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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1881)
PHE OMAHA DAILY BEE ELEVENTH YEAB. OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNING , NOVEMBER 15 , 1881 , NO. 124 For Sale By FIFTEENTH AND DOUGLiS STS , No. I , NcwhoviHo , 7 looms , on Cunilns otroo Dear Snundarx , frJUO. N . 2. 2 Btf'rj house , 9 roomi , well , cittern am barn , Webster , ncnr Kith ntrect , $ 600. No. 3 , House ot 10 rooms , on llnrncy , sea h street , etonr > ( oundntlon , J4000. No. 1 , Lareo house of 1 1 roonm , on Wcbstc trcot , near Crolliton ( , WM. Ko. 0 , Hnuao of 7 rooiiw. on Caiui , noir 17t lirect , $1000. No , 7 , House ot 8 roainn , 3 lots , on ITUistncI Irani , 3 00 , No 8 , llousu ot 5 roomi , on Cam , civxr Utli 22x132 leotlot , S1300. No. D , House oJ 3 room ; , kltclicn , etc. , 01 Cawi , near 13th st cct , $ M > . No. 10 , Howe of 3 roomi with lot 22x132 feet on CIWH , nrar Htli street , $000. No. 11 , IIoiiuo of 0 rooniH , on ICth Btreot , nca DousKi , 44\0fl feet lot , StOOO. No. 12 , Ilouaoof ( i roomi. Iir < ck foundation , n Harney , near 27th street , § 101)0 ) No 13 , 1 fiary new IIOIMO of 0 room" , liric ! fotintlMlon , od tit. Marj'a avenue , near com cut 916UO. , No. 14 , Housool R rooms and BUimncrklMivu on EOtli street , tunr dark , ? JIOD. No , IS , House of 8 roomii , on Sherman aveiiu ( IGlh gtrcot ) . near Nicholas , $2250. No. 1C , 1 j- tory houto of 4 rooms , cellar ( table , etc , , on Urneniort , near 22d street , * 1600 No. 17 , 2-ntory brick houno of 0 room * , nca nJ of red street ear turn table , $2360. No. 18 , House and 2 lots , 4 bluOu Ho t ot High School , ? 2M > 0. No. 19 , Kotiio nnd 3 loin on road to park , nen head St. Jlarj'H a\c uc , $3600. No. 20 , HounoanJ llilotinOArllivflcairs , Houtl Omaha , 82500. No. 21 , HOUBO and lot on Davonp'rt street near 10th street , $6500. No. 22 , 2-Htory house and 1 t S2xOO feet , on Darenport , near 12th street , $1500. No. 23 , House of 4 rooms and 2 lots on 1711 trcet , near Izard , $1200. No. 25 , itouaonnd J lot on 10th street , 1'cn Dodge , JOSO. s. No. 20 , HOUBO ami i lot on 10th street , nca < 3 p tel arcnue , $1450. Mo. 27 , 2 houses and lot on Jackson , ueor 13th ttreot.WlOO. Wo. 29 , 6hou Mandllot on California , ne 8th itreet , 95000. Mo. SO , -story brick house of 4 rooms will lot 00x260 ffM , on Sherman urenuo ( lUth street ; acar.Iovrd.'fSOOO1 _ , No. 31 , H > tory house and 53x60 foot , on 13th rooot , near Howard street , $2000. No. 38 , t-story house of C rooms and two lots 01 Mason , near ICth street , $3000. Npps , Largo house and lull lot on Caplto Tcnuo , near 13th street , $2300. No. ZU , 2 thrm-utory brick hoiiioi wi lot 4 tx 18 feet , on Chicago , Dear 13th street , SO 0 ench ho. 37 , Houwof 7rooma ltli IJlot 1'au street , near 18th street , $2760. No , 33 , House and lot on IBUi street , near Sherman , $1860. No. 30 , Uousu of 6 rooms with 44x66 feet lot on 18th street , near California , $2500 No. 42 , Housed 8 rooms with lot 150x120 fcut on Cohnrn , near Colfax street , 93600. No. 43 , HOUBO and 2 lots on Uhlcuxo , near 20th trot , $76JJ. No. 45 , Lar o hoiifle of 7 roonn , clo ets pantry , well and cistern , on ISth , near Clark xtrcet , $3500. 1 No. 40 , Lar e houco with full block , ucar new Bbott ewer , $2000. No. 47 HOUHB of 9 rooms with 1 lot.on Pacific , near llth street , 83000. No. 49 , Brick house of 11 rooms , well , c'etcrn , KM throughout the house , Kood born , etc. , on Vornboui , near 17th Ntreet , $ tXK)0. ) No. to , House of 6 room * , cellar , well , etc. , on 10th , near l' ul street , $ " 000. No. 53 , House of 1) ) roomi and collar , 1st 33x132 , off St. Mary's avenue , near convent , $1500. No. 55 , Four houses and 88x120 feet , on I > & \ on port , near 10th street , $0000. No. 50 , Houeo of 9 or 10 rooms , on California , near 21st street , 85500. No. 57 , Houix ) of 6 rooms , nimtncr kitchen , cellar , cisU-r.i , well , good barn , etc- . , near St. Jlorj'3 arenuo and 21st street , $3000 No. 68 , New house of 7 rooms , KOCH ! barn , on Wcbstor , near 22d street , $2500. No. 69 , Four housea with i lot , on 12th strctit , near Co. . S2500 , No. 60 , HOUM ) of S rooiris on Davenport , near 23rd street , WOO. No. 01 , House of 9 or 10 roouu , on Hurt street , near 22nd xtract , $5000. No. 02 , House of 4 rooms , 1 otory , porch , cel lar , cistern and ncll , on Harncy , near 21rt street , 1750. No. C.t , House of 4 rooms , clojoU , basement R J collar , near Whlto I atlVorke , $1COO. No. 04 , JluildliiK onlcased lot , on IJodiruiitruet , near i > o t ollice , store below and ruom * above , 9300No. . 05 , S lot * with barn and other Improve ments , near street car turn table , $2000. No. 1)7 ) , Now hou o of 8 rooms ou 17th , near Cumin ? street , $1000. No. 09 , I-ait'O line house of 12 rooms , every- hln complete , on 18lh , near Chicago , $1)000. No. 70 , House on 18th street , nwtr O enport , tore below an J rooms above , barn , etc. , $1500. No. 71 , House of 8 rooms , line cellar , all com ploto. on California , near 21 t , $7000. No. 72 , Brick house , 10 or 11 rooms , on Daven port , near 16th $60C . Mo. IS , IJ-story house , 6 rooms , cellar , w.l and cUtern , on Jackson , near 12th , SlbOO. No. 74 , Brick hou o lth 2 lots , fruil trees , etc. , on 16th , near Capitol avenue , $15,000. No. 76 , House of 4 roomi , bcment , lot KJi 183 fcfti , on Maicy , near 7th , $ C76 , No. 76 , 1 J-rtory houne , 8 room * , on Cass street , Of ar 10th street , $4000. No. 77 , 2-story house , 11 roomi , lo et , fur- M , fruit trod ) , born , etc. , on Fornhain , uear th tr t , $8000. No. 81 , 2 housea with fl rooms , and other ulth rooms , on Chicago , ncr 12tb street , $3000. Mo. 82 , 1 j-Btory how * , 0 roonia , 4 clo * < t , well and 100-barieI cistern Rood barn , on Pierre Ht , , neur 20th ( near now government corrull ) , $1&00 , Na. 83 , 2-story bouse , 0 room * , coalbliixJ , good well , clitern. on i lot , on Capitol avenue , ne 12th , $2 00 , No , 84 , 2-itory haute , 8 rooms , 4 bflow nnd 4 bove , 3 cjowta , ca'lar ' , well and cistern , Kith 5 ore * ( -round , on Baundorantroct , near liarrackn , 2500. No. 85 , 2 Btorea , housnon leano. | J lot , lift * * ruua 2 year * from April 1st , Ib-jl , on racltic U : . , near U. I' , depot , $ * . No. BO , House , 15 roomi , nell , diUrn , rtc. , near ISth anil Harney streets , $ XKX ) . No , 87 , 2 story house , 3 rooms , well with 40 foot of water , with 6 ncrcnof eround , on founders etreet , near U , B. Barracks , $2000 , Mo , 88 , IATZO house of 10 room * , well , cistern , barn , etc. , on Ca-u street , near Slut , * 7 < XX ) . No , tD , Larj'e haute , 10 or 12 rooms , on AVob- tker ulrcet , near 19th , $7600 , GEO. P. SEMIS' Real Estate Exchange 15th and Dougl aa Ptr et rue CTluuiico utBt. tit ) uiu THE TRAITORS' ' TRIAL flnltsan Arraipod in the Crim inal Oourfc Yostorflay Horning , Ho ia BrouRbt From the Jail Without Any Dis turbance. The Court Room Crowded with Spectators All Available Space Occupied. Guttcau Givoa Some Exhibi tions of Hia Meun Tem per in Court. Considerable Difficulty Exper ienced in Procuring a Jury. Only Five Jurors Obtained Out of the Firot Panel Drawn. Guitoau'o Statenien tOnly the Mutto rings of a Crazy Bruin. No Reason Assigned for the Disagreement Between Scovilloaud Rob inson. Tlio Panel of Jurors Exlmnitcd A New Panel Ordered- National Associated 1'rcnti , WASHINHTO.V. Novoiubcr 14. Soon aftur daylight this morning n great crowd be an to gather about the dia- trict court houue , all anxious to pob a gliinpao of the assassin Guitcnu , wluiso trial was to bcciii ; at 10 a. in. For hours they waited. At length the court room doors were opened. As many as could bo accommodated with Bcata tvero adinittml nnd the others stood near by in hopeless anxiety. The prisoner was brought down from the jail this time in thn police van , but BO quietly that scarcely any one but the ofiicers knew it. Every seat in the court room was filled except four and all available 8tindin < : room. The audience wns composed for the most part of members of the District bar , witnesses and members of the press. Not more than half a dozen ladies had gained admission to the court room. .Next to the three or four vacant seats referred to Bat Lawyer Scovillo , his wife , who IB Guitoau's sister , Guiteau's brother and Lawyer Robinson , liis chief counsel. At 10:05 : a. in. there waa n rn tr the northwest en trance , , : md the marshal entered , followed by two oillcers , between whom was tlio prisoner. Guiteau wai dressed in a suit of dark clothes whicl liis brother presented yesterday. H < took a seat by his sister , Mr. Robin ion on the other side , the ollicers ea behind him , and one of them leaning > ver unfastened the culls ftom Gui : eau's wrist. The prisoner then shooli mmld with his brother and sister , landed the latter n small pamplilei and package of paper , nnd thei arranged the articles on the able before him rather is if ho had been con use lion accused. Ho appeared mucl nore collected than wh m first irraigned and had nothing of the tightened look that marked him nt hat timo. When all was quiet Mr. lobinaon addressed the court asking or more time buforo the trial. lie aid ho had reason to know that ho : ould get needed assistance as counsel before long and that ho had some wit- lossess who could not get there bu- bre December 1st. Ho was willing o give thu court thu names of said vitnoases. As Mr. Hobinson sat dovn juitoau arose and said , "if your honor iloase , I desire to nddress the court. " lis niannor was calm nnd business iko. People roje to their feet nil over the room , but thoru was no dis- .urbunce. He wont on : "I did not enow that my counsel was ready to lake his speech this morning. 1 do- ire to speak for myself. 1 am here n a murderous charqo , and I desiree o bo heard iu my defense , " "Tina is tot the time to enter upon the de- en o , " said Judge Cox , quietly ; "it H only a question whether more time s needed for preparing the defense. " It is not needed , " eaid Guitoau , ' 'wo TO ready to go on with thocano now. " < h : Itobineon smiled at this and asked uiteau to sit down. The primmer kid , "You keep still , " but ho did nit own , muttering an ho did BO , "Wo ro ready to go nhoad now. " Col. orkhill Bnid ho saw no reason why le time should bo ' extended. Air. lobinaon made an utlidavit thnt th : ole ground on which he asked delay as in order to got the necessary wit- esses and counsel. Ho s id ho was > ractic.illy alonu in thu caio nnd lecded some one. There was dovul- ipod nn evident split between Messrs. covillo and KobniRon. Mr Scovillo , ddressing the court , said that Mr. .pbiiiBon'n application was made ithout his knowledge , which was ertainly a strange proceeding , niiico 10 hud not oven st'un the ailidavit nor leard nhat connsul liopud to get. 1'Vir iis part ho was ready to go on with 10 trial. Hu know ho w.-w incompu- out to go ahead without ns.imtancu to 10 ublo to proceed , Kvun now ho loped to 1)0 of Homo ( isaintatico to Mr. .obinaon , but if ho was to so on in iis wiy ho ( Kuuville ) should with- raw , Hero Guiteau jumped to his out and Haiti in un excited lanner : "I cii'lorsu ovury word ho ays , "Itobinson camu into this cauo itliout consulting mo and I don't iku the way he talks. I order him iereiuptorily to withdraw from thu caao. " Mr. Hobinson renewed his application. Mr. Scovillo claimed that the niwir rclativo.i of the prisoner should at least know who was expected to como for the dofanao. Guitoau rx ain interrupted , "Wo don't want Hobhtsun , anyway. Thin is peremptory and ho must go. " Mr , Scovillo wont on : "If wo have timoonough wo could get counsel , nnd plenty without monoj , but if Ilio court is going to givu us time , and nt thu eamo time na.titjn connaol , I don't ' ngreo with it. " With this Gut- lean jumped up again , rapping the tables with his knuckles. Ho said , "Mr. Scimllo is next to mo in this caip. I intend to do this busiiuias myself. Robinson is not wanted. " The ollicers turned to keep him quiet , but ho told them' to mind their own business. Ho wns in the presence of the court , nnd would talk when ho foil like it. Col. Corkhill asked the court to try to keep the prisoner quiet , whereupon Guiteau sut down saying ho would do whatever the court wished him. After that ho was comparatively ipuiot. Judge Cox then said lie was inclined to givu the defense n little more timo. llo intends that the prisoner shall Imvo nt least u fnir trial , but ho thought it would perhaps bu bettor to allow the caao to proceed so far ns tlio selection of u jury , leaving - ing it for counsel to iirrnngo for him n futtmi continuance , and for addi tional counsel Mr. Scovillo said it should bo understood that ho should not even question n jury until ho know exactly who was to bo asso- ciatud with him and Mr. Robinson in the defense. The court naid no onu couldbcassigned without Mr. Scovillo'n consent. Jlr. Scovillo nnd Mr. Hob- inson both expressed thcmselvon n.s satisfied with this arrangement , nnd the jury panel was then taken up. The court explained that it was wrong interpretation of the law to de mand on such a jury only these per sons who had formed nn opinion The only absolutely disqualified per sons were these who Have formed an opinion that could not bo changed by any evidence whatever. The first four of the jury panel stated distinctly and finally that they had opinions which no evidence could change and they were au'jedily ex cused. The fifth Kocnicd all right until asked if ho had any scruples us to capital punishment , llo Hinilod a ho answered in the allirmativo nnd Bcumud glad to get out of it. The sixth thought ho could give n verdict in ac cordance with the evidence , although ho had repeatedly said ho should hang the prisoner. This man was in the hardware business. Mr. Scovillo said the juror was not wanted. The nox man was a mechanic. Ho had nc opinion not very decided though h could give a fair verdict. Mr. Sco villo naked as to his politics nnd rolig ion. Judge Porter , of the prosecution , objected. Mr. Scovillo said ho desired sired to know something of th < jurors' conscience before knowing whether ho might cierciao the right to a peremptory challenge. That was all ho was driving at. Ho was willing to let that question rest until hi could present authorities. Thii man was AVilliam P. O'Donnoll and in his case the dofenao made their first peremptory challenge. Th eighth waa excused because ho hole firmly to the opinion formed shortly after the shooting. The ninth mat was John Hamlin , a well known res tauranterof Washington. Honnsworci' all questions satisfactorily , some as to whether ho held to any infidel belief. John A. Vnnduaon seemed qualified unless in thnt he had a sort of preju dice against insanity. On this ground the defense ordered their third per emptory challenge. Hiram Trimblo the next manor the panel said ho never allowed himself to be influenced by newspapers. He investigated things for himself nnd was satisfied that Guiteau did the shoot ing but as not to whether ho wns guilty of murder. Col. Corkhill said lie was too much of an inrcatigator for this trial and he waa excused. This exhausted thu panel. An order was issued for a. now pane ! of 7o citizens. At this point Guiteau arose nnd stated that he should like to make a speech to-morrow morning. The court told him ho would bo given a chance to bo heard in his own de fense. Guitoau "But thnt must'go in now your honor , as it must influence public opinion. " The Court "That's not what wo jro hero for. " Col. Corkhill said ho hoped thu : ourt would insist on thu prisoner iooping still. Guiteau "Never , Colonel I know ny business and I hopoyou do yours. " Ho was finally quieted by the officers jut ho managed to got his written ipuech into tlio hands of n reporter vho started for the door. Mr. jcovillo had the reporter .stopped and ho paper was not given out with the onsent of counsel. P1VK JUltOUS OlITAINKli , In the Guiteau trial to-day livu urors were obtained and sworn in. Ilioir names anl occupations are an ollowri : Jno. I' . Jlurlin , restaurant : oopoi' ; F. W. Itnndonborg , cigar linker ; Chna. G. Stewart , flour uud cud di'alor ; Henry J. Bright , retired rom InminosH ; Thos. H. Langluy , rocur. The panel was then uxhuust- d and the court adjourned till to- norrow morning at 10 o'clock. HTATKMU.NT. Tlio nlatoinent that Guiteau desired o make in court is quite lengthy. lo nays thnt the Deity SUCIIIH deposed o fnror the shooting of Garfield , and 10 will continue to do so until the nil. Insanity BCCIIIH to run in his itmily , The word "nasasain" grates ipon his mind , yet people doliglit in ising it. Ho concludes ui follows : 'To-day 1 miller in bonds ns a pa- riot. Washington led the nrtnics if the revolution through eight 'earn of bloody war to victory nid glory. Grant led the avmies if the union to victory und glory , nnd o-day the nation is happy and proa- lurous , Washington and Grnnt by heir valor und ducccim in war won ho admiration of mankind. To-day ! suffer in bonds un u patriot bccauno [ had thu inspiration and wjrru to unite n great political party to the end that tho' nation might bo saved Aiiothui desolating war. To my that I huve boon misunderstood mid rillifipd by nearly the enUro American prcM nnd people ia a true statement , but providence anil time tightens all thingo. 1 nppcal to the liberal press of the nntinn for justice. I nppoal to the republican parly , espe cially the stalwarts , of which lam proud to bo one , for justice * . 1 appeal to the president of the United States for jiiotico ; I m the man that madohlm president. Without my inspiration ho was n political character , without power or import. 1 wns constantly with him during tl u canvass ami ho knows thnt wo had nil wo could do to elect our iickot. 1 am more than glad that Mr. Arthiu1 is proving him self n wise nmn int his now place. I expect he will give the nation the finest administration it 1ms over had. I appeal to this honorable court for justice at the last Rrtat day , when nil men will stand in tlio proj- ciioo of the Deity nuking for mercy and justice. As they am so will their final'abodo hereafter. Often men are governed by pasaion mid not by roa- aoti. The mob crucified Ilio Savior of mankind. This happened ninny con- turioa ago. For eighteen eenturius it oxi'itcd as tromomloua an intluunco on the civilized ns _ the dinpisiod Gal- linn. They did their worl with the Almighty b'nthor. Juilgo Cox announced that thu court would como iu daily at 7 o'clock nnd i'cusft would be declared daily from 1I20 : : ! to 1 p. in. , and take an ad journment as promptly ut II o'clock. I'ho court then adjourned till to-mor row. Guiteau wai removed from the court , room and the crowd disported. Thu prisoner wua taken back to the jail quietly. The opinion is thai ho is overdoing the insanity doilgu. Mis counsel mailed nt his purforumncu ns if it wa.s part of the1 programme. TO ASSIST THIS rr.OSECTTIOX. 10.12. Smith , of Now Vork , was to day assigned us counsel to nsbist the piosucntion in Guiteau's trial. Attorney-General AlacYengh B rasijr- nnion ! wns accepted to-day. No ono wiJ bj appointed to the vacancy at present. rfolicitor-Genoral Phillips will eon'iimu to perform the duties. MneVesigh snid ho'would to Phil-idol- phia and i-caumo the practice of his profession. ' < A B05L5R BLOW-UP , Explosion of Teu. . Boilers in a Saw Mill at Mioli , , Yesterday , The Saw Mill and Buildinca in the Vicimilf Blown to A'i'oma , . One Piece of lion Woighinc 1 < im 200 PouadM ' 'Carried ' Four Men Killed , Their Bodies Being Horribly Man gled. The Dnmaao By the Exploaian 825.OOO-I.ow Wuti.r In tlio Boiler the Causo. Xu'lonnl I'rcin Aiuoclatlun. SAOINAW , Mich. , Nnvomher 1-1. At the little town of Xilwnnkoe yesterday a battery of ten boileia in the brick boiler lionso attached to the saw mill nnd salt block of Hamilton , McClure it Co. , six miles below this city , exploded with great fnrco , scat tering the buildingB lilio chaff nnd causing immense destruction. Eight of the boilcis were torn in uluods and pieces flow in every direction , ono boiler head dropping nine hundred feet distant. Not a brick of the boil er house was left wtanding. The largo brick chimney , ono hundred foul high , wa.s completely leveled to the ground. The west end of the large steam mill wan torn to [ > iecoH and the entire fitructuro wreck- 3d and demolished. The largo steam loni-j was lifted high in the air and : ume down on the opposite Hide of the nill , and largo pieces of iron and tini- jcm were thrown hundrodH of foot listant. Urickn nnd timbera were 'ound half a mile from the mill. The talt block was badly wrecked by the txploHion , timbers and iron being Iriven through it. A Hilt ; drill-house 100 feet distant was struck by a piece > f boiler that shattered the tower. Vnothor Binashed in onu aide .t thu roof. It is impossible o give nn idea of the tremendous orco of the explosion nnd doitrnc- irm thnt followed. The boilers were ired at night to supply ntoam for the aw mill , nnd the firemen at the rorka were all killed , not ono cscap- ng to toll the story. Michael Lubcau , load fireman of the boiler house , was iiiried in the debris and his body was lug out nn hour after the explosion ccurrod. Both logs wcae broken bo- tnr the knee nnd the body badly irumod. Joseph Lebcau , brother of ho tirHt mentioned , wiw found thirty not distant , hia right arm crushed and he nbdomon badly bruised , The iien wore 38 and " 2 yea of nge ospoctivoly , nnd resided at Xilwuukee. 'hoy came from Montreal two yi'iira go and have relntivea living in ( Jan- da , Frank Itlanchard wui blown into ho bayou two hundred feet dintniit. 'Jio body was badly mangled. Jlo , 'uu a eingle man , . ' 15 yearn old , and lolonged ut Ht. Orc/.ine , IO\UT Can- da. Charles Carpenter was found nilyQ u few feet from ( Joe Lobuau , his lothnig torn off , the body badly cnldfd and brniacd. He was oinule , 17 years old , nnd came from ( Juuboc. Plio dumugo by the explosion will each 825,000. Low water in the Hilloru is supposed to be the ciiune of he disaster. TRANS-ATLANTIC , The Now French Ministry at Last Announced , M. Gambotta Tnkos the Port folio of Foreign Af- fnira Hiuieelf , President Orovy Anuouucoa His Accoutftnoo of the Cftbiuot. Moro Liberals Elootod to Seats in the Gorman BradlauRh'a Appeal Against the Payment of Fines Dismissed. FOREIGN National AMocUtcil I'riw. Till : rilENl'll MI.VISTllT. PAULS , November 11. The Jour- iml , the olllcial organ , this morning Joes not publish the list of the now cabinet , but ut t ) o'clock this morning M. Gambotta iutormud President Gravy that ho hntl succeeded in deli- nitoly forming hit ministry. Grey- cine lofusod to become miniator nnd 11. Gambotta ruaolvud to take the portfolio of foreign niFitira himself. Tlio list in as follows : Minister of foreign ati'airs nnd president of the council , M. Gamboita ; finance , M. Olain Tugo. interior , M. Rosneau ; public works , M. llaynol ; agriculture , M. Doves ; instruction , M. Host ; P. O. , M. Cockory ; line arts , M. Prsnst ; marine , M. Guiigcnnl ; war , M. Comperon ; justice , M. ( Jaizot. The cabinet is made almost altogether of now and un tried men , and the public teem as yet to 1m unable to form any opinion concerning - corning its strength or weakness ATTKMITED ASSASSINATION. JJi'jiLwr November 1-L , - Gonorul Menra , while returning from church at _ liallyinoro yesterday in broad day light , was tired at by aomo mun lyiiui in the ditch by the roadside. The cenural was uninjured and , the nisiui- Bins suoing that they had failed in bringing dawn their man , Hod ncroos a field and disappeared behind a hedge. The motive for this attempt at murder is not known , Notices have boon posted in Limerick threatening farmers with death if they apply to the land commission court or othur- wise make terms with their landlords. nilAWLAUail'H AITXAL DISMISSED. LONDON , November 14. U'rnd- laugh'a appeal from the decision of the court which found him liable for payment of tines sued for in conao- quonco of his voting in the house of commons 'without having taken the UBual'paUi has been di&missod. The penalties su d for with costs amount tea a yery ? jargo rum of nipnoy , To p y this out of 'liis own resources is "quite impossible , not to pay thorn is to ren der himself hablo to b arrested and imprisoned. A subscription to raise money for hia relief ii proponed. IT WASN'T LOAHKD. LONDON , November 14. A docu ment which lias boon seized at Brad ford , is alleged to contain a full list of the present .Fonianrovolntionary parly in Ireland. A package from America was recently locoivod addressed to Mr. llalph Creyko , member of parlia ment for York. From its appearance it waamipposed that the package contained - tainod an infernal machine. It wns therefore opened with great care when it was found to contain nothing but samples of guano from an Ameri- advertising linn. (1BUMA2T Bj.KCTIOXH. Ur.itMNNovombarl4. Thogt'nnrnl result of the supplementary flections for members of the roicbstag strength- L'lis the result of the firat ballot. The conservatives have only won live scats out of seventy and the socialists eleven , while the remaining fifty-four seats Imvo been won by the liberals and rnrioua other political shares. Thirty secondary elections are still to behold , fvnd it m expected that they will be similarly distributed. L11IKKAI. VIUTOIIIOU.1. LONDON , November 14. Jn the I'loction at Tivcrton to-day Mr. Kborington , liberal , received 705 n > tos find Mr Lossemor , conserva tive , ICil. votes. NKW I'OltTUOKSK MINIHTHV. LIHIION , November M. A now niiiiHtry has been formed an follows : jotihor Fortes Perciva Do Mollo , ( resident of the council and minister ) f flnancu r.nd ad interim minister , ( war ; Sonhor lioviro , minister of .ho interior ; Souhor Velhona , minis- or of justice ; Bcnhor Pementala , ninintor of foreign attaint ; Sonhor [ liutzo , minister of public works ; sonhor Gowvar , minister of marine , Ul the mcmburs of the now ministry juloiig to the Hegonadoris party. WILL WOKK WKU , TOIIKTHKK. PMIIH , Novo'iibor 14. The friends if ( jambetta nay that ho has made a ihoice of thoroughly practical and miriness like men , and that they will fork well together. KKSJIlKNTnilKWACCBITHTIIIHIAIIINBT , President Grcvy has accepted the labinot formed by GnmboUn , as re- mrtod this morning , with an addition if M. Konvion us minister for tlio lolunloa and has signed . decree an- minting thu gcntlomen named to their espectivo dnparlmentH. They enter tpon the discharge of their duties im- nodiatoly. Public opinion doru not oem to bo very favorably impressed n favor of the now cabinet. ) TO AH'Ol.Nr I'OMMISSJO.SKIIH. LONDON , November HI.-- Yesterday Jurdinal Maiming , at the heud of u lopulation of eathclio bishops , wailed ipon Karl Spencer , lord president of ; ho council , and usked for tlio ap pointment of a royal commission on the dovelcmuiil of ruligiouB teaching in olfttnontray schools. Karl Bpoiicot in reply refused to ericoilrafjod tin. appointment of etich commissions , AUSTIltAN nUlXIET. ViMjr * , November 1-1. The Aus Irian minister of linanco to-day pro- Rented th budget to parliament. It hews a dttlicit of , ' (7,000,000 ( llorlnn , which ho proposes to bo partly cov ered by a Wn. roU.Nl'ir , 01' l.'AHl > I.1ALl. ItoMK , Norombor H. The pope to-day hold a council of cardinals on the Irish question. They generally approved of the attitude of ilio Irish blihops oil thu qtit'flUon. lltSMAIU'K'H AUTHOU1TT. Dnnutf , November 14. It is re ported that the emperor has given PrincA Umnarck authority to take Miy measures ho muy ehooso to constitute - stituto a majority in the reichstag , in order to ronlize the projected reforms in finances , nnd th * improvement. of the condition of working men ; also to end ecclesiastical conflict by a for mal agreement with the Koiniui Cuna. Dcnth of a Promluont Cltlnon of tl > | mtrh to Thu Omalift lift. OCIKKN , November 14. Gumport Goldberg , a promiiUMil and roapccled wholesale merchant of this city , died suddenly to-day of rhoumali.ini of the heart , after ix week's illness. The event causes widespread Borrow throughout this whole section , llo was an Odd Follow and Jfaaon occu pying the higheat cluvir in each of those bodies. A Sanudnloui Plot- KntloiiM AMOciatcil I'rwi. Nr.vv Yoitic , November 14. A Hcandalous plot to extort money and information regarding the probable rise of stock from Jay Gould by threats of assnssination was nipped in the bud and its ingenious originator , Col. .1. Howard \Yolln , of No. M7 J'if th avenue , wan arrested and 'passed the night at police headquarters. The story , which luvs few parallels iu the history of crime in thin city , opened October 7 > when a letier threaten- in ! . ' assassination tvan sent II r. Gould through the editor of The Wall Street News. They have continued almost daily since that date. Detectives finally spotted the author of the lotteru us he was leaving a mail bos , having lirat deposited a letter to Gould. Col. J. Howard NVollon , who attempted to blackmail Jay Gould , was arraigned in the Toombs police court this morning but the case wont over until afternoon on accout of the absence of Mr. Gould and witnctjnci for the prosecution. Nmv YORK , November 14. Col. J. Howard AVolls , who attempted to blackmail Jay Gould , was arraigned ft second time late this afternoon , and on the appeal of his counsel , the caeo was put over till Wednesday. The counsel requested that a close watch bo kept on the prisoner , aa ho WAS undoubtedly insane and would dohim- elf injury if allowed. Ho wns as signed special keepers. , . , , , v Billiard. Cent otv ' , % . f NUIormI Auoclatod Jl'rtM ( NKW YOIIK , November 14. The first games of the great billiard tour nament for $2,000 and the champion ship of the world and a diamond em blem donated by I3ichard Itoche , of St. Louis , were played at Tammany hall thia evening between Win. Sex ton and Thomas Gallagher and Thos Wallace vs. Jacob Schaellor. It was the largest audience over assembled to witnvsa a billiard contest. The first game was between Spxtoi and Gallagher , the former being f great favorite at 100 to 40. Thogamo was won by Gallagher in fi7 inningn. Score : Gallagher , UOO ; Sexton , 1UU. At ton o'clock the necmid gaino commenced , the contestants being Jacob 8clia fcr and Thomaa Wallace. The former was the favorite ut 100 to 2f > , The game was won by Schaefer in 40 inniimH. Scorn , 200 to 9 ! . To-morrow afternoon Morris and Hoisor and Wallace and Gallagher will meet , and in the evening the garnet- will bo between Dion and Daly and and Carter. A Cloao Call- National Ahsociatcil 1'rom. LIIAVKNWOHTII , Kan. , November 14. At 7 o'clock thin morning a Hro was discovered in the basement of the postollieo building. The government rent the building of D. It. Anthony , the postmaster hero. Anthony bus used the basement for storing refuse BtiiH' from his printing ollice. The lire started in a largo lot of waste pa per near sevoial barrels of oil , a lot of pine boxes , mattim ; and other inlliim- mablu material , W waa uxtinguiBhod after a great deal of hard work. Had there been livu minutes further delay in discovering the lire thu entire building , with all the postolilco books , > apors and appurtcnancits would Imvu : jeon consumud. Ratoi- I'ntloniJ AuocUtud Vint * . NKwYonK , November 14. At the Krio railroad oflico no definite statp- nent could bo given thia morning in ugard to the freight changes which tvero to bo made to-day. It is ex pected that a clmngo will pa into ( : f- 'ect in a day or two. An increase iu freight rates on thn Pennsylvania tfont into effect to-day. The former prices from Now York to Chicago were ; First class , 413 cents ; second jlnHs , 'M cents ; third , 21 ! cents anil Fourth , 10 centH. The rates now arc : First class , 00 cents ; second , HO cents ; third , 40 cents , and fourth 28 cents. Got Out Doors. Tlio close confinement of all factory vork , gives the operative pallid fucea , poor appetite , languid , mieorablo feelings - ings , poor blood , inactive liver , kid neys and urinaty troubles , and all the phjbicinns and medicine in the world cfinnot help them unless they got out of doom or HAD Hop Jiitters , thu purest and boat remedy , especially for iiuchcasos , having abundance of health , sunshine and rosy cheeks in them. They cost but a triUo. See another column. ( Jhrlslinn Kccordtr. nov ID WASHINGTON HEWS. Bon , Lionnl West , the How Britieli Ministar , Presented to the President , Ho Mnkos n Kent Speech The President Makoa t\n Ap- proprinto Roply. Judjjo Polgor Tnkoa Posaoo- eion of the Treasury Dopnrtrnont. The Oath of Oflico Adminis- iotorod Heads of Do- pnrtinouts Presented The Auditor of the PoatofBce Department Submits His Report. THE NATIONAL CAPITA ! * fntloiut Ainod.iti'O 1'riHfl KOUini INSTAI.IKD. WASHINGTON , November 14. ludgo Folger , the new secretary of he treasury , took possession of the oflicu to-day , lie was conducted from the Arlington to the treasury by Sec retary Windom , and the oath of of- ice administered by Gco. I. Coilin , a lotary public connected with the do- lailment. The heads of the depart * nent , diviaion chief nnd deputies , were then presented by Assistant jccrotarics Upton and French , I'llKHKNTKD TO Till ! rilKSIDKNT. The now liritiidi minister , lion. jionol Saokvillo Woat , culled at the lopartmont of state thisaftornoon and > resented his credentials to Secretary ilaine , who accomjaniel ] him to thu > rc idont'd house and presented him o President Arthur. The now Uritish minister , Lionel Sackvillo West , on delivering hia ere- lentials , addressed him as follows : Mil. PUKSIOKNT Sin : I have the loner to remit to yon a letter which ho queen , my august sovereign , had idd roiiiM-d to you , accrediting mo ns ler envoy extraordinary and minister > lenipotentiary to the United States. ! bo to assure you that I shall use ny best endeavors , both in my otlicial ind private capacity , to cultivate and mprovo , if piusible , the relations of cordial friendship and good under standing which happily subsist be tween the coutitricB and thu contin- lance of whioh her majesty baa 10 much at heart. The reception which'hns been accorded to mo by the nayor and citizens of the great com mercial city of Philadelphia upon my arrival is an unmistakable manifest ation of kindness. The sentiments which nnimato amoricau people to wards her majesty as well as towards the nation which I have the honor to represent indicates that the two great English speaking- nations of the vfcrld will henceforth bo found associated by ties of kindred regard for the ad * vancomcrit of civilization and the pro motion of commercial enterprise in all parts of the world. I fool deeply the importance of the mission which the [ iioon has been graciously pleased to conh'do to me , but at the same time I feel confident that in the discharge nt many duties appertaining to it I shall always moot with that conciliatory ami amicable spirit which BO eminently distinguishes tlio United Statoc. " President Arthur made nn appro priate reply. .NICKEl , L'OINAflK. The treasury department , in view of tlio largo demand for live cent nickel coin , has decided to coin about ? 1 , 100,000 of mutilated 1 , a nnd 5 cent nickel coiim now lying in the treasury vaults into D cent pieces. IlEI'OltT OP Till ! Al'DlTOU O ] ' TIIK 1'OST OFPIt'i : DKl'AHTiUINT. WASIIINOTOX , Norombor l.'J. The report of the auditor for the posloflico department was submitted this morn ing showing the receipts and oxpondi- tim-n by stated , The states furnish ing an UXCUBS of rccoips are these. Mutn . 551 MZ Nawirmnsblre . 0 OKI ) MB BacliU8ctt . 919 091 JloiU Inland . 1VO 34.r Connecticut . 104 577 New York . 2011 W iwlJcr OT . 108 2S * L' nuitylT Dia . W3 40S Delavraro . U-'O MIchf ! ( n . IDS 371 JllinoiH . ' "J4188 Wiecumln . 48 70L Alaaka . ! - ' The states showiinjan excess of ex penditures ro , IB follows : V rm nt . C02 Maryland . SSI 01U Virginia . 3203 ! ! iVe.t Virginia . -7 407 S'orth Carollim . 101US 'outh C'ttrollim . 77461 JeorifU . 238902 f'lorlda . 138 HU ) ) , io . 500 B7(5 ( lullina . 43 KW 'owa . 7 KM tllivoml . SO M'J Centucky . 13S 81G rennesec. . 'J9 111 Uubwnt . 217 OU8 HM.sippi . isosor ; .ouiaiau . KM .1-W Wiforcla . 700708 VtinnenoU . 377 : 7 KMWM . 3f7W f b l k . M-T "W -20 N'cw Mexico . Ki'J SOI Wuhlnxton . } OW Dakota . 2' , Arlwuoa . W ; a STAlt JIOUTKHP. Connsel for the govcrnmont are busily 1'iig.iged in the preparation of the star route cases , lion , Qeorgo lUiss , who will n-.aniigo the case for the government , ia now engaged in tlio examination of casea that belong to what is called "tho Dorsoy combin ation. " Theio were 134 contracted. by thia oyndicato ,