Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1881, Page 6, Image 6

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A Dull DAJia IOWA'S Wontora
Miitcellnaeoni bnt lKi rn tln | >
Now * and Gnlp <
W. Wt Wallace , on of our leading
coal dealers , who 1mi nearly com-
plolod on * of lh finest fr mi dwsll
ing house * In the norlhwot , i * bound
not to ba cheated out of a good yi
tern of water works whether 4ht
American Construction company * * r-
rics out their contract or not. Ho U
bound to h To hit premi i tuppl
with pure water. 0 the bluff ,
the renr of the house , ho has h d c
fttructod a mammoth rciorrnlr tl
will contain four hundred barr li o
water. I5a k of this h has conitru
cd n largo cistern , calculated to co
tain nbout ono hundred barreli. I'o
pem'icularly through thin tno rra
huvo been constructed about
inches apart. This fljoaco is filled l
with -ravel and charcoal , The \rrtt
in carried from tlio roof in In the u
per half of tliccistcrn , littered Lhroiif
the w.ill nnd then carried by : i pi
into tlio reservoir , from whence tl
pure , clear , filtered water ia distri
utcd to any part of the house. I
this arrangement Mr. Wallace has
complete system of water works of Ii
own , nnd thu location of the lion
makes the expense- very little tnor 1
than an ordinnry cistern.
Owing to an unavoidable accidei
to machinery Tin : UKK wan tnrdy 5
making its nppe.iranco yesterday.V'i
liopo our patrons will forgiyu ua am -
remember that nccidonts will luppo
in thu best regulated families , 01
pecially in larvo hotiBcholds. "
.Tamns Uurdurthy < fc Son Iiav
Arisen P.'ioonix like from the ruthcn
Since the lire that recently arep
across thnir path they hnvo ore led
largo work shop on the old lot nnd r of
reapy for business.
The Herdics have not appeared up
on our streets for n few days , It l
simply inif.oMiblo to run them vhci
the stroutn are in atich a torriblu con
TIIK I'KK boys got on n bende
4 yesterday morning nnd stove the liivu
up pretty badly. Boys wilt bo boy
nnd when the master is late the xchoo
bouse hns to tremble.
A man was soon to sink in the mm up
opposite Hopkins' niachinu uliop la&l
Siitnrdny evening ubout 7 o'clock.
Mr. iiopkiim ran to Iiis aAfistaneu nm !
placed ; v couple of joico undorhin arms
to keep his head nlnivo mud vrhilo ba of
wont tor n policeman , nnd together
they managed to oxtricatn him from
his perilous condition. ing
I I A horse all waddled nnd bridled WAI
found down on thn bottoms Muck dot
in the mud. Thus far hii driver has
not been found. Ho either ( ; ot looii ing
.tud ran avray or his rider being una
ble to get him out , abandoned liim.
Is'o UerdicA wore out ye tord y ;
not oven the b gggo wagon belong
ing to the firm made iti appctrtncn.
Wo presume they will itart up iiiii ;
M BOOH as the weather will permit.
Tno street supervisor WM wiao oren
in hia own conceit for once , nd had
the crosswalks all cleaned oh" nicely
before Jack Frost rn do his pp ar tcd
nnco , on Monday morning.
\Vo nro glad to noio that Speneor
Smith , of The Nonpareil , hit f r of
recovered ai to bo about tbu house , tier
and no doubt will noon be out gin. %
D. ISr. Oibbs , who Jits recently como novel
to Council Ulufl'j to reside , called nt eye
Tin ; JJKI : oflico yesterday. Mr. Gibba ouo
is n member of the firm of liyrd & buy
Gibba , doing bu.'incas in Sutnsoo , u
station on the Wubitsh , nbout nine
miles west uf Oliillicothu , in Inving- ami
ston county. Desides their gonurul of
buflincMH they are extensively engaged from
in buying and rolling wood , nil iirtiulu niiU
very much in demand nt the prudent from
time. Thu firm own large tr.iclu of nlopos
timber hind that Mr. from
. Gibb.i anya wore Nice
considered almoat
nn elephant upon
their hands until thu Wabash extended - from
tended its road tu Coimcil IJhill'H.
Thus far , Iwsides choppiilg from nuTcr
their ovrn timber , they have
purchased about 700 corttu from
outside parties. Not only ia Pianos
it their intention -to furnish 1510
wood for the Council Blull'a market
but all kinds of
country produce , tmci !
as butter , o gs , &c. They can well nil need
their wood horu nt from $ ? 7to7.fJO
delivered or § 0 to $0,50 on thu car.
AIIUI ruu , .
Notwithstanding the rough coiuli
tion of the country roads Walter
llutherford , who opurntos n lime kiln tion
nbout six inilCH from the city , brought
ia with n pair of howea thirty-two over of
hundred yoatorday. notes
Alderman Unthaiik was . . . . ing
erecting bill boards in front of W..B..HUM tliu lot
near the oonuir ot Uroadwny nm ! Jara
nnd Sixth street , inado vacant by the tle
removal of the old frame building ) .
A mob entered TIIK IHI ! : oflico yea Honda
tcrday inurning , and made liavou of nt
everything that was portable , breaking sociiro
glass nnd scattering things arouud to the
generally. No arrests were made , i * '
0. W. Uarrickinan
' , ono of Colu
Bros' busy ngontu , c. llod at TUB UEK
oflico yostordny. Jlo S.
reports tmdu in
hia line the naat largo
ays ho finds TIIK UKK season in ubout very good ; Gooda
towri ho yisit in this ntato every * nd
, ns well n
Nebraska nnd Kansaa. Olonka
N. J. Hond hud n crow engaged have note ,
yesterday enclosing hia corn shelling all
machinory. Mr. U. has inndo con- prices.
Biderablo improvement
in the
appear For
ance of Frank street. call nt
We nro credibly informed , and
very sorry to note , that , after all their ' 13AC1J
hard work , the Philharmonic society in thu
will como out financially behind. The drnws
weather was eo bad that pooplu did $1.00
not turn
out as they othurtmu would.
Wo hojio to BOO this jimdo mi to them
here thu , nuxc entertainment they give By the
hot's ,
Henry Dol/jng , in ebbing n well
near the bluir < , when down ubout 100
feet , dtruck n strata nbout ono foot
thick composed of aholl
sea , Ifo say-H
H i common to find
them , but he
never jms found thorn Ho.
o thick buforo. OrJ
llo think * it WM cnu c < l by f n eddy
that liAppenod ( o fonnatlhat plac
when the tratcr covered this elate.
All llrit-clMS nowf < | > ftpf r
will break down ocnaionnlly ,
T B E will be on hand in good
letion her ? fler.
Tkere WM a ilight fin * In the louth-
Trrttern part ef the ity U t night ,
canted by the OTCrturnitig of a * ero-
cn lamp. Only a little dim g tra *
done to the carptii.
Chariot Surlwi , of Sidney , Iowa ,
* & in the BlulTs on butiiiMi jwlet-
day. He ilopjiod at the I'ncific.
tfr , Vau haii itill inei.itn thai khore
{ i uonoy in the Hf relic buiincea , and
B * icon a * thu itrccta get in proper
condition they will ran again regu
On nceonnt of thn
bnd traveling , IT
undoraUnd , thu Philharmonic aociut7i
riitit to Omnhn h H boun indefinitely
Jiinca D. Hico , of Burlington , Iowa ,
s in Council UlutTs ycntorday , a at the Pacific.
Wm. Panoni , agent for Anthony
Ellis , at Iho Pacific.
Gco. W. Kendall , ono of TIIK
IIII'M adrorlising tgunli , ires in the
city yesterday.
John K. Cooper leavca this morn
ing < attend lo business connected
with our schools in thu country.
Thuro.Toro four drunk * ywlonlny.
Two pnitl their fines and tlm others
will no doubt go to thu atone pilu.
, '
. Pu. l
TIun. Pitclian , Dr-iilfiinl , I' . , writes :
I cnc-loco inonoy forHruiNi ) JII.OSHOJI , at
M.niil 1 wniilil If it rurid me. j\ly \ ilyppup-
with nil its iiyin | < tiiiiiti.
Mniiy thankx ; 1 Hh.-ill never lie witlioul it
in Iho linnso. " 1'rico M ctnU , trinl liot-
tlci 10 ci'iiln. 17cudlw
The b\lls : are rolling ! Billiard cir
cles nro a' og I Slosson , Schaefer ,
-juxtoii , D.'ily , Dion , Carter , Hciser ,
Wallace , Gallagher Mid Moriis cross
cues this week upon the field of the
"cloth of green" for S2.500 nnd Iho
dinniond badge donated by Ktchatd
Rochn , of .St. Louis. Billiaidi ts are ,
the < | uivi ) vivo , and apuculatinn
upon thu leault agitate all lovers
the noble gain' ' . The content be ;
gins nt Tammany hall , Now York , ( '
thm evening. Hy unnnimoui con 0.
sent and reiiolulion , the colebrnted
Brunswick tt Balke Co.'n table , with
the Swift Monarch cushion 1ms been
adopted us the smoothest and mast
ncciir.ito table upon which to tent the
mutits of these guilts of the cue. Ily
thu way , wo notice that Mr. lloch-
Htnuacr , agent of the Itruimwiuk &
Haiku company , Tenth street , below
Ilou.u.7 , has just comph'.U-d iiettint ;
tun < iE HICHO beautiful eampks of
cabinotmiikor'B art in the CBtnblish-
ineiit of Julius Truitschki * , on 15th St.
The Brunswick tnblc.i witli the Mon- la tcni.
inch cushiomiaio the result of years Rt
faithful , skillful labor , ingenious inn
muchiininm , refined nnd cultivated ftct
taste. No finer
orimmunt for a draw up
room or billiard parlor could well
conceived , and purely the gon-
tlonwnly representative of this mam
moth inanufnctiiring concern in
Omaha , Mr. Hochstr.aiisor , is deserv
of the largo nnd oxtermivo trade
which ho enjoys.
Presents of all kinds nt White-
house' * drug store , G05 North Six
teenth etroet. _ o25uod2m
The finoet Ilo iei7 in the city at S.
Bernstein s. nov8-6t
The only place in Omaha that re ;
minds one of the orderly , null rrguln- / tlm
eitnbliehmuntei of New York and
Chicago is I'midt'it grocer 'house , 1218 tlio
Farnlmtn. Spotlessly clean , the array
imported mid fancy groceries rise
upon tier and ahelf upon nhulf in
profusion that almost bewildera you.
Staple and f.uioy goods in the mo t
and nttr.ictivo forms meet the Ilia
upon every sido. Tt fnirly gives mice
an appetite to utop into I'lindi'iitD Ihn
a cigar. Cofieos from Arabia , fill.
razil and Java ; teai from China and
ltiliin ; Btigars from South AnioricA
Louisiana ; nnicu.i from thu islands
the sen ; jarred and canned dainties
.I'rancti , Germany nnd England ;
from thu Tropics , ami onndion tlir
Italy ; wines from the sunny Hloli'il
of Portugal and Spain ; salmon ni i'
California , ami nurdinea from
; clgini from Cub.i , and tobacco
the nouth , nuiku n catalogue oi
supplies nnd luxuries
rmely seen and wlilrh
surpassed in the western sUten. thn
no 121 f
and Organs , vo to A. Ilo.sny ,
I > odt'o Blreot. llf niii' ii
The popular reaorl of Doling men in en
of Nobby Clothing is Schlnnk it
Prince's Boston Clothing House , J21U '
Farnham Atraut. rutnt
r ; ll
Solomon's Museum ii in full blast , Old
has just returned from the east , the to
bunging with him ( ho largest collec Niolilr
of rare and curious Till
Janey goods
displayed in thin market. Bird * iihmyn uiiii
glorious plunmgo and melodious
carol the live long dny , Mock
Birds , Gold Finches , Imported
Cuimrioi. P.inotn and Paroquites ,
Sparrows and Bullfinchoi whis
yon into a perfect frenzy of ml-
miration. His hU > ck of Jewelry ,
, Oiillory and Plato Glnea Ware ,
hard IMUI prices , muat inevitably
him n great rush from now on
Holidays. Solomon's
I'nint.i , Oila and Window Glasi.
BEHNSTKlJThas Temovod his
stock of Fancy nnd Staple Drv In th
to No. 210 S. Twelfth atroet , Kotlco
added a very jinu line of Dili )
, Dolmans , LniicV Fura , Cor KiUU > ,
etc. and ho County
, will be pleased to naiJCiiutity.
all his old ciiHtomura cull nnd on the
others in 24th d
need of tine
. goods at low iliy , for
highest grade rich gold Jewelry KU
Whipplo & McMillan' ' * . 1112-21 nettle thtlrvhlms.
tier , 18H1
TICKET prior to
Michigan Tobacco atoro rutllu [ A trnu
u iinV.o. No blanks. Tickets
each. N8-tf. To Ilia
Pint , Quart or Gallon , nt El- i-otiimi itockhoMen ]
hot'sHSNoith Dv'ti'inbor
Sutceulh street.
IMI ( llriH't"i
nll-Dt 'lhoruhaUi
the la t
John G. Jacobs , .
MITXarnhimBI. , Old BUnd o ( * ibflt .
Th Uadlnc BclontltU ot to-day nsrei
mo t dln cM nr riuitd by dliuMcrcd kldncjn
or llrer. If , Iherrfore , Iko kldri r nd liter are
kept In perfect ordfr , pi-rfict h llh will'H-thu '
result Thli truth h innl7 liti.u kuowu t thort
if nd for/i r txopln lufcrpd prut ai'in >
uilliOut 1 > < liitf btr to find rillcf. The dUnitrj
of Wuner'i S f k'ldn'j nJ I.Ivor ( . 'nro nu.rlHii
n nrtr cr It tlio tri tini'iit of thmo troubles.
M * Ju from njnipli ! tro | leal k f of lure mlue. It
crmttini Juiilhn clement * ncoiM.iry to nnurNh
mid Invl nrttolmth uf thrte trrcal ori'tn . nnd
r\My rotoro nd knn them Inonhr. ttU.i
PoiftUi Remedy f rII the illnctM : * tlmt i u-ii
pMiii In thu lo i.'r part of the bodyIrr Torpid
LiterllriduliVH -J undlco IH lncMIrtiiel
I'OM rAftu ( > - l.litr fttid t'rlniry Orif itin ,
It Innn ine'leiit md .ifn remi-dy lor finnlM
ilurl"tj I'rfL'ii.incy ' It " 111 control Ucii'trtiitlon
Atnl H In 'Mini > lo for Lctltorrhun or t'nllliii ; nf
the Womb.
Ax ft Hiond I'lirlflcr It Ii uncntKlvd , ( or It cures
the or 'iiH llnl niakn the blood.
Till * retniilv , whlih ban ilwic urh uon-lcr' , N
put up In the IjAttllhSTMt/.KU IIOT'I LK of MI }
incdltlno upon the nmrktt , and IH nold by Drin-
1'lsU nnd nil dinlcM lit 3U.2G per bi.ttiu. Tor
Moli' , tii'iiltu | fnr WAUNI'.li'3 8AKK U1A-
IICTES ( JUIll : . II lin I'OSl ' i IVi : Kenicdy.
M. H. WARNER & CO. , n < : ho tcr , N. Y.
JolG-lil-th-T t-
810 fcouih Thlrtrcnth Strict , nlth
.1 . # 001 worth.
Mm & 8SYDER ,
f,0i ! Fnrnhmii fit . Omahjt. Nobrn
rc. > ily ! Itnd In llvwrn Kabrnnka for I
'tf Gi l'.arp ! iM In lir.jTCiveil firms , anil
Mr . F. 0. K
. Tlirciifli In'tnictlon In > iit o ( lU
u'inn In thNnyntini. l. ilir Jnlri ir p rfe t
RtUK \ C'o IIIILH from thu UUit French rtwlfim
liatu thu nuterliil cut , IxJitcil * nJ ilnvpoilut
vvrr ren o'.nl < lc | rio , wltli m-uirtntiiiof p r-
fit. ll.-no rLiiiovL'tl from 811 to 'Jll Ibth t
* .
For morn than n third of aconturytlio \
lnown to tnllllonn all over tli world HI"
011)7 ) f r" rollftiipti for llir relief of
/icclilouta mill pain. It IH n mutlkinc
Hliovo iirlceanif prHlno < ! I ) tnr irk
hiuit. J-'oruvery foun ol cilcniul j'uln ,
.tnlinrnt IM wlllmiil un
It | icnt < r tc4 ntth ntitl lUKKvIo to
> r > - lion DHiklii tlm c.oiillmi
or jinln unil Iiilliiiuinutloii
Hllic. ! ItHclTectiiiipoii lliiiiiuu Fit ill
Unite Creation nrn oijiiully
. Tin )
Inlmcnt lo nri'ileil liy iioniMimly In W
vt'ry ' lioitiii ) , hveiy iliiv bilns ; IIOWH ol _
nfnny oTuit A wi\it urttltliirlmiii
inillilllL'il of The
, rhrtiinnttt-c miirijriu 11
' , or n v .lu llo Iiornn of oi
' il by the hdillng power of tliUi
U'locillly enrol inch alliurintn of
iiiat lit * , tiw ! Un , 011(7' Prof
uirMt ! il JHmi ; ; , Ilnrn *
f > r lt , Cu * , Krm'lfS tlil
NtlllffP. OllfllDM , l.KUCUriS. Oil ]
( % ilrr , C'rodbllr * , Chllbldilnii ,
' Nlpil i , Cukvd l < r nai , unil
> il ry form f * x ( rai.l tilt *
ic. It lir ] i vlllioul urii. Inir ,
Korthe JIRUTI : CIIIUTIO * ltrun"J
nprnlnc , Srrlnuy , Ntllf Joint * , mvthoili
D'oiilld r. Ilxrnti * Hoi , Uoof ! ) ! - ,
, Kout Rol , ncrtw IVorm. R nb , wliornr
IloIInTT Kurtt , nrrntchr * . > VluiI-
. Nnnttn , Tlirmh , ItliiRboiiv ,
H r E , I'oll Krll , Film upoii
M ) it unil OTory nthtr nlliiKiit
irtiloli ( lie orrusmnlB of ( lie
mid MocU Vnril nro llnlilo.
) ni xlrnit niuitniiK r > liilnic t
ciitt'H unil nevi't. illatipjiolutu ;
H Is , ] ) oslttviy ) ) ,
tmattcr of thA 1'uUtoof 1'etcr J. Johnaon ,
In hereby xltun that thu croilltora of
ilorcimwl , Mill movt thu uluilnittnitor of uld TO HT.
biforu me , County JuilKO of IKiuslaji
, Nvlirimka , at County Court llooin , lu mil nil
. on tliu Ultli ihy ot N'oivniU'r , Ib81 ,
IUi day of January , 1S3 : , mid on the
y of lUrih , IhSi , at lu o'clock a. tu. oaob 1'UUonu
tlio imrjwaj ol preaviitln their claluu
examination. ailjiKtmeiit and ullowanie ,
months aruullou oil lor eriHlltoM to prcsiaiit
. andonujrarfortlKi'aJiiilnlnratorto
tmlil l > tatt' , from the 21th liny Of Si'ptoui. run
, thU tiotko will IH > imMUhtM hi Till KM City
OKAIUVKI.KI.V linn for four Mvvkt micovui\cly , Sioux
thu iiuh day of Kounnbrr , 1881 ,
fopy.ll A. M. UIIAIIWI K , ill 111117
CountyJuilut1. City ,
Stockholder * or the Ncuraika Cat nnd at
Light Oomp.viy. noon ,
notice , that n , njwclal moctfni ; of iul > ) T&ti
ulll l > o hi-KI at thcoltlcoofwlj
) , Onnhi , nt I p. in. , on the ISth ihy of /
, IsSl , for thu iiurKfeo | of cloctluj ; KV.
" . and tliu ollli'i. ! * of tlio 'coo.pjiy. | the
> ibv < iiBfalluru to elect dlr ctoMat
minimi meollnir.
HVI.VAM'a WIlinilT. 1'rcd.lcnt ,
THANK MUIII'IIY , 8cvrel ry. iiTcu' !
oy. Dth , ISil. noU it CMnnd
) , H.
A. G. TROUP , I1. K.
In Ihn firm 11 Court of Iho t'nlttd fikln for the
IlKrkt of Nel rmlai
Security Coti
. Conrad nd
mniicui' HP or vnatojir.
Public notlco Ij h' rrbi Khen , Hi In T'"r '
anil liythmir of tilttoo in tired lu iht AIO ! <
< < on Hi * 2nd 'ay of fj < t > lintirr ( , 1 ( 1,1 ,
1.1.1 IS I , . '
IIIM'.IIUUJ : ' . ftpctlitl Ukntcr If.
Ch\n < ? o > y In Mid Court , vlll on thu tth tUy cf
I'c ' inib r , It'll , tl tlit' hour of if u'tlocic In the
ftenif. m of thet l J J , t the * ut door of
tno t'nliid ' court Ilnwc Vid I'o. t tlll.ct
building , In the Cltyif l-lutoln , l.inca'torCoun
tliUtrand M tr't. of AMiiiwtki , icll Hi kUe
lion thi follnwin | > Ji'rrilird ( iroptily , ( x > . > ll :
Tun horih it rjuirlrr of icctiou numbered
ten (10) ( ) In touiithlp numK-rci ] thirty (3U ) nnd
ifcnkc number , d fit ( fl ) n t , In the Co iity iif
IHlUl Ld litilocil IirlraiikA.
f'LLIri I. IlinnllOWKII ,
np il l ll t < r In Chan cry.
D. O. HULL , Rollclior for C < i .pnlnnnt. ! nv f t
Tn tbu matter of tie ! nttato of June * K. leli ,
l > htrcdy I'hcii ( lint tlm creditor * of
' ald ilccoaitul. Mill niict Iho jirtlnl trli of wild
I'.ilnln , before , Count ) JciJpi cf Doucln !
Counti , Ko'nanki ' , ottlm Cuitnlv CV.irt Jloom
In Mill County , on ihi-rtli diyof Dcicrnhrr. 18NI ,
on tlio cth ; day of rcliruau , 1K ! > 2 , ami on the Gib
d y of April , U82 , t 10 o'llock n. in. isili.h } ,
Pur tlio ptir ] > oV ) ol ) in tholr cl.tliiH fur ox-
kinlnathn , Diljuitim nt fti.d nllcmitfo. Sit
Incnt. n nro nllaueil far < rnll'.ors t. > iireicnt tliclr
thlin , unit one jeir fnr HIM ndmuiRmtrii tc
MUlimlil fitotc , from tlm Mil d y of October ,
IWil , tnli notice ulll liepuMlnhc-J In Tim On tin
\VH-.hl.v Ititn .
' fnr four .u Hnucusulvcly , ] > rloi to
l.'tuc'h ' ill ) ' of December , 1KM.
( A trno copy. ] A , M. CIIAIMICK ,
OClOH It I'Olllltl
In tlio Circuit Court f tliu Uiiltttl SUtcs for the
iitrlia iif N' limsi < .
Julius K. O Bhuiuiod , |
Cnhln Huller .vllcl * . v.PntJcr f1"
( J. W. Dunn & Hi nr > Tullicr. j
1'util'cii'itlc.u Is lnri-li\
.1111 ! lilrtiio afnilo rr cntfri < l In
CIIHI > , on the Iiul liv cf Si'p nntirr , ISSl , I ,
ILMS L. ItlP.UIKiWnil , Kpu > l l .Mn > trr In
Clnntcry In eolil t'onrt. ulll on the Uliilnyof
Jtriinljt.r , ISil , attlic' hnur of :1 : o'cloclv In the
nfci-moon of B.I hi otnt tin : ucit ilnor of tlio
thitud Hf.Utit Court > ! > isu nnl I'cit ICIlcc InilM
IniIn tlm C'ity of fjuiMln , ijiiHttr Comity ,
Strttc and I'lsitlctnf SiliMil ft , fi'H nl MlUlon
' nt
ttui I'olloHliiK ( Its iir i > i rty , tn wit :
Thu tiiitiHOnt ) ( juortcr of the cotitlioA't quw-
tcr , Hud Ion ii'imhircd nl'iutccn/lllj , aul thu nut all
half of the northin t iiiirtcrmul | tlie nortliui. > t > t
iii | irt < r of the north' .vit ijunrUr of 001 tion niliii- PI
ln.r < d thlrtj (30) ) , all IM tnvn lilp niiinlirnl
thirty olio ( .1 ! ) anil nnjfinnnliTol t oi ( ) n-.t ,
lu thu couuiy of CiJir nrnl Stito of fidirv-kn.
li : MS L. llIF.UIIOWIlll ,
RKI | 1 Masttr in Cli
) 0. UULL , So iiUo'for Coniji.nlimnt.
Fall and Winter
At New York Prices at tlio
E I , & I , Peavy's ' bo nut
1309 Farnham St. ,
OMAHA , - - - NEB.
znmiiintiou of'Tanohorc. '
t 'llbo ' present at my olko ! In CrclRhton
blnck on tlio lln.t Siturda } of cvitli inontli to = x-
mnliic niK-h npiiIlHintH M nmy dcslic to tc ?
the public sulioolj In tlnujrhi lountv. Qimr-
tcrly uxnmhnrlPii flrvt Siiturd'xy in t'ulirnury ,
Jloy , Au iijtnnd Nouuibur.
Co mt ; ' Snpt. iibllo Instruction
Auc" I'letnml ! * .nm tl
Mary J. Holmes.
Just published : Madeline. A rplcmlld now
Iinrel by U ILL Uiisr J. llin.ynii , wiioxu novels
so rnormouuly , and arr rend nnd Hose
1.CO. such In'.cruit. liouutlfiilly bound : iirlce.
. 'Alnohnndmmo new editions of 3Iri. Holmes' loan [
other work * Tcniii'st ari" Hum-hire , Lena
ItltoM. Kdtthl < > lo , KilnaUronnlnt'ilaihnOrey ,
\Vcat Lawn , Koretit UOUBU , etc. , ite. IIoso
A Changed Heart. Anotlior Intensely Intcr-
crtliif | IIOM ! byMAvAo.M..s I'lnMixii , author of
capital noich CIuj1 IVirl > eourt's Wife" , A Hose
Wonderful Woman , llwl JJarrla o , Hdeit nnd
, Lout fern Woman , ute. lli. utlfiillr bound :
, f 1,60.
Q. wToAfuTETOH & CO. , wo.rth
OalSldoodlm. I'uliliuhera ' , N. Y. City. .
Coramissiou Merchants.
the tnlu of 1'arni Proilucc ; I'otatoea Poultry ,
llnttcr , Lyxa rccch i d and told on
Cosh advamoi madu on conplvmncnU.
ruhouco und 8torc , MI3 Dorlto ; Street
Omahn , Mnl ) . _ HSjto
OroigMou and Niobrara
! dnlly , knftf | CrolKliton on arrlial of
* nt 0.30 p. in. Arrhunt Molirftri , 12 30n.
lxn\n Mohran , 11SO 11. in Arrlu-i'ot
CrclidilonntUu. m. . Intlino fnrtniln. Tare , f2
octio-im OKOUOK : , rronriotor
, W , J , Mar's ' Select Danc
ing Academy ,
A. Hoipe , Jr. Hall , 1510 Dodge St.
for commcnclnc THCJ.IAJ
Oct. 4. Cluas lor Iftdlei
comiuencintr Thuru
lUjrcienlni , ' , Oct.C. Tunim Jllicrnl Ilio ran
1 hitvo for teachliiK the Wnltz , Qhds
I can ( ruiranteu perfect patlcfuitlou
* . ror tcrtnH , A.C. , cull at A. lloup.t. . ,
111(1 (
Capitol Am 17dlm
UniAwiitfr r to
i andOlTOIUUr'CI.Kd. Soml
three cent uinnip forCatnlu-cne
mid prlco list coiitalnlnir full invo
N , I , D , SOLOMON , erec
Palntx.Oilf onil
Sioux City & Pacific
Huns a Solid Train 'JtiroiiKh from Trim
Council Blufla to bt.
VVIthuut Chance Time , Only 17 Houn.
IT is
polnta In Northern lows , lUnncMou and
'ITiln llnu It opiliiried with Iho liurroi ad
Auhimatte Alr-Lrake i.l |
Couulor * nd llu.Ter ; ud for
inasioil. Pullinan I'nlvo Kloeiilntr Cir
through WITIIOUl'OIIANOi : between Kan
and at. 1'aul , Ua Council llliitli and
City ,
TnliMliwo Union Paclflo Transfer nt Coun Von
* , nt 7M p. m tUlly on ftrrlwil of Kansi piirclmti
St. Jwiihainl | Council Uluff train fiom tth da } I
South. ArrhhijjBt Sioux City 11135 p. m. .
the Net * Union Dimt at St. Paul at l':30 : dollamn i
uild He.\
HOUllS IN ADVANCK Of tllU-nto >
ANY OT11KR ten doll
KOUTE. Kcrlptloii
/rarllemcmbor lu IJnH' the Klous City llouto i w ,
iuuiiftaThrnuxh Irilu , The Mien t l.lno , cliulni.
yulol.c t Tlmo and a t'omfortatls UWo In thu theme
Cn tetueeu H W of
COUNCIL ' lnr ; ono
' that ' -our TlcVett read Ua the "Sioux
I'ailiKi lUlliaiil.1 meC
bnporliitfiidrnt. Ocn'l I'aw. Ak-niit ,
. IIOI11NSO.V , AutOi.ii'1 1'wu. Ak"t ATT
illosourl V ! lc. > | QW .
, U , O'UP.VAN' , SoutliHootcru .v
Couucll Llu < ,
Within the next sixty days we expect to occupy our new store at
1315 and 1317 Farnham street , adjoiningourpresent stand , with a
stock of
Unequalled in the West ,
and meanwhile we desiro'that all Omaha should take advants&o ofthe _ voiy
l th (
Hoavur Cloaks , hniids'iinuly trimmed
with I'n.Tiincutcri' ! atid Satin , Silk
Vilvot , , 9 .CO to 51.00.
All Wool JJoavurClaikH.from $8.00
to § 12.CO.
Itenvur Dnlmatip , lictidsonit'lj' trim-
mud with Silk nntl Fiingo , $8.00 , or
with SitiuSillt titid P-isimuiitcrioDocp
Fringe , , Corded : .n . l Taoslud , § JO.OO.
At Sl < " .0 ( ) wo oiler n luindidiiicl ) ' fur
IriminudjiH Wool Ding nil : Dolinui : ,
mid at $18.00 wo allow four styles of
JXihniu worth fully SL'0.00. Lii'lit
ilaeketM nt § ! ) .50 to Sl'-.OO. in Li ht
lolniiia : : \\u show ovorl.'f Htyles , from
fJR.OO to150.00 , nmking special piiecs
620.00 and g25 00.
Silk Dolniiim : ftoinir > .00 to 970.00 ,
handsomely ; tiiminudUli Fur
Ladle : Suitings , G'aohinoros ,
Silk and Plaids , Novelties.
10 inch Black Cnshtnorcs ( JOo. , 7r o. ,
95c. , 81.00. )
10 incli Black Cashmeres , Tiic. , OOe , ,
$1.00 , 81.25. !
\Vc Avill a rco in all oaaua to refund
money ; for Cashuietos nliould they
provu uatisfactoty. Our prices will
found 20 to ! ! 0 pur cent less than
those usually askud for f.xnicimitirs | ] ;
wo asked is comparison.
' ! ( ! inch French f laiinul Suitings ,
Kiinch Frunclt Siikand Wool Wnids.
18 inch Drench Foullo and C.nnols
Hair in cxtr.i heavy woilit { ; , § 1.05 to
18 inch Diap do Eto at 51.25 , 51.50 , ,
Ladies' and Children's
50 dozen Ladies' all Wool Seamless
, 40o. at
25 dozen Ladies' all Wool Soamlcaa
, cxtm heavy , 50c.
25 doKcu Ladies' fiuo Caalimero
, 75c. 7 , worth OLOO.
Children's all Wool Seamless Iloso
Bchool wear , all sixes , 2Cc. , worth
. to OOe.
Boys' ' all Wool Gray Mixed School b
40c. . worth SOc. to 7Co.
Ladii extra heavy FJeoccd Lined
Belbriggins , SOc :
Ladies' line Moiino Vcats , 45c. ,
Ciiildren's fine Merino Vests , 25c.
Hen's Sox , Shirts ,
200 Dozen Seamless Fancy British
Sox 25o.
25 Down Men's Fiuo all Won ] Scar
let Ilnlf Ifoso Me. a Pair fully worth
25 Dozen Fine English lUeriuo IIoso
Sue. ; t for 81.00
Sejuiloii Unbloachccl Sox $2.00 doz.
E.\tr.i Fiuo Unbk-uehed Sox § 2.50
do.- ! .
Uesl Qu.xlity Linen Collars § 1.50
Best Qualily Linen Cuff * 52.50 doz.
Another iuvoico of Men'a 1'iquo
Sown , Stitched back Derby Street
Gloves SI.15 pair , usually sold lit
$2.00 to ? 2.50. Every pair wairantcd
not to bivnk.
Merino Shirts or Drawers
Heavy Jlorino Sliirts or Diawera
c. , wortl ' ? 1.00.
Ileixvy Merino Shirts or Drawers
SI.00 , worth 51.25.
For 1.25 wo sell a very heavy
Patent rtlctino Shut or Drawer that
has heretofore sold for SI.50.
Seamleaa Shirts or Dr.iwera from
$1.50 , formerly 81.7 , up to the best
Cartwris'lit and AVarner's Hand-knit
Scotoh Shetland Wool.
OilDEIIS TAKEN" for Silk'Under-
In this department all goods arc of
our own importation at the prices
we name. No house west of Now
York can compel o with us.
19 inch Black Satins , all beautiful
lustre and well covered , 75c. , 85c. ,
95c. , $1.00.
22 inch Black Satin , 81.00 , ? 1.25 ,
$1.40 , $1.50 , gJ.f.O . , 81.05.
A complete line of Colored Satins
OOc. , equal to the $1.25 Satin of
last season.
Bleck Gros Grain Silk 50c. , 75c. ,
OOc. , ? 1.00 , all woith L'oc. , a yard
Cashmere Finish Ores Grain Silk
from 81.15 to ? : ? . 50.
Wo have full lines of our celebrated
brand ) of
Cashmere Alesandre Silks
Black and Colored Plushes , full 21
inches wide ? 3 50.
19 inch Silk Velvets from § 1.25 to
Over 20 rpialtios to choose from.
Huttoti Fisli , Clark & FIn-jg
Glorca , 75c.
t Button Fisk , Clnrk & ' Flagg
Gloves , 81.00.
( i IJutton Fisk , Clark & Flagij
Glovt-g , ? 1.25.
The above nio well known in thu
cast aa ono of the best Gloves inado.
Tlio makets Bold IB all they had , and
we asauro our patrons that tlioy rank
as . hijih as any lirat-claa1 ! Glove known.
Usually selling at $2.00 , $2.2o and
$2.r > 0 per pair.
Wo are solo agents in Omaha for
Courvoisier Kid Gloves ,
a JJulton Courvoiaicr Kids , § 2.00
4 IJutton Courvoisier Kids , 2.25
0 Button Courvoisier Kitta , 2.50
Foster LQCO Kids , all Lengths.
: $ Button Heal Kid , Black , only $1.25
1 Button Real Kid , Black , only 1.60
When Gene \vo cannot replace.
Hand or machine made all Silk
Spanish , Guipuie , Chiutilly and other
new style Laces , from oiso to twelve-
inchc.s , Deep Cream or Black.
Spanish Lnco Scarfs from 35c to
§ 5.00 each.
We also add to ourj&ock of
Ten Cent Ribbons
Many now colors and extra width * in
Satin and Gros Grain.
Como early this morning.
Our Blanket Stock is the largest in
Omaha , and as our prices will show is
by fnr the cheapest wo ever offered.
100 Pahs 10-4 White BhvnVots 91.50 ,
worth $2.50.
100 Pairs 10-4 White Blankets $2.00 ,
worth ? Li.OO.
CO 11-4 White Blankets S3.50 Pair. >
CO 10-4 White Blankets K5.50 Pair.
CO 11-4 White Blankets 54.50 Pair.
The Best$5.00 Blankets in theWest.
50 Pairs Extra IleaTy all Wool
Blankets JC.50.
50 Pairs 12-4 Extra Heavy Blanket *
50Paiw 11-4 all
- Wool Blanket *
An Eztra Larr/e San Jose , California ,
Blanket for $10.'OO. The Very Bent
Bargain in Omaha.
48 Bed Comforts 55c. each , worth
75c. to Cl.OO.
48Bed Comforts 75c. cacli , trorth
48 Bed Comforts , very largo and
heavy , at $1.25 each.
Fine French Blankets of our own
importation from § 15.00 to § 50.00 a ,
3 & OCX
1319 Farnham Street.
® S
We respectfully request the attention of the Ladies of Nebraska
the announcement of the arrival of the largest and most recherche
voice of Fur Lined Promenade Wraps ; Silk , Plush and Embroid-
ed Matelaise Dolman's ever imported west of the Missouri.
immed Elaborately with every Shade of Plush , Satin , Velvet Passementerie.
Suits and Costumes in Innumerable Varieties.
Plain and Embroidered Dressing Sacques ,
CLOAKS FROM $5.00 TO $150.00.
OUAIM , Km. , Oct. 2Sth , JSS1 , )
Coi'stV. (
Mt hereh > notllltil tint Dexter L. Thomas
iiod nt thu countytri'.U'Urir' * oillie , on Iho
of i June , IbTU , at pritatobilu. The fol-
p.ui'cl of lai l for UVCM of Ih77 , far vlxht
und nlni.t.eWit irntrf ( fst > 5) ) , ami the
\\ter Ii. Thoiii'M lias tni'tfirrvil > ld fer >
of K ! U to William Connor for the luni of
ll.irHtnd twuntjthree conHf ! ( 10-J ) . lie-
jn of prrimrt ) , to-ult ; Coinmendiii ; 10.-7
KMHU 1 conurofMiii them.0 N U.1U )
llu'iicu Kili : > lcluliitliui'.ei ' lujilulnx ,
W3.1 j ih.Uiui , to place of liiviimliK In
S i Keectlan No. Ill , rruu-o IK , U , contain
ncri i ) That I v 111 tain out n tax deed In
lontlu from daU of Hilt uotlco. inbuilt'
. F. IVIanderson ,
< i firntaru St. , Oiuih * K
In 'Convenience ,
Lang & Fotick