Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1881, Page 2, Image 2

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The Bomark bl * tp rino of
a Chicago Bhooxnftkor.
Six Yottrowith Sitting Bull n *
" the Iqtmw fTIJ ,
n r P * jip .
JLU cxltl looking sposimen of Jtho
the "gomis homo , " ia Mr. BobiatUn
Beck. Ho ii fifty-novcn years old ,
Jooks decidedly the rorso for Uio wear
nil tolls ft most rctnarkablo laloi
which is vouched for bynovcral loiter *
from -well known und nuthoiilio quar-
iir. IH x ROLDir.n.
Tlmt is , ho wns from 1807 to 1870 ,
when ho Borvcd in tlio 27lh and ul > -
aciuontly ( in the 9th regiment , boin
finally mustered out of company K , of
the latter. Jlo talks iamiliarly of
the frontier fortu , the loading features
of the various campBi'gni hi the wc t
and of Gcnls. Orook. Miles , Reno ,
King and Ouster. On being dis
charged in 3 870 , Sebastian Hock ict
op a shoemaker' * ehop and tottlod
down witli hi * family to the dllu
routine of Chicago lifu , bin nhlnglo
being out nca > Sjpko's Brewery , on
Gottago CJrovo arunue , whcro lie and
ihroo incn were busily employed in ut-
landing to hit cuitomcrs and hU
affairs proopcrod generally ,
nB win SSTI.ISS :
kowerer , and when the lilaek Hill *
excitement broku out , ho loldjhlihop ,
packed hii goodi and with hii wlf ,
two girls , Bf-od 18 and II yrani , re-
pectiv ly , and ion of twalra yean ,
loft Chicago , March llth , 1875 to
hunt gold. He earn * to Omaha by
the Rock Inlamd rout * , thoneo wont to
Cheyenne and there with a company
of twonty-fivo fimilica , under the
leadership of Gen. Carpenter , of
Scdalia , Mo. , purchatod wagon * and
iz mouths proviiiono and started for
tlio now Eldorado. It waa about tliit
time the president ordered
the arrest of all inradurs
of this gold country and it would h vo
boon well if thin party had lUrtud a
llttlo later but they escaped nurvoill-
anco and reached
where they wont to work at what is
known na fat. John'i mine , in Dead-
ffood ulch. JJcek'a fuiuily was quar
tered in n lou honao nbout thrco-
fourtlia of a nulo from the dlmft.
On the 18th of July , the camp wiw
curprisod and flurroundcd by Sitting
Bull's band of Sioux and ns rcnmtouco
VIM useless they submittud to bo ncir.-
od tc the musia of the wnr whoop ,
iicd to ponicBand carried olfinto cap
tivity , squaw -nivcn and a diet of rn r
buflhlo meat and sago tcit. licck was
taken from the ohaft , witli
the rent of the inon , whllo
hia family was also carried away , but
directly from their homo , llo 1ms
never seen them from that day to thin
and does not uvun know whether they
are ulivo or not.
TAKKN TO iiosr.nun.
Tlio prisoners were carried to the
Rosebud , wJioro thuro wcro at the
time four hundred ledges of Sioux
and the captivcn were given their
choice between 'marrying BIJUUWH and
becoming niiinbers"of tl'o band , or
death. They had three days tochooao
and at the termination of that period
all wisely concludud to become bride-
grootno. The dusky maid who full to
SobuHtian'a lot was a Cheyenne girl ,
then about 18 years of ago , who had
herself been made n captive at the age
of cloven and had become domesticated
with the Sioux. Her nauio was
"Monica , " which meuim when tr.\na-
Jated ,
Incidontly it may bo mentioned that
tliis inurriutio resulted in the addition
of another lungungo to the lint of Mr.
Bcck'H acquirements. Ho talked
English originally , was compelled to
talk Sioux to the Indiana and con
versed with Monica in the di
alect of the Cheycnnea. The
captives were obliged to diosn liku
Indians , leiirn the Indian l.uigtmgo
ana in f.icl divest themselves of every
habit and uppcaranco of civilisation ,
Five weeks Inter our hero had on his
warpaint and hcndgcar and , clad in a
tumo made fioni Jiull'.ilo hide , was on
the Liltlu liig Horn in time to become
an unwilling \\itncRi of the Castor
massacro. Ifo gives a graphic do-
Kcription of the oocnen following that
bloody chapter of Indian warfare.
The bodies were plundered of
every thing of value , htiippod
and mutilated beyond all
recognition. Then the Indian' ) mount
ed their poniott and rodu oil' in grout
glee for tro Jlrilish frontier. They
shouted their war criex exultantly and
danced , standing upon the ponion ,
while going at a breuk-nuck speed.
the suflerings endured were torriblo.
The poor wretches ate only law buf
falo moat and drank eigo tea , thank
ful whoa they could got that. Their
Ici'gins and clothing was all worn
out and all they had to
wear was a buflnlo robe , which ko'pt
one portion of thu body warm while
the other portion wai freezing. Deck
says ho could Imvo ( .scaped by deaort-
ing Monica but aha was to gentle and
kind to him that ho could not leuvu
her to the mercy of the tnvnyos and
the dangers of a continued exile. She
was greatly attached to him and in
fact ; a mutual love oprang up
nnd was nmdo ntrongcr by the birth
of two jiipnosofl , now aged
four and one-half and three and ono.
half respectively , white the mature
bridegroom odds , "IJiproiu a thirdono
on the road. " Monica wua u good
squaw and made
A FAlTlirUI. rilO TIM l'OUHK.
Of course , during hii stay with the
Sioux , Mr. Buck bucamo nrotlciont in
tlio aavago arts of his captorj , an ex
port rider , a crack eliol , anti acquired
a good knowledge of the Sioux and
OhoyannoIuiiKUugLH. WhoiiSittingDiill
surrendered and returned to Standing
Rock agenoy , thu captives nil returned
afo and sound , but so disguised oa to
hurt jlifficully in making them tlve
known to tie uionlir ( ] M white wen.
After thw.Hefk took hi qaMTAncljmp'
po e with him. joining a wagon train ,
to Fort Lfcrnrnio and , lt * ing them
there , went to Chiwigo , from which ho
hiM ju t returned to loliait General -
oral Crook'i aid In i ekinc
to lcrn th f to of hie
wiU and hii advlco § i to what ho
trill do with Uonio * and the little
half-breed Hocko who cull him father ,
in CMO ( ho firnl wife H found. Uo li
himself considerably broken down and
anxicus to aettlo dowi and p.ixs his re-
innininc yciriin ) > oaco nnd quiet with
Ilia family or families , aa the case may
Paira n Connty
Coitr pondcnc cl Till l ! ( l
I'AWICK CITV , Novoinbor 14. The
el action in over nnd more democrat
yotoi ncro counted in thia off year
than over beforo.
This city wants a telephone *
hange , a firat-clatn hotel and an opera
This county lias had three different
treasurers tinco Junu Int , 1831. Hut
the diflicultics of the past nr care
fully abridged in future by tin elec
tion of lion. W , J. Ualdorman to
that office.
Moro hay Imi been mndo in this
county this yer than for ten years
Diphtheria and croup nro boglnnlnp
Ihoir ravages of dcstniction in
parts of this tounty very early in the
tenon this yrar.
Corn husking nan early begun and
ii now more than half don" .
Many of our politicians aroiufToring
with a black tongue ( ince election day.
In several caies it will proyo fatal.
The Republican is n strong wom '
rlghti and tempcranco organ and an a
matter of course hoists "a female
bird" perched on an empty whisky
bottle which reitn on a broken egg-
hell , M token of rojoieiig in count
ing up majorities.
lion. A. H. J ckionroprMenUUrs
of this district , ha < left his homt In
Cincinnati in this county and gone to
the tunny climon of New lf ii o In
employ of the government. Dr. A. L.
Fulton , late of Calvert , has Msimed
the medical practice of Dr. J. till ho
A new addition to this city constat
ing of twelro blocki and lying Tory
beautifully to the northwest has been
laid out and is now in the market.
Now that the It. & M. trains arc
running into thin city the erection
and early completion of n line new de
pot will ho Iho next improvement on
the part of the railroad hero.
Tlio atllutod Curcoiioy Question.
Uroaklyn Kaglc.
"I can't tuko that nickel , " said a
horse-car conductor to a man who got
in at the City Hall.
"Vot von do matter rnit dot goinJ"
asked the p.ituungor , blandly.
"It's no good. It'sgotnholo init , "
replied the conductor , grullly.
"lat dot BO ? OH'you pluso you show
mo dot holeu. "
"Look at it. Wo can't take any
Buch money an that. "
"Oxcuso ' * Hiniled the
mo , passenger ,
nnd he handed over a dime.
"That's worao yet , ' ' .growled the con
"Voa dot dime full of holes tool"
asked the pussongcr , "looking upjnno-
"llero'a n wliolo fiido chippont out.
Wo ain't allowed to take mutilated
money , " and the conductor handed it
"So ? " inquired the passongor. "Ilnf
you got changes for hcluf a tollar ? '
and he passed over another coin.
"What'B this ? " asked the conductor ,
contemptuously. "It's as bald as a
deacon. There ain't u ncratch on it to
ahow whether its an overcoat buttoner
or a skating rink. Hayen't ' you got
' "
any money ?
"Veil , 1 tihould make Bmiles"said
tho'p.issciujor , goodhumoredly. "Hero
is lite tollar , and you can p.mto it to
gether von you got some leisure. Haf
you got clmn-zoa for do fifo dollara ! "
and ho lianded over a bill torn in four
or fight piocoii.
"I don't want no moro fooling , "
Haid the conductor. "Ifjyou can't pay
your fire : , got oil' . "
"Veil , don't ' malio BO many troubles ,
I vill bay you , " and ho pulled out a
MeMoan qimitor. "CJif mo bennies , "
ho suggest t'd.
"Look hoio , nro you going to pay
your faro or not'/ / "
"Of gourso. May bo you vas rating
for dat moneys , " and ho took back hm
( ] iiarter and uulutituted an English
"Now you gel oil' thia car , " roared
tlio ronduetor.
"Vero has deso cnr.i got by ? " aakod
the pisHongor , riling to obey.
"l-'ulton ferry , " said the conductor.
"Don I may as veil gi.n owit. You
doll diMii gonipitnlvs dot HOIIIO dimes
cloy iimko more money as odor dimes
doy doolc votellor doy got instead of
going mitoiit nodiugs , dond'd it ? "
And the ntniling passenger , liaving
ridden to the end of the line , crossed
the ferry , obaorveng to himself : "Dot
vas potter oil' I nafo Mich inonuyn , mid
some dinicH I go OH it Bueh inonoys ,
und Borne dimes I go owit to East
Nyark und it dond'tgost ' mono moro
as nodings at all. "
"Wells' ' Health Jlonower , " greatest
remedy on earth for impotence , lean
ness , sexual debility , &o. Ono dollar
at druggist'o. Depot , 0. V , Good
man. (5) ( )
If you are ullonng from r. severe
cough , cold , asthma , bronchitis , con-
Bumption , IOSH of voice , tickling in
the throat , or any allection of the
tin oat or lungH , wo know that Dit.
IU.NU'H Ni\v : Uiscovmtv will give you
immediate roliuf. Wo know of kun-
dreds of eases it has completely cured ,
und that where all other medicines
had failed. No other remedy can
show one half as many permanent
cuies. Now to give you bathtfactory
jiroofthat Dr. KJNO'H NJSW DISL-OV-
KHV will cure you of Asthma , Uron-
chilis , Hay Fever , Consumption , B0.
veroCoiighs and Colds , lloarsonoss ,
or any Throat or Lung Difleaso , if you
w ill call at , I. K. IHII , t MoMAHo.s'rt
Drug Store you can get a trial bottle
free of coat , or a regular size bottle
for $1.00. ja 101y'J ( )
Administers a Morilod Rsbuko
to Mediocrity And
m ok Datrrr.
0 rre poni1 nf e of The Uc .
Cr.KTi : , Novnmber H. Yourself
and roadcrninfty bo interested to learn
i few facts respecting the recent slsc-
tlon in S line comity. Sundry com-
municalions hare been tent from
hero to Tlio Lincoln Journal nnd
Omaha Ilcpuhlian , and other p pcr
totally misrepresenting the real utatc
of the caio , and the real iisuu in-
Great pains hni boon taken to make
It appear that the Rtraight publican
ticket wan almost cntiruly rloctud ,
that the Trholo of it would have been
if it had not been for a contest bo-
Itoun the b nkn for the ( securing
deposit of county fundn , t'cc. The
transparent fatuity of nuch roprc.iun-
Ulion.i i * well known to the people
here. The official count of votes ws
made lant Saturday and diicloied the
fact that the democrats hu-1 elected
three outof fonrof thecwntcsledLioe ] ,
on the county ticket , to-wil ; cominLv
n'oncr , sheritr , clerk. The republican
treasurer , was elected by tie ) scant
majority of 35. The other county
ofliconi ench as coroner , superin
tendent of ichoola , Durvoyor , were
not contested , and tlinir election Is no
lndio Hon of the relative Moendancy
of parties in the ounty. The demo
crats now hare control of our county
affair * , hiring a majority of the board
of eotBiniwionem , the iheriff und
lerk also. Jfotwithitanding tliis
rirtnal dcaaocitttio victory , Uiis count/
on the Ute ticket gave nearly *
thousand majority. La t fall it also
gave about tk Mae for Gaifleld. On
uiy direct i uo betwo n republi uii
and demoerala iiiTolring any national
or fondhtaenUd U o Balinc ounty u
OTernhclmingly republicAii.
It would also be uniformity and over
whelmingly republican in its election of
county oflicers were it not that eo
many of the party ere utterly disgust
ed with the management of party af
fairs in Saline. A few mea , promi
nent among whom it J. W. Dines ,
have for some yo ra pant attempted to
subordinate party interests and the
public welfare to their ambition to
sccnro purely personal and private
onds. Mr. DUWC-B especially , it is well
known , linn for some time bcon coro-
tous of the govenor's chair , or in de
fault of that would like a in con-
groin. A man of capacity in no respect
nave that of having inordinate aelf-
conccit and unbounded ambition , con-
Bciously unublo to meet his antagon
ists or rivals in the area of open de
bate , ho has sought by rcsoit to the
arts of the juggling politician to keep
his name before the public aa a lead
ing party man. An n means to gain
this end ho ban allied hinnelf
with the most unscrupulous ilomontf
of hia party , has sought by trlcki and
trades und every nort of political huck
stering to nceuro in the county con
vention n delegation favorable to his
interests ; hat BO often inudo profes
sions of anti-monopoly principles , &e , ,
and BO often belied them , that ho bos
alienated from bis support n , large
part of the most respectable anfl intel
ligent members of hut parly ,
Hence , when the democrats , al
though in it hopoleas minority by thorn-
solves , did BO sensible a thing this full
as to put on their ticket lonio of their
best inon , men of acknowledged tit-
ness for their several offices , , the consequence -
sequence wan , aa already indicated ,
that they were elected by handsome
majorities. Thin is the real explana
tion of the republican defeat ill Sa-
liuo county at the recent election ,
and yet wo find communications sent
from hero to the Lincoln Journal es
pecially , whicU attempt to give an
other coloring entirely to the matter
and under pretense that it was a bank
fight. Aver that it had nothing to do
ith Mr. Bawes leiuleiflhip ; "Go toll
it to the nuiiitics , " but do not BUppuao
that such truiaiarcnt [ whitewash can
cover u hat in u most flignul defeat of
Mr. D.UVCB and his policy in Saline
county. _ ALEX.
A fortune inny bo ciiuut In using inef
fectual niiilli'iiuw , when l > y implying
' Kcloctiio Oil A ppccdy and icon-
nniicnl cnru can lie ollVctrd. In cam nf
ilicuiimtUm , laino Imelc , Imclily nlliiientfl ,
or iirliiH of o\ity dehuriptfuu it nllonU in-
htnnt ii'lii'f. " " ' "
Proprietor ,
' 1213 Harney Street ,
OMAHA , - - - NEB.
Cornices ,
Dormer Windows , Finials ,
Spscht's Patent Motalio Sky-
Patent Aiijuitalile Ratchet Oar ami
I mil the iT'iuural ' SUto Afi'nt tor tliu abojo
line ut gooilii
OrctttiiRi , U.iluttr.iilet , Vernmlni.'Ofnco and
Unnk fl jilliif. * , Window ani ) Collar
uuardi ; alto
ui | Hill Patent Inildo niliul. .
no\4dt (
< > " . ' . * r JUIAHU3IIID
EeaJ Estate Agenoy
Kicp n n ' tu altt Pt of tltlo to l ! * i
' < > luJ l > oukliu co'iutr , niayt/
UM. J 0 Itolcrlflon , Pltt'ti'ir i I'a.i writes : "J
a < itufiTln ( ( from general debility , * ant of n ] >
IK till1 , con ti | > ttloii , < tc B' > tliat life ux i luir
< lc n , nfrtr unlnt ' , liurdo'k W'W'I ' I full bet-
l r limn for yiArn. 1 cannot prikldo Jour Hitter *
too mnrli '
iti" . of llnffalo , K V. , rltM ! "Vonr
life * t'lttcm , In throtiloill oMciiof tlio
ll > cr t..J kldnrj" , Imc hceii nlirnkllv
ninrril lth micccM. Ihivri il tlictn in > * cll
T.ltli IK/.I n. ultji , r r tnriidlt | > of the III cr. tndln
nuic nf ft friend nf tnltio
Uio cfTctt
Hnire Turner , ItodicstT , K. Y. , { rites : ' "
liecn mlijoot to ( icrloiii rtixinltr of the Mnc ) * ,
anil ufialilo tonttrnd tn liii'lnciw : Itnntncl < Illooii
Illltir * rcllcioil mo 1/tforc Imlf ftliotlU wtuMipol ,
I feel confident Hint they Hill critlnly curunic. "
H > A cnltli Hall , nii'jhwnptn'i , N. Y. , Rrltc i
"I fiiincrH with n dull ] ln thran.Oi ray clt
l ii ( ; -nil nhoulder. I 'tniy fplrln , | iietll )
nd color , und could with Jlf lenity keep up nil
d y. TooV your llurdock Hlor l Hitter ? as ill-
Kctctl and hnvc full no | ln clnco flr t noclc at-
trr utlu them. "
Ur. Nosh n tei , Rlmlri , K. Y , . wrltei : "Ahout
fourjtJr fRo I h d mi ftttwk nf lpllon | fLTcrttnd
ntftr fally rccovircd , liy dlimtlvo crKatin
wrro weakened , und 1 nouH 110 cninilctily pron-
tmtcil for d ja. After w\HK \ t o liottlcs of jour
llurdncV Itlood Illttcn the IniproNcnunt vu no
rl Iblo tljat I KIM vitonlihcil. 1 can now , thouf'li
r.l jrrarn * f ce , do a fair and rcanonaUc il's
work ,
C. Dliwkct llohlnion , proprietor of The Canada
Tre byterian , Toronto , Out , wrltn : "Korjcars
I Buffered ( rr .Uy from oft rcciirriii ) ; hoadnclic. I
led your tiurdock Illoud IHUin with liapplcnt
rnnult" , and I now Ind nijetlt In better lu-alth
tkuu for jmm t st. "
Ura. Wallace , KuCalo , K. T , wrlirt ! ! hare
lined Itunloik lilood Riittrn for nerroni and bll-
lloun hrudachM , and MII recommend It tonjorj
cure ftr bllllcutnem. "
Un. Ira Nn1k ] IUn4 , lltanj , N. T , vritot :
"For nevenil j < + n I ha e niffered from oftrecur -
tig billion * ka4aike , JIK-I IB , and com-
pUliti ptcilla * t My MI. Piiir * whig your
llori'ock ItloodKltteralawentlrilr rellered. "
Prlo , I.OO JIM- Bottle ; Trial Bottioa 10 Cti
BnM at whole. lift by lib k licVIahon and C. F.
Ckxkliuu , J 27 coil-mo
Ono of the Reaonablo Pleasures .
Of life , n yroperly cooled meat , affords ll'tlo nr
no present cnj i.l incutInd inucn Riibscqucnt tor
ture to n continued dyfttptlc. Hut hen thiniilu
Indll'mtioti licoinb tlW > vltli > * OHtctt.r'8S otnadi
liltlin , tlio food Is ea'fn with relh'i , anil niOHt
iinportnnt of nil , IH as'Imllatcd liy and iiotirMica
l'iotoU'in. Una thh pmuil tonic and corrective
al o to remedy roimtipatlon , blllousntsj , rhou-
nm Inrn , foicr an iKiio.
l'or lo by all Dru lita and Do Itrn generally.
1220FamhamSt. ,
Dpairoa to announce to his
friends and the Got oral public
that ho haa rosoluod to reduce
his prices to the lowest notch
consistent with the principle of
'live and lot hvo. " Gcmtlemen
desiring a flrat-class Suit of
Clothes , in all respects equal
toauy and second to none , will
do wall to give Mr. Martin a
call. Good Business Suits to
orkor , $125. Pine Pantaloons ,
$5 and upwards. nldlin
O R 01
U rj * ( ie
d n WiS
ssfil |
PI wfe $
> \ H A
H \ffi/ ?
0 Vf
iLER & CO. ,
Sole MnuufaoturorH. OMHA. .
Oanilios Nuts Fruits Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
rAnd Confectionery !
410 10th St. , OMAHA , NEH.
wi :
Asle Grease
Utcd on Wayoni , HugglM , ItcaiK-rt , Tlircehcrs
and Hill Muhlnrry. It Is t.sVAU'xvii ro rARu
HII * N liAiiatnv It euro * Birotchcs nnd all
kludi ateonxj ou liana ted Stock , an will M on
mtu ,
OLABK& WISE , ManoTs ,
000 Illlnoli Street. Chicago
1011 IIUCI8. I- . * - k
BlSI/ITi5 / ft WELLS ,
Will Remove in a tew
days to
You will do well to
call and examine
our stock of
At 1422 Douglas Stnoar 15th ,
Which will bo Sold at Extra
ordinary Low Prices Before -
fore Moving.
H a n d s o mest
For Sale by
521 South T-nth St.
Roar for Mooros ( )
Harnes s
AMDSaddlery. .
I ha\c MlopteU the Uon aia Trade ' ! and
all my ( roods will be STAUI'Kl ) \\lth' . ION
and my NAIIU on the tumo. KO OOO ! 1 AltE
Tlie l > e t material U used and the rue i tiilkx1
oik men are ctnplotcd , and at tholov < it w-ib
| < rico. Anjono uhlnjta | > rlc IUt of fi'i vrlll
coufer a fa > or by buidiun for one.
Edward W , Simeral ,
On River , Bet. Farnhara and Douglas fits. ,
Lumber , Lath , Shingles ,
Thirteenth and California Streets OMAHA
, , - - - NEB
Wall Paper and Window Shades ,
1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. * ! -ly
1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET.
-/a. jrir.ix , . . . praajsa
Tlio only oxcluaivowholesale house in this line in the went
"We desire to call the special attention of the trade to our
eleptant lines ( ut BOTTOM PBICBS ) of Underwear , Cardigan
Jncketo and Scarfe , Buck Gloves , Overehirts , Overalls
Hosiery , &c. , now open. Wholesale only.
Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts.
The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska
1121 Farnhaia St. , Omaha , Neb.
Consignment ? rondo ui will rrcrlrc prompt attention. . Reference * : State Dank , Omaha ; PUU
fc Co. , Baltimore ; I'cck A Uanshcr , Cutca o ; M w .ir * < - > „ Cincinnati.
DJ1. O.
1213 Farnhcm SI. . O-naha , Neb.
llJIE Bis
GunsArn munition , Sporting Good s
MAX MEYER & CO. Omaha , Ne
Base Burners. I Cannon Stoves. | .Small Heaters.
Remember the Place , 1211 Farnham St.
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
A. L. STRANG , 206 Farnam St. , Omaha.