Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1881, Image 8

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Tuesday Morning Nov 16.
1'ritlcrnon lli cowl.
Frederick Loadlnp H tt r.
Doane. Reliable Hatter.
GIOTCI at the Si ) cent utore.
Winter c ps cheap t Picderlck'g.
- -Finest line of | > crfumei at Sato's ,
Finest supply of perfumery tS ro' .
Lnrgo line of fine toilet soar * nnd jicr
fum'ry nt Ktihn's drtiR etorr. nl4-tf
Try your lurk in the Michigan Tobnc
* > Stale DIstribntloD. nl-l-lislw
Go ami ea the Wnllace Sister * to
Smoke the CIIIOACJO TIMRH ClRr , for
sale only nt Forsyth'ci tlrus ( store. nS-lf
Frederick's ? 3.00 Stlfl HnU ecll rapid-
ly. n8-4t
I. dlc Hand flngi at the 00 cent stoic.
HONSHU'S for best Stotcs and J'ur-
niturc. nD'tf
Winter c i U k'n' ' > < Frederick' * .
c7 > t
Short Hand taught nt 15uinc ! Cell -
l Re.
Old gold exchanged for now jewelry ftt
Htllmlm k Krlckson'n , opposite the post ;
Jice. oct28-t
Wanted- traveling man. For information -
formation Inquire at : tO.T north Iftth Btroot
ppnullc lUjilInt church.
Kvery Ticket in the Michigan Tobacco
SUto Distribution draw * a Prize.
Svdsi chccie Imported nnd indtntion ,
wholesales and retail , at II. Mcyer'n , 207
sonlh 13tti street
An empty wagon wan utalled on lOt
nnd Howard j-i t rday , the teambeiiiKUii-
able to pull it cut.
It hat Locn dlicnvorcd that the late
Col. Watson U. Sm'th had his life insured
for ? 1.000 in favor of the church of which
he wig n member.
In the police t-ouit ytnlerday two
plnin Sloeunib'rf wore Kent to jail in default
of { lOi.nilcostii , nnd one difturbur of the
pcnco paid SU and cost * .
The ball of the Ancient Order of
Hibernian * " 111 take place nt Masonic
hall , on WctliiMilay , November 10th ,
when a good time may bo ei pooled.
- A special cir of the N. Y. C. & 1 r. U.
lv. MAI in the city Sunday nnd left for
fit. I'nul that night. Mr. Hoyden , Kenerul
trnllic inaunjjor of novcral eastern roidn
\taa on board , lm\cl i * engaged cm the bank
cast of the I ) , ft M. depot cutting it outer
or the purpose of allowing mldiUoimj
switches nnd u long freight plnlform to bo
put in by the 11. AM.
Whittle and Melirannahan , thoKvnn-
gcliftti , closed their moutitiK * Sunday ni ht
and lenft cm tliu .Denver train last ( ivcnlng
for the Mnvic Cily of the 1'liins , where
they reiiinin untilJL'hursday , and thcnjpro-
coed to Salt Lake City ,
The next monthly noclnhle of the
Union Cnthollc Library aiuocintiun wi-1 be
{ riven in the library room * on Thursday ,
21th init. , Thanksslvimf night. Arrange-
nioutH are now being made which will , in
All probability , conduce to making tlil.s
enturtainment the mott successful of these
The uoon trnin west yesterday con-
tinted of twelve heavily loaded cam ,
Among its passengers vrure Hixty-ftvo men
composing batteries C nnd M of thu First
artillery , en route to the coast. They
were In charge of Majorn McCroa and
Darling and will bo followed bjr utr more
batteries , all being a post of the legiment
recently transferred to the 1'flcifio roast ,
NOTICE On Ing to the turriblo condi
tion of the streets and our inability to pro-
euro extra learns , wo will not deliver to
poiuUbcyond those named ( except btt ino n
hour ! ) .iiurth to Davenport , Nouth to How
ard , went to llith , cast to Oth. Wo will
re'iuno our usual delivery BOOH no roiuli
will permit. S. A. Huntoon , ngont Pacific
nnd U. S. Kxpro'w Co. , 11. II , Drowning ,
. dgont American KiproH Co.
Ouo hundred and fifty-ulna Iteauliful
i residence loin , located on Hmnlllon street ,
half way between Ihe turn lol > lo of the
ireil ulruet rar line and tlio walerworkti
irortervoir < vnd addition , and hut went of
the convent of tha Siatoni Poor Clnlro in
Sliiim' * addition. 1'riceH range from $75
loUO eucli , and will bo Hold oil cany
tcnn < to those who will Improve. liomln' cstntu agency , Fifteenth and Houglun
AH n rule wo do nut recommend
patent m'jdiinnen , but whoa wo know
of onu Hint really ia a jmblia bom-fixc-
tor , nnd docs positively cure , then \vo
cormidur it our duty to impart Unit in
formation to nil. Eluclric bitten ivru
truly a most valuable mudicinu , nnd
will Huruly euro Ililliouanosn , Foror
nnd Aguu , Stomach , Livur and Luluoy
complaints , own where all others rem
edies fail. Wo know whereof wo
speak , and can frouly recommend to
all. [ Ex. Sold ut 50 cents a bottlo.
Mi & McMahon ( )
A Man of Many JJlvo .
They tried to kill n book agent at
Oinahn lint week. Ho was robbed ,
thrown into the river , knocked ofl' the
airs , tossed from a high bridge into
thu river again , and in two hours ho
was around with an illustrated litblo ,
trying to got u aubscrigtion from the
huah of thunttackingparty , [ Ohicngo
If ho was only pushed off the aide-
walk on Tenth atroat ho world disap
pear foruver.
Almoit YOUHB Again-
3Iy mother vraa afllictod a long time
with neuralgia , and a dull , heavy , in
active condition of the whole system ,
headache , nervous prostration , and
was almost helpless. No phyHicians
or medicines did her any good. Throe
montliH ago she bi > gan to UBO Hop
Bittern , with nuch good etlect that she
Booms and feela youuu' attain , altliougli
over 70 years old , Wo think thorn is
no other medici o iit to use in the
family , A lady in i'rovidtmcu , K. I
Journal novl-15
Parties leaving town or disposing ol
their household oll'ecta will luako
money by calling on A. L. Fitch &
Co , , 209 South 12th Btroot , who pav
the highest GASH price for second
hand furniture. n'2-lm
est stock of Watches and loweu
prices , at Whipplo it McMillan's.
Which the Government Pro
poooa to Pick.
How Poatmastora Baiss Their
SomothJnB of luteroit to Connoi
Blufli And Other PUoe .
A few weeks ago FostolFico Inspec
tor John JJ. Furay received inatruc
lioim from the Department to under
take a delicate job in fact , Never *
jobs , and tliORO noloss than the local
ing of poatofTices in various citicn whicl
supportdd ofllcos of the first nnd sec
ind clanacs , This location of post
olllccs involvoa the selection of the
jest building in the bout part of the
.own , talcing into consideration also
.ho . ( Hication of rent. Aa is rrol
niown , it has boon the custom of the
Vitoflico Depart moil t heretofore to
; lve thu postmaster or postmistrcHA in
eacli place the privilege of selecting
ho location of the ollico , for which a
certain amount hai beun allowed to
lay the runt. This practice might
lavobcen continued , tloubtlcsi , until
imo iinmoinorinl , were it not that , In
a largo number of limtancoa , the post-
nan torn suit their convenience and
> ockolbookH in preference to the ad-
'antago of the public. AM will
> o readily seen , this can
> o brought about in various
ways. In cities , for instance , which
mvo competing and rival cantors of
) U.sinosa the poatrnaitor , after obtain-
ng his coimnmiion , has only to wait
until ho receives the proposal from both
and accept the one which will bo most
o his pecuniar } ' advantage , In thin
vay ninny poitollicoaj uro situated ia
juildinga inconvenient to one hnainesa
tart , of the town to the mtprcmo ad-
'anlago of another part , and alno
loorly adapted to ellieiuiicy of the
icrvicu , bccauao the space tlius occu-
lied comes free ; wliilu at the nun ;
imo the local ollicml regularly < lrawa
nd pockets the goternmont'H nllow-
nee for rent.
Another common eourco of lovonuo
.o ] > oHtmastorH is the runtal which in
erivoA from news Btandn , cigar
tandt nnd the like , which can bo
laced in the passagowi\y and win-
ows. Wlnlo , to a certain extent
lieso arc a convenience to a portion of
ho public , they are not a necessity
nd impede business and render the
rectum of such conveniences as writ-
ng desks practically impossible , lioth
) f those HonrccH of revenue huvo BO
eng been allowed to poatmastum that
hiso ollicials havu grown to
egard them as a part of
ho pay of the oflico and not an
nfirinu'omont on the rights of n long
uttering and much enduring public.
Inspector Furay's orders iu regard
o tliirt matter were cjuito ox ] > licit , and
icsicles the general letter of instruo-
on ho received papers applying to
10 following places : Council Bluli's ,
luatlngii , Fremont , Cheyenne ,
jaramio City , Salt Lake City , liutto
3ity , Holeiin , Deadwood , Central City ,
) . T. , and Uismarh , U. T. This ein-
> raccs all the first and nocond-class
Dices in liis territory except auch as
ire now located in government buila-
igs , an in this city and
t Lincoln. Council Illiilld , while
ot within Furay'H territory , woa
Iso nssiQiicd him bccaiiso of the de-
re of the inspector in that district to
> o relieved of the task of location.
Accordingly on Saturday , the in-
pcctor visited Council Ululfs and took
onto steps toward arranging fora new
ocation for the pontollieu of that city ,
'o a reporter of Tin : KRK ho stated
iiinday evening that ho called on Mrs.
inldwin , the recently re-confirmed
ostmistrcRH and informed her of hia
uly , and that she exproisod a will-
ignesH to conform to the rules of the
opartmont , although knowing that
lie change and tliu abolishment
f the news Htand in the olllco would
educe her income about $000. Ho
dao stated Unit Mrs. ISaldwin ha * only
leen following , in renting this Npaco ,
n established precedent and that she
waH , alike with hundreds of other
Illcials throughout the county , only
inploying what hud generally been
onceived to bo a privilege which the
overnmmil sanctioned.
The postoU'ico in Hastings has boon
ocated , and both Inspectors Furay
nd Seybolt loft Sunday evening for
'Vuinont , where they will nmko like ar-
lUigemt'iitH for a change. "Of course , "
iiid the "lhero
Inspector willboploti-
y of 'kicldnc' in many pjaco.s , but the
department in determined to serve
ho interests of tlio public tirot " One
iondition which is exacted for the
Hiildings in which ollicoa are to ho
ocated , is that there must be a vault
n each. So miiny losses have occur
red through tire and robbery , and oa-
icciully to registered matter , that thin
s deemed an imperative necessity. In
one respect it will \tork to thu advant-
ige of the poatmiiHtors , in that
t will relieve them of the
tmharrassimmt of selecting u location
or an ollice which blinds the disap-
irobation of a part of the business
non and tax > puyers. In another re
spect it will work to their disadvan-
ago , iu that it will toliuvo them of
arioiiB and numerous dollars Uncle
jam has hitherto been paying. In
any event thu public are gainers , for it
nouns more convenient , more commo
dious and consequently better con
ducted postolUci'H.
Army Order * .
The latest army orders isaued from
, ho headquarters dopnitmont of the
I'hvtto , Omaha , Nebraska , November
11 , 1831 , are as follows ;
First Lieutenant Lowiu Morrnm ,
Fourth infanty , hiiving reliiujuislied
the unoxpirod portion of the leuve of
absence , granted him in paragraph t ) ,
special orders No. 107 , current soricH ,
Adjutant General's ollice , and having
reported at those headcmartt-ri , will
join his company now en route there
to , at Fort Lcavenworth , Kaunas.
_ Lcavo of ubai-ncd for < no. month ,
with pcrmisaion to apply for an exten
sion of one month , in granted Socoiul
Lieutenant Charloi 1 * . Stivers , Ninth
A board of survey , to consist ol
Major Marshal I. Ludington , quartor-
maitor , U.S. A. , CupUin John V ,
Furcy , assistant qiurtcnnnntor , U , S. .
A. , and First Lioiitonnnt Karl D ,
Thomas , Fifth cavalry , is appointee
to meet at the tubtiistenco depot it
this city at 10 o'clock ' a. in. to-day , o
as teen thereafter o practicable , fo
the purpose of ascertaining the cttus
of , and fixing the rcsposibiiity for , nt
alleged discrepancy (71 ( Hw. nhorl ) le
tween nn invoice of KranuUlcd f ugar
received by Captain Thomas Wilson
C. S. , on the 'Jth inntant , from Hoslot
and tlio Amount actually received , am
receipted for by Captain Wilton to
the quartermaster's department.
Ia compliance with instructions o
the lecrotnry of war , contained in on
doHcment of the adjutant Konoral nf
tlio fcnny , d tsd the 8th ( tint. , tha
commanding ofliccr Fort Lnramio , W.
T. , will send Private Peter Lovey.
Troop 1 , Fifth cavalry , an insanu BO !
dicr , to Washington , D. C. , under
proper ( ( uard , the poraon in clmrgo to
report to the Adjutant general of the
army for further instruction ,
The descriptive list of the soldier
And certificate ! of disability trill bo
forwarded ns required by t/onora
orders No. 88 , lories of 1877 , ndjutan
eneml'fl oflico.
i'ho Ear Adjourned Out of
Honor to the Dead
Tim November term of the United
Stales court began at 100 : ! ! ycBler-
lay , with a large attendance of local
and foreign attorneys and nn unusu
ally largo docket ahead of it. Judge
Dinuly presided and Elinor S. Frank
acted as clerk , vice Watson It. Smith ,
Among the nttornoys present from
idjuining cities and state.1 ! were : Mr.
Overeat , , of thu firm of Everest it
A'agnor , attorneys for the Missouri
i'acilic and central branch of the
Jnion Pacific ; Hon. G. M. Lambert-
011 , of Lincoln ; Hon. W. II. Munger ,
) f Fremont , latu democratic candidate
or Supreme Judge ; Mr. Marshall , of
'Vomcmtj Mr. Murphin , of Nebraska
City ; Sam Chapman , of 1'Ja.ttn-
iiouth ; T. Itl. Marquette , ex-attornoy
Jon. Wi'bstor , D. G. Hull , Mr.
ichull and ] Nlr. Ryan , of Brown A
tyan , Lincoln ; Sam lirown , Eac . , of
livonport , la. ; E. II. Dean , David
City , and Col. Talmadgo , of Uio Mis-
ouri Pacific
Court waH called to order by Mar-
hal Diorbowcr ami Mr. Lambcrtson ,
ho United Statc.s district attorney ,
ormally announced the death of Col.
iVatnon It , Smith , late clerk of the
onrt who had , ho o.iid , hold
he position over sinca that court was
) rgani7.ed , thirteen years , and nuy-
; euted that a committee bo appointed
o prepare nnitable resolutions and
iresent them to the court on Tuesday
JudgoDundy siiidlio did not feel like
old ing court Monday unless there
liould bo some objections to adjourn-
nentand onmotioiiof Gen. E. E.Eata-
rook the court adjourned until 'rues-
ay morning at 10 o'clock.
The judge appointed as a committee
o draft appropriate resolutions and
irorcnt them to the court , the follow-
ig gentlemen : G. M. Lambertson ,
A. .1. Popploton , E. E. Estabrook ,
! . W. Ambrose , W. II.Munger , J. C.
Cowin and W. M. Uartlott.
Among the criminal cases to bo tried
Ill's term will bo that of Daniel Carey ,
f Grand Island.
hidcn Lorenzo ( Jr-unse In in the uity.
Kri-d Clary , po tm Htcr nt Sidney , is in
le eity.
C. II. ISubcock , of Beatrice , ix in tliu
ity cm buHineHrf ,
fuj. I'icrce. receiver of the Lincoln
and ollice , it In town.
M. Sachx , travelling for Stubbcndorf &
o. , left yesterday on a two nioiitlm
estcrn tour.
Muton .1. JMurfin , K q , , of Nebraska
} ity , i > i in attendance upon the United
titoH court.
Charles Fox , ex-deputy postmaster at
Sidney , ! H iu the city in ntlendancu ut the
Jnited Stutui couat.
Senator and M n. C. 11. Van Wyck nr-
ived in tlio city last n ght from Wivshinc-
on and will remain during the day.
MI-K. C'ompton , wife of Lieulen.-int Col-
nal Uomptou , of Fort Sidney , arrUvd in
Ida city ycttlcrday. She goon caul a few
ayn on n visit ,
Pullman Conductor Herman lluamer
\M \ roHigncd his pnaitlou nnd will return to
II'H home in ( Jreensburg , ! ' . , leaving to-
: iiy. He returns to Omaha in the ppring.
rGraii Ivillfl 11. Dodge , of LockliA\en ,
S. , pjvBsed through the city ye.strrdny , on
ill way to Japan , He stopped in Oinnha
couple of houm to > lait bin friend , Harry
A i.umber of military ollicou were
moiig the pusMcngers from the west on
lie overland train ycntcnUy. Aiming
liuni were Mitj. Ucn. MeUovvoll und
liciitenantH Aimer and Foster.
At the Canficld ycntcrtlay : It A.
Culght , of Beatrlcej K. U. Wood , of Lin-
oln ; John Heth , of Lincoln ; II. C.
irowu , of SUntou ; 0 , C. Werner , of
3Uutou ; Uriah Sullivan , of 1'awnue ; Kd ,
tcnard , of liell Creek.
The Withnell lioune r gUter note * the
ollowlng arrivaU ye terday and to-day :
Win. M. L cy , of Sidney ; Lieut. Fred M.
Barter , U , 8. A. ; Wotnon TicVrell , of
Jcatrlce ; W. H. K. Sfout , 1) . II. An-
IrewH , and C. W. 1'lerco , of Lincoln ; 1) .
0. milenttne , of Storkvllle ; K. V. Key.
noliLt , of I'ftwnt-ej K , /.oynolile , Jr. , of
7uUcjrt8on ; L. Crounoe , of Culhouu ; Wm.
! , Ahny , of KUluoy ; li , K. Wanon , of
x'ubrMl-u City.
The following wore among the anlvnh
at the MclropoltUn lait eveninc ; and to-
lay : John N. Uurbin , of Cheycimo
Thou. Hyau and F. M. Marcpjolte , ol
.iucolii ; F. O. lUrmer , K < | . , nud It , K.
irear , of Kvaruoy ; J. 0. Itobirta and OD ,
of David City ; L. W. Cotter , ot Itentrlce ;
A. 1 * . Davldnoii , of Tecuiuieh ; Joe !
h'Uhcr , of Sewtml ; W. A. Camp , of llai-
ttv ! < tt ; John A , Dumpsey , of Geneva ; J.
! ! . West , of Long I'nie.
"WINE OF CAnDUl" for Lmllw oulv.
AtC. F.
A Man Falls From a Houoe , OH
Head ,
The MULap thnt Overtook n R ll
About five o'clock Sunday After
noon Dr. Dnrrow wai summoned in
peat haste to tlio rcsldenco ot L.
Kuhch , f rcnun of the 1) , & 3I. freight
yard to attend that unfortunnto gmi-
tlemnn , who had been the victim of n
dangerous and perhaps fatal fall. It
noons that Kulick had been troubled
for a number of days by the tottering
appearance of a chimney on his house ,
which is situated nonr the li. it M.
track between Division and Pacific
streets , Ho was fearful tlmt the chim
ney would fall suddenly , nnd the tum
bling brick land on mime unsuspect
ing poraoti'n head. Accordingly , Sun
day afternoon , nt the first leisure
opportunity given him , ho climbed on
the roof to examine the chimney , and ,
if possible , to avert its threatening
Wliiloforking nt the chimney
Eulioh , in some manner , lost his bal
ance nnd foil headlong to the ground ,
a distance of nearly twenty feet , llo
WQH immediately taken up and carried
into thu house nnd n Burgeon
dinpatchcd for. Upon Dr. U , rrow's
arrival ho found thu patient nt 11
uncoimcioUB from his dreadful fall ,
and also diecovcred that ho had struck
on his head and ouch a
way as to c.xitae serious contusion of
the brain und spinal column. The
circulation of the blood wuaalno [ nearly
stopped. When this waa partially re
stored Kiilich became very delirious ,
and it was with much d.lliculty that
opiate * could ho administered effect
ively. IIo was at length quited , and
at a Into hour last night it was thought
n chnnce remained of his surviving.
And Lefb Several Creditors to
Mourn His Departure.
The nanio of 11. N. lirisco & Co. ,
afo dealers , has been a familiar one
among Omaha business men for HOIUO
About six weeks ngo JJrisco Bold
lis interest in the business to the
'company , " who ia Mr. Peter Uoyer ,
he remaining partner conducting the
ms'inesa of the linn. When the dia-
elution of partnership was effected
irisco stated that ho was going into
tlier biiBinesi , and soon afterward
tarted for Chicago to arrange , as ho
tated , for the starting of a fruit can-
iin factory in this city. Ho kindly
oluntecred this information to the
luwspapor reporters and gave some
ntcresting details as to the magnitude
f the now business venture in which
10 claimed to have enlisted an
astern capitalist. Upon his author-
; y the papers therefore stated
.hat Omaha was BOOU to have a now
ndustry , which would give immedi-
_ to employment to fifty or Boventy-
LVO hands.
Recent developments , however ,
com to show that lirisco had little
attention of starting a canning factory
or any other industry hero , but was
naking preparations to < | uiotly get
away anil avoid uomo of his many obli-
; ations. He returned from Chicago
ibout two weeks ago and stated thai
ho canning factory would not bo
started as abon aa he expected , but it
would come in duo time. In the
neaiitiine 1m had disposed of what
lousohold furniture ho possessed , for
which ho realized about § 000 , and put
a "piaster" in the ahapo of a chattel
nortgnge , on a team of fine black
lorBun and an equally fine carriage in
which hia figure as ho rode about the
: ity , had become a familiar object.
i'hia arranged , ho again left for
Chicago , and once there wrote that
hat Ho did not intend to return to
) maha , at least for the prcsonl. On
Saturday last Airs. Briaco , who , after
ho sale of thu furniture had been
> oarding , followed her husband.
This departure from the city by
Jri.sco and his wife , under some cir-
cumotaiicca , would bo noneof thu
mblic's business , lint in this in-
itance lirisco has left nuineroun oredi-
era to muuin hia o.xit. Two of these
: reditors partially Baved thsmnelves
) y getting out attachments , on Sat
urday , on a valuable piano , which
waa not included in.the general nalo of
ho furniture. The others are doubt-
ess "lott. " Drisco's combined in-
dobtcclness is not over SL'.fiOO , but it
s so impartially distributed lhat u
; oodly number of men would like to
lee him. While ho was in the eafo
Hiaiuoaa ho spout more money than
10 was making , and having nn capital
o rely upon , ho consequently came
oul behind.
Foit No. 7 , GA. . It-Attention.
A regular meeling of the post will
10 held this evening at Olark'n hall
| the former placu of mooting ) . All
members of thu post are earnestly re
quested to attend as special business
will be brought before the poat.
F. M. JIoouB , G. II. FITCH ,
Adjutant. Commander.
57 ? M
There will bo a special mooting of
Dmaha Chapter No. 1 , this
Tuesday ) evening , for. work in the M.
Iv. M. degree , It ia hopud thnt all
the ollicers will bo present ,
Dr. Amelia Burroughs , Withnell
liouse , Tucwdny and Fridays , 10 n. in.
to 8 p. m " - nAc
Mr. J. M. Wolfe , the directory pub
lisher of this city , is getting up a State
Climittoor und IJusincss Directory to
bo issued in a abort Unto. It will con
tain a general description of Nebraska
and the names of every ponton doing
business in each town in ( ho State.
The business man nmy oxpt'ot a very
complete work , us Mr. Wolfe has
heretofore boon very aucceaaful in getting
ting up nccuruto works on Nebraska.
Railroad AootdenU-
Ttro accidents occurred on th
eastern roads on Saturday. A
engine and three cars on tlio North
western road were ditched nea
Missouri Valley. The incoming train
yostcrday _ morning wan obliged to tnk
n aide track around the wreck , butth
delay occasioned in its arrival VM
idiiht. ; The Northwestern ably HU *
tains Its loputation of "always 01
time. "
ly ! the aocond accident thirteen
cars were ditched at Pasifi
Junction , on the 0. , B. t Q. road
late Saturday night. The track wa
nearly cleared before the morning
train came ilong , and a short delay
only was occasioned. It requires moro
than nn ordinary smarm-up to interfere
with the busiiiijflj of the eicellon
thoroughfare which inns from the
tr .nifer depot enst ,
Travertins Men
find it hard to keep in good honlth
owing to the constant change o
water , diet and the jarring of the
cars. All thc.'o things injnro the
kidneys , while Wurner'a ' Saio Kidnoi
and hirer Cure is certain to counter
ct them. _ Iw
Resolutions Adopted by the
Eaptiat Church Organ
The following resolutions were
adopted by the congregation of the
H.iptist church on Sunday last , No
vember l.'Ith :
Whereas , In the inscrutable provi
dence of our Heavenly Father , an
aesaeain has been permitted to strike
lovvn our dearly beloved and honored
mithor , Colonel Wataon 1 $ . Smith ;
and ,
Whoreaa , Since the early orgatn'za-
ion of this church ho has been been
ono of ita most devoted members , a
cheerful giver and a member of the
> oard of trustees ; nnd ,
Whoruai , It was hia great desire to
sco the auditorium of our church odi-
ice finished ; thereforewo who are
uombont of the First Baptist church
of Omaha ,
Resolve , That wo bow to the will
of our Heavenly Father with humility ,
> eioviny ! ho doetli all things well.
Itcsolvud , That in his death wo
mourn the loss of faithful fiiend , n
oving husband , father , aou and
) rother , a generous supporter of the
hurch and Sabbath-school ; an ener
getic worker , who did with hia might
what ho found to do ; a man free from
nalico and all uncharitnblcni'Hs , and
n earnest , consistent Christi'in.
lesolvc { > d , That wo believes him to bo
martyr , murdered for his faithful
( Torts to enforce the law of the ! > tate
emulating the traffic in intoxicatinc
quors at a time whan the olliccra of
JIB law passively fpormittod it to be
ponly violated and defiantly trampled
Resolved , That w believe it to bo
ho duty of the law-abiding citizens of
lie otato of Nebraska to take up the
vork which was stricken from his
land and to unite for thu strict and
ffectivo enforcement of the law , so
liat nu ovil-doer may bo permitted to
ejoico in his death or to continue in
ho lawne'Biiess which our beloved
> rother would have checked had ho
icon spared to us.
Resolved , That if the citizens of
his city should ace lib to erect a mon-
iment. in sonio public place , to his
iiomory , that wo as a church give the
urn of $ ( to bo hereafter determined
upon ) for that purpose.
Resolved , That in honor to hia
memory wo bp willing to make some
acritico to raise the noccesary funds
o finish our audience room ( which he
le was as anxious to aeo finished ) and
vhcn completed a suitable tablet bo
> laccd upon the wall bearing the
lame of our departed brother , his
go , his oflicial position and the man
or of his death and the principles for
which he died.
Resolved , That our church bo
raped in mourning for three months.
Resolved , That wo express our
leartfelt sympathy for hia aged mother
nd his bereaved wife nnd children ,
Iso hia brother nnd sister , and beg
licin to take comfort- with us in the
( iiowlodgo that death found him at
iia peat doing hia whole duty , ready
or life or death , aa might please his
Master ; and that ho would have longer
.vod among us only byshrinkingfrom
oing what'ho believed that God had
nr him to do , and by so doing been
eas lit for his heavenly inheritance.
Resolved , That theao resolutions bo
ntcred upon our church records and
copy aout by the clerk to the alllict-
d family , and to our denominational
taper , The Standard , published in
Chicago , also to each of the daily
> apurs published in thin city.
( Signed ) K. P. VIXINCS ,
O. 3. WOOD ,
M. .1. PlUKCKY ,
.1. W. HAUHIL ,
llosolved , That in this , our great
aflliction , thu young men of this
hurch realize the toes of n true and
aithful brother. That the zeal with
yhich ho labored for iiur and the pub
ic rood , the high disdain with which
10 looked upon temptation and dan-
; era , the deadly hatred ho bora to
awlessnusM nnd vice , and the faith
jy which ho lived his pure and ox-
amplary lifo , and charactoribtics well
calculated for the young men of this
church nnd others to emulate.
( Signed ) M. J. PIKUCKY ,
W. P. .lAconsox ,
Very otton wo see a person Mift'cr
ing from some form of kidney com
plaint and is gradually dying by
inches. This no longer need to bo so ,
for Klectric Bitters will positivel }
euro Wright's disease , or any disease ol
the kidneys or uriniary organs. They
are especially adapted to tlu's class ol , acting directly on the
Stomach and Liver at the a.tino time ,
and will speedily euro where everj
other remedy hat failed. Sold al
fifty cents a bottle , by lah A Me
Mahon. (3 (
"WINE OF CAnDUl" ourrs Irrcgu
lor , i > .iiniul , or dillicult inonstiuation ,
At C. K. Coalman ,
'California Honey at Win. ( lentlo-
man'a. uovM-Ot
A Man Relieved nf His Money
end Purse in a Dark
Charles Edwarda , a young man no
long out of the Hotel do Guy , was
pulled in Saturday night by Ollicers
O'Donahoo and IJuckley on the charge
of robbery , and is now in jail awaiting
his examination.
The victim is a largo , stoutly built
young man , weighing nearly 200
pounds and ho saya ho only took two
drinks of whisky , when Edwarda
iloted him up the alloy between Dout- ;
KS and Dodge and Twelfth and Thir
teenth and proceeded 10 riilo hia
pocket * of several dollars in
loose change and 5 aiher
watch. Ho raised a great outcry , anil
the oflicors came nnd run him in and
afterwards arrested Edwards on his
complaint. Ho had $00 in bills in
his boot , which was found by the
police. It is believed that the man
who was robbed -was doped , and thai
ho raised Uio alarm in good lime.
Th. Cltlion. ' Fnud ,
Additional subscriptions to the
citizens' fund for the apprehensions of
the murderer of Col. Smith :
OuyA. J5rown 825
A. f , . Stranif M )
U F TroxellfcCo 10
tJewey iV Stnna 5
Orchard & Hum in
Vlctcjlf & Hroj 10
'eyckeHroi 10
veed , .ToriCH & Co ' M
Meyer & llaapke 10
Unryl'undt L'5
A. Honnc , jr 2
T.S. Collliw i5 !
A. II , Gladstone f >
Joo. C. Hobbie 10
f.F. Brown
Jliss & Is.iac * . 25
, evvis S. IJced 10
N. Shelton 10
! . H Frederick 10
C arlvs McDonald 10
V. 1'olack l >
ohn It. K. Lehman & Co 0
M. Hcllimm & Co 25
< ynm Jtced
vcnncdy & Gilbert 25
no. A. ITorbach CO
' . 11. Sharp & Sun 23
. l.ehmrm 5
" * . II. If. Chirk 5 >
'lioiiiM li Kiinball S
. W. natinett 2S
\ 1 > . ] ! roun 10
.T. Clark 10
' . M. . . 20
* .I.Nichols. . . . 5
A. 1) . Clark 10
lenry tiolln & C'
! . ll.jimrod. . . . . . " >
. O. SlatlLT S
t. A. Kurtz . .1(1 (
toele , Johiihon A. Co. . . 50
Palpitation of the Heart-
.T. M. Might , Syracuse , N. Y. , writes :
When I first commenced using your 15ur-
ock lilood Bittern 1 was troubled with
uttering acct paliitation [ of the heart. I
fit weak aud liuiguid , with a numbucRH
f the limliH. Since u ing , my heart has
et troubled mo nud the nunibinjsenmt -
on is all gone. " Price , SI ; trial fcize , 10
c-ntH. 10-eodlw
fONKY TO LOAN Call at LawOSIccof I ) .
L L. Thomas Room 8. Creiehton Block.
To loon * ' 'lom 8 * ° 10 Per O0llt
. on food rcnl eaUttcaecurity , by
R. ISAAC EDWARDS 1100 Karnhaio St.
T ° LOAft A li per ecu tin-
terest In Biimiot )2,600 and
jwards , for S to S years , on Bnt-claae city and
arm property. Biaia KIIL EaTATM and LOAN
OINCT. ISth and Doiurlos SU.
VrAKTKO Mrs. Keith wants t-J inform the
lV ( ladlev that ho dots not dsilre to IOKO
lelr custom , and consequently has r du d her
ut Hair Switch * * Irom ? S CO W | J 00 , Five Dol-
r SwitchCH reduced ta $3 00 , Thru Dollar
witches rtducud to ) l SP. Natural V\'a\M a
prchlty. ll S./ > . F. KniTlI ,
4Bsif 1K2 Farnham tit.
TTANTED Tno flr/it class and two appren-
'V tice eewlnjr gall , fill S. Ifitn Street , near
oward. Ml-14"
T7 ANTED A ( flrl t 411 10th St. , between
VV Harncy and Ilownrd. tOC.f
" 17 ANTED Good took , oolon-d preferred ;
V wo < l ae < ; no use for pcor COOK. Apply
! ! 21C Wtbsterfctreet. M)4tl )
irANTED One man to amlitt in cooVlns and
'Y ' capable of baUiu brtail for fifty men ; also
wo girls tottalton table , to go to C'lilbertnon ,
eb. Apply. I' . II. , IlKKOince. 60510'
ANTED Nurse Kirl , IbOB Chicago St.
VV "
\r.\NIED A Rood lrl wants a fltuation to
r"V < lo Koneral bou ework or > oo l wushcr and
oncrTrook. Oo d reference andrjuiet Call
7IS North Itfth St. 602-15 *
ANTKD-Glrlat Frcii.liCotlcii House , ICth
W atreot. 447-tf
ANTED A cook nt S20 llarrey Ft. , bet.
W th and 10th.
" \\7ANTE1 > A stood jfirl for Rcncral hnu -
VV work , at 41b No. JOth at. , bit. CMcajjo
nd Cass. 480 tf
( ANTKD-Chamherinald. Apply at the
WA KmmottllcniM. 471-14 *
. . . > : D A tlrst-clasi cjUnder press feeder ,
a' tills oftlco. ro 9tf
ANTED-A hounckesper b 1103 Tarnham
W street , tip stairs. 408-tf
ANTED A jrouns : iu n to | V Iu a hat
W store , al 1SQ2 tornhain St. 4M'-tf
[ irANTED A llret-claw womanwok nt.1in .
YV Merkt's rin'auraiit , 1105 r'arnliam st/tet.
'KP ' Olrl todo hou evu.rk. Enqulro
Farnhnm ht. 442-tf
Two Blrld. ono fo took , wa h and
Iron , and onu to do accoml uorlk and tak
are of children. Hcdt of returrnc4ii re < iiilred. wrner of 20th ami 'allfornU
His. Ilrst of waeos. 3 1 tt
AH7 ANTED ICO to 300 lo d ) ot dirt near I2J
VV ud St. Mary's arenue. Enquire at llee
oUlen. g ta "
\TT-ANTKO IfOto 00lo < ut cfdlrt near 3rd
\V aud St. Marjr'i enu , Kngulre at IJee
offlw. -
Fundlnr bridge and icSiool bonds.
WANTRD Clark , DeUtmie 8-W
T7IOU BRNT Dmlllnc containing Re n ronmi ,
L' 17th and \Vllllu > ti t . Applr o Jobu
KKNT-New brick hom-f , 8 rooms , hand
some fumllure , fonnlo cheap ; dcslr. bio lo
cation for boarders or residence. For ( wrtlcu
an addrt s " 0ntr , " UKK OlT.ce. 'M'M
T710I ! RKNT-Two furnUh d room * , sultobJu
L1 for light houickeeplnjr. K ir jartlculara
applv northwMtcorne. ' California and Iwtnty-
thf.dbK. 195-16'
T on REST-Hult furnli-hitl rocm , mlUblo for
11 man and li * . ( ib5 N. 17tli Kt. . bcl. Califor
nia and Wtlktcr. lliferenct r < | ulrrd. 495-17'
1TIUR 8AI.B-A send rmlnj ilrup store In
L1 Areivhoe , Neb. About a , * 0 Mock ,
lerni way , Addreu , 11. 1' . no lry , Arapihoe ,
Seb. 4i-i-U'
OR RKNT t irnlshcxl Irwit room , 1111
I Howard itr t. 47MS
BKST-A ullofurnl hf.l loom" , rrlor
THOU to bedroom' , AlM k > lrnl rtom. Chi-
r ? fi itrcot , betwetn lllb kuU Utli , ocnkrt brloX
houn. 80-
POR KKMT I , rsel. nleome ( jnirntiheJ b : k
pkrlorj l o Iron ! room tconu ik 7 brick
hounr , COU Cui itr l , k tlojri > t o ( 20th.
FOU I'.K.VT rurnlslutl fronl room , tilth or
without bo.rd , Call at Ouf N. 171k St
) > i fuiciimieu roum , norm tiU u (
I1 b . , W door n < Mt of Jl t. In ulrt
< V
I71OI1 HKNI-llnck iiore in J : , b f b k. lIUi
JL and Capitol aituus , J0l ( J. JACODa.
tJIOIl KENT 1 storj houn , S nwm , 4 Urt
eloseUalioab ; rnlf dtUred. ! < - " . IHvsn-
tiort Ht.
FOR IIKNT A two tory h-ju j nlih 8 flns
ioocr. BtiJ < Urire Oo * t j a'io , Urn If it
Blre.l , Inquire m V < 3i Daifiipoil ktrcc > . vouU
" . -
FOR rtKST To JCUHK men nho cle lre eo J
winter qu rt rt : o nlf'ly Mrnlihcxl
roomi. Inquire of J. 1 , lilco ut Joe ib Hitn'i or
ftt 171J Dixtge itrcel. ootSf
710It nr.NT A furnlilitj ( tout IOVBI ( or r t
Jj T.lth bo rd , In | irtv to Jawllj. ( liinleuit *
{ ircferrett. Cell CW7J N. nth HI. 199 U
rrWK KKNT I furuufir , ] IOOHH ui.t kfej.
L chknM' Enh ngs.H , K. cor. IHtli ind Dcxlja
171011 8A1.K Two socoml Imnd eu Iim ! n flr | .
A. cla'i condition , uiiu 25 11. 1' . md onufl It.
I * Knqulro Uiualin Foundry ml Machine Co.
I710USA1.K Tcwutood jionlcs , clicvii ; ctt Ked
JL1 Itarn.iethSt. OtJl-tJ
FOH t'ALt.
" 1.10H 8ALK A lot of fcoond lisnd furniture ,
I ? dtorrs , can1"1" " ! c-ruckery w ro , at H.
Splflc , 120J Uoujlas bts.
BRMIB hwratllniloii ! of ho\ucr , loM
Itnda iid farms for ealj Cell and j t
FOR SALK A wiiall engine , li. AV.
Son's moke. In perfect osdor. Ir.uulro of U
U. Clsrk & Co.
E OR SALK Mips of Douglas and Sumy out *
tins. A. ROSEWATER , l&'JOFurnliam street
HOUSES AND LAND IJcuiu rents housoa ,
otorot , hotels , farir otn , lanii.i , olflu-a
toome , etc , See 1st page
f 03T A roan marr ; four jcars oM. medium
LJ * lzc , a bmud ofn knot on lift hlud Itx , long
lane and short tall , wli'te Mind feet. llbNIU
'AIKNliit , Saratoga , 494-CO"
a complete stock of Illlllanl Tables and Dil-
ard nicroliaiuline on tliclretoro room,509
outh 10th fit. , Ouinha , Neb. ol'J-lm' '
the hishiiit ciiali
. price for second hand"Ullllard and Tool
ablce. Call or ndilrcoj DW South inth iit.
ALKD HAY At A. II. Sandcr'n F cil .Store
B IQKi Ilarncy St. sllMf
B let
EMI8' NEW CITY MAPS. 10c. Motinte
B Maps , 82.60. OKO. P. DFM13.
NOTICE. Snccial Rd\trtisciuontH , auch as
Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , T It nt ,
Wants , Hoarding , etc. , will bo IneorUtl In tlii
column at the low rate of TEN CENTS PER
LINK for the first ineertlcn and FIVE CENTS
PER LINK for cuch subsequent Insertion.
Loctre ndr ertlscmenti at our office , upsUin ,
corner Broadway and Vlaln atreaii , Council
ANTED K erybodj In Council Illuffs lo
to take Tils Bin , 30 centi per week , do
Irered by carritn. Offlc * eornir ilroadway and
Jain , up tUIri , Council Bluffs. 66S-tf
SALK. Barb Wire Machinery , ' ew and
FOR * - . 8. D. ft S. J. HOl'KINS ,
navli-It Council Ulufls , lom.
To buy good mlleh now , Addrcor
WANTED , C uneil Bluffs.
Agents o tanrass Best poy-
WANTED intM in the country. Addruvi
2. 11. , BeeoUlca , Council IlluffH. Noi9-M
SALE HorHf , bucffy nd harness , cheap
FOR cash. Addritrc V . U. C. , Heo oHlce
Jouncll BluHs. _ _ _
SALE Oie I0-fot iron kal , 10 Inch
FOR , nocd tnrnlnjr lathe , sultabia for pat'
.erni , posts , chuckintr and ilrilllni ; stroni ; tool ,
learly new ; cost $111) , price $75 , One strong
Irlllprcsi , little used ; cos * 110 , piicoSHO. Ono
itw wooil turning lathe , 8 foot bed , 10 In h
iwinjtflprico g40. Unoie\Tcui > ao , blower , ll.ialu
uul moulding eand , cheap. Oilier lathes , etcam
: nlniH ( ! , rhaftiriK and pullles. ti. 1 > . & S. J.
HOPKINS , Council IlluffH , Iowa. 10 a8t
A black nnd whlto bulldoz , largo col
lar and chain around hit neck. Information
n regard to him , or liU return , will Lo liberal/ ]
ewardi-d. J. O'llltlEN , I' . I' , cottiifu , iHftr
ransfer Council lllull < .
' TICKI'.T OI'f-'ICK War in railroad
POTTER'S contlnuoi to boom. Unprecedcnte4
aw rates to nil fa torn inilutfi. Lvery ticket
( iiaraiitecil , Ouli'm fllltfil uy tcleiihone , From
jncto ten dollars f.i\ed bj purcliasiiiK tlckcU
3f C. A. Potter , Hiieritsor t < > Poltcrfc Palmer , No.
10 .South Fifth ntrect , fi-w dooiH bnow th pout-
HBcc. Council HluflH. lova. _ octltt
- llov- lthiH > r.y. to i-arrv poi > rs.
WANTED- * olllio , Council lllutfs.
_ octltf _ _ . _ _ _
K1I To huy 100 to broom corn.
I'or particulnrs addreiw Council liltilli
llroom Factory , Council UluBa , Iowa , flSS-20tf _
A flrBt-rbwt broom tier. Vlayrn
- -
A bov tn dochoiua ut Mjneter *
WANTED , Ooiincil Illun- . WI-2S'
ITIOIl SALK Old j i > rs40c ixir hundred at
1 ? Tlic lloo olllco. Council mutt27 tl
IIONALIhT , 4MST nlhhtrntlUtwiH'il-arnbam
andllairry. Will , with the aid ol ( .tmrcliau
npirits , obtain for any onu n Blanco at tha pi |
certain conditions Iu the fu
ani ) pr wnt , and on
ture. Boots and Hhoiw made to order. Perfect
natialactlon yu r.vit - l auZd-lm
Absolutely Pure.
Made from Orap Ciefc'U TarUi , No other
arpatlon roaki such Hunt , flaky hot breads.
Hiurloua piwtry. Can he eaten by D } p ? tl
wUrout lear ot Ihelll * reiultlnif from hcavyl
f istlble food. Sold In cans , bv all Grocert
No * York.
0. t , QooJwiu