Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1881, Page 2, Image 2

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The Mormon Molropolia
ed With the Good Things
of Life.
Uivprooml" JiMl niu
Correspondence c ( Tlio Itcc ,
SALT LAKH CITY , November 10.
List month 'AMI ouu of unprecedented
prosperity to Utnli. Thu volume of
busincsi ilono by onu loading linn ox
cocdcd of llio corresponding
month' in 1880 by nearly fifty per cent ,
mid it is po iW" tliatnllier linns show
n yet greater ratio of An
ollior sign of prospurity is ihu dccrcnso
of the r.\ti3 of interest nnd tliu Inrgo
Bums that are being paid by Savings
Hank depositors. A altort tiinu ago
money fetched onsily 1 pur cent , per
month , now f > and I ) pur cent per an
num h all that is buiiiK given by the
Savings Hank and by these having
"gilt edged" pecurity. Two causra
liiraoly contributu to this prospuronn
state of tilings , an iibitiidnnt linn-cat of
both fruit nna giain , nnd ( ho vast
amount of capital being expended in
Utah and mitroundhiK diitricts in the
grading , etc. , of now railroads. Al
most all the iiionoytliinoxpundedgooH
into the pockets of guiilcrs , himluin ,
tio-mon and their cla-w , nnd ii quickly
sot nlloat to supply tlioir wants. I.uigo
numbers of pornwncnb re.iidonUi of
Utah are oniployod this your in Idaho ,
Colorado , Arizona and other contigu
ous melons and most of theii tvunings
flow directly to Salt Lake , Ogilon or
It is anticipated that the Dourer t
llio flr.indo load will-bo oponc'd to
Salt Lake City by .Imiuary noxt. The
farmers through whose landn the
runs have l.truuly . tihim the gnuling
coiitracti , and. the woik h being vig
orously pusliud. As fur as I'rovo this
line Mill almoat par.illol'thoUliih Oon-
TJio late ectuus of Utah shows how
largely her population occupies the
farming ilinlricU She has but four
towns with a population of over ! ) ,000.
They are Salt Lake , 20,000 ; Ogden ,
0,000 ; I'rovo and Logan not -1,000
each. Two-thirds of the population
dwell in tli-j northern one-tliird of the
territory. South of that llio
settlement ) } uro Hiiiall nnd farther
apart. In Saupeto valley , rather
south of tliuabovo mentioned division
are n cluster < > f enterprising iigricul-
tuml towns , with a largo percentage
of Scandinavian population. Of
these loxvns Mount Pleasant ,
nnd Miinti ura the most populous. At
the last named place the Mormon
church is building n magnificent tem
ple , which will bo second only to the
ono in this city. It is of a beautiful
1'ronch while or light-cream color
sandatono , and is built on a projecting
spar of the mountains , tiio top of
which has bjou leveled with immeiiBO
labor to form a suitable site for this
vdilico. It will probably bo finished
in about thvoo yoara. Tim
tontylo 4 at Logan , in iiortliorfT
Utah , will bo completed next year ,
It is as imiasivG u building as that ut
Manti , but not so boiutiful , | ho
rock of which it is constructed being
dark colored.
"U'o are having an unfottuimto cpi-
dumio < ) f iiccidontu. Our local papotu
are full of accidental uhootings , inju-
rieu by machinery , runaways , oto. ,
many of which have proved 'fatal. JJIn-
deed this your in Utah 11 an excep
tional one , rcnmrkablo both for oyil
nnd good. Its pleasant side nhows
great busincKs activity , nnpioccdcntod
harvests , abundant laVer , cheap
money , and yroat inteinal improve
nionta , especially in public buildings
and blocks of atoiiM. On the other
side wo find a Hoasonof much sickness ,
with numerous deaths of leading
inon and women , especially
among the dignatarics of the Mormon
church and numerous accidents. In
political and religious controversies
wo are having a lull , possibly a c.diu
before the otorm , It is certain that
strong ollbrts will bo iiuulo l inlluenco
tliti forthcoming Congress to enact
stringent special legislation for Utah.
It wijl probably bo opposed by com
mercial men and the manufacturing
interests , who will consider the proa
out prosperous ! season n most inopor-
tune time to disturb society. The
Mormons have ono strong holil on tlio
business of the county ; us a rule they
arc exceedingly prompt and scrupu
lously honest in meeting their finan
cial ongagomonts. To the wholesale
dcalar and inanufacturor they arolargc
and reliable ciiEitoiners , and thosn who
have dealings with thorn are un
willing to luivo these plcaeant
business rotations biought to a mid-
dun end for sentimental or toligious
consideration ? . If n man promptly
pays hia debts it is of little moment to
his cicditor in Now York , Chicago , St
Louis or Omaha , if ho bo niariicd 01
Dingle , if bo have ono wife or two.
Such a condition may trouble the sun
of llcecher , Talmngo or Ingorsoll foi
thoymako _ money by fantastic , polemi
cal disputulioiiH , but those whoso bus !
near ) is in danger of being injured bj
their philippics are not so zealous in
corroding other men's religious ideas ,
or in stamping out unpopular socia
ethics. Huu'oiin.
A Convention at Couhtltutlouallats
Do Molnoi i of ut r
Hon. Fraucia Springer , of Colum
bus City , who wua President of th <
State Constitutional Convention o
1857 , has issued n call for u meeting o
that body , to bo held at Do Moines
on Wednesday , January 10 , That
date will bo the quarter centennial un
nivorsary of the mooting of tlio convention
vontion at Iowa City. The usually ao
curate Sioux City Journal is iimdvort
ontly misled into laying that compar
atively few members of the con von tioi
now survive , but it will bo seen by the
following list of thoeowho are certain
ly aliro , soiuo of them in active bus !
ness and others up to their oyea in pol
itics , that lovrn is a State in which to
live long
S. G , Winchester is a retired inor
chant at Eldora , and ntill a compnru
tivoly young man.
John H. 1'otors is a priotising at
torjioy at Dolhi. I1U eldest HOD dioc
ttt Union , Hurdin county , this wcok
1. W. Jlobinson is ono of theme
oalimablo farmora of Polk county , am
N co.tuionally In ! ) < Aloiimon busi
ness.Lewi * Todlnmtnr is a prominent
lawjcr at Indianola , and n leader in
state icmpornnco matters.
John Hdwards ( silico Colnnol ) holds
a government cli'r-KBhip tn Washington.
.Tamo's V , WiUon , candidate for
Unilod Stilus Senator , and according
to The Kiviknl : CJn < i > City , un orni-
I liologicul student , runide.i at Fiiirllold.
llarvoy.l. Skiff , after i\ long of-
( kill nnrcor , residua quietly on n farm
near Nuxvlon.
.John A \irviti I resides , where ho
did in 185" , at MuiciUino. Ho has
been pn-aidi'iit of the Governing
Hoard of the Iloform School over
since its orgnninlinn in 1858.
Win. I'cnn Clark has boon in AVash-
ington many years , jiarfc of the time
in ollicial position and the of the
time piacticing law.
Edward Johnstono is living l Koo-
bile , where ho hai been u successful
b.inkiT for many ycara.
Wm. Patterson still livoi at Koo-
llufns Ij. U. Clarke , of Iloiiry , is
in oxaminor-in-chicf at the patent
Daniel II. Solomon , of Mills , is an
inllncntial lawyer of that county.
tiaorqo W. Kiln is living , at a good
ige , in honorable retirement atDu'en- _
[ ioti. Hut for an inomablo infirmity
) f deafneas , lhii gentleman's great
ibility would undoubtedly have given
lini piominent position in the party
if freedom , of which ho wan ono of
ho founders.
Aylolt R. Cotton , is practicing law
it Lyons/jiflor having represented bis
pounty in the gcnornl assembly for
.hroo years , in the last of which ho
vns speaker , and his district in congress -
gross t'our years.
James G. TraoistilMives iitYititon ,
nnd is ono of the le.uling financier. ? of Tow.i.
Thoinis : Seoloy , of ( luthrie , still
ia < i his homo in that county , which ho
oprosonted in the legislatiuo of 1878.
John T. Cl.irko , of AJIanmlceo , sines
listricfc attorney of the 10th dishict ,
s livini nt "Dccorah or Waukon.
William A. War run is an insurance
gent at Uolluvue. Ho ha'i been in
eoble health for a yeai or two past ,
iit is lately feeling better , Up to
years ago Mr. Warren had at-
ended every republican state conven-
ion since lowu was admitted into the
Francis Sprague , who was president
> f the convention , is in comfortable
iicumtsances nnd nov/ resides on a
'arm ' near Columbus City. Ho has
[ iiit the practice of law.
Timothy Day is a fine otock breeder
md resides not far from 'Winchester ,
Van IJurcn county.
AniosJIurnn , foimcrly of Conter-
villc , is now practicing law with signal
success at Wichita , Kansas.
D. J' , Pilmor is living in comfort
on : i fat in near IJloomliold , D.ivis
The lennining members , and who
could not bo located with certainly
, 'oslorday , wore D.ivid Jiunkor , 11.
W. Gray , II. J ) . Gibson , A. 11. Mar
vin , J. 1) ) . Emerson , Sqniro Ayers ,
Tore. Ilollinuswoith , Win. Patterson ,
D. W. Price and Alphous Scott. The
llegister will bo glad to hear regard
ing these gentlemen , and hopes they
arc all alivo. rndriu comfortable cir-
, . . . ,
„ „
The abovb l.aciH wrro obtained yos-
[ orday by n conversation amen ' four
or fiyo gentlemen more or loss con
versant with Iowa matters , and the
ist of llioso still alive is undoubtedly
larger by live or six more. These
known to bo dead are Judge J. 0.
Hall , of DCS Monies county ; George
jilaspy , of Wapollo ; James A. Young ,
of Malmskn , and Robert Gower , of
Tbnt Conl Monopoly.
lllalr Pilot ,
Now comes information that a con
spiracy baa recently been unearthed
whereby certain coal dealers in St.
Louis and the agents of a pumbor of
railroads running through the coal
lields of Illinois , bad combined to
limit thu supply of coal going to St.
Louis , thereby leap a speculative
profit on prices.In view of those
tactti The Lincoln Journal buckles on
its armor and goi's forth to do battle
for the cauno of liyht. Hear it ;
"Tho pmialty for a system of rob-
liery like this should bo the severest
known to the criminal code , shoit of
capital punishment. The man who
steals a horse or who robs a bank
either as burglar or a cashiorlis a
iaint computed to the infernal rascal
laving charge of the car supply of a
railroad who conspires with coal men ,
riiiu iii"ii , or any other commercial
interest to run up the price of any
necessary of lifo , by creating an arti
ficial ami unnecessary scarcity , by pro-
toiulintr not to have , or absolutely re
fusing means for its transportation.
The Journal dooa not hesitate to aay
that any railroad whoso diroctoiH are
found guilty of such n crime should bo
promptly confiscated and put into the
hands of a receiver , in addition to the
poiaonil punishment that a public
thief should undergo in thu peniten
tiary. "
Tncao ttatcmonts have about the
right ring to them , and coining from
the unapproachable altitude occupied
by a State Journal-ist , uives them a
foico and dignity heretofore considered -
od unattainable , The Omaha lli'.i :
has said the same thing in substance
many timea , but the Journal and other
monopoly pup era saw nothing in the
eaeo then but "tho ponsoloss vaporinga
of n political demagogue. " The only
diUorcnco is that the HKI : applied the
sanio terms to our own Nebraska rail
roads , at utimo when one of them , at
k'ust , was not obliged to formaconspir-
acy with out3uloparttesbut owning the
coal ( ielda themselves , sought to and
did build up an exclusive ] ! rude of their
own in that line , refusing to others
the privilege of shipping coal to towns
in the yestorn part of the state , and
thereby oppressing and robbing the
people the very thing against which ,
in Illinois , the Journal launches its
thunderbolts. St. Louis is so situated
that she can hardly be deprived of
competition , while the towns and cities
along ( ho U. P. railroad in this state
wore absolutely at the mercy of its
managers. And when that company
oppressed the people along its line in
the matter of coal , and oven stared
them in the face with u coal faihlno at
the moat inclement season of the year ,
wo somehow fail to remember that the
Journal opened its humanity-loving
mouth in defense of the rights of tin
oppressed , Perhaps the Jouinal will
deign to come down to worldly
thoughts IOMM enough to refresh our
memory upon thin point , und possibly
it will explain why this sort , of crime
is BO much moro worthy of note and its
perpetrators HO much greater villians
in Illinois than when they happen to
1)0 thn nmnasomcnt of the U. P. road ,
or some other of the Journal's ' mono
poly pots in Nebraska.
The People and Prospects of
Milton nnd WavorJy.
A TootLInij Appeal ior Mullcnlilo
Bncfatcalc *
Cflrrcupomlcncti of Ili't l ! < x.
WAVKJUY , Nob. , November 12.
Rather small , but extremely vigorous ,
is this town , the first of importance
east of Lincoln. It is erecting n
church , n good ochool building and an
elevator. A store building and sev
eral dwellings are also Hearing com
of Wnverly is the main business of
the town. l\ery ono buys grain and
every one Bc < tins to have plenty of
grain to buy , The stores are not
largo or theirslockij extensive ; in fact
the handling of dry goods and grocer
ies Ruciiis to bo a very aecondary con
sideration. When one Wavorly man
ineet.i another thu question is :
"How many loads of wheat did
you got to-day ? "
I miens the only man in town who
don't have the gi.tin trade as the nuiin
business of his hfo is lion. I * . 11.
"Walker , general moichant. I put in
thu Honorable , not because he is now
% member of any legislative body , but
lecaiiBoho will bo by the time this is in
print for ho ia on the republican ticket
Lo fill a vacancy in tlio upper liouao.
Milford badly needs a barber , there
n not a nlmvor in town.
A hotel , a good one , is nlao needed
hero. It would pay well and the ac-
comodating landlord of the Wavcily
House , Mr. Jus. W Crabtreo , would
keep such : i hotel in good shape , but
it present 1 don't wonder nt what a
traveling man paid as I was leaving
the c.irs. "What , are you going to
stop all night at Wavorly ? "
"Yea1 answered.
"Well I'll pray for you and may
the Lord have mercy on your soul. "
I waa on the Lincoln oxprcis and it
was U o'clock at night. However 1
? ot along all right by waking up the
landlord and takim. ' choice between
tno moderately clean looking bed fol
lows. The breakfast was served after
the gtecian stylo. It was in grease
anyhow. The celluloid jbeefateak was
not suited to irregular teeth , but
I ate stowed prunes freely ,
they wore the only digestible things on
the table , Thank God they can't fiy
prunes. Now the landlord is all right ;
ho is polite , obliging and as ho takes
THE IJr.B , bo is of course intelligent ,
but ho needs a now hotel and n now
cook , "When a newspaper correspon
dent criticises ti hotel it is customary
for the hotel keeperto write to Ihp
opposition papnrs a ipicy letter setting
forth Iho intcmperato habits of the
correspondent and intimating that ho
fon-oto to take oil' Jiis boots before
going to bed. also that ho never settles
hi.s bill , explains that his mother was
of the canine family and that
the paper ho represents is miulo
out of night soil and dynamite.
However , in behalf of the long suf-
ferim ; , much abused and homeless
class of wanderers known as tuivol-
ini ; nrtiii , I want to lire this ono shot
even if I do receive a paper fusilado
tor the next ton yeais ,
For business review see advertising
A furtimo may bo spent in using mcf-
ecliml medicines , when by applying
rhonias' Kclectiic Oil a Bpccily ami ccon-
iinical euro bo dlcclcd. In C.-VHO of
iliounmtfcm , JiUno back , bodily iiilmeiita ,
or i > riiw of every ilcncrii > tftm it aiforda in-
htant relief. ft'w
Robbed ol' His Gold.
National Atwaclatud l'rci > 9.
You.Nfi.sTOW.v , O. , November 15.
Jesse IS.ildwin , of Doardman town
ship , live miles south of his city , the
' 'crank" who created tlio sensation by
constantly appearing at the treasury
department in Washington and de
manding gold for $70,000 of bonds ,
was lobbed this morning nt U o'clock
of biitwoon $30,000 and ? 10,000 ,
in gold. Ho kept his money
in an old fashioned safe
under the stairs in the hall w.iy of
his residence , The party , or burglars
wore live in number. .Four of them
gained admittance to the house. The
Haldwins slept up staira and the first
intimation they had of the burglaily
was the furious noise made by the
blowing open of the safe with powder.
Ooorgo Lewis , ISaldwin'H Don-in-hw ,
fired three shots at the robbuis as they
left the house with the bags
of gold. The burglars returned the
volley. No one on either side was in
jured. The robbers bad previously
taken two of Baldwin's horses and thu
best carriage from his stable and had
them standing near the residence.
They jumped into the buggy and
escaped , going south , lialdwin has
ofl'erod arowaid of $1,000 for its re
covery. It is just learned that the
carriage broke down about four miles
south of Baldwin's house.
If you are suilonng from a novel o
cough , cold , asthma , bionchitis , con
sumption , loss of voice , tickling in
the throat , or any atlbction of the
tlnoat or lungs , wo know that Du.
KINO'S Niw : DISCOVKUY will give you
immediate lelief. We know of Itun-
dreds of C.ISCH it has completely cured ,
and that where all other medicines
had failed , No other remedy can
show one half as many permanent
cures. Now to jive you satisfactory
proof that Dr. KIMI'H NKW Discov-
r.iiY will euro yon of Asthma , Bron
chitis , Hay Fever , Consumption , Se
vere Coughs and Colds , Hoarseness ,
or any Throat or Lung Disease , if you
will call nt J. K. Imi & McMAHOw'u
Drug Store you can get a trial bottle
free of coat , or a regular euo bottla
for El.OO. janl01y(2) ( )
Mrs. .T , D Uolcrtion , WtWmrir. I'A. , c
ni milTcrlru Froni Rtncral iltMlitv , want ot ap-
Jictltc , cnnViji'lnn , etc. , w > tliat lira . n l > ur-
< lni ; nftir n ° . llunlock lllowl Hitters I felt bit-
I. r tlitin Inr uars. I cannot praise Jour Hitters
tootmiili , '
It. OlliH nf ntiffulo , N. V. , urltpfi : "Vonr
llnnlockei } \ ] liltttri , l.i ( .lironlciliicivK'Of the
Wooil. llvtr liaro licin
. thiin
liMtrcsiiH" , for tnriillt | | } ndliolUcr , nnd In
, . f nfrlenil of mlno .
vfc.iu ui n menu ut iiiinu ( .uircrliijf from drojny ,
the effect v. M marielouo . "
llnicoTurner , Itnchratcr , N1. Y.Krltcs"I :
liten Biilijtct to Horloimlliimlcr of thu klilnc > .
and uii.ililc to attend to Ini'lm-is ; liunlock lllooi !
I feet confident that they will entirely curunio , "
II. A'ciilth Hull , Illngliitnplon , X. Y. , write ? :
"I KiilTcrcil with a dull pain through mr clt
limit and shoulder. Ixist my milrlti , apiictltn
and color , nnd eould ulth dhllculty Itccp up oil
diy. Took lour llnrdock lllocxl Ilittors an ( II-
ictti.l , nml hr > M ) lojt no | mln since lint ucok nt-
l r uslnjf them. "
> Ir. Noah Hitvs , Klmln , N. Y. , writes : "About
four jeaMiifO Hi ul an attack of lil1loi lu\crnTul
never full ) rccoxirnl. My dl'fC.itUo cirt'uis
wire xvcaKciKMl , Mid 1 noiilil no cotiiplttclyros \ \ -
tratid fordijs. After ) ii > lii ( , ; tu-o bottks of jour
Iluntnuli Hlood Ulttcri the linproAtiiU'iit was so
\ 1-ihlo that I na * a tonUhcd. 1 can now , I hough
01 J cars ef .iC | do a fair and ruasoualilu dij'a
0. niickct Itohlnion , proprietor of The ConaiH
I'reshjttrian , Toronto , ( Int. , write * ! "Korycan
I Hinrered ( jroatl ) from oft-iecurrlnj ; licnilainu. I
ii'cil jour iliirilock Hlood Hitters with lnpMC | t
result- * , mid 1 now nnd inbuilt In better health
thin -
Mrs. Wttllaco. Iliiirulo , N. Y , writes ; ' -Ilmo
lisuil llurdock Illooil Ulttrn for ncrvoux ami bil
lions huailatlKS ixntl nin rccoinmciid It to anjono
K < iulriii n uiro for blllloiisuttH. "
Mrs. Ira Mtillliolhml , Allnny , N. Y , writes :
"For Hj\cral > rais 1 liiu suirereil from oft-rtcur-
rln ' Ijllllous } iciuhi.lie < i , iljKpcptla , nml com
plaints piulti r to 7iij sec. Since u ini ; jour
liinloc.l < IllooJ IlittciH I amcntlrclv rolic\LU. "
Price , $1.00 per Rottlo ; Trial Botilos 10 Cts
, . . , ,
Sold ( vt holcftalo bj Isli k McMr.hon unj C. F.
Rood man , jo7 cod-mn
: N * Q'
$ &
Ono of the Reasonable Pleasures
01 life , a properly cocked meat , affords litt'o erne
no present enjnjincnt , mulnntch milwment tor
ture tonuoMllriiicUil > iicptle. | Hut ulien clironlc
InilUtstloniscoinb > ttClwllli Oblcttcr'sS omaLh
Bltttri , the food U cV iM\lth relish , nml most
important ot nil , Una luillatcil by anil nuurhhcs
the frjftein. Use thh L-rand tonic and eorreetl\c
nlso to roincily constipation , biliousness , rhcu-
ma Ism , fen r an I a.tic.
l'ors > io 1 ynll Jrm'iataamlDo leragenerally.
Roar for Moores ( )
AND Saddlery.
Ihnic ndoptcil Urj Uon as a Trudo lliilf , and
ill my itoodi will bo BTAMI'UD with tha LION
and my NAM K on tlio mmo. NO OOOD3 AUE
Tlio best timtorlnl la uat'd and the irojfeklllc
\\orluncn are employed , nnd nt the lowest cash
I'floo. ' Anjonuunhln aprico-lUt ol good 1U
center a favor by Bonding ( or one.
Permanently Cured no humbug bv ono
inontli'iiis.iKU ofDR. OOULAKD'SOelcbrnt-
cil Infjlllblo Fit Powdcra. To COIIMCO Buffer-
era that these powders will do all uo ( Unii ( or
tlioni uu will fci'iid tlnni bv mall , post paid , a
free Trial box. Dr. d'oul.ud U the only pli > sl-
cbntlut linsincH nude thin dl ca o a > j > cctal
study , and on to our Knonlod o tlionsinJa haiu
bcfn Permnnctly uucd | i thu iisu nt thiso
Powders , we will gunranteo n permanent
euro In incry casu or rofunil you all money ex.
pendctl. All diUcrcm "houlilfla \ thcso ran.
< tau an early trlii ) , anil bo coinliuctl of their
uiratho rovers.
1'rk'e , ( or lar 'O box , 3 00 , or 4 boxes for $10.00 ,
sent liynmll to any port of the UnlioU BUtta or
Canadaon ricwh't or priio , orbvi'xprcMD , O. 0.
U. AUilrcis. ASH & . ROCBINS
300 Fulton St. , Urooklyn , N. Y.
917 mi.l 210 North Mala fit , Ut. Louis ,
NEWS , f Wlrfcnb iwiiArma
Printers Stock.
TCnsh p ta for lug * wid Taper Stock , 8cr
Iron nod McUln.
P | xr ; Stock Warchonnca 1SS9 to mi , North
zamlnnUoa of Tooohor * .
I will IK ) iircsi'iit ot my oltlco lit Crelgliton
block on thu lUbt S turdayof cadi month to x.
ftuilno tutli aiijiltnuita cu > niay dcalrc to tcai'h
ID the public Dchoold In DouiUu vouutv. Qiur-
tcrly examination tint Saturday In February ,
May , AiiKiut ami Not cuitwr.
Cotniry Kurt , ubllo Iintructlon
Edward W , Simeral ,
Will Remove in a few
days to
You will do well to
call and examine"
our stock of
At 1422 Douglas St , near 15a ,
Which will be Bold at Extra
ordinary Low Prices Be
fore Moving1.
J "PS ,
* 3 J
3 .s > t
o m
I , {
jjaoz ,
s z
H a n d s o mest
For Sale by
521 South Tenth St.
1220 Farnham St. ,
Desires to announce to his
frionda and the General public
that he has resolved to reduce
his prices to the lowest notch
consistent with tha principle of
"livo and let livo. " Gentlemen
desiring a first-class Suit of
Olothos , in nil respects equal
to any and second to none , will
do well to give Mr. Martina
call. Good Business Suits to
orkor , $25. Fine Pantaloons ,
$6 and upwards. nldlm
1506 Farnham St. , . . . Omaha , Mcbr
Carc.ully eeloctod Und ID Kutrrn Nebrotkafor
kMo. Urvat lUrifuliu In Uuirovo4 ] fartna , nd
OiunJii city property ,
L t UnJCooi'r U P.U. . .
a T&iC Ttif CttlBttBxa X f4 * lUa&iOi&JlituiHxa *
On River Bank , Bet. Farnliam and Douglas Sts. ,
itrenth White Lime
Lumber , Lath , Shingles ,
Thirteenth nnd California Streets , OMAHA , - - - NEB
LniUZd. ,
Wai ! Paper and Window Shades.
1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. .i.M0.lri ,
1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET.
The only exclusive wholesale house in this line in the west.
We desire to call the special attention ot the trade to our
elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan
Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overshirts , Overalls
Hosiery , &c. , now open. Wholesale only.
Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts.
The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska
Jy 18-nio
1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb.
Consl'-nmcnta mailo us 111 receiv o prompt attention. Kefcrences : State Bank , Omaha ; Plait
& Co. , Ualtlmore ; 1'eck & Ilanshcr , Chleano ; " u' ' 1' ' ' ' " Cincinnati.
1213 Farnhsm St. . Omaha , Neb.
MAX MEYER & OO. Omaha , Ne
Omaha , Collins
Oheyenne , Colorado
Fall and Winter
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit al1 1 V.