THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE : MONDAY , NOVEMBER 14 , 1881 I I THE DAILY BEE. MAHA PUDLISHINO CO. , PKOPRItVUKS 013 rarnhum , bet. 9th nd lUth Slrctli , TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION \ t , In Jvinee p U ! dHO.CO ) " " 5.0 " 8.00 RAILWAY TIME TABLE. THE CARD CHICARO , r , MI'I , , VISMXI-OL1S ASP OMAHA KAtl.RUAD. toAVo Omnhs No. 2 tJiroimh rw-cincr ; , 0:30 : n , ui. N'o. 4 , Oak.ind ; freight , 1:20 : p. ni. ArjhnOtnahn No. 1 , lliroujrh ixu > < vntrcr , 6:15 : t > . m. No , 3 , O.\kl.int1 froi lit , 10:60 : . Hi. < miu HIST OR soiim IIOVKD , 0. , 1) . U . Tlf : > a. m. 3:10 : p. in. C. & N.V. . , 7:40 : . in. 3:10 : 1 > . m. 0. , It. I. Jt I1. , 7:40 : , . m. 3:10 : 1ni. . K. C. , St. .1. Ji U . , leaves at s a. ui. nnil 0SO : p. in. Attlvo atSt , Louljnb ( iEOti. m. Mul dt : > - p. "i. "i.W , Bf. L , ft P. , lcave nt 3 n. in. ami 3:40 : p. m. Arrhca At St. I < ouU ntOIO : n. in. MK ! :30 : a , m. WMT OR tOCTIIftlWTS. ' D. ft M. In Jfcli. , Tlironith Kxprow , SSO : . in. 1) ) . & M. Lincoln F.NjircM- 2J p. in. U 1' i.xi : > roAi , ) St6li. : m. 0. ft II , V. tot Ilncoln , 11:45 a. m. O. A U. V. for Oaceoln , 10.10 n. in. U. I' , frcliht No. 6 , : ! a. m. U. P. f retell t No. I ) , 8,20 A. ni. U. I1 , freight No , 13 , 20 : ! p. in , IT. r. Ir. i .M N" ! , ilo : p. in. cmlgrnnt. V..V. llcnvrr cxprc * * , 7:35 : p. in , U. 1' . fr v. M .V n , 1130 Jt. m. U. 1' . Denver frcllitK25 ( ; , p. in , . .lliMVlMtFRUK IASt AND MVtO , C , B , & V 6:00 s. m. 7:25 : p m. 0. A N. > > ' . , ! > :45 n. in. 7:25 : J > . m. C. 11. I.A.l',9loa. : in. 0:05 p. in. K. C. , St. Joe A-0 II. , 7:10 a. : ir.xivi > o PROM rim WUST AND SOUHIWEBT. O. & It. V. from Lincoln 1.03 p. in. U. I1. Kxprito 3:2r. p. tn. U & U. In Neb. , Throiiifh Kipresi ll6 ! p. m. H , & M. Lincoln Kxprcnii-O 40 1 m. U. I1. I > enr cvprcin , 7:35 : a. in. V. ) ' . FtbtgLl "to. lliai p. in. U. 1' . ' .o V 6:10 : n. in. f migrant. U. 1 . frdjjht No. 14 , lilM : > . ' U. 1' . v. - - D.OO p. lu. U. I' . v'o. 1 ? ! 45 a. ni. U. ] ' . Denver freight , 1:10 : n. in. O. & K. V. uukcn , AI , 4.4 1 1 > . u > . HUHVT TSAIND tlfflas OMAHA AHB COU. < C.IL IILUCFf. Tioavn Oimhi at 3:00 : , OOT nnrt 11:00 : a. ra. ; 1X0 2OT , 3:00 : , 4:0 : ) , 6:00 : anil 0:00 p. in. B:25 : , 0:25 : , 11:25 : a.m. ; lZ5 ! , 2:25 , 3:25 : , 4:26 : 5:25 : anil 0:26 : p. in. Hunrlayi ) The ( lummy leaves Oinalii at 0:00 i 4ii 11:00 : n. in. ; 2:00 : , 4:00 : and 5:00 : p. m. Leaves Council Khift ) t 0:25 tml 11:26 : a. in. ; 2:25 , 4:23 : aod 5,25 p. in. Opening and Closing of Malls. BOUTlt. OPXN. OLOSll. a , m , p. m t. m. p. in. Ohco- ! ft N. W . 11.00 0:39 4SO : 2:40 : Chicago , K Li 1'aclfle. 11:00 0:00 : 1X : : > 2:40 : ChlciKC , U. & Q . 11:00 0:00 4:30 : 2:40 : Walmsli . 12:30 1:30 : 2:40 : Blonx City and raclfie. . 11:00 4:30 : Onion Pacific . 5:00 : 11:40 : Dmaluilt. V . .1.00 11:40 : B.&M. Ill Nel > . 4:00 : 8:40 : 6:30 : Omaha & Northwestern. 4SO : 7:30 : Local inMlH lor State of Iowa leave but once o day , viz : 4:30 : a , m. A Lincoln .Mall in r.ho oponuil at 10:30 : a. m. Office open hunclays from 12 in. to 1 p. in. TMOS. K HALL 1' . M. Business Directory. AbitractanU Real fcitate. JOHN L. McCAOUE , oppuslto Poht Cffico. W. K. I5AKTLK1T 817 South 13th Streot. ArchltectB. DUFKEKE fi MENDELSSOHN , AROH1TECT3 Kooml4 Creljhton ISlocl : . A. T. LA110E Jr. , Room 2. Ciiiichton Uloch. Boots and Shor : . JAMKS DP.VINE & co. , Flno Boots nml Shoe . A xraod assortment of homo work on hind , corner 12th anil llimiry. T1IOS. ERICKSON , S. E. cor. 10th oml Douglas. JOHN FOSITONATUS , 605 10th otrect , manufactures to order K < J worh kt fair prices. Repairing ilauu. Bed SprlnK > . J. F. LARK1ME11 Mannficturer. 1517 Douclnast. Rocka , Newt and Olatlonory. J. I.FUUEHAUF 1015 Farnham Street. Butter and Eggs. MoSHAJtT. & SCllROEDCR , the oldest B. and E. bou In Nclraslta cstabllshetl 1875 Omaha. " CENTJ1AL UESTAURANT , JI11S. A. RTAN , eonthwest corner ICthand Doilcc. Bojt iioard for the Money. Satisfaction Ouarantecil , Mcalo at all Hours. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Terms for Cash. Fnrnlahcil Rnnm Supplied. and Road SNYDEll , 14thnnd Harnoy Streets. jo wo era. JOHN HAUMEII 1Z14 Farnham Streot. Junk. H. BKimTOLP , IUK8 and Metal. Lumber , Lime and Cement. FOSTER & filt.\V corner Bth nnil Douglas Sta. Lnmpi and Qlanwaro. J. BONNEU 1300 Dotulas St. Coo.J . Variety. Mcrchcnt TAller * . 0. A. LINDQVCST , One of our most popular Merchant Tailors Ifl re- cclvlng the latest IC | JIH for Sprlnc ; and Summer Gooda for t'entltmen H wear , Stylmli , iluraljlu , and price * low aa over 215 13th hot. lou . &Farn. Millinery. MRS. 0. A. JUNOEK , Wholesnlo and Retail , Fancy - cy Ooo-ld In ( jrrat variety , ZephyrN , Card Boardn , Ilcalury , OlaMjf , Coricti , Ac. C'heapoit House In the West. Purchasers ? ave EO per cent. Older by Mall. 115 KHliunth Street. roimclry. JOHN WKARNE & SONS. cor. 14th & Jarknon stB Hour nnd Feed. OMAHA CITY MILLS , Slh and Fftjnham 8ts. , Wslihans llrn . , Orocers. Z. STEVENS , 21st between Cumliiu and Iror T. A. McSKAUE , Corn. 23d and Cnmliiy HardwBte , Iron and Ctcel. OLAN & LANOWOimii' , Wholcsalo , 110 * n < ! 112 16th street A. (10U1KS corner lfi h anil fulfornl ! . Harneii , Qaddlei , cc. H. WRIST 20 13th 8t. hot Hani' ft IKrney. Hotels . ANFJELU HOUSE , Oco.CannclJ,9th& Farnhfim DOUAN HOUSE , P H. Cary , 013 Fnrnham St. SLAVKN'S HOTEL , F. Slat en , 10th St. Southern Hotel , flu . Hamd nth & Lnavuiwortb Clothing Cought. ' 0 .SHAW will pay hllK ; t Cath ptlco for second hand clothli/ : . Corner 10th nu.I Knrnham. Oentlsti. DR. PAUL , Williams' Block , Cor. 15th & Dodso. Drugi , Paints nnd Oils. KUHN li CO. Phiruiaclsts , Flno v.tnc Uoods , Cor. IJtti hnd Dourlin etrocU W.J. WHITEHOOfl ! , WlioIole&RcUHJ6thBt , C. FIKLIJ , 2022 north Side Cumlug Strtct , PARR , Druifglst. 10 B and Howard Strocto. Dry Qoads Notions , Etc. JOHN H. F. LEltMANN & CO. , HowVork Dry OoodaS lore , 1310 and 1312 Fani- him itiact t. 0. Enowold tw boota and shoos 7th i Paclfle. furniture. % A F. OROS3 , Now nd Second Hand Furniture nd Stoves , 1114 DouclM , lllgheat eaah prlco bid for eeoond liana goons. BONNIin 1800 Dourl * et. Fine ( foods , &c. Fence Worki , OMAHA FENCE CO. OUST , FRIES & CO , , 1C18 Harnoy St , , Improve- ed Ice Hoxcs , Iron and Wood Fences , Office Ralllnw , Counters of Pine and Walnut. Clgari and Tobacco , WEST & FRITSCIIER , manufacturers of Clgare , and Wholoo ! noalcn In Toliaecos. 1305 Douglas. W , F , LOHENZEN manufacturer lilflKariilum. luo OTWUIICO mm. uu urn " . . . . . : Florlit. A. Don eh , pl.vit * , cut fowcr * , sl8 , boqnot * ! tc. N. W , cor. Hth an. ) DouclM street * , CM ) EnQlnteri tnd Surveyors , ANDREW , Cttlnhton niock , Town Suney * , Orado and Sowpr\ Sjttcma ipcchlty. Uommlxlon Morch nte. JOHN 0. Wlti LinU14 lOiloSttfel. H p , lltKUGR. For tltt lt MO Urjo advertise- rent In IHIIv Cornlco W rk . W tcrn tvnnko Worl * . MAnnfictureM Iron Oorntcc , Tin , Iron and Ute lloonin . Orders 'roni any locilltj- promptly ciocntol In the best oniincr. F 'tory f.nd on'co lilj Harncy St. Uilmnltpd ItJii Cornices , \Vlmlo Csy , etc. , tianufacUrcil uml put up In any patt of th" coiuitry. T. KISHOt.ll IIP Thirteenth ilrcet Crockery. ) . BONNEll 13W Dotuixa street. Oocxl lino. jt nnd FurnUhlng Qoods. OEO. H. PliTKRSON. Also Hats , Cnj , Hoot * , Jhocs , Notions anil Cutlery , M4 8. 10th street , Rctrlceratort , Cnfleld's Patent' 0. F. GOODMAN Ut'i St. bet. 1'arn. & llamer. Show CAICI M nuf ttory.i 0. J. WILUU , Mantlf.tclurrr and Dcntcr In all kinds ol Show ( ' . * < I. UptlRht Ca e3. J „ 1317 CS3 at. FIIANIC L. OEHIIAIU ) , proprietor Onv > lia Show Case nnnuf jctorj' , 819 South 10th ptn-et , bctwci'ii Livxvi'iiworth and Mnri-y. AH warranted . Pawr.brokara. ROSKNKnLD. 10th St. . hot. Far. A H r Gloves nfl Tinwaro. A. IIUUMESTEll , tlenlcr In Sto\cn nnd Tlnnnre , and Manufacturer of 11n Koofj and all klude of Uulklltis Wotk , Odd Fellows' Illock. J.liONNEU. 100 Doi LviSt. Oood anil Chnp. Sct'du. J. EVANS , A\Tiolo ilo ami Retftll Seed Drills and CultivMors , Odd Ki'llown Hall. PhytlcUninnri Surgeons. W. S. OIDUS , M. D. , Uoom No a , Crolghton liloek , 16th Street. 1' . S. LEISENtUNG , X. D. Masonic lllock. 0. L. HART , U. D. , Kyr and Knr , opp. tKJstotHce Dlt. L. H. OHADDY. Oculist and Aurlst. S. W 16th and F rnh m Stn Photogr pHers. OEO. IIKYN. PROP. Or ud Central Gallery , 212 Sixteenth Straob. near Masonic Hall. First-class Work and Prompt ness iriiarantcen Plumblnn , Cas andStoam Fitting. P. W. TARl'Y .t CO. , 210 12th St. , hot , Farnham and Douglaq , Wont promiitly attended to. 1) . ? ITZPATRICK , 1400 Doudas Street. an aper anglng. MENKY A. KOSTEKS. 141 DOURO Street. Shoo tftoroi. Phillip LanK , 1SUO Farnham at. bet. 13th & 14th. Second Hand Gtoro. PERKINS & LEAK. 1410 Douitlau St. . Now and Second Hanil Furniture , Hoiifau I'lirnhhliii ; Qaoils , &c. , bouirht and od ! on narrow marrlnj. tialooni , HENRY KAUKMANN , In the new brick block on Iourn ! Strnct , h Jutt opened a most oliant Kfi'J Hall , Hot Luncji from 10 to 12 e\ cry day. " Caledonia " J FALCONER 07 ! ) 10th Street. Undertaken , CIIA3. lUEWE , 1011 ! Farnham bet. 10th a lltd. 90 Cent Stores. P 0 lAf KUR. 1205 Fnrnhiun St. , F nev Onodf Free to Everybody ! A BeantiM Book for the Asking , Itv applv Ing personally at the nearest ofllco of'I'llli SINuint MA UFACTUUINQ CO. ( or by ] m > til card if at a distance. ) any ADULT iier. ton wU | bupresentedlth a beautifully Illus trated copy of a Kuwlicok entitled GENIUS REWARDED , OR THE STORY OP THE SEWING ! MACHINE containing a handsome nnd costly steel m rav- li'ir fronti piercc ; also , 23 finely rnjjraved wood cut % nnd bound in an elaborate blue and gold IltliOKmphcd cover. No charyo vrhatovcr if made for tills namlsoino book , hich can bo nhtalncd only by application nt the branch nnd subor dlnatu otlkca of The Singer Manufacturing Co. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. , Principal Office , 31 Union Square , New York ottaT-dm&ctf&w „ . f mnii UL icv vcmm enoil lj tlio f train < i your < lutlci nyoid nluhl noli , to rc rttmulantiivnil uje Hop Oittars. JiTftu , uw Hop 3. Ifyonproyounaiintjf I jtifrsrin ! ; f rom nr lu dlsci-ctiJii or dUjipal li If TOIIAre'B p- rieii or ptnt-lo , cM or J ri r. flufferlnfroiu I > orhf iHh or lantfii . . . . „ un A bixl of blclc ncia , rely oa H O pj | Bittern. VhoeTe yon arc. irhen r you reel I nanlljr from souic tm ! your sjalrm I I Jnrra jf Kid no ; no di cleanslntf , toft- ' > djso&RO tlmt uitKl't Inir or ftlinuiatlnif , I ii&Toticcnpreienli-c TTitlioutfnloj-rta I br tlmuly UMiof take Hop HopBlttom EUtO'e. . ItUney O , I. C. oru * ur f m- It an ji'alni , ill'csse of the itumiich , hlo for - . no ? euro lintrcls. blonil. tirunlcenunan liucroTtttrrtat usu ot opium , You will be ( Ctacou , or cured If you use uurcoti i. Hop Blttor Ifyouatoflm- . wunk nj < pK UiwprlrUcil.try NEVER Circular. tti ( t may no : * lirrrraa onvo your life. It Una FAIL BTO CO. , caved hun Hottfilcr , fiT- dreds , ATr-pmto , OnU U11\ Richmond , Ind. KSTAKIJSHKE ) I8 . Buildera of ENGINES OF ALL SIZES , From 3 to 25 H. P. For Gma" SAW SKILLS , For all Grains and Seeds , Including Clover and Timothy , Feed Mills , &c. , &c , It will pay you largely to wrilo , stat- iny wlnib you \vnut nnd how you wish to pay. Unusurl Inducements to Cash Purchasers. ADDHESS : ROBINSON & CO. , no2wtf Richmond. Ind. KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA XLSR & CO. , Solo Manufacturers , OMAHA. CROFFUT PRINTS. ObsorvfttloiiB of Personal Adorumont , Houeohold Buibolliahuiont , Etc. Some SiiiRnlnr Kxporlonoo in Trnvol ou the Continent Across tli Mr. A. CrolTtit writoa ( o tlio St , Paul Pionour Trcaa tlio follcnviiij ; ro- suits of his obaorvatiotts on tlio nrolii- lectures , line nrts , inotlo of tmvul nntl liotols of Europe compared with Aiuor- ict\ : L'irst Tito liuiltliitqs : While pard ons nro not o.xiictly the aanio tvs fnrttis. or lawns the aanio us stonu-scattorua and brior-clntl hillsides , or nice hcdgoa the s. nt as tumble-down atone walls or sir , g 1 nj ; mil fonoos , yet it is still true tnat n Kuropnui nnil tin Ainori- c.xn Iniu'scapo ' dill'er chiolly in their buildings. Almost till of the buildings in Italy nro of stone , or of concrete or briek that , covered with stucco , pro- aont the eiimu solid aspect to the oyo. Not < mly tlio walls but the partitions and the lluorj are maaonry , hard as rock. Homo and Venice wore wooden - on cities dtirinj ; their early history , but after doviist.iting liros had liino after time reduced them to nshos , and the slopes of the Ai > potilno3 hnd been denuded of timber , ingenuity and ne cessity combined in raising cities .of natural nnd artiticinl stone throughout all southern Kuiopo. oSIost of the larger buildings , such as palaces , ho tels , etc. , nro built around un inner court from thirty to fifty feet cquarc , which is entered from the street by carriages through a largo stone portal. The parlors , dining room , smoking and reading rooms , etc. , open oll'thia court , and doors upon upon inner rooms from balconies higher up. Nowhere - where out of Switzerland is a shingle to bo seen ; all roofs nro tiled. In Great Eritan the tiles , like the multitudi nous chimney-tops nro made of red pottery , and they are sometimes Hat and sometimes slightly curved , and ovorslip ench other like shingles. In Germany these- tiles nro merely short troughs laid aide by side and empty ing into each other , but in Venice they nro of two and sometimes of four thickness , one layer of tiles with the concave side up being covered with an other layer with thu convex side up , so that the upper olio shed the rain into the lowe ? ones. This roof is im pervious and practically imperishable. 1 think the lime m at hand when nil the best buildings in our cities will bo covered with tiles instead of shingles ox- metal ; and- when the floors will bo us solid as tlio walls. 1 saw a roof in Geneva about three loot thick Icoso stones piled ono on another. J3ut this seems superfluous. Second , Jloaaica Mosaics HCCIU to be regarded with mingled admiration and awe , but it h no moro dillicult to make ono of thcso pictures in stone than to make a good poico of embroid ery. Indeed , tlio greatest mosaic in the world tlio bnttlo of Ifcsua , found in the ruins of J'ompoii , and now in the Neapolitan museum is not near so handsome as alinoUuhclin tapestry. A mosaic is composed of small bits of various colored marbles , cut symmet rically about a quarter of an inch square at the top and three quarters of an inch deep , sot in side by side. It would not require prodigious Lvbor or ingenuity to duplicate the battle of IBSUS or Cnvo Cnnen , or to reproduce in colored stones some of the great masterpieces of painting. The time is not far distant , 1 think , when work in mosaics will bo introduced into the decotation of the floors and walla of our public buildings , our hotel lobbies end dining-rooms and ourchuroh altars. They are not dillicult ; thny last for ever ( "pictures for oternity" llussin calla them , ) nnd no country on earth is so rich in colored marbles as is the United States. Third In finp arts and in the moro elegant and delicate of tlio indus trin arts , Europe is as far ahead of us ns wo are of the Chocktaws. No comparison can b'3 instituted. In all the finer varieties ot crockery and glass-ware , in lillagrano , in the jewel ry-mosaics of Venice , Florence and Koine , in almost all bric-a-brac and objects of personal adornment and household embellishment , the Nation al exhibition which I viiitod in Milan was immeasurably beyond all exhibi tions over held in this country. For the next generation certainly , for the next century , perhaps , wo must obtain our highest aesthetic knowledge from ' 'the old world. " .Fourth Wo are as far ahnafl of Europe in comforta an wo nro behind her in the production ot works of art. European hotels and European homes alike have n ntifi' , cold and nuked as pect , because of the absence of certain little things which Americans deem essential. On the dining table you never sup ono of the little aide dishes , BO ruquioitu to an American dinner. Hero wotiko the beef or mutton or fowl upon the plate , perhaps , with Hinall dishes of mashed or fried pota to , sweet potato , turnip , egg plant , maccaroni and HuceoUsh standing aoti- voniontly and subserviently around. The European table d'hoto permits no such trilling. There you must huvu your pinto changed for everything you eat ; -change your pinto ; beef change your plate ; chicken pate change your plato ; mnccaioni - change your plate ; salad change your pluto ; turniji change your pinto , otc. , etc. Ono tired of it. I don't sue why turnip which I'H only bravet food anyhow should bo raised to full rank nnd put in command , And why on earth should pous bo divorced from meat nnd sot before you ? ridiculous solitude ? Then tliero are no small butter dishes in Europe not ono , you must let the butter melt on your hotplate plato , or else npreail it all on your tough bread , or hold it in your hand while your pinto I'M changed. Always pasiiing the hot colToo-pot around in- titcad of bringing the liquid on in cups is a good idea , one which American hotels ought to imitate. Another thing ! In the seven kingdoms nnd two republics through which wo traveled from July to September , I never caw a closet to hang up clothes in. There are scarcely any in European hotels , and very few in European homes , The substantial lint rack stretched out its omnipresent arms everywhere , Ono that has moro arms than iJochina t/en- orally Brands directly at tlio foot of every bed in un attitude of nupplica- tiun. tiun.Fifth Fifth Steam cars. Tliero is no doubt that tlio system of European traveling will speedily undergo changes , tending towards the Ameri can plan. Already American caw are adopted upon novcral roads in Switz erland ami ono in Oornmiiyt mid we may next look for their substitution in l < \innco now tltat the Hopublic is "solid" and class distions are becom ing li'sa pronounced. The European bnggago ftystcm , which remains pre cisely the same as under the old stage coaching , Is rlso doomed. _ lliTo is the way you travel ; Von drive up tea a station in a carnage , your hai/gigo on top , for there is no reliable big- gage express in any c'ty ' of Eun.po. Von slop out , pay somebody to carry you trunk to the baggage counter ; rush nnd get your ticket , keeping one eye on your trunk ; rush back to your trunk ; if it is on a fnintier , ns it usually is , you either open it , and let the inquisitor paw it over , or slily slip into his hand n sixpence not to do it-tho latter method ia always safe ami ell'ective ; ho chalks it ; you rush to got the trunk weighed ; somebody asks you for sixpence , and yon hastily pay it ; then .you pay the trunk's passage - sago ( from ashilling to soveraldnllars _ ) somebody else asks you for n sixpence , and you pay it ; then you rush ver to got your b.iggngoregistered , ami , after waiting a while , obtain a written cer tificate for it ; you pay sixpence to somebody : you rush to the cars ; they are all occupied ; you slily slip a shill ing into thu hand of the guard ( con ductor ) nnd toll hint you wish to be alone ; ho takes the shilling and the hint , bundles a j arty of throe or four out of it compartment to which they have nt ) good a right as'you , telling them it In "reserved , " winks at you , helps you in nnd keeps everybody out of your compartment through the whole kingdom. It is probably moro than half an hour before you rememb er that you have left your overcoat and umbrelli in Uio coupe The re sult is that you are in a state of pers piration and indignation ; nnd for a shilling , hnvo bribed a starveling em ploye to bo tray the railroad oompnny , and compel it to run an extra car nil day at ] an additional expense. And this bother you must go through at every stopping plnco , if you would bo supremely hnppy. Yet an English oommissio.1 , traveling in America , has just reported homo that it is notad- visablo to adopt the American chuck system for "luggage" on European railroads ! " " "Sixth Street cars. The street cars of the continent are a hard lot. of them run without a track , on the flat paving stones , nnd occasionally they go out of their way to deliver pas.sengi.r3. In Turin , 1 think it was , where the small wheels of tlio cat- went rattling over the stones in sticha queer way as to make ono feeble-look ing lady put her hand suddenly to her neck and exclaim , " 0 , my poorluuk ! " Yut that suave conductor politely asked whore wo woroslopping , and , on ascertaining , tiottod us around two extra corners and leit us at the holul , glib aa if ho were an omnibus. In iUilau they have ( .tone tracks that is two rows of Iht stones each about two feet wide , run dotvn the middle of every street , and servo for rails. When cars inoi.'t they have to turn out and rattle your bones over the stone , ' ) . SevenElevators. . I mention them hero because tliero are none or none t speak of in Europe. It In csti mated that there ate now 2,000 pas seiigiiv elevators in thin city alone there are eight to one building and when Englishmen encounter ono it fairly makes them wink and hold their breath in amnzomont to bo whisked up so fast. The Midland Grand Hotel , the largest hotel in London , has what it calla a "lift , " but it is the laziest lift I over saw. It carries guests up whenever its conductor doesn't happen to bo blacking boots or waiting on the table , but it never goes up after any body. Indeed there is no boll or other signal to call it to any floor , and when it moves it is necessary to take a close survey of it by squinting five minutes at an opposite knob and hole to ascertain whether it goes or not. When it stops , the passenger , if ho wishes to bo certain , inquires if it is now at rest. This is a fair specimen of the English and continental elevators. At Interlaken , Switzerland , tliero was a very good elevator indeed ; it was constantly on tap , and trave.uu almost half us 1'aat as did the old-fashioned elevators here , whicn are now Hiijurcedou. At Hotel J5odford , in 1'aris , wo found an elevator'always in running order ; but it never hail any conductor , and guestn on coming into the house , had to htudy it as they would a now language and learn to run it. The screams of uneducated pan- sengofH who got entrapped there are still ringing in my care ; but I took a aeries of regular lenHons on it from the porter , and I am iiuro I .should know which knob to pull even now. JiuL I used it only when 1 was perfectly fic.ih and had plenty of time : if I wan at all tired or in any hurry , I always walked up Blairs. The moral is that somebody is going to got rich traiiH- porting American elevator : ! to Europe during the next live ycnin Eighth Women. It is not by any means title to fray , as Home have said , that there are no handsome European woman. 13oauty is not confined to any longitude or bounded by any frontier lines. I haw a maoveloualy handsome girl upon the streets of Edinburgh , but I did not discover another in a week. It would bu pretty near tlio mark to many hand- come woman in an average Amor can city as in any part of Europe. The comelinesH , piquancy , intelligence nnd general attractiveness of the best Bpuci- mens of American girls in Europe are recognized nnd conceded by tno English. The daughters of "that , fanl- aucliorod islu" are rosier than ouru , nnd their morn girlinhncsN lasts longer , but they generally have high cheek bones , and arc stumpy and misshapen , HOW , ncquiuBccnt nnd melancholy in conversation , nnd dowdy in dress. In brightness and vivacity they are no match for their Yankee cousins. It is equally true thitt American women of middle ago still maintain the pro- ccdencoboth in porBonalappoianco and in cntertainingneaa. 1 am not cer tain that they actually know more , but they have a readinesH , Bcintilla- tion , nn independence of thought , and a tendency to take the initiative in conversation , which makes them appear brilliant by comparison. The American young lady of the best class proves remarkably attractive to Englishmen , partly , no doubt , because of the very insubordination to which they are f > o little accustomed , No man can travel abroad without brini/inghomo with him a better opin ion of his native land. All Europe at this time is on the qtil vivo to learn more about the wonderful country across the sea where farmers , if they work hard , can nclunlly m.iko a living nnd oven an industrious mechanic can have moat every day. Everybody that speaks English bombards every American with multitudinous ques tions about his country about , trades , wages , crops , mines , politics. All eyes nro turned liit'icr ' lo see the lat est development ; all ears to hear the latest \yord. And even the dullest are beginning lo cipher on the aimn : ing problem what sort of colossus * among nations the United States will be in fifty yeaia from now. W. A. Cnonvr. PnlpHntioti of tJiti .L M. Mluht , Syriicuio , X. Y. , write * : "Wlioli 1 tir.H eoiiinirncod li'diitf voiir llur- dock Wood 1 tiller * I \v trundled with ItulterhiK niul palpitation of the In-art. 1 fell weak and languid , \ \ Hn \ \ iiimilinccH of the Hint . tlliioi.m iii | ' , my h'.irt linn not troubled mo mid the numbiiii ; si-n- - ti.m . is nil gone. " 1'rlcc , ? l ; trial * l/.p , II ) ' ts , 10-tfiidlw Strictly Toiiinnrnto , Exoi iil- l'Alrihy | ( Col. ) Flume , On the sleeper of an L. , V. & W. train , recently , a traveler noticed an old , white-bearded gentleman trying to got in a linen duster. The yotinc and spry traveler rushed to his ( insist- unco , nnd in helping him with the garment , noticed a good-sized whisky- flask protruding from one of the in side pockets of hi.s eoiit. Heing of a waguish nature , ho npproiirintt'd thu bottle got the coat on the stranger , and then pulling out a llanli , r.aitl : "Will you taken drink1 ? Tlio old man did not recognize the bottle , and , drawing himself up , re marked , rather severely : "No , sir ; I never drink. " "It won't hurt you , " insisted the wng. "It's the best " "Vomit ; man , " paid the old gentle men , intended for all in the car to hear , "if you persist in drinking whis ky you will bo a ruined man at10. . U is the curse of the land. When I was n boy my mother died , and the last thing she did was to call mo to her bedside and'eay : "John , swear to mo that you will never touch a drop of liquor" - Here the old man chipped his hand on his side pocket , found it empty , and recogni/.iug the bottlu in the hands of the other , ho continued : "Except , my dear boy , an occa sionnl snifter while traveling. " And reaching for the flask , ho press ed it to hii ; lips , nmidahnwlot laugh ter which shook the whole car. AN OF COS'P. Of all medicinal advertised to curt any allection of the Throat , Chest 01 Lungs , wo know of none wo can rec ommend so highly aa Uu. KINO'S Niw : Disrovmv for Consumption Coughs , Colds , Asthma , IJnmchitis liny Fe ver , Hoarseness , Tickling in the Throat , loss of voice , etc. This medicine icino does positively euro , and that where everything else ban failed. No medicine can show one-half r.o man } positive and permanent cures as luvi : already been ellected by thin truly wonderful reined } ' . For Asthma ami Bronchitis it is a perfect wpeeilie , cur ing thu very worst cases in the Hhort- est time possible. Wo Hay by al ! means give it a trial. Trial bottles free. Ilegular Bixo.1.00. Forsalobj 8lly ( ) Isn it iSloMAiiON , Omaha. NEVER GORSS ! Used on W ( . on , Uiisi.'li'H , Ki-apera , Threshers .md ilill Machinery. It , In I.NVAI.U.UILKIO PAIIM KRM AND TxAMSiKm. It citron Scratehcn and al klndu ofuoroo on llorocc and Stock , as Hell an on men. men.CLAEK & WISE , Mamif'B , 013G Illinois Street , Chicago I01tl ChS. ' - * - Articles of Inonrponvtinn ol' tlio Billiard FnrjuoiV Club- Articles of incorporation niiulo nnd ndopted thin IRtth ( lay of October , A. i ) . 1881 , by and between the imduniiguud in- NA.MH. Artlclo T. The iinino of this club Bhall bo the Millnrd KanncrH * club. 1'l.At'i ' : OK JIUHINISH. Article U , The i > ] plnco of budl- IICSH of tlii.s club Hliall bu nt Millmd tin- lion , comity of Donjjln" , Nubnuikn. NATDiiK OF HIMINT.HH. Article HI , The k'oncriil nnttiio of IIUBI- IICSH to bu transacted liy lliirf club in l < o conduct a onoral litornry iiixl uociul IIIIH- ! nesi and other ciilL'rtaiimicnt ) of n Kociid character , CAl'iror. BTOeK. Artlclo IV. Thu nmonntof cuiiUul fitoclt if this vlu'i H ! : ill lie two thoiiHiinil ( lulling , livid , d int i hliaro * of ouii dollar uach , which Chilli bu iiiiil in tin ) iii.tnnur fcrilieil by the illii-elnrH. COMMKNerslHNT ANII TIMMIKATI'iN. Artie o V. TIH | ! club nlmll fii.iiiiioncc to tranniict liii inunB and i'xmci"u itNcorporute Kiwurn the 2lth ! day of Ottohur. 18.SI , uuil tH POWCTH hb.'ill cuaeo n the 2'jlh di > y of October , JUrfl. AMOIJ.STH 01' MMIIMTV. Artlcln VI. Tlio hiijhcHt , nmmint of a- bllity or indulitudnecH , which tld < club iliall at nny one tlina mbject itnlcf , nn ! ll ho throe him lied ( I'll i orncntH. Artlclo Vir. The , HceH ! of thli chili Hindi bn cnndii'twl by ft board of three dirvclons who nhall bo elected from ainimi ; the utockholdern , uuil they nlmll aiijiolut a | irunld > nt nnd tether other ollicum nti by law h n' < | iiiii'd , .Iiii.iCH Hcllu.\iiUit : , J. lii.o.M , CIAIH SCHUMANN , W. fsTATI ! Of > ? KIIIIAHKA , \ ColJNTV OK DODI'LAH. I On thin 291U day of Oct < ibor , A.I ) . H8H1 , monally niiuiireil | | before nn1 , OharluH Jirandi'H , a notary publlo for naiil ciitinty , JiilliM Kcliroeder. ( , Ilium , Claim Helm- iimiinV. . CJeinilorf , to inu known to be thu ij'iierH ol tliu forcvolni ; nrticlua of in corporation , and acknowleilj/cd thc-MUiio tu lie their volunlary act anil ciccd. [ HKAf. . ] OllAI .r.rt I UANIiil Notary publio in and for JJouylan county , Nebranka , Western llorso ana Uattle In surance Gompauy , - . , Onpltnl , - - - 8100,00000 iHiircH llor.wH , Muloi ami Cattlu ftK l" t In * liy arolduiit.ilici'iuio or tliclt. AKfm'lm lu all cuini- HIM of the Ktnto. Btwl fnr ifrn ! M HuitOwly Geo. P. Bemis REAL ESTATE AGENCY , I6th and Dodge Uti , , Omaha , Neb. Tills ftk'cncy item nrKU Ioc not ajHiculnU. ' , ami tlitrclore uny n IN Imoidt but liicnrrd to ltd iMtrouii , Idbtvad bv tlio a/cntj DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTEL * HOTELS. ARLINQrOH , d. O. MclNTIRC , Lincoln , Nob. WAVEHLY HOUSE , JAMES W. ORAOTREC , Wftverly , Neb. GAHATOC1A HOTEL , J. S. 8TELLINILI9 , Mllford , Neb. AMERICAN HOUSE , QEO. H , McOAIN , Coutli Uctid , Neb. HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL , Louisville , Nco CITY HOTEL , CHENEY flt CLARK , Dlalr , Neb. Ctl ND CENTRAL , D. T. PHILLIPS , Harvard , Nob. DCPOT HOTEL. F. H. QAOnlTT. Norfolk , Neb , CITY HOTEL , J. F. COLE , Peru , Neb. UARNUM HOUSE , MR. VAN HORN , Nchr.iikAdty , Neb. REVERIE , D. DRUM , Un.idllla , Neb. WISNEH HOUSE , PCRRINE DR03. , Wltner , Nob. DRAPER HOUSE , 0. WHIPPLE , Mlobr.-un , Neb. OREIOHTON HOUSE , P. D. THIUADEAU , CrelRlilon , Neb. CITY HOTEL , ' L. J. JOHNSON , Ncmalta Clly , Neb , CENTRAL HOUSE , JOHN COOPER , Onkdale , Neb. COMMCnCIAU HOTEL , WM. CLCMMO.X8 , BewArtl , Nub. COMMERCIAL HOTEL n. EVANS , O'N'clll , Neb. NELIQM HOUSE , W. D. MOULTON , West Point , Neb DORCHESTER HOTEL , A. S. KINKLE , Dorchcitcr , Nob. COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J , Q. MEAD , Ncllgh , Neb CENTRAL HOUSE , JAS. McKILLIP , York , Neb. TUTTLE HOUSE , W. H , TUTTLE , Aurora , Neb. CJAGE HOUSE , A , R. OAQE , Repuli City Neb DENVER HOUSE CAIRNS & WILLIAMS , Mnstlnc'p Noli , SANDERS HOUSE , CHAS. E. McNISH , Friend , Neb WOODWARD HOUSE , WAREN WOODWARD , Exeter , Net ) . PACIFIC HOTEL , 0. J. PORTER , I-ulriiiont , Neb E8TES HOUSE , N. T tSTF.8 , Grnml Island , Neb COMMERO'AL HOUSE , F. W. WILM8 , Kearney , Neb , HOLLAND HOUSE , GCO. n. HOLLAND Red Cloud , Neb. WILDER HOURE' THOMPSON REED , Wllbrr , Neb COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. 0. CAARPtiR , Hardy , Neb. PACIFIO HOTEL , W. P. RENSHAW , llentrlci1 , Krl > HAMMOND HOUSE , JOHN HAMMOND , Columbus , Nr.b. CENTRAL CITY HOUSE , J. S. ORECCRY , Cltv , Neb. UNION HOTEL. CHENEY DR03. , Mo. V. lley. In. UELDES HOUSE , A. W , DELDEN. Woodbine , la , CITY HOTEL , J. P. CREWS Coin'la , SCOTT HOUSE , H. SCOTT , Silver Oily l.\ SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & DEOKER , Crciton , In. NEOLA HOTEL , F. SIEVERTZ , Ncoln , In. EMERSON HOUSE , A. L. SHELDON , Emerson , la. DLANCHARD HOUSE , T. FOREY , LJI.-vncharcl , In , PARK'S HOTEL , COL. F. M. PARK , Chcimtulonh , la. MERCHANTS' HOTED , W. I. DOULWARE , ncton Juhctlon (13. ( AM. R. H. , KasternNebrnska. ) E. A. llydor floneral Morchautlino H. II. Hallor it Co General Merchandise .1. S. Foster Goiiuml MorchamliRO Hiilmiu ItroH llanhvaro ami Implements A. 12. Urittewleii llanhvaro ami linplotnoiita Kihviu .leary Notary , Collection , liumrauco ami Ho'il Estate Agout . .1.V. . Quaokciibusm Lumber , Jjimo etc. IUr. and Jlra.V. . S. Elliott CJroomvood Enijlo ( Weekly ) ] ] . A. Ryder Drugs and Chemicals .1. Ulino. . , Livery Sale and Feed Stable A. li. I lolloway . - 1 lanioaa Sliop .1. Cliiiii Wagon Shop ( ! oo. W. Mayliuld Greenwood llotiso [ \V. , St. L. it P. and 0 , . & Q. K. 11- , Western Iowa. ] T. 0. Board i Cashier IJnnk of Coin 1 { . 12. Martin ; Stock Dealer I'tiueo it Uoitl Grocurio.t and Queoiiawaro 1'ollock it Love . , General Store I'1. L. Hishop General Store \Vin. llcoves it Co General Store ,1. Loy Drugs , Hooks and Stationery Cox it Monroe DrugH , ] > < mkn and Stationery Dinvoll Ilros Fnrnituro and Undertaking W. A. AVoodworth . . Hardware , Steven and Timvaro 0.1. ] \ . lloso . ' drain Dealers W. ,1. Clark Contractor and Builder A. P. Anderson ' . , . . . . Agricultural Implements W. 0. Maxwell " Bakery.and Confectionery Jeffords Bros V. . * . Watchmakers and Jewelers J. MeMahon Saloou J. J. Nunii Barber T. 11. Baldwin .Mayor of Coin .1. P. Crowa Proprietor of City Hall A. Rozell Editor of Coin Eagle Is Once More Called to the Fact that Rank foremost in the West in Asso rtment and Prices of FOR MEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OP Furnishing Goods Hats and Caps. Wo nro'proparcd to moot the dumandn of the trade in regard to Lnteat Style and Patterns. Kino Merchant Tailoring in Connection RESPECTFULLY , M. HELLMAN & CO , , 1301-1303 Farnham and 300 to 312 13th. St. JA . W1IOLK3AL1 ! AND UCTAH , VKA.LKH IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , UfifiE , CEMENT ttTBTATK AOEH1 FOH MILWAUKKR OKMSNTJCOMFANY Near Union Pacific Depot , OMAHA , NEB nee * > mnivia > wn'wnmt Max MEYER Tobacco from 25c. per pound upwards , Pipes from 25c , per dozen upwards. Cigars from $15,00 per 1,000 upwards ,