DO Cent Stores.
P. C. BACKUS , 1'JOO Farnhara St. . F ncv Goods
Used on Wagons , Bungles , Ktapcrs , Threshers
and Mill Machinery. It ia IAVALUABLX TO FARM
KRS AND TKAMSTEIIS. It cures Scratehcs and all
kinds of eorco ou Horses and Stock , as well as on
men.CLARK & WISE , Manuf's ,
305 Illinois Street , Chicago
CTSEND I OR HI ! OB ' - " " -1-
To Nervous Sufferers
Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific
It Is a positive cure for Spcnnatouhcn , Scmlna
Weokncss , Imx > taney , and all diseases resulting
from ScU'Ab.ifio , na Jlcntnl Anxiety , Lossi
Memory , Pains in the Back or Side , diflencs
that to
Insanity and
The Specific
Me'dlcino U
uith Momler-
fUl BUCC033.
_ , _ Pamphlets
sent free to all. Wrlto for them and get full par-
Price , Specific , 81.00 per package , or UK pack-
\'ita for N.OO. Address all orders to
Nos. 10J and 100 Main St. Buffalo , N. T.
Sold In Omaha by C. F. Goodman , J. W. Ball ,
J , K Isb , and all dru glsteovciywiiere
Corner 10th and Howard
Streets ,
MBS , Two Dollars For Day ,
< \
mpi >
Im JL Jo Ib
ILER & O0. ;
Sole Manufacturera. OMAHA.
DexterL.Tlioinas&Bro ,
Puy Taxea , Rent Houses , Etc ,
Call at Otficc , Room 6 , Crol hton ITilock , Omaha.
Save Socil Corn Now-
J\R our \vauoiis canto from tlio corn
hills , l.uliMt with ( ho jjolcloii onravo
huvo carefully oxntinnwl the contculn
to loam .vliollici' in general , na in nui t
ye.ira , tlio car * are lit to select for seed ,
and in : v general way \vo tlnd oiii-self
ilianpiifnnted. Wo doubt if onp oar in
a hundred , taken as tlioy run , is at all
lit for tins purpose , l > ut instead , wo
find the grain poorly lovplnpotl and of
flhallovv depth , the car small and poor
ly tilled out nt tlio lop olid , and tlio cnndition entirely unsatisfac
tory to perpetn.xto the _ species , except
through u rit > itl soleotionnf the liltost.
Tins niijjht 1m expected , nftor n season
so unf.xvi.rablo for the full and com
plete development of the golden uv.uns.
What wo set out to say isthis , every
fanner without exception ought to
pay I'flpccinl attention to the selection
of lua seed for next year's planting as
it is gathered from the Hold , and bo
sure tliat tlio quantity gathered is so
completely ample as topiovido against
any contingency of w.nit. It is our
opinion that seed selected from the
crib at phintiim time next sijring , will
bo wholly unreliable , nnd will insure
disaster. Should the winter prove
warm , with clump weather prevailing
much of the time , the vapor arising
from the grain while "passing through
the sweat , " will render the gcrmin-
.iting power of the greater part of the
grains wholly e.\tinet , nml entail upon
the planter that tedious and voxatioua
job of "replanting,1' perhaps to bo re
pented several times before n "stand"
is secured. This may bo wholly obvi
ated , or nt least ly mitigated by
a timely gathering , and securely pro
tecting , of the .seed as it comes from
the Held.
WIiitorliiR Plfis-l
llural New Yorker ,
There can . certainly bo very little
profit in having pigs coma in the fall
and being obliged to feed' all winter
and summc or a whole year before
fattening for market. Pigs that come
early in the spring and fall and are
ready to nnrket in December , pay the
best. This is especially true when
food is lather acateo and high. Last
year this was the case a part al fail
ure of the corn crop made feed rather
high and pis that were kept over and
have to be fattened now , nt present
prices of corn and pork , will prove a
losing investment. ' Corn nt the pres
ent time is Helling nt 05 contsa bushel
and pork bring hvo nnd a half cents
per pound gross , so that theio in an
exceedingly small profit in turning
corn into pork , and pigs that have
been kept over will hardly pay for
their feed.
1'igs cannot be stunted except at a
loss. Stunt them once nnd theynovcr
taitly recover from it. To make a
profitable business of pig raising and
fattening , they must bo kept growii g
from the utart , or yon are losing
money all the time they nro not grow
ing , and tlio larger the piga or hogs
nro the greater is the loss. When
feed is na high as it is nt the present
time , there is not only great clanger of
slighting , but almost nn irrisistible
temptation to feed as little ns possible ,
nnd in this v.'ivy stock will not make
the growth they should , and when this
is the case there is n pur cent of loss
that no nmount of extra feeding after
ward will fully make up.
It is upon this basis that s'o many
farmers are scarce of feed are now
ofleringto cell at very low prices yountr
stock pigs , rather than feed them
throgh the winter nt present prices.
Very fo\y have corn over nnd above
what will barely feed their stock
through the winter , and the nmount
of pork or beef fattened for market
will be comparatively small ; much be
low the nvcrago nnd will , as a rule , bo
marketed ns early ns possible , it
should bo berne in mind , however ,
thnt while the largo number of hogs
that will bo thrown on the market
this year on account of scarcity of feed ,
must lower pi ices , the very same cause
will tend to raise the price of hogs
next year by causing a scarcity of
thorn ; thus all who can keep their hogs
will get good prices next year.
The Jersey Cow.
Jersey island , the place from which
wo obtain the fnv\ > rite .Jersoy cow , is a
small spot of land. If squared , it is
six and three-quarters miles each way.
Yet this little island has a population
of 00,000 human beings , ami has over
12,000 cattle , nnd has had that num
ber for the last twenty years , for the
census of 1801 gives 12,037. And yet
they export on an average annually
2,000 head. Roughly speaking , on
this island they inanngo to support one
head of kino to every aero , while in
England there is only ono head to
oyory ten acres ; therefore , in proportion
tion to its size , .Jeraoy exports as many
cattle every year aa England contains ,
If England wore tooxport cattle nt tlio
same rate , her whole fltoclc would bo
swept away in a single year. A good
Jersey will yield half her own weight
in butter in a year she rarely exceeds
800 ] ) ounds , nuil her average woightnt
homo ia,700 pounds.
Tnlco Curno tlio Stra w.
Kalrflcd Nows.
Too little attention is given to thu
proper stacking of straw ; its value is
very much under estimate by most of
our farmers until they find their hay
gone , when it is too late to fall back
on straw , If oycryvfarmor would see
that hii straw isasiwell stacked w his
hny , with the addition of good nlough-
grass cover , it would bo worth many
dollars to him. Cattle will survive n
long time on well saved nlniw , and
often do butter thnn on common buy.
The wet weather has damaged the hay
so badly that there will bu n scarcity
next spring.Vo hope the farmers
will think of this nnd save their straw.
A Missouri tanner chums that uvory
quail on a man's farm is worth , nt the
least calculation , n dollar , for tlio good
they do in destroying chinch bugs.
The seeds of trees for spring plant
ing nro best preserved by mixing thorn
with sand nnd placing the boxes in a
cool nnd dry place out of the way of
mice ,
Fnrmcrs in Illinois und \ViaconBiii
unite in saying that corn does poorly
nftor llax , They prefer to BOW the
land to oats the year after llax is
raised , and to follow this crop with
corn ,
Trees planted this fall should have
earth drawn up around them , milking
a mound twelve to fifteen inches in
height. It should be of solid , clean
earth , free from nil sodu , weeds , etc. ,
or else it will famish n winter homo
for mice. The nimnul thus made
serves a double 'nn pose of n support
to tlio young tree aqniiut the vmcls
of winter , nnd prevents mice from
gunning the tiee.
It issaiilTthnt the Australians have
u very stringent law for the eradica
tion of scab in olu op. They have state
scab in.ipeclors , whoso Inmines.iit m to
see that the law ii onfniccd. Every
nheep owner who disci\\ \ ers indications
< Af scab in his Hock is obliged to notify
nil llockmnsters within aeeitain nulii.g ,
of the fact , and alsu to post notices in
public places.
Col Von Stoubim N Astoulshotl ,
Ilitcnitnv In rlnclnitit I jinmrrrlal.
Col. A'on Sleuben said ho was great
ly impressed and highly astonished
with what ho hud seen. Ho never
thought America and the people of
this cmnitry were Rnhixhlydcni'lopud ,
lAir their self-g orimu-nt ho had high
respect. Ilo regarded the control of
the American people over themselves
as simply wondeiful. In the railroad
car.-t , on the street ears , and on all the
public occasions In-had witnessed in
this country ho found the same degree
ofeontiol existing. As tt > oilue.ition
the colonel AMIS a great stickler lor the
scientilkvstudies Ironled in the higher
Ciormnii universities , yet ho must nc-
knonleoge that in America ho had
found that the cultivation of the average -
ago people had attained a much high
er degree than anywhere in Europe.
Col. Von Steubenasalso disappoint
ed ns to his original views regarding
the militia organi/atums of this coun
try. 115s party found them a vastly
better soil of sohheis than they ex
pected. Ilo was cogiuic.iiit of the fact
that the militia nf the United States
had worked wondirs , both in the.war
of the Revolution and in the gieat te-
bollion. Hofieely admitted that the
German military had profited a great
deal : w military scioiiti.its from the
study of American waifno. .Many
now inventions hnd been discovered
iu America uppoitnieing to the proper
method * of wiirfiue timing the rebel
lion which had been of great uw to
the German armies in the Krench war ,
and , befoio all , the American system
of field fortifioationihadbouMespecml-
ly studied and guat mo hnd been
made of it by the Gorman army.
Again , the "thailleur , ' ' or mode of
destroying the mlvntico guard in uae
in American taetu's , had been of grea1
value to them. In Cincinnati ho was
greatly pleased nnd astonished at the
immensity of some ol the manufacto
ries , especially with ono that is said to
turn out some 1500 buggies and wagons
per day. This was almost beyond his
comprehension. Ho could not ceo
whore in America all these wagons
could be used. In Germany it was a
luxury to own a wagon , nearly all
those in use there being the heavy
army wagons , though some were im
ported fiom this country. The rea
son for this lack of use was that the
timber ( hickory ) was to haul to mend
if once broken , nnd that the German
people used nothing that could not be
mended. Ho thought the American
people too lavish in the expenditure of
money. With thu music hall ho was
also greatly pleased , and said there
was nothing like it that he had ever
seen.As to the reception lendoied him
self nnd his associates , lie eaid too
much had been done , but they did not
look upon it as being for themselves ,
but thought the American people look
this occasion to express a desire to
want to stand on friendly terms with
the Gorman element in this country ns
well us to the cultivated people of
Gornmny itself. Ho was glad to see
this expression of feeling , for the two
were sister nations of the same oiigj-
mil descent , and ho hoped they should
go on the road to progress hand in
hand. Their instructions dill'ered
somewhat , yet there wore similar ones
hcie nnd thcie which sliited both na
tions. These dilleronces , however ,
should l/o no hinderanco to the friend
ship and commercial lelations between
thocountrios. Hogrcatlyadmired American
ican beauty ns ho had seen it upon the
streets of ( he cities hohiid.visited , and
pronounced it more striking than in
any country lie had over journeyed.
In conclusion , Col. Von Stuubon said
ho cfjiilcl not liiid words with which to
express his praise of the Anglo-Amer
ican population , mid the manner in
which the leading gentlemen had
everywhere treated his party. The
greatest regret was the want of knowl
edge of thu English language , which
alone prevented them from iccipio-
MirnbUo Dlntti.
"Your Spring MOSHOIII in n HIICCCIH , I
certainly think its elfccU aru wninlui fill ;
all tlio ( lyHpciitic hyiii ] > t < > nm 1 coiiiplniiicil
of have vaniilied ; my wifti in ultm enlliii'ii-
o.Htu ! innuto \ \ ol it ; nlio wan dialigurcd
by blotches mid piinplfii on her fnce , anil
had a uimtimioiuj hvailuchu. Kliu ! all
right nuw , ami all unsightly cuiptioiiH
hivu none. You imiy n-fur any doubling
partluH to inc. 11. M , WILLIAMSON ,
"Klk htrcct , Jtiiffiilu. "
Piicp , 50 cents ; trii : ] ImUle.-i , lOcontH.
117-eodlw ]
The Power-of tlio Prosn.
Ono of the old-tinio editors of Mich
igan ( says the Detroit Free 1'ress ) was
boasting the other day thnt ho had
never been sued for libul or attacked
in hm sanctum , but he could recall
many narrow eacapos. Twenty-five
years ago ho was running a red-hot
paper on the line of the Michigan Cen-
tinl Hnihoad. A. man named Curaoii ,
who was running for homo county of
fice , was given n bud racket ; nnd the
editor received a note that , if he had
anything more to say , he might expect
to receive a good pounding. He had
a still bitter attack the next
week , and the paper WUH hardly mail
ed before in walked Carson the candi
date , accompanied by a brother nnd
two cousins. The four Wore strap
ping big fellows , , niid each was nrmed
with a horsewhip. The two composi
tors nnd the "devil" got out with all
speed , leaving the editor without sup
port. He realized the situation at
once , nnd began.
"Walk in , gentlemen , presume
yon have come to horsewhip me/ / "
"Wo have , " they answered.
"Very well. Have you thoroughly
considered this matter/ / "
"It doesn't ncodnnycoiiHideiation , "
replied Carson , "You have lied about ,
me , nnd I'm going to lick you within
an inch of your life ! "
"Just so , my friend , but lirot hear
what I hnve to nay. Did you ever
hear of the press being stopped bu-
CUUHO the editor was cowhitlou ? "
"I diinno. "
"Well , you never did. Lick mo
nil you choose , und my paper comes
out nil the fume. Thn power of the
press ia no\t Jo the lever which moves
the imi verso. It makes or breaks parties -
ties , builds up or tears down , plants
or drstroys. Agt-ravato the editor ,
and the press becomes n sword to
wound and Mil. Wollop mo if you
will , but next week I'll come out moie
bitter than over. "
There was an embrrrasning Mlcnco
right here nnd the face of each hot so-
whipper had an anxious look.
" Mill gn out to the woi hi to
Ametiea , Canada , Kugland Knuieo
aye , clear to Jerusalem that thn Car
son family of this county live * n roots
and johnny-ealuthal ; they stole a dog
from n blind man ; that they murder
ed a peddler for n pair of two-shilling
suspenders ; that the women are clubfooted -
footed , and the men work their oars
when they sing that the "
" \Vhat ia tlto leyular subaciiplion
piice to the Uoraldr intoirupted Car
"Only twelve shillings n year. "
"Put four "
us down"
"Very well six dollais-that's cor
rect. Kun in and Bee me , all of you ,
andif any of you want to see any of my
Detioit exchanges , 1 shall bu only to
glad too servo you , "
Of all medicinuR advertised to cine
any allecliou of the Throat , Chest or
I.ungH , > ui know of none wo can rec
ommend no highly MR Du. KINO'S Niw :
Disi-ovp.iiv for Consumption Coughs ,
Colds , Asthma , Jtamclritii lluy Fe
ver , Hoarseness , Tickling in the
Throat , loss of voice , etc. This mod-
ii-iiie dues positively euro , and that
wh6ro everything else has failed. Is'o
medicine can ulunv one-half ho many
positive and permanent cures ns have
u heady been ell'ecled by this duly
Mondetful lumedy. For Asthma anil
Ih'ouchitis it is a ported specific , cur
ing the very woral eases in thu short
est Hiuu possible.Vo say by nil
means give it a trial. Trial bottles
five. Kegnlar imoSI.OO. Korsalohy
Isn it MrM\iu > N , Omaha.
Free JoJverylodyl )
A Beautiful Book for tlio Asking ,
ll.v nimhlng periontillv nt tlui nearest olllce
ot.'lllli SINtinil MAN'tTAlTUUINMI CO. ( or
1 > ) po ta1inrd If at ailNt.iii.u ) nn.AHI'I.T . ' per ,
KOII ull | lie presented % UH n licnutKnll Illus
trated n > pj otaNun Hook entltloil
on Tin :
contiltilns ; n li.inilioiiio ami oo tl > slocl oiiKrnv-
1"L' fionttiplcroi ; IIHO , 'H Ihiolj IIIKIIVMIooil !
cntH , niul liounil In nn t'lixliurutu llnu ) and fnKI
lltli ( > Kmiluil ] co cr. Nn tlmnt < liiti'\er : U inn < l
for this tinniliuno boot ; , nlch C.XM l > o nlitjilnul
only liy niiplicatluu nt tlui biixiKli nnil nl > or
illnnto uliluM ill The Slnn'cr SlniHitacturliiK' Co.
mi : sijcnni MANtTAcruuiNn co. ,
Principal Ollloc , 31 Union Square , Now Vorlc
HOlinii : nilOS , . IlroU-r * ill all Hull road
Ticket * , Omaha , Neb. , oiler Tidattj to thu IJint ,
until further nottcu , at the follow In ; ; unheard of
Low llntus :
Chlc.iRO , * I2 ; Hound Trip , J2I.OO. Thonoaru
limited I'lrsl-Clan1) Tickets anil wood for return
through tlio 3oar , and via tlui Old llclhlilu Chicago
cage , llurllngtoii & Qulncy Hulroad Also , one
\\ay to
let clvw , 2d ilasa.
NEW YOItK , S21 00 ,
1103TON , 22 00 ,
1'IIII.AOKM'IIIA , 27 M ) , 2100.
WASHINGTON , 27 Ol ) , 2100.
For ( articular * . rltn or RO direct to 1101)1111' ) :
liltOS. , U"nlors in Kcilnoid Itato Itillrotd and
Sttianiiililp 'licUcK SOU Tontli ill. , Uinahi , Nub.
Kemombcr thu place 'I lirco Doors North of
Union I'atlllo Itallroad Depot , iost Sldo of Tenth
Omaha , August 1,15 > S1 nn25dawjm
Des Moincs , Iowa ,
Manufacturers of 8A8H. DOOR8 , UI.IND3 ,
Greit ruluctlon In Hank Conntorn , I'hns fur.
nlflicdnmloil ; fiimlfho'l in all KhuU of harder
or Heft wood. ConntorH llniihed In oil when ilo-
Hired. KlithltiKof all l.inilH furnlalicil nnd nut
Into htillillnt ; rtady for p'liilt on nhort notlco
O'ir norltimn aru the hu t ineihanlcn that ran lie
procured , Ba.\o money by K'ivlni ; 113 jour ion
Stairs , Newels and LJ.ilustcra.
Ourforcinuii In tlilHilopnitincnt VM formerly
v.llli 1'iOHt Jlnnudutiirlnw Co , rCliluaKO ,
lll.i , and hat ilonu soinu of the Illicit Stair Aurlt
in thu Norths uit
Onlurn liy mall promptly attotul l > " " 'I > n
Richmond , Ind.
Buildoro of
From 3 to 25 H. P.
For L ° "
SAW MILLS , nc r.8ma"
For oil Grains nncl Seeds , Including Clover
Paed Mills , &c. , &c ,
It will pay you largely to write , stat
ing whiit you wiint nnd how
you wish to pay.
Unucurl Inducement * to Cnsli Purchasers.
noL'wtf Richmond. Ind.
Agtnw wnnuil tor I.lfo of
rrcxMtmt OnrlloM. A com.
iilUu , faithful Ii Inter j1 from cruillu to 1-iuvu , by
ilia i Oivnt blograjiocr , Col , Conurll. Hooka
all riaiij .nlowtrv. An ilcK'Uy ' lllintruloil
volume , i.'idorBu ! edition. Uhcral termi ,
Antiiln tnko onluii for from ! iO to Mtoii | < m dully.
Outsdlu nny other Ijoolc tun to'ono. A ( , ' iitmimur
inmlo morioy m ( , nt Thu hook null * ltw.ll. l.'x.
iHtrknio not necci < * ary. rAlliiruiiiihnonri All
inalioliiinn'iisu inolltx , I'rliatu tcrnn fruo.
rff.ltwlin 1'atland , Vnlnu
rhca , Impot.
, anil all
' " " ' ' '
Hulf'AIJiiHujM IxMiofMoinory , liw l-
tmlf , 1'uln in thu H.icl. , DlmiitmH of Vtnlon , 1'ru
niaturu OIJ A ( ; i , nml maiij other Dl > vi8o thivt
iaiul to Iiixanlt ) or Condiimptlon and a 1'rinia-
turu Oia\ .
tff'uimitlcularn \ \ \ In oir p.-imnlilit , wlikh
HU ilixlro lq tend frcu 1 . - mull to every onu.
tf-tfTnu Hiitcllla Mullcliiu | ii loM liy all itriVKlft"
ati | > ir paLkaKD , orOuiVti'H | for U& , nr v.111
Lu tent friio hy null on tixi iitnf the iiionvy , ) > y
adtlrtauInK T1IKC1KA > liiICINiCO : , ,
lludalo , N. Y.
Tor Mlo lif (5. V Oooil * uc7niiMiOl
Wostom llorso ami flatfclo In-
suraiico Oomiiaiiy ,
Capital , . . . SI 00,000 00
In uri' llntavt , iluloa und Catllu c uliiBt low ) > y
[ UMiduit.diH'cw cr thilt , AKUIICL | In all I'ouii.
tics of thu bUtu , bcml for > Iri'wUra.
( H. & M. 11. ! { . , Eastern
I' . II. WulKcr Uonornl Morchnnclige
las. SclioHutil Oonornl lUorclmndiso nncl Grain
Wulkor it ISro Gunurnl Morelmmliso mid Grain
Aitilurioi ) t Son. flrocorioB
Jus.V. . Orabtrou Wnvcrly llouao
. , SI. L. it lund 0. , H. A Q. K. TV , Woalorn Towa. ]
I1. U. Uc-anl . . . Caahior Bank of Coin
It. ti. Martin . StockDealor
I'rinco \ - Kind . Groceries and Quconswnro
Pollock & Love . Cionoral Store
V. L. Itiahnp . Goncral Store
\Viu. UUOVUH & Co . Gonural Store
,1. Lay . Drills , Hooks and Stationery
Cox Air Monroe . Druys , Books and Stationery
Dowoll Uros . Furniture and Undertaking
\V. A. Wood woi Hi . Hardware , Stoves and Titnvaro
0. M. Hosts . . Grain Dealers
W J. Clark . Contractor and Builder
A. 1 * . Anderson. I . Agricultural Implements
W. 0. l\rax\voll \ . Uakory and Confeotiouory
Jcilbrdfl lros $ . "Wntchmakors and Jowolora
J. MoMulum . Saloon
J. .1. Nuim . Harbor
T. 31. Baldwin . , , . Mayor o Coin
J. 1 * . Crows . Proprietor of City Hall
A. Jloxoll . Editor of Coin Eagle
Company ,
Finest Silver Plated Spoons and Fork
The only nndfj Uionnl plate that
original firm oi\ \ /
' is giving for in-
Rogers -Jros.
fSSII YX// Blanco n , ainglo
Ml All on1 Spoonn ,
F o r k a and plated Spoon n
Knives plntod triple thickness
with the greatest
pinto only on
of care. Each
the s e c t i o B
lot being hung
on a scale while where expo d
being plnlcil , to to wear , thereby
insure a full deposit - making n single
posit of silver on
plated Spoon
wear ns long nan
Wo would call
n triple plntod
especial attention
tion to our sec-
Rival. Orient. Tlt > ood.
All Orders In the West blioul J lie Addressed to
Wholesale Jeweler ,
- . .
Tobacco from 25c , per pound upwards.
Pipes from 25c. per dozen upwards.
Cigars from $15.00 per 1,000 upwards *