The Omaha E ruWWicil * very inorninjo.tcci ( > t The only Mondny momiug lUUy , IKlt.MS UV MA7L-- ar ? 10.00 I Thro * Mont K AVKKKLY BB , ty WcdnwJay. T.13UM3 TOST PAI1)- Ono Yp r f2.fl I ThrcoMon * . " BixMontlM. . . . l.CX ) | Ono e tionreliitini ; to . torn nlmulil lw .vldrcMcd to tlio El UUS1KKS3 L15TTKRS-A11 Lfltcw Atiil llciuittnnrcfi slioiiu dressed to Tin ; OMAHA 1'cm.iMit.v TANY , OM.UIA. Draft * , Cli olficfl OnloiH to l i inwlo order of tlio Conipuny , OMMIA PUBLISHING GO , , I E. ROEEWATER , EiUti &lwin Unvle , Wiiiingcr o Circulation- , lohn II. Vicrcn ! In Ohnrre of I CirciutUm of TJ1K DAILY J1KK A. H. Fitch , correspomlenlamlf Proelnnmtlc the Frcsidnut. It lini long been the \i\nw \ \ cuitoi noiiplc , with the cliwlni ! of tlio look liack l | > nu the blewing * lin them in the chaiiKlni , ' coiir o of Mill return nolciim thanUa 10 thn ni Rotuco from \vhtmi tlioy How. tlumgh nt tlii'i period when the loll .vim nWicH nt that the ti'i o of im duly is lUlmn t , nnr nitlon null lie nhiulow of the Krcit uroavoint iwmmtnu which hin fi'led ' ur hcj finds m hopeful ox preftiliiii toward before who n wolntvly biwi'il in i ; iiyetUi 'coliiitl < wil > Piicli BUniliciU | ! ( > , t during have shmvcrcd Uin us mill I for our f rvi > ii twt'lvo in * en t'.mt wt tudtf. anil make It filtinif the rololci ) with tbatikfuliiemtliiil HU infinite mercy hw sL'iially our country and iieoplo. IVaco and pr < Hp > iity witluu hw hccn yov to IM. No posttk'nco hiw viiil uliores. The uuiimtant | irivikrn ( ; i dpiii which our lalherH loft in th liom ar < i.till nnr increasing heriti if In tmrMof the vast donmin KOMI UOIIH have vlxitnd nr hrcllucn forest homes , vet even thti calai been tempered In n ninnnor nancl the onerous compiicnion fur tlio i which \mt \ been uullod through country. For all tluno thin ; , ' * It that the volco of tlio nation nhoui to Cod In fervent homage. Whort-fnro I , Cheater A. Arthii dent of the United Sinter , do red that all people observe thu'.Mill dnj veiubcr , invt. , ns n tiny of natl iniu by cousins B < B'viiih' ' and prayer , tnayho from their hccular hvliorH an inn In their ] > lace 'f T there to join in asBcrtintf honor am * to Almighty God , whoso ( joodnoM 1 KII manifest in onr hintory and on earnest prayurH tlmt hi and ollcrini ; ( tion may coutinuo to in and to i ilron , In witnosn whereof , I have here' Inuid and caused the i my of the United States to IMS Uono ut the city ofVnnl [ I. . H. ] thin Hovcnth dav of Novell the year f our Lord ODD t ! eight hundred f.nd einh'y-c of the independence of the StattH the OIIB hundred and GlIMTKlt A. All ] ) y Iho I'rOHldcnt : JAH. G. UI.XINK , Soretary of SI THK general impression ia tl cndani will nmcndam poor pav \f \ THK papers arc discussing MtvcVoagli's future. The btar are jubilating ever his unau ] irc3ont. _ FIRST lot us decide how wo c tlio means mid how much we c , then the discussion about pav bo in drdnr. MK. OiiAPveB , of Colorado : lioncd for n cabinet posttioi : Ohnll'eo'a chief claim appears that Ins daughter marriod-TJlys Tun tulk about Watson II. ( lentil having boon thu result dent is thoBhoorest bosh. Th not tun otisiblo men in Oum1 buliuvo any such' nonsonso. HOB IMIKHKOU , may not bu i Jure Black , li n loal weight as reading Jerry'a latest tirade tlio arch heretic , every ono wi that ho ia infinitely better nati Tim IOHS to to Omaha nu \vlio employ teams in thu cat their goods through inipaHsnhh ia already amounting to thouai dollars. Mud is an expensive and in the end much worecos atone payments , ANA in rapidly becoming community. 1'in pool haa be hihitcd by legialativo act. If form movement continues ' nest expect to hear of the pru of Kentucky voters in Iiuliai towns on election day. THE liurlington Juieic B First AssiRlant Vostmastcr Ha coutinuo editor > in > chief of th notwithstanding hia no\ paper , If llatton dovotoa as little n to his paper while assistant poi general as ho dtd while IK oditor-in-chief , ftovornmont vfill not suilor from his dev < journalism , Taur.H is a single horrible [ ty which should make congro tate about the admission of D Ex-Senator Gco : a state. - fiponcor , of Alabama , is now dent of that territory and is fttood to bo in the hands of In : should a United States , senate quired from Dakota. Goer ) once Butler of a Nebraska re and that ia his hlgliCBt quiil for the public service , AWT7.tOH ( XSTS. A careful study of the clod nor la from the different com Nebraska is pulliclont to pro the strength of tlio so-called f ntipolinln , who ono year nye nc liavu fallen hciv to ( juilo n b f.idiiifj out of txis'enco. Thni not eVer A h.-'lf-dozisu rognlurl nntcd mitt-monopoly tickels Hold , anil in only one minify variety of licktt nchicre JHJCCCM. Tlio ivnti-iiionopoly party braskn iccuiveil its original lion from the disappointed ai nf a few republicans , who < les control the party but could in I urn domocMlio was soinutliin ware too wise to do , for Hie formation would have been no ; to make the motive immediat [ larent , and besides tlio rcnl sratic Rcnlimcnt in Nebrnsk small that IH > hope of olllcia : ould iiupiro : i tnan eflpoiis riicro was manifestly only one ipon for the mull who had aaj uad Nebraska rcpublicAtiinin , 1 'iml ' boon repudiated by the i ' .hey must create n faction null Picture a Hhtbbolcth. * * * * * 35ut it is the falo of a p irty fi in righting tui imaginary wren ivhcn it HKOH to such mngnitui ircato a general dvsiraatnuiiK t ) lo to iiivesligato the qucHtio : vliich it is established , it mo ' .ills ( o the ground. With arty intelligent discussion am ire simultaneous. The people iranlca during the past year hi . oatiiated the railroad qticnUoti .his investigation they have be > y Hie denuncintioiiH itnd calum ho atiti-niouopoly manager. * . 1 tiTestig.itiou they have four ho railroaJs of this slate are ; ind equitable nn other bu&iiu eresta , and more BO than man oada of othca ntaloa. Invest lasbcen'an oye-ojioior. It 1 ablinhod in the miiulH of the ho conviction of the truth to vo have alluded bofnro - nainel lie navniiptinn of ] ) rinciilo [ iart of the leadiiif ; Rpit-iU of tl uonopoly movement has beoi : leak to cover up their mill lollish , unworthy and unropi lesigns. Omaha Kepublic n. L'horn are none so blind as tboe vho will not nuo. If the et ho Jtynllican , .who prides him vearing the brass collar of the 'acific monopoly , imaginea tl atistillo the anti-monopoly BOH > y lying and crafty mi dilutions ho 13 destined to llBappoinlmout. Wo prenumi ivor , ho is only acting the dis tie part the corporation managi , Hsitned ; to him. Wo remoml nuloriouoly the aatne'j.acticsfa oars ago , when the Union Pai ; an persistently mieroprosoni nagnitudo of the poiular ) ng against Jay Gould'H , atorship by assorting thai t ! wsition to Gould'n" preferred h\to comprised only n co , 'unrd of soreheads and bin thu jut when the legislature mot t iras disclosed that the anti-IIil 'action was strong enough to o ! United Staten senator. Wo i bor how the Hamo corporation lought to mislead its readers the campaign of 18BO by bai falsehoods concerning the atre the opposition > Mr. Paddocl in fact the anti-monopoly facti elected Senator YanWyck was in the majority in thologislatu Wo are therefore not surpric The llcpublican again resort old tactica nt this juncture , there is no anti-monopoly part ) i/.ed in Nebraska , and hone : ould bo no regularly nomiiinti monopoly ticket , hut it is do refreshing for the Union Paeifi to assert that only half u dozci ties made anti-monopoly iiomi and in only ono county d variety of ticket achieve i Such glaring falsehoods could concocted by a paper that hardihood to assort that the p Nebraska , after investigating I have reached ; way question , elusion that all the extortiona tioiia and tlaurant ubuac which they have for yea ferod at the hands of threads roads are imaginary and nnfi Asa matter of fact the nnti- ely uprising in Nebraska thin tlic spontaneous revolt of a Ion ing people against corporation i 'Without any organized ofl't against the advice of the nti auco the farmern in mare thai the countica of the Hlato pi monopoly tickets in the fit thosu tiokota have for the me been elected. Instead of fading out , th monopolyBontiinunt is gaining momentum every hour. Tlio tion for this uprising against i tiou kings does not emanate fi appointed political bucks Inr emphatic protest of a long e people against intolerable abu a rebuke to bnso 1 lilio the editor of The Rep who seek to perpetuate cor misrule through the machinor republican party. Such me rogues will insist that ten per car-load for transferring two miles across the Missouri fair and just , as they have that four cents per milo'onc of the Missouri and three ci mile on the opposite aide forever over railroads owned by the B ; porution is just and fair. Tin apologists for highway robberj gard the taxation of railroadi braukn at from ? 5,000 to $10 , mile , including nil cquipmo franchi cn , M just andj.falr , t those satno railroads are bout sold on Wall street nt vaiuntici ing from $80,000 to $130,1 mile. If the railway manatjcrfl nn organ grinders have any desire the truth about the Ncbras nionopoly revolt wo would c < to tlicm n careful perusal of lowiug clear and forcible exp ! of tlio niovoinerit in Fillmore [ iiiblished in a ripublican paji 3rafton Gazelle' And now llio baltio is foug result announced , and the won. Who will cay the anti-ii iris have not made a fine , i igllt ? Without being porfec yaitixod , with little npcnking very united effort they have Majorities far beyond tlio ixpvctntion. They have conclusively Hint the fanners ( ivilt pull tOp'cthor when the re 10 ucliicvnu ia for the commoi Tltoy hnvo proven that the neoting of a fuw farmers ; icliool houses throughout the invo < \ ( loop flignificanco end itiwur , Not only in this con ho victory been won but in . luller , York , Thayer and Hi mil Iheijo with other connli < icxt year Btsnd to Lincol uHoulntivca and ncuatori vill do their dutj' , and laws ! tir > ctcd that will make the r ; vhnt they uhould bo , jtintrnliki rtms and owners. It will b lint the true bonoficinl work ampaign will bominife5tcdai nonopolists perform their gran owardrt bunofittiiiL ; the people , AN UNARR.A.IJGED MI JiiBpoakiiifj of ( juilean'n cri thor day iludgo Folgor elmnu L ns "tho nttrocious act of ar angcd mind. " There will bo i enting opinions ai to the fact t nir.d of the oHoa'ssin wan no ; 'arranged. " Ilia history is nough upon this pom * . No ' nnged mind runs in the cliai letty sv.'indling and clwonii leatism. No well arranged ontinually plotting and offenses againsl ii ( ; out ind oocicty , and no irrangcd mind could have pan ! ixecutcd with such cold- ' itrocity the dastardly n'un 'resident Garfiold. The quo which the public is interested vhothor or not Guitoru was tl icsisor of "an unarrnngcd min vhcther it was no di.sarrangei ranged aa to exempt him from esponsibility. { The "emotional insanity" las boon resorted to so often fears to protect criminala ngair shnicnt that the distinction I lanity mid insanity ha coino confused in the publil atudonta of moral ncienco in that n well balanced mind i That in to Bay , there are compa 'cw ' individuals in which all tl , al facultioi * are in equipoise t , ions , the will , the perceptive : optivo powers , all working mony easily and fully , ing and without mental dish Every crime in nil evidence c lock in the moral ppwera , of in moral insight or weakness i And yet to argue that every c jocauso of this lack of Balance , ia insane , would open the Hood gates of nnd break down every bnrrie maintenance of law and.ordo .aws are clear vpon the point sanity exempts from respoi while they leave to court ai .ho decision aa to what condil nind may bo considered moi rangomont or insanity. Uf determination of thiH qucstic .he punishment or escape of ( Llis counsel have made it tin ground for defense in his tria long array of export tcatinu been summoned by the con both sides of the case which presented to the jury for tl wildoi'inunt. The issue apa all legal and medical technico simply whether Guitcau kno from wrong ; whether ho knov killing' General Garliuld ho luting the la\va of the land am or , with Htich knwoledgo , li have refrained from the con of hia great crime , If thee tions are nusword in the ativo there can bo no of the eanily of the c Ilia faculties may have boo bnlancod , BO are those of thou Inmost and law abiding citi/.i live and die respected by theii bor.s ; his mind may have bee ranged , BO nro those of bun sneak-thieves , burglars nnd boats who have paid the pen thofr Crimea behind prisoi Some bettor ground for the insanity inunt bo found thu There wis method in n which had for its basis nt disappointment in curing ollicial nppointmoii n desire for cheap notoriety a ! ponso of thu life of n nation' ' The sham exhibitions of a era dition of 'mind , which Unite ! his urroat haa boon palming ot public will not stand the wa cloBo inspection. Such ought to adorn a gallows , m wo bolluvo nn impartial jury sign Gulleavi. Du. MiLi.Kii should have montod hia remark that Kai uud St. Louis were using t j.nvcmetita by the additional ii lion that both cities liavn pror them ft failure atul nro Liking * nnd satisfactory at-curo n more pavement. THS NKXr CONQRES The control of the Forty * Congrcis which meota in rcgu slon on the 5th of December in to the rcpubltctn parly , Theii to combine with oilier oleini completing a republican orgai and in pas n ? such measures i bo deemed of imporlanco to rep policy is nlmoH certain. The with D.ivis in the chair , is alrc [ Aiblicnn. Senator Durnsido ha ? bee cccdisd by Nehon W. Aldrich. ] Miller nnd I/iplmm , former co men from New York , have fill icata vacated by Conkling nnd Senator Whi'loin , nfter orvi country most brilliantly as ee lias been rc-clc > f tlio treasury , fill his old scat in tlio sona 'Senator ' Kirkwood's old chair is ; ) iod by Senator M cDill. Tlio p somposition of the sonnto isna f ilopulilicnns ! ? dcmocr.its 37 , iuslera ono ( Mahone ) , indopc ono ( Davis ) . Doth Srnhono nm nay bo expected to vote with t iiiblicatm on moat party que.itio niring thoni a working majority In the hotiso of representative vacancies have boon created ail adjournment of congress. I Krye of Maine , Aldrich of lllu. and , Conger of Michigan , mid ind Laphatn of Now York , ha\ iromotcd to the senate. The death of Fernando Woe : ho appointmuntof L t' . Mbrtoi French mission have created tw vacancies in the Now York delt which nt the last election won iiy the election of. Mcssra. liar flower , democrats. The cap Mr. Morton's district by the cratn has lust the rcpublicane majority in the house nnd the t of parties in that body now sfc iollo.wa : Itepulilicntis 140 , dei ISO , greenbackers 8 , readjustor independent 1. On party issui a full attendance , the ropublicu easily maintain a majority. T readjustee will work with the licans , and of the eight groenl five were elected by republicai and will probably act with thu nu the main issues. Rov. J , smith , the independent , is an publican and leana strongly t that parly. It will bo scon f roi figures that in both houses c ircss the , division of parties usually closo. In the senate , v vote of both Davia and Maho republicans will have ft maji two. "With a full attendance o d-jinocrats and republicans divided vote of the two doubtfi tors there will still bo a tio. house the greenbackors no long the balance of power. Shoul and thcrcadjustcrs nnd hide ] cast their votes with the do : that party will have a majority but the votes of the rcadjuati Smith will give the republi majority without the assistaiK single greenback voto. This ness of party division is likcl ; suit in a full attendance on bo and as much important leg will bo brought before congres next session it is , perhaps , that there will bo fewer ab than at former sessions of thai Poou Jay Gould ! Ho has 1 Howard Wells thrown into a d for writing him threatening with a view to extorting monoj number of threatening letters to towns nnd villages and c with a. view to extorting subsi some of Gould's schemes won up a legion In number. Ik sauce for the granger geese sauce for the nionopoly gander OCCIDENTAL JOTTI1 CALIFOHNIA , Thirty-file scholars are aUili ichcul oMina at OoulJen. Artciian water wr.s htruck fewest west of Tulare , lit a depth of 330 The hydraulic minor owners hi ths uiliclnla who cut off their w ply. Twelve valuable horses were 1:1 hunch , by a train near Biilcn cently. A fanner at San Hafaal , thU1 raised eighteen pounds of potatuc uliiylo plant. Chestnut ticcs boar heavily conuty , uiul their cultivation pro Tlic income of Ulmia Sn ckclH , i finer of San FrancUco , la said ti I | ier day , or ovvr 92,00 ' , OIJO a year Tim total grain yield of Scot thU season is 207.7U3 uuMiels , t 87,000 U wheat ; the remainder , barley. Frank C. lUnn tt , republican ci for county clerk nd r cord r connty rrnt shot in th * back by Yoiinif , of CrookvilU. Tolitlca ca Vivo tons of castor beans worn trom Oaltdale , Staniilaiu county , Francisco la t week. They grew o acres of Imul. and nro worth from . * The vetoinna of the rebellion ar a fund to establish a home for . Thaproposi soldk'n on thecoant. iii will coat $100,000. The horn erected In San 1'rauclico. Tht chkrlty ball which is to be i tin Cr nd ojnr * hoiu on tin ev th * .Hit Instant , ii tb * t lk not DiuTtruutof th * entlr * t ta.i furtwo cost 510 , Tthil * tha prlra r * valuid At 9100. 3'or the firet ton inoutha of the year the export vnluo of morchai jmtted from Ban Francisco to tl were : To HoiiRkonL' , $1.020,081 : f2.2Mi.033i Juiwn , 5384,003 , and Kaat Indies , JIO.IW. There l talk of an ob rvntoi pjt.kccd on Mount Han Itcrniidi Thl mountain Jtanth on the bord chmntcs. Whllt 'r.n Hide 1 ? bath erpetnnl mnuhint nf a cloudless the .thcris Rweit by the t > ton coast. oneooN , The a wsment of Multlimna howd the gro < K rnlnatlon to bo D"0 ! exempt and IndebtcilnefH d 5.S29-150 ; net vnluatinn , 813,870 , crease n\cr Idit year , . 3,305,4W , Jinlgo Scott , in the ftato circu has rendered n dcctt-c cranllny Urogon and Oaliforn > n railrosd \ > n in fco aiinplo , of fourteen Mocln ol the lownr ) , art of 1'ortland , value bout S''J'i.OOO. ' Hen. UolhcUy fcndant In the nuit , and besides scjwvd S-0,000 damage. * and cosU < NEVADA , The rate paid fo fine r.ilvr at I ion Mint is Increased to ? Ui per Ths shlpin3 ! of cattle to ( ' ; from Winncmiicca Is iHsuuilnt ; In mrUons , Tha total amount of radr casl ranltH df the xtat- > treasury on the > Unt iva ? 'J30132,72. Pinkeye has appeared in Mnwn [ iyon cou .ty. nnd s > nio vnluvbli invo died nf the dleonler. The gradtnt ; of tlia Nevada and s being pURhcil rajildly. The i ) Tcr thirty miles out ) of Hcno , Full C' Iniuz operation ! ) have 1 itiincd at the United States Mln on , > ftcr a of RCVCH months. ItH cUiniQ'l tlmt there i * n nioti ropper nnd iron in the district lovelock's Stntlim , wlilch ] IM nc nuch proi MONTANA. Mining inaltcM * t Glendalu ar M % . An inf uriato I bulfalo gored a I leath at Hud Water creek. The i enitontiary nt [ ircfcnt over sixty-two inmates. The country about Warm a Sjirinfl creeks I * Kcttllng up rapid ! I'Vinalo ilomeatifH are scarce at nonth nt Miles I'lty , while the c get $00. Miles City is thrco years old ni topulatlon of 1,500. MiniatuM d t as the Sodom of tno territory. Thu managers of the Western U krrntiKing ndditlonal telegraphic Ktwcen the l.xrijo tnwn < . A ( ; en ihango for the Montana Telephon iorporatiou organisaj under tl a\vc , will lie opened immediately. 10 conceit d with Jlelcna and lee n the near future. ARIZONA. Experiment ! in raising cott < iilcccRsful in S.llt Jtivcr valley. Arizona ha < fifty-live stamp 'roni ' two to ono hundred Uami tfgregating 085 stamps. The Tuctnn Cilisten says that the Indian killed durin : * the recent h H Arizona , "pjssed in his checks cciuest nf a party of citizsns o , tolen stojWJ The men lieint , ' shipped to New uid Arizona by the railroad couip : ockcd in passenijer cars aud not .hu slightest chance to "jump the \bout I.DUO men , all told , have cached their destination. WYOMING. Chiyenne has organized a brass A poatolficn war ia cropping Fjarain'o City. A telephone exchange IB btin ished at Laramie. A m n named TRubenbcrger st Itok Springs by tak'ntf poisoi Cattle men have finished their i for the season very satisfactorily. * ro remarkably fat. Building and fencing Is the ordc ; Uy vrith rnnchmen. Hun'ireda o : the beat quality of liny is now cul two years ago it would not pay to Tha inlt works in the northeast- - asr of the territory are being sua worked , and their product is ah Dead wood mid thence to other ] the Black IIi > . During the upace of one in throe days , beginning in August i ing in October , there were handle U. I' , baptfago room in Choyen pieces ot baggage. Sh rnian is enveloped in five fei beautiful. Fully-100 cars of frig muUted in Laramie y&nla dm blockada , nnd th * Ride-track ] all to Kuwlinsvere full. A ino t rcmarkabla diicorsry 1 mads in the Sw et attr countiy , oiniu ' tciritoiy. It ii a dcpo phuria ncid in its natural et ground is impr gnated or r a Ian 100 acres or mor and partia h claim * open it. The oil springs of Nortliwosts oining are quito a curiosity. Tlie rifiea to the top of the springs c nftcr oozln ; through the ground , : the nurfaco ia ' 'skimmed'1 oil for is of a bin * black color , nearly as thick as tar , nnd makes the best < eating oil. IDAHO. Koiso City ia fast assun'ing n : tan airj. She's to have street hu The now public school building , lioiso ( Jity is so proud , is neirin ; ; : tlon. tlon.The leading mine in the Wo district of Idaho is the Minnie which a short time ago bold for $1 llcports from nil of the mines I vclopcd in the Yankee York dis Tory favorable , and a good many arein eight. COLORADO. It is estimated thatthero are 17 engaged In inining in Colorado. The colored churches of Denvci Hchor by the election of a n mayor. It was u bet , The earnings of tha Denver Grange railroad was for the lirM November were 8138,781.02. N miles operated , 070. The corner utono of the now cil Denver was laid last Saturday , and civic gociHics turned out , i groiul and impo&ing pi occasion. Henry 1'opo of Lendville is und for "ualtinp 97 tuna of ore , fr ouucea to " 51 qunces , which ho w ; to the St. Louis Smelting nnd ' Company. G. II. Larko , tho'i caught I'oi > c In the act. The would 1mo lost S'223,000 had through. DAKOTA AND THE BLACK. HI F.ggn are in demand in Deadw cents a dozen , Work linn commenced on the V : horse street railway. The telephone line between It Koekervlllo Is now in working ord l'y th * close ( f 1881 Dakota t expended $000,000 for schools an property , The Trail ! county bank paid i 31 , < 00,000 during the month of 0 < wheat check * . The Valley City Improvement first ton months of the year 1S81 to nearly 9300,000. - Forty acres have been platt new town of Kibbovllle , four mi of Tower City , in Barnes county. The Deadvvood Tlmei Bays lhat five inllea from Cue ter nro modlcln in all rcsuccta and for the same d valuable M the Hot Springs in i Quartermaster Wheeler ia fcl grieved and Indignant to dltc < H.nneof the Yankton sutferew \ supplied with govcinment tcnta , i tliroucli his oiF.ce , have been tin enonpli to ruft away -with the 1 propertj- . ForLTotten. 80 miles north of town , h ono of the most complete tions of the new northwest , ltd c tion co t half a million dollar * , jchooli for the Indian * , t' gethcr w buildings in connection with their turn' ' vork , have occasioned coii : a 'ditionn' ' mitliiv , Twelve hundrt are on the Fort Tolten re ervatlnn , of them nre asricuHurists , and schools tluir children arc pro ) rapidly In reading , writiuc i.m studies. _ NEW MEXICO. Council Mock ii the future Load the Galllnns mountain' , Las Vegas nnd Mineral City , miles apart , nro to be connected I Illume. Fifteen inches of snow fell on t nnd stock on the plalm , especial ! } nullercd greatly. The Tcxns Pacific and Southern railroads nro but thirty-six miles n ] are rapidly closing the gap. The coal mines in Dillon Canyon cccdingly rich nnd numerous. TIi > find i.s n vein fix feet , ten and < inehc.i wide , nnd the quality of tlio unsurpassed , MONTANA. The lathers of lutto hnvo struck a day. The Utah & Xorthcrn has seen plo depot facilities nt Unite. HSutta chipped 2S2. > i pounds offer for th week ending Movcmbor fith , The sisters of St. Vincent de l.'ixt ujieiiud a well arranged hospital nt The Utah arid jS'orthern branc Dillon to the National Park , by Virgiia City , will bo 130 miles in Throe Indians at Fort Melcot recently tried for her < e-stcallng , nm found guilty , w re sentenced to tin and a half , and ono year's hard lab' ' Thpro sro now nbout 2,000 njipl : for the | ) iirchase of railroad lands li tana filed ut. the oftice of the > . ' Pacific. Thejon TJUCO to Mullan Pass tut fho _ N' ' rthcrn Paoilie , is a solid l white ma-blc. The luiiuul , con \ vlbo \ \ 3,800 , feet in length , nud en Divide from tint eastern npiiroacl ; fifteen miles from Helena. The t : quired to perform this grand piece is cstnu ltd nt from fifteen to c months and the coBtpl.ced in the borhood of $2 0,000. UTAH. The new Catholic hospital in Sa is ussuming nugnilieent proportiu will be n fine structure. The Otfden waterworks conif pushing the work of ) iipo laving will not be long until water \vill b ing through HITS city from the Ogdc Tno Utah & Northern is unable all the freight awaiting Hhipment den , because the demand for coal a plies for the road cuts the supply tlijrt. The Country. Who that has ever lived any tim country but must have heard of tin of Burdock ns a blood purifier. 1 lilood IJittera cure dyspepsia , bill and nil disorders arising from blood or deranged liver or kidneys. Sl.OO. trial l-cttles * 17 Tarrant's Seltzer Aperi < May properly bo called the "Hercules" i clno , for It clians Nnturu'd augcan ttalj allows the recuperative powers of the K d tha work ot restoration to kcalth. ] clno cure ; Nature alone cares. This openi the proper avenues , the ( unctions mlktcd to resume their work , aud tui ireU wo'.l. wo'.l.BOLT ) BT AU , DUUOGlSTadal dal CABPET HOUS3 -OP J. B. DETW1LI 1313 Farnham St. , OMAHA , N Have reduced priixw and are nownuicv UoJy Ilnisflfh , 81.25 to 81.00 ; ll t Brussels , ? 1.00 toS1.25 ; Best 3-ply l' rt to 31.40 ; Cost Ingrain , We to $1.15 ; t grain , 35c to G5c. Mattings , Oil Cloth and Widow at Lowest Market Prices Largest Stock and Lowest Pi The Oldest Establish * IN NEBRASKA. Caldwell. Hamilton trnnsrected eaiue na that ol poratcd uank. Aceouiit ? ) kept In currency or l0'1 s oU-ht chuck wltnout notko. Ccrttf.catcH ot icponit nau > ! > l rmyable six and twrha mouths , jcnrlng luterc dciatnd without Ir.tcroit. Advances made to castomors on appro titles at market mtc-o ot Interest. liuy and nail RcUl , bills of exchange moic4 , state , county and city bondx. Draw plc'nt dralts on Kn land , Ircla land , and all part * of Europe. Ball European pa.-vaf o llcltctn , COLLECTIONS PROMII'LY 1IAHR. United States Deposi - OK OMAHA. - Cor. 13th and Famain OLDK3T BANKING r.STABMSIlJlI OUAHA. BucoEseons TO KOUNTZE UT.VDL1B1IRU ISM ) . Organized u 'a National Dank August CAPITAL AND rnOflTS i OVKH omcsrj AMD DIRICTORB : U tut An KOU > TZII , Prcmdont. AsuiniTca KOCXTZE , Vice ProeMent. II. W. YATE , OarJiler. A. J. 1'om.xroN , Attorney. Joiix A. CRUIOIIIOS. F. H , DlViD , AESt. Thl bunk receives deposits without : aruounts. Issues time certificate boArin ? InUreff Draws dralto on Kan Franrisco Mid cities ot the Unltad Htatos , ivlso London KillnburRh and the principal cities of t ncnto ! Europe. b Sells ] * aaen er ticket ! ( or cmlgnnU c man linn Geo. P. Bemi BEAL ESTATE AGE I6th and Dodge Bti. , Omaha , N DOOB not rpucubte , nnd therefore any n ItH l xiks are insured to Its patroaa l > v lh ti'cnt' Take BLACK-DRAUGHT " a will ucver Lc bilji ' . For Sale By THBBHIH1HD DQUBUS 8T8 , , No. 1 , J-'cwhonso , 7 rooms , on Cumlng street * car Snutnlorp , 81200. No. 2 , 2-Ktory homo , 0 icoini , well , cittern ind arn , Wchster , near 16th ftrout , $2.W , No. 3 , House ol 10 rooms , on lliirncj- , near h stri'ot , Btciii * toundatlon , lOCK ) , " " No. 4 , l trgo houna of 11 rooni , on Webster jC" trcct , near Crel liton Colleite , 53W.O. No. 0 , Hmibu ol T rooms , on C.-UH , near 17th trcct , s-0000. ' No. 7 , Uouio ot S rooms , 3 lots , on 17thstreet' nr Ir-inl. S3 00. No 8 , Ilotifo nt G rooms , on CUM , ncv.r 14th , 2xl3i U t lot , J1SOO. No. 0 , Houtio o ( 8 roomi , hltchcn , etc. , or 'ail ' , nrnr 13tli bt cat , S:00. No. 10 , llou o of 3 rooms with lot 22x132 loot , n C fi , near 14th ntrcct , 1000. No. II , llouso of Grooms , on 10th street , near ( ousUu" . 44\OU feet lot , 84000. No. 12 , Iloufuof 0 roomn. brick foundation , on Inrnoy , near 27th vtrect , 81000. No 13 , 1 etory noiv house ot C rooms , brick jtimlruion , ol St. Mnry'n uvcuue , near convent , 1MO. No. 14 , llouso of 5 room ? and summer fcitrhcn n 20th street , near clarlt , 82f'00. ' No. in , Iloueo ol 8 rooms , on Kliorman avenue 10th street ) , iicur Nicholas , $2250 , No. 10 , 1 i-story house of 4 rooms , cellar , table , etc , , on Davcnuort , near i2 < 1 street , 21500. No. 17 , 2-atorj' brick Iionsu of 0 rooms , near n.l ol red street car turn table , $ 2350. No. 13 , House and 2 lots , 4 block ! west ot High chool , S2SOO. No. 10 , llouso and Slots on road to park , near ciul St. MaryVi avenue. 3500. ' No.W , Hnusouiid llj lot * nearHoscaU'sSouth Innha , ? 2f.OO. No. 21 , House nnd lot on Duvoop.irt street , .K\r ICth Htruct , S5500. house nnd lit 32x68 foot , on No. 22 , 2-ntory Invonport , near 12th street , ! ? 1300. No. 23 , House o I 4 rooms and 2 lots on IV til trect , near Izard , 81200. No. M , House audi lot on 10th ttrcct , i.oar lodge , OW. No , 20 , House and i lot on 10th street , near $1460. Ijpitol avenue , and lot on Jackson , near 13th N * . 2T , 2 housoa Ircet , J4300. No. 29 , Shouscti and Hot on California , ncc 3th street , 85000. brick homo of 4 rooms with No. 30 , IJ-Btory D ! 60x200 feet , on Sherman avenue ( IGth etrect ) , .ear . Izard , $3000. house and 33xCO feet , on 13th No. 31 , 1 j-story rcect , near Howard street , 82000. No. S2 , i.-story house of 0 rooms and two lota Hi Mason , near 15th street , 23000. V W and full lot on Cnplto Np [ 35 , Larse house V Tcnuo , ueor 13th street , 82300. -9 wl lot 4ix - No. 30 , 2 throe-etory brick liouscn 13 feet , on Chicago , near ISth street , % 0 cncb. No. 37 , House of 7 rooms with li lot Paul itrett , near Ibth street , $27W > . No. 33 , House and lot on ISth street , near liermaTi , $1860. No. 3D , House of 6 roorni with 44x66 feet lot , ISthHttoct , near California , 82600. in No. 42 , House of 8 rooms with lotlOOxl&Ofeet , .s n Coburn , near Colfax btreet , $3500. No. 43 , HOUEQ and 2 lots on Chicago , near 20th trect , 87GJJ. No. 4 ( , Lar u house ol 7 rooms , cloacta pantry , ifdl and ctltcrn , on 18th , near Clark Ptreet , 83600. No. 4(1 , Uarjre house with full block , no\r new hott ower. S2000. No. 47 1 Iou o of n rooms with i lot , on Pacific , icarllthbtrcet , 83000. No. 49 , Brick house of 11 rooms , well , c'stern , ; as throughout the house , good barn , etc. , on farnliam , near 17th street , $ < XX)0. No. 50 , Houao ol 0 rooms , cellar , well , etc. , on 10th , near Paul itrect , $3000. No. 63 , House ot 6 rooms and cellarlot 33x132 , i3 St. JInry's avenue , near convent , $1600. No. 55 , Four houses aml8Sx20 feet , on Davcn- > ort , near IGth street , $6000. No. 60 , Hou'o of U or 10 rooms , on California , 101 r2Ut street , $0500. No. 67 , HOUEC of 0 rooms , summer kitchen , clUr , cistcrti , well , good bsrn , etc ; , near St. lary's avenue and 21 t street , S3000 of 7 rooms yood barn , on No. 6S , New house , Ycbbtcr , near 22d street , 82500. No. .TO , Four houses with i lot , on 12th btrcet , icar Coss. 82500. No. 60 , House of 3 rooms on D.ivcnport , near : Srd street , 8900. No. 61 , House of H or 10 rooms , on Hurt street , A lear 22nd btri-ct , 85000. " " No. 62 , llouso ol 4 rooms , 1 tlory , porch , cel- S ivr , cistern and well , on llarney , near 21st street , 1750. No. 03 , House ol 4 ro ms , clnscts , basement nd cellar , near \Vhlto Lcml Works , 81000. No , Ui , niiildluK on leaded lot , on Dodijcfltrcot , iear pobt ollice , etoro below and ron ) > 3 above , see No. 05 , S lots with birn and other Improve' nciitu , ncir street ear turn tublo , 82000. No. 07 , New hou-c ot 0 rooms on 17th , near Jumlnt ; street , 810CO. of 12 looms , over/ ' No. I fine house ty , rgu ? 000. ISth near Chicago , lilni ; comiileto , on , No. 70 , Jlousa on ISth ttrcct , near Davenport , tore below and rooms atiotc , barn , etc. , SltOO. No. 71 , Houift ol 8 roomii , fine cellar , all com. ilcto , on California , near 21at , 87000. No. 72 , Ilrlck housu , W or U rooms , on Davcn 16th 850CO. iort , near No. 73 , 11-story house , 6 rooms , cellar , wtl ind cittern , on Jackson , near 12th , 81MO. No. 74 , Ilrick lieu e with 2 lots , fruit trees , : tc. , on 10th , near Ca | > ltol avenue , 815,000. No. 7f > , Hou'ia ' of 4 room * , basement , lot 171 * ,32 feet , on Matey , near 7th,8076. onCassstreet No. 70 , li-ttory house , Brooms , , uar 16th street , $4500. house 11 rooms , closet * , fur- No. 77 , 2-story , barn Uu. on Furulmin , near , fruit trees , , , th street , SsOOO. No. 81 2 houses with 0 rooms , and other with , rooms , on Uhlcaffo , near 12th street , 83000. hoUK' , Croomn , 4 clobets , well No. 62 , Ij-Htory nil 100-lmrel d > tcrn good lir.ri ) , on 1'lcrcu Bt. , icar 20lh ( near new tfiAermnuit corral ] ) , 81SOO. No. b3 , 2-atury houno , U ruumi , coalahetl , food . ril , cUU-rn , ou } lot , on Capitol avuiue , uca 2th , * 2 00. No. 81 , 2-story house , 8 rooms , 4 below nnd 4 bovu , 3 cloacta , co'lar , well and cUtrrn , with & cri'H ( jrounJ , ou SaunderdBtrict , near llarntka , ! 600. No. 85 , 2 storeshouso on leased } lot , lease utm Z rears from April 1st , l&bl , on 1'aclllc at , , iear U. 1' . depot , 800. No. SO. House , 16 rooms , well , cistern , etc. , icar Uth and llarney streets , fOOOO. No. b7 , ' - story house , 3 rooms , well with 40 L'ctof Hater , with 5 acrcsofuroiind , ouBaundcra trcct , ueur U. B. liarracks , iiOOO. No , 83 , largo house of 10 rooms , well , clitcru , arn , etc. , on CMS street , near 21bt , 87000 , No. $9 , I.arxo house , 10 or 12 room * . onWcb- tur trcct , near IBth , 7WO. No. DO , Large rouse and beautiful coricr lto ear Dodge aud 17th streets , $7000. No. 91 , 1-story house , 0 rooms , etc. , on Karn. am , near lOthttrcet , 81500. beautiful , Vrlck hoiuo and 2 No. 92 , J-argo , Its , nctr Divenport and 17th streets , 818,000. ' rlck house , 7 rooms , with lot No. 00 , l-3tory'l > 10x101 feet , near PopiiletouV , on Sherman avo- iUf.87000. . No , 07 , 1-irKO house of 11 rooms , tarn , etc. , n Sherman avenue , near Clark btreet , uinlie au dor. GEO. P. BEMIS1 leal Estate Exchange ICtli and Dougl as Street \