Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1881, Image 6

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    - ' " ' " ' ' his > * < * ' " bccn n Mtcf l
JLJULOJ v/.m.rv jL/jtxJLJUJL i T jjJL/o.1 AVU v !
Council Bluffs ill tlio Midst of
Social Eujoyraoiits ,
Brilliant Party at the Resldenca
of Judge Clinton.
A Gouuino Case of Miscegena
tion ,
Matrimonial Mention Funeral
of an Old Citizen.
nml General lutorost-
Quito a brilliant ami high toned
affair took place at the residence of
Judge Clinton , on Willow nronuc ,
tlio occasion being a tea parly in honor
of Miss llattio L. Paint1 , given by her
cousin , Mrs. F. 13. Hart. The op.v
cioua parlors were thrown open and
generally taken posscsion of by about
fifty of the most intinmto young
friends of the family , including W. F.
Snpp , .lr. , Ernest Jl.irt , Charles GUI-
ccr , Miss Pusoy , together witli a largo
Jiumbor of what is known as the elite
of our fair city. The entire company ,
lead by Miss Olllcor , indulged gen
erally in singing. The "menu" vtau
everything that tlio palate could wish.
Jliss I'.u'no , to whom thid honor was
extended , residua in the city of New
York and lisa boon in this city for
aoitio weeks visiting the Clinton-Hart
WHAT MADU Till ! IMFI'liltliXUK.
It ia said that it is a very rare oc
currence to see lion. W. II. M. Pit-
aoy , atid his partner , Tliomas Oflicor ,
conversing together upon the fitrcets ,
This wonderful coincidence took
place the other day and was the occa
sion of the displaying of considerable
wit by one of our prominent buaiuesa
men. A debtor of their extensive
banking house noticing these men
conversing Mr. debtor called
a friend's attention to the fact.
Tlio friend remarked : "Won
der what they bo talking
about ; it must be seine important
financial scheme. " Proceeding hosuid :
"I presume these two men are happy.
I wish I had aoino ot their monoy. "
Mr. debtor "Wull , you can bet I
don't , I wish they had n Hltlo more
of Uioir money and I liudu't had quito
ao much of it. "
W. A. Sponsor of Macidoina called at
TUB BKB ollico yesterday. Mr. S.
is proprietor of The Tribune , a weekly
iiowspapor published in that town.
JDcsidcs thia paper ho carries on quito
nn extensive real estate and insurance
business , having thu agency for the
Council lilufla iimuranco company.
HoxreportH that the prumiuniH nt hi.i
agency , the past month for this com
pany , amounted to 100. Ho thinks
the company will bo ono of the
largest in the state. Speaking of crops
ho stud. Tlio corn crop in that sec
tion will bo about ono-fouith short.
The small grains are almost a total
The thrco men who were charged
with stealing Bcckloy's overcoat were
arraigned before Recorder Btirko yes
terday. Tlioy entered the plea of not
.guilty , butHho testimony in the case
was againac this plea by a largo ma
jority. They were found guilty and
sentenced as follows : J. Donovan ,
fifteen days ; Daily and McClint , ten
days each. When arrested Daily had
upon his person a pocket Bible which
was returned to him.
iiKtn TO HAIL.
The two "coons" who wore arrested
for an assault with intent to rob upon
the person of the young on Mainatrcet
the other day , had their preliminary
examination bcforo Judge Burke yes
terday. The court , thinking the avi-
donco sufliciont , held them in quito n
largo sum for their appearance to an
swer before the grand jury at the Dp-
cembor term of tlio district court , in
default of which they were committed.
At about 4 o'clock
half-past yester
day afternoon word was telephoned to
Chief of Police from the Chicago lum
ber company's ' ollico , on lower Main
street , to the effect that a couple of
ferocious young bloods had taken pus-
session of that end of the streot. It
seems they had imbibed too freely of
the ( lowing bowl and were consequent
ly in good condition to make things
pretty lively. They seemed to toke
great pleasure in abusing horses that
were standing hitched by the way and
threatened to shoot any ono who
should djtro to interfere. _ After the
twain had raised Imdcs generally they
Honaratod , and ono of them continuing
what they deemed sport stopped a
citizen on the sidewalk and begun to
insult and annoy him. About this
time n gentleman , who curries on
the bakery business , happened along ,
and seeing the abuse without stopping
to inquire the cause , guvo him one
from the shoulder that came very near
Getting his car near the napu of his
neck , which had the tendency to com
pel him to immediately retreat , which
ho did so suddenly that no ono knows
whither ho vent. Thus far the police
force Imvo been unable to discover his
lurking placo.
There was n grand nmalganmtioi
caao before Justice Abbott last Bun-
day which create considerable uxcito
meat outsidored. Quito a light-col
orcd gentleman appeared there with a
rather pretty , prepossessing youii } ,
member of the Caucnssian family ,
stating that "Doy had cum fur to be
madu ono in do iluah , , " They BOOI
told the juaticoihat they would love
ono another "oh , so much" so long aa
do good Lord permitted them to rumuii
upon din mundino bjicro , and ho pro
nounced the amalgamation complete ,
f The young lady scomod pleased , Her
maiden nuino was Etta Allenger , her
colored nuino is Iluyea. J. W. Hayes
the happy groom , blow softly througl
his ivorys as they descended the
flight of stnirs nnd slopped on llic
sidownlk. "Dat btof is tlo svvoetcai
dis cliilo over luck. "
Our old nnd woll-kiiown cilixon ,
Alex Obort , was last inglit joined in
Iho holy bonds of matrimony lo Miw
Chnrlotti Lanpor by .lustico Abbott ,
nt tlio grooms icsidcncc , Novoiuber
1-1 , 1881. A largo party nsacmbled to
witness the coromonj , nnd a splendid
collntion wn.1 sol up to the guest' , nnd
rt happy 'iniov.ia had by all prereiit.
The bride and groom received nmny
vnluablo presents from admiring
Tlio funeral of the lalo C. t' . Slier-
radnn look place nt the ro.iidcnco of
the ( Icccaaoil , on 1'ilmoro ( old nnino )
slriiot , yeslordny nflotnooii , nnd wiii
well attended , Nov. Oyrus Jlntnilton
ofliciaHiiK. Mr. Sherrnden was tin old
and highly respccl.iblo citixun of
Council Uluira. Hocnmo Iiero years
a. o , and for a , long time caniei' on n
lucrntivo milk business. After thin
ho devoted his attention to y.irdcning ,
in uhich liiisincsn ho Inid up quttu u
competency , llo was the father of
Charles Sliurrudun , ono of Council
Uluira" leading photouraphors , Ji ninn
of undoubted Christian clmr.ictur nnd
n member of Odd jfullowa ledge No ,
H ) , which order utU'iidud in a body.
1'ho remiiiiiH wuio interred ill Knirviott *
Wo regret very much than Spencer
Smith took ( juito an ill turn yester
Howard W. Tillon , of .Tancavilln ,
Wis. , called at Tin : JJiu : office i yester
day. I\lr. \ T. holds Iho position of
city editor on The .Tancsvillo Oai'.etlt1.
Ho is here on a brief visit to hh old
Iriond Jacob Sims , county attorney.
Mr. Tillon ia well plonnod with what
lie has seen Of thu JHulTa nnd will no
doubt give us a good name in his
Charlcn Howard , who does business
on Main street , docn not think much
of horse trading in these troublesome
"pinkoyo" times. Ho keeps hut ono
horse , yet ho has had two cases of
"pinkoyo" to contend. You must bo
more careful , Charles. Some of tlio
livery men in this city give it as their
opinion that the "pinkoyo" in harder
on horses than the "epizootic. "
A young lad about 14 yearn old ,
without any incaim , obtained lodging
at the city building Monday night ,
lie staled to the ollicera that he was
on his way to Colorado in search of
his mother.
Several of thy working gang at the
0. , 15. it Q. freight ollicu quit work
Saturday. This was intended us a
small-sized fltriko for higher wiigea.
Ono lad 18 or 20 years of age , who
was receiving $10 per month , thought
ho ought to got as much an a police
man on account of the high price of
provisions , wan among the slriki-ru.
Only ono was loft in the ollico toc.irry
on the buHiiu'ss or tell the Had tale.
Stewart's extensive packing estab
lishment started up for the winter's
business hint Saturday. A Ithough this
business is carried on within thu city
limits , it is so managed that no com
plaints are heard from our cilizcna
who livu in thu immediate vicinity ,
The teachers and pupils of the Cen
ter street school are complaining of
the bad ventilation furnished that in
stitution ,
On Friday evening the St Patrick's
benevolent society will give a grand
ball in Dohany'ft opera liouse. The
affair will no doubt bo a grand ono
and wo know the cauno ia noble. All
are invited to attend.
Last Sunday Mrs. Harmon Kelley
met with quite a serious accident.
She attempted to go down a ( light of
stairs located in the rear of the build
ing in which the family reside , and in
the lower part of which her husband
1ms a marble establishment. AB nhe
wont to descend , she made a mis
step and fell , injuring her ankle and
wrist. Dr. Green wai culled , and af
ter a caretul examination pronounced
no bones broken. It wan ceitainly a
nariow escape from permanent in
Wo understand that Mr. James
Heard , brother-in-law of General and
K. I * . Dodge , of this city , is quito
dangerously ill , Somu time ago Mr.
J3. went to Texas to work. Wo are
sorry to notp ho is expected to return
in iiucli a critical condition.
Olllcers Cusio and Uarhyto arrested
a man for being drunk and disorderly
on the streets. Ho pi end guilty and
was lined by the court $5.85.
Oilicur Tyson arrested and brought
in ono John Harrington , beastly
drunk , plead guilty , fined i0.85 , for
which ho gave security until tlio liSJd
to 11. E. Montgomery , son-in-law of
Ocin. Dodge , has sent to this city to
procure a physician , Dr. P. W.
Paulson , to attend a child who is very
Hick out in Texas with that dread dis
ease , Bcarlot fever.
Last evening the Bupliat oociply nn.
tortaincd their friends in a social way
at the residences of Mrs. Dr. Lyman
and Mrs. W. 1) . Cowlea , tlio double
house just north of Unudway on the
east Bide of Main direct , Refreshments -
monts in abundance were worveil , in-
eluding oysters , ice cream , cake , hot
coffee. Among the attractive features
was quite an extensive art gallery ,
containing a pictuio of our mayor. A
largo number were present and had if
good time ,
Wo understand there ia a family
suffering for thu comforts of life at
what in known as the Sioux City
house , on Uroadway. It connists of a
woman and five children and a relative
who is down nick with typhoid fever ,
We don't BCU how nuoh a case could no
long escape the eye of those whose
duty it is to see that no human being
in Pottawattomie county suffer for
want of food and raimant ,
John Uockly came very near losing
his overcoat , an uncomfortable condi
tion to leave a man in at the present
time. Ho found it , however , in a
pawn Bhop , where the thief had made
a slight raise.
When Claik was in Salt Lake City
ho was taken for a Shaker , and oi
course the liberties of the city wore
tendered him.
Ofllcnr Sterling arrested a couple ol
men yesterday on mispioioii that they
had been engaged in purloining a paii
of pants from u woman by the name
of Davis. There have no facts as ye !
developed pointing directly to tliesd
men , The ollicurs think , however ,
that they are on the track of the
stolen property.
John K. Cooper , county school
pcrintcndcnt , loft yesterday to vi
the country on business connected
with our Pchoola.
Clnrk , Iho roving rambler of the
Rockies , has comu down from his high
sphere nnd gone lo picking up items
Even the 'bus line failed to connecl
Monday night on account of the bad
condition of the streets. How can wo
expect thoHerdics to tun.
H , F. Iloyco , of Des Moiiiff , was
in Council JHufli yestcrd.xy nt the
John C. Lick , of Onmlin , camoovor
the river yesterday on business.
Miss iNcllio Wt-ston , of Ncola , was
in the city nt tlio I'nciliu yesterday.
Mrs. Norrin , of Areca , wns in tlio
citj- last Saturday on business. Shu
remained over Sunday.
iirnl.t ( Gold.
] ) .in'l Vlatilc , nf Hmnklyri. Tlojra comity ,
1'n. , describes it tlnn : "I rode thirty
ml'cn ' forabottlu of THOMAS' Kei.wTiuo
Oil , which clfcctcd the wonderful euro of
a crooked limb In alt applications ; it
proved worth more tlinn K"hl to inc. "
Tin ; "FniKsiim" FitANKMjf , HANI > -
COAL. 1'rieca very low. Sold
by MII.TOK llonr.ns it SON .
The loncllnr ; Scientists ot to-ilay arco tlmt
nokt ilIauucM are canttil by illsonlcrcil liiilncjs
or liver. If , thtreforu , tliu klilnu\nariil HUT nrc
kept In prrfuclonLr , perfect luiillh vlllliutliu
result. This truth tmi only Irt-cn know n u i-liort
line oml for . \oari pifljilc nnlTcreil irtat an'onj
riHiout liclwR nlilo to relief. 'J ho ll rnnry
ol Warncr'fl Snfu Klilnvyaiid I.hcr Cnro ni.rk : r.
n nuw trn In thu trcitniLiit ot tlicuo troulilex ,
Maila Iroin n nliupla troilcil ) Ivnl ol rare Miluc. It
ontJiltiH JiiHt thu ilt'ini-iits ncccS3.iry to nourish
niiillrixUorato liothof tlicto jicat organs unil
wifely runloru mul l > i-cii tliuin Inonlir. Itis.i
'osltlvo Remedy for nil tlio ill. t'HM that cai o
vlnn Intho lower puit of the Imdy for 'I'oqild
.hoi 1Icnilacii ) H Jaiiiiillcc ] > i7tni'n ( Irnvel
IVvcrAipio Lti or anil Urln iry Orpins.
It la an uxcallrnt amltafo rtinvily tor f clinics
liirluc I'rcKimncy. It will control Jlonstriuition
nnd H In 'alunlilu for Loucorrhcca or I'ullMiK of
liu Womb.
Asn Illooil t'lirlflcr It In mionu.-ileil , for It cured
hu or atiti thnt lunlfo thu bloou.
This remedy , which has ilono mich uomlcr' , Is
Mit up In the I.AIUIIST HlX.ii > llOTI'l.i : of any
ncdlcliio iiiioii the miirltct , nrnl In told by Drui-
t'lstH and all dealers at SI. 2ft pur bottle , For
DlaliolcH , ( Minulro for WAHNIM'S BAl'IJ DIA-
lOTis : UUIth. It Inn 1'OSIIIVK Hcrniay.
H. H. WARNER & CO. , Rochester , N. Y. _
Knrmoro than a Ililnlof aconlurythn
Unoxvn to millions nil ever the world MH
the only Bare rollancc for the relief of
nculiluntH and niiln. It IH u mnllrlno
aliovu pi ICK it nil pruleo I lie itrttot Its
Ulml. for every foun ofextornul pain
IH without an equal.
It | iciirtrii1r tloli and iiiiiuclii tn
i -\ri-y liutin inalcIiiL ! the cuiillnn-
uiic'o of pain nnd Inll'imnmtlon IIIIJXH-
Hlhlo. IIM olfeclHupon Human Ph-sli anil
Ibn llinloCrciillon uru equally wonilei-
I'ul. The
Liniment Ifl nondoil by soiiiclxidy In
vury IIOIIHO , Kvoiy ilav In IIIK.H uuwu ot
if n oiiy ofnu \\fiiI nynlit or Inii'u
ibilliL'd , of rliuiimnifc iiiiirtyi'M 1'J-
oicd , or a Miliiulilc liniin or ux
iv < ul by the hciUlnj ( powerot'tliU
vliloh spcrillly cure * owli nllmcnta of
10 HUMAN ! LUSH us
Rhviiniut Intii , N vnlll iRO , KdiT
oliili , Ooutrr.rteil Slupi it , I'.iirim
lid SriililK. Cut" , tiruJMOs niitl
Nirnliik. I.Viiu .no i Itltm nml
' Hitiriirii'i , 7 niiienr Old
lliplri , < ' Uc < l Itrcnct , nnd
liulccd ivery ; form nt external UU-
rnie. It lirnlvvllliiiut cnr .
Kiirtbu Iiiiuxi ! CUKATION Itc'iircfi
SpraliK , H lilii.v , fStin * Jnliiti ,
Fouiiilnr , Iliuiie * * Norm , Hour III-
( iniei Fool Hot , IServw Worm , Kcnli ,
Hollow Hum , NrriUvlirn , IVInd-
1U. HpHVln , Thru U , Klucboiic ,
8 M Nc.riPoll ivll , I'llin upon
tlio NlKltt mill every other nllmviit
to > vlilcli ilia m-cup < viit of Iho
Ntnble uiul Ntocli Ynrd lire lliililr ,
The Alex ( run niimluiiK r.liilinr
iihvuyH curoii ami nuvor illsiippoiuti ) ;
anil U ia , positively ,
H ( cl l tt ntlon gUun to collcaloiia In Dutlfi
" "
Orrirn I'ront lloom ( uimtnlrn ) In Hanik-viu'i
nowlirlck bulMliiK , N. Vporucr t'ftccuth ( u
John G. Jacobs ,
( Formerly at dl < h& Jacob * , )
N'o. U'.I KarnhamBt. , Olii BUml ol
( M. U. CLAKKBOX. J , 0. 1IUMI
Olarkson & . Hunt ,
Buccxww" toJllchanlt k Hunt ,
S ) Uth8tro. t Oin h N.b , ,
In I ho Circuit Court of the UnlteJ SMta lot the
DI trictofN
New Hmrlaul
Security Comtntiy /
\ > . J-1N CltAXCEUY.
Martini A. Coumil nn < l I
( Jcorgc I1. Coun\d (
Pul.llsjifttlco l lictihy Blveri , th In ) > imtnnto
( ind hylrtuoof ft decree untcrei ! In the . \b ne
caiixen the 2'itt iKy of Htrtcmlicr , 1S81 , I ,
ni.MSfi. \ . IltHillOlVKW.'Siiihl Jlnitcr in
( 'hanceiy In mid Court , xvll ! on the ( itli day of
Dwcmlicr , 1J81 , attho iiourolS o'clork In the
Mlirnoonof Iho ilil il y , tit the * ct door ot
the United Mtitu Court , Hoimo uml I'oit ( Hike
Imllillrur , In IhcCltyof Lincoln , t.iricmttrCoini
ty , Slntormd DMrkt t Nclirmki , ftll nt auc
tion I ho foll"Mlii < Oo trllKd | irorty | , to-wlt :
The nortlivrMt < | 'i ' rt < . .rof Kciton nuinljtrcil
ten (10)ln 'owiiflilp nuinltrol thirty ( .10) nnd
unto mmi'ocrcil MX (0) ) cr > t , in the Cnuiity ol
IUxoti and Stale of NchraiVa.
Pjicclnl Miv trr in C'lmnnry.
I ) . (1. Ill U , Pel if 1 tor tor Coni ! > ' : > i until , rmuflt
In the tnivttcr of the Mate of J wnei K. 1th ,
Ji'ollco It hereby jrhon lhat the creditor * of
nalil deccA'-ed , uill meet the mlmlnhtrlx ol Kite )
I tatc , heforc mo , County Jiulro of Uoujrlac
Comity , NcbrasKn , fit the Coiintv Court Itooni
In said Coutity , on tliflfitli day of Dr-ioinlicf,18Hl ,
on tlio Mil day of Fihnmry , ISM , nnd on tlioLth
diy o ( April , IS82 , at 10 otlcxk in. mill diy ,
lor Iho purio | o of iirntiitlnp their claims for rx-
null nation , mljnstinuit ntul allowance. Six
Inotit H nronllowed for rrodltflr < to present tlivlr
Llilni , nrnl ouu yo\r lor tlio tuliiuiiMnxtrlx to
"ttlcRild ( _ Utc , fnnii th Ctli dnj of Octohcr ,
issl.tlilaimtko will IjopiiMWic. ! In Tint OMAHA
U'Km.r IKK ! tor ( our uccK Biui.tSilMly , prior to
thi ( ; th day of l ccciulior , lyyl.
( A tnio copy. ) A , M. C'll VINVJCK ,
oclK\lt ! laiintv Jrid-jc.
J./Voii lLo oAIjl .
In Iho Circuit Court ol the Unlti il States lor the
DMrktof .V-hnska :
> lnuufi K. U Murwood , I
. " Clia"ccry <
CnUIn nullcr.Ulchrcm Vntkr .
0. W. imnii & H ( tirj Fclhcr , |
Pulil'C ' notice U hrrtliy filvoii , th.itinpursuanco
mid hjlrtiio of a ( kcrci ) inltnd In 'ho nl > o\o
CIII-P , on thu ! nd day of fecp uulicr , ISdl , I ,
H.IA4 IllinillOWlfll , ] .Mitvtcr III
f'liancBry ' In tniil Court. Mill on tlic Uthdiyol
Dttcinlivr , ISsl , nttho lioiir ol 3 o'clock hi tliu
attvrnooit ol Kild day , nt tin1 Mettiloorof the
1 nitcil NlatcnCourt 'lotiso nnd'mt \ Olllio hulhl
Ifir , In the Olt > ol Lincoln , Innca tur CounH ,
SUti ) nml District of .Vcliraila , fi.ll nl auction
iho followlii ilc'i"'rilled property , to "it :
'rhifmiUtliMuU quarter of Iho .outlita-t < piar-
tcr , ecoilon ii"inlicrt.d nlnctcf nl' ) ) , and thu > ast
hill tiJ tliunortlica t > | iiartormi < l Iliu noithuctt
ipiartcr of tliu quarU'r of tteitiou limn-
hen d thirty ( .10) ) , nil In tovMiOiIp niinil 'rcil
tliirtj-oncJiftuil ( ) rmif niinili icd two'J ) tnst ,
In tlu count } of Cedar and btatu ol NuliraAa.
Special Jlastirin ( Jhaiuerv.
I ) . G. Hi'M. , Ho Icltor tor Coinplaiinut. nli\3t
Fall and Winter
* 5
At New York Prices at
1 , 1 , & 1 , Peav's '
1309 Fnrnlmm St. ,
, - - .
_ _ _ _ oc2r.w.rit _
Commission Merchants.
'or the f-alo of Frinn I'roduco ; 1'otatocH 1'oultry ,
Duller , KKK * rui'ivcd and told on
Cash ndvanroH mido on coiHlgnnicnts.
Warehouse and Store , 1413 Dodg'o Street
Oninhn , Heb. _ u'/.Sto
n tlio matter of the llstntoof rotor J. Johneon ,
Notice li licreby given that the creditors of
lid dot'Liucd , u lit mutt tliu a.lii.lulBtmtor of raid
iliitv , hvfaro me , County Judi < u of Dou lM
County , Nebraska , at a Countj Court Kooni , In
saij County , on thu 24th day ot November , IbSl ,
on the 2 ! til day of January , 18S2 , and o the
llth day of , 1882 , at 111 o'clock a. in. cr.c' .
l.iy , for tlio imrposa ol prcHcntliur their claims
or examination , adjustment nnd allowance
ilx months aru allowed for croJItors to present
thitr vlalnin , and ono j car for the admliilntrator to
HCttlo mid ICxtato , from the 'J-tth day ol Scptem-
> cr , 1881 , thU notleo will ho published In Tim
OMAHA WKKKLV UKK for four Mucks sin.-ee ahcly ,
irlor to the 21th duy of Xovciulur , 1SR1. A. Jl. CIIAUWI K ,
nitll-wit _ County Jiiilk' " .
To tlio Stockholders or the Nebraska Gas
Light Company.
Take rotleo , that n tpecial incctfn ? of said
( totUliolilcrs Mill bo held nt the ollii'o of .dd
y , Oiinlii , nt I p , in. , on the 15th day of
> eecmber , Ittjl , for thu pur | so ot eltitlnir rev-
en dliurtnrH , and the ollturn ot thu cotnpuiy.
Theruliiii'buai ) falliir to elect direciora nt
.ho last annual incellnL' .
MYliVANL'S WIIKHIT , President ,
KKANK M UUI'llY , Sccrotiry.
luted Omaha , N r. Oth , IbSl. noQ Dt
Articles of Xnoorporntinn of the
Mlllnrd Variuorw' Club.
ArticU'H of incorponitinn nuulo nnd
nilipti ! ( > this 2lth ! tiny nt October , A. U.
I8S1 , liy uiul between tlio undersigned in-
cornonttorn , na follows , to. wit :
Article T. Tlio imino of Ihirf club. shall bo
.ho .Mllliird FiirnicrH1 club.
1'lJi.CK Of lll'SINH.HS.
Article II. Thu iirlncipal place of buni-
IOHI < if tlriii , club hliall bu nt i\Iillnrd tta-
.tun , county of Duiight' , Nebrnuka ,
Article III. Thu ( jfneral imturo of bus- !
icsa to bo trarmelod by this club ia to
conduct ix ( 'cncral literary nml Hiicinl busi-
ICH.H nml other oiittrt.iiumciitj of a socinl
character ,
Arliclo IV. The nmmmtof capital stock
of thia club Bliiill bo two thoumviul dollnra ,
livldi'd into slinreH of ami ilolltir each ,
which hlmll ba paid in thu manner pro-
buribod by tlia imcctnrn.
Artio'p V. This club uliall coniinonce to
triuifl.'ict liuHiimsu nml OYuici'oitBOinpornto
PUWBM the 2'Jlli ilny of October , 1881 , nml
itH piiwurH hliull ceunu nu the titttli < l y of
Octuher , 1USI.
Arto'.o ! VI. The hlhtit | iimnuut of a-
lilllty or imlublotliiots , wliich tliia cluh
abidl at any nut ) timu Mibject ltdlef , niull !
bo tlirco huml led ilulhtH
ArUclo VII , Tha ofllww of this
club Hhnll bo romlucted by i
boanl of thrco iiirectori < , who "hall be
fleeted from nwotiK the i-tockliolder.-i , and
thuy Hhtill appoint n prtnident ami uuch
other olUcern ai by law is required.
On thin 29th tiny of Octolicr , A. 1) . 8881 ,
personally nppcaretl before me , Oliirltv
Itr.uulcK , a notary public for Baiil county ,
Julius Schroeder , l. Ilium , Clans Sclnv
tiinnn , W. liurmlnrf , to mo known to bf
the Hlyners ot thu fureomitf urlielen of iiv
corporiitioti , nml acknowluilioil the : uno U
b their voluntary act ami deed.
Notary public in nml for Douglas county ,
Nebrask.i. _
DR , L , B. GRADDY ,
Oculist and Aurist ,
llcferimits all KepuUtlo I'liynlclanu of Oninha
tiTOIPc < i , Corner IDth and Fnrnli rn 8ti. |
Onmha , Nub
Within the next sixty days we expect to occupy our new store at
1315 and 1317 Farnham street , adjoiningourpresent stand , with a
stock of
in the West ,
and meanwhile we desire that all Omaha should take advantage of the very
jgT dSP * * "BSKSI1035338
\\JSca \
"wim IMI.A.KxtSrC3- : .
Proparntory to moving wo otter our oni.tro stock at a great snonflco. Study carefully the
prjceo wo quote , bear In mind that we buy nil Koods for caab , do the largest strictly retail dry
{ { oods business between Chicago and Sanfraucisco , ruicl mm to JUVQ our customers the benefit of
all the low pricoti and extra cash discounts fjivon us by manufacturers * and importers.
Jicavcr Cloaks , handsomely trimmed
with I'ussinuntuiio and Satin , Silk
Velvet , 85.00 to $1.00.
All Wool Beaver Cloaks , from $8.00
IJoaver Dolmans , hnmhomcly trim-
nio'l with Silk and lAingo , § 8.00 , or
with S.itinSilk and 1'iissmuiilerio Deep
Fringe , Corded nml Tassled , $10.00.
At SID.OO wo offer a handsomely fur
trimmed all Wool Diagonal Dolman ,
and at $18.00 wo show Font1 nt ) lea of
Dolmanii worth fully $120.00. Liu-ht
Jackets nt $0.00 to $12.00. In Light
Dolmans wo show over 1J ! styles , from
SJo.OO to $155.00 , making special prices
t $20.00 and $ L'5 00.
Silk Dolmans fromlf > .00 fo$7n 00 ,
ill liandHumely trimmed with 1'ur
Ladies' Suitings , Cashmeres ,
Silks and Plaids , Novelties.
40 inch Black Cashmeres UOc. , 75c. ,
! )5c. ) , $1.00.
1(5 ( inch Hlack Cashmeres , 7uc. , OOc. ,
$1.00 , $1.125.
Wo Avill agree in all cases to refund
the money for Cashmeres should they
not prove satisfactory. Our piicun will
1)0 found 20 to 00 pur cent less than
these usually asked for MUIIOqualities ;
ill wo asked is comparison.
10 inch French Flannel Suitings ,
'Kiinch French Silkand Wool Plaids.
18 inch French Foullo and Camels
Hair in extra heavy weight , $1.05 to
2.00 a yaul.
48 inch Drap doEtoat$1.25. $1.50 ,
$1.80 , S-.nO.
Ladies' .and Children's
50 Ladies' all Wool Seamless
lose , 40c.
25 dozen Ladies' all Wool Seamless
lose , extra heavy , 50c.
25 dozen Ladies' fine Cashmere
Hose , 75c. , worth $1.00.
Children's ' all Wool Seamless Hose
'or school wear , all sizes , 2Dc. , worth
40c. to 50c.
Hoys' all Wool Gray Mixed School
EToso 40c. . worth SOc. to 75c.
Ladies' extra heavy Fleeced Lined
IJelbrujgins , 50c :
Ladies' line Merino Vests , 45c. ,
worth ( iOc.
Children's fmo Merino Vests , 2Dc.
to $2.00.
Men's Sox , Shirts ,
200 Dozen Seamless Fancy British
Sox Quo.
25 Dozen Men's Fine all Wool Scar
let Half Hose SOc. n Pair fully worth
25 Dozen Fine English Merino Hose
yr c. : i for $1.00
Seamless Unbleached Sox $2.00dos.
Extri Fine Unbleached Sox $2.50
Host Quality Linen Collars $1.50
Best Quality Linen Cufl's$2.50 doz.
Another invoice of Men's Pique
Sown , Stitched back Derby Street
Gloves S1.I55 pair , usually sold at
$2.00 to $2 50. Every pair warranted
not to break.
Heavy Merino Shirts or Drawers
Heavy Merino Shirts or Drawers
50c. , worth $1.00.
Heavy Merino Shirts or Drawers
$1.00 , worth $1.25.
For $1.25 wo sell a very heavy
Patent Merino Shirt or Drawer that
has heretofore sold for $1.50.
Seamless Shirts or Dr.iwors from
81.50 , formerly $1.75 , up to the best
Cartwriuht and Wnmur's Hand-knit
Scotch Shetland Wool.
ORDERS TAKEN for Silk/Under
In this department nil goods are of
our own importation at the prices
wo name. No house west of Now
York can compete with us.
19 inch Black Satins , all beautiful
lustre and well covered , 7oc. , 85c. ,
05c. , $1.00.
22 inch Black Satin , $1.00 , $1.25 ,
§ 1.40 , $1.50 , $1.00 , $1.05.
A complete line of Colored Satins
at 90c. , equal to the $1.25 Satin of
last season.
Black Gros Grain Silk 50c. , 75c. ,
OOc. , $1.00 , nil worth 25c. , a yard
Coahmoro Finish Groa Grain Silk
from $1.15 to $3.50.
Wo hayo full linos'of our celebrated
brand of
Cashmere Alexandre Silks
Black and Colored Plushes , full 21
inches wide $3 50.
19 inch Silk Velvets from $1.25 to
Over 20 qualties to choose from.
3 Button Fisk , Clark & FJagg
Gloves , 75c.
4 Button Fisk , Clark it Flagg
Gloves , $1.00.
(5 ( Button Fisk , Clark it Flagc
Gloves , $1.25.
The above are well known in the
east as ono of the best Gloves made.
The makers sold us all they had ind
wo assure ' our patrons that theyWmk
as high as'any first-class Glovoknown.
Usually soiling at $2.00 , $2.25 and
$2.50 per pair.
Wo are solo agents in Omaha for
Courvoisier Kid Gloves.
3 Button Courvoisier Kidg , $2.00
4 Button Couivoisier Kids , 2.25
G .Button Couivoisier Kids , 2.50
Poster Lace K ids , all Lengths.
3 Button Real Kid , Black , only $1.25
4 Button Real Kid , Black , only 1.50
When Gene wo cannot replace.
Hand or maehino madu all Silk
Spanish , Guipure , Chiutilly and other
new ; style Laces , from ono to twelve
inches , Deep Cream or Black.
Spanish Lace Scarfs from 35e to
$5.00 each.
Wo also add to our sock\
Ten Cent Ribbons
Many new colors and extra widths in
Satin and Gros Grain.
Como early this morning.
Our Blanket Stock is the largest in
Omaha , and as our prices -will show ia
by far the cheapest wo ever offoied.
100 Pairs 10-4 White Blankets $1.50 ,
worth $2.50.
100 Pairs 10-4 White Blankets $2.00 ,
worth § 3.00.
CO 11-4 White Blankets $2.50 Pair.
CO 10-4 White Blankets $3.50 Pair.
CO 11-4 White Blankets $1.50 Pair.
The Best $5. 00 Blankets in the West.
50 Pairs Extra Heavy all Wool
Blankets $0.50.
50 Pairs 12-4 Extra Heavy Blankets
50 Pairs 11-4 all Wool Blankets
An Extra Largo San Jose , California ,
Blanket for $10.00. The Very Best
Bargain in Omaha.
48 Bed Comforts 55c. each , woith
75c. to $1.00.
48 Bed Comforts 75c. each , worth
48 Bed Comforts , very large and
heavy , at $1.25 each.
Fine French Blankets of our own
importation from $15.00 to $50.00 a
319 Farnham Street.
We respectfully request the attention of the Ladies of Nebraska
to the announcement of the arrival of the largest and most recherche
invoice of Fur Lined Promenade Wraps ; Silk , Plush and Embroid
ered Matelaise Dolman's ever imported west of the Missouri.
Trimmed Elaborately -with every Shade of Plush , Satin , Velvet Passementerie.
Suijs and Costumes in Innumerable Varieties.
Plain and Embroidered Dressing Sacques ,
OU.UIA , NMI. , Oct. 2Sth , 1S31. )
IOl'UtJk C'Ol'.MI ' I
You aromrcl > y notlflnl Dial IH-xtur I.Thomas
pim'livicil at thw count ) trwwrcr's olllce , on tliu
5tti clay of Juno. Ib7fl , at jimatemle. The fm-
[ ( mint ; imiU ol laud fur luxe * of 1877 , lor tlKlit
dollarsnmtnlnetj.i'lKi t i-fi ta ( ISbM , and the
iilil JK'\tcr U TlicmuK Ima tr-imlerrcd Bald ccr-
Ullrato of mli > to William Connor for tlio turn of
ten Uollarmiiid t cit.tliri'o cents$10 ( 2J ) Do-
lerlptlun of pretty , to-wlt : Couum'iic ng 10.27
haiiia. IlelSW icrtur ofall 1. thcnco N a.101
liuliiH , tlifiuo ) : u.Uirhaln < , ihciR'oU lOliliuli'd ,
tlvin'o Wa.l lihaln * , tojivuo | ( Ijiviir liiv InV
H \V oB in-c Inn No. lU , ruii c 16 , U , contain-
Inn ono aero That I Mill taV.o out u tax deed In
three months from ilato of I hit nolk-o. n2 3t *
UtuSU. Ouitha , .Scl > .
In Convenience ,
Lang & Fotick