niMstaw wi > r RBI rae wancr J UUAMJ1K3 Jmiwud , ? 0 UOcrtSlUWij | lowrj \\A , r. . M < t * w | ftm1 1 devotion amounted nlmost tofmiati- | J roprioor , THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , NOVEMBER 15 , 1881 THE DAILY BEE MAHA rUBLUHIN * CM. , II , b . ftui xrt loth lr iU. or IUWWJUMIOB n cilj > * r , mo thi wnttti RAILWAY TIMJ3 TADLB. mi oi c ir.i o , u , nn , , miniroui AI 0 ilA 11111019 , L T On. ( iKrVunf tr Ko. I Tlli. ; n. At rcmtnodilion Jo. 4 , I./ p. M. Airite Ow l , l' .w ni r Jfe. 1 , I 1 p , M. UUTU OMltA tin 01 iOCT * OC . C. , r. k 0. 7 : i . . M.-I.U P. M. a A N. Tf . , 7 : < 0 t. M.-f4 v. TO. C. , R. 1. fe P. , 7:41 : v . 1 : p. a. C. C. . SI. 3. k 0. R , 1r t 8 . m. d CX ; p. ro. AnlTt USt. Louis it 8:30 . in. Mill i:5 : I > . ni. ni.W. , F ( . t , . * l\ . l in tt 8 L. m , mil S : 0i in. AtilMi t SI. I.ouil tt fl:4l : * . m. anU 7:11 : a. in. VUT OK ourii * rs. D. ii ) / , la Nib , , Itiroiuh it > rM , SK : > t. in H. h M. Utsroln 1 smerftM v " * U } ' lUrrew. IliUKBi. O. b K. \ . ( or llojclo , 11:11 . in. O. A It. T. for Oico'.a , 10 10 a. lu. U.I' , liflfit Ko. I , H80 . m. U. 1' . ln\KM \ So. 9 , R XO . m. U. f. freight Ho. If , i : 0 p. m. U. H. ffri ni So. 7 , fll : p. m. mr * . - IT. Uentcr f IJI B7 33 p. m. U. t' . ( rfl-b Nn II , M p.m. U. P. l ) nm I lfhtl:2S | ) : p. . itiniX flOK Illl HP tOLTU. C , B. A Q .W t. n.-Tll p in. C. t' K. V. , U.46 > . . , 7'J5 p. 11. C. K. I. U'B : i. iu.- : l p. in. K. U. , St. Joe JtC 13. . 7i4 . m.i5 : p.m. ijumnu raov rut WU > T in tottawrw. 0. ft K. T. ( rota Lincoln 1 13 p. m. U. 1' . Kir-trw 1 : p. m. It k It. lu N b. , Thtosifh Uxp : 1:15 : p. m B. k U. I.lnrnln TupreM-MO I1. . U. P. lltnur txprrii , 7St : a in. D. f. Freight fio. 10 4 15 p. in. 1. P. * o 1:10 : i. nj. Vai' rut. U. P. frclflitXo. 14 , l.l : p i . I. P.o. . .v 0.03 u. lu. U. P. 1o. 11 i'4t . M. . 1' . l > T r fulfill , 1:11 : a. H. O. A K. V. ui u , ar , l.l ; p. n. Sl'KMT 111UIB UIWKOI OKill AI > LMTC OmiliK t 9.M , t > M r.d 11:13 : s. M. ; 1:00 : S SO , 8 M. 4 M , iU : d .M p , ra. LtoTe Council hliiik tt 8.l , BSk , 11:1 : * . i. ; 1:25 , 3M , S:2fc : , 4ai : : U nd SS6 : p. m. Huniiyi Tbt dut ij IMTM Om b . Ak 0:00 : fc d 11 : . m. ; 9W : , 4iu : > ia J 6 M p. . I M.on Uoiaicll liluCo t UI5 ; unvl llli : i. m. ; Ili : , < : ll i < It5 : p. ci. Opining an Cloilna of Mails. OMOf. OLOCB. , in. p. m. ft. m. p. m. w ii.eo 91 azo sw : K I. A 1'ldlc 11:00 B.OA ( .30 1:10 : ; ii./iQ. . . . . .llM : 8M : ( .M 1:40 : 1I.M .M l:4 Sioui tMy aaJ 1'Mlae. . I.M ta 3:49 : TacUc . CM 11:44 : OiuiiabZ. T . 4M n4U.lnI.Vb . i-M 810 Omaha ft BlouxCltj. . . 80 T S D. 2 M. Lincoln . luM 4CO : U. I' . Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:19 lltl : U. P. D-iiTcr Km . 9.M : SO O. . alouzCit ; t SI. P. . .llt :40 LoinJ null , ( or tutoot Joft le v but enc o j , \ Ir. : C.30 a , in. Ufflc * own fiuudi from 11 m. to t p. m , TIIOS. V HALL I' SI. Business Directory. Ab tr ct n < Ft * l L ta.t9. JOHN L. UoCAOUI , oppotlt * 1'ost Ot2ca. W. K. BAHTMHT HT Soutli ISth Street. Arclilttcti. DUTKENE ft MEKDELB8OIIK. ARCHITECT3 lloom Ii Crclghton Dlcck. A. T. LAROE Jr. , Room 2 , Cielebtcn Wock. DooU * nd JAUKS UlV12fG Ji CO. , Tine Bcota and Show. A coed amortmcnt ol homo work on bind , corner luth and llarney. TO03. ZKICKSON , S. t. cor. 16th and Douglas. JOHN FOHTUNATUS , f05 10th street , uianuactuiM to order goad work at fair prlcm. Ilcpalrlrg done. Bed 8prlnK , J. F. LARRI1IKR Uaniifacttircr. It IT DoudnaBt. DooU , Niw * ni Stationery. J , I. FHUClIAUy 101S Fainham Btroot. Butter and HcSIIANE A SCIIltOEDEIt , tlio oldc t B. and K. houao In Nebraska tabH h l 1876 Omaha. OKNTKAT , HEiiTAURANT , Mlt3. A. HTAK , calhwcit corner IRthand Dodvo. Boat Hoard for the Monaj. KUWictlon Gnarantcod. Heels at all Hours. Hoard by the D r , Week or Month. Good Terms foi CWi. rcrnlnhpd llnnnig supplied. U rrlr.R 4 nK Roar ! W aon , \TV. SNYPEB , Hth and H rney Streets. Jaw * r . JOHN BAUUEIl 1514 Farnliatu Street. Junk. , II. BEPTIIOLP , lUgfl and Metal. Lumber , Lime and Cement. FOSTER & GK.iY corner 6th and Doujjka Bta. L mpo and Ula twro. J. 1300 PcitrUs St. Oocd Vailcty. Merchant TaKora. 0. A. UNDQUKST , Onnof ourniifct popuhr Merrhint Tnilore ia IB- cslvlnj ; tbe Meat clcins [ fur apiin i 'id Summer Oooda for Ktntlnncnn wear. Stylldi , durable , and urlucH low si over 215 l th bi-t. JJouic&F rn. Mllllnrry. MHS. C. A. HINOI'.U , Whnr ! ale and Iletall , Kr.n- cy Goodn In tmtnncty , Xepiij te. Card lioariln , lloalcrjGbici , Cors-tfl , . ' : . Chcnpcet IImi"O In the West. I'urcln-ors i-avo 30 pa cent. Order br Mall. 11.1 FIKcentli Street. rounury. JOHN WKARNR U faOKS , cor. 14th& J rlWnnt ( < > Mour and Feed. OMAHA CITT MILLS , KUl nd Karnli m 8U ) . , Wolfhani ! Bros. , jirniirlcloia. Urocfrn. Z. STEVKKS , 21st ba ccn Cuinlmr and Irar T. A. McSIIANE , Corn. 2IUI and CuailnpStrcctt. Hardwaie , Iron n < 1 titeel. OLAN A LANaWOUTHY , Wholesale , 110 am1 112 16th btroct A. HOLMK3 corner lfl h and roilfjrnla Harnon , Baddlci , &c. B. WRIST SO ISth St. bet I'arn4 IfarnfV Hotels ANKIKLH HOUflE.Oeo. CinP.ed,9th ! ft FArnhnDi DOUAN IIOUSU , 1' II. Cary , 613 Karnham Ht. BLAVEN'S HOTEL. K. faUun , 10th St. Boutliern Hutol , Gun. Il&inel nth &Levcnwortb Clothlnc 0 SFIA\V will pay lilphcit C > h prlco for hand clothtiir. ( Corner 10th nml Vnrnhnm. DentliU. DU. PAUL \VlllUms'I'lock , Cor. 16th ADo.lz . Drugs , Plnt anu Oll > . KUHN ft CO. Pharmacitta , Fine 'unc Uoode , Cor. 16 Id and ttructa W. J. WIIITIUIOUPU , WhoUfalo * IlcUII. ICth Bt. 0. ni'.M ) , 2022 Korlh Blda Ciiinlm ; Street. PAl'.lt , Druwlrt. lOtb and Howard Strctta. Dry Goods Notions , Etc. JOHN H. P. I.EUMANN AS co. , New York Dry Ooo < l Store , 1310 and 1312 Farn * htm itrvct. t. 0. Enewold also boots and shoes 7th A Pacific. ruruiiura , A F. OHOSS , Nuw and Soooml Hand Furniture i\ od Stovcifl , 1114 DODM. lllifhiait cash price aid for Bocond haim troous. BONNKIl 1509 Dom-Ja et. Fine gooda , 4c , Fence Worki. OMAHA FENCK CO , OUST , PRIES ftCO. , mJHarooySI. , Improve , ed Icn Iloxcx , Iron and Wool Foncca , Offlc B. Counters ol I'iuo and Walnut. Olearn and Tobacco , WEST i PIUTSCIJEK. manufacturer ! of Clgan , and Wholes-lie DuUcn m 7'o'xiccoi. ' 1306 OouiIa > . W , F. L011ENZEH manufacturer A , Donighu * , } > Unto , cul flowtrt , o , S . n. TT , tor. U * iJ Uourlu iirota. Olvll AIOKpr osrtfXTan , Ci o Vot\ , Town Hiuitjl , dradi aid N Mct Ijaltiu i JOHN 0. tTll. LIB.UU Ddf t * * ( . 0 B. tlEBMKk. r t d.Hlli MI Urj. UterttM ra n > In Dalit a O rnl TTttK m Cori.lM florin. Uanuhctnron Iroi C inli , Tin , iMn i4 Bt Ro Ilnj. Ofrlrn from tn.r l r llkf jrtxH n cu 1 In h bjsr inaniut. TicUrj aid Or Itll OtinsSI. . 0 lnnl a Inn C ralc4. Wlidow Cape , etc. iranutactuiM nd put u * In ant | tt of thi cnnntry. T RIVIKll.Tt 4(1 ( Ttilttfrntli Mtpel / . DONJ1 En 1 J t'ontl tiri l. OooJ Una. and furnfthlne OKO. H. rr.TEMOH. AIM n H , Ope , lloote aiiooi , JTotlonn rd Culietj , STM a. JOtlnttft * . rat nt. C , F. OOODMK 11U SI. lei. Farn. h Hirncr OhowOni * t4anulaitory , | 0. J. W1LUR , Utrnf tnttr aid ItUr U all klmli ot Shan CM > , I , Ufllfit U-f , * ' . , lir Uun El. L , OERIUUD. ptopiltlor ni\o - C i muniilicloiy , HH South Iflthntrtct bftw en I.p Ttn\ror h and } l rcj. All good ! nimritcd drstaUn. IQiih tit. , het. far. Altai A. Dtxlcrtn VtOTM anl Tlnoit , aid Uannfaetnrdi ot Tin Hooli aud all lilnJi of Bulldlrif Work , Odd FellowiSloci. . J , ! DatwbM El. Onod and Cheap. J. ETAWS , WJiolcwU and K UU Bw-l Drllil and Cullhalcri , Odd r lloi > i Xkll. VT. 8. ninns , U. I ) . , Rrcn Hi i , CrelRhton Work , ItU Str . P. 9. LI14KVKlia , H. U. MMdilt Block. C. U HART , U. V. , Xff u * Bar , ej . poitofBt : DR. L. B fUDUT , OcuUil aid AurU-l. a. W UU aid rarahara 8ti o o. UHTH , nor. Qnnd Ctalcal Oallarr , n : XU . nnu Uuonlc Ilall. llril'tku * tTork and Prompt Plumbing , O i and Staam Flttlnc. P. VT. TAKPT It CO. , 911 llth St. , bit. Farahaui and Douglai. n rt pronptlj aMtidad k > . D. 7ITIPATBICK , 1UI Douclat Slrat ) . Palntlnx an * p r cnjtna. MKMIST A , K01TKUS. Ul Dodge Hlreot. ChoaltorM. Phillip Lin ? , ISiO rrmkim il. but. Hti & Uth , 8 cond Hand Store. FKIUUNS la LEAR , 1410 Dou.-lu St. , New and lecond Hand I'urntturt , lloiua Furulihhif Goods , ftc , , honi'ht Mid nold OD n&rrow inarrlnt. Unlooni. nnXRY KAUFUAKtT , In the new brick * block on Dou/lu Street , hai Juit opened a uioet elegant UIHSJ Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 icry daj. " Caledonia " J FALCONER (79 10th Street. Undartakara. CIIA3. RIKWE , 10U fainhaui bet. lOtli ( t lltd. OD Cant Star * * . P. O. BACKUS. 120 * Fariihitm St , Finer Onodl WAR IN PASSSHGER RATES HORBin I1U03. . Broken In all Kallroiil Tickets , Omtha , Neb. , offer Tickstfl to the Kait , until further notice , lit thu follouhij ; unheard of Io w Katca : Chicago , 812 ; Round Trip , tfM. 00. Thosoarc limited Flrtt-CIasjTIcXctn anl jood for return through the yfar , nml via tba Old Ucllablo Chi- CAX'O , Hurllngtou & yulncy llailrond. Also , one way to lut clwi 3d clais , Ni\T YORK , $21 00 , BOSTON , 22 00 , PHILADELPHIA , S7 00 , 2400. WAS1UNJTON , 27 00 , 21 00. For particulars , write or go direct to TIOUlilK nilOS. , Dtalcru in Kriliiccd Rate Railroad And Stftnuhlp Tickets , 601) Tenth St. , Omaha , Neb. Ilcnicnibcr the place Three loori North ol Union Paddc Kullroad Depot , East Side of Tenth Street. Omaha , August 1 , 1HS1 Gwov K TO j r ft m n 'JSf If 704 wo nfi.uila-viw lt V ; W m a of lv 4nivlbrth tralnof cS f tcntnilliirpT rnin Tiur ilntlei ? old rW nlBhl "IT * , to ri- timul nn nrt u o Vjf torelralnnem > i.jul Hey Uitt r . awK. , u HopB. I' you an jounrt n'l ' Vf intTf rina- from ay fu . dfcretlonor diwip * ifltlun. ir you r fE r. rlod or lncl . old or37oan'il"ern' * ' ' . r/'M l' < > orb lttiorl nyiil hMfn on ft l > d of lee i. . oa KonljBlttBril. , _ tlmi Tour on r > / m 1 * lorm jf Klc n * " n"ii.clf nilnr.toa-4.a Jill f that mUrhl Inir or itlmiittliut , filP | haT i npr * nt. < j wffhoat "lw-.i n JiMibr * HmelT uwor take Hop * * Riak . HopDIttern 3.1. O. erunmiru rom- [ U an ftbtoluU [ and lrr n .J > of th rfonacV . HOP | hle car a for Mu-fl > . Hoot. lii'rrornrrvMf - . > of opium , Vou will t ) tc bftcoo , ( > rurwlirjnuufe Jutrootlc * . Hop Blttar * floldl > ydniif. . Ifymmrrrlnv . irhti. flcuJlor iin/rn NEVER It i it ni'n y | HOP BI1TXM cnveyour TI CO. , lira. It ha * nnvnd hun- drocle. I , VToronto.Onl. Richmond , Ind. KSTAJSUSHKB ) I8-W. Builders of ENGINES OF ALL SIZF.S , From 3 to 25 H. P. SAV/ / mils , ror 8ma" For all Grains nnil Geeds , Includlnc Clover and rinioihy. Feed Mills , &c. , &o , t will pay you largely to wnto , stat ing what you want mid how you wish to pay. Inusurl Inducements to Cash Purchaser * . ADDRESS. ROBINSON & CO. , uo2wtf Richmond. Ind. ? ree to Everyliodyl i Beautiful Book for tlio Asking , Ily nnpMrj ; personally nt tlio r.cari'nt olOco f/IIlK MANUFAtnililimi CO. ( or y po'tilitird Ifnt a dlst-jiicu. ) uny AIUM.T per. an | 'l ' bo priHi > ritul Kith a bvaiitlfully lljus- rated copy of a Kuw Hook entitled GENIUS REWARDED , - OK Till ! - STORY OP THE SEWING MACHINE onUlnlir ' n htmdtomo nnd contly otcil rnirra\ - ' if froniNi'Iurce ; nt o , US llriely ui 'ruvcd no' " uti , Mid liuiiiiil In nn elaborate blue and ( , ' "ld iboL'rupliKl voter. No ciiriu ! vstmte cr in mad or tiilu iianiNoino Ix lt , wtikh uui bo obUtmul nly by appllcAtmii at thu b < nnch and tuhor Inuto ollltud of Ilia Ulngtr llaimUcturln Co , THK SINGER MANUrACTUlllNa CO. , Principal OIHic , SI Union Hquaro , Xu * Vorh oUL'Z-dmicU&w D. S. BENTON. ATTORNEY- -LAW AHUACH BLOCK , Dou-U 16th EU. ' Oun tha People of Irolaiid In k Tel Jo Illada. It ia iinpowihlo to mnko Mi Atnorl' cn ciiniprohciul the width , depth niu breadth of Iriih inisetj until ho hp- Htvoii It with liis on it eje . No othoi iu.Mi' n/e are ( ; oed for anything it : tlii.i tnnttor , for the reaaon thnt noth iup ; p.inllol e ii ts tint fiito ( if thi TT.-xtur. Ard besides thin , thu writer for the itaqo nud general litoralun have ino l nofully niisrorctitod [ ) tin Iri h man and woman , and very innol to his and her disadvantage. riir. annit IHIHIIMA . ThoTrialtuiau of tlio sUgo and Is always A rollicking , happy-go-lnckj sort of a rocklmn fellow , with a short tailed coat , red vest mid cordtiroj trouacts , woolen ntookitia ! and atout brogano , with a Ixittlo of whisky puop1 ing out of his pocket , a blackthon shillclah in his first , always rc.idy foi : \ dance or u light , or for lovo-maldnj. or any ether plea aut rinnloyinont , Thcru is always on his hp.ul a lathut bad hat , worn jnuntily , however , ami though ho may bo occasionnlly r.ithoi short of food , ho manages always t < gut enough to bo fat , aluok and rosy. And then ho always has a laugh on hu face , a joke on his lipn , and ha gnv through hfo with a perpetual "hurroo. " TUB intaii And Katy , ho i * always pruaontod to ui clktl in a short woolen gown , her shapuly legs onolosod iu warm rod fttockingi , and aho has a bright rod handkerchief about hur neck , with good , comfortable nhoos , unda uoijuot- ttsh straw lut , a buxom t trl who can dance down nnjr lad within ton milou , and can "hurroo" KO ell aa I'at , and a trillti better. TUB 1HISU Tlie Iriih pricit Ii alwnyii ropro- Rontud to us aa a fat , aleok , jolly fol low , who ia constantly firing his poo- pie good adtico , but who , norurthe- lota , ia alwaya ready to sing "The Cruiakoon Liwn" in H "rich , mellow voiuo , " bofpru a aplondul lire iu thu houao of hit parialnouon , wiUi gla * of pete n iu one hand and a pipe in the other , the omn | any joining jollily in the cborui. Hu is aupposod to live in luxury from the auporslittan of hu puoplo , and to liuva about M rosy a life ai any mnn on curlh , All thcso are lies. Thu Irishman ia the ovldest man on thoHurlaeo of the globe. You may travel a week and never seu a smile 01 hear a laugh. Utter and ubjecl misery , nervation and helplessness arc not conduciyo of nierriinont. The Irishman has not only no short- tailed coat , but ho considers himsoli fortunate if he 1m any coab at all. He has what by courteay may be c.illed trouaero , but thu vest ia a 1113 th. lie has no comforlablo woolen otock- inga , nor la ho possessed of the regu- l.ition stage shoen. He does not fling , dance orlau/'h / , for ho has no pliico tu sintr , laugh or dance in. lie iua mov ing pyramid of rags. A man who cuts bog ull d. y , from da } light to dark , whoso diet consists of a few potatoes twice n day , ia not much in the humor for dancing all night , even if there were a place for him to dance in. And as for jollity , a. man with iv land agent watching him like a hawk to see how much ho is improving his land , with : i charitable intent of raising the rent , if by any possibility hu can pcrow it nut of him , ia not in the mood tc laugh , sing , dance or "hurroo. , ' One might na well think of laughing at n funeral. Ireland in ono perpetual funeral. The ghastly prccosfuoii u constantly passing. There ig unquestionably n vast fund of humor in thu Irishman which would bu delightful could it have proper vent , You hear fuint tonea of it as it ia , but it ia in the minor key , and very Bad. It always has a flavor of rackrent in it , a taste of starvation , a suggestion of eviction find death by cold and hunger on the road side. It isn't cheerful. I had much rather hare the Irishmen silent than to hour thia remnant of jocularity which is always atrnaked with blood. The Irish girl is always comely , and , properly clothed and fed , would be beautiful. Still thu is comely. Irish landlordism haa not been audlciont to deatroj her beauty , though it has done ita best. Hut she linn no gown of woolen fltulF a cotton slip without underclothing of any kind nmKei up lur continue ; . The comfortable Block ings and stout thoop , and thu red handkerchief about her neck are so many libels upon Irish landlordism. \Voro my lord'n agent to KCO aiieh clothing upon a gill , ho would imme diately raise the rent upon her father , and uontincatt ) these clothes. And hu would keep en raising thu rent ( ill he WUH curtain that shoes and stockings would be foroverimpoasiblo. Neither dot-H shu diincu I'.it down at ruslio I'allt ) , for it moat excellent reason , thtiro ere no b.ilh , nnd besides when slio has cut and diiedu donkey load of peat and ualkcd beuidu that dmikcy b.iruiuutcd in the cold mud twulvo miles and back again , and pold tliat peat for sixpence , BIO ia nut very much in the hnmor for dancing down any one , On the contrary Him in lui''hty glad to gel into her wretched lied of dried le.ives nnd pull over her the potato puck which constitutes hur HOO covering , and poothed to sleep by the gruiitinga of Ihu ni s in liu wrelchud cabin , forgot landlords and rent , and go off into thu hind of hap piness , which tc her ia AmeriuiSJii' finds in Bleep Eurceasu of sorrow , aud besides it refreahew her to the degree of talking barefooted through the mud twenty-four miles onthoinoriow , to tell another load of pint for nix puncu , that hhu may pay more moiii.j' lo .My Lord , whoso town-houpu in London and whose miHtreHseii in J'.ins rt'ijuiru a grent doul of money. Cliiuu- I''i' ito and thu dolicaciua of the Heiu : in urc always expensive , and My Lord's ' uppetilu and thu appetite of hia wifu aud miatresaea and his children , legit- uuatu and Hlcgimata , aru delicalo , Cleurlv Jvaty is in no humor for danc ing. She hus her share to contribute t < * ull theau objects. And EO who calu iur meal of potatoes or Bliraboiit ( nlw i.i > er has both at once ) , ami guea into jleup and dreams , "Betsey aua I nrolOut" . -'joibyvlllo ' Mi ] tcli to the Cli. Utiotti. To-day just after noon n HCCIIO oc- rurodin tlio Circuit Court that JH not "ftened witnessed , nnd ono that wan ' "iiisidorably mixed with the ludicrous uid pathetic elements , Thu casu of .indufoo vn. his wife for u divorce i'IB on trial , and a conmduiablu n.imbor of Hpectatora was pn-sunt to hear thu testimony. The defendant m do no CMQ B.IVO for Iho custody o thrlr child , to after all < > f the wittiest cs had boon on the aland the divorce wa granted by the court. As loon v the dociiion was rondcred , SandoliH mid the woman who only a. momcn before had been hia wlfn wore notice * to repair to otio corner of the room For a few minutes they engaged Ii conversation , nnd their oyw were filled with tents. In another momoti ouch n aceno of hupgiug and kiss ing transpired as few persona uvoi taw before in public. The couplt wore uninterrupted till Ind o Unit broVosilonco with the rennrk that ho thought from thedemoustr.itionsnudu that the parties could live together , and taking m > his pen he erased from the docket the decree of div.nco . , m.\k ing them huslunthuid wifoonctMituro. In place of each going ft scpirato way. the prt'Humably happy wup'.o have again sUrted on lifo'o path tugother. Fi\t Stouli Hiotr. The fourth annual fat stock allow , hold at Chicago' under the auspiecea of the Illinois State Hoard of Agri culture , wan nn occasion of jre ; i interpst to nlockmen , It attractet breeders , feeders , nellors nnd buyers from nil parts of the country.V met tliero Htookmon from NobranUa ansAH and Colorado , and every oni expressed high appreciation of the lessons to them inthia exhibit of thi leading broods of lo-m producer * , am1 especially of the toata made by tape line and scales , nnd comparison of livt and dead weights of the prize aninuU. The exhibit of caltlo was larger by about 3.T per cent , than over before , and fully up in quality. Thu nhow oi ahecp waa not good , and the mixed li | lot of swine showed that either good hoga are acarcocr that the exhibitors did'not know good hog from u poor ono. ono.If no iiiny judge from the oxhubor- unco of the man who took nnecpstaket on his red Herkshiro barrow , tliunnly tpucimun of the breed on exhibition and of the other man , who took the Marshall Field prize of $1"5 * ith two trhito hoga , ono grade Berkshire ) nnd Poland-China and two Eaisox-chuucka , it ii nafo to conclude that thu owners thought they huraomuthingexlra. : | It was the poorest show of nwino wu over saw. saw.Tho show of sheep waa not BO poor. Thorn were two or three pens of very superior sheep and as many pena oi inferior ones. Wo supposed the latter were put there by aomo benevolent u'untlvinen to show farmers how not to do it. it.Wo Wo inquired of brertlora of sheep and swiuo who had made fine howa here at former Fair.i , why their holds and flocks were not now .represented ? The reply was iu every ease. We allowed at the September Fair , and did not care to como again now for nuch miiall premiums. The e.vltlo show was immense , about thlrty-tlueo per cent , moro than hut year. The interest cunt era on the show ring , whom thirty-live to fifty grand uteeis stand up in their bc.iuty and fat and ponderosity to have their ribs punched and their Hanks tickled , and lath twisted by exports , if possi ble to tell which has the finest touch and most cellular tissue haudsumely and evenly laid on to hia massive frame. The second day a Choclaw orModoc coming iu would havo. thought the crowd tiad gone frantic * overaptoa- pective feast. While men yelled like Conianches , beat each other on the back , embraced , and throw up their hats , and yelled until they were haorao- bccauau thu Hereford atccr Conqimro , took the blue ribbon in a ring or thirty-live , all so good that , only an expert could tell which excelled. The first vote of the judgi's gave ono for grade short horn Htuorllarnuy , owned by J. D. Oillett , of Illinois , ind ono for grade nhort-liornod steer Talbot , owned by Morrow Miner , of Kentucky , and the gradu Hereford steer , owned by T. L. Miller , of Jlli- lois. Other judges wcio called one jy one , until six oxlr.i judges had gone over thu cuttlo carefully , bcfoie \ decision wan reached , giving first iremimii of 'JO to thu grade Hereford JoiHjuoror. Tliis waa a grand victory for the [ ierelord men , and they made the nest of it. Tim content year was ) itter , and the Hereford men 'did a li-al of protesting and thicatcning and wasting. The contest IIHH brought out a mar velous display of the litust Hpudmcns if the two brcidfl. The idiort-horim lave so long held the confidence of hu feeders and InKoht ra that the meiuiit luvo yielth slowly tolhe clnima if the now and meritorious rival. The JcrifimUt vliiiwn hero ure , on the iveragi1 , bliorter legued and -Htrongor n thu luuk than tlio short-horns. As to the meriU of in the two trends , tlio iniunucupu HhowK the luruford beef to ln > as well m.irbled . ind to have as fine a cellular tisiuo as u found in the nolilu short-hmn. An dca , too , prevails that tlio Hereford s the more Jiauly , aud the breeders roui the plaiiiH look with favor on thu vhitu faccn. J'hosmiles on the faces of Hereford liimppeatod tlio next day , for in lite wcopstakeH ring , including pure breed gr.ule-i and crosses , I ho choi t- hoi n steer MoMullen , belonging to J. I ) . ( Jillelt , > f lllmoiii , walked oil' with the awiud , nd the or. wd Haid it was just. Tim vhito faccH rerowlcd and growled , and harmed ignorance and jirejudicu on ho committee. VIA : iii.i. vij To the fanner the shotv of a ring of ivo yearlingfi whoso aver.igo weight va'i JL'aS poundii , vai wonderfully tiggestivo. Of the three prciniurim wo went to iihort-horn grades and the hird to a 1 1 ore ford grado. Thu animalfl worn thrifty , hud small , lent heads , short , thin , tapering neoU , nt-dium linu boiiu , straight toji and lottom and side lines , ami for yearl- ngn woru wonderfully well covered vith mellow , firm meat , If the farmer learn tomako b.iby jeef at the rate of morn than two lounds a day on each animal the mil- onnium muat bu nivh , MiruMlo DJcitn. "Your Knrliif , ' lilimiHiin In n HUCCIMH. 7 citulnly thiiilc JtH flftetsnru wnnilurfiil : H the dy , cntlo KyiaptcuiH I coiiiilulni'i | f have vaiilnhud ; my wif h uls-i cnthmi- ihtio in jiniixa nf It ; xlui wan dilliireil | | > y IjlotolifH mid pimpl'H on her f.ico , unit tad a uniitlmiiiiiH headacliu. Hho in ull ! | ; lit now , n'nl all umllitly | ; erupt on * i v ffono. You may refer any dimljtlni , ' to rno. 11. M. WII.I.IAMHO.V , "lllk utreot , JSulWo. " Price , rx ) c nt : tri .1 hottlou , 10 ceut * . fl7-eodlwj Bmurt StolU TtxVro the Plcdgo. The hkiulsotncti diamond ring Md to bo worn by unyono > n the iiUgo tparklo * on the liltlo white liond ofa rather rn nificont but very pretty performer , known i "Stella , " of the Soldane troupt. When that highly refined and nthetic company plnyed in DetiriT , aomo ono introduced this p rticul\r atnr to ( ? or. Tabor , who is poMerotis patron of music. During a brief conversation i > ith her lluunag- nato waj Biimmoiiod on bitiincss by a rne. eni or. Ai ho withdrew ho , it is prcAitmod nnconcioualy , remarked tlmt he would finish his call aomo ether time. "Oh no , you'won't' " Raid thn jaunty performer ; you will get no ab sorbed in those * great big mines nnd political things , that you'll forget al ! about pour little me. " This direcl slur on gubernatorial gallantry wivi equal to n ehullfiigo At any rate , the governor pledged himself to return. "Ah , I don't boliuveany of youuickoil western men without somu oilier gunr- nnteo than your word , " said theclever MIVJ Stella , adding , "Lpare me some thing valuable emnigh to insutv your ri < tnn. " is'ow the goTi'tnor of Colorado rado luvj many l Ma ol gold , but ho di.n't carry them in his packets , ami the only ormimeiit of coat he wore was a magnificent diatnord rimr , Iho ono huge solitaire , Tabled nt l&.OOOihin- ing out like nn electric light. The impulairu milhonniro ( brew his jewel into her lap and uiudu hio oiit. Then the smtrt Stella , withot IOM of time , packed hur littU Dortmantexn and skipped nu a train bound for Chicago. When the governor cidled tt ) redeem his pledge the news of hur donarturo waa broken to him by * colored wait- oi. oi.AN AN HONKST IIKDICINK FllEK OF COST. Of * ll medicines advertised to cure any atleclion of the Throat , Cheat or Lungs , wo know of none wo can rec ommend ao highly as DR. Kind's ' NKW DiscuTKiiv for Consumiiti'Mi Cougha , ' Cold * , Asthma , lironehitiu Ilay'Fo- vor , Iloaraoiioai , Tickling in the Thrott , loss of voice , etc , Tliit medicine - icino does positituly cure , and that whore everything else has failed. No medicine can show one-half so many positive and permanent cures as have already beeiuollecled by this truly wonderful remedy. For Asthma and Bronchitis it is a perlect specific , cur ing the very worst cases in the short est time possible. Wo say by al ! means give it a trial. Trial bottles freu. IJegular sir.o l.OO. Forsuloby 8lly ( ) LSI i & MoM.uios , Omaha. FITS EPILEPSY OK FALLING SICKNESS. Permanently Cured no Immbiif ; by ono montli'tus.iRoofUK GOUt AltD'BOclebrat- etl Itifjlilbln hit Powdcn , ' 1'n < oiniui mitlvr ITU tlmt thc u powil < tt wLI tin itll wu eljim Tor thiMii uu will scnil tlirin hv umll , poit p lcl a freu box. Dr.Uouhrd iitliuiml ) pli ) l cUn Hist Ii3i > nui nivlo tliH nlirfinn K xpi'rla Htuily. RIM ! tw to our knowU'ilgo thous.ktiJH ha\ ( linn Pnrmanotly uurril lij the un of HUM Powders , wo will n > " > rantee a prrmnncnl pnru In u\trj c * t' or rofuiul you all money ex pended , All iiiilcrtfiH ill nm g\\a \ tliui-o I'nvv ikTH nu i' < ulj trl'.l , Mitl bo L'Oin lined of tlic.r cur\tltaim p 1'ticc , ( or Inrjje lior , f 3 00 , or 4 lioicufnrZlOPO cent bj ii'iill to any prut ot tliu ( Inl i Sulea CniiMl. % on ricvlpt of prlca , orbjr CXITI H , ( ! . U I ) . JLclilrvui , ASH & ItULJHING 000 Fulton St. , Urooklyn , N. Y. HAWKEYE PLAIUIB MILL CO. , DCS Moines , Iowa , Manufacturer * of SASH , DOORS , OLINDS [ .RACKETS , MOULDINGS , MO. Hrrat niliictlon In lUiilt ( 'oinitcrH , l'lin fur nMifilini ] uork ( iirnhlidl In all KlmU nf Inui or HOft vioixl. Counters llnhhud In oil wlu'ii no Hirul Slicltinx ( nil Idnilt liirnl.-'ncil uwl lull Into liull'lliiK' rc'mly ( > r ] > Mnt on xlinrt notice Our workmen nru tbn bntt iiu > ibniiliM ran In I'rooiirtJ. ha\o inonuy by KhliiK in jour ( On irnitd. Blair * , Noweli find Daluttori. Oiirforrimn In ililn ilcijnrtiiiciit WM fonnprtj wllli Front M : > mif.K-ttirinK' Co , Chlo-i o , lllH , nii < l li'n ilnnn iv > 'iie o ( tin ) llncnt Ktilr v ork In the .N'orthwuHt Onlcni by innll promptly attemliul if * ' > a in Western llorso ana Uattlo In- suranoo Company , - - - 81UMNHU ( ( ) liiHiirei Her > < i > , Muli-s niiil Cfvltlo ux lnkt Ion by ltlriit , d < cuatu or tbcU , A t'iulo-i In all tuuu. of ( bu hratu , hcnd Inrlr , ' l.n Artloloi ol' Iiionriuiration of tlio Mlllnril riirmriV Club- Articles of incorporation miulo and ailojded thin lillth il.\v of ( Mulicr , A. I ) . 1KS1 , liy anil lictuecu tliu iiiiilerri ncil in- ciirpnriitorx , us : NAMli. Articht I , Thu 11111110 or UiUclulitliall bo the Milliird J'liiinor/ulnli. I'l.AI.'i : OK JIUMNIMS. Article II. Tlio piiiitii.U ; | jiluco of Imci- mihii of tl.ii ) club cliall b ai. Mill.inl tu- lion , county of DonglaN'rliritska. . NA'JUIIK OF HUHINKHS. AtticloIIJ. The Ki'iiiTiil imtuioof hiiHi- IIUKS t' ) l > o traii'fitti'il by tlii * vlub in In coiuhiul it ( , 'fiit'iul lilci.u-y and xnciiil IIIIH- ! iiCKH and other uiiU'it.iimm nU of u Hociul cliiruitcr. RAi'iToi. MOCK. ArMulp IV , Tli iiinoiint of ripltnl H'oclt n' tlim clu'i HJinll ho two llioiiHiuiil ilull ITH , iliviilul Inl > Klntri'H of HUD dollar t'licli , / hii -liull 1m lulil In thi. ' iii.tniR'r | io- COMJIKNL'I'.MIJNT AND TK MIHATI 'N. AiticnV. Thin chili wlnill co.iiiiinnco to triitisnut liniino'.rt ; ili < l i'X .ci > ii ltHMriorntfl | powers tliu ! lli ! < luy of DiloliiIK.SI , anil IU pnwerH hli.-vl ! ccj.i.'o n tliu J'.Mi il.iy of Uulober , JUKI. AS10UKTH UK M.M1II.1TY. Aitlcle VI. Thu hifjlii'iil. mil'tint ' of n < lilllty or Inilulitd'InviH , wlilt Ii tlili club ilmll ill nny ono liino i-iilijoct ilH'uf , Hhall lie lliiC'5 hini'Jiuil ' OKKICKU4. Artlclu VIf. The olliuor-i of this chili i.liull hu ninilu ti'il | .y a luiiinl of tliruo ( IliurtorH , ulin t-lmll bo 'lei.'tcil from ainoMj , ' tht < Htucklinlilon' , anil Lliuy ulinll itpjiottit a ] ; , < nt iiml Hiich itlivr ollicuiH ui by law ix iMiilml. | US Sl.'llllAI.DKII , CI.AIIH W. flTATIIDf NrilHASKA , 1 COUMV of IJODH.AH. 1 On iM * 2'Jth day of October , A.I ) , 88HI , lorcoually niipuiirud bcforu ui" , Cliarlcx 'riinduH , n notary [ mblto for nu'l comity , tdiuH Suliroudcr. < l. liluin , ' ' Scliu- 11:11111 , W , Oeriulorf , to in ln ' * vn to be liu BiiierH ( ot tlio fonli < oiiiK Jiiln ICH of ill- lorjiorntiou , and acknowlfd ol 'Kunaino tu HI their vultintary net mid n < I [ HKA ( . . ] I lu'Kfl Vntary 1'uliliu In ntid for II iu0l 11 eounly , Geo. P. Bern is ESTATE AGENCY , ICth nJ Uod o etc. , Om rir , Nob. Tlil ioncy [ clt > winfniojiY ti.i. TI.- . ) om not BiucuUU' | , ami tin it 'fi , > y n IU bogki are IIINIIIM ) to , * , i U./'K , InaUvl < ' ( DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS ( . it M. 11. 11. , KasternNebrntU. ) 15. A. Uydnr Goncral Morclinndiio H. 11. llidlor & Co ( icnural Murchrtudisa J. S. Foator Oonural Holmin Urns Ilnrdvrnro and liiiloiiient | A. 10. CriUondoii LInrdwaru nud linpluniuutii Edwin .U'ary Notary , Collection , Inimrnnoo and Heal Cft.ito Agunt J. W. Qu.iokoiiliuah Lumber , Limu ttc. Mr. niul MM.V. . S. Elliott ( Jrcunwood Ea lo ( Wcuklv ) E. A. Rydur Drills and CluuuicalB I. Cline Livury Sulo and Food Stabla A. E , llolloway Harno.'s Shop .1. Cline Wnjron Shop (1m. W. Alayfiuld Gruuuwoud Jlous * [ \V. , St. L. , t P. and 0 , U. A Q. 11. R- , Western Iowa. ] crorosr. T. 0. Hoard Cashier Hunk of Coin K. E Mititiu StuckDunlcr 1'rinco & Hcid ( Srocerius and Quoonawur * Pollock it Love CJonuriil Stor l'L. ' . HiHhop " . Clunenil Stora Wm , llooveu it Co Ociionil Stora J. hey IJnifj'H , Hooks and Stntjonerjr Cox it Monroe Wf"KH Hooliti nnd Stationury Dowoll lro $ Furniture and Undurtaking W. A. Wood wet th Hardware , Sloven and Tinwurv 0. M. Hose Grain Dealer * W J. Clark Contractor and Huilder A. 1 * . Anderson , . . . .Agricultural Implements W. 0. Maxwell Hakery and Confectionery JcHbrdn Bros : Watchmakers and Jeweler * J. AfcMahoii Saloon J. .1. Niinii Harbor T. H. Haldwin Mayor of Coi J. 1 * . CrowH Proprietor of Oity Hull A. Ilozull Editor of Coin EiigU Omaha , Collins Cheyenne , " 9 Colorado Fall and Winter 95 LATE AND NOBBY STYLES ! R MEM , BOYS IN TIJJITLATESTISTYLES. Satisfaction G-uarantoed. PriceB to Suit ! 3I6 FARNHAM STREET , NEAll FOURTI5KNTIT , O. H. BALLOU , DEALER IN 93T'V * ' JH @LJ Jura Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocks north of ST. PAUL AND OMAHA DEPOT tPIPT ) n P"C" "Wi "R. " A'WfWII * Ifax JA . WAHEFIELD , WIIOM'.SAI.K ANU Kl.TAIIDI'.ALKU IM Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT WTBTATK AORNf UIMVAUKKE \ CFMSNTiCOMPANY Near Union Pacific Depot , - - - OMAHA , NEB