< 0 UK FINANCIAL Fiunnotnl K or if-XT. Nan YORK , Noxombcr lf . NONET. Mtnty eloH'l ' at 5@G per cent. Bx h nxo steady t 4 5t4 32) ) . < milN : HUNTS. GoTernineiitt olos d linn ni follows : Currency O'a 11bi ( 4't coupons 117 Hi n.Ml.UOAll BONI13. Pacific railroad bonds alosed ns follows Union fir U 1 17 frM 1"S Uniou land grants 113 Ml 11 Sinking fiimU 1 23 b Id Coutn U L 10 bid STOCKS. The stock market to-day was dull , weik and irregular tlirou hout nnd closed gen erally 41 | per cent , lower for the gtfiier.i' ' list. The decline in lancy stocks w.ismuol : inoro nmrked , These stocks tlttctu.itci widely and frequently during tlio d y am closed nt a decline from tliu ] ijlic ! ( t point of 1@1 J per cent. , the latt r in Now Al bany & Chicago. Alton A ; Terre Haute , Houston A ; Texas nnd IhtmiUul & St. .Coo \roro nlst ) conspicuous in tlio downward movement. Tlio follow Itiff are the closing bub : II & Q 1401 N 1 Ok A 131 l > fl , . . . 83 > coc.vi 01 : { N J C ' .15 CP 'J5j N-Y C 138 ; C C & 1 C. . . . 20J Northwestern .I'JTi CSIL&N. . . . S. i Preferred..110 D&li 10' > i Otnalii 40 DL.t W 12I5SI Preferred..110 D&RO Oregon Nav. . . .lii ! ) ) Adam * 145 1'utwtim 103 PPC 130 American , .17 I'M. 15J U. i 73 II & A 43' ' 73ss III 13- , Prrerred . , ss Stl'aul 10 j It&T P eforrad . . . .122 ] Ill Central. . ,1S3. MI Francisco.P I IKtW. Preferred . . .103J K&T t P M ic M 11 LS . . . TJ N A & C 73J Union Pacific . ,1'JO ] Mi ' 18J KC ! )24 ) w'vu ! SO ] MIMNrt STOCKS. Following mo the li'ghcit ' [ ricos on mining stock * at the New York miniiif exchange : ConVn . 21n Leviathan. . . . 22 Chrysolilo . . . . Wo Robinson . . .1025 Gherokea . 100 HiboruU 28 Green Mount'n 31. Great Eastern. 12 Bradshaw . 7- Sicrr.iNevada.l337i South IMo . . . .10GU1 Snnor.1 . 11M Oriental fc M . r,7 Sutro . USD StuteLine2&3 18.1 CJUCAGO MONEr MAKKCT. CHICAGO , Novoinbf r ir > . The demand for money was fn'r and ratoa steady und firm ut G7 per cent Kastern exchange WM easier and the salea between city banks were niado nt fiOc pro iniinn per 51,000. Tlio elenrmss of the as sociated binki wcro § 800,000. COMMERCIAL. Omaha Wholesale Marlcot- I 3 of Tim OMATIA BIK : , > Tuesday Evening , November 15. J Very little of interest transmitod in the various markota to-day. No changes nro noted in grain. TUo only ekange iu prices reported iu the provision market ia 50o advance for ducks. Otherwise everything remains the sme as quoted yesterday. Local Grain Dealings. WHEAT. Cash No. 2 , 1 14 i ; caah yo. 3 , 09J : rejected 77)c. ) a.i-v f . = l , "NT. . . 2 , 03jo ; No. 3 , f Sic. Sic.RYE. . Cash , 83c. CORN. Cash No. 5 , OATS. Cash. SDJc. HAT f T 00@8 00 per ton. Ltva Stock. AT CODNOII , BLUFFS STOCK TARD3. Cattle Good shipping , $4 005 00 ; fat COWH and hoifers. 82 75@3 00. Hogs Mixed itacking , $5 25@5 50. Sheep Slaughtering iu d muud at $4 00 @ 500. Provisions. FLOUR Spring wheat , straigh' t ' grade , 03 25@3 75 ; patent , S3 75@4 50 ; winter xvhcat straight giade S3 831 25 ; patent , S4 50@4 00 ; graham rye , 82 75 ; Wheat , S3 00. RYE FLOUR 33 25. MILLSTUFFS Bran , per cwt. 90c ; screening per cwt. feOc ; Bhort , p er cwt 1.00 ; chopped feed , per cwt. 1 20 ; meal bolted , yellow , 1 40 : white. SI 75. POTATOES In car lots , 105@1 10 ; Salt Lakes , 1 25@1 35. Retail , 1 25 © 150. SWEET POTATOES Genuine Muaa tine , 4c per Ib. POULTRY ChickenH per doron , $2 50 CHICKENS-S2 50@3 OC per doxcn. QUAIL Per doz. , 52 r.O ® " 75. WILD GEESE 2 7.r.3 f,0. WILD 1 > UCKS-'J 00@2 50. EGGS Firm ; boarceat 30@n2e. BUTTER Choice Bcarconl20@30poor ; , no market ; creamery , ; ! 0@3.c. APJ'LES Good , bound , Tcry scarce at SI 5070 ! per bbl. IIONKY Californi.v wlilto clover iu comb , iM@23c. LEMONS Steady ; per bov , 81000 ; Finest Mcssiii.1 oranges § 8 00 repacked. JIALLAG A GRAPES Per bbl. , 88 50 per half bbl. , SI 50. BEKSWAX Yellow , 18@20c. ONIONS 1 fifi@l ( iO per HitHliel. CA1J1JAGE 5100200per dozen , as to quality. CRANBERRIKS Per bbl. , § 10 00 ® 11 CO. CELERY Per dor. . fiO@55c. DRESSKD OJIIBKENS Perlb. , 10@ 15c. 15c.DKKSSUD TURKEYS Per Ib. , 12J ® inc. inc.DRKSSID DRKSSID nucics-ver u * . , r.'ic. DRESSKDGKKSK Per Ib. , ll@i:5c. : Grocers List. COFFEE. Kio , fair , IHJc ; Rio , good , 14c ; Rio , prinio to choice , flic ; Old gov't Java ; 2lJi@28)ic ) , Slochn , 28ic ; Arbuckle'j , TEAS. Gunpowder , good , 4fla.rr ( ; ; Choice , C0075c ; Imperial , good , 40@l."c ; Choice , G0f/)7.r ( ) c ; Young IlyHon , good , 30 © 60c ; choice , Crfc ® ? ! 00 ; Japan I\at Leaf , 3r c ; Japan , choice , C0@7.ric ; Oolong , go.xi , 35@40 ; Oolong , choice , 10@f 5 ; Stiuchong , good , 35 ( 40c ; choico. 3. " > ( al5c. ) SUGARS. Cut loaf , lljc : Crushed , Granulated , lie ; Powdered , 11 Jo * M A 9c.SYRUPS. SYRUPS. Sugar house , bbl , DOc : ha'J bh , 52c ; ItegH , 44 callnni , 82 50 ; choice table syrup , 50c ; half bbls , 53o ; kega,82 50 , SPICES. Pepper , 20 ; Allspice , 20c ; Cloven , 45c ; Nutmeg , 81 00 : Custia , 25c ; Mace $100. SODA. Dwiisht'u Ih paper ? , 93 00 ; Do- land do , $3 00 ; Church's , ? 3 00 ; Key soda , 4Uu STARCH. Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Glrmi , 8 | @ 8Jc ; Cora Starch , 8i@ac ; Excelsior GlosH , 7c ; Corn. 7ic. HALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 05 ; Ash- ton , in tucl.-u , 3 50 ; bbla dairy 00. 5s , 3 45 ; bbls duirv. 100 , 3d. 3 65 , DRIED 1'RUITS-Choico halves , peaches , new croji , lOc ; Evaporated Apple" , B Ib boxes , 13 @Uc ; Michigan , 8lc ; Now York applw , 8Jc ; Pruuoj , old , 7Jc ; new , CHT.Si-Full ] : Cream , I6e : Toit Skim. It Jo. WK > l > r.XWAltB-Ttro 1 D"j thrco hooij mill , 2 'JOj No. t tub-s 950 ; No. 2 tub . ,1850i No. 3 tuti , 7f > 0 pioneer vrr hboanU , 1 8" > j Double 2 ! 0 : AVr II buckets 325 , LEAD liar , SI 05. MATCHES Per caddie , OOc ; round cues , S7.0"t ! nuaroi ca * ° es $5.10. PROVISIONS nreaUfjwt Incon. 14 * choice lard , 13)c ) ; dried beef , 13Jc ; should ers canva ed 'Jc' liims , canvassed 14c ; bacon , sides 12Jc NEW PICKLES Medium , in barrel , § 10 00 : do In half hhls 5 75 : smalls in liuK 12 00 do. In half bbls 700 ; gherkin * , in bbts 14 00 ; do , in InilflimV 7 50. VINEGAR Pure appio extra , Ific ; pineapple , ISc : Pru imr mini nunle , IGo. HOMINY Now , { ? ( ! 00 per bbl. BKANS Medium , hand picked S3.00 per bushel , navy , 51 00. ROf'K Si < al , J Inch and larger , 9)c ) ; 3 nub , lOc ; } inch , lO i. ' SOAPS Kirk'1 * Savon Imperial , 3 t5 : Kirk's satinet. 3 45s Kirk' * M-and.iivl , 3 50 ; Ixhk's ivhito KiiMlan , 525 : Khk'.s Eutoca , 2 05 : " Kirk's Pralrio Queen , (100 ( cakes ) , 3 10 ; Kirk's magnolia , 4 55. CANDLES Boxes 40 Ibs Ifi or , 8s lGclmxes ; 40 Ihs. , 1(5 ( nr , , t'n , Ific , LYE American , 3 40 : Ureonwlch. 3,0 : Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Low la' lye. I HO ; Jowoll lye , 275. POTASH I'omiHvIvatila C.MIK , 4 dor. , In c.w , 3 , K ; l > , , hbitt's Hall , 2 do ? . In case , 1 ilO ; Anchor ll.ill 2 dor. in c.ise. 1 50. K-II3M ) SEHD lied clover , chnleo now , f ( I 00 per bushel ; mammoth ulov t i now , 3700 ; white clover , now. SHOO ill alfi clover , new , 812 50 ; aMko , n < nv , SUOO. Timothy , pmd , now , § 3 00 ; blue grass , extra clc.tn , 81 50- blue gia S clean , SI 25 ; orchard gra , $2 50 : rod top , choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Mis ouri , 80c ; mjltet , German , 151.00 to 3125 ; "ungavian. SOc. 11151)0 ESEEbOsago orange , 1 to 5 bushels 85 00 ; wage orange , 10 bushels or over. S4 50 ; honey locust , porlb. , 35c ; per ICO Ibf. , 25 00. FISH Family while fish , 00 Ib hf bbls S3 75 ; No , \vhito iish , 90 Ib hf bbls , C 30 ; No. 1 white tisli. in 10 Ib kits , 1 00 ; family 10 Ib kits 75c ; New Hnll.ind herring , per keg , 1 3 ° i ; Russian sardines , 75c ; Colui"- bin. river Minion , per tOOlbs 8 00 ; George's Bank coil lull , Gc ; Gen.buucloss codtlth ; S.Jc ; boneless Huh , 13c. MACKEREL HalfbbltuncRKiuackorol , 100 Ibs S12 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex Khoro do , 100 Ibs G 00 ; hf bbls fat family do , 100 Ibs , 3 85 ; IIICSH mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 ; No. I we ftlune , 12 Ib do , 1 fiO ; No. 1 shoic , 12 Hi do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Hi do , 75c. CANNED GOODS Oyhtors , 2 Ib ( Field's ) , per rase , SI 20 ; do" I lit ( Field's ) , per case , 2 50 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case , ' { ! > 0 ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , per case , 2 50 ; do 2 Ib ( slack ) , per c.ise , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( shcK ) , per case , 200. Oniotm , 3 SO. Salmon , 1 lit , per doyen , 1 GO1 70 ; do 2 Ib , per do/en 255. Sardines , pmall t'sh , imported , _ ono quaitur boxes per box , 14ci American , quarter boxes per box , lie ; do half boxes , per box , 2Hc. Lolotcn ; , 1 Ib per itozeti , 1 SO. Tomatoes , 2 30 ; do 3 Ib per case , 310 ; Corn , 2 Ib ( Mountain ) per case , 3 70 ; soaked corn , 210 ; do 2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per ca e , 375 ; beans , per case , 2 25 ; Lima beans > er ca e , 220. Succotash ] icr case , 2 5 , I'eas , common , iisrcase , 2 00 ; peas , choice , per case , ! 50. Blackberries 2 Ib , per case , 280 ; strawberries , 2 11 , i > t > r caHe , 275- taspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 275@300. Damsoua , 2 ll > , per case , 2 45. Bartlett pears per ca e , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortlsber- riea per case , 2 SO. ! ' ( * ! ? plums , 2 Ib per ci.se , 3 50 ; do , choice , 2 Ib , iier case. 4 50. Urren gages,2 Ib per case , S fiO : da choice , " Ib per case,4 50. 1 ino Apples , 2 Ib , porcnsB , 4 00@5 75. Peaches , 2 Ib par case , 3 10 : do 3 Ib , case , ti 00@0 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per case,385 ; do pie , C Ib , per doyen , 3 50. HICK Carolina , iS@81c ; Louisiana , 74 PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten nessee , Oc i > er Ib.fancy ; white , lOc per Ib ; ra-v whita Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted , Ilio. Dry Goods. BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A. 8Jc ; Applcton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boott FF , Stc ; Buckeye LL. 4-4 , 7 ; Cnbot W , 7lo ; Chittonango A , GJc ; lireat l < "alls E , 8Jc ; Hoosier , Gic : Honent Width , 7Jc : In dian He.id A , SJo ; Indian Standard A , Sic ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8c ; Lawrence LL , 7c ; Mystic River , 7Jc : IVquot A , S c ; Shawmut LL. GcUtica C , 5k " ; Wachus- ett B , 7jc ; do A , 8Jc ; do E 48" , 12JC ; Wal- cottB15,7.-lc. FINE BROWN COTTONS Allomlalo 4-4 ; 7e ; Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Argyle 4-1 , 7c ; Atlantic LL , GJc ; Badger State X 4-4 , 7c ; Bennington C 4-4 , G fc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , Gjcc Indian Orchanl AA 9-8 , 8Jc ; Laconia O 39 , 8\c ; Lehigh E 4-4 , Skc ; Lonsdalo 4-4 , lOc ; Pepperoll N 30 , 7c ; do O 32. 7-Jc ; do R 30 , 7' c ; do i : 39. SJc ; Pocasist C 4-4 , Ti Wamsutta 4-4 , 13c. BLEACHKD COTTONS-Andro = co tia L 4-l,10cBlackstoneA ; A in perialllc ; dodohalf _ bleached 4 4,9c ; Cabot 4-4,81 ; Fidelity4-4 , ! Uc ; Fruit of tliBlwoom , 10J ; do can brie l-l,13cdo ; WatcrTwist,10icIreat ; Fallu Q , &c ; Indian HeadHhnmk 4-4 , 12 < .c ; L insdalo , lOc : do cambric 37 , 13c ; New York Mills , 13c ; Pcrpiot A , lOc ; Pcpperell N G Twills 12 " c : Pocahontas 1-4 , UJc ; Pocass t 4-1 , Stc ; Wtica , He ; Wamnutta OXX , 13c. DUCKS irnblcachcd Atlantic , 10 nt. , 17c ; Baltimore do , IGc ; Lone.Star , S oz. , 12c ; Saviige , ISc. DUCKS " . E brown ( Colorcd-AIb".ny ) , Scj lo C , drali , lie : do XX , stiipes and plaids , 12jc ; do XXX brown and drab , Htripes and jtlaida , 12jc ; Arlington fancy , lOc ; L'runHwick brown , SJc ; Ch.iriot fancy , 12c ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Full River blown , extra heavy , lljc ; Indiana A brown , 13c : Neponset A b'roHii , 15c. TICKINGS Amoskrag A C A 32 , 17ic ; do XX blue 32 , 18jo ; Arrovvanna , ! ljc ; Claremont B B , 15Jc ; Conestoga ex- tia , 17Jc ; Hnmilton D , lljc ; Lowistou A 30 , 15c ; Minneliaha4'l , 20c ; Omega supT extra 1-1. 28c ; Pearl River 32. 10c ; Put nam XX blue htriiic , 12c ; Shetuckct S , lOJc ; do SS 12c ; Ycoman'o blue 2 ! ) , SJc. DENIMS. Anioskc.il > , blucand brown , IGJc ; Andover DD blue , 15ie : Arlington blue Scotch , lS\c ' ; < Concord (50O , blue anil brown , 12ic ; do'AAA , ilo do 13i ; do XXX do do lljc ; Haymaker's blue and brown , ( . ) Jc ; Mystla River DD hlripc , IGJc ; 1'e.irl River , blue and brown , ISJc ; Uncasvlllo , blue and brown , KIJc. CAMBRICS Bnniard , 54c ; Eddyfltono lining , 21 inch double face , KJc ; Garner A glared , 5o ; Manhattan glove fini h,5Ju ; Nowiort [ do Gc ; do glared , 5'/cj / Pequot do 5c ; ILkvvood kid finldh , Gc. CORSET JEANS Amory , 8cAmhoH- coggln Bat ton ) , Sic ; Clarendon , G jc ; COUCH- toga Ratteens , 7ic ; Hallovvoll , 8c ; Indian Orchard Imjiroved , 7Jci Nannganmtt , "Jc ; Popjierlll iiatlvtu 840 ; Rockport , 7ic. PRINTS Aliens , GJc ; American , OJc ; Arnold , 7c ; Benvlck , 4fc ; Cocheco , 7c ; Conciitoga. ( ijc ; Dunkirk , 4fc ; Dimnell , ( H@7c ; Eddystonc. 7c ; GlouceHtcr , Gc ; Harmony , 5Jc ; Knickerbocker , GJc ; Mor- rimao D , 7c ; Mystic , fijc ; Hprai'iicn , Gc ; Southbrtdgi ) , Gc ; do. Glnghums 7c ; Marlboro bore , 5 c ; Oriental GJc. fHNGHAMS AmoHkeag , lOJc ; Amos- keat' dres 12 1 Ari'yle , lOJc ; Atlantic , Ho ; Cumberland , 7Jc ; ] [ ighland , 8Jc ; Konllworth , 8ic ; Plun kctt , lOJc ; Hug- MX , Be. COTTONADES Abberrillo IMc ; Agate , 20c ; American , He ; Artiman , IWc ; Cairo D and T , 13Jc ; Clarion D and T , 17Jcj Doccan Co.htripea DandT. IGc ; Key- Btono , 13ic ; N > .ntuckct , I'Jc ; Nonpareil , IGc ; Ocean D and T , 13Jc ; Royal , " ' Sussex , 12c ; Tioga. 124c ; Wachusett hhirt- ng chcokH. IL'ic ; do , Nanklii , 12Jc ; York , ilain Nankin , 12lcj do.checku , Btripes and anoy , 124p ; do , 8oz , 20c. SHKKTINGS AndroHco''tcinlO.,27 | > c ; lo 'J.I , tile ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental " ( J J2 , lie ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4. 271 ; New York mills U8 , 3ic ! ; do 78 , 30c ; do .18 , ' . ' 2)ic ) ; 'cmbroko 10-1 , rc ; 1'wiuot 10-1 , 28c ; ilo 7-1 , 1'Jc : do 10 , ICc : ] 'oiip roll llfl. 29c ; lo 07. 2lc ; do fi7 , 18cj Utlca 00 , 33c ; do 8 , 2Jic ; do-18 , 17c Oulldlng Material , UMI5 Per barrel , 1 35j bulk per bii , , Mo. Cemtnt , bbl , 82 60 , Iowa plaster , TAfKll Straw paiH-r , 3fc ; rag paper 4cj dry go < Hls onper , rcnmmli paper , lOo news papsr , So. COAl.r-Cumbcrlftnd hlackMtilUi , S12 Jtorris Kim Blovburg , S12 | Whitcbrenst lump , Stl ; Whltcbrenst nut , $ ( > ' , lown lump , $0 : IOWA nut ? < ! ; Rock Springs 58 Anthracite , ll size' , $12 50. Lumber , . . FlvNTT.N'0-No. 1 , 12 to 10 ! ft , S20 00 No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 1 ! 00 ; sheeting tlroiseil No. 1 , 18 00 : No. 2 , 10 00 ; common boards dtwed. 20 00. FUAMINCJ 10 ft. nnd under , per t , 20 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 22 00 ; 2J ft. 22 00 21ft. 250li. , FINISHING No. 1. finish 1 > , 1\ ant 2 Inch , 950 00 No. 1 tinMi I inch $15 00 No. 2. linlOi 1 | , 1i and 2 hich. SI500 : No 2 llnlsh , I inch , $10 00 ; No , 3 lm ! h , 1 In.-li 83500 ! O , G. liattons jtci aOO ( cot lln. SI 00 : well ctirblmr , S2200 ; rouuh iaiuf. Inch battc.m i > ( ? r 100 fcut III' . . 50c. STOCK HOARDS A slock , $40 00 : U § 35 00 : C. $ : W 00 : common ( stock , $22 , r > 0 FlpOlilN No. 1 , ? IO M ; No. 2 S3f > ( > ' : No , 3 , ? 22 00 ; yellow pine , No. 1 SIOOO. SIDING -No. 1 , 521 00 ; No. C , $2200 No. 3 , SIS 00. SHU' LAV riain , S-2 OOj O. 0. No. 1 632 00 : No. 2 , $22 00. CK1L1XO S21000IS37 00. LATH ANlSHlNr.Lr.S A otarfbcst cldmjles $3 85 , No. 2 , $2 50 ; No. 3 , § 2 00 Lath , 53 50. Paints OIU and Vnrnlthct. PAINTS IN OIL While lead , Omaha P. L' . , 7c ; white lead , O. P. k 0. Cosmic Ce ; Marseilles gtccn , 1 to 5 Ib cans , COo Fiench auic , green seal. 12c ; French /UK- roilec.tl , lie ; French r.inc. In vnuiMi asst 20o : French zinci1 , In oil at , 15c ; Rav and burnt umlior. 1 tb cans 12c : law mil burnt Sienna , 13c : vandvko bniwn , 13 icl'iiied lampblack. I2c ; coach black , 1'V S"oiy black , lOc ; drop black , lOc ; Prnsstai bine , oOo ; ullrannriiio blue , ISc ! chrome 1'i-ecn , L. M. ft 1) . , He ; blind and shntti'i irrei'ji , L. M. it IX , I4o ; Paris giceii. ISc I-iliau red , 15c : Vonotiau led , S c ; IHSC.M ltd , 2L'u ; Amciican Vermillod , 1. &P. , ISe chromo yellow , L. , M. , O. & D. O. , lc yellow ochre , tic ; golden ochre , 10 ; p.xteni ih-ver , io ; graining color * : light oak , dail. oa'c , walnut , choitnut nnd aih 12c. Dry ° alnti White lend , OJc ; I'ronch zinc. lOc ; Pattn whiteing 2Jc ; whiting gildor.s , lie ; \\hitlnu conn , lie ; lampblack German. town , He ; lampblack , ordinary , Sc ; Prus- tsiuti blue , 45c ; nltrani.iriiio , loc ; vandjke , brown , 80 ; ; miber , bmnt , tc ; timber , raw , Ic ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; xietina , law , 4c Paris green genniiie , 35c ; Paris green com' J5ej cluomo green , N. Y.1 20c ; cbrom- green 1C. , 12cj vcnnillion , 1'ntr. , 70c ; vur- million , America , ISc ; Indian red , lOc , lese pink , lie ; \cnctian read , CooksonVi > Jceneti.in : red Am. , lie ; red le.id , 7ic I'hromo yellow , genuine , 20o ; chrome yel low , K. , 12e ; ochre , lochellc , 3c ; ochre , ] i"rench , 2jc ; ochre , American , IJc A 'iuter's mineral. 2ic ; Ichigh bromi , 2o sanish ] brown. 2ic ; 1'rincc'n mineral 3c VA11NISHKS UarreU per gallon. Furniture , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , $1 ; furniture , U , 85c ; coach , extra , $1 10 ; Coach , No. 1 , SI 20 ; Damar , $1 50 ; Japan 70c ; asphaltum , 70c ; fihellac , ? 350 ; hau oil linish. $1 SO. OILS 110' carbon , per gallon , I2c : 150' headlight , per gallon , 13c ; 175 * headlight , per gallon , 17c ; ervntoliiie , per gallon , 20c linseed , raw , per gallon , ( il ; lin ecd , boiled , per gallon , 07c ; lard , winter si 'd , per gal lon. 1 0 > ; No. 1 , SOc ; No. 2 , 0"c ; cantor , XXX , per gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3 , 1 15 ; sweet , per gallon , 810 ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon , 1 35 ; fish , \f. B. . per gallon , fiOc ; iioulifoot , extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , G5c ; lubri cating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; summer , 15c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , Me ; No , 2 , 30 ; sperm , Higml , per gallon , SOc : tor- pentino , per gallon , Olc ; naptlm , 74' , per gallon , SOc ; Of , 20c. Heavy Harnwaro List. Iron , rates , S3 fiO ; ] ilow steal , cast , 7i < ) ; cast tool do , 15@20 wagon tpokes , set , 2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per set , 1 25 ; felloes , Bawcil dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axles , each , 7Sc ; snuaro nuts , per Ib , 7@llc ; washers ; per Ib , 8@18c ; rivets , iier Ib , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , ( i@12c ; malleable , 8c ; ron wedges , Cc ; crowbars , Ocj harrow teeth , 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring Btocl , 7@8c. NAILS 10 to 20d. 3 CO ; St. 10 , 375 ; Cd , 4 00 ; 4d , J 25 ; 3d , common , 5 00 : 3d , fine , G CO ; clinch , nil sim , 5 25 ; Gd , awing , 4 75 ; 8d casing , 4 50 ; lOd casing , 4 25 ; lOd finish , 4 75 ; 8d finish , 5 00 ; Cd finish , 5 25 half kegs , lOc extra. SHOT. Shot , S1.S5 ; Buck shot , S2.10 ; Oriental Powder , kegs , Sli.40 ; do. , hall kegs , S3.48clo. ; , ijuartorkegs , 1.88 ; Blast ing , kegs , 83.35 : Fuse , ner 100 feet 50c. Horses and Mules. The market irf brisk nnd all grades are felling well at a slight advance in pi icon. The demand for good horses exceeds the supply considerably. Prices range as foL lows : Finn single drivers , SIM ) , to 300. ; Extra draft horses , $175. to 225. ; Common draft horbOH. 8100. to 150. : Extra farm horses , $110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horses $90. to S100. ; Extra plugs , § 00. to 75 , ; Common plugs , $20. to 310. MULES. 15 to 15J hands ( extra ) , $125. to ] 50. ; 1JJ to 15 hands , S100. to 140 , ; 14 to 14J hands , $75 , to lOO. ; 13J to 14 hands , § 00. to 75. Hides F-uis , Etc. IIIDKS Green butcher's hide , 7J ; green cured hides. 8Jc ; green ailt , pott cured hides , 8@84c ; dry Hint , sound , 13@1 Ic ; dry calf and kip , 12@13c ; dry salt hides , MiuniF , ll12c ; green calf , wt. 8 tol51bs..lO@llc ; green calf , wt , under 8 Ibs , per skin , fiOcj ieen ] > plt , SI 00@1 15 ; green lamb Bkins , 1 10ujt25 ( ; damaged hides , two-thiul rule , ut scored nnd ono pmb , clanucd two- ; l ifiis rate , ) branded hides 10 per cent. olf. Conn skins , No. 1. J5c ; No. 2 , 30c ; No. 3. 20. ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. 2. We ; No. 3 , inc : No. 4 , Oc. Vex , No. 1 , OOc ; No. 2 , 25c. Skunk , No. 1 , black , r > c ; shoit striiio , lOc ; narrow stripe 2.'ic ; jruad stripe , lOc. Tallow. 54c. Wool. Merino unwashed , light , 14@lfic ; heavy , lS@15c ; medium unwashed , light , 18l0c ! ; tub-washed , choice , 32c ; fair , 30c ; dingy and w. , 28c ; burry , black nnd cottcd wools ,2@Cc less Clgart and Tobaccos , CIGARS. Heeds , 815.00 ; Connecticut , S25.00 ; Mixed , ? 3r..OO ; Scud Havana , § 50 , 00 ; Clear Havunii , § 75,00. TOBACCO - PLUG. Golden Rule , 21 Ib , GOc ; Spotted Pawn , file ; Our Ropu , ! 2c ; Star , pounds 21 Ib , biittn , GOc ; Horse 5hoe , pounds , 21 Ib , butts , GOc ; Puilty , 21 b. butts , B2c ; Qucon Bee , 'tIb \ , buttH , 53ci GJlt Edge , ] > oiiidn | , 21 Ib , butts , 00 ; Army and Na\y , pounds , Sic ; Bullion , pounds 58o ; J/orillanl'ti Climax , pounds , GOo. Jatlins 0. S , , 2o/ packages , 5 Ib boxoa , lerlliO'ic ; Ixjrillard'it Tigur , GOc. SMOKING ! All grades Common , 25 to Slic. Granulated Blackuclls Durham , 10 ) /.51c ; Dukes Durham , 1(107 ( , 50c ; Seal of North Carolina , 10 07 , 40 ; Seal of Nebras ka , 10 07 , 38c ; I ono.lack , 4 or , linen bags , per Ib , § 1.35 ; Marburgs' Pnck , 2 oz , tin oil , 55c ; Do , ; Tall. 05o. Drups. DRUGS AND CHEMICAI S.-AcId Jarbolic , SOc ; Acid , Tartaril ; , Me ; Balsam Opium , 84 50 ; Quinine P. ItV.ft R. & . , MIT m , SI 1)5 ) ; 1'otowiiiiin , Itxlldc , tier Ib ; > a 40 ; Sftlacin , per o35c : Sulphata of Morphine , > > er ot. § 3 75 ; Bulphur Hour , icr Ib , 4c ; Strvchnitie , wer oz. 81 50. Llquori. ALCOHOL-187 proof. 225 per wlno gallon ; oxtia California opfrits 187 proof. . ! 0 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits. 87,1'roof , 1 21pur proof eallon ; ro-dintHhd vhhklei , 1 001 50 ; Iflno blended , 1 , ! f(5 ( doiuMtio 1 40 ® t 00. OINS Imported , 4 500 OOj domoitlc 1 40(313 ( 00. RUMS Imported , t ro fi 00 : Ne\v England , 2 00@4 00 ; domestic , I 503 50 PKACH AND Al'PU : BHANDV- 1 7fl(5 ( 4 00. ailAMPAONKH-Iinportcd per ca e 2t > 005&3 1 00) ) American , per ca e , 12 OOC fl IS 00. CIARKTS-Per cise , I . ' .O K. 0 ) . WINKS Rhino \\h\f \ , per rasp , 0. OOGfl 20 00 ; C.itnwbs , pcf c.ve , 4 W6li7 IK ) . MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH Couiioll Blnflrt Mnrlcct. Cou.vcir. Bt i n-s No > f mber 15. 1'lonr Mnnumelurod by Ojttal ntu City Mills. 3 75frf I .M ) ; Kan as and Mi * sonri Hour , 3 50 © I 2"i ; grahmn , 3 "fli rjv Hour , 3 10. Bran and Shorts-ir 00 per ton. Chop Corn 2J 50 per ton. Wheat No. 2 , § 1 20 ; No. 8 , OScj re joctcd , 70c. Oorn-No. 2 , J5 , rejected 43. O.Us Ko. 2 , lOc ; U'H'cti-d , 3'c. Harley-No. 2. HOc ; No. 3 , 7So \y-fiWK3SrtOO. . \Vood-C > OOGW 00. ] .i\ollogs-5-MH < ' ' ' ' " 5 Cuttle Shll'pmg , 4 00 5 00 ; mllel cows 30 00ji)15 ( ) 00 pvr heail : hutcliCM Htoclc , 2 75@3 00. Sheoji I 00@5 00. G Hides 5eU ; S hides So. Wool 15 ® ' 5. Butter 30 ® 35e , Kggs 25c. Potatoes 1 00 ( 1Oj 1 sweet , 45c. Onions 125.il 10. Orniid Juiicttotx Mrv'liot. GlJANMi .Tu OTlo.la , , November 15. Kgg.s 17c. Butter 10 ® ISc. Jfrmtuoc. Novt'iuber 15. On "Clunfjo the maikrtsn \T U i and loTrr. The rm-ipU of grain wrio 17.500 bu hels hj liki , 513 cac hiHils b > rail embrachu M5 fluMt f , 3 vj i coin , 2 ! ) of oats l ! ° f ij , und 13 of barley , I'lour Kntireljr n m ma ) and iiuch.intr * ed ; bujem t kin < bed tfry sparln lj : im ] no shippinjr inquiry to speak of , Wheat Markt wnu ucthe at lim < Mill mi nnsetlloil and iu < * ker f el- ins was de\f loped. Market upaii. ed about Ic limer nd _ ftll ofTunaddltionalc , It. then ullitdNiith some ( UictuatoiH Ho under un actiMi ilemund , 'I'll * atlfunit , ho\ruvnr , lnoiKht out fiee Molleu and Ilio mcreiued onii > iiug cmised B ( Ucbniug tindtn y and prices needed with nllglit Iliictimtton t 2 , c ptrbu'hcl , Ibictiiatrd und hnally do.et at l\a 24 o lei r on tlio regular bourd ami on oillnt 1 30J for Decemtut ; 31J for lUnuarv ; No. 3 bpimg iii.ot. | at 1 15A- G l Klr.ieclod'.lO ; ( 'JI. ' Corn Tin ilennml for corn was fulrly actiT * but ti ! fccliu ; WAS vre.ik und unnt- tUd. lrndar tha inlluciice of liberal of- fiutings luatenM ivihiution iu piices wax submitted to. At 111 * open 117 prices were ji@ic lower than tlis il.ising figure on th call jistsrd y and further dec ineil thtn rallied jc nd rulediemo what irregular , closed on call nt GOjCirtiOJc for Deccmbir ; ( ilf@OOJo for Jamury ; G.'ijjo for May ; re- jocUd f)8o. Oats Irregular and lower ; fair np cu- latiTobiisincBi was do ; } No , 2 , closed nt 44c for November ; 4lc for December ; 4ti for the year ; 4jjo for January ; IGJts for May. .Rye Firm nnd higher ; No. 2 , 1 01 for D comber ; 103 for January. Barley Quiet audewj ; No. 2 , 10ft @l 07 ; No. 3.1 031 IMJ. Pork Active but wink under excessive offerings ; mem closed t 1G4010 CO for Deceuilior ; 17 12J for January ; 173UJil- 17 35 for February ; 17 524 for Man h. Lard Rthcr tame , ami oITerlng heavy , cloi-cd at 11 15 fnrNoTcuibit ; 11224 f 'r December ; 11 3"i for January ; 11 ! > 'J\ for February ; 11 G2J for March. Bulk Meats Fairly active ; short ribs 8 85 lor January ; 8 S'igS 87J for Febru ary. Butter Fair local dorr nnd for choice and c in ry offerii gn vrera libcraj ; olioice to fancy creamery , 3435c ; ordinary to good do , 28@33c ; good to f imcy lUiry , 20 @ 32c ; aommon to fair , 10@22c ; Udla packed , 14@17e ; pa kin , ; stock 12mll. ( Eggs Offering not l rg . demand good ml market xteadior at 2i@25c per dozen for strictly fresh. Whiakey-Quiet at 114. llec'ts. Sldpm'ts Flour 11,371 11,003 WhtAt 32.G49 38,735 Corn I'J'JJUJ 151,255 OaU 2UaS3 30,871 Rye 8M'J , 5,505 Barley G,011 , 12,787 IiivoStoolr. CiiiOAao , November 15. Cattle AutivcandHtrong ; dcmniusoid ) ! poor to medium shipping , 1 205 2V ; good to choica , 5 5U@G GO ; butcher's stock , 2 1 ! ( [ 4 00 ; mockers Mid feedem , 2 35(5i4 ( 25 ; Texatn grassern , 2 S5@4 25 ; natives ami half-breeds , 3 U0@l GO. JlecelpU , 3,500 ] 8hijtment , 1,800. Slicci ) More active and higher ; good stock Tcxans 2 10@3 00 ; nativcH , 3 50 ® Hogs Generally woilcer ; ooinnmn to good pickcru , 5 80 ( < ? G 25 ; lieavy juckcrd and shippers 0 30@(5 ( 75 ; light , r > 'J ' & > 25 ; culls und gr.iuuers , 3 G05 25 , Now "XorJt frodiioo NiiwYoiiK , November 15. Klour Quiet ; No. 2 , 310@I50 ; super- line , 4 50fe5 25 ; bonthcrn , .lirm ; ileiiiand moderate ; common ti choice , 500ii.S50 ( ; Wheat Heavy mid lower ; domain ! light ; No. 2 red , 14IJ@1 41 ? ; No. 1 white , 1 I21113 ; No. 2 red. November , l-JSIfe ) ) 4ljj do. December , 115 (5)147. ( ) Corn JCc'Jc lower , and dull ; No , 2 , i8J < ? l59Jic ; No. 2 white , 7 Ic ; yallow , 72 © 72Jc ; NJ. 2 , November , G8\@G87c. \ Oats- Dull and weak ; No. t whit" , r > 3r ; No. 2 do. , 51(3)51 } ( ) c ; No. 1 mixed , 48c ; No. 2 mixed , 47i&4'J ; No. 2 nilxud , No- Tomber , 47 0. Rye Klrmcr ; state , 1 031 , Barley Quiet : four rowtd htatc , 1 00 © 1 05. 05.Pork Pork Dull and casifr ; spot mess , 17 75 @ 1800 ; do. January , 18 21 © 18 50. Lard Dull and weak ; 1101 for cash md November ; H50@1152J foi Decsm- lor. Beef and Cut Meats Uin.li.mgcd. Whisky Nominal. Llvo Stock , 1'Avr LiiiKitry , Pa , , November 15 , Cattl * Attivu indimcliangcd ; recdjjt" , > ' , ] G81ieal ; hhlpmentH , 1,08'J head. HogHI'lim ; rt-ccilitM , 2.200 head ; Hhiimientx , 4 , ( < 00 ; I'hiladelphiuH , G 40 < L' i GO ; Yorkers , fi ! ' 0@G 10 , Muii ) | Actlvo and umhnngcd ; iavui\i\n \ \ , l,100ho'id ; Fhlpments. 2bKI ( head. Baltimore Produce. BALTIUOIEU , N cmberl5 1'lonr Finn , Wheat - No , 2 red'wlntcr 1 regular at 41 for cash ami November ; 1 ! [ © 42 January , * Corn-Yellow , firmer , a'.08@71c. Fhiladolphla Proilnoo. I'lllMiiKl.l'liiA , November 15. Wheat Kn in ; 1 IC'd W for iM.li and November ; 1 43l 43J fur December. Corn Firm ; 074&J8o ( for cash and s'ovcmber ; GU ( < jfiy4n , for Decmnlur , S'OatB Flruij 50j,51c ( for cash and November , Kyc ( JiilotatlOO , Iiivorpool Froiluoo. LiVKHi'OOL , November 15 , Flour American , 10 MQtl'Ju. Wheat -wlntt-r , lOi Gi@llflld ; white , Os 10d@ll ) M ; H print' , U * ' . 'J@iO5d ' ; club , llsld llnGd , Corn-5s lljd. Pork 75s. Lard-58i Gd , Hour Lower : \ \ \ , 5 ( .SCffftMl ! lam lly. ij 10u 0 20j choice to fnncv , (1 ( C5 i.7 00 MlK'.U Dull ant lower ; No. V. ro. for < lij1 ? 7S for December ; 1 3'J : fnr.lanunryi 1 42J for Vcliruaryj No. 3 do i No. 4 do , 1 1GJ. rn Dull and lower ! ( ' .I la for i O.fjGI - for Dicember ; fil'jo ' for Jnn Mftry ; 05 Jc for 1'ebnmry ; ( ! Sc forMav. Onts Lowen HJ lor en h15(0 ; ( for IVoMubertGe for January ; -lyifS-.ISj for MHJ- , HyoQuiet at B7CiSf.ie. Unilcy Steady i piima l fancy 1 00 ® 1 15. " U-ad-Qulet , t 4 PO. 1 miter \Ve tern daliy , VO@2S - ; crcim- rv , : iO.rrc. ; V.ee Quit , at lTJ(7f2.V. Wldnky ( Julct , t I 08. 1'riiTlsfons Vlnu and unclnnged ; onlj jobbiiig trailo doing. Iteo'tR , Slilpm't * . 1'lour . 7,000 UWX ) Wlnat . O.OTO H.OCK ( \irii . SifKX ; ) 32,000 O.it . U.tXX ) 55,001 lire . U.OOO 'JOO ' lUrley . M.OOO none PoorlnU'roilnoo. I'miiu , November 15. O.nn l.wv : lil h mlxol , ( iUWGlic ; niKrd , tl ( ) < (5 ( 1'tlc. O.its-Slcady t 4"pl5ip. ! Rjo Finn and higher ; No. 2 , 1 Oi ! 1 03. Whisky - Finn ; 1 11 for thitshiu good * . Rco'U. Ship's NMicat . 1,350 nom Conn . 37,375 2,350 Oiti . 1(1,550 ( I1.S7. ' Rjo . U 5 l.OOJ lirley. ! . l.ll'O mme Citiolmuiti Proiluco. riNCIVNUl , Xovemb ( > rl5. Mrss Pork- Jobbing , 182"if fl1S60. Lanl ( Juiot ; luiino Moniii , 11 " 0@25. \ Hulk Meats -Quilt ; cKur sides U I'-1 d ' . ) 25. Hal-mi Ouleli elenr tile . II 25jilll ( 60. Flour We iker : family , 0 I5ii)7 ( ) 50. WluMt IXxler : No. 2 ivd. I JO. Corn Fii'iu : No. 2 mixed , ( ! "c. Oil * Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 40c. KVM Dull ; No 5 ! , 1 OG. llarli'v-Dull ; No. 2 , fall , t 07@1 12. Wlil-iky Fiimcrat 1 10. Toledo Prortnon Toi.r.ini. . November 15. \\heat Dull Mid ciuii-t ; No. 2 led. 1 18 for cash ; 1 38 } for December ; t 111 ] for January ; 1 42) ) for Kebrur.ry , Corn QiiUl ; No. 2 , iuh , Olic ; No- VMiiboi , Gljc ! for tha ye.ir , Glc. Oat Nothing doing. Buffalo Llvo Stocli. J'J.vsT IHiiTAio , November 15. Hog * Firm and 10o higher ; receipts , ' . ) ( itt ; kliipinentn , G'J ' earn ; Yorkcis , 0 ( i 10 ; good to medium , ( i 15iiG ( . ' 0 , UNITED STATES COURT. Resolutions of Roapoct to the Memory of Col. Smith , Tlio BuniuosN of thoTorm TnUoutT ] ut Onco- The arrival of JudgurcCriry \ , niu the pruliininnry arnvngcmuntH rcgnnl ing the week's buainuss in the circui and ilistrict courts of the Unitoi States , dolikyud the hour of opouiiif , in the latter , ycslenlivy , unti nearly 31 o'clock. lion. Ci. M. Lainliurtsdi ) , Unilc ( Status district attorney , an chairinai of the conmiittoo , appointed yester day by Judge Duiuly , prcaontud to the court the following resolutions o respect to the late Col. Wataon ] 5 Smith , clerk of the circuit court : IlKhOLUTIOKS. WIIKKBAS , Thu bar of thin eour Ima learned with emotion of the moat profound and nnaH'octod Rorro\ that within this tumplo of justice under the exclusive jurisdiction o the Nations' authority and the pro lection of its flap ; , on the niijlit of No vomhor 4tli , 1881 , Col. Watson JJ Smith , then , anil for twelve yorrs cleric ot this court , wi sot ujion , at 01 near the hour of midnight , by seine cowardly assassin , lurking within the halls of the building and in cold blood murdered ; thoioforo bo it Resolved 1. Thattlio feeling wliicl dominates all others and fiiat dcmandi expression in that of unulleniblo uxo cration of the deed. Resolved U. That while the duties of the clurk'N cflieo may bo purformod acceptably in ( ho future nti in the past no one will bring to their discharge bolter ability or inoro khiiliicai ol manner than Col , Smith , and none c.ui to a greater extent enjoy the thotouEgh resjicct and eonli- deneu of both bencli und bar. Resolved 'I. That oiu1 licartfult sympathy und condolence are liereby extended to the beicaved incmbeiH of Dol. Snr'lh'a household. Resolved 4 , That the court bo ro- jnested to order these lesolutioiiH ipiead upon HB lecoidM. lloaolvcd fi. That the clorl : bo re- { nested to nund a Inuuciipt of mich record to the wife of the deceused. .Signed 0 , M. Ij.imbeitson . , A. .J. I'cppleton , W. JJ. Mungor , C ! . W. Ambrose , J. 0. ; Co\Mii , J ( ) , M. JJait- ctt. committed. Judge .1. M. WoolwDrill , at the re- juciit of the committcu inudo a btief md very ehujiiont address in moving lie adoption of Ilio resolutions. Uo tlluded to the fact ( hat Col. Smith lad been in hm employ previous to the ippointment to the position hold his lis death and that to him the colonel iad often referred the lOHpoimibiHty if the appointment. JIh opportunity 'or knowing , admiring and loving tlio iocoased had been greater tlmn that > f olheiH and in his inturcourau with litn , ollieially , and otherwise ho hrW earned to rt'cogni o that purity ana icaiily of his lifo , which was imiirint- ed on liis features even after death. 1'ho deceased wim mild , gentle and Htain his cliar.iutor niru ; ho had no on md yet did not lack iu know lodge of he world with which hi.i inteix'oiino wa.s always that chnracU'riziug ono who beam imprinted in hifk heart thu inino of the Master. Thcro in ono lesson of lifo to IM earned from this. Col. Smith , mi ollicorof the law , in the very ponu- raliaof justice , wan stricken down in lie vindication of thu law. Clothed n the protecting pjiiiojily of justice lu beeamu the victim of tin enemy o law. llo believed in cor- ain principles and duties , n the upholding of which 10 never faltered , until ho consecrated liom with his blood , "Thin wa.s the 'reat distinguishing "featuro of this nan's lifo-pnneiplo. For principle 10 lived , to principle ho consecrated lis lifu und for principle ho died. Jy ! devotion amounted almost to fanali- ciMii. This is the lesson to put before - fore us the duties vo owe to society and iho government , and put be hind us ourselves. This ho did and this cause ho hai now consecrated by his life. " Tlio rcmnrka wore llatoncd to in profound silence , which wnq not lirokon for nome moments , until tludgo jMeCrary dllVred an oppnitu- nity to any who desired to bo'heard in connection with thu resolutions. Speeches were then inndo by Hon. ,1. T. Itedick , Col. 0. S. Clmsc , lion. T. M. Jlar- quette , ox-United Stale- ) District At torney N'ovillo. Col. John Doniphan , of St. Joe , anil .Mr. Drown , of D.vvcn- port , Iowa. i1ndio McCrary then said that ho fully concurred in tlio H'litimontit of the u-solutiom and with every word of Aentimont ami eulogy wliich had been spoken. Col. Smith Ii.ul , ho unid , Uvl u hlnmclcaa life among us. "llo was a man of I'lmucler , nnd elriwolor is a great thing in tlua world. llo had opinions and ho would mlvoeato tliiim , Ho \\a8aNini-ereOhriBti.iti , a model cili- KUII , a br.ivo soldier , u trtio p.xtiiot , : i model and elliciont servant , the light and lifo of ono of the most beautiful homes 1 havoover seen. " The judge inatuictod the resolutions lo bo spitMil on the records of the oiicuit eomt nnd thoiu'o tramfeiiod to the distiict com I record. Judge Duiuly ntatud that ho would add in writing hi tiihuto to the man , to the oulogic'H eoneoiniug whom fie could ut piesent add nothing more. Ho ictiiicsti'd these \\lio had spoken to reduce their woulii to willing and allow them to go upon the records also , Court then took a recess until 2 p , 111 , AT MirilKUN ITMVKKHITV. ANN AitiiouMicliM November IS ? , At a meeting of the Nebraska students of the livw department of the univer sity of Itlichig.in the following tosolu- lions weio adopted in reference to the minder of Col. Watson 15. Smith : " \Vhuioun , Tlio sad news has reached us of the wanton and unprovoked assas sination of ono of Nobuiaka's most highly honoied eili/ons , Colonel \Vat- sonlS. Smith , thotefoio bo it Resolved , That the undersigned , stndentH from Nebraska , attending the law department of thu univorhty of Michigan , iccoived with profound regret - gret the intelligence of the murder of Colonel Watson U. Smith. Resolved , That the untiinejy death of Colonel Smith has deprived the young men of Nebraska of a true triend , and this state of a most valuable citi/.en , whoso lifo was a model of honor and true manliness ; who never faltered when duty called him , though death wan its end. Resolved , That wo are gratified to learn that Governor Nanco and the cili/.ens of Omaha have oll'ored so liberal - oral lonarda for the capture and con viction of the criminal who has thus disgraced humanity , terrorized society and sullied the fair namu of our state. Resolved , That wo oiler our tender sympathies to the bereaved family in this their greatest possible loan. Resolved , That a copy of these resolutions bo transmitted lo Iho widow , and that copies bo furnished tlio several Omaha papers , The Lin coln Journal and to a newspaper nub- limbed in each of the other cities bore repicsonted. ( Signed ) E. W. Potoraon , Teka- inuhj K. L. Hatch , York ; P. W. Hull , Kearney ; A. C. Platt , Lincoln ; 0.11. llamlin , Lincoln ; D. II. Mercer , Urownvillo ; W. II. Murphy , Omaha. I. Ji UJ1U ( i . , , ropnotor. It. U MAnsif , Iluslncm MAnagor. ONE NIGHT ONLY. WEDNESDAY , November IBfcli. Only & | iritnrnnt < > In Ormvhn of iho \ < orUl' ; ; JOSEFFY ! I JOSEFFY ! 5 JOSSFFY ! _ , \ H | ( CI | liy tlio liarmlnjr joung prlmt ilon\ , LAURA BELLINI AND FERD. DULKEZ. NI.W ANM ) ATTIIACT1VK t'UOflllAMltK. Sciilo 1'ArqiiettonncM'irniiettoClrclo ; , rrMr u1il 00DrcM Circle , rotencif , 7D : ; Urws TOinincnco at Dot Offlco Xtondaj' , tp. 1 lilt , nt I ) n. in. fdl-m-t w BOYD'S OPERA HOUSE ! JAMf.SK IIOVI ) , I'roiirlelor. I ( . I * . MMlall , IliiilncMMiMiiKer. NlcilfS"OMLY TWO , MONDAY AMD TUC8DAYNov.l4th nndlCtli Kngnjctnciit nf tlioliciuitlttil nmt nrcoinnllii > > d Illlln nctruom , JKNNIT. WAM.AOK Mul Mln MAUl * WALhACi : , itipiiortcil by the 1'lfth ATO- IIIK Conifiljr Couinnj | , In the ( treat N w York 'Q O Or the Upa ; in < l DOITS of NEW YORK LIFE. Jacquette , or in the Toils. KMnnf Scats commence * I'rlilay Mornln * , Knr 1 , nt Dft , in ncll-f'd in t WESTERN" WORKS ! 'C. SPECHT , Proprietor , 1213 IJarney Street , OMAHA , - - - NEB. MANUFACTURERS OF GALVAMED IEOH Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finials , TIN , IRON § SLATE ROOFING , Spoobt's Patent Motalic Sky light. Patent Acljustabla R.ilcliot D.ir and BRACKET SHELVINa tlio Ko'n'i'11' KUto Agent ( or tlio utoro llnool | , 'oud . IKON 1'KNOING. Crc5llriG , Dalustradcs , Ver.indnsOffiea | and Unnk rialllnRs , Window and Cellar Guards ; also OKNEUAL AG15NT Pocrson and Hill Patent Insldo Dllnd. no\4.1lf LEGAL NOTICE. To C&tlnrluo KcJdo , iion-rccldcnt defendant : Yon nra hereby notillcil that on tlio 2d day of Suntnulier , 18S1 , John lloddo , plaintiff , ttlcd his iiolitlon In tliu District Court , w Itliln onlor lou-lns ; County , Nuliroxkn , njnxliiHt you ta do- Iciiilant , ttio object niul prayer o ! which petition la , to obtain a decree of ilivorco from tlio bonds oiiimtrliiony ; > on for tlio follonltit ; cauaca. to-\vlt : 1st , habitual drunkenness ; d , cxtroma crudty , mid ( or general relic ! . You arc required to arimcr Biktil petition oa the 24th day ol Oi.tol.cr , IkSl , .OOANK k CAJIl'nELL. Rn7 .1t Attorney * ( or rialntid. Dexter L. Thomas , ATTORNEY - AT - LA\T riMBOEi BROiVlPTON. CONSUMPTION. PRESCRIPTION. BOSS COUGH PHYSIC. Uromplim HoHpitnl i Iho LAIKMWT INSTITUTION IN TH K WOULD of which thu object N the treatment of LUNC AND OlfKST D1SMASKS. Its Medical Staff ciiiHi t < of the MOST K.MfNIINT Til YS10IANS In London , to whom xvo ewe this thoMOHTHUCCRSSFUhRIlMnUYOI-'TIIKACil' : . In tha Uritmh Metropolis nlouu itlum uirectml mo thtn 1,01)11,000 ) OUJIKS , a > d In Iho tryioi ; Winter of 1880 iu credited with Inning HAVKU IllTNUJtUDd OF LIVES. Ohtalnahlo only ( iu 13ob- tluii 81.'JO and t'-Oc vitch ) , from CrT * . 23. ZyV3t nC1 CI.J OIVIjOL-Hj . , 3W3EJ3S. ADDRESS , RESIDENCE. P. O. liox. G02 , not IS t ( 8. W. Pierce and 20th Sir. Buy the PATENT PROCESS It always gives satisfaction , because it makes superior article of Bread , and is the Cheap est Flour in the market , Every sack warranted to run alike or money refunded ? W. M. YATES , Cash Grocer. POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , IINIMO MACIIINKHY , I1KI.TINO , IIOHK , IlllASS ANIJ IRON KJ1TINQ3 , PIPE , STEAM I'ACKINCJ , AT WHOLKSALB AND ItbTAIk HALLADAYV/iND-WIILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS A , L. STRANC , 205 Farnam St. , Omaha. po : GA w rL0 | 's Furnishing Goods , AT THE H. M. & M. PEAVY , Proprietors , 1309 Farnham Street , OMAHA , NEB ,